Topic: Defintion of a dog Description: a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, nonretractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice. Topic: Why a Dog Tilts Their Head to One Side Description: A dog tilts their head if they’re uncertain about something they’re really interested in. They can also show this behavior when waiting for more information, especially from a trainer. In addition, they can tilt their head to listen to a sound and accurately determine its source. Topic: Why a Dog Shakes Their Head Description: A dog shakes their head if they’re relieved from tension. They also behave this way after being aggressive or alert. In addition, you can see this body language from a dog that was eagerly waiting for something. Topic: Why a Dog Yawns Description: A dog yawns if they’re under stress or facing a threat to help ease pressure and tension. A dog can also show this behavior if they are confused, tired, or threatened. In addition, a dog can behave this way when meeting other canines. Topic: Why a Dog Closes Their Mouth or Opens It Slightly Description: If their mouth is closed or slightly opened and held in the normal position, you should know that they are relaxed and happy. However, if the mouth is closed and pulled back, they are stressed, frightened, submissive, or in pain. Other dogs can have their mouths pulled back and still be content. So, you may have to carefully monitor your four-legged friend to determine the exact cause of the behavior. Topic: Why a Dog Licks Their Lips Description: A dog licks their lips if they’re stressed or uncertain. Sometimes, this body language can mean that your canine buddy is sexually active. In addition, if you see them licking the lips of other dogs, you should know that they aren’t ready to make friends with them. This behavior is common with puppies. Topic: Why a Dog Shows Teeth and Bites Description: If your canine friend retracts their lips to show teeth, they are aggressive or showing dominance. You should be very careful when your dog shows teeth, as they can end up biting you. If this behavior is accompanied by snarling and muzzle wrinkling, you should understand that your canine friend is very angry. It is advisable not to come close to any dog showing this behavior. Topic: Why a Dog Pants Description: Your four-legged pal will pant if they’re overheating or have a heatstroke. Dogs do this just to cool down. This is how they regulate their body temperature. Some dogs may adopt this behavior to relieve pain or stress. Topic: Why a Dog Barks and Yelps Description: If your dog barks loudly and rapidly, they may be acting out of aggression or have sensed danger. A short and soft bark means that your dog is friendly or wants to play. If they produce a sudden, sharp yelp, you should know that your canine friend is in pain. Topic: Why a Dog Growls Description: If your companion animal produces a low or medium growl with or without a bark, they are protective, territorial, or threatened and can become aggressive and end up attacking people or other animals. In addition, your dog may produce a soft growl if they’re alert, anxious, contented, or in a playful mood. Topic: Why a Dog Howls Description: Your dog produces a long howl if they are feeling lonely. Most dogs do this to announce their presence to other canines or even people. If they produce a short howl, you should know that they’re satisfied or excited. A dog also howls to mimic other sounds. Topic: Why a Dog Whines and Whimpers Description: If a dog produces a low, short whine or whimper, they are excited, anxious, or submissive. A prolonged whine or whimper shows that they are uncomfortable or in pain. According to my own observations, most dogs use this body language to ask for attention. Topic: Why a Dog Opens Their Eyes and Stares Description: If your dog has their eyes wide open, you should know that they are alert. If they give an intense stare accompanied by narrowing eyes, they’re trying to be dominant or threatening. If they show the whites of the eyes, they’re threatened and want to attack. If they look away after a short stare, it shows that they are polite or submissive. Your dog can also stare at you if you are carrying some treats or food. Any kind of eye blinking in your canine playmate shows love or playfulness. Topic: Why a Dog Pricks Their Ears Description: Your dog will hold their ears forward or up if they’re curious, aggressive, or want to play or chase. If they hold their ears flat and close to the head, they’re scared or insecure. In addition, if they hold their ears apart but not flat, they’re likely to be sad or unsure. Topic: Why a Dog Flicks Their Ears Description: If your dog is flicking their ears, you should know that they’re simply listening. Most animals usually flick their ears when there is an unfamiliar sound. So, if you see your four-legged pal flicking their ears forward and backward, you should know that they’re just trying to catch the sound clearly. Topic: Why a Dog Wrinkles Their Muzzle Description: If your canine friend is wrinkling their muzzle, they’re angry or aggressive. If they show teeth and snarl while wrinkling the muzzle, they’re sending a warning and can attack anytime. You should stop the thing causing this behavior and move away to avoid being attacked. Topic: Why a Dog Sniffs the Air Description: If your dog is sniffing the air, they have likely sensed danger or are tracking a threat or prey. A dog sniffing the air doesn’t bark, growl, or howl to avoid alerting their target. A dog can also sniff other dogs or even people to see if they can become friends. Topic: Why a Dog Exposes Their Belly Description: If your dog lies down and exposes their belly, they’re trying to show respect, or they are being playful. If you find this behavior interesting, you can encourage it by rubbing their belly. Your canine buddy can also expose their belly when they’re being attacked by other animals. Topic: Why a Dog Raises Their Hackles Description: Your companion animal raises their hackles if they’re threatened, insecure, angry, or afraid. A dog with raised hackles is usually alert and aggressive and can attack at any time. When your animal is meeting other dogs, they can raise their hackles and stand tall to defend themselves in case of an attack from the fellow canines. Topic: Why a Dog Raises Their Paws Description: If your canine friend raises their paws, they’re asking for something or want to play. This behavior is common with younger dogs. A puppy can raise their paws and touch their mother when they want to suck milk. If a dog raises their paws to touch you, you should know that they love you. Topic: Why a Dog Digs Description: A dog digs to bury or uncover their valuables. It is normal for them to dig, so you should not be worried if you see your dog behaving this way. Your four-legged friend can also dig holes to catch small animals in their hiding places. Others dig to create suitable resting places for their young ones. Topic: Why a Dog Crouches Description: If a dog crouches, they are frightened, nervous, insecure, or preparing to catch another animal. Your canine friend can also crouch to show submission. In addition, they can crouch if they want to play. Topic: Why a Dog Mounts or Humps Description: If a dog mounts you in a polite manner, they are seeking attention or asking for treats. If they hump objects in the presence of other dogs, they are likely to be under stress. In addition, they can mount other dogs as a way of showing dominance. Topic: Why a Dog Bows Description: A dog bows by lowering their chest and head to the ground while keeping the rear body up. If your companion animal bows, they want to play. Some dogs swing their hips and wag their tails to emphasize the need to play. This body language is popularly known as the play bow. Topic: Why a Dog Stretches Description: Your canine playmate stretches to show love or playfulness. If you come home after being away for some time and see them stretching, you should know that they’re happy. These animals usually stretch with the front or rear body close to the ground. Topic: Why a Dog Freezes and Leans Forward Description: A dog freezes and leans forward if they are feeling threatened, dominant, or challenged. This is common when they’re interrupted while eating. The behavior can be accompanied by snarling and wagging of the tail. You should leave a dog alone when they are showing this behavior to avoid being attacked. Topic: Why a Dog Walks in Circles Before Lying Down Description: If you see your dog walking in circles before lying down, you should understand that they are looking for the most comfortable place to rest. Your canine buddy could also be having some discomfort which is forcing them to find the best way to lie down without hurting their body. Topic: Why a Dog Paces Description: A dog is nervous, excited, or bored if they’re pacing frequently. If you see your canine playmate running in a circle around you, you should know that they are playful and want you to join in the play. It is important to note that these animals usually run after other animals regardless of whether they are bored or excited. Topic: Why a Dog Licks Their Genitals Description: Animals usually lick their genitals to clean them. If you see your four-legged friend licking them excessively, you should know that they are bored or have a urinary tract infection. Most urinary tract infections are itchy and can cause genital discharge which can trigger the genital licking behavior. Topic: Why a Dog Wags Their Tail Description: Usually, a dog wags their tail to show friendliness or happiness. If they wag rapidly while holding it down, they’re showing submissiveness. If they slowly wag the tail while keeping it in the natural position, you should know that they are alert or want to play. Your canine friend is confused, sad, or unwell if they slowly wag their tail while holding it down. If they slowly wag it while holding it high, they’re excited or confident. Topic: Why a Dog Holds Their Tail Straight Description: If your dog holds their tail straight up, they’re confident, aroused, or excited. Some dogs show this behavior when they meet other canines or other animals. If the upright tail is slightly shaking, you should know that they’re facing a challenge. A dog is content, happy, or relaxed if their tail is level with the body. Moreover, if your canine buddy is holding their tail low with no movement, they’re showing alertness or insecurity. Topic: Why a Dog Tucks Their Tail Between Their Legs Description: Your canine friend is afraid, nervous, worried, or under stress, if they hold their tail between the legs. If they hold the tail tightly against the belly, you should know that they’re extremely scared or submissive. According to my own findings, dogs show this behavior when meeting other dominant animals. They also show this body language when punishing them. Topic: Attention-Seeking Behaviors in Dogs Description: Attention-seeking behavior is any action a dog performs to get a human to notice them. It can include barking, whining, jumping on you, pawing you, or mouthing you with their jaws. Anything that serves to capture your attention has the potential to become an attention-seeking nuisance behavior. Topic: What Causes Attention-Seeking Behavior in Dogs Description: How do these natural behaviors go from an attempt at communication to a problem? Dr. Denenberg says it’s trial-and-error learning. First, dogs try several behaviors on their owners, wondering which will work. Then, with time, they learn which are most effective and continue using those. For example, if your dog barks while you’re talking on the phone, chances are you’ll turn to them, even if it’s just to say, “Shush!” You might throw a ball or cuddle them to keep them quiet. It doesn’t take many repetitions for your dog to figure out that barking while you hold that device to your ear is a surefire way to get your focus. And boom, an attention-seeking behavior has been born. Soon, your dog will bark incessantly every time you make a call. Topic: How Do You Prevent Attention-Seeking Behavior in Dogs Description: Dr. Denenberg warns you can’t wholly prevent attention-seeking behaviors, which are a natural part of your dog’s behavioral instinct. You can’t stop a dog from barking or pawing completely, for example. But you can limit when your dog chooses to express these behaviors and teach them when it is and isn’t appropriate to do these actions. He advises owners can help prevent attention-seeking by meeting all their dogs’ needs, including providing them with enough attention. And that should start from the first day you bring your puppy home. “Ideally, you start by ignoring attention-seeking early on during puppyhood and for short periods,” he says. “Later, you can increase the time you ignore the dog to develop more impulse control.” Topic: What to Avoid When Dealing With a Dog’s Attention-Seeking Behavior Description: Although it might be tempting to discipline your dog for what feels like acting out, there is nothing to be gained from taking that approach. According to Dr. Denenberg, avoiding punishment is a must. “First, it is a form of attention, and even if it is aversive, it is better than complete indifference,” he says. “Second, it adds negativity to the relationship. Third, even if the dog stops looking for attention, it stops due to aversive consequences, not because it has something better to do.” Topic: How Do You Stop Your Dog’s Attention-Seeking Behavior in dogs Description: There are many positive and effective steps you can take to deal with your dog’s attention-seeking, but the issue will take time to resolve. In fact, when you first start changing your response, your dog’s behavior will get worse before it gets better. After all, whining at you worked so well in the past, so surely your dog just needs to try whining louder and longer. Stay strong, be consistent, and maintain your patience. Here are some techniques to help you handle your dog’s attention-seeking behavior. Reward Alternative Behavior. One of the ways to manage attention-seeking is to provide your dog with alternative behaviors. Your dog wouldn’t be asking for your attention if they didn’t want or need something in the first place. So, teach them a more effective way to get what they want. Then, reward that alternative. For example, if they want you to greet them when you get home, teach them to sit to say hello instead of jumping up. If they want you to play with them, teach your dog to fetch a toy rather than mouthing your hands. Ignore Bad Behavior. While you’re teaching your dog alternative ways to communicate their needs, you should not reinforce the problem behavior. That means ignoring all your dog’s attempts to capture your attention. But you have to be fair. Dr. Denenberg advises owners must first ensure they are meeting their dog’s needs and the dog is not sick or in pain. “Only then can they ignore the attention-seeking but start with short periods. Owners often try doing all or nothing, which is too much for the dog. So, the dog shows exaggerated attention-seeking, including mouthing, jumping, and sometimes outright aggression. Start with ignoring for short periods, say thirty seconds, and later increase the time.” Manage Your Dog’s Behavior. Because it can be tricky to ignore problem behaviors, and teaching alternative behaviors takes time, manage your dog to minimize their opportunities to practice attention-seeking. That might mean giving them a food-stuffed chew toy before you make your telephone call or making your call from another room. If you avoid your dog’s attention-seeking triggers, you will set them up for success. Provide Enrichment. If your dog’s needs are met, they will have far less reason to seek your attention. Establish a routine so they know when to expect playtime, walks, meals, and so on. And make sure you remove frustrations and provide enrichment. For example, give your dog a job to do, like searching for their dinner kibble in the folds of a snuffle mat. Topic: How to train a dog Description: It’s important to take into account your dog’s behavior and motivations when choosing a training method! 3 common and effective training methods are: Positive reinforcement: The dog will repeat good behavior when he will be rewarded for the accomplishment. On the other hand, bad behavior does not get any recognition. If any correction is needed it will come as the form of removal of rewards; anything being taken back away from the dog. In this way, the dog comes to learn what should do and what not. Clicker training: This is considered as one of the most highly effective and popular methods of dog training. This training method uses a hand device to create a sound that is used to signify the point at which the dog completes a polite/desirable behavior. Model-rival training: This method suggests that dogs learn by observation, providing a model of ideal behavior or rival to compete for resources, dogs come to learn imitate behaviors. Topic: What should I avoid when training my dog Description: When training your dog, the following mistakes could lead to unsuccessful instruction and frustration for you and your canine. Cue nagging: Repeating a command many times when your dog isn’t responding to it leads to the dog not associating the command with the action, but rather a word it doesn’t have to respond to. Poisoning of cues: This occurs when a dog equates a command with a negative result. For example, you’ve finally taught your dog ‘come’, but now, you use it to summon them for a bath— something they hate. They will think that the two are linked and not want to come when you’re summoning them for something else, so it’s best to avoid negative situations when training. Failing to practice in-between classes: Failing to practice in-between training classes is also a big mistake owners make. Practice makes perfect — we all know this — and it definitely applies to dog training. If you attend a class once a week, that’s not enough time to create a well-behaved dog. Make sure you practice every day, but for brief stretches. Dogs have the mentality of a human toddler, and just like toddlers, their attention spans can be short. For most pups, you’ll have better success with 5-to-10-minute sessions. Make sure you have the right training supplies and training treats at home. Useless repetition: Another no-no in dog training: Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result. If you keep trying the same method of training, but your dog isn’t picking up on the cue — STOP! Evaluate your pet’s responses, and come up with a new plan. Working when you’re frustrated: Finally, don’t train when you’re in a bad mood. Our patience tends to wear thin when we’re grumpy, and we’re more likely to get mad at our dog for not getting things perfect on the first try. If you had a bad day at work, play fetch with your dog or spend some time snuggling. That’s therapeutic for both of you! Topic: How many walks a dog needs a day Description: It’s recommended to walk your dog up to three times a day to ensure their physical and mental wellbeing. Depending on your dog’s age and breed, they may need more or less exercise- consult with a veterinarian if you’re unsure. Topic: How can clicker training help a dog Description: A clicker can communicate to your dog positive reinforcement and show them they did what you wanted them to do. It helps them realize that a treat is on the way. Topic: How to teach a dog to sit Question: The most popular way to teach sit is with reward training using a handful of delicious treats. To guarantee success, train when your dog is relaxed in an environment without distractions. Here are six easy steps: 1. With your dog in a standing position, hold a tasty treat near their nose. 2. Keeping the treat near your dog's nose, move your hand in an arc over his head. As the dog raises his head to follow the treat, his bottom will go on the floor. The instant he sits, praise him and give him the treat. 3. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions. 4. As your dog always gets a treat for sitting, you'll soon find he sits for longer. You can now add the cue word 'sit' as he goes to sit. Be careful not to say it before your dog moves into position or they may associate it with the wrong movement. 5. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions. 6. Give an 'okay' cue to let your dog know when their training has ended. Topic: What it means when a dog wags its tail Description: The wag of a tail is instinctive in dogs; it’s used as part of their varied communication with one another and with humans Topic: What are signs of aggression in dogs? Description: Knowing about dog body language is the first step to helping your dog. Dogs rarely bite without warning, but some of the warning signs are very subtle so can be easily missed. Here are some warning signs: Yawning, Trembling, Lowering their body, Having a tense body, Turning their head away, Tail tucked under, Growling, Staring intently Topic: How to teach a dog to stay Description: To train a successful stay behavior , you need to start small and build slowly. Your first step is to teach your dog what their release word means. Here are 5 steps to get you started: Topic: Why Dogs Put Their Tails Between Their Legs Description: A dog's tail helps maintain balance by shifting its weight to the opposite of the dog's tilt. However, besides maintaining the dog's balance, your canine's tail plays a crucial role in communication based on its position. Dogs put their tails between their legs as a communication cue when scared, fearful, or responding to unwanted mating. It might also be a sign of submission in the presence of another dog or human. Overall, dogs use their tails to express their feelings and emotions. 1. The Dog Is Scared or Fearful 2. The Dog Is Responding to Unwanted Mating 3. The Dog Is Submissive 4. Tail Injury Topic: What does my dog's ear position signify? Description: There are a variety of behaviors when dogs' ears are pinned back. Here are some examples: 1. Ears Back and Relaxed. If the ears are pinned back but relaxed, this is generally a sign that the dog is happy. This ear position is usually seen when the dog is getting head pats or giving kisses. If the ears are relaxed, there’s no need to worry about your dog’s mood. 2. Ears Back and Tensed. When dogs pin their ears back or flatten them against their head, this could signify that the dog feels submissive, anxious, or afraid. The flattened position is a defensive position for dogs, and the tighter they hold their ears back against their head, the more fearful they are. 3. Pointed and flattened. Your dog is highly aroused. Dog is either about to move forward aggressively or chase something. Topic: Why does my dog howl? Description: Howling is one of many forms of vocal communication used by dogs. 1. Dogs howl to attract attention, to make contact with others and to announce their presence. 2. Some dogs also howl in response to high-pitched sounds, such as emergency vehicle sirens or musical instruments. If your dog howls to get your attention or ‘ask’ you for things he wants, like food or toys, you need to teach him two things to be successful in curbing his behavior. First of all, he needs to learn that howling doesn’t work (even if it did in the past). He also needs to learn that being quiet will work. If your dog realizes that howling always makes him invisible to you and being quiet earns him your attention as well as all the great stuff he wants in life, he’ll quickly learn to curb his vocal behavior. Topic: What does it mean when my dog tucks their tail in between their legs? Description: Most common signs: 1. Most dogs put their tails between their legs when anxious and filled with fearful emotions. It is a sign of fear and insecurity as they try to protect themselves. While fear is normal for dogs, profound fear and anxiety should always be taken seriously and addressed if it persists. A scared dog will put its tail between its legs as an “apology bow.” In this case, the dog will be trying to make peace with you or a dominant dog after knowing that what it has done is wrong. 2. Dogs often put their tails between their legs when in the presence of another dog or human they consider dominant. This behavior is a sign of submission, showing that the dog is not challenging anyone for dominance. 3. A tail injury is painful for the dog, so your canine will try positioning it in a way that communicates the pain. An efficient method for most dogs experiencing this pain is to put their tails between their legs. It's advisable to consult a veterinarian if you think your dog's tail is injured. The vet will diagnose the injury correctly and provide the necessary treatment. Topic: Why does my dog tilt its head? Description: Your dog tilting its head indicates your dog is trying to process what you’re saying. Many animals tilt their head as they encounter the sights, sounds and smells of the world. The behavior seems to be more about processing information than about collecting it in the first place. Topic: Why does my dog whine? Description: Reasons why your dog is whining is because 1. Your Dog Needs or wants something. The most obvious reason your dog may be whining is that they need or want something from you like food, water, or a walk. Maybe their favorite toy is stuck underneath the couch, and they need help getting it out. The whining could stop once you identify the problem and fix it. 2. Whining for Attention. Sometimes dogs whine just because no one is paying attention to them. This is similar to how little kids whine when they’re bored with the grown-up talk at the dinner table. Your dog wants someone to play with or something to occupy them. 3. Your Dog is Scared or Stressed. Whining can be your dog’s way of saying that they are scared or anxious. If your dog is also pacing, trembling, or panting while whining, they are likely fearful or anxious about something. If your dog is whining anxiously right before you leave the house, this could indicate separation anxiety. Dogs with separation anxiety often engage in destructive behaviors while you are gone. There are many calming treats and calming tools for dogs available. 3. Pain. Whining could be an indication that your dog is in some kind of physical distress. If they whine every time they try to go up the stairs or jump on the couch, your dog may have joint pain because of arthritis. If there is no obvious reason why your dog is whining (all their needs are met and there is nothing to make them anxious). You should take your dog to the vet to get them checked out. Topic: Why do dogs shake? Description: Common behaviors when it comes to a dog shaking are: Stress and Anxiety: If your dog gives a whole-body shake for no obvious reason, like a bath or a good roll in the dirt, it could be stress related. Shaking is a classic symptom in dogs. When your dog shakes after hopping on an examination table at the veterinarian's office or following an encounter with a stranger, he is trying to relieve tension. 1. To Dry Off. Wet dogs can shake off 70 percent of water on their fur in just four seconds. That is far more effective than attempts to towel dry your dog. 2. Pain. Shivering and trembling are also used with shaking to describe upset dogs. Certain toy and small terrier breeds shover more than others(Pomeranian, Pug, Shih Tzu). This kind of shivering can be a sign of pain. When your dog is nauseous, she may also shake. If your dog has started to shake, and you don’t know why, contact your veterinarian to make sure there isn’t a more serious issue. Topic: Why do dogs lick you? Description: Licking is a natural and instinctive behavior to dogs. For them it's a way of grooming, bonding, and expressing themselves. Your dog may lick you to say they love you, to get your attention, to help soothe themselves if they're stressed, to show empathy or because you taste good to them! Topic: How to walk a reactive dog? Description: Whether this reactivity may be triggered by other dogs, people, cars, or anything else, here are six tips to keep in mind when walking a reactive dog. 1. Set off a calm frame of mind. Beginning your walk in a calm and positive frame of mind can really make a difference. If your dog is over-excited or showing signs of anxiety, work with your dog to deal with issues before you begin your walk. 2. Keep Walks Fun and Interesting. Since your dog’s reactivity will likely limit you when it comes to your choice of walks, you need to make sure that your walks are still fun, exciting and relatively unpredictable for your dog. Try simply switching up your pace on your walk, sometimes going slower and sometimes going faster. Changing directions at random times will also keep your dog guessing. 3. Turn Triggers into Positive Experiences. Turning a trigger into a positive experience takes time and effort. The key is to take things very slowly, beginning with a large distance between your dog and the trigger. Practice teaching your dog to focus on you, rather than on the trigger ahead. You could teach your dog to target your hand or another object, as this can be a very effective method for diverting their attention. Topic: Why does my dog hide things? Description: As pack animals, dogs have a natural drive to bury important possessions like bones and food. Burying things also provides stimulation, so dogs might hide toys and food when bored or stressed. To keep your belongings safe, you can offer a special digging area and train them to only bury toys. Topic: Why do dogs roll in the grass? Description: Dogs have a strong sense of smell and use it to interact with the world. They can use scent to pick up trails of prey or communicate with other dogs. So if your dog is rolling in the grass, it may be about picking up a smell, covering a smell, or leaving their scent behind. Topic: Why a dog stares at you Description: Dogs have many reasons for turning their gaze on us. But most of the time they are either communicating with us or waiting for us to communicate with them. With a little knowledge and observation, you can learn to tell the difference. 1. Dogs are reading us . More than almost any other animal on earth, dogs are in tune with humans. They sense our moods, follow our pointing gestures, and read us for information about what’s going to happen next. That means they stare at us a lot to gain knowledge about their environment. Essentially, they are waiting for us to do something that will impact them. For example, dogs quickly learn that their owners pick up the leash before taking them on a walk. Therefore, they will watch for that signal that a trip outside is on its way. The same is true for mealtimes, play sessions, car rides, and so much more. 2. Dogs are trying to tell us something. Staring also occurs when your dog is trying to get your attention or tell you something. For example, if your dog is hungry and you’re eating, staring can indicate a desire for you to share your food. Dogs are telling us how they feel. Your dog also uses eye contact to express emotions, both positive and negative. In their wolf ancestors, staring is considered threatening and rude. Some dogs still retain that attitude. That’s why you should never stare down strange dogs or hold dogs still to stare into their eyes. If a dog gives you a hard stare, with unblinking eyes and a stiff posture, back away and don’t make eye contact. Topic:What Causes Dog Aggression? Description: Fear is the number one cause of aggressive behavior in dogs. For example, a dog that is afraid of strangers may consider a delivery person at the door a threat and, therefore, attack. But dogs can exhibit aggressive behavior for a variety of other reasons, including Pain. the dog defends against touch or movement that might intensify that pain. Resource guarding: the dog protects items they consider valuable, like bones or the food bowl. Guarding territory. The dog defends what they see as their domain, like the backyard. Protection. The dog guards a human against a perceived threat, or a mother dog defends her puppies. The key element linking all these situations is the dog feels unsafe or threatened and wants something or someone to go away. Recent research in the journal Scientific Reports supports the idea that fear is a critical element in dog aggression. After collecting owner questionnaires for over 9,000 purebred dogs, the authors found that dogs exhibiting aggressive behavior were more often male, small in size, the owner’s first dog, the only dog in the family, and fearful. In fact, highly fearful dogs were more than five times likelier to exhibit aggressive behavior than non-fearful dogs. The study also found that the probability of aggressive behavior increased with age and differed between breeds. Rough Collies, Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles, and Miniature Schnauzers had the highest odds of aggressive behavior whereas Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Lapponian Herders had the lowest odds. Interestingly, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, a breed often stereotyped or targeted by breed-specific legislation, had low odds of aggressive behavior in the study. Different breeds tending to have different temperaments may partly explain breed differences in aggressive behavior. That’s due to generations of selective breeding for particular qualities, some of which include aggression used for a purpose. Think about livestock guarding dogs, protection dogs, police dogs, and military dogs—we’ve selected for breeds used for these purposes to display aggression in certain circumstances. Therefore, Shikashio takes a dog’s breed into consideration, as it may mean a higher likelihood of aggression. However, he believes each dog is unique. More importantly, he also looks at the individual dog’s underlying motivations and emotions, such as fear, rage, anger, frustration, stress, anxiety, and arousal. He says these can act as fuel in a gas can, and the more fuel in the can, the more likely a trigger will act as a match, igniting an explosion. For example, in a dog that guards their food bowl, the gas can could be fueled by the dog’s hunger, a juicy steak in the bowl rather than kibble, strangers in the home, and a painful flare-up of arthritis. The match, or trigger, could be a person reaching for the bowl while the dog is still eating. With all of those circumstances fueling the situation, the dog is more likely to react aggressively once triggered. Therefore, it’s important to look at what’s motivating the dog. The outward signs of aggression are all symptoms of the underlying issue. It’s the causes, like pain and fear, that need to be addressed first. Topic: Why dogs get the zoomies Description: Zoomies refer to those explosions of energy that dogs have on occasion. Zoomies often feature repetitive behavior such as running in circles or spinning around. A frequent cause of zoomies is an excess buildup of energy that dogs hold on to, which is then released in one big burst. Given that zoomies are a way for dogs to get their energy out, they often happen first thing in the morning after dogs have rested all night. They can also happen later in the day for dogs that have been confined in a crate or haven’t been walked. Stressful situations like being restrained, a bath or grooming session, or a trip to the vet can also lead to the zoomies. Topic: Why do dogs like belly rubs? Description: Here are 4 reasons why dogs like Belly Rubs 1. It feels good. Dogs love belly rubs because it feels good. Giving your dog a belly rub feels enjoyable and calming. 2. Comfort. Most dogs love their owners, and better yet, they love getting attention from you. If your dog sees that you enjoy rubbing your belly and that it is one of the best ways to get your attention, then your dog will repeat this behavior several times throughout the day to feel your comfort. Interacting with your dog in a positive way that feels good will also provide them with comfort which is a good response for both you and your dog. 3. Making social connections. Dogs love to get an interaction out of you. Dogs are social creatures that thrive on attention, love, and care. Dogs can see how much you may like rubbing their belly and ogling over how cute they look in that position. This sparks a social response in dogs, and they feel that lying on their backs will get a response out of you to rub and cuddle them. This has a positive impact on dogs and allows them to get the interaction and attention they want from their owner while allowing the two of you to bond and form a deeper social connection. Topic: Why do dogs bark in their sleep? Description: Dogs’ barking is the equivalent of a human speaking, hence it is their way of communication. Depending on the dream, the vocalization may be a sign for a joyful or a sad dream, and it is the way in which the dog expresses its feeling in regard to places, objects, or experiences during the day. Dogs’ dreams may be related to memory processing, dealing with different types of emotions, or recalling emotionally intense moments. Topic: Model-Rival Or Mirror Dog Training method Description: This method suggests that dogs learn by observation, providing a model of ideal behaviour or rival to compete for resources, dogs come to learn imitate behaviours. So you or the trainer can be the model and appreciating them for completing tasks on command as well as punishing them for misbehaving. The targeted model can also act as an opponent, competing to do the right task for a reward, fascinating the dog to pick up on the task and accomplish it quickly. Mirror training also has the same principle, the owner of the dog is the model offering rewards for any accomplished tasks or good behaviour. This method can be very effective if you think that you have a strong bond with your dog. Topic: Tail-Wagging Description: All a wagging tail means is that the dog is emotionally aroused. It could be excitement, but it could be frustration or worse. To interpret the dog’s emotions and intentions, look at the speed and direction of the wag, as well as the position of the tail. Basically, the faster the wag, the more aroused the dog. Think about those long, slow, side-to-side tail sweeps your dog makes when greeting you — the type that wags the dog’s whole body. That’s a relaxed dog. A faster, twitch-like wag indicates a higher level of arousal, possibly in a negative way. Think of a guard dog on alert. The direction of the wag may hold clues as well. A study on tail-wagging showed that dogs tend to wag their tails more to the right when feeling positive about something, like interacting with their owner. Tails wagged more to the left when dogs faced something negative. Then, there’s the helicopter tail wag (where the dog’s tail spins in a circle). Without question, that’s a happy wag. You’ll usually see it when a dog is greeting a beloved person. Finally, the position of the dog’s tail relative to the ground holds important clues about their emotional state. Essentially, the higher the tail, the more assertive the dog. Dogs with their tails pointing down to the ground or even tucked between their legs are feeling fear and stress. Dogs with their tails held up like a flag are feeling confident, perhaps even aggressive. Relaxed dogs hold their tails in a neutral position, but neutral depends on the breed. Some breeds, such as the Chow Chow, have tails that naturally curl over their backs, whereas some other breeds, like the Italian Greyhound, have a very low neutral tail position. If you get to know your dog’s neutral tail position, you will more quickly recognize when their emotions have shifted. Topic: Raised Hairs Description: When a dog’s hackles are raised, it means the hair along their back is standing up. Technically called piloerection, the fur can fluff up across the shoulders or down the back and all the way to the tail. This is a definite sign that the dog is aroused, but not necessarily in a negative way. The dog might be upset or stressed but could also be excited or intensely interested in something. It’s often an involuntary reaction, like goosebumps in people. Topic: Dog Posture Description: A dog’s weight distribution can tell a lot about mood and intention. Consider a cowering dog that is hunched toward the ground. That’s a sign of fear or stress. The dog may be trying to get away from something and the posture makes the dog appear smaller. In other words, it says, ‘I mean no harm.’ The extreme of this posture is a dog that rolls onto their back, exposing their belly. This may look like a dog soliciting a belly rub, and in a relaxed dog, it often is. But it can actually be a sign of considerable stress and anxiety. The dog may even urinate a little in appeasement. The opposite posture is a dog with their weight shifted forward. This dog is trying to get closer to something. This might simply indicate the dog’s interest. But it could also indicate offensive intentions, particularly paired with other aggressive body language cues like a twitching tail held high. In this case, the dog is trying to appear larger. An easy-to-read aspect of dog body language is the play bow. This is when dogs place their chest on the ground with their rump in the air. As the name implies, it’s used to initiate play with other dogs and even with people. A less easily understood signal is the paw raise. In pointing breeds like the English Setter, the paw raise is part of pointing behavior, where the dog indicates nearby prey. But outside of this context, a raised paw often indicates a dog is uncertain about a situation or perhaps feels a bit insecure. Topic: Dog Facial Expressions Description: Dogs have similar facial features as people, but they don’t use them in the same way. Consider yawning. People yawn when they’re tired or bored, but dogs yawn when they’re stressed. According to Turid Rugaas, author of On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals, dogs use yawning to calm themselves in tense situations and to calm others, including their owners. She suggests yawning at your dog to provide comfort at stressful moments like a vet visit. But don’t be surprised if your dog yawns back. Just as yawning is contagious in people, dogs can “catch” yawns, too. Lip-licking is another bit of dog body language that people often misinterpret. Just like people, dogs will lick their lips after a delicious meal, but they will also do it when they feel anxious. Sometimes the tongue flick is so quick it’s tricky to notice. Your dog isn’t signaling a desire to lick your face, but rather discomfort with a given situation. The most confusing facial expression is smiling. Yes, some dogs smile, and if you’re not familiar with the expression it can look terrifying. Usually, when dogs bare their teeth, it serves as a warning, as if they’re saying, “Look at my weapons.” It’s hard to mistake the aggressive intention of a snarl, especially when it’s paired with a menacing growl. The corners of the dog’s lips form the shape of a C and the front teeth are fully displayed. Smiling dogs also display their front teeth, but the meaning is the complete opposite. Also known as a submissive grin, this expression is often found on a happy dog with a loose and wiggly posture. The dog’s overall attitude says, ‘Hello, I come in peace.’ Topic: Dog Eyes Description: You can learn a lot about your dog’s internal state by looking at the eyes. First, a dog’s eyes can be soft or hard. Soft eyes have relaxed lids and sometimes look like the dog is squinting. They indicate the dog is calm or happy. The opposite is hard eyes, where the eyes seem to go cold. These indicate a negative state of mind, and you’ll know them when you see them. The dog might be guarding a toy or feeling aggressive. A hard stare, where the dog looks intently at something, especially for a long time, usually signals a threat. Eye contact is an important signal for dogs. Just as the hard stare can be a precursor to aggression, looking away is meant to calm a situation. When dogs feel stressed, they will pointedly look away and avoid eye contact. People often interpret this as their dog ignoring them or being stubborn, but the dog is expressing discomfort. The whites of the eyes are another key indicator. Known as “whale eye,” when a dog shows the whites of the eyes, it’s a signal they are feeling anxious or stressed in a situation. You might see them when you make your dog uncomfortable, like when you pat your dog on the head, or when they’re afraid someone will steal a bone or toy. Topic: Dog Body Language Description: None of these dog body language signals act alone. They are all part of a package. So, when you read a dog’s communication, look at every signal the dog is using from the tail height to the eye shape. Your dog is “talking” to you all the time. If you learn what your dog is saying, you will develop a deeper bond of trust and respect. Plus, your newfound understanding of your dog’s emotional state will help you predict your dog’s behavior and prevent problems before they occur. Topic: Excessive Barking Description: Barking is one way your dog communicates with you. Your dog might bark to let you know that someone is at the front door or it’s time to take a walk together. But when the barking goes on and on or becomes disruptive to your household or neighbors, you may need to take action. Topic: Destructive Chewing Description: Puppies chew to explore the world around them and relieve the pressure of teething. More mature dogs chew to keep their teeth and jaws healthy and strong. Also, dogs of all ages may chew to help relieve boredom, reduce frustration, or lessen feelings of anxiety. Topic: Building Trust and Bonding Description: Training sessions are a platform for building a strong and trusting relationship between you and your dog. Feelings of trust and respect create a deep bond and a sense of security in your dog. When training is practiced with positive emotions, your dog will feel more connected to you and will be more willing to listen and learn! Topic: Consistency and Predictability Description: Consistency is key in dog training, and emotions play a pivotal role in maintaining it. Predictability creates a sense of security and will make you a stable and constant figure in your dog's life. Topic: Reducing Stress and Anxiety Description: Just like you, your dog can feel stressed, frustrated or worried. But when you're patient and calm during training, it helps your dog relax and focus better. Dogs are highly attuned to their human's emotions, so the more relaxed you are, the more relaxed and able to learn your dog will be Topic: Classical Conditioning method Description: Defining classical conditioning can be well described without Pavlov’s dog theory. Ivan Pavlov ran experiments where a bell would be rung each time before meat powder was sprayed into a dog’s mouth. Obviously, the meat powder caused the dog to be slobber. At this point, the bell ringing was a totally unrelated event to the dog salivating. But the point is, by the ringing of the bell before the meat powder was given, the dog learnt that the bell ringing meant that the meat on the way. Classical conditioning occurs daily without any effort from us. You can see that when the dog bowl rattle, your dog start to salivate. When the dog sees you pick up his meal, he gets excited to do anything. These are not a natural behaviour, these are outcomes of classical conditioning. Topic: Traditional Dog Training Description: Traditional dog training is based on the presumption that dogs required to learn to obey commands or signals given by their trainers/owners. The dog has respect for the owner’s authority. It was widely thought that left to themselves dogs form ‘packs’ with a structured hierarchy completing in the ‘alpha’ or ‘top dog’ that controls all the other dogs. The traditional dog training requires the owner to be the alpha or the leader by suppressing any attempts by their dog to become the alpha in the family. In the past, there were many aspects of unwanted dog behaviour that were seen as a sign of the struggle for the pack leader position. It included behaviour like as ignoring the owner’s commands or signals, aggressiveness etc. In that case, owners were encouraged to dominate the dogs by using aggressive body postures and the action that dogs notice intimidating. This method allows a dog to make mistakes, and then punishments are given to reduce the behaviour in the future. Topic: Science-Based Training method Description: In science-based training, in-depth understanding of dogs, their nature, behaviour, classical conditioning, punishers, reinforcers, everything related to it comes into account. Science-based dog training is continually being improved from the outcomes of investigations by animal behaviourists to try to truly understand dogs. Science-based dog training or it can be considered as modern methods as well. It is important to remember that all dogs learn according to the laws of science. The dogs learn by the outcomes of their behaviour, whatever those consequences may be. In this method, all trainers follow the law of science. The difference between the traditional and modern is that the traditional trainers are often unaware of the law of the science that underpins the results they are getting. Topic: Positive Reinforcement method Description: Positive reinforcement is indeed the part of operant conditioning, but it should be described as a sole method when the trainer exclusively uses it. The theory of this method is simply straightforward. The dog will repeat good behaviour when he will be rewarded for the accomplishment. on the other hand, bad behaviour does not get any recognition. If any correction needed it will come as the form of removal of rewards; anything being taken back away from the dog. In this way, the dog comes to learn what should do and what not. Certainly, positive reinforcement requires regularity. So, everyone in your home requires to use the same commands and reward system, so that the dog can use to it. Give them a reward every time after completing any desired task. It is probably the best method that you can use for your dog. Topic: Negative Reinforcement method Description: Here negative means taking something bad away and reinforce means trying to increase a behaviour. Therefore, negative reinforcement is taking something undesirable to develop behaviour. For Example Suppose you are walking in the park, and you want your dog to walk left side, but he is walking at the right side, just pull him correct him to the left. So which one you think better? I think negative one would be more effective, though there are mixed opinions regarding this. Topic: Clicker Training method Description: This is considered as one of the most highly effective and popular methods of dog training. This training method uses a hand device to create a sound that is used to signify the point at which the dog completes a polite/desirable behaviour. It is easy to use for the new dog owners because it is easy to create a sound with a device than your voice. Therefore it creates a better understanding between you and your dog that leads to more productive training. After many repetitions of this act, your dog will come to learn the functions of the clicker device, and you will have the pleasant behaviour form your dog. Topic: Relationship-Based Training Description: This type of method based on training combining several different methods, but it directs to a more personalised approach for dog and owner. It is nothing but the only relationship between the dog and the human that leads to everything. This method seeks to meet the needs of both dog and owner and establish their connection. Actually, it is something like mutual understanding, and it is surely beneficial to both. In this method, the owner must know his dog’s psychology, body language and how to meet their basic needs before each training session starts. For example, a dog must learn to “sit” in a room before trying to make the command in a park with squirrels and kids and other games. The difficulty level increases gradually. Topic: Dog response to schedule change Description: Dogs thrive on routine, so it can be difficult for them when their schedules change. Dogs who are struggling to adjust to routine changes may become stressed or anxious. This stress can manifest in a variety of ways, such as destructive behavior, pacing, or restlessness. Topic: How to change walking schedule Description: If you know that you’ll need to significantly change your dog’s routine, it’s best to slowly introduce those changes to help your dog adapt. For example, if you typically walk your dog in the mornings but have to change to evening walks, slowly shift the time of day you walk your dog. Making this time shift over a series of days or weeks, pushing their walk back by small periods of time, will help your dog be more comfortable with a new schedule. Topic: How to change any schedule Description: When changing your dog’s routine, try to keep other aspects of your dog’s life as consistent as possible. If you’re switching up the time you feed your dog, try your best not to change other aspects of your dog’s life, such as walks or training sessions. By maintaining consistent routines in some areas, your dog will likely struggle less with shifts in timing schedules. Dogs love clarity. When they know what to expect from us, they’ll be more relaxed even as some aspects of the routine are changing. Topic: Helping Dogs Adapt to Routine Changes Description: Dogs thrive on routine, so it can be difficult for them when their schedules change. Dogs who are struggling to adjust to routine changes may become stressed or anxious. This stress can manifest in a variety of ways, such as destructive behavior, pacing, or restlessness. If you know that you’ll need to significantly change your dog’s routine, it’s best to slowly introduce those changes to help your dog adapt. For example, if you typically walk your dog in the mornings but have to change to evening walks, slowly shift the time of day you walk your dog. Making this time shift over a series of days or weeks, pushing their walk back by small periods of time, will help your dog be more comfortable with a new schedule. When changing your dog’s routine, try to keep other aspects of your dog’s life as consistent as possible. If you’re switching up the time you feed your dog, try your best not to change other aspects of your dog’s life, such as walks or training sessions. By maintaining consistent routines in some areas, your dog will likely struggle less with shifts in timing schedules. Dogs love clarity. When they know what to expect from us, they’ll be more relaxed even as some aspects of the routine are changing. There always will be times when we need to change things up for our dogs. If at any point you’re struggling with making your dog’s routine fit into your schedule, it’s a good indicator that it’s time to change or adjust the routine. Similarly, your dog’s daily routines will likely need to shift if you have external commitments or schedule changes. Routine changes also tend to happen seasonally for most dogs and their owners. In the summer, you’ll likely be walking your dog earlier or later in the day to avoid high temperatures and make walks more comfortable and safer for your dog. However, in the winter months, people usually walk their dogs later in the morning or earlier in the evening to walk during daylight. School or work schedule changes are also times when you may need to adjust your dog’s routine so that you can keep up with all your commitments. When making a change to your dog’s routine, it’s important to make sure you’re still meeting your dog’s basic needs. This means ensuring that your dog is getting enough food, water, opportunities to go to the bathroom, and mental and physical exercise. Providing physical and mental enrichment helps our dogs to better adjust to routine changes and be more resilient. Dogs who lead physically and mentally enriched lives are also less likely to display excessive barking and other challenging behaviors resulting from stress or boredom. But remember, just letting your dog out into a backyard isn’t the same as structured exercise time like playing fetch or taking your dog on walks. You can also add more mental enrichment for your dog by providing puzzle toys or playing and training together. Spending time practicing tricks or basic obedience skills each day can help your dog be fulfilled and less stressed by other changes in their routine. If your routine is shifting in such a way that you may not be able to provide your dog with enough exercise and opportunities to get outside to relieve themselves, consider hiring a dog walker. While dogs do well with routines, it can also be helpful to introduce variety into your dog’s daily life. For example, if you feed your dog at the same time every day, they’ll likely develop an association that a particular time means when they should be fed. This association isn’t necessarily a problem, but what happens if you’re running late and can’t feed your dog exactly when they expect? At that point, dogs may become distressed when the routine suddenly changes. Adding schedule variance into your dog’s daily life can help dogs become more adaptable and prevent dogs from becoming too attached to a routine. Assuming your dog has no medical conditions requiring medication or feeding at an exact time, it can be useful from a training and behavior perspective to slightly change when you feed your dog daily. You can also switch up how you feed your dog, alternating between different food bowls or puzzle feeders. By switching up when and how you feed your dog, they’ll be less likely to become attached to a fixed schedule. These slight changes can also help your dog to be less stressed in the event of a more significant change to their routine. Topic: Why dogs like squeaky toys Question: Dogs like squeaky toys because hearing the high-pitched squeak and/or ripping apart a soft plush toy can be immensely satisfying to some dogs. However, dogs are individuals, and even dogs within the same breed will have preferences due to personality differences. Some dogs prefer harder toys that feel good to chew on; others prefer toys like balls or Frisbees because they’re fun to chase and retrieve; and some dogs don’t like toys at all, unless their owner is in on the game. Your dog’s toy preferences can change throughout his/her life. Many puppies prefer rubbery-type chew toys while they’re teething, and senior dogs often like softer toys that are comfortable to hold and tug. During adulthood, your dog may need sturdier toys, such as thick ropes, or harder rubber balls. Topic. Why is my dog pooping in the house? Description: There are many potential reasons why your dog may be pooping in the house. Here are some examples why. 1. Separation Anxiety. If your dog gets stressed when you leave the house, they may have accidents while you’re gone. Separation Anxiety can cause dogs to panic, cry, run, and bark while their owners are away. And some dogs work themselves up so much that they have accidents in the house. Highly stressed dogs may also destroy their owners’ belongings. 2. Left in the house too long. Dogs may have accidents in the house when they have been inside too long and need to poop. While your dog’s poop schedule depends on the type of food and how much of it they’re eating, most dogs need to poop one to two times a day. A dog eating a high-fiber diet may need to pool three times a day. 3. Outdoor stressor or loud noise. Many dogs fear the sound of thunder or fireworks. They can get so stressed out that they may react by pacing, trembling, and destroying things. They may also resist going outside because they associate the outdoors with the scary noise. Topic: What Affects How Often a Dog Should Eat? Description: Veterinarians recommend feeding a dog at least twice per day. Dogs with medical issues or dietary needs may require specialized feeding schedules or restrictions on what they eat. Talk to your veterinarian about your dog’s eating habits to make sure you’re meeting their nutritional needs and healthcare requirements. Breed plays a large role when deciding how often to feed your dog. Common large breed dogs, for instance, will often require more feedings and more calories per day than medium and small breed dogs. Age is also another important consideration. The caloric requirements for a two-month-old Yorkshire Terrier varies greatly compared to a two-year-old Yorkie. Topic: How Much Should Puppies Eat? Description: Since puppies are growing rapidly, they need more food than adult dogs. Puppy nutrition is crucial for developing a foundation for future growth, as well as their bone and organ development. Puppies must have a specific amount of calcium in their diet, otherwise, they can develop metabolic bone disease or orthopedic conditions like early-onset arthritis. Toy-breed puppies, in particular, are prone to hypoglycemia. Puppies need small, frequent feedings. For the first few months of a puppy’s life, they will need small meals of food throughout the day as they transition from their mother’s milk to solid food. Starting around four months, puppies can begin eating about three times a day, and after that, puppies will quickly graduate to twice-a-day feedings. Feeding them three or four times per day makes it easier for puppies to digest and help keep energy levels consistent. However, it’s important to not overfeed them, since overweight puppies are more likely to become overweight adult dogs. Toy-breed puppies will need 4 to 6 meals per day for the first three months of their lives. Medium-breed puppies will require three meals per day, and large-breed puppies typically need 3 to 4 meals per day. Though the breed is an important consideration, metabolism and energy levels can vary by up to 30 percent. Therefore, you’ll need to proportion meals accordingly. Even though puppies grow quickly, it’s important to keep caloric intake and food amount consistent from four to twelve months of age. Puppies use fewer calories for growth as they become older. Topic: How Much Should Adult Dogs Eat? Description: Don’t let your dog trick you into more mealtimes with adorable puppy dog eyes. Most dogs only require two meals a day, but if you catch your dog begging, an occasional healthy treat can help. The trick is to make sure you’re not feeding your dog more than is recommended. Food labels can be misleading or confusing. Generic feeding charts may over-calculate how much to feed a dog, or use outdated information. To determine how much food to feed your dog, you should start by knowing your dog’s estimated adult weight. Most large breed dogs will weigh between 50 to 150 pounds, while small breeds weigh under 20 pounds. Knowing the weight of your dog’s same-sex parent can also be an excellent guide. From there, you can use the estimated weight to determine how many calories dogs need per day. Topic: What Sort of Feeding Schedule Works? Description: Free-feeding, or leaving food available to dogs at all times, is often not recommended by veterinarians. For multi-species or multiple-dog households, free-feeding makes it difficult to account for different diets and to track each dog’s intake. Additionally, free feeding can lead to obesity when dogs overeat. Sticking to a schedule can help your canine companion avoid grazing, feel like part of the family, and can encourage good mealtime behavior. You should plan a feeding schedule by consulting with your veterinarian. Topic: Dog socialization timing Description: Socializing your dog does take a concerted effort and lots of practice, and you will need to take the above factors into consideration. It’s also especially important to consider the age of your dog when working to socialize them. Whether you adopt a puppy or an adult dog, socialization is an important part of the process; however, different approaches are required depending on the dog’s developmental stage. Puppies are very impressionable during the first 4-5 months. During this developmental period, a puppy’s experience has a massive impact on the rest of their life. This brief window is the ideal time for your puppy to have some diverse experiences with new people, different places, and – of course – a variety of canine compatriots! Once your puppy has received all of their vaccines, here are a few fun ideas for socialization: Lace up your walking shoes and take your pal around town for some enriching experiences, including new smells and different environments. Plus, walking your dog is great exercise! Enroll in puppy kindergarten, so your pup can engage in some structured social interactions with pals around the same age and socialize through play. For busy pet parents, doggy daycare is also a great way to socialize your puppy. Don’t be afraid of a little noise and let your pup hear a variety of household sounds, such as the vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, hair dryer, dishwasher, and so on. These sensory experiences can help your pooch get comfortable around foreign sounds, often ones that are loud and unexpected. Embrace the herd mentality and introduce your puppy to lots of different dogs and people. The more people and pooches they can encounter, the more likely they are to become socialized and comfortable with new experiences. When it comes to socializing adult dogs, a different approach may be required, since older dogs have already established their personality and have had a variety of life experiences – both good ones and potentially bad ones. And, chances are, if you adopt an adult dog, you don’t fully know what they’ve experienced or where they came from. Socializing an adult dog can take a little bit longer than a younger pup, but it can be a rewarding experience for you and your dog. Here are a few tips for socializing your adult dog: Enroll in a dog socialization class, where there are other dogs present, but the environment is more controlled and less stressful. Dog socialization classes allow your dog to be in close proximity with other dogs while being around new people. It’s also a good first step before visiting a dog park, where the atmosphere can be frenzied. Observe other dogs at the dog park, but don’t go in the enclosed area. Watching other dogs interact – without having to do any interacting – can be a beneficial experience for your pooch. Having a physical barrier, like a fence, creates a controlled situation, where your dog is never forced to engage with a strange dog. Praise them for positive interactions, like not reacting to new dogs or being afraid of people. The goal is to create a positive feeling around social behaviors. If you’re at the dog park and another dog approaches, reward your pup if they don’t react negatively. Don’t overwhelm your dog with the meet-and-greets or doggie play dates. Introduce one new person each week and be encouraging with each new encounter. The same is true for meeting new dogs. One-on-one encounters help keep stress levels low. And a good walk with a comfortable distance in between the dogs can create a positive situation for socialization efforts. Topic: Handling Socialization Method Description: Young puppies should be cuddled and handled daily by as many different people as possible. Keep the contact gentle and pleasant for the puppy. Hold the puppy in different positions, gently finger her feet, rub her muzzle, stroke her back and sides, look in her ears. Topic: Sounds Socialization Method Description: Acclimate your puppy to lots of different sounds, being careful not to overwhelm him with too much noise too fast. Expose him to kitchen sounds, telephones ringing, children playing, sportscasters yelling on TV, radios playing, buses moving by, and so on. Topic: Food bowl Socialization exercises Description: Teach your puppy to enjoy having people approach her bowl while she’s eating. This will help to prevent resource guarding, which occurs when dogs feel anxious about others approaching their own valued resources. Walk up to your puppy while she's eating her food, drop an even tastier treat into her dish, and walk away. Repeat once or twice during each meal until your puppy is visibly excited about your approach. Then walk up, physically pick up her dish, put in a treat, give the dish back, and walk away. Topic: Teach your puppy to be alone Socialization Description: Puppies should learn to tolerate being completely separate from other people and animals every day to avoid developing separation anxiety. Learn more about preventing separation anxiety in puppies. Topic: Prevent aggression Description: There's no need to show the dog who’s boss or try to dominate him. Confrontational approaches like pinning your dog down or scruffing him frequently backfire and create the aggression dog owners seek to avoid. Focus on rewarding correct behavior and preventing undesirable behavior to teach your puppy human rules and build a trusting relationship. Topic: Introduce your puppy to new people Socialization Description: Introduce your puppy to several new people every day, keeping the interactions pleasant and unthreatening. Focus especially on setting up pleasant encounters with unfamiliar men and well-behaved children. Topic: Prevent biting Socialization Description: Provide appropriate toys to redirect your puppy's biting. When your puppy bites too hard during play, making a sudden noise (“Ow!”) and end the game to help him learn to use his mouth gently. Never squeeze your puppy's mouth shut, yell at him, or hold him down. This will frighten him and likely make biting worse. Note that while puppies under five months tend to explore the world with their mouths, dogs past this age are considered adolescents and should no longer be play biting. Though a dog’s sensitive period of socialization typically ends around 4-5 months old, we recommend continuing to socialize your dog for at least the first year of their life. Topic: Don't punish fear Socialization Description: Most displays of aggression are the result of fear. Many owners are caught off guard when their normally easygoing pup reacts fearfully to a new dog or person. However, this change often coincides with the end of the sensitive period of socialization. Starting around 5 months old, your dog may start to interpret anything unfamiliar as a threat and will typically either flee or confront what frightens him. Punishing this reaction will only confirm his fear, so instead remove your dog from the situation and ask for a different behavior (like “sit”). Topic: Vary your walks Socialization Description: Try to avoid taking the same walking route every day. Let your dog experience a variety of environments, from sidewalks to dirt roads. This will provide your growing dog with much-needed mental stimulation. Topic: Setting up playtime for your adult dog Description: If your heart is set on social time with other dogs, start by introducing your dog to one dog at a time. Invite a friend to bring her gentle, easygoing dog on a walk with you and your dog. Allow a polite distance between dogs while they get accustomed to each other. If both dogs appear relaxed throughout the walk, allow them to sniff each other briefly. Keep leashes loose and each interaction short. If either dog appears to be tensing up, call the dogs apart with pleasant, relaxed voices. If both dogs’ bodies appear loose and tails are wagging, consider an off-leash session in one of your fenced yards with leashes dragging, using the same short sessions and reinforcement for relaxed behavior. Topic: Benefits of Dog Socialization Description: Socializing your dog reduces the likelihood of aggressive or fearful behaviors and allows your pal to live a less stressful life. Depending on your dog’s experiences, you may never reach the dream scenario mentioned at the beginning of this article, but, if you put in the time and effort, your puppy or dog should develop the skills and experiences necessary to interact with new people and new dogs on a regular basis. Puppy and dog socialization is an important endeavor for pet parents. In the end, the goal is to have a socialized dog that you can take places and introduce to other pets and people without concern. If nothing else, it makes for fewer awkward moments when you’re out and about with your pooch. When your dog is comfortable in new environments and around new people and their dogs, you can avoid being “that person.” You know, the pet parent with the dog who won’t stop barking and, in their nervousness, ties their owner’s ankles together by anxiously wrapping the leash around their legs. With a socialized dog, you can avoid causing a scene and, of course, escape subsequent embarrassment. Topic: Things to keep in mind when socialization Description: Like any new experience with your dog, it is best to control whatever you can and keep the element of surprise to a minimum. Before you start socializing your puppy or your dog, there are a few things to consider that will help increase the chances of a successful socialization process, including: Health – Make sure your dog is up-to-date on all of their vaccines. If your pet has been ill recently, it’s probably not the best time to have them interact with other, less familiar dogs. And, while it probably goes without saying, you should also avoid interactions with dogs who were recently sick or injured. Safety – When you start socializing your dog, you want them to have positive experiences as they encounter different people and new pups. Try to arrange interactions with other dog-friendly pups or dogs you are already familiar with. Simple interactions that can produce fairly predictable results will reduce the likelihood of aggressive behaviors and injuries, from scratches to bites. Places – Try to make sure your dog doesn’t get overwhelmed. Places where there are lots of activities, sounds, smells, movements, and so on are not the best places to socialize your pup. At least early on in the socialization process, try to avoid parades, fairs, outdoor concerts, and other places where there’s a lot going on. Again, socialization requires positive experiences and sensory overload isn’t going to help get the job done. The dog park – A trip to the dog park where your dog gets to run around with their canine comrades should be considered an end goal. Dog parks are, of course, for dogs… socialized dogs who already know how to interact with each other. Dog parks shouldn’t necessarily be avoided during the socialization process, but full-blown immersion in the often-chaotic environment is best reserved for a later date. Puppy potty training problems are one of the biggest complaints we get from new puppy owners. And if you have an older dog, know that these same tips will apply for your dog, too! The good news is, with a good plan and the support of a professional, potty training doesn't have to be as difficult as it might seem. In fact, most pups can be fully potty trained in just a few weeks. Here are a few common ways that puppy potty training goes wrong, and how to get things back on track: THERE'S SOMETHING MEDICAL THAT'S INFLUENCING YOUR DOG'S BEHAVIOR. Medical reasons for potty training problems are too often overlooked. If your pup is only having pee accidents, is peeing with extreme frequency, and/or you see a drastic change in your dog's bathroom habits, your first visit should be to your veterinarian to check for any underlying medical issues. YOU NEED TO ADJUST YOUR CONFINEMENT STRATEGY. Confining your dog is a necessary component to successful potty training. If your pup is having accidents in their confinement area (such as a crate or a playpen) it's too large. You can make that confinement area a safe and positive place by: Never using it for punishment Feeding your dog's meals in there and hiding special treats in the area Not leaving him/her in there for excessive periods. (General rule of thumb is age in months + 1 hour) During the potty training process, in times you can't actively supervise your dog and they are not "empty," your dog must be confined! This is critical. Bad potty training YOU'RE MISSING ACCIDENTS. This is the reason both confinement and active supervision are so important to the puppy potty training process. Every time you miss an accident, you've just extended the length of time it's going to take to potty train your dog. In order for your dog to fluently learn any behavior (in this case, eliminating outside) they must have a clear understanding of what you want and what you don't. If your dog has an accident and doesn't get any feedback, they're never going to understand what's expected of them. YOUR DOG ISN'T MAKING THE CONNECTION. So how can you use feedback to complete your puppy potty training process? If your dog has an accident in front of you, immediately interrupt with an "ah-ah!" and get him outside as quickly as possible. Do not yell at your dog, rub his nose in the accident, or punish him. You are simply interrupting and getting him outside, then praising heavily if he finishes outside. If your dog has an accident and you miss it, simply clean it up, as there's no learning that will happen at this point. Go with your dog outside every time during this process. You need to praise and reward heavily for pottying outdoors, and you need to know whether or not your dog is "empty"! YOU NEED TO TEACH YOUR DOG A WAY TO ALERT YOU THAT HE NEEDS TO GO. If your dog understands that they need to potty outside but is having accidents near the door, it's likely they just haven't learned a clear way to signal to you that they need to go. In this case, it's helpful to add in a bell or other audible alert that your pup can use to let you know she's got to go. A professional can help you effectively teach a bell alert. If you have a dog that absolutely won't potty outside, no matter what you try, check out this blog for some additional help. Identify your training goals There are (essentially) two levels of dog training. If you're interested in skills training, or basic manners, such as teaching your dog to sit, stay and lie down, that's the realm of a dog trainer. If your dog has a behavior problem — anxiety, aggressiveness, fearfulness — then what you need is a dog behavioral consultant, like Brianna Dick of Pack Leader Help. "The way that I approach dog training is behavioral psychology based," says Dick, who is a member of the International Association of Canine Professionals. "We're not looking at just the physical behaviors of dogs. We're looking at their emotions and the relationship they have with their humans." If you need both skills training and behavior training, start with the more complicated of the two: behavior training. A dog behavior consultant will also be well-versed in teaching your dog how to sit, but a dog trainer will be much less equipped to help your dog deal with separation anxiety. Be realistic. As Fratt says, "Just like not every human is going to learn to love going to raves, not every dog is going to learn to love going to the dog park." Kim Brophey is an applied ethologist, a family dog mediator and the owner of The Dog Door Behavior Center. She also wrote a book titled "Meet Your Dog: The Game Changing Guide To Understanding Your Dog's Behavior." Brophey uses a framework called L.E.G.S (learning, environment, genetics, self) to explain dog behavior. Say, for example, your dog is barking at your guests. "That might be a breed of dog that was selected for hundreds of years to defend against people walking in your front door," says Brophey. Since you can't train away a German shepherd's genetic impulse to defend its territory, you may need to change your expectations, instead. Decide how you'd like to train your dog. A greyhound against a pink backdrop shows how to sit Zero demonstrates the command "sit." When it comes to training methods, you have a few options: group classes, one-on-one training, board and train, day training and self-led training, to name the most common. Group classes are cheaper but less personalized. Board and train facilities are more expensive and riskier, says Fratt. "If the trainer spends all this time training the dog in this really specific context and then basically just hands you the leash, takes your check and walks away, there's a very good chance you're not actually going to be able to implement those new strategies and skills ... successfully in your home." Your choice will depend on your budget and your training goals. For example, if your dog is acting aggressively towards another dog in your home, that's probably not well-served by training that takes place outside of your home. Also know that you will have to be involved in training your dog, but it doesn't have to take up a huge chunk of your day. Fratt says she spends about five minutes a day on training. A lot of the homework that trainers will give you can also be fun, and is easy to work into your everyday life. Understand the methodologies. Dog training is a completely unregulated field, meaning anyone with a website, Instagram page or storefront can claim to be a dog trainer. This also means that there is no definitive rule book for what methods to use when training a dog, and many trainers disagree. Many trainers, though, fall into two broad categories: The first is positive reinforcement trainers like Fratt. Positive reinforcement means giving your dog something good — like a treat — when they do something good, so they repeat the behavior. Or giving your dog something good so they associate something (they think is) scary with having a positive experience. The second is balanced trainers like Brianna Dick. Balanced trainers use positive reinforcement methods, but are also more willing to incorporate corrections, like e-collars, into their training. E-collar training involves "a collar that your dog wears, which you control via remote, that emits a stimulus to your dog's neck — a shock, sound or, say, a citronella spray — whenever they need a correction," Dick explains. E-collars are divisive in the dog training community, especially the ones which emit a shock. Dick says to be wary of any trainer who uses e-collars on every dog. "That is cookie cutter, and it's never going to garner very good results," she says. "You want someone who is getting to know you, your relationship, your lifestyle with your dog." Find a good trainer. If what you need is a solid list of positive reinforcement trainers or balanced trainers in your area, a good place to start is with lists compiled by various professional associations. There are many, including: International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) Pet Professional Guild The Academy for Dog Trainers Pat Miller Certified Trainers And then do interviews! Call former clients. See which trainer makes you feel most comfortable. Make sure they can explain their training methods.