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Why is my dog pooping in the house?, "There are many potential reasons why your dog may be pooping in the house. Here are some examples why: Separation Anxiety- If your dog gets stressed when you leave the house, they may have accidents while you’re gone. Separation Anxiety can cause dogs to panic, cry, run, and bark while their owners are away. And some dogs work themselves up so much that they have accidents in the house. Highly stressed dogs may also destroy their owners’ belongings. Left in the house too long- Dogs may have accidents in the house when they have been inside too long and need to poop. While your dog’s poop schedule depends on the type of food and how much of it they’re eating, most dogs need to poop one to two times a day. A dog eating a high-fiber diet may need to pool three times a day. Outdoor stressor or loud noise- Many dogs fear the sound of thunder or fireworks. They can get so stressed out that they may react by pacing, trembling, and destroying things. They may also resist going outside because they associate the outdoors with the scary noise."
Why does my dog whine?, "Reasons why your dog is whining is because: Your Dog Needs or wants something- The most obvious reason your dog may be whining is that they need or want something from you like food, water, or a walk. Maybe their favorite toy is stuck underneath the couch, and they need help getting it out. The whining could stop once you identify the problem and fix it. Whining for Attention- Sometimes dogs whine just because no one is paying attention to them. This is similar to how little kids whine when they’re bored with the grown-up talk at the dinner table. Your dog wants someone to play with or something to occupy them. Your Dog is Scared or Stressed- Whining can be your dog’s way of saying that they are scared or anxious. If your dog is also pacing, trembling, or panting while whining, they are likely fearful or anxious about something. If your dog is whining anxiously right before you leave the house, this could indicate separation anxiety. Dogs with separation anxiety often engage in destructive behaviors while you are gone. There are many calming treats and calming tools for dogs available. Pain- Whining could be an indication that your dog is in some kind of physical distress. If they whine every time they try to go up the stairs or jump on the couch, your dog may have joint pain because of arthritis. If there is no obvious reason why your dog is whining (all their needs are met and there is nothing to make them anxious). You should take your dog to the vet to get them checked out."
Why do dogs like squeaky toys?, "Dogs like squeaky toys because hearing the high-pitched squeak and/or ripping apart a soft plush toy can be immensely satisfying to some dogs. However, dogs are individuals, and even dogs within the same breed will have preferences due to personality differences. Some dogs prefer harder toys that feel good to chew on; others prefer toys like balls or Frisbees because they’re fun to chase and retrieve; and some dogs don’t like toys at all, unless their owner is in on the game. Your dog’s toy preferences can change throughout his/her life. Many puppies prefer rubbery-type chew toys while they’re teething, and senior dogs often like softer toys that are comfortable to hold and tug. During adulthood, your dog may need sturdier toys, such as thick ropes, or harder rubber balls."
Why do dogs roll in the grass?,"Dogs have a strong sense of smell and use it to interact with the world. They can use scent to pick up trails of prey or communicate with other dogs. So if your dog is rolling in the grass, it may be about picking up a smell, covering a smell, or leaving their scent behind."
How can clicker training help my dog?,"A clicker can communicate to your dog positive reinforcement and show them they did what you wanted them to do. It helps them realize that a treat is on the way."
How do I teach my dog to sit?,"The most popular way to teach sit is with reward training using a handful of delicious treats. To guarantee success, train when your dog is relaxed in an environment without distractions. Here are six easy steps: With your dog in a standing position, hold a tasty treat near their nose. Keeping the treat near your dog's nose, move your hand in an arc over his head. As the dog raises his head to follow the treat, his bottom will go on the floor. The instant he sits, praise him and give him the treat. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions. As your dog always gets a treat for sitting, you'll soon find he sits for longer. You can now add the cue word 'sit' as he goes to sit. Be careful not to say it before your dog moves into position or they may associate it with the wrong movement. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions. Give an 'okay' cue to let your dog know when their training has ended."
How can I socialize my dog?,"Socializing your dog through puppyhood and adolescence is one of the best ways to ensure that they become a friendly and confident adult. Keep introducing your dog to other dogs. There are lots of ways to do this: dog parks, play groups, play dates with friends’ dogs, and simple leash walks can all help accomplish this. Without this experience, dogs can lose their ability to know how to behave appropriately around other dogs. Vary your walks. Try to avoid taking the same walking route every day. Let your dog experience a variety of environments, from sidewalks to dirt roads. This will provide your growing dog with much-needed mental stimulation. Keep introducing your dog to new people: Dogs only remain social when continually exposed to unfamiliar people. Continued pleasant exposure to new people keeps the idea that strangers are good news in the forefront of your dog’s mind. Keep introducing your dog to new people. Dogs only remain social when continually exposed to unfamiliar people. Continued pleasant exposure to new people keeps the idea that strangers are good news in the forefront of your dog’s mind."
How to walk a reactive dog?, "Whether this reactivity may be triggered by other dogs, people, cars, or anything else, here are six tips to keep in mind when walking a reactive dog: Set off a calm frame of mind- Beginning your walk in a calm and positive frame of mind can really make a difference. If your dog is over-excited or showing signs of anxiety, work with your dog to deal with issues before you begin your walk. Keep Walks Fun and Interesting- Since your dog’s reactivity will likely limit you when it comes to your choice of walks, you need to make sure that your walks are still fun, exciting and relatively unpredictable for your dog. Try simply switching up your pace on your walk, sometimes going slower and sometimes going faster. Changing directions at random times will also keep your dog guessing. Turn Triggers into Positive Experiences- Turning a trigger into a positive experience takes time and effort. The key is to take things very slowly, beginning with a large distance between your dog and the trigger. Practice teaching your dog to focus on you, rather than on the trigger ahead. You could teach your dog to target your hand or another object, as this can be a very effective method for diverting their attention."
Why do dogs lick you?, "Licking is a natural and instinctive behavior to dogs. For them it's a way of grooming, bonding, and expressing themselves. Your dog may lick you to say they love you, to get your attention, to help soothe themselves if they're stressed, to show empathy or because you taste good to them!"
Why do dogs shake?, "Common behaviors when it comes to a dog shaking are: Stress and Anxiety- If your dog gives a whole-body shake for no obvious reason, like a bath or a good roll in the dirt, it could be stress related. Shaking is a classic symptom in dogs. When your dog shakes after hopping on an examination table at the veterinarian's office or following an encounter with a stranger, he is trying to relieve tension. To Dry Off- Wet dogs can shake off 70 percent of water on their fur in just four seconds. That is far more effective than attempts to towel dry your dog. Pain- Shivering and trembling are also used with shaking to describe upset dogs. Certain toy and small terrier breeds shover more than others(Pomeranian, Pug, Shih Tzu). This kind of shivering can be a sign of pain. When your dog is nauseous, she may also shake. If your dog has started to shake, and you don’t know why, contact your veterinarian to make sure there isn’t a more serious issue."
Why does my dog tilt its head?,"Your dog tilting its head indicates your dog is trying to process what you’re saying. Many animals tilt their head as they encounter the sights, sounds and smells of the world. The behavior seems to be more about processing information than about collecting it in the first place."
Why does my dog howl?,"Howling is one of many forms of vocal communication used by dogs. Dogs howl to attract attention, to make contact with others and to announce their presence. Some dogs also howl in response to high-pitched sounds, such as emergency vehicle sirens or musical instruments. If your dog howls to get your attention or “ask” you for things he wants, like food or toys, you need to teach him two things to be successful in curbing his behavior. First of all, he needs to learn that howling doesn’t work (even if it did in the past). He also needs to learn that being quiet will work. If your dog realizes that howling always makes him invisible to you and being quiet earns him your attention as well as all the great stuff he wants in life, he’ll quickly learn to curb his vocal behavior."
How do I teach my dog to stay?,"To train a successful stay behavior, you need to start small and build slowly. Your first step is to teach your dog what their release word means. Here are 5 steps to get you started: Ask your dog to sit. As soon as they sit down, hold your hand straight out in front of you like you’re making a stop sign and say the word 'stay'. Wait a second or two, then calmly give your dog a treat. Release your dog and praise them when they move. Repeat the above steps until your dog understands they can move after they hear the release words."
What does it mean when my dog wags its tail?,"The wag of a tail is instinctive in dogs; it’s used as part of their varied communication with one another and with humans."
Why does my dog howl?,"Howling is one of many forms of vocal communication used by dogs. Dogs howl to attract attention, to make contact with others and to announce their presence. Some dogs also howl in response to high-pitched sounds, such as emergency vehicle sirens or musical instruments. If your dog howls to get your attention or ‘ask’ you for things he wants, like food or toys, you need to teach him two things to be successful in curbing his behavior. First of all, he needs to learn that howling doesn’t work (even if it did in the past). He also needs to learn that being quiet will work. If your dog realizes that howling always makes him invisible to you and being quiet earns him your attention as well as all the great stuff he wants in life, he’ll quickly learn to curb his vocal behavior."
How do I train my dog?,"It’s important to take into account your dog’s behavior and motivations when choosing a training method! 3 common and effective training methods are: Positive reinforcement: The dog will repeat good behavior when he will be rewarded for the accomplishment. On the other hand, bad behavior does not get any recognition. If any correction is needed it will come as the form of removal of rewards; anything being taken back away from the dog. In this way, the dog comes to learn what should do and what not. Clicker training: This is considered as one of the most highly effective and popular methods of dog training.This training method uses a hand device to create a sound that is used to signify the point at which the dog completes a polite/desirable behavior. Model-rival training: This method suggests that dogs learn by observation, providing a model of ideal behavior or rival to compete for resources, dogs come to learn imitate behaviors."
How many walks does my dog need a day?,"It’s recommended to walk your dog up to three times a day to ensure their physical and mental wellbeing. Depending on your dog’s age and breed, they may need more or less exercise- consult with a veterinarian if you’re unsure."
What should I avoid when training my dog?,"When training your dog, the following mistakes could lead to unsuccessful instruction and frustration for you and your canine. Cue nagging: Repeating a command many times when your dog isn’t responding to it leads to the dog not associating the command with the action, but rather a word it doesn’t have to respond to. Poisoning of cues: This occurs when a dog equates a command with a negative result. For example, you’ve finally taught your dog ‘come’, but now, you use it to summon them for a bath— something they hate. They will think that the two are linked and not want to come when you’re summoning them for something else, so it’s best to avoid negative situations when training.Failing to practice in-between classes: Failing to practice in-between training classes is also a big mistake owners make. Practice makes perfect — we all know this — and it definitely applies to dog training. If you attend a class once a week, that’s not enough time to create a well-behaved dog. Make sure you practice every day, but for brief stretches. Dogs have the mentality of a human toddler, and just like toddlers, their attention spans can be short. For most pups, you’ll have better success with 5-to-10-minute sessions. Make sure you have the right training supplies and training treats at home. Useless repetition: Another no-no in dog training: Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result. If you keep trying the same method of training, but your dog isn’t picking up on the cue — STOP! Evaluate your pet’s responses, and come up with a new plan. Working when you’re frustrated: Finally, don’t train when you’re in a bad mood. Our patience tends to wear thin when we’re grumpy, and we’re more likely to get mad at our dog for not getting things perfect on the first try. If you had a bad day at work, play fetch with your dog or spend some time snuggling. That’s therapeutic for both of you!"
How many walks does my dog need a day?,"It’s recommended to walk your dog up to three times a day to ensure their physical and mental wellbeing. Depending on your dog’s age and breed, they may need more or less exercise- consult with a veterinarian if you’re unsure."
How can clicker training help my dog?,"A clicker can communicate to your dog positive reinforcement and show them they did what you wanted them to do. It helps them realize that a treat is on the way."
How do I teach my dog to sit?,"The most popular way to teach sit is with reward training using a handful of delicious treats. To guarantee success, train when your dog is relaxed in an environment without distractions. Here are six easy steps: With your dog in a standing position, hold a tasty treat near their nose. Keeping the treat near your dog's nose, move your hand in an arc over his head. As the dog raises his head to follow the treat, his bottom will go on the floor. The instant he sits, praise him and give him the treat. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions. As your dog always gets a treat for sitting, you'll soon find he sits for longer. You can now add the cue word 'sit' as he goes to sit. Be careful not to say it before your dog moves into position or they may associate it with the wrong movement. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions. Give an 'okay' cue to let your dog know when their training has ended."
How can I socialize my dog?,"Socializing your dog through puppyhood and adolescence is one of the best ways to ensure that they become a friendly and confident adult. Keep introducing your dog to other dogs. There are lots of ways to do this: dog parks, play groups, play dates with friends’ dogs, and simple leash walks can all help accomplish this. Without this experience, dogs can lose their ability to know how to behave appropriately around other dogs. Vary your walks. Try to avoid taking the same walking route every day. Let your dog experience a variety of environments, from sidewalks to dirt roads. This will provide your growing dog with much-needed mental stimulation. Keep introducing your dog to new people: Dogs only remain social when continually exposed to unfamiliar people. Continued pleasant exposure to new people keeps the idea that strangers are good news in the forefront of your dog’s mind. Keep introducing your dog to new people. Dogs only remain social when continually exposed to unfamiliar people. Continued pleasant exposure to new people keeps the idea that strangers are good news in the forefront of your dog’s mind."
What does the ear position of my dog signify?,"There are a variety of behaviors when a dog has their ears pinned back. Here are some examples: Ears Back and Relaxed- If the ears are pinned back but relaxed, this is generally a sign that the dog is happy. This ear position is usually seen when the dog is getting head pats or giving kisses. If the ears are relaxed, there’s no need to worry about your dog’s mood. Ears Back and Tensed- When dogs pin their ears back or flatten them against their head, this could signify that the dog feels submissive, anxious, or afraid. The flattened position is a defensive position for dogs, and the tighter they hold their ears back against their head, the more fearful they are. Pointed and flattened- Your dog is highly aroused. Dog is either about to move forward aggressively or chase something.”