# Requirements for running in standalone mode # First, install the corect version of PyTorch! # PyTorch Compute Platform must match the configuration of the hardware. # pip install -r requirements.txt torch gradio>=3.38.0,<4.0 # User UI timm~=0.9.2 # For midas matplotlib trimesh # For creating simple meshes numba>=0.57.0 # Speeding up CPU stereoimage generation vispy>=0.13.0 rembg>=2.0.50 # Remove background moviepy>=1.0.2,<2.0 transforms3d>=0.4.1 imageio>=2.4.1,<3.0 imageio-ffmpeg networkx>=2.5 diffusers>=0.20.1 # For Marigold pyqt5; sys_platform == 'windows' pyqt6; sys_platform != 'windows' PyOpenGL>=3.1.7; sys_platform == 'darwin' https://github.com/huchenlei/Depth-Anything/releases/download/v1.0.0/depth_anything-2024.1.22.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl