import streamlit as st import requests import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Set page configuration st.set_page_config(page_title="News Fetcher", layout="wide") # CSS styling for Canva theme st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) # Define countries dictionary countries = { 'us': 'United States', 'in': 'India', 'gb': 'United Kingdom', 'ca': 'Canada', 'au': 'Australia', 'de': 'Germany', 'fr': 'France', 'it': 'Italy', 'jp': 'Japan', 'cn': 'China', 'br': 'Brazil', 'za': 'South Africa', 'ru': 'Russia', } def get_news(api_key, query=None, country='us', language='en', from_date=None, to_date=None): url = '' params = { 'apiKey': api_key, 'q': query, 'from': from_date, 'to': to_date, 'language': language, 'pageSize': 20 } try: response = requests.get(url, params=params) response.raise_for_status() news_data = response.json() if news_data['status'] == 'ok': return news_data['articles'] else: st.error("Error fetching news: {}".format(news_data['message'])) return [] except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: st.error("HTTP Request failed: {}".format(e)) return [] # Important queries important_queries = [ "COVID-19", "Technology", "Politics", "Economy", "Health", "Environment", "Sports", "Entertainment", "Science", "Education", "Travel" ] # Streamlit UI setup st.title("News Fetcher") # Store and display the last seen timestamp if 'last_seen' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['last_seen'] = else: st.session_state['last_seen'] = last_seen = st.session_state['last_seen'] # Sidebar layout st.sidebar.title("Settings") st.sidebar.write(f"Last accessed on: {last_seen.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") # Language selection language = st.selectbox("Select your preferred language:", options=[ ('en', 'English'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('fr', 'French'), ('de', 'German'), ('it', 'Italian'), ('pt', 'Portuguese'), ('ar', 'Arabic'), ('zh', 'Chinese'), ('hi', 'Hindi'), ('te', 'Telugu') ]) # Country selection in the sidebar country = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select your country:", options=list(countries.keys()), format_func=lambda x: countries[x]) # Sidebar for important queries st.sidebar.header("Important Queries") for query in important_queries: if st.sidebar.button(query): st.session_state.query = query # Input field for user queries if 'query' in st.session_state: query = st.session_state.query else: query = st.text_input("Enter a search query:", placeholder="Type something...") # Date pickers for filtering news articles st.write("Select the date range for previous news articles:") from_date = st.date_input("From", - timedelta(days=30)) to_date = st.date_input("To", # Button to fetch news if st.button("Fetch News"): API_KEY = '43283de608cc43b7a49ad17ceda39636' # Replace with your actual News API key news_articles = get_news(API_KEY, query=query, country=country, language=language, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date) if news_articles: for i, article in enumerate(news_articles): st.subheader(article['title']) st.markdown(f"**Source**: {article['source']['name']} | **Published At**: {article['publishedAt']}") st.write(article['description'] or "No description available") st.markdown(f"[Read more]({article['url']})") st.markdown("---") # Visualization of trends in news topics dates = [article['publishedAt'][:10] for article in news_articles] date_counts = pd.Series(dates).value_counts().sort_index() st.subheader("Trends in News Topics Over Time") plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.plot(date_counts.index, date_counts.values, marker='o') plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Number of Articles') plt.title('Frequency of Articles Over Time') st.pyplot(plt) else: st.write("No articles found.") # Footer st.markdown("---") st.markdown( """ """.format(last_seen.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')), unsafe_allow_html=True )