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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import math
import numpy as np
import torch
from import FairseqDataset
class BlockPairDataset(FairseqDataset):
"""Break a Dataset of tokens into sentence pair blocks for next sentence
prediction as well as masked language model.
High-level logics are:
1. break input tensor to tensor blocks
2. pair the blocks with 50% next sentence and 50% random sentence
3. return paired blocks as well as related segment labels
dataset ( dataset to break into blocks
sizes: array of sentence lengths
dictionary: dictionary for the task
block_size: maximum block size
break_mode: mode for breaking copurs into block pairs. currently we support
2 modes
doc: respect document boundaries and each part of the pair should belong to on document
none: don't respect any boundary and cut tokens evenly
short_seq_prob: probability for generating shorter block pairs
doc_break_size: Size for empty line separating documents. Typically 1 if
the sentences have eos, 0 otherwise.
def __init__(
self.dataset = dataset
self.pad = dictionary.pad()
self.eos = dictionary.eos()
self.cls = dictionary.cls()
self.mask = dictionary.mask()
self.sep = dictionary.sep()
self.break_mode = break_mode
self.dictionary = dictionary
self.short_seq_prob = short_seq_prob
self.block_indices = []
assert len(dataset) == len(sizes)
if break_mode == "doc":
cur_doc = []
for sent_id, sz in enumerate(sizes):
assert doc_break_size == 0 or sz != 0, (
"when doc_break_size is non-zero, we expect documents to be"
"separated by a blank line with a single eos."
# empty line as document separator
if sz == doc_break_size:
if len(cur_doc) == 0:
cur_doc = []
max_num_tokens = block_size - 3 # Account for [CLS], [SEP], [SEP]
self.sent_pairs = []
self.sizes = []
for doc_id, doc in enumerate(self.block_indices):
self._generate_sentence_pair(doc, doc_id, max_num_tokens, sizes)
elif break_mode is None or break_mode == "none":
# each block should have half of the block size since we are constructing block pair
sent_length = (block_size - 3) // 2
total_len = sum(dataset.sizes)
length = math.ceil(total_len / sent_length)
def block_at(i):
start = i * sent_length
end = min(start + sent_length, total_len)
return (start, end)
sent_indices = np.array([block_at(i) for i in range(length)])
sent_sizes = np.array([e - s for s, e in sent_indices])
dataset_index = self._sent_to_dataset_index(sent_sizes)
# pair sentences
raise ValueError("Invalid break_mode: " + break_mode)
def _pair_sentences(self, dataset_index):
Give a list of evenly cut blocks/sentences, pair these sentences with 50%
consecutive sentences and 50% random sentences.
This is used for none break mode
# pair sentences
for sent_id, sent in enumerate(dataset_index):
next_sent_label = (
1 if np.random.rand() > 0.5 and sent_id != len(dataset_index) - 1 else 0
if next_sent_label:
next_sent = dataset_index[sent_id + 1]
next_sent = dataset_index[
self._skip_sampling(len(dataset_index), [sent_id, sent_id + 1])
self.sent_pairs.append((sent, next_sent, next_sent_label))
# The current blocks don't include the special tokens but the
# sizes already account for this
self.sizes.append(3 + sent[3] + next_sent[3])
def _sent_to_dataset_index(self, sent_sizes):
Build index mapping block indices to the underlying dataset indices
dataset_index = []
ds_idx, ds_remaining = -1, 0
for to_consume in sent_sizes:
sent_size = to_consume
if ds_remaining == 0:
ds_idx += 1
ds_remaining = sent_sizes[ds_idx]
start_ds_idx = ds_idx
start_offset = sent_sizes[ds_idx] - ds_remaining
while to_consume > ds_remaining:
to_consume -= ds_remaining
ds_idx += 1
ds_remaining = sent_sizes[ds_idx]
ds_remaining -= to_consume
start_ds_idx, # starting index in dataset
start_offset, # starting offset within starting index
ds_idx, # ending index in dataset
sent_size, # sentence length
assert ds_remaining == 0
assert ds_idx == len(self.dataset) - 1
return dataset_index
def _generate_sentence_pair(self, doc, doc_id, max_num_tokens, sizes):
Go through a single document and genrate sentence paris from it
current_chunk = []
current_length = 0
curr = 0
# To provide more randomness, we decrease target seq length for parts of
# samples (10% by default). Note that max_num_tokens is the hard threshold
# for batching and will never be changed.
target_seq_length = max_num_tokens
if np.random.random() < self.short_seq_prob:
target_seq_length = np.random.randint(2, max_num_tokens)
# loop through all sentences in document
while curr < len(doc):
sent_id = doc[curr]
current_length = sum(sizes[current_chunk])
# split chunk and generate pair when exceed target_seq_length or
# finish the loop
if curr == len(doc) - 1 or current_length >= target_seq_length:
# split the chunk into 2 parts
a_end = 1
if len(current_chunk) > 2:
a_end = np.random.randint(1, len(current_chunk) - 1)
sent_a = current_chunk[:a_end]
len_a = sum(sizes[sent_a])
# generate next sentence label, note that if there is only 1 sentence
# in current chunk, label is always 0
next_sent_label = (
1 if np.random.rand() > 0.5 and len(current_chunk) != 1 else 0
if not next_sent_label:
# if next sentence label is 0, sample sent_b from a random doc
target_b_length = target_seq_length - len_a
rand_doc_id = self._skip_sampling(len(self.block_indices), [doc_id])
random_doc = self.block_indices[rand_doc_id]
random_start = np.random.randint(0, len(random_doc))
sent_b = []
len_b = 0
for j in range(random_start, len(random_doc)):
len_b = sum(sizes[sent_b])
if len_b >= target_b_length:
# return the second part of the chunk since it's not used
num_unused_segments = len(current_chunk) - a_end
curr -= num_unused_segments
# if next sentence label is 1, use the second part of chunk as sent_B
sent_b = current_chunk[a_end:]
len_b = sum(sizes[sent_b])
# currently sent_a and sent_B may be longer than max_num_tokens,
# truncate them and return block idx and offsets for them
sent_a, sent_b = self._truncate_sentences(
sent_a, sent_b, max_num_tokens
self.sent_pairs.append((sent_a, sent_b, next_sent_label))
self.sizes.append(3 + sent_a[3] + sent_b[3])
current_chunk = []
curr += 1
def _skip_sampling(self, total, skip_ids):
Generate a random integer which is not in skip_ids. Sample range is [0, total)
TODO: ids in skip_ids should be consecutive, we can extend it to more generic version later
rand_id = np.random.randint(total - len(skip_ids))
return rand_id if rand_id < min(skip_ids) else rand_id + len(skip_ids)
def _truncate_sentences(self, sent_a, sent_b, max_num_tokens):
Trancate a pair of sentence to limit total length under max_num_tokens
1. Truncate longer sentence
2. Tokens to be truncated could be at the beginning or the end of the sentnce
Truncated sentences represented by dataset idx
len_a, len_b = sum(self.dataset.sizes[sent_a]), sum(self.dataset.sizes[sent_b])
front_cut_a = front_cut_b = end_cut_a = end_cut_b = 0
while True:
total_length = (
len_a + len_b - front_cut_a - front_cut_b - end_cut_a - end_cut_b
if total_length <= max_num_tokens:
if len_a - front_cut_a - end_cut_a > len_b - front_cut_b - end_cut_b:
if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
front_cut_a += 1
end_cut_a += 1
if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
front_cut_b += 1
end_cut_b += 1
# calculate ds indices as well as offsets and return
truncated_sent_a = self._cut_sentence(sent_a, front_cut_a, end_cut_a)
truncated_sent_b = self._cut_sentence(sent_b, front_cut_b, end_cut_b)
return truncated_sent_a, truncated_sent_b
def _cut_sentence(self, sent, front_cut, end_cut):
Cut a sentence based on the numbers of tokens to be cut from beginning and end
Represent the sentence as dataset idx and return
start_ds_idx, end_ds_idx, offset = sent[0], sent[-1], 0
target_len = sum(self.dataset.sizes[sent]) - front_cut - end_cut
while front_cut > 0:
if self.dataset.sizes[start_ds_idx] > front_cut:
offset += front_cut
front_cut -= self.dataset.sizes[start_ds_idx]
start_ds_idx += 1
while end_cut > 0:
if self.dataset.sizes[end_ds_idx] > end_cut:
end_cut -= self.dataset.sizes[end_ds_idx]
end_ds_idx -= 1
return start_ds_idx, offset, end_ds_idx, target_len
def _fetch_block(self, start_ds_idx, offset, end_ds_idx, length):
Fetch a block of tokens based on its dataset idx
buffer =
[self.dataset[idx] for idx in range(start_ds_idx, end_ds_idx + 1)]
s, e = offset, offset + length
return buffer[s:e]
def __getitem__(self, index):
block1, block2, next_sent_label = self.sent_pairs[index]
block1 = self._fetch_block(*block1)
block2 = self._fetch_block(*block2)
return block1, block2, next_sent_label
def __len__(self):
return len(self.sizes)
def supports_prefetch(self):
return getattr(self.dataset, "supports_prefetch", False)
def prefetch(self, indices):
prefetch_idx = set()
for index in indices:
for block1, block2, _ in [self.sent_pairs[index]]:
for ds_idx in range(block1[0], block1[2] + 1):
for ds_idx in range(block2[0], block2[2] + 1):