import pandas as pd # stress hydrique and rendement, besoin en eau import plotly.graph_objects as go from typing import List import as px from fuzzywuzzy import process from data_pipelines.historical_weather_data import ( download_historical_weather_data, aggregate_hourly_weather_data, ) def concatenate_historic_forecast(historic, forecast, cols_to_keep): historic["period"] = "historique" forecast["period"] = "futur" historic = historic[cols_to_keep] forecast = forecast[cols_to_keep] full_data = pd.concat([historic, forecast]) return full_data def visualize_climate( moderate: pd.DataFrame, historic: pd.DataFrame, x_axis="year", column: str = "Precipitation (mm)", cols_to_keep: List[str] = [ "Precipitation (mm)", "Near Surface Air Temperature (°C)", "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (W/m²)", "year", "period", ], ): concatenated_df = concatenate_historic_forecast(historic, moderate, cols_to_keep) concatenated_df = concatenated_df.sort_values(by=x_axis) # Ensure order fig = go.Figure() # colors = {"historique": "blue", "forecast": "purple"} for condition_value in concatenated_df["period"].unique(): segment = concatenated_df[concatenated_df["period"] == condition_value] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=segment[x_axis], y=segment[column], mode="lines", name=f"{condition_value}", line=dict(color="blue" if condition_value == "futur" else "purple"), ) ) interpolation_df = concatenated_df[concatenated_df[x_axis] > 2023] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=interpolation_df[x_axis], y=interpolation_df[column].interpolate(), mode="lines", line=dict(color="blue"), showlegend=False, ), ) fig.update_layout( title=f"Historique et Forecast pour {column}", xaxis_title="Date", yaxis_title=column, ) return fig def aggregate_yearly(df, col_to_agg): df[col_to_agg] = df.groupby("year")[col_to_agg].transform("mean") return df def generate_plots( moderate: pd.DataFrame, historic: pd.DataFrame, x_axes: List[str], cols_to_plot: List[str], ): plots = [] for i, col in enumerate(cols_to_plot): plots.append(visualize_climate(moderate, historic, x_axes[i], col)) return plots if __name__ == "__main__": cols_to_keep = [ "Precipitation (mm)", "Near Surface Air Temperature (°C)", "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (W/m²)", "year", "period", ] cols_to_plot = [ "Precipitation (mm)", "Near Surface Air Temperature (°C)", "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (W/m²)", ] x_axes = ["year"] * len(cols_to_plot) latitude = 47 longitude = 5 start_year = 2000 end_year = 2025 cols_to_keep = [ "Precipitation (mm)", "Near Surface Air Temperature (°C)", "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (W/m²)", "year", "period", ] cols_to_plot = [ "Precipitation (mm)", "Near Surface Air Temperature (°C)", "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (W/m²)", ] x_axes = ["year"] * len(cols_to_plot) df = download_historical_weather_data(latitude, longitude, start_year, end_year) historic = aggregate_hourly_weather_data(df) historic = historic.reset_index() historic = historic.rename( columns={ "precipitation": "Precipitation (mm)", "air_temperature_mean": "Near Surface Air Temperature (°C)", "irradiance": "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (W/m²)", "index": "time", } ) historic["time"] = pd.to_datetime(historic["time"]) historic = historic.sort_values("time") historic = historic[historic["time"] < "2025-01-01"] climate_data_path = "data/data_climate_test/final_climate_data.csv" # will use a similar func to download_historical_weather_data moderate = pd.read_csv(climate_data_path) moderate["time"] = pd.to_datetime(moderate["time"]) moderate = moderate.sort_values("time") moderate["year"] = moderate["time"].dt.year historic["year"] = historic["time"].dt.year moderate["Precipitation (mm)"] = moderate["Precipitation (mm)"] * 3600 for col in cols_to_plot: moderate = aggregate_yearly(moderate, col) historic = aggregate_yearly(historic, col) plots = generate_plots(moderate, historic, x_axes, cols_to_plot) # List of 3 plots to show