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* Javascript/Canvas Textured 3D Renderer v0.3.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, [email protected]
* This software is free to use for non-commercial purposes. For anything else, please contact the author.
* This is a version modified by Stefano Gioffre'.
Canvas3D.Mesh = function() {
this._oPosition = new Canvas3D.Vec3(0,0,0);
this._oRotation = new Canvas3D.Vec3(0,0,0);
this._aVertices = []; // vertex positions in object space
this._aGlobalVertices = []; // vertices translated to global space
this._aFaces = [];
this._aNormals = [];
this._aMaterials = [];
this._bDirty = true;
this._bVisible = true;
this._iForcedZ = -1;
this._bHideWhenRotating = false;
this._oDefaultColor = {r:155,g:155,b:155};
this._oDefaultMaterial = {};
this._iSize = 1;
this._fScale = 1;
this._bFill = true; // render filled triangles
this._bWire = false; // render wireframe
this._bShading = true; // shade/light filled triangles
this._bBackfaceCull = true; // only draw triangles facing the camera
this._bZSort = true; // sort triangles back-to-front
this._bExpandClipPath = true; // expand clip path by 1px, to minimize gaps
this._bTexture = false; // render textured triangles (must enable bFill as well)
this._bTextureShading = false; // render shading on textured triangles (must enable bShading as well)
// sometimes the exported normals from Max are messed up, or they're imported wrong or whatever, I don't know.
// We can recalculate them after loading.
this._bCalcNormals = true;
// only allow textures if canvas is available
var oCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
this._bCanTexture = false;
this._bCanTextureUV = false;
if (oCanvas.getContext && oCanvas.getContext("2d")) {
this._bCanTexture = true;
if (oCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData) {
this._bCanTextureUV = true;
// parse the mesh data
// the mesh data (vertices, faces, texture coordinates, materials) are read from a JSON object structure
// and copied into local arrays
// normals are recalculated, if enabled.
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setMeshData = function(oMeshData, oScene) {
this._oMeshData = oMeshData;
this._aVertices = [];
this._aFaces = [];
this._aNormals = [];
this._aMaterials = [];
var oPos = this._oPosition;
var me = this;
if (this._oMeshData.mat) {
for (var m=0;m<this._oMeshData.mat.length;m++) {
var oMat = this._oMeshData.mat[m];
oMat.idx = m;
if (oMat.t) {
oMat.image = new Image();
if (oMat.uv && this._bCanTextureUV) {
oMat.image.mat = oMat;
oMat.image.onload = function() {
if (oScene) {
this.onload = null;
oMat.image.src = "textures/" + oMat.t;
for (var o=0;o<this._oMeshData.obj.length;o++) {
var oObject = this._oMeshData.obj[o];
var aVertices = oObject.vrt;
var aTexCoords = oObject.tex;
this._aTexCoords = aTexCoords;
var iVertOffset = this._aVertices.length;
var fTotalX = 0;
var fTotalY = 0;
var fTotalZ = 0;
var iNumVertices = aVertices.length;
for (var v=0;v<iNumVertices;v++) {
var oVertex = new Canvas3D.Vec3(
new Canvas3D.Vec3(
oVertex.x + oPos.x,
oVertex.y + oPos.y,
oVertex.z + oPos.z
fTotalX += oVertex.x;
fTotalY += oVertex.y;
fTotalZ += oVertex.z;
var fAvgX = fTotalX / iNumVertices;
var fAvgY = fTotalY / iNumVertices;
var fAvgZ = fTotalZ / iNumVertices;
var oLocalCenter = new Canvas3D.Vec3(fAvgX, fAvgY, fAvgZ);
var aFaces = oObject.fac;
for (var f=0;f<aFaces.length;f++) {
var oFace = aFaces[f];
var oPoint1 = this._aGlobalVertices[oFace[0] + iVertOffset];
var oPoint2 = this._aGlobalVertices[oFace[1] + iVertOffset];
var oPoint3 = this._aGlobalVertices[oFace[2] + iVertOffset];
var oCenter = new Canvas3D.Vec3(
(oPoint1.x + oPoint2.x + oPoint3.x) / 3,
(oPoint1.y + oPoint2.y + oPoint3.y) / 3,
(oPoint1.z + oPoint2.z + oPoint3.z) / 3
var oNormal = new Canvas3D.Vec3(
var oFace = {
a : oFace[0] + iVertOffset,
b : oFace[1] + iVertOffset,
c : oFace[2] + iVertOffset,
normal : oNormal,
center : oCenter,
mat : oFace[3],
idx : f,
lights : []
if (this._bCalcNormals) {
// here we prepare the texture for easy rendering.
// For each face, a triangular region is drawn onto a canvas containing the image data for that face
// We draw a triangular section on the destination canvas containing the corresponding pixel data from the source texture,
// using the UV coords to retrieve the correct pixels
// that way, we have all texture parts rotated and scaled into a common form, so they can easily be drawn later
// at the moment, the data is read with getImageData and is rather slow, but it should be possible do to sort of the reverse process
// of the drawTextureTriangle transform to draw these texture parts.
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype._bakeTexture = function(oMat) {
var f = this._aFaces.length;
var aTexFaces = [];
// find all face that need this texture
do {
var oFace = this._aFaces[f-1];
if (oFace.mat == oMat.idx) {
oFace.texidx = aTexFaces.length-1;
} while (--f)
f = aTexFaces.length;
if (f < 1) {
var fc = aTexFaces.length;
var iTexRes = oMat.res;
var iTexWidth = iTexRes * f + f*2;
var iTexHeight = iTexRes + 2;
var iSrcWidth = oMat.w;
var iSrcHeight = oMat.h;
// create canvas for source texture image and paint the texture on it
var oSource = document.createElement("canvas");
oSource.width = iSrcWidth;
oSource.height = iSrcHeight;
oSource.style.width = iSrcWidth+"px";
oSource.style.height = iSrcHeight+"px";
var oSrcCtx = oSource.getContext("2d");
oSrcCtx.drawImage(oMat.image, 0, 0, iSrcWidth, iSrcHeight);
var oSrcDataObj = oSrcCtx.getImageData(0, 0, iSrcWidth, iSrcHeight);
var aSrcData = oSrcDataObj.data;
// create canvas for finished face textures.
var oTexCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
oTexCanvas.width = iTexWidth;
oTexCanvas.height = iTexHeight;
oTexCanvas.style.width = iTexWidth+"px";
oTexCanvas.style.height = (iTexHeight)+"px";
oTexCanvas.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(255,0,255)";
oTexCanvas.resolution = iTexRes;
var oDstCtx = oTexCanvas.getContext("2d");
oDstCtx.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,255)";
var oDstDataObj = oDstCtx.getImageData(0, 0, iTexWidth, iTexHeight);
var aDstData = oDstDataObj.data;
var oContext = oTexCanvas.getContext("2d");
//uncomment to see how the texture is prepared
var iTexOffsetX = iTexRes;
do {
var oFace = aTexFaces[f-1];
var oCoords = this._aTexCoords[oFace.idx];
var oTexPoint1 = oCoords[1];
var oTexPoint2 = oCoords[2];
var oTexPoint3 = oCoords[0];
var x1 = oTexPoint1[0] * iSrcWidth;
var y1 = (1 - oTexPoint1[1]) * iSrcHeight;
var x3 = oTexPoint2[0] * iSrcWidth;
var y3 = (1 - oTexPoint2[1]) * iSrcHeight;
var x2 = oTexPoint3[0] * iSrcWidth;
var y2 = (1 - oTexPoint3[1]) * iSrcHeight;
var fUnitAX = (x2 - x1);
var fUnitAY = (y2 - y1);
var fUnitBX = (x3 - x2);
var fUnitBY = (y3 - y2);
var iOffsetX = 0;
var iDstXOffset = (iTexWidth - iTexOffsetX - (fc-f)*2-2);
// we paint the triangular texture with a 1px margin on each side and let the texture spill over into this margin.
// this is to prevent small transparent gaps to appear between the triangles when they are rotated and scaled into place during rendering.
var y = iTexRes+2;
do {
var iDstY = iTexRes+2-y;
var fStepY = (iTexRes+1-y) / iTexRes;
var fStepYUnitBX = fStepY*fUnitBX;
var fStepYUnitBY = fStepY*fUnitBY;
var iDstYOffset = iDstY*iTexWidth*4;
var x = iTexRes+2 - iOffsetX;
do {
var iDstX = x + iDstXOffset - 1;
var fStepX = (x-1 + iOffsetX) / iTexRes;
var iSrcX = Math.floor(x1 + fStepX*fUnitAX + fStepYUnitBX);
var iSrcY = Math.floor(y1 + fStepX*fUnitAY + fStepYUnitBY);
if (iSrcX < 0) iSrcX = 0;
if (iSrcY < 0) iSrcY = 0;
if (iSrcX >= iSrcWidth) iSrcX = iSrcWidth-1;
if (iSrcY >= iSrcHeight) iSrcY = iSrcHeight-1;
var iDstPixOffset = iDstYOffset + iDstX*4;
var iSrcPixOffset = (iSrcY*iSrcWidth + iSrcX)*4;
aDstData[iDstPixOffset] = aSrcData[iSrcPixOffset];
aDstData[iDstPixOffset+1] = aSrcData[iSrcPixOffset+1];
aDstData[iDstPixOffset+2] = aSrcData[iSrcPixOffset+2];
aDstData[iDstPixOffset+3] = oMat.texalpha ? aSrcData[iSrcPixOffset+3] : 255;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
iTexOffsetX += iTexRes;
} while (--f);
oDstCtx.putImageData(oDstDataObj, 0, 0);
oDstCtx.fillRect(0,0,0,0); // Opera doesn't update until we draw something?
oMat.facecanvas = oTexCanvas;
var fncZSort = function(a, b) {
return a.transcenter.z - b.transcenter.z;
// math and misc shortcuts
var sin = Math.sin;
var cos = Math.cos;
var asin = Math.asin;
var acos = Math.acos;
var pow = Math.pow;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var fRadDeg = 180 / Math.PI;
var fDegRad = Math.PI / 180;
var fDegRad45 = fDegRad*45;
var fDegRad90 = fDegRad*90;
var fDegRad180 = fDegRad*180;
var fSqrt2Div2 = sqrt(2) / 2;
// this functions draws a textured (and shaded) triangle on the canvas
// this is done by rotating/scaling a triangular section in place, setting up a clipping path and drawing the image.
// if UV coords are enabled, only the correct part of the triangle-strip texture is drawn
// if not, the entire texture is drawn for each face
// some of the code used for skewing the image was inspired by the AS function found here:
// http://www.senocular.com/flash/actionscript.php?file=ActionScript_1.0/Prototypes/MovieClip/skew.as
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype._drawTextureTriangle = function(oContext, oMat, oPoint1, oPoint2, oPoint3, iOffsetX, iOffsetY, fShade, oNormal, iIdx) {
if (!oMat.image) {
if (!oMat.image.complete) {
var oMatImage = oMat.image;
if (!oMatImage.canvas) {
// first time around, we paint the texture image to a canvas
// drawing the triangle later on is slightly faster using another canvas object rather than an image object
// this should be moved to someplace else
var iTexWidth = 50;
var iTexHeight = 50;
var oTextureCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
oTextureCanvas.width = iTexWidth;
oTextureCanvas.height = iTexHeight;
oTextureCanvas.style.width = iTexWidth + "px";
oTextureCanvas.style.height = iTexHeight + "px";
var oTexCtx = oTextureCanvas.getContext("2d");
oTexCtx.drawImage(oMatImage, 0, 0, iTexWidth, iTexHeight);
oMatImage.canvas = oTextureCanvas;
var x1 = oPoint1.x;
var y1 = oPoint1.y;
var x2 = oPoint2.x;
var y2 = oPoint2.y;
var x3 = oPoint3.x;
var y3 = oPoint3.y;
// trig to calc the angle we need to rotate in order get our texturetriangle in place
var dx = x3 - x2;
var dy = y3 - y2;
var a = sqrt((dx*dx + dy*dy));
dx = x3 - x1;
dy = y3 - y1;
var b = sqrt((dx*dx + dy*dy));
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
var c = sqrt((dx*dx + dy*dy));
var aa = a*a, bb = b*b, cc = c*c;
var fCosB = (aa + cc - bb) / (2*a*c);
var fAngleB = acos(fCosB);
if (isNaN(fAngleB)) return;
var fCosC = (aa + bb - cc) / (2*a*b);
var fAngleC = acos(fCosC);
if (isNaN(fAngleC)) return;
if ((fAngleB + fAngleC) == 0) return;
var fSkewX = -(fDegRad90 - (fAngleB + fAngleC));
var fTriRotation = -(asin((y2 - y1) / c));
if (x2 > x1) { // rotate the other way around if triangle is flipped
fTriRotation = fDegRad180 - fTriRotation;
if (fSkewX == fDegRad90) fSkewX = fDegRad*89.99;
if (fSkewX == -fDegRad90) fSkewX = -fDegRad*89.99;
var fCosX = cos(fSkewX);
var fRotation = fDegRad45 + fSkewX * 0.5;
var fDiv = 1 / (sin(fRotation) * fSqrt2Div2);
var fScaleX = fCosX * fDiv;
var fScaleY = (sin(fSkewX) + 1) * fDiv;
// setup the clipping path, so only texture within the triangle is drawn.
var iClipX1 = x1 + iOffsetX;
var iClipY1 = y1 + iOffsetY;
var iClipX2 = x2 + iOffsetX;
var iClipY2 = y2 + iOffsetY;
var iClipX3 = x3 + iOffsetX;
var iClipY3 = y3 + iOffsetY;
// here we try to expand the clip path by 1 pixel to get rid of (some of the) gaps between the triangles
// we do this simply by moving the topmost point 1px up, the leftmost point 1px left, and so on.
// later, we also render the triangle itself 1 px too big
// drawbacks are that the contour of the object will appear a bit "pointy".
if (this._bExpandClipPath && false) {
if (iClipY1 < iClipY2 && iClipY1 < iClipY3)
else if (iClipY2 < iClipY1 && iClipY2 < iClipY3)
else if (iClipY3 < iClipY1 && iClipY3 < iClipY2)
if (iClipY1 > iClipY2 && iClipY1 > iClipY3)
else if (iClipY2 > iClipY1 && iClipY2 > iClipY3)
else if (iClipY3 > iClipY1 && iClipY3 > iClipY2)
if (iClipX1 < iClipX2 && iClipX1 < iClipX3)
else if (iClipX2 < iClipX1 && iClipX2 < iClipX3)
else if (iClipX3 < iClipX1 && iClipX3 < iClipX2)
if (iClipX1 > iClipX2 && iClipX1 > iClipX3)
else if (iClipX2 > iClipX1 && iClipX2 > iClipX3)
else if (iClipX3 > iClipX1 && iClipX3 > iClipX2)
// do the clip path
oContext.moveTo(iClipX1, iClipY1);
oContext.lineTo(iClipX2, iClipY2);
oContext.lineTo(iClipX3, iClipY3);
// setup the skew/rotation transformation
oContext.translate(x2 + iOffsetX, y2 + iOffsetY);
oContext.rotate(fRotation + fTriRotation);
oContext.scale(fScaleX, fScaleY);
var fTriScaleX = c / 2; // 100 * 50;
var fTriScaleY = b / 2; // 100 * 50;
if (oMat.uv) {
// we are using UV coordinates for texturing
if (this._bCanTextureUV && oMat.facecanvas) {
var iTexRes = oMat.facecanvas.resolution;
// draw our texture
// there will be a small gap between the triangles. Drawing the texture at offset (-1,-1) gets rid of some of it.
iIdx * iTexRes + iIdx*2+1, 1, iTexRes, iTexRes,
-1, -1,
fTriScaleX + 2,
fTriScaleY + 2
} else {
// no UV, just draw the same texture for all faces
-1, -1,
fTriScaleX + 2,
fTriScaleY + 2
// if shading is turned on, render a semi-transparent black triangle on top.
// that means that a fully lit triangle will just be the raw texture, and the less lit a triangle is, the darker it gets.
// we could render semi-transparent white on top to make it brighter, but it doesn't look right, so we settle for that.
if (this._bTextureShading && fShade > 0) {
oContext.moveTo(iClipX1, iClipY1);
oContext.lineTo(iClipX2, iClipY2);
oContext.lineTo(iClipX3, iClipY3);
oContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0," + (fShade*0.5) + ")";
// draw the mesh on the oContext canvas context, at offset [iOffsetX, iOffsetY]
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.draw = function(oContext, iOffsetX, iOffsetY) {
if (!this._bVisible) return;
var oScene = this._oScene;
var oCam = oScene.getActiveCamera();
var oAmbient = oScene.getAmbientLight()
// if shading is enabled, calculate the direction vectors to all light sources
var bLightDirty = false;
if (this._bShading && this._bFill) {
var aLights = oScene.getLights();
var aLightDirections = [];
for (var l=0;l<aLights.length;l++) {
// todo: this should be position relative to mesh
var oLightPos = aLights[l].getPosition();
var oLightDirection = oLightPos.unit();
if (aLights[l].getDirty())
bLightDirty = true;
var aVertices = this._aGlobalVertices;
var aFaces = this._aFaces;
if (aVertices.length < 3 || aFaces.length < 1) {
// nothing to draw
// let the camera transform all vertices and project them to 2D.
var aPoints2D = [];
var aTransVertices = [];
var v = aVertices.length;
do {
var oVertex = aVertices[v-1];
var oVec = oCam.transformPoint(oVertex);
aTransVertices[v-1] = oVec;
var oPoint2D = oCam.project(oVec);
aPoints2D[v-1] = oPoint2D;
} while (--v);
var aSortedFaces;
// if the faces are filled, we need to do z-sorting
if (this._bFill && this._bZSort) {
var f = aFaces.length;
do {
var oFace = aFaces[f-1];
oFace.transcenter = oCam.transformPoint(oFace.center);
} while (--f);
aSortedFaces = aFaces.sort(fncZSort);
// if not, just use the raw list
} else {
aSortedFaces = aFaces;
f = aSortedFaces.length;
if (f < 1) {
// run through all faces
do {
var oFace = aSortedFaces[f-1];
var oPoint1 = aPoints2D[oFace.a];
var oPoint2 = aPoints2D[oFace.b];
var oPoint3 = aPoints2D[oFace.c];
var oNormal = oFace.normal;
var bDraw = false;
// do backface culling in screen space
if (this._bBackfaceCull) {
// screen space backface culling adapted from http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/backface_culling.htm
if (((oPoint3.y-oPoint1.y)/(oPoint3.x-oPoint1.x) - (oPoint2.y-oPoint1.y)/(oPoint2.x-oPoint1.x) <= 0) ^ (oPoint1.x <= oPoint3.x == oPoint1.x > oPoint2.x)){
bDraw = true;
} else {
bDraw = true;
if (oCam.clip(aTransVertices[oFace.a]) || oCam.clip(aTransVertices[oFace.b]) || oCam.clip(aTransVertices[oFace.c])) {
bDraw = false;
// if triangle is facing camera, draw it
if (bDraw) {
// get the material for this face
var oFaceMat = this._aMaterials[oFace.mat];
if (oFaceMat) {
oFaceColor = oFaceMat;
} else {
oFaceMat = this._oDefaultMaterial;
oFaceColor = this._oDefaultColor;
var bFaceTexture = this._bTexture && oFaceMat.t;
// save the original color
var oFaceOrgColor = {r:oFaceColor.r, g:oFaceColor.g, b:oFaceColor.b};
var fLight = 0;
var fShade = 1;
if (this._bFill) {
// setup ambient face color
if (!bFaceTexture) {
if (bLightDirty || this._bDirty) {
var oFaceColorAmb = {
r:(oAmbient.r / 255) * oFaceColor.r,
g:(oAmbient.g / 255) * oFaceColor.g,
b:(oAmbient.b / 255) * oFaceColor.b
// do lighting
if (this._bShading) {
if (bLightDirty || this._bDirty) {
for (var l=0;l<aLights.length;l++) {
var oLightPos = aLights[l].getPosition();
var oLightDir = new Canvas3D.Vec3(
oLightPos.x - oFace.center.x,
oLightPos.y - oFace.center.y,
oLightPos.z - oFace.center.z
var fDot = -oLightDir.dot(oNormal);
// is the face facing the light source
if (fDot > 0) {
//fDot = Math.sqrt(fDot);
fLight = fDot * aLights[l].getIntensity();
fShade = fShade - fLight;
// lighten the face by the light intensity
if (!bFaceTexture) {
oFaceColorAmb = {
r: oFaceColorAmb.r + oFaceColor.r * fLight,
g: oFaceColorAmb.g + oFaceColor.g * fLight,
b: oFaceColorAmb.b + oFaceColor.b * fLight
oFaceColorAmb.r = Math.floor(oFaceColorAmb.r);
oFaceColorAmb.g = Math.floor(oFaceColorAmb.g);
oFaceColorAmb.b = Math.floor(oFaceColorAmb.b);
if (oFaceColorAmb.r < 0) oFaceColorAmb.r = 0;
if (oFaceColorAmb.g < 0) oFaceColorAmb.g = 0;
if (oFaceColorAmb.b < 0) oFaceColorAmb.b = 0;
if (oFaceColorAmb.r > 255) oFaceColorAmb.r = 255;
if (oFaceColorAmb.g > 255) oFaceColorAmb.g = 255;
if (oFaceColorAmb.b > 255) oFaceColorAmb.b = 255;
oFace.calccolor = oFaceColorAmb;
oFace.shade = fShade;
oFaceColorAmb = oFace.calccolor;
fShade = oFace.shade;
if (!bFaceTexture) {
oFaceColor = oFaceColorAmb;
oContext.moveTo(oPoint1.x + iOffsetX, oPoint1.y + iOffsetY);
oContext.lineTo(oPoint2.x + iOffsetX, oPoint2.y + iOffsetY)
oContext.lineTo(oPoint3.x + iOffsetX, oPoint3.y + iOffsetY)
if (this._bFill) {
if (this._bCanTexture && this._bTexture && oFaceMat.image) {
this._drawTextureTriangle(oContext, oFaceMat, oPoint1, oPoint2, oPoint3, iOffsetX, iOffsetY, fShade, oNormal, oFace.texidx);
} else {
oContext.fillStyle = "rgb(" + oFaceColor.r + "," + oFaceColor.g + "," + oFaceColor.b + ")";
if (!this._bWire) {
oContext.lineWidth = 0.7;
oContext.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + oFaceColor.r + "," + oFaceColor.g + "," + oFaceColor.b + ")";
if (this._bWire) {
oFaceOrgColor.r = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(oFaceOrgColor.r),0),255);
oFaceOrgColor.g = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(oFaceOrgColor.g),0),255);
oFaceOrgColor.b = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(oFaceOrgColor.b),0),255);
oContext.lineWidth = 1;
oContext.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + oFaceOrgColor.r + "," + oFaceOrgColor.g + "," + oFaceOrgColor.b + ")";
} while (--f);
this._bDirty = false;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setScene = function(oScene) {
if (this._oScene != oScene) {
this._oScene = oScene;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setLighting = function(bEnable) {
this._bShading = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setBackfaceCull = function(bEnable) {
this._bBackfaceCull = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setZSort = function(bEnable) {
this._bZSort = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setFill = function(bEnable) {
this._bFill = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setWire = function(bEnable) {
this._bWire = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setTexture = function(bEnable) {
this._bTexture = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setTextureShading = function(bEnable) {
this._bTextureShading = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype._updateGlobalVertices = function() {
var oRot = this._oRotation;
var oPos = this._oPosition;
for (var i = 0; i < this._aVertices.length; i++) {
var oRotatedVertex = new Canvas3D.Vec3(
if (oRot.x)
if (oRot.y)
if (oRot.z)
this._aGlobalVertices[i].x = oRotatedVertex.x * this._fScale + oPos.x;
this._aGlobalVertices[i].y = oRotatedVertex.y * this._fScale + oPos.y;
this._aGlobalVertices[i].z = oRotatedVertex.z * this._fScale + oPos.z;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype._recalcNormals = function() {
for (var f = 0; f < this._aFaces.length; f++) {
var oFace = this._aFaces[f];
var oPoint1 = this._aGlobalVertices[oFace.a];
var oPoint2 = this._aGlobalVertices[oFace.b];
var oPoint3 = this._aGlobalVertices[oFace.c];
var oCenter = new Canvas3D.Vec3(
(oPoint1.x + oPoint2.x + oPoint3.x) / 3,
(oPoint1.y + oPoint2.y + oPoint3.y) / 3,
(oPoint1.z + oPoint2.z + oPoint3.z) / 3
oFace.center = oCenter;
var oNormal = new Canvas3D.Vec3(
((oPoint1.y - oPoint2.y) * (oPoint1.z - oPoint3.z)) - ((oPoint1.z - oPoint2.z) * (oPoint1.y - oPoint3.y)),
((oPoint1.z - oPoint2.z) * (oPoint1.x - oPoint3.x)) - ((oPoint1.x - oPoint2.x) * (oPoint1.z - oPoint3.z)),
((oPoint1.x - oPoint2.x) * (oPoint1.y - oPoint3.y)) - ((oPoint1.y - oPoint2.y) * (oPoint1.x - oPoint3.x))
oFace.normal = oNormal;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setPosition = function(oVec) {
if (oVec.x != this._oPosition.x || oVec.y != this._oPosition.y || oVec.z != this._oPosition.z) {
this._oPosition = oVec;
this._bDirty = true;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setRotation = function(oVec) {
this._oRotation = oVec;
this._bDirty = true;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.getPosition = function(oVec) {
return this._oPosition;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setForcedZ = function(iZ) {
this._iForcedZ = iZ;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.getForcedZ = function() {
return this._iForcedZ;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.getHideWhenRotating = function() {
return this._bHideWhenRotating;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setHideWhenRotating = function(bEnable) {
this._bHideWhenRotating = bEnable;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.getDirty = function() {
return this._bDirty;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.hide = function() {
this._bVisible = false;
this._bDirty = true;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.show = function() {
this._bVisible = true;
this._bDirty = true;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.isVisible = function() {
return this._bVisible;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.setScale = function(fScale) {
this._fScale = fScale;
this._bDirty = true;
Canvas3D.Mesh.prototype.getScale = function() {
return this._fScale;