""" Internal validation functions. :copyright: (c) 2015 by Mark Richards. :license: BSD 3-Clause, see LICENSE.txt for more details. """ from .convert import deg2rad import numpy as np # Internal constants # Latitude _MINLAT_RADIANS = deg2rad(-90.0) _MAXLAT_RADIANS = deg2rad(90.0) # Solar declination _MINSOLDEC_RADIANS = deg2rad(-23.5) _MAXSOLDEC_RADIANS = deg2rad(23.5) # Sunset hour angle _MINSHA_RADIANS = 0.0 _MAXSHA_RADIANS = deg2rad(180) def check_day_hours(hours, arg_name): """ Check that *hours* is in the range 1 to 24. """ if not np.all((0 <= hours) & (hours <= 24)): raise ValueError("{0} should be in range 0-24: {1!r}".format(arg_name, hours)) def check_doy(doy): """ Check day of the year is valid. """ if not np.all((1 <= doy) & (doy <= 366)): raise ValueError( "Day of the year (doy) must be in range 1-366." ) def check_latitude_rad(latitude): if not np.all((_MINLAT_RADIANS <= latitude) & (latitude <= _MAXLAT_RADIANS)): raise ValueError( "latitude outside valid range {0!r} to {1!r} rad: {2!r}".format( _MINLAT_RADIANS, _MAXLAT_RADIANS, latitude ) ) def check_sol_dec_rad(sd): """ Solar declination can vary between -23.5 and +23.5 degrees. See http://mypages.iit.edu/~maslanka/SolarGeo.pdf """ if not np.all((_MINSOLDEC_RADIANS <= sd) & (sd <= _MAXSOLDEC_RADIANS)): raise ValueError( "solar declination outside valid range {0!r} to {1!r} rad: {2!r}".format( _MINSOLDEC_RADIANS, _MAXSOLDEC_RADIANS, sd ) ) def check_sunset_hour_angle_rad(sha): """ Sunset hour angle has the range 0 to 180 degrees. See http://mypages.iit.edu/~maslanka/SolarGeo.pdf """ if not np.all((_MINSHA_RADIANS <= sha) & (sha <= _MAXSHA_RADIANS)): raise ValueError( "sunset hour angle outside valid range {0!r} to {1!r} rad: {2!r}".format( _MINSHA_RADIANS, _MAXSHA_RADIANS, sha ) )