import math |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from fairseq import metrics, utils |
from fairseq.criterions import FairseqCriterion, register_criterion |
@register_criterion("sentence_ranking") |
class SentenceRankingCriterion(FairseqCriterion): |
def __init__(self, task, ranking_head_name, save_predictions, num_classes): |
super().__init__(task) |
self.ranking_head_name = ranking_head_name |
if save_predictions is not None: |
self.prediction_h = open(save_predictions, "w") |
else: |
self.prediction_h = None |
self.num_classes = num_classes |
def __del__(self): |
if self.prediction_h is not None: |
self.prediction_h.close() |
@staticmethod |
def add_args(parser): |
parser.add_argument('--save-predictions', metavar='FILE', |
help='file to save predictions to') |
parser.add_argument('--ranking-head-name', |
default='sentence_classification_head', |
help='name of the ranking head to use') |
def forward(self, model, sample, reduce=True): |
"""Compute ranking loss for the given sample. |
Returns a tuple with three elements: |
1) the loss |
2) the sample size, which is used as the denominator for the gradient |
3) logging outputs to display while training |
""" |
assert ( |
hasattr(model, "classification_heads") |
and self.ranking_head_name in model.classification_heads |
), "model must provide sentence ranking head for --criterion=sentence_ranking" |
scores = [] |
for idx in range(self.num_classes): |
score, _ = model( |
**sample["net_input{idx}".format(idx=idx + 1)], |
classification_head_name=self.ranking_head_name, |
) |
scores.append(score) |
logits = torch.cat(scores, dim=1) |
sample_size = logits.size(0) |
if "target" in sample: |
targets = model.get_targets(sample, [logits]).view(-1) |
lprobs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float32) |
loss = F.nll_loss(lprobs, targets, reduction="sum") |
else: |
targets = None |
loss = torch.tensor(0.0, requires_grad=True) |
if self.prediction_h is not None: |
preds = logits.argmax(dim=1) |
for i, (id, pred) in enumerate(zip(sample["id"].tolist(), preds.tolist())): |
if targets is not None: |
label = targets[i].item() |
print("{}\t{}\t{}".format(id, pred, label), file=self.prediction_h) |
else: |
print("{}\t{}".format(id, pred), file=self.prediction_h) |
logging_output = { |
"loss": loss.data, |
"ntokens": sample["ntokens"], |
"nsentences": sample_size, |
"sample_size": sample_size, |
} |
if targets is not None: |
logging_output["ncorrect"] = (logits.argmax(dim=1) == targets).sum() |
return loss, sample_size, logging_output |
@staticmethod |
def reduce_metrics(logging_outputs) -> None: |
"""Aggregate logging outputs from data parallel training.""" |
loss_sum = sum(log.get("loss", 0) for log in logging_outputs) |
ntokens = sum(log.get("ntokens", 0) for log in logging_outputs) |
nsentences = sum(log.get("nsentences", 0) for log in logging_outputs) |
sample_size = sum(log.get("sample_size", 0) for log in logging_outputs) |
metrics.log_scalar( |
"loss", loss_sum / sample_size / math.log(2), sample_size, round=3 |
) |
if sample_size != ntokens: |
metrics.log_scalar( |
"nll_loss", loss_sum / ntokens / math.log(2), ntokens, round=3 |
) |
if len(logging_outputs) > 0 and "ncorrect" in logging_outputs[0]: |
ncorrect = sum(log.get("ncorrect", 0) for log in logging_outputs) |
metrics.log_scalar( |
"accuracy", 100.0 * ncorrect / nsentences, nsentences, round=1 |
) |
@staticmethod |
def logging_outputs_can_be_summed() -> bool: |
""" |
Whether the logging outputs returned by `forward` can be summed |
across workers prior to calling `reduce_metrics`. Setting this |
to True will improves distributed training speed. |
""" |
return True |