import streamlit as st import requests import json import os import speech_recognition as sr import pandas as pd import altair as alt from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO # Function to perform Google Search def google_search(api_key, cse_id, query, num_results=10): url = "" params = {'key': api_key, 'cx': cse_id, 'q': query, 'num': num_results} response = requests.get(url, params=params) return response.json() # Initialize search history and data storage for analytics if 'search_history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.search_history = [] if 'search_data' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.search_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Query", "Source", "Timestamp"]) def main(): st.title("Enhanced Google Search Application") # User inputs for API key, CSE ID, and search query api_key = "AIzaSyBvnTpjwspsYBMlHN4nMEvybEmZL8mwAQ4" cse_id = "464947c4e602c4ee8" query = st.text_input("Enter your search query", "", key='query_input') # Voice search feature if st.button("Use Voice Search"): recognizer = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: st.write("Listening...") audio = recognizer.listen(source) try: query = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) st.write(f"You said: {query}") if api_key and cse_id and query: results = google_search(api_key, cse_id, query) update_search_history(query, "Voice") display_results(results) except sr.UnknownValueError: st.error("Could not understand audio.") except sr.RequestError: st.error("Could not request results from Google.") # Trigger search on Enter or when search button is clicked if st.button("Search") or st.session_state.get('query_input'): if api_key and cse_id and query: results = google_search(api_key, cse_id, query) update_search_history(query, "Text") display_results(results) else: st.error("Please enter API Key, CSE ID, and a search query.") # Button to show search history if st.button("Show Search History"): if st.session_state.search_history: st.write("Search History:") for h in st.session_state.search_history: st.write(h) else: st.write("No search history found.") # Button to clear search history if st.button("Clear Search History"): st.session_state.search_history.clear() st.session_state.search_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Query", "Source", "Timestamp"]) st.success("Search history cleared.") # Interactive Analytics Dashboard st.subheader("Search Analytics") if not st.session_state.search_data.empty: # Chart of search counts over time search_trends = alt.Chart(st.session_state.search_data).mark_line().encode( x='Timestamp:T', y='count():Q', color='Source:N', tooltip=['Query:N', 'count():Q', 'Source:N'] ).properties(width=600, height=300) st.altair_chart(search_trends, use_container_width=True) # Most popular queries st.write("**Top Search Queries**") top_queries = ( st.session_state.search_data['Query'] .value_counts() .head(5) .reset_index() .rename(columns={'index': 'Query', 'Query': 'Count'}) ) st.write(top_queries) def display_results(results): if results and 'items' in results: st.session_state.results = results for i, item in enumerate(results['items']): st.write(f"**{i + 1}. {item['title']}**") st.write(f"[Link]({item['link']})") st.write(f"{item['snippet']}\n") # Check if 'pagemap' and 'cse_image' exist and if 'src' is in 'cse_image' if 'pagemap' in item and 'cse_image' in item['pagemap']: image_data = item['pagemap']['cse_image'][0] image_url = image_data.get('src') # Use .get() to avoid KeyError # Try to load and display the image if 'src' exists if image_url: try: response = requests.get(image_url) img = st.image(img, width=100) except Exception as e: st.write("**Image could not be loaded.**") else: st.write("**Image source not available.**") else: st.write("No image available for this result.") else: st.write("No results found.") def update_search_history(query, source): # Update search history and analytics data st.session_state.search_history.append(query) new_data = pd.DataFrame({ "Query": [query], "Source": [source], "Timestamp": [] }) st.session_state.search_data = pd.concat([st.session_state.search_data, new_data], ignore_index=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()