AWR1642: AWR1642 Radar Monitoring Asynchronous Events lost Part Number: AWR1642 I set 8 Radar monitoring items, Temperature, Rx Gain Phase, Rx Noise Figure, IF stage, Tx0 power, Tx1 power, Tx0 ballbreak, Tx1 ballbreak, In MmwDemo_mssMmwaveEventCallbackFxn, I can not get the msgId (RL_RF_AE_MON_TEMPERATURE_REPORT_SB and RL_RF_AE_MON_RX_GAIN_PHASE_REPORT) but the other I can get correctly. What's wrong with this? Should I change rlRfCalMonTimeUntConf_t.calibMonTimeUnit? My SDK is mmwave_sdk_02_00_00_04 Thank You Liang-Yu Hi, The monitors may not be supported in the firmware version you are using. Please refer to the documentation of the firmware release. (Radar Interface Document in the DFP release) You probably should upgrade your application to use the latest firmware provided with SDK 3.3 thank you Cesar Hi, I have upgraded FW to the latest version (SDK 3.3), but MmwDemo_mssMmwaveEventCallbackFxn still does not have the Temperature and Rx Gain Phase report. How to fix this? Thank you Liang - Yu Hello Liang - Yu, Could you refer mmwavelink test application from mmWave SDK which tests these two features. control\mmwavelink\test Regards, Jitendra Hi In mmwave Demo's dss_main.c, I add these functions ( rlRfTempMonConfig, rlRfRxGainPhMonConfig, , rlRfRxNoiseMonConfig, rlRfRxIfStageMonConfig, rlRfTxPowrMonConfig, rlRfTxBallbreakMonConfig) in MmwDemo_dssDataPathConfigCQ. I still can't get temperature and Rx gain phase, but the other items can be received by MmwDemo_mssMmwaveEventCallbackFxn in mss_main.c. Is it correct to add these functions in here? Thank You Liang-Yu