self.Box2DWasmModule = function (Box2D) { Box2D = Box2D || {}; var Module = Box2D; var b; b || (b = eval('(function() { try { return Box2D || {} } catch(e) { return {} } })()')); var aa = {}, ba; for (ba in b) b.hasOwnProperty(ba) && (aa[ba] = b[ba]); var ca = !1, da = !1, ea = !1, fa = !1; if (b.ENVIRONMENT) if ('WEB' === b.ENVIRONMENT) ca = !0; else if ('WORKER' === b.ENVIRONMENT) da = !0; else if ('NODE' === b.ENVIRONMENT) ea = !0; else if ('SHELL' === b.ENVIRONMENT) fa = !0; else throw Error( "The provided Module['ENVIRONMENT'] value is not valid. It must be one of: WEB|WORKER|NODE|SHELL." ); else (ca = 'object' === typeof window), (da = 'function' === typeof importScripts), (ea = 'object' === typeof process && 'function' === typeof require && !ca && !da), (fa = !ca && !ea && !da); if (ea) { b.print || (b.print = console.log); b.printErr || (b.printErr = console.warn); var ga, ha; = function (a, c) { ga || (ga = require('fs')); ha || (ha = require('path')); a = ha.normalize(a); var d = ga.readFileSync(a); return c ? d : d.toString(); }; b.readBinary = function (a) { a =, !0); a.buffer || (a = new Uint8Array(a)); assert(a.buffer); return a; }; b.load = function (a) { ia(read(a)); }; b.thisProgram || (b.thisProgram = 1 < process.argv.length ? process.argv[1].replace(/\\/g, '/') : 'unknown-program'); b.arguments = process.argv.slice(2); 'undefined' !== typeof module && (module.exports = b); process.on('uncaughtException', function (a) { if (!(a instanceof ja)) throw a; }); b.inspect = function () { return '[Emscripten Module object]'; }; } else if (fa) b.print || (b.print = print), 'undefined' != typeof printErr && (b.printErr = printErr), ( = 'undefined' != typeof read ? read : function () { throw 'no read() available'; }), (b.readBinary = function (a) { if ('function' === typeof readbuffer) return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(a)); a = read(a, 'binary'); assert('object' === typeof a); return a; }), 'undefined' != typeof scriptArgs ? (b.arguments = scriptArgs) : 'undefined' != typeof arguments && (b.arguments = arguments), 'function' === typeof quit && (b.quit = function (a) { quit(a); }), eval( "if (typeof gc === 'function' && gc.toString().indexOf('[native code]') > 0) var gc = undefined" ); else if (ca || da) ( = function (a) { var c = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', a, !1); c.send(null); return c.responseText; }), da && (b.readBinary = function (a) { var c = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', a, !1); c.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; c.send(null); return new Uint8Array(c.response); }), (b.readAsync = function (a, c, d) { var e = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', a, !0); e.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; e.onload = function () { 200 == e.status || (0 == e.status && e.response) ? c(e.response) : d(); }; e.onerror = d; e.send(null); }), 'undefined' != typeof arguments && (b.arguments = arguments), 'undefined' !== typeof console ? (b.print || (b.print = function (a) { console.log(a); }), b.printErr || (b.printErr = function (a) { console.warn(a); })) : b.print || (b.print = function () {}), da && (b.load = importScripts), 'undefined' === typeof b.setWindowTitle && (b.setWindowTitle = function (a) { document.title = a; }); else throw 'Unknown runtime environment. Where are we?'; function ia(a) {, a); } !b.load && && (b.load = function (a) { ia(; }); b.print || (b.print = function () {}); b.printErr || (b.printErr = b.print); b.arguments || (b.arguments = []); b.thisProgram || (b.thisProgram = './this.program'); b.quit || (b.quit = function (a, c) { throw c; }); b.print = b.print; b.h = b.printErr; b.preRun = []; b.postRun = []; for (ba in aa) aa.hasOwnProperty(ba) && (b[ba] = aa[ba]); var aa = void 0, f = { f: function (a) { return (tempRet0 = a); }, H: function () { return tempRet0; }, L: function () { return ka; }, K: function (a) { ka = a; }, s: function (a) { switch (a) { case 'i1': case 'i8': return 1; case 'i16': return 2; case 'i32': return 4; case 'i64': return 8; case 'float': return 4; case 'double': return 8; default: return '*' === a[a.length - 1] ? f.j : 'i' === a[0] ? ((a = parseInt(a.substr(1))), assert(0 === a % 8), a / 8) : 0; } }, F: function (a) { return Math.max(f.s(a), f.j); }, M: 16, aa: function (a, c) { 'double' === c || 'i64' === c ? a & 7 && (assert(4 === (a & 7)), (a += 4)) : assert(0 === (a & 3)); return a; }, U: function (a, c, d) { return d || ('i64' != a && 'double' != a) ? a ? Math.min(c || (a ? f.F(a) : 0), f.j) : Math.min(c, 8) : 8; }, l: function (a, c, d) { return d && d.length ? b['dynCall_' + a].apply(null, [c].concat(d)) : b['dynCall_' + a].call(null, c); }, d: [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], v: function (a) { for (var c = 0; c < f.d.length; c++) if (!f.d[c]) return (f.d[c] = a), 2 * (1 + c); throw 'Finished up all reserved function pointers. Use a higher value for RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS.'; }, J: function (a) { f.d[(a - 2) / 2] = null; }, g: function (a) { f.g.n || (f.g.n = {}); f.g.n[a] || ((f.g.n[a] = 1), b.h(a)); }, m: {}, W: function (a, c) { assert(c); f.m[c] || (f.m[c] = {}); var d = f.m[c]; d[a] || (d[a] = 1 === c.length ? function () { return f.l(c, a); } : 2 === c.length ? function (d) { return f.l(c, a, [d]); } : function () { return f.l(c, a,; }); return d[a]; }, V: function () { throw 'You must build with -s RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS=1 for Runtime.getCompilerSetting or emscripten_get_compiler_setting to work'; }, t: function (a) { var c = ka; ka = (ka + a) | 0; ka = (ka + 15) & -16; return c; }, u: function (a) { var c = la; la = (la + a) | 0; la = (la + 15) & -16; return c; }, D: function (a) { var c = ma[oa >> 2]; a = ((c + a + 15) | 0) & -16; ma[oa >> 2] = a; return a >= pa && !qa() ? ((ma[oa >> 2] = c), 0) : c; }, p: function (a, c) { return Math.ceil(a / (c ? c : 16)) * (c ? c : 16); }, $: function (a, c, d) { return d ? +(a >>> 0) + 4294967296 * +(c >>> 0) : +(a >>> 0) + 4294967296 * +(c | 0); }, i: 1024, j: 4, N: 0 }; f.addFunction = f.v; f.removeFunction = f.J; var ra = 0; function assert(a, c) { a || ta('Assertion failed: ' + c); } function ua(a) { var c; c = 'i32'; '*' === c.charAt(c.length - 1) && (c = 'i32'); switch (c) { case 'i1': return va[a >> 0]; case 'i8': return va[a >> 0]; case 'i16': return ya[a >> 1]; case 'i32': return ma[a >> 2]; case 'i64': return ma[a >> 2]; case 'float': return za[a >> 2]; case 'double': return Aa[a >> 3]; default: ta('invalid type for setValue: ' + c); } return null; } function Ba(a, c, d) { var e, g, l; 'number' === typeof a ? ((g = !0), (l = a)) : ((g = !1), (l = a.length)); var m = 'string' === typeof c ? c : null, D; 4 == d ? (D = e) : (D = ['function' === typeof Ca ? Ca : f.u, f.t, f.u, f.D][void 0 === d ? 2 : d]( Math.max(l, m ? 1 : c.length) )); if (g) { e = D; assert(0 == (D & 3)); for (a = D + (l & -4); e < a; e += 4) ma[e >> 2] = 0; for (a = D + l; e < a; ) va[e++ >> 0] = 0; return D; } if ('i8' === m) return a.subarray || a.slice ? Da.set(a, D) : Da.set(new Uint8Array(a), D), D; e = 0; for (var na, wa; e < l; ) { var G = a[e]; 'function' === typeof G && (G = f.X(G)); d = m || c[e]; if (0 === d) e++; else { 'i64' == d && (d = 'i32'); g = D + e; var Ga = d, Ga = Ga || 'i8'; '*' === Ga.charAt(Ga.length - 1) && (Ga = 'i32'); switch (Ga) { case 'i1': va[g >> 0] = G; break; case 'i8': va[g >> 0] = G; break; case 'i16': ya[g >> 1] = G; break; case 'i32': ma[g >> 2] = G; break; case 'i64': tempI64 = [ G >>> 0, ((tempDouble = G), 1 <= +Ea(tempDouble) ? 0 < tempDouble ? (Fa(+Ha(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Ia((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0) ]; ma[g >> 2] = tempI64[0]; ma[(g + 4) >> 2] = tempI64[1]; break; case 'float': za[g >> 2] = G; break; case 'double': Aa[g >> 3] = G; break; default: ta('invalid type for setValue: ' + Ga); } wa !== d && ((na = f.s(d)), (wa = d)); e += na; } } return D; } function Ja(a) { var c; if (0 === c || !a) return ''; for (var d = 0, e, g = 0; ; ) { e = Da[(a + g) >> 0]; d |= e; if (0 == e && !c) break; g++; if (c && g == c) break; } c || (c = g); e = ''; if (128 > d) { for (; 0 < c; ) (d = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, Da.subarray(a, a + Math.min(c, 1024)))), (e = e ? e + d : d), (a += 1024), (c -= 1024); return e; } return b.UTF8ToString(a); } var Ka = 'undefined' !== typeof TextDecoder ? new TextDecoder('utf8') : void 0; function La(a, c, d, e) { if (0 < e) { e = d + e - 1; for (var g = 0; g < a.length; ++g) { var l = a.charCodeAt(g); 55296 <= l && 57343 >= l && (l = (65536 + ((l & 1023) << 10)) | (a.charCodeAt(++g) & 1023)); if (127 >= l) { if (d >= e) break; c[d++] = l; } else { if (2047 >= l) { if (d + 1 >= e) break; c[d++] = 192 | (l >> 6); } else { if (65535 >= l) { if (d + 2 >= e) break; c[d++] = 224 | (l >> 12); } else { if (2097151 >= l) { if (d + 3 >= e) break; c[d++] = 240 | (l >> 18); } else { if (67108863 >= l) { if (d + 4 >= e) break; c[d++] = 248 | (l >> 24); } else { if (d + 5 >= e) break; c[d++] = 252 | (l >> 30); c[d++] = 128 | ((l >> 24) & 63); } c[d++] = 128 | ((l >> 18) & 63); } c[d++] = 128 | ((l >> 12) & 63); } c[d++] = 128 | ((l >> 6) & 63); } c[d++] = 128 | (l & 63); } } c[d] = 0; } } function Oa(a) { for (var c = 0, d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) { var e = a.charCodeAt(d); 55296 <= e && 57343 >= e && (e = (65536 + ((e & 1023) << 10)) | (a.charCodeAt(++d) & 1023)); 127 >= e ? ++c : (c = 2047 >= e ? c + 2 : 65535 >= e ? c + 3 : 2097151 >= e ? c + 4 : 67108863 >= e ? c + 5 : c + 6); } return c; } 'undefined' !== typeof TextDecoder && new TextDecoder('utf-16le'); function Pa(a) { return a.replace(/__Z[\w\d_]+/g, function (a) { var d; a: { var e = b.___cxa_demangle || b.__cxa_demangle; if (e) try { var g = a.substr(1), l = Oa(g) + 1, m = Ca(l); La(g, Da, m, l); var D = Ca(4), na = e(m, 0, 0, D); if (0 === ua(D) && na) { d = Ja(na); break a; } } catch (wa) { } finally { m && Qa(m), D && Qa(D), na && Qa(na); } else f.g('warning: build with -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1 to link in libcxxabi demangling'); d = a; } return a === d ? a : a + ' [' + d + ']'; }); } function Ra() { var a; a: { a = Error(); if (!a.stack) { try { throw Error(0); } catch (c) { a = c; } if (!a.stack) { a = '(no stack trace available)'; break a; } } a = a.stack.toString(); } b.extraStackTrace && (a += '\n' + b.extraStackTrace()); return Pa(a); } var Sa = 65536, Ua = 16777216, Va = 16777216; function Wa(a, c) { 0 < a % c && (a += c - (a % c)); return a; } var buffer, va, Da, ya, Xa, ma, Ya, za, Aa; function Za() { b.HEAP8 = va = new Int8Array(buffer); b.HEAP16 = ya = new Int16Array(buffer); b.HEAP32 = ma = new Int32Array(buffer); b.HEAPU8 = Da = new Uint8Array(buffer); b.HEAPU16 = Xa = new Uint16Array(buffer); b.HEAPU32 = Ya = new Uint32Array(buffer); b.HEAPF32 = za = new Float32Array(buffer); b.HEAPF64 = Aa = new Float64Array(buffer); } var $a, la, ab, ka, bb, cb, oa; $a = la = ab = ka = bb = cb = oa = 0; b.reallocBuffer || (b.reallocBuffer = function (a) { var c; try { if (ArrayBuffer.e) c = ArrayBuffer.e(buffer, a); else { var d = va; c = new ArrayBuffer(a); new Int8Array(c).set(d); } } catch (e) { return !1; } return db(c) ? c : !1; }); function qa() { var a = b.usingWasm ? Sa : Ua, c = 2147483648 - a; if (ma[oa >> 2] > c) return !1; var d = pa; for (pa = Math.max(pa, Va); pa < ma[oa >> 2]; ) 536870912 >= pa ? (pa = Wa(2 * pa, a)) : (pa = Math.min(Wa((3 * pa + 2147483648) / 4, a), c)); a = b.reallocBuffer(pa); if (!a || a.byteLength != pa) return (pa = d), !1; b.buffer = buffer = a; Za(); return !0; } var eb; try { (eb = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ArrayBuffer.prototype, 'byteLength').get )), eb(new ArrayBuffer(4)); } catch (fb) { eb = function (a) { return a.byteLength; }; } var gb = b.TOTAL_STACK || 5242880, pa = b.TOTAL_MEMORY || 16777216; pa < gb && b.h('TOTAL_MEMORY should be larger than TOTAL_STACK, was ' + pa + '! (TOTAL_STACK=' + gb + ')'); b.buffer ? (buffer = b.buffer) : 'object' === typeof WebAssembly && 'function' === typeof WebAssembly.Memory ? ((b.wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: pa / Sa })), (buffer = b.wasmMemory.buffer)) : (buffer = new ArrayBuffer(pa)); Za(); ma[0] = 1668509029; ya[1] = 25459; if (115 !== Da[2] || 99 !== Da[3]) throw 'Runtime error: expected the system to be little-endian!'; b.HEAP = void 0; b.buffer = buffer; b.HEAP8 = va; b.HEAP16 = ya; b.HEAP32 = ma; b.HEAPU8 = Da; b.HEAPU16 = Xa; b.HEAPU32 = Ya; b.HEAPF32 = za; b.HEAPF64 = Aa; function hb(a) { for (; 0 < a.length; ) { var c = a.shift(); if ('function' == typeof c) c(); else { var d = c.T; 'number' === typeof d ? void 0 === c.k ? b.dynCall_v(d) : b.dynCall_vi(d, c.k) : d(void 0 === c.k ? null : c.k); } } } var ib = [], jb = [], kb = [], nb = [], ob = [], pb = !1; function qb() { var a = b.preRun.shift(); ib.unshift(a); } function rb(a) { var c = Array(Oa(a) + 1); La(a, c, 0, c.length); return c; } (Math.imul && -5 === Math.imul(4294967295, 5)) || (Math.imul = function (a, c) { var d = a & 65535, e = c & 65535; return (d * e + (((a >>> 16) * e + d * (c >>> 16)) << 16)) | 0; }); Math.Y = Math.imul; if (!Math.fround) { var sb = new Float32Array(1); Math.fround = function (a) { sb[0] = a; return sb[0]; }; } Math.S = Math.fround; Math.clz32 || (Math.clz32 = function (a) { a = a >>> 0; for (var c = 0; 32 > c; c++) if (a & (1 << (31 - c))) return c; return 32; }); Math.P = Math.clz32; Math.trunc || (Math.trunc = function (a) { return 0 > a ? Math.ceil(a) : Math.floor(a); }); Math.trunc = Math.trunc; var Ea = Math.abs, Ia = Math.ceil, Ha = Math.floor, Fa = Math.min, tb = 0, vb = null, wb = null; function xb() { tb++; b.monitorRunDependencies && b.monitorRunDependencies(tb); } function yb() { tb--; b.monitorRunDependencies && b.monitorRunDependencies(tb); if (0 == tb && (null !== vb && (clearInterval(vb), (vb = null)), wb)) { var a = wb; wb = null; a(); } } b.preloadedImages = {}; b.preloadedAudios = {}; var zb = null; (function (a) { function c(c) { c = Wa(c, a.usingWasm ? Sa : Ua); var d = a.buffer, e = d.byteLength; if (a.usingWasm) try { return -1 !== a.wasmMemory.grow((c - e) / 65536) ? (a.buffer = a.wasmMemory.buffer) : null; } catch (g) { return null; } else return lb.__growWasmMemory((c - e) / 65536), a.buffer !== d ? a.buffer : null; } function d(a, c) { var d = Ta; if (0 > a.indexOf('.')) d = (d || {})[a]; else var e = a.split('.'), d = (d || {})[e[0]], d = (d || {})[e[1]]; c && (d = (d || {})[c]); void 0 === d && ta('bad lookupImport to (' + a + ').' + c); return d; } function e(c) { var d = a.buffer; c.byteLength < d.byteLength && a.printErr( 'the new buffer in mergeMemory is smaller than the previous one. in native wasm, we should grow memory here' ); var d = new Int8Array(d), e = new Int8Array(c); zb || d.set(e.subarray(a.STATIC_BASE, a.STATIC_BASE + a.STATIC_BUMP), a.STATIC_BASE); e.set(d); b.buffer = buffer = c; Za(); } function g() { try { var c; if (a.wasmBinary) (c = a.wasmBinary), (c = new Uint8Array(c)); else if (a.readBinary) c = a.readBinary(G); else throw "on the web, we need the wasm binary to be preloaded and set on Module['wasmBinary']. will do that for you when generating HTML (but not JS)"; return c; } catch (d) { ta(d); } } function l() { return a.wasmBinary || 'function' !== typeof fetch ? new Promise(function (a) { a(g()); }) : fetch(G, { Q: 'same-origin' }).then(function (a) { if (!a.ok) throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + G + "'"; return a.arrayBuffer(); }); } function m(c, d, e) { if ('function' !== typeof a.asm || a.asm === Ma) a.asmPreload ? (a.asm = a.asmPreload) : eval(; return 'function' !== typeof a.asm ? (a.printErr('asm evalling did not set the module properly'), !1) : a.asm(c, d, e); } function D(c, d) { function g(c) { lb = c.exports; lb.memory && e(lb.memory); a.asm = lb; a.usingWasm = !0; yb(); } if ('object' !== typeof WebAssembly) return a.printErr('no native wasm support detected'), !1; if (!(a.wasmMemory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)) return a.printErr('no native wasm Memory in use'), !1; d.memory = a.wasmMemory; = { NaN: NaN, Infinity: Infinity }; Ta['global.Math'] = c.Math; Ta.env = d; xb(); if (a.instantiateWasm) try { return a.instantiateWasm(Ta, g); } catch (m) { return a.printErr('Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: ' + m), !1; } l() .then(function (a) { return WebAssembly.instantiate(a, Ta); }) .then(function (a) { g(a.instance); }) .catch(function (c) { a.printErr('failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: ' + c); ta(c); }); return {}; } var na = a.wasmJSMethod || 'native-wasm'; a.wasmJSMethod = na; var wa = a.wasmTextFile || 'Box2D_v2.3.1_min.wasm.wast', G = a.wasmBinaryFile || 'Box2D_v2.3.1_min.wasm.wasm', Ga = a.asmjsCodeFile || 'Box2D_v2.3.1_min.wasm.temp.asm.js'; 'function' === typeof a.locateFile && ((wa = a.locateFile(wa)), (G = a.locateFile(G)), (Ga = a.locateFile(Ga))); var Ta = { global: null, env: null, asm2wasm: { 'f64-rem': function (a, c) { return a % c; }, 'f64-to-int': function (a) { return a | 0; }, 'i32s-div': function (a, c) { return ((a | 0) / (c | 0)) | 0; }, 'i32u-div': function (a, c) { return ((a >>> 0) / (c >>> 0)) >>> 0; }, 'i32s-rem': function (a, c) { return (a | 0) % (c | 0) | 0; }, 'i32u-rem': function (a, c) { return (a >>> 0) % (c >>> 0) >>> 0; }, debugger: function () { debugger; } }, parent: a }, lb = null; a.asmPreload = a.asm; var ub = a.reallocBuffer; a.reallocBuffer = function (a) { return 'asmjs' === qc ? ub(a) : c(a); }; var qc = ''; a.asm = function (c, l, G) { if (!l.table) { var Ma = a.wasmTableSize; void 0 === Ma && (Ma = 1024); var mb = a.wasmMaxTableSize; l.table = 'object' === typeof WebAssembly && 'function' === typeof WebAssembly.Table ? void 0 !== mb ? new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: Ma, maximum: mb, element: 'anyfunc' }) : new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: Ma, element: 'anyfunc' }) : Array(Ma); a.wasmTable = l.table; } l.memoryBase || (l.memoryBase = a.STATIC_BASE); l.tableBase || (l.tableBase = 0); for (var V, Ma = na.split(','), mb = 0; mb < Ma.length; mb++) { var sa = Ma[mb]; qc = sa; if ('native-wasm' === sa) { if ((V = D(c, l))) break; } else if ('asmjs' === sa) { if ((V = m(c, l, G))) break; } else if ( 'interpret-asm2wasm' === sa || 'interpret-s-expr' === sa || 'interpret-binary' === sa ) { var Na = c, xa = l, ub = G; if ('function' !== typeof WasmJS) a.printErr('WasmJS not detected - polyfill not bundled?'), (sa = !1); else { V = WasmJS({}); V.outside = a; = Ta; V.lookupImport = d; assert(ub === a.buffer); = Na; Ta.env = xa; assert(ub === a.buffer); xa.memory = ub; assert(xa.memory instanceof ArrayBuffer); V.providedTotalMemory = a.buffer.byteLength; Na = void 0; Na = 'interpret-binary' === sa ? g() :'interpret-asm2wasm' == sa ? Ga : wa); xa = void 0; if ('interpret-asm2wasm' == sa) (xa = V._malloc(Na.length + 1)), V.writeAsciiToMemory(Na, xa), V._load_asm2wasm(xa); else if ('interpret-s-expr' === sa) (xa = V._malloc(Na.length + 1)), V.writeAsciiToMemory(Na, xa), V._load_s_expr2wasm(xa); else if ('interpret-binary' === sa) (xa = V._malloc(Na.length)), V.HEAPU8.set(Na, xa), V._load_binary2wasm(xa, Na.length); else throw 'what? ' + sa; V._free(xa); V._instantiate(xa); a.newBuffer && (e(a.newBuffer), (a.newBuffer = null)); sa = lb = V.asmExports; } if ((V = sa)) break; } else ta('bad method: ' + sa); } if (!V) throw 'no binaryen method succeeded. consider enabling more options, like interpreting, if you want that:'; return V; }; var Ma = a.asm; })(b); var Ab = [ function (a, c) { var d = b.getCache(b.JSDestructionListener)[a]; if (!d.hasOwnProperty('SayGoodbyeJoint')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDestructionListener::SayGoodbyeJoint.'; d.SayGoodbyeJoint(c); }, function (a, c) { var d = b.getCache(b.JSDestructionListener)[a]; if (!d.hasOwnProperty('SayGoodbyeFixture')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDestructionListener::SayGoodbyeFixture.'; d.SayGoodbyeFixture(c); }, function (a, c) { var d = b.getCache(b.JSQueryCallback)[a]; if (!d.hasOwnProperty('ReportFixture')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSQueryCallback::ReportFixture.'; return d.ReportFixture(c); }, function (a, c, d, e, g) { a = b.getCache(b.JSRayCastCallback)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('ReportFixture')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSRayCastCallback::ReportFixture.'; return a.ReportFixture(c, d, e, g); }, function (a, c) { var d = b.getCache(b.JSContactListener)[a]; if (!d.hasOwnProperty('BeginContact')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSContactListener::BeginContact.'; d.BeginContact(c); }, function (a, c) { var d = b.getCache(b.JSContactListener)[a]; if (!d.hasOwnProperty('EndContact')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSContactListener::EndContact.'; d.EndContact(c); }, function (a, c, d) { a = b.getCache(b.JSContactListener)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('PreSolve')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSContactListener::PreSolve.'; a.PreSolve(c, d); }, function (a, c, d) { a = b.getCache(b.JSContactListener)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('PostSolve')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSContactListener::PostSolve.'; a.PostSolve(c, d); }, function (a, c, d) { a = b.getCache(b.JSContactFilter)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('ShouldCollide')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSContactFilter::ShouldCollide.'; return a.ShouldCollide(c, d); }, function (a, c, d, e) { a = b.getCache(b.JSDraw)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('DrawPolygon')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDraw::DrawPolygon.'; a.DrawPolygon(c, d, e); }, function (a, c, d, e) { a = b.getCache(b.JSDraw)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('DrawSolidPolygon')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDraw::DrawSolidPolygon.'; a.DrawSolidPolygon(c, d, e); }, function (a, c, d, e) { a = b.getCache(b.JSDraw)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('DrawCircle')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDraw::DrawCircle.'; a.DrawCircle(c, d, e); }, function (a, c, d, e, g) { a = b.getCache(b.JSDraw)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('DrawSolidCircle')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDraw::DrawSolidCircle.'; a.DrawSolidCircle(c, d, e, g); }, function (a, c, d, e) { a = b.getCache(b.JSDraw)[a]; if (!a.hasOwnProperty('DrawSegment')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDraw::DrawSegment.'; a.DrawSegment(c, d, e); }, function (a, c) { var d = b.getCache(b.JSDraw)[a]; if (!d.hasOwnProperty('DrawTransform')) throw 'a JSImplementation must implement all functions, you forgot JSDraw::DrawTransform.'; d.DrawTransform(c); } ]; $a = f.i; la = $a + 23264; jb.push(); zb = 0 <= b.wasmJSMethod.indexOf('asmjs') || 0 <= b.wasmJSMethod.indexOf('interpret-asm2wasm') ? 'Box2D_v2.3.1_min.wasm.js.mem' : null; b.STATIC_BASE = $a; b.STATIC_BUMP = 23264; var Bb = la; la += 16; b._memset = Cb; function Db() { return !!Db.e; } var Eb = 0, Fb = [], Gb = {}; function Hb(a, c) { Hb.e || (Hb.e = {}); a in Hb.e || (b.dynCall_v(c), (Hb.e[a] = 1)); } b._memcpy = Ib; var Jb = 0; function Kb() { Jb += 4; return ma[(Jb - 4) >> 2]; } var Lb = {}, Mb = {}; b._sbrk = Nb; var Ob = 1; function Pb() { var a = Eb; if (!a) return (f.f(0), 0) | 0; var c = Gb[a], d = c.type; if (!d) return (f.f(0), a) | 0; var e =; b.___cxa_is_pointer_type(d); Pb.buffer || (Pb.buffer = Ca(4)); ma[Pb.buffer >> 2] = a; for (var a = Pb.buffer, g = 0; g < e.length; g++) if (e[g] && b.___cxa_can_catch(e[g], d, a)) return (a = ma[a >> 2]), (c.w = a), (f.f(e[g]), a) | 0; a = ma[a >> 2]; return (f.f(d), a) | 0; } b._llvm_bswap_i32 = Qb; function Rb(a, c) { Jb = c; try { var d = Kb(), e = Kb(), g = Kb(), l = 0; Rb.buffer || ((Rb.e = [null, [], []]), (Rb.q = function (a, c) { var d = Rb.e[a]; assert(d); if (0 === c || 10 === c) { var e = 1 === a ? b.print : b.printErr, g; a: { for (var l = (g = 0); d[l]; ) ++l; if (16 < l - g && d.subarray && Ka) g = Ka.decode(d.subarray(g, l)); else for (var m, D, G, na, wa, V, l = ''; ; ) { m = d[g++]; if (!m) { g = l; break a; } m & 128 ? ((D = d[g++] & 63), 192 == (m & 224) ? (l += String.fromCharCode(((m & 31) << 6) | D)) : ((G = d[g++] & 63), 224 == (m & 240) ? (m = ((m & 15) << 12) | (D << 6) | G) : ((na = d[g++] & 63), 240 == (m & 248) ? (m = ((m & 7) << 18) | (D << 12) | (G << 6) | na) : ((wa = d[g++] & 63), 248 == (m & 252) ? (m = ((m & 3) << 24) | (D << 18) | (G << 12) | (na << 6) | wa) : ((V = d[g++] & 63), (m = ((m & 1) << 30) | (D << 24) | (G << 18) | (na << 12) | (wa << 6) | V)))), 65536 > m ? (l += String.fromCharCode(m)) : ((m -= 65536), (l += String.fromCharCode(55296 | (m >> 10), 56320 | (m & 1023)))))) : (l += String.fromCharCode(m)); } } e(g); d.length = 0; } else d.push(c); })); for (var m = 0; m < g; m++) { for (var D = ma[(e + 8 * m) >> 2], na = ma[(e + (8 * m + 4)) >> 2], wa = 0; wa < na; wa++) Rb.q(d, Da[D + wa]); l += na; } return l; } catch (G) { return ('undefined' !== typeof FS && G instanceof FS.o) || ta(G), -G.r; } } nb.push(function () { var a = b._fflush; a && a(0); if ((a = Rb.q)) { var c = Rb.e; c[1].length && a(1, 10); c[2].length && a(2, 10); } }); oa = Ba(1, 'i32', 2); ab = ka = f.p(la); bb = ab + gb; cb = f.p(bb); ma[oa >> 2] = cb; b.wasmTableSize = 1152; b.wasmMaxTableSize = 1152; b.A = { Math: Math, Int8Array: Int8Array, Int16Array: Int16Array, Int32Array: Int32Array, Uint8Array: Uint8Array, Uint16Array: Uint16Array, Uint32Array: Uint32Array, Float32Array: Float32Array, Float64Array: Float64Array, NaN: NaN, Infinity: Infinity, byteLength: eb }; b.B = { abort: ta, assert: assert, enlargeMemory: qa, getTotalMemory: function () { return pa; }, abortOnCannotGrowMemory: function () { ta( 'Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value ' + pa + ', (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime, or (3) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 ' ); }, invoke_iiii: function (a, c, d, e) { try { return b.dynCall_iiii(a, c, d, e); } catch (g) { if ('number' !== typeof g && 'longjmp' !== g) throw g; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_iiii: function (a, c, d, e) { return f.d[a](c, d, e); }, invoke_viifii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { try { b.dynCall_viifii(a, c, d, e, g, l); } catch (m) { if ('number' !== typeof m && 'longjmp' !== m) throw m; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_viifii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { f.d[a](c, d, e, g, l); }, invoke_viiiii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { try { b.dynCall_viiiii(a, c, d, e, g, l); } catch (m) { if ('number' !== typeof m && 'longjmp' !== m) throw m; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_viiiii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { f.d[a](c, d, e, g, l); }, invoke_vi: function (a, c) { try { b.dynCall_vi(a, c); } catch (d) { if ('number' !== typeof d && 'longjmp' !== d) throw d; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_vi: function (a, c) { f.d[a](c); }, invoke_vii: function (a, c, d) { try { b.dynCall_vii(a, c, d); } catch (e) { if ('number' !== typeof e && 'longjmp' !== e) throw e; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_vii: function (a, c, d) { f.d[a](c, d); }, invoke_ii: function (a, c) { try { return b.dynCall_ii(a, c); } catch (d) { if ('number' !== typeof d && 'longjmp' !== d) throw d; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_ii: function (a, c) { return f.d[a](c); }, invoke_fif: function (a, c, d) { try { return b.dynCall_fif(a, c, d); } catch (e) { if ('number' !== typeof e && 'longjmp' !== e) throw e; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_fif: function (a, c, d) { return f.d[a](c, d); }, invoke_viii: function (a, c, d, e) { try { b.dynCall_viii(a, c, d, e); } catch (g) { if ('number' !== typeof g && 'longjmp' !== g) throw g; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_viii: function (a, c, d, e) { f.d[a](c, d, e); }, invoke_viifi: function (a, c, d, e, g) { try { b.dynCall_viifi(a, c, d, e, g); } catch (l) { if ('number' !== typeof l && 'longjmp' !== l) throw l; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_viifi: function (a, c, d, e, g) { f.d[a](c, d, e, g); }, invoke_v: function (a) { try { b.dynCall_v(a); } catch (c) { if ('number' !== typeof c && 'longjmp' !== c) throw c; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_v: function (a) { f.d[a](); }, invoke_viif: function (a, c, d, e) { try { b.dynCall_viif(a, c, d, e); } catch (g) { if ('number' !== typeof g && 'longjmp' !== g) throw g; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_viif: function (a, c, d, e) { f.d[a](c, d, e); }, invoke_viiiiii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l, m) { try { b.dynCall_viiiiii(a, c, d, e, g, l, m); } catch (D) { if ('number' !== typeof D && 'longjmp' !== D) throw D; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_viiiiii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l, m) { f.d[a](c, d, e, g, l, m); }, invoke_iii: function (a, c, d) { try { return b.dynCall_iii(a, c, d); } catch (e) { if ('number' !== typeof e && 'longjmp' !== e) throw e; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_iii: function (a, c, d) { return f.d[a](c, d); }, invoke_iiiiii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { try { return b.dynCall_iiiiii(a, c, d, e, g, l); } catch (m) { if ('number' !== typeof m && 'longjmp' !== m) throw m; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_iiiiii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { return f.d[a](c, d, e, g, l); }, invoke_fiiiif: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { try { return b.dynCall_fiiiif(a, c, d, e, g, l); } catch (m) { if ('number' !== typeof m && 'longjmp' !== m) throw m; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_fiiiif: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { return f.d[a](c, d, e, g, l); }, invoke_viiii: function (a, c, d, e, g) { try { b.dynCall_viiii(a, c, d, e, g); } catch (l) { if ('number' !== typeof l && 'longjmp' !== l) throw l; b.setThrew(1, 0); } }, jsCall_viiii: function (a, c, d, e, g) { f.d[a](c, d, e, g); }, _emscripten_asm_const_iiiii: function (a, c, d, e, g) { return Ab[a](c, d, e, g); }, _emscripten_asm_const_diiiid: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { return Ab[a](c, d, e, g, l); }, _pthread_key_create: function (a) { if (0 == a) return 22; ma[a >> 2] = Ob; Mb[Ob] = 0; Ob++; return 0; }, _abort: function () { b.abort(); }, ___gxx_personality_v0: function () {}, _emscripten_asm_const_iiidii: function (a, c, d, e, g, l) { return Ab[a](c, d, e, g, l); }, ___assert_fail: function (a, c, d, e) { ra = !0; throw ( 'Assertion failed: ' + Ja(a) + ', at: ' + [c ? Ja(c) : 'unknown filename', d, e ? Ja(e) : 'unknown function'] + ' at ' + Ra() ); }, __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv: Db, ___setErrNo: function (a) { b.___errno_location && (ma[b.___errno_location() >> 2] = a); return a; }, ___cxa_begin_catch: function (a) { var c = Gb[a]; c && !c.C && ((c.C = !0), Db.e--); c && (c.da = !1); Fb.push(a); a: { if (a && !Gb[a]) for (var d in Gb) if (Gb[d].w === a) { c = d; break a; } c = a; } c && Gb[c].ba++; return a; }, _emscripten_memcpy_big: function (a, c, d) { Da.set(Da.subarray(c, c + d), a); return a; }, ___resumeException: function (a) { Eb || (Eb = a); throw ( a + ' - Exception catching is disabled, this exception cannot be caught. Compile with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 or DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=2 to catch.' ); }, ___cxa_find_matching_catch: Pb, _pthread_getspecific: function (a) { return Mb[a] || 0; }, _pthread_once: Hb, ___syscall54: function (a, c) { Jb = c; return 0; }, _emscripten_asm_const_iii: function (a, c, d) { return Ab[a](c, d); }, _emscripten_asm_const_iiidi: function (a, c, d, e, g) { return Ab[a](c, d, e, g); }, _pthread_setspecific: function (a, c) { if (!(a in Mb)) return 22; Mb[a] = c; return 0; }, _emscripten_asm_const_iiii: function (a, c, d, e) { return Ab[a](c, d, e); }, ___syscall6: function (a, c) { Jb = c; try { var d = Lb.G(); FS.close(d); return 0; } catch (e) { return ('undefined' !== typeof FS && e instanceof FS.o) || ta(e), -e.r; } }, ___syscall140: function (a, c) { Jb = c; try { var d = Lb.G(); Kb(); var e = Kb(), g = Kb(), l = Kb(); FS.Z(d, e, l); ma[g >> 2] = d.position; d.I && 0 === e && 0 === l && (d.I = null); return 0; } catch (m) { return ('undefined' !== typeof FS && m instanceof FS.o) || ta(m), -m.r; } }, ___cxa_pure_virtual: function () { ra = !0; throw 'Pure virtual function called!'; }, ___syscall146: Rb, DYNAMICTOP_PTR: oa, tempDoublePtr: Bb, ABORT: ra, STACKTOP: ka, STACK_MAX: bb }; var Sb = b.asm(b.A, b.B, buffer); b.asm = Sb; var Tb = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetSpringDampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetSpringDampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ub = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_next_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_next_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Vb = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_count_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_count_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wb = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_motorSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_motorSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xb = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yb = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_ComputeAABB_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_ComputeAABB_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Zb = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), $b = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ac = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_IsLocked_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_IsLocked_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_GetFlags_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_GetFlags_0.apply(null, arguments); }), cc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_set_g_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_set_g_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ec = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_RayCast_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_RayCast_4.apply(null, arguments); }), fc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetTreeBalance_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetTreeBalance_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_vertices_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_vertices_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hc = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawSolidCircle_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawSolidCircle_4.apply(null, arguments); }), ic = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_filter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_filter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), kc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), mc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), nc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_hasVertex3_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_hasVertex3_1.apply(null, arguments); }), oc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_joint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_joint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), pc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), rc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetWarmStarting_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetWarmStarting_1.apply(null, arguments); }), sc = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawCircle_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawCircle_3.apply(null, arguments); }), tc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), uc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DestructionListener___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DestructionListener___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), vc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_ComputeAABB_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_ComputeAABB_3.apply(null, arguments); }), xc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), yc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), zc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_maxForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_maxForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ac = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Bc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_position_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_position_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Dc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_b2WorldManifold_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_b2WorldManifold_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ec = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }); b.stackSave = function () { return b.asm.stackSave.apply(null, arguments); }; var Gc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_restitution_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_restitution_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Hc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ic = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_get_ey_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_get_ey_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Kc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetGravity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetGravity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_set_ey_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_set_ey_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Mc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_broadphase_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_broadphase_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Oc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetLimits_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetLimits_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Pc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Rc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Sc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Tc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Uc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_nextVertex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_nextVertex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Vc = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_EndContact_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_EndContact_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_set_mass_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_set_mass_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_get_x_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_get_x_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_CreateChain_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_CreateChain_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Zc = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $c = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_DestroyBody_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_DestroyBody_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ad = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solvePosition_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solvePosition_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_RayCast_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_RayCast_4.apply(null, arguments); }), cd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetGroundAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetGroundAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), ed = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), fd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), gd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b.getTempRet0 = function () { return b.asm.getTempRet0.apply(null, arguments); }; var hd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_maxTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_maxTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }), id = (b._emscripten_bind_JSQueryCallback_JSQueryCallback_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSQueryCallback_JSQueryCallback_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetAutoClearForces_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetAutoClearForces_1.apply(null, arguments); }), kd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_lowerTranslation_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_lowerTranslation_1.apply( null, arguments ); }), ld = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetTangentSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetTangentSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), md = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_position_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_position_1.apply(null, arguments); }), nd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_get_q_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_get_q_0.apply(null, arguments); }), od = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_count_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_count_1.apply(null, arguments); }), pd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetJoint1_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetJoint1_0.apply(null, arguments); }), sd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetProxyCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetProxyCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), td = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetMaxTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetMaxTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ud = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetContactListener_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetContactListener_1.apply(null, arguments); }), xd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsAwake_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsAwake_0.apply(null, arguments); }), yd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_other_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_other_1.apply(null, arguments); }), zd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_target_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_target_1.apply(null, arguments); }), db = (b._emscripten_replace_memory = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_replace_memory.apply(null, arguments); }), Ad = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetCorrectionFactor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetCorrectionFactor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_density_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_density_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_upperTranslation_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_upperTranslation_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), Ed = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetReferenceAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetReferenceAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gd = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ManifoldType_e_circles = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ManifoldType_e_circles.apply(null, arguments); }), Hd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Id = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_Initialize_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_Initialize_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Jd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Kd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ld = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply( null, arguments ); }), Md = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_lowerTranslation_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_lowerTranslation_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), Nd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Od = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_b2Filter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_b2Filter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Qd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyAngularImpulse_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyAngularImpulse_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Rd = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_frictionJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_frictionJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), Sd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_set_fraction_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_set_fraction_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Td = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_set_r_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_set_r_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ud = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_length_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_length_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetTreeQuality_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetTreeQuality_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_gravityScale_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_gravityScale_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zd = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), $d = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLowerLimit_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLowerLimit_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ae = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_get_lowerBound_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_get_lowerBound_0.apply(null, arguments); }), be = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetMotorSpeed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetMotorSpeed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ce = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_referenceAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_referenceAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), de = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetMassData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetMassData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ee = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_angularVelocity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_angularVelocity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_SetDampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_SetDampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ge = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), he = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_IsTouching_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_IsTouching_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ie = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_SetFlags_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_SetFlags_1.apply(null, arguments); }), je = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_Contains_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_Contains_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ke = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), le = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_radius_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_radius_1.apply(null, arguments); }), me = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ne = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), oe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetRestitution_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetRestitution_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_set_q_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_set_q_1.apply(null, arguments); }), re = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), se = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_get_upperBound_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_get_upperBound_0.apply(null, arguments); }), te = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), ue = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearVelocity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearVelocity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ve = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_set_m_radius_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_set_m_radius_1.apply(null, arguments); }), we = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_hasVertex0_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_hasVertex0_1.apply(null, arguments); }), xe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetWorldManifold_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetWorldManifold_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ye = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetMaxLength_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetMaxLength_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ze = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ae = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Be = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ce = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetDampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetDampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), De = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetFixtureA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetFixtureA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ee = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_ratio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_ratio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ge = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_set_m_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_set_m_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), He = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ie = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Je = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_set_upperBound_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_set_upperBound_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ke = (b._emscripten_bind_JSRayCastCallback_ReportFixture_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSRayCastCallback_ReportFixture_4.apply(null, arguments); }), Le = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactImpulse___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactImpulse___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Me = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ne = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_lengthB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_lengthB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Oe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyForceToCenter_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyForceToCenter_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Qe = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener_JSDestructionListener_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener_JSDestructionListener_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), Re = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Se = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Te = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ue = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ve = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_wheelJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_wheelJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), We = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xe = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ye = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_get_groupIndex_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_get_groupIndex_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ze = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $e = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_GetChildCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_GetChildCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), af = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_bullet_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_bullet_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_set_b_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_set_b_1.apply(null, arguments); }), cf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_get_ez_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_get_ez_0.apply(null, arguments); }), df = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_get_center_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_get_center_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ef = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ff = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), gf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetSubStepping_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetSubStepping_1.apply(null, arguments); }), hf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_op_add_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_op_add_1.apply(null, arguments); }), jf = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawSegment_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawSegment_3.apply(null, arguments); }), kf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), mf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), of = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_gravityScale_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_gravityScale_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_SetZero_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_SetZero_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qf = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_pulleyJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_pulleyJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), rf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_nextVertex_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_nextVertex_0.apply(null, arguments); }), sf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetEnabled_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetEnabled_1.apply(null, arguments); }), tf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_set_m_radius_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_set_m_radius_1.apply(null, arguments); }), uf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetDebugDraw_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetDebugDraw_1.apply(null, arguments); }), vf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_set_key_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_set_key_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ca = (b._malloc = function () { return b.asm._malloc.apply(null, arguments); }), wf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetMaxMotorTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetMaxMotorTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }), xf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Normalize_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Normalize_0.apply(null, arguments); }), yf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetJointSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetJointSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Af = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_vertices_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_vertices_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bf = (b._emscripten_bind_JSRayCastCallback_JSRayCastCallback_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSRayCastCallback_JSRayCastCallback_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_set_p2_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_set_p2_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Df = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_motorSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_motorSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ef = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_pointCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_pointCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ff = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_get_normal_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_get_normal_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hf = (b._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_jointBit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_jointBit.apply(null, arguments); }), If = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_isSensor_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_isSensor_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_Initialize_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_Initialize_4.apply(null, arguments); }), Kf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Lf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_EnableMotor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_EnableMotor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Mf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetJointSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetJointSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nf = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawSolidPolygon_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawSolidPolygon_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Of = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_Set_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_Set_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Pf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetJointAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetJointAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qf = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Rf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_Solve22_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_Solve22_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Tf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solvePosition_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solvePosition_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Uf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFilter___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFilter___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_hasPrevVertex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_hasPrevVertex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zf = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), $f = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ag = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), bg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetJointTranslation_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetJointTranslation_0.apply(null, arguments); }), cg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_id_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_id_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_get_m_radius_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_get_m_radius_0.apply(null, arguments); }), eg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetMotorSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetMotorSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetGroundAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetGroundAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_op_add_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_op_add_1.apply(null, arguments); }), hg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ig = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetMaxForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetMaxForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetTarget_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetTarget_1.apply(null, arguments); }), kg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetMotorSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetMotorSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ng = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), og = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_GetXAxis_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_GetXAxis_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_b2Mat33_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_b2Mat33_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), rg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorldVector_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorldVector_1.apply(null, arguments); }), sg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0.apply(null, arguments); }), tg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_ratio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_ratio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ug = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), vg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_lengthA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_lengthA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_IsEnabled_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_IsEnabled_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b.stackRestore = function () { return b.asm.stackRestore.apply(null, arguments); }; var xg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_CreateJoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_CreateJoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_ratio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_ratio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), zg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_prev_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_prev_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ag = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLocalPoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLocalPoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Cg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Eg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetLimitState_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetLimitState_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solveTOI_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solveTOI_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_b2Vec2_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_b2Vec2_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ig = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_maxMotorTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_maxMotorTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_op_sub_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_op_sub_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Kg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_get_m_p_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_get_m_p_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_indexA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_indexA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_b2MotorJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_b2MotorJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ng = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_EnableLimit_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_EnableLimit_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Og = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_next_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_next_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_GetPerimeter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_GetPerimeter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Rg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_get_ex_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_get_ex_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetPosition_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetPosition_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Tg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ug = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_prev_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_prev_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetFrequency_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetFrequency_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetBody_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetBody_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactImpulse_set_count_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactImpulse_set_count_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_shape_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_shape_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zg = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $g = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_GetChildCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_GetChildCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ah = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_b2CircleShape_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_b2CircleShape_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ch = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetDensity_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetDensity_1.apply(null, arguments); }), dh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_prevVertex_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_prevVertex_0.apply(null, arguments); }), eh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_GetExtents_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_GetExtents_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_ClearForces_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_ClearForces_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), hh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ih = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_SetFrequency_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_SetFrequency_1.apply(null, arguments); }), jh = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_PreSolve_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_PreSolve_2.apply(null, arguments); }), kh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetFixedRotation_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetFixedRotation_1.apply(null, arguments); }), lh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_set_normal_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_set_normal_1.apply(null, arguments); }), mh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetDampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetDampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetMaxMotorTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetMaxMotorTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), oh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_EnableMotor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_EnableMotor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ph = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetChildIndexB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetChildIndexB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), sh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), th = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_referenceAngle_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_referenceAngle_1.apply(null, arguments); }), uh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_filter_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_filter_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyTorque_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyTorque_2.apply(null, arguments); }), xh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), yh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastCallback___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastCallback___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ah = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ch = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLocalAxisA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLocalAxisA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Eh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_Set_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_Set_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Fh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b.stackAlloc = function () { return b.asm.stackAlloc.apply(null, arguments); }; var Gh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_AppendFlags_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_AppendFlags_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Hh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_GetChildCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_GetChildCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ih = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_ResetFriction_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_ResetFriction_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solveTOI_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solveTOI_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Kh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Lh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_GetCenter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_GetCenter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetSpringFrequencyHz_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetSpringFrequencyHz_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Nh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Oh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ph = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_b2Transform_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_b2Transform_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qh = (b._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_equalLimits = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_equalLimits.apply(null, arguments); }), Rh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_normalImpulse_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_normalImpulse_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Sh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsFixedRotation_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsFixedRotation_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Th = (b._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_shapeBit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_shapeBit.apply(null, arguments); }), Uh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetFriction_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetFriction_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetContactList_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetContactList_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_length_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_length_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Zh = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_b2World_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_b2World_1.apply(null, arguments); }), $h = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_IsLimitEnabled_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_IsLimitEnabled_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ai = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_ClearFlags_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Draw_ClearFlags_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ci = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetAngularDamping_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetAngularDamping_1.apply(null, arguments); }), di = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ei = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_ResetRestitution_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_ResetRestitution_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetAllowSleeping_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetAllowSleeping_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_b2ManifoldPoint_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_b2ManifoldPoint_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ii = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_unknownJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_unknownJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), ji = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_enableMotor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_enableMotor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ki = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), li = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ni = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_localPoint_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_localPoint_0.apply(null, arguments); }), oi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_lengthB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_lengthB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), qi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_CreateLoop_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_CreateLoop_2.apply(null, arguments); }), ri = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_joint1_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_joint1_0.apply(null, arguments); }), si = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetMotorForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetMotorForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ti = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ui = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex0_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex0_0.apply(null, arguments); }), wi = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_revoluteJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_revoluteJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), xi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_get_x_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_get_x_0.apply(null, arguments); }), yi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetMaxTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetMaxTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ai = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_RayCast_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_RayCast_4.apply(null, arguments); }), Bi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_allowSleep_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_allowSleep_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ci = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Di = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ei = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_step_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_step_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Fi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_other_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_other_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Gi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetCurrentLengthB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetCurrentLengthB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_op_mul_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_op_mul_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ii = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ji = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ki = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_count_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_count_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Li = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ni = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_Combine_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_Combine_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Oi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_tangentImpulse_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_tangentImpulse_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Pi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_allowSleep_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_allowSleep_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_other_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_other_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ri = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Si = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ti = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ui = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_TestPoint_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_TestPoint_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Vi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_other_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_other_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_b2PolygonShape_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_b2PolygonShape_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_Set_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_Set_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Yi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zi = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $i = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), aj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetTangentSpeed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetTangentSpeed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), bj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_b2PrismaticJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_b2PrismaticJointDef_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), cj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_active_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_active_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetAngularVelocity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetAngularVelocity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ej = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_set_m_p_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_set_m_p_1.apply(null, arguments); }), fj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Draw___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Draw___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), gj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_Initialize_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_Initialize_4.apply(null, arguments); }), hj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ij = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_b2ChainShape_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_b2ChainShape_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), kj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetMaxForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetMaxForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_set_cf_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_set_cf_1.apply(null, arguments); }), oj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetGravityScale_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetGravityScale_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_Set_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_Set_3.apply(null, arguments); }), qj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), sj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), tj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), uj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_groundAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_groundAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vj = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawTransform_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawTransform_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), xj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_referenceAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_referenceAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Aj = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactFilter___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactFilter___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Bj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_enableMotor_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_enableMotor_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cb = (b._memset = function () { return b.asm._memset.apply(null, arguments); }), Cj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_radius_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_radius_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dj = (b._emscripten_enum_b2BodyType_b2_kinematicBody = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2BodyType_b2_kinematicBody.apply(null, arguments); }), Ej = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_set_s_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_set_s_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Fj = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ManifoldType_e_faceA = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ManifoldType_e_faceA.apply(null, arguments); }), Gj = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ManifoldType_e_faceB = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ManifoldType_e_faceB.apply(null, arguments); }), Hj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ij = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_b2FixtureDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_b2FixtureDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Kj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_set_points_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_set_points_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Lj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_hasVertex3_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_hasVertex3_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mj = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_edge = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_edge.apply(null, arguments); }), Nj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetMaxMotorTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetMaxMotorTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Oj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_active_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_active_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Pj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_Set_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_Set_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Qj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_isSensor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_isSensor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorldPoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorldPoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Sj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_normalImpulse_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_normalImpulse_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Tj = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactFilter_ShouldCollide_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactFilter_ShouldCollide_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Uj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Vj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_set_p1_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_set_p1_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_b2RopeJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_b2RopeJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_linearDamping_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_linearDamping_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Zj = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_Step_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_Step_3.apply(null, arguments); }), ak = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_RayCast_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_RayCast_4.apply(null, arguments); }), bk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_step_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_step_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ck = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_RayCast_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_RayCast_2.apply(null, arguments); }), dk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_SetZero_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_SetZero_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b.setTempRet0 = function () { return b.asm.setTempRet0.apply(null, arguments); }; var ek = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetLength_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetLength_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetLengthB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetLengthB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetUpperLimit_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetUpperLimit_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_set_separations_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_set_separations_2.apply(null, arguments); }), ik = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetMaxMotorTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetMaxMotorTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), jk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), kk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), lk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_get_m_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_get_m_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetDampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetDampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), nk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetAutoClearForces_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetAutoClearForces_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ok = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_set_normal_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_set_normal_1.apply(null, arguments); }), pk = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_circle = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_circle.apply(null, arguments); }), qk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_fixedRotation_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_fixedRotation_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_b2Vec2_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_b2Vec2_2.apply(null, arguments); }), sk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), tk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_Dump_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_Dump_0.apply(null, arguments); }), uk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetLowerLimit_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetLowerLimit_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorldCenter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorldCenter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), wk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_maxMotorTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_maxMotorTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), xk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_linearVelocity_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_linearVelocity_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), zk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ak = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Bk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetAngularDamping_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetAngularDamping_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ck = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_RayCast_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_RayCast_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Dk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ek = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_maxLength_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_maxLength_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetBullet_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetBullet_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ik = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_restitution_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_restitution_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Kk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_enableMotor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_enableMotor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Mk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solveInit_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solveInit_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ok = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Pk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetJoint2_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetJoint2_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Rk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Tk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_b2FrictionJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_b2FrictionJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Uk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetCurrentLengthA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetCurrentLengthA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_localNormal_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_get_localNormal_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_b2Vec3_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_b2Vec3_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetSleepingAllowed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetSleepingAllowed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Zk = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $k = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_pointCount_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_pointCount_1.apply(null, arguments); }), al = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_IsMotorEnabled_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_IsMotorEnabled_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetFrequency_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetFrequency_0.apply(null, arguments); }), cl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_get_points_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_get_points_1.apply(null, arguments); }), el = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_lowerAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_lowerAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), gl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_b2Vec3_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_b2Vec3_3.apply(null, arguments); }), hl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_maxLength_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_maxLength_1.apply(null, arguments); }), il = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_TestPoint_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_TestPoint_2.apply(null, arguments); }), jl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetReferenceAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetReferenceAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), kl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_get_p2_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_get_p2_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ll = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_angle_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_angle_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ml = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ol = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), pl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsBullet_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsBullet_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ql = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_TestPoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_TestPoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), sl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_GetSymInverse33_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_GetSymInverse33_1.apply(null, arguments); }), tl = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawPolygon_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_DrawPolygon_3.apply(null, arguments); }), ul = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_ComputeMass_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_ComputeMass_2.apply(null, arguments); }), vl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_EnableMotor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_EnableMotor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_upperTranslation_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_upperTranslation_1.apply( null, arguments ); }), xl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetFrequency_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetFrequency_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex1_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex1_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_awake_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_awake_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Al = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_get_y_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_get_y_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Bl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_set_categoryBits_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_set_categoryBits_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Cl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_CreateFixture_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_CreateFixture_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Dl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetActive_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetActive_1.apply(null, arguments); }), El = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_indexB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_indexB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_ComputeAABB_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_ComputeAABB_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Hl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_typeA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_typeA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Il = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_maxForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_maxForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Jl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Kl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_TestPoint_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_TestPoint_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Ll = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_Initialize_5 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_Initialize_5.apply(null, arguments); }), Ml = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_centroid_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_centroid_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ol = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Pl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_set_z_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_set_z_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ql = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_enableLimit_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_enableLimit_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetFrequency_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetFrequency_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), Tl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetGravityScale_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetGravityScale_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ul = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ContactFeatureType_e_face = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ContactFeatureType_e_face.apply(null, arguments); }), Vl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetUpperLimit_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetUpperLimit_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_lengthA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_lengthA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_set_x_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_set_x_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yl = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Zl = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener_SayGoodbyeJoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener_SayGoodbyeJoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), $l = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), am = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), bm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_friction_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_friction_1.apply(null, arguments); }), cm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), dm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_hasVertex0_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_hasVertex0_0.apply(null, arguments); }), em = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetBodyCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetBodyCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_prev_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_prev_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_linearOffset_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_linearOffset_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_Initialize_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_Initialize_2.apply(null, arguments); }), im = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetLinearVelocity_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetLinearVelocity_1.apply(null, arguments); }), km = (b._emscripten_enum_b2BodyType_b2_staticBody = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2BodyType_b2_staticBody.apply(null, arguments); }), lm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_upperAngle_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_upperAngle_1.apply(null, arguments); }), mm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), om = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_get_maxFraction_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_get_maxFraction_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), rm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLocalVector_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLocalVector_1.apply(null, arguments); }), sm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_EnableLimit_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_EnableLimit_1.apply(null, arguments); }), tm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_maxForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_maxForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), um = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_angularVelocity_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_angularVelocity_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetLinearDamping_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetLinearDamping_1.apply(null, arguments); }), xm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ym = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_joint2_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_joint2_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Am = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_get_z_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_get_z_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Bm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_get_categoryBits_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_get_categoryBits_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_get_r_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_get_r_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dm = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_weldJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_weldJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), Em = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetContinuousPhysics_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetContinuousPhysics_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Fm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_target_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_target_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetTransform_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetTransform_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Hm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Im = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_maxForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_maxForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Jm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_b2DistanceJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_b2DistanceJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Km = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_GetInverse22_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_GetInverse22_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Mm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Om = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_b2RevoluteJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_b2RevoluteJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_typeA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_typeA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Qm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_Dump_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_Dump_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_enableLimit_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_enableLimit_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_localPoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_localPoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Tm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Um = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_bullet_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_bullet_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Vm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xm = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ym = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_DrawDebugData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_DrawDebugData_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b.___cxa_can_catch = function () { return b.asm.___cxa_can_catch.apply(null, arguments); }; var Zm = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $m = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solveVelocity_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solveVelocity_1.apply(null, arguments); }), an = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_set_groupIndex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_set_groupIndex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), cn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_b2JointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_b2JointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_set_c_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_set_c_1.apply(null, arguments); }), en = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_b2GearJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_b2GearJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), hn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetJointSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetJointSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1.apply(null, arguments); }), kn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_groundAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_groundAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ln = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetRestitution_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetRestitution_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_contact_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_get_contact_0.apply(null, arguments); }), on = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ResetMassData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ResetMassData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetAABB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetAABB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply( null, arguments ); }), sn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetMassData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetMassData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), tn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), un = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_ComputeMass_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_ComputeMass_2.apply(null, arguments); }), vn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), wn = (b._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_atLowerLimit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_atLowerLimit.apply(null, arguments); }), xn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_id_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_id_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), An = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_DestroyFixture_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_DestroyFixture_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Cn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_broadphase_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_broadphase_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Dn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), En = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactImpulse_get_count_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactImpulse_get_count_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetJointCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetJointCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetMotorSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetMotorSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), In = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_get_fraction_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastOutput_get_fraction_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Kn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_SetRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_SetRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ln = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyLinearImpulse_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyLinearImpulse_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Mn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b.___cxa_is_pointer_type = function () { return b.asm.___cxa_is_pointer_type.apply(null, arguments); }; var On = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_fixedRotation_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_fixedRotation_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_motorSpeed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_motorSpeed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Qn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_SetPrevVertex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_SetPrevVertex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Tn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply( null, arguments ); }), Un = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_op_sub_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_op_sub_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_IsValid_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_IsValid_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Zn = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $n = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_chain = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_chain.apply(null, arguments); }), ao = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetLengthA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetLengthA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0.apply(null, arguments); }), co = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetMotorSpeed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetMotorSpeed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), eo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), fo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_prevVertex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_prevVertex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), go = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_hasNextVertex_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_hasNextVertex_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ho = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_SetNextVertex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_SetNextVertex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), io = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetType_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetType_1.apply(null, arguments); }), jo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetMass_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetMass_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ko = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_b2Rot_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_b2Rot_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_b2Rot_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_b2Rot_1.apply(null, arguments); }), mo = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_distanceJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_distanceJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), no = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetSpringDampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetSpringDampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), oo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), po = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetTarget_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetTarget_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qo = (b._emscripten_bind_JSQueryCallback___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSQueryCallback___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), ro = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_Refilter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_Refilter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), so = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_lowerAngle_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_lowerAngle_1.apply(null, arguments); }), to = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), uo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vo = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_BeginContact_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_BeginContact_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_linearOffset_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_linearOffset_1.apply(null, arguments); }), xo = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_motorJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_motorJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), yo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex2_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex2_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_next_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_next_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ao = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_set_maxFraction_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_set_maxFraction_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Co = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_awake_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_awake_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Do = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_b2AABB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_b2AABB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Eo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetFriction_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetFriction_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Fo = (b._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_centerOfMassBit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_centerOfMassBit.apply(null, arguments); }), Go = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_CreateBody_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_CreateBody_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ho = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Io = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ko = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ContactFeatureType_e_vertex = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ContactFeatureType_e_vertex.apply(null, arguments); }), Lo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_get_maskBits_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_get_maskBits_0.apply(null, arguments); }), No = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_get_ex_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_get_ex_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Oo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetFixtureList_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetFixtureList_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Po = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ro = (b._emscripten_bind_JSRayCastCallback___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSRayCastCallback___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), So = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactListener___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactListener___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), To = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }); b.establishStackSpace = function () { return b.asm.establishStackSpace.apply(null, arguments); }; var Uo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_Dump_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_Dump_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Wo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetMaxForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetMaxForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetFrequency_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetFrequency_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Zo = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply( null, arguments ); }), $o = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ap = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_IsValid_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_IsValid_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), cp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetWarmStarting_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetWarmStarting_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_enableLimit_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_enableLimit_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ep = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), fp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_Solve_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_Solve_1.apply(null, arguments); }), gp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_get_g_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_get_g_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hp = (b._emscripten_bind_VoidPtr___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_VoidPtr___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), ip = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), kp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetChildCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetChildCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_ratio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_get_ratio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_Solve33_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_Solve33_1.apply(null, arguments); }), np = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), op = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), qp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_correctionFactor_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_correctionFactor_0.apply(null, arguments); }), rp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_typeB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_get_typeB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), sp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_get_key_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_get_key_0.apply(null, arguments); }), tp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), up = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_GetAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_GetAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetAllowSleeping_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetAllowSleeping_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), xp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetAngularOffset_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetAngularOffset_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetLinearOffset_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetLinearOffset_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ap = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_motorSpeed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_motorSpeed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetDensity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetDensity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ep = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Set_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Set_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Fp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_b2MouseJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_b2MouseJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_get_s_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_get_s_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ip = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_SetMaxTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_SetMaxTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Jp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Kp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Lp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_get_p1_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RayCastInput_get_p1_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), Np = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_referenceAngle_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_referenceAngle_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Op = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_hasPrevVertex_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_hasPrevVertex_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_b2PulleyJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_b2PulleyJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Tp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Up = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_b2MassData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_b2MassData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_set_y_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_set_y_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_angularDamping_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_angularDamping_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_Combine_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_Combine_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zp = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $p = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetMaxMotorForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetMaxMotorForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), aq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_upperAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_upperAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsSleepingAllowed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_IsSleepingAllowed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), cq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetCorrectionFactor_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetCorrectionFactor_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solve_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solve_0.apply(null, arguments); }), eq = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener_SayGoodbyeFixture_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener_SayGoodbyeFixture_1.apply( null, arguments ); }), fq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetVertexCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetVertexCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_get_c_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_get_c_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_set_lowerBound_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2AABB_set_lowerBound_1.apply(null, arguments); }), iq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetFilterData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetFilterData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), jq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetMaxForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetMaxForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), kq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_IsMotorEnabled_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_IsMotorEnabled_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), mq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_tangentImpulse_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_tangentImpulse_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_maxMotorTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_maxMotorTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }), oq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_dampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_SetIdentity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_SetIdentity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_b2EdgeShape_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_b2EdgeShape_0.apply(null, arguments); }), rq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), sq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), tq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), uq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), wq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_b2Manifold_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_b2Manifold_0.apply(null, arguments); }), xq = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_PostSolve_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_PostSolve_2.apply(null, arguments); }), yq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Aq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_ComputeMass_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_ComputeMass_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Bq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Eq = (b._emscripten_enum_b2BodyType_b2_dynamicBody = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2BodyType_b2_dynamicBody.apply(null, arguments); }), Fq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_TestPoint_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_TestPoint_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Gq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_maxTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_maxTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Iq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Jq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Kq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_Clear_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_Clear_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Oq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetContactCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetContactCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetRestitution_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetRestitution_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_angularDamping_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_angularDamping_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex3_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_vertex3_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Tq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_set_center_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_set_center_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Uq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_SetIdentity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_SetIdentity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_joint1_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_joint1_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex2_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex2_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetFriction_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_SetFriction_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zq = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_indexB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_indexB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), $q = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ar = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), br = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_GetInverse_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_GetInverse_0.apply(null, arguments); }), cr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1.apply(null, arguments); }), dr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetSubStepping_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetSubStepping_0.apply(null, arguments); }), er = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_GetYAxis_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Rot_GetYAxis_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b._emscripten_get_global_libc = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_get_global_libc.apply(null, arguments); }; var fr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_localAxisA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_localAxisA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ir = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_set_ex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_set_ex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), jr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), kr = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_prismaticJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_prismaticJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), lr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_referenceAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_referenceAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Length_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Length_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_SetZero_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_SetZero_0.apply(null, arguments); }), or = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), pr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_DestroyJoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_DestroyJoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), qr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_Set_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_Set_2.apply(null, arguments); }), sr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_next_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_set_next_1.apply(null, arguments); }), tr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ur = (b._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_aabbBit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_aabbBit.apply(null, arguments); }), vr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_ComputeAABB_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_ComputeAABB_3.apply(null, arguments); }), wr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_centroid_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_centroid_1.apply(null, arguments); }), xr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetJointList_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetJointList_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ar = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Br = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_linearDamping_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_linearDamping_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Cr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Dr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_TestPoint_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_TestPoint_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Er = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_localNormal_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Manifold_set_localNormal_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Fr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearDamping_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLinearDamping_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_frequencyHz_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ir = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Jr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_enableMotor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_enableMotor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Kr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Skew_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_Skew_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetDampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetDampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_typeB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_typeB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Or = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetMaxTorque_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetMaxTorque_0.apply(null, arguments); }); b.setThrew = function () { return b.asm.setThrew.apply(null, arguments); }; var Qr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Sr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_Initialize_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_Initialize_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Nb = (b._sbrk = function () { return b.asm._sbrk.apply(null, arguments); }), Tr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), Ib = (b._memcpy = function () { return b.asm._memcpy.apply(null, arguments); }), Ur = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vr = (b._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_pairBit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2DrawFlag_e_pairBit.apply(null, arguments); }), Wr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_get_I_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_get_I_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_motorSpeed_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_motorSpeed_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_set_maskBits_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Filter_set_maskBits_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zr = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $r = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_radius_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_get_m_radius_0.apply(null, arguments); }), as = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetTreeHeight_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetTreeHeight_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_2.apply(null, arguments); }), cs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ds = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_0.apply(null, arguments); }), es = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), hs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_hasNextVertex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_hasNextVertex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), is = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_set_ey_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_set_ey_1.apply(null, arguments); }), js = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_angularOffset_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_angularOffset_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ks = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_get_m_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_get_m_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ls = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ms = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_b2ContactEdge_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_b2ContactEdge_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ns = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), ps = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_maxTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_maxTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Qa = (b._free = function () { return b.asm._free.apply(null, arguments); }), qs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_groundAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_groundAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply( null, arguments ); }), ss = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }); b.runPostSets = function () { return b.asm.runPostSets.apply(null, arguments); }; var ts = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetLimits_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_SetLimits_2.apply(null, arguments); }), us = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), vs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), xs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ys = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_set_m_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_set_m_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), zs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetJointTranslation_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetJointTranslation_0.apply(null, arguments); }), As = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetMotorTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetMotorTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Cs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ds = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Es = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_enableMotor_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_enableMotor_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Gs = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDestructionListener___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_b2Transform_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_b2Transform_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Is = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Js = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_RayCast_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_RayCast_4.apply(null, arguments); }), Ks = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_set_y_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_set_y_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ls = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetMotorSpeed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetMotorSpeed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ms = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_get_cf_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactID_get_cf_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ns = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_Initialize_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_Initialize_4.apply(null, arguments); }), Os = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_radius_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_get_m_radius_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ps = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Qs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_radius_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_radius_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ss = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_Dump_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_Dump_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ts = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Us = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactFilter_JSContactFilter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactFilter_JSContactFilter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solve_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_solve_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ws = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_density_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_set_density_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetDampingRatio_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetDampingRatio_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ys = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_get_b_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_get_b_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Zs = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $s = (b._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_ComputeAABB_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2CircleShape_ComputeAABB_3.apply(null, arguments); }), at = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), bt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_enableLimit_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_enableLimit_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ct = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_localPoint_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_set_localPoint_1.apply(null, arguments); }), dt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetFilterData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetFilterData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), et = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetBodyList_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetBodyList_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ft = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetJointList_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetJointList_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ht = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), it = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_RayCast_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_RayCast_3.apply(null, arguments); }), jt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_set_I_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_set_I_1.apply(null, arguments); }), kt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), lt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_collide_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_collide_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_b2Color_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_b2Color_3.apply(null, arguments); }), nt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_b2Color_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_b2Color_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ot = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_frequencyHz_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_Initialize_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_Initialize_3.apply(null, arguments); }), qt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetMotorTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetMotorTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rt = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_gearJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_gearJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), st = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_friction_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_friction_0.apply(null, arguments); }), tt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_localAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ut = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetManifold_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetManifold_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2QueryCallback___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2QueryCallback___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), wt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_localAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), xt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), yt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_correctionFactor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_correctionFactor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), zt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_GetChildEdge_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_GetChildEdge_2.apply(null, arguments); }), At = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_mouseJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_mouseJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), Bt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_angularOffset_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_angularOffset_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ct = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetUserData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_SetUserData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Dt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyForce_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_ApplyForce_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Et = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_count_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_set_m_count_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ft = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_IsMotorEnabled_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_IsMotorEnabled_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ht = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetVertex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_GetVertex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), It = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetGravity_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetGravity_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Jt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qb = (b._llvm_bswap_i32 = function () { return b.asm._llvm_bswap_i32.apply(null, arguments); }), Kt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetRestitution_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetRestitution_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Lt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetTransform_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetTransform_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mt = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_typeCount = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_typeCount.apply(null, arguments); }), Nt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_set_ex_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_set_ex_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Ot = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Rt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), St = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_maxForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_maxForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Tt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_angle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_angle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ut = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_shape_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef_get_shape_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetAngularVelocity_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetAngularVelocity_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_SetMaxForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_SetMaxForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_b2Mat33_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_b2Mat33_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Zt = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_get_y_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_get_y_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $t = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), au = (b._emscripten_bind_JSQueryCallback_ReportFixture_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSQueryCallback_ReportFixture_1.apply(null, arguments); }), bu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), cu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_CreateFixture_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_CreateFixture_1.apply(null, arguments); }), du = (b._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_JSDraw_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSDraw_JSDraw_0.apply(null, arguments); }), eu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_get_p_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_get_p_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_get_normal_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_get_normal_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetProfile_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetProfile_0.apply(null, arguments); }), iu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), ju = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ku = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointDef_set_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), lu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_contact_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_contact_1.apply(null, arguments); }), mu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetContactList_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetContactList_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ou = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_set_ez_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_set_ez_1.apply(null, arguments); }), pu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_b2JointEdge_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_b2JointEdge_0.apply(null, arguments); }), qu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ru = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), su = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), tu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), uu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetCollideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetCollideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_joint2_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_joint2_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex3_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex3_1.apply(null, arguments); }), xu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), yu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetFriction_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetFriction_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Au = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Bu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_localAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Du = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_referenceAngle_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_referenceAngle_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Eu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Fu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_SetZero_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_SetZero_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_b2WheelJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_b2WheelJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Iu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_localAxisA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_localAxisA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ju = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_get_ey_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_get_ey_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ku = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_SetIdentity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_SetIdentity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Nu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_get_m_radius_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_get_m_radius_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ou = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_4.apply(null, arguments); }), Pu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_localAxisA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_localAxisA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Qu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_SetAsBox_4 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_SetAsBox_4.apply(null, arguments); }), Ru = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex1_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex1_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Su = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorld_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetWorld_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Tu = (b._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_inactiveLimit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_inactiveLimit.apply(null, arguments); }), Uu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_set_x_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_set_x_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Vu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetAwake_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_SetAwake_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJoint_GetLocalAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Xu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Yu = (b._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_polygon = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2ShapeType_e_polygon.apply(null, arguments); }), Zu = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetInertia_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetInertia_0.apply(null, arguments); }), $u = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetAnchorA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetAnchorA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), av = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_linearVelocity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_linearVelocity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), cv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Mat22___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), dv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ev = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), gv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetShape_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetShape_0.apply(null, arguments); }), hv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), iv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_op_mul_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_op_mul_1.apply(null, arguments); }), jv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_type_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_type_1.apply(null, arguments); }), kv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetAngularOffset_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetAngularOffset_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_IsActive_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_IsActive_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ov = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_maxForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJointDef_get_maxForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DestructionListenerWrapper___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DestructionListenerWrapper___destroy___0.apply( null, arguments ); }), qv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_maxMotorForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_set_maxMotorForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), rv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetLocalAxisA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetLocalAxisA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), sv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), tv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetReactionForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint_GetReactionForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), uv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), vv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_indexA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactFeature_set_indexA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), wv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solveInit_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solveInit_0.apply(null, arguments); }), xv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_IsSensor_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_IsSensor_0.apply(null, arguments); }), yv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_QueryAABB_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_QueryAABB_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Av = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_collide_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_set_collide_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Bv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Cv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetLinearOffset_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_SetLinearOffset_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Dv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetMaxForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetMaxForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ev = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_userData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_userData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Fv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_IsLimitEnabled_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_IsLimitEnabled_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetDestructionListener_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetDestructionListener_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Hv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_maxMotorTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_maxMotorTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Iv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Jv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_set_p_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Transform_set_p_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Kv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetLength_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_SetLength_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Lv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_localPoint_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ManifoldPoint_get_localPoint_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Mv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_joint_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2JointEdge_get_joint_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLocalCenter_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetLocalCenter_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ov = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FixtureDef___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MouseJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Qv = (b._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_ropeJoint = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2JointType_e_ropeJoint.apply(null, arguments); }), Rv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solveVelocity_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Profile_get_solveVelocity_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Tv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetContinuousPhysics_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_GetContinuousPhysics_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Uv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_maxTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_maxTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Wv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_Initialize_7 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_Initialize_7.apply(null, arguments); }), Xv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_bodyB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_bodyB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetReactionTorque_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_GetReactionTorque_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Zv = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_dampingRatio_1.apply(null, arguments); }), $v = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetType_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJoint_GetType_0.apply(null, arguments); }), aw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetNext_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJoint_GetNext_0.apply(null, arguments); }), bw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex0_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2EdgeShape_set_m_vertex0_1.apply(null, arguments); }), cw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), dw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ew = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetUserData_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_GetUserData_0.apply(null, arguments); }), fw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_userData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2GearJointDef_set_userData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), gw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetSensor_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_SetSensor_1.apply(null, arguments); }), hw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_collideConnected_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_set_collideConnected_1.apply(null, arguments); }), iw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetFixtureB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetFixtureB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), jw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_ComputeMass_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ChainShape_ComputeMass_2.apply(null, arguments); }), kw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_b2WeldJointDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WeldJointDef_b2WeldJointDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), lw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetChildIndexA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Contact_GetChildIndexA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), mw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_bodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJointDef_get_bodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), nw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_b2BodyDef_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2BodyDef_b2BodyDef_0.apply(null, arguments); }), ow = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_get_mass_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MassData_get_mass_0.apply(null, arguments); }), pw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_get_separations_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WorldManifold_get_separations_1.apply(null, arguments); }), qw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetBodyB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_GetBodyB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), rw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_GetChildCount_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_GetChildCount_0.apply(null, arguments); }), sw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_localAxisA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_localAxisA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), tw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_Dump_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Joint_Dump_0.apply(null, arguments); }), uw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetContactFilter_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2World_SetContactFilter_1.apply(null, arguments); }), vw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_motorSpeed_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RevoluteJointDef_set_motorSpeed_1.apply(null, arguments); }), ww = (b._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2MotorJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), xw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_enableMotor_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_enableMotor_0.apply(null, arguments); }), yw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_LengthSquared_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_LengthSquared_0.apply(null, arguments); }), zw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Aw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetSpringFrequencyHz_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetSpringFrequencyHz_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Bw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_prev_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2ContactEdge_set_prev_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Cw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_ComputeMass_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Shape_ComputeMass_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Dw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2FrictionJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ew = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_set_localAnchorB_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Fw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetAngle_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Body_GetAngle_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Gw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_maxMotorForce_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_maxMotorForce_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Hw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetBodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2DistanceJoint_GetBodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Iw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetLocalAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Jw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_bodyA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_bodyA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Kw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetAnchorB_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint_GetAnchorB_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Lw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_SetAsBox_2 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_SetAsBox_2.apply(null, arguments); }), Mw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJointDef_get_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Nw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Color_Set_3 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Color_Set_3.apply(null, arguments); }), Ow = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_bodyA_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJointDef_get_bodyA_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Pw = (b._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_atUpperLimit = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_enum_b2LimitState_e_atUpperLimit.apply(null, arguments); }), Qw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_groundAnchorA_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_set_groundAnchorA_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Rw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_type_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_get_m_type_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Sw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetMaxMotorForce_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PrismaticJoint_SetMaxMotorForce_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Tw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_collideConnected_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PulleyJointDef_get_collideConnected_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Uw = (b._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_JSContactListener_0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_JSContactListener_JSContactListener_0.apply(null, arguments); }), Vw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint___destroy___0 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2WheelJoint___destroy___0.apply(null, arguments); }), Ww = (b._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_radius_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_set_m_radius_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Xw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetMassData_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2Fixture_GetMassData_1.apply(null, arguments); }), Yw = (b._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_SetMaxLength_1 = function () { return b.asm._emscripten_bind_b2RopeJoint_SetMaxLength_1.apply(null, arguments); }); b.dynCall_iiii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_iiii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_viifii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_viifii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_viiiii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_viiiii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_vi = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_vi.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_vii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_vii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_ii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_ii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_fif = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_fif.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_viii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_viii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_viifi = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_viifi.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_v = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_v.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_viif = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_viif.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_viiiiii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_viiiiii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_iii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_iii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_iiiiii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_iiiiii.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_fiiiif = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_fiiiif.apply(null, arguments); }; b.dynCall_viiii = function () { return b.asm.dynCall_viiii.apply(null, arguments); }; f.t = b.stackAlloc; f.L = b.stackSave; f.K = b.stackRestore; f.R = b.establishStackSpace; f.f = b.setTempRet0; f.H = b.getTempRet0; b.asm = Sb; if (zb) if ( ('function' === typeof b.locateFile ? (zb = b.locateFile(zb)) : b.memoryInitializerPrefixURL && (zb = b.memoryInitializerPrefixURL + zb), ea || fa) ) { var Zw = b.readBinary(zb); Da.set(Zw, f.i); } else { var ax = function () { b.readAsync(zb, $w, function () { throw 'could not load memory initializer ' + zb; }); }; xb(); var $w = function (a) { a.byteLength && (a = new Uint8Array(a)); Da.set(a, f.i); b.memoryInitializerRequest && delete b.memoryInitializerRequest.response; yb(); }; if (b.memoryInitializerRequest) { var bx = function () { var a = b.memoryInitializerRequest; 200 !== a.status && 0 !== a.status ? (console.warn( 'a problem seems to have happened with Module.memoryInitializerRequest, status: ' + a.status + ', retrying ' + zb ), ax()) : $w(a.response); }; b.memoryInitializerRequest.response ? setTimeout(bx, 0) : b.memoryInitializerRequest.addEventListener('load', bx); } else ax(); } b.then = function (a) { if (b.calledRun) a(b); else { var c = b.onRuntimeInitialized; b.onRuntimeInitialized = function () { c && c(); a(b); }; } return b; }; function ja(a) { = 'ExitStatus'; this.message = 'Program terminated with exit(' + a + ')'; this.status = a; } ja.prototype = Error(); ja.prototype.constructor = ja; var cx = null, wb = function dx() { b.calledRun || ex(); b.calledRun || (wb = dx); }; b.callMain = b.O = function (a) { function c() { for (var a = 0; 3 > a; a++) e.push(0); } a = a || []; pb || ((pb = !0), hb(jb)); var d = a.length + 1, e = [Ba(rb(b.thisProgram), 'i8', 0)]; c(); for (var g = 0; g < d - 1; g += 1) e.push(Ba(rb(a[g]), 'i8', 0)), c(); e.push(0); e = Ba(e, 'i32', 0); try { var l = b._main(d, e, 0); fx(l, !0); } catch (m) { m instanceof ja || ('SimulateInfiniteLoop' == m ? (b.noExitRuntime = !0) : ((a = m) && 'object' === typeof m && m.stack && (a = [m, m.stack]), b.h('exception thrown: ' + a), b.quit(1, m))); } finally { } }; function ex(a) { function c() { if (!b.calledRun && ((b.calledRun = !0), !ra)) { pb || ((pb = !0), hb(jb)); hb(kb); if (b.onRuntimeInitialized) b.onRuntimeInitialized(); b._main && gx && b.callMain(a); if (b.postRun) for ('function' == typeof b.postRun && (b.postRun = [b.postRun]); b.postRun.length; ) { var c = b.postRun.shift(); ob.unshift(c); } hb(ob); } } a = a || b.arguments; null === cx && (cx =; if (!(0 < tb)) { if (b.preRun) for ('function' == typeof b.preRun && (b.preRun = [b.preRun]); b.preRun.length; ) qb(); hb(ib); 0 < tb || b.calledRun || (b.setStatus ? (b.setStatus('Running...'), setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(function () { b.setStatus(''); }, 1); c(); }, 1)) : c()); } } = = ex; function fx(a, c) { if (!c || !b.noExitRuntime) { if (!b.noExitRuntime && ((ra = !0), (ka = void 0), hb(nb), b.onExit)) b.onExit(a); ea && process.exit(a); b.quit(a, new ja(a)); } } b.exit = b.exit = fx; var hx = []; function ta(a) { if (b.onAbort) b.onAbort(a); void 0 !== a ? (b.print(a), b.h(a), (a = JSON.stringify(a))) : (a = ''); ra = !0; var c = 'abort(' + a + ') at ' + Ra() + '\nIf this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.'; hx && hx.forEach(function (d) { c = d(c, a); }); throw c; } b.abort = b.abort = ta; if (b.preInit) for ('function' == typeof b.preInit && (b.preInit = [b.preInit]); 0 < b.preInit.length; ) b.preInit.pop()(); var gx = !0; b.noInitialRun && (gx = !1); b.noExitRuntime = !0; ex(); function h() {} h.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); h.prototype.constructor = h; h.prototype.b = h; h.c = {}; b.WrapperObject = h; function k(a) { return (a || h).c; } b.getCache = k; function n(a, c) { var d = k(c), e = d[a]; if (e) return e; e = Object.create((c || h).prototype); e.a = a; return (d[a] = e); } b.wrapPointer = n; b.castObject = function (a, c) { return n(a.a, c); }; b.NULL = n(0); b.destroy = function (a) { if (!a.__destroy__) throw 'Error: Cannot destroy object. (Did you create it yourself?)'; a.__destroy__(); delete k(a.b)[a.a]; }; = function (a, c) { return a.a === c.a; }; b.getPointer = function (a) { return a.a; }; b.getClass = function (a) { return a.b; }; var ix = 0, jx = 0, kx = [], lx = 0; function mx() { if (lx) { for (var a = 0; a < kx.length; a++) b._free(kx[a]); kx.length = 0; b._free(ix); ix = 0; jx += lx; lx = 0; } ix || ((jx += 128), (ix = b._malloc(jx)), assert(ix)); } function nx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2DestructionListenerWrapper, no constructor in IDL'; } nx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); nx.prototype.constructor = nx; nx.prototype.b = nx; nx.c = {}; b.b2DestructionListenerWrapper = nx; nx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { pv(this.a); }; function ox() { throw 'cannot construct a b2Draw, no constructor in IDL'; } ox.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); ox.prototype.constructor = ox; ox.prototype.b = ox; ox.c = {}; b.b2Draw = ox; ox.prototype.SetFlags = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ie(c, a); }; ox.prototype.GetFlags = function () { return bc(this.a); }; ox.prototype.AppendFlags = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Gh(c, a); }; ox.prototype.ClearFlags = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); bi(c, a); }; ox.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { fj(this.a); }; function p() { throw 'cannot construct a b2Joint, no constructor in IDL'; } p.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); p.prototype.constructor = p; p.prototype.b = p; p.c = {}; b.b2Joint = p; p.prototype.GetType = function () { return ht(this.a); }; p.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Uv(this.a), q); }; p.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(qw(this.a), q); }; p.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(ln(this.a), r); }; p.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(jj(this.a), r); }; p.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(am(c, a), r); }; p.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return Uj(c, a); }; p.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(gt(this.a), p); }; p.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return cl(this.a); }; p.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xf(c, a); }; p.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!Lu(this.a); }; p.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!kf(this.a); }; p.prototype.Dump = function () { tw(this.a); }; function px() { throw 'cannot construct a b2RayCastCallback, no constructor in IDL'; } px.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); px.prototype.constructor = px; px.prototype.b = px; px.c = {}; b.b2RayCastCallback = px; px.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { zh(this.a); }; function qx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2ContactListener, no constructor in IDL'; } qx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); qx.prototype.constructor = qx; qx.prototype.b = qx; qx.c = {}; b.b2ContactListener = qx; qx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { So(this.a); }; function rx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2QueryCallback, no constructor in IDL'; } rx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); rx.prototype.constructor = rx; rx.prototype.b = rx; rx.c = {}; b.b2QueryCallback = rx; rx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { vt(this.a); }; function t() { this.a = cn(); k(t)[this.a] = this; } t.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); t.prototype.constructor = t; t.prototype.b = t; t.c = {}; b.b2JointDef = t; t.prototype.get_type = function () { return $t(this.a); }; t.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ku(c, a); }; t.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Tm(this.a); }; t.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); lq(c, a); }; t.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(Fr(this.a), q); }; t.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Dk(c, a); }; t.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(fn(this.a), q); }; t.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qr(c, a); }; t.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!gd(this.a); }; t.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); yk(c, a); }; t.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { We(this.a); }; function sx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2Shape, no constructor in IDL'; } sx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); sx.prototype.constructor = sx; sx.prototype.b = sx; sx.c = {}; b.b2Shape = sx; sx.prototype.GetType = function () { return Xn(this.a); }; sx.prototype.GetChildCount = function () { return rw(this.a); }; sx.prototype.TestPoint = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return !!Dr(d, a, c); }; sx.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); return !!bd(g, a, c, d, e); }; sx.prototype.ComputeAABB = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Yb(e, a, c, d); }; sx.prototype.ComputeMass = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Cw(d, a, c); }; sx.prototype.get_m_type = function () { return lk(this.a); }; sx.prototype.set_m_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ys(c, a); }; sx.prototype.get_m_radius = function () { return Nu(this.a); }; sx.prototype.set_m_radius = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); tf(c, a); }; sx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { $l(this.a); }; function tx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2ContactFilter, no constructor in IDL'; } tx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); tx.prototype.constructor = tx; tx.prototype.b = tx; tx.c = {}; b.b2ContactFilter = tx; tx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Uf(this.a); }; function ux() { this.a = Qe(); k(ux)[this.a] = this; } ux.prototype = Object.create(nx.prototype); ux.prototype.constructor = ux; ux.prototype.b = ux; ux.c = {}; b.JSDestructionListener = ux; ux.prototype.SayGoodbyeJoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Zl(c, a); }; ux.prototype.SayGoodbyeFixture = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); eq(c, a); }; ux.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Gs(this.a); }; function vx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2ContactImpulse, no constructor in IDL'; } vx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); vx.prototype.constructor = vx; vx.prototype.b = vx; vx.c = {}; b.b2ContactImpulse = vx; vx.prototype.get_count = function () { return En(this.a); }; vx.prototype.set_count = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xg(c, a); }; vx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Le(this.a); }; function u() { throw 'cannot construct a b2DistanceJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } u.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); u.prototype.constructor = u; u.prototype.b = u; u.c = {}; b.b2DistanceJoint = u; u.prototype.GetLocalAnchorA = function () { return n(ne(this.a), r); }; u.prototype.GetLocalAnchorB = function () { return n(Xh(this.a), r); }; u.prototype.SetLength = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Kv(c, a); }; u.prototype.GetLength = function () { return ek(this.a); }; u.prototype.SetFrequency = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vg(c, a); }; u.prototype.GetFrequency = function () { return Rl(this.a); }; u.prototype.SetDampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ce(c, a); }; u.prototype.GetDampingRatio = function () { return mh(this.a); }; u.prototype.GetType = function () { return Ik(this.a); }; u.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Hw(this.a), q); }; u.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Ue(this.a), q); }; u.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(Qc(this.a), r); }; u.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(Hg(this.a), r); }; u.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(gn(c, a), r); }; u.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return Rs(c, a); }; u.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(ke(this.a), p); }; u.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return Kd(this.a); }; u.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Yf(c, a); }; u.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!Dg(this.a); }; u.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!Ft(this.a); }; u.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Yk(this.a); }; function wx(a, c, d) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); this.a = void 0 === a ? pg() : void 0 === c ? _emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_b2Mat33_1(a) : void 0 === d ? _emscripten_bind_b2Mat33_b2Mat33_2(a, c) : Yt(a, c, d); k(wx)[this.a] = this; } wx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); wx.prototype.constructor = wx; wx.prototype.b = wx; wx.c = {}; b.b2Mat33 = wx; wx.prototype.SetZero = function () { Fu(this.a); }; wx.prototype.Solve33 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(mp(c, a), xx); }; wx.prototype.Solve22 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Sf(c, a), r); }; wx.prototype.GetInverse22 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Lm(c, a); }; wx.prototype.GetSymInverse33 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); sl(c, a); }; wx.prototype.get_ex = function () { return n(Rg(this.a), xx); }; wx.prototype.set_ex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Nt(c, a); }; wx.prototype.get_ey = function () { return n(Ic(this.a), xx); }; wx.prototype.set_ey = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Lc(c, a); }; wx.prototype.get_ez = function () { return n(cf(this.a), xx); }; wx.prototype.set_ez = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ou(c, a); }; wx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { dd(this.a); }; function v() { throw 'cannot construct a b2Fixture, no constructor in IDL'; } v.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); v.prototype.constructor = v; v.prototype.b = v; v.c = {}; b.b2Fixture = v; v.prototype.GetType = function () { return Kk(this.a); }; v.prototype.GetShape = function () { return n(gv(this.a), sx); }; v.prototype.SetSensor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); gw(c, a); }; v.prototype.IsSensor = function () { return !!xv(this.a); }; v.prototype.SetFilterData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); iq(c, a); }; v.prototype.GetFilterData = function () { return n(dt(this.a), yx); }; v.prototype.Refilter = function () { ro(this.a); }; v.prototype.GetBody = function () { return n(Wg(this.a), q); }; v.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(Au(this.a), v); }; v.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return Fl(this.a); }; v.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); $i(c, a); }; v.prototype.TestPoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return !!rl(c, a); }; v.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); return !!Ck(e, a, c, d); }; v.prototype.GetMassData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xw(c, a); }; v.prototype.SetDensity = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ch(c, a); }; v.prototype.GetDensity = function () { return Cp(this.a); }; v.prototype.GetFriction = function () { return zu(this.a); }; v.prototype.SetFriction = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Eo(c, a); }; v.prototype.GetRestitution = function () { return pe(this.a); }; v.prototype.SetRestitution = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Kt(c, a); }; v.prototype.GetAABB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(qn(c, a), zx); }; v.prototype.Dump = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qm(c, a); }; v.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { pc(this.a); }; function yx() { this.a = Od(); k(yx)[this.a] = this; } yx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); yx.prototype.constructor = yx; yx.prototype.b = yx; yx.c = {}; b.b2Filter = yx; yx.prototype.get_categoryBits = function () { return Bm(this.a); }; yx.prototype.set_categoryBits = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Bl(c, a); }; yx.prototype.get_maskBits = function () { return Mo(this.a); }; yx.prototype.set_maskBits = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Yr(c, a); }; yx.prototype.get_groupIndex = function () { return Ye(this.a); }; yx.prototype.set_groupIndex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); bn(c, a); }; yx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Mn(this.a); }; function Ax() { this.a = id(); k(Ax)[this.a] = this; } Ax.prototype = Object.create(rx.prototype); Ax.prototype.constructor = Ax; Ax.prototype.b = Ax; Ax.c = {}; b.JSQueryCallback = Ax; Ax.prototype.ReportFixture = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return !!au(c, a); }; Ax.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { qo(this.a); }; function w() { throw 'cannot construct a b2MouseJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } w.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); w.prototype.constructor = w; w.prototype.b = w; w.c = {}; b.b2MouseJoint = w; w.prototype.SetTarget = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); jg(c, a); }; w.prototype.GetTarget = function () { return n(po(this.a), r); }; w.prototype.SetMaxForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); jq(c, a); }; w.prototype.GetMaxForce = function () { return ig(this.a); }; w.prototype.SetFrequency = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xl(c, a); }; w.prototype.GetFrequency = function () { return Xo(this.a); }; w.prototype.SetDampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); mk(c, a); }; w.prototype.GetDampingRatio = function () { return Lr(this.a); }; w.prototype.GetType = function () { return oo(this.a); }; w.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Bo(this.a), q); }; w.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Ti(this.a), q); }; w.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(eu(this.a), r); }; w.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(Jq(this.a), r); }; w.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(tv(c, a), r); }; w.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return Sn(c, a); }; w.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(li(this.a), p); }; w.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return sq(this.a); }; w.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xt(c, a); }; w.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!$b(this.a); }; w.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!Jc(this.a); }; w.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Pv(this.a); }; function Bx(a) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); this.a = void 0 === a ? ko() : lo(a); k(Bx)[this.a] = this; } Bx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Bx.prototype.constructor = Bx; Bx.prototype.b = Bx; Bx.c = {}; b.b2Rot = Bx; Bx.prototype.Set = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Of(c, a); }; Bx.prototype.SetIdentity = function () { pq(this.a); }; Bx.prototype.GetAngle = function () { return up(this.a); }; Bx.prototype.GetXAxis = function () { return n(og(this.a), r); }; Bx.prototype.GetYAxis = function () { return n(er(this.a), r); }; Bx.prototype.get_s = function () { return Hp(this.a); }; Bx.prototype.set_s = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ej(c, a); }; Bx.prototype.get_c = function () { return gq(this.a); }; Bx.prototype.set_c = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); dn(c, a); }; Bx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Lo(this.a); }; function x() { throw 'cannot construct a b2MotorJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } x.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); x.prototype.constructor = x; x.prototype.b = x; x.c = {}; b.b2MotorJoint = x; x.prototype.SetLinearOffset = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Cv(c, a); }; x.prototype.GetLinearOffset = function () { return n(yp(this.a), r); }; x.prototype.SetAngularOffset = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xp(c, a); }; x.prototype.GetAngularOffset = function () { return lv(this.a); }; x.prototype.SetMaxForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wo(c, a); }; x.prototype.GetMaxForce = function () { return lj(this.a); }; x.prototype.SetMaxTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); td(c, a); }; x.prototype.GetMaxTorque = function () { return Pr(this.a); }; x.prototype.SetCorrectionFactor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ad(c, a); }; x.prototype.GetCorrectionFactor = function () { return cq(this.a); }; x.prototype.GetType = function () { return Oq(this.a); }; x.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Fh(this.a), q); }; x.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Dh(this.a), q); }; x.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(Bp(this.a), r); }; x.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(fv(this.a), r); }; x.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(tp(c, a), r); }; x.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return lf(c, a); }; x.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(aw(this.a), p); }; x.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return jk(this.a); }; x.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Bh(c, a); }; x.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!Rn(this.a); }; x.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!Ae(this.a); }; x.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { zk(this.a); }; function y() { throw 'cannot construct a b2Profile, no constructor in IDL'; } y.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); y.prototype.constructor = y; y.prototype.b = y; y.c = {}; b.b2Profile = y; y.prototype.get_step = function () { return bk(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_step = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ei(c, a); }; y.prototype.get_collide = function () { return lt(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_collide = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Av(c, a); }; y.prototype.get_solve = function () { return dq(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_solve = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vs(c, a); }; y.prototype.get_solveInit = function () { return wv(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_solveInit = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Nk(c, a); }; y.prototype.get_solveVelocity = function () { return Rv(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_solveVelocity = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); $m(c, a); }; y.prototype.get_solvePosition = function () { return ad(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_solvePosition = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Tf(c, a); }; y.prototype.get_broadphase = function () { return Mc(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_broadphase = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Cn(c, a); }; y.prototype.get_solveTOI = function () { return Fg(this.a); }; y.prototype.set_solveTOI = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Jh(c, a); }; y.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Tg(this.a); }; function Cx() { throw 'cannot construct a VoidPtr, no constructor in IDL'; } Cx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Cx.prototype.constructor = Cx; Cx.prototype.b = Cx; Cx.c = {}; b.VoidPtr = Cx; Cx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { hp(this.a); }; function z() { this.a = nw(); k(z)[this.a] = this; } z.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); z.prototype.constructor = z; z.prototype.b = z; z.c = {}; b.b2BodyDef = z; z.prototype.get_type = function () { return Km(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vc(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_position = function () { return n(Bc(this.a), r); }; z.prototype.set_position = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); md(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_angle = function () { return Tt(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_angle = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ll(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_linearVelocity = function () { return n(av(this.a), r); }; z.prototype.set_linearVelocity = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xk(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_angularVelocity = function () { return ee(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_angularVelocity = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); um(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_linearDamping = function () { return Yj(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_linearDamping = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Br(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_angularDamping = function () { return Rq(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_angularDamping = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wp(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_allowSleep = function () { return !!Pi(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_allowSleep = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Bi(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_awake = function () { return !!Co(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_awake = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); zl(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_fixedRotation = function () { return !!On(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_fixedRotation = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qk(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_bullet = function () { return !!af(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_bullet = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Um(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_active = function () { return !!cj(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_active = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Oj(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Bv(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ir(c, a); }; z.prototype.get_gravityScale = function () { return of(this.a); }; z.prototype.set_gravityScale = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Yd(c, a); }; z.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { ns(this.a); }; function Dx() { this.a = Bf(); k(Dx)[this.a] = this; } Dx.prototype = Object.create(px.prototype); Dx.prototype.constructor = Dx; Dx.prototype.b = Dx; Dx.c = {}; b.JSRayCastCallback = Dx; Dx.prototype.ReportFixture = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); return Ke(g, a, c, d, e); }; Dx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Ro(this.a); }; function Ex() { throw 'cannot construct a b2ContactFeature, no constructor in IDL'; } Ex.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Ex.prototype.constructor = Ex; Ex.prototype.b = Ex; Ex.c = {}; b.b2ContactFeature = Ex; Ex.prototype.get_indexA = function () { return Lg(this.a); }; Ex.prototype.set_indexA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vv(c, a); }; Ex.prototype.get_indexB = function () { return El(this.a); }; Ex.prototype.set_indexB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Zq(c, a); }; Ex.prototype.get_typeA = function () { return Hl(this.a); }; Ex.prototype.set_typeA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Pm(c, a); }; Ex.prototype.get_typeB = function () { return rp(this.a); }; Ex.prototype.set_typeB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Nr(c, a); }; Ex.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Op(this.a); }; function r(a, c) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); this.a = void 0 === a ? Gg() : void 0 === c ? _emscripten_bind_b2Vec2_b2Vec2_1(a) : rk(a, c); k(r)[this.a] = this; } r.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); r.prototype.constructor = r; r.prototype.b = r; r.c = {}; b.b2Vec2 = r; r.prototype.SetZero = function () { nr(this.a); }; r.prototype.Set = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Ep(d, a, c); }; r.prototype.op_add = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hf(c, a); }; r.prototype.op_sub = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Jg(c, a); }; r.prototype.op_mul = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Hi(c, a); }; r.prototype.Length = function () { return mr(this.a); }; r.prototype.LengthSquared = function () { return yw(this.a); }; r.prototype.Normalize = function () { return xf(this.a); }; r.prototype.IsValid = function () { return !!ap(this.a); }; r.prototype.Skew = function () { return n(Kr(this.a), r); }; r.prototype.get_x = function () { return xi(this.a); }; r.prototype.set_x = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Uu(c, a); }; r.prototype.get_y = function () { return Al(this.a); }; r.prototype.set_y = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ks(c, a); }; r.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Xu(this.a); }; function xx(a, c, d) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); this.a = void 0 === a ? Wk() : void 0 === c ? _emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_b2Vec3_1(a) : void 0 === d ? _emscripten_bind_b2Vec3_b2Vec3_2(a, c) : gl(a, c, d); k(xx)[this.a] = this; } xx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); xx.prototype.constructor = xx; xx.prototype.b = xx; xx.c = {}; b.b2Vec3 = xx; xx.prototype.SetZero = function () { pf(this.a); }; xx.prototype.Set = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); pj(e, a, c, d); }; xx.prototype.op_add = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); gg(c, a); }; xx.prototype.op_sub = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vn(c, a); }; xx.prototype.op_mul = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); iv(c, a); }; xx.prototype.get_x = function () { return Xc(this.a); }; xx.prototype.set_x = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xl(c, a); }; xx.prototype.get_y = function () { return Zt(this.a); }; xx.prototype.set_y = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vp(c, a); }; xx.prototype.get_z = function () { return Am(this.a); }; xx.prototype.set_z = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Pl(c, a); }; xx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { gh(this.a); }; function zx() { this.a = Do(); k(zx)[this.a] = this; } zx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); zx.prototype.constructor = zx; zx.prototype.b = zx; zx.c = {}; b.b2AABB = zx; zx.prototype.IsValid = function () { return !!Yn(this.a); }; zx.prototype.GetCenter = function () { return n(Lh(this.a), r); }; zx.prototype.GetExtents = function () { return n(eh(this.a), r); }; zx.prototype.GetPerimeter = function () { return Pg(this.a); }; zx.prototype.Combine = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); void 0 === c ? Xp(d, a) : Ni(d, a, c); }; zx.prototype.Contains = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return !!je(c, a); }; zx.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return !!ck(d, a, c); }; zx.prototype.get_lowerBound = function () { return n(ae(this.a), r); }; zx.prototype.set_lowerBound = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hq(c, a); }; zx.prototype.get_upperBound = function () { return n(se(this.a), r); }; zx.prototype.set_upperBound = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Je(c, a); }; zx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Jn(this.a); }; function Fx() { this.a = Ij(); k(Fx)[this.a] = this; } Fx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Fx.prototype.constructor = Fx; Fx.prototype.b = Fx; Fx.c = {}; b.b2FixtureDef = Fx; Fx.prototype.get_shape = function () { return n(Ut(this.a), sx); }; Fx.prototype.set_shape = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Yg(c, a); }; Fx.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Jd(this.a); }; Fx.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); mc(c, a); }; Fx.prototype.get_friction = function () { return st(this.a); }; Fx.prototype.set_friction = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); bm(c, a); }; Fx.prototype.get_restitution = function () { return Jk(this.a); }; Fx.prototype.set_restitution = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Gc(c, a); }; Fx.prototype.get_density = function () { return Bd(this.a); }; Fx.prototype.set_density = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ws(c, a); }; Fx.prototype.get_isSensor = function () { return !!If(this.a); }; Fx.prototype.set_isSensor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qj(c, a); }; Fx.prototype.get_filter = function () { return n(jc(this.a), yx); }; Fx.prototype.set_filter = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vh(c, a); }; Fx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Ov(this.a); }; function A() { this.a = Tk(); k(A)[this.a] = this; } A.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); A.prototype.constructor = A; A.prototype.b = A; A.c = {}; b.b2FrictionJointDef = A; A.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Sr(e, a, c, d); }; A.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(Ze(this.a), r); }; A.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); zf(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(Me(this.a), r); }; A.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); rj(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_maxForce = function () { return tm(this.a); }; A.prototype.set_maxForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Im(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_maxTorque = function () { return hd(this.a); }; A.prototype.set_maxTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ps(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_type = function () { return kc(this.a); }; A.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Rr(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_userData = function () { return yh(this.a); }; A.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Zb(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(qu(this.a), q); }; A.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); zw(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(mf(this.a), q); }; A.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Iq(c, a); }; A.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Tr(this.a); }; A.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ld(c, a); }; A.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Nh(this.a); }; function Gx() { this.a = wq(); k(Gx)[this.a] = this; } Gx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Gx.prototype.constructor = Gx; Gx.prototype.b = Gx; Gx.c = {}; b.b2Manifold = Gx; Gx.prototype.get_localNormal = function () { return n(Vk(this.a), r); }; Gx.prototype.set_localNormal = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Er(c, a); }; Gx.prototype.get_localPoint = function () { return n(ni(this.a), r); }; Gx.prototype.set_localPoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Sm(c, a); }; Gx.prototype.get_type = function () { return sk(this.a); }; Gx.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); fl(c, a); }; Gx.prototype.get_pointCount = function () { return Ef(this.a); }; Gx.prototype.set_pointCount = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); $k(c, a); }; Gx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { ug(this.a); }; function Hx() { this.a = Dc(); k(Hx)[this.a] = this; } Hx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Hx.prototype.constructor = Hx; Hx.prototype.b = Hx; Hx.c = {}; b.b2WorldManifold = Hx; Hx.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d, e, g) { var l = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); g && 'object' === typeof g && (g = g.a); Ll(l, a, c, d, e, g); }; Hx.prototype.get_normal = function () { return n(gu(this.a), r); }; Hx.prototype.set_normal = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ok(c, a); }; Hx.prototype.get_points = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(dl(c, a), r); }; Hx.prototype.set_points = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; mx(); a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Kj(d, a, c); }; Hx.prototype.get_separations = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return pw(c, a); }; Hx.prototype.set_separations = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; mx(); a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); hk(d, a, c); }; Hx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Vm(this.a); }; function B() { this.a = bj(); k(B)[this.a] = this; } B.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); B.prototype.constructor = B; B.prototype.b = B; B.c = {}; b.b2PrismaticJointDef = B; B.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); Jf(g, a, c, d, e); }; B.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(Ii(this.a), r); }; B.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); tt(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(Fe(this.a), r); }; B.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); To(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_localAxisA = function () { return n(Iu(this.a), r); }; B.prototype.set_localAxisA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Pu(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_referenceAngle = function () { return ce(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_referenceAngle = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); th(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_enableLimit = function () { return !!bt(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_enableLimit = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ql(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_lowerTranslation = function () { return Md(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_lowerTranslation = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); kd(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_upperTranslation = function () { return Dd(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_upperTranslation = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); wl(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_enableMotor = function () { return !!Es(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_enableMotor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Jr(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_maxMotorForce = function () { return Gw(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_maxMotorForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qv(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_motorSpeed = function () { return Wb(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_motorSpeed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Pn(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_type = function () { return Mw(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Kh(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_userData = function () { return kj(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qr(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(es(this.a), q); }; B.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); bp(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(Pk(this.a), q); }; B.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Sk(c, a); }; B.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Sl(this.a); }; B.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); rn(c, a); }; B.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { ge(this.a); }; function C(a) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); this.a = Zh(a); k(C)[this.a] = this; } C.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); C.prototype.constructor = C; C.prototype.b = C; C.c = {}; b.b2World = C; C.prototype.SetDestructionListener = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Gv(c, a); }; C.prototype.SetContactFilter = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); uw(c, a); }; C.prototype.SetContactListener = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); wd(c, a); }; C.prototype.SetDebugDraw = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); uf(c, a); }; C.prototype.CreateBody = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Go(c, a), q); }; C.prototype.DestroyBody = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); $c(c, a); }; C.prototype.CreateJoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(xg(c, a), p); }; C.prototype.DestroyJoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); pr(c, a); }; C.prototype.Step = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Zj(e, a, c, d); }; C.prototype.ClearForces = function () { fh(this.a); }; C.prototype.DrawDebugData = function () { Ym(this.a); }; C.prototype.QueryAABB = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); zv(d, a, c); }; C.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); it(e, a, c, d); }; C.prototype.GetBodyList = function () { return n(et(this.a), q); }; C.prototype.GetJointList = function () { return n(yr(this.a), p); }; C.prototype.GetContactList = function () { return n(nu(this.a), E); }; C.prototype.SetAllowSleeping = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vp(c, a); }; C.prototype.GetAllowSleeping = function () { return !!fi(this.a); }; C.prototype.SetWarmStarting = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); rc(c, a); }; C.prototype.GetWarmStarting = function () { return !!cp(this.a); }; C.prototype.SetContinuousPhysics = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Em(c, a); }; C.prototype.GetContinuousPhysics = function () { return !!Tv(this.a); }; C.prototype.SetSubStepping = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); gf(c, a); }; C.prototype.GetSubStepping = function () { return !!dr(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetProxyCount = function () { return sd(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetBodyCount = function () { return em(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetJointCount = function () { return Fn(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetContactCount = function () { return Pq(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetTreeHeight = function () { return as(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetTreeBalance = function () { return fc(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetTreeQuality = function () { return Xd(this.a); }; C.prototype.SetGravity = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); It(c, a); }; C.prototype.GetGravity = function () { return n(Kc(this.a), r); }; C.prototype.IsLocked = function () { return !!ac(this.a); }; C.prototype.SetAutoClearForces = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); jd(c, a); }; C.prototype.GetAutoClearForces = function () { return !!nk(this.a); }; C.prototype.GetProfile = function () { return n(hu(this.a), y); }; C.prototype.Dump = function () { Ss(this.a); }; C.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { eo(this.a); }; function F() { throw 'cannot construct a b2PrismaticJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } F.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); F.prototype.constructor = F; F.prototype.b = F; F.c = {}; b.b2PrismaticJoint = F; F.prototype.GetLocalAnchorA = function () { return n(Jl(this.a), r); }; F.prototype.GetLocalAnchorB = function () { return n(op(this.a), r); }; F.prototype.GetLocalAxisA = function () { return n(Ch(this.a), r); }; F.prototype.GetReferenceAngle = function () { return jl(this.a); }; F.prototype.GetJointTranslation = function () { return bg(this.a); }; F.prototype.GetJointSpeed = function () { return hn(this.a); }; F.prototype.IsLimitEnabled = function () { return !!$h(this.a); }; F.prototype.EnableLimit = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); sm(c, a); }; F.prototype.GetLowerLimit = function () { return $d(this.a); }; F.prototype.GetUpperLimit = function () { return gk(this.a); }; F.prototype.SetLimits = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Oc(d, a, c); }; F.prototype.IsMotorEnabled = function () { return !!al(this.a); }; F.prototype.EnableMotor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vl(c, a); }; F.prototype.SetMotorSpeed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ls(c, a); }; F.prototype.GetMotorSpeed = function () { return eg(this.a); }; F.prototype.SetMaxMotorForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Sw(c, a); }; F.prototype.GetMaxMotorForce = function () { return $p(this.a); }; F.prototype.GetMotorForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return si(c, a); }; F.prototype.GetType = function () { return oe(this.a); }; F.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Zp(this.a), q); }; F.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Qt(this.a), q); }; F.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(Zk(this.a), r); }; F.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(im(this.a), r); }; F.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Oh(c, a), r); }; F.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return Ag(c, a); }; F.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(cs(this.a), p); }; F.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return ew(this.a); }; F.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Jj(c, a); }; F.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!zm(this.a); }; F.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!Cg(this.a); }; F.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Zf(this.a); }; function Ix() { throw 'cannot construct a b2RayCastOutput, no constructor in IDL'; } Ix.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Ix.prototype.constructor = Ix; Ix.prototype.b = Ix; Ix.c = {}; b.b2RayCastOutput = Ix; Ix.prototype.get_normal = function () { return n(Ff(this.a), r); }; Ix.prototype.set_normal = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); lh(c, a); }; Ix.prototype.get_fraction = function () { return In(this.a); }; Ix.prototype.set_fraction = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Sd(c, a); }; Ix.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Wm(this.a); }; function Jx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2ContactID, no constructor in IDL'; } Jx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Jx.prototype.constructor = Jx; Jx.prototype.b = Jx; Jx.c = {}; b.b2ContactID = Jx; Jx.prototype.get_cf = function () { return n(Ms(this.a), Ex); }; Jx.prototype.set_cf = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); nj(c, a); }; Jx.prototype.get_key = function () { return sp(this.a); }; Jx.prototype.set_key = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vf(c, a); }; Jx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { cm(this.a); }; function Kx() { this.a = Uw(); k(Kx)[this.a] = this; } Kx.prototype = Object.create(qx.prototype); Kx.prototype.constructor = Kx; Kx.prototype.b = Kx; Kx.c = {}; b.JSContactListener = Kx; Kx.prototype.BeginContact = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vo(c, a); }; Kx.prototype.EndContact = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vc(c, a); }; Kx.prototype.PreSolve = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); jh(d, a, c); }; Kx.prototype.PostSolve = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); xq(d, a, c); }; Kx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Xm(this.a); }; function Lx(a, c, d, e) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); this.a = void 0 === a ? ds() : void 0 === c ? _emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_1(a) : void 0 === d ? bs(a, c) : void 0 === e ? _emscripten_bind_b2Mat22_b2Mat22_3(a, c, d) : Ou(a, c, d, e); k(Lx)[this.a] = this; } Lx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Lx.prototype.constructor = Lx; Lx.prototype.b = Lx; Lx.c = {}; b.b2Mat22 = Lx; Lx.prototype.Set = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); rr(d, a, c); }; Lx.prototype.SetIdentity = function () { Ku(this.a); }; Lx.prototype.SetZero = function () { dk(this.a); }; Lx.prototype.GetInverse = function () { return n(br(this.a), Lx); }; Lx.prototype.Solve = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(fp(c, a), r); }; Lx.prototype.get_ex = function () { return n(No(this.a), r); }; Lx.prototype.set_ex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ir(c, a); }; Lx.prototype.get_ey = function () { return n(Ju(this.a), r); }; Lx.prototype.set_ey = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); is(c, a); }; Lx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { cv(this.a); }; function H() { this.a = Hu(); k(H)[this.a] = this; } H.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); H.prototype.constructor = H; H.prototype.b = H; H.c = {}; b.b2WheelJointDef = H; H.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); gj(g, a, c, d, e); }; H.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(nl(this.a), r); }; H.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Re(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(Dn(this.a), r); }; H.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ew(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_localAxisA = function () { return n(fr(this.a), r); }; H.prototype.set_localAxisA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); sw(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_enableMotor = function () { return !!xw(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_enableMotor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Lk(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_maxMotorTorque = function () { return Ig(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_maxMotorTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); wk(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_motorSpeed = function () { return Xr(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_motorSpeed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ap(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_frequencyHz = function () { return ot(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_frequencyHz = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); cr(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_dampingRatio = function () { return Hn(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_dampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Zv(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_type = function () { return ru(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wd(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Ev(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hh(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(Ow(this.a), q); }; H.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Rt(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(yn(this.a), q); }; H.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Yp(c, a); }; H.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Ec(this.a); }; H.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xr(c, a); }; H.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { nf(this.a); }; function Mx() { this.a = ah(); k(Mx)[this.a] = this; } Mx.prototype = Object.create(sx.prototype); Mx.prototype.constructor = Mx; Mx.prototype.b = Mx; Mx.c = {}; b.b2CircleShape = Mx; Mx.prototype.GetType = function () { return rh(this.a); }; Mx.prototype.GetChildCount = function () { return $e(this.a); }; Mx.prototype.TestPoint = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return !!Fq(d, a, c); }; Mx.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); return !!ak(g, a, c, d, e); }; Mx.prototype.ComputeAABB = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); $s(e, a, c, d); }; Mx.prototype.ComputeMass = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Aq(d, a, c); }; Mx.prototype.get_m_p = function () { return n(Kg(this.a), r); }; Mx.prototype.set_m_p = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ej(c, a); }; Mx.prototype.get_m_type = function () { return ks(this.a); }; Mx.prototype.set_m_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ge(c, a); }; Mx.prototype.get_m_radius = function () { return dg(this.a); }; Mx.prototype.set_m_radius = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ve(c, a); }; Mx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Nq(this.a); }; function I() { this.a = kw(); k(I)[this.a] = this; } I.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); I.prototype.constructor = I; I.prototype.b = I; I.c = {}; b.b2WeldJointDef = I; I.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); pt(e, a, c, d); }; I.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(wt(this.a), r); }; I.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Di(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(Cu(this.a), r); }; I.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ps(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_referenceAngle = function () { return lr(this.a); }; I.prototype.set_referenceAngle = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Du(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_frequencyHz = function () { return sg(this.a); }; I.prototype.set_frequencyHz = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Hr(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_dampingRatio = function () { return oq(this.a); }; I.prototype.set_dampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hj(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_type = function () { return Fp(this.a); }; I.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); us(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Wt(this.a); }; I.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); np(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(ev(this.a), q); }; I.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Te(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(Sv(this.a), q); }; I.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Iv(c, a); }; I.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!yi(this.a); }; I.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); fd(c, a); }; I.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { ep(this.a); }; function Nx() { this.a = Up(); k(Nx)[this.a] = this; } Nx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Nx.prototype.constructor = Nx; Nx.prototype.b = Nx; Nx.c = {}; b.b2MassData = Nx; Nx.prototype.get_mass = function () { return ow(this.a); }; Nx.prototype.set_mass = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wc(c, a); }; Nx.prototype.get_center = function () { return n(df(this.a), r); }; Nx.prototype.set_center = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Tq(c, a); }; Nx.prototype.get_I = function () { return Wr(this.a); }; Nx.prototype.set_I = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); jt(c, a); }; Nx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { kt(this.a); }; function Ox() { throw 'cannot construct a b2GearJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } Ox.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); Ox.prototype.constructor = Ox; Ox.prototype.b = Ox; Ox.c = {}; b.b2GearJoint = Ox; Ox.prototype.GetJoint1 = function () { return n(rd(this.a), p); }; Ox.prototype.GetJoint2 = function () { return n(Qk(this.a), p); }; Ox.prototype.SetRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Kn(c, a); }; Ox.prototype.GetRatio = function () { return Cd(this.a); }; Ox.prototype.GetType = function () { return $v(this.a); }; Ox.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(qm(this.a), q); }; Ox.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Lq(this.a), q); }; Ox.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(ud(this.a), r); }; Ox.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(xu(this.a), r); }; Ox.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Yi(c, a), r); }; Ox.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return ed(c, a); }; Ox.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(nv(this.a), p); }; Ox.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return ze(this.a); }; Ox.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ol(c, a); }; Ox.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!ui(this.a); }; Ox.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!Nd(this.a); }; Ox.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { ag(this.a); }; function J() { throw 'cannot construct a b2WeldJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } J.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); J.prototype.constructor = J; J.prototype.b = J; J.c = {}; b.b2WeldJoint = J; J.prototype.GetLocalAnchorA = function () { return n(Wu(this.a), r); }; J.prototype.GetLocalAnchorB = function () { return n(zn(this.a), r); }; J.prototype.SetFrequency = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ih(c, a); }; J.prototype.GetFrequency = function () { return bl(this.a); }; J.prototype.SetDampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); fe(c, a); }; J.prototype.GetDampingRatio = function () { return Xs(this.a); }; J.prototype.Dump = function () { Vo(this.a); }; J.prototype.GetType = function () { return Jo(this.a); }; J.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Gf(this.a), q); }; J.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(ef(this.a), q); }; J.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(uq(this.a), r); }; J.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(tr(this.a), r); }; J.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Is(c, a), r); }; J.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return yc(c, a); }; J.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(Io(this.a), p); }; J.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return ml(this.a); }; J.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); pi(c, a); }; J.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!tc(this.a); }; J.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!ar(this.a); }; J.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { vq(this.a); }; function Px() { this.a = pu(); k(Px)[this.a] = this; } Px.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Px.prototype.constructor = Px; Px.prototype.b = Px; Px.c = {}; b.b2JointEdge = Px; Px.prototype.get_other = function () { return n(Vi(this.a), q); }; Px.prototype.set_other = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); yd(c, a); }; Px.prototype.get_joint = function () { return n(Mv(this.a), p); }; Px.prototype.set_joint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); oc(c, a); }; Px.prototype.get_prev = function () { return n(fm(this.a), Px); }; Px.prototype.set_prev = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); zg(c, a); }; Px.prototype.get_next = function () { return n(zo(this.a), Px); }; Px.prototype.set_next = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); sr(c, a); }; Px.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { to(this.a); }; function K() { this.a = Sp(); k(K)[this.a] = this; } K.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); K.prototype.constructor = K; K.prototype.b = K; K.c = {}; b.b2PulleyJointDef = K; K.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d, e, g, l, m) { var D = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); g && 'object' === typeof g && (g = g.a); l && 'object' === typeof l && (l = l.a); m && 'object' === typeof m && (m = m.a); Wv(D, a, c, d, e, g, l, m); }; K.prototype.get_groundAnchorA = function () { return n(kn(this.a), r); }; K.prototype.set_groundAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qw(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_groundAnchorB = function () { return n(uj(this.a), r); }; K.prototype.set_groundAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qs(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(Pc(this.a), r); }; K.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Dq(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(Ot(this.a), r); }; K.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Hd(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_lengthA = function () { return Wl(this.a); }; K.prototype.set_lengthA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vg(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_lengthB = function () { return oi(this.a); }; K.prototype.set_lengthB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ne(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_ratio = function () { return Ee(this.a); }; K.prototype.set_ratio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); yg(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_type = function () { return Yl(this.a); }; K.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ol(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Rk(this.a); }; K.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Hm(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(Nc(this.a), q); }; K.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Jw(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(Zg(this.a), q); }; K.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Kf(c, a); }; K.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Tw(this.a); }; K.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); tu(c, a); }; K.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Si(this.a); }; function Qx() { this.a = gi(); k(Qx)[this.a] = this; } Qx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Qx.prototype.constructor = Qx; Qx.prototype.b = Qx; Qx.c = {}; b.b2ManifoldPoint = Qx; Qx.prototype.get_localPoint = function () { return n(Lv(this.a), r); }; Qx.prototype.set_localPoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ct(c, a); }; Qx.prototype.get_normalImpulse = function () { return Sj(this.a); }; Qx.prototype.set_normalImpulse = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Rh(c, a); }; Qx.prototype.get_tangentImpulse = function () { return mq(this.a); }; Qx.prototype.set_tangentImpulse = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Oi(c, a); }; Qx.prototype.get_id = function () { return n(cg(this.a), Jx); }; Qx.prototype.set_id = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xn(c, a); }; Qx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { jr(this.a); }; function Rx(a, c) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); this.a = void 0 === a ? Ph() : void 0 === c ? _emscripten_bind_b2Transform_b2Transform_1(a) : Hs(a, c); k(Rx)[this.a] = this; } Rx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Rx.prototype.constructor = Rx; Rx.prototype.b = Rx; Rx.c = {}; b.b2Transform = Rx; Rx.prototype.SetIdentity = function () { Uq(this.a); }; Rx.prototype.Set = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Eh(d, a, c); }; Rx.prototype.get_p = function () { return n(fu(this.a), r); }; Rx.prototype.set_p = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Jv(c, a); }; Rx.prototype.get_q = function () { return n(nd(this.a), Bx); }; Rx.prototype.set_q = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qe(c, a); }; Rx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { te(this.a); }; function L() { this.a = ij(); k(L)[this.a] = this; } L.prototype = Object.create(sx.prototype); L.prototype.constructor = L; L.prototype.b = L; L.c = {}; b.b2ChainShape = L; L.prototype.Clear = function () { Mq(this.a); }; L.prototype.CreateLoop = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); qi(d, a, c); }; L.prototype.CreateChain = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Yc(d, a, c); }; L.prototype.SetPrevVertex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qn(c, a); }; L.prototype.SetNextVertex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ho(c, a); }; L.prototype.GetChildEdge = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); zt(d, a, c); }; L.prototype.GetType = function () { return om(this.a); }; L.prototype.GetChildCount = function () { return $g(this.a); }; L.prototype.TestPoint = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return !!il(d, a, c); }; L.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); return !!Js(g, a, c, d, e); }; L.prototype.ComputeAABB = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); wc(e, a, c, d); }; L.prototype.ComputeMass = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); jw(d, a, c); }; L.prototype.get_m_vertices = function () { return n(gc(this.a), r); }; L.prototype.set_m_vertices = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Af(c, a); }; L.prototype.get_m_count = function () { return Vb(this.a); }; L.prototype.set_m_count = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Et(c, a); }; L.prototype.get_m_prevVertex = function () { return n(dh(this.a), r); }; L.prototype.set_m_prevVertex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); fo(c, a); }; L.prototype.get_m_nextVertex = function () { return n(rf(this.a), r); }; L.prototype.set_m_nextVertex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Uc(c, a); }; L.prototype.get_m_hasPrevVertex = function () { return !!Rp(this.a); }; L.prototype.set_m_hasPrevVertex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wf(c, a); }; L.prototype.get_m_hasNextVertex = function () { return !!go(this.a); }; L.prototype.set_m_hasNextVertex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hs(c, a); }; L.prototype.get_m_type = function () { return tj(this.a); }; L.prototype.set_m_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); mg(c, a); }; L.prototype.get_m_radius = function () { return Os(this.a); }; L.prototype.set_m_radius = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qs(c, a); }; L.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Nl(this.a); }; function Sx(a, c, d) { a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); this.a = void 0 === a ? nt() : void 0 === c ? _emscripten_bind_b2Color_b2Color_1(a) : void 0 === d ? _emscripten_bind_b2Color_b2Color_2(a, c) : mt(a, c, d); k(Sx)[this.a] = this; } Sx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Sx.prototype.constructor = Sx; Sx.prototype.b = Sx; Sx.c = {}; b.b2Color = Sx; Sx.prototype.Set = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Nw(e, a, c, d); }; Sx.prototype.get_r = function () { return Cm(this.a); }; Sx.prototype.set_r = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Td(c, a); }; Sx.prototype.get_g = function () { return gp(this.a); }; Sx.prototype.set_g = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); dc(c, a); }; Sx.prototype.get_b = function () { return Ys(this.a); }; Sx.prototype.set_b = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); bf(c, a); }; Sx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Pp(this.a); }; function M() { throw 'cannot construct a b2RopeJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } M.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); M.prototype.constructor = M; M.prototype.b = M; M.c = {}; b.b2RopeJoint = M; M.prototype.GetLocalAnchorA = function () { return n(Ar(this.a), r); }; M.prototype.GetLocalAnchorB = function () { return n(Ri(this.a), r); }; M.prototype.SetMaxLength = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Yw(c, a); }; M.prototype.GetMaxLength = function () { return ye(this.a); }; M.prototype.GetLimitState = function () { return Eg(this.a); }; M.prototype.GetType = function () { return wp(this.a); }; M.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(uv(this.a), q); }; M.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(gr(this.a), q); }; M.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(Li(this.a), r); }; M.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(Ie(this.a), r); }; M.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(at(c, a), r); }; M.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return Yv(c, a); }; M.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(ip(this.a), p); }; M.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return Zc(this.a); }; M.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Bs(c, a); }; M.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!yu(this.a); }; M.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!uu(this.a); }; M.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { or(this.a); }; function Tx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2RayCastInput, no constructor in IDL'; } Tx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Tx.prototype.constructor = Tx; Tx.prototype.b = Tx; Tx.c = {}; b.b2RayCastInput = Tx; Tx.prototype.get_p1 = function () { return n(Lp(this.a), r); }; Tx.prototype.set_p1 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wj(c, a); }; Tx.prototype.get_p2 = function () { return n(kl(this.a), r); }; Tx.prototype.set_p2 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Cf(c, a); }; Tx.prototype.get_maxFraction = function () { return pm(this.a); }; Tx.prototype.set_maxFraction = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ao(c, a); }; Tx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Oe(this.a); }; function N() { this.a = Wi(); k(N)[this.a] = this; } N.prototype = Object.create(sx.prototype); N.prototype.constructor = N; N.prototype.b = N; N.c = {}; b.b2PolygonShape = N; N.prototype.Set = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Xi(d, a, c); }; N.prototype.SetAsBox = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); void 0 === d ? Lw(g, a, c) : void 0 === e ? _emscripten_bind_b2PolygonShape_SetAsBox_3(g, a, c, d) : Qu(g, a, c, d, e); }; N.prototype.GetVertexCount = function () { return fq(this.a); }; N.prototype.GetVertex = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Ht(c, a), r); }; N.prototype.GetType = function () { return sh(this.a); }; N.prototype.GetChildCount = function () { return kp(this.a); }; N.prototype.TestPoint = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return !!Ui(d, a, c); }; N.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); return !!ec(g, a, c, d, e); }; N.prototype.ComputeAABB = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Gl(e, a, c, d); }; N.prototype.ComputeMass = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); ul(d, a, c); }; N.prototype.get_m_centroid = function () { return n(Ml(this.a), r); }; N.prototype.set_m_centroid = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); wr(c, a); }; N.prototype.get_m_count = function () { return Ki(this.a); }; N.prototype.set_m_count = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); od(c, a); }; N.prototype.get_m_type = function () { return Rw(this.a); }; N.prototype.set_m_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); jv(c, a); }; N.prototype.get_m_radius = function () { return Cj(this.a); }; N.prototype.set_m_radius = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ww(c, a); }; N.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { re(this.a); }; function O() { this.a = qq(); k(O)[this.a] = this; } O.prototype = Object.create(sx.prototype); O.prototype.constructor = O; O.prototype.b = O; O.c = {}; b.b2EdgeShape = O; O.prototype.Set = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Pj(d, a, c); }; O.prototype.GetType = function () { return hr(this.a); }; O.prototype.GetChildCount = function () { return Hh(this.a); }; O.prototype.TestPoint = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return !!Kl(d, a, c); }; O.prototype.RayCast = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); return !!Ai(g, a, c, d, e); }; O.prototype.ComputeAABB = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); vr(e, a, c, d); }; O.prototype.ComputeMass = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); un(d, a, c); }; O.prototype.get_m_vertex1 = function () { return n(yl(this.a), r); }; O.prototype.set_m_vertex1 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ru(c, a); }; O.prototype.get_m_vertex2 = function () { return n(yo(this.a), r); }; O.prototype.set_m_vertex2 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wq(c, a); }; O.prototype.get_m_vertex0 = function () { return n(vi(this.a), r); }; O.prototype.set_m_vertex0 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); bw(c, a); }; O.prototype.get_m_vertex3 = function () { return n(Sq(this.a), r); }; O.prototype.set_m_vertex3 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); wu(c, a); }; O.prototype.get_m_hasVertex0 = function () { return !!dm(this.a); }; O.prototype.set_m_hasVertex0 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); we(c, a); }; O.prototype.get_m_hasVertex3 = function () { return !!Lj(this.a); }; O.prototype.set_m_hasVertex3 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); nc(c, a); }; O.prototype.get_m_type = function () { return jp(this.a); }; O.prototype.set_m_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hi(c, a); }; O.prototype.get_m_radius = function () { return $r(this.a); }; O.prototype.set_m_radius = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); le(c, a); }; O.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Ji(this.a); }; function Ux() { this.a = Us(); k(Ux)[this.a] = this; } Ux.prototype = Object.create(tx.prototype); Ux.prototype.constructor = Ux; Ux.prototype.b = Ux; Ux.c = {}; b.JSContactFilter = Ux; Ux.prototype.ShouldCollide = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return !!Tj(d, a, c); }; Ux.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Aj(this.a); }; function P() { this.a = Om(); k(P)[this.a] = this; } P.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); P.prototype.constructor = P; P.prototype.b = P; P.c = {}; b.b2RevoluteJointDef = P; P.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Id(e, a, c, d); }; P.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(tn(this.a), r); }; P.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qj(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(yj(this.a), r); }; P.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); An(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_referenceAngle = function () { return zj(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_referenceAngle = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Np(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_enableLimit = function () { return !!Rm(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_enableLimit = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); dp(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_lowerAngle = function () { return el(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_lowerAngle = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); so(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_upperAngle = function () { return aq(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_upperAngle = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); lm(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_enableMotor = function () { return !!Bj(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_enableMotor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ji(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_motorSpeed = function () { return Df(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_motorSpeed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vw(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_maxMotorTorque = function () { return nq(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_maxMotorTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Hv(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_type = function () { return mm(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vj(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_userData = function () { return on(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Cc(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(Pt(this.a), q); }; P.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ah(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(Hj(this.a), q); }; P.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ng(c, a); }; P.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!rs(this.a); }; P.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Zo(c, a); }; P.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { pp(this.a); }; function Vx() { this.a = du(); k(Vx)[this.a] = this; } Vx.prototype = Object.create(ox.prototype); Vx.prototype.constructor = Vx; Vx.prototype.b = Vx; Vx.c = {}; b.JSDraw = Vx; Vx.prototype.DrawPolygon = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); tl(e, a, c, d); }; Vx.prototype.DrawSolidPolygon = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Nf(e, a, c, d); }; Vx.prototype.DrawCircle = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); sc(e, a, c, d); }; Vx.prototype.DrawSolidCircle = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); hc(g, a, c, d, e); }; Vx.prototype.DrawSegment = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); jf(e, a, c, d); }; Vx.prototype.DrawTransform = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vj(c, a); }; Vx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Qf(this.a); }; function Q() { throw 'cannot construct a b2WheelJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } Q.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); Q.prototype.constructor = Q; Q.prototype.b = Q; Q.c = {}; b.b2WheelJoint = Q; Q.prototype.GetLocalAnchorA = function () { return n(Vf(this.a), r); }; Q.prototype.GetLocalAnchorB = function () { return n(Iw(this.a), r); }; Q.prototype.GetLocalAxisA = function () { return n(rv(this.a), r); }; Q.prototype.GetJointTranslation = function () { return zs(this.a); }; Q.prototype.GetJointSpeed = function () { return yf(this.a); }; Q.prototype.IsMotorEnabled = function () { return !!kq(this.a); }; Q.prototype.EnableMotor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Lf(c, a); }; Q.prototype.SetMotorSpeed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); be(c, a); }; Q.prototype.GetMotorSpeed = function () { return Gn(this.a); }; Q.prototype.SetMaxMotorTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ik(c, a); }; Q.prototype.GetMaxMotorTorque = function () { return wf(this.a); }; Q.prototype.GetMotorTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return As(c, a); }; Q.prototype.SetSpringFrequencyHz = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Mh(c, a); }; Q.prototype.GetSpringFrequencyHz = function () { return Aw(this.a); }; Q.prototype.SetSpringDampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); no(c, a); }; Q.prototype.GetSpringDampingRatio = function () { return Tb(this.a); }; Q.prototype.GetType = function () { return kv(this.a); }; Q.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Zn(this.a), q); }; Q.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(xm(this.a), q); }; Q.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(Or(this.a), r); }; Q.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(Kw(this.a), r); }; Q.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(ff(c, a), r); }; Q.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return Nm(c, a); }; Q.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(Wn(this.a), p); }; Q.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return Un(this.a); }; Q.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ct(c, a); }; Q.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!Ds(this.a); }; Q.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!Zr(this.a); }; Q.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Vw(this.a); }; function R() { throw 'cannot construct a b2PulleyJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } R.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); R.prototype.constructor = R; R.prototype.b = R; R.c = {}; b.b2PulleyJoint = R; R.prototype.GetGroundAnchorA = function () { return n(cd(this.a), r); }; R.prototype.GetGroundAnchorB = function () { return n(fg(this.a), r); }; R.prototype.GetLengthA = function () { return ao(this.a); }; R.prototype.GetLengthB = function () { return fk(this.a); }; R.prototype.GetRatio = function () { return uo(this.a); }; R.prototype.GetCurrentLengthA = function () { return Uk(this.a); }; R.prototype.GetCurrentLengthB = function () { return Gi(this.a); }; R.prototype.GetType = function () { return Ci(this.a); }; R.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(yq(this.a), q); }; R.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Vd(this.a), q); }; R.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n($u(this.a), r); }; R.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(Mm(this.a), r); }; R.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Mu(c, a), r); }; R.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return hv(c, a); }; R.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(sj(this.a), p); }; R.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return xc(this.a); }; R.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xb(c, a); }; R.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!ki(this.a); }; R.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!bu(this.a); }; R.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Po(this.a); }; function S() { this.a = Gp(); k(S)[this.a] = this; } S.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); S.prototype.constructor = S; S.prototype.b = S; S.c = {}; b.b2MouseJointDef = S; S.prototype.get_target = function () { return n(Fm(this.a), r); }; S.prototype.set_target = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); zd(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_maxForce = function () { return ov(this.a); }; S.prototype.set_maxForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Il(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_frequencyHz = function () { return Jp(this.a); }; S.prototype.set_frequencyHz = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); jn(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_dampingRatio = function () { return kg(this.a); }; S.prototype.set_dampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qo(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_type = function () { return Dp(this.a); }; S.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Pd(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Zs(this.a); }; S.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Fc(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(Gk(this.a), q); }; S.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vd(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(qg(this.a), q); }; S.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qh(c, a); }; S.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Jt(this.a); }; S.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Yq(c, a); }; S.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Rf(this.a); }; function E() { throw 'cannot construct a b2Contact, no constructor in IDL'; } E.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); E.prototype.constructor = E; E.prototype.b = E; E.c = {}; b.b2Contact = E; E.prototype.GetManifold = function () { return n(ut(this.a), Gx); }; E.prototype.GetWorldManifold = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xe(c, a); }; E.prototype.IsTouching = function () { return !!he(this.a); }; E.prototype.SetEnabled = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); sf(c, a); }; E.prototype.IsEnabled = function () { return !!wg(this.a); }; E.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(pd(this.a), E); }; E.prototype.GetFixtureA = function () { return n(De(this.a), v); }; E.prototype.GetChildIndexA = function () { return lw(this.a); }; E.prototype.GetFixtureB = function () { return n(iw(this.a), v); }; E.prototype.GetChildIndexB = function () { return ph(this.a); }; E.prototype.SetFriction = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xq(c, a); }; E.prototype.GetFriction = function () { return Uh(this.a); }; E.prototype.ResetFriction = function () { Ih(this.a); }; E.prototype.SetRestitution = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qq(c, a); }; E.prototype.GetRestitution = function () { return mn(this.a); }; E.prototype.ResetRestitution = function () { ei(this.a); }; E.prototype.SetTangentSpeed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); aj(c, a); }; E.prototype.GetTangentSpeed = function () { return ld(this.a); }; function T() { this.a = Jm(); k(T)[this.a] = this; } T.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); T.prototype.constructor = T; T.prototype.b = T; T.c = {}; b.b2DistanceJointDef = T; T.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c, d, e) { var g = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); e && 'object' === typeof e && (e = e.a); Ns(g, a, c, d, e); }; T.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(Zi(this.a), r); }; T.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); He(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(Bq(this.a), r); }; T.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Eu(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_length = function () { return Ud(this.a); }; T.prototype.set_length = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Wh(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_frequencyHz = function () { return bo(this.a); }; T.prototype.set_frequencyHz = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); xj(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_dampingRatio = function () { return me(this.a); }; T.prototype.set_dampingRatio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Sc(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_type = function () { return ai(this.a); }; T.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); tq(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Ac(this.a); }; T.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Rc(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(Mi(this.a), q); }; T.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ss(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(bv(this.a), q); }; T.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Qp(c, a); }; T.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Mp(this.a); }; T.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Tn(c, a); }; T.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { iu(this.a); }; function q() { throw 'cannot construct a b2Body, no constructor in IDL'; } q.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); q.prototype.constructor = q; q.prototype.b = q; q.c = {}; b.b2Body = q; q.prototype.CreateFixture = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); return void 0 === c ? n(cu(d, a), v) : n(Cl(d, a, c), v); }; q.prototype.DestroyFixture = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Bn(c, a); }; q.prototype.SetTransform = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Gm(d, a, c); }; q.prototype.GetTransform = function () { return n(Lt(this.a), Rx); }; q.prototype.GetPosition = function () { return n(Sg(this.a), r); }; q.prototype.GetAngle = function () { return Fw(this.a); }; q.prototype.GetWorldCenter = function () { return n(vk(this.a), r); }; q.prototype.GetLocalCenter = function () { return n(Nv(this.a), r); }; q.prototype.SetLinearVelocity = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); jm(c, a); }; q.prototype.GetLinearVelocity = function () { return n(ue(this.a), r); }; q.prototype.SetAngularVelocity = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vt(c, a); }; q.prototype.GetAngularVelocity = function () { return dj(this.a); }; q.prototype.ApplyForce = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Dt(e, a, c, d); }; q.prototype.ApplyForceToCenter = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Pe(d, a, c); }; q.prototype.ApplyTorque = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); wh(d, a, c); }; q.prototype.ApplyLinearImpulse = function (a, c, d) { var e = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); d && 'object' === typeof d && (d = d.a); Ln(e, a, c, d); }; q.prototype.ApplyAngularImpulse = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); Qd(d, a, c); }; q.prototype.GetMass = function () { return jo(this.a); }; q.prototype.GetInertia = function () { return Zu(this.a); }; q.prototype.GetMassData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); sn(c, a); }; q.prototype.SetMassData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); de(c, a); }; q.prototype.ResetMassData = function () { pn(this.a); }; q.prototype.GetWorldPoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Rj(c, a), r); }; q.prototype.GetWorldVector = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(rg(c, a), r); }; q.prototype.GetLocalPoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Bg(c, a), r); }; q.prototype.GetLocalVector = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(rm(c, a), r); }; q.prototype.GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n($q(c, a), r); }; q.prototype.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(Hq(c, a), r); }; q.prototype.GetLinearDamping = function () { return Gr(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetLinearDamping = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); wm(c, a); }; q.prototype.GetAngularDamping = function () { return Bk(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetAngularDamping = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ci(c, a); }; q.prototype.GetGravityScale = function () { return oj(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetGravityScale = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Tl(c, a); }; q.prototype.SetType = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); io(c, a); }; q.prototype.GetType = function () { return ls(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetBullet = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Hk(c, a); }; q.prototype.IsBullet = function () { return !!pl(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetSleepingAllowed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xk(c, a); }; q.prototype.IsSleepingAllowed = function () { return !!bq(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetAwake = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vu(c, a); }; q.prototype.IsAwake = function () { return !!xd(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetActive = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Dl(c, a); }; q.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!di(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetFixedRotation = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); kh(c, a); }; q.prototype.IsFixedRotation = function () { return !!Sh(this.a); }; q.prototype.GetFixtureList = function () { return n(Oo(this.a), v); }; q.prototype.GetJointList = function () { return n(ft(this.a), Px); }; q.prototype.GetContactList = function () { return n(Vh(this.a), Wx); }; q.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(sv(this.a), q); }; q.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return Ak(this.a); }; q.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ti(c, a); }; q.prototype.GetWorld = function () { return n(Su(this.a), C); }; q.prototype.Dump = function () { tk(this.a); }; function U() { throw 'cannot construct a b2FrictionJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } U.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); U.prototype.constructor = U; U.prototype.b = U; U.c = {}; b.b2FrictionJoint = U; U.prototype.GetLocalAnchorA = function () { return n(Yo(this.a), r); }; U.prototype.GetLocalAnchorB = function () { return n(Yh(this.a), r); }; U.prototype.SetMaxForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xt(c, a); }; U.prototype.GetMaxForce = function () { return Dv(this.a); }; U.prototype.SetMaxTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ip(c, a); }; U.prototype.GetMaxTorque = function () { return zi(this.a); }; U.prototype.GetType = function () { return hg(this.a); }; U.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(Dw(this.a), q); }; U.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Se(this.a), q); }; U.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(Ur(this.a), r); }; U.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(yv(this.a), r); }; U.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(rq(c, a), r); }; U.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return kk(c, a); }; U.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(xs(this.a), p); }; U.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return Cr(this.a); }; U.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Kp(c, a); }; U.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!cc(this.a); }; U.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!zp(this.a); }; U.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Uo(this.a); }; function Xx() { throw 'cannot construct a b2DestructionListener, no constructor in IDL'; } Xx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Xx.prototype.constructor = Xx; Xx.prototype.b = Xx; Xx.c = {}; b.b2DestructionListener = Xx; Xx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { uc(this.a); }; function W() { this.a = en(); k(W)[this.a] = this; } W.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); W.prototype.constructor = W; W.prototype.b = W; W.c = {}; b.b2GearJointDef = W; W.prototype.get_joint1 = function () { return n(ri(this.a), p); }; W.prototype.set_joint1 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vq(c, a); }; W.prototype.get_joint2 = function () { return n(ym(this.a), p); }; W.prototype.set_joint2 = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); vu(c, a); }; W.prototype.get_ratio = function () { return lp(this.a); }; W.prototype.set_ratio = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); tg(c, a); }; W.prototype.get_type = function () { return nm(this.a); }; W.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Be(c, a); }; W.prototype.get_userData = function () { return an(this.a); }; W.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); fw(c, a); }; W.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(wj(this.a), q); }; W.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ju(c, a); }; W.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(vn(this.a), q); }; W.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Xv(c, a); }; W.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Ek(this.a); }; W.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); $o(c, a); }; W.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Cq(this.a); }; function X() { throw 'cannot construct a b2RevoluteJoint, no constructor in IDL'; } X.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype); X.prototype.constructor = X; X.prototype.b = X; X.c = {}; b.b2RevoluteJoint = X; X.prototype.GetLocalAnchorA = function () { return n(ic(this.a), r); }; X.prototype.GetLocalAnchorB = function () { return n(Ts(this.a), r); }; X.prototype.GetReferenceAngle = function () { return Ed(this.a); }; X.prototype.GetJointAngle = function () { return Pf(this.a); }; X.prototype.GetJointSpeed = function () { return Mf(this.a); }; X.prototype.IsLimitEnabled = function () { return !!Fv(this.a); }; X.prototype.EnableLimit = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ng(c, a); }; X.prototype.GetLowerLimit = function () { return uk(this.a); }; X.prototype.GetUpperLimit = function () { return Vl(this.a); }; X.prototype.SetLimits = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); ts(d, a, c); }; X.prototype.IsMotorEnabled = function () { return !!Gt(this.a); }; X.prototype.EnableMotor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); oh(c, a); }; X.prototype.SetMotorSpeed = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); co(c, a); }; X.prototype.GetMotorSpeed = function () { return lg(this.a); }; X.prototype.SetMaxMotorTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); nh(c, a); }; X.prototype.GetMaxMotorTorque = function () { return Nj(this.a); }; X.prototype.GetMotorTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return qt(c, a); }; X.prototype.GetType = function () { return Tp(this.a); }; X.prototype.GetBodyA = function () { return n(mj(this.a), q); }; X.prototype.GetBodyB = function () { return n(Mk(this.a), q); }; X.prototype.GetAnchorA = function () { return n(Mr(this.a), r); }; X.prototype.GetAnchorB = function () { return n(cw(this.a), r); }; X.prototype.GetReactionForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return n(su(c, a), r); }; X.prototype.GetReactionTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); return bh(c, a); }; X.prototype.GetNext = function () { return n(dv(this.a), p); }; X.prototype.GetUserData = function () { return Hc(this.a); }; X.prototype.SetUserData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); mi(c, a); }; X.prototype.IsActive = function () { return !!mv(this.a); }; X.prototype.GetCollideConnected = function () { return !!Qg(this.a); }; X.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { xh(this.a); }; function Wx() { this.a = ms(); k(Wx)[this.a] = this; } Wx.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype); Wx.prototype.constructor = Wx; Wx.prototype.b = Wx; Wx.c = {}; b.b2ContactEdge = Wx; Wx.prototype.get_other = function () { return n(Qi(this.a), q); }; Wx.prototype.set_other = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Fi(c, a); }; Wx.prototype.get_contact = function () { return n(nn(this.a), E); }; Wx.prototype.set_contact = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); lu(c, a); }; Wx.prototype.get_prev = function () { return n(Ug(this.a), Wx); }; Wx.prototype.set_prev = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Bw(c, a); }; Wx.prototype.get_next = function () { return n(Og(this.a), Wx); }; Wx.prototype.set_next = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ub(c, a); }; Wx.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Xe(this.a); }; function Y() { this.a = Xj(); k(Y)[this.a] = this; } Y.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); Y.prototype.constructor = Y; Y.prototype.b = Y; Y.c = {}; b.b2RopeJointDef = Y; Y.prototype.get_localAnchorA = function () { return n(Zm(this.a), r); }; Y.prototype.set_localAnchorA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); gs(c, a); }; Y.prototype.get_localAnchorB = function () { return n(Kq(this.a), r); }; Y.prototype.set_localAnchorB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); dw(c, a); }; Y.prototype.get_maxLength = function () { return Fk(this.a); }; Y.prototype.set_maxLength = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hl(c, a); }; Y.prototype.get_type = function () { return zq(this.a); }; Y.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ok(c, a); }; Y.prototype.get_userData = function () { return Nn(this.a); }; Y.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Ho(c, a); }; Y.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(Bu(this.a), q); }; Y.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); $f(c, a); }; Y.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(mw(this.a), q); }; Y.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Zd(c, a); }; Y.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!uh(this.a); }; Y.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Tc(c, a); }; Y.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { Cs(this.a); }; function Z() { this.a = Mg(); k(Z)[this.a] = this; } Z.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype); Z.prototype.constructor = Z; Z.prototype.b = Z; Z.c = {}; b.b2MotorJointDef = Z; Z.prototype.Initialize = function (a, c) { var d = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); c && 'object' === typeof c && (c = c.a); hm(d, a, c); }; Z.prototype.get_linearOffset = function () { return n(gm(this.a), r); }; Z.prototype.set_linearOffset = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); wo(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_angularOffset = function () { return Bt(this.a); }; Z.prototype.set_angularOffset = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); js(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_maxForce = function () { return zc(this.a); }; Z.prototype.set_maxForce = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); St(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_maxTorque = function () { return Gq(this.a); }; Z.prototype.set_maxTorque = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Vv(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_correctionFactor = function () { return qp(this.a); }; Z.prototype.set_correctionFactor = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); yt(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_type = function () { return zr(this.a); }; Z.prototype.set_type = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); lc(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_userData = function () { return mu(this.a); }; Z.prototype.set_userData = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); qd(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_bodyA = function () { return n(ww(this.a), q); }; Z.prototype.set_bodyA = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); ql(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_bodyB = function () { return n(Gu(this.a), q); }; Z.prototype.set_bodyB = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); Fs(c, a); }; Z.prototype.get_collideConnected = function () { return !!Fd(this.a); }; Z.prototype.set_collideConnected = function (a) { var c = this.a; a && 'object' === typeof a && (a = a.a); hw(c, a); }; Z.prototype.__destroy__ = function () { vs(this.a); }; (function () { function a() { b.b2Shape.e_circle = pk(); b.b2Shape.e_edge = Mj(); b.b2Shape.e_polygon = Yu(); b.b2Shape.e_chain = $n(); b.b2Shape.e_typeCount = Mt(); b.e_unknownJoint = ii(); b.e_revoluteJoint = wi(); b.e_prismaticJoint = kr(); b.e_distanceJoint = mo(); b.e_pulleyJoint = qf(); b.e_mouseJoint = At(); b.e_gearJoint = rt(); b.e_wheelJoint = Ve(); b.e_weldJoint = Dm(); b.e_frictionJoint = Rd(); b.e_ropeJoint = Qv(); b.e_motorJoint = xo(); b.e_inactiveLimit = Tu(); b.e_atLowerLimit = wn(); b.e_atUpperLimit = Pw(); b.e_equalLimits = Qh(); b.b2Manifold.e_circles = Gd(); b.b2Manifold.e_faceA = Fj(); b.b2Manifold.e_faceB = Gj(); b.b2_staticBody = km(); b.b2_kinematicBody = Dj(); b.b2_dynamicBody = Eq(); b.b2Draw.e_shapeBit = Th(); b.b2Draw.e_jointBit = Hf(); b.b2Draw.e_aabbBit = ur(); b.b2Draw.e_pairBit = Vr(); b.b2Draw.e_centerOfMassBit = Fo(); b.b2ContactFeature.e_vertex = Ko(); b.b2ContactFeature.e_face = Ul(); } b.calledRun ? a() : kb.unshift(a); })(); return Box2D; };