IWR6843: moving poeple stand there and the tracking lost | |
Part Number: IWR6843 Hello, i tired industrial_toolbox_4_0_0, 2D people counting lab. when i stand there, the tracking is lost. any parameter i can change to keep tracking? thanks. | |
Hi Ming, Are you using the customization guide that is in the 'docs' folder of the People Counting Lab? I've looped in an expert to provide more specific tuning information. Regards, AG | |
Hi Ming Zhang, I recommend moving to the latest industrial toolbox version available, and using the "Sense and Direct: HVAC Control" demo for this purpose. Regards, Justin | |
Hi, Justin, i will try Sense and Direct: HVAC Control. its guide said up to 8 peoples, any issues for more than 8 peoples? thanks. | |