import pathlib import traceback from PIL import Image import numpy as np import os from src import core from src import backbone from src.common_constants import GenerationOptions as go def open_path_as_images(path, maybe_depthvideo=False): """Takes the filepath, returns (fps, frames). Every frame is a Pillow Image object""" suffix = pathlib.Path(path).suffix if suffix.lower() == '.gif': frames = [] img = for i in range(img.n_frames): frames.append(img.convert('RGB')) return 1000 /['duration'], frames if suffix.lower() == '.mts': import imageio_ffmpeg import av container = frames = [] for packet in container.demux(video=0): for frame in packet.decode(): # Convert the frame to a NumPy array numpy_frame = frame.to_ndarray(format='rgb24') # Convert the NumPy array to a Pillow Image image = Image.fromarray(numpy_frame) frames.append(image) fps = float([0].average_rate) container.close() return fps, frames if suffix.lower() in ['.avi'] and maybe_depthvideo: try: import imageio_ffmpeg # Suppose there are in fact 16 bits per pixel # If this is not the case, this is not a 16-bit depthvideo, so no need to process it this way gen = imageio_ffmpeg.read_frames(path, pix_fmt='gray16le', bits_per_pixel=16) video_info = next(gen) if video_info['pix_fmt'] == 'gray16le': width, height = video_info['size'] frames = [] for frame in gen: # Not sure if this is implemented somewhere else result = np.frombuffer(frame, dtype='uint16') result.shape = (height, width) # Why does it work? I don't remotely have any idea. frames += [Image.fromarray(result)] # TODO: Wrapping frames into Pillow objects is wasteful return video_info['fps'], frames finally: if 'gen' in locals(): gen.close() if suffix.lower() in ['.webm', '.mp4', '.avi']: from import VideoFileClip clip = VideoFileClip(path) frames = [Image.fromarray(x) for x in list(clip.iter_frames())] # TODO: Wrapping frames into Pillow objects is wasteful return clip.fps, frames else: try: return 1, [] except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Probably an unsupported file format: {suffix}") from e def frames_to_video(fps, frames, path, name, colorvids_bitrate=None): if frames[0].mode == 'I;16': # depthmap video import imageio_ffmpeg writer = imageio_ffmpeg.write_frames( os.path.join(path, f"{name}.avi"), frames[0].size, 'gray16le', 'gray16le', fps, codec='ffv1', macro_block_size=1) try: writer.send(None) for frame in frames: writer.send(np.array(frame)) finally: writer.close() else: arrs = [np.asarray(frame) for frame in frames] from import ImageSequenceClip clip = ImageSequenceClip(arrs, fps=fps) done = False priority = [('avi', 'png'), ('avi', 'rawvideo'), ('mp4', 'libx264'), ('webm', 'libvpx')] if colorvids_bitrate: priority = reversed(priority) for v_format, codec in priority: try: br = f'{colorvids_bitrate}k' if codec not in ['png', 'rawvideo'] else None clip.write_videofile(os.path.join(path, f"{name}.{v_format}"), codec=codec, bitrate=br) done = True break except: traceback.print_exc() if not done: raise Exception('Saving the video failed!') def process_predicitons(predictions, smoothening='none'): def global_scaling(objs, a=None, b=None): """Normalizes objs, but uses (a, b) instead of (minimum, maximum) value of objs, if supplied""" normalized = [] min_value = a if a is not None else min([obj.min() for obj in objs]) max_value = b if b is not None else max([obj.max() for obj in objs]) for obj in objs: normalized += [(obj - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)] return normalized print('Processing generated depthmaps') # TODO: Detect cuts and process segments separately if smoothening == 'none': return global_scaling(predictions) elif smoothening == 'experimental': processed = [] clip = lambda val: min(max(0, val), len(predictions) - 1) for i in range(len(predictions)): f = np.zeros_like(predictions[i]) for u, mul in enumerate([0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 0.20, 0.10]): # Eyeballed it, math person please fix this f += mul * predictions[clip(i + (u - 2))] processed += [f] # This could have been deterministic monte carlo... Oh well, this version is faster. a, b = np.percentile(np.stack(processed), [0.5, 99.5]) return global_scaling(predictions, a, b) return predictions def gen_video(video, outpath, inp, custom_depthmap=None, colorvids_bitrate=None, smoothening='none'): if inp[] or inp[]: return 'Creating mesh-videos is not supported. Please split video into frames and use batch processing.' fps, input_images = open_path_as_images(os.path.abspath( os.makedirs(backbone.get_outpath(), exist_ok=True) if custom_depthmap is None: print('Generating depthmaps for the video frames') needed_keys = [go.COMPUTE_DEVICE, go.MODEL_TYPE, go.BOOST, go.NET_SIZE_MATCH, go.NET_WIDTH, go.NET_HEIGHT] needed_keys = [ for x in needed_keys] first_pass_inp = {k: v for (k, v) in inp.items() if k in needed_keys} # We need predictions where frames are not normalized separately. first_pass_inp[go.DO_OUTPUT_DEPTH_PREDICTION] = True # No need in normalized frames. Properly processed depth video will be created in the second pass first_pass_inp[] = False gen_obj = core.core_generation_funnel(None, input_images, None, None, first_pass_inp) input_depths = [x[2] for x in list(gen_obj)] input_depths = process_predicitons(input_depths, smoothening) else: print('Using custom depthmap video') cdm_fps, input_depths = open_path_as_images(os.path.abspath(, maybe_depthvideo=True) assert len(input_depths) == len(input_images), 'Custom depthmap video length does not match input video length' if input_depths[0].size != input_images[0].size: print('Warning! Input video size and depthmap video size are not the same!') print('Generating output frames') img_results = list(core.core_generation_funnel(None, input_images, input_depths, None, inp)) gens = list(set(map(lambda x: x[1], img_results))) print('Saving generated frames as video outputs') for gen in gens: if gen == 'depth' and custom_depthmap is not None: # Well, that would be extra stupid, even if user has picked this option for some reason # (forgot to change the default?) continue imgs = [x[2] for x in img_results if x[1] == gen] basename = f'{gen}_video' frames_to_video(fps, imgs, outpath, f"depthmap-{backbone.get_next_sequence_number(outpath, basename)}-{basename}", colorvids_bitrate) print('All done. Video(s) saved!') return '