hydraadra112's picture
Fixed misspell
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from joblib import load
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def load_data() -> pd.DataFrame:
Loads the `.csv` data using pandas
df = pd.read_csv('./lung_disease_data.csv')
numerical_columns = ['Age', 'Lung Capacity', 'Hospital Visits']
df[numerical_columns] = df[numerical_columns].fillna(df[numerical_columns].mean())
# Impute categorical features with their mode (most frequent value)
categorical_columns = ['Gender', 'Smoking Status', 'Disease Type', 'Treatment Type', 'Recovered']
df[categorical_columns] = df[categorical_columns].fillna(df[categorical_columns].mode().iloc[0])
return df
def load_models() -> dict:
Loads the trained models for prediction.
nb = load('./models/GaussianNB.pkl')
lg = load('./models/LogisticRegression.pkl')
rf = load('./models/RandomForests.pkl')
svm = load('./models/SVM.pkl')
xgb = load('./models/XGBoost.pkl')
models = dict({
'Gaussian Naive Bayes': nb,
'Logistic Regression': lg,
'Random Forest': rf,
'Support Vector Machines': svm,
'XG Boost': xgb
return models
def prediction(model, age: int, gender: str,
smoke_status: str, lung_capacity: float,
disease_type: str, treatment_type: str,
hospital_visits: int
) -> int:
df_input = pd.DataFrame(
{'Age': [age],
'Hospital Visits': [hospital_visits],
'Lung Capacity': [lung_capacity],
'Gender': [1 if gender == "Male" else 0],
'Smoking Status': [1 if smoke_status == "Yes" else 0],
'Disease Type_Asthma': [1 if disease_type in 'Disease Type_Asthma' else 0],
'Disease Type_Bronchitis': [1 if disease_type in 'Disease Type_Bronchitis' else 0],
'Disease Type_COPD': [1 if disease_type in 'Disease Type_COPD' else 0],
'Disease Type_Lung Cancer': [1 if disease_type in 'Disease Type_Lung Cancer' else 0],
'Disease Type_Pneumonia': [1 if disease_type in 'Disease Type_Pneumonia' else 0],
'Treatment Type_Medication': [1 if treatment_type in 'Treatment Type_Medication' else 0],
'Treatment Type_Surgery': [1 if treatment_type in 'Treatment Type_Surgery' else 0],
'Treatment Type_Therapy': [1 if treatment_type in 'Treatment Type_Therapy' else 0]
input_arr = np.array(df_input)
prediction = model.predict(input_arr)[0]
return prediction.item()
def main():
st.header("Lung Disease Recovery Predictor")
st.caption('Prepared by `hydraadra112` | John Manuel Carado')
data_tab, pred_tab, data_viz = st.tabs(['About Data', 'Prediction', 'Data Viz'])
df = load_data()
with data_tab:
st.header('About the Data')
st.caption('In this tab, we will explore the particular details about our data.')
st.caption('Take a look at the data table.')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
st.caption('This dataset captures detailed information about patients suffering from various lung conditions. It includes:')
st.caption('**Age & Gender**: Patient demographics to understand the spread across age groups and gender.')
st.caption('**Smoking Status**: Whether the patient is a smoker or non-smoker.')
st.caption('**Lung Capacity**: Measured lung function to assess disease severity.')
st.caption('**Disease Type**: The specific lung condition, like COPD or Bronchitis.')
with col2:
st.caption('**Treatment Type**: Different treatments patients received, including therapy, medication, or surgery.')
st.caption('**Hospital Visits**: Number of visits to the hospital for managing the condition.')
st.caption('**Recovery Status**: Indicates whether the patient recovered after treatment.')
url = 'https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/samikshadalvi/lungs-diseases-dataset'
st.caption('For more details, check out the the original [source](%s) of the dataset.' % url)
with pred_tab:
st.header('Prediction Tab')
st.caption('In this tab, our ML models will predict if you will recover based on your data.')
models = load_models()
model = st.selectbox('Select preferred model for prediction', models.keys())
model_predictor = models[model]
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
# age
age = st.number_input('What is your age?', min_value=0, max_value=100)
gender = st.radio('What is your gender?', df['Gender'].unique())
disease = st.selectbox('What is your lung condition?', df['Disease Type'].unique())
treatment = st.selectbox('Which treatment did you receive?', df['Treatment Type'].unique())
with col2:
visits = st.number_input('How many times do you visit the hospital? (Annually)', min_value=0, max_value=365)
capacity = st.slider('What is your lung capacity?', min_value=1.00, max_value=df['Lung Capacity'].max()+5)
smoke = st.radio('Do you smoke?', ['Yes', 'No'])
if st.button('Predict!'):
pred = prediction(model_predictor, age, gender, smoke, capacity, disease, treatment, visits)
rec = 'Recovered!' if pred == 1 else 'I am sorry.'
with data_viz:
st.title('Data Viz Tab')
st.caption('In this tab, we can visualize the relationships among our data.')
st.caption('See our pre-existing plots and you can also plot your own!')
dviz_tab1, dviz_tab2 = st.tabs(['Plots', 'Custom Plot'])
with dviz_tab1:
st.title('Feature Distribution and Relationships')
st.caption('In this tab we will see the feature distributions of the dataset.')
st.caption('We can see the relationships of the features among each other.')
# Create subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 25))
# Age distribution
axes[0, 0].hist(df['Age'])
axes[0, 0].set_xlabel('Age')
axes[0, 0].set_ylabel('Frequency')
axes[0, 0].set_title('Age Distribution')
# Lung Capacity distribution
axes[0, 1].hist(df['Lung Capacity'])
axes[0, 1].set_xlabel('Lung Capacity')
axes[0, 1].set_ylabel('Frequency')
axes[0, 1].set_title('Lung Capacity Distribution')
# Hospital Visits distribution
axes[1, 0].hist(df['Hospital Visits'])
axes[1, 0].set_xlabel('Hospital Visits')
axes[1, 0].set_ylabel('Frequency')
axes[1, 0].set_title('Hospital Visits Distribution')
# Gender vs Recovered
count_data = df.groupby(['Gender', 'Recovered']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
count_data.plot(kind='bar', stacked=False, ax=axes[1, 1])
axes[1, 1].set_xlabel('Gender')
axes[1, 1].set_ylabel('Count')
axes[1, 1].set_title('Gender Count by Recovery')
axes[1, 1].legend(title='Recovered')
# Smoking vs Recovered
count_data = df.groupby(['Smoking Status', 'Recovered']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
count_data.plot(kind='bar', stacked=False, ax=axes[2, 0])
axes[2, 0].set_xlabel('Smoking Status')
axes[2, 0].set_ylabel('Count')
axes[2, 0].set_title('Smoking Status by Recovery')
axes[2, 0].legend(title='Recovered')
# Disease Type vs Recovered
count_data = df.groupby(['Disease Type', 'Recovered']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
count_data.plot(kind='bar', stacked=False, ax=axes[2, 1])
axes[2, 1].set_xlabel('Disease Type')
axes[2, 1].set_ylabel('Count')
axes[2, 1].set_title('Disease Type by Recovery')
axes[2, 1].legend(title='Recovered')
# Treatment Type vs Recovered
count_data = df.groupby(['Treatment Type', 'Recovered']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
count_data.plot(kind='bar', stacked=False, ax=axes[3, 0])
axes[3, 0].set_xlabel('Treatment Type')
axes[3, 0].set_ylabel('Count')
axes[3, 0].set_title('Treatment Type by Recovery')
axes[3, 0].legend(title='Recovered')
# Disease Type vs Treatment Type
count_data = df.groupby(['Disease Type', 'Treatment Type']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)
count_data.plot(kind='bar', stacked=False, ax=axes[3, 1])
axes[3, 1].set_xlabel('Disease Type')
axes[3, 1].set_ylabel('Count')
axes[3, 1].set_title('Disease Type by Treatment Type')
axes[3, 1].legend(title='Treatment')
with dviz_tab2:
x = st.selectbox("Choose X for plotting.", tuple(df.columns))
y = st.selectbox("Choose Y for plotting.", tuple(df.drop(x, axis=1).columns))
plot = st.selectbox("Select type of plot.", ("Scatter", "Bar", "Line"))
if st.button("Plot X and Y!"):
if plot == "Scatter":
elif plot == "Bar":
elif plot == "Line":
if __name__ == "__main__":