/* Orteil's crappy dungeon generation library, 2013 Unfinished and buggy, use at your own risk (please credit) http://orteil.dashnet.org Rough process (might or might not be what actually happens) : 1 make a room in the middle 2 pick one of its walls (not corners) 3 select a free tile on the other side of that wall 4 iteratively expand the selection in one (corridors) or two (rooms) directions, stopping when we meet a wall or when we're above the size threshold 5 compute that selection into a room 6 add decorations to the room (pillars, water) but only on the center tiles, as to leave free passages (sprinkle destructible decorations anywhere) 7 take a random floor tile in the room and repeat step 4, but don't stop at the walls of this room (this creates branching) - repeat about 5 times for interesting shapes 8 add those branches to the room 9 carve the room into the map, and set the initially selected wall as a door - set the new room's parent to the previous room, and add it to its parent's children 10 repeat step 2 with any free wall on the map until the amount of tiles dug is above the desired fill ratio Note : I should probably switch the rendering to canvas to allow stuff like occlusion shadows and lights */ if (1==1 || undefined==Math.seedrandom) { //seeded random function, courtesy of http://davidbau.com/archives/2010/01/30/random_seeds_coded_hints_and_quintillions.html (function(a,b,c,d,e,f){function k(a){var b,c=a.length,e=this,f=0,g=e.i=e.j=0,h=e.S=[];for(c||(a=[c++]);d>f;)h[f]=f++;for(f=0;d>f;f++)h[f]=h[g=j&g+a[f%c]+(b=h[f])],h[g]=b;(e.g=function(a){for(var b,c=0,f=e.i,g=e.j,h=e.S;a--;)b=h[f=j&f+1],c=c*d+h[j&(h[f]=h[g=j&g+b])+(h[g]=b)];return e.i=f,e.j=g,c})(d)}function l(a,b){var e,c=[],d=(typeof a)[0];if(b&&"o"==d)for(e in a)try{c.push(l(a[e],b-1))}catch(f){}return c.length?c:"s"==d?a:a+"\0"}function m(a,b){for(var d,c=a+"",e=0;c.length>e;)b[j&e]=j&(d^=19*b[j&e])+c.charCodeAt(e++);return o(b)}function n(c){try{return a.crypto.getRandomValues(c=new Uint8Array(d)),o(c)}catch(e){return[+new Date,a,a.navigator.plugins,a.screen,o(b)]}}function o(a){return String.fromCharCode.apply(0,a)}var g=c.pow(d,e),h=c.pow(2,f),i=2*h,j=d-1;c.seedrandom=function(a,f){var j=[],p=m(l(f?[a,o(b)]:0 in arguments?a:n(),3),j),q=new k(j);return m(o(q.S),b),c.random=function(){for(var a=q.g(e),b=g,c=0;h>a;)a=(a+c)*d,b*=d,c=q.g(1);for(;a>=i;)a/=2,b/=2,c>>>=1;return(a+c)/b},p},m(c.random(),b)})(this,[],Math,256,6,52); } if (1==1 || undefined==choose) {function choose(arr) {if (arr.length==0) return 0; else return arr[Math.floor(Math.random()*arr.length)];}} var DungeonGen=function() { var TILE_EMPTY=0;//solid var TILE_LIMIT=-100;//can't build anything here; edges of map var TILE_FLOOR_EDGE=100; var TILE_FLOOR_CENTER=110; var TILE_DOOR=200; var TILE_PILLAR=300;//not just pillars, could be any type of repetitive decoration var TILE_WATER=400; var TILE_WALL=500; var TILE_WALL_CORNER=510; var TILE_ENTRANCE=250; var TILE_EXIT=260; var colors=[]; colors[TILE_EMPTY]='000'; colors[TILE_LIMIT]='900'; colors[TILE_FLOOR_EDGE]='ffc'; colors[TILE_FLOOR_CENTER]='ff9'; colors[TILE_DOOR]='f9f'; colors[TILE_PILLAR]='990'; colors[TILE_WATER]='99f'; colors[TILE_WALL]='960'; colors[TILE_WALL_CORNER]='630'; colors[TILE_ENTRANCE]='f9f'; colors[TILE_EXIT]='f9f'; var rand=function(a,b){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(b-a+1)+a);}//return random value between a and b var Patterns=[]; this.Pattern=function(name,func) { this.name=name; this.func=func; Patterns.push(this); } new this.Pattern('Pillars',function(x,y,room) { if ((x+room.x)%2==0 && (y+room.y)%2==0 && Math.random()<0.8) return TILE_PILLAR; return 0; }); new this.Pattern('Large pillars',function(x,y,room) { if ((x+room.x)%3<2 && (y+room.y)%3<2 && Math.random()<0.8) return TILE_PILLAR; return 0; }); new this.Pattern('Sparse pillars',function(x,y,room) { if ((x+room.x)%3==0 && (y+room.y)%3==0 && Math.random()<0.8) return TILE_PILLAR; return 0; }); new this.Pattern('Lines',function(x,y,room) { if (room.x%2==0) if ((x+room.x)%2==0 && Math.random()<0.98) return TILE_PILLAR; if (room.x%2==1) if ((y+room.y)%2==0 && Math.random()<0.98) return TILE_PILLAR; return 0; }); var getRandomPattern=function() {return choose(Patterns);} var defaultGenerator=function(me) { me.roomSize=10; me.corridorSize=5; me.fillRatio=1/3; me.corridorRatio=0.2; me.pillarRatio=0.2; me.waterRatio=0; me.branching=4; me.sizeVariance=0.2; me.fillRatio=0.1+Math.random()*0.4; me.roomSize=Math.ceil(rand(5,15)*me.fillRatio*2); me.corridorSize=Math.ceil(rand(1,7)*me.fillRatio*2); me.corridorRatio=Math.random()*0.8+0.1; me.pillarRatio=Math.random()*0.5+0.5; me.waterRatio=Math.pow(Math.random(),2); me.branching=Math.floor(Math.random()*6); me.sizeVariance=Math.random(); } this.Map=function(w,h,seed,params) { //create a new map //leave the seed out for a random seed //params is an object that contains custom parameters as defined in defaultGenerator //example : MyMap=new DungeonGen.Map(30,30,MySeed,{waterRatio:0.8}); (80 percent of the rooms will contain water) if (undefined!=seed) this.seed=seed; else {Math.seedrandom();this.seed=Math.random();} Math.seedrandom(this.seed); this.seedState=Math.random; this.w=w||20; this.h=h||20; this.roomsAreHidden=0; this.rooms=[]; this.freeWalls=[];//all walls that would be a good spot for a door this.freeTiles=[];//all passable floor tiles this.doors=[]; this.tiles=this.w*this.h; this.tilesDug=0; this.digs=0;//amount of digging steps this.stuck=0;//how many times we ran into a problem; stop digging if we get too many of these this.data=[];//fill the map with 0 for (var x=0;x=this.w-1 || ry+rh>=this.h-1) return false; for (var x=rx;x0 && h>0) { if (w>0) {forcedExpansions.push(1,3);w--;} if (h>0) {forcedExpansions.push(2,4);h--;} } for (var i=0;i0) side=forcedExpansions[0]; if (side==1) {xd=-1;wd=1;} else if (side==2) {yd=-1;hd=1;} else if (side==3) {wd=1;} else if (side==4) {hd=1;} if (this.canPlaceRoom(rx+xd,ry+yd,rw+wd,rh+hd)) {rx+=xd;ry+=yd;rw+=wd;rh+=hd;} else expansions.splice(expansions.indexOf(side),1); if (forcedExpansions.length>0) forcedExpansions.splice(0,1); } if (rw>1 || rh>1) { this.expandRoom(room,rx,ry,rw,rh); } } } this.Map.prototype.carve=function(room) { //carve a room into the map for (var i in room.tiles) { var thisTile=room.tiles[i]; var x=thisTile.x;var y=thisTile.y; var myType=this.data[x][y][0]; var type=thisTile.type; if ((type==TILE_WALL || type==TILE_WALL_CORNER) && this.isWall(x,y)!=-1) {this.freeWalls.splice(this.isWall(x,y),1);} if (this.data[x][y][1]!=-1 && (type==TILE_WALL || type==TILE_WALL_CORNER)) {} else { if (this.data[x][y][1]==-1) this.tilesDug++; this.data[x][y]=[thisTile.type,room.id,0]; if (x>1 && y>1 && x0 && room.freeTiles>0)//we got a decent room { this.carve(room); this.data[door[0]][door[1]][0]=TILE_DOOR;//place door room.door=[door[0],door[1]]; this.data[door[0]][door[1]][1]=room.id;//set ID this.freeWalls.splice(this.isWall(door[0],door[1]),1);//the door isn't a wall anymore this.doors.push([door[0],door[1],room]); //remove free tiles on either side of the door if (this.isFloor(door[0]+side[0],door[1]+side[1])!=-1) this.removeFreeTile(door[0]+side[0],door[1]+side[1]); if (this.isFloor(door[0]-side[0],door[1]-side[1])!=-1) this.removeFreeTile(door[0]-side[0],door[1]-side[1]); room.parent=parentRoom; parentRoom.children.push(room); room.gen=parentRoom.gen+1; } else//not a good spot; remove this tile from the list of walls { this.freeWalls.splice(this.isWall(door[0],door[1]),1); success=0; } } } if (success) return room; else return 0; } this.Map.prototype.getRandomSpotInRoom=function(room) { var listOfTiles=[]; for (var i in room.tiles) { if ((room.tiles[i].type==TILE_FLOOR_EDGE || room.tiles[i].type==TILE_FLOOR_CENTER) && this.isFloor(room.tiles[i].x,room.tiles[i].y)!=-1) { listOfTiles.push(room.tiles[i]); } } if (listOfTiles.length==0) return -1; return choose(listOfTiles); } this.Map.prototype.getBestSpotInRoom=function(room) { var highest=-1; var listOfHighest=[]; for (var i in room.tiles) { if ((room.tiles[i].type==TILE_FLOOR_EDGE || room.tiles[i].type==TILE_FLOOR_CENTER) && this.isFloor(room.tiles[i].x,room.tiles[i].y)!=-1) { if (room.tiles[i].score>highest) { listOfHighest=[]; highest=room.tiles[i].score; listOfHighest.push(room.tiles[i]); } else if (room.tiles[i].score==highest) { listOfHighest.push(room.tiles[i]); } } } if (listOfHighest.length==0) return -1; return choose(listOfHighest); } this.Map.prototype.getEarliestRoom=function() { return this.rooms[0]; } this.Map.prototype.getDeepestRoom=function() { var deepest=0; var deepestRoom=this.rooms[0]; for (var i in this.rooms) { if ((this.rooms[i].gen+Math.sqrt(this.rooms[i].freeTiles)*0.05)>=deepest && this.rooms[i].corridor==0 && this.rooms[i].freeTiles>4) {deepest=(this.rooms[i].gen+Math.sqrt(this.rooms[i].freeTiles)*0.05);deepestRoom=this.rooms[i];} } return deepestRoom; } this.Map.prototype.dig=function() { //one step in which we try to carve new stuff //returns 0 when we couldn't dig this step, 1 when we could, and 2 when the digging is complete Math.random=this.seedState; var badDig=0; if (this.digs==0)//first dig : build a starting room in the middle of the map { var w=rand(3,7); var h=rand(3,7); var room=this.newRoom(Math.floor(this.w/2-w/2),Math.floor(this.h/2-h/2),w,h); room.corridor=0; this.planRoom(room); this.carve(room); } else { if (this.newRandomRoom()==0) badDig++; } if (badDig>0) this.stuck++; this.digs++; var finished=0; if (this.tilesDug>=this.tiles*this.fillRatio) finished=1; if (this.stuck>100) finished=1; if (finished==1)//last touch : try to add a whole room at the end { for (var i=0;i<10;i++) { var newRoom=this.newRandomRoom({corridor:0,w:rand(3,7),h:rand(3,7)}); if (newRoom!=0 && newRoom.freeTiles>15) break; } } Math.seedrandom(); if (finished==1) return 1; else if (badDig>0) return -1; else return 0; } this.Map.prototype.finish=function() { //touch up the map : add pillars in corners etc /* //set paths for (var i in this.rooms) { var me=this.rooms[i]; if (me.door!=0) { var doors=[]; doors.push(me.door); for (var ii in me.children) { if (me.children[ii].door!=0) doors.push(me.children[ii].door); } for (var ii in doors) { this.data[doors[ii][0]][doors[ii][1]][0]=TILE_LIMIT; //ideally we should run agents that step from each door to the next } } } */ for (var i in this.rooms) { var pillars=Math.random()4) { if ((angle==1 || (complete && walls==7)) && me==TILE_FLOOR_EDGE && x1!=TILE_DOOR && x2!=TILE_DOOR && y1!=TILE_DOOR && y2!=TILE_DOOR) { this.data[x][y][0]=TILE_PILLAR; me=TILE_PILLAR; this.removeFreeTile(x,y); this.rooms[i].freeTiles--; } } //calculate score (for placing items and exits) if (top==1 || bottom==1 || left==1 || right==1) { this.rooms[i].tiles[ii].score+=2; } if (walls>5 || floors>5) { this.rooms[i].tiles[ii].score+=1; } if (walls==7 || floors==8) { this.rooms[i].tiles[ii].score+=5; } if ((me!=TILE_FLOOR_CENTER && me!=TILE_FLOOR_EDGE) || x1==TILE_DOOR || x2==TILE_DOOR || y1==TILE_DOOR || y2==TILE_DOOR) this.rooms[i].tiles[ii].score=-1; } } //carve entrance and exit var entrance=this.getBestSpotInRoom(this.getEarliestRoom()); this.data[entrance.x][entrance.y][0]=TILE_ENTRANCE; this.entrance=[entrance.x,entrance.y]; entrance.score=0; this.removeFreeTile(entrance.x,entrance.y); var exit=this.getBestSpotInRoom(this.getDeepestRoom()); this.data[exit.x][exit.y][0]=TILE_EXIT; this.exit=[exit.x,exit.y]; this.removeFreeTile(exit.x,exit.y); exit.score=0; /* for (var i in this.doors)//remove door tiles (to add later; replace the tiles by entities that delete themselves when opened) { this.data[this.doors[i][0]][this.doors[i][1]][0]=TILE_FLOOR_EDGE; } */ } this.Map.prototype.isObstacle=function(x,y) { var free=[TILE_FLOOR_EDGE,TILE_FLOOR_CENTER,TILE_DOOR,TILE_ENTRANCE,TILE_EXIT]; for (var i in free) { if (this.data[x][y][0]==free[i]) return 0; } return 1; } var joinTile=function(map,x,y,joinWith) { //for the tile at x,y, return 2 if it joins with its horizontal neighbors, 3 if it joins with its vertical neighbors, 1 if it joins with either both or neither. //joinWith contains the tile types that count as joinable, in addition to this tile. (don't add the tested tile to joinWith!) var p=1; var me=map.data[x][y][0]; var x1=map.data[x-1][y][0]; var x2=map.data[x+1][y][0]; var y1=map.data[x][y-1][0]; var y2=map.data[x][y+1][0]; joinWith.push(me); var joinsX=0; for (var i in joinWith) { if (x1==joinWith[i]) joinsX++; if (x2==joinWith[i]) joinsX++; } var joinsY=0; for (var i in joinWith) { if (y1==joinWith[i]) joinsY++; if (y2==joinWith[i]) joinsY++; } if (joinsX==2 && joinsY==2) p=1; else if (joinsX==2) p=2; else if (joinsY==2) p=3; return p; } this.Map.prototype.getPic=function(x,y) { //return a position [x,y] in the tiles (as 0, 1, 2...) for the tile on the map at position x,y if (Tiles[this.data[x][y][2]]) { if (Tiles[this.data[x][y][2]].joinType=='join') { var thisPic=Tiles[this.data[x][y][2]].pic; thisPic=[thisPic[0],thisPic[1]];//why is this even necessary? var joinWith=[]; if (this.data[x][y][0]==TILE_WALL) joinWith.push(TILE_WALL_CORNER); else if (this.data[x][y][0]==TILE_DOOR) joinWith.push(TILE_WALL,TILE_WALL_CORNER); thisPic[0]+=joinTile(this,x,y,joinWith)-1; return thisPic; } else if (Tiles[this.data[x][y][2]].joinType=='random3') { var thisPic=Tiles[this.data[x][y][2]].pic; thisPic=[thisPic[0],thisPic[1]]; thisPic[0]+=Math.floor(Math.random()*3); return thisPic; } return Tiles[this.data[x][y][2]].pic; } return [0,0]; } var Tiles=[]; var TilesByName=[]; this.Tile=function(name,pic,joinType) { this.name=name; this.pic=pic; this.joinType=joinType||'none'; this.id=Tiles.length; Tiles[this.id]=this; TilesByName[this.name]=this; } new this.Tile('void',[0,0]); this.loadTiles=function(tiles) { for (var i in tiles) { var name=tiles[i][0]; var pic=tiles[i][1]; var joinType=tiles[i][2]; new this.Tile(name,pic,joinType); } } var computeTile=function(tile,tiles,value,name) { if (tile==value && tiles[name]) return TilesByName[tiles[name]]; return 0; } this.Map.prototype.assignTiles=function(room,tiles) { //set the displayed tiles for this room for (var i in room.tiles) { var type=Tiles[0]; var me=room.tiles[i]; var tile=this.data[me.x][me.y][0]; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_WALL_CORNER,'wall corner')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_WALL,'wall')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_FLOOR_EDGE,'floor edges')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_FLOOR_CENTER,'floor')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_PILLAR,'pillar')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_DOOR,'door')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_WATER,'water')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_ENTRANCE,'entrance')||type; type=computeTile(tile,tiles,TILE_EXIT,'exit')||type; this.data[me.x][me.y][2]=type.id; } } this.Map.prototype.draw=function(size) { //return a string containing a rough visual representation of the map var str=''; var size=size||10; for (var y=0;y'+text+''; } str+='
'; } str='
'; return str; } this.Map.prototype.drawDetailed=function() { //return a string containing a rough visual representation of the map (with graphics) var str=''; var size=16; for (var y=0;y'; } str+='
'; } str='
'; return str; } this.Map.prototype.getStr=function() { //return a string containing the map with tile graphics, ready to be pasted in a wrapper var str=''; var size=16; for (var y=0;y'; } str+='
'; } return str; } }