import os |
import sys |
import numpy as np |
import hydra |
from cliport.dataset import RavensDataset |
from cliport.utils import utils |
from cliport import tasks |
from cliport.environments.environment import Environment |
import torch |
import matplotlib |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
mode = 'train' |
augment = True |
task = 'align-box-corner' |
max_episodes = 1 |
max_steps = 100 |
root_dir = os.environ['CLIPORT_ROOT'] |
config_file = 'train.yaml' |
cfg = utils.load_hydra_config(os.path.join(root_dir, f'cliport/cfg/{config_file}')) |
cfg['task'] = task |
cfg['mode'] = mode |
cfg['train']['data_augmentation'] = True |
data_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'data') |
task = tasks.names[cfg['task']]() |
task.mode = mode |
ds = RavensDataset(os.path.join(data_dir, f'{cfg["task"]}-{cfg["mode"]}'), cfg, n_demos=10, augment=augment) |
color_sums = [] |
depth_sums = [] |
total_images = 0 |
for i in range(0, min(max_episodes, ds.n_episodes)): |
print(f'\n\nEpisode: {i + 1}/{ds.n_episodes}') |
episode, seed = ds.load(i) |
total_images += len(episode)-1 |
total_reward = 0 |
for step in range(min(max_steps, len(episode))): |
print(f"\nStep: {step+1}/{len(episode)}") |
obs, act, reward, info = episode[step] |
total_reward += reward |
batch = ds[i] |
num_images = len(obs['color']) |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, num_images+1, figsize=(15, 6)) |
for n in range(num_images): |
axs[1, n].imshow(obs['color'][n]) |
axs[1, n].set_title(f'Raw RGB {n+1}') |
axs[0, n].imshow(obs['depth'][n]) |
axs[0, n].set_title(f'Raw Depth {n+1}') |
color_sums.append(np.mean(obs['color'][0], axis=(0,1)) / 255.0) |
depth_sums.append(np.mean(obs['depth'][0], axis=(0,1))) |
cam_config = None |
if b'camera_info' in info: |
cam_config = ds.get_cam_config(info[b'camera_info']) |
img_depth = ds.get_image(obs, cam_config=cam_config) |
img_tensor = torch.from_numpy(img_depth) |
img = np.uint8(img_tensor.detach().cpu().numpy()) |
img = img.transpose(1,0,2) |
if step < len(episode)-1 and episode[step]: |
batch = ds.process_sample(episode[step], augment=augment) |
else: |
batch = ds.process_goal(episode[step], perturb_params=None) |
img_sample = batch['img'] |
img_sample = torch.from_numpy(img_sample) |
color = np.uint8(img_sample.detach().cpu().numpy())[:,:,:3] |
color = color.transpose(1,0,2) |
depth = np.array(img_sample.detach().cpu().numpy())[:,:,3] |
depth = depth.transpose(1,0) |
axs[0, num_images].imshow(depth) |
axs[0, num_images].set_title('Depth') |
axs[1,num_images].imshow(color) |
axs[1,num_images].set_title('RGB + Oracle Pick & Place') |
if act and step < len(episode)-1: |
p0 = batch['p0'] |
p1 = batch['p1'] |
p0_theta = batch['p0_theta'] |
p1_theta = batch['p1_theta'] + p0_theta |
pick = p0 |
place = p1 |
line_len = 30 |
pick0 = (pick[0] + line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p0_theta), pick[1] + line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p0_theta)) |
pick1 = (pick[0] - line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p0_theta), pick[1] - line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p0_theta)) |
axs[1,num_images].plot((pick1[0], pick0[0]), (pick1[1], pick0[1]), color='r', linewidth=2) |
place0 = (place[0] + line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p1_theta), place[1] + line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p1_theta)) |
place1 = (place[0] - line_len/2.0 * np.sin(p1_theta), place[1] - line_len/2.0 * np.cos(p1_theta)) |
axs[1,num_images].plot((place1[0], place0[0]), (place1[1], place0[1]), color='g', linewidth=2) |
c_pick = plt.Circle(pick, 3, color='r', fill=False) |
c_place = plt.Circle(place, 3, color='g', fill=False) |
axs[1,num_images].add_patch(c_pick) |
axs[1,num_images].add_patch(c_place) |
plt.show() |
print(f"Language Goal: {batch['lang_goal']}") |
print(f"Step Reward: {reward}") |
print(f"Total Reward: {total_reward}") |
print(f"Done, Total Reward: {total_reward}") |
print("\n\nDataset Statistics: ") |
print(f"Color Mean: {np.mean(color_sums, axis=0)}, Std: {np.std(color_sums, axis=0)}") |
print(f"Depth Mean: {np.mean(depth_sums, axis=0)}, Std: {np.std(depth_sums, axis=0)}") |
print(f"Total Image-Action Pairs: {total_images}") |