import requests import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import as px from datetime import datetime, timedelta import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np import json from web3 import Web3 import time import os # RPC URLs OPTIMISM_RPC_URL = '' BASE_RPC_URL = '' ETH_RPC_URL = '' # Initialize Web3 instances print("Initializing Web3 instances...") web3_optimism = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL)) web3_base = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(BASE_RPC_URL)) web3_eth = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(ETH_RPC_URL)) # Contract addresses for service registries contract_address_optimism = '0x3d77596beb0f130a4415df3D2D8232B3d3D31e44' contract_address_base = '0x3C1fF68f5aa342D296d4DEe4Bb1cACCA912D95fE' contract_address_eth = '0x48b6af7B12C71f09e2fC8aF4855De4Ff54e775cA' # Load the ABI from a local JSON file with open('./contracts/service_registry_abi.json', 'r') as abi_file: contract_abi = json.load(abi_file) # Create the contract instances service_registry_optimism = web3_optimism.eth.contract(address=contract_address_optimism, abi=contract_abi) service_registry_base = web3_base.eth.contract(address=contract_address_base, abi=contract_abi) service_registry_eth = web3_eth.eth.contract(address=contract_address_eth, abi=contract_abi) print("Service registry contracts loaded.") # Check if connection is successful if not web3_optimism.is_connected(): raise Exception("Failed to connect to the Optimism network.") if not web3_base.is_connected(): raise Exception("Failed to connect to the Base network.") if not web3_eth.is_connected(): raise Exception("Failed to connect to the ETH network.") print("Successfully connected to Ethereum, Optimism, and Base networks.") def fetch_service_safes(web3, registry_contract): print("\nFetching service safes...") total_services = registry_contract.functions.totalSupply().call() print(f"Total services: {total_services}") service_safes = set() for service_id in range(1, total_services + 1): print(f"Processing service ID: {service_id}") service = registry_contract.functions.getService(service_id).call() agent_ids = service[-1] # Assuming the last element is the list of agent IDs print(f"Agent IDs: {agent_ids}") if 25 in agent_ids: agent_address = registry_contract.functions.getAgentInstances(service_id).call() service_safe = service[1] print(f"Found agent_address: {agent_address}") print(f"Found service safe: {service_safe}") service_safes.add(service_safe) print(f"Total service safes found: {len(service_safes)}") return service_safes # Fetch service safes for each network service_safes_optimism = fetch_service_safes(web3_optimism, service_registry_optimism) service_safes_base = fetch_service_safes(web3_base, service_registry_base) service_safes_eth = fetch_service_safes(web3_eth, service_registry_eth) service_safes_eth = {safe for safe in service_safes_eth if safe.lower() != '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'} def get_block_range_for_date(chain_id, date_str, api_key, base_url): """Get the block range for a specific date.""" target_date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d").date() start_of_day = datetime.combine(target_date, datetime.min.time()) if target_date == end_of_day = # Use the current time if the target date is today else: end_of_day = datetime.combine(target_date, datetime.max.time()) start_timestamp = int(start_of_day.timestamp()) end_timestamp = int(end_of_day.timestamp()) # Get start block start_response = requests.get( f"{base_url}?module=block&action=getblocknobytime×tamp={start_timestamp}&closest=before&apikey={api_key}" ) if start_response.status_code == 200: start_data = start_response.json() start_block = start_data.get('result') else: print(f"Error fetching start block for {date_str} on chain {chain_id}") return None, None if start_block is None: print(f"No start block found for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}") return None, None print(f"Start block for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}: {start_block}") # Get end block time.sleep(1) end_response = requests.get( f"{base_url}?module=block&action=getblocknobytime×tamp={end_timestamp}&closest=before&apikey={api_key}" ) if end_response.status_code == 200: end_data = end_response.json() end_block = end_data.get('result') else: print(f"Error fetching end block for {date_str} on chain {chain_id}") return None, None if end_block is None: print(f"No end block found for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}") return None, None print(f"End block for chain {chain_id} on {date_str}: {end_block}") return start_block, end_block def get_transactions(api_keys, wallet_address, chain_name, start_block, end_block): """Retrieve transactions for the given wallet address, chain, and block range using the Etherscan or similar API.""" base_url = { 'optimism': "", 'base': "", 'ethereum': "" }.get(chain_name) if not base_url: print(f"Invalid chain name: {chain_name}") return [] params = { 'module': 'account', 'action': 'txlist', 'address': wallet_address, 'startblock': start_block, 'endblock': end_block, 'sort': 'asc', 'apikey': api_keys.get(chain_name) } response = requests.get(base_url, params=params) data = response.json() time.sleep(1) if data['status'] != '1': print(f"Error: {data['message']}") return [] valid_transactions = [tx for tx in data['result'] if tx['isError'] == '0'] return valid_transactions def date_range(start_date, end_date): """Generates a range of dates from start_date to end_date inclusive.""" start_dt = datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d") end_dt = datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d") delta = timedelta(days=1) current_dt = start_dt while current_dt <= end_dt: yield current_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") current_dt += delta def fetch_transactions(): api_keys = { 'optimism': 'XQ72JA5XZ51QC7TG1W295AAIF4KTV92K1K', 'base': '4BFQMVW1QUKEPVDA4VW711CF4462682CY8', 'ethereum': '3GRYJGX55W3QWCEKGREF4H53AFHCAIVVR7' } base_urls = { 10: "", 8453: "", 1: "" } current_date ="%Y-%m-%d") csv_filename = 'daily_transactions_new.csv' if os.path.exists(csv_filename): df_existing = pd.read_csv(csv_filename) if 'date' in df_existing: last_date_in_csv = df_existing['date'].max() else: df_existing['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_existing['timestamp']) last_date_in_csv = df_existing['date'].max() else: df_existing = pd.DataFrame() last_date_in_csv = '2024-09-19' start_date = (datetime.strptime(last_date_in_csv, "%Y-%m-%d") + timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") chains = { 10: ('optimism', service_safes_optimism), 8453: ('base', service_safes_base), 1: ('ethereum', service_safes_eth) } all_transactions = df_existing.to_dict('records') if not df_existing.empty else [] for chain_id, (chain_name, service_safes) in chains.items(): base_url = base_urls[chain_id] api_key = api_keys[chain_name] for safe_address in service_safes: print(f"\nProcessing {chain_name.capitalize()} for safe address {safe_address}...") for single_date in date_range(start_date, current_date): start_block, end_block = get_block_range_for_date(chain_id, single_date, api_key, base_url) if start_block is None or end_block is None: print(f"Skipping date {single_date} for chain {chain_name} due to missing block data.") continue print(f"Start Block: {start_block}, End Block: {end_block} for date {single_date}") transactions = get_transactions(api_keys, safe_address, chain_name, start_block, end_block) if transactions: print(f"Found {len(transactions)} transactions on {single_date} for {chain_name.capitalize()} safe address {safe_address}:") for tx in transactions: tx_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(tx['timeStamp'])) all_transactions.append({ 'chain': chain_name, 'safe_address': safe_address, 'date': single_date, 'transaction_hash': tx['hash'], 'timestamp': tx_time, 'from': tx['from'], 'to': tx['to'], 'value_eth': int(tx['value']) / 1e18 # Convert value to ETH }) else: print(f"No transactions found for safe address {safe_address} on {single_date} on {chain_name.capitalize()}.") df_transactions_new = pd.DataFrame(all_transactions) df_transactions_new.to_csv(csv_filename, index=False) return df_transactions_new def create_transcation_visualizations(): df_transactions_new = fetch_transactions() df_transactions_new['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df_transactions_new['timestamp']) # Group by date and chain, count transactions daily_counts = df_transactions_new.groupby([df_transactions_new['timestamp'], 'chain']).size().unstack(fill_value=0) # Ensure required chains are present chains = ['optimism', 'base', 'ethereum'] for chain in chains: if chain not in daily_counts.columns: daily_counts[chain] = 0 daily_counts = daily_counts[chains] # Read the original data daily_counts['timestamp'] = daily_counts.index daily_counts['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(daily_counts['timestamp']) daily_counts = daily_counts.reset_index(drop=True) # Get min and max dates min_date = daily_counts['timestamp'].min() max_date = daily_counts['timestamp'].max() # Create complete date range full_date_range = pd.date_range(start=min_date, end=max_date, freq='D') # Create a new dataframe with all dates complete_df = pd.DataFrame({'timestamp': full_date_range}) complete_df = complete_df.merge(daily_counts, on='timestamp', how='left') complete_df = complete_df.fillna(0) daily_counts = complete_df # Convert timestamp to datetime daily_counts['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(daily_counts['timestamp']) # Create a new dataframe with 12-hour slots new_rows = [] for _, row in daily_counts.iterrows(): # Create first 12-hour slot (0-12) slot1 = row.copy() # slot1['timestamp'] = row['timestamp'].replace(hour=0) # # Create second 12-hour slot (12-24) new_rows.extend([slot1]) slot2 = row.copy() if slot2['timestamp'].dayofweek == 6: # 6 represents Sunday slot2[['optimism', 'base', 'ethereum']] = 0 slot2['timestamp'] = row['timestamp'].replace(hour=12) new_rows.extend([slot2]) # Create new dataframe with 12-hour slots hourly_counts = pd.DataFrame(new_rows).sort_values('timestamp') # Prepare data for plotting dates = hourly_counts['timestamp'].tolist() values = hourly_counts[['optimism', 'base', 'ethereum']].to_numpy() # Create the figure fig = go.Figure() # Create arrays for positioning and width # Convert dates to datetime objects first date_objects = pd.to_datetime(dates) # Create numeric indices for x-axis x_numeric = np.arange(len(dates)) # Create arrays for positioning and width width_array = [] for i, date in enumerate(date_objects): width_array.append(1.0) # Full width for other days # Get Monday indices for tick positions monday_indices = [i for i, date in enumerate(date_objects) if date.dayofweek == 0] monday_labels = [date_objects[i].strftime('%m-%d') for i in monday_indices] # Add traces for each series fig.add_trace(go.Bar( name='Optimism', x=x_numeric, y=values[:,0], marker_color='blue', opacity=0.7, text=None, width=width_array, textposition='none', )) fig.add_trace(go.Bar( name='Base', x=x_numeric, y=values[:,1], marker_color='purple', opacity=0.7, text=None, textposition='none', width=width_array, )) fig.add_trace(go.Bar( name='Ethereum', x=x_numeric, y=values[:,2], marker_color='darkgreen', opacity=0.7, text=None, width=width_array, textposition='none', )) # Update layout with numeric x-axis fig.update_layout( title='Chain Daily Activity : Transactions', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Daily Transactions Count', barmode='stack', showlegend=True, height=600, bargap=0, bargroupgap=0, xaxis=dict( tickangle=-45, tickmode='array', ticktext=monday_labels, tickvals=monday_indices, ), template='plotly_white', hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor="white", font_size=12, ), ) # Update hover template for trace in trace.update( hovertemplate="Date: %{text}
" + "" + + ": %{y}
" + "", text=[d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for d in date_objects] # Add date text for hover ) # Show the plot return fig def create_active_agents_visualizations(): df_transactions_new = fetch_transactions() df_transactions_new['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df_transactions_new['timestamp']) # Extract week and day information df_transactions_new['week_start'] = df_transactions_new['timestamp'].dt.to_period('W').apply(lambda r: r.start_time) df_transactions_new['weekday'] = df_transactions_new['timestamp'].dt.weekday # Count unique agents per day daily_agents = df_transactions_new.groupby(['week_start', 'weekday'])['from'].nunique().reset_index() # Compute average unique agents per week weekly_avg_agents = daily_agents.groupby('week_start')['from'].mean().reset_index() weekly_avg_agents.rename(columns={'from': 'avg_daily_active_agents'}, inplace=True) # Prepare data for plotting weeks = weekly_avg_agents['week_start'].unique() avg_agents_per_week = weekly_avg_agents['avg_daily_active_agents'] # Create the bar chart fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x=[f'{week.strftime("%b %d")}' for week in weeks], y=avg_agents_per_week, marker_color='blue', opacity=0.7, text=None, hoverlabel=dict( bgcolor="white", font_size=12, ), )) # Update layout fig.update_layout( title='Daily Active Agents: Weekly Average Number of Agents with at Least 1 Transaction Daily', xaxis_title='Week', yaxis_title='Average Number of Active Agents', xaxis=dict( tickangle=-45 # Rotate x-axis labels to 45 degrees ), height=600, width=1000, bargap=0, bargroupgap=0.2, template='plotly_white' ) return fig # Gradio interface def dashboard(): with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# Valory Transactions Dashboard") # Fetch and display visualizations with gr.Tab("Transactions"): fig_tx_chain = create_transcation_visualizations() gr.Plot(fig_tx_chain) with gr.Tab("DAA"): fig_active_agents = create_active_agents_visualizations() gr.Plot(fig_active_agents) # Add more tabs as needed... return demo # Launch the dashboard if __name__ == "__main__": dashboard().launch()