from __future__ import annotations |
import os |
import random |
from collections import defaultdict |
from importlib.resources import files |
import torch |
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence |
import jieba |
from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin, Style |
def seed_everything(seed=0): |
random.seed(seed) |
os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(seed) |
torch.manual_seed(seed) |
torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) |
torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) |
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False |
def exists(v): |
return v is not None |
def default(v, d): |
return v if exists(v) else d |
def lens_to_mask(t: int["b"], length: int | None = None) -> bool["b n"]: |
if not exists(length): |
length = t.amax() |
seq = torch.arange(length, device=t.device) |
return seq[None, :] < t[:, None] |
def mask_from_start_end_indices(seq_len: int["b"], start: int["b"], end: int["b"]): |
max_seq_len = seq_len.max().item() |
seq = torch.arange(max_seq_len, device=start.device).long() |
start_mask = seq[None, :] >= start[:, None] |
end_mask = seq[None, :] < end[:, None] |
return start_mask & end_mask |
def mask_from_frac_lengths(seq_len: int["b"], frac_lengths: float["b"]): |
lengths = (frac_lengths * seq_len).long() |
max_start = seq_len - lengths |
rand = torch.rand_like(frac_lengths) |
start = (max_start * rand).long().clamp(min=0) |
end = start + lengths |
return mask_from_start_end_indices(seq_len, start, end) |
def maybe_masked_mean(t: float["b n d"], mask: bool["b n"] = None) -> float["b d"]: |
if not exists(mask): |
return t.mean(dim=1) |
t = torch.where(mask[:, :, None], t, torch.tensor(0.0, device=t.device)) |
num = t.sum(dim=1) |
den = mask.float().sum(dim=1) |
return num / den.clamp(min=1.0) |
def list_str_to_tensor(text: list[str], padding_value=-1) -> int["b nt"]: |
list_tensors = [torch.tensor([*bytes(t, "UTF-8")]) for t in text] |
text = pad_sequence(list_tensors, padding_value=padding_value, batch_first=True) |
return text |
def list_str_to_idx( |
text: list[str] | list[list[str]], |
vocab_char_map: dict[str, int], |
padding_value=-1, |
) -> int["b nt"]: |
list_idx_tensors = [torch.tensor([vocab_char_map.get(c, 0) for c in t]) for t in text] |
text = pad_sequence(list_idx_tensors, padding_value=padding_value, batch_first=True) |
return text |
def get_tokenizer(dataset_name, tokenizer: str = "pinyin"): |
""" |
tokenizer - "pinyin" do g2p for only chinese characters, need .txt vocab_file |
- "char" for char-wise tokenizer, need .txt vocab_file |
- "byte" for utf-8 tokenizer |
- "custom" if you're directly passing in a path to the vocab.txt you want to use |
vocab_size - if use "pinyin", all available pinyin types, common alphabets (also those with accent) and symbols |
- if use "char", derived from unfiltered character & symbol counts of custom dataset |
- if use "byte", set to 256 (unicode byte range) |
""" |
if tokenizer in ["pinyin", "char"]: |
tokenizer_path = os.path.join(files("f5_tts").joinpath("../../data"), f"{dataset_name}_{tokenizer}/vocab.txt") |
with open(tokenizer_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
vocab_char_map = {} |
for i, char in enumerate(f): |
vocab_char_map[char[:-1]] = i |
vocab_size = len(vocab_char_map) |
assert vocab_char_map[" "] == 0, "make sure space is of idx 0 in vocab.txt, cuz 0 is used for unknown char" |
elif tokenizer == "byte": |
vocab_char_map = None |
vocab_size = 256 |
elif tokenizer == "custom": |
with open(dataset_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
vocab_char_map = {} |
for i, char in enumerate(f): |
vocab_char_map[char[:-1]] = i |
vocab_size = len(vocab_char_map) |
return vocab_char_map, vocab_size |
jieba.initialize() |
print("Word segmentation module jieba initialized.\n") |
def convert_char_to_pinyin(text_list, polyphone=True): |
final_text_list = [] |
custom_trans = str.maketrans( |
{";": ",", "“": '"', "”": '"', "‘": "'", "’": "'"} |
) |
def is_chinese(c): |
return ( |
"\u3100" <= c <= "\u9fff" |
) |
for text in text_list: |
char_list = [] |
text = text.translate(custom_trans) |
for seg in jieba.cut(text): |
seg_byte_len = len(bytes(seg, "UTF-8")) |
if seg_byte_len == len(seg): |
if char_list and seg_byte_len > 1 and char_list[-1] not in " :'\"": |
char_list.append(" ") |
char_list.extend(seg) |
elif polyphone and seg_byte_len == 3 * len(seg): |
seg_ = lazy_pinyin(seg, style=Style.TONE3, tone_sandhi=True) |
for i, c in enumerate(seg): |
if is_chinese(c): |
char_list.append(" ") |
char_list.append(seg_[i]) |
else: |
for c in seg: |
if ord(c) < 256: |
char_list.extend(c) |
elif is_chinese(c): |
char_list.append(" ") |
char_list.extend(lazy_pinyin(c, style=Style.TONE3, tone_sandhi=True)) |
else: |
char_list.append(c) |
final_text_list.append(char_list) |
return final_text_list |
def repetition_found(text, length=2, tolerance=10): |
pattern_count = defaultdict(int) |
for i in range(len(text) - length + 1): |
pattern = text[i : i + length] |
pattern_count[pattern] += 1 |
for pattern, count in pattern_count.items(): |
if count > tolerance: |
return True |
return False |