mistral-aes / app.py
Kid Omar Costelo
Refactor app.py to add FastAPI endpoints for scoring essays and generating prompts
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from transformers import pipeline
class Message(BaseModel):
essay: str
instruction: str
# Getting the prompt from the prompt.txt file
prompt_dir = "prompt.txt"
prompt = ''
with open(prompt_dir, 'r') as file:
prompt = file.read()
def post_process(essay):
# Find the index of the first occurrence of the word "Feedback:"
feedback_index = essay.find("Feedback:")
# If "Feedback:" is not found, return the original essay
if feedback_index == -1:
return essay
# Find the index of the newline after the first occurrence of "Feedback:"
newline_index = essay.find("\n", feedback_index)
# If newline is not found, return the original essay
if newline_index == -1:
return essay
# Return the essay up to the newline after the first occurrence of "Feedback:"
return essay[:newline_index]
def pre_process(instruction, essay):
text = f"Instruction:{instruction}\nEssay:{essay}"
return text
def generate_prompt(input):
text = f"""{prompt}\n{input}"""
return text
# Initialize your pipeline outside of your route functions
pipe = pipeline(
# Initialize your FastAPI application
app = FastAPI()
# Define your route functions
async def root():
return {"message": "Mistral API is running."}
async def overall(message: Message):
text = pre_process(message.instruction, message.essay)
prompt = generate_prompt(text)
result = pipe(
f"<s>[INST] {prompt} [/INST]",
generated_text = result[0]['generated_text']
output = generated_text.split('[/INST]', 1)[-1].strip()
final_output = post_process(output)
return {"result": final_output}