# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import math from typing import List, Optional import torch import torch.nn as nn from fairseq.token_generation_constraints import ( ConstraintState, OrderedConstraintState, UnorderedConstraintState, ) from torch import Tensor class Search(nn.Module): def __init__(self, tgt_dict): super().__init__() self.pad = tgt_dict.pad() self.unk = tgt_dict.unk() self.eos = tgt_dict.eos() self.vocab_size = len(tgt_dict) self.src_lengths = torch.tensor(-1) self.supports_constraints = False self.stop_on_max_len = False def step( self, step, lprobs, scores, prev_output_tokens=None, original_batch_idxs=None ): """Take a single search step. Args: step: the current search step, starting at 0 lprobs: (bsz x input_beam_size x vocab_size) the model's log-probabilities over the vocabulary at the current step scores: (bsz x input_beam_size x step) the historical model scores of each hypothesis up to this point prev_output_tokens: (bsz x step) the previously generated oputput tokens original_batch_idxs: (bsz) the tensor with the batch indices, in the range [0, bsz) this is useful in case there has been applied a re-ordering and we need to know the orignal indices Return: A tuple of (scores, indices, beams) where: scores: (bsz x output_beam_size) the scores of the chosen elements; output_beam_size can be larger than input_beam_size, e.g., we may return 2*input_beam_size to account for EOS indices: (bsz x output_beam_size) the indices of the chosen elements beams: (bsz x output_beam_size) the hypothesis ids of the chosen elements, in the range [0, input_beam_size) """ raise NotImplementedError @torch.jit.export def set_src_lengths(self, src_lengths): self.src_lengths = src_lengths @torch.jit.export def init_constraints(self, batch_constraints: Optional[Tensor], beam_size: int): """Initialize constraint states for constrained decoding (if supported). Args: batch_constraints: (torch.Tensor, optional) the list of constraints, in packed form beam_size: (int) the beam size Returns: *encoder_out* rearranged according to *new_order* """ pass def prune_sentences(self, batch_idxs: Tensor): """ Removes constraint states for completed sentences (if supported). This is called from sequence_generator._generate() when sentences are deleted from the batch. Args: batch_idxs: Indices of *sentences* whose constraint state should be *kept*. """ pass def update_constraints(self, active_hypos: Tensor): """ Updates the constraint states by selecting the beam items that are retained. This is called at each time step of sequence_generator._generate() when the set of 2 * {beam_size} candidate hypotheses are reduced to the beam size. Args: active_hypos: (batch size, beam size) list of integers denoting, for each sentence, which beam candidate items should be kept. """ pass class BeamSearch(Search): def __init__(self, tgt_dict): super().__init__(tgt_dict) self.constraint_states = None @torch.jit.export def step( self, step: int, lprobs, scores: Optional[Tensor], prev_output_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None, original_batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None, ): bsz, beam_size, vocab_size = lprobs.size() if step == 0: # at the first step all hypotheses are equally likely, so use # only the first beam lprobs = lprobs[:, ::beam_size, :].contiguous() else: # make probs contain cumulative scores for each hypothesis assert scores is not None lprobs = lprobs + scores[:, :, step - 1].unsqueeze(-1) top_prediction = torch.topk( lprobs.view(bsz, -1), k=min( # Take the best 2 x beam_size predictions. We'll choose the first # beam_size of these which don't predict eos to continue with. beam_size * 2, lprobs.view(bsz, -1).size(1) - 1, # -1 so we never select pad ), ) scores_buf = top_prediction[0] indices_buf = top_prediction[1] # Project back into relative indices and beams beams_buf = indices_buf // vocab_size indices_buf = indices_buf.fmod(vocab_size) # At this point, beams_buf and indices_buf are single-dim and contain relative indices return scores_buf, indices_buf, beams_buf class PrefixConstrainedBeamSearch(Search): def __init__(self, tgt_dict, prefix_allowed_tokens_fn): super().__init__(tgt_dict) self.prefix_allowed_tokens_fn = prefix_allowed_tokens_fn self.stop_on_max_len = True @torch.jit.export def apply_mask(self, x, prev_output_tokens, original_batch_idxs): beam_size = x.shape[0] // original_batch_idxs.shape[0] original_batch_idxs = ( original_batch_idxs.unsqueeze(-1).repeat((1, beam_size)).flatten().tolist() ) mask = torch.full_like(x, -math.inf) for sent_i, (sent, batch_i) in enumerate( zip(prev_output_tokens, original_batch_idxs) ): mask[sent_i, :, self.prefix_allowed_tokens_fn(batch_i, sent)] = 0 return mask @torch.jit.export def step( self, step: int, lprobs: Tensor, scores: Tensor, prev_output_tokens: Tensor, original_batch_idxs: Tensor, ): bsz, beam_size, vocab_size = lprobs.size() lprobs += self.apply_mask( lprobs.view(bsz * beam_size, 1, vocab_size), prev_output_tokens, original_batch_idxs, ).view(bsz, beam_size, vocab_size) if step == 0: # at the first step all hypotheses are equally likely, so use # only the first beam lprobs = lprobs[:, ::beam_size, :].contiguous() else: # make probs contain cumulative scores for each hypothesis assert scores is not None lprobs = lprobs + scores[:, :, step - 1].unsqueeze(-1) top_prediction = torch.topk( lprobs.view(bsz, -1), k=min( # Take the best beam_size predictions. We'll choose the first # beam_size of these which don't predict eos to continue with. beam_size, lprobs.view(bsz, -1).size(1) - 1, # -1 so we never select pad ), ) scores_buf = top_prediction[0] indices_buf = top_prediction[1] beams_buf = indices_buf // vocab_size indices_buf = indices_buf.fmod(vocab_size) return scores_buf, indices_buf, beams_buf class LexicallyConstrainedBeamSearch(Search): """Implements lexically constrained beam search as described in Fast Lexically Constrained Decoding with Dynamic Beam Allocation for Neural Machine Translation. Post & Vilar, NAACL 2018. https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N18-1119/ and Improved Lexically Constrained Decoding for Translation and Monolingual Rewriting. Hu et al, NAACL 2019. https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/N19-1090/ This is accomplished by maintaining, for each beam hypothesis, a ConstraintState object (see constraints.py) that tracks which constraints have been generated and using this information to shape the beam for each input sentence. """ def __init__(self, tgt_dict, representation): super().__init__(tgt_dict) self.representation = representation self.vocab_size = len(tgt_dict) self.num_cands = 0 self.supports_constraints = True @torch.jit.export def init_constraints(self, batch_constraints: Optional[Tensor], beam_size: int): self.constraint_states = [] for constraint_tensor in batch_constraints: if self.representation == "ordered": constraint_state = OrderedConstraintState.create(constraint_tensor) elif self.representation == "unordered": constraint_state = UnorderedConstraintState.create(constraint_tensor) self.constraint_states.append([constraint_state for i in range(beam_size)]) @torch.jit.export def prune_sentences(self, batch_idxs: Tensor): self.constraint_states = [ self.constraint_states[i] for i in batch_idxs.tolist() ] @torch.jit.export def update_constraints(self, active_hypos: Tensor): if self.constraint_states: batch_size = active_hypos.size(0) for sentid in range(batch_size): self.constraint_states[sentid] = [ self.constraint_states[sentid][i] for i in active_hypos[sentid] ] @torch.jit.export def step( self, step: int, lprobs: Tensor, scores: Optional[Tensor], prev_output_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None, original_batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None, ): """ A constrained step builds a large candidates list from the following: - the top 2 * {beam_size} items over the whole beam - for each item in the beam - the top {each_k} (default 1) - all next constraints We then compute the constrained state of each beam item, and assign stripe codes: 0 to the best in each bank, 1 to the 2nd-best, and so on. We then sort by (stripe, score), and truncate the list at 2 * beam size. Args: step: the decoder step lprobs: (batch size, beam size, target vocab) the target-vocab distributions for each item in the beam. Retrun: A tuple of (scores, indices, beams, constraints) where: scores: (batch, output beam size) the scores of the chosen elements indices: (batch, output beam size) the target vocab indices of the chosen elements beams: (batch, output beam size) the 0-indexed hypothesis ids of the chosen elements constraints: (batch, output beam size) the new constraint states """ each_k = 1 device = lprobs.device batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size = lprobs.size() self.num_cands = min( # Just take the k-best. We'll get another k from the 1-best from each # row, plus more from the constraints beam_size * 2, lprobs.view(batch_size, -1).size(1) - 1, # -1 so we never select pad ) # STEP 0: Preliminary. Prevent EOS for unfinished hyps across all batch items constraint_states = self.constraint_states if constraint_states and step > 0: not_finished_indices = [] for sentno, sent_constraints in enumerate(constraint_states): for beamno, state in enumerate(sent_constraints): index = sentno * beam_size + beamno if not state.finished: not_finished_indices.append(index) not_finished_indices = torch.tensor(not_finished_indices) if not_finished_indices.numel() > 0: lprobs.view(batch_size * beam_size, -1)[ not_finished_indices, self.eos ] = -math.inf if step == 0: # at the first step all hypotheses are equally likely, so use # only the first beam entry for each batch item lprobs = lprobs[:, ::beam_size, :].contiguous() else: # make probs contain cumulative scores for each hypothesis assert scores is not None lprobs = lprobs + scores[:, :, step - 1].unsqueeze(-1) top_prediction = torch.topk( lprobs.view(batch_size, -1), self.num_cands, ) scores_buf, indices_buf = top_prediction # Project back into relative indices and beams beams_buf = indices_buf // vocab_size indices_buf = indices_buf.fmod(vocab_size) # Short circuit if there are no constraints in this batch if not constraint_states: return scores_buf, indices_buf, beams_buf # STEP 1: get top-1 from each hypothesis across all sentences in the batch if step > 0: top_scores, top_indices = torch.topk( lprobs.view(batch_size * beam_size, -1), k=each_k, dim=1, ) top_scores = top_scores.view(batch_size, -1) top_indices = top_indices.view(batch_size, -1) scores_buf = torch.cat((scores_buf, top_scores), dim=1) indices_buf = torch.cat((indices_buf, top_indices), dim=1) new_beams = torch.arange(0, beam_size, device=device).repeat(batch_size, 1) beams_buf = torch.cat((beams_buf, new_beams), dim=1) # Now, process sentences in the batch one by one. new_scores_buf = torch.zeros((batch_size, 2 * beam_size), device=device) new_indices_buf = torch.zeros((batch_size, 2 * beam_size), device=device).long() new_beams_buf = torch.zeros((batch_size, 2 * beam_size), device=device).long() for sentno, states in enumerate(constraint_states): scores, indices, beams, new_states = self.step_sentence( step, sentno, lprobs[sentno], constraint_states[sentno], beams_buf[sentno].clone(), indices_buf[sentno].clone(), scores_buf[sentno].clone(), ) new_scores_buf[sentno] = scores new_indices_buf[sentno] = indices new_beams_buf[sentno] = beams self.constraint_states[sentno] = new_states return new_scores_buf, new_indices_buf, new_beams_buf @torch.jit.export def step_sentence( self, step: int, sentno: int, lprobs: Tensor, constraint_states: List[List[ConstraintState]], beams_buf: Tensor, indices_buf: Tensor, scores_buf: Tensor, ): """Does per-sentence processing. Adds all constraints for each hypothesis to the list of candidates; then removes duplicates, sorts, and dynamically stripes across the banks. All tensor inputs are collapsed to those pertaining to a single input sentence. """ device = lprobs.device # STEP 2: Add all constraints for each beam item for beamno, state in enumerate(constraint_states): next_tokens = torch.tensor(list(state.next_tokens()), device=device).long() if next_tokens.numel() != 0: indices_buf = torch.cat((indices_buf, next_tokens)) next_beams = ( torch.tensor(beamno, device=device) .repeat(next_tokens.size(0)) .long() ) beams_buf = torch.cat((beams_buf, next_beams)) next_values = lprobs[beamno].take(next_tokens.view(-1)) scores_buf = torch.cat((scores_buf, next_values)) # At the 0th time step, there is just one beam item if step == 0: break # STEP 3: Compute the "bank" for each candidate. This is the # number of constraints it's generated. We need this so that # we can do round-robin allocation of the beam across these # banks. If C is the number of constraints, we select the best # item in bank C, then the best in bank C-1, etc, followed by # the 2nd-best in bank C, the 2nd-best in bank C-1, etc, and so # on, until the maximum beam size. We accomplish this by # creating a sort key and striping across the banks. # Compute the new states for all candidates cands_size = indices_buf.size(0) constraint_states = [ constraint_states[beams_buf[i]].advance(indices_buf[i]) for i in range(cands_size) ] banks = torch.tensor([state.bank for state in constraint_states], device=device) # STEP 4: Sort num_constraint_tokens = len(state.tokens) # Sort by keys (bank, score) (i.e., sort banks together, and scores # within banks). AFAIK pytorch doesn't support either stable sort or # multi-key sorting, so we have to hack this. MAX_SCORE = -100 sort_key = (num_constraint_tokens - banks) * MAX_SCORE + scores_buf sort_values, sort_indices = sort_key.sort(dim=0, descending=True) scores_buf = scores_buf[sort_indices] indices_buf = indices_buf[sort_indices] beams_buf = beams_buf[sort_indices] banks = banks[sort_indices] # Sort the constraints to follow suit constraint_states = [constraint_states[i] for i in sort_indices] # STEP 5: Remove duplicates. The topk calls (overall and # per-row) plus the per-row generation of constraints will # produce duplicates. Here we remove them. def roll(t): """Rolls a 1d tensor left by 1. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] becomes [4, 0, 1, 2, 3] """ return torch.cat((t[-1].unsqueeze(0), t[0:-1]), dim=0) # We map candidates (beam, token_id) to a single dimension. # This is then shifted by 1. We can then easily identify # duplicates and create a mask that identifies unique # extensions. uniques_mask = beams_buf * (self.vocab_size + 1) + indices_buf uniques_mask = roll(uniques_mask) != uniques_mask # Use the mask to pare down the data structures scores_buf = torch.masked_select(scores_buf, uniques_mask) indices_buf = torch.masked_select(indices_buf, uniques_mask) beams_buf = torch.masked_select(beams_buf, uniques_mask) banks = torch.masked_select(banks, uniques_mask) i = 1 for mask in uniques_mask[1:]: if not mask: constraint_states.pop(i) i += mask # STEP 6: Assign IDs round-robin across banks, sort, and # truncate. Now that the candidates are sorted by (bank, # score) and uniqed, we dynamically allocate the {beam_size} # beam by striping across the candidates. These stripes will # be used as sort keys to do round-robin selection. This is # accomplished in a single pass with offsets. Sorting by # highest-banks (furthest-along hypotheses) first ensures # progress through the constraints. # # e.g., BANKS: 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 # OLD STRIPES: 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 0 1 # NEW STRIPES: 0 1+4 2+8 0+1 1+5 2+9 3+11 0+2 1+6 2+10 0+3 1+7 # = 0 5 10 1 6 11 13 2 7 12 3 8 # # Sorting by this then gives the following banks: # # 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 2 # # We'll take the top {beam_size} of these. stripe_offsets = [offset * (len(banks) + 1) for offset in range(len(banks) + 1)] stripes = torch.zeros_like(banks) cur_bank_count = -1 cur_bank = banks[0] for i, bank in enumerate(banks): if bank != cur_bank: cur_bank_count = 0 cur_bank = bank else: cur_bank_count += 1 stripes[i] = num_constraint_tokens - bank + stripe_offsets[cur_bank_count] # STEP 7: Sort by the stripes values sort_values, sort_indices = stripes.sort(dim=0) scores_buf = scores_buf[sort_indices] indices_buf = indices_buf[sort_indices] beams_buf = beams_buf[sort_indices] constraint_states = [constraint_states[i] for i in sort_indices] # STEP 8: Truncate to the candidates size! scores_buf = scores_buf[: self.num_cands] indices_buf = indices_buf[: self.num_cands] beams_buf = beams_buf[: self.num_cands] return scores_buf, indices_buf, beams_buf, constraint_states class LengthConstrainedBeamSearch(Search): def __init__(self, tgt_dict, min_len_a, min_len_b, max_len_a, max_len_b): super().__init__(tgt_dict) self.min_len_a = min_len_a self.min_len_b = min_len_b self.max_len_a = max_len_a self.max_len_b = max_len_b self.beam = BeamSearch(tgt_dict) self.needs_src_lengths = True def step( self, step: int, lprobs, scores, prev_output_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None, original_batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None, ): min_lens = self.min_len_a * self.src_lengths + self.min_len_b max_lens = self.max_len_a * self.src_lengths + self.max_len_b lprobs[step < min_lens, :, self.eos] = -math.inf lprobs[step >= max_lens, :, self.eos] = 0 return self.beam.step(step, lprobs, scores) class DiverseBeamSearch(Search): """Diverse Beam Search. See "Diverse Beam Search: Decoding Diverse Solutions from Neural Sequence Models" for details. We only implement the Hamming Diversity penalty here, which performed best in the original paper. """ def __init__(self, tgt_dict, num_groups, diversity_strength): super().__init__(tgt_dict) self.num_groups = num_groups self.diversity_strength = -diversity_strength self.beam = BeamSearch(tgt_dict) @torch.jit.export def step( self, step: int, lprobs, scores, prev_output_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None, original_batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None, ): bsz, beam_size, vocab_size = lprobs.size() if beam_size % self.num_groups != 0: raise ValueError( "DiverseBeamSearch requires --beam to be divisible by the number of groups" ) # initialize diversity penalty diversity_buf = torch.zeros(lprobs[:, 0, :].size()).to(lprobs) scores_G, indices_G, beams_G = [], [], [] for g in range(self.num_groups): lprobs_g = lprobs[:, g :: self.num_groups, :] scores_g = scores[:, g :: self.num_groups, :] if step > 0 else None # apply diversity penalty if g > 0: lprobs_g = torch.add( lprobs_g, other=diversity_buf.unsqueeze(1), alpha=self.diversity_strength, ) else: lprobs_g = lprobs_g.contiguous() scores_buf, indices_buf, beams_buf = self.beam.step( step, lprobs_g, scores_g ) beams_buf.mul_(self.num_groups).add_(g) scores_G.append(scores_buf.clone()) indices_G.append(indices_buf.clone()) beams_G.append(beams_buf.clone()) # update diversity penalty diversity_buf.scatter_add_( 1, indices_buf, torch.ones(indices_buf.size()).to(diversity_buf) ) # interleave results from different groups scores_buf = torch.stack(scores_G, dim=2).view(bsz, -1) indices_buf = torch.stack(indices_G, dim=2).view(bsz, -1) beams_buf = torch.stack(beams_G, dim=2).view(bsz, -1) return scores_buf, indices_buf, beams_buf class Sampling(Search): sampling_topk: int sampling_topp: float def __init__(self, tgt_dict, sampling_topk=-1, sampling_topp=-1.0): super().__init__(tgt_dict) self.sampling_topk = sampling_topk self.sampling_topp = sampling_topp def _sample_topp(self, lprobs): """Sample among the smallest set of elements whose cumulative probability mass exceeds p. See `"The Curious Case of Neural Text Degeneration" (Holtzman et al., 2019) <https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.09751>`_. Args: lprobs: (bsz x input_beam_size x vocab_size) the model's log-probabilities over the vocabulary at the current step Return: A tuple of (trimed_probs, truncated_indices) where: trimed_probs: (bsz x input_beam_size x ?) the model's probabilities over the elements selected to sample from. The width of the third dimension is determined by top-P. truncated_indices: (bsz x input_beam_size x ?) the indices of the chosen elements. """ probs = lprobs.exp_() # sort the last dimension (vocab dimension) in descending order sorted_probs, sorted_indices = probs.sort(descending=True) # compute a mask to indicate the words to be included in the top-P set. cumsum_probs = sorted_probs.cumsum(dim=2) mask = cumsum_probs.lt(self.sampling_topp) # note that mask was computed by 'lt'. One more word needs to be included # so that the cumulative probability mass can exceed p. cumsum_mask = mask.cumsum(dim=2) last_included = cumsum_mask[:, :, -1:] last_included.clamp_(0, mask.size()[2] - 1) mask = mask.scatter_(2, last_included, 1) # truncate unnecessary dims. max_dim = last_included.max() truncated_mask = mask[:, :, : max_dim + 1] truncated_probs = sorted_probs[:, :, : max_dim + 1] truncated_indices = sorted_indices[:, :, : max_dim + 1] # trim the words that are not in top-P by setting their probabilities # to 0, so that they would not be sampled later. trim_mask = ~truncated_mask trimed_probs = truncated_probs.masked_fill_(trim_mask, 0) return trimed_probs, truncated_indices @torch.jit.export def step( self, step: int, lprobs, scores, prev_output_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None, original_batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None, ): bsz, beam_size, vocab_size = lprobs.size() if step == 0: # at the first step all hypotheses are equally likely, so use # only the first beam lprobs = lprobs[:, ::beam_size, :].contiguous() if self.sampling_topp > 0: # only sample from the smallest set of words whose cumulative probability mass exceeds p probs, top_indices = self._sample_topp(lprobs) elif self.sampling_topk > 0: # only sample from top-k candidates lprobs, top_indices = lprobs.topk(self.sampling_topk) probs = lprobs.exp_() else: probs = lprobs.exp_() # dummy data to be consistent with true branch for type check top_indices = torch.empty(0).to(probs) # sample if step == 0: indices_buf = torch.multinomial( probs.view(bsz, -1), beam_size, replacement=True, ).view(bsz, beam_size) else: indices_buf = torch.multinomial( probs.view(bsz * beam_size, -1), 1, replacement=True, ).view(bsz, beam_size) if step == 0: # expand to beam size probs = probs.expand(bsz, beam_size, -1) # gather scores scores_buf = torch.gather(probs, dim=2, index=indices_buf.unsqueeze(-1)) scores_buf = scores_buf.log_().view(bsz, -1) # remap indices if using top-k or top-P sampling if self.sampling_topk > 0 or self.sampling_topp > 0: indices_buf = torch.gather( top_indices.expand(bsz, beam_size, -1), dim=2, index=indices_buf.unsqueeze(-1), ).squeeze(2) if step == 0: beams_buf = indices_buf.new_zeros(bsz, beam_size) else: beams_buf = torch.arange(0, beam_size).to(indices_buf).repeat(bsz, 1) # make scores cumulative scores_buf.add_( torch.gather(scores[:, :, step - 1], dim=1, index=beams_buf) ) return scores_buf, indices_buf, beams_buf class DiverseSiblingsSearch(Search): """ Beam search with diverse siblings. See "A Simple, Fast Diverse Decoding Algorithm for Neural Generation" for details. https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.08562 1/ Calculate hypotheses for each beam 2/ Intra-sibling ordering 3/ Rewrite scores 4/ Choose top K hypotheses if diversity_rate == 0 is equivalent to BeamSearch """ def __init__(self, tgt_dict, diversity_rate): super().__init__(tgt_dict) self.diversity_rate = diversity_rate self.beam = BeamSearch(tgt_dict) def step( self, step: int, lprobs, scores, prev_output_tokens: Optional[Tensor] = None, original_batch_idxs: Optional[Tensor] = None, ): bsz, beam_size, vocab_size = lprobs.size() k = min( # Take the best 2 x beam_size predictions. We'll choose the first # beam_size of these which don't predict eos to continue with. beam_size * 2, lprobs.view(bsz, -1).size(1) - 1, # -1 so we never select pad ) s_list: List[Tensor] i_list: List[Tensor] s_list = [torch.empty(0).to(lprobs) for i in range(beam_size)] i_list = [torch.LongTensor().to(device=lprobs.device) for i in range(beam_size)] sibling_score = torch.arange(1, k + 1).to(lprobs) * self.diversity_rate if step == 0: return self.beam.step(step, lprobs, scores) lprobs.add_(scores[:, :, step - 1].unsqueeze(-1)) # 1/ Calculate hypotheses for each beam for i in range(beam_size): torch.topk(lprobs[:, i, :].view(bsz, -1), k, out=(s_list[i], i_list[i])) i_list[i].fmod_(vocab_size) # 2/ Intra-sibling ordering by default from topk + 3/ Rewrite scores s_list[i].sub_(sibling_score) # 4/ Choose top K hypotheses indices = torch.stack(i_list, dim=1).view(bsz, -1) final_scores = torch.empty(0).to(lprobs) final_indices = torch.LongTensor().to(device=lprobs.device) final_beams = torch.LongTensor().to(device=lprobs.device) (final_scores, final_indices) = torch.topk( torch.stack(s_list, dim=1).view(bsz, -1), k, ) final_beams = final_indices // k for i in range(bsz): final_indices[i] = indices[i][final_indices[i]] return final_scores, final_indices, final_beams