import numpy as np import torch import math, time, operator import torch.nn.functional as functional import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence from modules.inference.decode_strategy import DecodeStrategy from utils.misc import no_peeking_mask class BeamSearch1(DecodeStrategy): def __init__(self, model, max_len, device, beam_size=5, use_synonym_fn=False, replace_unk=None): """ Args: model: the used model max_len: the maximum timestep to be used device: the device to perform calculation beam_size: the size of the beam itself use_synonym_fn: if set, use the get_synonym fn from wordnet to try replace replace_unk: a tuple of [layer, head] designation, to replace the unknown word by chosen attention """ super(BeamSearch1, self).__init__(model, max_len, device) self.beam_size = beam_size self._use_synonym = use_synonym_fn self._replace_unk = replace_unk # print("Init BeamSearch ----------------") def trg_init_vars(self, src, batch_size, trg_init_token, trg_eos_token, single_src_mask): """ Calculate the required matrices during translation after the model is finished Input: :param src: The batch of sentences Output: Initialize the first character includes outputs, e_outputs, log_scores """ # Initialize target sequence (start with '' token) [batch_size x k x max_len] trg = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.beam_size, self.max_len, device=self.device).long() trg[:, :, 0] = trg_init_token # Precalc output from model's encoder e_out = self.model.encoder(src, single_src_mask) # [batch_size x S x d_model] # Output model prob trg_mask = no_peeking_mask(1, device=self.device) # [batch_size x 1] inp_decoder = trg[:, 0, 0].view(batch_size, 1) # [batch_size x 1 x vocab_size] prob = self.model.out(self.model.decoder(inp_decoder, e_out, single_src_mask, trg_mask)) prob = functional.softmax(prob, dim=-1) # [batch_size x 1 x k] k_prob, k_index = torch.topk(prob, self.beam_size, dim=-1) trg[:, :, 1] = k_index.view(batch_size, self.beam_size) # Init log scores from k beams [batch_size x k x 1] log_scores = torch.log(k_prob.view(batch_size, self.beam_size, 1)) # Repeat encoder's output k times for searching [(k * batch_size) x S x d_model] e_outs = torch.repeat_interleave(e_out, self.beam_size, dim=0) src_mask = torch.repeat_interleave(single_src_mask, self.beam_size, dim=0) # Create mask for checking eos sent_eos = torch.tensor([trg_eos_token for _ in range(self.beam_size)], device=self.device).view(1, self.beam_size) return sent_eos, log_scores, e_outs, e_out, src_mask, trg def compute_k_best(self, outputs, out, log_scores, i, debug=False): """ Compute k words with the highest conditional probability Args: outputs: Array has k previous candidate output sequences. [batch_size*beam_size, max_len] i: the current timestep to execute. Int out: current output of the model at timestep. [batch_size*beam_size, vocab_size] log_scores: Conditional probability of past candidates (in outputs) [batch_size * beam_size] Returns: new outputs has k best candidate output sequences log_scores for each of those candidate """ row_b = len(out); batch_size = row_b // self.beam_size eos_id = self.TRG.vocab.stoi[''] probs, ix = out[:, -1].data.topk(self.beam_size) probs_rep = torch.Tensor([[1] + [1e-100] * (self.beam_size-1)]*row_b).view(row_b, self.beam_size).to(self.device) ix_rep = torch.LongTensor([[eos_id] + [-1]*(self.beam_size-1)]*row_b).view(row_b, self.beam_size).to(self.device) check_eos = torch.repeat_interleave((outputs[:, i-1] == eos_id).view(row_b, 1), self.beam_size, 1) probs = torch.where(check_eos, probs_rep, probs) ix = torch.where(check_eos, ix_rep, ix) log_probs = torch.log(probs).to(self.device) + # CPU k_probs, k_ix = log_probs.view(batch_size, -1).topk(self.beam_size) if(debug): print("kprobs_after_select: ", log_probs, k_probs, k_ix) # Use cpu k_probs, k_ix = torch.Tensor(k_probs.cpu().data.numpy()), torch.LongTensor(k_ix.cpu().data.numpy()) row = k_ix // self.beam_size + torch.LongTensor([[v*self.beam_size] for v in range(batch_size)]) col = k_ix % self.beam_size if(debug): print("kprobs row/col", row, col, ix[row.view(-1), col.view(-1)]) assert False outputs[:, :i] = outputs[row.view(-1), :i] outputs[:, i] = ix[row.view(-1), col.view(-1)] log_scores = k_probs.view(-1, 1) return outputs, log_scores def replace_unknown(self, outputs, sentences, attn, selector_tuple, unknown_token=""): """Replace the unknown words in the outputs with the highest valued attentionized words. Args: outputs: the output from decoding. [batchbeam] of list of str, with maximum values being sentences: the original wordings of the sentences. [batch_size, src_len] of str attn: the attention received, in the form of list: [layers units of (self-attention, attention) with shapes of [batchbeam, heads, tgt_len, tgt_len] & [batchbeam, heads, tgt_len, src_len] respectively] selector_tuple: (layer, head) used to select the attention unknown_token: token used for Returns: the replaced version, in the same shape as outputs """ layer_used, head_used = selector_tuple # used_attention = attn[layer_used][-1][:, head_used] # it should be [batchbeam, tgt_len, src_len], as we are using the attention to source inx = torch.arange(start=0,end=len(attn)-1, step=self.beam_size) used_attention = attn[inx] select_id_src = torch.argmax(used_attention, dim=-1).cpu().numpy() # [batchbeam, tgt_len] of best indices. Also convert to numpy version (remove sos not needed as it is attention of outputs) # print(select_id_src, len(select_id_src)) beam_size = select_id_src.shape[0] // len(sentences) # used custom-calculated beam_size as we might not output the entirety of beams. See beam_search fn for details # print("beam: ", beam_size) # select per batchbeam. source batch id is found by dividing batchbeam id per beam; we are selecting [tgt_len] indices from [src_len] tokens; then concat at the first dimensions to retrieve [batch_beam, tgt_len] of replacement tokens # need itemgetter / map to retrieve from list # print([ operator.itemgetter(*src_idx)(sentences[bidx // beam_size]) for bidx, src_idx in enumerate(select_id_src)]) # print([print(sentences[bidx // beam_size], src_idx) for bidx, src_idx in enumerate(select_id_src)]) # replace_tokens = [ operator.itemgetter(*src_idx)(sentences[bidx // beam_size]) for bidx, src_idx in enumerate(select_id_src)] for i in range(len(outputs)): for j in range(len(outputs[i])): if outputs[i][j] == unknown_token: outputs[i][j] = sentences[i][select_id_src[i][j]] # print(sentences[0][0], outputs[0][0]) # print(i) # zip together with sentences; then output { the token if not unk / the replacement if is }. Note that this will trim the orig version down to repl size. # replaced = [ [tok if tok != unknown_token else rpl for rpl, tok in zip(repl, orig)] for orig, repl in zipped ] # return replaced return outputs # def beam_search(self, src, max_len, device, k=4): def beam_search(self, src, src_tokens=None, n_best=1, debug=False): """ Beam search for a single sentence Args: model : a Transformer instance src : a batch (tokenized + numerized) sentence [batch_size x S] Returns: trg : a batch (tokenized + numerized) sentence [batch_size x T] """ src = trg_init_token = self.TRG.vocab.stoi[""] trg_eos_token = self.TRG.vocab.stoi[""] single_src_mask = (src != self.SRC.vocab.stoi['']).unsqueeze(1).to(self.device) batch_size = src.size(0) sent_eos, log_scores, e_outs, e_out, src_mask, trg = self.trg_init_vars(src, batch_size, trg_init_token, trg_eos_token, single_src_mask) # The batch indexes batch_index = torch.arange(batch_size) finished_batches = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=self.device).long() log_attn = torch.zeros([self.beam_size*batch_size, self.max_len, len(src[0])]) # Iteratively searching for i in range(2, self.max_len): trg_mask = no_peeking_mask(i, self.device) # Flatten trg tensor for feeding into model [(k * batch_size) x i] inp_decoder = trg[batch_index, :, :i].view(self.beam_size * len(batch_index), i) # Output model prob [(k * batch_size) x i x vocab_size] current_decode, attn = self.model.decoder(inp_decoder, e_outs, src_mask, trg_mask, output_attention=True) # print(len(attn[0])) prob = self.model.out(current_decode) prob = functional.softmax(prob, dim=-1) # Only care the last prob i-th # [(k * batch_size) x 1 x vocab_size] prob = prob[:, i-1, :].view(self.beam_size * len(batch_index), 1, -1) # Truncate prob to top k [(k * batch_size) x 1 x k] k_prob, k_index =, dim=-1) # Deflatten k_prob & k_index k_prob = k_prob.view(len(batch_index), self.beam_size, 1, self.beam_size) k_index = k_index.view(len(batch_index), self.beam_size, 1, self.beam_size) # Preserve eos beams # [batch_size x k] -> view -> [batch_size x k x 1 x 1] (broadcastable) eos_mask = (trg[batch_index, :, i-1] == trg_eos_token).view(len(batch_index), self.beam_size, 1, 1) k_prob.masked_fill_(eos_mask, 1.0) k_index.masked_fill_(eos_mask, trg_eos_token) # Find the best k cases # Compute log score at i-th timestep # [batch_size x k x 1 x 1] + [batch_size x k x 1 x k] = [batch_size x k x 1 x k] combine_probs = log_scores[batch_index].unsqueeze(-1) + torch.log(k_prob) # [batch_size x k x 1] log_scores[batch_index], positions = torch.topk(combine_probs.view(len(batch_index), self.beam_size * self.beam_size, 1), self.beam_size, dim=1) # The rows selected from top k rows = positions.view(len(batch_index), self.beam_size) // self.beam_size # The indexes in vocab respected to these rows cols = positions.view(len(batch_index), self.beam_size) % self.beam_size batch_sim = torch.arange(len(batch_index)).view(-1, 1) trg[batch_index, :, :] = trg[batch_index.view(-1, 1), rows, :] trg[batch_index, :, i] = k_index[batch_sim, rows, :, cols].view(len(batch_index), self.beam_size) # Update attn inx = torch.repeat_interleave(finished_batches, self.beam_size, dim=0) batch_attn = torch.nonzero(inx == 0).view(-1) # import copy # x = copy.deepcopy(attn[0][-1][:, 0].to("cpu")) # log_attn[batch_attn, :i, :] = x # if i == 7: # print(log_attn[batch_attn, :i, :].shape, attn[0][-1][:, 0].shape) # print(log_attn[batch_attn, :i, :]) # Update which sentences finished all its beams mask = (trg[:, :, i] == sent_eos).all(1).view(-1).to(self.device) finished_batches.masked_fill_(mask, value=1) cnt = torch.sum(finished_batches).item() if cnt == batch_size: break # # Continue with remaining batches (if any) batch_index = torch.nonzero(finished_batches == 0).view(-1) e_outs = torch.repeat_interleave(e_out[batch_index], self.beam_size, dim=0) src_mask = torch.repeat_interleave(single_src_mask[batch_index], self.beam_size, dim=0) # End loop # Get the best beam log_scores = log_scores.view(batch_size, self.beam_size) results = [] for t, j in enumerate(torch.argmax(log_scores, dim=-1)): sent = [] for i in range(self.max_len): token_id = trg[t, j.item(), i].item() if token_id == trg_init_token: continue if token_id == trg_eos_token: break sent.append(self.TRG.vocab.itos[token_id]) results.append(sent) # if(self._replace_unk and src_tokens is not None): # # replace unknown words per translated sentences. # # NOTE: lacking a src_tokens does not raise any warning. Add that in when logging module is available, to support error catching # # print("Replace unk -----------------------") # results = self.replace_unknown(results, src_tokens, log_attn, self._replace_unk) return results def translate_single_sentence(self, src, **kwargs): """Translate a single sentence. Currently unused.""" raise NotImplementedError return self.translate_batch_sentence([src], **kwargs) def translate_batch_sentence(self, src, field_processed=False, src_size_limit=None, output_tokens=False, debug=False): """Translate a batch of sentences together. Currently disabling the synonym func. Args: src: the batch of sentences to be translated field_processed: bool, if the sentences had been already processed (i.e part of batched validation data) src_size_limit: if set, trim the input if it cross this value. Added due to current positional encoding support only <=200 tokens output_tokens: the output format. False will give a batch of sentences (str), while True will give batch of tokens (list of str) debug: enable to print external values Return: the result of translation, with format dictated by output_tokens """ # start = time.time() self.model.eval() # create the indiced batch. processed_batch = self.preprocess_batch(src, field_processed=field_processed, src_size_limit=src_size_limit, output_tokens=True, debug=debug) # print("Time preprocess_batch: ", time.time()-start) sent_ids, sent_tokens = (processed_batch, None) if(field_processed) else processed_batch assert isinstance(sent_ids, torch.Tensor), "sent_ids is instead {}".format(type(sent_ids)) translated_sentences = self.beam_search(sent_ids, src_tokens=sent_tokens, debug=debug) # print("Time for one batch: ", time.time()-batch_start) # if time.time()-batch_start > 2: # [print("len src >2 : ++++++", len(i.split())) for i in src] # [print("len translate >2: ++++++", len(i)) for i in translated_sentences] # else: # [print("len src : ====", len(i.split())) for i in src] # [print("len translate : ====", len(i)) for i in translated_sentences] # print("=====================================") # time.sleep(4) if(debug): print("Time performed for batch {}: {:.2f}s".format(sent_ids.shape)) if(not output_tokens): translated_sentences = [' '.join(tokens) for tokens in translated_sentences] return translated_sentences def preprocess_batch(self, sentences, field_processed=False, pad_token="", src_size_limit=None, output_tokens=False, debug=True): """Adding src_size_limit: int, option to limit the length of src. field_processed: bool: if the sentences had been already processed (i.e part of batched validation data) output_tokens: if set, output a token version aside the id version, in [batch of [src_len]] str. Note that it won't work with field_processed """ if(field_processed): # do nothing, as it had already performed tokenizing/stoi return sentences processed_sent = map(self.SRC.preprocess, sentences) if(src_size_limit): processed_sent = map(lambda x: x[:src_size_limit], processed_sent) processed_sent = list(processed_sent) tokenized_sent = [torch.LongTensor([self._token_to_index(t) for t in s]) for s in processed_sent] # convert to tensors, in indices format sentences = Variable(pad_sequence(tokenized_sent, True, padding_value=self.SRC.vocab.stoi[pad_token])) # padding sentences if(debug): print("Input batch after process: ", sentences.shape, sentences) if(output_tokens): return sentences, processed_sent else: return sentences def translate_batch(self, sentences, **kwargs): return self.translate_batch_sentence(sentences, **kwargs) def _token_to_index(self, tok): """Override to select, depending on the self._use_synonym param""" if(self._use_synonym): return super(BeamSearch1, self)._token_to_index(tok) else: return self.SRC.vocab.stoi[tok]