gaia / utils /
Hugo Massonnat
Yield computation
history blame
3.3 kB
import os
from pathlib import Path
import geopandas as gpd
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from shapely.geometry import Point
project_root = Path(__file__).parent.parent
file_rmqs = os.path.join(project_root, 'data/soil_data/raw_data/rmqs.geojson')
df = gpd.read_file(file_rmqs)
def get_city_coordinates(city_name):
"""Get latitude and longitude of a city using Nominatim."""
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="geo_finder")
location = geolocator.geocode(city_name)
if location:
return (location.longitude, location.latitude)
return None
def find_nearest_point_to_city(city_name):
"""Find the closest GPS point in the dataset to the given city."""
city_coords = get_city_coordinates(city_name)
print("city coords", city_coords)
if not city_coords:
return "City not found"
# Iterate through GeoJSON features
df["distance"] = df["geometry"].distance(Point(city_coords[0], city_coords[1]))
closest_point = df.loc[df["distance"].idxmin()]
return closest_point # Returns the closest feature
def find_nearest_point_to_coordinates(latitude, longitude):
"""Find the closest GPS point in the dataset to the given GPS coordinates."""
# Iterate through GeoJSON features
df["distance"] = df["geometry"].distance(Point(latitude, longitude))
closest_point = df.loc[df["distance"].idxmin()]
return closest_point # Returns the closest feature
def get_soil_properties(latitude, longitude):
closest_feature = find_nearest_point_to_coordinates(latitude, longitude)
clay = closest_feature.clay
silt = closest_feature.silt
sand = closest_feature.sand
soc = closest_feature.soc
soil_mosture, field_capacity, wilting_point = calcul_metriques_sol(clay, silt, sand, soc)
soil_properties = {
"clay": clay,
"silt": silt,
"sand": sand,
"soc": soc,
"soil_moisture": soil_mosture,
"field_capacity": field_capacity,
"wilting_point": wilting_point,
return soil_properties
def calcul_metriques_sol(clay, silt, sand, soc):
Calcule le point de flétrissement (WP), l'humidité actuelle du sol (SM) et la capacité au champ (FC).
:param clay: Pourcentage d'argil dans le sol (%)
:param silt: Pourcentage de silt dans le sol (%)
:param sand: Pourcentage de sand dans le sol (%)
:param soc: Carbone organique du sol (%)
:return: WP, SM et FC (%)
# Calcul de la capacité au champ (FC)
FC = 0.2576 * silt + 0.2484 * clay + 0.3664 * soc + 20.83
# Calcul du point de flétrissement (WP)
WP = 0.026 * clay + 0.5 * soc + 3.0
# Calcul de l'humidité actuelle du sol (SM) comme 50% de la plage entre FC et WP
SM = WP + 0.5 * (FC - WP)
# Retourne les résultats sous forme de dictionnaire
return round(SM, 2), round(FC, 2), round(WP, 2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Example usage
city = "Paris"
closest_feature = find_nearest_point_to_city(city)
latitude, longitude = 47, 5
closest_feature = find_nearest_point_to_coordinates(latitude, longitude)
soil_properties = get_soil_properties(latitude, longitude)