initial commit
Browse files- +652 -0
- requirements.txt +2 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
1 |
2 |
import datetime
3 |
import gradio as gr
4 |
import itertools
5 |
import numpy as np
6 |
import os
7 |
import pandas as pd
8 |
import re
9 |
10 |
from collections import defaultdict
11 |
12 |
13 |
def convert_date(d):
14 |
return datetime.datetime.strptime(str(d), "%B %d, %Y").date()
15 |
16 |
17 |
def main(files):
18 |
available_files = []
19 |
fname_dict = {os.path.basename(f).split(".")[0]: f for f in files}
20 |
for fname, fpath in fname_dict.items():
21 |
22 |
if fname == "qgenda_schedule":
23 |
schedule = pd.read_excel(fpath, header=None)
24 |
elif fname == "rotations":
25 |
core_rotations = pd.read_excel(fpath, sheet_name="core", header=None)
26 |
call_rotations = pd.read_excel(fpath, sheet_name="call", header=None)
27 |
elif fname == "holidays":
28 |
holidays = pd.read_excel(fpath, header=None)
29 |
elif fname == "pto":
30 |
pto = pd.read_excel(fpath, header=None)
31 |
elif fname == "academic_years":
32 |
academic_years = pd.read_excel(fpath)
33 |
elif fname == "call_shifts":
34 |
call_shifts = pd.read_excel(fpath, header=None)
35 |
elif fname == "resident_roster":
36 |
roster = pd.read_excel(fpath)
37 |
assert all(x in ["qgenda_schedule", "rotations", "holidays", "pto", "academic_years", "call_shifts", "resident_roster"] for x in available_files)
38 |
39 |
# -- for debugging, load files from disk --
40 |
# Load in all files
41 |
# schedule = pd.read_excel("key_files/qgenda_schedule.xlsx", header=None) # remove first 3 rows
42 |
# core_rotations = pd.read_excel("key_files/rotations.xlsx", sheet_name="core", header=None)
43 |
# call_rotations = pd.read_excel("key_files/rotations.xlsx", sheet_name="call", header=None)
44 |
# holidays = pd.read_excel("key_files/holidays.xlsx", header=None)
45 |
# pto = pd.read_excel("key_files/pto.xlsx", header=None)
46 |
# academic_years = pd.read_excel("key_files/academic_years.xlsx")
47 |
# call_shifts = pd.read_excel("key_files/call_shifts.xlsx", header=None)
48 |
# roster = pd.read_excel("key_files/resident_roster.xlsx")
49 |
# --
50 |
51 |
schedule = schedule.iloc[3:].reset_index(drop=True) # remove first 3 rows
52 |
core_rotations = core_rotations.iloc[:, 0].tolist()
53 |
call_rotations = call_rotations.iloc[:, 0].tolist()
54 |
holidays = [ for _ in holidays.iloc[:, 0].tolist()]
55 |
pto = pto.iloc[:, 0].tolist()
56 |
call_shifts = call_shifts.iloc[:, 0].tolist()
57 |
58 |
# remove stuff at the bottom
59 |
60 |
last_row = schedule.iloc[:, 0].tolist().index("Schedule Notes:")
61 |
except ValueError:
62 |
last_row = schedule.iloc[:, 0].tolist().index("Phone Numbers")
63 |
64 |
65 |
schedule = schedule.iloc[:last_row].reset_index(drop=True)
66 |
67 |
# remove days of week rows
68 |
remove_rows = []
69 |
for idx, i in enumerate(schedule.iloc[:, 0].tolist()):
70 |
if i == "Sunday":
71 |
72 |
73 |
schedule = schedule.drop(remove_rows).reset_index(drop=True)
74 |
75 |
# split the schedule by weeks
76 |
sundays, week_rows = [], []
77 |
for idx, i in enumerate(schedule.iloc[:, 0].tolist()):
78 |
79 |
tmp_date = convert_date(i)
80 |
81 |
82 |
except ValueError:
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
weekly_schedule = {}
87 |
for idx, each_sunday in enumerate(sundays):
88 |
if idx == len(sundays) - 1:
89 |
weekly_schedule[each_sunday] = schedule.iloc[week_rows[idx]:].reset_index(drop=True)
90 |
91 |
weekly_schedule[each_sunday] = schedule.iloc[week_rows[idx]:week_rows[idx+1]].reset_index(drop=True)
92 |
93 |
94 |
daily_schedule = {}
95 |
for each_week, each_schedule in weekly_schedule.items():
96 |
tmp_daily_schedule = {}
97 |
list_by_day = [each_schedule.iloc[:, idx:idx+2] for idx in range(0, each_schedule.shape[1], 2)]
98 |
for each_day in list_by_day:
99 |
tmp_date = convert_date(each_day.iloc[0, 0])
100 |
tmp_daily_schedule[tmp_date] = defaultdict(list)
101 |
tmp_residents, tmp_tasks = each_day.iloc[1:, 0].tolist(), each_day.iloc[1:, 1].tolist()
102 |
tmp_tasks = [re.sub(r" \([A-Z]+\)", "", str(_)) for _ in tmp_tasks]
103 |
# PTO supersedes everything else, meaning if you have a PTO task then all other tasks are void
104 |
pto_residents = []
105 |
for resident, task in zip(tmp_residents, tmp_tasks):
106 |
if task in pto:
107 |
108 |
for resident, task in zip(tmp_residents, tmp_tasks):
109 |
if str(resident) == "nan" or resident in pto_residents:
110 |
if task not in pto:
111 |
112 |
if tmp_date.weekday() in [5, 6] and task in core_rotations + holidays:
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
weekly_schedule_with_tasks = {}
119 |
for each_week, each_schedule in weekly_schedule.items():
120 |
tmp_weekly_schedule = {}
121 |
tmp_weekly_schedule[each_week] = defaultdict(list)
122 |
list_by_day = [each_schedule.iloc[:, idx:idx+2] for idx in range(0, each_schedule.shape[1], 2)]
123 |
for each_day in list_by_day:
124 |
tmp_date = convert_date(each_day.iloc[0, 0])
125 |
tmp_residents, tmp_tasks = each_day.iloc[1:, 0].tolist(), each_day.iloc[1:, 1].tolist()
126 |
tmp_tasks = [re.sub(r" \([A-Z]+\)", "", str(_)) for _ in tmp_tasks]
127 |
pto_residents = []
128 |
for resident, task in zip(tmp_residents, tmp_tasks):
129 |
if task in pto:
130 |
131 |
for resident, task in zip(tmp_residents, tmp_tasks):
132 |
if str(resident) == "nan" or resident in pto_residents:
133 |
134 |
task = re.sub(r" \([A-Z]+\)", "", task)
135 |
if tmp_date.weekday() in [5, 6] and task in core_rotations:
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
# create a calendar for each resident
142 |
resident_calendar = defaultdict(dict)
143 |
for tmp_date, resident_dict in daily_schedule.items():
144 |
for resident_name, tasks in resident_dict.items():
145 |
resident_calendar[resident_name][tmp_date] = tasks
146 |
147 |
resident_weekly_calendar = defaultdict(dict)
148 |
for tmp_week, resident_dict in weekly_schedule_with_tasks.items():
149 |
for resident_name, tasks in resident_dict.items():
150 |
resident_weekly_calendar[resident_name][tmp_week] = tasks
151 |
152 |
# count number of weeks for each core rotation
153 |
resident_core_rotation_tallies = {}
154 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
155 |
# need to subtract 1 day from start since it is a Monday and ED/NF/Consult start on Sunday so will affect
156 |
# those who start at the beginning of the year
157 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date() - datetime.timedelta(days=1), row["Stop"].date()
158 |
ay = row["Year"]
159 |
resident_core_rotation_tallies[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
160 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_weekly_calendar.items():
161 |
tmp_rotation_counts = defaultdict(list)
162 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
163 |
for each_week, weekly_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
164 |
tmp_tasks, tmp_counts = np.unique(weekly_tasks, return_counts=True)
165 |
tmp_task_counts = {k: v for k, v in zip(tmp_tasks, tmp_counts)}
166 |
for k, v in tmp_task_counts.items():
167 |
if k in core_rotations and v >= 3:
168 |
169 |
tmp_rotation_counts = {k: np.sum(v) for k, v in tmp_rotation_counts.items()}
170 |
for each_core_rotation in core_rotations:
171 |
if each_core_rotation not in tmp_rotation_counts:
172 |
tmp_rotation_counts[each_core_rotation] = 0
173 |
resident_core_rotation_tallies[ay][resident_name] = tmp_rotation_counts
174 |
175 |
for each_ay, each_resident_dict in resident_core_rotation_tallies.items():
176 |
for each_resident, resident_rotation_counts in each_resident_dict.items():
177 |
resident_rotation_counts["Total Nucs"] = resident_rotation_counts["Nucs"] + resident_rotation_counts["CV Nucs"]
178 |
179 |
# it's easier to keep track of NF, consult by days rather than weeks due to potential random swaps, sick call, and split weeks
180 |
# also keep track of nucs days since for nucs time requirements days may be more important than weeks
181 |
resident_rotations_by_days = {}
182 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
183 |
# need to subtract 1 day from start since it is a Monday and ED/NF/Consult start on Sunday so will affect
184 |
# those who start at the beginning of the year
185 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date() - datetime.timedelta(days=1), row["Stop"].date()
186 |
ay = row["Year"]
187 |
resident_rotations_by_days[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
188 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_weekly_calendar.items():
189 |
tmp_rotation_counts = defaultdict(list)
190 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
191 |
for each_week, weekly_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
192 |
tmp_tasks, tmp_counts = np.unique(weekly_tasks, return_counts=True)
193 |
tmp_task_counts = {k: v for k, v in zip(tmp_tasks, tmp_counts)}
194 |
for k, v in tmp_task_counts.items():
195 |
if k in core_rotations + call_rotations:
196 |
197 |
tmp_rotation_counts = {k: np.sum(v) for k, v in tmp_rotation_counts.items()}
198 |
for each_core_rotation in core_rotations + call_rotations:
199 |
if each_core_rotation not in tmp_rotation_counts:
200 |
tmp_rotation_counts[each_core_rotation] = 0
201 |
resident_rotations_by_days[ay][resident_name] = tmp_rotation_counts
202 |
203 |
for each_ay, each_resident_dict in resident_rotations_by_days.items():
204 |
for each_resident, resident_rotation_counts in each_resident_dict.items():
205 |
resident_rotation_counts["Total Nucs"] = resident_rotation_counts["Nucs"] + resident_rotation_counts["CV Nucs"]
206 |
207 |
for each_ay, each_resident_dict in resident_rotations_by_days.items():
208 |
for each_resident, resident_rotation_counts in each_resident_dict.items():
209 |
resident_core_rotation_tallies[each_ay][each_resident]["ED"] = int(np.round(resident_rotation_counts["ED"] / 6))
210 |
resident_core_rotation_tallies[each_ay][each_resident]["Consult"] = int(np.round(resident_rotation_counts["Consult"] / 6))
211 |
resident_core_rotation_tallies[each_ay][each_resident]["NF"] = int(np.round(resident_rotation_counts["NF"] / 6))
212 |
213 |
# count weekend call shifts (Sat Consult, Sat NF, In-House, Sat EDD)
214 |
# does not include Sundays from NF, consult, ED rotation or Angio/IR call)
215 |
call_shifts_worked = {}
216 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
217 |
# note here we do NOT subtract 1 day from start because if you are assigned to Sunday in-house shift
218 |
# prior to AY start it counts for the that AY
219 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
220 |
ay = row["Year"]
221 |
call_shifts_worked[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
222 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items(): # use daily calendar
223 |
tmp_call_shifts = defaultdict(list)
224 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
225 |
for each_day, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
226 |
for each_task in daily_tasks:
227 |
if each_task in call_shifts:
228 |
229 |
tmp_call_shifts = {k: np.sum(v) for k, v in tmp_call_shifts.items()}
230 |
for each_call_shift in call_shifts:
231 |
if each_call_shift not in tmp_call_shifts:
232 |
tmp_call_shifts[each_call_shift] = 0
233 |
call_shifts_worked[ay][resident_name] = tmp_call_shifts
234 |
235 |
236 |
# count holidays worked (call shifts only)
237 |
# differentiates between working on the actual holiday and holiday weekend
238 |
def count_holidays_worked(which_holidays):
239 |
holidays_worked = {}
240 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
241 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
242 |
ay = row["Year"]
243 |
holidays_worked[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
244 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items():
245 |
tmp_holidays = []
246 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop and k in which_holidays}
247 |
for each_holiday, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
248 |
for each_task in daily_tasks:
249 |
if each_task in call_rotations + call_shifts:
250 |
251 |
break # if stack shifts, break so it doesn't double count
252 |
holidays_worked[ay][resident_name] = int(np.sum(tmp_holidays))
253 |
return holidays_worked
254 |
255 |
256 |
holidays_worked = count_holidays_worked(holidays)
257 |
258 |
# identify which holidays are Christmas, New Years, and Thanksgiving
259 |
# Thanksgiving is the only holiday in November
260 |
thanksgiving = [_ for _ in holidays if _.month == 11]
261 |
# consider observed dates as well
262 |
christmas = [_ for _ in holidays if _.month == 12 and abs(int((, 12, 25) - _).days)) < 2]
263 |
new_years_candidates = [, 1, 1),, 12, 31),, 1, 2)]
264 |
new_years = []
265 |
for _ in holidays:
266 |
if _.month == 1 and in [1, 2] or _.month == 12 and == 31:
267 |
268 |
thanksgiving_worked = count_holidays_worked(thanksgiving)
269 |
christmas_worked = count_holidays_worked(christmas)
270 |
new_years_worked = count_holidays_worked(new_years)
271 |
272 |
# also count weekends for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years
273 |
# if you work more than one day for a weekend, it will count for more than 1
274 |
# since thanksgiving is always Thurs, it's easy...
275 |
thanksgiving_weekend = []
276 |
277 |
for each_thanksgiving in thanksgiving:
278 |
tmp_weekend = []
279 |
for each_day in [*daily_schedule]:
280 |
if int((each_day - each_thanksgiving).days) in [2, 3]:
281 |
assert each_day.weekday() in [5, 6]
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
# Christmas/NY a bit trickier
286 |
# first identify the Christmas and New Year's holiday weeks (AKA which weeks contain the observed holiday)
287 |
# remember- the week start always precedes the holiday
288 |
# make dict where key is week and value is all days in that week
289 |
weeks_dict = {}
290 |
for each_week in [*weekly_schedule]:
291 |
# week starts on Sunday
292 |
assert each_week.weekday() == 6
293 |
weeks_dict[each_week] = [each_week + datetime.timedelta(days=_) for _ in range(7)]
294 |
assert len(weeks_dict[each_week]) == 7
295 |
296 |
# there are 3 weekends here- weekend before Xmas holiday week, weekend in between, weekend after New Year's holiday week
297 |
# technically the middle one is the worst
298 |
# also for some people they may have Xmas holiday week off but then work weekend after New Year's holiday week
299 |
# which is really not that bad, but this is annoying to take into account so will just treat them all the same
300 |
christmas_weeks, new_years_weeks = [], []
301 |
for each_week, days_in_week in weeks_dict.items():
302 |
if len(list(set(days_in_week) & set(christmas))) > 0:
303 |
304 |
if len(list(set(days_in_week) & set(new_years))) > 0:
305 |
306 |
307 |
christmas_new_years_weekend = []
308 |
for each_week in christmas_weeks:
309 |
christmas_new_years_weekend.append([each_week, each_week - datetime.timedelta(days=1)]) # Sunday
310 |
for each_week in new_years_weeks:
311 |
christmas_new_years_weekend.append([each_week, each_week - datetime.timedelta(days=1)])
312 |
christmas_new_years_weekend.append([each_week + datetime.timedelta(days=7), each_week + datetime.timedelta(days=6)])
313 |
314 |
315 |
def count_holiday_weekends_worked(which_holidays):
316 |
holidays_worked = {}
317 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
318 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
319 |
ay = row["Year"]
320 |
holidays_worked[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
321 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items():
322 |
tmp_holidays = []
323 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop and k in list(itertools.chain(*which_holidays))}
324 |
tmp_weekend_task_dict = defaultdict(list)
325 |
for idx, each_weekend in enumerate(which_holidays):
326 |
for each_day, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
327 |
if each_day in each_weekend:
328 |
329 |
for each_weekend, weekend_tasks in tmp_weekend_task_dict.items():
330 |
for each_task in weekend_tasks:
331 |
if each_task in call_rotations + call_shifts:
332 |
333 |
334 |
holidays_worked[ay][resident_name] = int(np.sum(tmp_holidays))
335 |
return holidays_worked
336 |
337 |
338 |
thanksgiving_weekends_worked = count_holiday_weekends_worked(thanksgiving_weekend)
339 |
christmas_new_years_weekends_worked = count_holiday_weekends_worked(christmas_new_years_weekend)
340 |
341 |
# Count PTO days
342 |
pto_days = {}
343 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
344 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
345 |
ay = row["Year"]
346 |
pto_days[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
347 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items(): # use daily calendar
348 |
tmp_pto_days = defaultdict(list)
349 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
350 |
in_house_days = 0
351 |
for each_day, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
352 |
# doesn't count if weekend or holiday
353 |
for each_task in daily_tasks:
354 |
if each_task in pto and each_day.weekday() not in [5, 6]:
355 |
if each_task == "LOA":
356 |
# Easier to see how many LOA weeks if we just include holidays
357 |
358 |
elif each_task != "LOA" and each_day not in holidays:
359 |
360 |
if each_task == "In-House":
361 |
in_house_days += 1
362 |
tmp_pto_days = {k: np.sum(v) for k, v in tmp_pto_days.items()}
363 |
# treat VACATION and HOLIDAY the same then subtract in house days
364 |
for pto_day_type in pto:
365 |
if pto_day_type not in tmp_pto_days:
366 |
tmp_pto_days[pto_day_type] = 0
367 |
tmp_pto_days["VACATION"] = tmp_pto_days["VACATION"] + tmp_pto_days["HOLIDAY"] - in_house_days
368 |
_ = tmp_pto_days.pop("HOLIDAY")
369 |
pto_days[ay][resident_name] = tmp_pto_days
370 |
371 |
372 |
# Count sick call
373 |
sick_call_weekdays = {}
374 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
375 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
376 |
ay = row["Year"]
377 |
sick_call_weekdays[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
378 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items():
379 |
tmp_sick_call_weekdays = []
380 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
381 |
for each_day, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
382 |
if each_day.weekday() not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: # Mon-Thurs only
383 |
384 |
if "Sick Call" in daily_tasks:
385 |
386 |
sick_call_weekdays[ay][resident_name] = int(np.round(np.sum(tmp_sick_call_weekdays) / 4))
387 |
388 |
sick_call_weekends = {}
389 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
390 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
391 |
ay = row["Year"]
392 |
sick_call_weekends[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
393 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items():
394 |
tmp_sick_call_weekends = []
395 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
396 |
for each_day, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
397 |
if each_day.weekday() not in [4, 5, 6]: # Fri-Sun only
398 |
399 |
if "Sick Call" in daily_tasks:
400 |
401 |
sick_call_weekends[ay][resident_name] = int(np.round(np.sum(tmp_sick_call_weekends) / 3))
402 |
403 |
sick_call_holidays = {}
404 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
405 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
406 |
ay = row["Year"]
407 |
sick_call_holidays[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
408 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items():
409 |
tmp_sick_call_holidays = []
410 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
411 |
for each_day, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
412 |
if each_day not in holidays:
413 |
414 |
if "Sick Call" in daily_tasks:
415 |
416 |
sick_call_holidays[ay][resident_name] = int(np.sum(tmp_sick_call_holidays))
417 |
418 |
sick_call_major_holidays = {}
419 |
for row_idx, row in academic_years.iterrows():
420 |
start, stop = row["Start"].date(), row["Stop"].date()
421 |
ay = row["Year"]
422 |
sick_call_major_holidays[ay] = defaultdict(dict)
423 |
for resident_name, calendar in resident_calendar.items():
424 |
tmp_sick_call_major_holidays = defaultdict(list)
425 |
tmp_calendar = {k: v for k, v in calendar.items() if k >= start and k < stop}
426 |
for each_day, daily_tasks in tmp_calendar.items():
427 |
if each_day not in thanksgiving + christmas + new_years:
428 |
429 |
if "Sick Call" in daily_tasks:
430 |
if each_day in thanksgiving:
431 |
432 |
elif each_day in christmas:
433 |
434 |
elif each_day in new_years:
435 |
436 |
for each_major_holiday in ["Thanksgiving", "Xmas", "NY"]:
437 |
if each_major_holiday not in tmp_sick_call_major_holidays:
438 |
tmp_sick_call_major_holidays[each_major_holiday] = 0
439 |
for k, v in tmp_sick_call_major_holidays.items():
440 |
tmp_sick_call_major_holidays[k] = int(np.sum(v))
441 |
sick_call_major_holidays[ay][resident_name] = tmp_sick_call_major_holidays
442 |
443 |
sick_call_combined = sick_call_major_holidays.copy()
444 |
for ay, residents in sick_call_combined.items():
445 |
for resident_name, resident_dict in residents.items():
446 |
sick_call_combined[ay][resident_name]["Weekdays"] = sick_call_weekdays[ay][resident_name]
447 |
sick_call_combined[ay][resident_name]["Weekends"] = sick_call_weekends[ay][resident_name]
448 |
sick_call_combined[ay][resident_name]["Holidays"] = sick_call_holidays[ay][resident_name]
449 |
450 |
# Eliminate residents from years they were not a resident yet
451 |
for each_ay, each_resident_dict in resident_core_rotation_tallies.copy().items():
452 |
for each_resident, resident_rotation_dict in each_resident_dict.copy().items():
453 |
if np.sum(list(resident_rotation_dict.values())) == 0:
454 |
_ = resident_core_rotation_tallies[each_ay].pop(each_resident)
455 |
456 |
classes = defaultdict(list)
457 |
for row_idx, row in roster.iterrows():
458 |
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
463 |
core_rotation_tallies_by_class = {}
464 |
for each_class, residents in classes.items():
465 |
core_rotation_tallies_by_class[each_class] = {}
466 |
for each_resident in residents:
467 |
tmp_df_list = []
468 |
for each_ay, ay_tallies in resident_core_rotation_tallies.items():
469 |
if each_resident not in ay_tallies:
470 |
471 |
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(ay_tallies[each_resident], index=[0])
472 |
tmp_df["Year"] = each_ay
473 |
474 |
tmp_df = pd.concat(tmp_df_list)
475 |
tmp_total = dict(tmp_df.sum())
476 |
tmp_total["Year"] = "Total"
477 |
filler = {k: "" for k in [*tmp_total]}
478 |
filler = pd.DataFrame(filler, index=[0])
479 |
tmp_df = pd.concat([tmp_df, pd.DataFrame(tmp_total, index=[0]), filler])
480 |
tmp_df["Resident"] = [each_resident] + [""] * (len(tmp_df) - 1)
481 |
tmp_df = tmp_df[["Resident", "Year"] + list(tmp_df.columns[:-2])]
482 |
core_rotation_tallies_by_class[each_class][each_resident] = tmp_df
483 |
484 |
core_rotation_tallies_df_by_class = {}
485 |
for each_class in [*core_rotation_tallies_by_class]:
486 |
core_rotation_tallies_df_by_class[each_class] = pd.concat(list(core_rotation_tallies_by_class[each_class].values()))
487 |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 |
492 |
weekend_call_shifts_by_class = {}
493 |
for each_class, residents in classes.items():
494 |
weekend_call_shifts_by_class[each_class] = {}
495 |
for each_resident in residents:
496 |
tmp_df_list = []
497 |
for each_ay, ay_tallies in call_shifts_worked.items():
498 |
if each_resident not in ay_tallies:
499 |
500 |
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(ay_tallies[each_resident], index=[0])
501 |
tmp_df["Year"] = each_ay
502 |
503 |
tmp_df = pd.concat(tmp_df_list)
504 |
tmp_total = dict(tmp_df.sum())
505 |
tmp_total["Year"] = "Total"
506 |
filler = {k: "" for k in [*tmp_total]}
507 |
filler = pd.DataFrame(filler, index=[0])
508 |
tmp_df = pd.concat([tmp_df, pd.DataFrame(tmp_total, index=[0]), filler])
509 |
tmp_df["Resident"] = [each_resident] + [""] * (len(tmp_df) - 1)
510 |
tmp_df = tmp_df[["Resident", "Year"] + list(tmp_df.columns[:-2])]
511 |
weekend_call_shifts_by_class[each_class][each_resident] = tmp_df
512 |
513 |
weekend_call_shifts_df_by_class = {}
514 |
for each_class in [*weekend_call_shifts_by_class]:
515 |
weekend_call_shifts_df_by_class[each_class] = pd.concat(list(weekend_call_shifts_by_class[each_class].values()))
516 |
517 |
weekend_call_shifts_df = pd.concat([v for k, v in weekend_call_shifts_df_by_class.items()])
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 |
522 |
523 |
sick_call_by_class = {}
524 |
for each_class, residents in classes.items():
525 |
sick_call_by_class[each_class] = {}
526 |
for each_resident in residents:
527 |
tmp_df_list = []
528 |
for each_ay, ay_tallies in sick_call_combined.items():
529 |
if each_resident not in ay_tallies:
530 |
531 |
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(ay_tallies[each_resident], index=[0])
532 |
tmp_df = tmp_df[["Weekdays", "Weekends", "Holidays", "Thanksgiving", "Xmas", "NY"]]
533 |
tmp_df["Year"] = each_ay
534 |
535 |
tmp_df = pd.concat(tmp_df_list)
536 |
tmp_total = dict(tmp_df.sum())
537 |
tmp_total["Year"] = "Total"
538 |
filler = {k: "" for k in [*tmp_total]}
539 |
filler = pd.DataFrame(filler, index=[0])
540 |
tmp_df = pd.concat([tmp_df, pd.DataFrame(tmp_total, index=[0]), filler])
541 |
tmp_df["Resident"] = [each_resident] + [""] * (len(tmp_df) - 1)
542 |
tmp_df = tmp_df[["Resident", "Year"] + list(tmp_df.columns[:-2])]
543 |
sick_call_by_class[each_class][each_resident] = tmp_df
544 |
545 |
sick_call_df_by_class = {}
546 |
for each_class in [*sick_call_by_class]:
547 |
sick_call_df_by_class[each_class] = pd.concat(list(sick_call_by_class[each_class].values()))
548 |
549 |
sick_call_df = pd.concat([v for k, v in sick_call_df_by_class.items()])
550 |
551 |
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
pto_by_class = {}
556 |
for each_class, residents in classes.items():
557 |
pto_by_class[each_class] = {}
558 |
for each_resident in residents:
559 |
tmp_df_list = []
560 |
for each_ay, ay_pto in pto_days.items():
561 |
if each_resident not in ay_tallies:
562 |
563 |
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(ay_pto[each_resident], index=[0])
564 |
tmp_df["Total (Days)"] = tmp_df.sum(1)
565 |
tmp_df["Total (Weeks)"] = np.round(tmp_df["Total (Days)"] / 5).astype("int")
566 |
tmp_df["Year"] = each_ay
567 |
568 |
tmp_df = pd.concat(tmp_df_list)
569 |
tmp_total = dict(tmp_df.sum())
570 |
tmp_total["Year"] = "Total"
571 |
filler = {k: "" for k in [*tmp_total]}
572 |
filler = pd.DataFrame(filler, index=[0])
573 |
tmp_df = pd.concat([tmp_df, pd.DataFrame(tmp_total, index=[0]), filler])
574 |
tmp_df["Resident"] = [each_resident] + [""] * (len(tmp_df) - 1)
575 |
tmp_df = tmp_df[["Resident", "Year"] + list(tmp_df.columns[:-2])]
576 |
pto_by_class[each_class][each_resident] = tmp_df
577 |
578 |
pto_df_by_class = {}
579 |
for each_class in [*pto_by_class]:
580 |
pto_df_by_class[each_class] = pd.concat(list(pto_by_class[each_class].values()))
581 |
582 |
pto_df = pd.concat([v for k, v in pto_df_by_class.items()])
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 |
588 |
# first, combine the separate holiday dicts into 1...
589 |
combined_holidays = {}
590 |
for each_ay, residents in holidays_worked.items():
591 |
combined_holidays[each_ay] = defaultdict(dict)
592 |
for resident_name, resident_dict in residents.items():
593 |
combined_holidays[each_ay][resident_name] = {
594 |
"All Holidays": holidays_worked[each_ay][resident_name],
595 |
"Thanksgiving": thanksgiving_worked[each_ay][resident_name],
596 |
"Xmas": christmas_worked[each_ay][resident_name],
597 |
"NY": new_years_worked[each_ay][resident_name],
598 |
"Thanksgiving Weekend": thanksgiving_weekends_worked[each_ay][resident_name],
599 |
"Xmas/NY Weekend": christmas_new_years_weekends_worked[each_ay][resident_name]
600 |
601 |
602 |
holidays_by_class = {}
603 |
for each_class, residents in classes.items():
604 |
holidays_by_class[each_class] = {}
605 |
for each_resident in residents:
606 |
tmp_df_list = []
607 |
for each_ay, ay_holidays in combined_holidays.items():
608 |
if each_resident not in ay_holidays:
609 |
610 |
tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(ay_holidays[each_resident], index=[0])
611 |
tmp_df["Year"] = each_ay
612 |
613 |
tmp_df = pd.concat(tmp_df_list)
614 |
tmp_total = dict(tmp_df.sum())
615 |
tmp_total["Year"] = "Total"
616 |
filler = {k: "" for k in [*tmp_total]}
617 |
filler = pd.DataFrame(filler, index=[0])
618 |
tmp_df = pd.concat([tmp_df, pd.DataFrame(tmp_total, index=[0]), filler])
619 |
tmp_df["Resident"] = [each_resident] + [""] * (len(tmp_df) - 1)
620 |
tmp_df = tmp_df[["Resident", "Year"] + list(tmp_df.columns[:-2])]
621 |
holidays_by_class[each_class][each_resident] = tmp_df
622 |
623 |
holidays_df_by_class = {}
624 |
for each_class in [*holidays_by_class]:
625 |
holidays_df_by_class[each_class] = pd.concat(list(holidays_by_class[each_class].values()))
626 |
627 |
holidays_df = pd.concat([v for k, v in holidays_df_by_class.items()])
628 |
629 |
with pd.ExcelWriter("all_tallies.xlsx") as writer:
630 |
for each_class, each_df in core_rotation_tallies_df_by_class.items():
631 |
each_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"R{each_class}", index=False)
632 |
pto_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="PTO", index=False)
633 |
weekend_call_shifts_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"Call Shifts", index=False)
634 |
sick_call_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"Sick Call", index=False)
635 |
holidays_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Holidays", index=False)
636 |
637 |
return "all_tallies.xlsx"
638 |
639 |
640 |
demo = gr.Interface(
641 |
642 |
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
647 |
648 |
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 |
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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