from functools import partial import torch from torch import Tensor import math import torch.nn.functional as F from . import register_monotonic_attention from .monotonic_multihead_attention import ( MonotonicMultiheadAttentionWaitK, MonotonicMultiheadAttentionHardAligned, MonotonicMultiheadAttentionInfiniteLookback, ) from typing import Dict, Optional from examples.simultaneous_translation.utils import p_choose_strategy def fixed_pooling_monotonic_attention(monotonic_attention): def create_model(monotonic_attention, klass): class FixedStrideMonotonicAttention(monotonic_attention): def __init__(self, args): self.waitk_lagging = 0 self.num_heads = 0 self.noise_mean = 0.0 self.noise_var = 0.0 super().__init__(args) self.pre_decision_type = args.fixed_pre_decision_type self.pre_decision_ratio = args.fixed_pre_decision_ratio self.pre_decision_pad_threshold = args.fixed_pre_decision_pad_threshold if self.pre_decision_ratio == 1: return self.strategy = args.simul_type if args.fixed_pre_decision_type == "average": self.pooling_layer = torch.nn.AvgPool1d( kernel_size=self.pre_decision_ratio, stride=self.pre_decision_ratio, ceil_mode=True, ) elif args.fixed_pre_decision_type == "last": def last(key): if key.size(2) < self.pre_decision_ratio: return key else: k = key[ :, :, self.pre_decision_ratio - 1 :: self.pre_decision_ratio, ].contiguous() if key.size(-1) % self.pre_decision_ratio != 0: k =[k, key[:, :, -1:]], dim=-1).contiguous() return k self.pooling_layer = last else: raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def add_args(parser): super( FixedStrideMonotonicAttention, FixedStrideMonotonicAttention ).add_args(parser) parser.add_argument( "--fixed-pre-decision-ratio", type=int, required=True, help=( "Ratio for the fixed pre-decision," "indicating how many encoder steps will start" "simultaneous decision making process." ), ) parser.add_argument( "--fixed-pre-decision-type", default="average", choices=["average", "last"], help="Pooling type", ) parser.add_argument( "--fixed-pre-decision-pad-threshold", type=float, default=0.3, help="If a part of the sequence has pad" ",the threshold the pooled part is a pad.", ) def insert_zeros(self, x): bsz_num_heads, tgt_len, src_len = x.size() stride = self.pre_decision_ratio weight = F.pad(torch.ones(1, 1, 1).to(x), (stride - 1, 0)) x_upsample = F.conv_transpose1d( x.view(-1, src_len).unsqueeze(1), weight, stride=stride, padding=0, ) return x_upsample.squeeze(1).view(bsz_num_heads, tgt_len, -1) def p_choose_waitk( self, query, key, key_padding_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]] = None ): """ query: bsz, tgt_len key: bsz, src_len key_padding_mask: bsz, src_len """ if incremental_state is not None: # Retrieve target length from incremental states # For inference the length of query is always 1 tgt = incremental_state["steps"]["tgt"] assert tgt is not None tgt_len = int(tgt) else: tgt_len, bsz, _ = query.size() src_len, bsz, _ = key.size() p_choose = torch.ones(bsz, tgt_len, src_len).to(query) p_choose = torch.tril(p_choose, diagonal=self.waitk_lagging - 1) p_choose = torch.triu(p_choose, diagonal=self.waitk_lagging - 1) if incremental_state is not None: p_choose = p_choose[:, -1:] tgt_len = 1 # Extend to each head p_choose = ( p_choose.contiguous() .unsqueeze(1) .expand(-1, self.num_heads, -1, -1) .contiguous() .view(-1, tgt_len, src_len) ) return p_choose def p_choose( self, query: Optional[Tensor], key: Optional[Tensor], key_padding_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]] = None, ): assert key is not None assert query is not None src_len = key.size(0) tgt_len = query.size(0) batch_size = query.size(1) if self.pre_decision_ratio == 1: if self.strategy == "waitk": return p_choose_strategy.waitk( query, key, self.waitk_lagging, self.num_heads, key_padding_mask, incremental_state=incremental_state, ) else: # hard_aligned or infinite_lookback q_proj, k_proj, _ = self.input_projections(query, key, None, "monotonic") attn_energy = self.attn_energy(q_proj, k_proj, key_padding_mask) return p_choose_strategy.hard_aligned( q_proj, k_proj, attn_energy, self.noise_mean, self.noise_var, ) key_pool = self.pooling_layer(key.transpose(0, 2)).transpose(0, 2) if key_padding_mask is not None: key_padding_mask_pool = ( self.pooling_layer(key_padding_mask.unsqueeze(0).float()) .squeeze(0) .gt(self.pre_decision_pad_threshold) ) # Make sure at least one element is not pad key_padding_mask_pool[:, 0] = 0 else: key_padding_mask_pool = None if incremental_state is not None: # The floor instead of ceil is used for inference # But make sure the length key_pool at least 1 if ( max(1, math.floor(key.size(0) / self.pre_decision_ratio)) ) < key_pool.size(0): key_pool = key_pool[:-1] if key_padding_mask_pool is not None: key_padding_mask_pool = key_padding_mask_pool[:-1] p_choose_pooled = self.p_choose_waitk( query, key_pool, key_padding_mask_pool, incremental_state=incremental_state, ) # Upsample, interpolate zeros p_choose = self.insert_zeros(p_choose_pooled) if p_choose.size(-1) < src_len: # Append zeros if the upsampled p_choose is shorter than src_len p_choose = [ p_choose, torch.zeros( p_choose.size(0), tgt_len, src_len - p_choose.size(-1) ).to(p_choose) ], dim=2 ) else: # can be larger than src_len because we used ceil before p_choose = p_choose[:, :, :src_len] p_choose[:, :, -1] = p_choose_pooled[:, :, -1] assert list(p_choose.size()) == [ batch_size * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len, ] return p_choose FixedStrideMonotonicAttention.__name__ = klass.__name__ return FixedStrideMonotonicAttention return partial(create_model, monotonic_attention) @register_monotonic_attention("waitk_fixed_pre_decision") @fixed_pooling_monotonic_attention(MonotonicMultiheadAttentionWaitK) class MonotonicMultiheadAttentionWaitkFixedStride: pass @register_monotonic_attention("hard_aligned_fixed_pre_decision") @fixed_pooling_monotonic_attention(MonotonicMultiheadAttentionHardAligned) class MonotonicMultiheadAttentionHardFixedStride: pass @register_monotonic_attention("infinite_lookback_fixed_pre_decision") @fixed_pooling_monotonic_attention(MonotonicMultiheadAttentionInfiniteLookback) class MonotonicMultiheadAttentionInfiniteLookbackFixedStride: pass