def frost_bool(Tmin,Tfrost): """ Test if the day is a frost day (minimum daily temperature below frost threshold). Parameters ---------- Tmin : float Minimum daily air temperature (deg Celsius). Tfrost : float Frost temperature (regular or strong frost) (deg Celsius). Returns ------- bool True if it's a frost day, else False. """ return Tmin <= Tfrost def scorch_bool(Tmax,Tscorch): """ Test if the day is a scorching day (jour échaudant) (maximum daily temperature above scorch threshold). Parameters ---------- Tmax : float Maximum daily air temperature (deg Celsius). Tscorch : float Temperature threshold above which the day is considered scorching (crop-dependent) (deg Celsius). Returns ------- bool True if it's a scorching day, else False. """ return Tmax >= Tscorch def thermalstress_bool(Tmax, Tstress): """ Define if the day is a source of thermal stress (maximum daily temperature above stress threshold). Parameters ---------- Tmax : float Maximum daily air temperature (deg Celsius). Tstress : float Temperature threshold above which the day is considered stressful (deg Celsius). Returns ------- bool True if the day is a source of thermal stress, else False. """ return Tmax >= Tstress def summerday_bool(Tmax): """ Define if the day is a summer day (maximum daily temperature above 25°C). Parameters ---------- Tmax : float Maximum daily air temperature (deg Celsius). Returns ------- bool True if it's a summer day, else False. """ return Tmax >= 25 def tropicalnight_bool(Tmin): """ Define if night is a tropical night (min night temperature above 20°). Parameters ---------- Tmin : float Min Night Air temperature (degrees Celsius). Returns ------- bool True if tropical night, else False. """ return Tmin >= 20