import streamlit as st from evaluator import evaluator import os # Function to check password def check_password(): def password_entered(): if password_input == os.getenv('PASSWORD'): st.session_state['password_correct'] = True else: st.error("Incorrect Password, please try again.") # Create a password input field and a button for submission password_input = st.text_input("Enter Password:", type="password") submit_button = st.button("Submit", on_click=password_entered) # If the button is pressed and password is not correct, display an error if submit_button and not st.session_state.get('password_correct', False): st.error("Please enter a valid password to access the demo.") # Title of the application st.title('Natural Language Explanation Demo') # Check if password has been validated, if not, call the check_password function if not st.session_state.get('password_correct', False): check_password() else: model_name = st.selectbox('Select a model:', ['gpt4-1106', 'gpt35-1106']) question = st.text_input('Enter question:', '') explanation = st.text_input('Enter explanation:', '') if st.button('Evaluate Explanation'): if question and explanation: eval = evaluator(model_name) scores = eval(question, explanation) st.write('### Scores') for principle, score in scores.items(): st.write(f"{principle}: {score}") else: st.error('Please enter both a question and an explanation to evaluate.')