import logging import math import cv2 import gradio as gr import numpy as np import onnxruntime as ort from PIL import Image, ImageOps logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") MODEL_PATH = "model.onnx" IMAGE_SIZE = 480 SESSION = ort.InferenceSession(MODEL_PATH) INPUT_NAME = SESSION.get_inputs()[0].name def preprocess(img: Image.Image) -> np.ndarray: resized_img = ImageOps.pad(img, (IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE), centering=(0, 0)) img_chw = np.array(resized_img).transpose(2, 0, 1).astype(np.float32) / 255 img_chw = (img_chw - 0.5) / 0.5 return img_chw def distance(p1, p2): return ((p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 # # def get_aspect_ratio_zhang(keypoints: np.ndarray, img_width: int, img_height: int): keypoints = keypoints[[3, 2, 0, 1]] # re-arrange keypoint according to Zhang 2006 Figure 6 keypoints = np.concatenate([keypoints, np.ones((4, 1))], axis=1) # convert to homogeneous coordinates # equation (11) and (12) k2 = np.cross(keypoints[0], keypoints[3]).dot(keypoints[2]) / np.cross(keypoints[1], keypoints[3]).dot(keypoints[2]) k3 = np.cross(keypoints[0], keypoints[3]).dot(keypoints[1]) / np.cross(keypoints[2], keypoints[3]).dot(keypoints[1]) # equation (14) and (16) n2 = k2 * keypoints[1] - keypoints[0] n3 = k3 * keypoints[2] - keypoints[0] # equation (21) u0 = img_width / 2 v0 = img_height / 2 f2 = -(n2[0] * n3[0] - (n2[0] * n3[2] + n2[2] + n3[0]) * u0 + n2[2] * n3[2] * u0 * u0) / (n2[2] * n3[2]) + ( n2[1] * n3[1] - (n2[1] * n3[2] + n2[2] * n3[1]) * v0 + n2[2] * n3[2] * v0 * v0 ) f = math.sqrt(f2) # equation (20) A = np.array([[f, 0, u0], [0, f, v0], [0, 0, 1]]) A_inv = np.linalg.inv(A) mid = wh_ratio2 = / return math.sqrt(wh_ratio2) def rectify(img_np: np.ndarray, keypoints: np.ndarray): img_height, img_width = img_np.shape[:2] h1 = distance(keypoints[0], keypoints[3]) h2 = distance(keypoints[1], keypoints[2]) h = (h1 + h2) * 0.5 # this may fail if two lines are parallel try: wh_ratio = get_aspect_ratio_zhang(keypoints, img_width, img_height) w = h * wh_ratio except: logging.exception("Failed to estimate aspect ratio from perspective") w1 = distance(keypoints[0], keypoints[1]) w2 = distance(keypoints[3], keypoints[2]) w = (w1 + w2) * 0.5 target_kpts = np.array([[1, 1], [w + 1, 1], [w + 1, h + 1], [1, h + 1]], dtype=np.float32) transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(keypoints, target_kpts) cropped = cv2.warpPerspective(img_np, transform, (round(w) + 2, round(h) + 2), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) return cropped def predict(img: Image.Image): img_chw = preprocess(img) pred_kpts =, {INPUT_NAME: img_chw[None]})[0][0] kpts_xy = pred_kpts[:, :2] * max(img.size) / IMAGE_SIZE img_np = np.array(img) cv2.polylines( img_np, [kpts_xy.astype(int)], True, (0, 255, 0), thickness=5, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA, ) if (pred_kpts[:, 2] >= 0.25).all(): cropped = rectify(np.array(img), kpts_xy) else: cropped = None return cropped, img_np gr.Interface( predict, inputs=[gr.Image(type="pil")], outputs=["image", "image"], examples=["estonia_id_card.jpg", "german_bundesdruckerei_passport.webp"], ).launch(server_name="")