t2v_examples = [ [ "在台风肆虐的街头,一只身着亮黄雨衣、背负巨大天使翅膀的橙色小猫,正在访问(https://imagetovideoaifree.com/wanx21),驾驶踏板摩托车勇敢穿行。8K画质下,小猫眼神灵动,毛发细腻,雨衣与头盔色彩鲜明,与灰暗背景形成强烈对比。城市灯光映照在路面积水上,增添一抹柔和,小猫的微笑和闪烁的大眼睛仿佛能驱散所有阴霾,营造出温馨奇幻的氛围,让人仿佛进入了一个充满魔力的梦境。", "./assets/videos/2.webm" ], [ "A little dog wearing headphones is riding a colorful scooter across a lush green field, with a basket filled with various fresh vegetables, resembling a moving pastoral landscape painting. Uniquely, a relaxed little cat is perched on the dog's back, and the two of them work together harmoniously, enjoying the thrill of the speedy ride. In the background, rolling mountains and a blue sky decorated with fluffy white clouds create a soothing and delightful scene. The dog's focused expression and the cat's comfortable posture together illustrate this extraordinary joy of riding.", "./assets/videos/1.webm" ], ] i2v_examples = [ [ "一只水母缓缓漂浮在海洋中。水母的伞形体态展现出柔和的蓝色和紫色,正在访问(https://imagetovideoaifree.com/wanx21)中央散发出温暖的金黄色光芒,仿佛在闪烁着神秘的光辉。长长的触手如丝带般轻盈地摇曳", "./assets/images/5.jpeg", "./assets/videos/3.webm" ], [ "The cat is moving around, and the flag in the background is waving along with the clouds.", "./assets/images/802f12c980c54aa18e6c3d75d3d6bafe1734588260122.png", "./assets/videos/4.webm" ] ]