""" Calculate potential evapotranspiration using the Thornthwaite (1948 method) :copyright: (c) 2015 by Mark Richards. :license: BSD 3-Clause, see LICENSE.txt for more details. References ---------- Thornthwaite CW (1948) An approach toward a rational classification of climate. Geographical Review, 38, 55-94. """ import calendar from . import fao from ._check import check_latitude_rad as _check_latitude_rad _MONTHDAYS = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) _LEAP_MONTHDAYS = (31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) def thornthwaite(monthly_t, monthly_mean_dlh, year=None): """ Estimate monthly potential evapotranspiration (PET) using the Thornthwaite (1948) method. Thornthwaite equation: *PET* = 1.6 (*L*/12) (*N*/30) (10*Ta* / *I*)***a* where: * *Ta* is the mean daily air temperature [deg C, if negative use 0] of the month being calculated * *N* is the number of days in the month being calculated * *L* is the mean day length [hours] of the month being calculated * *a* = (6.75 x 10-7)*I***3 - (7.71 x 10-5)*I***2 + (1.792 x 10-2)*I* + 0.49239 * *I* is a heat index which depends on the 12 monthly mean temperatures and is calculated as the sum of (*Tai* / 5)**1.514 for each month, where Tai is the air temperature for each month in the year :param monthly_t: Iterable containing mean daily air temperature for each month of the year [deg C]. :param monthly_mean_dlh: Iterable containing mean daily daylight hours for each month of the year (hours]. These can be calculated using ``monthly_mean_daylight_hours()``. :param year: Year for which PET is required. The only effect of year is to change the number of days in February to 29 if it is a leap year. If it is left as the default (None), then the year is assumed not to be a leap year. :return: Estimated monthly potential evaporation of each month of the year [mm/month] :rtype: List of floats """ if len(monthly_t) != 12: raise ValueError( 'monthly_t should be length 12 but is length {0}.' .format(len(monthly_t))) if len(monthly_mean_dlh) != 12: raise ValueError( 'monthly_mean_dlh should be length 12 but is length {0}.' .format(len(monthly_mean_dlh))) if year is None or not calendar.isleap(year): month_days = _MONTHDAYS else: month_days = _LEAP_MONTHDAYS # Negative temperatures should be set to zero adj_monthly_t = [t * (t >= 0) for t in monthly_t] # Calculate the heat index (I) I = 0.0 for Tai in adj_monthly_t: if Tai / 5.0 > 0.0: I += (Tai / 5.0) ** 1.514 a = (6.75e-07 * I ** 3) - (7.71e-05 * I ** 2) + (1.792e-02 * I) + 0.49239 pet = [] for Ta, L, N in zip(adj_monthly_t, monthly_mean_dlh, month_days): # Multiply by 10 to convert cm/month --> mm/month pet.append( 1.6 * (L / 12.0) * (N / 30.0) * ((10.0 * Ta / I) ** a) * 10.0) return pet def monthly_mean_daylight_hours(latitude, year=None): """ Calculate mean daylight hours for each month of the year for a given latitude. :param latitude: Latitude [radians] :param year: Year for the daylight hours are required. The only effect of *year* is to change the number of days in Feb to 29 if it is a leap year. If left as the default, None, then a normal (non-leap) year is assumed. :return: Mean daily daylight hours of each month of a year [hours] :rtype: List of floats. """ _check_latitude_rad(latitude) if year is None or not calendar.isleap(year): month_days = _MONTHDAYS else: month_days = _LEAP_MONTHDAYS monthly_mean_dlh = [] doy = 1 # Day of the year for mdays in month_days: dlh = 0.0 # Cumulative daylight hours for the month for daynum in range(1, mdays + 1): sd = fao.sol_dec(doy) sha = fao.sunset_hour_angle(latitude, sd) dlh += fao.daylight_hours(sha) doy += 1 # Calc mean daylight hours of the month monthly_mean_dlh.append(dlh / mdays) return monthly_mean_dlh