diff --git "a/dataset/ALOY_deep-se.csv" "b/dataset/ALOY_deep-se.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/dataset/ALOY_deep-se.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,242 +0,0 @@ -"issuekey","created","title","description","storypoint" -"ALOY-344","10/24/2012 23:41:49","CLONE - Studio Dashboard: ""default"" and ""Default Project"" does not give clear information about Alloy and Project unless description is read.","Steps To Reproduce: 1. On dashboard on studio 3.0, navigate to Develop tab. 2. Notice ""default"" and ""Default Project"" & ""two-tabbed"" and ""Tabbed Application"" names. Actual: User does not get clear information from names that one is alloy project and another one is Titanium project unless he reads the description below. Expected: Naming convention or icon corresponding must suggest type of Project.",8 -"ALOY-440","12/20/2012 17:21:38","Ti.UI.Picker has no collection binding","h3. original discussion http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/145992/databinding-on-picker h3. problem Collection binding is not implemented for Ti.UI.Picker as it is for Ti.UI.TableView and other generic Titaniums views (View, Window, ScrollView, etc...). h3. solution Support collection binding on Ti.UI.Picker just as it is on TableView. It will need special handling as the Ti.UI.Picker requires custom parsing for columns and rows. Something like this should be how it would work for devs: {code:xml} {code}",8 -"ALOY-443","12/21/2012 13:41:13","E1nable more complex notation in binding","Allow developers to use syntax like the following in collection/model bindings: {code:xml} {code} Basically, instead of assuming the whole property needs to be wrapped in \{\}, allow developers to put as many of them in the attribute as they want.",8 -"ALOY-488","01/26/2013 22:14:34","Orphan file cleanup deletes builtins and widget assets","During the compile process Alloy will attempt to remove files from the Resources directory that are no longer present anywhere in the ""app"" folder. Alloy searches a number of locations in the ""app"" folder to see if the file is an orphan or not. False negatives should be avoided as they will leave unused files in the project. False positives on the other hand are not really worrisome since those resources will be recreated on the next compile anyway. With that in mind, there are currently false positives for orphan file deletion for builtins and widgets. Builtins and widgets will be pulled in fresh each time. Again, this will not negatively impact a developer's build process or app in any way, it would just be more true to the logic if these files were left alone during the orphan cleanup phase.",3 -"ALOY-540","03/01/2013 19:25:27","Resolve suboptimal compression from uglify-js v2 update","The v2 update of uglify-js in Alloy, specifically version 2.2.5, has some suboptimal compressions, which are causing the optimizer.js test spec to fail in certain cases. Specifically the issues are around booleans and cascading of variables in assignments. These issues have been logged with the Uglifyjs2 project in the following links: * https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/137 * https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/138 When these issues are resolved and distributed in an npm release, we need to revisit these compressions and testing to ensure that the fixes are in place, and that new uglify-js version has no regressions that impact alloy.",5 -"ALOY-544","03/07/2013 01:14:43","Ability to define a custom namespace to enable Alloy to generate custom widgets","Alloy should allow the user to specify a custom namespace for each widget in XML which modifies the generated code to use the widgets within the specified namespace. As an example, generates Ti.UI.createwindow(). The user should be able to specify , which Alloy would in turn use to generate mcd.createwindow(). This is useful if the user has their own custom framework with custom widget attributes.",3 -"ALOY-592","03/30/2013 18:12:57","Widget: default new widget platforms do not respect tiapp.xml deployment targets","Widget: default new widget platforms do not respect tiapp.xml deployment targets. Test Steps: 1. Create Alloy project with all deployment targets (including blackberry and tizen). 2. New > Alloy Widget. Test Results: Observe the platforms listed in the widget, only a few targets are present.",3 -"ALOY-716","06/20/2013 23:48:30","When using view-model binding, whitespace inside curly braces disables binding","h2. problem http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/153856/alloy-update-view-with-fetched-collection h2. expected Both labels in the example below should be data bound, regardless of the superfluous whitespace. {code:xml} {code}",13 -"ALOY-1514","08/19/2013 11:18:25","Add a CLI command to extract i18n strings from alloy code and update the strings.xml files (ALSO for XML files)","Now that Alloy 1.2 allows to use L() in XML files, this tool must scan XML files, apart the classic JS and TSS files. I've been tested it and it is not doing it actually.",1 -"ALOY-1518","08/23/2013 19:40:11","ListView: Custom widget support in templates","Currently there does not seem to be support for adding custom widgets in Listview templates. Please add widget support to ListView.",13 -"ALOY-829","09/18/2013 07:51:11","Add a shorthand for fetch() adapter","If I get a reference to an ID would be nice to have a shortend like var model = Alloy.createModel(""...""); model.fetch({ id: 123 }); instead of have to provide a full sql statement I suggest an implementation approach like this one https://github.com/viezel/napp.alloy.adapter.restsql#extended-sql-interface which would make querying the database more object friendly. Thanks, Luca (for original Q&A see http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/157222/fetch-single-record-by-id-via-alloy-models)",5 -"ALOY-858","10/23/2013 09:36:51","Alloy: Theme ""i18n"" and ""platform"" folders","I would like to be able to theme the {{i18n}} and {{platform}} folders so that for a white-label app I can keep all brand-specific stuff in the theme folder. h1. Use case For example, the i18n strings would include brand-specific texts in multiple languages and the platform folder would include brand-specific Android themes and UrbanAirship configurations. h1. Implementation It would be most ideal to not just overwrite the {{i18n}} files, but really merge the strings in the XML. For the platform folder we could just overwrite files, just like we do for {{assets}} and {{lib}} with the {{Resources}} folder.",8 -"ALOY-859","10/23/2013 16:40:04","Compile failing on OSX Mavericks when targeting Windows Server network drives","h2. update (10/24/2013) A correlation between [~jamesdraper] and [~core13] shows that the likely culprit for this issue is when a network drive sourced from a Windows Server is used as the project folder when building Alloy on OSX Mavericks. h2. original Q&A: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/158722/titanium-studio-and-os-x-mavericks---error-generating-ast-file-with-jquery No existing or new Alloy based apps will compile. Each fails during the ""optimizing"" process, usually indicating an issue with the base alloy files. **Error text;** [INFO] : ----- OPTIMIZING ----- [INFO] : - alloy.js [INFO] : - alloy/widget.js [INFO] : - alloy/sync/localStorage.js [INFO] : - alloy/sync/properties.js [INFO] : - alloy/sync/sql.js [INFO] : - alloy/sync/util.js [WARN] : : ERROR: Unexpected character '' [alloy/sync/util.js:7,1] [ERROR] : Error generating AST for ""/Volumes/concepts/tests/Test44-Vanilla/Resources/alloy/sync/util.js"" [ERROR] : Unexpected character '' [ERROR] : line 7, column 1, position 183 [ERROR] : Alloy compiler failed **util.js** (system file - after being compiled by Alloy) function S4() { return (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16).substring(1); }; exports.guid = function() { return (S4()+S4()+'-'+S4()+'-'+S4()+'-'+S4()+'-'+S4()+S4()+S4()); } The problem occurs in different files in different code positions and when it is triggered always appears to denote the last character as being at fault. Simply changing the positions of code in the app does NOT change where the error is triggered - it always appears to be the end of a file that is getting snagged.",13 -"ALOY-932","01/21/2014 14:45:54","Improve error messages when attempting to bind to complex objects","When attempting to bind to a complex object, such as the following, the resulting error messages are not clear and meaningful. {code} {code} Generates: {{""'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'Alloy.Models.photo.on')"";}} Which doesn't clearly identify the problem being the attempt to reference the deep object reference {{photo.urls.square_75}}. As pointed out in the original source of this ticket (http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/161740/alloymodelsphotoon#answer-274198), the solution is to map the object property to an attribute of the model, which could be done by extending the model or collection. Error message could possibly point developers to this solution.",3 -"ALOY-934","01/22/2014 20:09:06","Change androidView behavior for optionDialog and similar components","We need to change the androidView behavior for optionDialog (and any other components that support an Android-specific view as a child) so that an AndroidView proxy parser is used rather than creating an arbitrary view. Need also to communicate the change, as it deprecates old behavior. Instead of an anroidView being assigned like this: {code:xml} {code} It should instead be like this, like the rest of the generic view proxy properties: {code:xml} {code} ",3 -"ALOY-950","02/06/2014 00:16:50","'localStorage' adapter for Alloy Models should be deprecated and no longer used","h5. Improvement description We should deprecate the usage of the localStorage adapter for Alloy Models. It could create confusion as only supports MobileWeb and Tizen and is outdated by the 'properties' adapter (that supports all platforms). See also http://docs.appcelerator.com/titanium/latest/#!/guide/Alloy_Sync_Adapters_and_Migrations-section-36739597_AlloySyncAdaptersandMigrations-Ready-MadeSyncAdapters Will need updates to documentation that includes sample code to use Properties rather than localStorage. Tizen support has already been removed, so this will focus on only MobileWeb. Make sure the change is communicated in the release notes.",3 -"ALOY-952","02/07/2014 00:21:45","Non numeric primary key not escaped during query","I am having a weird issue with alloy model generating an unescaped query, even though it uses prepared statement. To recreate it: 1. Create a model with a non integer primary key. 2. Do a simple model.fetch({id: ""your_text_id""}); It will generate a query like so: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE some_primary_key = your_text_id where you would expect something like the following: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE some_primary_key = 'your_text_id' quoted from: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/162301/weird-sqlite-escaping-issue",3 -"ALOY-963","02/27/2014 01:35:56","Allow platform specific subfolders in lib and vendor directories","Platform specific folders (iphone,android,etc.) in the app/lib and app/vendor directories were not compiling to Resources correctly. The following pull request will fix this. https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/pull/337",2 -"ALOY-964","03/03/2014 15:13:27","Support AndroidView in addition to View as child of AlertDialog","While the API name is AndroidView, Alloy expects child views of AlertDialog to be created with the View tag. It throws an error that Ti.UI.createAndroidView is not a valid method name if you use AndroidView. While it's okay to support View as a shorthand, we should also support AndroidView as a tag. Reference: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/163125/cannot-getset-textfield-value-in-alloy#answer-275881 Test case attached with commented-out working code that uses View.",5 -"ALOY-967","03/06/2014 14:53:32","Support i18n directory in widgets","Customers have requested support for widget specific i18n localization files. This would be useful for fully independent UI widgets.",3 -"ALOY-977","04/01/2014 21:08:56","Add code comments","Add comments to the alloy scripts, specifically to the compile-related files. Code comment structure should be compatible with the TBD code-doc tool.",3 -"ALOY-1063","04/09/2014 10:03:32","CLI: `ti clean` should remove/empty `Resources` for Alloy projects","h4. Problem Description With the Alloy compiler trying to become smarter in compiling only those files that are changed, it happens more often that for different reasons the {{Resources}} directory is not up-to-date anymore. For this reason I'd like to see the {{Resources}} folder emptied or removed with {{ti clean}} and the Studio options using this CLI command. This way I can instruct people to do a clean as a first attempt to resolve compile/build problems. ",3 -"ALOY-1021","05/10/2014 19:29:24","Alloy: Add support for Alloy.CFG and Alloy.Globals in views","As the attached sample app shows, you can not use {{Alloy.CFG.}} and {{Alloy.Globals.}} in Alloy views. In the compiled code, they will end up as strings: {code:javascript} $.__views.__alloyId0 = Ti.UI.createLabel({ top: 50, text: ""Alloy.CFG.foo"", id: ""__alloyId0"" }); {code} I would like to see that just like {{Ti.}} the {{Alloy.}} namespace would be detected and used as variable instead of string.",3 -"ALOY-1018","05/16/2014 18:48:30","Add defaultNamespace or module attribute to Alloy Tag","Alloy currently has a feature of specifying a module attribute against tags, allowing a custom JS module to be used to create the elements, enabling developers to return modified or different elements. e.g: It's a very powerful feature and means we can create our custom tags for elements that are OS specific e.g. TitleControl and have that return a TitleControl for iOS (no change) or a Ti.UI.View for Android, with custom title text etc. It would be useful to be able to add this namespace / module element ONCE so that you don't have to add it to every / multiple tags in a view. So, adding the ability to specify it in the Alloy tag would mean for every tag instance, the custom module is checked first. for example?",5 -"ALOY-1043","06/05/2014 20:53:23","Tooling: add script to compile all test apps and add _generated folders","To improve our testing, we should have _generated folders (containing generated code for each platform) that can be compared to with each run of the {{jake test:all}} script. It should: * Process each project in the test/apps folder tree * Compile the app for each platform, saving the results to _generated/PLATFORM/alloy/controllers * Offer a switch ({{--force}}) which if set, will overwrite existing _generated files The test/testgen.js looks to accomplish this for an individual sample app. There's also the partially complete tools/compiles.js that might serve similar purpose.",8 -"ALOY-1044","06/06/2014 17:20:26","Remove the sample widgets","The widgets have been deprecated and should be removed in the next release. They should be handled as follows: * If required for functional test apps or the widget sample apps, either move the required widgets into those apps or implement new simple widgets so as to preserve the goal of the demo apps. * Contact the original author to see if he/she would like to re-take ownership and maintenance of the widget. * Remove all remaining widgets.",5 -"ALOY-1089","06/24/2014 10:09:58","Alloy support for Windows toolbar[] attribute","It would be very nice to have direct support for the Window.toolbar[] attribute in Alloy Something like: {code} For JS only $.index.open(); When compiling to Mobile Web it throws an error ""undefined open"". The problem was the *space* between *android* and *mobileweb*. After delete it, all works. Previously to the update, the original code worked fine. {code:xml} {code} Someone have the same issue?.",3 -"ALOY-1092","07/21/2014 02:24:29","Allow more query options / scope in .tss","The docs state that you have to use Alloy.Globals.* in a .tss query. You can actually use a local function in a controller too, i.e. `""#window[if=myFunc()]""` and that will work too. What won't work however is basing a query off of params passed to the controller instance. It would work, but the Alloy compiler doesn't allow it - `""#window[if=arguments[0].someProp]""` This would be a very powerful addition to the new queries available. It technically already works in the runtime code (I hardcoded it and tried it)...but it just won't compile right now because we're not allowed to put those characters in the tss query.",3 -"ALOY-1093","07/21/2014 09:05:11","Picker: quotes removed from dimension properties with string values during parsing ","with alloy 1.4 if i run {{alloy compile --config platform=android}} the code in the tss in the widget {code} Picker[platform=android]"":{ left:""10dp"", right:""10dp"" } {code} is parsed into {code} $.__views.__alloyId7.add($.__views.dateLbl); $.__views.picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({left:10dp,right:10dp,format24:false,calendarViewShown:false,id:""picker"",top:40,type:Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME,} ); {code} (im using ti.ux templates) ",3 -"ALOY-1094","07/21/2014 20:07:26","Date or time pickers: cannot use Ti.UI.* type constants, must use Titanium.UI.* abbreviations","The following code will generate an error because it uses {{type: Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME}} rather than {{type: Titanium.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME}}. The same is true with any of the date or time type picker type constants. h5. view {code:xml} {code} h5. style {code:css} '#testpicker': { type: Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME } {code} ",3 -"ALOY-1097","07/22/2014 19:35:20","Update Popover samples to use contentView in all cases","Adding views to contentView is the preferred technique. Adding views directly to the popover might still work, but our samples should not show that technique. Need to update: * test/apps/ui/popover * test/apps/testing/ALOY-983",3 -"ALOY-1108","07/25/2014 09:41:28","Some .svn directories slipped into the GIT repo of Alloy","Dear Alloy guru's, I found some .svn folders in the GIT repo that break an SVN checkout. It's minor I know, but just to let you know. Thanks, Wouter Monkhorst",2 -"ALOY-1127","07/31/2014 09:17:21","Alloys Data Binding feature does not respect formFactor property","Similar to ALOY-691 the same example fails if using the {{formFactor}} attribute. See following example using Alloy 1.4.1 . It results in a crash. {code:title=views/index.xml} {code} {code:title=controllers/index.js} $.index.addEventListener('open', function () { $.destroy(); }); $.index.open(); render(); {code} {code:title=models/test.js} exports.definition = { configuration : { ""columns"": { ""username"":""string"" }, ""adapter"": { ""type"": ""sql"", ""collection_name"": ""test"" }, }, extendModel: function(Model) { _.extend(Model.prototype, {}); return Model; }, extendCollection: function(Collection) { _.extend(Collection.prototype, {}); return Collection; } } {code} This will generate the following code in {{destroy()}} although always only one of those can be defined at a moment. To reproduce just run it on iOS. {code} exports.destroy = function() { __alloyId5.off(""fetch destroy change add remove reset"", render); __alloyId12.off(""fetch destroy change add remove reset"", render); }; {code} Error message will be for instance {code} 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating '__alloyId5.off') {code} Link to Q&A: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/176639/alloys-data-binding-feature-does-not-respect-handheld-property",13 -"ALOY-1102","07/31/2014 09:29:34","Module for ListView is not working when using SDK 3.2.3","h2. Description Following ticket ALOY-1082 I tried to create a module for ListView. While the code (pasted below) works fine using SDK 3.3.0.GA, an error is thrown when building with 3.2.3.GA. h2. Code Code as proposed by [~skypanther] is the following: lib/customlist.js {code} var ListView = function(args) { this.view = Ti.UI.createListView(args); } ListView.prototype.addMeASectionPlease = function(items) { var section = Ti.UI.createListSection(); section.setItems(items); return this.view.appendSection(section); } ListView.prototype.getView = function() { return this.view; } exports.createListView = function(args) { return new ListView(args); }; {code} index.xml {code} {code} index.js {code} $.addButton.addEventListener('click', function() { var items = [ {myLabel: {text:'Foo'}, template:'template', properties: {backgroundColor: 'purple'}}, {myLabel: {text:'Bar'}, template:'template'}, {myLabel: {text:'Baz'}, template:'template'} ]; $.mylist.addMeASectionPlease(items); }) $.index.open(); {code} h2. Error Following the error when running the app on iOS Simulator: {code} [ERROR] : Script Error { [ERROR] : backtrace = ""#0 () at file:///Users/USER/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.1/Applications/CFCEF8AE-346F-4338-AE45-9BF2B447D10B/AlloyTestListView.app/alloy.js:231""; [ERROR] : line = 59; [ERROR] : message = ""-[__NSDictionaryM krollObjectForBridge:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xce8e420""; [ERROR] : sourceId = 301971840; [ERROR] : sourceURL = ""file:///Users/USER/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.1/Applications/CFCEF8AE-346F-4338-AE45-9BF2B447D10B/AlloyTestListView.app/alloy/controllers/index.js""; [ERROR] : } {code}",3 -"ALOY-1103","07/31/2014 18:49:15"," not working and throwing an error","h5. Problem description formFactor='handheld' is not correctly applied if applied to object. Depending on the target, could either be not visible or crashing the app. h5. Steps to reproduce Use the following sample code: h6. index.xml {code} {code} h6. index.tss {code} ""Window"":{ backgroundColor:'white', layout:'vertical' } ""Label"":{ font:{ fontSize:'20dp', color:'black' } } {code} 1. Build and run on Android Tablet (tested with Google Nexus 7 4.3) Expected result: App runs. Both Headerview and View are not visible. Result: App crashes with the following error log: {code} E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): Process: com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness, PID: 3251 E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2195) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2245) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$800(ActivityThread.java:135) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1196) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5017) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:779) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:595) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at ti.modules.titanium.ui.widget.tableview.TiTableView.layoutHeaderOrFooter(TiTableView.java:505) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at ti.modules.titanium.ui.widget.tableview.TiTableView.(TiTableView.java:347) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at ti.modules.titanium.ui.widget.TiUITableView.processProperties(TiUITableView.java:106) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollProxy.setModelListener(KrollProxy.java:1185) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.realizeViews(TiViewProxy.java:500) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.handleGetView(TiViewProxy.java:491) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.getOrCreateView(TiViewProxy.java:469) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.realizeViews(TiViewProxy.java:507) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.handleGetView(TiViewProxy.java:491) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.getOrCreateView(TiViewProxy.java:469) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.handleAdd(TiViewProxy.java:670) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.proxy.TiViewProxy.add(TiViewProxy.java:564) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at ti.modules.titanium.ui.WindowProxy.windowCreated(WindowProxy.java:233) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivityWindows.windowCreated(TiActivityWindows.java:32) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.TiBaseActivity.windowCreated(TiBaseActivity.java:442) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.TiBaseActivity.onCreate(TiBaseActivity.java:524) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity.onCreate(TiActivity.java:18) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5231) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1087) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2159) E/AndroidRuntime( 3251): ... 11 more W/ActivityManager( 550): Force finishing activity com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity W/ActivityManager( 550): Force finishing activity com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/.HarnessActivity W/ActivityManager( 550): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{528b362c u0 com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/org.appcelerator.titanium.TiActivity t16 f} W/EGL_genymotion( 1017): eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented I/Process ( 3251): Sending signal. PID: 3251 SIG: 9 W/InputDispatcher( 550): channel '528c7ea0 com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness.HarnessActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 E/InputDispatcher( 550): channel '528c7ea0 com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness.HarnessActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! W/audio_hw_primary( 114): out_write() limiting sleep time 69659 to 23219 I/ActivityManager( 550): Process com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness (pid 3251) has died. W/InputDispatcher( 550): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '528c7ea0 com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness.HarnessActivity (server)' W/InputMethodManagerService( 550): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@52bd1b38 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@52bca104 I/WindowState( 550): WIN DEATH: Window{528c7ea0 u0 com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness/com.appcelerator.AlloyHarness.HarnessActivity} W/audio_hw_primary( 114): out_write() limiting sleep time 46439 to 23219 W/audio_hw_primary( 114): out_write() limiting sleep time 34828 to 23219 {code} 2. Build run on iOS tablet Result: app runs. and are not visible as expected 3. Build run on Android and iOS handheld Result: app runs. however is not displayed, while is correctly displayed as expected. Expected result: should be displayed.",5 -"ALOY-1104","08/01/2014 01:18:55","Fail build with clear message if controllers/index.js is missing","h6. Problem description Build fails on Android if the 'asset' folder is being deleted from the app project and is also not present in the Resources files folder. h6. Steps to reproduce 1. Create a new Alloy project 2. Delete everything in app folder except ""views/index.xml"" and ""controllers/index.tss"". Also delete config.json and alloy.js files. 3. Run on Android Result: app build and does not properly start with error: {code} [ERROR] TiExceptionHandler: (main) [438,438] ----- Titanium Javascript Runtime Error ----- [ERROR] TiExceptionHandler: (main) [1,439] - In ti:/module.js:280,9 [ERROR] TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,439] - Message: Uncaught Error: Requested module not found: alloy/CFG [ERROR] TiExceptionHandler: (main) [1,440] - Source: throw new Error(""Requested module not found: "" + request); [ERROR] V8Exception: Exception occurred at ti:/module.js:280: Uncaught Error: Requested module not found: alloy/CFG {code}",5 -"ALOY-1105","08/01/2014 21:16:57","Widget assets are not copied to the compiled app","In testing widgets, I've found that widget assets are not copied to the compiled app. Steps to reproduce: 1. Make sure you're using a 1.5.0 branch of Alloy 2. From the repo directory, run {{jake app:run dir=ALOY\-898}} This sample app happens to use the loading widget, which contains a set of graphic assets. 3. When the app opens, click Open Window. You'll see messages in the console that the image assets cannot be found. 4. Copy the file path from one of those log messages. Open Finder and choose Go, Go to Folder. Paste in that path -- before you click Open, change the two instances of %20 to spaces in the path. 5. Right-click Harness.app and choose Show package contents. There should be an images/com.appcelerator.loading folder containing simlinks to a set of PNG assets. It's not there. 6. Change to Alloy 1.4.1 and repeat the preceding steps. The images will be there.",5 -"ALOY-1107","08/04/2014 04:22:38","Rollback Theme ""i18n"" and ""platform"" folders implementations","Remove changes made to Alloy to implement this feature. A better solution has been proposed to handle this at the platform level and Alloy can then use it to more safely theme these folders.",2 -"ALOY-1220","08/07/2014 04:20:19","Widgets can not be used in ListView Templates","When leveraging templates in a ListView, the alloy compiler fails when trying to compile an ItemTemplate that contains a Widget tag.",13 -"ALOY-1112","08/08/2014 18:08:01","Styles TSS: Support spaces in comma-separated lists of targets in the platform attribute","h5. Improvement description See ALOY-1090 Spaces in comma-separated lists of targets in the platform attribute could be supported also in styles .TSS. For example: 1. Create a new project and use the following code: {code} '#index[platform=android, ios]': { backgroundColor: 'yellow', fullscreen: false, exitOnClose: true } {code} 2. Run on android and ios. Result: In this case, no errors are displayed and the only the first target is (android) is currently recognized and styles applied. Expected result: Both target platforms should be recognized.",3 -"ALOY-1113","08/08/2014 22:10:35","Fix case on 'alloy info adapters' command output","""alloy info adapters"" command returns the contents of description in the tag name ""description"". However, ""alloy info samples"" (or even templates) have the contents in ""Description"" tag/field. Studio is expecting the same tag for all samples, templates and adapters. I believe the tag name has to be ""Description"" for all commands.",3 -"ALOY-1229","08/13/2014 17:47:23","iOS: ListView filling template incorrectly","The ListView is not filling out incorrectly. The first label ""#faultyLabel"" should be replace with text and have a backgroundColor=""magenta"", but what's happening is a new label is appearing behind the next line, with its backgroundColor=""magenta"" and the text either not displayed or displayed out of view. Create a new Alloy project and drop the three attached files to see the issue. The ListView works correctly in Android (screenshot also attached)",5 -"ALOY-1115","08/19/2014 22:18:58","CLI command to create a project from an Alloy test case ","In a recent email thread, [~skypanther] had an idea to add an {{alloy}} CLI to create a new Alloy project from a given sample, e.g. {{alloy create_sample basics/simple}}. Moar: bq. ...The samples are actually installed to the developer’s computer...as is a shell/template app. Such a command could merge the two, putting the resulting files in the developer’s workspace directory. There is also a [doc ticket|TIDOC-1849] to better expose the samples, but this type of tool enhancement would be nice, too. ",3 -"ALOY-1240","08/21/2014 10:15:19","Date picker type cannot be specified in the TSS","views/index.xml contains: {code} {code} styles/index.tss contains: {code} ""Picker"":{ width:Titanium.UI.FILL, height:Titanium.UI.SIZE, selectionIndicator:""true"", useSpinner:""true"", } "".datePicker"":{ minDate:Alloy.CFG.minDate, maxDate:Alloy.CFG.maxDate, } {code} Result: Date picker shows as expected. However, when the type definition is moved into the .tss (usual case): views/index.xml contains: {code} {code} styles/index.tss contains: {code} ""Picker"":{ width:Titanium.UI.FILL, height:Titanium.UI.SIZE, selectionIndicator:""true"", useSpinner:""true"", } "".datePicker"":{ type:""Titanium.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE"", minDate:Alloy.CFG.minDate, maxDate:Alloy.CFG.maxDate, } {code} Result: The entire picker is not displayed at all. The class .datePicker is not defined anywhere else in index.tss. Any attempts to assign a date value to the picker results in an app crash. This was tested on a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE running Android 4.3. Project is based on the Default Alloy Project template.",5 -"ALOY-1116","08/22/2014 20:01:45","sql sync adapter: optimize update method for adding/updating models","Community PR: https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/pull/518 The proposed change should offer speed improvements but implements no functional changes (in other words, existing code should continue to work). Per the comment on the PR: Consider adding a batch update method that would be faster because it would process all model changes in a single SQL statement rather than by opening repeated connections to the database. (Likely that's a separate ticket)",5 -"ALOY-1221","08/26/2014 13:52:27","Support Widgets and Require in ListItem Templates","Currently, it is not possible to use or within a ItemTemplate like this: {code:xml} {code} Alloy Compiler fails with error: {code} [ERROR] : : Cannot read property 'symbol' of undefined [ERROR] : Alloy compiler failed {code} as described in https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-611",0 -"ALOY-1121","08/26/2014 15:11:11","Update extract-i18n command to extract strings from XML files in addition to TSS","Community PR https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/pull/527 Ticket is to test, confirm functionality and applicability.",3 -"ALOY-1122","08/27/2014 22:11:17","Consistent naming for platform-specific folders","There is a discrepancy in the naming of the folder for iOS-specific resources in the Alloy file structure. For assets and libs, the folder is called ""iphone"". For controllers, views, and styles, the folder is called ""ios"". I think we should have one consistent folder name for Alloy.",3 -"ALOY-1123","08/29/2014 18:41:59","When a new project is created in Appcelerator Studio app.tss should be created","When a new project is created in Appcelerator Studio app.tss should be created since it is not. This is similar to the alloy.js file which is included as an empty file with instructions as to what would go inside app.tss holds global styles",2 -"ALOY-1125","09/02/2014 18:30:42","Alloy: Button - Click event doesn't trigger","Click event doesn't trigger correctly. After few (~3) clicks the event is not triggered at all. Button basically behave as it was without any event listener. Please look at it ASAP. index.js (only) {code:javascript} var win = Ti.UI.createWindow(); var table = Ti.UI.createTableView(); var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({ selectionStyle: Ti.UI.iPhone.TableViewCellSelectionStyle.NONE }); var button = Ti.UI.createButton({ title: ""Press!"", width: 50, height: 50, backgroundColor: ""red"", right: 25 }); var section = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ rows: [row] }); button.addEventListener(""click"", function(e) { console.log(e); }); row.add(button); table.setData([section]); win.add(table); win.open(); {code}",8 -"ALOY-1124","09/02/2014 22:33:14","When using view-model binding, whitespace outside curly braces for ImageViews crashes the app","h5. Problem description When using view-model binding, putting a whitespace outside curly braces, in the quotes, when using ImageViews, crashes the app h5. Steps to reproduce 1. Grab the sample code for https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-716 : https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/tree/master/test/apps/testing/ALOY-716 2. Run on iOS Result: app crashes with following error: {code} [ERROR] : invalid image type. expected TiBlob, String, TiFile, was: __NSCFString -[TiUIImageView setImage_:] (TiUIImageView.m:685) [ERROR] : -[__NSCFString absoluteString]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x146a7ae0 [ERROR] : The application has crashed with an uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException'. [ERROR] : Reason: [ERROR] : -[__NSCFString absoluteString]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x146a7ae0 [ERROR] : Stack trace: [ERROR] : [ERROR] : 0 CoreFoundation 0x2d6eaecb + 130 [ERROR] : 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x37e85ce7 objc_exception_throw + 38 [ERROR] : 2 CoreFoundation 0x2d6ee7f7 + 202 [ERROR] : 3 CoreFoundation 0x2d6ed0f7 + 706 [ERROR] : 4 CoreFoundation 0x2d63c058 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 24 [ERROR] : 5 Harness 0x00176395 Harness + 574357 [ERROR] : 6 Harness 0x00177aad Harness + 580269 [ERROR] : 7 Harness 0x0017daa5 Harness + 604837 [ERROR] : 8 Harness 0x0017df43 Harness + 606019 [ERROR] : 9 Harness 0x0014607f Harness + 376959 [ERROR] : 10 Harness 0x001237f1 Harness + 235505 [ERROR] : 11 Harness 0x00121939 Harness + 227641 [ERROR] : 12 Harness 0x001b8d65 Harness + 847205 [ERROR] : 13 Harness 0x001ba235 Harness + 852533 [ERROR] : 14 CoreFoundation 0x2d62f38f + 90 [ERROR] : 15 CoreFoundation 0x2d62f2c1 + 232 [ERROR] : 16 Harness 0x001b9d85 Harness + 851333 [ERROR] : 17 Harness 0x001ba741 Harness + 853825 [ERROR] : 18 Harness 0x00166af5 Harness + 510709 [ERROR] : 19 UIKit 0x3004f179 + 408 [ERROR] : 20 UIKit 0x2fff63db + 1802 [ERROR] : 21 UIKit 0x2fff5c31 + 184 [ERROR] : 22 UIKit 0x2ff1c2e5 + 380 [ERROR] : 23 QuartzCore 0x2fb9831b + 142 [ERROR] : 24 QuartzCore 0x2fb93b3f + 350 [ERROR] : 25 QuartzCore 0x2fb939d1 + 16 [ERROR] : 26 QuartzCore 0x2fb933e5 + 228 [ERROR] : 27 QuartzCore 0x2fb931f7 + 314 [ERROR] : 28 QuartzCore 0x2fb8cf1d + 56 [ERROR] : 29 CoreFoundation 0x2d6b5ff9 + 20 [ERROR] : 30 CoreFoundation 0x2d6b3987 + 286 [ERROR] : 31 CoreFoundation 0x2d6b3cd3 + 738 [ERROR] : 32 CoreFoundation 0x2d61e729 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 524 [ERROR] : 33 CoreFoundation 0x2d61e50b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 106 [ERROR] : 34 GraphicsServices 0x3258d6d3 GSEventRunModal + 138 [ERROR] : 35 UIKit 0x2ff7f871 UIApplicationMain + 1136 [ERROR] : 36 Harness 0x000eef87 Harness + 20359 [ERROR] : 37 libdyld.dylib 0x38383ab7 + 2 [ERROR] : *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString absoluteString]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x146a7ae0' [ERROR] : *** First throw call stack: [ERROR] : (0x2d6eaecb 0x37e85ce7 0x2d6ee7f7 0x2d6ed0f7 0x2d63c058 0x176395 0x177aad 0x17daa5 0x17df43 0x14607f 0x1237f1 0x121939 0x1b8d65 0x1ba235 0x2d62f38f 0x2d62f2c1 0x1b9d85 0x1ba741 0x166af5 0x3004f179 0x2fff63db 0x2fff5c31 0x2ff1c2e5 0x2fb9831b 0x2fb93b3f 0x2fb939d1 0x2fb933e5 0x2fb931f7 0x2fb8cf1d 0x2d6b5ff9 0x2d6b3987 0x2d6b3cd3 0x2d61e729 0x2d61e50b 0x3258d6d3 0x2ff7f871 0xeef87 0x38383ab7) -- End application log ------------------------------------------------------- {code} 3. Edit index.xml and remove the space outside the curly braces for the ImageView object, changing into something like this: {code} {code} and run. Result: app is not crashing but the binding is also lost, therefore also reopening https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-716 h5. Note Not reproducible with Alloy 1.4.1, therefore is a regression.",3 -"ALOY-1129","09/08/2014 13:23:35","Delete method shouldn't reset model's id","Community PR https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/pull/547 ""Model's ID should not be deleted (reset) in the adapter. The problem is that after the Sync is done Backbone will trigger destroy which will execute a method called _onModelEvent -> remove ,but model doesn't have an id anymore ,so it won't be deleted from a collection - set _byId. If you try to add a new model to the collection with the same ID, backbone will not allow you to do that because the ID already exists in the set.""",3 -"ALOY-1130","09/08/2014 16:05:39","""ui/map"" sample code error for mobileweb","h5. Problem description Ui/Map module sample is not runnable on MobileWeb for a typo in the code h5. Steps to reproduce 1. Import ui/map sample 2. Run in MobileWeb Result: 'Uncaught reference - ti is not defined at /index.html' The code for MobileWeb is {code} {code} ""ti.map"" should be changed into ""Ti.Map"". ",2 -"ALOY-1131","09/08/2014 16:32:04","ALOY-1028 sample test is not included in master or 1_5_X branch","ALOY-1028 sample test is not icluded in master or 1_5_X branch In present in 1_4_X branch (and works fine with latest 1_5_X). ",2 -"ALOY-1132","09/08/2014 19:32:40"," 'testing/ALOY-1058' sample code is using quoted type value","h5. Problem description Sample code for ALOY-1058 is using a value for the type property with quotes, while, setting the type from the TSS, it should be used with no quotes. Not a regression. From the sample code ""index.tss"", type is defined in this way: {code} ""#picker"":{ type:""Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE"" } {code} while type should be: {code} type: Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE {code} h5. Steps to reproduce 1. Run the sample code Result: Running the sample, the picker is actually showing DATE as a type when run, but the constant values should be used with no quotes in the TSS. Here is the compiled code from Resources/iphone/alloy/controller/index.js: {code} $.__views.picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({ type: ""Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE"", id: ""picker"", minDate: new Date(""Tue Apr 01 2014 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)""), maxDate: new Date(""Thu May 01 2014 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)""), value: new Date(""Tue Apr 15 2014 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)"") }); {code} 2. Change index.tss picker stile to: {code} ""#picker"":{ type:Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME } {code} Result: compiled code is: {code} $.__views.picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({ type: ""Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME"", id: ""picker"", minDate: new Date(""Tue Apr 01 2014 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)""), maxDate: new Date(""Thu May 01 2014 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)""), value: new Date(""Tue Apr 15 2014 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)"") }); {code} However, DATE type picker is still shown (not DATE_AND_TIME). Considering the generated code, this could be a behavior issue relative to how SDK is handling the Picker type property, not Alloy. Investigating and creating a Classic Titanium sample. 3. Change the picker style to: {code} ""#picker"":{ type:Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME } {code} Result: Picker DATE_AND_STYLE is shown. Compiled code also looks good: {code} $.__views.picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({ type: Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME, id: ""picker"", minDate: new Date(""Tue Apr 01 2014 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)""), maxDate: new Date(""Thu May 01 2014 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)""), value: new Date(""Tue Apr 15 2014 12:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)"") }); {code} h5. Note My suggestion for the sample is to use the DATE_AND_TIME picker as type in case of iOS. i.e. {code} ""#picker"":{ type:Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE } ""#picker[platform=ios]"":{ type:Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME } {code}",2 -"ALOY-1133","09/09/2014 00:32:45","Alloy 1.5b fails to build a project using Napp Drawer if one of the menus is ed in.","h4. Expectation Project to build h4. Reality Project doesn't build {code} [INFO] style: ""index.tss"" [INFO] view: ""index.xml"" [DEBUG] /usr/local/lib/node_modules/alloy/Alloy/commands/compile/styler.js:582 [DEBUG] var standard = bindingStr.match(/^\s*\'\+(.*)\+\'\s*$/)[1]; [DEBUG] ^ [ERROR] : Cannot read property '1' of null {code}",3 -"ALOY-1134","09/09/2014 21:23:04","Add @3x images and new icon sizes to new-app templates and samples","To support the iPhone 6/6+ screen sizes, we will need to add new icons and launch screen images to our new-app templates and samples. See https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconMatrix.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH27-SW1 for the complete list. For iPhone 6, launch images: 750 x 1334 (@2x) for portrait 1334 x 750 (@2x) for landscape For iPhone 6 Plus: 1242 x 2208 (@3x) for portrait 2208 x 1242 (@3x) for landscape New icons: 180x180, 120x120, 87x87 ",3 -"ALOY-1135","09/12/2014 12:11:50","iOS: TextField: Textfield is not visible on window when styles applied in tss file","Textfield not visible on window when styles applied in tss Not a regression. Since issue occurs with 3.3.0.GA also *Steps to reproduce:* 1. Create Alloy Project. Replace the js files with code mentioned below 2. Run the app. index.js: {code} $.win.open(); {code} index.xml: {code} {code} index.tss: {code} ""#win"":{ backgroundColor: ""white"" } ""#textField"":{ borderStyle: ""Ti.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED"", color: ""#336699"", top: ""10"", left: ""10"", width: ""250"", height: ""60"" } {code} {color:green}*Expected Result:*{color} 2. Textfield must be visible. {color:red}*Actual Result:*{color} Textfield is not visible. Note: if the styles are applied on xml file itself. Then Textfield is visible. ",2 -"ALOY-1137","09/13/2014 18:58:49","Jake: not able to run project from Studio on Genymotion if not manually editing tiapp.xml","h5. Problem description After using Jake to import, setup and run an Alloy project in Appcelerator Studio, is not possible to run it on Genymotion emulators if not manually editing first tiapp.xml. h5. Steps to reproduce 1. Import the Harness project in Appcelerator Studio 2. Import any Alloy project using Jake. ex. {code} jake app:setup dir=advanced/custom_tss_queries/ {code} 3. Run on Genymotion simulator the Harness project from Studio. Result: App fails to build and run {code} [ERROR] Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1 [WARN] : --avd-* options have been deprecated, please use --device-id Available Emulators: titanium_1_WVGA800 (4.1.2) titanium_GalaxyNexus_4.0_API14 (4.0) Google Galaxy Nexus - 4.3 - API 18 - 720x1280 (4.3) Google Nexus 7 - 4.4.2 - API 19 - 800x1280 (4.4.2) Google Nexus One - 2.3.7 - API 10 - 480x800 (2.3.7) For help, run: titanium help build [ERROR] : Missing required option: --device-id {code} 3. Open tiapp.xml and save. Run again. Result: project build and run and expected. Seems to be reproducible only when building/running on Genymotion. Android Emulator and Android device launch as expected.",3 -"ALOY-1138","09/15/2014 17:12:54","Error creating a new Widget from Studio if config.json is not present","h5. Problem description If no config.json file is present, creating a new Widget returns an error. h5. Steps 1. Create a new Alloy project 2. Delete config.json file in the root project folder 3. From Appcelerator Studio, left click and create a new Widget Result: a problem occurred creating a new widget. Widget folder is created but config.json file is not found and an error is thrown. {code} fs.js:427 return binding.open(pathModule._makeLong(path), stringToFlags(flags), mode); ^ Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alloy/Alloy/template/config.json' at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:427:18) at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:284:15) at module.exports (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alloy/Alloy/commands/generate/targets/widget.js:50:19) at generate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alloy/Alloy/commands/generate/index.js:37:34) at Object. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alloy/Alloy/alloy.js:100:46) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy:3:1) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10) at startup (node.js:119:16) at node.js:901:3 {code} Ideal result would probably be to automatically create a default config.json file and add in there the informations regarding the new created Widget. If config.json file is removed, then, in order to create a new Widget, the user has to re-create manually a new config.json file just including : {{ {} }} h5. Note Not a regression. ",3 -"ALOY-1139","09/15/2014 21:46:45","Investigate options for automated testing","Investigate the use of tiO2 for automated runtime testing to improve our test coverage and improve quality for Alloy development.",8 -"ALOY-1140","09/16/2014 05:11:53","Windows: The path format for app.js is different from controller files in sourcemap","The sourcemap contains different source location path format for app.js file compared to controller files on Windows platform. The map file for app.js is : {code} ""version"":3,""file"":""Resources/android/app.js"",""sources"":[""Resources/android/app.js""] {code} The map file for index.js is : {code} ""version"":3,""file"":""Resources\\alloy\\controllers\\index.js"",""sources"":[""Resources\\alloy\\controllers\\index.js"",""app\\controllers\\index.js""] {code} Due to the difference of path formats, Studio fails to parse the paths and the debugger fails to stop at the expected breakpoints. We need to investigate the difference in the path generation and ideally, in order to handle the paths consistently across all platforms, it might be better to have the paths in unix format.",8 -"ALOY-1141","09/17/2014 17:27:40","iOS, Jake: Harness project from Studio on iPhone simulators might use wrong Sim version","h5. Problem description Following https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-956, SDK hardcoded version has been removed from tiapp.xml when importing a project in the Harness project. Using iOS 8 simulators and Studio this could lead to running a wrong Simulator version if running the project just after importing it without first editing tiapp.xml h5. Steps to reproduce 1. Import Harness project in Studio (included in /test/projects/Harness 2. Setup a sample test. For example: {code} jake app:setup dir=basics/simple {code} 3. Run the project from Studio on iOS8>iPhone6+ simulator Result: iPhone 5S/iOS8 simulator is launched instead 4. Edit tiapp.xml from Studio. Studio will add tiapp.xml version selected from ""ti sdk select"". Change nothing but save and close. Run the project again on iOS8>iPhone6+ simulator Result: iPhone6+ simulator is correctly launched now. h5. Note Apparently this happens only for iOS 8 simulators. Been able to launch the desired Simulator version choosing OS v7.1 or v7.0.3 ",3 -"ALOY-1142","09/17/2014 18:20:30","iOS: ALOY-720 sample: object needs to be changed to ","h5. Problem description is no longer supported for iOS. Instead, NavigationWindow object should be used. Sample https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/tree/master/test/apps/testing/ALOY-720 needs to be updated as still using NavigationGroup and currently failing to run. Ideally, a mobileweb folder using NavigationGroup should be created in the sample.",2 -"ALOY-1144","09/19/2014 11:54:42","Alloy: createStyle turns proxy objects into JS objects","In Alloy 1.5.0 [{{Alloy.createStyle()}}|https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/blob/master/Alloy/lib/alloy.js#L233] uses a new utility method [{{deepExtend}}|https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/blob/master/Alloy/lib/alloy.js#L609] to clone the merged properties. However, because of its implementation a proxy object like the transform passed as a default in the following example [will be turned into a JS object|https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/blob/master/Alloy/lib/alloy.js#L652]: {code:js} $.someView.animate($.createStyle({ id: 'someId', transform: Ti.UI.create2DMatrix().scale(.5, .5), duration: 500 })); {code} I have a PR to fix {{deepExtend}} by checking for {{.__prototype}} before cloning objects: - https://github.com/appcelerator/alloy/pull/567",3 -"ALOY-1145","09/19/2014 15:32:58","Add ALOY-1144 test case app to master branch","A community pull request for ALOY-1144 was merged to master. It did not include a test app. I added one for the corresponding PR I created to implement the fix in the 1_5_X branch. This ticket is to add that test app to the test/apps/testing folder for the master branch.",2 -"ALOY-1148","09/26/2014 15:17:01","Update model template code to include Backbone 1.1.2 support code","Per ALOY-1074, if a developer uses Backbone 1.1.2 (rather than the default 0.9.2), he/she must extend the collection definition to account for a breaking change in backbone. Add this to the modelcode.js template file to provide guidance to developers attempting to use this feature. {code} // For Backbone v1.1.2, uncomment this to override the fetch method /* fetch: function(options) { options = options ? _.clone(options) : {}; options.reset = true; return Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch.call(this, options); } */ {code}",2 -"ALOY-1152","09/26/2014 16:33:38","Alloy 1.5.0 RC3: Compiler fails on TextArea with child control","Problem: Placing a child control inside a TextArea that is part of a ListView template causes the Alloy compiler to fail with: {quote} [ERROR] Cannot read property 'symbol' of undefined [ERROR] Alloy compiler failed {quote} Test: Build the sample code below. {code:title=index.xml} {code} If you remove {{