Ticket Name: TDA2PXEVM: ERROR: No alg create function specified (algId = 2) Query Text: Part Number: TDA2PXEVM Hi, Recently I started working with PSDK Vision. I am trying out my own usecase. This is my usecase, But the output which i see in the console after doing make is, [HOST] [HOST ] ========================================= [HOST] [HOST ] Chains Run-time Codec Type Selection Menu [HOST] [HOST ] ========================================= [HOST] [HOST ] [HOST] [HOST ] Enter '0' for MJPEG [HOST] [HOST ] [HOST] [HOST ] Enter '1' for H.264 [HOST] [HOST ] [HOST] [HOST ] Enter Choice: [HOST] [HOST ] 1 [HOST] [HOST ] 58.511071 s: IPC_OUT_0 : Create in progress !!! [HOST] [HOST ] 58.511132 s: IPC_OUT_0 : Create Done !!! [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.511285 s: IPC_IN_0 : Create in progress !!! [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.512444 s: IPC_IN_0 : Create Done !!! [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.512901 s: DECODE: Create in progress ... !!! [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.718934 s: DECODE: Creating CH0 of 1280 x 720 [1] [0],target bitrate = 10000 Kbps ... [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.719758 s: DECODE: All CH Create ... DONE !!! ASSERT (chains_c2g_priv.c|chains_c2g_Create|180) [HOST] [EVE1 ] 58.723174 s: IPC_IN_0 : Create in progress !!! [HOST] [EVE1 ] 58.724242 s: IPC_IN_0 : Create Done !!! [HOST] [EVE1 ] 58.725126 s: ALG: ERROR: No alg create function specified (algId = 2) !!! [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.721801 s: DECODE: Create ... DONE !!! [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.722259 s: IPC_OUT_0 : Create in progress !!! [HOST] [IPU2 ] 58.722595 s: IPC_OUT_0 : Create Done !!! I feel that i missed out something in my .c file. Please guide me. My chains_c2g.c file: chains_c2g.c /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) [2012 - 2017] Texas Instruments Incorporated All rights reserved not granted herein. Limited License. Texas Instruments Incorporated grants a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license under copyrights and patents it now or hereafter owns or controls to make, have made, use, import, offer to sell and sell ("Utilize") this software subject to the terms herein. With respect to the foregoing patent license, such license is granted solely to the extent that any such patent is necessary to Utilize the software alone. The patent license shall not apply to any combinations which include this software, other than combinations with devices manufactured by or for TI ("TI Devices"). No hardware patent is licensed hereunder. Redistributions must preserve existing copyright notices and reproduce this license (including the above copyright notice and the disclaimer and (if applicable) source code license limitations below) in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution Redistribution and use in binary form, without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * No reverse engineering, decompilation, or disassembly of this software is permitted with respect to any software provided in binary form. * Any redistribution and use are licensed by TI for use only with TI Devices. * Nothing shall obligate TI to provide you with source code for the software licensed and provided to you in object code. If software source code is provided to you, modification and redistribution of the source code are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Any redistribution and use of the source code, including any resulting derivative works, are licensed by TI for use only with TI Devices. * Any redistribution and use of any object code compiled from the source code and any resulting derivative works, are licensed by TI for use only with TI Devices. Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of its suppliers may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. DISCLAIMER. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TI AND TI’S LICENSORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL TI AND TI’S LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * INCLUDE FILES ******************************************************************************* */ #include "chains_c2g_priv.h" #include #include #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS (1) #define ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH (1280) #define ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT (720) /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Use-case object * * This structure contains all the LinksId's and create Params. * The same is passed to all create, start, stop functions. * ******************************************************************************* */ typedef struct { chains_c2gObj ucObj; UInt32 displayWidth; UInt32 displayHeight; Chains_Ctrl *chainsCfg; UInt32 codecType; } chains_c2gAppObj; Void chains_c2g_SetNullSrcPrms(chains_c2gAppObj *pObj, NullSrcLink_CreateParams *pPrm) { UInt32 chId; System_LinkChInfo *pChInfo; pPrm->outQueInfo.numCh = 1; pPrm->timerPeriodMilliSecs = 32; for (chId = 0; chId < pPrm->outQueInfo.numCh; chId++) { pPrm->channelParams[chId].numBuffers = 4; pChInfo = &pPrm->outQueInfo.chInfo[chId]; pChInfo->flags = System_Link_Ch_Info_Set_Flag_Data_Format(pChInfo->flags, SYSTEM_DF_YUV420SP_UV); pChInfo->flags = System_Link_Ch_Info_Set_Flag_Scan_Format(pChInfo->flags, SYSTEM_SF_PROGRESSIVE); pChInfo->flags = System_Link_Ch_Info_Set_Flag_Buf_Type(pChInfo->flags, /*SYSTEM_BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO_FRAME*/ SYSTEM_BUFFER_TYPE_BITSTREAM); pChInfo->width = ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH;//pObj->displayWidth; pChInfo->height = ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT;//pObj->displayHeight; pChInfo->startX = 0; pChInfo->startY = 0; pChInfo->pitch[0] = SystemUtils_align(pChInfo->width, 32); pChInfo->pitch[1] = SystemUtils_align(pChInfo->width, 32); pPrm->channelParams[chId].fileReadMode = NULLSRC_LINK_FILEREAD_RUN_TIME; strncpy(pPrm->channelParams[chId].nameDataFile, "/home/1280x720_00.h264", 260); strncpy(pPrm->channelParams[chId].nameIndexFile, "/home/1280x720_00.hdr", 260); } pPrm->dataRxMode = NULLSRC_LINK_DATA_RX_MODE_FILE; } /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Set Decode Create Parameters * * \param pPrm [IN] DecodeLink_CreateParams * ******************************************************************************* */ static Void chains_c2g_SetDecodePrms( chains_c2gAppObj *pObj, DecLink_CreateParams *pPrm) { UInt32 chId; DecLink_ChCreateParams *decPrm; for (chId = 0; chIdchCreateParams[chId]; decPrm->dpbBufSizeInFrames = DEC_LINK_DPB_SIZE_IN_FRAMES_DEFAULT; decPrm->algCreateStatus = DEC_LINK_ALG_CREATE_STATUS_CREATE; decPrm->decodeFrameType = DEC_LINK_DECODE_ALL; decPrm->processCallLevel = DEC_LINK_FRAMELEVELPROCESSCALL; decPrm->targetMaxWidth = ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH; decPrm->targetMaxHeight = ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT; decPrm->numBufPerCh = 6; decPrm->defaultDynamicParams.targetBitRate = 10*1000*1000; decPrm->defaultDynamicParams.targetFrameRate = 30; decPrm->fieldMergeDecodeEnable = FALSE; switch (pObj->codecType) { case '0': /*MJPEG*/ decPrm->format = SYSTEM_IVIDEO_MJPEG; decPrm->profile = 0; decPrm->displayDelay = 0; break; case '1': /*H264*/ decPrm->format = SYSTEM_IVIDEO_H264HP; decPrm->profile = 3; decPrm->displayDelay = 0; break; default: /*D1*/ printf("\r\nCodec Type: %d, returning \n", pObj->codecType); UTILS_assert(FALSE); break; } } } /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Set VPE Create Parameters * * \param pPrm [OUT] VpeLink_CreateParams * ******************************************************************************* */ /*static Void chains_nullSrc_Display_SetVPEPrms( VpeLink_CreateParams *pPrm, UInt32 numCh, UInt32 displayWidth, UInt32 displayHeight, UInt32 inputWidth, UInt32 inputHeight ) { UInt16 chId; pPrm->enableOut[0] = TRUE; for(chId = 0; chId < numCh; chId++) { pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].numBufsPerCh = 4; pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].width = displayWidth; pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].height = displayHeight; pPrm->chParams[chId].outParams[0].dataFormat = SYSTEM_DF_YUV420SP_UV; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.bypass = FALSE; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.nonLinear = FALSE; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCfg.stripSize = 0; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropStartX = 32; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropStartY = 24; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropWidth = inputWidth-32; pPrm->chParams[chId].scCropCfg.cropHeight = inputHeight-24; } }*/ /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Set Edge Detection Alg parameters * * It is called in Create function. * In this function alg link params are set * The algorithm which is to run on core is set to * baseClassCreate.algId. The input whdth and height to alg are set. * Number of input buffers required by alg are also set here. * * * \param pPrm [IN] AlgorithmLink_EdgeDetectionCreateParams * \param chainsCfg [IN] Chains_Ctrl * ******************************************************************************* */ Void chains_c2g_SetEdgeDetectionAlgPrms( AlgorithmLink_EdgeDetectionCreateParams *pPrm, Chains_Ctrl *chainsCfg) { pPrm->maxWidth = ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH; pPrm->maxHeight = ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT; pPrm->numOutputFrames = 3; } /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Set link Parameters * * It is called in Create function of the auto generated use-case file. * * \param pUcObj [IN] Auto-generated usecase object * \param appObj [IN] Application specific object * ******************************************************************************* */ Void chains_c2g_SetAppPrms(chains_c2gObj *pUcObj, Void *appObj) { chains_c2gAppObj *pObj = (chains_c2gAppObj*)appObj; ChainsCommon_GetDisplayWidthHeight( pObj->chainsCfg->displayType, &pObj->displayWidth, &pObj->displayHeight ); /*pUcObj->IPCIn_EVE1_IPU1_0_0LinkID = SYSTEM_MAKE_LINK_ID(pObj->chainsCfg->algProcId, pUcObj->IPCIn_EVE1_IPU1_0_0LinkID); pUcObj->Alg_EdgeDetectLinkID = SYSTEM_MAKE_LINK_ID(pObj->chainsCfg->algProcId, pUcObj->Alg_EdgeDetectLinkID); pUcObj->IPCOut_EVE1_IPU1_0_0LinkID = SYSTEM_MAKE_LINK_ID(pObj->chainsCfg->algProcId, pUcObj->IPCOut_EVE1_IPU1_0_0LinkID);*/ chains_c2g_SetNullSrcPrms(pObj, &pUcObj->NullSourcePrm); chains_c2g_SetDecodePrms(pObj, &pUcObj->DecodePrm); chains_c2g_SetEdgeDetectionAlgPrms(&pUcObj->Alg_EdgeDetectPrm, pObj->chainsCfg); ChainsCommon_SetDisplayPrms(&pUcObj->DisplayPrm, NULL, pObj->chainsCfg->displayType, pObj->displayWidth, pObj->displayHeight ); /*chains_nullSrc_Display_SetVPEPrms( &pUcObj->VPEPrm, 1, ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH, ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT, ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH, ENCDEC_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT);*/ ChainsCommon_StartDisplayCtrl( pObj->chainsCfg->displayType, pObj->displayWidth, pObj->displayHeight ); } /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Start the capture display Links * * Function sends a control command to capture and display link to * to Start all the required links . Links are started in reverce * order as information of next link is required to connect. * System_linkStart is called with LinkId to start the links. * * \param pObj [IN] Chains_VipSingleCameraViewObj * * \return SYSTEM_LINK_STATUS_SOK on success * ******************************************************************************* */ Void chains_c2g_StartApp(chains_c2gAppObj *pObj) { ChainsCommon_statCollectorReset(); ChainsCommon_memPrintHeapStatus(); chains_c2g_Start(&pObj->ucObj); ChainsCommon_prfLoadCalcEnable(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Delete the capture display Links * * Function sends a control command to capture and display link to * to delete all the prior created links * System_linkDelete is called with LinkId to delete the links. * * \param pObj [IN] Chains_VipSingleCameraViewObj * ******************************************************************************* */ Void chains_c2g_StopAndDeleteApp(chains_c2gAppObj *pObj) { chains_c2g_Stop(&pObj->ucObj); chains_c2g_Delete(&pObj->ucObj); ChainsCommon_StopDisplayCtrl(); /* Print the HWI, SWI and all tasks load */ /* Reset the accumulated timer ticks */ ChainsCommon_prfLoadCalcEnable(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); } /** ******************************************************************************* * \brief Run Time Menu string for codec Type Selection. ******************************************************************************* */ char chains_c2g_codecTypeSelect[] = { "\r\n " "\r\n =========================================" "\r\n Chains Run-time Codec Type Selection Menu" "\r\n =========================================" "\r\n " "\r\n Enter '0' for MJPEG " "\r\n " "\r\n Enter '1' for H.264 " "\r\n " "\r\n Enter Choice: " "\r\n " }; /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Single Channel Capture Display usecase function *` * This functions executes the create, start functions * * Further in a while loop displays run time menu and waits * for user inputs to print the statistics or to end the demo. * * Once the user inputs end of demo stop and delete * functions are executed. * * \param chainsCfg [IN] Chains_Ctrl * ******************************************************************************* */ Void Chains_c2g(Chains_Ctrl *chainsCfg) { char ch = 'a'; UInt32 done = FALSE; chains_c2gAppObj chainsObj; chainsObj.chainsCfg = chainsCfg; while(!done) { Vps_printf(chains_c2g_codecTypeSelect); chainsObj.codecType = Chains_readChar(); switch(chainsObj.codecType) { case '0': done = TRUE; break; case '1': done = TRUE; break; default: Vps_printf("\nUnsupported option '%c'. Please try again\n", chainsObj.codecType); break; } } chains_c2g_Create(&chainsObj.ucObj, &chainsObj); chains_c2g_StartApp(&chainsObj); done = FALSE; while(!done) { ch = '1'; ch = Chains_menuRunTime(); switch(ch) { case '0': done = TRUE; break; case 'p': case 'P': ChainsCommon_PrintStatistics(); chains_c2g_printStatistics(&chainsObj.ucObj); break; default: Vps_printf("\nUnsupported option '%c'. Please try again\n", ch); break; } } chains_c2g_StopAndDeleteApp(&chainsObj); } Responses: Hi Sam, Do you have "ALG_edgedetection=yes" in "cfg.mk" of your usecase? Also can you make sure "AlgorithmLink_EdgeDetection_initPlugin()" is called in "App_init()" in vision_sdk/apps/src/common/app_init/app_init_eve.c. You can check this post (it is for adding a new alg plugin, but you can use it as a reference to check if a particular plugin is initialized by the usecase): You can also look at existing vision_sdk/apps/src/rtos/usecases/vip_single_cam_edge_detection usecase as a reference as it is quite similar to your one. Regards, Yordan Hi Yordan, I took help from the usecase mentioned above. Content of cfg.mk ALG_edgedetection=yes NEED_PROC_IPU1_0=yes NEED_PROC_A15_0=yes NEED_PROC_EVE1=yes In app_init_eve.c's App_init() function, #ifdef ALG_edgedetection AlgorithmLink_EdgeDetection_initPlugin(); #endif I searched all files i can, but everything seems OK to me. Hi 1)Please share output of the below command "make showconfig" 2)are you creating usecase using auto-gene-usecase tool ? or manually? 3) Add print statement inside the following function & check this print is coming or not when you run apps.out. AlgorithmLink_EdgeDetection_initPlugin(); Thanks Gaviraju