Browse files
@@ -137,13 +137,17 @@ css = """
137 |
filter_data = get_filter_data()
138 |
filter_choices = [f"{key} 路 {value}" for key, value in filter_data.items()]
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo:
144 |
145 |
<div class="header-container">
146 |
147 |
<div class="leaderboard-title">Open LLM Leaderboard</div>
148 |
149 |
<div class="leaderboard-subtitle">Comparing Large Language Models in an open and reproducible way</div>
137 |
filter_data = get_filter_data()
138 |
filter_choices = [f"{key} 路 {value}" for key, value in filter_data.items()]
139 |
140 |
hf_logo_svg = """<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 236000 220000" width="30" height="30">
141 |
<g fill="none" stroke="none" stroke-width="1000">
142 |
<path d="M235188 161726a21794 21794 0 00-2962-6550 25090 25090 0 00 654-3210c953-6877-1430-13172-5924-18043-2434-2660-5042-4417-7805-5495a104244 104244 0 00 2740-23667c6-3638-199-7203-545-10715a125620 125620 0 00-652-5248 104850 104850 0 00-3512-15200 105286 105286 0 00-3513-9635 105803 105803 0 00-6951-13524 93949 93949 0 00-5648-8355 79370 79370 0 00-3113-3965 104000 104000 0 00-10394-10916 79529 79529 0 00-3814-3292 94490 94490 0 00-3940-3112 110693 110693 0 00-8358-5646C155582 5522 136986 0 117111 0 59239 0 12334 46902 12334 104766a104258 104258 0 00 2786 23960c-2486 1080-4870 2760-7077 5194-4493 4868-6877 11142-5923 18017 144 1093 362 2174 652 3238a21868 21868 0 00-2962 6550c-1380 5249-926 9980 830 14127-1908 5420-1430 11193 1053 16210 1807 3665 4392 6500 7580 9034 3788 3010 8531 5570 14254 8026 6826 2910 15157 5646 18947 6650 9788 2534 19173 4140 28686 4217 13550 127 25222-3060 33578-11215 4105 503 8236 755 12372 754 4370-10 8734-286 13070-824 8336 8206 20051 11422 33653 11292 9510-75 18896-1680 28659-4220 3814-1002 12143-3738 18973-6647 5723-2470 10465-5029 14280-8030 3163-2540 5746-5370 7554-9040 2510-5019 2962-10790 1080-16210 1727-4146 2178-8889 798-14133Z" fill="#FFF" fill-rule="nonzero"/>
143 |
<path d="M225530 174038a14752 14752 0 00 1990-11903c-765-2903-2345-5318-4489-7052a14700 14700 0 00 1992-5550c617-4274-801-8543-3996-12023-2486-2708-6002-4198-9894-4198-453 0-912 23-1382 70a97193 97193 0 00 4435-29116C214186 50550 170616 7000 116873 7000s-97317 43546-97317 97266a97164 97164 0 00 4413 29044h-103c-3892 0-7408 1490-9894 4198-3192 3477-4613 7748-3996 12023 282 1966 960 3853 1992 5550-2144 1734-3724 4150-4487 7053a14734 14734 0 00 1992 11904c-206 318-395 650-572 988-1923 3650-2048 7774-350 11614 2574 5820 8971 10407 21392 15330 7723 3061 14797 5018 14860 5036C55017 209656 64256 211000 72254 211000c13134 0 22933-3590 29192-10686a98495 98495 0 00 31951-181c6250 7214 16105 10867 29350 10867 7998 0 17238-1345 27454-3994 62-18 7132-1975 14859-5037 12420-4922 18818-9508 21391-15330 1699-3840 1575-7963-349-11613a11900 11900 0 00-573-988Z" fill="#FFD21E"/>
144 |
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146 |
147 |
with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo:
148 |
149 |
<div class="header-container">
150 |
151 |
<div class="leaderboard-title">Open LLM Leaderboard</div>
152 |
153 |
<div class="leaderboard-subtitle">Comparing Large Language Models in an open and reproducible way</div>