import os import requests from dataclasses import dataclass import re import streamlit as st @dataclass class GistInfo: gist_id: str filename: str url: str model_name: str model_id: str model: str elo:float def update_gist(content, gist_id, access_token): """ Update the content of a GitHub Gist. Args: content (str): The new content of the gist. gist_id (str): The ID of the gist to update. access_token (str): GitHub personal access token with gist permissions. """ api_url = f"{gist_id}" headers = { "Authorization": f"token {access_token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } data = { "files": { "YALL - Yet Another LLM": { "content": content } } } response = requests.patch(api_url, json=data, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: print("Gist updated successfully.") else: print("Failed to update gist. Status code:", response.status_code) print("Response:", response.json()) @st.cache_data def create_yall(): # Dummy data gist_infos = [ GistInfo( gist_id="dummy_gist_id_1", filename="", url="", model_name="Model 1", model_id="model-1", model="Model 1", elo=1900 ), GistInfo( gist_id="dummy_gist_id_2", filename="", url="", model_name="Model 2", model_id="model-2", model="Model 2", elo=2000 ), GistInfo( gist_id="dummy_gist_id_3", filename="", url="", model_name="Model 3", model_id="model-3", model="Model 3", elo=2200 ) ] # Sort the list by average gist_infos = sorted(gist_infos, key=lambda x: x.elo, reverse=True) # Create markdown table markdown_table = "| Model | Elo |\n" markdown_table += "|---|---:|\n" for gist in gist_infos: model_link = f"[{gist.model_id}]({gist.model_id})" markdown_table += f"| {model_link} [📄]({gist.url}) | {gist.elo}\n" # Update YALL's gist with dummy gist ID and token update_gist(content=markdown_table, gist_id="dummy_gist_id_yall", access_token="dummy_access_token") return markdown_table