Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 7,592 Bytes
fe847e4 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 |
from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
from synthesizer import audio
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from encoder import inference as encoder
from pathlib import Path
from utils import logmmse
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import librosa
import os
def preprocess_KSponSpeech(datasets_root: Path, out_dir: Path, n_processes: int,
skip_existing: bool, hparams):
# Gather the input directories
dataset_root = datasets_root.joinpath("KSponSpeech")
input_dirs = [dataset_root.joinpath("KsponSpeech_01"),
print("\n ".join(map(str, ["Using data from:"] + input_dirs)))
assert all(input_dir.exists() for input_dir in input_dirs)
# Create the output directories for each output file type
# Create a metadata file
metadata_fpath = out_dir.joinpath("train.txt")
metadata_file ="a" if skip_existing else "w", encoding="cp949")
# Preprocess the dataset
speaker_dirs = list(chain.from_iterable(input_dir.glob("*") for input_dir in input_dirs)) # ν΄λμμ λͺ¨λ ν΄λ(Speaker)
func = partial(preprocess_speaker, out_dir=out_dir, skip_existing=skip_existing,
job = Pool(n_processes).imap(func, speaker_dirs)
for speaker_metadata in tqdm(job, "KSponSpeech", len(speaker_dirs), unit="speakers"):
for metadatum in speaker_metadata:
metadata_file.write("|".join(str(x) for x in metadatum) + "\n")
# Verify the contents of the metadata file
with"r", encoding="cp949") as metadata_file:
metadata = [line.split("|") for line in metadata_file]
mel_frames = sum([int(m[4]) for m in metadata])
timesteps = sum([int(m[3]) for m in metadata])
sample_rate = hparams.sample_rate
hours = (timesteps / sample_rate) / 3600
print("The dataset consists of %d utterances, %d mel frames, %d audio timesteps (%.2f hours)." %
(len(metadata), mel_frames, timesteps, hours))
print("Max input length (text chars): %d" % max(len(m[5]) for m in metadata))
print("Max mel frames length: %d" % max(int(m[4]) for m in metadata))
print("Max audio timesteps length: %d" % max(int(m[3]) for m in metadata))
def preprocess_speaker(speaker_dir, out_dir: Path, skip_existing: bool, hparams):
metadata = []
check_list = [",01", ",02", ",03", ",04", ",05", ",06", ",07", ",08", ",09"]
# Gather the utterance audios and texts
# try:
files = os.listdir(speaker_dir)
for file in files:
if file.endswith("alignment.txt"):
with open(os.path.join(speaker_dir, file), "r", encoding='cp949') as alignments_file:
alignments = [line.rstrip().split(" ") for line in alignments_file.readlines()]
# # except StopIteration:
# # # A few alignment files will be missing
# # continue
# Iterate over each entry in the alignments file
for wav_fname, words in alignments:
for check in check_list:
if check in words:
words = "pass"
wav_fpath = speaker_dir.joinpath(wav_fname + ".pcm")
assert wav_fpath.exists()
# words = words.replace("\"", "").split(",")
# end_times = list(map(float, end_times.replace("\"", "").split(",")))
# # Process each sub-utterance
wavs = normalization(wav_fpath, hparams)
if wavs is not None and words is not "pass":
sub_basename = "%s" % (wav_fname)
metadata.append(process_utterance(wavs, words, out_dir, sub_basename,
skip_existing, hparams))
return [m for m in metadata if m is not None]
def normalization(wav_fpath, hparams):
wav = np.memmap(wav_fpath, dtype='h', mode='r')
if hparams.rescale:
wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max
except EOFError:
return None
return wav
def process_utterance(wav: np.ndarray, text: str, out_dir: Path, basename: str,
skip_existing: bool, hparams):
# For you not to lose your head if you ever wish to change things here or implement your own
# synthesizer.
# - Both the audios and the mel spectrograms are saved as numpy arrays
# - There is no processing done to the audios that will be saved to disk beyond volume
# normalization (in split_on_silences)
# - However, pre-emphasis is applied to the audios before computing the mel spectrogram. This
# is why we re-apply it on the audio on the side of the vocoder.
# - Librosa pads the waveform before computing the mel spectrogram. Here, the waveform is saved
# without extra padding. This means that you won't have an exact relation between the length
# of the wav and of the mel spectrogram. See the vocoder data loader.
# Skip existing utterances if needed
mel_fpath = out_dir.joinpath("mels", "mel-%s.npy" % basename)
wav_fpath = out_dir.joinpath("audio", "audio-%s.npy" % basename)
if skip_existing and mel_fpath.exists() and wav_fpath.exists():
return None
# Skip utterances that are too short
if len(wav) < hparams.utterance_min_duration * hparams.sample_rate:
return None
# Compute the mel spectrogram
mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav, hparams).astype(np.float32)
mel_frames = mel_spectrogram.shape[1]
# Skip utterances that are too long
if mel_frames > hparams.max_mel_frames and hparams.clip_mels_length:
return None
# Write the spectrogram, embed and audio to disk, mel_spectrogram.T, allow_pickle=False), wav, allow_pickle=False)
# Return a tuple describing this training example
return,, "embed-%s.npy" % basename, len(wav), mel_frames, text
def embed_utterance(fpaths, encoder_model_fpath):
if not encoder.is_loaded():
# Compute the speaker embedding of the utterance
wav_fpath, embed_fpath = fpaths
wav = np.load(wav_fpath)
wav = encoder.preprocess_wav(wav)
embed = encoder.embed_utterance(wav), embed, allow_pickle=False)
def create_embeddings(synthesizer_root: Path, encoder_model_fpath: Path, n_processes: int):
wav_dir = synthesizer_root.joinpath("audio")
metadata_fpath = synthesizer_root.joinpath("train.txt")
assert wav_dir.exists() and metadata_fpath.exists()
embed_dir = synthesizer_root.joinpath("embeds")
# Gather the input wave filepath and the target output embed filepath
with"r") as metadata_file:
metadata = [line.split("|") for line in metadata_file]
fpaths = [(wav_dir.joinpath(m[0]), embed_dir.joinpath(m[2])) for m in metadata]
# TODO: improve on the multiprocessing, it's terrible. Disk I/O is the bottleneck here.
# Embed the utterances in separate threads
func = partial(embed_utterance, encoder_model_fpath=encoder_model_fpath)
job = Pool(n_processes).imap(func, fpaths)
list(tqdm(job, "Embedding", len(fpaths), unit="utterances"))