""" CLAP Model Adapted from CLIP: https://github.com/openai/CLIP. Originally MIT License, Copyright (c) 2021 OpenAI. Adapted to the Audio Task. """ from collections import OrderedDict from dataclasses import dataclass from email.mime import audio from typing import Tuple, Union, Callable, Optional import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from .timm_model import TimmModel import logging from .utils import freeze_batch_norm_2d from .pann_model import create_pann_model from .htsat import create_htsat_model from transformers import BertModel, RobertaModel, BartModel from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding class MLPLayers(nn.Module): def __init__(self, units=[512, 512, 512], nonlin=nn.ReLU(), dropout=0.1): super(MLPLayers, self).__init__() self.nonlin = nonlin self.dropout = dropout sequence = [] for u0, u1 in zip(units[:-1], units[1:]): sequence.append(nn.Linear(u0, u1)) sequence.append(self.nonlin) sequence.append(nn.Dropout(self.dropout)) sequence = sequence[:-2] self.sequential = nn.Sequential(*sequence) def forward(self, X): X = self.sequential(X) return X class Bottleneck(nn.Module): expansion = 4 def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1): super().__init__() # all conv layers have stride 1. an avgpool is performed after the second convolution when stride > 1 self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inplanes, planes, 1, bias=False) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, 3, padding=1, bias=False) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(stride) if stride > 1 else nn.Identity() self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes * self.expansion, 1, bias=False) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * self.expansion) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.downsample = None self.stride = stride if stride > 1 or inplanes != planes * Bottleneck.expansion: # downsampling layer is prepended with an avgpool, and the subsequent convolution has stride 1 self.downsample = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict( [ ("-1", nn.AvgPool2d(stride)), ( "0", nn.Conv2d( inplanes, planes * self.expansion, 1, stride=1, bias=False, ), ), ("1", nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * self.expansion)), ] ) ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): identity = x out = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) out = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(out))) out = self.avgpool(out) out = self.bn3(self.conv3(out)) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out += identity out = self.relu(out) return out class AttentionPool2d(nn.Module): def __init__( self, spacial_dim: int, embed_dim: int, num_heads: int, output_dim: int = None ): super().__init__() self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter( torch.randn(spacial_dim**2 + 1, embed_dim) / embed_dim**0.5 ) self.k_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim) self.q_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim) self.v_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim) self.c_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, output_dim or embed_dim) self.num_heads = num_heads def forward(self, x): x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2] * x.shape[3]).permute( 2, 0, 1 ) # NCHW -> (HW)NC x = torch.cat([x.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True), x], dim=0) # (HW+1)NC x = x + self.positional_embedding[:, None, :].to(x.dtype) # (HW+1)NC x, _ = F.multi_head_attention_forward( query=x, key=x, value=x, embed_dim_to_check=x.shape[-1], num_heads=self.num_heads, q_proj_weight=self.q_proj.weight, k_proj_weight=self.k_proj.weight, v_proj_weight=self.v_proj.weight, in_proj_weight=None, in_proj_bias=torch.cat( [self.q_proj.bias, self.k_proj.bias, self.v_proj.bias] ), bias_k=None, bias_v=None, add_zero_attn=False, dropout_p=0, out_proj_weight=self.c_proj.weight, out_proj_bias=self.c_proj.bias, use_separate_proj_weight=True, training=self.training, need_weights=False, ) return x[0] class ModifiedResNet(nn.Module): """ A ResNet class that is similar to torchvision's but contains the following changes: - There are now 3 "stem" convolutions as opposed to 1, with an average pool instead of a max pool. - Performs anti-aliasing strided convolutions, where an avgpool is prepended to convolutions with stride > 1 - The final pooling layer is a QKV attention instead of an average pool """ def __init__(self, layers, output_dim, heads, image_size=224, width=64): super().__init__() self.output_dim = output_dim self.image_size = image_size # the 3-layer stem self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d( 3, width // 2, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, bias=False ) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(width // 2) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d( width // 2, width // 2, kernel_size=3, padding=1, bias=False ) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(width // 2) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(width // 2, width, kernel_size=3, padding=1, bias=False) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(width) self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(2) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) # residual layers self._inplanes = width # this is a *mutable* variable used during construction self.layer1 = self._make_layer(width, layers[0]) self.layer2 = self._make_layer(width * 2, layers[1], stride=2) self.layer3 = self._make_layer(width * 4, layers[2], stride=2) self.layer4 = self._make_layer(width * 8, layers[3], stride=2) embed_dim = width * 32 # the ResNet feature dimension self.attnpool = AttentionPool2d(image_size // 32, embed_dim, heads, output_dim) self.init_parameters() def _make_layer(self, planes, blocks, stride=1): layers = [Bottleneck(self._inplanes, planes, stride)] self._inplanes = planes * Bottleneck.expansion for _ in range(1, blocks): layers.append(Bottleneck(self._inplanes, planes)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def init_parameters(self): if self.attnpool is not None: std = self.attnpool.c_proj.in_features**-0.5 nn.init.normal_(self.attnpool.q_proj.weight, std=std) nn.init.normal_(self.attnpool.k_proj.weight, std=std) nn.init.normal_(self.attnpool.v_proj.weight, std=std) nn.init.normal_(self.attnpool.c_proj.weight, std=std) for resnet_block in [self.layer1, self.layer2, self.layer3, self.layer4]: for name, param in resnet_block.named_parameters(): if name.endswith("bn3.weight"): nn.init.zeros_(param) def lock(self, unlocked_groups=0, freeze_bn_stats=False): assert ( unlocked_groups == 0 ), "partial locking not currently supported for this model" for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False if freeze_bn_stats: freeze_batch_norm_2d(self) def stem(self, x): for conv, bn in [ (self.conv1, self.bn1), (self.conv2, self.bn2), (self.conv3, self.bn3), ]: x = self.relu(bn(conv(x))) x = self.avgpool(x) return x def forward(self, x): x = self.stem(x) x = self.layer1(x) x = self.layer2(x) x = self.layer3(x) x = self.layer4(x) x = self.attnpool(x) return x class LayerNorm(nn.LayerNorm): """Subclass torch's LayerNorm to handle fp16.""" def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): orig_type = x.dtype x = F.layer_norm(x, self.normalized_shape, self.weight, self.bias, self.eps) return x.to(orig_type) class QuickGELU(nn.Module): # NOTE This is slower than nn.GELU or nn.SiLU and uses more GPU memory def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): return x * torch.sigmoid(1.702 * x) class ResidualAttentionBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_model: int, n_head: int, act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU): super().__init__() self.attn = nn.MultiheadAttention(d_model, n_head) self.ln_1 = LayerNorm(d_model) self.mlp = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict( [ ("c_fc", nn.Linear(d_model, d_model * 4)), ("gelu", act_layer()), ("c_proj", nn.Linear(d_model * 4, d_model)), ] ) ) self.ln_2 = LayerNorm(d_model) def attention(self, x: torch.Tensor, attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None): return self.attn(x, x, x, need_weights=False, attn_mask=attn_mask)[0] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None): x = x + self.attention(self.ln_1(x), attn_mask=attn_mask) x = x + self.mlp(self.ln_2(x)) return x class Transformer(nn.Module): def __init__( self, width: int, layers: int, heads: int, act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU ): super().__init__() self.width = width self.layers = layers self.resblocks = nn.ModuleList( [ ResidualAttentionBlock(width, heads, act_layer=act_layer) for _ in range(layers) ] ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None): for r in self.resblocks: x = r(x, attn_mask=attn_mask) return x class VisualTransformer(nn.Module): def __init__( self, image_size: int, patch_size: int, width: int, layers: int, heads: int, output_dim: int, act_layer: Callable = nn.GELU, ): super().__init__() self.image_size = image_size self.output_dim = output_dim self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=3, out_channels=width, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=patch_size, bias=False, ) scale = width**-0.5 self.class_embedding = nn.Parameter(scale * torch.randn(width)) self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter( scale * torch.randn((image_size // patch_size) ** 2 + 1, width) ) self.ln_pre = LayerNorm(width) self.text_branch = Transformer(width, layers, heads, act_layer=act_layer) self.ln_post = LayerNorm(width) self.proj = nn.Parameter(scale * torch.randn(width, output_dim)) def lock(self, unlocked_groups=0, freeze_bn_stats=False): assert ( unlocked_groups == 0 ), "partial locking not currently supported for this model" for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): x = self.conv1(x) # shape = [*, width, grid, grid] x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], -1) # shape = [*, width, grid ** 2] x = x.permute(0, 2, 1) # shape = [*, grid ** 2, width] x = torch.cat( [ self.class_embedding.to(x.dtype) + torch.zeros( x.shape[0], 1, x.shape[-1], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device ), x, ], dim=1, ) # shape = [*, grid ** 2 + 1, width] x = x + self.positional_embedding.to(x.dtype) x = self.ln_pre(x) x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND x = self.text_branch(x) x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD x = self.ln_post(x[:, 0, :]) if self.proj is not None: x = x @ self.proj return x @dataclass class CLAPVisionCfg: layers: Union[Tuple[int, int, int, int], int] = 12 width: int = 768 patch_size: int = 16 image_size: Union[Tuple[int, int], int] = 224 timm_model_name: str = ( None # a valid model name overrides layers, width, patch_size ) timm_model_pretrained: bool = ( False # use (imagenet) pretrained weights for named model ) timm_pool: str = ( "avg" # feature pooling for timm model ('abs_attn', 'rot_attn', 'avg', '') ) timm_proj: str = ( "linear" # linear projection for timm model output ('linear', 'mlp', '') ) # Audio Config Class @dataclass class CLAPAudioCfp: model_type: str = "PANN" model_name: str = "Cnn14" sample_rate: int = 48000 # Param audio_length: int = 1024 window_size: int = 1024 hop_size: int = 1024 fmin: int = 50 fmax: int = 14000 class_num: int = 527 mel_bins: int = 64 clip_samples: int = 480000 @dataclass class CLAPTextCfg: context_length: int vocab_size: int width: int heads: int layers: int model_type: str class CLAP(nn.Module): def __init__( self, embed_dim: int, audio_cfg: CLAPAudioCfp, text_cfg: CLAPTextCfg, quick_gelu: bool = False, enable_fusion: bool = False, fusion_type: str = 'None', joint_embed_shape: int = 512, mlp_act: str = 'relu', ): super().__init__() if isinstance(audio_cfg, dict): audio_cfg = CLAPAudioCfp(**audio_cfg) if isinstance(text_cfg, dict): text_cfg = CLAPTextCfg(**text_cfg) self.audio_cfg = audio_cfg self.text_cfg = text_cfg self.enable_fusion = enable_fusion self.fusion_type = fusion_type self.joint_embed_shape = joint_embed_shape self.mlp_act = mlp_act self.context_length = text_cfg.context_length # OpenAI models are pretrained w/ QuickGELU but native nn.GELU is both faster and more # memory efficient in recent PyTorch releases (>= 1.10). # NOTE: timm models always use native GELU regardless of quick_gelu flag. act_layer = QuickGELU if quick_gelu else nn.GELU if mlp_act == 'relu': mlp_act_layer = nn.ReLU() elif mlp_act == 'gelu': mlp_act_layer = nn.GELU() else: raise NotImplementedError # audio branch # audio branch parameters if audio_cfg.model_type == "PANN": self.audio_branch = create_pann_model(audio_cfg, enable_fusion, fusion_type) elif audio_cfg.model_type == "HTSAT": self.audio_branch = create_htsat_model(audio_cfg, enable_fusion, fusion_type) else: logging.error(f"Model config for {audio_cfg.model_type} not found") raise RuntimeError(f"Model config for {audio_cfg.model_type} not found.") # text branch # text branch parameters if text_cfg.model_type == "transformer": self.text_branch = Transformer( width=text_cfg.width, layers=text_cfg.layers, heads=text_cfg.heads, act_layer=act_layer, ) self.vocab_size = text_cfg.vocab_size self.token_embedding = nn.Embedding(text_cfg.vocab_size, text_cfg.width) self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter( torch.empty(self.context_length, text_cfg.width) ) self.ln_final = LayerNorm(text_cfg.width) self.text_transform = MLPLayers(units=[self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape], dropout=0.1) self.text_projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(text_cfg.width, self.joint_embed_shape), mlp_act_layer, nn.Linear(self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape) ) elif text_cfg.model_type == "bert": self.text_branch = BertModel.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") self.text_transform = MLPLayers(units=[self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape], dropout=0.1) self.text_projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(768, self.joint_embed_shape), mlp_act_layer, nn.Linear(self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape) ) elif text_cfg.model_type == "roberta": self.text_branch = RobertaModel.from_pretrained('roberta-base') self.text_transform = MLPLayers(units=[self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape], dropout=0.1) self.text_projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(768, self.joint_embed_shape), mlp_act_layer, nn.Linear(self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape) ) elif text_cfg.model_type == "bart": self.text_branch = BartModel.from_pretrained('facebook/bart-base') self.text_transform = MLPLayers(units=[self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape], dropout=0.1) self.text_projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(768, self.joint_embed_shape), mlp_act_layer, nn.Linear(self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape) ) else: logging.error(f"Model config for {text_cfg.model_type} not found") raise RuntimeError(f"Model config for {text_cfg.model_type} not found.") self.text_branch_type = text_cfg.model_type # text branch parameters # audio branch parameters self.audio_transform = MLPLayers(units=[self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape], dropout=0.1) # below here is text branch parameters # ============================================================================================================ self.audio_projection = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(embed_dim, self.joint_embed_shape), mlp_act_layer, nn.Linear(self.joint_embed_shape, self.joint_embed_shape) ) self.logit_scale_a = nn.Parameter(torch.ones([]) * np.log(1 / 0.07)) self.logit_scale_t = nn.Parameter(torch.ones([]) * np.log(1 / 0.07)) self.register_buffer("attn_mask", self.build_attention_mask(), persistent=False) self.init_text_branch_parameters() def init_text_branch_parameters(self): if self.text_branch_type == "transformer": nn.init.normal_(self.token_embedding.weight, std=0.02) nn.init.normal_(self.positional_embedding, std=0.01) proj_std = (self.text_branch.width**-0.5) * ( (2 * self.text_branch.layers) ** -0.5 ) attn_std = self.text_branch.width**-0.5 fc_std = (2 * self.text_branch.width) ** -0.5 for block in self.text_branch.resblocks: nn.init.normal_(block.attn.in_proj_weight, std=attn_std) nn.init.normal_(block.attn.out_proj.weight, std=proj_std) nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_fc.weight, std=fc_std) nn.init.normal_(block.mlp.c_proj.weight, std=proj_std) if self.text_branch_type == "bert" or self.text_branch_type == "roberta": width = self.text_branch.embeddings.word_embeddings.weight.shape[-1] elif self.text_branch_type == "bart": width = self.text_branch.shared.weight.shape[-1] else: width = self.text_branch.width nn.init.constant_(self.logit_scale_a, np.log(1 / 0.07)) nn.init.constant_(self.logit_scale_t, np.log(1 / 0.07)) # deprecated # if hasattr(self.visual, 'init_parameters'): # self.visual.init_parameters() # if self.text_projection is not None: # nn.init.normal_(self.text_projection, std=width**-0.5) def build_attention_mask(self): # lazily create causal attention mask, with full attention between the vision tokens # pytorch uses additive attention mask; fill with -inf mask = torch.empty(self.context_length, self.context_length) mask.fill_(float("-inf")) mask.triu_(1) # zero out the lower diagonal return mask def encode_audio(self, audio, device): return self.audio_branch(audio, mixup_lambda=None, device=device) # mix lambda needs to add # def list_of_dict_of_tensor2dict_of_tensor(self, x, device): # tmp = {} # for k in x[0].keys(): # tmp[k] = [] # for i in range(len(x)): # tmp[k].append(x[i][k][:77]) # for k in x[0].keys(): # tmp[k] = torch.tensor(tmp[k]).to(device=device, non_blocking=True) # return tmp def encode_text(self, text, device): if self.text_branch_type == "transformer": text = text.to(device=device, non_blocking=True) x = self.token_embedding(text) # [batch_size, n_ctx, d_model] x = x + self.positional_embedding x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND x = self.text_branch(x, attn_mask=self.attn_mask) x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD x = self.ln_final(x) # x.shape = [batch_size, n_ctx, transformer.width] # take features from the eot embedding (eot_token is the highest number in each sequence) x = self.text_projection(x[torch.arange(x.shape[0]), text.argmax(dim=-1)]) elif self.text_branch_type == "bert": # text = self.list_of_dict_of_tensor2dict_of_tensor(text, device) # text = BatchEncoding(text) x = self.text_branch( input_ids=text["input_ids"].to(device=device, non_blocking=True), attention_mask=text["attention_mask"].to( device=device, non_blocking=True ), token_type_ids=text["token_type_ids"].to( device=device, non_blocking=True ), )["pooler_output"] x = self.text_projection(x) elif self.text_branch_type == "roberta": x = self.text_branch( input_ids=text["input_ids"].to(device=device, non_blocking=True), attention_mask=text["attention_mask"].to( device=device, non_blocking=True ), )["pooler_output"] x = self.text_projection(x) elif self.text_branch_type == "bart": x = torch.mean(self.text_branch( input_ids=text["input_ids"].to(device=device, non_blocking=True), attention_mask=text["attention_mask"].to( device=device, non_blocking=True ), )["encoder_last_hidden_state"],axis=1) x = self.text_projection(x) else: logging.error(f"Model type {self.text_branch_type} not found") raise RuntimeError(f"Model type {self.text_branch_type} not found.") return x def forward(self, audio, text, device=None): """Forward audio and text into the CLAP Parameters ---------- audio: torch.Tensor (batch_size, audio_length) the time-domain audio input / the batch of mel_spec and longer list. text: torch.Tensor () // need to add the text token input """ if device is None: if audio is not None: device = audio.device elif text is not None: device = text.device if audio is None and text is None: # a hack to get the logit scale return self.logit_scale_a.exp(), self.logit_scale_t.exp() elif audio is None: return self.encode_text(text, device=device) elif text is None: return self.audio_projection(self.encode_audio(audio, device=device)["embedding"]) audio_features = self.audio_projection(self.encode_audio(audio, device=device)["embedding"]) audio_features = F.normalize(audio_features, dim=-1) text_features = self.encode_text( text, device=device ) # print("text_features", text_features) # print("text_features.shape", text_features.shape) # print("text_features.type", type(text_features)) text_features = F.normalize(text_features, dim=-1) audio_features_mlp = self.audio_transform(audio_features) text_features_mlp = self.text_transform(text_features) # Four outputs: audio features (basic & MLP), text features (basic & MLP) return ( audio_features, text_features, audio_features_mlp, text_features_mlp, self.logit_scale_a.exp(), self.logit_scale_t.exp(), ) def get_logit_scale(self): return self.logit_scale_a.exp(), self.logit_scale_t.exp() def get_text_embedding(self, data): """Get the text embedding from the model Parameters ---------- data: torch.Tensor a tensor of text embedding Returns ---------- text_embed: torch.Tensor a tensor of text_embeds (N, D) """ device = next(self.parameters()).device for k in data: data[k] = data[k].to(device) text_embeds = self.encode_text(data, device=device) text_embeds = F.normalize(text_embeds, dim=-1) return text_embeds def get_audio_embedding(self, data): """Get the audio embedding from the model Parameters ---------- data: a list of dict the audio input dict list from 'get_audio_feature' method Returns ---------- audio_embed: torch.Tensor a tensor of audio_embeds (N, D) """ device = next(self.parameters()).device input_dict = {} keys = data[0].keys() for k in keys: input_dict[k] = torch.cat([d[k].unsqueeze(0) for d in data], dim=0).to(device) audio_embeds = self.encode_audio(input_dict, device=device)["embedding"] audio_embeds = self.audio_projection(audio_embeds) audio_embeds = F.normalize(audio_embeds, dim=-1) return audio_embeds def audio_infer(self, audio, hopsize=None, device=None): """Forward one audio and produce the audio embedding Parameters ---------- audio: (audio_length) the time-domain audio input, notice that it must be only one input hopsize: int the overlap hopsize as the sliding window Returns ---------- output_dict: { key: [n, (embedding_shape)] if "HTS-AT" or key: [(embedding_shape)] if "PANN" } the list of key values of the audio branch """ assert not self.training, "the inference mode must be run at eval stage" output_dict = {} # PANN if self.audio_cfg.model_type == "PANN": audio_input = audio.unsqueeze(dim=0) output_dict[key] = self.encode_audio(audio_input, device=device)[key].squeeze(dim=0) elif self.audio_cfg.model_type == "HTSAT": # repeat audio_len = len(audio) k = self.audio_cfg.clip_samples // audio_len if k > 1: audio = audio.repeat(k) audio_len = len(audio) if hopsize is None: hopsize = min(hopsize, audio_len) if audio_len > self.audio_cfg.clip_samples: audio_input = [ audio[pos : pos + self.audio_cfg.clip_samples].clone() for pos in range( 0, audio_len - self.audio_cfg.clip_samples, hopsize ) ] audio_input.append(audio[-self.audio_cfg.clip_samples :].clone()) audio_input = torch.stack(audio_input) output_dict[key] = self.encode_audio(audio_input, device=device)[key] else: audio_input = audio.unsqueeze(dim=0) output_dict[key] = self.encode_audio(audio_input, device=device)[key].squeeze(dim=0) return output_dict def convert_weights_to_fp16(model: nn.Module): """Convert applicable model parameters to fp16""" def _convert_weights_to_fp16(l): if isinstance(l, (nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Linear)): l.weight.data = l.weight.data.half() if l.bias is not None: l.bias.data = l.bias.data.half() if isinstance(l, nn.MultiheadAttention): for attr in [ *[f"{s}_proj_weight" for s in ["in", "q", "k", "v"]], "in_proj_bias", "bias_k", "bias_v", ]: tensor = getattr(l, attr) if tensor is not None: tensor.data = tensor.data.half() for name in ["text_projection", "proj"]: if hasattr(l, name): attr = getattr(l, name) if attr is not None: attr.data = attr.data.half() model.apply(_convert_weights_to_fp16) # Ignore the state dict of the vision part def build_model_from_openai_state_dict(state_dict: dict, model_cfg, enable_fusion: bool = False, fusion_type: str = 'None'): embed_dim = model_cfg["embed_dim"] audio_cfg = model_cfg["audio_cfg"] text_cfg = model_cfg["text_cfg"] context_length = state_dict["positional_embedding"].shape[0] vocab_size = state_dict["token_embedding.weight"].shape[0] transformer_width = state_dict["ln_final.weight"].shape[0] transformer_heads = transformer_width // 64 transformer_layers = len( set( k.split(".")[2] for k in state_dict if k.startswith(f"transformer.resblocks") ) ) audio_cfg = CLAPAudioCfp(**audio_cfg) text_cfg = CLAPTextCfg(**text_cfg) model = CLAP( embed_dim, audio_cfg=audio_cfg, text_cfg=text_cfg, quick_gelu=True, # OpenAI models were trained with QuickGELU enable_fusion=enable_fusion, fusion_type=fusion_type ) state_dict["logit_scale_a"] = state_dict["logit_scale"] state_dict["logit_scale_t"] = state_dict["logit_scale"] pop_keys = list(state_dict.keys())[::] # pop the visual branch saved weights for key in pop_keys: if key.startswith("visual."): state_dict.pop(key, None) for key in ["logit_scale", "input_resolution", "context_length", "vocab_size"]: state_dict.pop(key, None) # not use fp16 # convert_weights_to_fp16(model) model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) return model.eval() def trace_model(model, batch_size=256, device=torch.device("cpu")): model.eval() audio_length = model.audio_cfg.audio_length example_audio = torch.ones((batch_size, audio_length), device=device) example_text = torch.zeros( (batch_size, model.context_length), dtype=torch.int, device=device ) model = torch.jit.trace_module( model, inputs=dict( forward=(example_audio, example_text), encode_text=(example_text,), encode_image=(example_audio,), ), ) model.audio_cfg.audio_length = audio_length # Question: what does this do? return model