import argparse |
import logging |
import os |
from pathlib import Path |
import shutil |
from itertools import groupby |
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile |
from typing import Tuple |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import soundfile as sf |
from examples.speech_to_text.data_utils import ( |
create_zip, |
extract_fbank_features, |
filter_manifest_df, |
gen_config_yaml, |
gen_vocab, |
get_zip_manifest, |
load_df_from_tsv, |
save_df_to_tsv, |
cal_gcmvn_stats, |
) |
import torch |
from torch.utils.data import Dataset |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from fairseq.data.audio.audio_utils import get_waveform |
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
MANIFEST_COLUMNS = ["id", "audio", "n_frames", "tgt_text", "speaker"] |
class MUSTC(Dataset): |
""" |
Create a Dataset for MuST-C. Each item is a tuple of the form: |
waveform, sample_rate, source utterance, target utterance, speaker_id, |
utterance_id |
""" |
SPLITS = ["train", "dev", "tst-COMMON", "tst-HE"] |
LANGUAGES = ["de", "es", "fr", "it", "nl", "pt", "ro", "ru"] |
def __init__(self, root: str, lang: str, split: str) -> None: |
assert split in self.SPLITS and lang in self.LANGUAGES |
_root = Path(root) / f"en-{lang}" / "data" / split |
wav_root, txt_root = _root / "wav", _root / "txt" |
assert _root.is_dir() and wav_root.is_dir() and txt_root.is_dir() |
try: |
import yaml |
except ImportError: |
print("Please install PyYAML to load the MuST-C YAML files") |
with open(txt_root / f"{split}.yaml") as f: |
segments = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.BaseLoader) |
for _lang in ["en", lang]: |
with open(txt_root / f"{split}.{_lang}") as f: |
utterances = [r.strip() for r in f] |
assert len(segments) == len(utterances) |
for i, u in enumerate(utterances): |
segments[i][_lang] = u |
self.data = [] |
for wav_filename, _seg_group in groupby(segments, lambda x: x["wav"]): |
wav_path = wav_root / wav_filename |
sample_rate = sf.info(wav_path.as_posix()).samplerate |
seg_group = sorted(_seg_group, key=lambda x: x["offset"]) |
for i, segment in enumerate(seg_group): |
offset = int(float(segment["offset"]) * sample_rate) |
n_frames = int(float(segment["duration"]) * sample_rate) |
_id = f"{wav_path.stem}_{i}" |
self.data.append( |
( |
wav_path.as_posix(), |
offset, |
n_frames, |
sample_rate, |
segment["en"], |
segment[lang], |
segment["speaker_id"], |
_id, |
) |
) |
def __getitem__(self, n: int) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, int, str, str, str, str]: |
wav_path, offset, n_frames, sr, src_utt, tgt_utt, spk_id, utt_id = self.data[n] |
waveform, _ = get_waveform(wav_path, frames=n_frames, start=offset) |
waveform = torch.from_numpy(waveform) |
return waveform, sr, src_utt, tgt_utt, spk_id, utt_id |
def __len__(self) -> int: |
return len(self.data) |
def process(args): |
root = Path(args.data_root).absolute() |
for lang in MUSTC.LANGUAGES: |
cur_root = root / f"en-{lang}" |
if not cur_root.is_dir(): |
print(f"{cur_root.as_posix()} does not exist. Skipped.") |
continue |
feature_root = cur_root / "fbank80" |
feature_root.mkdir(exist_ok=True) |
for split in MUSTC.SPLITS: |
print(f"Fetching split {split}...") |
dataset = MUSTC(root.as_posix(), lang, split) |
print("Extracting log mel filter bank features...") |
if split == 'train' and args.cmvn_type == "global": |
print("And estimating cepstral mean and variance stats...") |
gcmvn_feature_list = [] |
for waveform, sample_rate, _, _, _, utt_id in tqdm(dataset): |
features = extract_fbank_features(waveform, sample_rate) |
np.save( |
(feature_root / f"{utt_id}.npy").as_posix(), |
features |
) |
if split == 'train' and args.cmvn_type == "global": |
if len(gcmvn_feature_list) < args.gcmvn_max_num: |
gcmvn_feature_list.append(features) |
if split == 'train' and args.cmvn_type == "global": |
stats = cal_gcmvn_stats(gcmvn_feature_list) |
with open(cur_root / "gcmvn.npz", "wb") as f: |
np.savez(f, mean=stats["mean"], std=stats["std"]) |
zip_path = cur_root / "fbank80.zip" |
print("ZIPing features...") |
create_zip(feature_root, zip_path) |
print("Fetching ZIP manifest...") |
zip_manifest = get_zip_manifest(zip_path) |
print("Generating manifest...") |
train_text = [] |
for split in MUSTC.SPLITS: |
is_train_split = split.startswith("train") |
manifest = {c: [] for c in MANIFEST_COLUMNS} |
dataset = MUSTC(args.data_root, lang, split) |
for wav, sr, src_utt, tgt_utt, speaker_id, utt_id in tqdm(dataset): |
manifest["id"].append(utt_id) |
manifest["audio"].append(zip_manifest[utt_id]) |
duration_ms = int(wav.size(1) / sr * 1000) |
manifest["n_frames"].append(int(1 + (duration_ms - 25) / 10)) |
manifest["tgt_text"].append(src_utt if args.task == "asr" else tgt_utt) |
manifest["speaker"].append(speaker_id) |
if is_train_split: |
train_text.extend(manifest["tgt_text"]) |
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(manifest) |
df = filter_manifest_df(df, is_train_split=is_train_split) |
save_df_to_tsv(df, cur_root / f"{split}_{args.task}.tsv") |
v_size_str = "" if args.vocab_type == "char" else str(args.vocab_size) |
spm_filename_prefix = f"spm_{args.vocab_type}{v_size_str}_{args.task}" |
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as f: |
for t in train_text: |
f.write(t + "\n") |
gen_vocab( |
Path(f.name), |
cur_root / spm_filename_prefix, |
args.vocab_type, |
args.vocab_size, |
) |
gen_config_yaml( |
cur_root, |
spm_filename_prefix + ".model", |
yaml_filename=f"config_{args.task}.yaml", |
specaugment_policy="lb", |
cmvn_type=args.cmvn_type, |
gcmvn_path=( |
cur_root / "gcmvn.npz" if args.cmvn_type == "global" |
else None |
), |
) |
shutil.rmtree(feature_root) |
def process_joint(args): |
cur_root = Path(args.data_root) |
assert all((cur_root / f"en-{lang}").is_dir() for lang in MUSTC.LANGUAGES), \ |
"do not have downloaded data available for all 8 languages" |
vocab_size_str = "" if args.vocab_type == "char" else str(args.vocab_size) |
spm_filename_prefix = f"spm_{args.vocab_type}{vocab_size_str}_{args.task}" |
with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as f: |
for lang in MUSTC.LANGUAGES: |
tsv_path = cur_root / f"en-{lang}" / f"train_{args.task}.tsv" |
df = load_df_from_tsv(tsv_path) |
for t in df["tgt_text"]: |
f.write(t + "\n") |
special_symbols = None |
if args.task == 'st': |
special_symbols = [f'<lang:{lang}>' for lang in MUSTC.LANGUAGES] |
gen_vocab( |
Path(f.name), |
cur_root / spm_filename_prefix, |
args.vocab_type, |
args.vocab_size, |
special_symbols=special_symbols |
) |
gen_config_yaml( |
cur_root, |
spm_filename_prefix + ".model", |
yaml_filename=f"config_{args.task}.yaml", |
specaugment_policy="ld", |
prepend_tgt_lang_tag=(args.task == "st"), |
) |
for lang in MUSTC.LANGUAGES: |
for split in MUSTC.SPLITS: |
src_path = cur_root / f"en-{lang}" / f"{split}_{args.task}.tsv" |
desc_path = cur_root / f"{split}_{lang}_{args.task}.tsv" |
if not desc_path.is_symlink(): |
os.symlink(src_path, desc_path) |
def main(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument("--data-root", "-d", required=True, type=str) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--vocab-type", |
default="unigram", |
required=True, |
type=str, |
choices=["bpe", "unigram", "char"], |
), |
parser.add_argument("--vocab-size", default=8000, type=int) |
parser.add_argument("--task", type=str, choices=["asr", "st"]) |
parser.add_argument("--joint", action="store_true", help="") |
parser.add_argument("--cmvn-type", default="utterance", |
choices=["global", "utterance"], |
help="The type of cepstral mean and variance normalization") |
parser.add_argument("--gcmvn-max-num", default=150000, type=int, |
help=( |
"Maximum number of sentences to use to estimate" |
"global mean and variance" |
)) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
if args.joint: |
process_joint(args) |
else: |
process(args) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |