import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import json | |
import streamlit as st | |
from ConsoleApp import main | |
# from ConsoleApp import main_filter | |
# from ConsoleApp import get_filter | |
import sys | |
import hashlib | |
import json | |
import ast | |
import traceback | |
import hashlib | |
from PIL import Image | |
from itertools import chain | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
# from session_state import SessionState | |
def load_file(df2, df_room): | |
list_course = [] | |
index_count_course_id = 0 | |
list_prof = [] | |
index_count_prof_id = 0 | |
for index1, row1 in df2.iterrows(): | |
if row1['Course_Name'] not in list_course: | |[index1, 'Course_id'] = index_count_course_id + 1 | |
index_count_course_id += 1 | |
list_course.append(row1['Course_Name']) | |
else: | |[index1, 'Course_id'] = index_count_course_id | |
if row1['Prof_Name'] not in list_prof: | |[index1, 'Prof_id'] = index_count_prof_id + 1 | |
index_count_prof_id += 1 | |
list_prof.append(row1['Prof_Name']) | |
else: | |[index1, 'Prof_id'] = index_count_prof_id | |
# create list of dictionaries representing each object in the JSON file | |
objects = [] | |
for index, row in df2.iterrows(): | |
if row['Prof_id'] != '': | |
# create professor object | |
prof = { | |
"prof": { | |
"id": row['Prof_id'], | |
"name": row['Prof_Name'] | |
} | |
} | |
if prof not in objects: | |
objects.append(prof) | |
if row['Course_id'] != '': | |
# create course object | |
course = { | |
"course": { | |
"id": row['Course_id'], | |
"name": row['Course_Name'] | |
} | |
} | |
if course not in objects: | |
objects.append(course) | |
if row['Group_id'] != '': | |
# create group object | |
group = { | |
"group": { | |
"id": row['Group_id'], | |
"size": row['Size_Course'] | |
} | |
} | |
# if group not in objects: | |
objects.append(group) | |
if row['Prof_id'] != '' and row['Course_id'] != '': | |
# create class object | |
class_ = { | |
"class": { | |
"professor": row['Prof_id'], | |
"course": row['Course_id'], | |
"duration": row['Duration'], | |
"group": row['Group_id'], | |
"lab": row['Lab'] | |
} | |
} | |
if class_ not in objects: | |
objects.append(class_) | |
for index, row in df_room.iterrows(): | |
if row['Room'] != '': | |
# create room object | |
room = { | |
"room": { | |
"name": row['Room'], | |
"lab": row['Lab'], | |
"size": row['Size_Room'] | |
} | |
} | |
objects.append(room) | |
# create JSON object with list of objects | |
json_data = json.dumps(objects, sort_keys=False) | |
# write JSON object to file | |
with open('GaSchedule1.json', 'w') as f: | |
f.write(json_data) | |
file_name = "/GaSchedule1.json" | |
return file_name | |
def for_stu(): | |
df_stu = pd.read_csv("time-scheduling/data_stu.csv") | |
df_ctdt = pd.read_csv("time-scheduling/ctdt_ds.csv") | |
df_ctdt = df_ctdt[['MaMH', 'Course Name', 'Sem', 'Expect Year', 'Credits', 'Elective']] | |
df_stu = df_stu[['MaSV', 'NHHK', 'HK', 'MaMH', 'TenMH', 'SoTinChi', 'DiemHP']] | |
df_stu = df_stu.dropna() | |
df_stu['NHHK'] = df_stu['NHHK'].astype(str).str[:-1] | |
input = st.text_input("Type Student ID", value="") | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) | |
with col1: | |
if input: | |
# Convert 'DiemHP' column to numeric type, ignoring non-numeric values | |
df_stu['DiemHP'] = pd.to_numeric(df_stu['DiemHP'], errors='coerce') | |
list_subject_have_done = df_stu.loc[(df_stu['MaSV'].str.lower() == input.lower()) & (df_stu['DiemHP'].gt(50))] | |
list_subject_have_done[''] = np.arange(1, len(list_subject_have_done) + 1) | |
list_subject_have_done = list_subject_have_done.reindex(columns=['', 'MaMH', 'TenMH','HK', 'NHHK', 'SoTinChi']) | |
list_subject_have_done = list_subject_have_done.rename(columns={'NHHK': 'Actual Year', 'HK': 'Sem', 'TenMH': 'Course Name', 'SoTinChi': 'Credits'}) | |
with st.expander("List of subjects have done"): | |
st.dataframe(list_subject_have_done.set_index('')) | |
with col2: | |
if input: | |
list_subject_havent_done_yet = df_ctdt[~df_ctdt['MaMH'].isin(list_subject_have_done['MaMH'])] | |
list_subject_havent_done_yet['Expect Year'] = list_subject_havent_done_yet['Expect Year'].astype(str) | |
list_subject_havent_done_yet['Elective'] = list_subject_havent_done_yet['Elective'].astype(bool) | |
list_subject_havent_done_yet[''] = np.arange(1, len(list_subject_havent_done_yet) + 1) | |
list_subject_havent_done_yet = list_subject_havent_done_yet.reindex(columns=['', 'MaMH', 'Course Name', 'Credits', 'Elective', 'Expect Year', 'Sem']) | |
with st.expander("List of subjects haven't done yet"): | |
st.dataframe(list_subject_havent_done_yet.set_index('')) | |
with col3: | |
if input: | |
df_unique = df2[df2['Group_Lab'] == 1.0] | |
df_unique = df_unique[['MaMH', 'Course_Name', 'Prof_Name', 'Duration', 'Group_Lab', 'Size_Course']] | |
list_recommend_subjects = df_unique[df_unique['MaMH'].isin(list_subject_havent_done_yet['MaMH'])] | |
list_recommend_subjects[''] = np.arange(1, len(list_recommend_subjects) + 1) | |
list_recommend_subjects = list_recommend_subjects.reindex(columns=['', 'MaMH', 'Course_Name', 'Prof_Name', 'Duration', 'Group_Lab', 'Size_Course']) | |
with st.expander("List of recommend subjects in this semester"): | |
st.dataframe(list_recommend_subjects.set_index('')) | |
def get_filter(html, list_filter): | |
# Parse the HTML | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
# Find all div elements with id starting with 'room_' | |
div_elements = soup.find_all('div', id=lambda x: x and x.startswith('room_')) | |
# Filter and display the schedule for specific rooms | |
filtered = "" | |
for div in div_elements: | |
room_id = div['id'].replace('room_', '') # Extract the room ID from the div's id attribute | |
if room_id in list_filter: | |
filtered += str(div) | |
return filtered | |
def data_display(): | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('') | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) | |
else: | |
df = [['Data Mining', 1, 35, 4, 'Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang', 'IT132IU'], | |
['Analytics for Observational Data', 2, 35, 4, 'Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang', 'IT142IU'], | |
['Fundamentals of Programming', 0, 90, 3, 'Dao Tran Hoang Chau', 'IT149IU'], | |
['Object-Oriented Analysis and Design', 0, 90, 4, 'Ha Viet Uyen Synh', 'IT090IU']] | |
room_columns = ['TenMH', 'ToTH', 'TongSoSV', 'SoTiet', 'TenDayDuNV', 'MaMH'] | |
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=room_columns) | |
df1 = df[['TenMH', 'ToTH', 'TongSoSV', 'SoTiet', 'TenDayDuNV', 'MaMH']] | |
df1 = df1.rename(columns={'TenMH': 'Course_Name', 'ToTH': 'Group_Lab', 'TongSoSV': 'Size_Course', 'SoTiet': 'Duration', 'TenDayDuNV': 'Prof_Name', 'MaMH': 'MaMH'}) | |
df1['Lab'] = df1['Group_Lab'] | |
# df1['Lab'] = df1['Lab'].astype(str) | |
for index, row in df1.iterrows(): | |
if row['Lab'] == 1 or row['Lab'] == 2 or row['Lab'] == 3 or row['Lab'] == 4: | |[index, 'Lab'] = 'True' | |
else: | |[index, 'Lab'] = '' | |
df1['Lab'] = df1['Lab'].astype(bool) | |
## create default room | |
room_default = [['A1.309', 90, 0], | |
['L107', 90, 0], | |
['LA1.605', 60, 1], | |
['La1.607', 60, 1] | |
] | |
room_columns = ['Room', 'Size_Room', 'Lab'] | |
df_room = pd.DataFrame(room_default, columns=room_columns) | |
df_room['Lab'] = df_room['Lab'].astype(str) | |
for index, row in df_room.iterrows(): | |
if row['Lab'] == '1': | |[index, 'Lab'] = 'True' | |
else: | |[index, 'Lab'] = '' | |
df_room['Lab'] = df_room['Lab'].astype(bool) | |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns([0.5,7,2.4,0.5]) | |
with col2: | |
df2 = st.experimental_data_editor(df1, num_rows="dynamic") | |
df2['Size_Course'] = df2['Size_Course'].astype(int) | |
df2['Duration'] = df2['Duration'].astype(int) | |
df2['Group_id'] = np.arange(1, len(df2) + 1) | |
df_prof_filter = df2['Prof_Name'].drop_duplicates().tolist() | |
with col3: | |
df_room = st.experimental_data_editor(df_room, num_rows="dynamic") | |
df_room['Size_Room'] = df_room['Size_Room'].astype(int) | |
filter = df_room['Room'].to_list() | |
# df_room_filter = df_room[df_room['Room'].isin(list_filter)] | |
return df2, df_room, filter, df_prof_filter | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
st.markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; color: white;'>Time Scheduling Engine</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
image ='time-scheduling/logo-vector-IU-01.png') | |
st.sidebar.image(image, width=240) | |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Schedule", "Student"]) | |
with tab1: | |
df2, df_room, filter, df_prof_filter = data_display() | |
file_name = load_file(df2, df_room) | |
# html_result_filter = main_filter(file_name) | |
html_result = main(file_name) | |
if 'html_result' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.html_result = [] | |
list_room_filter = st.sidebar.multiselect('Room Filter', filter, filter) | |
# list_prof_filter = st.sidebar.multiselect('Prof Filter', df_prof_filter, df_prof_filter) | |
if st.button('Generate'): | |
st.session_state.html_result = html_result | |
st.markdown(st.session_state.html_result, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
if st.sidebar.button('Room Filter'): | |
filtered1 = get_filter(st.session_state.html_result, list_room_filter) | |
st.markdown(filtered1, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# if len(sys.argv) > 1: | |
# file_name = sys.argv[1] | |
# try: | |
# if st.button('Generate'): | |
# temp = session_state['html_result'] | |
# filtered1 = get_filter(temp, list_filter) | |
# st.markdown(filtered1, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# except: | |
# traceback.print_exc() | |
with tab2: | |
for_stu() | |