Ticket Name: TDA2PXEVM: TDA2 use-case multithread synchronization between IPU cores Query Text: Part Number: TDA2PXEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA2, PGA460 Hello. I' trying to do parallel execution of Vision SDK use-cases and CAN messages receiving/transmission on tda2. To do that I create use-case on TDA2 IPU1-0 core and TI RTOS task on IPU1-1 core. They suppose to work parallel, but eventually use-case end up blocked. I want to figure out how TI RTOS tasks on one core can interact with use-cases on another core. Let me walk it throught. On IPU1-1 I'm creating a simple task: int val; Error_Block eb; Task_Handle UserTask; Task_Params UserTaskParams; #pragma DATA_ALIGN(UserBuffer, 32); uint8_t UserBuffer[2048]; void User_Task(UArg arg0, UArg arg1) { Task_sleep(200); while (1) { val++; /*I also did that with CAN receive/transmit logic*/ } } void Ipu11Init(void) { Error_init(&eb); Task_Params_init(&UserTaskParams); UserTaskParams.stackSize = 2048; UserTaskParams.priority = 1U; UserTaskParams.affinity = 0x1; UserTaskParams.stack = &UserBuffer[0]; UserTask = Task_create(User_Task, &UserTaskParams, &eb); } Basicly this task do nothing, only incrementing some value. And this task have lowerst priority, so it should take control in the last turn. Also I have an use-case on IPU1-0 core. That use-case code is very big, so I dont really sure where does it blocks. But I have some ideas, I hope you will help me to find out what is happening. If user task on IPU1-1 is running, I cant even init my use-case on IPU1-0 to the end. But if I turn that task off, use-case works great. So inside use-case logic I'm calling some functions which is maybe somehow interact with IPU1-1 core where my user task is running (and I suppose it takes control from that place even it's priority is low?). My first clue is some functions where System link control is calling. For example, usually I stuck after this function was called: /** ******************************************************************************* * * \brief Print Memory Heap Statistics * * This function send a system control message * to all cores. * * * \return SYSTEM_LINK_STATUS_SOK on success ******************************************************************************* */ Int32 Chains_memPrintHeapStatus() { UInt32 procId, linkId; SystemCommon_PrintStatus printStatus; memset(&printStatus, 0, sizeof(printStatus)); printStatus.printHeapStatus = TRUE; for(procId=0; procIdgmake -s showconfig # # Build Config is [ tda2xx_evm_bios_all ] # Build Config file is @ d:/projects/InstalSDK/vsdk308/vision_sdk/configs/tda2xx_evm_bios_all/cfg.mk # Build Config .h file is @ d:/projects/InstalSDK/vsdk308/vision_sdk/links_fw/include/config/apps/tda2xx_evm_bios_all/system_cfg.h # Build CPUs is @ ipu1_0 ipu1_1 ipu2 a15_0 dsp1 dsp2 eve1 eve2 eve3 eve4 # # CPUs included in application, # PROC_IPU1_0_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_IPU1_1_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_IPU2_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_DSP1_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_DSP2_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_EVE1_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_EVE2_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_EVE3_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_EVE4_INCLUDE=yes # PROC_A15_0_INCLUDE=yes # # Platform config, # VSDK_BOARD_TYPE=TDA2XX_EVM [options: TDA2XX_EVM TDA2EX_EVM TDA3XX_EVM TDA3XX_RVP TDA2XX_RVP] # PLATFORM=tda2xx-evm # DUAL_A15_SMP_BIOS=no # IPU1_SMP_BIOS=no # DDR_MEM=DDR_MEM_512M [options: DDR_MEM_128M DDR_MEM_512M DDR_MEM_1024M] # EMIFMODE=SINGLE_EMIF_512MB [options: SINGLE_EMIF_512MB SINGLE_EMIF_1GB ref build_pdk.mk] # NDK_PROC_TO_USE=a15_0 [options: a15_0 ipu1_0 ipu1_1 ipu2 none] # NSP_TFDTP_INCLUDE=no [options: yes no] # TDA2EX_ETHSRV_BOARD=no [options: yes no] # FATFS_PROC_TO_USE=ipu1_0 [options: ipu1_0 none] # RADAR_BOARD=none [options: TDA3XX_AR12_ALPS TDA3XX_AR12_VIB_DAB_BOOSTER TDA3XX_RADAR_RVP none] # # Build config, # BUILD_OS=Windows_NT [options: Windows_NT Linux] # BUILD_DEPENDENCY_ALWAYS=no # BUILD_ALGORITHMS=no # BUILD_INFOADAS=no # PROFILE=release [options: debug release] # KW_BUILD=no # CPLUSPLUS_BUILD=no # IPU_PRIMARY_CORE=ipu1_0 [options: ipu1_0 ipu2] # IPU_SECONDARY_CORE=ipu2 [options: ipu1_0 ipu2] # A15_TARGET_OS=Bios [options: Bios Linux Qnx] # BSP_STW_PACKAGE_SELECT=all [options: all vps-iss-dss-only vps-vip-vpe] # # Safety Module config, # RTI_INCLUDE=no # ECC_FFI_INCLUDE=no # DCC_ESM_INCLUDE=no # # Video Module config, # IVAHD_INCLUDE=yes # VPE_INCLUDE=yes # CAL_INCLUDE=no # ISS_INCLUDE=no # ISS_ENABLE_DEBUG_TAPS=no # WDR_LDC_INCLUDE=no # DSS_INCLUDE=yes # # Open Compute config, # OPENCL_INCLUDE=no # TARGET_ROOTDIR=d:/projects/InstalSDK/vsdk308/vision_sdk/apps/src/rtos/opencl # ENABLE_OPENCV=no # ENABLE_OPENCV_TESTS=no # OPENVX_INCLUDE=no # # Log config, # ENABLE_UART_LOG=yes # ENABLE_NETWORK_LOG=no # ENABLE_CCS_LOG=no # CIO_REDIRECT=yes # # IPC config, # WORKQ_INCLUDE=no # IPC_LIB_INCLUDE=no # # AUTOSAR_APP=no # # Surround View config, # SRV_FAST_BOOT_INCLUDE=no # # Other Module config, # AVB_INCLUDE=no # DCAN_INCLUDE=no # RADAR_ONLY=no # RADAR_STUDIO=no # CPU_IDLE_ENABLED=yes # FAST_BOOT_INCLUDE=no # DATA_VIS_INCLUDE=no # HS_DEVICE=no # ULTRASONIC_INCLUDE=no # PGA450= # PGA460= # ENABLE_ALL_DEPTH= # # Linux config, # DEFAULT_UBOOT_CONFIG=dra7xx_evm_vision_config # DEFAULT_KERNEL_CONFIG=ti_sdk_dra7x_release_defconfig # DEFAULT_DTB=dra7-evm-infoadas.dtb # CMEM_INCLUDE=no # IPUMM_INCLUDE=no # IPU1_EVELOADER_INCLUDE=no # ROBUST_RVC_INCLUDE=no # BUILD_ADAM_CAR=no # # Alg plugins included in build, # ALG_autocalibration ALG_autoremap ALG_census ALG_clr ALG_denseopticalflow ALG_disparityhamdist ALG_dmaSwMs ALG_vpeSwMs ALG_edgedetection ALG_framecopy ALG_lanedetection ALG_objectdetection ALG_remapmerge ALG_safe_framecopy ALG_sfm ALG_sparseopticalflow ALG_stereo_postprocessing ALG_subframecopy ALG_surroundview ALG_tidl ALG_tiop # # Use-cases included in build, # UC_srv_calibration UC_lvds_vip_dual_cam_dual_display UC_lvds_vip_multi_cam_view UC_lvds_vip_sv_analytics_us UC_lvds_vip_sv_standalone UC_lvds_vip_single_stereo UC_lvds_vip_single_stereo_auto_calib UC_lvds_vip_single_stereo_calibration UC_network_rx_tx UC_network_stereo_display UC_null_src_dec_display UC_null_src_display UC_ov490_vip_sv_standalone UC_saveDisFrame UC_vip_single_cam_analytics2 UC_vip_single_cam_dense_optical_flow UC_vip_single_cam_dual_display UC_vip_single_cam_edge_detection UC_vip_single_cam_frame_copy UC_vip_single_cam_frame_copy_safety UC_vip_single_cam_lane_detection UC_vip_single_cam_object_detection2 UC_vip_single_cam_sfm UC_vip_single_cam_sparse_optical_flow UC_vip_single_cam_subframe_copy UC_vip_single_cam_tlr UC_vip_single_cam_view UC_vip_single_cam_view_encdec UC_tidl UC_semSeg UC_tidl_OD # # # CPUs that are NOT required but included in config [ tda2xx_evm_bios_all ], # # WARNING: IPU1_1 can be excluded from application # WARNING: IPU2 can be excluded from application # # CPUs that are required but not included in config [ tda2xx_evm_bios_all ], # # # Edit d:/projects/InstalSDK/vsdk308/vision_sdk/apps/configs/tda2xx_evm_bios_all/cfg.mk to include or exclude CPUs in an application # Right now I'm building my project like that: I'm using makefile and .dat file. There is how my .bat file is written: @ECHO OFF set projpath=%CD% set PATH=%vision_sdk_path%\ti_components\os_tools\windows\xdctools_3_32_01_22_core;%PATH%; set ITELMA_TARGET=TDA2PX call gmake.exe -j1 -s clean if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel% cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% ) call gmake.exe -j1 -s vcop if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel% cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% ) call gmake.exe -j1 -s all if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel% cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% ) cd %vision_sdk_path%\vision_sdk\build echo %CD% set CURRENT_ITELMA_PROJECT=%projpath% set MAKECONFIG=tda2px_evm_bios_itelma rmdir /S /Q %vision_sdk_path%\vision_sdk\binaries\apps\tda2px_evm_bios_itelma\lib rmdir /S /Q %vision_sdk_path%\vision_sdk\binaries\apps\tda2px_evm_bios_itelma\obj call gmake -s clean if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel% cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% ) call gmake -s -j4 depend if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel% cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% ) call gmake -s -j4 if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel% cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% ) call gmake -s appimage if errorlevel 1 ( echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel% cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% ) cd %projpath% But if I use this binary files as described in 3.7 Load using CCS, there is no debug information in CCS. Best regards Hi, Please share the complete build log in a text file & set PROFILE=debug in your config file because it's set as the release Thanks Gaviraju