import gradio as gr import random def generate_pet_name(animal_type, personality): cute_prefixes = ["Fluffy", "Ziggy", "Bubbles", "Pickle", "Waffle", "Mochi", "Cookie", "Pepper"] animal_suffixes = { "Cat": ["Whiskers", "Paws", "Mittens", "Purrington"], "Dog": ["Woofles", "Barkington", "Waggins", "Pawsome"], "Bird": ["Feathers", "Wings", "Chirpy", "Tweets"], "Rabbit": ["Hops", "Cottontail", "Bouncy", "Fluff"] } prefix = random.choice(cute_prefixes) suffix = random.choice(animal_suffixes[animal_type]) if personality == "Silly": prefix = random.choice(["Sir", "Lady", "Captain", "Professor"]) + " " + prefix elif personality == "Royal": suffix += " the " + random.choice(["Great", "Magnificent", "Wise", "Brave"]) return f"{prefix} {suffix}" with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo: with gr.Sidebar(): gr.Markdown("# 🐾 Pet Name Generator") gr.Markdown("Use the options below to generate a unique pet name!") animal_type = gr.Dropdown( choices=["Cat", "Dog", "Bird", "Rabbit"], label="Choose your pet type", value="Cat" ) personality = gr.Radio( choices=["Normal", "Silly", "Royal"], label="Personality type", value="Normal" ) name_output = gr.Textbox(label="Your pet's fancy name:", lines=2) generate_btn = gr.Button("Generate Name! 🎲", variant="primary") fn=generate_pet_name, inputs=[animal_type, personality], outputs=name_output ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()