// Generated by Construct 3, the game and app creator :: https://www.construct.net
'use strict';
(function (g, _) {
	if ('object' == typeof exports && 'object' == typeof module) module.exports = _();
	else if ('function' == typeof define && define.g_a) define([], _);
	else {
		var e = _();
		for (var t in e) ('object' == typeof exports ? exports : g)[t] = e[t];
})(this, function () {
	var g = Math.acos,
		_ = Math.round,
		p = Math.min,
		a = Math.floor,
		r = Math.ceil,
		B = Math.sqrt,
		t = Math.pow,
		C = Math.cos,
		H = Math.sin,
		U = Math.max,
		w = Math.abs,
		h = Math.PI;
	return (function (g) {
		function _(a) {
			if (e[a]) return e[a].exports;
			var t = (e[a] = { g_b: a, g_c: !1, exports: {} });
			return g[a].call(t.exports, t, t.exports, _), (t.g_c = !0), t.exports;
		var e = {};
		return (
			(_.g_d = g),
			(_.c = e),
			(_.d = function (g, e, a) {
				_.g_e(g, e) || Object.defineProperty(g, e, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: a });
			(_.n = function (g) {
				var e =
					g && g.g_f
						? function () {
								return g['default'];
						: function () {
								return g;
				return _.d(e, 'a', e), e;
			(_.g_e = function (g, _) {
				return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, _);
			(_.g_g = ''),
			_((_.g_h = 4))
		function (g, _) {
			'use strict';
			Object.defineProperty(_, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(_.g_i = function (g) {
					_.g_j = t = g;
				(_.g_k = function (g) {
					return g * i;
				(_.g_l = function (g, _) {
					return w(g - _) <= n * U(1, w(g), w(_));
			var n = (_.EPSILON = 1e-6),
				t = (_.g_j = 'undefined' == typeof Float32Array ? Array : Float32Array),
				e = (_.g_m = Math.random),
				i = h / 180;
		function (g, _, e) {
			'use strict';
			function a(g, _, e) {
				var a = _[0],
					t = _[1],
					r = _[2],
					l = _[3],
					s = _[4],
					n = _[5],
					d = _[6],
					o = _[7],
					i = _[8],
					u = e[0],
					h = e[1],
					c = e[2],
					f = e[3],
					p = e[4],
					m = e[5],
					E = e[6],
					b = e[7],
					y = e[8];
				return (
					(g[0] = u * a + h * l + c * d),
					(g[1] = u * t + h * s + c * o),
					(g[2] = u * r + h * n + c * i),
					(g[3] = f * a + p * l + m * d),
					(g[4] = f * t + p * s + m * o),
					(g[5] = f * r + p * n + m * i),
					(g[6] = E * a + b * l + y * d),
					(g[7] = E * t + b * s + y * o),
					(g[8] = E * r + b * n + y * i),
			function n(g, _, e) {
				return (
					(g[0] = _[0] - e[0]),
					(g[1] = _[1] - e[1]),
					(g[2] = _[2] - e[2]),
					(g[3] = _[3] - e[3]),
					(g[4] = _[4] - e[4]),
					(g[5] = _[5] - e[5]),
					(g[6] = _[6] - e[6]),
					(g[7] = _[7] - e[7]),
					(g[8] = _[8] - e[8]),
			Object.defineProperty(_, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(_.sub = _.g_n = void 0),
				(_.create = function () {
					var g = new h.g_j(9);
					return (
						(g[0] = 1),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 1),
						(g[5] = 0),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 1),
				(_.g_o = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2]),
						(g[3] = _[4]),
						(g[4] = _[5]),
						(g[5] = _[6]),
						(g[6] = _[8]),
						(g[7] = _[9]),
						(g[8] = _[10]),
				(_.clone = function (g) {
					var _ = new h.g_j(9);
					return (
						(_[0] = g[0]),
						(_[1] = g[1]),
						(_[2] = g[2]),
						(_[3] = g[3]),
						(_[4] = g[4]),
						(_[5] = g[5]),
						(_[6] = g[6]),
						(_[7] = g[7]),
						(_[8] = g[8]),
				(_.g_p = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3]),
						(g[4] = _[4]),
						(g[5] = _[5]),
						(g[6] = _[6]),
						(g[7] = _[7]),
						(g[8] = _[8]),
				(_.g_q = function (g, _, e, a, t, i, r, s, n) {
					var d = new h.g_j(9);
					return (
						(d[0] = g),
						(d[1] = _),
						(d[2] = e),
						(d[3] = a),
						(d[4] = t),
						(d[5] = i),
						(d[6] = r),
						(d[7] = s),
						(d[8] = n),
				(_.set = function (g, _, e, a, t, i, r, s, n, d) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _),
						(g[1] = e),
						(g[2] = a),
						(g[3] = t),
						(g[4] = i),
						(g[5] = r),
						(g[6] = s),
						(g[7] = n),
						(g[8] = d),
				(_.identity = function (g) {
					return (
						(g[0] = 1),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 1),
						(g[5] = 0),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 1),
				(_.g_r = function (g, _) {
					if (g === _) {
						var e = _[1],
							a = _[2],
							t = _[5];
						(g[1] = _[3]), (g[2] = _[6]), (g[3] = e), (g[5] = _[7]), (g[6] = a), (g[7] = t);
					} else
						(g[0] = _[0]),
							(g[1] = _[3]),
							(g[2] = _[6]),
							(g[3] = _[1]),
							(g[4] = _[4]),
							(g[5] = _[7]),
							(g[6] = _[2]),
							(g[7] = _[5]),
							(g[8] = _[8]);
					return g;
				(_.g_s = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						r = _[3],
						l = _[4],
						s = _[5],
						n = _[6],
						d = _[7],
						o = _[8],
						i = o * l - s * d,
						u = -o * r + s * n,
						p = d * r - l * n,
						h = e * i + a * u + t * p;
					return h
						? ((h = 1 / h),
						  (g[0] = i * h),
						  (g[1] = (-o * a + t * d) * h),
						  (g[2] = (s * a - t * l) * h),
						  (g[3] = u * h),
						  (g[4] = (o * e - t * n) * h),
						  (g[5] = (-s * e + t * r) * h),
						  (g[6] = p * h),
						  (g[7] = (-d * e + a * n) * h),
						  (g[8] = (l * e - a * r) * h),
						: null;
				(_.g_t = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						r = _[3],
						l = _[4],
						s = _[5],
						n = _[6],
						d = _[7],
						o = _[8];
					return (
						(g[0] = l * o - s * d),
						(g[1] = t * d - a * o),
						(g[2] = a * s - t * l),
						(g[3] = s * n - r * o),
						(g[4] = e * o - t * n),
						(g[5] = t * r - e * s),
						(g[6] = r * d - l * n),
						(g[7] = a * n - e * d),
						(g[8] = e * l - a * r),
				(_.g_u = function (g) {
					var _ = g[0],
						e = g[1],
						a = g[2],
						t = g[3],
						i = g[4],
						r = g[5],
						s = g[6],
						n = g[7],
						d = g[8];
					return _ * (d * i - r * n) + e * (-d * t + r * s) + a * (n * t - i * s);
				(_.multiply = a),
				(_.translate = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						l = _[3],
						s = _[4],
						n = _[5],
						d = _[6],
						o = _[7],
						i = _[8],
						u = e[0],
						p = e[1];
					return (
						(g[0] = a),
						(g[1] = t),
						(g[2] = r),
						(g[3] = l),
						(g[4] = s),
						(g[5] = n),
						(g[6] = u * a + p * l + d),
						(g[7] = u * t + p * s + o),
						(g[8] = u * r + p * n + i),
				(_.rotate = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						d = _[3],
						n = _[4],
						i = _[5],
						l = _[6],
						o = _[7],
						u = _[8],
						p = H(e),
						h = C(e);
					return (
						(g[0] = h * a + p * d),
						(g[1] = h * t + p * n),
						(g[2] = h * r + p * i),
						(g[3] = h * d - p * a),
						(g[4] = h * n - p * t),
						(g[5] = h * i - p * r),
						(g[6] = l),
						(g[7] = o),
						(g[8] = u),
				(_.scale = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = e[0],
						t = e[1];
					return (
						(g[0] = a * _[0]),
						(g[1] = a * _[1]),
						(g[2] = a * _[2]),
						(g[3] = t * _[3]),
						(g[4] = t * _[4]),
						(g[5] = t * _[5]),
						(g[6] = _[6]),
						(g[7] = _[7]),
						(g[8] = _[8]),
				(_.g_v = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = 1),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 1),
						(g[5] = 0),
						(g[6] = _[0]),
						(g[7] = _[1]),
						(g[8] = 1),
				(_.g_w = function (g, _) {
					var e = H(_),
						a = C(_);
					return (
						(g[0] = a),
						(g[1] = e),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = -e),
						(g[4] = a),
						(g[5] = 0),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 1),
				(_.g_x = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0]),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = _[1]),
						(g[5] = 0),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 1),
				(_.g_y = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1]),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = _[2]),
						(g[4] = _[3]),
						(g[5] = 0),
						(g[6] = _[4]),
						(g[7] = _[5]),
						(g[8] = 1),
				(_.g_z = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						r = _[3],
						l = e + e,
						s = a + a,
						n = t + t,
						d = e * l,
						o = a * l,
						i = a * s,
						u = t * l,
						h = t * s,
						c = t * n,
						f = r * l,
						p = r * s,
						m = r * n;
					return (
						(g[0] = 1 - i - c),
						(g[3] = o - m),
						(g[6] = u + p),
						(g[1] = o + m),
						(g[4] = 1 - d - c),
						(g[7] = h - f),
						(g[2] = u - p),
						(g[5] = h + f),
						(g[8] = 1 - d - i),
				(_.g_A = function (h, e) {
					var t = e[0],
						a = e[1],
						r = e[2],
						o = e[3],
						l = e[4],
						s = e[5],
						n = e[6],
						d = e[7],
						u = e[8],
						i = e[9],
						c = e[10],
						m = e[11],
						f = e[12],
						b = e[13],
						p = e[14],
						E = e[15],
						y = t * s - a * l,
						B = t * n - r * l,
						C = t * d - o * l,
						T = a * n - r * s,
						H = a * d - o * s,
						x = r * d - o * n,
						_ = u * b - i * f,
						N = u * p - c * f,
						U = u * E - m * f,
						w = i * p - c * b,
						q = i * E - m * b,
						g = c * E - m * p,
						I = y * g - B * q + C * w + T * U - H * N + x * _;
					return I
						? ((I = 1 / I),
						  (h[0] = (s * g - n * q + d * w) * I),
						  (h[1] = (n * U - l * g - d * N) * I),
						  (h[2] = (l * q - s * U + d * _) * I),
						  (h[3] = (r * q - a * g - o * w) * I),
						  (h[4] = (t * g - r * U + o * N) * I),
						  (h[5] = (a * U - t * q - o * _) * I),
						  (h[6] = (b * x - p * H + E * T) * I),
						  (h[7] = (p * C - f * x - E * B) * I),
						  (h[8] = (f * H - b * C + E * y) * I),
						: null;
				(_.g_B = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = 2 / _),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = -2 / e),
						(g[5] = 0),
						(g[6] = -1),
						(g[7] = 1),
						(g[8] = 1),
				(_.g_C = function (g) {
					return (
						'mat3(' +
						g[0] +
						', ' +
						g[1] +
						', ' +
						g[2] +
						', ' +
						g[3] +
						', ' +
						g[4] +
						', ' +
						g[5] +
						', ' +
						g[6] +
						', ' +
						g[7] +
						', ' +
						g[8] +
				(_.g_D = function (g) {
					return B(
						t(g[0], 2) +
							t(g[1], 2) +
							t(g[2], 2) +
							t(g[3], 2) +
							t(g[4], 2) +
							t(g[5], 2) +
							t(g[6], 2) +
							t(g[7], 2) +
							t(g[8], 2)
				(_.add = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3]),
						(g[4] = _[4] + e[4]),
						(g[5] = _[5] + e[5]),
						(g[6] = _[6] + e[6]),
						(g[7] = _[7] + e[7]),
						(g[8] = _[8] + e[8]),
				(_.g_E = n),
				(_.g_F = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] * e),
						(g[1] = _[1] * e),
						(g[2] = _[2] * e),
						(g[3] = _[3] * e),
						(g[4] = _[4] * e),
						(g[5] = _[5] * e),
						(g[6] = _[6] * e),
						(g[7] = _[7] * e),
						(g[8] = _[8] * e),
				(_.g_G = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0] * a),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1] * a),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2] * a),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3] * a),
						(g[4] = _[4] + e[4] * a),
						(g[5] = _[5] + e[5] * a),
						(g[6] = _[6] + e[6] * a),
						(g[7] = _[7] + e[7] * a),
						(g[8] = _[8] + e[8] * a),
				(_.g_H = function (g, _) {
					return (
						g[0] === _[0] &&
						g[1] === _[1] &&
						g[2] === _[2] &&
						g[3] === _[3] &&
						g[4] === _[4] &&
						g[5] === _[5] &&
						g[6] === _[6] &&
						g[7] === _[7] &&
						g[8] === _[8]
				(_.g_l = function (g, _) {
					var e = g[0],
						a = g[1],
						t = g[2],
						i = g[3],
						r = g[4],
						s = g[5],
						n = g[6],
						d = g[7],
						l = g[8],
						o = _[0],
						u = _[1],
						p = _[2],
						c = _[3],
						f = _[4],
						m = _[5],
						E = _[6],
						b = _[7],
						y = _[8];
					return (
						w(e - o) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(e), w(o)) &&
						w(a - u) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(a), w(u)) &&
						w(t - p) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(t), w(p)) &&
						w(i - c) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(i), w(c)) &&
						w(r - f) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(r), w(f)) &&
						w(s - m) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(s), w(m)) &&
						w(n - E) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(n), w(E)) &&
						w(d - b) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(d), w(b)) &&
						w(l - y) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(l), w(y))
			var i = e(0),
				h = (function (g) {
					if (g && g.g_f) return g;
					var _ = {};
					if (null != g)
						for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
					return (_.default = g), _;
				r = (_.g_n = a),
				s = (_.sub = n);
		function (e, t, n) {
			'use strict';
			function i() {
				var g = new I.g_j(3);
				return (g[0] = 0), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), g;
			function s(g) {
				var _ = g[0],
					e = g[1],
					a = g[2];
				return B(_ * _ + e * e + a * a);
			function d(g, _, e) {
				var a = new I.g_j(3);
				return (a[0] = g), (a[1] = _), (a[2] = e), a;
			function l(g, _, e) {
				return (g[0] = _[0] - e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] - e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] - e[2]), g;
			function o(g, _, e) {
				return (g[0] = _[0] * e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] * e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] * e[2]), g;
			function u(g, _, e) {
				return (g[0] = _[0] / e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] / e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] / e[2]), g;
			function c(g, _) {
				var e = _[0] - g[0],
					a = _[1] - g[1],
					t = _[2] - g[2];
				return B(e * e + a * a + t * t);
			function f(g, _) {
				var e = _[0] - g[0],
					a = _[1] - g[1],
					t = _[2] - g[2];
				return e * e + a * a + t * t;
			function m(g) {
				var _ = g[0],
					e = g[1],
					a = g[2];
				return _ * _ + e * e + a * a;
			function E(g, _) {
				var e = _[0],
					a = _[1],
					t = _[2],
					n = e * e + a * a + t * t;
				return (
					0 < n && ((n = 1 / B(n)), (g[0] = _[0] * n), (g[1] = _[1] * n), (g[2] = _[2] * n)), g
			function y(g, _) {
				return g[0] * _[0] + g[1] * _[1] + g[2] * _[2];
			Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(t.forEach = t.g_I = t.g_J = t.g_K = t.g_L = t.g_M = t.g_n = t.sub = void 0),
				(t.create = i),
				(t.clone = function (g) {
					var _ = new I.g_j(3);
					return (_[0] = g[0]), (_[1] = g[1]), (_[2] = g[2]), _;
				(t.length = s),
				(t.g_q = d),
				(t.g_p = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = _[0]), (g[1] = _[1]), (g[2] = _[2]), g;
				(t.set = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (g[0] = _), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = a), g;
				(t.add = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = _[0] + e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] + e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] + e[2]), g;
				(t.g_E = l),
				(t.multiply = o),
				(t.g_N = u),
				(t.ceil = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = r(_[0])), (g[1] = r(_[1])), (g[2] = r(_[2])), g;
				(t.floor = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = a(_[0])), (g[1] = a(_[1])), (g[2] = a(_[2])), g;
				(t.min = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = p(_[0], e[0])), (g[1] = p(_[1], e[1])), (g[2] = p(_[2], e[2])), g;
				(t.max = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = U(_[0], e[0])), (g[1] = U(_[1], e[1])), (g[2] = U(_[2], e[2])), g;
				(t.round = function (g, e) {
					return (g[0] = _(e[0])), (g[1] = _(e[1])), (g[2] = _(e[2])), g;
				(t.scale = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = _[0] * e), (g[1] = _[1] * e), (g[2] = _[2] * e), g;
				(t.g_O = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (g[0] = _[0] + e[0] * a), (g[1] = _[1] + e[1] * a), (g[2] = _[2] + e[2] * a), g;
				(t.g_P = c),
				(t.g_Q = f),
				(t.g_R = m),
				(t.g_S = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = -_[0]), (g[1] = -_[1]), (g[2] = -_[2]), g;
				(t.inverse = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = 1 / _[0]), (g[1] = 1 / _[1]), (g[2] = 1 / _[2]), g;
				(t.normalize = E),
				(t.g_T = y),
				(t.g_U = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						i = _[2],
						r = e[0],
						s = e[1],
						n = e[2];
					return (g[0] = t * n - i * s), (g[1] = i * r - a * n), (g[2] = a * s - t * r), g;
				(t.g_V = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var n = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						i = _[2];
					return (
						(g[0] = n + a * (e[0] - n)), (g[1] = t + a * (e[1] - t)), (g[2] = i + a * (e[2] - i)), g
				(t.g_W = function (g, _, e, a, r, l) {
					var s = l * l,
						t = s * (2 * l - 3) + 1,
						n = s * (l - 2) + l,
						d = s * (l - 1),
						o = s * (3 - 2 * l);
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] * t + e[0] * n + a[0] * d + r[0] * o),
						(g[1] = _[1] * t + e[1] * n + a[1] * d + r[1] * o),
						(g[2] = _[2] * t + e[2] * n + a[2] * d + r[2] * o),
				(t.g_X = function (g, _, e, a, r, l) {
					var s = 1 - l,
						t = s * s,
						n = l * l,
						d = t * s,
						o = 3 * l * t,
						i = 3 * n * s,
						u = n * l;
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] * d + e[0] * o + a[0] * i + r[0] * u),
						(g[1] = _[1] * d + e[1] * o + a[1] * i + r[1] * u),
						(g[2] = _[2] * d + e[2] * o + a[2] * i + r[2] * u),
				(t.random = function (g, _) {
					_ = _ || 1;
					var e = 2 * I.g_m() * h,
						a = 2 * I.g_m() - 1,
						n = B(1 - a * a) * _;
					return (g[0] = C(e) * n), (g[1] = H(e) * n), (g[2] = a * _), g;
				(t.g_Y = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						n = _[2],
						i = e[3] * a + e[7] * t + e[11] * n + e[15];
					return (
						(i = i || 1),
						(g[0] = (e[0] * a + e[4] * t + e[8] * n + e[12]) / i),
						(g[1] = (e[1] * a + e[5] * t + e[9] * n + e[13]) / i),
						(g[2] = (e[2] * a + e[6] * t + e[10] * n + e[14]) / i),
				(t.g_Z = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						n = _[2];
					return (
						(g[0] = a * e[0] + t * e[3] + n * e[6]),
						(g[1] = a * e[1] + t * e[4] + n * e[7]),
						(g[2] = a * e[2] + t * e[5] + n * e[8]),
				(t.g__ = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						l = e[0],
						s = e[1],
						n = e[2],
						d = e[3],
						o = d * a + s * r - n * t,
						i = d * t + n * a - l * r,
						u = d * r + l * t - s * a,
						p = -l * a - s * t - n * r;
					return (
						(g[0] = o * d + p * -l + i * -n - u * -s),
						(g[1] = i * d + p * -s + u * -l - o * -n),
						(g[2] = u * d + p * -n + o * -s - i * -l),
				(t.g_$ = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = [],
						n = [];
					return (
						(t[0] = _[0] - e[0]),
						(t[1] = _[1] - e[1]),
						(t[2] = _[2] - e[2]),
						(n[0] = t[0]),
						(n[1] = t[1] * C(a) - t[2] * H(a)),
						(n[2] = t[1] * H(a) + t[2] * C(a)),
						(g[0] = n[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = n[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = n[2] + e[2]),
				(t.g_aa = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = [],
						n = [];
					return (
						(t[0] = _[0] - e[0]),
						(t[1] = _[1] - e[1]),
						(t[2] = _[2] - e[2]),
						(n[0] = t[2] * H(a) + t[0] * C(a)),
						(n[1] = t[1]),
						(n[2] = t[2] * C(a) - t[0] * H(a)),
						(g[0] = n[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = n[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = n[2] + e[2]),
				(t.g_ab = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = [],
						n = [];
					return (
						(t[0] = _[0] - e[0]),
						(t[1] = _[1] - e[1]),
						(t[2] = _[2] - e[2]),
						(n[0] = t[0] * C(a) - t[1] * H(a)),
						(n[1] = t[0] * H(a) + t[1] * C(a)),
						(n[2] = t[2]),
						(g[0] = n[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = n[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = n[2] + e[2]),
				(t.angle = function (_, e) {
					var a = d(_[0], _[1], _[2]),
						t = d(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
					E(a, a), E(t, t);
					var n = y(a, t);
					return 1 < n ? 0 : -1 > n ? h : g(n);
				(t.g_C = function (g) {
					return 'vec3(' + g[0] + ', ' + g[1] + ', ' + g[2] + ')';
				(t.g_H = function (g, _) {
					return g[0] === _[0] && g[1] === _[1] && g[2] === _[2];
				(t.g_l = function (g, _) {
					var e = g[0],
						a = g[1],
						t = g[2],
						i = _[0],
						r = _[1],
						s = _[2];
					return (
						w(e - i) <= I.EPSILON * U(1, w(e), w(i)) &&
						w(a - r) <= I.EPSILON * U(1, w(a), w(r)) &&
						w(t - s) <= I.EPSILON * U(1, w(t), w(s))
			var N = n(0),
				I = (function (g) {
					if (g && g.g_f) return g;
					var _ = {};
					if (null != g)
						for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
					return (_.default = g), _;
				D = (t.sub = l),
				q = (t.g_n = o),
				R = (t.g_M = u),
				F = (t.g_L = c),
				v = (t.g_K = f),
				k = (t.g_J = s),
				T = (t.g_I = m),
				b = (t.forEach = (function () {
					var g = i();
					return function (_, e, t, r, s, n) {
						var d, l;
						for (
							e || (e = 3), t || (t = 0), l = r ? p(r * e + t, _.length) : _.length, d = t;
							d < l;
							d += e
							(g[0] = _[d]),
								(g[1] = _[d + 1]),
								(g[2] = _[d + 2]),
								s(g, g, n),
								(_[d] = g[0]),
								(_[d + 1] = g[1]),
								(_[d + 2] = g[2]);
						return _;
		function (t, e, n) {
			'use strict';
			function i() {
				var g = new b.g_j(4);
				return (g[0] = 0), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 0), g;
			function s(g, _, e) {
				return (
					(g[0] = _[0] - e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] - e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] - e[2]), (g[3] = _[3] - e[3]), g
			function d(g, _, e) {
				return (
					(g[0] = _[0] * e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] * e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] * e[2]), (g[3] = _[3] * e[3]), g
			function l(g, _, e) {
				return (
					(g[0] = _[0] / e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] / e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] / e[2]), (g[3] = _[3] / e[3]), g
			function o(g, _, e) {
				return (g[0] = _[0] * e), (g[1] = _[1] * e), (g[2] = _[2] * e), (g[3] = _[3] * e), g;
			function u(g, _) {
				var e = _[0] - g[0],
					a = _[1] - g[1],
					t = _[2] - g[2],
					n = _[3] - g[3];
				return B(e * e + a * a + t * t + n * n);
			function h(g, _) {
				var e = _[0] - g[0],
					a = _[1] - g[1],
					t = _[2] - g[2],
					n = _[3] - g[3];
				return e * e + a * a + t * t + n * n;
			function c(g) {
				var _ = g[0],
					e = g[1],
					a = g[2],
					t = g[3];
				return B(_ * _ + e * e + a * a + t * t);
			function f(g) {
				var _ = g[0],
					e = g[1],
					a = g[2],
					t = g[3];
				return _ * _ + e * e + a * a + t * t;
			function m(g, _) {
				var e = _[0],
					a = _[1],
					t = _[2],
					n = _[3],
					i = e * e + a * a + t * t + n * n;
				return (
					0 < i && ((i = 1 / B(i)), (g[0] = e * i), (g[1] = a * i), (g[2] = t * i), (g[3] = n * i)),
			Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(e.forEach = e.g_I = e.g_J = e.g_K = e.g_L = e.g_M = e.g_n = e.sub = void 0),
				(e.create = i),
				(e.clone = function (g) {
					var _ = new b.g_j(4);
					return (_[0] = g[0]), (_[1] = g[1]), (_[2] = g[2]), (_[3] = g[3]), _;
				(e.g_q = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = new b.g_j(4);
					return (t[0] = g), (t[1] = _), (t[2] = e), (t[3] = a), t;
				(e.g_p = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = _[0]), (g[1] = _[1]), (g[2] = _[2]), (g[3] = _[3]), g;
				(e.set = function (g, _, e, a, t) {
					return (g[0] = _), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = a), (g[3] = t), g;
				(e.add = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3]),
				(e.g_E = s),
				(e.multiply = d),
				(e.g_N = l),
				(e.ceil = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = r(_[0])), (g[1] = r(_[1])), (g[2] = r(_[2])), (g[3] = r(_[3])), g;
				(e.floor = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = a(_[0])), (g[1] = a(_[1])), (g[2] = a(_[2])), (g[3] = a(_[3])), g;
				(e.min = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = p(_[0], e[0])),
						(g[1] = p(_[1], e[1])),
						(g[2] = p(_[2], e[2])),
						(g[3] = p(_[3], e[3])),
				(e.max = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = U(_[0], e[0])),
						(g[1] = U(_[1], e[1])),
						(g[2] = U(_[2], e[2])),
						(g[3] = U(_[3], e[3])),
				(e.round = function (g, e) {
					return (g[0] = _(e[0])), (g[1] = _(e[1])), (g[2] = _(e[2])), (g[3] = _(e[3])), g;
				(e.scale = o),
				(e.g_O = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0] * a),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1] * a),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2] * a),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3] * a),
				(e.g_P = u),
				(e.g_Q = h),
				(e.length = c),
				(e.g_R = f),
				(e.g_S = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = -_[0]), (g[1] = -_[1]), (g[2] = -_[2]), (g[3] = -_[3]), g;
				(e.inverse = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = 1 / _[0]), (g[1] = 1 / _[1]), (g[2] = 1 / _[2]), (g[3] = 1 / _[3]), g;
				(e.normalize = m),
				(e.g_T = function (g, _) {
					return g[0] * _[0] + g[1] * _[1] + g[2] * _[2] + g[3] * _[3];
				(e.g_V = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var i = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						s = _[3];
					return (
						(g[0] = i + a * (e[0] - i)),
						(g[1] = t + a * (e[1] - t)),
						(g[2] = r + a * (e[2] - r)),
						(g[3] = s + a * (e[3] - s)),
				(e.random = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(_ = _ || 1),
						(g[0] = b.g_m()),
						(g[1] = b.g_m()),
						(g[2] = b.g_m()),
						(g[3] = b.g_m()),
						m(g, g),
						o(g, g, _),
				(e.g_Y = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						n = _[2],
						i = _[3];
					return (
						(g[0] = e[0] * a + e[4] * t + e[8] * n + e[12] * i),
						(g[1] = e[1] * a + e[5] * t + e[9] * n + e[13] * i),
						(g[2] = e[2] * a + e[6] * t + e[10] * n + e[14] * i),
						(g[3] = e[3] * a + e[7] * t + e[11] * n + e[15] * i),
				(e.g__ = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						l = e[0],
						s = e[1],
						n = e[2],
						d = e[3],
						o = d * a + s * r - n * t,
						i = d * t + n * a - l * r,
						u = d * r + l * t - s * a,
						p = -l * a - s * t - n * r;
					return (
						(g[0] = o * d + p * -l + i * -n - u * -s),
						(g[1] = i * d + p * -s + u * -l - o * -n),
						(g[2] = u * d + p * -n + o * -s - i * -l),
						(g[3] = _[3]),
				(e.g_C = function (g) {
					return 'vec4(' + g[0] + ', ' + g[1] + ', ' + g[2] + ', ' + g[3] + ')';
				(e.g_H = function (g, _) {
					return g[0] === _[0] && g[1] === _[1] && g[2] === _[2] && g[3] === _[3];
				(e.g_l = function (g, _) {
					var e = g[0],
						a = g[1],
						t = g[2],
						i = g[3],
						r = _[0],
						s = _[1],
						n = _[2],
						d = _[3];
					return (
						w(e - r) <= b.EPSILON * U(1, w(e), w(r)) &&
						w(a - s) <= b.EPSILON * U(1, w(a), w(s)) &&
						w(t - n) <= b.EPSILON * U(1, w(t), w(n)) &&
						w(i - d) <= b.EPSILON * U(1, w(i), w(d))
			var E = n(0),
				b = (function (g) {
					if (g && g.g_f) return g;
					var _ = {};
					if (null != g)
						for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
					return (_.default = g), _;
				y = (e.sub = s),
				v = (e.g_n = d),
				C = (e.g_M = l),
				T = (e.g_L = u),
				H = (e.g_K = h),
				N = (e.g_J = c),
				x = (e.g_I = f),
				g = (e.forEach = (function () {
					var g = i();
					return function (_, e, t, r, s, n) {
						var d, l;
						for (
							e || (e = 4), t || (t = 0), l = r ? p(r * e + t, _.length) : _.length, d = t;
							d < l;
							d += e
							(g[0] = _[d]),
								(g[1] = _[d + 1]),
								(g[2] = _[d + 2]),
								(g[3] = _[d + 3]),
								s(g, g, n),
								(_[d] = g[0]),
								(_[d + 1] = g[1]),
								(_[d + 2] = g[2]),
								(_[d + 3] = g[3]);
						return _;
		function (g, _, e) {
			'use strict';
			function a(g) {
				if (g && g.g_f) return g;
				var _ = {};
				if (null != g) for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
				return (_.default = g), _;
			Object.defineProperty(_, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(_.vec4 =
					_.vec3 =
					_.vec2 =
					_.quat =
					_.mat4 =
					_.mat3 =
					_.mat2d =
					_.mat2 =
					_.glMatrix =
						void 0);
			var t = e(0),
				r = a(t),
				l = e(5),
				s = a(l),
				n = e(6),
				d = a(n),
				o = e(1),
				i = a(o),
				u = e(7),
				h = a(u),
				c = e(8),
				f = a(c),
				p = e(9),
				m = a(p),
				E = e(2),
				b = a(E),
				y = e(3),
				B = a(y);
			(_.glMatrix = r),
				(_.mat2 = s),
				(_.mat2d = d),
				(_.mat3 = i),
				(_.mat4 = h),
				(_.quat = f),
				(_.vec2 = m),
				(_.vec3 = b),
				(_.vec4 = B);
		function (g, _, e) {
			'use strict';
			function a(g, _, e) {
				var a = _[0],
					t = _[1],
					r = _[2],
					l = _[3],
					s = e[0],
					n = e[1],
					d = e[2],
					o = e[3];
				return (
					(g[0] = a * s + r * n),
					(g[1] = t * s + l * n),
					(g[2] = a * d + r * o),
					(g[3] = t * d + l * o),
			function n(g, _, e) {
				return (
					(g[0] = _[0] - e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] - e[1]), (g[2] = _[2] - e[2]), (g[3] = _[3] - e[3]), g
			Object.defineProperty(_, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(_.sub = _.g_n = void 0),
				(_.create = function () {
					var g = new p.g_j(4);
					return (g[0] = 1), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 1), g;
				(_.clone = function (g) {
					var _ = new p.g_j(4);
					return (_[0] = g[0]), (_[1] = g[1]), (_[2] = g[2]), (_[3] = g[3]), _;
				(_.g_p = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = _[0]), (g[1] = _[1]), (g[2] = _[2]), (g[3] = _[3]), g;
				(_.identity = function (g) {
					return (g[0] = 1), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 1), g;
				(_.g_q = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = new p.g_j(4);
					return (t[0] = g), (t[1] = _), (t[2] = e), (t[3] = a), t;
				(_.set = function (g, _, e, a, t) {
					return (g[0] = _), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = a), (g[3] = t), g;
				(_.g_r = function (g, _) {
					if (g === _) {
						var e = _[1];
						(g[1] = _[2]), (g[2] = e);
					} else (g[0] = _[0]), (g[1] = _[2]), (g[2] = _[1]), (g[3] = _[3]);
					return g;
				(_.g_s = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						n = _[3],
						i = e * n - t * a;
					return i
						? ((i = 1 / i), (g[0] = n * i), (g[1] = -a * i), (g[2] = -t * i), (g[3] = e * i), g)
						: null;
				(_.g_t = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0];
					return (g[0] = _[3]), (g[1] = -_[1]), (g[2] = -_[2]), (g[3] = e), g;
				(_.g_u = function (g) {
					return g[0] * g[3] - g[2] * g[1];
				(_.multiply = a),
				(_.rotate = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						s = _[3],
						n = H(e),
						i = C(e);
					return (
						(g[0] = a * i + r * n),
						(g[1] = t * i + s * n),
						(g[2] = a * -n + r * i),
						(g[3] = t * -n + s * i),
				(_.scale = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						i = _[2],
						r = _[3],
						s = e[0],
						n = e[1];
					return (g[0] = a * s), (g[1] = t * s), (g[2] = i * n), (g[3] = r * n), g;
				(_.g_w = function (g, _) {
					var e = H(_),
						a = C(_);
					return (g[0] = a), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = -e), (g[3] = a), g;
				(_.g_x = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = _[0]), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = _[1]), g;
				(_.g_C = function (g) {
					return 'mat2(' + g[0] + ', ' + g[1] + ', ' + g[2] + ', ' + g[3] + ')';
				(_.g_D = function (g) {
					return B(t(g[0], 2) + t(g[1], 2) + t(g[2], 2) + t(g[3], 2));
				(_.g_ac = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (
						(g[2] = a[2] / a[0]),
						(e[0] = a[0]),
						(e[1] = a[1]),
						(e[3] = a[3] - g[2] * e[1]),
						[g, _, e]
				(_.add = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3]),
				(_.g_E = n),
				(_.g_H = function (g, _) {
					return g[0] === _[0] && g[1] === _[1] && g[2] === _[2] && g[3] === _[3];
				(_.g_l = function (g, _) {
					var e = g[0],
						a = g[1],
						t = g[2],
						i = g[3],
						r = _[0],
						s = _[1],
						n = _[2],
						d = _[3];
					return (
						w(e - r) <= p.EPSILON * U(1, w(e), w(r)) &&
						w(a - s) <= p.EPSILON * U(1, w(a), w(s)) &&
						w(t - n) <= p.EPSILON * U(1, w(t), w(n)) &&
						w(i - d) <= p.EPSILON * U(1, w(i), w(d))
				(_.g_F = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = _[0] * e), (g[1] = _[1] * e), (g[2] = _[2] * e), (g[3] = _[3] * e), g;
				(_.g_G = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0] * a),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1] * a),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2] * a),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3] * a),
			var i = e(0),
				p = (function (g) {
					if (g && g.g_f) return g;
					var _ = {};
					if (null != g)
						for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
					return (_.default = g), _;
				r = (_.g_n = a),
				s = (_.sub = n);
		function (g, _, e) {
			'use strict';
			function a(g, _, e) {
				var a = _[0],
					t = _[1],
					r = _[2],
					l = _[3],
					s = _[4],
					n = _[5],
					d = e[0],
					o = e[1],
					i = e[2],
					u = e[3],
					p = e[4],
					h = e[5];
				return (
					(g[0] = a * d + r * o),
					(g[1] = t * d + l * o),
					(g[2] = a * i + r * u),
					(g[3] = t * i + l * u),
					(g[4] = a * p + r * h + s),
					(g[5] = t * p + l * h + n),
			function n(g, _, e) {
				return (
					(g[0] = _[0] - e[0]),
					(g[1] = _[1] - e[1]),
					(g[2] = _[2] - e[2]),
					(g[3] = _[3] - e[3]),
					(g[4] = _[4] - e[4]),
					(g[5] = _[5] - e[5]),
			Object.defineProperty(_, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(_.sub = _.g_n = void 0),
				(_.create = function () {
					var g = new h.g_j(6);
					return (g[0] = 1), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 1), (g[4] = 0), (g[5] = 0), g;
				(_.clone = function (g) {
					var _ = new h.g_j(6);
					return (
						(_[0] = g[0]),
						(_[1] = g[1]),
						(_[2] = g[2]),
						(_[3] = g[3]),
						(_[4] = g[4]),
						(_[5] = g[5]),
				(_.g_p = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3]),
						(g[4] = _[4]),
						(g[5] = _[5]),
				(_.identity = function (g) {
					return (g[0] = 1), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 1), (g[4] = 0), (g[5] = 0), g;
				(_.g_q = function (g, _, e, a, t, n) {
					var i = new h.g_j(6);
					return (i[0] = g), (i[1] = _), (i[2] = e), (i[3] = a), (i[4] = t), (i[5] = n), i;
				(_.set = function (g, _, e, a, t, n, i) {
					return (g[0] = _), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = a), (g[3] = t), (g[4] = n), (g[5] = i), g;
				(_.g_s = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						i = _[3],
						r = _[4],
						s = _[5],
						n = e * i - a * t;
					return n
						? ((n = 1 / n),
						  (g[0] = i * n),
						  (g[1] = -a * n),
						  (g[2] = -t * n),
						  (g[3] = e * n),
						  (g[4] = (t * s - i * r) * n),
						  (g[5] = (a * r - e * s) * n),
						: null;
				(_.g_u = function (g) {
					return g[0] * g[3] - g[1] * g[2];
				(_.multiply = a),
				(_.rotate = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						s = _[3],
						n = _[4],
						i = _[5],
						d = H(e),
						l = C(e);
					return (
						(g[0] = a * l + r * d),
						(g[1] = t * l + s * d),
						(g[2] = a * -d + r * l),
						(g[3] = t * -d + s * l),
						(g[4] = n),
						(g[5] = i),
				(_.scale = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						l = _[3],
						s = _[4],
						n = _[5],
						d = e[0],
						o = e[1];
					return (
						(g[0] = a * d),
						(g[1] = t * d),
						(g[2] = r * o),
						(g[3] = l * o),
						(g[4] = s),
						(g[5] = n),
				(_.translate = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						l = _[3],
						s = _[4],
						n = _[5],
						d = e[0],
						o = e[1];
					return (
						(g[0] = a),
						(g[1] = t),
						(g[2] = r),
						(g[3] = l),
						(g[4] = a * d + r * o + s),
						(g[5] = t * d + l * o + n),
				(_.g_w = function (g, _) {
					var e = H(_),
						a = C(_);
					return (g[0] = a), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = -e), (g[3] = a), (g[4] = 0), (g[5] = 0), g;
				(_.g_x = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = _[0]), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = _[1]), (g[4] = 0), (g[5] = 0), g;
				(_.g_v = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = 1), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 1), (g[4] = _[0]), (g[5] = _[1]), g;
				(_.g_C = function (g) {
					return (
						'mat2d(' +
						g[0] +
						', ' +
						g[1] +
						', ' +
						g[2] +
						', ' +
						g[3] +
						', ' +
						g[4] +
						', ' +
						g[5] +
				(_.g_D = function (g) {
					return B(t(g[0], 2) + t(g[1], 2) + t(g[2], 2) + t(g[3], 2) + t(g[4], 2) + t(g[5], 2) + 1);
				(_.add = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3]),
						(g[4] = _[4] + e[4]),
						(g[5] = _[5] + e[5]),
				(_.g_E = n),
				(_.g_F = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] * e),
						(g[1] = _[1] * e),
						(g[2] = _[2] * e),
						(g[3] = _[3] * e),
						(g[4] = _[4] * e),
						(g[5] = _[5] * e),
				(_.g_G = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0] * a),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1] * a),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2] * a),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3] * a),
						(g[4] = _[4] + e[4] * a),
						(g[5] = _[5] + e[5] * a),
				(_.g_H = function (g, _) {
					return (
						g[0] === _[0] &&
						g[1] === _[1] &&
						g[2] === _[2] &&
						g[3] === _[3] &&
						g[4] === _[4] &&
						g[5] === _[5]
				(_.g_l = function (g, _) {
					var e = g[0],
						a = g[1],
						t = g[2],
						i = g[3],
						r = g[4],
						s = g[5],
						n = _[0],
						d = _[1],
						l = _[2],
						o = _[3],
						u = _[4],
						p = _[5];
					return (
						w(e - n) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(e), w(n)) &&
						w(a - d) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(a), w(d)) &&
						w(t - l) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(t), w(l)) &&
						w(i - o) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(i), w(o)) &&
						w(r - u) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(r), w(u)) &&
						w(s - p) <= h.EPSILON * U(1, w(s), w(p))
			var i = e(0),
				h = (function (g) {
					if (g && g.g_f) return g;
					var _ = {};
					if (null != g)
						for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
					return (_.default = g), _;
				r = (_.g_n = a),
				s = (_.sub = n);
		function (g, _, e) {
			'use strict';
			function a(g, _, e) {
				var a = _[0],
					t = _[1],
					r = _[2],
					l = _[3],
					s = _[4],
					n = _[5],
					d = _[6],
					o = _[7],
					i = _[8],
					u = _[9],
					h = _[10],
					c = _[11],
					f = _[12],
					p = _[13],
					m = _[14],
					E = _[15],
					b = e[0],
					y = e[1],
					B = e[2],
					v = e[3];
				return (
					(g[0] = b * a + y * s + B * i + v * f),
					(g[1] = b * t + y * n + B * u + v * p),
					(g[2] = b * r + y * d + B * h + v * m),
					(g[3] = b * l + y * o + B * c + v * E),
					(b = e[4]),
					(y = e[5]),
					(B = e[6]),
					(v = e[7]),
					(g[4] = b * a + y * s + B * i + v * f),
					(g[5] = b * t + y * n + B * u + v * p),
					(g[6] = b * r + y * d + B * h + v * m),
					(g[7] = b * l + y * o + B * c + v * E),
					(b = e[8]),
					(y = e[9]),
					(B = e[10]),
					(v = e[11]),
					(g[8] = b * a + y * s + B * i + v * f),
					(g[9] = b * t + y * n + B * u + v * p),
					(g[10] = b * r + y * d + B * h + v * m),
					(g[11] = b * l + y * o + B * c + v * E),
					(b = e[12]),
					(y = e[13]),
					(B = e[14]),
					(v = e[15]),
					(g[12] = b * a + y * s + B * i + v * f),
					(g[13] = b * t + y * n + B * u + v * p),
					(g[14] = b * r + y * d + B * h + v * m),
					(g[15] = b * l + y * o + B * c + v * E),
			function n(g, _, e) {
				return (
					(g[0] = _[0] - e[0]),
					(g[1] = _[1] - e[1]),
					(g[2] = _[2] - e[2]),
					(g[3] = _[3] - e[3]),
					(g[4] = _[4] - e[4]),
					(g[5] = _[5] - e[5]),
					(g[6] = _[6] - e[6]),
					(g[7] = _[7] - e[7]),
					(g[8] = _[8] - e[8]),
					(g[9] = _[9] - e[9]),
					(g[10] = _[10] - e[10]),
					(g[11] = _[11] - e[11]),
					(g[12] = _[12] - e[12]),
					(g[13] = _[13] - e[13]),
					(g[14] = _[14] - e[14]),
					(g[15] = _[15] - e[15]),
			var c = Math.tan;
			Object.defineProperty(_, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(_.sub = _.g_n = void 0),
				(_.create = function () {
					var g = new F.g_j(16);
					return (
						(g[0] = 1),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = 1),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = 1),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 0),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.clone = function (g) {
					var _ = new F.g_j(16);
					return (
						(_[0] = g[0]),
						(_[1] = g[1]),
						(_[2] = g[2]),
						(_[3] = g[3]),
						(_[4] = g[4]),
						(_[5] = g[5]),
						(_[6] = g[6]),
						(_[7] = g[7]),
						(_[8] = g[8]),
						(_[9] = g[9]),
						(_[10] = g[10]),
						(_[11] = g[11]),
						(_[12] = g[12]),
						(_[13] = g[13]),
						(_[14] = g[14]),
						(_[15] = g[15]),
				(_.g_p = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3]),
						(g[4] = _[4]),
						(g[5] = _[5]),
						(g[6] = _[6]),
						(g[7] = _[7]),
						(g[8] = _[8]),
						(g[9] = _[9]),
						(g[10] = _[10]),
						(g[11] = _[11]),
						(g[12] = _[12]),
						(g[13] = _[13]),
						(g[14] = _[14]),
						(g[15] = _[15]),
				(_.g_q = function (g, _, e, a, t, r, l, s, n, d, o, i, u, h, c, p) {
					var f = new F.g_j(16);
					return (
						(f[0] = g),
						(f[1] = _),
						(f[2] = e),
						(f[3] = a),
						(f[4] = t),
						(f[5] = r),
						(f[6] = l),
						(f[7] = s),
						(f[8] = n),
						(f[9] = d),
						(f[10] = o),
						(f[11] = i),
						(f[12] = u),
						(f[13] = h),
						(f[14] = c),
						(f[15] = p),
				(_.set = function (g, _, e, a, t, r, l, s, n, d, o, i, u, h, c, f, p) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _),
						(g[1] = e),
						(g[2] = a),
						(g[3] = t),
						(g[4] = r),
						(g[5] = l),
						(g[6] = s),
						(g[7] = n),
						(g[8] = d),
						(g[9] = o),
						(g[10] = i),
						(g[11] = u),
						(g[12] = h),
						(g[13] = c),
						(g[14] = f),
						(g[15] = p),
				(_.identity = function (g) {
					return (
						(g[0] = 1),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = 1),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = 1),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 0),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_r = function (g, _) {
					if (g === _) {
						var e = _[1],
							a = _[2],
							t = _[3],
							i = _[6],
							r = _[7],
							s = _[11];
						(g[1] = _[4]),
							(g[2] = _[8]),
							(g[3] = _[12]),
							(g[4] = e),
							(g[6] = _[9]),
							(g[7] = _[13]),
							(g[8] = a),
							(g[9] = i),
							(g[11] = _[14]),
							(g[12] = t),
							(g[13] = r),
							(g[14] = s);
					} else
						(g[0] = _[0]),
							(g[1] = _[4]),
							(g[2] = _[8]),
							(g[3] = _[12]),
							(g[4] = _[1]),
							(g[5] = _[5]),
							(g[6] = _[9]),
							(g[7] = _[13]),
							(g[8] = _[2]),
							(g[9] = _[6]),
							(g[10] = _[10]),
							(g[11] = _[14]),
							(g[12] = _[3]),
							(g[13] = _[7]),
							(g[14] = _[11]),
							(g[15] = _[15]);
					return g;
				(_.g_s = function (h, e) {
					var t = e[0],
						a = e[1],
						r = e[2],
						o = e[3],
						l = e[4],
						s = e[5],
						n = e[6],
						d = e[7],
						u = e[8],
						i = e[9],
						c = e[10],
						m = e[11],
						f = e[12],
						b = e[13],
						p = e[14],
						E = e[15],
						y = t * s - a * l,
						B = t * n - r * l,
						C = t * d - o * l,
						T = a * n - r * s,
						H = a * d - o * s,
						x = r * d - o * n,
						_ = u * b - i * f,
						N = u * p - c * f,
						U = u * E - m * f,
						w = i * p - c * b,
						q = i * E - m * b,
						g = c * E - m * p,
						I = y * g - B * q + C * w + T * U - H * N + x * _;
					return I
						? ((I = 1 / I),
						  (h[0] = (s * g - n * q + d * w) * I),
						  (h[1] = (r * q - a * g - o * w) * I),
						  (h[2] = (b * x - p * H + E * T) * I),
						  (h[3] = (c * H - i * x - m * T) * I),
						  (h[4] = (n * U - l * g - d * N) * I),
						  (h[5] = (t * g - r * U + o * N) * I),
						  (h[6] = (p * C - f * x - E * B) * I),
						  (h[7] = (u * x - c * C + m * B) * I),
						  (h[8] = (l * q - s * U + d * _) * I),
						  (h[9] = (a * U - t * q - o * _) * I),
						  (h[10] = (f * H - b * C + E * y) * I),
						  (h[11] = (i * C - u * H - m * y) * I),
						  (h[12] = (s * N - l * w - n * _) * I),
						  (h[13] = (t * w - a * N + r * _) * I),
						  (h[14] = (b * B - f * T - p * y) * I),
						  (h[15] = (u * T - i * B + c * y) * I),
						: null;
				(_.g_t = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						r = _[3],
						l = _[4],
						s = _[5],
						n = _[6],
						d = _[7],
						o = _[8],
						i = _[9],
						u = _[10],
						h = _[11],
						c = _[12],
						f = _[13],
						p = _[14],
						m = _[15];
					return (
						(g[0] = s * (u * m - h * p) - i * (n * m - d * p) + f * (n * h - d * u)),
						(g[1] = -(a * (u * m - h * p) - i * (t * m - r * p) + f * (t * h - r * u))),
						(g[2] = a * (n * m - d * p) - s * (t * m - r * p) + f * (t * d - r * n)),
						(g[3] = -(a * (n * h - d * u) - s * (t * h - r * u) + i * (t * d - r * n))),
						(g[4] = -(l * (u * m - h * p) - o * (n * m - d * p) + c * (n * h - d * u))),
						(g[5] = e * (u * m - h * p) - o * (t * m - r * p) + c * (t * h - r * u)),
						(g[6] = -(e * (n * m - d * p) - l * (t * m - r * p) + c * (t * d - r * n))),
						(g[7] = e * (n * h - d * u) - l * (t * h - r * u) + o * (t * d - r * n)),
						(g[8] = l * (i * m - h * f) - o * (s * m - d * f) + c * (s * h - d * i)),
						(g[9] = -(e * (i * m - h * f) - o * (a * m - r * f) + c * (a * h - r * i))),
						(g[10] = e * (s * m - d * f) - l * (a * m - r * f) + c * (a * d - r * s)),
						(g[11] = -(e * (s * h - d * i) - l * (a * h - r * i) + o * (a * d - r * s))),
						(g[12] = -(l * (i * p - u * f) - o * (s * p - n * f) + c * (s * u - n * i))),
						(g[13] = e * (i * p - u * f) - o * (a * p - t * f) + c * (a * u - t * i)),
						(g[14] = -(e * (s * p - n * f) - l * (a * p - t * f) + c * (a * n - t * s))),
						(g[15] = e * (s * u - n * i) - l * (a * u - t * i) + o * (a * n - t * s)),
				(_.g_u = function (g) {
					var _ = g[0],
						e = g[1],
						a = g[2],
						t = g[3],
						r = g[4],
						l = g[5],
						s = g[6],
						n = g[7],
						d = g[8],
						o = g[9],
						i = g[10],
						u = g[11],
						h = g[12],
						c = g[13],
						f = g[14],
						p = g[15];
					return (
						(_ * l - e * r) * (i * p - u * f) -
						(_ * s - a * r) * (o * p - u * c) +
						(_ * n - t * r) * (o * f - i * c) +
						(e * s - a * l) * (d * p - u * h) -
						(e * n - t * l) * (d * f - i * h) +
						(a * n - t * s) * (d * c - o * h)
				(_.multiply = a),
				(_.translate = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = e[0],
						t = e[1],
						r = e[2],
					return (
						_ === g
							? ((g[12] = _[0] * a + _[4] * t + _[8] * r + _[12]),
							  (g[13] = _[1] * a + _[5] * t + _[9] * r + _[13]),
							  (g[14] = _[2] * a + _[6] * t + _[10] * r + _[14]),
							  (g[15] = _[3] * a + _[7] * t + _[11] * r + _[15]))
							: ((l = _[0]),
							  (o = _[1]),
							  (h = _[2]),
							  (b = _[3]),
							  (B = _[4]),
							  (v = _[5]),
							  (C = _[6]),
							  (T = _[7]),
							  (H = _[8]),
							  (N = _[9]),
							  (x = _[10]),
							  (q = _[11]),
							  (g[0] = l),
							  (g[1] = o),
							  (g[2] = h),
							  (g[3] = b),
							  (g[4] = B),
							  (g[5] = v),
							  (g[6] = C),
							  (g[7] = T),
							  (g[8] = H),
							  (g[9] = N),
							  (g[10] = x),
							  (g[11] = q),
							  (g[12] = l * a + B * t + H * r + _[12]),
							  (g[13] = o * a + v * t + N * r + _[13]),
							  (g[14] = h * a + C * t + x * r + _[14]),
							  (g[15] = b * a + T * t + q * r + _[15])),
				(_.scale = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = e[0],
						t = e[1],
						n = e[2];
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] * a),
						(g[1] = _[1] * a),
						(g[2] = _[2] * a),
						(g[3] = _[3] * a),
						(g[4] = _[4] * t),
						(g[5] = _[5] * t),
						(g[6] = _[6] * t),
						(g[7] = _[7] * t),
						(g[8] = _[8] * n),
						(g[9] = _[9] * n),
						(g[10] = _[10] * n),
						(g[11] = _[11] * n),
						(g[12] = _[12]),
						(g[13] = _[13]),
						(g[14] = _[14]),
						(g[15] = _[15]),
				(_.rotate = function (n, e, r, a) {
					var d = a[0],
						o = a[1],
						u = a[2],
						m = B(d * d + o * o + u * u),
					return w(m) < F.EPSILON
						? null
						: ((m = 1 / m),
						  (d *= m),
						  (o *= m),
						  (u *= m),
						  (U = H(r)),
						  (j = C(r)),
						  (z = 1 - j),
						  ($ = e[0]),
						  (P = e[1]),
						  (G = e[2]),
						  (K = e[3]),
						  (J = e[4]),
						  (W = e[5]),
						  (Q = e[6]),
						  (X = e[7]),
						  (V = e[8]),
						  (Z = e[9]),
						  (gg = e[10]),
						  (_g = e[11]),
						  (eg = d * d * z + j),
						  (ag = o * d * z + u * U),
						  (tg = u * d * z - o * U),
						  (ng = d * o * z - u * U),
						  (ig = o * o * z + j),
						  (rg = u * o * z + d * U),
						  (sg = d * u * z + o * U),
						  (dg = o * u * z - d * U),
						  (lg = u * u * z + j),
						  (n[0] = $ * eg + J * ag + V * tg),
						  (n[1] = P * eg + W * ag + Z * tg),
						  (n[2] = G * eg + Q * ag + gg * tg),
						  (n[3] = K * eg + X * ag + _g * tg),
						  (n[4] = $ * ng + J * ig + V * rg),
						  (n[5] = P * ng + W * ig + Z * rg),
						  (n[6] = G * ng + Q * ig + gg * rg),
						  (n[7] = K * ng + X * ig + _g * rg),
						  (n[8] = $ * sg + J * dg + V * lg),
						  (n[9] = P * sg + W * dg + Z * lg),
						  (n[10] = G * sg + Q * dg + gg * lg),
						  (n[11] = K * sg + X * dg + _g * lg),
						  e !== n && ((n[12] = e[12]), (n[13] = e[13]), (n[14] = e[14]), (n[15] = e[15])),
				(_.g_$ = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = H(e),
						t = C(e),
						r = _[4],
						d = _[5],
						s = _[6],
						n = _[7],
						i = _[8],
						l = _[9],
						o = _[10],
						u = _[11];
					return (
						_ !== g &&
							((g[0] = _[0]),
							(g[1] = _[1]),
							(g[2] = _[2]),
							(g[3] = _[3]),
							(g[12] = _[12]),
							(g[13] = _[13]),
							(g[14] = _[14]),
							(g[15] = _[15])),
						(g[4] = r * t + i * a),
						(g[5] = d * t + l * a),
						(g[6] = s * t + o * a),
						(g[7] = n * t + u * a),
						(g[8] = i * t - r * a),
						(g[9] = l * t - d * a),
						(g[10] = o * t - s * a),
						(g[11] = u * t - n * a),
				(_.g_aa = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = H(e),
						t = C(e),
						r = _[0],
						d = _[1],
						s = _[2],
						n = _[3],
						i = _[8],
						l = _[9],
						o = _[10],
						u = _[11];
					return (
						_ !== g &&
							((g[4] = _[4]),
							(g[5] = _[5]),
							(g[6] = _[6]),
							(g[7] = _[7]),
							(g[12] = _[12]),
							(g[13] = _[13]),
							(g[14] = _[14]),
							(g[15] = _[15])),
						(g[0] = r * t - i * a),
						(g[1] = d * t - l * a),
						(g[2] = s * t - o * a),
						(g[3] = n * t - u * a),
						(g[8] = r * a + i * t),
						(g[9] = d * a + l * t),
						(g[10] = s * a + o * t),
						(g[11] = n * a + u * t),
				(_.g_ab = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = H(e),
						t = C(e),
						r = _[0],
						d = _[1],
						s = _[2],
						n = _[3],
						i = _[4],
						l = _[5],
						o = _[6],
						u = _[7];
					return (
						_ !== g &&
							((g[8] = _[8]),
							(g[9] = _[9]),
							(g[10] = _[10]),
							(g[11] = _[11]),
							(g[12] = _[12]),
							(g[13] = _[13]),
							(g[14] = _[14]),
							(g[15] = _[15])),
						(g[0] = r * t + i * a),
						(g[1] = d * t + l * a),
						(g[2] = s * t + o * a),
						(g[3] = n * t + u * a),
						(g[4] = i * t - r * a),
						(g[5] = l * t - d * a),
						(g[6] = o * t - s * a),
						(g[7] = u * t - n * a),
				(_.g_v = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = 1),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = 1),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = 1),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = _[0]),
						(g[13] = _[1]),
						(g[14] = _[2]),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_x = function (g, _) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0]),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = _[1]),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = _[2]),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 0),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_w = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = e[0],
						t = e[1],
						n = e[2],
						r = B(a * a + t * t + n * n),
					return w(r) < F.EPSILON
						? null
						: ((r = 1 / r),
						  (a *= r),
						  (t *= r),
						  (n *= r),
						  (d = H(_)),
						  (u = C(_)),
						  (h = 1 - u),
						  (g[0] = a * a * h + u),
						  (g[1] = t * a * h + n * d),
						  (g[2] = n * a * h - t * d),
						  (g[3] = 0),
						  (g[4] = a * t * h - n * d),
						  (g[5] = t * t * h + u),
						  (g[6] = n * t * h + a * d),
						  (g[7] = 0),
						  (g[8] = a * n * h + t * d),
						  (g[9] = t * n * h - a * d),
						  (g[10] = n * n * h + u),
						  (g[11] = 0),
						  (g[12] = 0),
						  (g[13] = 0),
						  (g[14] = 0),
						  (g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_ad = function (g, _) {
					var e = H(_),
						a = C(_);
					return (
						(g[0] = 1),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = a),
						(g[6] = e),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = -e),
						(g[10] = a),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 0),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_ae = function (g, _) {
					var e = H(_),
						a = C(_);
					return (
						(g[0] = a),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = -e),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = 1),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = e),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = a),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 0),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_af = function (g, _) {
					var e = H(_),
						a = C(_);
					return (
						(g[0] = a),
						(g[1] = e),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = -e),
						(g[5] = a),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = 1),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 0),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_ag = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						l = _[3],
						s = a + a,
						n = t + t,
						d = r + r,
						o = a * s,
						i = a * n,
						u = a * d,
						h = t * n,
						c = t * d,
						f = r * d,
						p = l * s,
						m = l * n,
						E = l * d;
					return (
						(g[0] = 1 - (h + f)),
						(g[1] = i + E),
						(g[2] = u - m),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = i - E),
						(g[5] = 1 - (o + f)),
						(g[6] = c + p),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = u + m),
						(g[9] = c - p),
						(g[10] = 1 - (o + h)),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = e[0]),
						(g[13] = e[1]),
						(g[14] = e[2]),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_ah = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = _[12]), (g[1] = _[13]), (g[2] = _[14]), g;
				(_.g_ai = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						n = _[4],
						r = _[5],
						s = _[6],
						d = _[8],
						l = _[9],
						i = _[10];
					return (
						(g[0] = B(e * e + a * a + t * t)),
						(g[1] = B(n * n + r * r + s * s)),
						(g[2] = B(d * d + l * l + i * i)),
				(_.g_aj = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0] + _[5] + _[10],
						a = 0;
					return (
						0 < e
							? ((a = 2 * B(e + 1)),
							  (g[3] = 0.25 * a),
							  (g[0] = (_[6] - _[9]) / a),
							  (g[1] = (_[8] - _[2]) / a),
							  (g[2] = (_[1] - _[4]) / a))
							: (_[0] > _[5]) & (_[0] > _[10])
							? ((a = 2 * B(1 + _[0] - _[5] - _[10])),
							  (g[3] = (_[6] - _[9]) / a),
							  (g[0] = 0.25 * a),
							  (g[1] = (_[1] + _[4]) / a),
							  (g[2] = (_[8] + _[2]) / a))
							: _[5] > _[10]
							? ((a = 2 * B(1 + _[5] - _[0] - _[10])),
							  (g[3] = (_[8] - _[2]) / a),
							  (g[0] = (_[1] + _[4]) / a),
							  (g[1] = 0.25 * a),
							  (g[2] = (_[6] + _[9]) / a))
							: ((a = 2 * B(1 + _[10] - _[0] - _[5])),
							  (g[3] = (_[1] - _[4]) / a),
							  (g[0] = (_[8] + _[2]) / a),
							  (g[1] = (_[6] + _[9]) / a),
							  (g[2] = 0.25 * a)),
				(_.g_ak = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = _[0],
						r = _[1],
						l = _[2],
						s = _[3],
						n = t + t,
						d = r + r,
						o = l + l,
						i = t * n,
						u = t * d,
						h = t * o,
						c = r * d,
						f = r * o,
						p = l * o,
						m = s * n,
						E = s * d,
						b = s * o,
						y = a[0],
						B = a[1],
						v = a[2];
					return (
						(g[0] = (1 - (c + p)) * y),
						(g[1] = (u + b) * y),
						(g[2] = (h - E) * y),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = (u - b) * B),
						(g[5] = (1 - (i + p)) * B),
						(g[6] = (f + m) * B),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = (h + E) * v),
						(g[9] = (f - m) * v),
						(g[10] = (1 - (i + c)) * v),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = e[0]),
						(g[13] = e[1]),
						(g[14] = e[2]),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_al = function (g, e, t, a, r) {
					var l = e[0],
						o = e[1],
						s = e[2],
						n = e[3],
						d = l + l,
						u = o + o,
						i = s + s,
						h = l * d,
						c = l * u,
						f = l * i,
						m = o * u,
						p = o * i,
						E = s * i,
						b = n * d,
						y = n * u,
						B = n * i,
						v = a[0],
						C = a[1],
						T = a[2],
						_ = r[0],
						H = r[1],
						N = r[2];
					return (
						(g[0] = (1 - (m + E)) * v),
						(g[1] = (c + B) * v),
						(g[2] = (f - y) * v),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = (c - B) * C),
						(g[5] = (1 - (h + E)) * C),
						(g[6] = (p + b) * C),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = (f + y) * T),
						(g[9] = (p - b) * T),
						(g[10] = (1 - (h + m)) * T),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = t[0] + _ - (g[0] * _ + g[4] * H + g[8] * N)),
						(g[13] = t[1] + H - (g[1] * _ + g[5] * H + g[9] * N)),
						(g[14] = t[2] + N - (g[2] * _ + g[6] * H + g[10] * N)),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_z = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						r = _[3],
						l = e + e,
						s = a + a,
						n = t + t,
						d = e * l,
						o = a * l,
						i = a * s,
						u = t * l,
						h = t * s,
						c = t * n,
						f = r * l,
						p = r * s,
						m = r * n;
					return (
						(g[0] = 1 - i - c),
						(g[1] = o + m),
						(g[2] = u - p),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = o - m),
						(g[5] = 1 - d - c),
						(g[6] = h + f),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = u + p),
						(g[9] = h - f),
						(g[10] = 1 - d - i),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 0),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_am = function (g, _, e, a, t, i, r) {
					var s = 1 / (e - _),
						n = 1 / (t - a),
						d = 1 / (i - r);
					return (
						(g[0] = 2 * i * s),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = 2 * i * n),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = (e + _) * s),
						(g[9] = (t + a) * n),
						(g[10] = (r + i) * d),
						(g[11] = -1),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 2 * (r * i) * d),
						(g[15] = 0),
				(_.perspective = function (g, _, e, a, t) {
					var i = 1 / c(_ / 2),
						r = 1 / (a - t);
					return (
						(g[0] = i / e),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = i),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = (t + a) * r),
						(g[11] = -1),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = 2 * t * a * r),
						(g[15] = 0),
				(_.g_an = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = c((_.g_ao * h) / 180),
						r = c((_.g_ap * h) / 180),
						s = c((_.g_aq * h) / 180),
						n = c((_.g_ar * h) / 180),
						d = 2 / (s + n),
						l = 2 / (t + r);
					return (
						(g[0] = d),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = l),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = -(0.5 * ((s - n) * d))),
						(g[9] = 0.5 * ((t - r) * l)),
						(g[10] = a / (e - a)),
						(g[11] = -1),
						(g[12] = 0),
						(g[13] = 0),
						(g[14] = (a * e) / (e - a)),
						(g[15] = 0),
				(_.g_as = function (g, _, e, a, t, i, r) {
					var s = 1 / (_ - e),
						n = 1 / (a - t),
						d = 1 / (i - r);
					return (
						(g[0] = -2 * s),
						(g[1] = 0),
						(g[2] = 0),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = 0),
						(g[5] = -2 * n),
						(g[6] = 0),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = 0),
						(g[9] = 0),
						(g[10] = 2 * d),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = (_ + e) * s),
						(g[13] = (t + a) * n),
						(g[14] = (r + i) * d),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_at = function (g, e, t, a) {
					var n = e[0],
						r = e[1],
						h = e[2],
						m = a[0],
						b = a[1],
						y = a[2],
						v = t[0],
						_ = t[1],
						C = t[2],
					return w(n - v) < F.EPSILON && w(r - _) < F.EPSILON && w(h - C) < F.EPSILON
						? mat4.identity(g)
						: ((I = n - v),
						  (D = r - _),
						  (R = h - C),
						  (k = 1 / B(I * I + D * D + R * R)),
						  (I *= k),
						  (D *= k),
						  (R *= k),
						  (T = b * R - y * D),
						  (H = y * I - m * R),
						  (N = m * D - b * I),
						  (k = B(T * T + H * H + N * N)),
						  k ? ((k = 1 / k), (T *= k), (H *= k), (N *= k)) : ((T = 0), (H = 0), (N = 0)),
						  (x = D * N - R * H),
						  (q = R * T - I * N),
						  (U = I * H - D * T),
						  (k = B(x * x + q * q + U * U)),
						  k ? ((k = 1 / k), (x *= k), (q *= k), (U *= k)) : ((x = 0), (q = 0), (U = 0)),
						  (g[0] = T),
						  (g[1] = x),
						  (g[2] = I),
						  (g[3] = 0),
						  (g[4] = H),
						  (g[5] = q),
						  (g[6] = D),
						  (g[7] = 0),
						  (g[8] = N),
						  (g[9] = U),
						  (g[10] = R),
						  (g[11] = 0),
						  (g[12] = -(T * n + H * r + N * h)),
						  (g[13] = -(x * n + q * r + U * h)),
						  (g[14] = -(I * n + D * r + R * h)),
						  (g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_au = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var t = _[0],
						n = _[1],
						r = _[2],
						s = a[0],
						d = a[1],
						l = a[2],
						i = t - e[0],
						o = n - e[1],
						u = r - e[2],
						h = i * i + o * o + u * u;
					0 < h && ((h = 1 / B(h)), (i *= h), (o *= h), (u *= h));
					var b = d * u - l * o,
						p = l * i - s * u,
						E = s * o - d * i;
					return (
						(g[0] = b),
						(g[1] = p),
						(g[2] = E),
						(g[3] = 0),
						(g[4] = o * E - u * p),
						(g[5] = u * b - i * E),
						(g[6] = i * p - o * b),
						(g[7] = 0),
						(g[8] = i),
						(g[9] = o),
						(g[10] = u),
						(g[11] = 0),
						(g[12] = t),
						(g[13] = n),
						(g[14] = r),
						(g[15] = 1),
				(_.g_C = function (g) {
					return (
						'mat4(' +
						g[0] +
						', ' +
						g[1] +
						', ' +
						g[2] +
						', ' +
						g[3] +
						', ' +
						g[4] +
						', ' +
						g[5] +
						', ' +
						g[6] +
						', ' +
						g[7] +
						', ' +
						g[8] +
						', ' +
						g[9] +
						', ' +
						g[10] +
						', ' +
						g[11] +
						', ' +
						g[12] +
						', ' +
						g[13] +
						', ' +
						g[14] +
						', ' +
						g[15] +
				(_.g_D = function (g) {
					return B(
						t(g[0], 2) +
							t(g[1], 2) +
							t(g[2], 2) +
							t(g[3], 2) +
							t(g[4], 2) +
							t(g[5], 2) +
							t(g[6], 2) +
							t(g[7], 2) +
							t(g[8], 2) +
							t(g[9], 2) +
							t(g[10], 2) +
							t(g[11], 2) +
							t(g[12], 2) +
							t(g[13], 2) +
							t(g[14], 2) +
							t(g[15], 2)
				(_.add = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0]),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1]),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2]),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3]),
						(g[4] = _[4] + e[4]),
						(g[5] = _[5] + e[5]),
						(g[6] = _[6] + e[6]),
						(g[7] = _[7] + e[7]),
						(g[8] = _[8] + e[8]),
						(g[9] = _[9] + e[9]),
						(g[10] = _[10] + e[10]),
						(g[11] = _[11] + e[11]),
						(g[12] = _[12] + e[12]),
						(g[13] = _[13] + e[13]),
						(g[14] = _[14] + e[14]),
						(g[15] = _[15] + e[15]),
				(_.g_E = n),
				(_.g_F = function (g, _, e) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] * e),
						(g[1] = _[1] * e),
						(g[2] = _[2] * e),
						(g[3] = _[3] * e),
						(g[4] = _[4] * e),
						(g[5] = _[5] * e),
						(g[6] = _[6] * e),
						(g[7] = _[7] * e),
						(g[8] = _[8] * e),
						(g[9] = _[9] * e),
						(g[10] = _[10] * e),
						(g[11] = _[11] * e),
						(g[12] = _[12] * e),
						(g[13] = _[13] * e),
						(g[14] = _[14] * e),
						(g[15] = _[15] * e),
				(_.g_G = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (
						(g[0] = _[0] + e[0] * a),
						(g[1] = _[1] + e[1] * a),
						(g[2] = _[2] + e[2] * a),
						(g[3] = _[3] + e[3] * a),
						(g[4] = _[4] + e[4] * a),
						(g[5] = _[5] + e[5] * a),
						(g[6] = _[6] + e[6] * a),
						(g[7] = _[7] + e[7] * a),
						(g[8] = _[8] + e[8] * a),
						(g[9] = _[9] + e[9] * a),
						(g[10] = _[10] + e[10] * a),
						(g[11] = _[11] + e[11] * a),
						(g[12] = _[12] + e[12] * a),
						(g[13] = _[13] + e[13] * a),
						(g[14] = _[14] + e[14] * a),
						(g[15] = _[15] + e[15] * a),
				(_.g_H = function (g, _) {
					return (
						g[0] === _[0] &&
						g[1] === _[1] &&
						g[2] === _[2] &&
						g[3] === _[3] &&
						g[4] === _[4] &&
						g[5] === _[5] &&
						g[6] === _[6] &&
						g[7] === _[7] &&
						g[8] === _[8] &&
						g[9] === _[9] &&
						g[10] === _[10] &&
						g[11] === _[11] &&
						g[12] === _[12] &&
						g[13] === _[13] &&
						g[14] === _[14] &&
						g[15] === _[15]
				(_.g_l = function (i, e) {
					var t = i[0],
						a = i[1],
						r = i[2],
						o = i[3],
						l = i[4],
						s = i[5],
						n = i[6],
						d = i[7],
						u = i[8],
						c = i[9],
						f = i[10],
						p = i[11],
						m = i[12],
						E = i[13],
						y = i[14],
						B = i[15],
						C = e[0],
						H = e[1],
						R = e[2],
						_ = e[3],
						N = e[4],
						I = e[5],
						L = e[6],
						q = e[7],
						g = e[8],
						O = e[9],
						v = e[10],
						h = e[11],
						T = e[12],
						b = e[13],
						x = e[14],
						D = e[15];
					return (
						w(t - C) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(t), w(C)) &&
						w(a - H) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(a), w(H)) &&
						w(r - R) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(r), w(R)) &&
						w(o - _) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(o), w(_)) &&
						w(l - N) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(l), w(N)) &&
						w(s - I) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(s), w(I)) &&
						w(n - L) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(n), w(L)) &&
						w(d - q) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(d), w(q)) &&
						w(u - g) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(u), w(g)) &&
						w(c - O) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(c), w(O)) &&
						w(f - v) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(f), w(v)) &&
						w(p - h) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(p), w(h)) &&
						w(m - T) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(m), w(T)) &&
						w(E - b) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(E), w(b)) &&
						w(y - x) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(y), w(x)) &&
						w(B - D) <= F.EPSILON * U(1, w(B), w(D))
			var i = e(0),
				F = (function (g) {
					if (g && g.g_f) return g;
					var _ = {};
					if (null != g)
						for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
					return (_.default = g), _;
				r = (_.g_n = a),
				s = (_.sub = n);
		function (e, t, a) {
			'use strict';
			function n(g) {
				if (g && g.g_f) return g;
				var _ = {};
				if (null != g) for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
				return (_.default = g), _;
			function d() {
				var g = new o.g_j(4);
				return (g[0] = 0), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 1), g;
			function u(g, _, e) {
				e *= 0.5;
				var t = H(e);
				return (g[0] = t * _[0]), (g[1] = t * _[1]), (g[2] = t * _[2]), (g[3] = C(e)), g;
			function r(g, _, e) {
				var a = _[0],
					t = _[1],
					r = _[2],
					l = _[3],
					s = e[0],
					n = e[1],
					d = e[2],
					o = e[3];
				return (
					(g[0] = a * o + l * s + t * d - r * n),
					(g[1] = t * o + l * n + r * s - a * d),
					(g[2] = r * o + l * d + a * n - t * s),
					(g[3] = l * o - a * s - t * n - r * d),
			function i(_, e, r, a) {
				var l = e[0],
					t = e[1],
					s = e[2],
					n = e[3],
					d = r[0],
					o = r[1],
					u = r[2],
					h = r[3],
				return (
					(B = l * d + t * o + s * u + n * h),
					0 > B && ((B = -B), (d = -d), (o = -o), (u = -u), (h = -h)),
					1e-6 < 1 - B
						? ((b = g(B)), (v = H(b)), (C = H((1 - a) * b) / v), (T = H(a * b) / v))
						: ((C = 1 - a), (T = a)),
					(_[0] = C * l + T * d),
					(_[1] = C * t + T * o),
					(_[2] = C * s + T * u),
					(_[3] = C * n + T * h),
			function s(g, _) {
				var e = _[0] + _[4] + _[8],
				if (0 < e)
					(a = B(e + 1)),
						(g[3] = 0.5 * a),
						(a = 0.5 / a),
						(g[0] = (_[5] - _[7]) * a),
						(g[1] = (_[6] - _[2]) * a),
						(g[2] = (_[1] - _[3]) * a);
				else {
					var t = 0;
					_[4] > _[0] && (t = 1), _[8] > _[3 * t + t] && (t = 2);
					var n = (t + 1) % 3,
						i = (t + 2) % 3;
					(a = B(_[3 * t + t] - _[3 * n + n] - _[3 * i + i] + 1)),
						(g[t] = 0.5 * a),
						(a = 0.5 / a),
						(g[3] = (_[3 * n + i] - _[3 * i + n]) * a),
						(g[n] = (_[3 * n + t] + _[3 * t + n]) * a),
						(g[i] = (_[3 * i + t] + _[3 * t + i]) * a);
				return g;
			Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(t.g_av =
					t.g_aw =
					t.g_ax =
					t.g_l =
					t.g_H =
					t.normalize =
					t.g_I =
					t.g_R =
					t.g_J =
					t.length =
					t.g_V =
					t.g_T =
					t.scale =
					t.g_n =
					t.add =
					t.set =
					t.g_p =
					t.g_q =
					t.clone =
						void 0),
				(t.create = d),
				(t.identity = function (g) {
					return (g[0] = 0), (g[1] = 0), (g[2] = 0), (g[3] = 1), g;
				(t.g_ay = u),
				(t.g_az = function (_, e) {
					var a = 2 * g(e[3]),
						t = H(a / 2);
					return (
						0 == t
							? ((_[0] = 1), (_[1] = 0), (_[2] = 0))
							: ((_[0] = e[0] / t), (_[1] = e[1] / t), (_[2] = e[2] / t)),
				(t.multiply = r),
				(t.g_$ = function (g, _, e) {
					e *= 0.5;
					var t = _[0],
						r = _[1],
						d = _[2],
						l = _[3],
						s = H(e),
						n = C(e);
					return (
						(g[0] = t * n + l * s),
						(g[1] = r * n + d * s),
						(g[2] = d * n - r * s),
						(g[3] = l * n - t * s),
				(t.g_aa = function (g, _, e) {
					e *= 0.5;
					var t = _[0],
						r = _[1],
						d = _[2],
						l = _[3],
						s = H(e),
						n = C(e);
					return (
						(g[0] = t * n - d * s),
						(g[1] = r * n + l * s),
						(g[2] = d * n + t * s),
						(g[3] = l * n - r * s),
				(t.g_ab = function (g, _, e) {
					e *= 0.5;
					var t = _[0],
						r = _[1],
						d = _[2],
						l = _[3],
						s = H(e),
						n = C(e);
					return (
						(g[0] = t * n + r * s),
						(g[1] = r * n - t * s),
						(g[2] = d * n + l * s),
						(g[3] = l * n - d * s),
				(t.g_aA = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2];
					return (g[0] = e), (g[1] = a), (g[2] = t), (g[3] = B(w(1 - e * e - a * a - t * t))), g;
				(t.g_aB = i),
				(t.g_s = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = _[2],
						i = _[3],
						r = e * e + a * a + t * t + i * i,
						s = r ? 1 / r : 0;
					return (g[0] = -e * s), (g[1] = -a * s), (g[2] = -t * s), (g[3] = i * s), g;
				(t.g_aC = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = -_[0]), (g[1] = -_[1]), (g[2] = -_[2]), (g[3] = _[3]), g;
				(t.g_aD = s),
				(t.g_aE = function (g, _, e, d) {
					var u = (0.5 * h) / 180;
					(_ *= u), (e *= u), (d *= u);
					var o = H(_),
						l = C(_),
						s = H(e),
						n = C(e),
						i = H(d),
						p = C(d);
					return (
						(g[0] = o * n * p - l * s * i),
						(g[1] = l * s * p + o * n * i),
						(g[2] = l * n * i - o * s * p),
						(g[3] = l * n * p + o * s * i),
				(t.g_C = function (g) {
					return 'quat(' + g[0] + ', ' + g[1] + ', ' + g[2] + ', ' + g[3] + ')';
			var l = a(0),
				o = n(l),
				p = a(1),
				c = n(p),
				f = a(2),
				m = n(f),
				E = a(3),
				y = n(E),
				U = (t.clone = y.clone),
				_ = (t.g_q = y.g_q),
				N = (t.g_p = y.g_p),
				I = (t.set = y.set),
				R = (t.add = y.add),
				q = (t.g_n = r),
				F = (t.scale = y.scale),
				L = (t.g_T = y.g_T),
				v = (t.g_V = y.g_V),
				O = (t.length = y.length),
				T = (t.g_J = O),
				b = (t.g_R = y.g_R),
				x = (t.g_I = b),
				D = (t.normalize = y.normalize),
				k = (t.g_H = y.g_H),
				S = (t.g_l = y.g_l),
				A = (t.g_ax = (function () {
					var g = m.create(),
						_ = m.g_q(1, 0, 0),
						e = m.g_q(0, 1, 0);
					return function (t, i, r) {
						var a = m.g_T(i, r);
						return -0.999999 > a
							? (m.g_U(g, _, i),
							  1e-6 > m.g_J(g) && m.g_U(g, e, i),
							  m.normalize(g, g),
							  u(t, g, Math.PI),
							: 0.999999 < a
							? ((t[0] = 0), (t[1] = 0), (t[2] = 0), (t[3] = 1), t)
							: (m.g_U(g, i, r),
							  (t[0] = g[0]),
							  (t[1] = g[1]),
							  (t[2] = g[2]),
							  (t[3] = 1 + a),
							  D(t, t));
				j = (t.g_aw = (function () {
					var g = d(),
						_ = d();
					return function (e, t, r, a, s, n) {
						return i(g, t, s, n), i(_, r, a, n), i(e, g, _, 2 * n * (1 - n)), e;
				z = (t.g_av = (function () {
					var g = c.create();
					return function (_, e, a, t) {
						return (
							(g[0] = a[0]),
							(g[3] = a[1]),
							(g[6] = a[2]),
							(g[1] = t[0]),
							(g[4] = t[1]),
							(g[7] = t[2]),
							(g[2] = -e[0]),
							(g[5] = -e[1]),
							(g[8] = -e[2]),
							D(_, s(_, g))
		function (t, e, n) {
			'use strict';
			function i() {
				var g = new E.g_j(2);
				return (g[0] = 0), (g[1] = 0), g;
			function s(g, _, e) {
				return (g[0] = _[0] - e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] - e[1]), g;
			function d(g, _, e) {
				return (g[0] = _[0] * e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] * e[1]), g;
			function l(g, _, e) {
				return (g[0] = _[0] / e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] / e[1]), g;
			function o(g, _) {
				var e = _[0] - g[0],
					a = _[1] - g[1];
				return B(e * e + a * a);
			function u(g, _) {
				var e = _[0] - g[0],
					a = _[1] - g[1];
				return e * e + a * a;
			function c(g) {
				var _ = g[0],
					e = g[1];
				return B(_ * _ + e * e);
			function f(g) {
				var _ = g[0],
					e = g[1];
				return _ * _ + e * e;
			Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }),
				(e.forEach = e.g_I = e.g_K = e.g_L = e.g_M = e.g_n = e.sub = e.g_J = void 0),
				(e.create = i),
				(e.clone = function (g) {
					var _ = new E.g_j(2);
					return (_[0] = g[0]), (_[1] = g[1]), _;
				(e.g_q = function (g, _) {
					var e = new E.g_j(2);
					return (e[0] = g), (e[1] = _), e;
				(e.g_p = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = _[0]), (g[1] = _[1]), g;
				(e.set = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = _), (g[1] = e), g;
				(e.add = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = _[0] + e[0]), (g[1] = _[1] + e[1]), g;
				(e.g_E = s),
				(e.multiply = d),
				(e.g_N = l),
				(e.ceil = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = r(_[0])), (g[1] = r(_[1])), g;
				(e.floor = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = a(_[0])), (g[1] = a(_[1])), g;
				(e.min = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = p(_[0], e[0])), (g[1] = p(_[1], e[1])), g;
				(e.max = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = U(_[0], e[0])), (g[1] = U(_[1], e[1])), g;
				(e.round = function (g, e) {
					return (g[0] = _(e[0])), (g[1] = _(e[1])), g;
				(e.scale = function (g, _, e) {
					return (g[0] = _[0] * e), (g[1] = _[1] * e), g;
				(e.g_O = function (g, _, e, a) {
					return (g[0] = _[0] + e[0] * a), (g[1] = _[1] + e[1] * a), g;
				(e.g_P = o),
				(e.g_Q = u),
				(e.length = c),
				(e.g_R = f),
				(e.g_S = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = -_[0]), (g[1] = -_[1]), g;
				(e.inverse = function (g, _) {
					return (g[0] = 1 / _[0]), (g[1] = 1 / _[1]), g;
				(e.normalize = function (g, _) {
					var e = _[0],
						a = _[1],
						t = e * e + a * a;
					return 0 < t && ((t = 1 / B(t)), (g[0] = _[0] * t), (g[1] = _[1] * t)), g;
				(e.g_T = function (g, _) {
					return g[0] * _[0] + g[1] * _[1];
				(e.g_U = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0] * e[1] - _[1] * e[0];
					return (g[0] = g[1] = 0), (g[2] = a), g;
				(e.g_V = function (g, _, e, a) {
					var n = _[0],
						t = _[1];
					return (g[0] = n + a * (e[0] - n)), (g[1] = t + a * (e[1] - t)), g;
				(e.random = function (g, _) {
					_ = _ || 1;
					var e = 2 * E.g_m() * h;
					return (g[0] = C(e) * _), (g[1] = H(e) * _), g;
				(e.g_aF = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1];
					return (g[0] = e[0] * a + e[2] * t), (g[1] = e[1] * a + e[3] * t), g;
				(e.g_aG = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1];
					return (g[0] = e[0] * a + e[2] * t + e[4]), (g[1] = e[1] * a + e[3] * t + e[5]), g;
				(e.g_Z = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1];
					return (g[0] = e[0] * a + e[3] * t + e[6]), (g[1] = e[1] * a + e[4] * t + e[7]), g;
				(e.g_Y = function (g, _, e) {
					var a = _[0],
						t = _[1];
					return (g[0] = e[0] * a + e[4] * t + e[12]), (g[1] = e[1] * a + e[5] * t + e[13]), g;
				(e.g_C = function (g) {
					return 'vec2(' + g[0] + ', ' + g[1] + ')';
				(e.g_H = function (g, _) {
					return g[0] === _[0] && g[1] === _[1];
				(e.g_l = function (g, _) {
					var e = g[0],
						a = g[1],
						t = _[0],
						n = _[1];
					return (
						w(e - t) <= E.EPSILON * U(1, w(e), w(t)) && w(a - n) <= E.EPSILON * U(1, w(a), w(n))
			var m = n(0),
				E = (function (g) {
					if (g && g.g_f) return g;
					var _ = {};
					if (null != g)
						for (var e in g) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, e) && (_[e] = g[e]);
					return (_.default = g), _;
				b = (e.g_J = c),
				y = (e.sub = s),
				T = (e.g_n = d),
				N = (e.g_M = l),
				x = (e.g_L = o),
				q = (e.g_K = u),
				g = (e.g_I = f),
				I = (e.forEach = (function () {
					var g = i();
					return function (_, e, t, r, s, n) {
						var d, l;
						for (
							e || (e = 2), t || (t = 0), l = r ? p(r * e + t, _.length) : _.length, d = t;
							d < l;
							d += e
							(g[0] = _[d]), (g[1] = _[d + 1]), s(g, g, n), (_[d] = g[0]), (_[d + 1] = g[1]);
						return _;
	'use strict';
	function _(_, a, t) {
		t = t || 0;
		var n = [0, 0],
		return (
			(i = _[1][1] - _[0][1]),
			(r = _[0][0] - _[1][0]),
			(s = i * _[0][0] + r * _[0][1]),
			(l = a[1][1] - a[0][1]),
			(o = a[0][0] - a[1][0]),
			(p = l * a[0][0] + o * a[0][1]),
			(m = i * o - l * r),
			u(m, 0, t) || ((n[0] = (o * s - r * p) / m), (n[1] = (i * p - l * s) / m)),
	function E(_, a, t, n) {
		var r = a[0] - _[0],
			e = a[1] - _[1],
			s = n[0] - t[0],
			g = n[1] - t[1];
		if (0 == s * e - g * r) return !1;
		var d = (r * (t[1] - _[1]) + e * (_[0] - t[0])) / (s * e - g * r),
			i = (s * (_[1] - t[1]) + g * (t[0] - _[0])) / (g * r - s * e);
		return 0 <= d && 1 >= d && 0 <= i && 1 >= i;
	function y(g, _, e) {
		return (_[0] - g[0]) * (e[1] - g[1]) - (e[0] - g[0]) * (_[1] - g[1]);
	function T(g, _, e) {
		return 0 < y(g, _, e);
	function B(g, _, e) {
		return 0 <= y(g, _, e);
	function e(g, _, e) {
		return 0 > y(g, _, e);
	function f(g, _, e) {
		return 0 >= y(g, _, e);
	function g(_, e, a, t) {
		var n = Math.sqrt;
		if (!t) return 0 === y(_, e, a);
		var r = tmpPoint1,
			g = tmpPoint2;
		(r[0] = e[0] - _[0]), (r[1] = e[1] - _[1]), (g[0] = a[0] - e[0]), (g[1] = a[1] - e[1]);
		var s = r[0] * g[0] + r[1] * g[1],
			i = n(r[0] * r[0] + r[1] * r[1]),
			d = n(g[0] * g[0] + g[1] * g[1]),
			o = Math.acos(s / (i * d));
		return o < t;
	function H(g, _) {
		var e = _[0] - g[0],
			a = _[1] - g[1];
		return e * e + a * a;
	function N(g, _) {
		var e = g.length;
		return g[0 > _ ? (_ % e) + e : _ % e];
	function l(g) {
		g.length = 0;
	function a(g, _, a, t) {
		for (var n = a; n < t; n++) g.push(_[n]);
	function n(g) {
		for (var _ = [], e = g.length, a = 0; a !== e; a++) _.push(g.pop());
		for (var a = 0; a !== e; a++) g[a] = _[a];
	function U(g, _) {
		return e(N(g, _ - 1), N(g, _), N(g, _ + 1));
	function o(g, t, e) {
		var a = tmpLine1,
			i = tmpLine2,
		if (B(N(g, t + 1), N(g, t), N(g, e)) && f(N(g, t - 1), N(g, t), N(g, e))) return !1;
		s = H(N(g, t), N(g, e));
		for (var d = 0; d !== g.length; ++d)
			if (
				(d + 1) % g.length !== t &&
				d !== t &&
				B(N(g, t), N(g, e), N(g, d + 1)) &&
				f(N(g, t), N(g, e), N(g, d)) &&
				((a[0] = N(g, t)),
				(a[1] = N(g, e)),
				(i[0] = N(g, d)),
				(i[1] = N(g, d + 1)),
				(r = _(a, i)),
				H(N(g, t), r) < s)
				return !1;
		return !0;
	function p(g, _, e) {
		for (var a = 0; a !== g.length; ++a)
			if (
				a !== _ &&
				a !== e &&
				(a + 1) % g.length !== _ &&
				(a + 1) % g.length !== e &&
				E(N(g, _), N(g, e), N(g, a), N(g, a + 1))
				return !1;
		return !0;
	function m(g, _, a, t) {
		var n = t || [];
		if ((l(n), _ < a)) for (var e = _; e <= a; e++) n.push(g[e]);
		else {
			for (var e = 0; e <= a; e++) n.push(g[e]);
			for (var e = _; e < g.length; e++) n.push(g[e]);
		return n;
	function r(_) {
		for (var a = [], t = [], n = [], s = [], e = Number.MAX_VALUE, l = 0; l < _.length; ++l)
			if (U(_, l))
				for (var u = 0; u < _.length; ++u)
					if (o(_, l, u)) {
						(t = r(m(_, l, u, s))), (n = r(m(_, u, l, s)));
						for (var p = 0; p < n.length; p++) t.push(n[p]);
						t.length < e && ((a = t), (e = t.length), a.push([N(_, l), N(_, u)]));
		return a;
	function s(_, a) {
		if (0 === a.length) return [_];
		if (
			a instanceof Array &&
			a.length &&
			a[0] instanceof Array &&
			2 === a[0].length &&
			a[0][0] instanceof Array
		) {
			for (var t = [_], n = 0, i; n < a.length; n++) {
				i = a[n];
				for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
					var d = t[r],
						g = s(d, i);
					if (g) {
						t.splice(r, 1), t.push(g[0], g[1]);
			return t;
		var i = a,
			n = _.indexOf(i[0]),
			r = _.indexOf(i[1]);
		return -1 !== n && -1 !== r && [m(_, n, r), m(_, r, n)];
	function d(_, a, t, n, r) {
		r = r || 0;
		var s = a[1] - _[1],
			d = _[0] - a[0],
			g = s * _[0] + d * _[1],
			o = n[1] - t[1],
			i = t[0] - n[0],
			p = o * t[0] + i * t[1],
			h = s * i - o * d;
		return u(h, 0, r) ? [0, 0] : [(i * g - d * p) / h, (s * p - o * g) / h];
	function t(g, _, n, l, o, u, c) {
		var b = Number.MAX_VALUE;
		(u = u || 100),
			(c = c || 0),
			(o = o || 25),
			(_ = 'undefined' == typeof _ ? [] : _),
			(n = n || []),
			(l = l || []);
		var x = [0, 0],
			q = [0, 0],
			R = [0, 0],
			k = 0,
			L = 0,
			O = 0,
			j = 0,
			S = 0,
			$ = 0,
			Y = 0,
			M = [],
			P = [],
			G = g,
			I = g;
		if (3 > I.length) return _;
		if ((c++, c > u)) return console.warn('quickDecomp: max level (' + u + ') reached.'), _;
		for (var K = 0; K < g.length; ++K)
			if (U(G, K)) {
				n.push(G[K]), (k = L = b);
				for (var J = 0; J < g.length; ++J)
					T(N(G, K - 1), N(G, K), N(G, J)) &&
						f(N(G, K - 1), N(G, K), N(G, J - 1)) &&
						((R = d(N(G, K - 1), N(G, K), N(G, J), N(G, J - 1))),
						e(N(G, K + 1), N(G, K), R) && ((O = H(G[K], R)), O < L && ((L = O), (q = R), ($ = J)))),
						T(N(G, K + 1), N(G, K), N(G, J + 1)) &&
							f(N(G, K + 1), N(G, K), N(G, J)) &&
							((R = d(N(G, K + 1), N(G, K), N(G, J), N(G, J + 1))),
							T(N(G, K - 1), N(G, K), R) &&
								((O = H(G[K], R)), O < k && ((k = O), (x = R), (S = J))));
				if ($ === (S + 1) % g.length)
					(R[0] = (q[0] + x[0]) / 2),
						(R[1] = (q[1] + x[1]) / 2),
						K < S
							? (a(M, G, K, S + 1),
							  0 !== $ && a(P, G, $, G.length),
							  a(P, G, 0, K + 1))
							: (0 !== K && a(M, G, K, G.length),
							  a(M, G, 0, S + 1),
							  a(P, G, $, K + 1));
				else {
					if (($ > S && (S += g.length), (j = b), S < $)) return _;
					for (var J = $; J <= S; ++J)
						B(N(G, K - 1), N(G, K), N(G, J)) &&
							f(N(G, K + 1), N(G, K), N(G, J)) &&
							((O = H(N(G, K), N(G, J))), O < j && p(G, K, J) && ((j = O), (Y = J % g.length)));
					K < Y
						? (a(M, G, K, Y + 1), 0 != Y && a(P, G, Y, I.length), a(P, G, 0, K + 1))
						: (0 !== K && a(M, G, K, I.length), a(M, G, 0, Y + 1), a(P, G, Y, K + 1));
				return (
					M.length < P.length
						? (t(M, _, n, l, o, u, c), t(P, _, n, l, o, u, c))
						: (t(P, _, n, l, o, u, c), t(M, _, n, l, o, u, c)),
		return _.push(g), _;
	function u(g, _, e) {
		return (e = e || 0), Math.abs(g - _) <= e;
	function i(g, _, e) {
		return u(g[0], _[0], e) && u(g[1], _[1], e);
	var tmpPoint1 = [],
		tmpPoint2 = [],
		tmpLine1 = [],
		tmpLine2 = [];
	self.g_aH = {
		g_aI: function (g) {
			var _ = r(g);
			return 0 < _.length ? s(g, _) : [g];
		g_aJ: t,
		g_aK: function (g) {
			var _ = g,
			for (a = 0; a < _.length - 1; a++)
				for (var t = 0; t < a - 1; t++) if (E(_[a], _[a + 1], _[t], _[t + 1])) return !1;
			for (a = 1; a < _.length - 2; a++) if (E(_[0], _[_.length - 1], _[a], _[a + 1])) return !1;
			return !0;
		g_aL: function (_, e) {
			for (var a = 0, t = _.length - 1; 3 < _.length && 0 <= t; --t)
				g(N(_, t - 1), N(_, t), N(_, t + 1), e) && (_.splice(t % _.length, 1), a++);
			return a;
		g_aM: function (g, _) {
			for (var a = g.length - 1, t; 1 <= a; --a) {
				t = g[a];
				for (var n = a - 1; 0 <= n; --n)
					if (i(t, g[n], _)) {
						g.splice(a, 1);
		g_aN: function (g) {
			for (var _ = 0, a = g, t = 1; t < g.length; ++t)
				(a[t][1] < a[_][1] || (a[t][1] === a[_][1] && a[t][0] > a[_][0])) && (_ = t);
			return !T(N(g, _ - 1), N(g, _), N(g, _ + 1)) && (n(g), !0);
	let g = !1,
		_ = !1,
		e = 'dev';
	(self.g_aO = class {
		constructor() {
			throw TypeError("static class can't be instantiated");
		static g_aP() {
			g = !0;
		static g_aQ() {
			return g;
		static g_aR() {
			_ = !0;
		static g_aS() {
			return _;
		static g_aT(g) {
			e = g;
		static g_aU() {
			return e;
		static g_aV() {
			return 'final' === e;
		(g_aO.g_aW = !1),
		(g_aO.g_aX = !1),
		(g_aO.hardwareConcurrency = navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 2);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_aY = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_aZ = g), (this.g_a_ = new Map()), this.g_a$();
		g_a$() {
			let g = this.g_aZ;
			(g.startsWith('?') || g.startsWith('#')) && (g = g.substr(1));
			const _ = g.split('&');
			for (const g of _) this.g_ba(g);
		g_ba(g) {
			if (g) {
				if (!g.includes('=')) return void this.g_a_.set(g, null);
				const _ = g.indexOf('='),
					e = decodeURIComponent(g.substring(0, _)),
					a = decodeURIComponent(g.substring(_ + 1));
				this.g_a_.set(e, a);
		g_bb() {
			for (const g of this.g_a_)
					"[QueryParser] Parameter '" + g[0] + "' = " + (null === g[1] ? 'null' : "'" + g[1] + "'")
		g_bc(g) {
			return this.g_a_.has(g);
		g_bd(g) {
			const _ = this.g_a_.get(g);
			return 'undefined' == typeof _ ? null : _;
		g_be() {
			history.replaceState('', document.title, location.pathname + location.search);
		g_bf(g) {
			(this.g_aZ = g), this.g_a_.clear(), this.g_a$();
	(g_aO.g_bg = new g_aO.g_aY(location.search)),
	(g_aO.g_bh = new g_aO.g_aY(location.hash)),
	'dev' !== g_aO.g_bg.g_bd('mode') && g_aO.g_aT('final'),
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _, e) {
		if (!0 === _) e(), n.set(g, !0);
		else if (_ && _.length) e(_[0]), n.set(g, !0);
	const t = navigator.userAgent;
	let a = {
			g_bi: /linux|openbsd|freebsd|netbsd/i.test(t),
			g_bj: /CrOS/.test(t),
			g_bk: /trident|iemobile|msie|tizen/i.test(t),
			g_bl: /trident|iemobile|msie|edge\//i.test(t),
			opera: /OPR\//.test(t),
			g_bm: /bb10/i.test(t),
			g_bn: /edge\//i.test(t),
			g_bo: /trident/i.test(t),
			g_bp: /webkit/i.test(t),
			safari: /safari\//i.test(t),
			chrome: /chrome\//i.test(t),
			g_bq: /chromium\//i.test(t),
			g_br: /crosswalk|xwalk/i.test(t),
			g_bs: /nwjs/i.test(t),
			g_bt: /amazonwebappplatform/i.test(t),
			g_bu: /wv\)/.test(t),
			g_bv: /android/i.test(t),
			g_bw: /nokiabrowser\/[0-9.]+/i.test(t)
		r = {
			g_bx: /windows\s+nt\s+\d+\.\d+/i.exec(t),
			g_by: /mac\s+os\s+x\s+[0-9_]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bv: /android\s+[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			opera: /OPR\/[0-9.]+/.exec(t),
			g_bz: /tizen\s+[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bA: /iphone\s+os\s+[0-9_]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bB: /ipad[^)]*os\s+[0-9_]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bC: /windows\s+phone\s+[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bD: /windows\s+phone\s+os\s+[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			chrome: /chrome\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bq: /chromium\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bs: /nwjs\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bE: /firefox\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bF: /msie\s+[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bn: /edge\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bG: /edg\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
			g_bH: /silk\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t)
		s = '(unknown)',
		e = '(unknown)',
		d = '(unknown)',
		g = '(unknown)',
		u = '(unknown)',
		i = '(unknown)',
		h = '(unknown)',
		c = 'browser',
		l = !1,
		f = !1,
		n = new Map();
	_('isWindows', r.g_bx, (g) => {
		s = 'Windows';
		const _ = g.split(' ')[2];
		_ &&
			('5.0' === _
				? (e = '2000')
				: '5.1' === _
				? (e = 'XP')
				: '5.2' === _
				? (e = 'XP')
				: '6.0' === _
				? (e = 'Vista')
				: '6.1' === _
				? (e = '7')
				: '6.2' === _
				? (e = '8')
				: '6.3' === _
				? (e = '8.1')
				: '10.0' === _
				? (e = '10')
				: void 0);
		_('isOSX', r.g_by, (g) => {
			s = 'Mac OS X';
			const _ = g.split(' ')[3];
			_ && (e = _.replace('_', '.'));
		_('isLinux', a.g_bi, () => {
			s = 'Linux';
		_('isChromeOS', a.g_bj, () => {
			s = 'Chrome OS';
		_('isAndroid', !a.g_bk && r.g_bv, (g) => {
			s = 'Android';
			const _ = g.split(' ')[1];
			_ && (e = _);
		_('isTizen', r.g_bz, (g) => {
			s = 'Tizen';
			const _ = g.split(' ')[1];
			_ && (e = _);
		_('isIPhone', !a.g_bk && r.g_bA, (g) => {
			s = 'iOS';
			const _ = g.split(' ')[2];
			_ && (e = _.replace('_', '.'));
		_('isIPad', !a.g_bk && r.g_bB, (g) => {
			s = 'iOS';
			const _ = g.split(' ')[3];
			_ && (e = _.replace('_', '.'));
		_('isWindowsPhone', r.g_bC, (g) => {
			s = 'Windows Phone';
			const _ = g.split(' ')[2];
			_ && (e = _);
		_('isWindowsPhoneOS', r.g_bD, (g) => {
			s = 'Windows Phone';
			const _ = g.split(' ')[3];
			_ && (e = _);
		_('isBlackberry', a.g_bm, () => {
			(s = 'Blackberry'), (e = '10'), (g = 'stock'), (h = 'webkit');
		_('isChrome', !a.g_bn && !a.opera && r.chrome, (_) => {
			(g = 'Chrome'), (h = 'Chromium');
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isOpera', r.opera, (_) => {
			(g = 'Opera'), (h = 'Chromium');
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isChromium', r.g_bq, (_) => {
			(g = 'Chromium'), (h = 'Chromium');
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isFirefox', r.g_bE, (_) => {
			(g = 'Firefox'), (h = 'Gecko');
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isInternetExplorer', r.g_bF, (_) => {
			(g = 'Internet Explorer'), (h = 'Trident');
			const e = _.split(' ')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isTrident', 'Internet Explorer' != g && a.g_bo, () => {
			h = 'Trident';
			const _ = /rv:[0-9.]+/i.exec(t);
			if (_ && _.length) {
				g = 'Internet Explorer';
				const e = _[0].split(':')[1];
				e && (u = e);
		_('isEdge', r.g_bn, (_) => {
			(g = 'Edge'), (h = 'Edge');
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isEdgeChromium', r.g_bG, (_) => {
			(g = 'Edge'), (h = 'Chromium');
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isSafari', a.safari && !a.g_bw && !a.chrome && !a.g_bq && !a.g_bI && !a.g_bm, () => {
			(g = 'Safari'), (h = 'WebKit');
			const _ = /version\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
				e = /crios\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t),
				n = /fxios\/[0-9.]+/i.exec(t);
			if (_ && _.length) {
				const g = _[0].split('/')[1];
				g && (u = g);
			if (e && e.length) {
				g = 'Chrome for iOS';
				const _ = e[0].split('/')[1];
				_ && (u = _);
			if (n && n.length) {
				g = 'Firefox for iOS';
				const _ = n[0].split('/')[1];
				_ && (u = _);
		_('isSilk', r.g_bH, (_) => {
			g = 'Silk';
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isCrosswalk', a.g_br, () => (c = 'crosswalk')),
			self.device && (self.device.cordova || self.device.phonegap),
			() => (c = 'cordova')
		_('isNWJS', r.g_bs, (_) => {
			(c = 'nwjs'), (g = 'NW.js'), (h = 'Chromium');
			const e = _.split('/')[1];
			e && (u = e);
		_('isAmazonWebApp', a.g_bt, () => (c = 'webapp')),
			'nwjs' != c &&
				'undefined' != typeof window &&
				((window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches) ||
			() => (c = 'webapp')
			'Safari' == g && ('Android' == s || 'Tizen' == s || 'Blackberry' == s),
			() => (g = 'stock')
		_('isAndroidWebview', 'Chrome' == g && 'browser' == c && a.g_bu, () => (c = 'webview')),
		_('isFirefoxOS', 'Firefox' == g && '(unknown)' == s, () => (s = 'Firefox OS')),
		_('isAndroidFallback', '(unknown)' == s && !a.g_bk && a.g_bv, () => (s = 'Android')),
		_('isTridentFallback', '(unknown)' == s && a.g_bo, () => (h = 'Trident')),
		_('isWebkitFallback', '(unknown)' == s && a.g_bp, () => (h = 'WebKit')),
			((g) => g.test(t) || g.test(navigator.platform) || 'x64' === navigator.cpuClass)(
			() => (d = '64-bit')
			((g) => g.test(t) || g.test(navigator.platform) || 'x86' === navigator.cpuClass)(
			() => (d = '32-bit')
			'(unknown)' == d && 'Mac OS X' == s && 10.7 <= parseFloat(e),
			() => (d = '64-bit')
			('(unknown)' == d && 'Windows' == s) || ('Android' == s && 5 > parseFloat(e)),
			() => (d = '32-bit')
		_('is32BitBrowser', '32-bit' == d || /wow64/i.test(t), () => (i = '32-bit')),
		_('is64BitBrowser', /win64/i.test(t), () => (i = '64-bit')),
			(() =>
				'Windows' == s || 'Mac OS X' == s || 'Linux' == s || 'Chrome OS' == s || 'nwjs' == c)(),
			() => (l = !0)
		'Edge' == h &&
			'undefined' != typeof Windows &&
			'undefined' != typeof Windows.System &&
			(c = 'windows-store'),
		(f = 'nwjs' == c);
	const o = 'Mac OS X' == s && navigator.maxTouchPoints && 2 < navigator.maxTouchPoints;
	o && ((s = 'iOS'), (e = u), (l = !1), (f = !1)),
		(g_aO.g_bJ = {
			g_bK: s,
			g_bL: e,
			g_bM: d,
			g_bN: g,
			g_bO: u,
			g_bP: parseFloat(u),
			g_bQ: i,
			g_bR: h,
			g_bS: c,
			g_bT: l,
			g_bU: !l,
			g_bV: f,
			g_bW: !!(self.chrome && self.chrome.runtime && self.chrome.runtime.id),
			g_bX: 'Mac OS X' == s || 'iOS' == s,
			g_bY: o
	function _(g) {
		return new Promise((_, e) => {
			(g.onsuccess = () => _(g.result)), (g.onerror = () => e(g.error));
	function t(g) {
		return new Promise((_, e) => {
			(g.oncomplete = () => _()), (g.onerror = () => e(g.error)), (g.onabort = () => e(g.error));
	function a(g, _) {
		return s(g, _);
	function r(g, _) {
		return s(g, _, !0);
	async function s(_, t, n = !1, a = !0) {
		const i = await e(_);
		try {
			const g = i.transaction([u], n ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly');
			return t(g);
		} catch (g) {
			if (a && 'InvalidStateError' === g.name) return p.delete(_), s(_, t, n, !1);
			throw g;
	function e(_) {
		let e = p.get(_);
		return e instanceof Promise || ((e = d(_)), p.set(_, e), e.catch(() => p.delete(_))), e;
	async function d(e) {
		const a = indexedDB.open(e, i);
		return (
			a.addEventListener('upgradeneeded', (g) => {
				try {
					const _ = g.target.result;
				} catch (g) {
					console.error(`Failed to create objectstore for database ${e}`, g);
	function g(g) {
		if ('string' != typeof g) throw new TypeError('expected string');
	function o(g, _) {
		const e = g.objectStore(u).openCursor();
		return new Promise((g) => {
			const a = [];
			e.onsuccess = (t) => {
				const n = t.target.result;
					? ('entries' === _
							? a.push([n.key, n.value])
							: 'keys' === _
							? a.push(n.key)
							: 'values' === _
							? a.push(n.value)
							: void 0,
					: g(a);
	const i = 2,
		u = 'keyvaluepairs',
		p = new Map(),
		l =
			'undefined' != typeof IDBObjectStore && 'function' == typeof IDBObjectStore.prototype.getAll,
		h =
			'undefined' != typeof IDBObjectStore &&
			'function' == typeof IDBObjectStore.prototype.getAllKeys;
	self.g_bZ = class {
		constructor(_) {
			g(_), (this.name = _);
		async ready() {
			await e(this.name);
		set(a, n) {
			return (
				r(this.name, async (e) => {
					const i = e.objectStore('keyvaluepairs').put(n, a),
						r = _(i),
						g = t(e);
					await Promise.all([g, r]);
		get(n) {
			return (
				a(this.name, async (a) => {
					const r = a.objectStore('keyvaluepairs').get(n),
						e = _(r),
						s = t(a),
						[g, d] = await Promise.all([s, e]);
					return d;
		delete(a) {
			return (
				r(this.name, async (n) => {
					const i = n.objectStore('keyvaluepairs').delete(a),
						e = _(i),
						r = t(n);
					await Promise.all([r, e]);
		clear() {
			return r(this.name, async (g) => {
				const a = g.objectStore('keyvaluepairs').clear(),
					n = _(a),
					e = t(g);
				await Promise.all([e, n]);
		keys() {
			return a(this.name, async (a) => {
				let n;
				if (h) {
					const g = a.objectStore('keyvaluepairs').getAllKeys();
					n = _(g);
				} else n = o(a, 'keys');
				const i = t(a),
					[e, r] = await Promise.all([i, n]);
				return r;
		values() {
			return a(this.name, async (a) => {
				let n;
				if (l) {
					const g = a.objectStore('keyvaluepairs').getAll();
					n = _(g);
				} else n = o(a, 'values');
				const i = t(a),
					[e, r] = await Promise.all([i, n]);
				return r;
		entries() {
			return a(this.name, async (g) => {
				const _ = o(g, 'entries'),
					a = t(g),
					[n, e] = await Promise.all([a, _]);
				return e;
	function _(g) {
		throw new Error(`"${g}" is not implemented`);
	function t(g) {
		if ('function' == typeof g)
			throw new Error(
				`localforage callback API is not implemented; please use the promise API instead`
	function n(g) {
		return 'object' == typeof g
			? new Promise((_) => {
					const { port1: e, port2: a } = new MessageChannel();
					(a.onmessage = (g) => _(g.data)), e.postMessage(g);
			: Promise.resolve(g);
	const i = [
			/no available storage method found/i,
			/an attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent/i,
			/the user denied permission to access the database/i,
			/a mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations/i,
			/idbfactory\.open\(\) called in an invalid security context/i
		r = new WeakMap();
	let e = !1;
	'undefined' == typeof indexedDB &&
		((e = !0), console.warn('Unable to use local storage because indexedDB is not defined'));
	class s {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_b_ = g), r.set(this, new Map());
		g_b$(g) {
			if (!e)
				for (const _ of i)
					if (g && _.test(g.message)) {
							'Unable to use local storage, reverting to in-memory store: ',
							(e = !0);
		async g_ca(g) {
			const _ = r.get(this).get(g),
				e = await n(_);
			return 'undefined' == typeof e ? null : e;
		async g_cb(g, _) {
			(_ = await n(_)), r.get(this).set(g, _);
		g_cc(g) {
		g_cd() {
		g_ce() {
			return Array.from(r.get(this).keys());
		g_cf() {
			return e;
		async getItem(g, _) {
			if ((t(_), e)) return await this.g_ca(g);
			let a;
			try {
				a = await this.g_b_.get(g);
			} catch (_) {
				return (
						? await this.g_ca(g)
						: (console.error(`Error reading '${g}' from storage, returning null: `, _), null)
			return 'undefined' == typeof a ? null : a;
		async setItem(g, _, a) {
			if ((t(a), 'undefined' == typeof _ && (_ = null), e)) return void (await this.g_cb(g, _));
			try {
				await this.g_b_.set(g, _);
			} catch (a) {
				if ((this.g_b$(a), e)) await this.g_cb(g, _);
				else throw a;
		async removeItem(g, _) {
			if ((t(_), e)) return void this.g_cc(g);
			try {
				await this.g_b_.delete(g);
			} catch (_) {
				this.g_b$(_), e ? this.g_cc(g) : console.error(`Error removing '${g}' from storage: `, _);
		async clear(g) {
			if ((t(g), e)) return void this.g_cd();
			try {
				await this.g_b_.clear();
			} catch (g) {
				this.g_b$(g), e ? this.g_cd() : console.error(`Error clearing storage: `, g);
		async keys(g) {
			if ((t(g), e)) return this.g_ce();
			let _ = [];
			try {
				_ = await this.g_b_.keys();
			} catch (g) {
				if ((this.g_b$(g), e)) return this.g_ce();
				console.error(`Error getting storage keys: `, g);
			return _;
		ready(g) {
			return t(g), e ? Promise.resolve(!0) : this.g_b_.ready();
		g_cg(g) {
			if ('object' != typeof g) throw new TypeError('invalid options object');
			const _ = g.name;
			if ('string' != typeof _) throw new TypeError('invalid store name');
			const e = new g_bZ(_);
			return new s(e);
		length() {
		key() {
		iterate() {
		g_ch() {
		g_ci() {
		g_cj() {
		g_ck() {
		supports() {
		dropInstance() {
		g_cl() {
			e = !1;
	self.localforage = new s(new g_bZ('localforage'));
	if (
		((g_aO.g_cm = {}),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cn = (() => {
			try {
				if ('Safari' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bN) return !1;
				if ('undefined' == typeof document) return !1;
				const g = document.createElement('div');
				if ('undefined' == typeof g.animate) return !1;
				const _ = g.animate([{ opacity: '0' }, { opacity: '1' }], 1e3);
				return 'undefined' != typeof _.reverse;
			} catch (g) {
				return !1;
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_co = 'undefined' != typeof HTMLDialogElement),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cp = !!self.requestIdleCallback),
		(g_aO.g_cm.ImageBitmap = !!self.createImageBitmap),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cq = !1),
		try {
				.createImageBitmap(new ImageData(32, 32), { g_cr: 'none' })
				.then(() => {
					g_aO.g_cm.g_cq = !0;
				.catch(() => {
					g_aO.g_cm.g_cq = !1;
		} catch (g) {
			g_aO.g_cm.g_cq = !1;
	(g_aO.g_cm.g_cs = !!(
		navigator.clipboard &&
		navigator.clipboard.readText &&
		'Firefox' !== g_aO.g_bJ.g_bN
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_ct = 'undefined' != typeof Proxy),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cu = (() => {
			if ('undefined' == typeof document) return !1;
			const g = document.createElement('a');
			return 'undefined' != typeof g.download;
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cv = (() =>
			'undefined' != typeof HTMLCanvasElement && HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob)()),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cw = 'undefined' != typeof CSS && CSS.supports('background', 'element(#test)')),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cx = 'function' == typeof fetch),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cy = !!(
			self.isSecureContext &&
			'Opera' !== g_aO.g_bJ.g_bN &&
			navigator.storage &&
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cz = !!(self.isSecureContext && navigator.storage && navigator.storage.estimate)),
		(g_aO.g_cm.g_cA = (() => {
			if ('undefined' == typeof document) return !1;
			if ('iOS' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bK) return !1;
			const g = document.documentElement;
			return !!(
				g.requestFullscreen ||
				g.msRequestFullscreen ||
				g.mozRequestFullScreen ||
	const g = [
			{ name: 'A', value: 12 },
			{ name: 'B', value: 13 },
			{ name: 'C', value: 13 },
			{ name: 'D', value: 13 },
			{ name: 'E', value: 13 },
			{ name: 'F', value: 13 },
			{ name: 'G', value: 14 },
			{ name: 'H', value: 12 },
			{ name: 'I', value: 12 },
			{ name: 'J', value: 13 },
			{ name: 'K', value: 14 }
		_ = Math.ceil(496 / g.length),
		t = (_ + '').length,
		n = [];
	for (const i of g)
		for (let g = 0; g <= _; g++)
			n.push({ name: i.name + (g + '').padStart(t, '0'), value: i.value });
	n.sort((g, _) => _.value - g.value);
	const a = n.reduce((g, _) => {
		const e = _.name.slice(0, 1),
			a = g.slice(-1);
		return a === e ? g : g + e;
	}, '');
	g_aO.g_cm.g_cB = 'GKBCDEFJAHI' === a;
	if (!String.prototype.trimStart) {
		const g =
		String.prototype.trimStart = function () {
			return this.replace(g, '');
	if (!String.prototype.trimEnd) {
		const g =
		String.prototype.trimEnd = function () {
			return this.replace(g, '');
	if (
		(Array.prototype.values ||
			(Array.prototype.values = function* () {
				for (const g of this) yield g;
	) {
		function g(_, e) {
			return _.reduce(
				(_, a) =>
					0 < e && Array.isArray(a)
						? (Array.prototype.push.apply(_, g(a, e - 1)), _)
						: (_.push(a), _),
		Array.prototype.flat = function (_ = 1) {
			return g(this, _);
	if (
		(RegExp.escape ||
			(RegExp.escape = function (g) {
				return (g + '').replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
		navigator.storage &&
			!navigator.storage.estimate &&
			navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage &&
			navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage.queryUsageAndQuota &&
			(navigator.storage.estimate = function () {
				return new Promise((g, _) =>
						(_, e) => g({ usage: _, quota: e }),
		'undefined' == typeof HTMLCollection ||
			HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] ||
			(HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
				let g = 0;
				return {
					next: () => (g >= this.length ? { done: !0 } : { value: this.item(g++), done: !1 })
		'undefined' == typeof NodeList ||
			NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] ||
			(NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
				let g = 0;
				return {
					next: () => (g >= this.length ? { done: !0 } : { value: this.item(g++), done: !1 })
		'undefined' == typeof DOMTokenList ||
			DOMTokenList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] ||
			(DOMTokenList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
				let g = 0;
				return {
					next: () => (g >= this.length ? { done: !0 } : { value: this.item(g++), done: !1 })
		('undefined' == typeof FileList ||
			FileList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] ||
			(FileList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
				let g = 0;
				return {
					next: () => (g >= this.length ? { done: !0 } : { value: this.item(g++), done: !1 })
		'undefined' == typeof TextEncoder &&
			((self.TextEncoder = class {
				constructor() {
					Object.defineProperty(this, 'encoding', { value: 'utf-8', writable: !1 });
				encode(_) {
					for (
						var a = _.length, t = -1, n = new Uint8Array(3 * a), i = 0, r = 0, s = 0;
						s !== a;

					) {
						if (((i = _.charCodeAt(s)), (s += 1), 55296 <= i && 56319 >= i)) {
							if (s === a) {
								(n[(t += 1)] = 239), (n[(t += 1)] = 191), (n[(t += 1)] = 189);
							if (((r = _.charCodeAt(s)), !(56320 <= r && 57343 >= r))) {
								(n[(t += 1)] = 239), (n[(t += 1)] = 191), (n[(t += 1)] = 189);
							} else if (((i = 1024 * (i - 55296) + r - 56320 + 65536), (s += 1), 65535 < i)) {
								(n[(t += 1)] = 240 | (i >>> 18)),
									(n[(t += 1)] = 128 | (63 & (i >>> 12))),
									(n[(t += 1)] = 128 | (63 & (i >>> 6))),
									(n[(t += 1)] = 128 | (63 & i));
						127 >= i
							? (n[(t += 1)] = 0 | i)
							: 2047 >= i
							? ((n[(t += 1)] = 192 | (i >>> 6)), (n[(t += 1)] = 128 | (63 & i)))
							: ((n[(t += 1)] = 224 | (i >>> 12)),
							  (n[(t += 1)] = 128 | (63 & (i >>> 6))),
							  (n[(t += 1)] = 128 | (63 & i)));
					return new Uint8Array(n.buffer.slice(0, t + 1));
				toString() {
					return '[object TextEncoder]';
			(TextEncoder[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'TextEncoder')),
		'undefined' == typeof TextDecoder))
	) {
		function _(g) {
			const _ = g[Symbol.iterator]();
			return {
				next: () => _.next(),
				[Symbol.iterator]() {
					return this;
		function e(g) {
			const _ = g.next();
			if (_.done) throw new Error('unexpected end of input');
			if (0 != (128 ^ (192 & _.value))) throw new Error('invalid byte');
			return 63 & _.value;
		const g = new Map();
		g.set('utf-8', (a, t) => {
			let n;
			if (a.buffer) n = new Uint8Array(a.buffer, a.byteOffset, a.byteLength);
			else if (n instanceof ArrayBuffer) n = new Uint8Array(a);
			else throw new Error('Invalid parameter');
			const i = _(n),
				r = [];
			try {
				for (const g of i) {
					let _;
					if (127 > g) _ = 127 & g;
					else if (223 > g) _ = ((31 & g) << 6) | e(i);
					else if (239 > g) _ = ((15 & g) << 12) | (e(i) << 6) | e(i);
					else if (247 > g) _ = ((7 & g) << 18) | (e(i) << 12) | (e(i) << 6) | e(i);
					else throw new Error('Invalid character');
			} catch (g) {
				if (t) throw g;
			return r.join('');
			g.set('utf8', g.get('utf-8')),
			g.set('utf-16le', () => {
				throw new Error('utf-16le decoder not implemented');
			(self.TextDecoder = class {
				constructor(_ = 'utf-8', e = {}) {
					const a = g.get(_);
					if (!a) throw new Error(`TextDecoder polyfill does not support "${_}"`);
					Object.defineProperty(this, 'fatal', { value: !0 === e.fatal, writable: !1 }),
						Object.defineProperty(this, '_decoder', { value: a, writable: !1 }),
						Object.defineProperty(this, 'encoding', { value: _, writable: !1 });
				decode(g) {
					return this._decoder(g, this.fatal);
				toString() {
					return '[object TextDecoder]';
			(TextDecoder[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'TextDecoder');
	'undefined' == typeof self.isSecureContext &&
		(self.isSecureContext = 'https:' === location.protocol),
		'undefined' == typeof self.globalThis && (self.globalThis = self);
	function g(g) {
		let _ = g_aO.g_cD();
		console.error('Assertion failure: ' + g + '\n\nStack trace:\n' + _);
	self.assert = function (_, e) {
		_ || g(e);
	(g_aO.g_cE = function (g) {
		return 'number' == typeof g;
		(g_aO.g_cF = function (g) {
			return g_aO.g_cE(g) && isFinite(g);
		(g_aO.g_cG = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cE(g)) throw new TypeError('expected number');
		(g_aO.g_cH = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_cJ = function (g, _, e) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cE(g) || isNaN(g) || _ > g || e < g)
				throw new RangeError('number outside of range');
		(g_aO.g_cK = function (...g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_cL = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cF(g)) throw new TypeError('expected finite number');
		(g_aO.g_cM = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_cN = function (...g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_cO = function (g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g;
		(g_aO.g_cP = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cO(g)) throw new TypeError('expected string');
		(g_aO.g_cQ = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_cR = function (...g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_cS = function (g) {
			if ('object' != typeof g || null === g) return !1;
			let _ = Object.getPrototypeOf(g);
			return _ ? _.constructor === Object : null === _;
		(g_aO.g_cT = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cS(g)) throw new TypeError('expected simple object');
		(g_aO.g_cU = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cI(g) && !g_aO.g_cS(g)) throw new TypeError('expected simple object');
		(g_aO.g_cV = function (g) {
			return 'object' == typeof g && null !== g && !Array.isArray(g);
		(g_aO.g_cW = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cV(g)) throw new TypeError('expected object');
		(g_aO.g_cX = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_cY = function (...g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_cZ = function (g) {
			return g_aO.g_c_(g, Blob) && 'string' == typeof g.name;
		(g_aO.g_c$ = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cZ(g)) throw new TypeError('expected file');
		(g_aO.g_da = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_db = function (g) {
			return Array.isArray(g);
		(g_aO.g_dc = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_db(g)) throw new TypeError('expected array');
		(g_aO.g_dd = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_de = function (...g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_df = function (g) {
			return !!g_aO.g_db(g) && (!g.length || !!g_aO.g_db(g[0]));
		(g_aO.g_dg = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_df(g)) throw new TypeError('expected 2d array');
			for (let _ of g) if (!g_aO.g_db(_)) throw new TypeError('expected 2d array');
		(g_aO.g_dh = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_di = function (g) {
			return 'function' == typeof g;
		(g_aO.g_dj = function (g, _) {
			if (!g_aO.g_di(g)) throw new TypeError('expected function');
			if (!g_aO.g_cI(_) && g !== _) throw new TypeError('expected same function reference');
		(g_aO.g_dk = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_dl = function (...g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_dm = function (g, ..._) {
			if (!g_aO.g_di(g)) throw new TypeError('expected function');
			if (!_.length) throw new Error('missing comparison functions');
			for (let e of _) if (!g_aO.g_cI(e) && g === e) return;
			throw new TypeError('expected same function reference');
		(g_aO.g_dn = function (...g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cI(g)) for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_c_ = function (g, _) {
			return g instanceof _;
		(g_aO.g_do = function (g, ..._) {
			for (let e of _) if (g_aO.g_c_(g, e)) return !0;
			return !1;
		(g_aO.g_dp = function (g, _) {
			if (!g_aO.g_c_(g, _)) throw new TypeError('unexpected type');
		(g_aO.g_dq = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_dr = function (g, ..._) {
			for (let e of _);
		(g_aO.g_ds = function (g, ..._) {
			if (!g_aO.g_do(g, ..._)) throw new TypeError('unexpected type');
		(g_aO.g_dt = function (g, ..._) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cI(g) && !g_aO.g_do(g, ..._)) throw new TypeError('unexpected type');
		(g_aO.g_du = function (g, _) {
			for (let e of g) if (!g_aO.g_c_(e, _)) return !1;
			return !0;
		(g_aO.g_dv = function (g) {
			for (let _ of g) if (!g_aO.g_cF(_)) return !1;
			return !0;
		(g_aO.g_dw = function (g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_dx = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cI(g)) for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_dy = function (g, ..._) {
			for (let e of g);
		(g_aO.g_dz = function (g, ..._) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cI(g)) for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_dA = function (g, _) {
			return !g_aO.g_cI(g) && g_aO.g_cO(g.nodeName) && (!_ || g_aO.g_dB(g.nodeName, _));
		(g_aO.g_dC = function (g, _) {
			if (g_aO.g_cI(g) || !g_aO.g_cO(g.nodeName)) throw new TypeError('expected DOM node');
			if (_ && !g_aO.g_dB(g.nodeName, _)) throw new TypeError(`expected DOM '${_}' node`);
		(g_aO.g_dD = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_dE = function (g, _) {
			return !g_aO.g_cI(g) && g_aO.g_cO(g.tagName) && (!_ || g_aO.g_dB(g.tagName, _));
		(g_aO.g_dF = function (g, _) {
			if (g_aO.g_cI(g) || !g_aO.g_cO(g.tagName)) throw new TypeError('expected HTML element');
			if (_ && !g_aO.g_dB(g.tagName, _)) throw new TypeError(`expected HTML '${_}' element`);
		(g_aO.g_dG = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_dH = function (g) {
			return (
				g_aO.g_dE(g, 'img') ||
				g_aO.g_dE(g, 'canvas') ||
				g_aO.g_dE(g, 'video') ||
				('undefined' != typeof OffscreenCanvas && g instanceof OffscreenCanvas) ||
				('undefined' != typeof ImageBitmap && g instanceof ImageBitmap)
		(g_aO.g_dI = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_dH(g)) throw new TypeError('expected drawable');
		(g_aO.g_dJ = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_dK = function (g) {
			return !!(g instanceof ImageData) || g_aO.g_dH(g);
		(g_aO.g_dL = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_dK(g)) throw new TypeError('expected drawable or image data');
		(g_aO.g_dM = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_cI(g) && !g_aO.g_dK(g)) throw new TypeError('expected drawable or image data');
		(g_aO.g_dN = function (g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g || g instanceof g_aO.g_dO || g instanceof g_aO.g_dP;
		(g_aO.g_dQ = function (g) {
			if (!g_aO.g_dN(g)) throw new TypeError('expected string-like');
		(g_aO.g_dR = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_dS = function (...g) {
			for (let _ of g);
		(g_aO.g_dT = function () {
			throw new Error('must be overridden');
		(g_aO.g_dU = function () {
			throw new Error('not yet implemented');
		(g_aO.g_dV = function (g, ..._) {
			let e = g;
			if ('undefined' == typeof e) return !1;
			for (let a of _) {
				if ('undefined' == typeof e[a]) return !1;
				e = e[a];
			return !0;
		(g_aO.g_cI = function (g) {
			return 'undefined' == typeof g || null === g;
		(g_aO.g_dW = function (g) {
			let _ = g[0].constructor;
			for (let e of g) if (e.constructor !== _) return !1;
			return _;
		(g_aO.g_dX = function (g, _) {
			for (let e of g) if (!(e instanceof _)) return !1;
			return !0;
	const g = Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array);
	(g_aO.g_dY = function (_) {
		return g_aO.g_c_(_, g);
		(g_aO.g_dZ = function () {}),
		(g_aO.g_d_ = function (_) {
			g_aO.g_d$(_, g);
		(g_aO.g_ea = function (g, ..._) {
			if (!g_aO.g_eb(g, ..._)) throw new TypeError('unexpected type');
		(g_aO.g_eb = function (g, ..._) {
			for (const e of _) if (g_aO.g_ec(g, e)) return !0;
			return !1;
		(g_aO.g_d$ = function (g, _) {
			if (!g_aO.g_ec(g, _)) throw new TypeError('unexpected type');
		(g_aO.g_ec = function (g, _) {
			for (; (g = Object.getPrototypeOf(g)); ) if (g.constructor.name === _.name) return !0;
			return !1;
	function _(g, _) {
		let e = g_aO.getType(g),
			a = g_aO.getType(_);
		return 'null' === e || 'null' === a || ('undefined' !== e && 'undefined' !== a && e === a);
	function t(g) {
		console.warn('[Defence] ' + g + ' @', g_aO.g_cD());
	function n() {
		if (((p = -1), 0 < o.size || 0 < e.size)) {
			let g = new Set([...o.keys()].map((g) => g_aO.g_ed(g))),
				_ = [...g].join(',');
				`An object derived from DefendedBase was not protected with debugDefend(). This will disable some checks. See the coding guidelines! Possible affected class names: ${_}`
	function r(g) {
		let _ = new Set();
		for (let e in g) _.add(e);
		return _;
	function s(g, _) {
		let t = r(_),
			n = d.get(g);
		if (n) {
			let _ = [];
			for (let g of n.values()) t.has(g) ? t.delete(g) : _.push(g);
			g_aO.g_ee(_, [...t]),
				_.length &&
						`[Defence] '${g_aO.g_ed(g)}' constructor creates inconsistent properties: ${_.join(
							', '
		} else d.set(g, t);
	(g_aO.g_cD = function () {
		return new Error().stack;
		(g_aO.g_ef = function () {
		(g_aO.cast = function (g, _) {
			return g && g instanceof _ ? g : null;
		(g_aO.g_ed = function (g) {
			return 'undefined' == typeof g
				? 'undefined'
				: null === g
				? 'null'
				: 'boolean' == typeof g
				? '<boolean>'
				: g_aO.g_cE(g)
				? '<number>'
				: g_aO.g_cO(g)
				? '<string>'
				: g_aO.g_db(g)
				? '<array>'
				: 'symbol' == typeof g
				? '<' + g.toString() + '>'
				: g_aO.g_di(g)
				? g.name && 'Function' !== g.name
					? g.name
					: '<anonymous function>'
				: 'object' == typeof g
				? g.constructor && g.constructor.name && 'Object' !== g.constructor.name
					? g.constructor.name
					: '<anonymous object>'
				: '<unknown>';
		(g_aO.getType = function (g) {
			return null === g ? 'null' : Array.isArray(g) ? 'array' : typeof g;
		(g_aO.range = function* (g, _) {
			if (!isFinite(Math.abs(g - _))) throw new Error('Invalid parameters');
			if (g > _) for (let e = g - 1; e >= _; e--) yield e;
			else for (let e = g; e < _; e++) yield e;
	let o = new Map(),
		e = new Map(),
		g = new WeakMap(),
		u = new WeakMap();
	g_aO.g_eg = {};
	const i = new Set(['then', 'splice']);
	(g_aO.g_eg.get = function (g, _) {
		return (
			_ in g ||
				'symbol' == typeof _ ||
				i.has(_) ||
					`Accessed missing property '${_}' from defended object '${g_aO.g_ed(
					)}', returning undefined`
			u.has(g) &&
				'symbol' != typeof _ &&
				!i.has(_) &&
					`Accessed property '${_}' on a released object '${g_aO.g_ed(
					)}'\nObject was originally released at: ${u.get(g)})\nCall stack at access: `
		(g_aO.g_eg.set = function (g, a, n) {
			return (
				a in g ||
					o.has(g) ||
					t(`Set non-existent property '${a}' to '${n}' on defended object '${g_aO.g_ed(g)}'`),
				_(g[a], n) ||
					o.has(g) ||
						`Set '${g_aO.getType(g[a])}' property '${a}' to type '${g_aO.getType(
						)}' on defended object '${g_aO.g_ed(g)}'`
				u.has(g) &&
						`Set property '${a}' on a released object '${g_aO.g_ed(
						)}'\nObject was originally released at: ${u.get(g)})\nCall stack at access: `
				(g[a] = n),
		(g_aO.g_eg.deleteProperty = function (g, _) {
			throw new ReferenceError(
				`Cannot delete property '${_}' from defended object '${g_aO.g_ed(g)}'`
		(g_aO.g_eg.defineProperty = function (g, _) {
			throw new ReferenceError(
				`Cannot define property '${_}' on defended object '${g_aO.g_ed(g)}'`
		(g_aO.g_eg.enumerate = function (g) {
			throw new ReferenceError(`Cannot enumerate defended object '${g_aO.g_ed(g)}'`);
	let p = -1;
	(g_aO.g_eh = class {
		constructor() {
			if (g_aO.g_aX && g_aO.g_cm.g_ct) {
				let _ = new.target,
					a = Object.create(_.prototype),
					t = new Proxy(a, g_aO.g_eg);
				return o.set(a, t), e.set(t, a), g.set(t, a), -1 === p && (p = requestAnimationFrame(n)), t;
		(g_aO.g_ei = function (g) {
			if (g_aO.g_aX && g_aO.g_cm.g_ct && g instanceof g_aO.g_eh) {
				if (!e.has(g)) return g;
				let _ = e.get(g);
				return e.delete(g), o.delete(_), g;
			return g_aO.g_aW ? Object.seal(g) : g;
		(g_aO.g_ej = function (g, ..._) {
			let a;
			try {
				a = new g(..._);
			} catch (g) {
				throw (e.clear(), o.clear(), g);
			return g_aO.g_aX && s(g, a), g_aO.g_ei(a);
		(g_aO.g_ek = function (_) {
			let e = g.get(_);
			e && u.set(e, g_aO.g_cD());
		(g_aO.g_el = function (_) {
			let e = g.get(_);
			return !!e && !!u.get(e);
	let d = new Map();
	g_aO.g_em = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_en = ''), g && this.start(g);
		start(g) {
			(this.g_en = g), performance.mark(this.g_en + '-Start');
		end() {
			performance.mark(this.g_en + '-End'),
				performance.measure(this.g_en, this.g_en + '-Start', this.g_en + '-End');
		next(g) {
			this.end(), (this.g_en = g), performance.mark(this.g_en + '-Start');
	function g(g) {
		return 0 === g && 0 > 1 / g;
	const _ = 2 * Math.PI,
		t = Math.PI / 180,
		n = 180 / Math.PI;
	(g_aO.wrap = function (g, _, e) {
		var t = Math.floor;
		if (((g = t(g)), (_ = t(_)), (e = t(e)), g < _)) {
			let a = e - ((_ - g) % (e - _));
			return a === e ? 0 : a;
		return _ + ((g - _) % (e - _));
		(g_aO.g_eo = function (g, _, a, t, n) {
			return ((g - _) * (n - t)) / (a - _) + t;
		(g_aO.normalize = function (g, _, e) {
			return (g - _) / (e - _);
		(g_aO.g_ep = function (g, _, e) {
			return g < _ ? _ : g > e ? e : g;
		(g_aO.g_eq = function (g) {
			return (g %= _), 0 > g && (g += _), g;
		(g_aO.g_er = function (g) {
			return g * t;
		(g_aO.g_es = function (g) {
			return g * n;
		(g_aO.g_et = function (g, _, e, a) {
			return Math.hypot(e - g, a - _);
		(g_aO.g_eu = function (g, _, a, t) {
			const n = a - g,
				e = t - _;
			return n * n + e * e;
		(g_aO.g_ev = function (g, _, e, a) {
			return Math.atan2(a - _, e - g);
		(g_aO.g_ew = function (_, a) {
			var t = Math.cos,
				n = Math.sin;
			if (_ === a) return 0;
			let r = n(_),
				e = t(_),
				s = n(a),
				g = t(a),
				d = r * s + e * g;
			return 1 <= d ? 0 : -1 >= d ? Math.PI : Math.acos(d);
		(g_aO.g_ex = function (_, a, t) {
			var n = Math.cos,
				r = Math.sin;
			let e = r(_),
				s = n(_),
				g = r(a),
				d = n(a);
			return Math.acos(e * g + s * d) > t
				? 0 < s * g - e * d
					? g_aO.g_eq(_ + t)
					: g_aO.g_eq(_ - t)
				: g_aO.g_eq(a);
		(g_aO.g_ey = function (_, a) {
			var t = Math.cos,
				n = Math.sin;
			let i = n(_),
				e = t(_),
				r = n(a),
				g = t(a);
			return 0 >= e * r - i * g;
		(g_aO.g_ez = function (g, _, e) {
			let a = g_aO.g_ew(g, _);
			return g_aO.g_ey(_, g) ? g_aO.g_eq(g + a * e) : g_aO.g_eq(g - a * e);
		(g_aO.g_V = function (g, _, e) {
			return g + e * (_ - g);
		(g_aO.g_eA = function (g, _, e) {
			return g === _ ? 0 : (e - g) / (_ - g);
		(g_aO.g_eB = function (g, _, e, a, t) {
			return g_aO.g_V(a, t, g_aO.g_eA(g, _, e));
		(g_aO.g_eC = function (g, _, e, a) {
			return g_aO.g_V(g_aO.g_V(g, _, a), g_aO.g_V(_, e, a), a);
		(g_aO.g_eD = function (g, _, e, a, t) {
			return g_aO.g_V(g_aO.g_eC(g, _, e, t), g_aO.g_eC(_, e, a, t), t);
		(g_aO.g_eE = function (g, _, e) {
			return (g + _ + (g - _) * Math.cos(e * Math.PI)) / 2;
		(g_aO.g_eF = function (g) {
			return 0 < g && 0 == ((g - 1) & g);
		(g_aO.g_eG = function (g) {
			for (let _ = 1; 32 > _; _ <<= 1) g |= g >> _;
			return g + 1;
		(g_aO.g_eH = function (g, _) {
			return Math.round(g * _) / _;
		(g_aO.g_eI = function (g, _) {
			return Math.floor(g * _) / _;
		(g_aO.g_eJ = function (g) {
			return Math.round(1e6 * g) / 1e6;
		(g_aO.toFixed = function (g, _) {
			let e = g.toFixed(_),
				a = e.length - 1;
			for (; 0 <= a && '0' === e.charAt(a); --a);
			return 0 <= a && '.' === e.charAt(a) && --a, 0 > a ? e : e.substr(0, a + 1);
		(g_aO.g_eK = function (g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ep(g, 0, 255) | (g_aO.g_ep(_, 0, 255) << 8) | (g_aO.g_ep(e, 0, 255) << 16);
	const i = 1024;
	(g_aO.g_eL = function (g, _, e, t) {
		var n = Math.floor;
		return (
			(g = g_aO.g_ep(n(1024 * g), -8192, 8191)),
			(_ = g_aO.g_ep(n(1024 * _), -8192, 8191)),
			(e = g_aO.g_ep(n(1024 * e), -8192, 8191)),
			(t = g_aO.g_ep(n(1023 * t), 0, 1023)),
			0 > g && (g += 16384),
			0 > _ && (_ += 16384),
			0 > e && (e += 16384),
			-(16384 * (16384 * g) * i + 16384 * _ * i + e * i + t)
		(g_aO.g_eM = function (g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eL(g, _, e, 1);
		(g_aO.g_eN = function (g) {
			if (0 <= g) return (255 & g) / 255;
			else {
				let _ = Math.floor(-g / 274877906944);
				return 8191 < _ && (_ -= 16384), _ / 1024;
		(g_aO.g_eO = function (g) {
			if (0 <= g) return ((65280 & g) >> 8) / 255;
			else {
				let _ = Math.floor((-g % 274877906944) / 16777216);
				return 8191 < _ && (_ -= 16384), _ / 1024;
		(g_aO.g_eP = function (g) {
			if (0 <= g) return ((16711680 & g) >> 16) / 255;
			else {
				let _ = Math.floor((-g % 16777216) / i);
				return 8191 < _ && (_ -= 16384), _ / 1024;
		(g_aO.g_eQ = function (_) {
			if (g(_)) return 0;
			if (0 <= _) return 1;
			else {
				const g = Math.floor(-_ % i);
				return g / 1023;
		(g_aO.g_eR = function (g, _) {
			var e = Math.floor;
			for (g = e(g), _ = e(_); 0 !== _; ) {
				let e = _;
				(_ = g % _), (g = e);
			return g;
	const e = [
		[3, 2],
		[4, 3],
		[5, 4],
		[5, 3],
		[6, 5],
		[14, 9],
		[16, 9],
		[16, 10],
		[21, 9]
	(g_aO.g_eS = function (g, _) {
		var t = Math.abs,
			n = Math.floor;
		if (((g = n(g)), (_ = n(_)), g === _)) return [1, 1];
		for (let a of e) {
			let n = (g / a[0]) * a[1];
			if (1 > t(_ - n)) return a.slice(0);
			if (((n = (g / a[1]) * a[0]), 1 > t(_ - n))) return [a[1], a[0]];
		let i = g_aO.g_eR(g, _);
		return [g / i, _ / i];
		(g_aO.g_eT = function (_, a, d, c, e, f, g, h) {
			var i = Math.abs;
			let E = 0,
				b = 0,
				B = 0,
				C = 0,
				T = 0,
				H = 0,
				N = 0,
				U = 0;
			if (
				(_ < d ? ((b = _), (E = d)) : ((b = d), (E = _)),
				e < g ? ((H = e), (T = g)) : ((H = g), (T = e)),
				E < H || b > T)
				return !1;
			if (
				(a < c ? ((C = a), (B = c)) : ((C = c), (B = a)),
				f < h ? ((U = f), (N = h)) : ((U = h), (N = f)),
				B < U || C > N)
				return !1;
			let I = e - _ + g - d,
				s = f - a + h - c,
				t = d - _,
				u = c - a,
				v = g - e,
				w = h - f,
				x = i(u * v - w * t);
			return !(i(v * s - w * I) > x) && i(t * s - u * I) <= x;
		(g_aO.g_eU = function (_, a, d, c, e, f, g, h, i, E, b, l) {
			var m = Math.abs;
			let n = 0,
				B = 0,
				C = 0,
				T = 0;
			if ((i < b ? ((B = i), (n = b)) : ((B = b), (n = i)), f < B || e > n)) return !1;
			if ((E < l ? ((T = E), (C = l)) : ((T = l), (C = E)), h < T || g > C)) return !1;
			let H = i - _ + b - d,
				s = E - a + l - c,
				t = d - _,
				u = c - a,
				v = b - i,
				N = l - E,
				x = m(u * v - N * t);
			return !(m(v * s - N * H) > x) && m(t * s - u * H) <= x;
		(g_aO.g_eV = function (_, a, t, r, s) {
			let e = 0,
				d = 0,
				u = 0,
				c = 0;
			_ < t ? ((e = _), (d = t)) : ((e = t), (d = _)),
				a < r ? ((u = a), (c = r)) : ((u = r), (c = a));
			const E = s.g_eW(),
				b = s.g_eX(),
				y = s.g_eY(),
				l = s.g_eZ(),
				m = s.g_e_(),
				n = s.g_e$(),
				o = s.g_fa(),
				p = s.g_fb();
			return (
				g_aO.g_eU(_, a, t, r, e, d, u, c, E, b, y, l) ||
				g_aO.g_eU(_, a, t, r, e, d, u, c, y, l, m, n) ||
				g_aO.g_eU(_, a, t, r, e, d, u, c, m, n, o, p) ||
				g_aO.g_eU(_, a, t, r, e, d, u, c, o, p, E, b)
		(g_aO.g_fc = function (_, a, t, n, r) {
			let e = 0,
				s = 0,
				d = 0,
				l = 0;
			_ < t ? ((e = _), (s = t)) : ((e = t), (s = _)),
				a < n ? ((d = a), (l = n)) : ((d = n), (l = a));
			let o = 0;
			for (let g = r.length - 4; o <= g; o += 2)
				if (g_aO.g_eU(_, a, t, n, e, s, d, l, r[o], r[o + 1], r[o + 2], r[o + 3])) return !0;
			return g_aO.g_eU(_, a, t, n, e, s, d, l, r[o], r[o + 1], r[0], r[1]);
		(g_aO.g_fd = function (_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g) {
			const d = t - _,
				i = g - e,
				o = d * i - (n - a) * (s - r);
			if (0 == o) return 2;
			const u = ((a - n) * (s - _) + d * (g - a)) / o;
			return 0 < u && u < 1 + 1e-6 ? (i * (s - _) + (r - s) * (g - a)) / o : 2;
	let _ = null,
		a = '';
	if ('undefined' != typeof document) {
		_ = document;
		const g = document.querySelector('base');
		(a = g && g.hasAttribute('href') ? g.getAttribute('href') : ''),
			a && (a.startsWith('/') && (a = a.substr(1)), !a.endsWith('/') && (a += '/'));
	(g_aO.g_fe = function () {
		if (!_) return '';
		const g = _.location;
		return g_aO.g_ff(g.origin + g.pathname) + a;
		(g_aO.g_ff = function (g) {
			if (!g.length) return g;
			if (g.endsWith('/') || g.endsWith('\\')) return g;
			const _ = Math.max(g.lastIndexOf('/'), g.lastIndexOf('\\'));
			return -1 === _ ? '' : g.substr(0, _ + 1);
		(g_aO.g_fg = function (g) {
			if (!g.length) return g;
			if (g.endsWith('/') || g.endsWith('\\')) return '';
			const _ = Math.max(g.lastIndexOf('/'), g.lastIndexOf('\\'));
			return -1 === _ ? g : g.substr(_ + 1);
		(g_aO.g_fh = function (g) {
			if (g.types)
				for (let _ = 0; _ < g.types.length; _++)
					if ('Files' === g.types[_] || 'application/x-c3-file' === g.types[_]) return !0;
			return !1;
		(g_aO.g_fi = async function (g, _) {
			const e = Array.from(g.files)
					.filter((g) => 0 !== g.size)
					.filter((g) => _(g))
					.map(async (g) => {
						try {
							return await g_aO.g_fj(g);
						} catch (g) {
							return null;
				a = await Promise.all(e);
			return a.filter((g) => g);
		(g_aO.g_fk = function (g) {
			return -1 !== g.type.search(/image\/.*/);
		(g_aO.g_fl = function (g) {
			return 'image/svg+xml' === g.type;
		(g_aO.g_fm = function (g) {
			let _ = g.lastIndexOf('.');
			return 1 > _ ? '' : g.substr(_);
		(g_aO.g_fn = function (g) {
			let _ = g.lastIndexOf('.');
			return 1 > _ ? g : g.substr(0, _);
		(g_aO.g_fo = function (g) {
			return g.replace(/\\/g, '/');
		(g_aO.g_fp = function (_) {
			_ = g_aO.g_fo(_);
			let t = /^\w\:\//.exec(_);
			t ? ((t = t[0]), (_ = _.slice(3)), '/' !== _[0] && (_ = '/' + _)) : (t = ''),
				(_ = _.replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/')),
				1 < _.length && '/' === _.slice(-1) && (_ = _.slice(0, -1));
			const n = _.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
			let r = '',
				s = _,
				l = '',
			0 < n && ((r = _.slice(0, n)), (s = _.slice(n))), (o = s);
			const u = s.lastIndexOf('.');
			0 < u && ((l = s.slice(u)), (o = s.slice(0, -l.length)));
			const p = t + r + s;
			return { dir: r, g_fq: s, name: o, root: t, g_fr: l, g_fs: p };
		(g_aO.g_ft = function (g, _) {
			return new Promise((e) => {
				self.setTimeout(e, g, _);
		(g_aO.g_fu = function (g) {
			try {
			} catch (g) {
				g_aO.g_aW && console.warn('Swallowed exception: ', g);
		(g_aO.noop = function () {}),
		(g_aO.g_dB = function (g, _) {
			return (
				'string' == typeof g &&
				'string' == typeof _ &&
				(g === _ ||
					((g = g.normalize()),
					(_ = _.normalize()),
					g.length === _.length && g.toLowerCase() === _.toLowerCase()))
		(g_aO.g_fv = function (g, _) {
			return (
				'string' == typeof g && 'string' == typeof _ && (g === _ || g.normalize() === _.normalize())
		(g_aO.g_fw = function (g, _) {
			if (g_aO.g_cm.g_cB) return void g.sort(_);
			const a = g.map((g, _) => [g, _]);
			a.sort((g, e) => {
				const a = _(g[0], e[0]);
				return 0 === a ? g[1] - e[1] : a;
			for (let t = 0, n = g.length; t < n; ++t) g[t] = a[t][0];
		(g_aO.g_fx = function (g, _, e) {
			(g[e++] = _[0]),
				(g[e++] = _[1]),
				(g[e++] = _[2]),
				(g[e++] = _[3]),
				(g[e++] = _[4]),
				(g[e++] = _[5]),
				(g[e++] = _[6]),
				(g[e++] = _[7]),
				(g[e++] = _[8]),
				(g[e++] = _[9]),
				(g[e++] = _[10]),
				(g[e++] = _[11]),
				(g[e++] = _[12]),
				(g[e++] = _[13]),
				(g[e++] = _[14]),
				(g[e] = _[15]);
		(g_aO.g_fy = function (g, _) {
			g.length = _;
		(g_aO.g_fz = function (g) {
			g && 0 !== g.length && g_aO.g_fy(g, 0);
		(g_aO.g_fA = function (g) {
			if (g) {
				for (let _ = 0, e; _ < g.length; _++) (e = g[_]), g_aO.g_fy(e, 0);
				g_aO.g_fy(g, 0);
		(g_aO.g_fB = function (g, _, a) {
			_ |= 0;
			const t = g.length;
			if (!(_ <= t)) for (let n = t; n < _; ++n) g.push(a);
		(g_aO.g_fC = function (g, _, e) {
			_ |= 0;
			const a = g.length;
			_ < a ? g_aO.g_fy(g, _) : _ > a && g_aO.g_fB(g, _, e);
		(g_aO.g_fD = function (g, _) {
			g_aO.g_fz(g), g_aO.g_ee(g, _);
		(g_aO.g_ee = function (g, _) {
			if (1e4 > _.length) g.push(..._);
			else for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) g.push(_[e]);
		(g_aO.g_fE = function (g, _) {
			if (((_ = Math.floor(_)), !(0 > _ || _ >= g.length))) {
				let e = g.length - 1;
				for (let a = _; a < e; ++a) g[a] = g[a + 1];
				g_aO.g_fy(g, e);
		(g_aO.g_fF = function (g, _) {
			let e = g.indexOf(_);
			0 <= e && g.splice(e, 1);
		(g_aO.g_fG = function (g, _) {
			let e = g.length;
			if (_.length !== e) return !1;
			for (let a = 0; a < e; ++a) if (g[a] !== _[a]) return !1;
			return !0;
		(g_aO.g_fH = function (_, a) {
			let t = [],
				n = 0;
			for (let i = 0, r = _.length, g; i < r; ++i) (g = _[i]), a(g) ? t.push(g) : ((_[n] = g), ++n);
			return g_aO.g_fy(_, n), t;
		(g_aO.g_fI = function (g, _) {
			const e = g.length;
			let a = 0;
			for (let t = 0, e = g.length, n; t < e; ++t) (n = g[t]), _.has(n) || (g[a++] = n);
			return g_aO.g_fy(g, a), e - a;
		(g_aO.g_fJ = function (g, _) {
			return g === Math.floor(g) && 0 <= g && g < _.length;
		(g_aO.g_fK = function (g, _) {
			if (!g_aO.g_fJ(g, _)) throw new RangeError('array index out of bounds');
		(g_aO.g_fL = function (g) {
			return g.slice();
		(g_aO.g_fM = function (g, _) {
			let e = [];
			for (let t of g)
				if (g_aO.g_cV(t)) {
					let g = _(t);
					if (!g) throw new Error('missing clone');
					if (g.constructor !== t.constructor) throw new Error('object is not a clone');
				} else g_aO.g_db(t) ? e.push(g_aO.g_fM(t, _)) : e.push(t);
			return e;
		(g_aO.g_fN = function (g) {
			let _ = [];
			for (let e of g) _.push(e.slice());
			return _;
		(g_aO.g_fO = function (g, _) {
			return new Set([...g, ..._]);
		(g_aO.first = function (g) {
			for (let _ of g) return _;
			return null;
		(g_aO.xor = function (g, _) {
			return !g != !_;
		(g_aO.compare = function (g, _, e) {
			return 0 === _
				? g === e
				: 1 === _
				? g !== e
				: 2 === _
				? g < e
				: 3 === _
				? g <= e
				: 4 === _
				? g > e
				: 5 == _ && g >= e;
		(g_aO.g_fP = function (g) {
			for (let _ in g) if (g.hasOwnProperty(_)) return !0;
			return !1;
		(g_aO.g_fQ = function (_, a) {
			return _.length
				? new Promise((t, n) => {
						const r = [];
						let e = 0,
							i = !1;
						for (let g = 0, s = _.length; g < s; ++g)
							r.push(void 0),
									.then((n) => {
										i || ((r[g] = n), ++e, e === _.length ? t(r) : a(e, _.length));
									.catch((g) => {
										(i = !0), n(g);
				: Promise.resolve([]);
	let t = [];
	(g_aO.g_fR = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_fS = function () {
			let g = 0;
			for (let _ of t) {
				let e = _();
				g += e;
			return Math.floor(g);
	const n = new MessageChannel();
	n.port2.onmessage = function (g) {
		const _ = g.data,
			a = e.get(_);
		e.delete(_), a && a(g.timeStamp);
	let i = 1;
	const e = new Map();
	(g_aO.g_fT = function (g) {
		const _ = i++;
		return e.set(_, g), n.port1.postMessage(_), _;
		(g_aO.g_fU = function (g) {
		(g_aO.g_fV = g_aO.g_fT),
		(g_aO.g_fW = function () {
			return new Promise((g) => g_aO.g_fV(g));
	const r = new Set();
	(g_aO.g_fX = function (g) {
		const _ = self.requestAnimationFrame(async (e) => {
			await g_aO.g_fW(), r.has(_) && (r.delete(_), g(e));
		return r.add(_), _;
		(g_aO.g_fY = function (g) {
			r.has(g) && (self.cancelAnimationFrame(g), r.delete(g));
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_fZ = function (g) {
		return /^(?:[a-z]+:)?\/\//.test(g) || 'data:' === g.substr(0, 5) || 'blob:' === g.substr(0, 5);
	(g_aO.g_f_ = function (g) {
		return !g_aO.g_fZ(g);
	(g_aO.g_f$ = function (g) {
		if (!g.ok) throw new Error(`fetch '${g.url}' response returned ${g.status} ${g.statusText}`);
	(g_aO.g_ga = function (g, _) {
		return fetch(g, _).then((g) => (g_aO.g_f$(g), g));
	(g_aO.g_gb = function (g) {
		return g_aO.g_ga(g).then((g) => g.text());
	(g_aO.g_gc = function (g) {
		return g_aO.g_ga(g).then((g) => g.json());
	(g_aO.g_gd = function (g) {
		return g_aO.g_ga(g).then((g) => g.blob());
	(g_aO.g_ge = function (g) {
		return g_aO.g_ga(g).then((g) => g.arrayBuffer());
	(g_aO.g_gf = function (g) {
		return new Promise((_, e) => {
			const a = new Image();
			(a.onload = () => _(a)), (a.onerror = (g) => e(g)), (a.src = g);
	(g_aO.g_gg = function (g) {
		return new Promise((_, e) => {
			const a = new FileReader();
			(a.onload = () => _(a.result)), (a.onerror = () => e(a.error)), a.readAsArrayBuffer(g);
	(g_aO.g_gh = function (g) {
		return new Promise((_, e) => {
			const a = new FileReader();
			(a.onload = () => _(a.result)), (a.onerror = () => e(a.error)), a.readAsText(g);
	(g_aO.g_gi = function (g) {
		return g_aO.g_gh(g).then((g) => JSON.parse(g));
	(g_aO.g_gj = async function (g, _) {
		let e = URL.createObjectURL(g);
		try {
			const g = await g_aO.g_gf(e);
			return (
				(e = ''),
				_ && 'function' == typeof g.decode && (await g.decode()),
		} finally {
			e && URL.revokeObjectURL(e);
	(g_aO.g_gk = function (g, _) {
		if ('undefined' != typeof document && 'function' == typeof document.createElement) {
			const e = document.createElement('canvas');
			return (e.width = g), (e.height = _), e;
		return new OffscreenCanvas(g, _);
	(g_aO.g_cv = function (g, _, e) {
		return (
			'number' != typeof e && (e = 1),
			(_ = _ || 'image/png'),
			(e = g_aO.g_ep(e, 0, 1)),
				? new Promise((a) => g.toBlob(a, _, e))
				: g.convertToBlob
				? g.convertToBlob({ type: _, quality: e })
				: g_aO.g_gl(() => g_aO.g_gm(g, _, e))
	(g_aO.g_gm = function (g, _, e) {
		return (
			'number' != typeof e && (e = 1),
			(_ = _ || 'image/png'),
			(e = g_aO.g_ep(e, 0, 1)),
			g_aO.g_gn(g.toDataURL(_, e))
	(g_aO.g_gn = function (g) {
		const _ = g_aO.g_go(g);
		return g_aO.g_gp(_.data, _.g_gq);
	(g_aO.g_go = function (_) {
		if ('data:' !== _.substr(0, 5)) throw new URIError('expected data: uri');
		let a = _.indexOf(',');
		if (0 > a) throw new URIError('expected comma in data: uri');
		let t = _.substring(5, a),
			n = _.substring(a + 1),
			e = t.split(';'),
			r = e[0] || '',
			g = e[1],
			s = e[2],
		return (
			(i = 'base64' === g || 'base64' === s ? atob(n) : decodeURIComponent(n)), { g_gq: r, data: i }
	(g_aO.g_gp = function (_, a) {
		let t = _.length,
			e = t >> 2,
			n = new Uint8Array(t),
			g = new Uint32Array(n.buffer, 0, e),
		for (i = 0, r = 0; i < e; ++i)
			g[i] =
				_.charCodeAt(r++) |
				(_.charCodeAt(r++) << 8) |
				(_.charCodeAt(r++) << 16) |
				(_.charCodeAt(r++) << 24);
		for (let g = 3 & t; g--; ) (n[r] = _.charCodeAt(r)), ++r;
		return a ? new Blob([n], { type: a }) : new Blob([n]);
	(g_aO.g_gr = function (g, _, a) {
		const t = g_aO.g_gk(g.width, g.height),
			n = t.getContext('2d');
		return n.drawImage(g, 0, 0), g_aO.g_cv(t, _, a);
	(g_aO.g_gs = function (g, _, a) {
		const t = g_aO.g_gk(g.width, g.height),
			n = t.getContext('2d');
		return n.putImageData(g, 0, 0), g_aO.g_gm(t, _, a);
	(g_aO.g_gt = function (g, _, t) {
		if (g_aO.g_cm.g_cq)
			return createImageBitmap(g, { premultiplyAlpha: 'none' }).then((g) => g_aO.g_gr(g, _, t));
		if (g_aO.g_cm.ImageBitmap) return createImageBitmap(g).then((g) => g_aO.g_gr(g, _, t));
		else {
			const a = g_aO.g_gk(g.width, g.height),
				n = a.getContext('2d');
			return n.putImageData(g, 0, 0), g_aO.g_cv(a, _, t);
	(g_aO.g_gu = function (g, _) {
		for (const e of _) g.add(e);
	(g_aO.g_gv = function (g) {
		const _ = Object.create(null);
		for (const [e, a] of g.entries()) _[e] = a;
		return _;
	(g_aO.g_gw = function (g, _) {
		for (const [e, a] of Object.entries(g)) _.set(e, a);
	(g_aO.g_gx = function g(_) {
		if ('object' == typeof _ && null !== _) {
			if (_ instanceof Set) return { _c3type_: 'set', data: [..._].map((_) => g(_)) };
			if (_ instanceof Map) return { _c3type_: 'map', data: [..._].map((_) => [_[0], g(_[1])]) };
			else {
				const a = Object.create(null);
				for (const [t, n] of Object.entries(_)) a[t] = g(n);
				return a;
		return _;
	(g_aO.g_gy = function g(_) {
		if (('object' == typeof _) & (null !== _)) {
			if ('set' === _._c3type_) return new Set(_.data.map((_) => g(_)));
			if ('map' === _._c3type_) return new Map(_.data.map((_) => [_[0], g(_[1])]));
			else {
				const a = Object.create(null);
				for (const [t, n] of Object.entries(_)) a[t] = g(n);
				return a;
		return _;
	(g_aO.g_gz = function (g) {
		let _ = '',
			e = !1;
		for (const a of g) '-' === a ? (e = !0) : e ? ((_ += a.toUpperCase()), (e = !1)) : (_ += a);
		return _;
	(g_aO.g_gA = function (g) {
		return 'object' == typeof g && 'function' == typeof g.next;
	'use strict';
	function g(g) {
		return 0 === g.length ? '00' : 1 === g.length ? '0' + g : g;
	function _(g, _, e) {
		return (
			0 > e && (e += 1),
			1 < e && (e -= 1),
			e < 1 / 6
				? g + 6 * (_ - g) * e
				: e < 1 / 2
				? _
				: e < 2 / 3
				? g + 6 * ((_ - g) * (2 / 3 - e))
				: g
	const t = /([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)\%?,([0-9.]+)\%?/i,
		n = /([0-9.]+),([0-9.]+)\%?,([0-9.]+)\%?,([0-9.])/i;
	(g_aO.g_gB = class {
		constructor(g, _, a, e) {
			(this.g_gC = NaN),
				(this.g_gD = NaN),
				(this.g_gE = NaN),
				(this.g_gF = NaN),
				(this.g_gC = 0),
				(this.g_gD = 0),
				(this.g_gE = 0),
				(this.g_gF = 0),
				g instanceof g_aO.g_gB ? this.set(g) : this.g_gG(g || 0, _ || 0, a || 0, e || 0);
		g_gH(g, _, e) {
			return (this.g_gC = +g), (this.g_gD = +_), (this.g_gE = +e), this.g_ep(), this;
		g_gG(g, _, a, e) {
			return (
				(this.g_gC = +g), (this.g_gD = +_), (this.g_gE = +a), (this.g_gF = +e), this.g_ep(), this
		set(g) {
			return (
				(this.g_gC = g.g_gC), (this.g_gD = g.g_gD), (this.g_gE = g.g_gE), (this.g_gF = g.g_gF), this
		g_p(g) {
			return this.set(g);
		add(g) {
			(this.g_gC += g.g_gC),
				(this.g_gD += g.g_gD),
				(this.g_gE += g.g_gE),
				(this.g_gF += g.g_gF),
		g_gI(g, _, a, e = 0) {
			(this.g_gC += +g), (this.g_gD += +_), (this.g_gE += +a), (this.g_gF += +e), this.g_ep();
		g_gJ(g) {
			var _ = Math.min,
				e = Math.max;
			this.g_gK(e(this.g_gC, g.g_gC) - _(this.g_gC, g.g_gC)),
				this.g_gL(e(this.g_gD, g.g_gD) - _(this.g_gD, g.g_gD)),
				this.g_gM(e(this.g_gE, g.g_gE) - _(this.g_gE, g.g_gE)),
				this.g_gN(e(this.g_gF, g.g_gF) - _(this.g_gF, g.g_gF)),
		g_gO(g) {
			(this.g_gC = g.g_gC), (this.g_gD = g.g_gD), (this.g_gE = g.g_gE);
		g_gK(g) {
			this.g_gC = g_aO.g_ep(+g, 0, 1);
		g_gP() {
			return this.g_gC;
		g_gL(g) {
			this.g_gD = g_aO.g_ep(+g, 0, 1);
		g_gQ() {
			return this.g_gD;
		g_gM(g) {
			this.g_gE = g_aO.g_ep(+g, 0, 1);
		g_gR() {
			return this.g_gE;
		g_gN(g) {
			this.g_gF = g_aO.g_ep(+g, 0, 1);
		g_gS() {
			return this.g_gF;
		clone() {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, this.g_gC, this.g_gD, this.g_gE, this.g_gF);
		toArray() {
			return [this.g_gC, this.g_gD, this.g_gE, this.g_gF];
		g_gT() {
			return new Float64Array(this.toArray());
		g_gU(g, _) {
			(g[_++] = this.g_gC), (g[_++] = this.g_gD), (g[_++] = this.g_gE), (g[_] = this.g_gF);
		g_l(g) {
			return (
				this.g_gC === g.g_gC && this.g_gD === g.g_gD && this.g_gE === g.g_gE && this.g_gF === g.g_gF
		g_gV(g) {
			return this.g_gC === g.g_gC && this.g_gD === g.g_gD && this.g_gE === g.g_gE;
		g_gW(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_gC === g && this.g_gD === _ && this.g_gE === e;
		g_gX(g, _, a, e) {
			return this.g_gC === g && this.g_gD === _ && this.g_gE === a && this.g_gF === e;
		multiply(g) {
			(this.g_gC *= g.g_gC), (this.g_gD *= g.g_gD), (this.g_gE *= g.g_gE), (this.g_gF *= g.g_gF);
		g_gY(g) {
			(this.g_gC *= g), (this.g_gD *= g), (this.g_gE *= g), (this.g_gF *= g);
		g_gZ() {
			return (this.g_gC *= this.g_gF), (this.g_gD *= this.g_gF), (this.g_gE *= this.g_gF), this;
		g_g_() {
			return (this.g_gC /= this.g_gF), (this.g_gD /= this.g_gF), (this.g_gE /= this.g_gF), this;
		g_ep() {
			return (
				(this.g_gC = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_gC, 0, 1)),
				(this.g_gD = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_gD, 0, 1)),
				(this.g_gE = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_gE, 0, 1)),
				(this.g_gF = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_gF, 0, 1)),
		g_g$(g) {
			(this.g_gC = g_aO.g_eN(g)),
				(this.g_gD = g_aO.g_eO(g)),
				(this.g_gE = g_aO.g_eP(g)),
				(this.g_gF = g_aO.g_eQ(g));
		g_ha(_, a, t) {
			const n = g_aO.g_cF(_) ? _ : this.g_gP(),
				e = g_aO.g_cF(a) ? a : this.g_gQ(),
				i = g_aO.g_cF(t) ? t : this.g_gR();
			return `rgb(${100 * n}%, ${100 * e}%, ${100 * i}%)`;
		g_hb(_, a, t, e) {
			const n = g_aO.g_cF(_) ? _ : this.g_gP(),
				r = g_aO.g_cF(a) ? a : this.g_gQ(),
				i = g_aO.g_cF(t) ? t : this.g_gR(),
				g = g_aO.g_cF(e) ? e : this.g_gS();
			return `rgba(${100 * n}%, ${100 * r}%, ${100 * i}%, ${g})`;
		g_hc() {
			var _ = Math.round;
			const a = _(255 * this.g_gP()),
				t = _(255 * this.g_gQ()),
				n = _(255 * this.g_gR());
			return '#' + g(a.toString(16)) + g(t.toString(16)) + g(n.toString(16));
		g_hd(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g) return !1;
			(g = g.trim()), '#' === g.charAt(0) && (g = g.substr(1));
			let _, e, t;
			if (3 === g.length)
				(_ = parseInt(g[0], 16) / 15), (e = parseInt(g[1], 16) / 15), (t = parseInt(g[2], 16) / 15);
			else if (6 === g.length)
				(_ = parseInt(g.substr(0, 2), 16) / 255),
					(e = parseInt(g.substr(2, 2), 16) / 255),
					(t = parseInt(g.substr(4, 2), 16) / 255);
			else return !1;
			return (
				isFinite(_) && this.g_gK(_),
				isFinite(e) && this.g_gL(e),
				isFinite(t) && this.g_gM(t),
		g_he() {
			var g = Math.round;
			const _ = g(255 * this.g_gP()),
				e = g(255 * this.g_gQ()),
				a = g(255 * this.g_gR());
			return `${_}, ${e}, ${a}`;
		g_hf() {
			var g = Math.round;
			const _ = g(255 * this.g_gP()),
				e = g(255 * this.g_gQ()),
				a = g(255 * this.g_gR());
			return [_, e, a];
		g_hg(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g) return !1;
			g = g.replace(/^rgb\(|\)|%/, '');
			const _ = g.split(',');
			if (3 > _.length) return !1;
			const t = parseInt(_[0].trim(), 10) / 255,
				n = parseInt(_[1].trim(), 10) / 255,
				i = parseInt(_[2].trim(), 10) / 255;
			return (
				isFinite(t) && this.g_gK(t),
				isFinite(n) && this.g_gL(n),
				isFinite(i) && this.g_gM(i),
		g_hh(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g) return !1;
			g = g.replace(/^rgb\(|\)|%/, '');
			const _ = g.split(',');
			if (3 > _.length) return !1;
			const t = parseInt(_[0].trim(), 10) / 100,
				n = parseInt(_[1].trim(), 10) / 100,
				i = parseInt(_[2].trim(), 10) / 100;
			return (
				isFinite(t) && this.g_gK(t),
				isFinite(n) && this.g_gL(n),
				isFinite(i) && this.g_gM(i),
		g_hi(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g) return !1;
			g = g.replace(/^rgba\(|\)|%/, '');
			const _ = g.split(',');
			if (4 > _.length) return !1;
			const t = parseInt(_[0].trim(), 10) / 255,
				n = parseInt(_[1].trim(), 10) / 255,
				i = parseInt(_[2].trim(), 10) / 255,
				e = parseFloat(_[3].trim());
			return (
				isFinite(t) && this.g_gK(t),
				isFinite(n) && this.g_gL(n),
				isFinite(i) && this.g_gM(i),
				isFinite(e) && this.g_gN(e),
		g_hj(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g) return !1;
			g = g.replace(/^rgba\(|\)|%/, '');
			const _ = g.split(',');
			if (4 > _.length) return !1;
			const t = parseInt(_[0].trim(), 10) / 100,
				n = parseInt(_[1].trim(), 10) / 100,
				i = parseInt(_[2].trim(), 10) / 100,
				e = parseFloat(_[3].trim());
			return (
				isFinite(t) && this.g_gK(t),
				isFinite(n) && this.g_gL(n),
				isFinite(i) && this.g_gM(i),
				isFinite(e) && this.g_gN(e),
		g_hk(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g) return !1;
			if (((g = g.replace(/\s+/, '')), g.includes(','))) {
				if (g.startsWith('rgb(')) return g.includes('%') ? this.g_hh(g) : this.g_hg(g);
				if (g.startsWith('rgba(')) return g.includes('%') ? this.g_hj(g) : this.g_hi(g);
				if (g.startsWith('hsl(') || g.startsWith('hsla(')) return this.g_hl(g);
				else {
					const _ = g.split(',');
					return g.includes('%')
						? 3 === _.length
							? this.g_hh(g)
							: 4 === _.length && this.g_hj(g)
						: 3 === _.length
						? this.g_hg(g)
						: 4 === _.length && this.g_hi(g);
			} else return this.g_hd(g);
		toJSON() {
			return [this.g_gC, this.g_gD, this.g_gE, this.g_gF];
		g_hm(t, n, r, s) {
			let l, o, u;
			if (
				((t %= 360),
				(n = g_aO.g_ep(n, 0, 100)),
				(r = g_aO.g_ep(r, 0, 100)),
				(s = g_aO.g_ep(s, 0, 1)),
				(t /= 360),
				(n /= 100),
				(r /= 100),
				0 === n)
				l = o = u = r;
			else {
				const g = 0.5 > r ? r * (1 + n) : r + n - r * n,
					e = 2 * r - g;
				(l = _(e, g, t + 1 / 3)), (o = _(e, g, t)), (u = _(e, g, t - 1 / 3));
			return this.g_gK(l), this.g_gL(o), this.g_gM(u), this.g_gN(s), this;
		g_hl(g) {
			const _ = g.replace(/ |hsl|hsla|\(|\)|;/gi, ''),
				a = t.exec(_),
				e = n.exec(_);
			return a && 4 === a.length
				? (this.g_hm(+a[1], +a[2], +a[3], 1), !0)
				: !!(e && 5 === e.length) && (this.g_hm(+a[1], +a[2], +a[3], +a[4]), !0);
		g_hn() {
			const _ = this.g_gC,
				t = this.g_gD,
				n = this.g_gE,
				e = this.g_gF,
				i = g_aO.g_gB.g_ho(_, t, n),
				a = g_aO.g_gB.g_hp(_, t, n),
				r = g_aO.g_gB.g_hq(_, t, n);
			return `hsla(${i}, ${a}%, ${r}%, ${e})`;
		g_hr() {
			const g = this.g_gC,
				_ = this.g_gD,
				e = this.g_gE;
			return [g_aO.g_gB.g_ho(g, _, e), g_aO.g_gB.g_hp(g, _, e), g_aO.g_gB.g_hq(g, _, e), this.g_gF];
		g_hs(g) {
			!Array.isArray(g) ||
				3 > g.length ||
				((this.g_gC = g[0]),
				(this.g_gD = g[1]),
				(this.g_gE = g[2]),
				(this.g_gF = 4 <= g.length ? g[3] : 1));
		set r(g) {
		get r() {
			return this.g_gP();
		set g_ht(g) {
		get g_ht() {
			return this.g_gQ();
		set b(g) {
		get b() {
			return this.g_gR();
		set a(g) {
		get a() {
			return this.g_gS();
		g_hu(g, _) {
			switch (g) {
				case 0:
				case 1:
				case 2:
				case 3:
					throw new RangeError('invalid color index');
		g_hv(g) {
			switch (g) {
				case 0:
					return this.g_gP();
				case 1:
					return this.g_gQ();
				case 2:
					return this.g_gR();
				case 3:
					return this.g_gS();
					throw new RangeError('invalid color index');
		static g_hw(g, _) {
			var a = Math.min,
				t = Math.max;
			const n = new g_aO.g_gB();
			return (
				n.g_gK(t(g.g_gC, _.g_gC) - a(g.g_gC, _.g_gC)),
				n.g_gL(t(g.g_gD, _.g_gD) - a(g.g_gD, _.g_gD)),
				n.g_gM(t(g.g_gE, _.g_gE) - a(g.g_gE, _.g_gE)),
				n.g_gN(t(g.g_gF, _.g_gF) - a(g.g_gF, _.g_gF)),
		static g_ho(g, _, a) {
			const t = Math.max(g, _, a),
				n = Math.min(g, _, a);
			if (t === n) return 0;
			let e = 0;
			return (
				t === g
					? (e = (_ - a) / (t - n) + (_ < a ? 6 : 0))
					: t === _
					? (e = (a - g) / (t - n) + 2)
					: t === a
					? (e = (g - _) / (t - n) + 4)
					: void 0,
				Math.round(360 * (e / 6))
		static g_hp(_, a, t) {
			const e = Math.max(_, a, t),
				n = Math.min(_, a, t);
			if (e === n) return 0;
			const i = e - n,
				g = 0.5 < (e + n) / 2 ? i / (2 - e - n) : i / (e + n);
			return Math.round(100 * g);
		static g_hq(g, _, a) {
			const t = Math.max(g, _, a),
				n = Math.min(g, _, a);
			return t ? Math.round(100 * ((t + n) / 2)) : 0;
		(g_aO.g_gB.g_hx = Object.freeze(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 1, 1, 1, 1))),
		(g_aO.g_gB.g_hy = Object.freeze(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 0, 0, 0, 1))),
		(g_aO.g_gB.g_hz = Object.freeze(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 0, 0, 0, 0)));
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_hA = class {
		constructor(g, _) {
			(this.g_hB = 0),
				(this.g_hC = 0),
				g instanceof g_aO.g_hA ? this.g_p(g) : this.set(g || 0, _ || 0);
		set(g, _) {
			(this.g_hB = +g), (this.g_hC = +_);
		g_p(g) {
			(this.g_hB = g.g_hB), (this.g_hC = g.g_hC);
		g_l(g) {
			return this.g_hB === g.g_hB && this.g_hC === g.g_hC;
		g_hD(g) {
			this.g_hB = +g;
		g_hE() {
			return this.g_hB;
		g_hF(g) {
			this.g_hC = +g;
		g_hG() {
			return this.g_hC;
		toArray() {
			return [this.g_hB, this.g_hC];
		g_gT() {
			return new Float64Array(this.toArray());
		g_gU(g, _) {
			(g[_++] = this.g_hB), (g[_] = this.g_hC);
		offset(g, _) {
			(this.g_hB += +g), (this.g_hC += +_);
		scale(g, _) {
			(this.g_hB *= g), (this.g_hC *= _);
		round() {
			var g = Math.round;
			(this.g_hB = g(this.g_hB)), (this.g_hC = g(this.g_hC));
		floor() {
			var g = Math.floor;
			(this.g_hB = g(this.g_hB)), (this.g_hC = g(this.g_hC));
		ceil() {
			var g = Math.ceil;
			(this.g_hB = g(this.g_hB)), (this.g_hC = g(this.g_hC));
		angle() {
			return g_aO.g_ev(0, 0, this.g_hB, this.g_hC);
		g_hH() {
			return this.g_hB * this.g_hB + this.g_hC * this.g_hC;
		length() {
			return Math.sqrt(this.g_hH());
		g_hI(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_hB * _ - this.g_hC * g;
			(this.g_hC = this.g_hC * _ + this.g_hB * g), (this.g_hB = e);
		rotate(g) {
			0 === g || this.g_hI(Math.sin(g), Math.cos(g));
		g_hJ(g, _, e) {
			0 === g ||
				(_ === this.g_hB && e === this.g_hC) ||
				((this.g_hB -= _),
				(this.g_hC -= e),
				this.g_hI(Math.sin(g), Math.cos(g)),
				(this.g_hB += +_),
				(this.g_hC += +e));
		move(g, _) {
			0 === _ || ((this.g_hB += Math.cos(g) * _), (this.g_hC += Math.sin(g) * _));
		normalize() {
			const g = this.length();
			0 !== g && 1 !== g && ((this.g_hB /= g), (this.g_hC /= g));
		g_ep(g, _) {
			(this.g_hB = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_hB, g, _)), (this.g_hC = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_hC, g, _));
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.Rect = class {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			(this.g_hK = NaN),
				(this.g_hL = NaN),
				(this.g_hM = NaN),
				(this.g_hN = NaN),
				(this.g_hK = 0),
				(this.g_hL = 0),
				(this.g_hM = 0),
				(this.g_hN = 0),
				g instanceof g_aO.Rect ? this.g_p(g) : this.set(g || 0, _ || 0, e || 0, a || 0);
		set(g, _, e, a) {
			(this.g_hK = +g), (this.g_hL = +_), (this.g_hM = +e), (this.g_hN = +a);
		g_hO(g, _, e, t) {
			(g = +g),
				(_ = +_),
				(this.g_hK = g),
				(this.g_hL = _),
				(this.g_hM = g + +e),
				(this.g_hN = _ + +t);
		g_p(g) {
			(this.g_hK = +g.g_hK), (this.g_hL = +g.g_hL), (this.g_hM = +g.g_hM), (this.g_hN = +g.g_hN);
		clone() {
			return new g_aO.Rect(this.g_hK, this.g_hL, this.g_hM, this.g_hN);
		static g_hP(g, _) {
			var a = Math.max,
				t = Math.min;
			const n = new g_aO.Rect();
			return (
				n.g_hQ(t(g.g_hK, _.g_hK)),
				n.g_hR(t(g.g_hL, _.g_hL)),
				n.g_hS(a(g.g_hM, _.g_hM)),
				n.g_hT(a(g.g_hN, _.g_hN)),
		static g_hU(g) {
			return new g_aO.Rect(g.left, g.top, g.right, g.bottom);
		g_l(g) {
			return (
				this.g_hK === g.g_hK && this.g_hL === g.g_hL && this.g_hM === g.g_hM && this.g_hN === g.g_hN
		g_hQ(g) {
			this.g_hK = +g;
		g_hV() {
			return this.g_hK;
		g_hR(g) {
			this.g_hL = +g;
		g_hW() {
			return this.g_hL;
		g_hS(g) {
			this.g_hM = +g;
		g_hX() {
			return this.g_hM;
		g_hT(g) {
			this.g_hN = +g;
		g_hY() {
			return this.g_hN;
		toArray() {
			return [this.g_hK, this.g_hL, this.g_hM, this.g_hN];
		g_gT() {
			return new Float64Array(this.toArray());
		g_hZ() {
			return new DOMRect(this.g_hK, this.g_hL, this.width(), this.height());
		g_gU(g, _) {
			(g[_++] = this.g_hK), (g[_++] = this.g_hL), (g[_++] = this.g_hM), (g[_] = this.g_hN);
		g_h_(g, _) {
			(g[_++] = this.g_hK),
				(g[_++] = this.g_hL),
				(g[_++] = this.g_hM),
				(g[_++] = this.g_hL),
				(g[_++] = this.g_hM),
				(g[_++] = this.g_hN),
				(g[_++] = this.g_hK),
				(g[_] = this.g_hN);
		width() {
			return this.g_hM - this.g_hK;
		height() {
			return this.g_hN - this.g_hL;
		g_h$() {
			return (this.g_hK + this.g_hM) / 2;
		g_ia() {
			return (this.g_hL + this.g_hN) / 2;
		offset(g, _) {
			(this.g_hK += +g), (this.g_hL += +_), (this.g_hM += +g), (this.g_hN += +_);
		offsetLeft(g) {
			this.g_hK += +g;
		offsetTop(g) {
			this.g_hL += +g;
		g_ib(g) {
			this.g_hM += +g;
		g_ic(g) {
			this.g_hN += +g;
		g_id(g) {
			if ('x' !== g) throw new Error("invalid axis, only 'x' supported");
			this.g_hN =
				this.g_hL < this.g_hN
					? this.g_hK < this.g_hM
						? this.g_hL + this.width()
						: this.g_hL - this.width()
					: this.g_hK < this.g_hM
					? this.g_hL - this.width()
					: this.g_hL + this.width();
		g_ie(g, _) {
			(this.g_hK -= g), (this.g_hL -= _), (this.g_hM += +g), (this.g_hN += +_);
		g_if(g, _) {
			(this.g_hK += +g), (this.g_hL += +_), (this.g_hM -= g), (this.g_hN -= _);
		multiply(g, _) {
			(this.g_hK *= g), (this.g_hL *= _), (this.g_hM *= g), (this.g_hN *= _);
		g_N(g, _) {
			(this.g_hK /= g), (this.g_hL /= _), (this.g_hM /= g), (this.g_hN /= _);
		g_ig(g) {
			(this.g_hK = +g - this.g_hK), (this.g_hM = +g - this.g_hM);
		g_ih(g) {
			(this.g_hL = +g - this.g_hL), (this.g_hN = +g - this.g_hN);
		g_ii() {
			const g = this.g_hK;
			(this.g_hK = this.g_hM), (this.g_hM = g);
		g_ij() {
			const g = this.g_hL;
			(this.g_hL = this.g_hN), (this.g_hN = g);
		g_ik(g) {
			const _ = this.g_hL;
			(this.g_hL = +g - this.g_hN), (this.g_hN = +g - _);
		round() {
			var g = Math.round;
			(this.g_hK = g(this.g_hK)),
				(this.g_hL = g(this.g_hL)),
				(this.g_hM = g(this.g_hM)),
				(this.g_hN = g(this.g_hN));
		g_il() {
			var g = Math.floor,
				_ = Math.ceil;
			(this.g_hK = _(this.g_hK)),
				(this.g_hL = _(this.g_hL)),
				(this.g_hM = g(this.g_hM)),
				(this.g_hN = g(this.g_hN));
		g_im() {
			var g = Math.floor,
				_ = Math.ceil;
			(this.g_hK = g(this.g_hK)),
				(this.g_hL = g(this.g_hL)),
				(this.g_hM = _(this.g_hM)),
				(this.g_hN = _(this.g_hN));
		floor() {
			var g = Math.floor;
			(this.g_hK = g(this.g_hK)),
				(this.g_hL = g(this.g_hL)),
				(this.g_hM = g(this.g_hM)),
				(this.g_hN = g(this.g_hN));
		ceil() {
			var g = Math.ceil;
			(this.g_hK = g(this.g_hK)),
				(this.g_hL = g(this.g_hL)),
				(this.g_hM = g(this.g_hM)),
				(this.g_hN = g(this.g_hN));
		g_ep(g, _, a, t) {
			this.g_hK < g && (this.g_hK = +g),
				this.g_hL < _ && (this.g_hL = +_),
				this.g_hM > a && (this.g_hM = +a),
				this.g_hN > t && (this.g_hN = +t);
		g_in(g, _, a, t) {
			this.g_hK < g && (this.g_hK = +g),
				this.g_hL > _ && (this.g_hL = +_),
				this.g_hM > a && (this.g_hM = +a),
				this.g_hN < t && (this.g_hN = +t);
		normalize() {
			this.g_hK > this.g_hM && this.g_ii(), this.g_hL > this.g_hN && this.g_ij();
		g_io(g) {
			return !(
				g.g_hM < this.g_hK ||
				g.g_hN < this.g_hL ||
				g.g_hK > this.g_hM ||
				g.g_hL > this.g_hN
		g_ip(g, _, e) {
			return !(
				g.g_hM + _ < this.g_hK ||
				g.g_hN + e < this.g_hL ||
				g.g_hK + _ > this.g_hM ||
				g.g_hL + e > this.g_hN
		g_iq(g, _) {
			return g >= this.g_hK && g <= this.g_hM && _ >= this.g_hL && _ <= this.g_hN;
		g_ir(g) {
			return (
				g.g_hK >= this.g_hK && g.g_hL >= this.g_hL && g.g_hM <= this.g_hM && g.g_hN <= this.g_hN
		g_is(g) {
			g.g_hK < this.g_hK && (this.g_hK = +g.g_hK),
				g.g_hL < this.g_hL && (this.g_hL = +g.g_hL),
				g.g_hM > this.g_hM && (this.g_hM = +g.g_hM),
				g.g_hN > this.g_hN && (this.g_hN = +g.g_hN);
		g_it(g) {
			(this.g_hK = g_aO.g_V(g.g_hK, g.g_hM, this.g_hK)),
				(this.g_hL = g_aO.g_V(g.g_hL, g.g_hN, this.g_hL)),
				(this.g_hM = g_aO.g_V(g.g_hK, g.g_hM, this.g_hM)),
				(this.g_hN = g_aO.g_V(g.g_hL, g.g_hN, this.g_hN));
	'use strict';
	function g(t, g, a, n) {
		t < g
			? a < n
				? ((_ = t < a ? t : a), (e = g > n ? g : n))
				: ((_ = t < n ? t : n), (e = g > a ? g : a))
			: a < n
			? ((_ = g < a ? g : a), (e = t > n ? t : n))
			: ((_ = g < n ? g : n), (e = t > a ? t : a));
	let _ = 0,
		e = 0;
	g_aO.g_iu = class {
		constructor(_, a, t, n, i, e, r, g) {
			(this.g_iv = NaN),
				(this.g_iw = NaN),
				(this.g_ix = NaN),
				(this.g_iy = NaN),
				(this.g_iz = NaN),
				(this.g_iA = NaN),
				(this.g_iB = NaN),
				(this.g_iC = NaN),
				(this.g_iv = 0),
				(this.g_iw = 0),
				(this.g_ix = 0),
				(this.g_iy = 0),
				(this.g_iz = 0),
				(this.g_iA = 0),
				(this.g_iB = 0),
				(this.g_iC = 0),
				_ instanceof g_aO.g_iu
					? this.g_p(_)
					: this.set(_ || 0, a || 0, t || 0, n || 0, i || 0, e || 0, r || 0, g || 0);
		set(_, a, t, n, i, e, r, g) {
			(this.g_iv = +_),
				(this.g_iw = +a),
				(this.g_ix = +t),
				(this.g_iy = +n),
				(this.g_iz = +i),
				(this.g_iA = +e),
				(this.g_iB = +r),
				(this.g_iC = +g);
		g_iD(g, _, e, a) {
			this.set(g, _, e, _, e, a, g, a);
		g_p(g) {
			(this.g_iv = g.g_iv),
				(this.g_iw = g.g_iw),
				(this.g_ix = g.g_ix),
				(this.g_iy = g.g_iy),
				(this.g_iz = g.g_iz),
				(this.g_iA = g.g_iA),
				(this.g_iB = g.g_iB),
				(this.g_iC = g.g_iC);
		g_l(g) {
			return (
				this.g_iv === g.g_iv &&
				this.g_iw === g.g_iw &&
				this.g_ix === g.g_ix &&
				this.g_iy === g.g_iy &&
				this.g_iz === g.g_iz &&
				this.g_iA === g.g_iA &&
				this.g_iB === g.g_iB &&
				this.g_iC === g.g_iC
		g_iE(g) {
			this.g_iv = +g;
		g_eW() {
			return this.g_iv;
		g_iF(g) {
			this.g_iw = +g;
		g_eX() {
			return this.g_iw;
		g_iG(g) {
			this.g_ix = +g;
		g_eY() {
			return this.g_ix;
		g_iH(g) {
			this.g_iy = +g;
		g_eZ() {
			return this.g_iy;
		g_iI(g) {
			this.g_iz = +g;
		g_e_() {
			return this.g_iz;
		g_iJ(g) {
			this.g_iA = +g;
		g_e$() {
			return this.g_iA;
		g_iK(g) {
			this.g_iB = +g;
		g_fa() {
			return this.g_iB;
		g_iL(g) {
			this.g_iC = +g;
		g_fb() {
			return this.g_iC;
		g_iM() {
			return new DOMQuad(
				new DOMPoint(this.g_iv, this.g_iw),
				new DOMPoint(this.g_ix, this.g_iy),
				new DOMPoint(this.g_iz, this.g_iA),
				new DOMPoint(this.g_iB, this.g_iC)
		toArray() {
			return [
		g_gT() {
			return new Float64Array(this.toArray());
		g_gU(g, _) {
			(g[_++] = this.g_iv),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iw),
				(g[_++] = this.g_ix),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iy),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iz),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iA),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iB),
				(g[_] = this.g_iC);
		g_iN(g, _, e) {
			(g[_++] = this.g_iv),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iw),
				(g[_++] = e),
				(g[_++] = this.g_ix),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iy),
				(g[_++] = e),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iz),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iA),
				(g[_++] = e),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iB),
				(g[_++] = this.g_iC),
				(g[_] = e);
		offset(g, _) {
			(this.g_iv += +g),
				(this.g_iw += +_),
				(this.g_ix += +g),
				(this.g_iy += +_),
				(this.g_iz += +g),
				(this.g_iA += +_),
				(this.g_iB += +g),
				(this.g_iC += +_);
		round() {
			var g = Math.round;
			(this.g_iv = g(this.g_iv)),
				(this.g_iw = g(this.g_iw)),
				(this.g_ix = g(this.g_ix)),
				(this.g_iy = g(this.g_iy)),
				(this.g_iz = g(this.g_iz)),
				(this.g_iA = g(this.g_iA)),
				(this.g_iB = g(this.g_iB)),
				(this.g_iC = g(this.g_iC));
		floor() {
			var g = Math.floor;
			(this.g_iv = g(this.g_iv)),
				(this.g_iw = g(this.g_iw)),
				(this.g_ix = g(this.g_ix)),
				(this.g_iy = g(this.g_iy)),
				(this.g_iz = g(this.g_iz)),
				(this.g_iA = g(this.g_iA)),
				(this.g_iB = g(this.g_iB)),
				(this.g_iC = g(this.g_iC));
		ceil() {
			var g = Math.ceil;
			(this.g_iv = g(this.g_iv)),
				(this.g_iw = g(this.g_iw)),
				(this.g_ix = g(this.g_ix)),
				(this.g_iy = g(this.g_iy)),
				(this.g_iz = g(this.g_iz)),
				(this.g_iA = g(this.g_iA)),
				(this.g_iB = g(this.g_iB)),
				(this.g_iC = g(this.g_iC));
		g_iO(g) {
			(this.g_iv = g.g_hK),
				(this.g_iw = g.g_hL),
				(this.g_ix = g.g_hM),
				(this.g_iy = g.g_hL),
				(this.g_iz = g.g_hM),
				(this.g_iA = g.g_hN),
				(this.g_iB = g.g_hK),
				(this.g_iC = g.g_hN);
		g_iP(g, _) {
			0 === _ ? this.g_iO(g) : this.g_iQ(g, Math.sin(_), Math.cos(_));
		g_iQ(_, a, t) {
			const n = _.g_hK * a,
				r = _.g_hL * a,
				e = _.g_hM * a,
				s = _.g_hN * a,
				g = _.g_hK * t,
				d = _.g_hL * t,
				i = _.g_hM * t,
				l = _.g_hN * t;
			(this.g_iv = g - r),
				(this.g_iw = d + n),
				(this.g_ix = i - r),
				(this.g_iy = d + e),
				(this.g_iz = i - s),
				(this.g_iA = l + e),
				(this.g_iB = g - s),
				(this.g_iC = l + n);
		g_iR(a) {
			g(this.g_iv, this.g_ix, this.g_iz, this.g_iB),
				(a.g_hK = _),
				(a.g_hM = e),
				g(this.g_iw, this.g_iy, this.g_iA, this.g_iC),
				(a.g_hL = _),
				(a.g_hN = e);
		g_iq(_, a) {
			let t = this.g_ix - this.g_iv,
				r = this.g_iy - this.g_iw;
			const s = this.g_iz - this.g_iv,
				e = this.g_iA - this.g_iw,
				u = _ - this.g_iv,
				g = a - this.g_iw;
			let h = t * t + r * r,
				f = t * s + r * e,
				E = t * u + r * g;
			const b = s * s + e * e,
				l = s * u + e * g;
			let m = 1 / (h * b - f * f),
				y = (b * E - f * l) * m,
				B = (h * l - f * E) * m;
			return (
				!!(0 <= y && 0 < B && 1 > y + B) ||
				((t = this.g_iB - this.g_iv),
				(r = this.g_iC - this.g_iw),
				(h = t * t + r * r),
				(f = t * s + r * e),
				(E = t * u + r * g),
				(m = 1 / (h * b - f * f)),
				(y = (b * E - f * l) * m),
				(B = (h * l - f * E) * m),
				0 <= y && 0 < B && 1 > y + B)
		g_h$() {
			return (this.g_iv + this.g_ix + this.g_iz + this.g_iB) / 4;
		g_ia() {
			return (this.g_iw + this.g_iy + this.g_iA + this.g_iC) / 4;
		g_iS(g, _, e, a) {
			return !!(this.g_iq(g, _) || this.g_iq(e, a)) || g_aO.g_eV(g, _, e, a, this);
		g_iT(_) {
			let a = _.g_h$(),
				t = _.g_ia();
			if (this.g_iq(a, t)) return !0;
			if (((a = this.g_h$()), (t = this.g_ia()), _.g_iq(a, t))) return !0;
			const n = this.g_iv,
				r = this.g_iw,
				e = this.g_ix,
				s = this.g_iy,
				g = this.g_iz,
				d = this.g_iA,
				i = this.g_iB,
				l = this.g_iC;
			return (
				g_aO.g_eV(n, r, e, s, _) ||
				g_aO.g_eV(e, s, g, d, _) ||
				g_aO.g_eV(g, d, i, l, _) ||
				g_aO.g_eV(i, l, n, r, _)
		g_iU() {
			this.g_iV(0, 2), this.g_iV(1, 3), this.g_iV(6, 4), this.g_iV(7, 5);
		g_iW() {
			this.g_iV(0, 6), this.g_iV(1, 7), this.g_iV(2, 4), this.g_iV(3, 5);
		g_iX() {
			this.g_iV(2, 6), this.g_iV(3, 7);
		g_iV(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_iY(g);
			this.g_iZ(g, this.g_iY(_)), this.g_iZ(_, e);
		g_iY(g) {
			switch (g) {
				case 0:
					return this.g_iv;
				case 1:
					return this.g_iw;
				case 2:
					return this.g_ix;
				case 3:
					return this.g_iy;
				case 4:
					return this.g_iz;
				case 5:
					return this.g_iA;
				case 6:
					return this.g_iB;
				case 7:
					return this.g_iC;
					throw new RangeError('invalid quad point index');
		g_iZ(g, _) {
			switch (((_ = +_), g)) {
				case 0:
					this.g_iv = _;
				case 1:
					this.g_iw = _;
				case 2:
					this.g_ix = _;
				case 3:
					this.g_iy = _;
				case 4:
					this.g_iz = _;
				case 5:
					this.g_iA = _;
				case 6:
					this.g_iB = _;
				case 7:
					this.g_iC = _;
					throw new RangeError('invalid quad point index');
	const g = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
		_ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu);
	g_aO.g_i_ = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(_, e = !0) {
				_ || (_ = g),
				(this.g_i$ = Float64Array.from(_)),
				(this.g_ja = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_jb = !0),
				(this.g_jc = e);
		g_ek() {}
		g_jd() {
			return this.g_i$;
		g_je() {
			return this.g_i$.length / 2;
		g_jf(g) {
			this.g_i$.length === g.length ? this.g_i$.set(g) : (this.g_i$ = Float64Array.from(g)),
				(this.g_jb = !0);
		g_p(g) {
		g_jg() {
			this.g_jb = !0;
		g_jh() {
			if (!this.g_jb) return;
			const _ = this.g_i$;
			let a = _[0],
				t = _[1],
				n = a,
				i = t;
			for (let e = 0, r = _.length; e < r; e += 2) {
				const r = _[e],
					g = _[e + 1];
				r < a && (a = r), r > n && (n = r), g < t && (t = g), g > i && (i = g);
			this.g_ja.set(a, t, n, i), (this.g_jb = !1);
		g_iO(g, _, e) {
			let a = this.g_i$;
			8 !== a.length && ((a = new Float64Array(8)), (this.g_i$ = a)),
				(a[0] = g.g_hV() - _),
				(a[1] = g.g_hW() - e),
				(a[2] = g.g_hX() - _),
				(a[3] = g.g_hW() - e),
				(a[4] = g.g_hX() - _),
				(a[5] = g.g_hY() - e),
				(a[6] = g.g_hV() - _),
				(a[7] = g.g_hY() - e),
				(0 !== _ || 0 !== e) && this.g_ja.offset(-_, -e),
				(this.g_jb = !1);
		g_ji(g, e, a) {
			_.g_p(g), _.offset(e, a), this.g_jf(_.toArray()), (this.g_jb = !0);
		transform(g, _, t) {
			let n = 0,
				i = 1;
			0 !== t && ((n = Math.sin(t)), (i = Math.cos(t))), this.g_jj(g, _, n, i);
		g_jj(_, a, t, n) {
			const r = this.g_i$;
			for (let e = 0, i = r.length; e < i; e += 2) {
				const s = e + 1,
					g = r[e] * _,
					d = r[s] * a;
				(r[e] = g * n - d * t), (r[s] = d * n + g * t);
			this.g_jb = !0;
		offset(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_i$;
			for (let t = 0, n = a.length; t < n; t += 2) (a[t] += g), (a[t + 1] += _);
		g_iq(_, a) {
			const E = this.g_i$;
			if (_ === E[0] && a === E[1]) return !0;
			const i = this.g_ja,
				c = i.g_hV() - 110,
				e = i.g_hW() - 101,
				f = i.g_hX() + 131,
				g = i.g_hY() + 120;
			let h = 0,
				b = 0,
				y = 0,
				B = 0,
				C = 0,
				T = 0,
				H = 0,
				N = 0;
			c < _ ? ((h = c), (y = _)) : ((h = _), (y = c)),
				e < a ? ((b = e), (B = a)) : ((b = a), (B = e)),
				f < _ ? ((C = f), (H = _)) : ((C = _), (H = f)),
				g < a ? ((T = g), (N = a)) : ((T = a), (N = g));
			let U = 0,
				I = 0;
			for (let t = 0, n = E.length; t < n; t += 2) {
				const i = (t + 2) % n,
					r = E[t],
					s = E[t + 1],
					d = E[i],
					l = E[i + 1];
				g_aO.g_eU(c, e, _, a, h, y, b, B, r, s, d, l) && ++U,
					g_aO.g_eU(f, g, _, a, C, H, T, N, r, s, d, l) && ++I;
			return 1 == U % 2 || 1 == I % 2;
		g_jk(g, _, t) {
			const s = g.g_i$,
				r = this.g_i$;
			if (this.g_iq(s[0] + _, s[1] + t)) return !0;
			if (g.g_iq(r[0] - _, r[1] - t)) return !0;
			for (let e = 0, d = r.length; e < d; e += 2) {
				const g = (e + 2) % d,
					u = r[e],
					h = r[e + 1],
					i = r[g],
					c = r[g + 1];
				let m = 0,
					n = 0,
					o = 0,
					p = 0;
				u < i ? ((m = u), (o = i)) : ((m = i), (o = u)),
					h < c ? ((n = h), (p = c)) : ((n = c), (p = h));
				for (let d = 0, a = s.length; d < a; d += 2) {
					const e = (d + 2) % a,
						f = s[d] + _,
						g = s[d + 1] + t,
						E = s[e] + _,
						l = s[e + 1] + t;
					if (g_aO.g_eU(u, h, i, c, m, o, n, p, f, g, E, l)) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_iS(_, a, t, s, d, e) {
			if (this.g_iq(t - _, s - a)) return !0;
			if (this.g_iq(d - _, e - a)) return !0;
			let u = 0,
				c = 0,
				f = 0,
				E = 0;
			t < d ? ((u = t), (f = d)) : ((u = d), (f = t)),
				s < e ? ((c = s), (E = e)) : ((c = e), (E = s));
			const b = this.g_i$;
			for (let g = 0, n = b.length; g < n; g += 2) {
				const i = (g + 2) % n,
					l = b[g] + _,
					o = b[g + 1] + a,
					p = b[i] + _,
					h = b[i + 1] + a;
				if (g_aO.g_eU(t, s, d, e, u, f, c, E, l, o, p, h)) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_iU(g) {
			const _ = this.g_i$;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; e += 2) _[e] = 2 * g - _[e];
			this.g_jb = !0;
		g_iW(g) {
			const _ = this.g_i$;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; e += 2) {
				const a = e + 1;
				_[a] = 2 * g - _[a];
			this.g_jb = !0;
		g_iX() {
			const g = this.g_i$;
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; _ += 2) {
				const e = _ + 1,
					a = g[_];
				(g[_] = g[e]), (g[e] = a);
			this.g_jb = !0;
		g_jl() {
			const g = this.g_i$;
			let _ = 0;
			for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; e += 2) _ += g[e];
			return _ / this.g_je();
		g_jm() {
			const g = this.g_i$;
			let _ = 0;
			for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; e += 2) _ += g[e + 1];
			return _ / this.g_je();
		g_jn() {
			return this.g_i$;
		g_jo() {
			return this.g_je();
		g_jp() {
			return this.g_jc;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_jq = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
			if ((super(), (this.g_jr = new Map()), g)) for (const [_, e, a] of g) this.Set(_, e, a);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_js(), (this.g_jr = null);
		g_js() {
			const g = this.g_jr;
			for (const _ of g.values()) _.clear();
		Set(g, _, a) {
			const t = this.g_jr;
			let n = t.get(g);
			n || ((n = new Map()), t.set(g, n)), n.set(_, a);
		g_bd(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_jr.get(g);
			return e ? e.get(_) : e;
		g_bc(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_jr.get(g);
			return !!e && e.has(_);
		g_jt(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_jr,
				t = a.get(g);
			if (!t) return !1;
			const n = t.delete(_);
			return n && 0 === t.size && a.delete(g), n;
		g_ju(g) {
			const _ = this.g_jr,
				e = _.get(g);
			e && (e.clear(), _.delete(g));
			for (const [e, a] of _.entries()) a.delete(g) && 0 === a.size && _.delete(e);
		g_jv() {
			let g = 0;
			for (const _ of this.g_jr.values()) g += _.size;
			return g;
		*values() {
			for (const g of this.g_jr.values()) yield* g.values();
		*g_jw() {
			for (const [g, _] of this.g_jr.entries()) for (const e of _.keys()) yield [g, e];
		*entries() {
			for (const [g, _] of this.g_jr.entries()) for (const [e, a] of _.entries()) yield [g, e, a];
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_jx = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor() {
			super(), (this.g_jy = new Set()), (this.g_jz = []), (this.g_jA = !1);
		g_ek() {
		g_js() {
			this.g_jy.clear(), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_jz), (this.g_jA = !1);
		g_jB(g) {
			this.g_jy.has(g) || (this.g_jy.add(g), !this.g_jA && this.g_jz.push(g));
		g_bc(g) {
			return this.g_jy.has(g);
		g_jt(g) {
			this.g_jy.delete(g) && (this.g_jA = !0);
		g_jv() {
			return this.g_jy.size;
		g_jC() {
			return 0 === this.g_jy.size;
		g_jD() {
			return this.g_jA && (this.g_jE(), (this.g_jA = !1)), this.g_jz;
		g_jE() {
			const g = this.g_jz;
			for (const _ of this.g_jy) g.push(_);
	'use strict',
	(function () {
		var _ = Math.asin,
			E = Math.abs,
			t = Math.sqrt,
			f = Math.pow,
			h = Math.sin,
			g = Math.cos,
			i = Math.PI;
		const e = new Map(),
			d = new Map(),
			l = new Map(),
			m = new Map(),
			n = new Map();
		n.set('linear', 'noease'),
			n.set('default', 'noease'),
			(self.g_jF = class u {
				constructor() {}
				static g_jG() {
					return 'default';
				static g_jH() {
					return 'noease';
				static g_jI(...g) {
					return this.g_jJ(), [...d.keys()].concat([...l.keys()]).filter((_) => !g.includes(_));
				static g_jK(g) {
					return this.g_jJ(), [...d.keys()].includes(g);
				static g_jL(g) {
					const _ = n.get(g);
					return _ ? e.get(_) : e.get(g);
				static g_jM(g) {
					const _ = this.g_jI();
					return _[g];
				static g_jN(g) {
					const _ = this.g_jI();
					return _.indexOf(g);
				static g_jJ() {
					0 !== e.size ||
						(this.g_jO('default', () => {}),
						this.g_jO('noease', this.g_jP),
						this.g_jO('easeinsine', this.g_jQ),
						this.g_jO('easeoutsine', this.g_jR),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutsine', this.g_jS),
						this.g_jO('easeinelastic', this.g_jT),
						this.g_jO('easeoutelastic', this.g_jU),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutelastic', this.g_jV),
						this.g_jO('easeinback', this.g_jW),
						this.g_jO('easeoutback', this.g_jX),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutback', this.g_jY),
						this.g_jO('easeinbounce', this.g_jZ),
						this.g_jO('easeoutbounce', this.g_j_),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutbounce', this.g_j$),
						this.g_jO('easeincubic', this.g_ka),
						this.g_jO('easeoutcubic', this.g_kb),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutcubic', this.g_kc),
						this.g_jO('easeinquad', this.g_kd),
						this.g_jO('easeoutquad', this.g_ke),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutquad', this.g_kf),
						this.g_jO('easeinquart', this.g_kg),
						this.g_jO('easeoutquart', this.g_kh),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutquart', this.g_ki),
						this.g_jO('easeinquint', this.g_kj),
						this.g_jO('easeoutquint', this.g_kk),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutquint', this.g_kl),
						this.g_jO('easeincirc', this.g_km),
						this.g_jO('easeoutcirc', this.g_kn),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutcirc', this.g_ko),
						this.g_jO('easeinexpo', this.g_kp),
						this.g_jO('easeoutexpo', this.g_kq),
						this.g_jO('easeinoutexpo', this.g_kr),
						this.g_ks('cubicbezier', this.g_kt),
						this.g_ks('spline', this.g_ku));
				static g_jO(g, _) {
					u.g_kv(g, _, 'predefined');
				static g_ks(g, _) {
					u.g_kv(g, _, 'private');
				static g_kw(g, _) {
					this.g_jJ(), u.g_kv(g, _, 'custom');
				static g_kx(g) {
					this.g_jK(g) || [...m.keys()].includes(g) || (l.delete(g), e.delete(g));
				static g_kv(g, _, a) {
					switch ((e.set(g, _), a)) {
						case 'predefined':
							d.set(g, _);
						case 'custom':
							l.set(g, _);
						case 'private':
							m.set(g, _);
							throw new Error('unexpected ease mode');
				static g_jP(g, _, e, a) {
					return (e * g) / a + _;
				static g_kd(g, _, e, t) {
					return e * (g /= t) * g + _;
				static g_ke(g, _, e, t) {
					return -e * (g /= t) * (g - 2) + _;
				static g_kf(g, _, e, t) {
					return 1 > (g /= t / 2) ? (e / 2) * g * g + _ : (-e / 2) * (--g * (g - 2) - 1) + _;
				static g_ka(g, _, e, t) {
					return e * (g /= t) * g * g + _;
				static g_kb(g, _, e, t) {
					return e * ((g = g / t - 1) * g * g + 1) + _;
				static g_kc(g, _, e, t) {
					return 1 > (g /= t / 2) ? (e / 2) * g * g * g + _ : (e / 2) * ((g -= 2) * g * g + 2) + _;
				static g_kg(g, _, e, t) {
					return e * (g /= t) * g * g * g + _;
				static g_kh(g, _, e, t) {
					return -e * ((g = g / t - 1) * g * g * g - 1) + _;
				static g_ki(g, _, e, t) {
					return 1 > (g /= t / 2)
						? (e / 2) * g * g * g * g + _
						: (-e / 2) * ((g -= 2) * g * g * g - 2) + _;
				static g_kj(g, _, e, t) {
					return e * (g /= t) * g * g * g * g + _;
				static g_kk(g, _, e, t) {
					return e * ((g = g / t - 1) * g * g * g * g + 1) + _;
				static g_kl(g, _, e, t) {
					return 1 > (g /= t / 2)
						? (e / 2) * g * g * g * g * g + _
						: (e / 2) * ((g -= 2) * g * g * g * g + 2) + _;
				static g_jQ(_, a, e, t) {
					return -e * g((_ / t) * (i / 2)) + e + a;
				static g_jR(g, _, e, a) {
					return e * h((g / a) * (i / 2)) + _;
				static g_jS(_, a, e, t) {
					return (-e / 2) * (g((i * _) / t) - 1) + a;
				static g_kp(g, _, e, a) {
					return 0 === g ? _ : e * f(2, 10 * (g / a - 1)) + _;
				static g_kq(g, _, e, a) {
					return g === a ? _ + e : e * (-f(2, (-10 * g) / a) + 1) + _;
				static g_kr(g, _, e, t) {
					return 0 === g
						? _
						: g === t
						? _ + e
						: 1 > (g /= t / 2)
						? (e / 2) * f(2, 10 * (g - 1)) + _
						: (e / 2) * (-f(2, -10 * --g) + 2) + _;
				static g_km(g, _, e, n) {
					return -e * (t(1 - (g /= n) * g) - 1) + _;
				static g_kn(g, _, e, n) {
					return e * t(1 - (g = g / n - 1) * g) + _;
				static g_ko(g, _, e, n) {
					return 1 > (g /= n / 2)
						? (-e / 2) * (t(1 - g * g) - 1) + _
						: (e / 2) * (t(1 - (g -= 2) * g) + 1) + _;
				static g_jT(e, a, t, n) {
					let r = 1.70158,
						s = 0,
						o = t;
					return 0 === e
						? a
						: 1 === (e /= n)
						? a + t
						: (s || (s = 0.3 * n),
						  o < E(t) ? ((o = t), (r = s / 4)) : (r = (s / (2 * i)) * _(t / o)),
						  -(o * f(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * h(((e * n - r) * (2 * i)) / s)) + a);
				static g_jU(e, a, t, n) {
					let r = 1.70158,
						s = 0,
						o = t;
					return 0 === e
						? a
						: 1 === (e /= n)
						? a + t
						: (s || (s = 0.3 * n),
						  o < E(t) ? ((o = t), (r = s / 4)) : (r = (s / (2 * i)) * _(t / o)),
						  o * f(2, -10 * e) * h(((e * n - r) * (2 * i)) / s) + t + a);
				static g_jV(e, a, t, n) {
					let r = 1.70158,
						s = 0,
						o = t;
					return 0 === e
						? a
						: 2 == (e /= n / 2)
						? a + t
						: (s || (s = n * (0.3 * 1.5)),
						  o < E(t) ? ((o = t), (r = s / 4)) : (r = (s / (2 * i)) * _(t / o)),
						  1 > e
								? -0.5 * (o * f(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * h(((e * n - r) * (2 * i)) / s)) + a
								: 0.5 * (o * f(2, -10 * (e -= 1)) * h(((e * n - r) * (2 * i)) / s)) + t + a);
				static g_jW(g, _, e, t, n) {
					return void 0 === n && (n = 1.70158), e * (g /= t) * g * ((n + 1) * g - n) + _;
				static g_jX(g, _, e, t, n) {
					return (
						void 0 === n && (n = 1.70158), e * ((g = g / t - 1) * g * ((n + 1) * g + n) + 1) + _
				static g_jY(g, _, e, t, n) {
					return (
						void 0 === n && (n = 1.70158),
						1 > (g /= t / 2)
							? (e / 2) * (g * g * (((n *= 1.525) + 1) * g - n)) + _
							: (e / 2) * ((g -= 2) * g * (((n *= 1.525) + 1) * g + n) + 2) + _
				static g_jZ(g, _, e, a) {
					return e - u.g_j_(a - g, 0, e, a) + _;
				static g_j_(g, _, e, t) {
					return (g /= t) < 1 / 2.75
						? e * (7.5625 * g * g) + _
						: g < 2 / 2.75
						? e * (7.5625 * (g -= 1.5 / 2.75) * g + 0.75) + _
						: g < 2.5 / 2.75
						? e * (7.5625 * (g -= 2.25 / 2.75) * g + 0.9375) + _
						: e * (7.5625 * (g -= 2.625 / 2.75) * g + 0.984375) + _;
				static g_j$(g, _, e, a) {
					return g < a / 2
						? 0.5 * u.g_jZ(2 * g, 0, e, a) + _
						: 0.5 * u.g_j_(2 * g - a, 0, e, a) + 0.5 * e + _;
				static g_kt(g, _, a, t, n) {
					return (
						_ + 3 * g * (a - _) + 3 * g ** 2 * (_ + t - 2 * a) + g ** 3 * (n - _ + 3 * a - 3 * t)
				static g_ku(_, t, e, d, g, u, i, h, c, l) {
					const f = s(_, t, d, u, h, l),
						n = B(e, g, i, c),
						o = r(e, g, i, c),
						p = a(e, g, i, c);
					return C(f, n, o, p);
				static g_ky(_, t, e, n) {
					const g = [],
						i = B(_, t, e, n),
						s = r(_, t, e, n),
						d = a(_, t, e, n);
					for (let r = 0; r < o; ++r) {
						const _ = C(r * y, i, s, d);
					return g;
		const o = 11,
			y = 1 / 10,
			B = (g, _, e, a) => a - 3 * e + 3 * _ - g,
			r = (g, _, e) => 3 * e - 6 * _ + 3 * g,
			a = (g, _) => 3 * (_ - g),
			C = (g, _, e, a) => ((_ * g + e) * g + a) * g,
			c = (g, _, e, a) => 3 * _ * g * g + 2 * e * g + a,
			s = (_, s, e, g, d, i) => {
				if (1 == _) return 1;
				let f = 0,
					h = 1,
					b = i[h],
					T = i[10];
				for (; 10 != h && b <= _; ) h++, (b = i[h]), (f += y);
				h--, (b = i[h]);
				const n = (_ - b) / (i[h + 1] - b);
				let o = f + n * y;
				const H = B(s, e, g, d),
					t = r(s, e, g, d),
					u = a(s, e, g, d),
					v = c(o, H, t, u);
				if (0 === v) return o;
				if (0.02 <= v) {
					for (let g = 0; 4 > g; ++g) {
						const g = C(o, H, t, u) - _,
							e = c(o, H, t, u);
						o -= g / e;
					return o;
				} else {
					let n = f,
						e = f + y,
						g = 0,
					do {
						o = n + (e - n) / 2;
						let s = C(o, H, t, u) - _;
						0 < s ? (e = o) : (n = o), (r = 1e-7 < E(s)), (a = 10 > ++g);
					} while (r && a);
					return o;
	'use strict';
	function g(g) {
		if (!g_aO.g_cO(g));
	g_aO.g_kz = class {
		constructor() {
			(this.g_kA = []), (this.g_kB = 0);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_js(), (this.g_kA = null);
		g_js() {
			g_aO.g_fA(this.g_kA), (this.g_kB = 0);
		g_kC() {
			return this.g_kB;
		g_kD(g = Math.random() * this.g_kC()) {
			let _ = 0;
			for (const [e, a] of this.g_kA) if (((_ += e), g < _)) return a;
			return 0;
		g_kE(_, e) {
			g(e), (this.g_kB += _), this.g_kA.push([_, e]);
		g_kF(_, t) {
			for (let g = 0; g < this.g_kA.length; g++) {
				const a = this.g_kA[g],
					n = 0 === _ || a[0] === _,
					e = a[1] === t;
				if (n && e) {
					this.g_kA.splice(g, 1), (this.g_kB -= a[0]);
		g_kG() {
			return JSON.stringify(this.g_kA);
		static g_kH(g) {
			const _ = new g_aO.g_kz(),
				e = JSON.parse(g);
			for (const t of e) {
				const g = t[0],
					e = t[1];
				_.g_kE(g, e);
			return _;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.Event = class {
		constructor(g, _) {
			(this.type = g),
				(this.cancelable = !!_),
				(this.defaultPrevented = !1),
				(this.g_kI = !1),
				(this.g_kJ = !1);
		preventDefault() {
			if (!this.cancelable) throw new Error(`event '${this.type}' is not cancelable`);
			this.defaultPrevented = !0;
		stopPropagation() {
			if (!this.cancelable) throw new Error(`event '${this.type}' cannot be stopped`);
			if (this.g_kJ) throw new Error(`cannot stop async event '${this.type}' propagation`);
			this.g_kI = !0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.Event.g_kK = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_kL = g),
				(this.g_kM = []),
				(this.g_kN = new Set()),
				(this.g_kO = []),
				(this.g_kP = new Set()),
				(this.g_kQ = 0),
				(this.g_kR = []),
				(this.g_kS = []),
				(this.g_kT = []);
		g_ek() {
			0 < this.g_kQ ||
		g_kU(g, _) {
			if (this.g_kV()) return void this.g_kR.push([g, _]);
			if (_) {
				if (this.g_kN.has(g)) return;
				this.g_kM.push(g), this.g_kN.add(g);
			} else {
				if (this.g_kP.has(g)) return;
				this.g_kO.push(g), this.g_kP.add(g);
		g_kW(g, _) {
			return this.g_kV()
				? void (_ ? this.g_kS.push(g) : this.g_kT.push(g))
				: void (_
						? this.g_kN.has(g) && (this.g_kN.delete(g), g_aO.g_fF(this.g_kM, g))
						: this.g_kP.has(g) && (this.g_kP.delete(g), g_aO.g_fF(this.g_kO, g)));
		g_kX() {
			return !this.g_kM.length && !this.g_kO.length;
		g_kV() {
			return 0 < this.g_kQ;
		g_kY() {
			for (let g of this.g_kR) this.g_kU(...g);
			for (const g of this.g_kT) this.g_kP.delete(g);
			for (const g of this.g_kS) this.g_kN.delete(g);
			const g = new Set(this.g_kT),
				_ = new Set(this.g_kS);
			g_aO.g_fI(this.g_kO, g), g_aO.g_fI(this.g_kM, _), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_kS), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_kT);
		g_kZ(g) {
			let _ = !1;
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_kM.length; e < a; ++e)
				if ((this.g_kM[e](g), g.g_kI)) {
					_ = !0;
			if (!_) for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_kO.length; _ < e && (this.g_kO[_](g), !g.g_kI); ++_);
			return this.g_k$(), !g.defaultPrevented;
		g_la(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_kM.length; _ < e; ++_) this.g_kM[_](g);
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_kO.length; _ < e; ++_) this.g_kO[_](g);
			return this.g_k$(), !0;
		g_k_() {
		g_k$() {
				0 === this.g_kQ &&
					(this.g_kR.length || this.g_kS.length || this.g_kT.length) &&
		g_lb(g) {
			g ? this.g_k_() : this.g_k$();
		g_lc(g) {
			let _ = [];
			for (let a = 0, t = this.g_kM.length, e; a < t; ++a)
				(e = this.g_kM[a]), _.push(g_aO.g_gl(() => e(g)));
			for (let a = 0, t = this.g_kO.length, e; a < t; ++a)
				(e = this.g_kO[a]), _.push(g_aO.g_gl(() => e(g)));
			return Promise.all(_).then(() => !g.defaultPrevented);
		g_ld(g) {
			const _ = [];
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_kM.length; e < a; ++e) {
				const a = this.g_kM[e](g);
				a instanceof Promise && _.push(a);
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_kO.length; e < a; ++e) {
				const a = this.g_kO[e](g);
				a instanceof Promise && _.push(a);
			return (
				this.g_k$(), _.length ? Promise.all(_).then(() => !g.defaultPrevented) : !g.defaultPrevented
		async g_le(g) {
			return await this.g_ld(g);
		async g_lf(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_kM.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_kM[_](g);
				e instanceof Promise && (await e);
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_kO.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_kO[_](g);
				e instanceof Promise && (await e);
			return this.g_k$(), !g.defaultPrevented;
		*g_lg(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_kM.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_kM[_](g);
				g_aO.g_gA(e) && (yield* e);
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_kO.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_kO[_](g);
				g_aO.g_gA(e) && (yield* e);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.Event.g_lh = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor() {
			super(), (this.g_li = new Map()), (this.g_lj = !1);
		g_ek() {
			if (this.g_lj) throw new Error('already released');
			this.g_lk(), (this.g_lj = !0), g_aO.g_ek(this);
		g_el() {
			return this.g_lj;
		g_lk() {
			for (let g of this.g_li.values()) g.g_ek();
		g_ll(g, _) {
			let e = this.g_li.get(g);
			return e ? e : _ ? ((e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event.g_kK, g)), this.g_li.set(g, e), e) : null;
		addEventListener(g, _, e) {
			let a = this.g_ll(g, !0);
			a.g_kU(_, !!e);
		removeEventListener(g, _, e) {
			let a = this.g_ll(g, !1);
			a && (a.g_kW(_, !!e), a.g_kX() && this.g_li.delete(g));
		dispatchEvent(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ll(g.type, !1);
			return !_ || (g.cancelable ? _.g_kZ(g) : _.g_la(g));
		g_lm(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ll(g.type, !1);
			return _ ? ((g.g_kJ = !0), _.g_lc(g)) : Promise.resolve(!0);
		async g_ln(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ll(g.type, !1);
			if (!_) return !0;
			this.g_li.delete(g.type), (g.g_kJ = !0);
			const e = await _.g_lc(g);
			return _.g_ek(), e;
		async g_lo(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ll(g.type, !1);
			return !_ || (await _.g_le(g));
		g_lp(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ll(g.type, !1);
			return !_ || _.g_ld(g);
		async g_lq(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ll(g.type, !1);
			return !_ || (await _.g_lf(g));
		g_lr(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ll(g.type, !1);
			if (!_) return null;
			if (g.cancelable) throw new Error('not supported');
			else return _.g_lg(g);
		g_lb(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_li.values()) _.g_lb(g);
	'use strict';
	function _(g) {
		o = s && 0 === i ? requestIdleCallback(t, { timeout: e }) : setTimeout(t, 0 < i ? 1 : g);
	function t(e) {
		if (((o = -1), !g.length)) return;
		let t = performance.now(),
			d = t,
			u = 0,
			p = 0;
		do a(g.shift()), (d = performance.now()), ++u, (p = 1.1 * ((d - t) / u));
		while (
			g.length &&
			(s && 0 === i && 'undefined' != typeof e ? p < e.timeRemaining() : d - t + p < n)
		if (-1 === o && g.length) {
			let g = d - t,
				e = Math.max(r - g, 4);
	function a(g) {
		let _;
		try {
			_ = g.g_ls();
		} catch (_) {
			return void g.reject(_);
	const n = 12,
		r = 16,
		e = 35,
		s = 'undefined' != typeof requestIdleCallback;
	let g = [],
		o = -1,
		i = 0,
		l = g_aO.g_bg.g_bc('disable-asyncify');
	l &&
			'[Asyncify] Asyncify has been disabled due to disable-asyncify in the query string. Some work will now be done synchronously.'
		(g_aO.g_gl = function (t) {
			let n = null;
			return (
				g_aO.g_aW && (n = g_aO.g_cD()),
				new Promise(
					(i, e) => (
						g.push({ g_ls: t, resolve: i, reject: e, stack: n }),
						l ? void a(g.pop()) : void (-1 === o && _(16))
		(g_aO.g_gl.g_lt = function (g) {
			if (g) ++i;
			else if ((--i, 0 > i)) throw new Error('already turned off high throughput mode');
	function _() {
		a = -1;
	function t() {
		(r = -1), (s = -1);
		let _ = Date.now();
		for (let e of g)
			if (e.g_lu(_)) {
				let g = e.g_lv();
				(-1 === s || g < s) && (s = g);
			} else g.delete(e);
		if (-1 !== s) {
			let g = Math.max(s - _ + i, n);
			r = self.setTimeout(t, g);
	const n = 1e3,
		i = 100;
	let a = -1;
	g_aO.g_lw = function () {
		return -1 === a && ((a = Date.now()), self.setTimeout(_, 16)), a;
	let r = -1,
		s = -1,
		g = new Set();
	g_aO.g_lx = class {
		constructor(g, _) {
			(this.g_ly = g), (this.g_lz = 1e3 * _), (this.g_lA = 0), (this.g_lB = !1);
		g_lC() {
			let _ = g_aO.g_lw();
			(this.g_lA = _ + this.g_lz),
				this.g_lB || (g.add(this), (this.g_lB = !0)),
				-1 === r
					? ((s = this.g_lA), (r = self.setTimeout(t, this.g_lz + 100)))
					: this.g_lA < s &&
					  s > _ + n &&
					  (self.clearTimeout(r), (s = this.g_lA), (r = self.setTimeout(t, this.g_lz + 100)));
		g_lu(g) {
			return (
				!(g >= this.g_lA) ||
				(this.g_ly() ? ((this.g_lA = g + this.g_lz), !0) : ((this.g_lB = !1), !1))
		g_lv() {
			return this.g_lA;
		g_lD() {
			this.g_lB &&
				(this.g_lB = !1),
				0 === g.size && -1 !== r && (self.clearTimeout(r), (r = -1), (s = -1)));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_lD(), (this.g_ly = null);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_lE = class g {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_lF = !1), (this.g_lG = g);
		g_lH() {
			this.g_lF || ((this.g_lF = !0), this.g_lG && (this.g_lG(), (this.g_lG = null)));
		g_lI() {
			return this.g_lF;
		g_ek() {
		static g_ek(_) {
			return new g(() => _.g_ek());
		static g_lJ(g, _, a, t, n) {
			if ('undefined' == typeof t || null === t) t = !1;
			else if ('boolean' != typeof t && 'object' != typeof t)
				throw new TypeError('invalid event listener options');
			if ((n && (a = a.bind(n)), _.includes(' '))) {
				_ = _.split(' ');
				const n = new g_aO.g_lK();
				for (let e of _)
					g.addEventListener(e, a, t),
						n.g_jB(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lE, () => g.removeEventListener(e, a, t)));
				return n;
			return (
				g.addEventListener(_, a, t), g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lE, () => g.removeEventListener(_, a, t))
	(g_aO.g_lL = class extends g_aO.g_lE {
		g_lM(g) {
			this.g_lG = g;
	(g_aO.g_lK = class extends g_aO.g_lE {
		constructor(...g) {
			super(), (this.g_lN = new Set());
			for (let _ of g) this.g_jB(_);
		g_jB(...g) {
			if (this.g_lF) throw new Error('already disposed');
			for (let _ of g) this.g_lN.add(_);
		g_lO(g) {
			if (this.g_lF) throw new Error('already disposed');
		g_lP() {
			if (this.g_lF) throw new Error('already disposed');
			if (this.g_lN) {
				for (let g of this.g_lN) g.g_lH();
		g_lI() {
			return this.g_lF;
		g_lH() {
			if (this.g_lF) throw new Error('already disposed');
			this.g_lF = !0;
			for (let g of this.g_lN) g.g_lH();
			this.g_lN.clear(), (this.g_lN = null);
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_lQ = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor() {
			super(), (this.g_lR = 0), (this.g_hC = 0), (this.g_lS = 0), (this.g_lT = 0);
		g_jB(g) {
			(g = +g),
				(this.g_hC = g - this.g_lR),
				(this.g_lS = this.g_lT + this.g_hC),
				(this.g_lR = this.g_lS - this.g_lT - this.g_hC),
				(this.g_lT = this.g_lS);
		g_lU(g) {
			this.g_lT -= +g;
		g_bd() {
			return this.g_lT;
		g_lC() {
			(this.g_lR = 0), (this.g_hC = 0), (this.g_lS = 0), (this.g_lT = 0);
		Set(g) {
			(this.g_lR = 0), (this.g_hC = 0), (this.g_lS = 0), (this.g_lT = +g);
		g_ek() {}
	'use strict';
	const g = {};
	(g.g_lV = function (g) {
		(this.g_lW = g),
			(this.right = this.g_lW.g_lX),
			(this.left = this.g_lW.g_lX),
			(this.parent = null),
			(this.color = !1),
			(this.key = null);
		(g.g_lY = function (_) {
			(this.size = 0),
				(this.g_lX = new g.g_lV(this)),
				(this.g_lX.color = !1),
				(this.root = this.g_lX),
				(this.root.parent = this.g_lX),
				(this.compare = _ || this.g_lZ);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_lZ = function (g, _) {
			return g < _ ? -1 : _ < g ? 1 : 0;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.clone = function () {
			var _ = new g.g_lY(this.compare);
			return _.g_l_(this), _;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.clear = function () {
			(this.size = 0),
				(this.g_lX = new g.g_lV(this)),
				(this.g_lX.color = !1),
				(this.root = this.g_lX),
				(this.root.parent = this.g_lX);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_l$ = function (g) {
			var _ = g.right;
			(g.right = _.left),
				_.left != this.g_lX && (_.left.parent = g),
				(_.parent = g.parent),
				g.parent == this.g_lX
					? (this.root = _)
					: g == g.parent.left
					? (g.parent.left = _)
					: (g.parent.right = _),
				(_.left = g),
				(g.parent = _);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_ma = function (g) {
			var _ = g.left;
			(g.left = _.right),
				_.right != this.g_lX && (_.right.parent = g),
				(_.parent = g.parent),
				g.parent == this.g_lX
					? (this.root = _)
					: g == g.parent.right
					? (g.parent.right = _)
					: (g.parent.left = _),
				(_.right = g),
				(g.parent = _);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mb = function (_) {
			if (!this.contains(_)) {
				var a = new g.g_lV(this);
				a.key = _;
				for (var t = this.g_lX, n = this.root; n != this.g_lX; )
					(t = n), (n = 0 > this.compare(a.key, n.key) ? n.left : n.right);
				(a.parent = t),
					t == this.g_lX
						? (this.root = a)
						: 0 > this.compare(a.key, t.key)
						? (t.left = a)
						: (t.right = a),
					(a.left = this.g_lX),
					(a.right = this.g_lX),
					(a.color = !0),
			} else {
				var i = this.g_md(_);
				i.key = _;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mc = function (g) {
			for (; g != this.g_lX && g != this.root && !0 == g.parent.color; )
				if (g.parent == g.parent.parent.left) {
					var _ = g.parent.parent.right;
					!0 == _.color
						? ((g.parent.color = !1),
						  (_.color = !1),
						  (g.parent.parent.color = !0),
						  (g = g.parent.parent))
						: (g == g.parent.right && ((g = g.parent), this.g_l$(g)),
						  (g.parent.color = !1),
						  (g.parent.parent.color = !0),
						  g.parent.parent != this.g_lX && this.g_ma(g.parent.parent));
				} else {
					var _ = g.parent.parent.left;
					!0 == _.color
						? ((g.parent.color = !1),
						  (_.color = !1),
						  (g.parent.parent.color = !0),
						  (g = g.parent.parent))
						: (g == g.parent.left && ((g = g.parent), this.g_ma(g)),
						  (g.parent.color = !1),
						  (g.parent.parent.color = !0),
						  g.parent.parent != this.g_lX && this.g_l$(g.parent.parent));
			this.root.color = !1;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_me = function (g) {
			var _, e;
			(_ = g.left == this.g_lX || g.right == this.g_lX ? g : this.g_mf(g)),
				(e = _.left == this.g_lX ? _.right : _.left),
				(e.parent = _.parent),
				_.parent == this.g_lX
					? (this.root = e)
					: _ == _.parent.left
					? (_.parent.left = e)
					: (_.parent.right = e),
				_ != g && (g.key = _.key),
				!1 == _.color && this.g_mg(e),
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mg = function (g) {
			for (; g != this.root && !1 == g.color; )
				if (g == g.parent.left) {
					var _ = g.parent.right;
					!0 == _.color &&
						((_.color = !1), (g.parent.color = !0), this.g_l$(g.parent), (_ = g.parent.right)),
						!1 == _.left.color && !1 == _.right.color
							? ((_.color = !0), (g = g.parent))
							: (!1 == _.right.color &&
									((_.left.color = !1), (_.color = !0), this.g_ma(_), (_ = g.parent.right)),
							  (_.color = g.parent.color),
							  (g.parent.color = !1),
							  (_.right.color = !1),
							  (g = this.root));
				} else {
					var _ = g.parent.left;
					!0 == _.color &&
						((_.color = !1), (g.parent.color = !0), this.g_ma(g.parent), (_ = g.parent.left)),
						!1 == _.right.color && !1 == _.left.color
							? ((_.color = !0), (g = g.parent))
							: (!1 == _.left.color &&
									((_.right.color = !1), (_.color = !0), this.g_l$(_), (_ = g.parent.left)),
							  (_.color = g.parent.color),
							  (g.parent.color = !1),
							  (_.left.color = !1),
							  (g = this.root));
			g.color = !1;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.remove = function (g) {
			var _ = this.g_md(g);
			if (_ != this.g_lX) {
				var e = _.key;
				return this.g_me(_), e;
			return null;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mh = function (g, _) {
		(g.g_lY.prototype.min = function (g) {
			for (; g.left != this.g_lX; ) g = g.left;
			return g;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.max = function (g) {
			for (; g.right != this.g_lX; ) g = g.right;
			return g;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mf = function (g) {
			if (g.right != this.g_lX) return this.min(g.right);
			for (var _ = g.parent; _ != this.g_lX && g == _.right; ) (g = _), (_ = _.parent);
			return _;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mi = function (g) {
			if (g.left != this.g_lX) return this.max(g.left);
			for (var _ = g.parent; _ != this.g_lX && g == _.left; ) (g = _), (_ = _.parent);
			return _;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mj = function (g) {
			if (0 < this.size) {
				var _ = this.g_md(g);
				if (_ == this.g_lX) return null;
				if (_.right != this.g_lX) return this.min(_.right).key;
				for (var e = _.parent; e != this.g_lX && _ == e.right; ) (_ = e), (e = e.parent);
				return e == this.g_lX ? null : e.key;
			return null;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mk = function (g) {
			if (0 < this.size) {
				var _ = this.g_md(g);
				if (_ == this.g_lX) return null;
				if (_.left != this.g_lX) return this.max(_.left).key;
				for (var e = _.parent; e != this.g_lX && _ == e.left; ) (_ = e), (e = e.parent);
				return e == this.g_lX ? null : e.key;
			return null;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_ml = function () {
			return this.min(this.root).key;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mm = function () {
			return this.max(this.root).key;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_md = function (g) {
			for (var _ = this.root; _ != this.g_lX && 0 != this.compare(_.key, g); )
				_ = 0 > this.compare(g, _.key) ? _.left : _.right;
			return _;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.contains = function (g) {
			return null != this.g_md(g).key;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.getValues = function () {
			var g = [];
			return (
				this.forEach(function (_) {
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_l_ = function (_) {
			if ('array' == g.g_mn(_)) for (var a = 0; a < _.length; a++) this.g_mb(_[a]);
			else if ('function' == g.g_mn(_.forEach)) _.forEach(this.g_mb, this);
			else if ('function' == g.g_mn(_.getValues))
				for (var t = _.getValues(), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) this.g_mb(t[a]);
			else if ('object' == g.g_mn(_)) for (var n in _) this.g_mb(_[n]);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mo = function (_) {
			if ('array' == g.g_mn(_)) for (var a = 0; a < _.length; a++) this.remove(_[a]);
			else if ('function' == g.g_mn(_.forEach)) _.forEach(this.g_mh, this);
			else if ('function' == g.g_mn(_.getValues))
				for (var t = _.getValues(), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) this.remove(t[a]);
			else if ('object' == g.g_mn(_)) for (var n in _) this.remove(_[n]);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mp = function (_) {
			if ('array' == g.g_mn(_)) {
				for (var a = 0; a < _.length; a++) if (!this.contains(_[a])) return !1;
				return !0;
			if ('function' == g.g_mn(_.forEach)) return _.every(this.contains, this);
			if ('function' == g.g_mn(_.getValues)) {
				for (var t = _.getValues(), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) if (!this.contains(t[a])) return !1;
				return !0;
			if ('object' == g.g_mn(_)) {
				for (var n in _) if (!this.contains(_[n])) return !1;
				return !0;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.range = function (g, _) {
			var e = [];
			return (
					function (g) {
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mr = function (g, _) {
			if (!this.g_ms())
				for (var e = this.min(this.root); e != this.g_lX; ) {
					if (g.call(_, e.key, this)) return;
					e = this.g_mf(e);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mt = function (g, _, e) {
			if (!this.g_ms())
				for (var a = this.g_md(_); a != this.g_lX; ) {
					if (g.call(e, a.key, this)) return;
					a = this.g_mf(a);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mu = function (g, _, a) {
			if (!this.g_ms())
				for (var t = this.min(this.root), n = this.g_md(_); t != n; ) {
					if (g.call(a, t.key, this)) return;
					t = this.g_mf(t);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mq = function (g, _, a, t) {
			if (!this.g_ms())
				for (var n = this.g_md(_), i = this.g_md(a); n != i; ) {
					if (g.call(t, n.key, this)) return;
					n = this.g_mf(n);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mv = function (g, _) {
			if (!this.g_ms())
				for (var e = this.max(this.root); e != this.g_lX; ) {
					if (g.call(_, e.key, this)) return;
					e = this.g_mi(e);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.forEach = function (g, _) {
			if (!this.g_ms())
				for (var e = this.min(this.root); e != this.g_lX; e = this.g_mf(e))
					g.call(_, e.key, e.key, this);
		(g.g_lY.prototype.some = function (g, _) {
			if (this.g_ms()) return !1;
			for (var e = this.min(this.root); e != this.g_lX; e = this.g_mf(e))
				if (g.call(_, e.key, e.key, this)) return !0;
			return !1;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.every = function (g, _) {
			if (this.g_ms()) return !1;
			for (var e = this.min(this.root); e != this.g_lX; e = this.g_mf(e))
				if (!g.call(_, e.key, e.key, this)) return !1;
			return !0;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.map = function (g, _) {
			var e = [];
			if (this.g_ms()) return e;
			for (var a = this.min(this.root); a != this.g_lX; a = this.g_mf(a))
				e.push(g.call(_, a.key, a.key, this));
			return e;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.filter = function (g, _) {
			var e = [];
			if (this.g_ms()) return e;
			for (var a = this.min(this.root); a != this.g_lX; a = this.g_mf(a))
				g.call(_, a.key, a.key, this) && e.push(a.key);
			return e;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mw = function () {
			return this.size;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_ms = function () {
			return 0 == this.size;
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_mx = function (_) {
			var a = g.g_mw(_);
			if (this.g_mw() > a) return !1;
			var t = 0;
			if (this.g_ms()) return !0;
			for (var n = this.min(this.root); n != this.g_lX; n = this.g_mf(n))
				g.contains.call(_, _, n.key) && t++;
			return t == this.g_mw();
		(g.g_lY.prototype.g_my = function (_) {
			var e = new g.g_lY(this.compare);
			if (this.g_ms()) return e;
			for (var a = this.min(this.root); a != this.g_lX; a = this.g_mf(a))
				_.contains.call(_, a.key, a.key, this) && e.g_mb(a.key);
			return e;
		(g_aO.g_lY = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
			constructor(_) {
					(this.g_mz = new g.g_lY(_)),
					(this.g_mA = !1),
					(this.g_mB = new Set()),
					(this.g_mC = new Set());
			g_jB(g) {
					? this.g_mz.contains(g)
						? this.g_mC.delete(g)
						: this.g_mB.add(g)
					: this.g_mz.g_mb(g);
			g_lO(g) {
					? this.g_mz.contains(g)
						? this.g_mC.add(g)
						: this.g_mB.delete(g)
					: this.g_mz.remove(g);
			g_bc(g) {
				return this.g_mA
					? !!this.g_mB.has(g) || (!this.g_mC.has(g) && this.g_mz.contains(g))
					: this.g_mz.contains(g);
			g_js() {
				this.g_mz.clear(), this.g_mB.clear(), this.g_mC.clear();
			toArray() {
				if (this.g_mA) throw new Error('cannot be used in queueing mode');
				return this.g_mz.getValues();
			g_jv() {
				return this.g_mz.g_mw() + this.g_mB.size - this.g_mC.size;
			g_jC() {
				return 0 === this.g_jv();
			g_mD() {
				if (this.g_jC()) throw new Error('empty set');
				if (this.g_mA) throw new Error('cannot be used in queueing mode');
				const g = this.g_mz,
					_ = g.min(g.root);
				return _.key;
			g_mE() {
				if (this.g_jC()) throw new Error('empty set');
				if (this.g_mA) throw new Error('cannot be used in queueing mode');
				const g = this.g_mD();
				return this.g_lO(g), g;
			g_mF(g) {
				if (((g = !!g), this.g_mA !== g) && ((this.g_mA = g), !g)) {
					for (const g of this.g_mC) this.g_mz.remove(g);
					for (const g of this.g_mB) this.g_mz.g_mb(g);
			g_mG(g) {
			*values() {
				if (!this.g_jC()) {
					const g = this.g_mz;
					for (let _ = g.min(g.root); _ != g.g_lX; _ = g.g_mf(_)) yield _.key;
			[Symbol.iterator]() {
				return this.values();
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_mH = class {
		constructor(g = g_aO.hardwareConcurrency) {
			(this.g_mI = g), (this.g_mJ = []), (this.g_mK = 0);
		g_jB(g) {
			return new Promise((_, e) => {
				this.g_mJ.push({ g_ls: g, resolve: _, reject: e }), this.g_mL();
		g_mM(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_mJ.length; _ < e; ++_) if (this.g_mJ[_].g_ls === g) return _;
			return -1;
		g_mN(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_mM(g);
			if (-1 === e) throw new Error('cannot find promise to resolve');
			this.g_mJ[e].resolve(_), this.g_mJ.splice(e, 1);
		g_mO(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_mM(g);
			if (-1 === e) throw new Error('cannot find promise to reject');
			this.g_mJ[e].reject(_), this.g_mJ.splice(e, 1);
		async g_mL() {
			if (this.g_mJ.length && !(this.g_mK >= this.g_mI)) {
				const g = this.g_mJ.shift();
				try {
					const _ = await g.g_ls();
				} catch (_) {
				this.g_mK--, this.g_mL();
		static async g_mP(g, _) {
			const t = [];
			let n = !1;
			const i = async () => {
					for (let g; (g = _.pop()); ) {
						if (n) return;
						try {
							t.push(await g());
						} catch (g) {
							throw ((n = !0), g);
				e = [];
			for (; g--; ) e.push(i());
			return await Promise.all(e), t;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_mQ = class {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
			(this.g_ly = g),
				(this.g_mR = _),
				(this.g_mS = e || 2 * _),
				(this.g_mT = -1),
				(this.g_mU = -Infinity),
				(this.g_mV = () => this.g_mW()),
				(this.g_mX = !1),
				(this.g_mY = !1),
				(this.g_mZ = null);
		g_m_(g) {
			this.g_mY = !!g;
		g_m$() {
			return 'undefined' != typeof g_aO.g_na && g_aO.g_na.g_nb() ? this.g_mS : this.g_mR;
		g_nc(...g) {
			if (-1 === this.g_mT) {
				this.g_mZ = g;
				let _ = g_aO.g_lw(),
					e = _ - this.g_mU,
					a = this.g_m$();
				e >= a && this.g_mY
					? ((this.g_mU = _), this.g_nd())
					: (this.g_mT = self.setTimeout(this.g_mV, Math.max(a - e, 4)));
		g_nd() {
			this.g_mX = !0;
			const g = this.g_mZ;
			(this.g_mZ = null), g ? this.g_ly(...g) : this.g_ly(), (this.g_mX = !1);
		g_lC() {
			this.g_mX || (this.g_ne(), (this.g_mZ = null), (this.g_mU = g_aO.g_lw()));
		g_mW() {
			(this.g_mT = -1), (this.g_mU = g_aO.g_lw()), this.g_nd();
		g_ne() {
			-1 !== this.g_mT && (self.clearTimeout(this.g_mT), (this.g_mT = -1));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_ne(), (this.g_ly = null), (this.g_mZ = null), (this.g_mV = null);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_nf = class {
		constructor() {
			(this.g_ng = new Map()),
				(this.g_nh = !1),
				(this.g_ni = null),
				(this.g_nj = null),
				(this.g_nk = null),
				(this.g_nl = null);
		g_nm(g) {
			this.g_nh = !!g;
		g_nn() {
			return this.g_nh;
		g_no(g) {
			this.g_ni = g;
		g_np(g) {
			if (!this.g_ni) throw new Error('no get base size callback set');
			return this.g_ni(g);
		g_nq(g) {
			this.g_nj = g;
		g_nr(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
			if (!this.g_nj) throw new Error('no raster at size callback set');
			return this.g_nj(g, _, a, t, n, e);
		g_ns(g) {
			this.g_nk = g;
		g_nt(g) {
			if (!this.g_nk) throw new Error('no release result callback set');
		g_nu(g) {
			this.g_nl = g;
		g_nv() {
			if (!this.g_nl) throw new Error('no redraw callback set');
		g_nw(g) {
			let _ = this.g_ng.get(g);
			return _ || ((_ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_nx, this, g)), this.g_ng.set(g, _)), _.g_ny(), _;
		g_nz(g) {
	'use strict';
	const _ = 2048;
	g_aO.g_nx = class {
		constructor(g, _) {
			(this.g_nB = g),
				(this.g_nC = _),
				(this.g_nD = 0),
				(this.g_nE = 0),
				(this.g_nF = 0),
				(this.g_nG = this.g_nB
					.then((g) => {
						(this.g_nE = g[0]), (this.g_nF = g[1]), this.g_nB.g_nv();
					.catch((g) => {
						console.error('[SVG] Error loading SVG: ', g), (this.g_nH = !0), this.g_nB.g_nv();
				(this.g_nI = 0),
				(this.g_nJ = 0),
				(this.g_nK = 0),
				(this.g_nL = 0),
				(this.g_nM = !1),
				(this.g_nN = null),
				(this.g_nO = !1),
				(this.g_nH = !1);
		g_ek() {
			if (0 >= this.g_nD) throw new Error('already released');
			this.g_nD--, 0 === this.g_nD && this.g_nP();
		g_nP() {
			this.g_nN && (this.g_nB.g_nt(this.g_nN), (this.g_nN = null)),
				(this.g_nB = null);
		g_nA() {
			return this.g_nC;
		g_ny() {
		g_nQ() {
			return 0 < this.g_nD;
		g_nR() {
			return this.g_nN;
		g_nS() {
			this.g_nO = !0;
		async g_nT(t, n, r) {
			var a = Math.min,
				e = Math.ceil;
			if (0 === n || 0 === r || this.g_nH) return;
			if (this.g_nM) return;
			let s = g_aO.g_eG(e(n)),
				l = g_aO.g_eG(e(r));
			const o = Math.max(s, l);
			if (o > _) {
				const g = _ / o;
				(n *= g), (r *= g), (s = a(e(s * g), _)), (l = a(e(l * g), _));
			if (n < s && r < l) {
				const g = n / r,
					_ = s / l;
				_ > g ? ((n = l * g), (r = l)) : ((n = s), (r = s / g));
			if (
				(this.g_nB.g_nn() && ((s = e(n)), (l = e(r))),
				!(s <= this.g_nI && l <= this.g_nJ && !this.g_nO))
			) {
				(this.g_nM = !0), (this.g_nI = s), (this.g_nJ = l);
				const g = await this.g_nB.g_nr(this.g_nC, t, this.g_nI, this.g_nJ, n, r);
				this.g_nN && this.g_nB.g_nt(this.g_nN),
					(this.g_nN = g),
					(this.g_nK = n),
					(this.g_nL = r),
					(this.g_nM = !1),
					(this.g_nO = !1),
		g_nU() {
			return this.g_nG;
		g_nV() {
			return this.g_nE;
		g_nW() {
			return this.g_nF;
		g_nX() {
			return this.g_nK;
		g_nY() {
			return this.g_nL;
		g_nZ() {
			return this.g_nH;
	function _(g) {
		return s.get(g);
	g_aO.g_n_ = '\uFEFF';
	const t = new Set([...'0123456789']);
	g_aO.g_n$ = function (g) {
		return t.has(g);
	const n = new Set([
		...' \t\n\r\xA0\x85\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000'
	(g_aO.g_oa = function (g) {
		return n.has(g);
		(g_aO.g_ob = function (g) {
			return [...g].filter((g) => !g_aO.g_oa(g)).join('');
		(g_aO.g_oc = function (g) {
			for (const _ of g) if (!g_aO.g_oa(_)) return !1;
			return !0;
		(g_aO.g_od = function (g) {
			return 1 === g.length && 32 > g.charCodeAt(0);
		(g_aO.g_oe = function (g) {
			return [...g].filter((g) => !g_aO.g_od(g)).join('');
	const r = new Set([...'0123456789.+-e']);
	(g_aO.g_of = function (g) {
		if (((g = g.trim()), !g.length)) return !1;
		let _ = g.charAt(0);
		if ('-' !== _ && !t.has(_)) return !1;
		for (let _ of g) if (!r.has(_)) return !1;
		return !0;
		(g_aO.g_og = function (g) {
			let _ = g.length;
			for (; 0 < _; ) {
				let e = g.charAt(_ - 1);
				if (!g_aO.g_n$(e)) break;
			return g.substr(0, _);
		(g_aO.g_oh = function (g) {
			let _ = g_aO.g_og(g),
				e = g.substr(_.length);
			return (e = e ? (parseInt(e, 10) + 1).toString() : '2'), _ + e;
	const s = new Map([
			['&', '&amp;'],
			['<', '&lt;'],
			['>', '&gt;'],
			['"', '&quot;'],
			["'", '&#39;']
		e = /[&<>"']/g;
	(g_aO.g_oi = function (g) {
		return g.replace(e, _);
		(g_aO.g_oj = function (g) {
			let _ = g_aO.g_ok(g, '\\', '\\\\');
			return (
				(_ = g_aO.g_ok(_, '"', '\\"')),
				(_ = g_aO.g_ok(_, '\t', '\\t')),
				(_ = g_aO.g_ok(_, '\r', '')),
				g_aO.g_ok(_, '\n', '\\n')
		(g_aO.g_ol = function (g) {
			let _ = g_aO.g_ok(g, '&', '&amp;');
			return (
				(_ = g_aO.g_ok(_, '<', '&lt;')),
				(_ = g_aO.g_ok(_, '>', '&gt;')),
				g_aO.g_ok(_, '"', '&quot;')
	const d = /[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g;
	(g_aO.g_om = function (g) {
		return g.replace(d, '\\$&');
		(g_aO.g_on = function (_, t, n = !1) {
			if (!t) return [];
			n || ((_ = _.toLowerCase()), (t = t.toLowerCase()));
			const i = t.length;
			let r = 0,
				s = 0,
				d = [];
			for (; -1 < (s = _.indexOf(t, r)); ) d.push(s), (r = s + i);
			return d;
		(g_aO.g_ok = function (g, _, e) {
			return g.replace(new RegExp(g_aO.g_om(_), 'g'), () => e);
		(g_aO.g_oo = function (g, _, e) {
			return g.replace(new RegExp(g_aO.g_om(_), 'gi'), () => e);
		(g_aO.g_op = function (g, _) {
			'string' == typeof _
				? (g.textContent = _)
				: _.g_oq()
				? (g.textContent = _.toString())
				: ((g.innerHTML = _.g_or()), _ instanceof g_aO.g_dP && _.g_os(g));
		(g_aO.g_ot = function (g, _) {
			return g instanceof g_aO.g_dO || g instanceof g_aO.g_dP
				? g.g_l(_)
				: _ instanceof g_aO.g_dO || _ instanceof g_aO.g_dP
				? _.g_l(g)
				: g === _;
		(g_aO.g_ou = function (g, ..._) {
			let a = g;
			for (let t = 0, n = _.length; t < n; ++t) {
				const n = `{${t}}`;
				if (!g.includes(n)) throw new Error(`missing placeholder '${n}' in string substitution`);
				a = a.replace(n, _[t].toString());
			return a;
		(g_aO.g_ov = function (_, ...a) {
			let t = _,
				n = -1,
				i = -1;
			for (let e = 0, r = a.length; e < r; ++e) {
				const r = `{${e}}`;
				_.includes(r) ? ((i = e), (t = t.replace(r, a[e].toString()))) : -1 === n && (n = e);
			if (0 <= n && 0 <= i && n < i)
				throw new Error(`missing placeholder '${n}' in string substitution`);
			return t;
		(g_aO.g_ow = function (g, _) {
			let a = g;
			for (let [t, n] of Object.entries(_)) a = g_aO.g_ok(a, t, n.toString());
			return a;
		(g_aO.g_ox = function (g, _) {
			let e = g.toLowerCase(),
				a = _.toLowerCase();
			return e > a ? 1 : e < a ? -1 : 0;
	const g = 1024;
	g_aO.g_oy = function (_, e) {
		var a = Math.round;
		let t = 'common.' + (e ? 'dataRates' : 'dataSizes') + '.';
		if (_ < g) return g_oz(t + 'bytes', _);
		if (1048576 > _) {
			let e = _ / g;
			return (e = 10 > e ? a(10 * e) / 10 : a(e)), g_oz(t + 'kilobytes', e);
		if (1073741824 > _) {
			let g = _ / 1048576;
			return (g = 10 > g ? a(10 * g) / 10 : a(g)), g_oz(t + 'megabytes', g);
		if (1099511627776 > _) {
			let g = _ / 1073741824;
			return (g = 10 > g ? a(10 * g) / 10 : a(g)), g_oz(t + 'gigabytes', g);
		} else {
			let g = _ / 1099511627776;
			return (g = 10 > g ? a(10 * g) / 10 : a(g)), g_oz(t + 'terabytes', g);
	const l = { g_oA: !1, g_oB: !0, g_oC: !0, g_oD: !0, g_oE: !0 };
	(g_aO.g_oF = function (g, _) {
		var t = Math.floor;
		(_ = Object.assign({}, l, _)), g_aO.g_oH.g_oG('common.time');
		const n = [];
		if (_.g_oB) {
			const _ = t(g / 86400);
			0 < _ && ((g -= 3600 * (24 * _)), n.push(g_oI('.days', null, _)));
		if (_.g_oC) {
			const _ = t(g / 3600);
			(0 < _ || n.length) && ((g -= 3600 * _), n.push(g_oI('.hours', null, _)));
		if (_.g_oD) {
			const a = t(g / 60);
			(0 < a || n.length || !_.g_oE) && ((g -= 60 * a), n.push(g_oI('.minutes', null, a)));
		if (_.g_oE) {
			const _ = t(g % 60);
			n.push(g_oI('.seconds', null, _));
		const i = (_.g_oA ? lang('.approx-prefix') : '') + n.join(lang('.separator'));
		return g_aO.g_oH.g_oJ(), i;
		(g_aO.g_oK = function (g, _) {
			let t = 0 > g ? '-' : '';
			g = Math.abs(g);
			let n = g.toString(),
				i = _ - n.length;
			for (let e = 0; e < i; ++e) t += '0';
			return t + n;
		(g_aO.g_oL = function (g) {
			return g.toLowerCase().replace(/\b\w/g, (g) => g.toUpperCase());
		(g_aO.g_oM = function (g, _) {
			let t = g.split('.').map((g) => g.trim()),
				n = _.split('.').map((g) => g.trim());
			g_aO.g_fC(t, 4, '0'),
				g_aO.g_fC(n, 4, '0'),
				(t = t.map((g) => parseInt(g, 10))),
				(n = n.map((g) => parseInt(g, 10)));
			for (let i = 0; 4 > i; ++i) {
				const g = t[i] - n[i];
				if (0 != g) return 0 > g ? -1 : 1;
			return 0;
		(g_aO.g_oN = function () {
			return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (g) => {
				const _ = Math.floor(16 * Math.random()),
					e = 'x' === g ? _ : 8 | (3 & _);
				return e.toString(16);
		(g_aO.g_oO = function (g, _) {
			if (g.length !== _.length) throw new Error('strings must be same length');
			let a = 0;
			for (let t = 0, n = g.length; t < n; ++t) g.charAt(t) !== _.charAt(t) && ++a;
			return a;
		(g_aO.g_oP = function (_, t) {
			var n = Math.min;
			if (0 === _.length) return t.length;
			if (0 === t.length) return _.length;
			let r, s, l, o, u, p;
			for (
				_.length > t.length && ((r = _), (_ = t), (t = r)), p = Array(_.length + 1), s = 0;
				s <= _.length;
				p[s] = s;
			for (s = 1; s <= t.length; s++) {
				for (o = s, l = 1; l <= _.length; l++)
					(u = t[s - 1] === _[l - 1] ? p[l - 1] : n(p[l - 1] + 1, n(o + 1, p[l] + 1))),
						(p[l - 1] = o),
						(o = u);
				p[_.length] = o;
			return p[_.length];
	function _(_, n, r) {
		const s = t.get(r);
		if (!s) return 'class' === r ? (n ? '</span>' : `<span class="bbclass${e++}">`) : _;
		if ('string' != typeof s) {
			if (Array.isArray(s)) {
				let g = s[0],
					_ = s[1];
				return n ? '</' + g + '>' : `<${g} class="${_}">`;
		} else if ('a' === s && !n) {
			const g = parseInt(r.substring(1), 10) - 1;
			if (0 > g || g >= i.length) throw new Error('invalid bbcode link substitution');
			const _ = i[g];
			if ('string' == typeof _) return `<a href="${i[g]}">`;
			if ('function' == typeof _) return `<a class="bblink${g}">`;
			throw new TypeError('invalid bbcode link action');
		} else return '<' + n + s + '>';
	const t = new Map([
			['b', 'strong'],
			['i', 'em'],
			['s', 's'],
			['u', 'u'],
			['sub', 'sub'],
			['sup', 'sup'],
			['small', 'small'],
			['mark', 'mark'],
			['a1', 'a'],
			['a2', 'a'],
			['a3', 'a'],
			['a4', 'a'],
			['a5', 'a'],
			['a6', 'a'],
			['a7', 'a'],
			['a8', 'a'],
			['a9', 'a'],
			['bad', ['span', 'bbCodeBad']],
			['good', ['span', 'bbCodeGood']],
			['info', ['span', 'bbCodeInfo']],
			['h1', ['span', 'bbCodeH1']],
			['h2', ['span', 'bbCodeH2']],
			['h3', ['span', 'bbCodeH3']],
			['h4', ['span', 'bbCodeH4']],
			['item', ['span', 'bbCodeItem']]
		a = /\[(\/?)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\]/g,
		n = /\[(\/?)(.*?)\]/g;
	let i = null,
		e = 0;
	const r = /\n/g;
	g_aO.g_dP = class {
		constructor(g, _) {
			if (
				((this.g_oQ = _ && _.g_oR ? g : g_aO.g_oi(g)),
				(this.g_oS = ''),
				(this.g_oT = !1),
				(this.g_oU = []),
				_ && ((this.g_oT = !!_.g_oV), _.links))
			) {
				if (9 < _.links.length) throw new Error('too many links');
				this.g_oU = _.links;
			(this.g_oW = this.g_oQ.includes('[')),
				(this.g_oX = this.g_oT && this.g_oQ.includes('\n')),
				(this.g_oY = !this.g_oW && !this.g_oX && !this.g_oQ.includes('&')),
				(this.g_oZ = !1),
				(this.g_o_ = []);
		toString() {
			return this.g_oQ;
		valueOf() {
			return this.g_oQ;
		g_oq() {
			return this.g_oY;
		g_o$() {
			return this.g_oW ? this.g_oQ.replace(a, '') : this.g_oQ;
		g_or() {
			if (this.g_oY) return this.g_oQ;
			if (!this.g_oS && this.g_oQ) {
				let g = this.g_oQ;
				this.g_oW && ((e = 0), (i = this.g_oU), (g = g.replace(a, _)), (i = null)),
					this.g_oX && (g = g.replace(r, '<br>')),
					(this.g_oS = g);
			return this.g_oS;
		g_os(g) {
			if (this.g_oU.length)
				for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_oU.length; _ < e; ++_) {
					const e = this.g_oU[_];
					if ('function' != typeof e) continue;
					const a = g.querySelector('.bblink' + _);
					if (!a) throw new Error('unable to attach BBString link handler');
					a.onclick = e;
		g_l(g) {
			return g instanceof g_aO.g_dO
				? this.g_or() === g.g_or()
				: g instanceof g_aO.g_dP
				? this.g_oQ === g.g_oQ
				: this.g_oQ === g;
		g_pa() {
			if (this.g_oZ) return this.g_o_;
			const _ = this.g_oQ,
				t = [];
			n.lastIndex = 0;
			let a = 0,
				r = null;
			for (; null !== (r = n.exec(_)); ) {
				const e = r.index;
				if (0 < e && '\\' === _.charAt(e - 1)) continue;
				const n = r[0],
					s = r[1],
					g = r[2],
					d = _.substring(a, e);
				if (((a = e + n.length), d && this.g_o_.push({ text: d, g_pb: t.slice(0) }), g))
					if (s) {
						const _ = g.toLowerCase();
						for (let g = t.length - 1; 0 <= g; --g)
							if (t[g].tag === _) {
								t.splice(g, 1);
					} else {
						let _ = g,
							e = null;
						const a = g.indexOf('=');
						-1 === a
							? (_ = _.toLowerCase())
							: ((_ = g.substring(0, a).toLowerCase()), (e = g.substring(a + 1))),
							t.push({ tag: _, param: e });
			a < _.length && this.g_o_.push({ text: _.substring(a), g_pb: t.slice(0) });
			for (const g of this.g_o_) g.text = this.g_pc(g.text);
			return (this.g_oZ = !0), this.g_o_;
		g_pc(g) {
			return (g = g_aO.g_ok(g, '\\[', '[')), g_aO.g_ok(g, '\\\\', '\\');
		static g_pd(g) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_dP, g, { g_oR: !0 }).g_o$();
		static g_pe(g) {
			return g.replace(n, '');
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_pf = class {
		constructor() {
			this.g_pg = [];
		g_ph() {
			return this.g_pg;
		g_pi() {
			return this.g_pg.length;
		g_pj(g, _) {
			let a = 0,
				t = 0;
			for (const n of g) {
				if (-1 === n.width) {
					const g = _(n.text, n.g_pb);
					(n.width = g.width), (n.height = g.height);
				(a += n.width), (t = Math.max(t, n.height));
			return { width: a, height: t };
		g_pk(g, _, e) {
			this.g_pg.push({ g_pl: g, width: _, height: e });
		g_pf(_, t, n, g, i) {
			if (
				('string' == typeof _ && (_ = [{ text: _, g_pb: [] }]),
				!_.length || (1 === _.length && !_[0].text.length) || 2 > n)
			if (1 === _.length) {
				const e = _[0],
					r = e.text,
					s = e.g_pb;
				if (100 >= r.length && !r.includes('\n')) {
					let { width: g, height: _ } = t(r, s);
					if (((g += i), g <= n))
						return void this.g_pk([{ text: r, g_pb: s, width: g, height: _ }], g, _);
			let e;
			if ('word' === g) e = this.g_pm(_);
			else {
				e = [];
				for (const g of _)
						[...g.text].map((_) => [{ text: _, g_pb: g.g_pb }])
			this.g_pn(e, t, n, i);
		g_pm(g) {
			const _ = [];
			let t = [],
				n = !1;
			for (const i of g) {
				const g = i.text,
					r = i.g_pb;
				for (const i of g)
					if ('\n' === i) 0 < t.length && _.push(t), _.push([{ text: '\n', g_pb: r }]), (t = []);
					else if (0 === t.length) t.push({ text: i, g_pb: r }), (n = g_aO.g_oa(i));
					else {
						const g = g_aO.g_oa(i);
						if (g === n) {
							const g = t[t.length - 1];
							g.g_pb === r ? (g.text += i) : t.push({ text: i, g_pb: r });
						} else _.push(t), (t = []), t.push({ text: i, g_pb: r }), (n = g);
			return 0 < t.length && _.push(t), _;
		g_po(g) {
			return g.map((g) => ({ text: g.text, g_pb: g.g_pb, width: g.width, height: g.height }));
		g_pp(g, _) {
			const e = g.length ? g[g.length - 1] : null;
			let a = 0;
			e &&
				_[0].g_pb === e.g_pb &&
				((e.text += _[0].text), (e.width = -1), (e.height = -1), (a = 1));
			for (let e = _.length; a < e; ++a) {
				const e = _[a];
				g.push({ text: e.text, g_pb: e.g_pb, width: -1, height: -1 });
		g_pn(_, t, n, a) {
			let r = [],
				s = 0,
				l = 0;
			for (const g of _) {
				if (1 === g.length && '\n' === g[0].text) {
					0 === l && (l = t(' ', g[0].g_pb).height), this.g_pk(r, s, l), (r = []), (s = 0), (l = 0);
				const _ = this.g_po(r);
				this.g_pp(_, g);
				const e = this.g_pj(_, t),
					a = e.width,
					i = e.height;
				if (!(a >= n)) (r = _), (s = a), (l = i);
				else if ((0 < r.length && this.g_pk(r, s, l), (r = []), g_aO.g_oc(g[0].text)))
					(s = 0), (l = 0);
				else {
					this.g_pp(r, g);
					const _ = this.g_pj(r, t);
					(s = _.width), (l = _.height);
			0 < r.length && this.g_pk(r, s, l), this.g_pq(t, a);
		g_pq(_, a) {
			for (const t of this.g_pg) {
				const n = t.g_pl;
				if (!n.length) continue;
				let i = n[n.length - 1];
				const e = i.text,
					r = e.trimEnd();
				if (!r) (t.width -= i.width), n.pop();
				else if (r.length < e.length) {
					const g = _(r, i.g_pb).width,
						e = i.width - g;
					(i.width = g), (i.text = r), (t.width -= e);
				0 !== a && 0 < n.length && ((i = n[n.length - 1]), (i.width += a), (t.width += a));
		g_js() {
		g_pr() {
			let g = 0;
			for (const _ of this.g_pg) {
				const e = _.width;
				g < e && (g = e);
			return g;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ps = {}),
	'use strict';
	const _ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
		g = vec3.g_q(0, 0, 0);
	g_aO.g_ps.g_pt = class {
		constructor() {
			(this.g_pu = 0),
				(this.g_pv = 0),
				(this.g_pw = vec3.g_q(0, 0, 100)),
				(this.g_px = vec3.g_q(0, 0, 0)),
				(this.g_py = vec3.g_q(0, 1, 0)),
				(this.g_pz = vec3.g_q(1, 1, 1)),
				(this.g_pA = mat4.create()),
				(this.g_pB = mat4.create()),
				(this.g_pC = mat4.create()),
				(this.g_pD = []),
				(this.g_pE = new Map()),
				(this.g_pF = null),
				(this.g_pG = new Map()),
				(this.g_pH = null),
				(this.g_pI = []),
				(this.g_pJ = new Map()),
				(this.g_pK = 0);
		g_pL(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length, a = 0; _ < e; )
				(g[_++] = a),
					(g[_++] = a + 1),
					(g[_++] = a + 2),
					(g[_++] = a),
					(g[_++] = a + 2),
					(g[_++] = a + 3),
					(a += 4);
		g_pM(a, t, n, i, e) {
			const r = this.g_pB,
				g = this.g_pA;
			for (let r = 0, g = _.length; r < g; ++r) _[r] = 0;
			(_[0] = r[0] * a + r[4] * t + r[12]),
				(_[1] = r[1] * a + r[5] * t + r[13]),
				(_[2] = r[2] * a + r[6] * t + r[14]),
				(_[3] = r[3] * a + r[7] * t + r[15]),
				(_[4] = g[0] * _[0] + g[4] * _[1] + g[8] * _[2] + g[12] * _[3]),
				(_[5] = g[1] * _[0] + g[5] * _[1] + g[9] * _[2] + g[13] * _[3]),
				(_[6] = g[2] * _[0] + g[6] * _[1] + g[10] * _[2] + g[14] * _[3]),
				(_[7] = -_[2]),
				0 === _[7] ||
					((_[7] = 1 / _[7]),
					(_[4] *= _[7]),
					(_[5] *= _[7]),
					(_[6] *= _[7]),
					(e[0] = (0.5 * _[4] + 0.5) * n),
					(e[1] = (0.5 * _[5] + 0.5) * i));
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_pu;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_pv;
		g_pP() {
			return 1;
		g_pQ() {
			return 1e4;
		g_pR(g, _, e) {
			(this.g_pw[0] = g * this.g_pz[0]), (this.g_pw[1] = _ * this.g_pz[1]), (this.g_pw[2] = e);
		g_pS(g, _, e) {
			(this.g_px[0] = g * this.g_pz[0]), (this.g_px[1] = _ * this.g_pz[1]), (this.g_px[2] = e);
		g_pT(g) {
			mat4.g_at(this.g_pB, this.g_pw, this.g_px, g || this.g_py),
				mat4.scale(this.g_pB, this.g_pB, this.g_pz);
		g_pU(_, e) {
			(0 === _ && 0 === e) ||
				((g[0] = _), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = 0), mat4.translate(this.g_pB, this.g_pB, g));
		g_pV(_, e) {
			(1 === _ && 1 === e) ||
				((g[0] = _), (g[1] = e), (g[2] = 1), mat4.scale(this.g_pB, this.g_pB, g));
		g_pW(g) {
			0 === g || mat4.g_ab(this.g_pB, this.g_pB, g);
		g_pX(g) {
			this.g_pD.push(g), this.g_pE.set(g.g_pY(), g);
		g_pZ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_pD.indexOf(g);
			-1 !== _ && this.g_pD.splice(_, 1), this.g_pE.delete(g.g_pY());
		g_p_() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_pD), this.g_pE.clear();
		g_p$(g) {
			return this.g_pE.get(g) || null;
		g_qa() {
			return this.g_pF;
		g_qb(g) {
			this.g_pH = g;
		g_qc() {
			return this.g_pH;
		g_qd(_, a, t, n, i) {
			const e = g_aO.g_ps.g_qf.g_qe(_, a, t, n, i);
			let r = this.g_pG.get(e);
			return (
				r || ((r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_qf, this, _, a, t, n, i)), this.g_pG.set(e, r)),
		g_qh(g) {
				0 === g.g_qj() &&
					(this.g_pH === g && (this.g_pH = null), this.g_pG.delete(g.g_qk()), g.g_ek());
		g_ql(g) {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_pI), this.g_pJ.clear();
			for (const _ of g) {
				const g = _[0],
					e = _[1],
					a = _[2];
				this.g_pI.push([e, a]), this.g_pJ.set(g, { g_qm: e, g_qn: a });
		g_qo(g) {
			const _ = this.g_pI;
			if (0 > g || g >= _.length) throw new RangeError('invalid blend index');
			return _[g];
		g_qp(g) {
			return this.g_qo(g)[0];
		g_qq(g) {
			return this.g_qo(g)[1];
		g_qr(g) {
			const _ = this.g_pJ.get(g);
			if ('undefined' == typeof _) throw new Error('invalid blend name');
			return _;
		g_qs() {
			this.g_qt(), this.g_pK++;
		g_qu() {
			return this.g_pK;
		g_qv() {
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ps.g_qf = class {
		constructor(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
			(this.g_qw = g),
				(this.g_nD = 0),
				(this.g_qx = null),
				(this.g_qy = ''),
				(this.g_qz = a),
				(this.g_qA = t),
				(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
				(this.g_qC = e),
				'string' == typeof _ ? (this.g_qy = _) : ((this.g_qx = _), (this.g_qy = this.g_qx.g_pY()));
		g_ek() {
			if (0 < this.g_nD) throw new Error('releasing state group still in use');
			(this.g_qw = null), (this.g_qx = null), (this.g_qy = '');
		g_qD() {
			const g = this.g_qw;
				g.g_qF(this.g_qz, this.g_qA),
		g_qk() {
			return g_aO.g_ps.g_qf.g_qe(this.g_qy, this.g_qz, this.g_qA, this.g_qB, this.g_qC);
		g_qg() {
		g_qi() {
		g_qj() {
			return this.g_nD;
		g_qI() {
			this.g_qx = null;
		g_qJ(g) {
			if (((this.g_qx = g.g_p$(this.g_qy)), !this.g_qx))
				throw new Error('failed to restore shader program');
		static g_qe(g, _, a, t, e) {
			const n = 'string' == typeof g ? g : g.g_pY();
			return (
				n +
				',' +
				_ +
				',' +
				a +
				',' +
				t.g_gP() +
				',' +
				t.g_gQ() +
				',' +
				t.g_gR() +
				',' +
				t.g_gS() +
				',' +
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _) {
		let a, t, n, i;
		switch (g) {
			case 'rgba8':
				(a = _.RGBA8), (t = _.RGBA), (n = _.RGBA), (i = _.UNSIGNED_BYTE);
			case 'rgb8':
				(a = _.RGB8), (t = _.RGB), (n = _.RGB), (i = _.UNSIGNED_BYTE);
			case 'rgba4':
				(a = _.RGBA4), (t = _.RGBA), (n = _.RGBA), (i = _.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4);
			case 'rgb5_a1':
				(a = _.RGB5_A1), (t = _.RGBA), (n = _.RGBA), (i = _.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1);
			case 'rgb565':
				(a = _.RGB565), (t = _.RGB), (n = _.RGB), (i = _.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5);
				throw new Error('invalid pixel format');
		return { g_qK: a, g_qL: t, format: n, type: i };
	const a = new Set(['rgba8', 'rgb8', 'rgba4', 'rgb5_a1', 'rgb565']),
		t = new Set(['nearest', 'bilinear', 'trilinear']),
		r = new Set(['default', 'low', 'high']),
		s = {
			g_qM: !1,
			g_qN: 'repeat',
			g_qO: 'trilinear',
			g_qP: 'rgba8',
			g_qQ: !0,
			g_qR: 'default',
			g_cr: !0,
			g_qS: !1,
			width: -1,
			height: -1
		n = { g_cr: !0 },
		e = new Set();
	g_aO.g_ps.g_qT = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_qw = g),
				(this.g_qU = null),
				(this.g_pu = 0),
				(this.g_pv = 0),
				(this.g_qV = !0),
				(this.g_qW = !1),
				(this.g_qX = 'repeat'),
				(this.g_qY = 'trilinear'),
				(this.g_qZ = 'rgba8'),
				(this.g_q_ = !1),
				(this.g_q$ = 'default'),
				(this.g_nD = 0);
		g_ra(g, n) {
			if (
				('undefined' == typeof HTMLImageElement || !(g instanceof HTMLImageElement)) &&
				('undefined' == typeof HTMLCanvasElement || !(g instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) &&
				('undefined' == typeof ImageBitmap || !(g instanceof ImageBitmap)) &&
				('undefined' == typeof OffscreenCanvas || !(g instanceof OffscreenCanvas)) &&
				!(g instanceof ImageData) &&
				!(g instanceof ArrayBuffer) &&
				null !== g
				throw new Error('invalid texture source');
			if (((n = Object.assign({}, s, n)), this.g_qU)) throw new Error('already created texture');
			if (
				((this.g_qW = !!n.g_qM),
				(this.g_qX = n.g_qN),
				(this.g_qY = n.g_qO),
				(this.g_qZ = n.g_qP),
				(this.g_q_ = !!n.g_qQ),
				(this.g_q$ = n.g_qR),
				throw new Error('invalid sampling');
			if (!a.has(this.g_qZ)) throw new Error('invalid pixel format');
			if (!r.has(this.g_q$)) throw new Error('invalid mipmap quality');
			if (((this.g_qV = !0), !(g instanceof ArrayBuffer || null === g || n.g_qS)))
				(this.g_pu = g.width), (this.g_pv = g.height);
			else if (
				((this.g_pu = n.width),
				(this.g_pv = n.height),
				g instanceof ArrayBuffer && g.byteLength !== 4 * (this.g_pu * this.g_pv))
				throw new Error('ArrayBuffer wrong size');
			if (0 >= this.g_pu || 0 >= this.g_pv) throw new Error('invalid texture data size');
			if (n.g_qS) {
				const _ = g_aO.g_gk(this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
					e = _.getContext('2d');
				e.drawImage(g, 0, 0, this.g_pu, this.g_pv), (g = _);
			const d = g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pu) && g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pv),
				i = this.g_qw.g_rb();
			if (this.g_pu > i || this.g_pv > i)
				throw new Error('texture data exceeds maximum texture size');
			const o = this.g_qw.g_rc(),
				u = this.g_qw.g_rd();
			(this.g_qU = o.createTexture()),
				o.bindTexture(o.TEXTURE_2D, this.g_qU),
				o.pixelStorei(o.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, n.g_cr);
			const l = _(this.g_qZ, o);
			if (!this.g_qw.g_re() && !d && this.g_qW) {
				if (null === g)
					throw new Error(
						'cannot pass null data when creating a NPOT tiled texture without NPOT support'
				if (
					(g instanceof ArrayBuffer &&
						(g = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(g), this.g_pu, this.g_pv)),
					g instanceof ImageData)
				) {
					const _ = g_aO.g_gk(this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
						e = _.getContext('2d');
					e.putImageData(g, 0, 0), (g = _);
				const _ = g_aO.g_gk(g_aO.g_eG(this.g_pu), g_aO.g_eG(this.g_pv)),
					e = _.getContext('2d');
				(e.g_rf = 'nearest' !== this.g_qY),
					e.drawImage(g, 0, 0, this.g_pu, this.g_pv, 0, 0, _.width, _.height),
					o.texImage2D(o.TEXTURE_2D, 0, l.g_qL, l.format, l.type, _);
			} else if (2 <= u) {
				let _;
				(_ = this.g_q_ ? Math.floor(Math.log2(Math.max(this.g_pu, this.g_pv)) + 1) : 1),
					o.texStorage2D(o.TEXTURE_2D, _, l.g_qK, this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
					g instanceof ArrayBuffer
						? o.texSubImage2D(
								new Uint8Array(g)
						: null !== g && o.texSubImage2D(o.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, l.format, l.type, g);
			} else
				g instanceof ArrayBuffer
					? o.texImage2D(
							new Uint8Array(g)
					: null === g
					? o.texImage2D(o.TEXTURE_2D, 0, l.g_qL, this.g_pu, this.g_pv, 0, l.format, l.type, null)
					: o.texImage2D(o.TEXTURE_2D, 0, l.g_qL, l.format, l.type, g);
			null !== g && this.g_rg(o),
				o.bindTexture(o.TEXTURE_2D, null),
				(this.g_nD = 1),
		g_ri(g, d, u) {
			var h = Math.floor;
			if (((u = Object.assign({}, s, u)), this.g_qU)) throw new Error('already created texture');
			if (
				((this.g_qW = !!u.g_qM),
				(this.g_qX = u.g_qN),
				(this.g_qY = u.g_qO),
				(this.g_qZ = u.g_qP),
				(this.g_q_ = !!u.g_qQ),
				(this.g_q$ = u.g_qR),
				throw new Error('invalid sampling');
			if (!a.has(this.g_qZ)) throw new Error('invalid pixel format');
			if (!r.has(this.g_q$)) throw new Error('invalid mipmap quality');
			(this.g_qV = !1), (this.g_pu = h(g)), (this.g_pv = h(d));
			const c = g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pu) && g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pv),
				f = this.g_qw.g_rb();
			if (0 >= this.g_pu || 0 >= this.g_pv) throw new Error('invalid texture size');
			if (this.g_pu > f || this.g_pv > f) throw new Error('texture exceeds maximum texture size');
			if (!this.g_qw.g_re() && this.g_qW && !c)
				throw new Error('non-power-of-two tiled textures not supported');
			const l = this.g_qw.g_rc(),
				m = this.g_qw.g_rd();
			(this.g_qU = l.createTexture()),
				l.bindTexture(l.TEXTURE_2D, this.g_qU),
				l.pixelStorei(l.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, u.g_cr);
			const n = _(this.g_qZ, l),
				o = 2 <= m ? n.g_qK : n.g_qL;
			l.texImage2D(l.TEXTURE_2D, 0, o, this.g_pu, this.g_pv, 0, n.format, n.type, null),
				l.bindTexture(l.TEXTURE_2D, null),
				(this.g_nD = 1),
		g_rj(g) {
			if ('default' === this.g_q$) return this.g_qV ? g.NICEST : g.FASTEST;
			if ('low' === this.g_q$) return g.FASTEST;
			if ('high' === this.g_q$) return g.NICEST;
			throw new Error('invalid mipmap quality');
		g_rg(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pu) && g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pv);
			if (!this.g_qW)
				g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, g.CLAMP_TO_EDGE),
					g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, g.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
			else if ('repeat-x' === this.g_qX)
				g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, g.REPEAT),
					g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, g.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
			else if ('repeat-y' === this.g_qX)
				g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, g.CLAMP_TO_EDGE),
					g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, g.REPEAT);
			else if ('repeat' === this.g_qX)
				g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, g.REPEAT),
					g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, g.REPEAT);
			else throw new Error('invalid tile type');
			if ('nearest' === this.g_qY)
				g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, g.NEAREST),
					g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, g.NEAREST),
					(this.g_q_ = !1);
			else if (
				(g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, g.LINEAR),
				(_ || this.g_qw.g_re()) && this.g_q_)
			) {
				g.hint(g.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, this.g_rj(g)), g.generateMipmap(g.TEXTURE_2D);
				const _ = 'trilinear' === this.g_qY && !this.g_qw.g_rk();
			} else g.texParameteri(g.TEXTURE_2D, g.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, g.LINEAR), (this.g_q_ = !1);
		g_rl(t, a) {
			if (
				('undefined' == typeof HTMLImageElement || !(t instanceof HTMLImageElement)) &&
				('undefined' == typeof HTMLVideoElement || !(t instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) &&
				('undefined' == typeof HTMLCanvasElement || !(t instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) &&
				('undefined' == typeof ImageBitmap || !(t instanceof ImageBitmap)) &&
				('undefined' == typeof OffscreenCanvas || !(t instanceof OffscreenCanvas)) &&
				!(t instanceof ImageData)
				throw new Error('invalid texture source');
			if (!this.g_qU || 0 >= this.g_nD) throw new Error('texture not created');
			if (this.g_qV) throw new Error('cannot update static texture');
			a = Object.assign({}, n, a);
			const r = t.width || t.videoWidth,
				s = t.height || t.videoHeight,
				e = this.g_qw.g_rd(),
				g = this.g_qw.g_rc();
			g.bindTexture(g.TEXTURE_2D, this.g_qU),
				g.pixelStorei(g.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, a.g_cr);
			const d = _(this.g_qZ, g),
				i = 2 <= e ? d.g_qK : d.g_qL;
			try {
				if (this.g_pu === r && this.g_pv === s) {
					const _ = g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pu) && g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pv);
					g.texSubImage2D(g.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, d.format, d.type, t),
						(_ || this.g_qw.g_re()) &&
							this.g_q_ &&
							(g.hint(g.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, this.g_rj(g)), g.generateMipmap(g.TEXTURE_2D));
				} else {
					(this.g_pu = r), (this.g_pv = s);
					const _ = g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pu) && g_aO.g_eF(this.g_pv);
					if (!this.g_qw.g_re() && this.g_qW && !_)
						throw new Error('non-power-of-two tiled textures not supported');
					g.texImage2D(g.TEXTURE_2D, 0, i, d.format, d.type, t),
						(_ || this.g_qw.g_re()) &&
							this.g_q_ &&
							(g.hint(g.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, this.g_rj(g)), g.generateMipmap(g.TEXTURE_2D));
			} catch (g) {
				console.error('Error updating WebGL texture: ', g);
			g.bindTexture(g.TEXTURE_2D, null), this.g_qw.g_rh();
		g_rm() {
			if (0 < this.g_nD) throw new Error('texture still has references');
			if (!this.g_qU) throw new Error('already deleted texture');
			const g = this.g_qw.g_rc();
			g.deleteTexture(this.g_qU), (this.g_qU = null);
		g_rn() {
			return !!this.g_qU;
		g_ro() {
			return this.g_qU;
		g_rp() {
			return this.g_qw;
		g_rq() {
		g_rr() {
			if (0 >= this.g_nD) throw new Error('no more references');
		g_rs() {
			return this.g_nD;
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_pu;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_pv;
		g_rt() {
			return this.g_qV;
		g_ru() {
			let g = this.g_pu * this.g_pv;
			switch (this.g_qZ) {
				case 'rgba8':
					g *= 4;
				case 'rgb8':
					g *= 3;
				case 'rgba4':
				case 'rgb5_a1':
				case 'rgb565':
					g *= 2;
			return this.g_q_ && (g += Math.floor(g / 3)), g;
		static g_qI() {
		static g_rv() {
			return e.values();
	const _ = new Set(['nearest', 'bilinear', 'trilinear']),
		t = { g_qO: 'trilinear', alpha: !0, g_rw: !0, g_rx: !0, g_ry: 0 },
		n = new Set();
	g_aO.g_ps.g_rz = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_qw = g),
				(this.g_rA = null),
				(this.g_qU = null),
				(this.g_rB = null),
				(this.g_pu = 0),
				(this.g_pv = 0),
				(this.g_rC = !0),
				(this.g_qY = 'trilinear'),
				(this.g_rD = !0),
				(this.g_rE = !0),
				(this.g_rF = 0);
		g_rG(a, i, e) {
			e = Object.assign({}, t, e);
			const r = this.g_qw.g_rd();
			if (this.g_qU || this.g_rB) throw new Error('already created render target');
			if (
				((this.g_qY = e.g_qO),
				(this.g_rD = !!e.alpha),
				(this.g_rE = !!e.g_rw),
				(this.g_rC = !!e.g_rx),
				(this.g_rF = e.g_ry),
				throw new Error('invalid sampling');
			if (0 < this.g_rF && (2 > r || this.g_rE)) throw new Error('invalid use of multisampling');
			if (
				(2 > r && (this.g_rE = !0),
				(this.g_pu = a),
				(this.g_pv = i),
				0 >= this.g_pu || 0 >= this.g_pv)
				throw new Error('invalid render target size');
			const g = this.g_qw.g_rc();
			if (
				((this.g_rA = g.createFramebuffer()),
				g.bindFramebuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, this.g_rA),
			) {
				this.g_qU = this.g_qw.g_rH(this.g_pu, this.g_pv, {
					g_qO: this.g_qY,
					g_qP: this.g_rD ? 'rgba8' : 'rgb8',
					g_qQ: !1
				const _ = this.g_qU.g_ro();
				g.framebufferTexture2D(g.FRAMEBUFFER, g.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, g.TEXTURE_2D, _, 0);
			} else {
				(this.g_rB = g.createRenderbuffer()), g.bindRenderbuffer(g.RENDERBUFFER, this.g_rB);
				const _ = this.g_rD ? g.RGBA8 : g.RGB8;
				if (0 < this.g_rF) {
					const e = g.g_rI(g.RENDERBUFFER, _, g.SAMPLES);
					if (e && e[0]) {
						const g = e[0];
						this.g_rF > g && (this.g_rF = g);
					} else this.g_rF = 0;
				0 === this.g_rF
					? g.renderbufferStorage(g.RENDERBUFFER, _, this.g_pu, this.g_pv)
					: g.g_rJ(g.RENDERBUFFER, this.g_rF, _, this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
					g.framebufferRenderbuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, g.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, g.RENDERBUFFER, this.g_rB),
					g.bindRenderbuffer(g.RENDERBUFFER, null);
			g.bindFramebuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, null), n.add(this);
		g_rK(g, _) {
			if (this.g_pu !== g || this.g_pv !== _) {
				(this.g_pu = g), (this.g_pv = _);
				const e = this.g_qw.g_rc();
				e.bindFramebuffer(e.FRAMEBUFFER, this.g_rA),
						? this.g_qU.g_rl(new ImageData(this.g_pu, this.g_pv))
						: (e.bindRenderbuffer(e.RENDERBUFFER, this.g_rB),
								this.g_rD ? e.RGBA8 : e.RGB8,
						  e.bindRenderbuffer(e.RENDERBUFFER, null)),
					e.bindFramebuffer(e.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
		g_rm() {
			if (!this.g_qU && !this.g_rB) throw new Error('already deleted render target');
			const g = this.g_qw.g_rc();
			g.bindFramebuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, this.g_rA),
					? (g.framebufferTexture2D(g.FRAMEBUFFER, g.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, g.TEXTURE_2D, null, 0),
					  (this.g_qU = null))
					: this.g_rB &&
					  (g.framebufferRenderbuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, g.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, g.RENDERBUFFER, null),
					  (this.g_rB = null)),
				g.bindFramebuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, null),
				2 <= this.g_qw.g_rd() &&
					(g.bindFramebuffer(g.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, null),
					g.bindFramebuffer(g.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, null)),
				(this.g_qw.g_rN().g_rM = null),
				(this.g_rA = null);
		g_rO() {
			return this.g_rA;
		g_rP() {
			return this.g_qw;
		g_rQ() {
			return this.g_qU;
		g_rR() {
			return 'nearest' !== this.g_qY;
		g_rS() {
			return this.g_rD;
		g_rT() {
			return this.g_rE;
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_pu;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_pv;
		g_rU() {
			return this.g_rC;
		g_rV() {
			return this.g_rF;
		g_rW() {
			const g = { g_qO: this.g_qY, alpha: this.g_rD, g_rw: this.g_rE };
			return this.g_rC || ((g.width = this.g_pu), (g.height = this.g_pv)), g;
		g_rX(g) {
			return (
				(g = Object.assign({}, t, g)),
				('nearest' !== g.g_qO) === this.g_rR() &&
					!!g.alpha === this.g_rS() &&
					!(2 <= this.g_qw.g_rd() && !!g.g_rw !== this.g_rT()) &&
					('number' == typeof g.width || 'number' == typeof g.height
						? !this.g_rU() && this.g_pN() === g.width && this.g_pO() === g.height
						: this.g_rU())
		g_rY() {
			return this.g_qU ? this.g_qU.g_ro() : null;
		g_ru() {
			return this.g_qU ? this.g_qU.g_ru() : this.g_pu * this.g_pv * (this.g_rD ? 4 : 3);
		static async g_rZ(g, _) {
			const e = await g.g_r_(_, !0);
			return await g_aO.g_gt(e);
		static g_qI() {
		static g_r$() {
			return n.values();
		static g_sa(g, _) {
			for (const e of n) e.g_rU() && e.g_rK(g, _);
	const g = new Set([
	g_aO.g_ps.g_sb = class {
		static async g_sc(_, a, t, n) {
			const r = _.g_rc(),
				e = r.createShader(r.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
			r.shaderSource(e, a), r.compileShader(e);
			const s = r.createShader(r.VERTEX_SHADER);
			r.shaderSource(s, t), r.compileShader(s);
			const g = r.createProgram();
			r.attachShader(g, e),
				r.attachShader(g, s),
				r.bindAttribLocation(g, 0, 'aPos'),
				r.bindAttribLocation(g, 1, 'aTex'),
				r.bindAttribLocation(g, 2, 'aPoints'),
			const d = _.g_sd();
			if (
					? await _.g_se(() => r.getProgramParameter(g, d.COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR))
					: await g_aO.g_ft(5),
				!r.getShaderParameter(e, r.COMPILE_STATUS))
			) {
				const _ = r.getShaderInfoLog(e);
				throw (
					new Error('Error compiling fragment shader: ' + _))
			if (!r.getShaderParameter(s, r.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
				const _ = r.getShaderInfoLog(s);
				throw (
					new Error('Error compiling vertex shader: ' + _))
			if (!r.getProgramParameter(g, r.LINK_STATUS)) {
				const _ = r.getProgramInfoLog(g);
				throw (
					new Error('Error linking shader program: ' + _))
			const i = g_aO.g_oe(r.getProgramInfoLog(g) || '').trim();
			return (
				i && !g_aO.g_oc(i) && console.info(`[WebGL] Shader program '${n}' compilation log: `, i),
		static async g_sf(g, _, a, t) {
			const n = await g_aO.g_ps.g_sb.g_sc(g, _.src, a, t);
			return new g_aO.g_ps.g_sb(g, n, _, t);
		constructor(_, a, t, n) {
			const r = _.g_rc(),
				e = _.g_rN();
				(this.g_sg = r),
				(this.g_qw = _),
				(this.g_en = n),
				(this.g_qx = a),
				(this.g_sh = '<default-device-transform>' === n);
			const s = r.getAttribLocation(a, 'aPos'),
				g = r.getAttribLocation(a, 'aTex'),
				d = r.getAttribLocation(a, 'aPoints');
			-1 !== s &&
				(r.bindBuffer(r.ARRAY_BUFFER, _.g_si),
				r.vertexAttribPointer(s, _.g_sj(), r.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0),
				-1 !== g &&
					(r.bindBuffer(r.ARRAY_BUFFER, _.g_sk),
					r.vertexAttribPointer(g, 2, r.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0),
				-1 !== d &&
					(r.bindBuffer(r.ARRAY_BUFFER, _.g_sl),
					r.vertexAttribPointer(d, 4, r.FLOAT, !1, 0, 0),
				r.bindBuffer(r.ARRAY_BUFFER, null),
				(this.g_sm = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'matP', 'mat4')),
				(this.g_so = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'matMV', 'mat4')),
				(this.g_sp = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'color', 'vec4')),
				(this.g_sq = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'samplerFront', 'sampler')),
				(this.g_sr = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'pointTexStart', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_ss = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'pointTexEnd', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_st = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'zElevation', 'float')),
				(this.g_su = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'tileSize', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sv = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'tileSpacing', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sw = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'color2_', 'vec4')),
				(this.g_sx = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'outlineThickness', 'float')),
				(this.g_sy = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'samplerBack', 'sampler')),
				(this.g_sz = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'destStart', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sA = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'destEnd', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sB = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'srcStart', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sC = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'srcEnd', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sD = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'srcOriginStart', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sE = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'srcOriginEnd', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sF = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'pixelSize', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sG = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'seconds', 'float')),
				(this.g_sH = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'layerScale', 'float')),
				(this.g_sI = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'layerAngle', 'float')),
				(this.g_sJ = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'layoutStart', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sK = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, 'layoutEnd', 'vec2')),
				(this.g_sL = !!(
					this.g_sF.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sG.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sy.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sz.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sA.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sB.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sC.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sD.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sE.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sH.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sI.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sJ.g_sM() ||
				(this.g_sN = t.g_sO || 0),
				(this.g_sP = t.g_sQ || 0),
				(this.g_sR = !!t.g_sS),
				(this.g_sT = !!t.g_sU),
				(this.g_sV = !!t.g_sW),
				(this.g_sX = !!t.g_sY);
			const i = t.g_sZ || [];
			(this.g_s_ = []),
				(this.g_s$ = this.g_sz.g_sM() || this.g_sA.g_sM()),
				(this.g_ta =
					this.g_sF.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sB.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sC.g_sM() ||
					this.g_sD.g_sM() ||
				(this.g_tb = this.g_sR || this.g_s$ || 0 !== this.g_sN || 0 !== this.g_sP),
				(this.g_tc = !1),
				(this.g_td = !1),
				this.g_sp.g_te(1, 1, 1, 1),
				this.g_sw.g_te(1, 1, 1, 1),
				this.g_sr.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_ss.g_tg(1, 1),
				this.g_su.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sv.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sz.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sA.g_tg(1, 1),
				this.g_sB.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sC.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sD.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sE.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sF.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sJ.g_tg(0, 0),
				this.g_sK.g_tg(0, 0),
			for (const g of i) {
				const _ = g[0],
					e = g[2],
					a = new g_aO.g_ps.g_sn(this, _, e);
				'color' === e ? a.g_ti(0, 0, 0) : a.g_th(0), this.g_s_.push(a);
			this.g_sh ? this.g_tj(e.g_tk) : (this.g_tl(e.g_tk, !0), this.g_tm(e.g_tn, !0));
			const l = e.g_to;
			r.useProgram(l ? l.g_qx : null);
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_qx = null),
				(this.g_sg = null),
				(this.g_qw = null);
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_tp() {
			return this.g_sg;
		g_tq() {
			return this.g_qx;
		g_tr() {
			return this.g_s$;
		g_ts() {
			return this.g_sR;
		g_tt() {
			return this.g_sT;
		g_tu() {
			return this.g_sV;
		g_tv() {
			return 0 !== this.g_sN || 0 !== this.g_sP;
		g_tw() {
			return this.g_sN;
		g_tx() {
			return this.g_sP;
		g_ty() {
			return this.g_ta;
		g_tz() {
			return this.g_tb;
		g_tA() {
			return this.g_s_.length;
		g_tB(g) {
			return this.g_s_[g].g_tC();
		g_tD(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) if (!this.g_s_[_].g_tE(g[_])) return !1;
			return !0;
		g_tF(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) this.g_s_[_].g_tG(g[_]);
		g_tH(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g, d) {
			return (
				!this.g_sy.g_sM() &&
				(!this.g_sF.g_sM() || this.g_sF.g_tI(r, e)) &&
				(!this.g_sz.g_sM() || this.g_sz.g_tI(_.g_hV(), _.g_hW())) &&
				(!this.g_sA.g_sM() || this.g_sA.g_tI(_.g_hX(), _.g_hY())) &&
				(!this.g_sH.g_sM() || this.g_sH.g_tJ(s)) &&
				(!this.g_sI.g_sM() || this.g_sI.g_tJ(g)) &&
				(!this.g_sB.g_sM() || this.g_sB.g_tI(a.g_hV(), a.g_hW())) &&
				(!this.g_sC.g_sM() || this.g_sC.g_tI(a.g_hX(), a.g_hY())) &&
				(!this.g_sD.g_sM() || this.g_sD.g_tI(t.g_hV(), t.g_hW())) &&
				(!this.g_sE.g_sM() || this.g_sE.g_tI(t.g_hX(), t.g_hY())) &&
				(!this.g_sJ.g_sM() || this.g_sJ.g_tI(n.g_hV(), n.g_hW())) &&
				(!this.g_sK.g_sM() || this.g_sK.g_tI(n.g_hW(), n.g_hY())) &&
				(!this.g_sG.g_sM() || this.g_sG.g_tJ(d))
		g_tK(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g, d) {
			this.g_sy.g_sM() ||
				(this.g_sF.g_sM() && this.g_sF.g_tL(r, e),
				this.g_sz.g_sM() && this.g_sz.g_tL(_.g_hV(), _.g_hW()),
				this.g_sA.g_sM() && this.g_sA.g_tL(_.g_hX(), _.g_hY()),
				this.g_sH.g_sM() && this.g_sH.g_tM(s),
				this.g_sI.g_sM() && this.g_sI.g_tM(g),
				this.g_sB.g_sM() && this.g_sB.g_tL(a.g_hV(), a.g_hW()),
				this.g_sC.g_sM() && this.g_sC.g_tL(a.g_hX(), a.g_hY()),
				this.g_sD.g_sM() && this.g_sD.g_tL(t.g_hV(), t.g_hW()),
				this.g_sE.g_sM() && this.g_sE.g_tL(t.g_hX(), t.g_hY()),
				this.g_sJ.g_sM() && this.g_sJ.g_tL(n.g_hV(), n.g_hW()),
				this.g_sK.g_sM() && this.g_sK.g_tL(n.g_hW(), n.g_hY()),
				this.g_sG.g_sM() && this.g_sG.g_tM(d));
		g_tN() {
			return this.g_sX;
		g_tl(g, _) {
			(this.g_tc && !_) || this.g_sh || (this.g_sm.g_sM() && this.g_sm.g_tO(g), (this.g_tc = !0));
		g_tP() {
			this.g_tc = !1;
		g_tm(g, _) {
			(this.g_td && !_) || this.g_sh || (this.g_so.g_sM() && this.g_so.g_tO(g), (this.g_td = !0));
		g_tQ() {
			this.g_td = !1;
		g_tj(_) {
			if (!this.g_sh) throw new Error('not device transform shader');
			const a = this.g_qw,
				t = a.g_pN() / 2,
				n = a.g_pO() / 2,
				i = a.g_pz,
				e = vec3.g_q(t * i[0], n * i[1], 100 * self.devicePixelRatio),
				r = vec3.g_q(t * i[0], n * i[1], 0),
				g = mat4.create();
			mat4.g_at(g, e, r, a.g_py), mat4.scale(g, g, i), this.g_so.g_tO(g);
		g_tR(g) {
			this.g_sp.g_sM() && this.g_sp.g_tS(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3]);
		static g_tT() {
			return g;
		static g_tU(g, _) {
			const e = _ ? 'highmedp' : 'mediump';
			return [
				`#define highmedp highp`,
				`#define highmedp mediump`,
				`attribute highp ${g ? 'vec3' : 'vec2'} aPos;`,
				`attribute ${e} vec2 aTex;`,
				`varying ${e} vec2 vTex;`,
				`uniform highp mat4 matP;`,
				`uniform highp mat4 matMV;`,
				`void main(void) {`,
				`	gl_Position = matP * matMV * vec4(aPos, ${g ? '' : '0.0,'} 1.0);`,
				`	vTex = aTex;`,
		static g_tV() {
			return 'varying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nuniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tgl_FragColor = texture2D(samplerFront, vTex) * color;\n}';
		static g_tW() {
			return '#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH\n#define highmedp highp\n#else\n#define highmedp mediump\n#endif\nvarying highmedp vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nuniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;\nuniform highmedp vec2 srcStart;\nuniform highmedp vec2 pixelSize;\nuniform highmedp vec2 tileSize;\nuniform highmedp vec2 tileSpacing;\nvoid main(void) {\n\thighmedp vec2 tile = floor(vTex);\n\thighmedp vec2 tex = fract(vTex);\n\thighmedp vec2 tileOrigin = srcStart + tile * (tileSize + tileSpacing);\n\thighmedp vec2 lowerBound = tileOrigin + pixelSize / 2.0;\n\thighmedp vec2 upperBound = tileOrigin + tileSize - pixelSize / 2.0;\n\tgl_FragColor = texture2D(samplerFront, clamp(tex, lowerBound, upperBound), -16.0) * color;\n}';
		static g_tX() {
			return 'attribute vec4 aPoints;\nvarying float pointOpacity;\nuniform float zElevation;\nuniform mat4 matP;\nuniform mat4 matMV;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tgl_Position = matP * matMV * vec4(aPoints.xy, zElevation, 1.0);\n\tgl_PointSize = aPoints.z;\n\tpointOpacity = aPoints.w;\n}';
		static g_tY() {
			return 'uniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;\nvarying lowp float pointOpacity;\nuniform mediump vec2 pointTexStart;\nuniform mediump vec2 pointTexEnd;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tgl_FragColor = texture2D(samplerFront, mix(pointTexStart, pointTexEnd, gl_PointCoord)) * color * pointOpacity;\n}';
		static g_tZ() {
			return 'uniform lowp vec4 color;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tgl_FragColor = color;\n}';
		static g_t_() {
			return 'precision lowp float;\nvarying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform vec4 color;\nuniform vec4 color2_;\nvec3 fromLinear(vec3 linearRGB)\n{\n\tbvec3 cutoff = lessThan(linearRGB, vec3(0.0031308));\n\tvec3 higher = vec3(1.055) * pow(abs(linearRGB), vec3(1.0/2.4)) - vec3(0.055);\n\tvec3 lower = linearRGB * vec3(12.92);\n\treturn mix(higher, lower, vec3(cutoff));\n}\nvec3 toLinear(vec3 sRGB)\n{\n\tbvec3 cutoff = lessThan(sRGB, vec3(0.04045));\n\tvec3 higher = pow(abs((sRGB + vec3(0.055))/vec3(1.055)), vec3(2.4));\n\tvec3 lower = sRGB/vec3(12.92);\n\treturn mix(higher, lower, vec3(cutoff));\n}\nvoid main(void) {\n\tvec3 linearGrad = mix(toLinear(color.rgb), toLinear(color2_.rgb), vTex.x);\n\tfloat a = mix(color.a, color2_.a, vTex.x);\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4(fromLinear(linearGrad) * a, a);\n}';
		static g_t$() {
			return 'varying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tlowp float f = 1.0 - abs(vTex.y - 0.5) * 2.0;\n\tgl_FragColor = color * f;\n}';
		static g_ua() {
			return 'varying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tmediump vec2 diff = vTex - vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n\tmediump vec2 diffSq = diff * diff;\n\tmediump float f = step(diffSq.x + diffSq.y, 0.25);\n\tgl_FragColor = color * f;\n}';
		static g_ub() {
			return 'varying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nuniform mediump vec2 pixelSize;\nuniform mediump float outlineThickness;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tmediump vec2 diff = vTex - vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n\tmediump vec2 diffSq = diff * diff;\n\tmediump float distSq = diffSq.x + diffSq.y;\n\tmediump vec2 norm = normalize(diff);\n\tmediump vec2 halfNorm = norm * 0.5;\n\tmediump float innerF = step(distSq, 0.25);\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge = halfNorm - pixelSize * norm * outlineThickness;\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdgeSq = innerEdge * innerEdge;\n\tmediump float outerF = step(innerEdgeSq.x + innerEdgeSq.y, distSq);\n\tgl_FragColor = color * innerF * outerF;\n}';
		static g_uc() {
			return 'varying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nuniform mediump vec2 pixelSize;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tmediump vec2 diff = vTex - vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n\tmediump vec2 diffSq = diff * diff;\n\tmediump vec2 norm = normalize(diff);\n\tmediump vec2 halfNorm = norm * 0.5;\n\tmediump vec2 halfNormSq = halfNorm * halfNorm;\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge = halfNorm - pixelSize * norm;\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdgeSq = innerEdge * innerEdge;\n\tmediump float f = smoothstep(halfNormSq.x + halfNormSq.y, innerEdgeSq.x + innerEdgeSq.y, diffSq.x + diffSq.y);\n\tgl_FragColor = color * f;\n}';
		static g_ud() {
			return 'varying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp vec4 color;\nuniform mediump vec2 pixelSize;\nuniform mediump float outlineThickness;\nvoid main(void) {\n\tmediump vec2 diff = vTex - vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n\tmediump vec2 diffSq = diff * diff;\n\tmediump float distSq = diffSq.x + diffSq.y;\n\tmediump vec2 norm = normalize(diff);\n\tmediump vec2 halfNorm = norm * 0.5;\n\tmediump vec2 halfNormSq = halfNorm * halfNorm;\n\tmediump vec2 pxNorm = pixelSize * norm;\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge1 = halfNorm - pxNorm;\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge1Sq = innerEdge1 * innerEdge1;\n\tmediump float innerF = smoothstep(halfNormSq.x + halfNormSq.y, innerEdge1Sq.x + innerEdge1Sq.y, distSq);\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge2 = halfNorm - pxNorm * outlineThickness;\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge2Sq = innerEdge2 * innerEdge2;\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge3 = halfNorm - pxNorm * (outlineThickness + 1.0);\n\tmediump vec2 innerEdge3Sq = innerEdge3 * innerEdge3;\n\tmediump float outerF = smoothstep(innerEdge3Sq.x + innerEdge3Sq.y, innerEdge2Sq.x + innerEdge2Sq.y, distSq);\n\tgl_FragColor = color * innerF * outerF;\n}';
	function g(g, _) {
		return (
			g[0] === _[0] &&
			g[1] === _[1] &&
			g[2] === _[2] &&
			g[3] === _[3] &&
			g[4] === _[4] &&
			g[5] === _[5] &&
			g[6] === _[6] &&
			g[7] === _[7] &&
			g[8] === _[8] &&
			g[9] === _[9] &&
			g[10] === _[10] &&
			g[11] === _[11] &&
			g[12] === _[12] &&
			g[13] === _[13] &&
			g[14] === _[14] &&
			g[15] === _[15]
	const _ = new Map([
		['float', 1],
		['percent', 1],
		['sampler', 1],
		['vec2', 2],
		['vec3', 3],
		['color', 3],
		['vec4', 4],
		['mat4', 16]
	g_aO.g_ps.g_sn = class {
		constructor(g, a, t) {
			if (!_.has(t)) throw new Error('invalid uniform type');
			(this.g_ue = g),
				(this.g_sg = this.g_ue.g_tp()),
				(this.g_en = a),
				(this.g_kL = t),
				(this.g_uf = 'color' === this.g_kL),
				(this.g_ug = this.g_sg.getUniformLocation(this.g_ue.g_tq(), a)),
				(this.g_uh = !!this.g_ug);
			const n = _.get(t);
			(this.g_ui = new Float32Array(n)), (this.g_uj = new Float32Array(n));
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_ue = null), (this.g_sg = null), (this.g_ug = null);
		g_sM() {
			return this.g_uh;
		g_tC() {
			return this.g_kL;
		g_uk() {
			return this.g_uf;
		g_th(g) {
			this.g_sM() &&
				((this.g_ui[0] = g), this.g_uj.set(this.g_ui), this.g_sg.uniform1f(this.g_ug, g));
		g_tf(g) {
			this.g_sM() &&
				((this.g_ui[0] = g), this.g_uj.set(this.g_ui), this.g_sg.uniform1i(this.g_ug, g));
		g_tg(g, _) {
			this.g_sM() &&
				((this.g_ui[0] = g),
				(this.g_ui[1] = _),
				this.g_sg.uniform2f(this.g_ug, g, _));
		g_ti(g, _, e) {
			this.g_sM() &&
				((this.g_ui[0] = g),
				(this.g_ui[1] = _),
				(this.g_ui[2] = e),
				this.g_sg.uniform3f(this.g_ug, g, _, e));
		g_te(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g_sM() &&
				((this.g_ui[0] = g),
				(this.g_ui[1] = _),
				(this.g_ui[2] = e),
				(this.g_ui[3] = a),
				this.g_sg.uniform4f(this.g_ug, g, _, e, a));
		g_ul(g) {
			g = Math.fround(g);
			const _ = this.g_ui;
			_[0] === g || ((_[0] = g), this.g_sg.uniform1f(this.g_ug, g));
		g_um(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ui;
			_[0] === g || ((_[0] = g), this.g_sg.uniform1i(this.g_ug, g));
		g_un(g, _) {
			var e = Math.fround;
			(g = e(g)), (_ = e(_));
			const t = this.g_ui;
			(t[0] === g && t[1] === _) || ((t[0] = g), (t[1] = _), this.g_sg.uniform2f(this.g_ug, g, _));
		g_uo(g, _, t) {
			var n = Math.fround;
			(g = n(g)), (_ = n(_)), (t = n(t));
			const i = this.g_ui;
			(i[0] === g && i[1] === _ && i[2] === t) ||
				((i[0] = g), (i[1] = _), (i[2] = t), this.g_sg.uniform3f(this.g_ug, g, _, t));
		g_tS(g, _, t, n) {
			var i = Math.fround;
			(g = i(g)), (_ = i(_)), (t = i(t)), (n = i(n));
			const e = this.g_ui;
			(e[0] === g && e[1] === _ && e[2] === t && e[3] === n) ||
				((e[0] = g),
				(e[1] = _),
				(e[2] = t),
				(e[3] = n),
				this.g_sg.uniform4f(this.g_ug, g, _, t, n));
		g_tO(_) {
			const e = this.g_ui;
			g(e, _) || (g_aO.g_fx(e, _, 0), this.g_sg.uniformMatrix4fv(this.g_ug, !1, _));
		g_tE(g) {
			var _ = Math.fround;
			const e = this.g_uj;
			return this.g_uk()
				? e[0] === _(g.g_gP()) && e[1] === _(g.g_gQ()) && e[2] === _(g.g_gR())
				: e[0] === _(g);
		g_tG(g) {
			const _ = this.g_uj;
			this.g_uk() ? ((_[0] = g.g_gP()), (_[1] = g.g_gQ()), (_[2] = g.g_gR())) : (_[0] = g);
		g_tJ(g) {
			return this.g_uj[0] === Math.fround(g);
		g_tI(g, _) {
			var e = Math.fround;
			const a = this.g_uj;
			return a[0] === e(g) && a[1] === e(_);
		g_tM(g) {
			this.g_uj[0] = g;
		g_tL(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_uj;
			(e[0] = g), (e[1] = _);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ps.g_up = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_uq = g),
				(this.g_tn = mat4.create()),
				(this.g_tk = mat4.create()),
				(this.g_rM = null),
				(this.g_ur = vec4.g_q(1, 1, 1, 1)),
				(this.g_to = null),
				(this.g_us = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.clearColor = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 0, 0, 0, 0));
	(g_aO.g_ps.g_ut = class {
		constructor(g) {
			const _ = new ArrayBuffer(96);
			(this.g_kL = 0),
				(this.g_uu = g),
				(this.g_sg = g.g_uq.g_rc()),
				(this.g_uv = 0),
				(this.g_uw = 0),
				(this.g_ux = null),
				(this.g_uy = new Float32Array(_, 0, 16)),
				(this.g_uz = new Float32Array(_, 64, 4)),
				(this.g_uA = new Float32Array(_, 80, 4)),
				(this.g_uB = []);
		g_uC(g, _) {
			(this.g_kL = 1), (this.g_uv = g), (this.g_uw = _);
		g_uD() {
			const g = this.g_sg;
			g.drawElements(g.TRIANGLES, this.g_uw, g.UNSIGNED_SHORT, this.g_uv);
		g_uE(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 2), (this.g_ux = g);
		g_uF() {
			const g = this.g_sg,
				_ = this.g_ux;
			g.bindTexture(g.TEXTURE_2D, _ ? _.g_ro() : null);
		g_uG(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 3), g.g_gU(this.g_uz, 0);
		g_uH() {
			const g = this.g_uz,
				_ = this.g_uu;
			vec4.g_p(_.g_ur, g), _.g_to.g_tR(g);
		g_uI(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 19), g.g_gU(this.g_uz, 0);
		g_uJ() {
			const g = this.g_uz,
				_ = this.g_uu.g_to;
			_.g_sw.g_sM() && _.g_sw.g_tS(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3]);
		g_uK(g, _) {
			(this.g_kL = 4), (this.g_uv = g), (this.g_uw = _);
		g_uL() {
			this.g_sg.blendFunc(this.g_uv, this.g_uw);
		g_uM(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 5), mat4.g_p(this.g_uy, g);
		g_uN() {
			const g = this.g_uu,
				_ = g.g_uq.g_pD,
				t = g.g_to,
				n = this.g_uy;
			for (let g = 0, a = _.length; g < a; ++g) {
				const a = _[g];
				a === t ? a.g_tm(n, !0) : a.g_tQ();
			mat4.g_p(g.g_tn, n);
		g_uO(g, _, e) {
			(this.g_kL = 6), (this.g_ux = g), (this.g_uv = _ ? 1 : 0), _ && mat4.g_p(this.g_uy, e);
		g_uP() {
			const _ = this.g_sg,
				a = this.g_ux,
				t = 0 !== this.g_uv,
				n = this.g_uy,
				i = this.g_uu,
				e = i.g_uq;
			let r, s;
			if (a) {
				const g = a.g_rO();
				(i.g_rM = g), _.bindFramebuffer(_.FRAMEBUFFER, g), (r = a.g_pN()), (s = a.g_pO());
			} else
				(i.g_rM = null), _.bindFramebuffer(_.FRAMEBUFFER, null), (r = e.g_uQ()), (s = e.g_uR());
			t && e.g_uS(r, s, n);
		g_uT(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 7), g.g_gU(this.g_uy, 0);
		g_uU(g, _, e, t) {
			this.g_kL = 7;
			const n = this.g_uy;
			(n[0] = g), (n[1] = _), (n[2] = e), (n[3] = t);
		g_uV() {
			const _ = this.g_sg,
				a = this.g_uy,
				t = this.g_uu,
				e = t.g_uq,
				n = t.clearColor,
				r = e.g_uW && g_aO.g_aW;
			r && _.disable(_.SCISSOR_TEST);
			const i = a[0],
				s = a[1],
				d = a[2],
				g = a[3];
			n.g_gX(i, s, d, g) || (_.clearColor(i, s, d, g), n.g_gG(i, s, d, g)),
				r && _.enable(_.SCISSOR_TEST);
		g_uX(_, t, n, e, r, s, i, g) {
			this.g_kL = 8;
			const d = this.g_uy;
			(d[0] = _),
				(d[1] = t),
				(d[2] = n),
				(d[3] = e),
				(d[4] = r),
				(d[5] = s),
				(d[6] = i),
				(d[7] = g);
		g_uY() {
			const _ = this.g_sg,
				a = this.g_uy,
				t = this.g_uu,
				e = t.g_uq,
				n = t.clearColor;
			e.g_uW || _.enable(_.SCISSOR_TEST), _.scissor(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
			const r = a[4],
				i = a[5],
				s = a[6],
				g = a[7];
			n.g_gX(r, i, s, g) || (_.clearColor(r, i, s, g), n.g_gG(r, i, s, g)),
				e.g_uW ? _.scissor(0, 0, e.g_uZ, e.g_u_) : _.disable(_.SCISSOR_TEST);
		g_u$(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 13), g.g_gU(this.g_uy, 0);
		g_va() {
			const g = this.g_uy;
			this.g_uu.g_us.set(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3]);
		g_vb(g, _) {
			(this.g_kL = 9), (this.g_uv = g), (this.g_uw = 1), (this.g_uy[0] = _);
		g_vc() {
			const g = this.g_sg,
				_ = this.g_uu,
				a = _.g_uq,
				t = a.g_vd;
			g.useProgram(t.g_qx), t.g_tl(_.g_tk, !1), t.g_tm(_.g_tn, !1);
			const n = _.g_us;
			t.g_sr.g_sM() && t.g_sr.g_un(n.g_hV(), n.g_hW()),
				t.g_ss.g_sM() && t.g_ss.g_un(n.g_hX(), n.g_hY());
			const e = this.g_uy[0];
			if ((t.g_st.g_sM() && t.g_st.g_ul(e), t.g_sp.g_sM())) {
				const g = _.g_ur;
				t.g_sp.g_tS(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3]);
			g.drawArrays(g.POINTS, this.g_uv / 4, this.g_uw), g.useProgram(_.g_to.g_qx);
		g_ve(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 10), (this.g_ux = g);
		g_vf() {
			const g = this.g_sg,
				_ = this.g_uu,
				e = this.g_ux;
			if (
				((_.g_to = e), g.useProgram(e.g_qx), e.g_tl(_.g_tk, !1), e.g_tm(_.g_tn, !1), e.g_sp.g_sM())
			) {
				const g = _.g_ur;
				e.g_sp.g_tS(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3]);
		g_vg() {
			this.g_kL = 11;
		g_vh() {
			const g = this.g_uu.g_to;
			g.g_sL && this.g_vi(g), g.g_s_.length && this.g_vj(g);
		g_vi(g) {
			const _ = this.g_sg,
				a = this.g_uy,
				t = this.g_uz,
				n = this.g_uA;
			if (g.g_sy.g_sM()) {
				const g = this.g_uu.g_uq,
					e = this.g_ux;
				g.g_vk !== e &&
					_.bindTexture(_.TEXTURE_2D, e ? e.g_ro() : null),
					(g.g_vk = e),
			g.g_sF.g_sM() && g.g_sF.g_un(a[0], a[1]),
				g.g_sz.g_sM() && g.g_sz.g_un(a[2], a[3]),
				g.g_sA.g_sM() && g.g_sA.g_un(a[4], a[5]),
				g.g_sH.g_sM() && g.g_sH.g_ul(a[6]),
				g.g_sI.g_sM() && g.g_sI.g_ul(a[7]),
				g.g_sB.g_sM() && g.g_sB.g_un(a[12], a[13]),
				g.g_sC.g_sM() && g.g_sC.g_un(a[14], a[15]),
				g.g_sD.g_sM() && g.g_sD.g_un(n[0], n[1]),
				g.g_sE.g_sM() && g.g_sE.g_un(n[2], n[3]),
				g.g_sJ.g_sM() && g.g_sJ.g_un(t[0], t[1]),
				g.g_sK.g_sM() && g.g_sK.g_un(t[2], t[3]),
				g.g_sG.g_sM() && g.g_sG.g_ul(this.g_uv);
		g_vj(g) {
			const _ = g.g_s_,
				t = this.g_uB;
			for (let n = 0, a = _.length; n < a; ++n) {
				const g = _[n],
					a = t[n];
				g.g_uk() ? g.g_uo(a.g_gP(), a.g_gQ(), a.g_gR()) : g.g_ul(a);
		g_vl(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 12), (this.g_ux = g);
		g_vm() {
			const g = this.g_sg,
				_ = this.g_ux,
				e = this.g_uu.g_rM;
			_ !== e && g.bindFramebuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, _),
				g.invalidateFramebuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, [g.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0]),
				_ !== e && g.bindFramebuffer(g.FRAMEBUFFER, e);
		g_vn(g, _, a) {
			this.g_kL = 15;
			const t = this.g_uy,
				n = this.g_uu.g_uq;
			(t[0] = g.g_pN()),
				(t[1] = g.g_pO()),
				(t[2] = _ ? _.g_pN() : n.g_pN()),
				(t[3] = _ ? _.g_pO() : n.g_pO()),
				(t[4] = g.g_rR() ? 1 : 0),
				(t[5] = 'stretch' === a);
			const e = this.g_uB;
			g_aO.g_fz(e), e.push(g.g_rO()), e.push(_ ? _.g_rO() : null);
		g_vo() {
			var _ = Math.max,
				a = Math.min;
			const t = this.g_uy,
				n = this.g_uB,
				r = this.g_sg,
				e = t[0],
				s = t[1],
				g = t[2],
				i = t[3],
				d = 0 !== t[4],
				o = 0 !== t[5],
				u = n[0],
				l = n[1];
			if ((r.bindFramebuffer(r.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, u), r.bindFramebuffer(r.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, l), o))
				r.blitFramebuffer(0, 0, e, s, 0, 0, g, i, r.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, d ? r.LINEAR : r.NEAREST);
			else {
				const t = a(e, g),
					n = a(s, i),
					d = _(s - i, 0),
					l = _(i - s, 0);
				r.blitFramebuffer(0, d, t, n + d, 0, l, t, n + l, r.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, r.NEAREST);
		g_vp(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 16), (this.g_ux = g);
		g_vq() {
			this.g_ux.g_vr(), (this.g_ux = null);
		g_vs(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 17), (this.g_ux = g);
		g_vt() {
			this.g_ux.g_vu(), (this.g_ux = null);
		g_vv(g, _, e) {
			this.g_kL = 18;
			const a = this.g_uy;
			(a[0] = g), (a[1] = _), (a[2] = e);
		g_vw() {
			const g = this.g_uu.g_to,
				_ = this.g_uy;
			g.g_sF.g_sM() && g.g_sF.g_un(_[0], _[1]), g.g_sx.g_sM() && g.g_sx.g_ul(_[2]);
		g_vx(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			this.g_kL = 14;
			const g = this.g_uy;
			_.g_gU(g, 0),
				(g[4] = 1 / a),
				(g[5] = 1 / t),
				(g[6] = n / a),
				(g[7] = i / t),
				(g[8] = e / a),
				(g[9] = r / t);
		g_vy() {
			const g = this.g_uu.g_to,
				_ = this.g_uy;
			g.g_sB.g_sM() && g.g_sB.g_un(_[0], _[1]),
				g.g_sF.g_sM() && g.g_sF.g_un(_[4], _[5]),
				g.g_su.g_sM() && g.g_su.g_un(_[6], _[7]),
				g.g_sv.g_sM() && g.g_sv.g_un(_[8], _[9]);
		g_vz() {
			switch (this.g_kL) {
				case 1:
					return void this.g_uD();
				case 2:
					return void this.g_uF();
				case 3:
					return void this.g_uH();
				case 4:
					return void this.g_uL();
				case 5:
					return void this.g_uN();
				case 6:
					return void this.g_uP();
				case 7:
					return void this.g_uV();
				case 8:
					return void this.g_uY();
				case 9:
					return void this.g_vc();
				case 10:
					return void this.g_vf();
				case 11:
					return void this.g_vh();
				case 12:
					return void this.g_vm();
				case 13:
					return void this.g_va();
				case 14:
					return void this.g_vy();
				case 15:
					return void this.g_vo();
				case 16:
					return void this.g_vq();
				case 17:
					return void this.g_vt();
				case 18:
					return void this.g_vw();
				case 19:
					return void this.g_uJ();
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
			? 'Gecko' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bR
				? g.strokeText(a, t, n, e)
				: g.strokeText(a, t, n)
			: 'Gecko' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bR
			? g.fillText(a, t, n, e)
			: g.fillText(a, t, n);
	function a(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
		_ ? g.strokeRect(a, t, n, e) : g.fillRect(a, t, n, e);
	function t(g) {
		return g * (4 / 3);
	const n = { timeout: 60 },
		r = new g_aO.g_gB(0, 0, 0, 1),
		e = new Set(['left', 'center', 'right']),
		s = new Set(['top', 'center', 'bottom']),
		g = new Set(['word', 'character']),
		d = new Set();
	g_aO.g_vA &&
		g_aO.g_vA.addEventListener('fontload', (g) => {
			const _ = g.font.g_pY();
			for (const e of d) (e.g_vB() || g_aO.g_dB(e.g_vC(), _)) && e.g_vD();
		(g_aO.g_ps.g_vE = class {
			constructor(g, _) {
				(_ = Object.assign({}, n, _)),
					(this.g_qw = g),
					(this.g_vF = 'Arial'),
					(this.g_vG = 16),
					(this.g_vH = 0),
					(this.g_vI = !1),
					(this.g_vJ = !1),
					(this.g_vK = 'black'),
					(this.g_vL = !1),
					(this.g_vM = null),
					(this.g_vN = new Set()),
					(this.g_vO = 'left'),
					(this.g_vP = 'top'),
					(this.g_vQ = ''),
					(this.g_vR = null),
					(this.g_vS = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_pf)),
					(this.g_vT = 'word'),
					(this.g_vU = !1),
					(this.g_vV = !1),
					(this.g_vW = !0),
					(this.g_vX = -1),
					(this.g_vY = 0),
					(this.g_vZ = 0),
					(this.g_v_ = 0),
					(this.g_pu = 0),
					(this.g_pv = 0),
					(this.g_v$ = 1),
					(this.g_wa = !1),
					(this.g_wb = null),
					(this.g_wc = null),
					(this.g_wd = null),
					(this.g_we = -1),
					(this.g_wf = -1),
					(this.g_wg = ''),
					(this.g_wh = ''),
					(this.g_wi = ''),
					(this.g_wj = 1),
					(this.g_wk = 1),
					(this.g_wl = (g, _) => this.g_wm(g, _)),
					(this.g_qU = null),
					(this.g_wn = 0),
					(this.g_wo = 0),
					(this.g_wp = new g_aO.Rect()),
					(this.g_wq = 1),
					(this.g_wr = !1),
					(this.g_ws = new g_aO.g_lx(() => {
						this.g_wt(), this.g_wu(8, 8);
					}, _.timeout)),
					(this.g_wv = null),
					(this.g_ww = !1),
			g_ek() {
				(this.g_vM = null),
					(this.g_vR = null),
					(this.g_wb = null),
					(this.g_wc = null),
					(this.g_wd = null),
					(this.g_wl = null),
					(this.g_wv = null),
					(this.g_vS = null),
					(this.g_qw = null),
					(this.g_ww = !0),
			g_wx() {
				this.g_wa = !0;
			g_vD() {
				this.g_wx(), this.g_vS.g_js(), (this.g_vU = !0);
			g_wy(g) {
				this.g_vW = !!g;
			g_wz() {
				return this.g_vW;
			g_wA(g) {
				(g = !!g),
					this.g_vL === g ||
						((this.g_vL = g),
						this.g_wc && (this.g_wc.textBaseline = this.g_vL ? 'alphabetic' : 'top'),
			g_vB() {
				return this.g_vL;
			g_wB(g) {
				g || (g = 'serif'), this.g_vF === g || ((this.g_vF = g), this.g_vD());
			g_vC() {
				return this.g_vF;
			g_wC(g) {
				0.1 > g && (g = 0.1), this.g_vG === g || ((this.g_vG = g), this.g_vD());
			g_wD(g) {
				this.g_vH === g || ((this.g_vH = g), this.g_wx());
			g_wE(g) {
				(g = !!g), this.g_vI === g || ((this.g_vI = g), this.g_vD());
			g_wF(g) {
				(g = !!g), this.g_vJ === g || ((this.g_vJ = g), this.g_vD());
			g_wG(g) {
				(g = Math.floor(g)), this.g_vX === g || ((this.g_vX = g), this.g_wx());
			g_wH() {
				return this.g_vX;
			g_wI(g, _) {
				for (let e = g.length - 1; 0 <= e; --e) {
					const a = g[e];
					if (a.tag === _) return a;
				return null;
			g_wJ(g, _) {
				return !!this.g_wI(g, _);
			g_wK(_, a) {
				let t = '';
				(this.g_vI || this.g_wJ(a, 'b')) && (t += 'bold'),
					(this.g_vJ || this.g_wJ(a, 'i')) && (t += ' italic');
				const n = this.g_wI(a, 'size'),
					i = n ? parseFloat(n.param) : this.g_vG;
				t += _ ? ' ' + i + 'pt' : ' ' + i * this.g_wq * this.g_v$ * self.devicePixelRatio + 'pt';
				let e = this.g_vF;
				const r = this.g_wI(a, 'font');
				return (
					r &&
						r.param &&
						((e = r.param), this.g_vM && !this.g_vN.has(e) && (this.g_vM(e), this.g_vN.add(e))),
					e && (t += ' "' + e + '"'),
			g_qG(g) {
				g instanceof g_aO.g_gB && (g = g.g_ha()), this.g_vK === g || ((this.g_vK = g), this.g_wx());
			g_wL(g, _, e) {
				r.g_gH(g, _, e), this.g_qG(r);
			g_wM(g) {
				if (!e.has(g)) throw new Error('invalid horizontal alignment');
				this.g_vO === g || ((this.g_vO = g), this.g_wx());
			g_wN(g) {
				if (!s.has(g)) throw new Error('invalid vertical alignment');
				this.g_vP === g || ((this.g_vP = g), this.g_wx());
			g_wO(_) {
				if (!g.has(_)) throw new Error('invalid word wrap mode');
				this.g_vT === _ || ((this.g_vT = _), this.g_vD());
			g_wP(g) {
				this.g_vQ === g || ((this.g_vQ = g), this.g_vD());
			g_wQ(_, a, t) {
				var n = Math.min;
				if (('undefined' == typeof t && (t = 1), 0 >= _ || 0 >= _)) return;
				if (this.g_vZ === _ && this.g_v_ === a && this.g_v$ === t) return;
				(1 === this.g_v$) != (1 === t) && (this.g_wr = !0);
				const r = this.g_vZ,
					e = this.g_v$;
				(this.g_vZ = _), (this.g_v_ = a), (this.g_v$ = t);
				const s = self.devicePixelRatio;
				(this.g_pu = this.g_vZ * this.g_v$ * s), (this.g_pv = this.g_v_ * this.g_v$ * s);
				const g = Math.max(this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
					d = n(this.g_qw.g_rb(), 2048);
				let i = 1;
				g > d &&
					((i = d / g), (this.g_pu = n(this.g_pu * i, d)), (this.g_pv = n(this.g_pv * i, d))),
					(this.g_wq = i),
					0 < this.g_wn &&
						0 < this.g_wo &&
						this.g_v$ === e &&
						this.g_wp.set(0, 0, this.g_pu / this.g_wn, this.g_pv / this.g_wo),
					this.g_vZ === r ? this.g_wx() : this.g_vD();
			g_pN() {
				return this.g_pu;
			g_pO() {
				return this.g_pv;
			g_wR() {
				return this.g_wS(), this.g_vS.g_pr();
			g_wT() {
				const g = t(this.g_vG) + 4;
				return this.g_vS.g_pi() * (g + this.g_vH) - this.g_vH;
			g_rQ() {
				return this.g_ws.g_lC(), this.g_wU(), this.g_qU;
			g_wU() {
				(this.g_qU && !this.g_wa && !this.g_vU) ||
					this.g_vV ||
					0 >= this.g_pu ||
					0 >= this.g_pv ||
					((this.g_wa = !1),
					(this.g_vV = !0),
					this.g_vW ? g_aO.g_gl(() => this.g_wV()) : this.g_wV());
			g_wV() {
				var g = Math.ceil;
				this.g_ww ||
					(this.g_wu(g(this.g_pu), g(this.g_pv)),
					(this.g_vV = !1));
			g_wu(g, _) {
				this.g_wb || (this.g_wb = g_aO.g_gk(16, 16));
				let e = !1;
				(this.g_we !== g || this.g_wf !== _) &&
					((this.g_we = g),
					(this.g_wf = _),
					(this.g_wb.width = g),
					(this.g_wb.height = _),
					(e = !0)),
					this.g_wc || ((this.g_wc = this.g_wb.getContext('2d')), (e = !0)),
						? ((this.g_wc.textBaseline = this.g_vL ? 'alphabetic' : 'top'),
						  (this.g_wc.font = this.g_wg),
						  (this.g_wc.fillStyle = this.g_wi),
						  (this.g_wc.strokeStyle = this.g_wi),
						  (this.g_wc.globalAlpha = this.g_wj),
						  (this.g_wc.lineWidth = this.g_wk))
						: this.g_wc.clearRect(0, 0, g, _);
			g_wY() {
				this.g_wd || (this.g_wd = g_aO.g_gk(16, 16).getContext('2d'));
			g_wZ(g) {
				this.g_wh === g || ((this.g_wh = g), (this.g_wd.font = g));
			g_wS() {
				this.g_vU &&
					this.g_vL &&
						(!this.g_vR || this.g_vR.toString() !== this.g_vQ) &&
						(this.g_vR = new g_aO.g_dP(this.g_vQ, { g_oR: !0 })),
						this.g_vL ? this.g_vR.g_pa() : this.g_vQ,
					(this.g_vU = !1));
			g_wm(g, _) {
				this.g_wZ(this.g_wK(!0, _));
				const a = this.g_wI(_, 'size'),
					n = a ? parseFloat(a.param) : this.g_vG;
				return { width: this.g_wd.measureText(g).width, height: t(n) };
			g_w_(g) {
				this.g_wg === g || ((this.g_wg = g), (this.g_wc.font = g));
			g_w$(g) {
				this.g_wi === g ||
					((this.g_wi = g), (this.g_wc.fillStyle = g), (this.g_wc.strokeStyle = g));
			g_xa(g) {
				this.g_wj === g || ((this.g_wj = g), (this.g_wc.globalAlpha = g));
			g_xb(g) {
				this.g_wk === g || ((this.g_wk = g), (this.g_wc.lineWidth = g));
			g_wW() {
				this.g_vY = 0;
				const _ = this.g_wq * this.g_v$ * self.devicePixelRatio,
					t = (4 + this.g_vH) * _;
				let n = 0;
				const i = this.g_vS.g_ph(),
					g = i.reduce((g, e) => g + e.height * _ + t, 0) - this.g_vH * _;
				'center' === this.g_vP
					? (n = Math.max(this.g_pv / 2 - g / 2, 0))
					: 'bottom' === this.g_vP && (n = this.g_pv - g - 2);
				for (let a = 0, g = i.length; a < g; ++a) {
					const e = i[a],
						r = e.height * _,
						g = n;
					if (this.g_vL) {
						if (((n += r), 0 < a && n > this.g_pv - 4 * _)) break;
					} else if (0 < a && n >= this.g_pv - r) break;
					0 <= g && this.g_xc(e, n, _), this.g_vL || (n += r), (n += t);
			g_xc(g, _, a) {
				let t = 0;
				'center' === this.g_vO
					? (t = (this.g_pu - g.width * a) / 2)
					: 'right' === this.g_vO && (t = this.g_pu - g.width * a);
				for (const n of g.g_pl) this.g_xd(n, t, _, a, g.height), (t += n.width * a);
			g_xd(t, E, y, b, s) {
				const f = this.g_wc,
					h = s / 16;
				let i = t.width * b;
				const B = t.height * b,
					v = t.height / 16,
					l = (4 + this.g_vH) * b,
					m = t.g_pb;
				let n = t.text;
				if (-1 !== this.g_vX) {
					if (this.g_vY >= this.g_vX) return;
					this.g_vY + n.length > this.g_vX &&
						((n = n.substr(0, this.g_vX - this.g_vY)), (i = this.g_wm(n, m).width * b)),
						(this.g_vY += n.length);
				const C = this.g_wI(m, 'background'),
					p = this.g_wJ(m, 'u'),
					T = this.g_wJ(m, 's');
				if ((!g_aO.g_oc(n) || C || p || T) && !this.g_wJ(m, 'hide')) {
					const e = this.g_wI(m, 'offsetx');
					E += e ? parseFloat(e.param) * b : 0;
					const r = this.g_wI(m, 'offsety');
					(y += r ? parseFloat(r.param) * b : 0),
						C && (this.g_w$(C.param), f.fillRect(E, y - B, i, B + l));
					const g = this.g_wI(m, 'color');
					this.g_w$(g ? g.param : this.g_vK);
					const s = this.g_wI(m, 'opacity');
					this.g_xa(s ? parseFloat(s.param) / 100 : 1);
					const t = this.g_wJ(m, 'stroke');
					if (
						(t && this.g_xb(v * this.g_wq * this.g_v$),
						p && a(f, t, E, y + b * h, i, b * h),
						T && a(f, t, E, y - B / 4, i, b * v),
						this.g_w_(this.g_wK(!1, m)),
						_(f, t, n, E, y, i),
					) {
						this.g_xb(v * this.g_wq * this.g_v$);
						const g = this.g_wI(m, 'outline');
						g && (this.g_w$(g.param), _(f, !0, n, E, y, i));
			g_wX() {
				var g = Math.ceil;
				this.g_qw.g_xe() ||
					((this.g_wn = g(this.g_pu)),
					(this.g_wo = g(this.g_pv)),
					this.g_wp.set(0, 0, this.g_pu / this.g_wn, this.g_pv / this.g_wo),
					this.g_wr && (this.g_wt(), (this.g_wr = !1)),
					!this.g_qU &&
						(this.g_qU = this.g_qw.g_rH(this.g_wn, this.g_wo, {
							g_qQ: 1 === this.g_v$,
							g_qR: 'high'
					this.g_qw.g_xf(this.g_wb, this.g_qU),
					this.g_wv && this.g_wv());
			g_xg() {
				return this.g_wp;
			g_wt() {
				this.g_qU && (!this.g_qw.g_xe() && this.g_qw.g_rL(this.g_qU), (this.g_qU = null));
			static g_qI() {
				for (const g of d) g.g_wt();
			static g_xh() {
				return d.values();
	class g {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_sg = g.g_rc()),
				(this.g_xi = g.g_rd()),
				(this.g_xj = g.g_xk()),
				(this.g_xl = null),
				(this.g_lB = !1),
				(this.g_xm = !1),
				(this.g_xn = 0),
				(this.g_xl = 1 === this.g_xi ? this.g_xj.createQueryEXT() : this.g_sg.createQuery());
		g_ek() {
			this.g_xo(), (this.g_sg = null), (this.g_xj = null), (this.g_xm = !1);
		g_xo() {
			this.g_xl &&
				(1 === this.g_xi ? this.g_xj.deleteQueryEXT(this.g_xl) : this.g_sg.deleteQuery(this.g_xl),
				(this.g_xl = null));
		g_vr() {
			if (this.g_lB) throw new Error('query already active');
			1 === this.g_xi
				? this.g_xj.beginQueryEXT(this.g_xj.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, this.g_xl)
				: this.g_sg.beginQuery(this.g_xj.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, this.g_xl),
				(this.g_lB = !0);
		g_vu() {
			if (!this.g_lB) throw new Error('query not active');
			1 === this.g_xi
				? this.g_xj.endQueryEXT(this.g_xj.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT)
				: this.g_sg.endQuery(this.g_xj.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT),
				(this.g_lB = !1);
		g_xp() {
			if (!this.g_xl || this.g_xm || this.g_lB) return;
			let g = !1;
			g =
				1 === this.g_xi
					? this.g_xj.getQueryObjectEXT(this.g_xl, this.g_xj.QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_EXT)
					: this.g_sg.getQueryParameter(this.g_xl, this.g_sg.QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE);
			const _ = this.g_sg.getParameter(this.g_xj.GPU_DISJOINT_EXT);
			g &&
				!_ &&
				((this.g_xn =
					1 === this.g_xi
						? this.g_xj.getQueryObjectEXT(this.g_xl, this.g_xj.QUERY_RESULT_EXT)
						: this.g_sg.getQueryParameter(this.g_xl, this.g_sg.QUERY_RESULT)),
				(this.g_xn /= 1e9),
				(this.g_xm = !0)),
				(g || _) && this.g_xo();
		g_xq() {
			return this.g_xm;
		g_xr() {
			if (!this.g_xm) throw new Error('no result available');
			return this.g_xn;
	g_aO.g_ps.g_xs = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_qw = g),
				(this.g_pK = g.g_qu()),
				(this.g_lB = !1),
				(this.g_xt = null),
				(this.g_xu = !1),
				(this.g_xv = null),
				(this.g_xw = []);
		g_ek() {
			for (const _ of this.g_xw) _ instanceof g && _.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_xw), (this.g_xt = null), (this.g_xv = null), (this.g_qw = null);
		g_vr() {
			if (this.g_lB) throw new Error('query already active');
			const g = this.g_qw.g_xx();
			0 < g.length
				? ((this.g_xu = !0),
				  (this.g_xt = g[g.length - 1]),
				: ((this.g_xu = !1), (this.g_xt = null)),
				(this.g_lB = !0),
		g_vu() {
			if (!this.g_lB) throw new Error('query not active');
			const g = this.g_qw.g_xx().pop();
			if (g !== this) throw new Error('can only end most nested query');
			(this.g_lB = !1), this.g_xy(), this.g_xt && (this.g_xt.g_xz(), (this.g_xt = null));
		g_xz() {
			(this.g_xv = g_aO.g_ej(g, this.g_qw)), this.g_xw.push(this.g_xv), this.g_xv.g_vr();
		g_xy() {
			this.g_xv.g_vu(), (this.g_xv = null);
		g_xp() {
			for (const g of this.g_xw) g.g_xp();
		g_xA() {
			return this.g_xu;
		g_xq() {
			return this.g_xw.every((g) => g.g_xq());
		g_xr() {
			return this.g_xw.reduce((g, _) => g + _.g_xr(), 0);
		g_qu() {
			return this.g_pK;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ps.g_xB = class {
		constructor(g, _ = 1e3) {
			(this.g_qw = g), (this.g_xC = _), (this.g_xD = []), this.g_qw.g_xE(this);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_js(), this.g_qw.g_xF(this), (this.g_qw = null);
		g_js() {
			for (const g of this.g_xD) g.g_ek();
		g_xG() {
			const g = new g_aO.g_ps.g_xs(this.g_qw);
			if ((this.g_xD.push(g), this.g_xD.length > this.g_xC)) {
				const g = this.g_xD.shift();
			return g;
		g_xH(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_xD) {
				if (_.g_qu() >= g) return;
				if (_.g_xA()) return;
		g_xI(g, _) {
			if (_ <= g) return NaN;
			let e = 0;
			for (const a of this.g_xD) {
				if (a.g_qu() >= _) break;
				if (!(a.g_qu() < g))
					if (a.g_xq()) e += a.g_xr();
					else return NaN;
			return e;
		g_xJ(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_xD.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_xD[_];
				if (e.g_qu() < g) e.g_ek();
				else return void (0 < _ && this.g_xD.splice(0, _));
	'use strict';
	function g(g, _) {
		return (
			g[0] === _[0] &&
			g[1] === _[1] &&
			g[2] === _[2] &&
			g[3] === _[3] &&
			g[4] === _[4] &&
			g[5] === _[5] &&
			g[6] === _[6] &&
			g[7] === _[7] &&
			g[8] === _[8] &&
			g[9] === _[9] &&
			g[10] === _[10] &&
			g[11] === _[11] &&
			g[12] === _[12] &&
			g[13] === _[13] &&
			g[14] === _[14] &&
			g[15] === _[15]
	function h() {
		t = -1;
		for (const g of d) g.g_xK() && (g.resolve(), d.delete(g));
		0 < d.size && (t = self.requestAnimationFrame(h));
	function f(g, _, e) {
		let t = null;
		if (2.1 <= e && ((t = g.getContext('webgl2-compute', _)), t)) return { g_xL: t, version: 2.1 };
		if (2 <= e && ((t = g.getContext('webgl2', _)), t)) return { g_xL: t, version: 2 };
		if (((t = g.getContext('webgl', _)), !t))
			try {
				t = g.getContext('experimental-webgl', _);
			} catch (g) {
				console.warn("Error requesting 'experimental-webgl' context: ", g);
		return { g_xL: t, version: 1 };
	const r = { g_xM: 'default', g_xN: !0, alpha: !1, g_xO: !1, g_xP: 2 },
		a = new Set(['default', 'low-power', 'high-performance']),
		m = new g_aO.g_iu(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1),
		n = vec3.g_q(0, 0, 0),
		_ = vec3.g_q(0, 0, 0),
		i = mat4.create(),
		E = new g_aO.g_iu(),
		s = new g_aO.Rect();
	let b = null;
	g_aO.g_aW &&
		((self.g_xQ = function () {
			return b ? void b.g_xR() : void console.warn('WEBGL_lose_context not supported');
		(self.g_xS = function () {
			return b ? void b.g_xT() : void console.warn('WEBGL_lose_context not supported');
	const d = new Set();
	let t = -1;
	g_aO.g_ps.g_xU = class extends g_aO.g_ps.g_pt {
		constructor(g, e) {
			if ((super(), (e = Object.assign({}, r, e)), !a.has(e.g_xM)))
				throw new Error('invalid power preference');
			let i = !1;
			const s = {
				alpha: !!e.alpha,
				depth: !1,
				antialias: !1,
				powerPreference: e.g_xM,
				failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: !0
			e.g_xO && ((s.desynchronized = !0), (s.preserveDrawingBuffer = !0));
			let _ = f(g, s, e.g_xP);
			if (
				(_.g_xL || ((i = !0), (s.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat = !1), (_ = f(g, s, e.g_xP))),
				throw new Error('failed to initialise WebGL context');
			const d = _.g_xL;
			(this.g_sg = d),
				(this.g_xV = d.getContextAttributes()),
				e.g_xO &&
					!this.g_xV.desynchronized &&
					console.info('[WebGLRenderer] Low-latency mode specified but is not supported here'),
				(this.g_xW = d.getParameter(d.VERSION)),
				(this.g_xi = _.version),
				(this.g_xX = !0),
				(this.g_xY = 0),
				(this.g_xZ = 0),
				(this.g_si = null),
				(this.g_sk = null),
				(this.g_x_ = null),
				(this.g_sl = null),
				(this.g_x$ = new Float32Array(8e3 * this.g_sj())),
				(this.g_ya = new Uint16Array(12e3)),
				(this.g_yb = new Float32Array(16e3)),
				(this.g_yc = new Float32Array(32e3)),
				(this.g_yd = 0),
				(this.g_ye = 0),
				(this.g_yf = 0),
				(this.g_yg = 0),
				(this.g_yh = null),
				(this.g_yi = null),
				(this.g_yj = null),
				(this.g_yk = null),
				(this.g_yl = null),
				(this.g_ym = null),
				(this.g_yn = null),
				(this.g_yo = null),
				(this.g_yp = null),
				(this.g_vd = null),
				(this.g_yq = null),
				(this.g_yr = []),
				(this.g_ys = 0),
				(this.g_yt = 0),
				(this.g_yu = null),
				(this.g_yv = 0),
				(this.g_yw = 0),
				(this.g_yx = 0),
				(this.g_uu = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_up, this)),
				(this.g_yy = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 1, 1, 1, 1)),
				(this.g_yz = null),
				(this.g_vk = null),
				(this.g_yA = 0),
				(this.g_yB = 0),
				(this.g_yC = 1),
				(this.g_yD = [this.g_yC]),
				(this.g_yE = 1),
				(this.g_yF = [this.g_yE]),
				(this.g_yG = 0.5),
				(this.g_yH = [this.g_yG]),
				(this.g_uW = !1),
				(this.g_uZ = -1),
				(this.g_u_ = -1),
				(this.g_yI = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_yJ = -1),
				(this.g_yK = 0),
				(this.g_yL = 0),
				(this.g_yM = 0),
				(this.g_yN = '(unavailable)'),
				(this.g_yO = '(unavailable)'),
				(this.g_yP = []),
				(this.g_yQ = i),
				(this.g_yR = !1),
				(this.g_yS = null),
				(this.g_yT = !!e.g_xN),
				(this.g_xj = null),
				(this.g_yU = new Set()),
				(this.g_yV = []),
		async g_yW() {
			const g = this.g_sg,
				e = this.g_sj();
			this.g_yy.g_gG(1, 1, 1, 1),
				(this.g_yz = null),
				(this.g_vk = null),
				(this.g_yd = 0),
				(this.g_yf = 0),
				(this.g_yg = 8e3 * e - 4 * e),
				(this.g_ys = 0),
				(this.g_yt = 0),
				(this.g_yh = null),
				(this.g_yu = null),
				this.g_yI.set(0, 0, 1, 1),
				(this.g_yv = 0),
				(this.g_yw = 0),
				(this.g_yx = 0);
			const t = this.g_uu;
			(t.g_to = null),
				(t.g_rM = null),
				vec4.set(t.g_ur, 1, 1, 1, 1),
				t.clearColor.g_gG(0, 0, 0, 0),
				t.g_us.set(0, 0, 1, 1),
				g.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0),
				g.blendFunc(g.ONE, g.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
				(this.g_yA = g.ONE),
				(this.g_yB = g.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
				(this.g_sl = g.createBuffer()),
				g.bindBuffer(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_sl),
				g.bufferData(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_yc.byteLength, g.DYNAMIC_DRAW),
				(this.g_si = g.createBuffer()),
				g.bindBuffer(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_si),
				g.bufferData(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_x$.byteLength, g.DYNAMIC_DRAW),
				(this.g_sk = g.createBuffer()),
				g.bindBuffer(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_sk),
				g.bufferData(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_yb.byteLength, g.DYNAMIC_DRAW),
				(this.g_x_ = g.createBuffer()),
				g.bindBuffer(g.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_x_),
				g.bufferData(g.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_ya, g.STATIC_DRAW),
				g.bindTexture(g.TEXTURE_2D, null),
				(this.g_yJ = g.getParameter(g.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE));
			const r = g.getParameter(g.ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE);
			(this.g_yK = r[0]), (this.g_yL = r[1]);
			const a = g.getShaderPrecisionFormat(g.VERTEX_SHADER, g.HIGH_FLOAT),
				i = g.getShaderPrecisionFormat(g.FRAGMENT_SHADER, g.HIGH_FLOAT);
			(this.g_yM = a && i ? Math.min(a.precision, i.precision) : 0),
				2048 < this.g_yL && (this.g_yL = 2048),
				(this.g_yP = g.getSupportedExtensions());
			const n = g.getExtension('WEBGL_debug_renderer_info');
			n &&
				((this.g_yN = g.getParameter(n.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL)),
				(this.g_yO = g.getParameter(n.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL))),
				(this.g_yS = g.getExtension('KHR_parallel_shader_compile')),
				g_aO.g_aW && (b = g.getExtension('WEBGL_lose_context')),
				this.g_yT &&
					(1 === this.g_rd()
						? ('Chromium' !== g_aO.g_bJ.g_bR ||
								81 <= g_aO.g_bJ.g_bP ||
								'undefined' != typeof document) &&
						  (this.g_xj = g.getExtension('EXT_disjoint_timer_query'))
						: (this.g_xj =
								g.getExtension('EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2') ||
			const _ = g_aO.g_ps.g_sb,
				l = _.g_tU(this.g_xX, !1),
				o = [
					[_.g_tV(), l, '<default>'],
					[_.g_tV(), l, '<default-device-transform>'],
					[_.g_tY(), _.g_tX(), '<point>'],
					[_.g_tZ(), l, '<fill>'],
					[_.g_t_(), l, '<lineargradient>'],
					[_.g_ua(), l, '<hardellipse>'],
					[_.g_ub(), l, '<hardellipseoutline>'],
					[_.g_uc(), l, '<smoothellipse>'],
					[_.g_ud(), l, '<smoothellipseoutline>'],
					[_.g_t$(), l, '<smoothline>'],
					[_.g_tW(), _.g_tU(this.g_xX, !0), '<tilemap>']
				s = await Promise.all(o.map((g) => this.g_yY({ src: g[0] }, g[1], g[2])));
			(this.g_pF = s[0]),
				(this.g_yi = s[1]),
				(this.g_vd = s[2]),
				(this.g_yj = s[3]),
				(this.g_yk = s[4]),
				(this.g_yl = s[5]),
				(this.g_ym = s[6]),
				(this.g_yn = s[7]),
				(this.g_yo = s[8]),
				(this.g_yp = s[9]),
				(this.g_yq = s[10]),
				(this.g_pH = null),
		g_y_() {
			return this.g_xX;
		g_sj() {
			return this.g_xX ? 3 : 2;
		g_y$(g) {
			this.g_yv = g;
		g_za() {
			return this.g_yv;
		g_qH(g) {
			(this.g_yw = g), (this.g_pH = null);
		g_zb() {
			return this.g_yw;
		async g_yY(g, _, e) {
			const t = await g_aO.g_ps.g_sb.g_sf(this, g, _, e);
			return this.g_pX(t), t;
		g_zc() {
			this.g_yh = null;
		g_wQ(g, _, e) {
			if (this.g_pu !== g || this.g_pv !== _ || e) {
				const e = this.g_sg,
					t = this.g_uu;
				(this.g_pu = g), (this.g_pv = _);
				const a = this.g_uQ(),
					i = this.g_uR();
				this.g_zd(a, i, this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
					this.g_uS(a, i, this.g_pA),
					this.g_yi &&
						(this.g_yh = this.g_yi),
						(this.g_uu.g_to = this.g_yi)),
					e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, null),
					e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D, null),
					(this.g_yz = null),
					(this.g_vk = null),
					this.g_yu && this.g_yu.g_rK(this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
					e.bindFramebuffer(e.FRAMEBUFFER, null),
					(this.g_yu = null),
					(t.g_rM = null);
		g_zd(g, e, t, r) {
			(this.g_pw[2] = 100),
				mat4.g_at(this.g_pB, this.g_pw, this.g_px, this.g_py),
				mat4.perspective(this.g_pA, 45, g / e, this.g_pP(), this.g_pQ());
			const a = [0, 0],
				i = [0, 0],
				n = self.devicePixelRatio;
			this.g_pM(0, 0, g, e, a),
				this.g_pM(1, 1, g, e, i),
				(this.g_pz[0] = n / (i[0] - a[0])),
				(this.g_pz[1] = -n / (i[1] - a[1])),
				(this.g_xY = t),
				(this.g_xZ = r);
		g_uS(g, e, t) {
			const r = this.g_sg,
				a = this.g_uu;
			r.viewport(0, 0, g, e);
			const s = this.g_pD,
				n = a.g_to;
			for (let _ = 0, a = s.length; _ < a; ++_) {
				const g = s[_];
				g === n ? g.g_tl(t, !0) : g.g_tP();
			mat4.g_p(a.g_tk, t);
		g_ze(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_sg;
			return this.g_pu === g && this.g_pv === _
				? void (
						this.g_uW &&
						(this.g_uW = !1),
						(this.g_uZ = -1),
						(this.g_u_ = -1),
						this.g_wQ(this.g_pu, this.g_pv, !0))
				: void (!this.g_uW && (this.g_qt(), e.enable(e.SCISSOR_TEST), (this.g_uW = !0)),
				  (this.g_uZ !== g || this.g_u_ !== _) &&
						e.scissor(0, 0, g, _),
						(this.g_uZ = g),
						(this.g_u_ = _),
						this.g_wQ(this.g_pu, this.g_pv, !0)));
		g_zf() {
			const g = this.g_sg;
			this.g_uW && (this.g_qt(), g.disable(g.SCISSOR_TEST), (this.g_uW = !1)),
				(this.g_uZ = -1),
				(this.g_u_ = -1);
		g_uQ() {
			return this.g_uW ? this.g_uZ : this.g_pN();
		g_uR() {
			return this.g_uW ? this.g_u_ : this.g_pO();
		g_zg() {
			if (!g(this.g_pC, this.g_pB)) {
				const g = this.g_zh();
				g.g_uM(this.g_pB), mat4.g_p(this.g_pC, this.g_pB), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_rN() {
			return this.g_uu;
		g_zh() {
			const g = this.g_yr;
			return this.g_ys === g.length && g.push(new g_aO.g_ps.g_ut(this.g_uu)), g[this.g_ys++];
		g_qt() {
			0 === this.g_ys ||
				this.g_xe() ||
				(this.g_ys = 0),
				(this.g_yd = 0),
				(this.g_ye = 0),
				(this.g_yf = 0),
				(this.g_yt = 0));
		g_zi() {
			const g = this.g_sg;
			0 < this.g_yf &&
				(g.bindBuffer(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_sl),
				g.bufferSubData(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.g_yc.subarray(0, this.g_yf))),
				0 < this.g_yd &&
					(g.bindBuffer(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_si),
					g.bufferSubData(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.g_x$.subarray(0, this.g_yd)),
					g.bindBuffer(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.g_sk),
					g.bufferSubData(g.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.g_yb.subarray(0, this.g_ye)));
		g_zj() {
			const g = this.g_yr;
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_ys; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_vz();
		g_zk() {
			return this.g_yy.g_gS();
		g_zl(g, _, e, t) {
			const i = this.g_yy;
			if (!i.g_gX(g, _, e, t)) {
				i.g_gG(g, _, e, t);
				const a = this.g_zh();
				a.g_uG(i), (this.g_yt = 0), (this.g_pH = null);
		g_zm(g) {
			const _ = this.g_yy;
			if (_.g_gS() !== g) {
				const e = this.g_zh();
				e.g_uG(_), (this.g_yt = 0), (this.g_pH = null);
		g_qG(g) {
			const _ = this.g_yy;
			if (!_.g_l(g)) {
				const e = this.g_zh();
				e.g_uG(_), (this.g_yt = 0), (this.g_pH = null);
		g_zn() {
			this.g_zl(1, 1, 1, 1);
		g_zo() {
			return this.g_yy;
		g_zp(g) {
			if (g !== this.g_yz) {
				const _ = this.g_zh();
				_.g_uE(g), (this.g_yz = g), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_rh() {
			this.g_yz = null;
		g_qF(g, _) {
			if (g !== this.g_yA || _ !== this.g_yB) {
				const e = this.g_zh();
				e.g_uK(g, _), (this.g_yA = g), (this.g_yB = _), (this.g_yt = 0), (this.g_pH = null);
		g_zq() {
			return this.g_yA === this.g_sg.ONE && this.g_yB === this.g_sg.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
		g_zr() {
			this.g_qF(this.g_sg.ONE, this.g_sg.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
		g_zs() {
			this.g_qF(this.g_sg.SRC_ALPHA, this.g_sg.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
		g_zt() {
			this.g_qF(this.g_sg.ONE, this.g_sg.ZERO);
		Rect(g) {
			this.g_zu(g.g_hV(), g.g_hW(), g.g_hX(), g.g_hY());
		g_zu(g, _, e, t) {
			this.g_zv(g, _, e, _, e, t, g, t);
		g_zw() {
			let g = this.g_yd;
			if ((g >= this.g_yg && (this.g_qt(), (g = 0)), 1 === this.g_yt))
				this.g_yr[this.g_ys - 1].g_uw += 6;
			else {
				const _ = this.g_zh();
				_.g_uC(this.g_xX ? g : 3 * (g / 2), 6), (this.g_yt = 1);
		g_zx(g) {
			g.g_iN(this.g_x$, this.g_yd, this.g_yv + this.g_yw), (this.g_yd += 12);
		g_iu(g) {
			this.g_zw(), this.g_zx(g), m.g_gU(this.g_yb, this.g_ye), (this.g_ye += 8);
		g_zv(g, e, t, n, a, i, _, r) {
			const l = this.g_x$;
			let s = this.g_yd;
			const o = this.g_yv + this.g_yw;
				? ((l[s++] = g),
				  (l[s++] = e),
				  (l[s++] = o),
				  (l[s++] = t),
				  (l[s++] = n),
				  (l[s++] = o),
				  (l[s++] = a),
				  (l[s++] = i),
				  (l[s++] = o),
				  (l[s++] = _),
				  (l[s++] = r),
				  (l[s++] = o))
				: ((l[s++] = g),
				  (l[s++] = e),
				  (l[s++] = t),
				  (l[s++] = n),
				  (l[s++] = a),
				  (l[s++] = i),
				  (l[s++] = _),
				  (l[s++] = r)),
				(this.g_yd = s),
				m.g_gU(this.g_yb, this.g_ye),
				(this.g_ye += 8);
		g_zy(g, _) {
			this.g_zw(), this.g_zx(g), _.g_h_(this.g_yb, this.g_ye), (this.g_ye += 8);
		g_zz(g, _) {
			this.g_zw(), this.g_zx(g), _.g_gU(this.g_yb, this.g_ye), (this.g_ye += 8);
		g_zA(g, d) {
			var t = Math.max,
				r = Math.min;
			if (
				(mat4.g_p(i, this.g_pC),
				vec3.g_p(n, this.g_pw),
				vec3.g_p(_, this.g_px),
				(this.g_pw[0] = 0),
				(this.g_pw[1] = 0),
				(this.g_pw[2] = 100 * self.devicePixelRatio),
				(this.g_px[0] = 0),
				(this.g_px[1] = 0),
				(this.g_px[2] = 0),
			) {
				const g = this.g_uZ / 2,
					_ = this.g_u_ / 2;
				s.set(-g, _, -g + this.g_uZ, _ - this.g_u_),
					s.set(0, 0, this.g_uZ / this.g_pu, this.g_u_ / this.g_pv),
					this.g_zy(E, s);
			} else if ('crop' === g && this.g_yu && d) {
				const g = this.g_pu / 2,
					e = this.g_pv / 2,
					a = d.g_pN(),
					n = d.g_pO(),
					_ = this.g_yu.g_pN(),
					i = this.g_yu.g_pO(),
					l = r(_, a),
					o = r(i, n),
					u = t(n - i, 0),
					p = t(i - n, 0);
				s.set(-g, e - p, -g + l, e - o - p),
					s.set(0, u, l, o + u),
					s.g_N(a, n),
					this.g_zy(E, s);
			} else {
				let [g, _] = this.g_zB(this.g_yu);
				const e = g / 2,
					t = _ / 2;
				this.g_zu(-e, t, e, -t);
			mat4.g_p(this.g_pB, i), vec3.g_p(this.g_pw, n), vec3.g_p(this.g_px, _), this.g_zg();
		g_zC(g) {
			const _ = g.length / 2;
			if (3 > _) throw new Error('need at least 3 points');
			const e = _ - 2,
				d = g[0],
				a = g[1];
			for (let n = 0; n < e; n += 2) {
				const u = 2 * n,
					i = g[u + 2],
					_ = g[u + 3],
					l = g[u + 4],
					o = g[u + 5];
				if (n == e - 1) this.g_zv(d, a, i, _, l, o, l, o);
				else {
					const e = g[u + 6],
						t = g[u + 7];
					this.g_zv(d, a, i, _, l, o, e, t);
		g_zD(g, e, t, r) {
			const i = g_aO.g_ev(g, e, t, r),
				n = Math.sin(i),
				a = Math.cos(i),
				_ = 0.5 * this.g_yC,
				l = n * _,
				o = a * _,
				s = this.g_yE;
			2 === s
				? this.g_zE(g, e, t, r, l, o)
				: 1 === s
				? this.g_zF(g, e, t, r, l, o)
				: this.g_zG(g, e, t, r, l, o);
		g_zE(g, e, t, r, a, i) {
			const n = this.g_yG,
				_ = g + n - i,
				l = e + n - a,
				o = t + n + i,
				s = r + n + a,
				d = 2 * i,
				u = 2 * a;
			this.g_zv(_ + a, l - i, o + a, s - i, o - a - d, s + i - u, _ - a + d, l + i + u);
		g_zF(g, e, t, r, a, i) {
			const n = this.g_yG,
				_ = g + n - i,
				l = e + n - a,
				o = t + n + i,
				s = r + n + a;
			this.g_zv(_ + a, l - i, o + a, s - i, o - a, s + i, _ - a, l + i);
		g_zG(g, e, t, r, a, i) {
			const n = this.g_yG,
				_ = g + n,
				l = e + n,
				o = t + n,
				s = r + n;
			this.g_zv(_ + a, l - i, o + a, s - i, o - a, s + i, _ - a, l + i);
		g_zH(g, e, t, r, i, n) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_ev(g, e, t, r),
				l = Math.sin(_),
				a = Math.cos(_),
				o = 0.5 * this.g_yC,
				s = l * o,
				d = a * o,
				u = this.g_yE;
			2 === u
				? this.g_zI(g, e, t, r, s, d, i, n)
				: 1 === u
				? this.g_zJ(g, e, t, r, s, d, i, n)
				: this.g_zK(g, e, t, r, s, d, i, n);
		g_zI(d, e, t, r, a, i, n, _) {
			const l = this.g_yG,
				o = d + l - i,
				u = e + l - a,
				c = t + l + i,
				p = r + l + a,
				f = 2 * i,
				h = 2 * a;
			E.set(o + a, u - i, c + a, p - i, c - a - f, p + i - h, o - a + f, u + i + h),
				s.set(n, 0, _, 0),
				this.g_zy(E, s);
		g_zJ(g, e, t, r, a, i, n, _) {
			const d = this.g_yG,
				l = g + d - i,
				o = e + d - a,
				u = t + d + i,
				p = r + d + a;
			E.set(l + a, o - i, u + a, p - i, u - a, p + i, l - a, o + i),
				s.set(n, 0, _, 0),
				this.g_zy(E, s);
		g_zK(g, e, t, r, a, i, n, _) {
			const d = this.g_yG,
				l = g + d,
				o = e + d,
				u = t + d,
				p = r + d;
			E.set(l + a, o - i, u + a, p - i, u - a, p + i, l - a, o + i),
				s.set(n, 0, _, 0),
				this.g_zy(E, s);
		g_zL(g, _, e, t) {
			const a = 0.5 * this.g_yC,
				i = this.g_yE;
			2 === i
				? this.g_zM(g, _, e, t, a)
				: 1 === i
				? this.g_zN(g, _, e, t, a)
				: this.g_zO(g, _, e, t, a);
		g_zM(g, _, e, t, a) {
			this.g_zE(g, _, e, _, 0, a),
				this.g_zE(e, _, e, t, a, 0),
				this.g_zE(e, t, g, t, 0, -a),
				this.g_zE(g, t, g, _, -a, 0);
		g_zN(g, _, e, t, a) {
			this.g_zF(g, _, e, _, 0, a),
				this.g_zF(e, _, e, t, a, 0),
				this.g_zF(e, t, g, t, 0, -a),
				this.g_zF(g, t, g, _, -a, 0);
		g_zO(g, _, e, t, a) {
			this.g_zG(g, _, e, _, 0, a),
				this.g_zG(e, _, e, t, a, 0),
				this.g_zG(e, t, g, t, 0, -a),
				this.g_zG(g, t, g, _, -a, 0);
		g_zP(g) {
			this.g_zL(g.g_hV(), g.g_hW(), g.g_hX(), g.g_hY());
		g_zQ(g) {
			const e = g_aO.g_ev(g.g_eW(), g.g_eX(), g.g_eY(), g.g_eZ()),
				t = Math.sin(e),
				r = Math.cos(e),
				a = 0.5 * this.g_yC,
				i = t * a,
				n = r * a,
				_ = this.g_yE;
			2 === _ ? this.g_zR(g, i, n) : 1 === _ ? this.g_zS(g, i, n) : this.g_zT(g, i, n);
		g_zR(g, _, e) {
			this.g_zE(g.g_eW(), g.g_eX(), g.g_eY(), g.g_eZ(), _, e),
				this.g_zE(g.g_eY(), g.g_eZ(), g.g_e_(), g.g_e$(), e, -_),
				this.g_zE(g.g_e_(), g.g_e$(), g.g_fa(), g.g_fb(), -_, -e),
				this.g_zE(g.g_fa(), g.g_fb(), g.g_eW(), g.g_eX(), -e, _);
		g_zS(g, _, e) {
			this.g_zF(g.g_eW(), g.g_eX(), g.g_eY(), g.g_eZ(), _, e),
				this.g_zF(g.g_eY(), g.g_eZ(), g.g_e_(), g.g_e$(), e, -_),
				this.g_zF(g.g_e_(), g.g_e$(), g.g_fa(), g.g_fb(), -_, -e),
				this.g_zF(g.g_fa(), g.g_fb(), g.g_eW(), g.g_eX(), -e, _);
		g_zT(g, _, e) {
			this.g_zG(g.g_eW(), g.g_eX(), g.g_eY(), g.g_eZ(), _, e),
				this.g_zG(g.g_eY(), g.g_eZ(), g.g_e_(), g.g_e$(), e, -_),
				this.g_zG(g.g_e_(), g.g_e$(), g.g_fa(), g.g_fb(), -_, -e),
				this.g_zG(g.g_fa(), g.g_fb(), g.g_eW(), g.g_eX(), -e, _);
		g_zU(g) {
			(this.g_yC = g), (this.g_yD[this.g_yD.length - 1] = g);
		g_zV() {
			return this.g_yC;
		g_zW(g) {
			if (100 <= this.g_yD.length)
				throw new Error('pushed too many line widths - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yD.push(g), (this.g_yC = g);
		g_zX() {
			if (1 >= this.g_yD.length)
				throw new Error('cannot pop last line width - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yD.pop(), (this.g_yC = this.g_yD[this.g_yD.length - 1]);
		g_zY() {
			(this.g_yE = 0), (this.g_yF[this.g_yF.length - 1] = 0);
		g_zZ() {
			(this.g_yE = 1), (this.g_yF[this.g_yF.length - 1] = 0);
		g_z_() {
			(this.g_yE = 2), (this.g_yF[this.g_yF.length - 1] = 0);
		g_z$(g) {
			if ('butt' === g) this.g_Aa();
			else if ('square' === g) this.g_Ab();
			else if ('zag' === g) this.g_Ac();
			else throw new Error('invalid line cap');
		g_Aa() {
			if (100 <= this.g_yF.length)
				throw new Error('pushed too many line caps - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yF.push(0), (this.g_yE = 0);
		g_Ab() {
			if (100 <= this.g_yF.length)
				throw new Error('pushed too many line caps - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yF.push(1), (this.g_yE = 1);
		g_Ac() {
			if (100 <= this.g_yF.length)
				throw new Error('pushed too many line caps - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yF.push(2), (this.g_yE = 2);
		g_Ad() {
			if (1 >= this.g_yF.length) throw new Error('cannot pop last line cap - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yF.pop(), (this.g_yE = this.g_yF[this.g_yF.length - 1]);
		g_Ae(g) {
			(this.g_yG = g), (this.g_yH[this.g_yH.length - 1] = g);
		g_Af() {
			return this.g_yG;
		g_Ag(g) {
			if (100 <= this.g_yH.length)
				throw new Error('pushed too many line offsets - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yH.push(g), (this.g_yG = g);
		g_Ah() {
			if (1 >= this.g_yH.length)
				throw new Error('cannot pop last line offset - check push/pop pairs');
			this.g_yH.pop(), (this.g_yG = this.g_yH[this.g_yH.length - 1]);
		g_Ai(g) {
			if (!this.g_yI.g_l(g)) {
				const _ = this.g_zh();
				_.g_u$(g), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_Aj(g, e, t, r) {
			7996 <= this.g_yf && this.g_qt();
			let a = this.g_yf;
			const s = this.g_yv + this.g_yw;
			if (2 === this.g_yt && this.g_yx === s) this.g_yr[this.g_ys - 1].g_uw++;
			else {
				const g = this.g_zh();
				g.g_vb(a, s), (this.g_yt = 2), (this.g_yx = s);
			const n = this.g_yc;
			(n[a++] = g), (n[a++] = e), (n[a++] = t), (n[a++] = r), (this.g_yf = a);
		g_qE(g) {
			if (this.g_yh !== g) {
				const _ = this.g_zh();
				_.g_ve(g), (this.g_yh = g), (this.g_yt = 0), (this.g_pH = null);
		g_yZ() {
		g_Ak() {
		g_Al() {
		g_Am() {
		g_An(g) {
			const _ = this.g_zh();
			_.g_uI(g), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_Ao() {
		g_Ap() {
		g_Aq() {
		g_Ar() {
		g_As(g, _, e = 1) {
			const t = this.g_zh();
			t.g_vv(g, _, e), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_At() {
		g_Au() {
		g_Av(g, e, t, r, a, i, n) {
			if (this.g_yh !== this.g_yq) throw new Error('must set tilemap fill mode first');
			const _ = this.g_zh();
			_.g_vx(g, e, t, r, a, i, n), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_Aw(g, e, t, r, a, i, n, _, l, o, d) {
			const h = this.g_yh,
				u = h.g_sL,
				s = !!d.length;
			if ((u && !h.g_tH(e, t, r, a, i, n, _, l, o)) || (s && !h.g_tD(d))) {
				const c = this.g_zh();
				if ((c.g_vg(), u)) {
					h.g_tK(e, t, r, a, i, n, _, l, o);
					const d = c.g_uy;
					(d[0] = i), (d[1] = n), e.g_gU(d, 2), (d[6] = _), (d[7] = l), t.g_gU(d, 12);
					const s = c.g_uz;
					a.g_gU(s, 0);
					const u = s[1];
					(s[1] = s[3]),
						(s[3] = u),
						r.g_gU(c.g_uA, 0),
						(c.g_uv = o),
						(c.g_ux = h.g_sy.g_sM() ? (g ? g.g_rQ() : null) : null);
				s && (h.g_tF(d), g_aO.g_fD(c.g_uB, d)), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_Ax(g, _, e, t) {
			const n = this.g_zh();
			n.g_uU(g, _, e, t), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_js(g) {
			const _ = this.g_zh();
			_.g_uT(g), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_Ay(g, _, e, t) {
			this.g_Az(g, _, e, t, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		g_AA(g) {
			this.g_Az(g.g_hV(), g.g_hW(), g.width(), g.height(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
		g_AB(g, _) {
			this.g_Az(g.g_hV(), g.g_hW(), g.width(), g.height(), _.g_gP(), _.g_gQ(), _.g_gR(), _.g_gS());
		g_Az(g, e, t, i, n, _, r, s) {
			if (!(0 > t || 0 > i)) {
				const d = this.g_zh();
				d.g_uX(g, e, t, i, n, _, r, s), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_AC() {}
		g_qs() {
			super.g_qs(), this.g_sg.flush();
		g_AD() {
			for (const g of this.g_yU) g.g_xH(this.g_pK);
		g_xe() {
			return !this.g_sg || this.g_sg.isContextLost() || this.g_yR;
		g_qI() {
			g_aO.g_ps.g_qT.g_qI(), g_aO.g_ps.g_rz.g_qI(), g_aO.g_ps.g_vE.g_qI();
			for (const g of this.g_yU) g.g_js();
			(this.g_yP = []),
				(this.g_xj = null),
				(this.g_yS = null),
				(this.g_yN = '(unavailable)'),
				(this.g_yO = '(unavailable)'),
				(this.g_yh = null),
				(this.g_pF = null),
				(this.g_yi = null),
				(this.g_yj = null),
				(this.g_yk = null),
				(this.g_yl = null),
				(this.g_ym = null),
				(this.g_yn = null),
				(this.g_yo = null),
				(this.g_yp = null),
				(this.g_vd = null),
				(this.g_yq = null);
			for (const g of this.g_pG.values()) g.g_qI();
			for (const g of this.g_pD) g.g_ek();
		async g_qJ() {
			(this.g_yR = !0), await this.g_yW(), (this.g_yR = !1);
			for (const g of this.g_pG.values()) g.g_qJ(this);
			this.g_wQ(this.g_pu, this.g_pv, !0);
		g_AE(g, _) {
			if (this.g_xe()) throw new Error('context lost');
			const e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_qT, this);
			return e.g_ra(g, _), e;
		g_AF(g, _) {
			return this.g_xe()
				? Promise.reject('context lost')
				: ((_ = Object.assign({}, _)),
				  g_aO.g_cm.g_cq && (this.g_re() || !_.g_qM)
						? ((_.g_cr = !1),
						  createImageBitmap(g, { premultiplyAlpha: 'premultiply' }).then((g) =>
								g_aO.g_gl(() => this.g_AE(g, _))
						: g_aO.g_cm.ImageBitmap
						? createImageBitmap(g).then((g) => g_aO.g_gl(() => this.g_AE(g, _)))
						: g instanceof Blob
						? g_aO.g_gj(g, !0).then((g) => this.g_AF(g, _))
						: 'undefined' != typeof HTMLImageElement &&
						  g instanceof HTMLImageElement &&
						  'function' == typeof g.decode
						? g.decode().then(() => g_aO.g_gl(() => this.g_AE(g, _)))
						: g_aO.g_gl(() => this.g_AE(g, _)));
		g_rH(g, _, e) {
			const t = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_qT, this);
			return t.g_ri(g, _, e), t;
		g_xf(g, _, e) {
			this.g_qt(), _.g_rl(g, e);
		g_rL(g) {
			g &&
				0 < g.g_rs() ||
					g === this.g_yz &&
						(this.g_sg.bindTexture(this.g_sg.TEXTURE_2D, null), (this.g_yz = null)),
					g === this.g_vk &&
						this.g_sg.bindTexture(this.g_sg.TEXTURE_2D, null),
						(this.g_vk = null)),
		g_AG(g) {
			let _ = this.g_pu,
				e = this.g_pv,
				n = !0;
			if (
				(g &&
					('number' == typeof g.width && ((_ = g.width), (n = !1)),
					'number' == typeof g.height && ((e = g.height), (n = !1))),
				0 >= _ || 0 >= e)
				throw new Error('invalid size');
			const s = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_rz, this);
			return (
				s.g_rG(_, e, Object.assign({ g_rx: n }, g)), (this.g_yu = null), (this.g_uu.g_rM = null), s
		g_AH(g) {
			if (g === this.g_yu) return;
			let e, s, d, l;
				? (g.g_rU() && g.g_rK(this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
				  (d = g.g_pN()),
				  (l = g.g_pO()),
				  (e = d),
				  (s = l))
				: ((d = this.g_pu), (l = this.g_pv), (e = this.g_uQ()), (s = this.g_uR()));
			const o = this.g_xY !== d || this.g_xZ !== l;
			o && this.g_zd(e, s, d, l);
			const n = this.g_zh();
			n.g_uO(g, o, this.g_pA), (this.g_yu = g), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_AI() {
			return this.g_yu;
		g_zB(g) {
			return g ? [g.g_pN(), g.g_pO()] : [this.g_pu, this.g_pv];
		g_AJ(g, _ = 'stretch') {
			if (2 > this.g_xi || (this.g_yu && 0 < this.g_yu.g_rV()))
				this.g_zt(), this.g_zn(), this.g_AK(g, _);
			else {
				const e = this.g_zh();
				e.g_vn(g, this.g_yu, _), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_AK(g, _ = 'stretch') {
			const e = g.g_rQ();
			if (!e) throw new Error('not a texture-backed render target');
			this.g_zp(e), this.g_zA(_, e);
		g_AL(g) {
			if (!(2 > this.g_xi)) {
				const _ = this.g_zh();
				_.g_vl(g.g_rO()), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_AM(g) {
			this.g_AH(null), this.g_qt();
			const _ = g.g_rQ();
			_ === this.g_yz && (this.g_sg.bindTexture(this.g_sg.TEXTURE_2D, null), (this.g_yz = null)),
				_ === this.g_vk &&
					this.g_sg.bindTexture(this.g_sg.TEXTURE_2D, null),
					(this.g_vk = null)),
		async g_r_(g, e) {
			const t = this.g_yu;
			let d, u, p;
				? ((d = g.g_pN()), (u = g.g_pO()), (p = g.g_rO()))
				: ((d = this.g_pN()), (u = this.g_pO()), (p = null));
			const h = this.g_sg;
			h.bindFramebuffer(h.FRAMEBUFFER, p);
			const _ = () => {
				h.bindFramebuffer(h.FRAMEBUFFER, null),
					(this.g_yu = null),
					(this.g_uu.g_rM = null),
			let l;
			if (!e && 2 <= this.g_rd()) {
				h.bindFramebuffer(h.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, p);
				const g = h.createBuffer(),
					e = 4 * (d * u),
				h.bindBuffer(a, g),
					h.bufferData(a, e, h.STREAM_READ),
					h.readPixels(0, 0, d, u, h.RGBA, h.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0),
					h.bindFramebuffer(h.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, null),
					h.bindBuffer(a, null),
				const t = h.fenceSync(h.SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0);
				await this.g_se(() => h.getSyncParameter(t, h.SYNC_STATUS) === h.SIGNALED),
					(l = new ImageData(d, u)),
					h.bindBuffer(a, g),
					h.getBufferSubData(a, 0, new Uint8Array(l.data.buffer), 0, e),
					h.bindBuffer(a, null),
			} else
				(l = new ImageData(d, u)),
					h.readPixels(0, 0, d, u, h.RGBA, h.UNSIGNED_BYTE, new Uint8Array(l.data.buffer)),
			return l;
		g_AN(g) {
			if (this.g_AO()) {
				const _ = this.g_zh();
				_.g_vp(g), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_AP(g) {
			if (this.g_AO()) {
				const _ = this.g_zh();
				_.g_vs(g), (this.g_yt = 0);
		g_se(g) {
			const _ = new Promise((_) => d.add({ resolve: _, g_xK: g }));
			return -1 === t && (t = self.requestAnimationFrame(h)), _;
		g_AQ() {
			return !!this.g_xV.desynchronized;
		g_AR() {
			return this.g_pu * this.g_pv * (this.g_xV.alpha ? 4 : 3);
		g_AS() {
			let g = 0;
			for (const _ of g_aO.g_ps.g_rz.g_r$()) _.g_rQ() || (g += _.g_ru());
			return g;
		g_AT() {
			let g = 0;
			for (const _ of g_aO.g_ps.g_qT.g_rv()) g += _.g_ru();
			return g;
		g_AU() {
			return this.g_AR() + this.g_AS() + this.g_AT();
		g_AV() {
			return this.g_xW;
		g_rd() {
			return this.g_xi;
		g_re() {
			return 2 <= this.g_rd();
		g_rb() {
			return this.g_yJ;
		g_AW() {
			return this.g_yK;
		g_AX() {
			return this.g_yL;
		g_AY() {
			return 0 !== this.g_yM;
		g_AZ() {
			return this.g_yM;
		g_A_() {
			return this.g_yN;
		g_A$() {
			return this.g_yO;
		g_Ba() {
			return this.g_yP;
		g_rk() {
			return this.g_yQ;
		g_AO() {
			return !!this.g_xj;
		g_xk() {
			return this.g_xj;
		g_sd() {
			return this.g_yS;
		g_xE(g) {
		g_xF(g) {
		g_xx() {
			return this.g_yV;
		g_rc() {
			return this.g_sg;
		g_yX(g) {
				['normal', g.ONE, g.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA],
				['additive', g.ONE, g.ONE],
				['xor', g.ONE, g.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA],
				['copy', g.ONE, g.ZERO],
				['destination-over', g.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, g.ONE],
				['source-in', g.DST_ALPHA, g.ZERO],
				['destination-in', g.ZERO, g.SRC_ALPHA],
				['source-out', g.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, g.ZERO],
				['destination-out', g.ZERO, g.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA],
				['source-atop', g.DST_ALPHA, g.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA],
				['destination-atop', g.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, g.SRC_ALPHA]
		g_Bb() {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_vE, this);
	function g(g) {
		if (!g) return '';
		const _ = g.split('.');
		if (2 > _.length) return '';
		const e = _[_.length - 1].toLowerCase();
		return t.get(e) || '';
	function _(g) {
		return new Promise((_, e) => {
			const a = document.createElement('script');
			(a.onload = _), (a.onerror = e), (a.async = !1), (a.src = g), document.head.appendChild(a);
	const e = new Set(['local', 'remote']),
		t = new Map([
			['mp4', 'video/mp4'],
			['webm', 'video/webm'],
			['m4a', 'audio/mp4'],
			['mp3', 'audio/mpeg'],
			['js', 'application/javascript'],
			['wasm', 'application/wasm'],
			['svg', 'image/svg+xml']
	g_aO.g_Bc = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
			if ((super(), !e.has(_.g_Bd))) throw new Error('invalid load policy');
			if (
				((this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_Bf = new Map()),
				(this.g_Bg = new Map()),
				(this.g_Bh = !!_.g_Bi),
				(this.g_Bj = !!_.g_Bk),
				(this.g_Bl = _.g_Bm || {}),
				(this.g_Bn = new Map()),
				(this.g_Bo = !1),
				(this.g_Bp = ''),
				(this.g_Bq = ''),
				(this.g_Br = ''),
				(this.g_Bs = _.g_Bd),
				(this.g_Bt = []),
				(this.g_Bu = new Map()),
				(this.g_Bv = []),
				(this.g_Bw = []),
				(this.g_Bx = !1),
				(this.g_By = 0),
				(this.g_Bz = 0),
				(this.g_BA = 0),
				(this.g_BB = !1),
				(this.g_BC = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_mQ, () => this.g_BD(), 50)),
				(this.g_BE = new g_aO.g_mH(Math.max(g_aO.hardwareConcurrency, 8))),
				for (const [g, e] of Object.entries(_.g_BF)) this.g_Bf.set(g.toLowerCase(), e);
			this.g_BG = new g_BH(this);
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_Bg.values()) URL.revokeObjectURL(g);
			for (const g of this.g_Bt) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_Bt), this.g_Bu.clear(), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_Bw), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_BJ(g) {
			this.g_Bp = g;
		g_BK() {
			return this.g_Bp;
		g_BL(g) {
			this.g_Bq = g;
		g_BM() {
			return this.g_Bq;
		g_BN(g) {
			this.g_Br = g;
		g_BO() {
			return this.g_Br;
		g_BP(g) {
			return this.g_Bf.has(g.toLowerCase());
		g_BQ(g) {
			return this.g_Bf.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_BR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_BQ(g);
			if (!_) return g;
			let e = this.g_Bg.get(_);
			return e || ((e = URL.createObjectURL(_)), this.g_Bg.set(_, e)), e;
		g_gd(g, _) {
			_ = _ || this.g_Bs;
			const e = this.g_BQ(g);
			if (e) return Promise.resolve(e);
			if (g_aO.g_f_(g)) {
				const e = g.toLowerCase();
				return this.g_Bh
					? this.g_BS(e)
					: 'local' === _
					? this.g_BE.g_jB(() => g_aO.g_gd(e))
					: g_aO.g_gd(e);
			return g_aO.g_gd(g);
		g_ge(g) {
			const _ = this.g_BQ(g);
			if (_) return g_aO.g_gg(_);
			if (g_aO.g_f_(g)) {
				const _ = g.toLowerCase();
				return this.g_Bh
					? this.g_BT(_)
					: 'local' === this.g_Bs
					? this.g_BE.g_jB(() => g_aO.g_ge(_))
					: g_aO.g_ge(_);
			return g_aO.g_ge(g);
		g_gb(g) {
			const _ = this.g_BQ(g);
			if (_) return g_aO.g_gh(_);
			if (g_aO.g_f_(g)) {
				const _ = g.toLowerCase();
				return this.g_Bh
					? this.g_BU(_)
					: 'local' === this.g_Bs
					? this.g_BE.g_jB(() => g_aO.g_gb(_))
					: g_aO.g_gb(_);
			return g_aO.g_gb(g);
		async g_gc(g) {
			const _ = await this.g_gb(g);
			return JSON.parse(_);
		g_BV(g, _) {
			return this.g_Be.g_BW('runtime', 'cordova-fetch-local-file', { filename: g, as: _ });
		g_BU(g) {
			return this.g_BV(g, 'text');
		async g_BS(_) {
			const e = await this.g_BV(_, 'buffer'),
				a = g(_);
			return new Blob([e], { type: a });
		async g_BX(g) {
			g = g.toLowerCase();
			let _ = this.g_Bg.get(g);
			if (_) return _;
			const e = await this.g_BS(g);
			return (_ = URL.createObjectURL(e)), this.g_Bg.set(g, _), _;
		g_BT(g) {
			return this.g_BV(g, 'buffer');
		g_BY(g) {
			return this.g_BP(g) ? this.g_BR(g) : this.g_Bp + g.toLowerCase();
		g_BZ(g, _ = '') {
			if (g_aO.g_fZ(g)) {
				if (_) throw new Error('cannot specify subfolder with remote URL');
				return Promise.resolve(g);
			return this.g_BP(g)
				? Promise.resolve(this.g_BR(g))
				: this.g_Bh
				? this.g_BX(_ + g)
				: Promise.resolve(_ + g.toLowerCase());
		g_B_(g) {
			return this.g_BZ(g);
		g_B$(g) {
			if (g.g_Ca && !e.has(g.g_Ca)) throw new Error('invalid load policy');
			let _ = this.g_Bu.get(g.url);
			return _
				? _
				: ((_ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Cb, this, {
						url: g.url,
						size: g.size || 0,
						g_Ca: g.g_Ca || this.g_Bs
				  this.g_Bu.set(_.g_Cc(), _),
				  this.g_Bx ||
						((this.g_By += _.g_jv()), this.g_Bw.push(_.g_Cd().then(() => this.g_Ce(_.g_jv())))),
		async g_Cf() {
			try {
				await Promise.all(this.g_Bw), (this.g_BA = 1);
			} catch (g) {
				console.error('Error loading: ', g), (this.g_BB = !0), this.g_BD();
		g_Cg() {
			this.g_Bx = !0;
		g_Ch() {
			return this.g_BB;
		g_Ce(g) {
			(this.g_Bz += g), this.g_BC.g_nc();
		g_BD() {
			const g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'loadingprogress');
			(this.g_BA = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_Bz / this.g_By, 0, 1)),
				(g.g_Ci = this.g_BA),
		g_Cj() {
			return this.g_BA;
		g_Ck(g) {
			g_aO.g_fD(this.g_Bv, g), this.g_Bv.length && this.g_Bw.push(this.g_Cl());
		g_Cl() {
			if ('undefined' == typeof FontFace) return Promise.resolve();
			const g = [];
			for (const [_, e, a] of this.g_Bv)
				(this.g_By += a), g.push(this.g_Cm(_, e).then(() => this.g_Ce(a)));
			return Promise.all(g);
		async g_Cm(g, _) {
			try {
				const e = await this.g_BZ(_, this.g_Bq),
					a = new FontFace(g, `url('${e}')`);
				this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? self.fonts.add(a) : document.fonts.add(a), await a.load();
			} catch (_) {
				console.warn(`[C3 runtime] Failed to load web font '${g}': `, _);
		g_Co(g) {
			return !!this.g_Bl[g];
		g_Cp(g, _) {
			this.g_Bo = !!_;
			for (const [t, a, n] of g)
				this.g_Bn.set(t, {
					fileName: t,
					g_Cq: a.map((g) => ({ type: g[0], g_Cr: g[1], g_Cs: t + g[1], fileSize: g[2] })),
					g_Ct: n
		g_Cu(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Bn.get(g.toLowerCase());
			if (!_) return null;
			let e = null;
			for (const a of _.g_Cq)
				if ((e || 'audio/webm; codecs=opus' !== a.type || (e = a), this.g_Co(a.type))) return a;
			return e;
		g_Cv(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Cu(g);
			return _ ? { url: this.g_BY(_.g_Cs), type: _.type } : null;
		g_Cw() {
			if (this.g_Bo) {
				const g = [];
				for (const _ of this.g_Bn.values()) {
					if (_.g_Ct) continue;
					const e = this.g_Cu(_.fileName);
					e &&
							g_Cx: _.fileName,
							url: this.g_BY(e.g_Cs),
							type: e.type,
							fileSize: e.fileSize
				return g;
			return [];
		g_Cy() {
			return this.g_BG;
		async g_Cz(...g) {
			const e = await Promise.all(g.map((g) => this.g_BZ(g)));
			this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? importScripts(...e) : await Promise.all(e.map((g) => _(g)));
		async g_CA(g) {
			if (WebAssembly.compileStreaming) {
				const _ = await this.g_BZ(g);
				return await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(fetch(_));
			} else {
				const _ = await g_aO.g_ge(g);
				return await WebAssembly.compile(_);
		async g_CB(g) {
			const _ = await this.g_BZ(g);
			return await this.g_Be.g_BW('runtime', 'add-stylesheet', { url: _ });
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_CC = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_CD = g),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_CE = _.url),
				(this.g_CF = _.size),
				(this.g_CG = _.g_Ca),
				(this.g_CH = null),
				(this.g_CI = !1),
				(this.g_CJ = null);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_CJ = null), (this.g_CD = null), (this.g_Be = null), (this.g_CH = null);
		g_Cc() {
			return this.g_CE;
		g_jv() {
			return this.g_CF;
		g_Cd() {
			return 'local' === this.g_CG || this.g_CH
				? ((this.g_CI = !0), Promise.resolve())
				: this.g_CJ
				? this.g_CJ
				: ((this.g_CJ = this.g_CD
						.g_gd(this.g_CE, this.g_CG)
						.then((g) => {
							(this.g_CI = !0), (this.g_CJ = null), (this.g_CH = g);
						.catch((g) => console.error('Error loading resource: ', g))),
		g_CK() {
			return this.g_CI;
		g_CL() {
			return this.g_CH ? Promise.resolve(this.g_CH) : this.g_CD.g_gd(this.g_CE, this.g_CG);
	'use strict';
	const g = new g_aO.g_mH(),
		_ = new Set();
	g_aO.g_Cb = class extends g_aO.g_CC {
		constructor(g, e) {
			super(g, e),
				(this.g_CM = null),
				(this.g_CN = null),
				(this.g_nD = 0),
				(this.g_CO = -1),
				(this.g_CP = -1),
		g_ek() {
			if ((this.g_wt(), 0 !== this.g_nD))
				throw new Error('released image asset which still has texture references');
			(this.g_CM = null), _.delete(this), super.g_ek();
		static g_CQ() {
			for (const g of _) (g.g_CM = null), (g.g_CN = null), (g.g_nD = 0);
		g_CR(_, e) {
			return (this.g_nD++, this.g_CN)
				? Promise.resolve(this.g_CN)
				: this.g_CM
				? this.g_CM
				: ((this.g_CM = this.g_CL()
						.then((a) =>
							g.g_jB(() =>
								_.g_AF(a, e).then((g) =>
									((this.g_CM = null), 0 === this.g_nD)
										? (_.g_rL(g), null)
										: ((this.g_CN = g), (this.g_CO = g.g_pN()), (this.g_CP = g.g_pO()), this.g_CN)
						.catch((g) => {
							throw (console.error('Failed to load texture: ', g), g);
		g_wt() {
			if (0 >= this.g_nD) throw new Error('texture released too many times');
			if ((this.g_nD--, 0 === this.g_nD && this.g_CN)) {
				const g = this.g_CN.g_rp();
				g.g_rL(this.g_CN), (this.g_CN = null);
		g_rQ() {
			return this.g_CN;
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_CO;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_CP;
		async g_CS() {
			const g = await this.g_CL();
			return g_aO.g_cm.g_cq
				? await createImageBitmap(g, { premultiplyAlpha: 'none' })
				: g_aO.g_cm.ImageBitmap
				? await createImageBitmap(g)
				: await g_aO.g_gj(g);
	function g(g, _) {
		return g.g_CU().g_CT() - _.g_CU().g_CT();
	g_aO.g_CV = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
				(this.g_CW = g),
				(this.g_hB = _),
				(this.g_hC = e),
				(this.g_CX = []),
				(this.g_CY = !0),
				(this.g_CZ = new Set()),
				(this.g_C_ = !1);
		g_ek() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX), this.g_CZ.clear(), (this.g_CW = null);
		g_lC() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX), (this.g_CY = !0), this.g_CZ.clear(), (this.g_C_ = !1);
		g_C$() {
			this.g_CY = !1;
		g_jC() {
			return !this.g_CX.length || (!(this.g_CX.length > this.g_CZ.size) && (this.g_Da(), !0));
		g_Db(g) {
			return this.g_CZ.has(g)
				? (this.g_CZ.delete(g), void (0 === this.g_CZ.size && (this.g_C_ = !1)))
				: void (this.g_CX.push(g), (this.g_CY = 1 === this.g_CX.length));
		g_lO(g) {
			this.g_CZ.add(g), (this.g_C_ = !0), 50 <= this.g_CZ.size && this.g_Da();
		g_Da() {
			return this.g_C_
				? this.g_CX.length === this.g_CZ.size
					? void this.g_lC()
					: void (g_aO.g_fI(this.g_CX, this.g_CZ), this.g_CZ.clear(), (this.g_C_ = !1))
				: void 0;
		g_Dc() {
			this.g_CY || (this.g_CX.sort(g), (this.g_CY = !0));
		g_Dd(g) {
			this.g_Da(), this.g_Dc(), this.g_CX.length && g.push(this.g_CX);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_De = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(), (this.g_Df = g), (this.g_Dg = _), (this.g_Dh = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_jq));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Dh.g_ek(), (this.g_Dh = null);
		g_Di(g, _, e) {
			let a = this.g_Dh.g_bd(g, _);
			return a ? a : e ? ((a = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_CV, this, g, _)), this.g_Dh.Set(g, _, a), a) : null;
		g_Dj(g) {
			return Math.floor(g / this.g_Df);
		g_Dk(g) {
			return Math.floor(g / this.g_Dg);
		g_Dl(g, _, a) {
			if (_)
				for (let t = _.g_hV(), n = _.g_hX(); t <= n; ++t)
					for (let n = _.g_hW(), e = _.g_hY(); n <= e; ++n) {
						if (a && a.g_iq(t, n)) continue;
						const _ = this.g_Di(t, n, !1);
						_ && (_.g_lO(g), _.g_jC() && this.g_Dh.g_jt(t, n));
			if (a)
				for (let t = a.g_hV(), n = a.g_hX(); t <= n; ++t)
					for (let n = a.g_hW(), e = a.g_hY(); n <= e; ++n)
						(_ && _.g_iq(t, n)) || this.g_Di(t, n, !0).g_Db(g);
		g_Dm(g, _) {
			let t = this.g_Dj(g.g_hV());
			for (
				const n = this.g_Dk(g.g_hW()), a = this.g_Dj(g.g_hX()), e = this.g_Dk(g.g_hY());
				t <= a;
				for (let g = n; g <= e; ++g) {
					const e = this.g_Di(t, g, !1);
					e && e.g_Dd(_);
		g_Dn(g) {
			let _ = g.g_hV();
			for (const t = g.g_hW(), a = g.g_hX(), n = g.g_hY(); _ <= a; ++_)
				for (let g = t; g <= n; ++g) {
					const e = this.g_Di(_, g, !1);
					e && e.g_C$();
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _) {
		return g.g_CU().g_CT() - _.g_CU().g_CT();
	function a(g, _) {
		return g.g_CU().g_Do() - _.g_CU().g_Do();
	const t = new g_aO.Rect(),
		n = new g_aO.g_iu(),
		i = [],
		r = new g_aO.Rect(),
		s = new g_aO.Rect(),
		l = vec3.g_q(0, 1, 0);
	g_aO.g_Dp = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
				(this.g_Dq = g),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_en = e[0]),
				(this.g_Dr = _),
				(this.g_Ds = e[2]),
				(this.g_Dt = !!e[3]),
				(this.g_Du = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
				this.g_Du.g_hs(e[4].map((g) => g / 255)),
				(this.g_Dv = !!e[5]),
				(this.g_Dw = e[6]),
				(this.g_Dx = e[7]),
				(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 1, 1, 1, e[8])),
				(this.g_Dy = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
				(this.g_Dz = e[9]),
				(this.g_DA = e[10]),
				(this.g_DB = e[11]),
				(this.g_DC = e[12]),
				(this.g_qz = 0),
				(this.g_qA = 0),
				(this.g_DD = null),
				(this.g_DE = 1),
				(this.g_qC = e[16]),
				(this.g_DF = 0),
				(this.g_DG = !0),
				(this.g_DH = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
				(this.g_DI = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
				(this.g_DJ = []),
				(this.g_DK = []),
				(this.g_DL = []),
				(this.g_CX = []),
				(this.g_DM = !1),
				(this.g_DN = !1),
				(this.g_DO = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_DP, this, e[15])),
				(this.g_DQ = null),
				(this.g_DR = []),
				(this.g_DS = !1),
				(this.g_DT = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect, 0, 0, -1, -1)),
				(this.g_DU = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect, 0, 0, -1, -1)),
				(this.g_DV = new g_DW(this)),
				this.g_DA && (this.g_DQ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_De, this.g_Be.g_DY(), this.g_Be.g_DZ()));
			for (const t of e[14]) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_D_(t[1]);
				this.g_Dq.g_D$(g), g.g_Ea() || (g.g_Eb(t), g.g_Ec(this.g_Dr)), this.g_DK.push(t);
			g_aO.g_fD(this.g_DJ, this.g_DK);
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Dp, g, _, e);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Dq = null), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_Ed(_) {
			const a = this.g_Dq.g_Ee();
			let t = 0;
			const n = this.g_DK;
			for (let i = 0, g = n.length; i < g; ++i) {
				const e = n[i],
					r = this.g_Be.g_D_(e[1]);
				let g = !0;
				if (!r.g_Ef() || a) {
					const a = this.g_Be.g_Eg(e, this, !0);
					_.push(a), r.g_Eh() && ((g = !1), this.g_DL.push(a.g_Ei()));
				g && ((n[t] = n[i]), ++t);
			g_aO.g_fy(n, t), this.g_Be.g_Ej(), this.g_Ek();
		g_El(g, _) {
			const e = g.g_CU();
			if (e.g_Em() !== this) throw new Error('instance added to wrong layer');
				0 !== e.g_Do() && (this.g_DN = !0),
				_ && this.g_DA && g.g_CU().g_En(),
		g_Eo(g) {
			this.g_CX.includes(g) ||
				(this.g_CX.push(g), 0 !== g.g_CU().g_Do() && (this.g_DN = !0), this.g_Ek());
		g_Ep(g, _) {
			const e = g.g_CU();
			if (e.g_Em() !== this) throw new Error('instance added to wrong layer');
				0 !== e.g_Do() && (this.g_DN = !0),
				_ && this.g_DA && g.g_CU().g_En();
		g_Eq(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_CX.indexOf(g);
			0 > e ||
				(_ && this.g_DA && g.g_CU().g_Er(), this.g_CX.splice(e, 1), this.g_Ek(), this.g_Es());
		g_Et() {
			this.g_DN = !0;
		g_Es() {
			0 === this.g_CX.length && (this.g_DN = !1);
		g_Eu(g) {
			if (g) {
				const g = new Set();
				for (const _ of this.g_CX) {
					const e = _.g_CU().g_CT();
					0 <= e && g.add(e);
				let _ = -1;
				for (const e of this.g_CX) {
					const a = e.g_CU();
					if (!(0 <= a.g_CT())) {
						for (++_; g.has(_); ) ++_;
		g_Ew() {
			this.g_Ex(this.g_Ey(), !0);
		g_Ez() {
			for (const g of this.g_CX) g.g_EA().g_Eh() || this.g_Be.g_EB(g);
			this.g_Be.g_Ej(), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX), (this.g_DN = !1), this.g_Ek();
		g_EC(_, a) {
			const t = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				n = this.g_Be.g_EE(),
				r = _.g_EF();
			for (const e of this.g_DK) {
				const s = e[0],
					g = s[0],
					d = s[1];
				if (!a.g_iq(g, d)) continue;
				const i = n[e[1]];
				if (i !== _)
					if (!r) continue;
					else if (!_.g_EG(i)) continue;
				const l = this.g_Be.g_Eg(e, this, !1);
				if ((t.g_EH(!0), l.g_EI(), l.g_EJ())) for (const g of l.siblings()) g.g_EI();
		g_EK() {
			return this.g_CX.length;
		g_EL() {
			return this.g_Dq;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_EO() {
			return this.g_Be.g_EO();
		g_EP() {
			return this.g_DO;
		g_EQ() {
			return this.g_DA;
		g_ER() {
			return this.g_DQ;
		g_ES() {
			this.g_DS = !1;
		g_ET() {
			return this.g_Dt;
		g_EU(g) {
			(g = !!g), this.g_Dt === g || ((this.g_Dt = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_EW() {
			return this.g_DH;
		g_EX(_, a) {
			const t = this.g_DI;
			if (0 === _) a.g_p(t);
			else {
				const n = this.g_EY(_),
					i = t.g_h$(),
					e = t.g_ia(),
					r = (0.5 * t.width()) / n,
					g = (0.5 * t.height()) / n;
				a.set(i - r, e - g, i + r, e + g);
		g_zk() {
			return this.g_qB.g_gS();
		g_zm(g) {
			(g = g_aO.g_ep(g, 0, 1)),
				this.g_qB.g_gS() === g || (this.g_qB.g_gN(g), this.g_DX(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_DX() {
			this.g_Dy.g_p(this.g_qB), this.g_Dy.g_gZ();
		g_EZ() {
			return this.g_Dy;
		g_E_() {
			return this.g_qB.g_gX(1, 1, 1, 1);
		g_E$() {
			return this.g_DB;
		g_Fa(g) {
			this.g_DB === g || ((this.g_DB = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_Fb() {
			return this.g_Dw;
		g_Fc() {
			return this.g_Dx;
		g_Fd(g, _) {
			if (
				(this.g_Dw !== g || this.g_Dx !== _) &&
				((this.g_Dw = g), (this.g_Dx = _), this.g_Be.g_EV(), 1 !== this.g_Dw || 1 !== this.g_Dx)
				for (const g of this.g_CX) g.g_EA().g_Fe(!0);
		g_Ff(g) {
			this.g_Fd(g, this.g_Fc());
		g_Fg(g) {
			this.g_Fd(this.g_Fb(), g);
		g_Fh(g) {
			this.g_qC = +g;
		g_Do() {
			return this.g_qC;
		g_Fi(g) {
			this.g_DF = g_aO.g_eq(g);
		g_Fj() {
			return this.g_DG ? g_aO.g_eq(this.g_Dq.g_Fj() + this.g_DF) : 0;
		g_Fk() {
			return this.g_DF;
		g_Fl() {
			return 0 < this.g_CX.length;
		g_Fm() {
			return this.g_CX;
		g_Fn() {
			return this.g_Du;
		g_Fo() {
			return this.g_Dv;
		g_Fp(g) {
			this.g_Dv = !!g;
		g_Fq() {
			return this.g_Dz;
		g_Fr(g) {
			this.g_Dz = !!g;
		g_Ex(g, _) {
			if (this.g_DC !== g || _) {
				this.g_DC = g;
				const _ = this.g_Be.g_rP();
				_ && ((this.g_qz = _.g_qp(g)), (this.g_qA = _.g_qq(g))), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_Ey() {
			return this.g_DC;
		g_Fs() {
			return this.g_qz;
		g_Ft() {
			return this.g_qA;
		g_Fu(g) {
			return (
				this.g_Dw === g.g_Dw &&
				this.g_Dx === g.g_Dx &&
				this.g_DE === g.g_DE &&
				this.g_DB === g.g_DB &&
				this.g_DF === g.g_DF
		g_Fv(g) {
			if (0 !== g.size) {
				const _ = g_aO.g_fI(this.g_CX, g);
				0 < _ && (this.g_Es(), this.g_Ek());
		g_Ek() {
			(this.g_DM = !1), (this.g_DS = !1);
		g_Fw() {
			if (!this.g_DM) {
				if ((g_aO.g_fw(this.g_CX, a), this.g_DA))
					for (let g = 0, _ = this.g_CX.length; g < _; ++g) {
						const _ = this.g_CX[g].g_CU();
						_.g_Ev(g), this.g_DQ.g_Dn(_.g_Fx());
				else for (let g = 0, _ = this.g_CX.length; g < _; ++g) this.g_CX[g].g_CU().g_Ev(g);
				this.g_DM = !0;
		g_Fy(_, a, t) {
			const n = _.g_CU(),
				i = a.g_CU();
			if (n.g_Em() !== this || i.g_Em() !== this)
				throw new Error("can't arrange Z order unless both objects on this layer");
			const e = n.g_Fz();
			let r = i.g_Fz();
			g_aO.g_fE(this.g_CX, e),
				e < r && r--,
				t && r++,
				r === this.g_CX.length ? this.g_CX.push(_) : this.g_CX.splice(r, 0, _),
		g_FA(_, t) {
			const a = [];
			let n = 0,
				i = 0,
				r = _.length,
				s = t.length;
			for (; n < r && i < s; ) {
				const e = _[n],
					r = t[i];
				e.g_CU().g_CT() < r.g_CU().g_CT() ? (a.push(e), ++n) : (a.push(r), ++i);
			for (; n < r; ++n) a.push(_[n]);
			for (; i < s; ++i) a.push(t[i]);
			return a;
		g_FB(g) {
			const _ = [],
				e = g.length;
			for (let a = 0; a < e - 1; a += 2) {
				const t = g[a],
					n = g[a + 1];
				_.push(this.g_FA(t, n));
			return 1 == e % 2 && _.push(g[e - 1]), _;
		g_FC(g) {
			for (; 1 < g.length; ) g = this.g_FB(g);
			return g[0];
		g_FD() {
			return (
				this.g_DQ.g_Dm(this.g_DH, i),
				i.length ? (1 === i.length ? i[0] : this.g_FC(i)) : []
		g_FE() {
			return !this.g_FF() && !this.g_Fo();
		g_FG() {
			return this.g_ET() && 0 < this.g_zk() && (this.g_Fl() || !this.g_Fo());
		g_FF() {
			return this.g_Fq() || !this.g_E_() || 0 !== this.g_Ey() || this.g_DO.g_FH();
		g_AI() {
			return this.g_DD;
		g_FI(g) {
			if (0 === g.length) return !0;
			if (2 <= g.length) return !1;
			const _ = g[0],
				e = _.g_tq();
			return !e.g_tt() && !e.g_tr() && !e.g_ts() && this.g_E_();
		g_EY(g) {
			const _ = this.g_FJ();
			return _ / (_ - g);
		g_FJ() {
			return 100 / this.g_FK();
		g_FL(_, t = 0, n = 0) {
			const r = this.g_Be.g_FM(),
				e = (this.g_DH.g_h$() + t) * r,
				s = (this.g_DH.g_ia() + n) * r,
				g = this.g_FJ();
			_.g_pR(e, s, g), _.g_pS(e, s, g - 100);
			const i = this.g_Fj(),
				d = l;
			0 === i ? vec3.set(d, 0, 1, 0) : vec3.set(d, Math.sin(i), Math.cos(i), 0),
				_.g_pV(r, r),
		g_FN(_, a, t) {
			const n = this.g_Be.g_FO(),
				i = this.g_FF();
			let e = null,
				r = null;
			if (this.g_Be.g_FP() && _.g_AO()) {
				const g = n.g_FQ(this);
				g && ((r = g.g_xG()), _.g_AN(r));
			if (i) {
				const g = { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR() };
				'low' === n.g_FS() && ((g.width = n.g_FT()), (g.height = n.g_FU())),
					(e = this.g_Be.g_FV(g)),
					this.g_Fo() && _.g_Ax(0, 0, 0, 0);
			} else _.g_AH(a);
			if (
				(this.g_Fo() || _.g_js(this.g_Du),
				(this.g_DD = e || a),
				this.g_FK() > Number.EPSILON)
			) {
				const g = this.g_DA && 0 === this.g_Do() && !this.g_DN;
				g ? this.g_FW(_) : this.g_FX(_, this.g_CX);
				_.g_pR(0, 0, 100),
				_.g_pS(0, 0, 0),
				i && this.g_FY(_, e, a, t),
				r && _.g_AP(r),
				(this.g_DD = null);
		g_FX(_, a) {
			const t = this.g_DH,
				n = this.g_DD;
			let i = null;
			for (let e = 0, r = a.length; e < r; ++e) {
				const r = a[e];
				if (r === i) continue;
				i = r;
				const g = r.g_CU();
				g.g_ET() && g.g_FZ(t) && (g.g_FH() ? this.g_F_(r, g, _, n) : this.g_F$(r, g, _));
		g_FW(g) {
			const _ = this.g_DQ,
				a = this.g_DU,
				t = this.g_DT,
				n = this.g_DH;
			let e;
			a.set(_.g_Dj(n.g_hV()), _.g_Dk(n.g_hW()), _.g_Dj(n.g_hX()), _.g_Dk(n.g_hY())),
				this.g_DS && a.g_l(t) ? (e = this.g_DR) : ((e = this.g_FD()), (this.g_DS = !0), t.g_p(a)),
				this.g_FX(g, e),
				e !== this.g_DR && g_aO.g_fD(this.g_DR, e);
		g_F$(g, _, e) {
			const a = _.g_Ga();
			e.g_qc() !== a && a.g_qD(), g.g_FN(e);
		g_F_(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g_Gb(g, _, e, a, null) && this.g_FL(e);
		g_Gb(_, a, t, n, i) {
			const r = a.g_Gd().g_Gc();
			if (1 === r.length) {
				const g = r[0],
					n = g.g_tq();
				if (!n.g_tz() && a.g_E_() && !_.g_tt()) return this.g_Ge(_, a, g, n, t), !1;
			const e = g_aO.g_Gf(t, this.g_Be, _, n, r, i);
			return t.g_y$(this.g_Do()), e;
		g_Ge(g, _, a, t, n) {
			n.g_qE(t), n.g_qF(_.g_Fs(), _.g_Ft()), t.g_tN() && this.g_Be.g_EV();
			let e = 0,
				d = 0;
			if (t.g_ty()) {
				const _ = g.g_Gg();
				if (_) {
					const g = _.g_rQ();
					g && ((e = 1 / g.g_pN()), (d = 1 / g.g_pO()));
				} else s.set(0, 0, 0, 0);
			const l = _.g_Gd().g_Gh(a.g_EM());
				n.g_Aw(null, r, s, s, _.g_Gi(), e, d, this.g_Gj(), this.g_Fj(), this.g_Be.g_Gk(), l),
		g_FY(g, _, a, t) {
			const n = this.g_DO.g_Gc(),
				e = this.g_Be;
			if (this.g_FI(n)) {
				if ((g.g_AH(a), 1 === n.length)) {
					const _ = n[0],
						a = _.g_tq();
					g.g_qE(a), s.set(0, 0, 1, 1);
					const t = this.g_DO.g_Gh(_.g_EM());
						1 / e.g_FT(),
						1 / e.g_FU(),
						a.g_tN() && e.g_EV();
				} else g.g_yZ();
				t && 0 === this.g_DC && this.g_E_() && 0 === n.length
					? g.g_AJ(_)
					: (g.g_qF(this.g_qz, this.g_qA), g.g_qG(this.g_Dy), g.g_AK(_)),
			} else g_aO.g_Gf(g, e, this, a, n);
		g_Gj() {
			return this.g_DE;
		g_Gm(g) {
			this.g_DE === g || ((this.g_DE = g), this.g_Dq.g_Gn(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_FM() {
			return this.g_FK() * this.g_Be.g_FM();
		g_Go() {
			return this.g_FK() * this.g_Be.g_Go();
		g_FK() {
			return (this.g_DE * this.g_Dq.g_Gp() - 1) * this.g_DB + 1;
		g_Gq() {
			var _ = Math.round;
			this.g_DG = !1;
			let [a, i] = this.g_Gr(0, 0);
			(this.g_DG = !0), this.g_Be.g_Gs() && ((a = _(a)), (i = _(i)));
			const r = 1 / this.g_FK(),
				s = this.g_DI;
			s.set(a, i, a + this.g_Be.g_Gt() * r, i + this.g_Be.g_Gu() * r);
			const g = this.g_Fj();
			0 !== g &&
				t.offset(-s.g_h$(), -s.g_ia()),
				n.g_iP(t, g),
				t.offset(s.g_h$(), s.g_ia()),
				this.g_EX(this.g_qC, this.g_DH);
		g_Gr(g, _, e = 0) {
			return this.g_Gv(g, _, e, this.g_Go());
		g_Gw(g, _, e = 0) {
			return this.g_Gv(g, _, e, this.g_FM() * this.g_EO());
		g_Gv(_, a, t, r) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_Gx(),
				s = this.g_Be.g_Gy(),
				g = (this.g_Dq.g_Gz() - e) * this.g_Dw + e,
				d = (this.g_Dq.g_GA() - s) * this.g_Dx + s,
				i = this.g_FK(),
				u = this.g_Be.g_Gt() / i,
				p = this.g_Be.g_Gu() / i;
			let l = g - u / 2 + _ / r,
				h = d - p / 2 + a / r;
			const f = this.g_Fj();
			if (0 !== f) {
				(l -= g), (h -= d);
				const _ = Math.cos(f),
					e = Math.sin(f),
					a = l * _ - h * e;
				(h = h * _ + l * e), (l = a), (l += g), (h += d);
			if (0 !== t) {
				const g = this.g_DI.g_h$(),
					_ = this.g_DI.g_ia(),
					e = this.g_EY(t);
				(l = (l - g) / e + g), (h = (h - _) / e + _);
			return [l, h];
		g_GB(_, a) {
			const t = this.g_DE,
				n = this.g_DB,
				i = this.g_Dw,
				e = this.g_Dx,
				r = this.g_DF;
			(this.g_DE = 1), (this.g_DB = 1), (this.g_Dw = 1), (this.g_Dx = 1), (this.g_DF = 0);
			const g = this.g_Gr(_, a);
			return (this.g_DE = t), (this.g_DB = n), (this.g_Dw = i), (this.g_Dx = e), (this.g_DF = r), g;
		g_GC(g, _, e = 0) {
			return this.g_GD(g, _, e, this.g_Go());
		g_GE(g, _, e = 0) {
			return this.g_GD(g, _, e, this.g_FM() * this.g_EO());
		g_GD(_, t, r, a) {
			const e = this.g_Be,
				s = this.g_Dq;
			if (0 !== r) {
				const g = this.g_DI.g_h$(),
					a = this.g_DI.g_ia(),
					e = this.g_EY(r);
				(_ = (_ - g) * e + g), (t = (t - a) * e + a);
			const g = e.g_Gx(),
				d = e.g_Gy(),
				i = (s.g_Gz() - g) * this.g_Dw + g,
				u = (s.g_GA() - d) * this.g_Dx + d,
				h = this.g_Fj();
			if (0 !== h) {
				(_ -= i), (t -= u);
				const g = Math.cos(-h),
					a = Math.sin(-h),
					e = _ * g - t * a;
				(t = t * g + _ * a), (_ = e), (_ += i), (t += u);
			const l = this.g_FK(),
				f = e.g_Gt() / l,
				n = e.g_Gu() / l,
				o = _ - (i - f / 2),
				p = t - (u - n / 2);
			return [o * a, p * a];
		g_GF(g, _) {
			return (g *= this.g_FM() * this.g_EO()), 0 !== _ && (g *= this.g_EY(_)), g;
		g_GG() {
			const g = {
				s: this.g_Gj(),
				a: this.g_Fk(),
				vl: this.g_DH.g_hV(),
				vt: this.g_DH.g_hW(),
				vr: this.g_DH.g_hX(),
				vb: this.g_DH.g_hY(),
				v: this.g_ET(),
				bc: this.g_Du.toJSON(),
				t: this.g_Fo(),
				px: this.g_Fb(),
				py: this.g_Fc(),
				c: this.g_qB.toJSON(),
				sr: this.g_E$(),
				fx: this.g_DO.g_GH(),
				cg: this.g_DL
			return g;
		g_GI(g) {
			(this.g_DE = g.s),
				(this.g_DF = g.a),
				this.g_DH.set(g.vl, g.vt, g.vr, g.vb),
				(this.g_Dt = !!g.v),
				(this.g_Dv = !!g.t),
				(this.g_Dw = g.px),
				(this.g_Dx = g.py),
				(this.g_DB = g.sr),
				g_aO.g_fD(this.g_DL, g.cg),
				g_aO.g_fD(this.g_DK, this.g_DJ);
			const _ = new Set(this.g_DL);
			let a = 0;
			for (let t = 0, n = this.g_DK.length; t < n; ++t)
				_.has(this.g_DK[t][2]) || ((this.g_DK[a] = this.g_DK[t]), ++a);
			g_aO.g_fy(this.g_DK, a), this.g_DO.g_GJ(g.fx), this.g_Eu(!1), this.g_Ek();
		g_GK() {
			return this.g_DV;
	const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		t = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		n = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect);
	g_aO.g_GL = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
				(this.g_GM = g),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_en = e[0]),
				(this.g_GN = e[1]),
				(this.g_GO = e[2]),
				(this.g_pu = e[1]),
				(this.g_pv = e[2]),
				(this.g_GP = !!e[3]),
				(this.g_GQ = e[4]),
				(this.g_GR = null),
				(this.g_Ds = e[5]),
				(this.g_Dr = _),
				(this.g_GS = 0),
				(this.g_GT = 0),
				(this.g_DE = 1),
				(this.g_DF = 0),
				(this.g_GU = new Set()),
				(this.g_GV = new Set()),
				(this.g_GW = new Set()),
				(this.g_GX = []),
				(this.g_GY = []),
				(this.g_GZ = []),
				(this.g_G_ = new Map()),
				(this.g_G$ = new Map()),
				(this.g_DO = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_DP, this, e[8])),
				(this.g_DD = null),
				(this.g_Ha = {}),
				(this.g_Hb = !0),
				(this.g_Hc = new g_Hd(this)),
				(this.g_He = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event.g_lh));
			for (const t of e[6]) {
				const g = g_aO.g_Dp.g_sf(this, this.g_GZ.length, t);
				this.g_GZ.push(g), this.g_G_.set(g.g_pY().toLowerCase(), g), this.g_G$.set(g.g_EN(), g);
			for (const t of e[7]) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_D_(t[1]);
				if (!g) throw new Error('missing nonworld object class');
				g.g_Ea() || g.g_Eb(t), this.g_GY.push(t), this.g_D$(g);
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_GZ) g.g_ek();
				(this.g_GR = null),
				(this.g_GM = null),
				(this.g_Be = null);
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_EP() {
			return this.g_DO;
		g_Hf() {
			let g = this.g_GZ[0].g_FK();
			for (let _ = 1, e = this.g_GZ.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_GZ[_];
				(0 === e.g_Fb() && 0 === e.g_Fc()) || (g = Math.min(g, e.g_FK()));
			return g;
		g_Hg(g) {
			if (!this.g_GP) {
				const _ = (this.g_Be.g_Gt() * (1 / this.g_Hf())) / 2;
				g > this.g_pu - _ && (g = this.g_pu - _), g < _ && (g = _);
			this.g_GS !== g && ((this.g_GS = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_Gz() {
			return this.g_GS;
		g_Hh(g) {
			if (!this.g_GP) {
				const _ = (this.g_Be.g_Gu() * (1 / this.g_Hf())) / 2;
				g > this.g_pv - _ && (g = this.g_pv - _), g < _ && (g = _);
			this.g_GT !== g && ((this.g_GT = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_GA() {
			return this.g_GT;
		g_Gn() {
			this.g_Hg(this.g_Gz()), this.g_Hh(this.g_GA());
		g_Gp() {
			return this.g_DE;
		g_Hi(g) {
			(g = +g), this.g_DE === g || ((this.g_DE = g), this.g_Gn());
		g_Fi(g) {
			this.g_DF = g_aO.g_eq(g);
		g_Fj() {
			return this.g_DF;
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_pu;
		g_Hj(g) {
			!isFinite(g) || 1 > g || (this.g_pu = g);
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_pv;
		g_Hk(g) {
			!isFinite(g) || 1 > g || (this.g_pv = g);
		g_Hl() {
			return this.g_GR;
		g_Hm() {
			return this.g_GZ;
		g_Hn() {
			return this.g_GZ.length;
		g_Em(g) {
			return 'number' == typeof g ? this.g_Ho(g) : this.g_Hp(g.toString());
		g_Ho(g) {
			return (g = g_aO.g_ep(Math.floor(g), 0, this.g_GZ.length - 1)), this.g_GZ[g];
		g_Hp(g) {
			return this.g_G_.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_Hq(g) {
			return this.g_G$.get(g) || null;
		g_Hr() {
			for (const g of this.g_GZ) if (g.g_FG()) return g.g_FE();
			return !1;
		g_Ee() {
			return this.g_Hb;
		g_Hs() {
			return [...this.g_GU];
		g_D$(g) {
			if (g.g_EJ()) for (const _ of g.g_Hu().g_Ht()) this.g_GU.add(_);
			else this.g_GU.add(g);
		g_Hv() {
			return [...this.g_GV];
		g_Hw(g, _) {
			if (g === this || !_) return Promise.resolve();
			g && (g_aO.g_gu(this.g_GV, g.g_GV), g.g_GV.clear());
			const e = [];
			for (const a of this.g_GU) this.g_GV.has(a) || (e.push(a.g_Hx(_)), this.g_GV.add(a));
			return Promise.all(e);
		async g_Hy(g) {
			if (g.g_EF()) throw new Error('cannot load textures for family');
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_rP();
			if (!(!_ || _.g_xe() || this.g_GV.has(g))) {
				const e = g.g_Hx(_);
				this.g_Hz(e), await e, g.g_HA(), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_Hz(g) {
			this.g_GW.add(g), g.then(() => this.g_GW.delete(g)).catch(() => this.g_GW.delete(g));
		g_HB() {
			return Promise.all([...this.g_GW]);
		g_HC(g) {
			if (g.g_EF() || 0 < g.g_EK()) throw new Error('cannot unload textures');
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_rP();
			_ && this.g_GV.has(g) && (this.g_GV.delete(g), g.g_HD(_));
		g_HE(g, _) {
			if (g !== this && _)
				for (const _ of this.g_GV) _.g_Eh() || g.g_GU.has(_) || (_.g_HD(), this.g_GV.delete(_));
		g_HF() {
		async g_HG(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be,
				e = this.g_GM,
				a = _.g_ED();
			if (
				(this.g_GQ && ((this.g_GR = a.g_HH(this.g_GQ)), this.g_GR.g_HI()),
				(this.g_pu = this.g_GN),
				(this.g_pv = this.g_GO),
				(this.g_GS = _.g_DY() / 2),
				(this.g_GT = _.g_DZ() / 2),
				this.g_Hb || this.g_HM(),
			else for (const g of this.g_GX) g.g_EI();
				await Promise.all([...this.g_GU].map((g) => g.g_HS(this.g_Be.g_rP()))),
				g &&
					(_.g_lh().dispatchEvent(new g_aO.Event('beforefirstlayoutstart')),
					await _.g_HT(new g_aO.Event('beforeprojectstart'))),
				await this.g_HT(new g_aO.Event('beforelayoutstart')),
				_.g_HQ() || (await _.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_HV, null, null)),
				await this.g_HT(new g_aO.Event('afterlayoutstart')),
				g &&
					(_.g_lh().dispatchEvent(new g_aO.Event('afterfirstlayoutstart')),
					await _.g_HT(new g_aO.Event('afterprojectstart'))),
				await this.g_HB(),
				(this.g_Hb = !1);
		g_HK(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_Be.g_EE())
				if (!_.g_EF() && _.g_H_())
					for (const g of _.g_H$()) {
						const _ = g.g_CU(),
							a = _.g_Em(),
							t = g_aO.g_ep(a.g_EM(), 0, this.g_GZ.length - 1),
							n = this.g_GZ[t];
						_.g_Ia(n), n.g_Eo(g);
			if (!g) for (const g of this.g_GZ) g.g_Eu(!1);
		g_HL() {
			for (const g of this.g_GZ) g.g_Ed(this.g_GX), g.g_Gq(), g.g_Ew();
		g_HM() {
			let g = !1;
			for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(this.g_Ha)) {
				const a = this.g_Be.g_Ib(parseInt(_, 10));
				if (a && !a.g_EF() && a.g_Ef()) {
					for (const _ of e) {
						let t = null;
						if (a.g_H_() && ((t = this.g_Hq(_.w.l)), !t)) continue;
						const n = this.g_Be.g_Eg(a, t, !1, 0, 0, !0);
						n.g_GJ(_), (g = !0), this.g_GX.push(n);
			for (const g of this.g_GZ) g.g_Eu(!0), g.g_Ek();
			g && (this.g_Be.g_Ej(), this.g_Be.g_Ic());
		g_HN(g) {
			for (const _ of g) {
				if (!_.g_EJ()) continue;
				const a = _.g_CU(),
					t = _.g_Id();
				for (const n of _.g_EA().g_Hu().g_Ie()) {
					if (n === _.g_EA()) continue;
					const e = n.g_H$();
					if (e.length > t) _.g_If(e[t]);
					else {
						let e;
						(e = a
							? this.g_Be.g_Eg(n, a.g_Em(), !0, a.g_Ig(), a.g_Ih(), !0)
							: this.g_Be.g_Eg(n, null, !0, 0, 0, !0)),
		g_HO() {
			for (const g of this.g_GY) {
				const _ = this.g_Be.g_D_(g[1]);
				_.g_EJ() || this.g_Be.g_Eg(g, null, !0);
		g_Ij() {
			const g = [],
				_ = this.g_GY;
			let a = 0;
			for (let t = 0, n = _.length; t < n; ++t) {
				const n = _[t],
					e = this.g_Be.g_D_(n[1]);
					? (!e.g_EJ() || !e.g_Hu().g_Ik()) && g.push(this.g_Be.g_Eg(n, null, !0))
					: ((_[a] = n), ++a);
			g_aO.g_fy(_, a), this.g_Be.g_Ej(), this.g_HN(g);
		g_EC(a, g, t, n, e) {
			_.set(g, t, n, e);
			for (const i of this.g_GZ) i.g_EC(a, _);
		async g_Il() {
			const g = this.g_GM;
			this.g_Be.g_HQ() || (await this.g_Be.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_Im, null, null)),
				this.g_Hb || this.g_Ip();
			for (const g of this.g_GZ) g.g_Ez();
			for (const g of this.g_Be.g_EE())
				if (!(g.g_Eh() || g.g_H_() || g.g_Ir().g_Iq() || g.g_EF())) {
					for (const _ of g.g_H$()) this.g_Be.g_EB(_);
			g.g_In(!1), g.g_Is() === this && g.g_HJ(null);
		g_It(g) {
			const _ = g.g_EA().g_EN().toString();
			this.g_Ha.hasOwnProperty(_) || (this.g_Ha[_] = []);
			const e = this.g_Ha[_];
		g_Ip() {
			for (const g of this.g_GZ) {
				for (const _ of g.g_Fm()) {
					const g = _.g_EA();
					!g.g_Eh() && g.g_Ef() && this.g_It(_);
		g_Iu() {
			(this.g_Ha = {}), (this.g_Hb = !0);
		g_AI() {
			return this.g_DD;
		g_FF() {
			return (
				'low' === this.g_Be.g_FO().g_FS() ||
				this.g_Be.g_Iv() ||
				'low-latency' === this.g_Be.g_Iw() ||
		g_Ix(g) {
			if (0 === g.length) return !0;
			if (2 <= g.length) return !1;
			const _ = g[0],
				e = _.g_tq();
			return !e.g_tt();
		g_FN(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_FO(),
				a = this.g_FF();
			let t = null;
			if (a) {
				'low-latency' !== this.g_Be.g_Iw() && (g.g_AH(null), g.g_Ax(0, 0, 0, 0));
				const e = { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR(), g_rw: this.g_Be.g_Iv() || this.g_DO.g_FH() };
				'low' === _.g_FS() && ((e.width = _.g_FT()), (e.height = _.g_FU())),
					(t = this.g_Be.g_FV(e)),
			} else g.g_AH(null);
			this.g_Hr() || g.g_Ax(0, 0, 0, 0), (this.g_DD = t);
			let n = !0;
			for (const _ of this.g_GZ) _.g_Gq(), _.g_FG() && (_.g_FN(g, t, n), (n = !1));
			a && this.g_Iy(g, t), (this.g_DD = null);
		g_Iy(_, a) {
			const s = this.g_DO.g_Gc(),
				d = this.g_Be;
			if (this.g_Ix(s)) {
				if ((_.g_AH(null), 1 === s.length)) {
					const g = s[0],
						e = g.g_tq();
					_.g_qE(e), n.set(0, 0, 1, 1), r.set(0, 0, d.g_Gt(), d.g_Gu());
					const a = this.g_DO.g_Gh(g.g_EM());
						1 / d.g_FT(),
						1 / d.g_FU(),
						e.g_tN() && d.g_EV();
				} else _.g_yZ();
				0 === s.length ? _.g_AJ(a) : (_.g_zr(), _.g_zn(), _.g_AK(a)), _.g_AL(a), d.g_Gl(a);
			} else g_aO.g_Gf(_, d, this, null, s);
		g_GG() {
			const g = {
				sx: this.g_Gz(),
				sy: this.g_GA(),
				s: this.g_Gp(),
				a: this.g_Fj(),
				w: this.g_pN(),
				h: this.g_pO(),
				fv: this.g_Hb,
				persist: this.g_Ha,
				fx: this.g_DO.g_GH(),
				layers: {}
			for (const _ of this.g_GZ) g.layers[_.g_EN().toString()] = _.g_GG();
			return g;
		g_GI(g) {
			(this.g_GS = g.sx),
				(this.g_GT = g.sy),
				(this.g_DE = g.s),
				(this.g_DF = g.a),
				(this.g_pu = g.w),
				(this.g_pv = g.h),
				(this.g_Hb = !!g.fv),
				(this.g_Ha = g.persist),
			for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(g.layers)) {
				const g = parseInt(_, 10),
					a = this.g_Hq(g);
				a && a.g_GI(e);
		g_Iz() {
			return this.g_Hc;
		g_IA() {
			return this.g_He;
		g_IB(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be,
				e = _.g_IC() && !_.g_ED().g_ID();
			e && g_IF.g_IE(), this.g_He.dispatchEvent(g), e && g_IF.g_IG();
		g_HT(g) {
			return this.g_He.g_lo(g);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_IH = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_II = []),
				(this.g_IJ = new Map()),
				(this.g_IK = new Map()),
				(this.g_IL = null),
				(this.g_IM = []),
				(this.g_IN = null),
				(this.g_IO = 0),
				(this.g_IP = null);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Be = null),
				(this.g_IL = null),
				(this.g_IN = null),
				(this.g_IP = null),
		g_sf(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_GL, this, this.g_II.length, g);
			this.g_II.push(_), this.g_IJ.set(_.g_pY().toLowerCase(), _), this.g_IK.set(_.g_EN(), _);
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_IQ(g) {
			this.g_IN = g;
		g_IR() {
			if (this.g_IN) return this.g_IN;
			if (this.g_II.length) return this.g_II[0];
			throw new Error('no first layout');
		g_IS(g) {
			return this.g_IJ.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_IT(g) {
			return this.g_IK.get(g) || null;
		g_IU(g) {
			return (g = g_aO.g_ep(Math.floor(g), 0, this.g_II.length - 1)), this.g_II[g];
		g_EL(g) {
			return 'number' == typeof g ? this.g_IU(g) : this.g_IS(g.toString());
		g_IV() {
			return this.g_II;
		g_HJ(g) {
			this.g_IL = g;
		g_Is() {
			return this.g_IL;
		g_IW(g) {
			if (this.g_IM.includes(g)) throw new Error('layout already running');
		g_IX(g) {
			const _ = this.g_IM.indexOf(g);
			if (-1 === _) throw new Error('layout not running');
			this.g_IM.splice(_, 1);
		*g_IY() {
			this.g_IL && (yield this.g_IL), this.g_IM.length && (yield* this.g_IM);
		g_IZ(g) {
			return this.g_IL === g || this.g_IM.includes(g);
		g_In(g) {
			if (g) this.g_IO++;
			else {
				if (0 >= this.g_IO) throw new Error('already unset');
		g_I_() {
			return 0 < this.g_IO;
		g_I$(g) {
			this.g_IP = g;
		g_HP() {
			this.g_IP = null;
		g_Ja() {
			return !!this.g_IP;
		g_Jb() {
			return this.g_IP;
	'use strict';
	function _() {
		return o === i.length && i.push(new r()), i[o++];
	function a(g) {
		g.g_Jc(), g.g_js(), o--;
	async function t(g, _, a) {
		const t = await g_aO.g_ps.g_rz.g_rZ(_, a),
			n = URL.createObjectURL(t);
		console.log('[FX] ' + g + ' ' + (a ? '' : ' [to display]') + ': ', n);
	function s(_, a) {
		var t = Math.max,
			s = Math.min;
		for (let g = 0, e = a.length; g < e; ++g) {
			const e = a[g].g_tq();
			(_.g_Jd += e.g_tw()), (_.g_Je += e.g_tx());
		const d = _.g_Jf,
			u = d.g_Em(),
			e = u.g_Fj(),
			c = d.g_Gi(),
			h = d.g_Jg();
		let [i, f] = u.g_GE(c.g_hV(), c.g_hW(), h),
			[E, y] = u.g_GE(c.g_hX(), c.g_hY(), h);
		if (0 !== e) {
			const [_, a] = u.g_GE(c.g_hX(), c.g_hW(), h),
				[r, e] = u.g_GE(c.g_hV(), c.g_hY(), h);
			let g = s(i, E, _, r);
			(E = t(i, E, _, r)), (i = g), (g = s(f, y, a, e)), (y = t(f, y, a, e)), (f = g);
		const g = _.g_Jh,
			n = _.g_Ji,
			o = _.g_Jj,
			p = _.clearRect,
			b = _.g_Jk;
		g.set(i, f, E, y),
			n.g_N(_.g_Jm, _.g_Jn),
			g.g_ie(_.g_Jd, _.g_Je),
			o.g_N(_.g_Jm, _.g_Jn),
			p.g_ie(_.g_Jd + 1, _.g_Je + 1),
			g.g_ep(0, 0, _.g_Jo, _.g_Jl),
			p.g_ep(0, 0, _.g_Jo, _.g_Jl),
			b.g_N(_.g_Jm, _.g_Jn),
	function d(g) {
		const _ = g.g_uq;
		const a = g.g_Jp(g.g_Jq);
		const n = g.g_Jr;
		if ((n && n.g_Js && n.g_Js(), !1, _.g_AA(g.clearRect), g.g_Jt))
			_.g_qG(g.g_Jf.g_EZ()), _.g_qH(g.g_Jf.g_Jg()), g.g_Jt.g_FN(_), _.g_qH(0);
		else {
			const e = (g.g_Ju || g.g_Jv).g_AI();
			g.g_Ju ? _.g_qG(g.g_Ju.g_EZ()) : _.g_zn(), _.g_AK(e), _.g_AL(e), g.runtime.g_FO().g_Gl(e);
		g.g_Jj.g_in(0, 1, 1, 0), (g.g_Jq = 1), (g.g_Jw = 0), E && t('Pre-draw', _, a);
	function e(_, a) {
		const n = _.g_uq,
			r = _.runtime,
			e = _.g_Jp(_.g_Jq);
		const i = _.g_Jr;
		if ((i && i.g_Js && i.g_Js(), !1, n.g_AA(_.clearRect), _.g_Jt)) {
			let s = 100,
				g = 100;
			const d = _.g_Jt.g_Gg();
			if (d) {
				const e = d.g_rQ();
				e && ((s = e.g_pN()), (g = e.g_pO()));
			} else _.g_Jx.set(0, 0, 0, 0);
			const i = _.g_Jf.g_Gd().g_Gh(a.g_EM());
			n.g_Aw(_.g_Jy, _.g_Jj, _.g_Jx, _.g_Jx, _.g_Jz, 1 / s, 1 / g, _.g_JA, _.g_JB, r.g_Gk(), i),
				_.g_Jj.g_in(0, 1, 1, 0),
				E && t('First bounce', n, e);
		} else {
			const i = (_.g_Ju || _.g_Jv).g_EP().g_Gh(a.g_EM());
				1 / _.g_Jo,
				1 / _.g_Jl,
			const g = (_.g_Ju || _.g_Jv).g_AI();
			E && t('Layer target', n, g),
				E && t('First bounce', n, e);
	function n(_, a, n, r) {
		const e = _.g_uq,
			s = _.runtime;
		let g, d;
		0 === r && _.g_JC && _.g_Jt && _.g_Jh.g_ik(_.g_Jl),
				? (_.g_Jt
						? e.g_qF(_.g_Jf.g_Fs(), _.g_Jf.g_Ft())
						: _.g_Ju && e.g_qF(_.g_Ju.g_Fs(), _.g_Ju.g_Ft()),
				  (g = _.g_Jy),
				: ((g = _.g_Jp(_.g_Jq)), e.g_AH(g), !1, e.g_AA(_.clearRect)),
			(d = _.g_Jt ? _.g_Jf.g_Gd().g_Gh(a.g_EM()) : (_.g_Ju || _.g_Jv).g_EP().g_Gh(a.g_EM())),
				1 / _.g_Jm,
				1 / _.g_Jn,
		const l = _.g_Jp(_.g_Jw);
			(_.g_JE = !0),
			e.g_zy(u, _.g_Jk),
			_.g_Jt || e.g_AL(l),
			E && t('Bounce ' + r, e, g);
	function g(g) {
		const _ = g.g_uq;
		if (g.g_Jv) {
			_.g_yZ(), _.g_AH(g.g_Jy);
			const e = g.g_Jp(g.g_Jw);
			return _.g_AJ(e), void _.g_AL(e);
		const a = g.runtime.g_FO();
		'low' === a.g_FS() ? (_.g_yZ(), a.g_JD(_, a.g_FT(), a.g_FU()), (g.g_JE = !0)) : _.g_Ak(),
				? _.g_qF(g.g_Jf.g_Fs(), g.g_Jf.g_Ft())
				: g.g_Ju && _.g_qF(g.g_Ju.g_Fs(), g.g_Ju.g_Ft()),
		const n = g.g_Jp(g.g_Jw);
			_.g_zy(u, g.g_Jk),
			g.g_Jt || _.g_AL(n),
			E && t('Post-draw', _, g.g_Jy);
	class r {
		constructor() {
			(this.g_uq = null),
				(this.runtime = null),
				(this.g_Jo = 0),
				(this.g_Jl = 0),
				(this.g_Jm = 0),
				(this.g_Jn = 0),
				(this.g_Jz = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_Jk = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_Jj = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_Ji = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_Jh = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.clearRect = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_Jx = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_JF = [null, null]),
				(this.g_Jq = 0),
				(this.g_Jw = 1),
				(this.g_Jd = 0),
				(this.g_Je = 0),
				(this.g_JA = 0),
				(this.g_JB = 0),
				(this.g_Jv = null),
				(this.g_Ju = null),
				(this.g_Jt = null),
				(this.g_Jf = null),
				(this.g_Jy = null),
				(this.g_JC = !1),
				(this.g_JG = !1),
				(this.g_JE = !1),
				(this.g_Jr = null);
		g_js() {
			(this.g_uq = null),
				(this.runtime = null),
				(this.g_Jv = null),
				(this.g_Ju = null),
				(this.g_Jt = null),
				(this.g_Jf = null),
				(this.g_Jy = null),
				(this.g_Jr = null);
		g_JH(g) {
			const _ = g.g_tq();
			return (
				!!_.g_tt() ||
					? (_.g_tr() && 0 !== this.g_Jf.g_Fj()) ||
					  0 !== this.g_Jd ||
					  0 !== this.g_Je ||
					  !this.g_Jf.g_E_() ||
					: this.g_Ju
					? !this.g_Ju.g_E_()
					: void 0)
		g_JI(g) {
			const _ = g.g_tq();
			return _.g_tr() || _.g_ts() || (this.g_Jv && 'low' === this.runtime.g_FO().g_FS());
		g_Jp(g) {
			if (0 !== g && 1 !== g) throw new Error('invalid effect target');
			const _ = this.g_JF;
			if (!_[g]) {
				const a = this.runtime,
					t = a.g_FO(),
					n = { g_qO: a.g_FR() };
				'low' === t.g_FS() && ((n.width = t.g_FT()), (n.height = t.g_FU())), (_[g] = t.g_FV(n));
			return _[g];
		g_Jc() {
			const g = this.g_JF,
				_ = this.runtime.g_FO();
			g[0] && (_.g_Gl(g[0]), (g[0] = null)), g[1] && (_.g_Gl(g[1]), (g[1] = null));
	const i = [];
	let o = 0;
	const u = new g_aO.g_iu();
	let E = !1;
	g_aO.g_Gf = function (t, u, h, i, c, l) {
		const f = _();
		if (((f.g_uq = t), (f.runtime = u), h instanceof g_aO.Instance))
			(f.g_Jt = h), (f.g_Jf = f.g_Jt.g_CU());
		else if (h instanceof g_aO.g_Dp) f.g_Ju = h;
		else if (h instanceof g_aO.g_GL) f.g_Jv = h;
		else throw new Error('invalid effects object');
		const o = u.g_FO();
		if (
			((f.g_Jy = i),
			(f.g_Jo = o.g_FT()),
			(f.g_Jl = o.g_FU()),
			(f.g_Jm = f.g_Jo),
			(f.g_Jn = f.g_Jl),
			(f.g_Jq = 0),
			(f.g_Jw = 1),
			(f.g_Jd = 0),
			(f.g_Je = 0),
			f.g_Jh.set(0, 0, f.g_Jo, f.g_Jl),
			f.clearRect.set(0, 0, f.g_Jo, f.g_Jl),
			(f.g_JE = !1),
			(f.g_Jr = l),
		) {
			const g = f.g_Jf;
			(f.g_JA = g.g_Em().g_FM()), (f.g_JB = g.g_Em().g_Fj()), f.g_Jz.g_p(g.g_Gi());
		} else if (f.g_Ju) {
			const g = f.g_Ju;
			(f.g_JA = g.g_FM()), (f.g_JB = g.g_Fj()), f.g_Jz.g_p(g.g_EW());
		} else {
			const g = f.g_Jv;
			(f.g_JA = g.g_Gp()), (f.g_JB = g.g_Fj()), f.g_Jz.set(0, 0, f.g_Jo, f.g_Jl);
			? s(f, c)
			: (f.g_Jk.set(0, 0, f.g_Jo / f.g_Jm, f.g_Jl / f.g_Jn),
			(f.g_JC = f.g_JH(c[0])),
			f.g_JC && d(f),
		const p = c.length - 1;
		f.g_JG = f.g_JI(c[p]);
		for (let g = 0, _ = c.length; g < _; ++g) {
			const _ = c[g],
				a = _.g_tq();
			if ((t.g_qE(a), a.g_tN() && u.g_EV(), 0 === g && !f.g_JC)) e(f, _);
			else {
				const e = g === p && !f.g_JG;
				n(f, _, e, g);
			0 === f.g_Jq ? ((f.g_Jq = 1), (f.g_Jw = 0)) : ((f.g_Jq = 0), (f.g_Jw = 1));
		f.g_JG && g(f, c);
		const m = f.g_JE;
		return a(f), (E = !1), m;
	const g = /<(.+?)>/g;
	g_aO.g_JJ = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_JK = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_JL)),
				(this.g_JM = null),
				(this.g_JN = []),
				(this.g_JO = new Map()),
				(this.g_JP = new Map()),
				(this.g_JQ = new Map()),
				(this.g_JR = []),
				(this.g_JS = []),
				(this.g_JT = !1),
				(this.g_JU = !1),
				(this.g_JV = !1),
				(this.g_JW = () => this.g_JX()),
				(this.g_JY = () => this.g_JZ()),
				(this.g_J_ = () => this.g_J$()),
				(this.g_Ka = () => this.g_Kb()),
				(this.g_Kc = (g) => this.g_Kd(g.g_Ke));
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_JW = null),
				(this.g_JY = null),
				(this.g_J_ = null),
				(this.g_Ka = null),
				(this.g_Kc = null);
			for (const g of this.g_JN) g.g_Kg(), g.g_ek();
				(this.g_JN = null),
				(this.g_JK = null),
				(this.g_JR = null),
				(this.g_JS = null),
				(this.g_JO = null),
				(this.g_JP = null),
				(this.g_JQ = null),
				(this.g_Be = null);
		g_Kh() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_lh();
			g.addEventListener('pretick', this.g_JW),
				g.addEventListener('tick2', this.g_JY),
				g.addEventListener('beforelayoutchange', this.g_J_),
				g.addEventListener('layoutchange', this.g_Ka),
				g.addEventListener('instancedestroy', this.g_Kc);
		g_Kf() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_lh();
			g.removeEventListener('pretick', this.g_JW),
				g.removeEventListener('tick2', this.g_JY),
				g.removeEventListener('beforelayoutchange', this.g_J_),
				g.removeEventListener('layoutchange', this.g_Ka),
				g.removeEventListener('instancedestroy', this.g_Kc);
		g_sf(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_Kj.g_Ki(g, this);
			this.g_jB(_), this.g_Kk(_), this.g_JQ.set(_.g_pY(), 0);
		g_Kl(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Km(),
				a = g.g_Kn(),
				t = _.g_bd(a),
				n = g_aO.g_Kj.g_Kl(`${a}:${this.g_JQ.get(a)}`, t, this);
			return this.g_Ko(a), this.g_jB(n), n;
		g_Ko(g) {
			this.g_JQ.set(g, this.g_JQ.get(g) + 1);
		g_Kp() {
			for (const g of this.g_JN) {
				if (g.g_Kq()) continue;
				const _ = g.g_Kn();
		g_Kr() {
			for (const g of this.g_JQ.keys()) this.g_JQ.set(g, 0);
		g_jB(g) {
			this.g_JN.push(g), this.g_JO.set(g.g_pY().toLowerCase(), g);
		g_lO(g) {
			g.g_Kq() ||
				(this.g_Ks(this.g_JN, g),
				this.g_Ks(this.g_JR, g),
				this.g_Ks(this.g_JS, g),
		g_Ks(g, _) {
			const e = g.indexOf(_);
			-1 !== e && g.splice(e, 1);
		g_Ku(g) {
			this.g_Be.g_Ku(g, this.g_JM, null);
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_Km() {
			return this.g_JK;
		g_Kv(g) {
			this.g_JM = g;
		g_Kw() {
			return this.g_JM;
		*g_Kx() {
			for (const g of this.g_JN) yield g;
		g_Ky(g, _) {
			this.g_JP.has(g) || this.g_JP.set(g, new Set()), this.g_JP.get(g).add(_);
		g_Kk(g) {
			for (const _ of g.g_Kz()) this.g_Ky(_, g);
		g_Kt(g) {
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_JP.entries())
				e.has(g) && (e.delete(g), 0 === e.size && this.g_JP.delete(_));
		g_KA(g) {
			return this.g_JP.has(g) ? this.g_JP.get(g) : void 0;
		g_KB(g, _) {
			if (_)
				for (const e of this.g_JN) {
					const a = _.every((g) => e.g_KC(g.g_Ke, g.g_KD));
					if (a && e.g_pY().includes(g.g_pY())) return e;
		g_KE(g) {
			return this.g_JO.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_KF(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_JR) if (_.g_pY() === g) return _;
			for (const _ of this.g_JS) if (_.g_pY() === g) return _;
			return null;
		*g_KG(_) {
			if (g.test(_)) {
				g.lastIndex = 0;
				let e;
				const t = new Set();
					if (((e = g.exec(_)), e)) {
						const g = e[1].split(',');
						for (const _ of g) t.add(_);
				while (e);
				for (const g of t.values()) {
					const _ = this.g_KE(g);
					_ && (yield _);
			} else {
				const g = this.g_KE(_);
				g && (yield g);
		*g_KH(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_JN) _.g_KI(g) && (yield _);
		g_KJ(g) {
			this.g_JR.includes(g) || this.g_JR.push(g), this.g_KK();
		g_KL(g) {
			this.g_Ks(this.g_JS, g), this.g_KM();
		g_KN(g) {
			g.g_KO(!1), g.g_KP(!0), g.g_KQ(!1), this.g_JR.includes(g) || this.g_JR.push(g), this.g_KK();
		g_KR(g) {
			g.g_KO(!1), g.g_KP(!1), g.g_KS(), this.g_Ks(this.g_JR, g), this.g_KM();
		g_KT(g) {
			g.g_KO(!1), g.g_KP(!1), g.g_KQ(!0);
		g_KU(g) {
			this.g_KT(g), g.g_KS();
		g_JX() {
			if (!this.g_JT) return;
			if (this.g_JU) return;
			let g = !1;
			for (this.g_JV = !0; this.g_JR.length; ) {
				const g = this.g_JR.pop();
				g.g_KV(), this.g_JS.push(g);
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_KW(),
				t = this.g_Be.g_KX();
			for (const a of this.g_JS) {
				if (a.g_KY()) continue;
				const n = a.g_KZ(_, t);
				!g && n && (g = !0);
			(this.g_JV = !1), g && this.g_BI().g_EV();
		g_JZ() {
			if (this.g_JT) {
				for (const g of this.g_JS) g.g_KY() && (this.g_K_(g), this.g_Ks(this.g_JS, g));
		g_K_(g) {
			g.g_K$() || !g.g_La() || (g.g_Lb() && g.g_Lc() && g.g_Ld());
		g_KK() {
			this.g_JT || (this.g_JT = !0);
		g_KM() {
			this.g_JS.length || this.g_JR.length || this.g_JV || (this.g_JT = !1);
		g_J$() {
			for (this.g_JU = !0; this.g_JR.length; ) this.g_KR(this.g_JR.pop());
			for (; this.g_JS.length; ) {
				const g = this.g_JS.pop();
				g.g_K$() || (this.g_KT(g), g.g_lC(!1));
			for (const g of this.g_JN) g.g_Le();
		g_Kb() {
			this.g_JU = !1;
		g_Kd(g) {
			const _ = g.g_EA(),
				e = this.g_KA(_);
			if (e) for (const g of e) g.g_Kq() || g.g_La() || (this.g_K_(g), this.g_lO(g));
		g_GG() {
			return {
				timelinesJson: this.g_Lf(),
				scheduledTimelinesJson: this.g_Lg(),
				playingTimelinesJson: this.g_Lh(),
				hasRuntimeListeners: this.g_JT,
				changingLayout: this.g_JU,
				isTickingTimelines: this.g_JV
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				(this.g_JT = !g.hasRuntimeListeners),
				(this.g_JU = !!g.changingLayout),
				(this.g_JV = !!g.isTickingTimelines),
		g_Lf() {
			return this.g_JN.map((g) => g.g_GG());
		g_Li(g) {
			for (const _ of g) {
				let g = this.g_KE(_.name);
				if (g) g.g_GI(_);
				else {
					const e = this.g_Ll(_);
					if (!e) continue;
					const a = this.g_KE(e);
					(g = this.g_Kl(a)), g.g_GI(_);
				g.g_Lm() || this.g_lO(g);
		g_Ll(g) {
			const _ = g.name,
				e = _.split(':');
			return e && 2 === e.length ? e[0] : null;
		g_Lg() {
			return this.g_Ln(this.g_JR);
		g_Lj(g) {
			this.g_Lo(g, this.g_JR);
		g_Lh() {
			return this.g_Ln(this.g_JS);
		g_Lk(g) {
			this.g_Lo(g, this.g_JS);
		g_Lp(g, _) {
			for (const e of _) if (e === g.g_pY()) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_Ln(g) {
			return g.map((g) => g.g_pY());
		g_Lo(g, _) {
			const t = (g) => (_) => _.g_pY() === g;
			for (const e of _) this.g_Lp(e, g) || this.g_Ks(_, e);
			for (const n of g) {
				const g = this.g_KE(n);
				if (g) {
					const a = _.find(t(n));
					a || _.push(g);
	const g = 0;
	g_aO.g_Kj = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(_, e, a) {
				(this.g_Be = a.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Lq = a),
				(this.g_Lr = e),
				(this.g_en = _),
				(this.g_Ls = []);
			for (const g of this.g_Lr.g_Lu().g_Lt()) this.g_Ls.push(g_aO.g_Lv.g_sf(this, g));
			(this.g_Lw = null),
				(this.g_Lx = null),
				(this.g_Ly = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lQ)),
				(this.g_Lz = 1),
				(this.g_LA = g),
				(this.g_LB = 1),
				(this.g_LC = !1),
				(this.g_LD = !1),
				(this.g_LE = !1),
				(this.g_LF = !0),
				(this.g_LG = !1),
				(this.g_LH = !1),
				(this.g_LI = -1),
				(this.g_LJ = !1),
				(this.g_LK = !1),
				(this.g_LL = !1),
				(this.g_LM = ['']),
				(this.g_LN = ''),
				(this.g_LO = !1);
		static g_Ki(g, _) {
			const a = _.g_Km(),
				t = a.g_LP(),
				n = a.g_bd(g[t]),
				e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Kj, g[t], n, _);
			return e.g_LQ(!0), e;
		static g_Kl(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Kj, g, _, e);
		static get g_LR() {
			return 1;
		static get g_LS() {
			return g_aO.g_eG(1);
		g_ek() {
			if (!this.g_K$()) {
				this.g_Lq.g_KR(this), this.g_Lq.g_KU(this);
				for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_ek();
					(this.g_Ls = null),
					(this.g_Ly = null),
					(this.g_Be = null),
					(this.g_Lq = null),
					(this.g_Lr = null),
					(this.g_LG = !0),
					(this.g_Lw = null),
					(this.g_Lx = null);
		g_LT() {
			return this.g_Lq;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_LU() {
			return this.g_Ls;
		g_Lm() {
			return !!this.g_Ls.length;
		g_LV(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_Ls) if (g_aO.g_dB(_.g_LW(), g)) return _;
			return null;
		g_LX(g) {
			this.g_en = g;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_LY() {
			return this.g_Lr;
		g_Kn() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_pY();
		g_LZ() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_LZ();
		g_L_(g) {
		g_L$() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_L$();
		g_Ma(g) {
		g_Mb() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_Mb();
		g_Mc(g) {
		g_Md() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_Md();
		g_Me(g) {
		g_Mf(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_LU()) _.g_Mf(g);
		g_Mg() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_Mg();
		g_Mh() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_Mh();
		g_Mi() {
			return this.g_Lr.g_Mi();
		g_Mj(g) {
			return (this.g_Lz = g);
		g_Mk() {
			return this.g_Lz;
		g_Ml() {
			return !this.g_Mm() || 0 < this.g_Lz;
		g_Mn() {
			return this.g_Lw
				? this.g_Lw
				: ((this.g_Lw = new Promise((g) => {
						this.g_Lx = g;
		g_KS() {
			this.g_Lw && (this.g_Lx(), (this.g_Lw = null), (this.g_Lx = null));
		g_Mo(g) {
			(this.g_LM = g_aO.g_Kj.g_Mp(g)), (this.g_LO = !0);
		g_Mq() {
			return this.g_LM;
		g_Mr() {
			return this.g_LO && (this.g_LN = this.g_LM.join(' ')), (this.g_LO = !1), this.g_LN;
		g_KI(g) {
			if (!this.g_LM) return !1;
			if (!this.g_LM.length) return !1;
			const _ = g_aO.g_Kj.g_Mp(g);
			return !!_ && !!_.length && _.every(g_aO.g_Kj.g_Ms, this);
		g_Mt() {
		g_MA() {
			this.g_LI = this.g_Be.g_MB();
		g_Ld() {
			this.g_LL ||
				((this.g_LL = !0),
		g_KO(g) {
			this.g_LC = g;
		g_MG() {
			return this.g_LI === this.g_Be.g_MB();
		g_Mm() {
			return !!this.g_MG() || this.g_LC;
		g_KP(g) {
			this.g_LD = g;
		g_MH() {
			return this.g_LD;
		g_MI(g) {
			this.g_LF = g;
			const _ = this.g_MJ();
			(0 >= _ || _ >= this.g_LZ()) && (this.g_LF = !0);
		g_Lb() {
			return this.g_LF;
		g_K$() {
			return this.g_LG;
		g_KQ(g) {
			this.g_LH = g;
		g_KY() {
			return this.g_LH;
		g_MK(g) {
			this.g_LJ = g;
		g_ML() {
			return this.g_LJ;
		g_LQ(g) {
			this.g_LK = !!g;
		g_Kq() {
			return this.g_LK;
		g_Lc() {
			return this.g_LE;
		g_MJ() {
			return this.g_Ly.g_bd();
		g_MM(g) {
				this.g_Lb() || this.g_MK(!0),
				(this.g_Mm() || this.g_MH() || !this.g_LE) &&
					(this.g_Mm() || this.g_MH() || this.g_LE
						? this.g_Mm()
							? this.g_Kg()
							: this.g_MH() && (this.g_Lq.g_KR(this), this.g_MO())
						: this.g_MO());
			let _ = !1;
			for (const e of this.g_Ls) {
				const g = e.g_MQ(this.g_Ly.g_bd(), !1, !0);
				!_ && g && (_ = !0);
			_ && this.g_BI().g_EV(), this.g_MR();
		g_MN(g) {
			0 > g ? this.g_Ly.Set(0) : g >= this.g_LZ() ? this.g_Ly.Set(this.g_LZ()) : this.g_Ly.Set(g);
		g_MR() {
			g_aO.g_HY.g_Mv &&
				this.constructor === g_aO.g_Kj &&
		g_MV() {
			if (!this.g_K$()) {
				if (this.g_Ml()) {
					if (this.g_Ly.g_bd() >= this.g_LZ()) return;
				} else if (0 >= this.g_Ly.g_bd()) return;
		g_MW(g = !1) {
			return (
				!this.g_K$() &&
				!this.g_MH() &&
				(this.g_Mm() && this.g_MG()
					? this.g_MX()
					: !this.g_Mm() && !!(this.g_Lb() || g || this.g_ML()) && this.g_MY())
		g_MX() {
			return this.g_MK(!1), this.g_Lq.g_KL(this), this.g_Lq.g_KN(this), this.g_Mn(), !0;
		g_MY() {
			return this.g_MK(!1), this.g_Lq.g_KN(this), this.g_Mn(), !0;
		g_Kg(g = !1) {
			this.g_K$() || (this.g_MI(g), this.g_Lq.g_KT(this), this.g_Lb() && this.g_KS());
		g_lC(g = !0) {
			if (this.g_K$()) return;
			if (!this.g_Mm() && this.g_MH()) return this.g_Lq.g_KR(this);
			if (this.g_Lb()) return;
			this.g_Kg(!0), this.g_Ml() ? this.g_MN(0) : this.g_MN(this.g_LZ());
			let _ = !1;
			for (const e of this.g_Ls) {
				const g = e.g_MQ(this.g_Ly.g_bd());
				!_ && g && (_ = !0);
			g && this.g_MR(), _ && g && this.g_BI().g_EV();
		g_MO() {
		g_KV(_) {
			if (!this.g_KY())
				if (_) {
					this.g_LE = !0;
					for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_KV();
				} else if ((this.g_KO(!0), this.g_KP(!1), this.g_Mt(), this.g_Lb())) {
					(this.g_LI = -1),
						(this.g_LA = g),
						(this.g_LB = 1),
						(this.g_LF = !1),
						(this.g_LL = !1),
						(this.g_LE = !0),
						this.g_Ml() ? this.g_MN(0) : this.g_MN(this.g_LZ());
					for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_KV();
				} else for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_MP();
		g_KZ(g, _) {
			this.g_Ly.g_jB(g * _ * this.g_Lz);
			let e;
			if (
				(this.g_Mg() || this.g_Mh()
					? this.g_Mg() && !this.g_Mh()
						? (e = this.g_MZ())
						: !this.g_Mg() && this.g_Mh()
						? (e = this.g_M_())
						: this.g_Mg() && this.g_Mh() && (e = this.g_M$())
					: (e = this.g_Na()),
			) {
				for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_Nb();
				return this.g_Kg(!0), this.g_MA(), !0;
			} else {
				let g = !1;
				for (const _ of this.g_Ls) {
					const e = _.g_MQ(this.g_Ly.g_bd(), !0);
					!g && e && (g = !0);
				return g;
		g_Na() {
			if (this.g_Ml()) {
				if (this.g_Ly.g_bd() >= this.g_LZ())
					if (this.g_LB < this.g_Mi()) this.g_LB++, this.g_MN(0);
					else return this.g_MN(this.g_LZ()), !0;
			} else if (0 >= this.g_Ly.g_bd())
				if (this.g_LB < this.g_Mi()) this.g_LB++, this.g_MN(this.g_LZ());
				else return this.g_MN(0), !0;
			return !1;
		g_MZ() {
			return (
					? this.g_Ly.g_bd() >= this.g_LZ() && this.g_MN(0)
					: 0 >= this.g_Ly.g_bd() && this.g_MN(this.g_LZ()),
		g_M_() {
			if (this.g_Ml()) {
				if (this.g_Ly.g_bd() >= this.g_LZ())
					if ((this.g_MN(this.g_LZ()), this.g_Mj(-1 * this.g_Mk()), 1 !== this.g_LA))
						this.g_LA === g && (this.g_LA = 1);
					else if (this.g_LB < this.g_Mi()) this.g_LB++, (this.g_LA = g);
					else return !0;
			} else if (0 >= this.g_Ly.g_bd())
				if ((this.g_MN(0), this.g_Mj(-1 * this.g_Mk()), 1 !== this.g_LA))
					this.g_LA === g && (this.g_LA = 1);
				else if (this.g_LB < this.g_Mi()) this.g_LB++, (this.g_LA = g);
				else return !0;
			return !1;
		g_M$() {
			return (
					? this.g_Ly.g_bd() >= this.g_LZ() && (this.g_MN(this.g_LZ()), this.g_Mj(-1 * this.g_Mk()))
					: 0 >= this.g_Ly.g_bd() && (this.g_MN(0), this.g_Mj(-1 * this.g_Mk())),
		g_Nc() {
			const g = this.g_Lr.g_Lu().g_Nd(),
				_ = g_aO.g_Lv.g_sf(this, g);
			return this.g_Ls.push(_), _;
		g_Le() {
			for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_Le();
		g_Ne() {
			for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_Nf();
		g_Ng(g, _) {
			if (_)
				for (const e of this.g_Ls)
					if (g) {
						if (e.g_LW() !== g) continue;
						e.g_Nh(_), this.g_Lq.g_Ky(_.g_EA(), this);
					} else {
						if (e.g_Ni()) continue;
						e.g_Nh(_), this.g_Lq.g_Ky(_.g_EA(), this);
		g_KC(g, _) {
			for (const e of this.g_Ls)
				if (_) {
					if (_ === e.g_LW() && g === e.g_Nj()) return !0;
				} else if (g === e.g_Nj()) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_La() {
			return this.g_Ls.some((g) => g.g_Nk());
		g_Nl(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_LU()) for (const e of _.g_Nm()) if (e.g_Nn() === g) return e;
		g_No(g) {
			let _ = g ? g.split(' ') : [];
			const e = new Set(_.map((g) => g.toLowerCase().trim()));
			_ = [...e.values()];
			for (const e of this.g_LU())
				for (const g of e.g_Np()) {
					const e = _.every((_) => g.g_Nq(_));
					if (e) return g;
		g_Kz() {
			const g = [];
			for (const _ of this.g_LU()) g.push(_.g_EA());
			return g.filter((g) => g);
		g_GG() {
			return {
				tracksJson: this.g_Nr(),
				name: this.g_en,
				playheadTime: this.g_Ly.g_bd(),
				playbackRate: this.g_Lz,
				pingPongState: this.g_LA,
				currentRepeatCount: this.g_LB,
				isPlaying: this.g_LC,
				isScheduled: this.g_LD,
				initialStateSet: this.g_LE,
				finishedTriggers: this.g_LL,
				complete: this.g_LF,
				released: this.g_LG,
				markedForRemoval: this.g_LH,
				completedTick: this.g_LI,
				implicitPause: this.g_LJ,
				isTemplate: this.g_LK,
				tags: this.g_LM.join(' '),
				stringTags: this.g_LN,
				tagsChanged: this.g_LO
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				(this.g_en = g.name),
				(this.g_Lz = g.playbackRate),
				(this.g_LA = g.pingPongState),
				(this.g_LB = g.currentRepeatCount),
				(this.g_LC = !!g.isPlaying),
				(this.g_LD = !!g.isScheduled),
				(this.g_LE = !!g.initialStateSet),
				(this.g_LL = !!g.hasOwnProperty('finishedTriggers') && !!g.finishedTriggers),
				(this.g_LF = !!g.complete),
				(this.g_LG = !!g.released),
				(this.g_LH = !!g.markedForRemoval),
				(this.g_LI = g.completedTick),
				(this.g_LJ = !!g.implicitPause),
				(this.g_LK = !!g.isTemplate),
				(this.g_LM = g.tags.split(' ')),
				(this.g_LN = g.stringTags),
				(this.g_LO = !!g.tagsChanged));
		g_Nr() {
			return this.g_Ls.map((g) => g.g_GG());
		g_Ns(g) {
			g.forEach((g, _) => {
				const e = this.g_Ls[_];
				this.g_Ls.filter((g) => g.g_Nk());
		static g_Ms(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Mq();
			return '' === g ? 1 === _.length && '' === _[0] : _.includes(g);
		static g_Mp(g) {
			return g_aO.g_db(g) ? g.slice(0) : g_aO.g_cO(g) ? g.split(' ') : void 0;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_Lv = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_Nt = g),
				(this.g_Nu = _),
				(this.g_Nv = _.g_Lu()),
				(this.g_Nw = NaN),
				(this.g_Nx = NaN),
				(this.g_Ny = null),
				(this.g_Nz = null),
				(this.g_NA = null),
				(this.g_NB = this.g_Nu.g_ND().g_NC()),
				(this.g_NE = []);
			for (const e of this.g_Nu.g_NG().g_NF()) this.g_NE.push(g_aO.g_NH.g_sf(this, e));
		static g_sf(g, _) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Lv, g, _);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_NB = null;
			for (const g of this.g_NE) g.g_ek();
				(this.g_NE = null),
				(this.g_Nt = null),
				(this.g_Ny = null),
				(this.g_Nz = null),
				(this.g_Nu = null),
				(this.g_NA = null);
		g_Le() {
			for (const g of this.g_NE) g.g_Le();
			(this.g_Ny = null), (this.g_Nz = null);
		g_NI() {
			return this.g_Nt;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Nt.g_BI();
		g_Np() {
			return this.g_NB ? this.g_NB : ((this.g_NB = this.g_Nu.g_ND().g_NC()), this.g_NB);
		g_Nm() {
			return this.g_NE;
		g_Nl(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_NE) if (_.g_Nn() === g) return _;
		g_NJ() {
			this.g_Ny || this.g_Nj();
		g_NK() {
			return !!this.g_Ny && !this.g_Ny.g_NL();
		g_Nk() {
			const g = this.g_NM(),
				_ = this.g_BI().g_NN(g);
			return !!_ && !_.g_NL();
		g_EA() {
			const g = this.g_NO();
			return -1 === g ? void 0 : this.g_BI().g_D_(g);
		g_Nf() {
			(this.g_Ny = null), (this.g_Nw = -1), (this.g_Nz = null), (this.g_Nx = -1);
		g_Ni() {
			return !!this.g_Ny;
		g_Nj() {
			if (this.g_Ny && this.g_NK()) return this.g_Ny;
			const g = this.g_NM();
			return (this.g_Ny = this.g_BI().g_NN(g)), this.g_Ny;
		g_Nh(g) {
			if (this.g_Ny !== g) {
					(this.g_Ny = g),
					(this.g_Nx = g.g_EA().g_EM()),
					(this.g_Nw = g.g_Ei()),
					(this.g_Nz = g.g_CU());
				for (const _ of this.g_NP()) {
					const g = _.g_NQ,
						t = _.g_NR,
						e = g.g_NS();
					switch (e) {
						case 'instance-variable': {
							const a = t.g_NT(),
								n = g_Jt.g_EA(),
								i = n.g_NU(_.name),
								e = n.g_NV(i),
								r = n.g_NW(i);
							e === _.name && r === _.type && t.g_NX(i);
						case 'behavior': {
							const n = _.g_NY,
								r = this.g_EA(),
								s = g_Jt.g_EA(),
								e = t.g_NZ(s);
							if (n && e) {
								const _ = n.g_pY(),
									a = r.g_N_(_),
									g = s.g_N_(_),
									d = t.g_NT();
		*g_NP() {
			for (const g of this.g_NE) {
				const _ = g.g_Oa(),
					t = this.g_EA(),
					n = { g_NQ: g, g_NR: _ };
				switch (g.g_NS()) {
					case 'world-instance': {
						n.g_Ob = g.g_Nn();
					case 'instance-variable': {
						const g = _.g_NT();
						(n.name = t.g_NV(g)), (n.type = t.g_NW(g));
					case 'effect': {
						const g = t.g_EP(),
							a = _.g_Oc(g);
						n.g_Od = a;
					case 'behavior': {
						const g = _.g_NZ(t);
						n.g_NY = g;
					case 'plugin': {
						n.g_Oe = t.g_Ir();
				yield n;
		g_CU() {
			if (this.g_Nz && this.g_NK()) return this.g_Nz;
			const g = this.g_Nj();
			return g && (this.g_Nz = g.g_CU()), this.g_Nz;
		g_Of() {
			return this.g_Nu;
		g_NM() {
			return this.g_Nw ? this.g_Nw : this.g_Nu.g_NM();
		g_Og(g) {
		g_Mb() {
			return this.g_Nu.g_Mb();
		g_Mc(g) {
		g_Md() {
			return this.g_Nu.g_Md();
		g_LW() {
			return this.g_Nu.g_LW();
		g_Me(g) {
		g_Mf(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_Np()) _.g_Mf(g);
			for (const _ of this.g_Nm()) _.g_Mf(g);
		g_Oh() {
			return this.g_Nu.g_Oh();
		g_Oi(g) {
		g_NO() {
			return isNaN(this.g_Nx) ? this.g_Nu.g_NO() : this.g_Nx;
		g_Oj(g) {
		g_KV() {
			if ((this.g_NJ(), !!this.g_NK())) {
				for (const g of this.g_NE) g.g_KV();
				const g = this.g_NI(),
					_ = g.g_Ml(),
					e = g.g_LZ(),
					a = _ ? 0 : e;
				(this.g_NA = this.g_Nv.g_Ok(a, this.g_Nu)), this.g_MQ(a);
		g_MP() {
			if ((this.g_NJ(), !!this.g_NK())) {
				const g = this.g_Nt.g_Ml(),
					_ = this.g_Nt.g_MJ();
					? (this.g_NA = this.g_Nv.g_Ol(_, this.g_Nu))
					: ((this.g_NA = this.g_Nv.g_Om(_, this.g_Nu)),
					  !this.g_NA && (this.g_NA = this.g_Nv.g_On(this.g_Nu)));
				for (const g of this.g_NE) g.g_MP();
		g_Nb() {
			if (!this.g_NI().g_Lb() && (this.g_NJ(), !!this.g_NK())) {
				const g = this.g_Nt.g_MJ(),
					_ = this.g_Nt.g_LZ();
				g >= _ ? this.g_MQ(_, !0) : 0 >= g && this.g_MQ(0, !0);
		g_MQ(g, _ = !1, a = !1) {
			if ((this.g_NJ(), !this.g_NK())) return !1;
			this.g_NA = this.g_Oo(g, _);
			let t = !1,
				n = !1;
			for (const e of this.g_NE) {
				const _ = e.g_MQ(g, a);
				t || 0 == (_ & g_aO.g_Kj.g_LR) || (t = !0), n || 0 == (_ & g_aO.g_Kj.g_LS) || (n = !0);
			if (t) {
				const g = this.g_CU();
				g && g.g_En();
			return n;
		g_Oo(g, _) {
			if (!_) return;
			const e = this.g_NI();
			let a = this.g_Nv.g_Ok(g, this.g_Nu);
			return (
					? this.g_Op(a)
					: ((a = e.g_Ml() ? this.g_Nv.g_Ol(g, this.g_Nu) : this.g_Nv.g_Om(g, this.g_Nu)),
					  a !== this.g_NA && this.g_Op(a)),
		g_Op(g) {
			if (g_aO.g_HY.g_Mv && this.g_NI().constructor === g_aO.g_Kj) {
				const _ = this.g_NI();
				g_aO.g_HY.g_Mv.g_HW.g_Mu(_), g_aO.g_HY.g_Mv.g_HW.g_Oq(g);
				const e = _.g_LT();
		g_Os() {
			const g = this.g_Nu.g_ND(),
				_ = g.g_Ot();
			return _;
		g_Ou() {
			const g = this.g_Nu.g_NG(),
				_ = g.g_Ov(),
				e = g_aO.g_NH.g_sf(this, _);
			return this.g_NE.push(e), e;
		g_Ow(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Nu.g_ND();
		g_Oy(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_NE) _.g_Oy(g);
		g_Oz() {
			for (const g of this.g_NE) g.g_Oz();
		g_OA() {
			if ((this.g_NJ(), !!this.g_NK())) for (const g of this.g_NE) g.g_OA();
		g_OB() {
			if ((this.g_NJ(), !this.g_NK())) return;
			let g = !1;
			for (const _ of this.g_NE) {
				const e = _.g_OB();
				!g && e && (g = !0);
			if (g) {
				const g = this.g_Os();
				g.g_MM(this.g_NI().g_MJ()), g.g_Mf('noease'), g.g_Oi(!0), g.g_Mo('');
		g_GG() {
			return {
				propertyTracksJson: this.g_OC(),
				lastKeyframeDataItemJson: this.g_OD(),
				instanceUid: this.g_Nw
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
		g_OD() {
			const g = this.g_Nu.g_ND();
			return g.g_OH(this.g_NA);
		g_OC() {
			return this.g_NE.map((g) => g.g_GG());
		g_OE(g) {
			g.forEach((g, _) => {
				const e = this.g_NE[_];
		g_OG(g) {
			if (g_aO.g_cF(g)) {
				const _ = this.g_BI().g_NN(g);
				if (_) {
					const g = this.g_NI();
					g.g_Ne(), g.g_Ng(this.g_Nu.g_LW(), _);
		g_OF(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Nu.g_ND();
			this.g_NA = _.g_OI(g);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_NH = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_OJ = g),
				(this.g_OK = _),
				(this.g_OL = _.g_NG()),
				(this.g_OM = this.g_Oa()),
				(this.g_ON = this.g_OK.g_OP().g_OO());
		static g_sf(g, _) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_NH, g, _);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_OJ = null),
				this.g_OM && (this.g_OM.g_ek(), (this.g_OM = null)),
				(this.g_ON = null),
				(this.g_OK = null),
				(this.g_OL = null);
		g_OQ() {
			return this.g_OJ;
		g_OR() {
			return this.g_OK;
		g_NG() {
			return this.g_OL;
		g_NI() {
			return this.g_OJ.g_NI();
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_OJ.g_BI();
		g_Oa() {
			if (this.g_OM) return this.g_OM;
			const g = this.g_OK.g_NS();
			let _;
			return (
				'behavior' === g
					? (_ = new g_aO.g_NH.g_OS(this))
					: 'effect' === g
					? (_ = new g_aO.g_NH.g_OT(this))
					: 'instance-variable' === g
					? (_ = new g_aO.g_NH.g_OU(this))
					: 'plugin' === g
					? (_ = new g_aO.g_NH.g_OV(this))
					: 'world-instance' === g
					? (_ = new g_aO.g_NH.g_OW(this))
					: 'value' === g
					? (_ = new g_aO.g_NH.g_OX(this))
					: void 0,
				(this.g_OM = _),
		g_NS() {
			return this.g_OK.g_NS();
		g_OY(g) {
		g_OZ() {
			return this.g_OK.g_O_();
		g_O$(g) {
		g_Pb() {
			return this.g_Oa().g_Pc();
		g_Nn() {
			return this.g_OK.g_Pd();
		g_Pe(g) {
		g_Pg() {
			return this.g_OK.g_tC();
		g_Ph(g) {
		g_Pj() {
			return this.g_NG().g_Pk(this.g_OK).g_tC();
		g_Pl() {
			return this.g_OK.g_Pl();
		g_Pm(g) {
		g_Pn() {
			return this.g_OK.g_Pn();
		g_Po(g) {
		g_Oh() {
			return this.g_OK.g_Oh();
		g_Oi(g) {
		g_Mb() {
			return this.g_OK.g_Mb();
		g_Mc(g) {
		g_Md() {
			return this.g_OK.g_Md();
		g_Me(g) {
		g_Mf(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_Pp()) _.g_Mf(g);
		g_Pp() {
			return this.g_ON ? this.g_ON : ((this.g_ON = this.g_OK.g_OP().g_OO()), this.g_ON);
		*g_Pq() {
			for (const g of this.g_Pp()) yield g.g_Pr();
		g_Le() {
		g_Ps() {
			return this.g_Oa().g_Ps();
		g_KV() {
		g_MP() {
		g_MQ(g, _ = !1) {
			const a = this.g_OK;
			let t = this.g_OL.g_Pt(g, a),
			return (
				t ? (n = this.g_OL.g_Pu(g, a)) : ((t = this.g_OL.g_Pv(g, a)), (n = this.g_OL.g_Pw(g, a))),
				this.g_Oa().g_MQ(g, t, n, _)
		static g_Px(g, _) {
			const a = _.g_OR(),
				t = _.g_OL;
			let n = t.g_Pt(g, a);
			return n || (n = t.g_Pv(g, a)), n;
		static g_Py(g, _) {
			const a = _.g_OR(),
				t = _.g_OL;
			let n = t.g_Pt(g, a);
			return n ? t.g_Pu(g, a) : t.g_Pw(g, a);
		g_Pz() {
			const g = this.g_OK.g_OP(),
				_ = g.g_PA();
			return _;
		g_Oy(g) {
			const _ = this.g_OK.g_OP();
		g_Oz() {
		g_OA() {
			const g = this.g_Oa().g_OA();
			if (g) {
				const g = this.g_OL.g_Pk(this.g_OK),
					_ = this.g_Oa().g_Ps();
		g_OB() {
			const g = this.g_Oa().g_OB();
			return g && this.g_PD(), this.g_Oa().g_PE(), g;
		g_PD() {
			const g = this.g_NI().g_MJ(),
				_ = this.g_Oa(),
				e = g_aO.g_NH.g_Px(g, this),
				a = this.g_Pz();
			a.g_Pi(e.g_tC()), a.g_MM(g), a.g_Mf(e.g_jL()), a.g_Oi(!0), a.g_PF(_.g_PG()), a.g_PC(_.g_Ps());
		g_GG() {
			return { sourceAdapterJson: this.g_Oa().g_GG() };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && this.g_Oa().g_GI(g.sourceAdapterJson);
	'use strict';
	const _ = g_aO.g_NH;
	_.g_PH = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_PI = g), (this.g_PJ = null);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_PJ && (this.g_PJ.g_ek(), (this.g_PJ = null)), (this.g_PI = null);
		g_Nl() {
			return this.g_PI;
		g_Le() {
			this.g_PJ && this.g_PJ.g_Le();
		g_PK() {
			return this.g_PJ ? this.g_PJ : ((this.g_PJ = this.g_PL()), this.g_PJ);
		g_NT() {}
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_NT();
		g_PM() {}
		g_KV() {
		g_MP() {
		g_MQ(a, t, n, i) {
			const e = _.g_PH.g_PN(this.g_PI),
				r = e(a, t, n, this.g_PI);
			return this.g_PK().g_PO(a, r, t, n, i);
		g_Oz() {
		g_PE() {
		g_Ps() {
			return this.g_PK().g_Ps();
		g_OA() {
			return this.g_PK().g_OA();
		g_OB() {
			return this.g_PK().g_OB();
		g_PG() {
			return _.g_PH.g_PG(this.g_PI);
		g_PL() {
			const g = this.g_PI.g_Pg(),
				e = this.g_PI.g_Pj();
			return 'combo' === e || 'boolean' === e || 'text' === e || 'string' === e
				? new _.g_PR.g_PQ(this)
				: 'numeric' === e || 'number' === e || 'angle' === e
				? 'combo' === g
					? new _.g_PR.g_PQ(this)
					: new _.g_PR.g_PS(this)
				: 'color' === e || 'offsetColor' === e
				? new _.g_PR.g_PT(this)
				: void 0;
		g_GG() {
			return { propertyAdapterJson: this.g_PK().g_GG() };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && this.g_PK().g_GI(g.propertyAdapterJson);
		static g_PG(a) {
			const t = a.g_OQ(),
				n = t.g_NI().g_MJ(),
				i = _.g_Px(n, a),
				e = _.g_Py(n, a),
				r = _.g_PH.g_PN(a);
			return r(n, i, e, a);
		static g_Pc(g, _, e) {
			let a = g.g_Md();
			return (
				'combo' === g.g_Pg() && (a = 'absolute'),
				'relative' === a ? _ + e : 'absolute' === a ? e : void 0
		static g_PN(g) {
			const e = g.g_Pj();
			return 'numeric' === e
				? _.g_PU.g_MQ
				: 'angle' === e
				? _.g_PV.g_MQ
				: 'boolean' === e
				? _.g_PW.g_MQ
				: 'color' === e
				? _.g_PX.g_MQ
				: 'text' === e
				? _.g_PY.g_MQ
				: void 0;
		static g_PZ(g) {
			const e = g.g_Pj();
			return 'numeric' === e
				? _.g_PU.g_P_
				: 'angle' === e
				? _.g_PV.g_P_
				: 'boolean' === e
				? _.g_PW.g_P_
				: 'color' === e
				? _.g_PX.g_P_
				: 'text' === e
				? _.g_PY.g_P_
				: void 0;
	class g extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PH {
		constructor(g) {
	g_aO.g_NH.g_OW = g;
	const g = 0;
	class _ extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PH {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (this.g_P$ = NaN);
		g_NT() {
			return this.g_PI.g_OR().g_O_()[g];
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_P$ ? this.g_P$ : super.g_EM();
		g_PM() {
			return this.g_PI.g_OQ().g_Nj();
		g_NX(_) {
			const e = this.g_PI.g_OR().g_O_()[g];
			e === _ || (this.g_P$ = _);
		g_MQ(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g_PK().g_Qa(_.g_Pc()) && super.g_MQ(g, _, e, a);
		g_GG() {
			return Object.assign(super.g_GG(), { index: this.g_P$ });
		g_GI(g) {
			g && (super.g_GI(g), (this.g_P$ = g.index));
	g_aO.g_NH.g_OU = _;
	const _ = 0;
	class g extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PH {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (this.g_Ds = NaN);
		g_NT() {
			const g = this.g_PI.g_OR();
			return g.g_O_()[1];
		g_PM() {
			const a = this.g_PI.g_OR(),
				t = this.g_PI.g_OQ(),
				n = this.g_Ds ? this.g_Ds : a.g_O_()[_],
				i = t.g_Nj(),
				e = i.g_Qb(n),
				r = i.g_Qc()[e];
			return r.g_Qd();
		g_NZ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_PI.g_OR(),
				e = _.g_O_()[2];
			return g.g_Qe(e);
		g_N$(g) {
			const e = this.g_PI.g_OR();
			e.g_O_()[_] === g || (this.g_Ds = g);
		g_MQ(g, _, a, t) {
			const n = this.g_PI.g_OQ(),
				e = n.g_Nj();
			this.g_NZ(e.g_EA()) && super.g_MQ(g, _, a, t);
		g_GG() {
			return Object.assign(super.g_GG(), { sid: this.g_Ds });
		g_GI(g) {
			g && (super.g_GI(g), (this.g_Ds = g.sid));
	g_aO.g_NH.g_OS = g;
	class g extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PH {
		constructor(g) {
		g_NT() {
			return this.g_PI.g_OR().g_O_()[1];
		g_PM() {
			const _ = this.g_PI,
				a = _.g_OQ(),
				t = a.g_CU(),
				n = t.g_Gd(),
				i = n.g_EP(),
				e = this.g_Oc(i),
				r = e.g_EM();
			return n.g_Qf(r) ? n.g_Gh(r) : null;
		g_Oc(g) {
			const _ = this.g_PI,
				e = _.g_OR().g_O_()[0];
			return g.g_Qg(e);
		g_MQ(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g_Qh() && super.g_MQ(g, _, e, a);
		g_Qh() {
			const g = this.g_PI,
				_ = g.g_OQ(),
				a = _.g_CU(),
				t = a.g_Gd(),
				n = t.g_EP(),
				e = this.g_Oc(n);
			if (e) {
				const g = e.g_EM();
				return t.g_Qf(g);
	g_aO.g_NH.g_OT = g;
	class g extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PH {
		constructor(g) {
		g_NT() {
			return this.g_PI.g_OR().g_O_()[0];
		g_PM() {
			return this.g_PI.g_OQ().g_Nj().g_Qd();
		g_MQ(_, a, t, n) {
			const i = this.g_PI.g_OQ(),
				e = i.g_EA().g_Ir(),
				r = i.g_Nj().g_EA().g_Ir();
			e !== r || super.g_MQ(_, a, t, n);
	g_aO.g_NH.g_OV = g;
	class g extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PH {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (this.g_Qi = 0);
		g_KV() {
			const g = this.g_PI.g_NG();
			let _ = this.g_PI.g_OR();
			(_ = g.g_Pk(_)), (this.g_Qi = _.g_Pr());
		g_MP() {}
		g_Pc() {
			return this.g_Qi;
		g_MQ(g, _, e) {
			const a = g_aO.g_NH.g_PU.g_MQ;
			this.g_Qi = a(g, _, e, this.g_PI);
		g_Oz() {}
		g_PE() {}
		g_Ps() {
			return this.g_Qi;
		g_OA() {
			return !1;
		g_OB() {
			return !1;
		g_GG() {
			return { value: this.g_Qi };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && (this.g_Qi = g.value);
	g_aO.g_NH.g_OX = g;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_NH.g_PR = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_OM = g),
				(this.g_PI = g.g_Nl()),
				(this.g_Nz = this.g_PI.g_OQ().g_CU()),
				(this.g_Qj = this.g_PI.g_Nn()),
				(this.g_Qk = !1),
				(this.g_Ql = null),
				(this.g_Qm = null);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_OM = null),
				(this.g_PI = null),
				(this.g_Nz = null),
				(this.g_Ql = null),
				(this.g_Qm = null);
		g_Le() {
			(this.g_Nz = null), (this.g_Ql = null), (this.g_Qm = null);
		g_CU() {
			return this.g_Nz ? this.g_Nz : ((this.g_Nz = this.g_PI.g_OQ().g_CU()), this.g_Nz);
		g_Qn(g) {
			this.g_Qk = !!g;
		g_Qo() {
			return this.g_Qk;
		g_KV() {}
		g_MP() {}
		g_PP() {
			this.g_Ql = this.g_Ps();
		g_PE() {
			this.g_Ql = null;
		g_Ps() {}
		g_OA() {}
		g_OB() {}
		g_Qa(g) {
			const _ = typeof this.g_Qp();
			return _ == typeof g;
		g_PO() {}
		g_Qq() {
			const g = this.g_Qr(
				() => {
					const g = this.g_PI.g_OR(),
						_ = this.g_PI.g_NG();
					return _.g_Pk(g);
				() => {
					const g = this.g_PI.g_OR(),
						_ = this.g_PI.g_NG();
					return _.g_Qs(g);
			return g.g_Qt();
		g_Qu() {
			const g = this.g_PI.g_NI(),
				_ = g.g_MJ(),
				e = this.g_Qr(
					() => {
						const g = this.g_PI.g_OR(),
							e = this.g_PI.g_NG();
						return e.g_Pv(_, g);
					() => {
						const g = this.g_PI.g_OR(),
							e = this.g_PI.g_NG(),
							a = e.g_Pw(_, g);
						return a ? a : e.g_Qs(g);
			return e.g_Qt();
		g_Qr(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_PI.g_NI();
			return e.g_Ml() ? g() : _();
		g_Qv(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_PI.g_Md();
			return 'relative' === e ? g() : _();
		g_Qw(g, _) {
			return this.g_Qo() ? (this.g_Qn(!1), g()) : _();
		g_Qx() {}
		g_Qy() {
			return this.g_OM.g_EM();
		g_Qz() {
			return this.g_Qm ? this.g_Qm : ((this.g_Qm = this.g_OM.g_PM()), this.g_Qm);
		g_QA(g, _, a, t, n) {
			const e = this.g_PI.g_NS();
			return 'behavior' === e
				? g()
				: 'effect' === e
				? _()
				: 'instance-variable' === e
				? a()
				: 'plugin' === e
				? t()
				: 'world-instance' === e
				? n()
				: void 0;
		g_GG() {
			return { firstAbsoluteUpdate: this.g_Qk, saveState: this.g_Ql };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && ((this.g_Qk = g.firstAbsoluteUpdate), (this.g_Ql = g.saveState));
	'use strict';
	class g extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PR {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (this.g_QB = 0), (this.g_QC = 0), (this.g_QD = 0);
		g_KV() {
			const g = this.g_Qx(this.g_Qq());
			(this.g_QB = g.g_gP()), (this.g_QC = g.g_gQ()), (this.g_QD = g.g_gR());
		g_MP() {
			if (!this.g_QE(this.g_Qq(), this.g_Qu())) {
				const g = this.g_Qx(this.g_Qu());
				(this.g_QB = g.g_gP()), (this.g_QC = g.g_gQ()), (this.g_QD = g.g_gR());
		g_Ps() {
			const g = this.g_PI.g_NS(),
				_ = this.g_Qz(),
				e = this.g_Qy();
			switch (g) {
				case 'behavior':
				case 'effect':
					return _[e].toArray().slice(0, 3);
				case 'plugin':
					return _.g_QF(e);
				case 'world-instance':
					return this.g_Qp().toArray().slice(0, 3);
		g_OA() {
			const g = this.g_Qq();
			return !this.g_QE(g, this.g_Qp());
		g_OB() {
			return !g_aO.g_cI(this.g_Ql) && !this.g_QE(this.g_Ql, this.g_Qp());
		g_QE(g, _) {
			return g.g_gV(_);
		g_Qq() {
			const g = super.g_Qq();
			return this.g_QG(g);
		g_Qu() {
			const g = super.g_Qu();
			return this.g_QG(g);
		g_Qx(g) {
			const _ = this.g_QG(g);
			return g_aO.g_gB.g_hw(_, this.g_Qp());
		g_QG(g) {
			return g_aO.g_c_(g, g_aO.g_gB) ? g : new g_aO.g_gB(g[0], g[1], g[2]);
		g_Qa() {
			return !0;
		g_PO(_, a) {
			const t = a[0],
				n = a[1],
				e = a[2],
				i = this.g_QB,
				r = this.g_QC,
				g = this.g_QD;
			return (
					() => {
						this.g_QH(-i, -r, -g);
					() => {
						this.g_QH(-i + t, -r + n, -g + e);
				(this.g_QB = t),
				(this.g_QC = n),
				(this.g_QD = e),
		g_Qp() {
			const g = this.g_PI.g_NS(),
				_ = this.g_Qz(),
				e = this.g_Qy();
			return 'behavior' === g
				? this.g_QG(_.g_QF(e))
				: 'effect' === g
				? _[e].clone()
				: 'plugin' === g
				? this.g_QG(_.g_QF(e))
				: 'world-instance' === g
				? this.g_CU().g_QI().clone()
				: void 0;
		g_QH(g, _, a) {
			const t = this.g_PI.g_NS(),
				n = this.g_Qz(),
				e = this.g_Qy();
			'behavior' === t
				? n.g_QJ(e, g, _, a)
				: 'effect' === t
				? n[e].g_gI(g, _, a)
				: 'plugin' === t
				? n.g_QJ(e, g, _, a)
				: 'world-instance' === t
				? this.g_CU().g_QK(g, _, a)
				: void 0;
		g_GG() {
			return Object.assign(super.g_GG(), { r: this.g_QB, g: this.g_QC, b: this.g_QD });
		g_GI(g) {
			g && (super.g_GI(g), (this.g_QB = g.r), (this.g_QC = g.g), (this.g_QD = g.b));
	g_aO.g_NH.g_PR.g_PT = g;
	class g extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PR {
		constructor(g) {
		g_KV() {}
		g_MP() {}
		g_Ps() {
			return this.g_Qp();
		g_OA() {
			const g = this.g_Qq();
			return g !== this.g_Ps();
		g_OB() {
			return !g_aO.g_cI(this.g_Ql) && this.g_Ql !== this.g_Ps();
		g_PO(g, _) {
			const a = g_aO.g_NH.g_PH.g_PZ(this.g_PI),
				t = this.g_PI.g_NS(),
				n = a(this.g_Qy(), this.g_Qz(), _, t);
			if (n)
				return (
					'behavior' === t || 'effect' === t || 'instance-variable' === t
						? void 0
						: 'plugin' === t
						? g_aO.g_Kj.g_LS
						: void 0
		g_Qp() {
			const g = this.g_PI.g_NS(),
				_ = this.g_Qz(),
				e = this.g_Qy();
			switch (g) {
				case 'behavior':
					return _.g_QF(e);
				case 'effect':
					return _[e];
				case 'instance-variable':
					return _.g_QL(e);
				case 'plugin':
					return _.g_QF(e);
		g_QH(g) {
			const _ = this.g_PI.g_NS(),
				e = this.g_Qz(),
				a = this.g_Qy();
			'behavior' === _
				? e.g_QM(a, g)
				: 'effect' === _
				? (e[a] = g)
				: 'instance-variable' === _
				? e.g_QN(a, g)
				: 'plugin' === _
				? e.g_QM(a, g)
				: void 0;
	g_aO.g_NH.g_PR.g_PQ = g;
	const g = new Map(),
		_ = (_, a, t, n) => g.set(_, { g_QO: a, g_QP: t, round: n });
		(g, _) => g.g_QQ(_),
		(g) => g.g_Ig(),
			(g, _) => g.g_QR(_),
			(g) => g.g_Ih(),
			(g, _) => g.g_QS(_),
			(g) => g.g_pN(),
			(g, _) => g.g_QT(_),
			(g) => g.g_pO(),
			(g, _) => g.g_QU(_),
			(g) => g.g_Fj(),
			(g, _) => g.g_QV(_),
			(g) => g.g_zk(),
			(g, _) => g.g_QW(_),
			(g) => g.g_QX(),
			(g, _) => g.g_QY(_),
			(g) => g.g_QZ(),
			(g, _) => g.g_Q_(_),
			(g) => g.g_Do(),
	class e extends g_aO.g_NH.g_PR {
		constructor(_) {
			super(_), (this.g_ui = 0), (this.g_Q$ = null), (this.g_Ra = null), (this.g_Rb = !1);
			const e = this.g_PI.g_Nn();
			if ('world-instance' === this.g_PI.g_NS()) {
				const _ = g.get(e);
				(this.g_Q$ = _.g_QP), (this.g_Ra = _.g_QO), (this.g_Rb = _.round);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Q$ = null), (this.g_Ra = null), super.g_ek();
		g_KV() {
			this.g_ui = this.g_Qv(
				() =>
						() => 0,
						() => g_aO.g_NH.g_PH.g_PG(this.g_PI)
				() => (this.g_Qn(!0), this.g_Qx(this.g_Qq()))
		g_MP() {
			this.g_Qq() === this.g_Qu() ||
					() => {},
					() => {
						this.g_Qn(!0), (this.g_ui = this.g_Qx(this.g_Qu()));
		g_Ps() {
			return this.g_Qp();
		g_OA() {
			const g = this.g_Qq();
			return g !== this.g_Ps();
		g_OB() {
			return !g_aO.g_cI(this.g_Ql) && this.g_Ql !== this.g_Ps();
		g_Qx(g) {
			return g - this.g_Ps();
		g_PO(g, _, a, t, n) {
			return (
					() => {
						this.g_QH(_ - this.g_ui, a, t), (this.g_ui = _), this.g_Rc(g, a, t, n, this.g_ui, _);
					() => {
							() => {
								this.g_QH(this.g_ui, a, t), (this.g_ui = _);
							() => {
								this.g_QH(_ - this.g_ui, a, t),
									(this.g_ui = _),
									this.g_Rc(g, a, t, n, this.g_ui, _);
					() => {},
					() => g_aO.g_Kj.g_LS,
					() => {},
					() => g_aO.g_Kj.g_LS,
					() => g_aO.g_Kj.g_LS
		g_Qp() {
			const g = this.g_Qz(),
				_ = this.g_Qy();
			return this.g_QA(
				() => g.g_QF(_),
				() => g[_],
				() => g.g_QL(_),
				() => g.g_QF(_),
				() => this.g_Q$(this.g_CU())
		g_QH(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Qz(),
				e = this.g_Qy();
				() => _.g_Rd(e, g),
				() => (_[e] += g),
				() => _.g_Re(e, g),
				() => _.g_Rd(e, g),
				() => this.g_Ra(this.g_CU(), g)
		g_Rc(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
				? _ && g === _.g_MJ()
					? this.g_Rf(_.g_Pr(), _, a)
					: a && g === a.g_MJ()
					? this.g_Rf(a.g_Pr(), _, a)
					: !a && this.g_Rf(_.g_Pr(), _, a)
				: _ && g === _.g_MJ()
				? this.g_Rf(_.g_Pr(), _, a)
				: a && g === a.g_MJ()
				? this.g_Rf(a.g_Pr(), _, a)
				: 0 == e - n && this.g_Rf(_.g_Pr(), _, a);
		g_Rf(_, a, t) {
			const n = _.toString(),
				i = n.split('.')[1] || '',
				e = i.length,
				r = this.g_Qp();
			let g;
			(g = 0 === e ? (this.g_Rb ? Math.round(r) : r) : g_aO.toFixed(r, e)),
				this.g_QH(g - r, a, t),
				(this.g_ui += g - r);
		g_GG() {
			return Object.assign(super.g_GG(), { v: this.g_ui });
		g_GI(g) {
			g && (super.g_GI(g), (this.g_ui = g.v));
	g_aO.g_NH.g_PR.g_PS = e;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_NH.g_PU = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_P_(g, _, a, t) {
			let n;
			return (
				'behavior' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: 'effect' === t
					? (n = _[g])
					: 'instance-variable' === t
					? (n = _.g_QL(g))
					: 'plugin' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: void 0,
				n !== a
		static g_MQ(_, t, r, s) {
			var d = Math.floor;
			if (!r) {
				let g = s.g_OR();
				const _ = s.g_NG();
				return (g = _.g_Qs(g)), g.g_Pr();
			let u = s.g_Mb();
			if (
				('default' === u && (u = 'continuous'),
				'combo' === s.g_Pg() && (u = 'discrete'),
				'discrete' === u)
				return t.g_Pr();
			if ('continuous' === u || 'step' === u) {
				if ('step' === u) {
					const g = s.g_NI().g_L$();
					if (0 !== g) {
						const e = 1 / g;
						_ = d(_ * e) / e;
				const g = t.g_MJ(),
					p = r.g_MJ(),
					i = t.g_Pr(),
					h = r.g_Pr();
				if (i === h) return i;
				const c = g_aO.normalize(_, g, p),
					l = t.g_jL();
				let f;
				const e = t.g_Rg('cubic-bezier'),
					n = r.g_Rg('cubic-bezier');
				if (e && e.g_Rh() && n && n.g_Ri()) {
					const _ = p - g;
					(f = g_jF.g_jL(l)(_ * c, 0, 1, _)),
						(f = g_jF.g_jL('cubicbezier')(f, i, i + e.g_Rj(), h + n.g_Rk(), h));
				} else f = g_jF.g_jL(l)((p - g) * c, i, h - i, p - g);
				return 'integer' === s.g_Pg() ? d(f) : f;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_NH.g_PV = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_P_(g, _, a, t) {
			let n;
			return (
				'behavior' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: 'effect' === t
					? (n = _[g])
					: 'instance-variable' === t
					? (n = _.g_QL(g))
					: 'plugin' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: void 0,
				n !== a
		static g_MQ(_, t, n, g) {
			if (!n) {
				let _ = g.g_OR();
				const e = g.g_NG();
				return (_ = e.g_Qs(_)), _.g_Pr();
			let r = g.g_Mb();
			if (
				('default' === r && (r = 'continuous'),
				'combo' === g.g_Pg() && (r = 'discrete'),
				'discrete' === r)
				return t.g_Pr();
			if ('continuous' === r || 'step' === r) {
				if ('step' === r) {
					const e = g.g_NI().g_L$();
					if (0 !== e) {
						const g = 1 / e;
						_ = Math.floor(_ * g) / g;
				const e = t.g_MJ(),
					a = n.g_MJ(),
					s = t.g_Pr(),
					d = n.g_Pr();
				if (s === d) return s;
				let i = g_aO.normalize(_, e, a);
				const l = g_jF.g_jL(t.g_jL());
				return g_aO.g_ez(s, d, l(i, 0, 1, 1));
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_NH.g_PW = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_P_(g, _, a, t) {
			let n;
			return (
				'behavior' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: 'effect' === t
					? (n = _[g])
					: 'instance-variable' === t
					? (n = _.g_QL(g))
					: 'plugin' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: void 0,
				!!n != !!a
		static g_MQ(g, _, e, t) {
			if (!e) {
				let g = t.g_OR();
				const _ = t.g_NG();
				return (g = _.g_Qs(g)), g.g_Pr() ? 1 : 0;
			return _.g_Pr() ? 1 : 0;
	'use strict';
	const _ = [0, 0, 0],
		a = [0, 0, 0];
	g_aO.g_NH.g_PX = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_P_(t, n, i, e) {
			var r = Math.floor;
			let g;
			return (
				'behavior' === e
					? (g = n.g_QF(t))
					: 'effect' === e
					? (g = n[t])
					: 'instance-variable' === e
					? (g = n.g_QL(t))
					: 'plugin' === e
					? (g = n.g_QF(t))
					: void 0,
					? ((_[0] = i[0]), (_[1] = i[1]), (_[2] = i[2]))
					: (g_Rl.g_hg(i),
					  (_[0] = r(255 * g_Rl.g_gP())),
					  (_[1] = r(255 * g_Rl.g_gQ())),
					  (_[2] = r(255 * g_Rl.g_gR()))),
					? ((a[0] = g[0]), (a[1] = g[1]), (a[2] = g[2]))
					: (g_Rl.g_hg(g),
					  (a[0] = r(255 * g_Rl.g_gP())),
					  (a[1] = r(255 * g_Rl.g_gQ())),
					  (a[2] = r(255 * g_Rl.g_gR()))),
				_[0] !== a[0] || _[1] !== a[1] || _[2] !== a[2]
		static g_MQ(E, a, c, t) {
			if (!c) {
				let g = t.g_OR();
				const a = t.g_NG();
				g = a.g_Qs(g);
				const n = g.g_Pr();
				return (_[0] = n[0]), (_[1] = n[1]), (_[2] = n[2]), _;
			let d = t.g_Mb();
			if (('default' === d && (d = 'continuous'), 'discrete' === d)) {
				const g = a.g_Pr();
				return (_[0] = g[0]), (_[1] = g[1]), (_[2] = g[2]), _;
			if ('continuous' === d || 'step' === d) {
				if ('step' === d) {
					const g = t.g_NI().g_L$();
					if (0 !== g) {
						const _ = 1 / g;
						E = Math.floor(E * _) / _;
				const g = a.g_MJ(),
					h = c.g_MJ(),
					i = a.g_Pr(),
					f = c.g_Pr(),
					b = g_aO.normalize(E, g, h),
					l = a.g_jL(),
					m = i[0],
					e = i[1],
					n = i[2],
					o = f[0],
					p = f[1],
					y = f[2],
					r = g_jF.g_jL(l),
					s = h - g,
					B = s * b;
				return (
					(_[0] = m === o ? m : r(B, m, o - m, s)),
					(_[1] = e === p ? e : r(B, e, p - e, s)),
					(_[2] = n === y ? n : r(B, n, y - n, s)),
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_NH.g_PY = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_P_(g, _, a, t) {
			let n;
			return (
				'behavior' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: 'effect' === t
					? (n = _[g])
					: 'instance-variable' === t
					? (n = _.g_QL(g))
					: 'plugin' === t
					? (n = _.g_QF(g))
					: void 0,
				n !== a
		static g_MQ(g, _, e, t) {
			if (!e) {
				let g = t.g_OR();
				const _ = t.g_NG();
				return (g = _.g_Qs(g)), g.g_Pr();
			return _.g_Pr();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_JL = class {
		constructor() {
			this.g_Rm = new Map();
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_Rm.values()) g.g_ek();
			this.g_Rm.clear(), (this.g_Rm = null);
		g_jB(g) {
			const _ = new g_aO.g_Rn(g),
				e = _.g_pY();
			this.g_Rm.set(e, _);
		g_bd(g) {
			return this.g_Rm.get(g);
		g_LP() {
			return 0;
		static g_Ro(g, _, a, t) {
			if (_) for (const n of _) g_aO.g_JL.g_Rp('create', n, g, a, t);
		static g_Rq(g, _, e, a) {
				? _.forEach((_, e) => {
				: _.forEach((_) => {
						g_aO.g_JL.g_Rp('load', _, g, e, a);
		static g_Rp(_, a, g, t, n) {
			let e;
			if ('function' == typeof t)
				'load' === _ ? (e = new t(null, n)) : 'create' === _ ? (e = new t(a, n)) : void 0;
			else if ('object' == typeof t) {
				const i = t.prop,
					r = a[i],
					g = t.map.get(r);
				'load' === _ ? (e = new g(null, n)) : 'create' === _ ? (e = new g(a, n)) : void 0;
			switch (_) {
				case 'load':
					e.g_GI(a), g.push(e);
				case 'create':
					if ('function' == typeof e.g_Oh && !e.g_Oh()) return e.g_ek();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_Rn = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_en = ''),
				(this.g_Rr = NaN),
				(this.g_Rs = 0),
				(this.g_Rt = 'default'),
				(this.g_Ru = 'default'),
				(this.g_Rv = !1),
				(this.g_Rw = !1),
				(this.g_Rx = 1),
				(this.g_Nv = null),
				g &&
					((this.g_en = g[0]),
					(this.g_Rr = g[1]),
					(this.g_Rs = g[2]),
					(this.g_Rt = g[3]),
					(this.g_Ru = g[4]),
					(this.g_Rv = !!g[6]),
					(this.g_Rw = !!g[7]),
					(this.g_Rx = g[8]),
					(this.g_Nv = new g_aO.g_Ry(g[5], this)));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Nv.g_ek(), (this.g_Nv = null);
		g_Lu() {
			return this.g_Nv || (this.g_Nv = new g_aO.g_Ry(null, this)), this.g_Nv;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_LX(g) {
			this.g_en = g;
		g_LZ() {
			return this.g_Rr;
		g_L_(g) {
			this.g_Rr = g;
		g_L$() {
			return this.g_Rs;
		g_Ma(g) {
			this.g_Rs = g;
		g_Mb() {
			return this.g_Rt;
		g_Mc(g) {
			this.g_Rt = g;
		g_Md() {
			return this.g_Ru;
		g_Me(g) {
			this.g_Ru = g;
		g_Mg() {
			return this.g_Rv;
		g_Mh() {
			return this.g_Rw;
		g_Mi() {
			return this.g_Rx;
		g_GG() {
			return {
				trackDataJson: this.g_Nv.g_GG(),
				name: this.g_en,
				totalTime: this.g_Rr,
				step: this.g_Rs,
				interpolationMode: this.g_Rt,
				resultMode: this.g_Ru,
				loop: this.g_Rv,
				pingPong: this.g_Rw,
				repeatCount: this.g_Rx
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				(this.g_en = g.name),
				(this.g_Rr = g.totalTime),
				(this.g_Rs = g.step),
				(this.g_Rt = g.interpolationMode),
				(this.g_Ru = g.resultMode),
				(this.g_Rv = g.loop),
				(this.g_Rw = g.pingPong),
				(this.g_Rx = g.repeatCount));
	'use strict';
	const g = 0;
	class _ {
		constructor(_, e) {
			(this.g_Nv = e),
				(this.g_Rz = null),
				(this.g_Nw = NaN),
				(this.g_Nx = NaN),
				(this.g_Rt = 'default'),
				(this.g_Ru = 'default'),
				(this.g_jc = !1),
				(this.g_RA = null),
				(this.g_OL = null),
				(this.g_RB = ''),
				_ &&
					((this.g_Rz = _[g]),
					(this.g_Nw = _[g][2]),
					(this.g_Nx = _[g][1]),
					(this.g_Rt = _[1]),
					(this.g_Ru = _[2]),
					(this.g_jc = !!_[3]),
					_[6] && (this.g_RB = _[6]),
					(this.g_RA = new g_aO.g_RC(_[4], this)),
					(this.g_OL = new g_aO.g_RD(_[5], this)));
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Nv = null),
				this.g_RA && (this.g_RA.g_ek(), (this.g_RA = null)),
				this.g_OL && (this.g_OL.g_ek(), (this.g_OL = null));
		g_Lu() {
			return this.g_Nv;
		g_ND() {
			return this.g_RA || (this.g_RA = new g_aO.g_RC(null, this)), this.g_RA;
		g_NG() {
			return this.g_OL || (this.g_OL = new g_aO.g_RD(null, this)), this.g_OL;
		g_RE() {
			return this.g_Rz;
		g_NO() {
			return this.g_Nx;
		g_Oj(g) {
			this.g_Nx = g;
		g_NM() {
			return this.g_Nw;
		g_Og(g) {
			this.g_Nw = g;
		g_Mb() {
			return this.g_Rt;
		g_Mc(g) {
			this.g_Rt = g;
		g_Md() {
			return this.g_Ru;
		g_Me(g) {
			this.g_Ru = g;
		g_Oh() {
			return this.g_jc;
		g_Oi(g) {
			this.g_jc = !!g;
		g_LW() {
			return this.g_RB;
		g_GG() {
			return {
				keyframeDataJson: this.g_RA.g_GG(),
				propertyTrackDataJson: this.g_OL.g_GG(),
				instanceData: this.g_Rz,
				instanceUid: this.g_Nw,
				objectClassIndex: this.g_Nx,
				interpolationMode: this.g_Rt,
				resultMode: this.g_Ru,
				enabled: this.g_jc,
				id: this.g_RB
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				((this.g_Rz = g.instanceData),
				(this.g_Nw = g.instanceUid),
				(this.g_Nx = g.objectClassIndex),
				(this.g_Rt = g.interpolationMode),
				(this.g_Ru = g.resultMode),
				(this.g_jc = g.enabled),
				(this.g_RB = g.id),
	g_aO.g_Ry = class {
		constructor(g, e) {
			(this.g_RF = e),
				(this.g_RG = []),
				(this.g_RH = new Map()),
				g_aO.g_JL.g_Ro(this.g_RG, g, _, this);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_RF = null;
			for (const g of this.g_RG) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_RG), (this.g_RG = null), this.g_RH.clear(), (this.g_RH = null);
		g_Nd() {
			const g = new _(null, this);
			return this.g_RG.push(g), g;
		g_RI(g) {
			return g.g_ND().g_NC()[0];
		g_On(g) {
			const _ = g.g_ND().g_NC();
			return _[_.length - 1];
		g_Ok(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_RH.get(_);
			if (!!e && e.has(g)) return e.get(g);
			for (const a of _.g_ND().g_RJ())
				if (a.g_MJ() === g) return e || this.g_RH.set(_, new Map()), this.g_RH.get(_).set(g, a), a;
		g_RK(g, _) {
			for (const e of _.g_ND().g_RJ()) if (e.g_MJ() > g) return e;
		g_Om(g, _) {
			for (const e of _.g_ND().g_RJ()) if (e.g_MJ() >= g) return e;
		g_Ol(g, _) {
			for (const e of _.g_ND().g_RL()) if (e.g_MJ() <= g) return e;
		*g_Lt() {
			for (const g of this.g_RG) yield g;
		g_GG() {
			return { trackDataItemsJson: this.g_RG.map((g) => g.g_GG()) };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && g_aO.g_JL.g_Rq(this.g_RG, g.trackDataItemsJson, _, this);
	const g = 0;
	class _ {
		constructor(_, e) {
			(this.g_OL = e),
				(this.g_RM = ''),
				(this.g_RN = null),
				(this.g_Qj = null),
				(this.g_kL = null),
				(this.g_RO = NaN),
				(this.g_RP = NaN),
				(this.g_Rt = 'default'),
				(this.g_Ru = 'default'),
				(this.g_jc = !1),
				(this.g_RQ = null),
				_ &&
					((this.g_RM = _[g][0]),
					(this.g_RN = _[g].slice(1)),
					(this.g_Qj = _[1]),
					(this.g_kL = _[2]),
					(this.g_RO = _[3]),
					(this.g_RP = _[4]),
					(this.g_Rt = _[5]),
					(this.g_Ru = _[6]),
					(this.g_jc = !!_[7]),
					(this.g_RQ = new g_aO.g_RR(_[8], this)));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_RQ.g_ek(), (this.g_RQ = null), (this.g_OL = null), (this.g_RN = null);
		g_NG() {
			return this.g_OL;
		g_OP() {
			return this.g_RQ || (this.g_RQ = new g_aO.g_RR(null, this)), this.g_RQ;
		g_NS() {
			return this.g_RM;
		g_OY(g) {
			this.g_RM = g;
		g_O_() {
			return this.g_RN;
		g_Pa(g) {
			this.g_RN = g;
		g_Pd() {
			return this.g_Qj;
		g_Pf(g) {
			this.g_Qj = g;
		g_tC() {
			return this.g_kL;
		g_Pi(g) {
			this.g_kL = g;
		g_Pl() {
			return this.g_RO;
		g_Pm(g) {
			this.g_RO = g;
		g_Pn() {
			return this.g_RP;
		g_Po(g) {
			this.g_RP = g;
		g_Mb() {
			return this.g_Rt;
		g_Mc(g) {
			this.g_Rt = g;
		g_Md() {
			return this.g_Ru;
		g_Me(g) {
			this.g_Ru = g;
		g_Oh() {
			return this.g_jc;
		g_Oi(g) {
			this.g_jc = !!g;
		g_GG() {
			return {
				propertyKeyframeDataJson: this.g_RQ.g_GG(),
				sourceAdapterId: this.g_RM,
				sourceAdapterArguments: this.g_RN,
				property: this.g_Qj,
				type: this.g_kL,
				min: this.g_RO,
				max: this.g_RP,
				interpolationMode: this.g_Rt,
				resultMode: this.g_Ru,
				enabled: this.g_jc
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				((this.g_RM = g.sourceAdapterId),
				(this.g_RN = g.sourceAdapterArguments),
				(this.g_Qj = g.property),
				(this.g_kL = g.type),
				(this.g_RO = g.min),
				(this.g_RP = g.max),
				(this.g_Rt = g.interpolationMode),
				(this.g_Ru = g.resultMode),
				(this.g_jc = g.enabled),
	g_aO.g_RD = class {
		constructor(g, e) {
			(this.g_Nu = e),
				(this.g_RS = []),
				(this.g_RT = new Map()),
				g_aO.g_JL.g_Ro(this.g_RS, g, _, this);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Nu = null;
			for (const g of this.g_RS) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_RS), (this.g_RS = null), this.g_RT.clear(), (this.g_RT = null);
		g_Of() {
			return this.g_Nu;
		g_Ov() {
			const g = new _(null, this);
			return this.g_RS.push(g), g;
		g_Pk(g) {
			const _ = g.g_OP();
			return _.g_OO()[0];
		g_Qs(g) {
			const _ = g.g_OP(),
				e = _.g_OO();
			return e[e.length - 1];
		g_Pt(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_RT.get(_);
			if (!!a && a.has(g)) return a.get(g);
			const t = _.g_OP();
			for (const n of t.g_RU())
				if (n.g_MJ() === g) return a || this.g_RT.set(_, new Map()), this.g_RT.get(_).set(g, n), n;
		g_Pu(g, _) {
			const e = _.g_OP();
			for (const a of e.g_RU()) if (a.g_MJ() > g) return a;
		g_Pw(g, _) {
			const e = _.g_OP();
			for (const a of e.g_RU()) if (a.g_MJ() >= g) return a;
		g_Pv(g, _) {
			const e = _.g_OP();
			for (const a of e.g_RV()) if (a.g_MJ() <= g) return a;
		*g_NF() {
			for (const g of this.g_RS) yield g;
		g_GG() {
			return { propertyTrackDataItemsJson: this.g_RS.map((g) => g.g_GG()) };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && g_aO.g_JL.g_Rq(this.g_RS, g.propertyTrackDataItemsJson, _, this);
	class g {
		constructor(g, _) {
			if (
				((this.g_RA = _),
				(this.g_RW = -1),
				(this.g_RX = 'noease'),
				(this.g_RY = !1),
				(this.g_LM = null),
				(this.g_RZ = null),
			) {
				(this.g_RW = g[0]), (this.g_RX = g[1]), (this.g_RY = !!g[2]);
				const _ = g[3];
				(this.g_LM = _ ? _.split(' ') : []),
					(this.g_RZ = new Set(this.g_LM.map((g) => g.toLowerCase())));
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_RA = null),
				(this.g_LM = null),
				(this.g_RZ = null);
		g_ND() {
			return this.g_RA;
		g_MJ() {
			return this.g_RW;
		g_MM(g) {
			this.g_RW = g;
		g_jL() {
			return this.g_RX;
		g_Mf(g) {
			this.g_RX = g;
		g_Oh() {
			return this.g_RY;
		g_Oi(g) {
			this.g_RY = !!g;
		g_Mq() {
			return this.g_LM;
		g_Mo(g) {
			(this.g_LM = g ? g.split(' ') : []),
				(this.g_RZ = new Set(this.g_LM.map((g) => g.toLowerCase())));
		g_R_() {
			return this.g_RZ;
		g_Nq(g) {
			return this.g_RZ.has(g.toLowerCase());
		g_GG() {
			return { time: this.g_RW, ease: this.g_RX, enable: this.g_RY, tags: this.g_LM };
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				((this.g_RW = g.time),
				(this.g_RX = g.ease),
				(this.g_RY = g.enable),
				(this.g_LM = g.tags),
				(this.g_RZ = new Set(this.g_LM.map((g) => g.toLowerCase()))));
	g_aO.g_RC = class {
		constructor(_, e) {
			(this.g_Nu = e), (this.g_NB = []), g_aO.g_JL.g_Ro(this.g_NB, _, g, this);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Nu = null;
			for (const g of this.g_NB) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_NB), (this.g_NB = null);
		g_Of() {
			return this.g_Nu;
		g_R$() {
			return this.g_NB.length;
		g_NC() {
			return this.g_NB;
		g_Ot() {
			const _ = new g(null, this);
			return this.g_NB.push(_), _;
		g_Ox(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_NB) {
				if (!g(_)) continue;
				const e = this.g_NB.indexOf(_);
				-1 === e || (_.g_ek(), this.g_NB.splice(e, 1));
		g_Sa() {
			this.g_NB.sort((g, _) => g.g_MJ() - _.g_MJ());
		g_OH(g) {
			return this.g_NB.indexOf(g);
		g_OI(g) {
			return this.g_NB[g];
		*g_RJ() {
			for (const g of this.g_NB) yield g;
		*g_RL() {
			for (let g = this.g_NB.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--) yield this.g_NB[g];
		g_GG() {
			return { keyframeDataItemsJson: this.g_NB.map((g) => g.g_GG()) };
		g_GI(_) {
			_ && g_aO.g_JL.g_Rq(this.g_NB, _.keyframeDataItemsJson, g, this);
	const g = 0;
	class _ {
		constructor(_, e) {
			(this.g_RQ = e),
				(this.g_Qi = null),
				(this.g_Sb = null),
				(this.g_kL = ''),
				(this.g_RW = NaN),
				(this.g_RX = 'noease'),
				(this.g_RY = !1),
				(this.g_Sc = null),
				_ &&
					((this.g_Qi = _[g][0]),
					(this.g_Sb = _[g][1]),
					(this.g_kL = _[g][2]),
					(this.g_RW = _[1]),
					(this.g_RX = _[2]),
					(this.g_RY = !!_[3]),
					(this.g_Sc = null),
					!!_[4] && (this.g_Sc = new g_aO.g_Sd(_[4], this)));
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_RQ = null), this.g_Sc && (this.g_Sc.g_ek(), (this.g_Sc = null));
		g_Se() {
			return this.g_Sc;
		g_Pc() {
			return this.g_Qi;
		g_PF(g) {
			'color' === this.g_kL && g_aO.g_cF(g)
				? ((this.g_Qi[0] = g_aO.g_eN(g)),
				  (this.g_Qi[1] = g_aO.g_eO(g)),
				  (this.g_Qi[2] = g_aO.g_eP(g)))
				: (this.g_Qi = g);
		g_Qt() {
			return this.g_Sb;
		g_PC(g) {
			'color' === this.g_kL && g_aO.g_cF(g)
				? ((this.g_Sb[0] = g_aO.g_eN(g)),
				  (this.g_Sb[1] = g_aO.g_eO(g)),
				  (this.g_Sb[2] = g_aO.g_eP(g)))
				: (this.g_Sb = g);
		g_Pr() {
			const g = this.g_RQ.g_OR().g_Md();
			return 'relative' === g ? this.g_Pc() : 'absolute' === g ? this.g_Qt() : void 0;
		g_tC() {
			return this.g_kL;
		g_Pi(g) {
			this.g_kL = g;
		g_MJ() {
			return this.g_RW;
		g_MM(g) {
			this.g_RW = g;
		g_jL() {
			return this.g_RX;
		g_Mf(g) {
			this.g_RX = g;
		g_Oh() {
			return this.g_RY;
		g_Oi(g) {
			this.g_RY = !!g;
		g_Rg(g) {
			if (this.g_Se()) for (const _ of this.g_Se().g_Sf()) if (_.g_LW() === g) return _;
		g_GG() {
			const g = this.g_Sc;
			return {
				addonDataJson: g ? g.g_GG() : g,
				value: this.g_Qi,
				aValue: this.g_Sb,
				type: this.g_kL,
				time: this.g_RW,
				ease: this.g_RX,
				enable: this.g_RY
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				(g.addonDataJson && this.g_Sc.g_Sg(g.addonDataJson),
				(this.g_Qi = g.value),
				(this.g_Sb = g.aValue),
				(this.g_kL = g.type),
				(this.g_RW = g.time),
				(this.g_RX = g.ease),
				(this.g_RY = g.enable));
	g_aO.g_RR = class {
		constructor(g, e) {
			(this.g_OK = e), (this.g_ON = []), g_aO.g_JL.g_Ro(this.g_ON, g, _, this);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_OK = null;
			for (const g of this.g_ON) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_ON), (this.g_ON = null);
		g_PA() {
			const g = new _(null, this);
			return this.g_ON.push(g), g;
		g_PB(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_ON) {
				if (!g(_)) continue;
				const e = this.g_ON.indexOf(_);
				-1 === e || (_.g_ek(), this.g_ON.splice(e, 1));
		g_Sh() {
			this.g_ON.sort((g, _) => g.g_MJ() - _.g_MJ());
		g_OR() {
			return this.g_OK;
		g_Si() {
		g_OO() {
			return this.g_ON;
		*g_RU() {
			for (const g of this.g_ON) yield g;
		*g_RV() {
			for (let g = this.g_ON.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--) yield this.g_ON[g];
		g_GG() {
			return { propertyKeyframeDataItemsJson: this.g_ON.map((g) => g.g_GG()) };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && g_aO.g_JL.g_Rq(this.g_ON, g.propertyKeyframeDataItemsJson, _, this);
	class g {
		constructor(g, _) {
			(this.g_Sc = _), (this.g_RB = g[0]), (this._data = g[1]);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Sc = null), (this._data = null);
		g_Se() {
			return this.g_Sc;
		g_LW() {
			return this.g_RB;
		g_GG() {
			return { id: this.g_RB, data: this._data };
		g_GI(g) {
			g && ((this.g_RB = g.id), (this._data = g.data));
	class _ extends g {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g, _),
				(this.g_Sj = this._data[0]),
				(this.g_Sk = !!this._data[1]),
				(this.g_Sl = this._data[2]),
				(this.g_Sm = !!this._data[3]);
		g_ek() {
		g_Rj() {
			return this.g_Sj;
		g_Rh() {
			return this.g_Sk;
		g_Rk() {
			return this.g_Sl;
		g_Ri() {
			return this.g_Sm;
		g_GG() {
			return Object.assign(super.g_GG(), {
				startAnchor: this.g_Sj,
				startEnable: !!this.g_Sk,
				endAnchor: this.g_Sl,
				endEnable: !!this.g_Sm
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
				(this.g_Sj = g.startAnchor),
				(this.g_Sk = !!g.startEnable),
				(this.g_Sl = g.endAnchor),
				(this.g_Sm = !!g.endEnable));
	g_aO.g_Sd = class {
		constructor(g, e) {
			(this.g_Sn = e),
				(this.g_So = []),
				g_aO.g_JL.g_Ro(this.g_So, g, { prop: 0, map: new Map([['cubic-bezier', _]]) }, this);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Sn = null;
			for (const g of this.g_So) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_So), (this.g_So = null);
		g_Sp() {
			return this.g_Sn;
		*g_Sf() {
			for (const g of this.g_So) yield g;
		g_GG() {
			return { addonDataItemsJson: this.g_So.map((g) => g.g_GG()) };
		g_GI(g) {
			g &&
					{ prop: 'id', map: new Map([['cubic-bezier', _]]) },
	let g = 0;
	g_aO.Tween = class extends g_aO.g_Kj {
		constructor(_, e) {
			super(`tween-${g++}`, _, e),
				(this.g_RB = ''),
				(this.g_Sq = !1),
				(this.g_Sr = 'start-value'),
				(this.g_Ss = null),
				(this.g_St = null);
		g_Nj() {
			const g = this.g_LU();
			if (g && g.length) {
				const _ = g[0];
				if (_) {
					const g = _.g_Nj();
					return _.g_NK() ? g : null;
		g_Su(g) {
			this.g_St || (this.g_St = []), this.g_St.push(g);
		g_Sv(g) {
			this.g_Ss || (this.g_Ss = []), this.g_Ss.push(g);
		g_Sw(g) {
			if (this.g_St) {
				const _ = this.g_St.indexOf(g);
				-1 !== _ && this.g_St.splice(_, 1);
		g_Sx(g) {
			if (this.g_Ss) {
				const _ = this.g_Ss.indexOf(g);
				-1 !== _ && this.g_Ss.splice(_, 1);
		g_Sy(g, _) {
			for (const e of this.g_Ls)
				for (const a of e.g_NE) {
					if (a.g_Nn() !== _) continue;
					const t = a.g_NG(),
						n = a.g_OR(),
						e = t.g_Pk(n);
					e.g_PF(g), e.g_PC(g);
		g_Sz(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_Ls) for (const e of _.g_NE) if (e.g_Nn() === g) return e;
		g_SA(g, _) {
			for (const e of _) {
				const g = this.g_Sz(e);
				this.g_Sy(g.g_Ps(), e);
				? (this.g_L_(this.g_LZ() - this.g_MJ()), this.g_MN(0))
				: (this.g_L_(this.g_MJ()), this.g_MN(this.g_LZ())),
		g_SB(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_Sz(_),
				t = a.g_NG(),
				n = a.g_OR(),
				e = t.g_Qs(n);
			e.g_MM(this.g_LZ()), e.g_PF(g), e.g_PC(g);
		g_SC(g) {
			this.g_RB = g;
		g_LW() {
			return this.g_RB;
		g_SD(g) {
			this.g_Sr = g;
		g_SE() {
			return this.g_Sr;
		g_SF(g) {
			this.g_Sq = g;
		g_SG() {
			return this.g_Sq;
		g_Mt() {
			if (this.g_St) for (const g of this.g_St) g(this);
			if (!this.g_Lb()) for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_OB();
		g_MA() {
			this.g_LI = this.g_Be.g_MB();
		g_Ld() {
			if (!this.g_LL && ((this.g_LL = !0), this.g_Ss)) for (const g of this.g_Ss) g(this);
		g_MM(g) {
			this.g_SH(), super.g_MM(g);
		g_KV(g) {
			if (!this.g_Lc() && 'current-state' === this.g_SE()) for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_OA();
		g_Kg(g = !1) {
			if ((super.g_Kg(g), !this.g_Lb())) for (const g of this.g_Ls) g.g_Oz();
		g_lC() {
			this.g_SH(), super.g_lC();
		g_SH() {
			for (const g of this.g_Ls) {
				const _ = (g) => {
					const _ = g.g_MJ(),
						e = this.g_LZ();
					return 0 !== _ && _ !== e;
				g.g_Ow(_), g.g_Oy(_);
		g_Oo() {}
		g_KZ() {
			const g = this.g_Nj(),
				_ = this.g_BI().g_KW(g);
			super.g_KZ(_, 1);
		g_GG() {
			const g = super.g_GG(),
				_ = this.g_LY();
			return Object.assign(g, {
				tweenDataItemJson: _.g_GG(),
				id: this.g_RB,
				destroyInstanceOnComplete: this.g_Sq,
				initialValueMode: this.g_Sr
		g_GI(g) {
			if (g) {
				const _ = this.g_LY();
					(this.g_RB = g.id),
					(this.g_Sq = g.destroyInstanceOnComplete),
					(this.g_Sr = g.initialValueMode);
		static g_Mm(g) {
			return g.g_Mm();
		static g_SI(_) {
			const a = _.runtime.g_LT(),
				t = new g_aO.g_Rn();
			if (_.json) {
				const g = new g_aO.Tween(t, a);
				return g.g_GI(_.json), g;
			} else {
				const n = new g_aO.Tween(t, a);
				g_aO.g_db(_.g_SJ) || (_.g_SJ = [_.g_SJ]),
				const i = n.g_Nc();
				const e = i.g_Os();
				e.g_MM(0), e.g_Mf('noease'), e.g_Oi(!0), e.g_Mo('');
				const r = i.g_Os();
				r.g_MM(_.time), r.g_Mf('noease'), r.g_Oi(!0), r.g_Mo('');
				for (const g of _.g_SJ) {
					const e = i.g_Ou();
					const a = e.g_Pz();
					const t = e.g_Pz();
				return n;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_SS = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
			super(), (this.g_en = g[0]), (this.g_ST = []);
			for (const _ of g[1]) {
				const g = g_aO.g_SU.g_sf(this, _);
			(this.g_SV = new Map()),
				(this.g_SW = new Map()),
				g_jF.g_kw(this.g_en, (g, _, e, a) => this.g_MQ(g, _, e, a));
		static g_sf(g) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_SS, g);
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_ST) g.g_ek();
				(this.g_ST = null),
				(this.g_SV = null),
				(this.g_SW = null);
		g_SY(g) {
			const _ = this.g_SW.get(g);
			if (_) return _;
			for (const _ of this.g_ST) if (_.g_SZ() === g) return this.g_SW.set(g, _), _;
		g_S_(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_ST) if (_.g_SZ() > g) return _;
		g_S$(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_ST) if (_.g_SZ() >= g) return _;
		g_Ta(g) {
			for (let _ = this.g_ST.length - 1; 0 <= _; _--) {
				const e = this.g_ST[_];
				if (e.g_SZ() <= g) return e;
		g_MQ(_, a, t, s) {
			const d = _ / s;
			let e = this.g_SY(d),
				u = null;
			e ? (u = this.g_S_(d)) : ((e = this.g_Ta(d)), (u = this.g_S$(d)));
			const c = u.g_SZ() - e.g_SZ(),
				h = g_aO.g_eo(d, e.g_SZ(), u.g_SZ(), 0, c),
				i = e.g_SZ(),
				E = e.g_Tb(),
				b = e.g_SZ() + e.g_Tc(),
				l = e.g_Tb() + e.g_Td(),
				m = u.g_SZ() + u.g_Te(),
				n = u.g_Tb() + u.g_Tf(),
				o = u.g_SZ(),
				p = u.g_Tb();
			let y = g_jF.g_jL('spline')(h, i, E, b, l, m, n, o, p, this.g_SV.get(e));
			return (y += e.g_Tb()), (1 - y) * a + y * (a + t);
		g_SX() {
			for (let _ = 0; _ < this.g_ST.length - 1; _++) {
				const a = this.g_ST[_];
				if (!a.g_Rh()) continue;
				const t = a,
					n = this.g_ST[_ + 1],
					i = t.g_SZ(),
					e = t.g_SZ() + t.g_Tc(),
					r = n.g_SZ() + n.g_Te(),
					g = n.g_SZ();
				this.g_SV.set(t, g_jF.g_ky(i, e, r, g));
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_SU = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_Tg = g),
				(this.g_Th = _[0]),
				(this.g_Ti = _[1]),
				(this.g_Tj = _[2]),
				(this.g_Tk = _[3]),
				(this.g_Tl = _[4]),
				(this.g_Tm = _[5]),
				(this.g_Sk = _[6]),
				(this.g_Sm = _[7]);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Tg = null;
		static g_sf(g, _) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_SU, g, _);
		g_SZ() {
			return this.g_Th;
		g_Tb() {
			return this.g_Ti;
		g_Tc() {
			return this.g_Tj;
		g_Td() {
			return this.g_Tk;
		g_Te() {
			return this.g_Tl;
		g_Tf() {
			return this.g_Tm;
		g_Rh() {
			return this.g_Sk;
		g_Ri() {
			return this.g_Sm;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_Tn = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
			super(), (this.g_Be = g), (this.g_To = []);
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_To) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_To), (this.g_To = null);
		g_sf(g) {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_Tp = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Tq = g),
				(this.g_Tr = []),
				this.g_Tr.push(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Ts, this)),
				(this.g_Dr = 0),
				(this.g_Tt = this.g_Tr[0]);
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_Tr) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_Tr), (this.g_Tt = null), (this.g_Tq = null);
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_Tu() {
			return this.g_Tt;
		g_js() {
		g_Tv() {
			const g = this.g_Tr,
				_ = ++this.g_Dr;
			if (_ === g.length) {
				const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Ts, this);
				g.push(_), (this.g_Tt = _);
			} else {
				const e = g[_];
				e.g_lC(), (this.g_Tt = e);
		g_Tw() {
			const g = this.g_Tr,
				_ = ++this.g_Dr;
			_ === g.length && g.push(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Ts, this));
			const e = g[_];
			e.g_Tx(g[_ - 1]), (this.g_Tt = e);
		g_Ty() {
			this.g_Tt = this.g_Tr[--this.g_Dr];
		g_Tz(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Tr;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) _[e].g_Tz(g);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_Ts = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Tr = g),
				(this.g_Tq = this.g_Tr.g_EA()),
				(this.g_TA = this.g_Tq.g_BI().g_TB()),
				(this.g_TC = !0),
				(this.g_CX = []),
				(this.g_TD = []);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_TE(), (this.g_Tr = null), (this.g_Tq = null), (this.g_TA = null);
		g_TE() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_TD);
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_TF() {
			return this.g_TC;
		g_TG() {
			return this.g_TC ? !!this.g_Tq.g_EK() : !!this.g_CX.length;
		g_H$() {
			return this.g_TC ? this.g_Tq.g_H$() : this.g_CX;
		g_TH() {
			return !!this.g_TD.length;
		g_TI() {
			return this.g_TD;
		g_TJ() {
			const g = this.g_H$();
			return g.length ? g : this.g_TD;
		g_lC() {
			(this.g_TC = !0), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_TD);
		g_js() {
			this.g_TC = !0;
		g_Tx(g) {
				? this.g_lC()
				: ((this.g_TC = !1), g_aO.g_fD(this.g_CX, g.g_CX), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_TD));
		g_TK(g) {
		g_TL(g) {
		g_TM(g) {
			this.g_TC = !!g;
		g_TN() {
			return this.g_CX;
		g_TO() {
			return this.g_TD;
		g_TP(g) {
			(this.g_TC = !1), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX), this.g_CX.push(g);
		g_TQ(g) {
			(this.g_TC = !1), g_aO.g_fD(this.g_CX, g);
		g_TR(g) {
			if (g)
				if (this.g_TA.g_TU().g_TT().g_TS()) {
					this.g_TF() &&
						(g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX), g_aO.g_fD(this.g_TD, g.g_EA().g_H$()), (this.g_TC = !1));
					const _ = this.g_TD.indexOf(g);
					-1 !== _ && (this.g_CX.push(this.g_TD[_]), this.g_TD.splice(_, 1));
				} else this.g_TP(g);
		g_Tz(g) {
			g_aO.g_fI(this.g_CX, g), g_aO.g_fI(this.g_TD, g);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_TV = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_TW = g),
				(this.g_Be = this.g_TW.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Tr = []),
				this.g_Tr.push(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_TX, this, null)),
				(this.g_Dr = 0),
				(this.g_TY = []);
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_Tr) g.g_ek();
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_Tr), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_TY), (this.g_TW = null), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_ED() {
			return this.g_TW;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_TU() {
			return this.g_Tr[this.g_Dr];
		g_TZ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Tr,
				e = ++this.g_Dr;
			if (e === _.length) {
				const e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_TX, this, g);
				return _.push(e), e;
			} else {
				const a = _[e];
				return a.g_lC(g), a;
		g_Ty() {
		g_T_(g) {
		g_T$() {
		g_Ua() {
			const g = this.g_TY;
			return 0 === g.length ? null : g[g.length - 1];
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_TX = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_Tr = g),
				(this.g_Be = this.g_Tr.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Ub = _),
				(this.g_Uc = 0),
				(this.g_Ud = 0),
				(this.g_Ue = !1),
				(this.g_Uf = !1),
				(this.g_Ug = null),
				(this.g_Uh = 0),
				(this.g_Ui = 0);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_lC(null), (this.g_Tr = null), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_lC(g) {
			(this.g_Ub = g), (this.g_Uc = 0), (this.g_Ud = 0), (this.g_Ue = !1), (this.g_Uf = !1);
		g_Uj(g, _) {
			(this.g_Ub = g), (this.g_Uc = 0), (this.g_Ud = _);
		g_Uk() {
			(this.g_Uc = 0), (this.g_Ud = 0);
		g_TT() {
			return this.g_Ub;
		g_Ul(g) {
			this.g_Ub = g;
		g_Um() {
			return this.g_Uc;
		g_Un(g) {
			this.g_Uc = g;
		g_Uo() {
			return this.g_Ud;
		g_Up(g) {
			this.g_Ud = g;
		g_Uq(g) {
			this.g_Ue = !!g;
		g_Ur() {
			return this.g_Ue;
		g_Us(g) {
			this.g_Uf = !!g;
		g_Ut() {
			return this.g_Uf;
		g_Uu(g) {
			this.g_Ug = g;
		g_Uv() {
			return this.g_Ug;
		g_Uw(g, _) {
			(this.g_Uh = g), (this.g_Ui = _);
		g_Ux() {
			return this.g_Uh;
		g_Uy(g) {
			this.g_Ui = g;
		g_Uz() {
			return this.g_Ui;
		g_UA() {
			const g = this.g_Ub;
			return !!g.g_UB() || (!!(this.g_Uc < g.g_UC() - 1) && !!g.g_UD().length);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_UE = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_TW = g),
				(this.g_Be = this.g_TW.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Tr = []),
				(this.g_Dr = -1),
				(this.g_Tt = null),
				(this.g_UF = []);
		g_ek() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_Tr), (this.g_TW = null), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_UG(g) {
			this.g_UF = g;
			const _ = this.g_UF.slice(0);
			this.g_Tr.push(_), (this.g_Dr = 0), (this.g_Tt = _);
		g_ED() {
			return this.g_TW;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_UH() {
			return this.g_Tt;
		g_TZ() {
			const g = ++this.g_Dr,
				_ = this.g_Tr;
			g === _.length ? _.push(this.g_UF.slice(0)) : g_aO.g_fD(_[g], this.g_UF), (this.g_Tt = _[g]);
		g_Ty() {
			this.g_Tt = this.g_Tr[--this.g_Dr];
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_UI = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
			super(), (this.g_TW = g), (this.g_Be = this.g_TW.g_BI()), (this.g_Tr = []), (this.g_Dr = -1);
		g_ek() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_Tr), (this.g_TW = null), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_ED() {
			return this.g_TW;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_UJ() {
			return 0 <= this.g_Dr;
		g_UH() {
			return this.g_Tr[this.g_Dr];
		g_TZ() {
			if ((++this.g_Dr, this.g_Dr === this.g_Tr.length)) {
				const g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_UK, this);
				return this.g_Tr.push(g), g;
			} else {
				const g = this.g_Tr[this.g_Dr];
				return g.g_lC(), g;
		g_Ty() {
		g_UL(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Tr;
			for (let e = this.g_Dr; 0 <= e; --e) {
				const a = _[e];
				if (a.g_pY() === g) return a;
			return null;
		g_UM() {
			return this.g_Tr.slice(0, this.g_Dr + 1);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_UK = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_UN = g),
				(this.g_en = ''),
				(this.g_Dr = 0),
				(this.g_UO = !1),
				(this.g_UP = NaN);
		g_lC() {
			(this.g_en = ''), (this.g_Dr = 0), (this.g_UO = !1), (this.g_UP = NaN);
		g_LX(g) {
			this.g_en = g;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_UQ(g) {
			this.g_Dr = g;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_Kg() {
			this.g_UO = !0;
		g_UR() {
			return this.g_UO;
		g_US(g) {
			this.g_UP = g;
		g_UT() {
			return this.g_UP;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_UU = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor() {
			super(), (this.g_Tr = []), (this.g_Dr = -1);
		g_ek() {
		g_UH() {
			return this.g_Tr[this.g_Dr];
		g_TZ() {
			if ((++this.g_Dr, this.g_Dr === this.g_Tr.length)) {
				const g = [];
				return this.g_Tr.push(g), g;
			return this.g_Tr[this.g_Dr];
		g_Ty() {
	'use strict';
	function g(g, _) {
		return g.g_EM() - _.g_EM();
	function _(g, _) {
		for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) if (g[e] !== _[e]) return !1;
		return !0;
	g_aO.g_UV = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_UW = []),
				(this.g_UX = new Map()),
				(this.g_UY = []),
				(this.g_UZ = new Map()),
				(this.g_U_ = new Map()),
				(this.g_U$ = new Map()),
				(this.g_Va = new Map()),
				(this.g_Vb = new Map()),
				(this.g_Vc = new Map()),
				(this.g_Vd = 0),
				(this.g_Ve = []),
				(this.g_Vf = []),
				(this.g_Vg = []),
				(this.g_Vh = new Map()),
				(this.g_TA = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_TV, this)),
				(this.g_Vi = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_UE, this)),
				(this.g_UN = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_UI, this)),
				(this.g_Vj = []),
				(this.g_Vk = []),
				(this.g_Vl = []),
				(this.g_Vm = 0),
				(this.g_Vn = 0),
				(this.g_Vo = 0),
				(this.g_Vp = []),
				(this.g_Vq = []),
				(self.c3_callFunction = (g, _) => this.g_Vr(g, _));
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_TA = null),
				(this.g_Vi = null),
				(this.g_Be = null),
		g_sf(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Vs, this, g);
			this.g_UW.push(_), this.g_UX.set(_.g_pY().toLowerCase(), _);
		g_Vt(g) {
		g_Vu() {
			for (const g of this.g_Vh.values()) g.g_Vu(!1);
			for (const g of this.g_UW) g.g_Vu();
			for (const g of this.g_UW) g.g_HI();
			for (const g of this.g_Vj) g.g_Vu(!1);
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_Vj), this.g_Vi.g_UG(this.g_Vg);
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_HH(g) {
			return this.g_UX.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_Vv(g) {
			this.g_UY.push(g), this.g_UZ.set(g.g_Vw(), g);
		g_Vx(g) {
			this.g_U_.set(g.g_EN(), g);
		g_Vy(g) {
			this.g_U$.set(g.g_EN(), g);
		g_Vz(g) {
			this.g_Va.set(g.g_EN(), g);
		g_VA(g) {
			this.g_Vh.set(g.g_VB().toLowerCase(), g);
		g_VC(g) {
			this.g_Vc.set(g.g_EN(), g), g.g_Eh() ? this.g_Ve.push(g) : this.g_Vf.push(g);
		g_VD(t) {
			2 <= t.length && t.sort(g);
			let n = this.g_Vb.get(t.length);
			n || ((n = []), this.g_Vb.set(t.length, n));
			for (let g = 0, a = n.length; g < a; ++g) {
				const a = n[g];
				if (_(t, a)) return a;
			return n.push(t), t;
		g_VE(g) {
			return this.g_Vg.push(g.g_VF()), this.g_Vd++;
		g_TB() {
			return this.g_TA;
		g_VG() {
			return this.g_TB().g_TU();
		g_TT() {
			return this.g_VG().g_TT();
		g_VH() {
			const g = this.g_VG(),
				_ = g.g_TT();
			return _.g_VI(g.g_Um());
		g_VJ() {
			const g = this.g_VG(),
				_ = g.g_TT();
			return _.g_VK(g.g_Uo());
		g_VL() {
			return this.g_Vi;
		g_VM() {
			return this.g_UN;
		g_VN(g, _) {
			for (_ = _.g_VO(); _; ) {
				const e = _.g_VP(g);
				if (e) return e;
				_ = _.g_VO();
			for (const e of this.g_Ve) if (g_aO.g_dB(g, e.g_pY())) return e;
			return null;
		g_VQ(g) {
			const _ = [];
			for (g = g.g_VO(); g; ) g_aO.g_ee(_, g.g_VR()), (g = g.g_VO());
			return _;
		g_VS(g) {
			const _ = {};
			for (const e of this.g_VQ(g)) _[e.g_VT()] = e.g_VU();
			return Object.create(Object.prototype, _);
		g_VV(g) {
			return this.g_Vc.get(g) || null;
		g_VW(g) {
			return this.g_U_.get(g) || null;
		g_VX(g) {
			return this.g_U$.get(g) || null;
		g_VY(g) {
			return this.g_Va.get(g) || null;
		g_VZ(g) {
			return this.g_Vh.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_V_() {
			return this.g_Ve;
		g_V$() {
			return this.g_Vf;
		g_Wa() {
			for (const g of this.g_Ve) g.g_Wb();
		g_Wc(g) {
			return this.g_UZ.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_Wd(g) {
			const _ = this.g_U_.get(g);
			return _ && _.g_We() ? _ : null;
		g_Wf() {
			return this.g_UY;
		g_Wg() {
			for (const g of this.g_UY) g.g_Wh();
		g_Wi() {
			for (const g of this.g_UW) g.g_Wj();
		g_Wk(g) {
			this.g_Wi(), this.g_Vm++;
			for (const _ of g.g_IY()) {
				const g = _.g_Hl();
				g && (this.g_Be.g_Wl(_), g.g_vz(), this.g_Be.g_Wm());
		async g_Wn(g) {
			this.g_Wi(), this.g_Vm++;
			for (const _ of this.g_Wo(g)) await this.g_Be.g_Wp(_);
		*g_Wo(g) {
			for (const _ of g.g_IY()) {
				const g = _.g_Hl();
				g && (this.g_Be.g_Wl(_), yield* g.g_Wq(), this.g_Be.g_Wm());
		g_Wr(g, _, t, n) {
			let i = !1;
			if (!g.g_Is()) return this.g_Ws(_, t, n);
			for (const e of g.g_IY()) {
				const r = e.g_Hl();
				if (!r) continue;
				for (const g of r.g_Wt()) {
					const e = g.g_Wr(_, t, n);
					i = i || e;
				const a = r.g_Wr(_, t, n);
				(i = i || a), this.g_Be.g_Wm();
			return this.g_Vn--, i;
		*g_Wu(g, _, t, n) {
			let i = !1;
			if (!g.g_Is()) return this.g_Ws(_, t, n);
			for (const e of g.g_IY()) {
				const r = e.g_Hl();
				if (!r) continue;
				for (const g of r.g_Wt()) {
					const e = yield* g.g_Wu(_, t, n);
					i = i || e;
				const a = yield* r.g_Wu(_, t, n);
				(i = i || a), this.g_Be.g_Wm();
			return this.g_Vn--, i;
		g_Ws(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_Vk.push([g, _, e]), !1;
		g_Wv(g, _, a) {
			let t = null;
			const n = new Promise((g) => (t = g));
			return this.g_Vl.push([g, _, a, t]), n;
		*g_Ww() {
			if (this.g_Be.g_Wx()) throw new Error('should not be in breakpoint');
			for (const g = this.g_Be.g_Wy(); this.g_Vl.length; ) {
				const [_, a, t, n] = this.g_Vl.shift(),
					e = yield* this.g_Wu(g, _, a, t);
		async g_Wz() {
			for (const g of this.g_Ww()) await this.g_Be.g_Wp(g);
		g_WA(_, t, n, i) {
			let r = !1;
			const s = _.g_Is(),
				d = s.g_Hl();
			if (d) {
				this.g_Vn++, this.g_Be.g_Wl(s);
				const _ = d.g_Wt();
				for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) {
					const a = _[e].g_WA(t, n, i);
					r = r || a;
				const g = d.g_WA(t, n, i);
				return (r = r || g), this.g_Be.g_Wm(), this.g_Vn--, r;
		*g_WB(_, t, n, i) {
			let r = !1;
			const s = _.g_Is(),
				d = s.g_Hl();
			if (d) {
				this.g_Vn++, this.g_Be.g_Wl(s);
				const _ = d.g_Wt();
				for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) {
					const a = yield* _[e].g_WB(t, n, i);
					r = r || a;
				const g = yield* d.g_WB(t, n, i);
				return (r = r || g), this.g_Be.g_Wm(), this.g_Vn--, r;
		g_WC() {
			return this.g_Vn;
		g_WD() {
			return 0 < this.g_WC();
		g_WE() {
			return ++this.g_Vn;
		g_WF() {
		g_WG() {
			return 0 < this.g_Vm;
		g_ID() {
			return this.g_WG() || this.g_WD();
		g_HZ(g) {
			for (const [_, e, a] of this.g_Vk) this.g_Wr(g, _, e, a);
		g_EH(g) {
			g ? this.g_Vo++ : this.g_Vo--;
		g_WH() {
			return 0 < this.g_Vo;
		g_WI(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_WJ().g_js();
		g_WK(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_WJ().g_Tv();
		g_WL(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_WJ().g_Tw();
		g_WM(g) {
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_WJ().g_Ty();
		g_WN() {
			const g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_WO, this);
			return this.g_Vp.push(g), g;
		g_WP() {
			return this.g_Vp;
		g_WQ() {
			if (!this.g_Vp.length) return;
			const g = this.g_VG();
			let _ = !1;
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_Vp.length; e < a; ++e) {
				const a = this.g_Vp[e];
				a.g_WR() && a.g_WS(g), a.g_WT() && (_ = !0);
			_ && this.g_WU(), this.g_Vm--;
		async g_WV() {
			if (!this.g_Vp.length) return;
			const g = this.g_VG();
			let _ = !1;
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_Vp.length; e < a; ++e) {
				const a = this.g_Vp[e];
				a.g_WR() && (await a.g_WW(g)), a.g_WT() && (_ = !0);
			_ && this.g_WU(), this.g_Vm--;
		g_WU() {
			const g = g_aO.g_fH(this.g_Vp, (g) => g.g_WT());
			for (const _ of g) _.g_ek();
		g_Io() {
			for (const g of this.g_Vp) g.g_ek();
		g_WX(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_Vp) _.g_Tz(g);
		g_WY(g) {
		g_WZ() {
		g_W_() {
			const g = Promise.all(this.g_Vq);
			return (this.g_Vq = []), g;
		g_GG() {
			return {
				groups: this.g_W$(),
				cnds: this.g_Xa(),
				acts: this.g_Xb(),
				vars: this.g_Xc(),
				waits: this.g_Xd()
		g_GI(g) {
		g_W$() {
			const g = {};
			for (const _ of this.g_Wf()) g[_.g_EN().toString()] = _.g_Xj();
			return g;
		g_Xe(g) {
			for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(g)) {
				const g = parseInt(_, 10),
					a = this.g_Wd(g);
				a && a.g_Xk(e);
		g_Xa() {
			const g = {};
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_U$) {
				const a = e.g_GG();
				a && (g[_.toString()] = a);
			return g;
		g_Xf(g) {
			for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(g)) {
				const g = parseInt(_, 10),
					a = this.g_VX(g);
				a && a.g_GI(e);
		g_Xb() {
			const g = {};
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_Va) {
				const a = e.g_GG();
				a && (g[_.toString()] = a);
			return g;
		g_Xg(g) {
			for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(g)) {
				const g = parseInt(_, 10),
					a = this.g_VY(g);
				a && a.g_GI(e);
		g_Xc() {
			const g = {};
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_Vc)
				!e.g_Xl() && (e.g_Eh() || e.g_rt()) && (g[_.toString()] = e.g_Pc());
			return g;
		g_Xh(g) {
			for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(g)) {
				const g = parseInt(_, 10),
					a = this.g_VV(g);
				a && a.g_PF(e);
		g_Xd() {
			return this.g_Vp.filter((g) => !g.g_Xm()).map((g) => g.g_GG());
		g_Xi(g) {
			for (const _ of g) {
				const g = g_aO.g_WO.g_Xn(this, _);
				g && this.g_Vp.push(g);
		g_Xo() {
			return [...this.g_Be.g_Wy().g_IY()]
				.map((g) => g.g_Hl())
				.filter((g) => g)
				.map((g) => g.g_Xp());
		g_Xq(g) {
			for (; g; ) {
				const _ = g.g_VO();
				if (_ instanceof g_aO.g_Xr) return _;
				g = g.g_Xs();
			return null;
		g_Vr(g, _) {
			Array.isArray(_) || (_ = []);
			const a = this.g_VZ(g.toLowerCase());
			if (!a) return null;
			if (!a.g_jp()) return a.g_Xt();
			const t = a.g_Xu();
			if (_.length < t.length) {
				_ = _.slice(0);
				do _.push(t[_.length].g_VF());
				while (_.length < t.length);
			const n = a.g_Xv();
			return n.g_Xw(n.g_Xx(), a.g_Xy(), a.g_Xt(), ..._);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_Vs = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_TW = g),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_en = _[0]),
				(this.g_Xz = []),
				(this.g_XA = new Map()),
				(this.g_XB = new Map()),
				(this.g_XC = new Map()),
				(this.g_XD = !1),
				(this.g_XE = []),
				(this.g_XF = []),
				(this.g_XG = new Set());
			for (const e of _[1]) this.g_XH(e, null, this.g_Xz);
			this.g_XI = this.g_Be.g_IC()
				? { type: 'sheet', name: this.g_en, g_XJ: 0, children: [] }
				: null;
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_TW = null), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_XH(g, _, e) {
			switch (g[0]) {
				case 0:
				case 3:
					this.g_XK(g, _, e);
				case 1:
					this.g_XL(g, _, e);
				case 2:
					this.g_XM(g, _, e);
				case 4:
					this.g_XN(g, _);
				case 5:
					this.g_XO(g, _, e);
					throw new Error('invalid event type');
		g_XK(g, _, e) {
			const t = g_aO.g_XP.g_sf(this, _, g);
			if (t.g_TS()) {
				const g = t.g_XQ();
				for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_XR() && this.g_XS(t, _);
			} else t.g_XR() ? this.g_XS(t, 0) : e.push(t);
		g_XN(g, _) {
			const e = g_aO.g_Xr.g_sf(this, _, g);
		g_XL(g, _, e) {
			const a = g_aO.g_XT.g_sf(this, _, g);
		g_XM(g, _, e) {
			const a = g_aO.g_XU.g_sf(this, _, g);
		g_XO(g, _, e) {
			const a = g_aO.g_XV.g_sf(this, _, g);
		g_XS(_, a) {
			_.g_TS() || this.g_TW.g_Vt(_);
			const t = _.g_VI(a),
				n = t.g_XW(),
				r = t.g_EA();
			if (t.g_XX()) {
				let e = this.g_XB.get(r);
				e || ((e = new Map()), this.g_XB.set(r, e));
				const s = t.g_XY().toLowerCase();
				let g = e.get(n);
				g || ((g = new Map()), e.set(n, g));
				let d = g.get(s);
				d || ((d = []), g.set(s, d)), d.push([_, a]);
			} else {
				let e = this.g_XA.get(r);
				e || ((e = { g_XZ: new Map(), g_X_: new Map() }), this.g_XA.set(r, e));
				const s = t.g_NZ();
				let g;
				s ? ((g = e.g_X_.get(s)), !g && ((g = new Map()), e.g_X_.set(s, g))) : (g = e.g_XZ);
				let d = g.get(n);
				d || ((d = []), g.set(n, d)), d.push([_, a]);
		g_Vu() {
			const g = this.g_Xz;
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const a = _ < e - 1 && g[_ + 1] instanceof g_aO.g_XP && g[_ + 1].g_X$();
		g_Ya(g) {
		g_HI() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_XF), this.g_Yb(this), this.g_XG.clear();
		g_Yb(g) {
			const _ = g.g_XF,
				a = g.g_XG;
			for (const t of this.g_XE) {
				const n = t.g_Yc();
				!t.g_Yd() || g === n || a.has(n) || (a.add(n), n.g_Yb(g), _.push(n));
		g_Wt() {
			return this.g_XF;
		g_ED() {
			return this.g_TW;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_Ye(g, _) {
			this.g_XC.set(_, g);
		g_Yf(g) {
			return this.g_XC.get(g) || null;
		g_Wj() {
			this.g_XD = !1;
		g_vz() {
			if (!this.g_XD) {
				const g = this.g_Be,
					_ = g.g_Yg(),
					e = _ ? performance.now() : 0;
				this.g_XD = !0;
				const a = this.g_ED(),
					t = a.g_VG();
				for (const _ of this.g_Xz) _.g_vz(t), a.g_WI(_.g_UD()), a.g_WZ(), g.g_Ej();
				t.g_lC(null), _ && (this.g_XI.g_XJ += performance.now() - e);
		*g_Wq() {
			if (!this.g_XD) {
				this.g_XD = !0;
				const g = this.g_Be,
					_ = this.g_ED(),
					e = _.g_VG();
				for (const a of this.g_Xz) yield* a.g_Wq(e), _.g_WI(a.g_UD()), _.g_WZ(), g.g_Ej();
		g_Wr(_, a, t) {
			if (a) {
				const n = a.g_EA();
				let i = !1,
					e = this.g_Yh(_, a, n, t);
				i = i || e;
				for (const r of n.g_Yi()) (e = this.g_Yh(_, a, r, t)), (i = i || e);
			} else return this.g_Yh(_, a, null, null);
		g_Yh(_, t, a, n) {
			const i = this.g_XA.get(a);
			if (!i) return !1;
			const e = n ? i.g_X_.get(n) : i.g_XZ;
			if (!e) return !1;
			const r = e.get(_);
			if (!r) return !1;
			let g = !1;
			for (const [i, e] of r) {
				const _ = this.g_Yj(t, i, e);
				g = g || _;
			return g;
		*g_Wu(_, a, t) {
			if (a) {
				const n = a.g_EA();
				let i = !1,
					e = yield* this.g_Yk(_, a, n, t);
				i = i || e;
				for (const r of n.g_Yi()) (e = yield* this.g_Yk(_, a, r, t)), (i = i || e);
			} else return yield* this.g_Yk(_, a, null, null);
		*g_Yk(_, t, a, n) {
			const i = this.g_XA.get(a);
			if (!i) return !1;
			const e = n ? i.g_X_.get(n) : i.g_XZ;
			if (!e) return !1;
			const r = e.get(_);
			if (!r) return !1;
			let g = !1;
			for (const [i, e] of r) {
				let _;
				(_ = i.g_Yl() ? this.g_Yj(t, i, e) : yield* this.g_Ym(t, i, e)), (g = g || _);
			return g;
		g_WA(_, a, t) {
			const n = a.g_EA(),
				i = this.g_XB.get(n);
			if (!i) return !1;
			const e = i.get(_);
			if (!e) return !1;
			const r = e.get(t);
			if (!r) return !1;
			let g = !1;
			for (let n = 0, i = r.length; n < i; ++n) {
				const _ = r[n],
					e = this.g_Yj(null, _[0], _[1]);
				g = g || e;
			return g;
		*g_WB(_, a, t) {
			const n = a.g_EA(),
				i = this.g_XB.get(n);
			if (!i) return !1;
			const e = i.get(_);
			if (!e) return !1;
			const r = e.get(t);
			if (!r) return !1;
			let g = !1;
			for (let n = 0, i = r.length; n < i; ++n) {
				const _ = r[n],
					a = _[0],
					t = _[1];
				let i;
				(i = a.g_Yl() ? this.g_Yj(null, a, t) : yield* this.g_Ym(null, a, t)), (g = g || i);
			return g;
		g_Yj(_, t, a) {
			const n = this.g_Be,
				r = this.g_TW,
				e = r.g_TT(),
				s = r.g_TB(),
				g = r.g_WC();
			let d = !1;
			e && r.g_WK(e.g_Xx()), r.g_WK(t.g_Xx());
			const o = 1 < g;
			o && r.g_VL().g_TZ();
			const u = s.g_TZ(t);
			if (_) {
				const g = t.g_XQ()[a].g_EA(),
					n = g.g_Tu();
				n.g_TP(_), _.g_EJ() && _.g_Yn();
			let p = !0;
			if (t.g_Xs()) {
				const g = t.g_Yo();
				for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_)
					if (!g[_].g_Yp(u)) {
						p = !1;
			return (
				p && (n.g_Yq(), t.g_TS() ? t.g_Yr(u, a) : t.g_vz(u), (d = u.g_Ur())),
				o && r.g_VL().g_Ty(),
				e && r.g_WM(e.g_Xx()),
				e || 1 !== g || r.g_WH() || n.g_Ej(),
		*g_Ym(_, t, a) {
			const n = this.g_Be,
				r = this.g_TW,
				e = r.g_TT(),
				s = r.g_TB(),
				g = r.g_WC();
			let d = !1;
			e && r.g_WK(e.g_Xx()), r.g_WK(t.g_Xx());
			const o = 1 < g;
			o && r.g_VL().g_TZ();
			const u = s.g_TZ(t);
			if (_) {
				const g = t.g_XQ()[a].g_EA(),
					n = g.g_Tu();
				n.g_TP(_), _.g_EJ() && _.g_Yn();
			let p = !0;
			if (t.g_Xs()) {
				const g = t.g_Yo();
				for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_)
					if (!(yield* g[_].g_Ys(u))) {
						p = !1;
			return (
				p && (n.g_Yq(), t.g_TS() ? yield* t.g_Yt(u, a) : yield* t.g_Wq(u), (d = u.g_Ur())),
				o && r.g_VL().g_Ty(),
				e && r.g_WM(e.g_Xx()),
				e || 1 !== g || r.g_WH() || n.g_Ej(),
		g_Xp() {
			return this.g_XI;
	'use strict';
	function _() {
		return !0;
	function* a() {
		return !0;
	const t = [];
	g_aO.g_XP = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(n, i, e) {
				(this.g_GR = n),
				(this.g_Be = n.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Yu = i),
				(this.g_Yv = null),
				(this.g_TA = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_TB()),
				(this.g_Yw = []),
				(this.g_Yx = []),
				(this.g_Yy = !1),
				(this.g_Yz = !1),
				(this.g_YA = !1),
				(this.g_YB = !1),
				(this.g_YC = !!e[2]),
				(this.g_YD = !1),
				(this.g_YE = null),
				(this.g_YF = []),
				(this.g_YG = []),
				(this.g_YH = []),
				(this.g_YI = _),
				(this.g_YJ = a),
				(this.g_YK = !1),
				(this.g_YL = !1),
				(this.g_YM = ''),
				(this.g_YN = !1),
				(this.g_YO = null),
				(this.g_XI = null),
				(this.g_Ds = e[4]),
				(this.g_YP = e[5]),
				this.g_GR.g_Ye(this, this.g_YP),
				(this.g_YQ = this.g_Be.g_IC()
					? { g_YR: e[3][0], g_YS: e[3][1], g_YT: !1, g_YU: !1, g_YV: !1, g_YW: !1 }
					: null),
				3 === e[0] && this.g_YX(e[1]);
			let r = 0;
			for (const g of e[6]) {
				const _ = g_aO.g_YY.g_sf(this, g, r++);
				this.g_YF.push(_), this.g_YZ(_.g_EA());
			r = 0;
			for (const g of e[7]) {
				const _ = g_aO.g_Y_.g_sf(this, g, r++);
			if (9 === e.length) {
				const g = e[8];
				for (const _ of g) this.g_GR.g_XH(_, this, this.g_YH);
			this.g_YF.length &&
				(this.g_YD =
					null === this.g_YF[0].g_EA() && this.g_YF[0].g_XW() === g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_Y$),
				0 === this.g_YF.length && (this.g_YF = t),
				0 === this.g_YG.length && (this.g_YG = t),
				0 === this.g_YH.length && (this.g_YH = t);
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_XP, g, _, e);
		g_YX(g) {
			(this.g_YK = !0),
				(this.g_YL = !!g[0]),
				(this.g_YN = this.g_YL),
				(this.g_YM = g[1].toLowerCase()),
				(this.g_YO = []),
				this.g_Be.g_IC() && (this.g_XI = { type: 'group', name: g[1], g_XJ: 0, children: [] });
		g_Za(g) {
		g_Zb(g, _) {
			for (const e of g.g_Hu().g_Ie()) _.includes(e) || _.push(e);
		g_Zc(g, _) {
			if (g)
				if ((_.includes(g) || _.push(g), g.g_EF()))
					for (const e of g.g_Zd()) e.g_EJ() && this.g_Zb(e, _);
				else g.g_EJ() && this.g_Zb(g, _);
		g_YZ(g) {
			this.g_Zc(g, this.g_Yw);
		g_Ze(g) {
			this.g_Zc(g, this.g_Yx);
		g_Zf() {
			this.g_Yw = this.g_Be.g_EE();
		g_Vu(g) {
			(this.g_YB = !!g), this.g_Zg(), this.g_Zh();
			for (const _ of this.g_YF) _.g_Vu();
			if (0 < this.g_YG.length) {
				let g = !1;
				for (const _ of this.g_YG) _.g_Vu(), _.g_Zi() && (g = !0);
					? ((this.g_YI = this.g_Zj), (this.g_YJ = this.g_Zk))
					: ((this.g_YI = this.g_Zl), (this.g_YJ = this.g_Zm));
			const _ = this.g_YH;
			for (let e = 0, t = _.length; e < t; ++e) {
				const g = e < t - 1 && _[e + 1] instanceof g_aO.g_XP && _[e + 1].g_X$();
			this.g_YQ && this.g_Zn(), this.g_XI && this.g_Zo().g_Xp().children.push(this.g_XI);
		g_Xp() {
			return this.g_XI;
		g_Zo() {
			for (let g = this.g_Xs(); g; ) {
				if (g.g_We()) return g;
				g = g.g_Xs();
			return this.g_GR;
		g_Zn() {
			const g = this.g_YQ;
			(g.g_YT = this.g_YF.every((g) => g.g_Yl())),
				(g.g_YU = this.g_YG.every((g) => g.g_Yl())),
				(g.g_YV = this.g_YH.every((g) => g.g_Yl())),
				(g.g_YW = g.g_YT && g.g_YU && g.g_YV);
		g_Zp() {
			let g = this;
			do g.g_Zn(), (g = g.g_Xs());
			while (g);
		g_Zg() {
			if (!this.g_We()) return;
			let g = this.g_Xs();
			for (this.g_YA = !0; g; ) {
				if (!g.g_We()) {
					this.g_YA = !1;
				g = g.g_Xs();
		g_Zq() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_EE();
			if (this.g_Yw === g) this.g_Yx = g;
			else {
				this.g_Yx = g_aO.g_fL(this.g_Yw);
				for (let g = this.g_Xs(); g; ) {
					for (const _ of g.g_Yw) this.g_Ze(_);
					g = g.g_Xs();
				const g = this.g_ED();
				(this.g_Yw = g.g_VD(this.g_Yw)), (this.g_Yx = g.g_VD(this.g_Yx));
		g_Zh() {
			if (this.g_Zr()) {
				this.g_YE = [];
				for (let g = this.g_Xs(); g; ) this.g_YE.push(g), (g = g.g_Xs());
		g_Zs() {
			(this.g_Yz = !0), this.g_Yu && this.g_Yu.g_Zs();
		g_UB() {
			return this.g_Yz;
		g_UD() {
			return this.g_Yw;
		g_Xx() {
			return this.g_Yy || ((this.g_Yy = !0), this.g_Zq()), this.g_Yx;
		g_Zt(g) {
			return this.g_Yw.includes(g);
		g_Yo() {
			return this.g_YE;
		g_Hl() {
			return this.g_GR;
		g_ED() {
			return this.g_GR.g_ED();
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_Xs() {
			return this.g_Yu;
		g_Zu(g) {
			this.g_Yv = g;
		g_VO() {
			return this.g_Yv || this.g_Yu;
		g_Zv() {
			return this.g_YP;
		g_Zw() {
			return this.g_YQ && this.g_YQ.g_YS;
		g_Zx() {
			return this.g_Zw() && this.g_YQ.g_YR;
		g_Zy(g) {
			(this.g_YQ.g_YR = !!g), this.g_Zp();
		g_We() {
			return this.g_YK;
		g_Zz() {
			return this.g_YA;
		g_X$() {
			return this.g_YD;
		g_ZA() {
			return this.g_YB;
		g_Vw() {
			return this.g_YM;
		g_Xj() {
			return this.g_YN;
		g_Wh() {
		g_Xk(g) {
			if (((g = !!g), !this.g_YK)) throw new Error('not a group');
			if (this.g_YN !== g) {
				this.g_YN = g;
				for (const g of this.g_YO) g.g_ZB();
				if (this.g_YO.length) {
					const g = this.g_Be.g_ZC(),
						_ = g.g_Hl();
					_ && _.g_HI();
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_TS() {
			return this.g_YC;
		g_XR() {
			return this.g_YF.length && this.g_YF[0].g_XR();
		g_ZD() {
			return this.g_Yv && this.g_Yv instanceof g_aO.g_Xr;
		g_Zr() {
			return this.g_ZD() || this.g_YF.some((g) => g.g_XR());
		g_XQ() {
			return this.g_YF;
		g_UC() {
			return this.g_YF.length;
		g_VI(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 > g || g >= this.g_YF.length))
				throw new RangeError('invalid condition index');
			return this.g_YF[g];
		g_ZE(g) {
			return this.g_VI(g);
		g_ZF(g) {
			let _ = g.g_EM();
			if (0 === _) return !0;
			for (--_; 0 <= _; --_) if (this.g_YF[_].g_EA() === g.g_EA()) return !1;
			return !0;
		g_ZG() {
			return this.g_YG;
		g_ZH() {
			return this.g_YG.length;
		g_VK(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 > g || g >= this.g_YG.length))
				throw new RangeError('invalid action index');
			return this.g_YG[g];
		g_ZI(g) {
			g = Math.floor(g);
			const _ = this.g_YG.find((_) => _.g_ZJ() === g);
			if (!_) throw new RangeError('invalid action debug index');
			return _;
		g_ZK(g) {
			return (g = Math.floor(g)), 0 <= g && g < this.g_YG.length;
		g_ZL() {
			return this.g_YH;
		g_VP(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_YH) if (_ instanceof g_aO.g_XT && g_aO.g_dB(g, _.g_pY())) return _;
			return null;
		g_VR() {
			return this.g_YH.filter((g) => g instanceof g_aO.g_XT);
		g_Yp(g) {
			let _ = !1;
			const a = this.g_YF;
			for (let t = 0, e = a.length; t < e; ++t) {
				const e = a[t];
				if ((g.g_Un(t), e.g_ZM())) throw new Error('trigger cannot be used as sub-event to a loop');
				if (e.g_vz()) _ = !0;
				else if (!this.g_YC) return !1;
			return !this.g_YC || _;
		g_Yr(g, _) {
			g.g_Ul(this), this.g_YF[_].g_vz() && (this.g_YI(g, 0) && this.g_ZN(g), g.g_Uq(!0));
		*g_Ys(g) {
			let _ = !1;
			const a = this.g_YF;
			for (let t = 0, e = a.length; t < e; ++t) {
				const e = a[t];
				if ((g.g_Un(t), e.g_ZM())) throw new Error('trigger cannot be used as sub-event to a loop');
				let n;
				if (((n = e.g_Yl() ? e.g_vz() : yield* e.g_Wq()), n)) _ = !0;
				else if (!this.g_YC) return !1;
			return !this.g_YC || _;
		*g_Yt(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_YF[_];
			let a;
			if (((a = e.g_Yl() ? e.g_vz() : yield* e.g_Wq()), a)) {
				let _;
				(_ = this.g_ZO() ? this.g_YI(g, 0) : yield* this.g_YJ(g, 0)),
					_ && (this.g_ZP() ? this.g_ZN() : yield* this.g_ZQ()),
		g_vz(g) {
			g.g_Ul(this), this.g_YD || g.g_Us(!1), this.g_YC ? this.g_ZR(g) : this.g_ZS(g);
		*g_Wq(g) {
			(this.g_Zx() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this),
				this.g_YD || g.g_Us(!1),
				this.g_YC ? yield* this.g_ZU(g) : yield* this.g_ZV(g);
		g_ZR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_YF;
			let a = 0 === _.length;
			for (let t = 0, e = _.length; t < e; ++t) {
				const e = _[t];
				if (e.g_XR()) continue;
				const n = e.g_vz();
				a = a || n;
			g.g_Uq(a), a && (this.g_YI(g, 0) && this.g_ZN(g), this.g_YB && g.g_Us(!0));
		*g_ZU(g) {
			const _ = this.g_YF;
			let a = 0 === _.length;
			for (let t = 0, e = _.length; t < e; ++t) {
				const e = _[t];
				if (e.g_XR()) continue;
				let n;
				(n = e.g_Yl() ? e.g_vz() : yield* e.g_Wq()), (a = a || n);
			if ((g.g_Uq(a), a)) {
				let _;
				(_ = this.g_ZO() ? this.g_YI(g, 0) : yield* this.g_YJ(g, 0)),
					_ && (this.g_ZP() ? this.g_ZN() : yield* this.g_ZQ()),
					this.g_YB && g.g_Us(!0);
		g_ZS(g) {
			const _ = this.g_YF;
			for (let a = 0, e = _.length; a < e; ++a) {
				const t = _[a];
				const e = t.g_vz();
				if (!e) return void g.g_Uq(!1);
			g.g_Uq(!0), this.g_YI(g, 0) && this.g_ZN(g), g.g_Ur() && this.g_YB && g.g_Us(!0);
		*g_ZV(g) {
			const _ = this.g_YF;
			for (let a = 0, e = _.length; a < e; ++a) {
				const t = _[a];
				let e;
				if (((e = t.g_Yl() ? t.g_vz() : yield* t.g_Wq()), !e)) return void g.g_Uq(!1);
			let e;
			(e = this.g_ZO() ? this.g_YI(g, 0) : yield* this.g_YJ(g, 0)),
				e && (this.g_ZP() ? this.g_ZN() : yield* this.g_ZQ()),
				g.g_Ur() && this.g_YB && g.g_Us(!0);
		g_Zl(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_YG;
			for (let t = _, n = a.length; t < n; ++t) {
				const _ = a[t];
				g.g_Up(t), _.g_vz();
			return !0;
		*g_Zm(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_YG;
			for (let t = _, n = a.length; t < n; ++t) {
				const _ = a[t];
				g.g_Up(t), _.g_Yl() ? _.g_vz() : yield* _.g_Wq();
			return !0;
		g_Zj(g, _) {
			const t = this.g_ED(),
				n = this.g_YG;
			for (let i = _, e = n.length; i < e; ++i) {
				const _ = n[i];
				const e = _.g_vz();
				if (_.g_ZW() && !0 === e) return !1;
				_.g_wz() && e instanceof Promise && t.g_WY(e);
			return !0;
		*g_Zk(g, _) {
			const t = this.g_ED(),
				n = this.g_YG;
			for (let i = _, e = n.length; i < e; ++i) {
				const _ = n[i];
				let e;
				if (((e = _.g_Yl() ? _.g_vz() : yield* _.g_Wq()), _.g_ZW() && !0 === e)) return !1;
				_.g_wz() && e instanceof Promise && t.g_WY(e);
			return !0;
		g_ZX(g) {
			this.g_YI(g, g.g_Uo()) && this.g_ZN();
		*g_ZY(g) {
			(yield* this.g_YJ(g, g.g_Uo())) && (yield* this.g_ZQ());
		g_ZN() {
			if (this.g_YH.length) {
				const g = this.g_We() && this.g_Be.g_Yg(),
					_ = g ? performance.now() : 0,
					e = this.g_TA,
					a = e.g_TZ(this);
				this.g_Yz ? this.g_ZZ(a) : this.g_Z_(a),
					g && (this.g_XI.g_XJ += performance.now() - _);
		g_ZZ(_) {
			const a = this.g_YK,
				t = this.g_YA,
				n = this.g_ED(),
				r = this.g_YH;
			for (let s = 0, g = r.length; s < g; ++s) {
				const d = r[s],
					i = d.g_UD(),
					e = !t || (!a && s < g - 1);
				e && n.g_WL(i), d.g_vz(_), e ? n.g_WM(i) : n.g_WI(i);
		g_Z_(g) {
			const _ = this.g_YH;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) _[e].g_vz(g);
		*g_ZQ() {
			if (this.g_YH.length) {
				const g = this.g_TA,
					_ = g.g_TZ(this);
				this.g_Yz ? yield* this.g_Z$(_) : yield* this.g__a(_), g.g_Ty();
		*g_Z$(_) {
			const a = this.g_YK,
				t = this.g_YA,
				n = this.g_ED(),
				r = this.g_YH;
			for (let s = 0, g = r.length; s < g; ++s) {
				const d = r[s],
					i = d.g_UD(),
					e = !t || (!a && s < g - 1);
				e && n.g_WL(i), yield* d.g_Wq(_), e ? n.g_WM(i) : n.g_WI(i);
		*g__a(g) {
			const _ = this.g_YH;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) yield* _[e].g_Wq(g);
		g__b(g, _) {
			this.g_Be.g_Yq(), _.g_Uk();
			const t = this.g_YF;
			if (!this.g_TS())
				for (let n = g.g_Um() + 1, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) {
					const g = t[n];
					const e = g.g_vz();
					if (!e) return !1;
			return this.g_YI(_, 0) && this.g_ZN(_), !0;
		*g__c(g, _) {
			this.g_Be.g_Yq(), _.g_Uk();
			const t = this.g_YF;
			if (!this.g_TS())
				for (let n = g.g_Um() + 1, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) {
					const g = t[n];
					let e;
					if (((e = g.g_Yl() ? g.g_vz() : yield* g.g_Wq()), !e)) return !1;
			let e;
			return (
				(e = this.g_ZO() ? this.g_YI(_, 0) : yield* this.g_YJ(_, 0)),
				e && (this.g_ZP() ? this.g_ZN() : yield* this.g_ZQ()),
		g_Yl() {
			return !this.g_Zx() && !this.g_Be.g_ZT() && this.g_YQ.g_YW;
		g_ZO() {
			return !this.g_Be.g_ZT() && this.g_YQ.g_YU;
		g_ZP() {
			return !this.g_Be.g_ZT() && this.g_YQ.g_YV;
		g__d(g) {
			if (this.g_Xs()) {
				const _ = this.g_Yo();
				for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) if (!_[e].g_Yp(g)) return !1;
			return !0;
		*g__e(g) {
			if (this.g_Xs()) {
				const _ = this.g_Yo();
				for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) if (!(yield* _[e].g_Ys(g))) return !1;
			return !0;
		g__f(g, _, e) {
			if (!(0 < _.length)) e && g.g_VL().g_TZ();
			else if (e) {
				const e = _.map((g) => g.g_bd(0));
				g.g_VL().g_TZ(), this.g_Yv.g__g(e);
			} else this.g_Yv.g__h(_);
		g__i(_, a) {
			let t, n;
			const r = 0 < _.length,
				e = this.g_Be,
				s = this.g_TA,
				g = e.g_ED(),
				l = g.g_WE(),
				i = 1 < l;
			this.g__f(g, a, i), r && g.g_WK(_);
			const o = s.g_TZ(this);
			if (this.g__d(o)) {
				e.g_Yq(), o.g_Ul(this);
				const g = this.g_Yv.g_wz();
				g && ([n, t] = this.g_Yv.g__j()), this.g_ZS(o), g && this.g_Yv.g__k(n);
			return s.g_Ty(), i && g.g_VL().g_Ty(), r && g.g_WM(_), g.g_WF(), t;
		*g__l(_, a) {
			let t, n;
			(this.g_Zx() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this);
			const r = 0 < _.length,
				e = this.g_Be,
				s = this.g_TA,
				g = e.g_ED(),
				l = g.g_WE(),
				i = 1 < l;
			this.g__f(g, a, i), r && g.g_WK(_);
			const o = s.g_TZ(this);
			if (yield* this.g__e(o)) {
				e.g_Yq(), o.g_Ul(this);
				const g = this.g_Yv.g_wz();
				g && ([n, t] = this.g_Yv.g__j()), yield* this.g_ZV(o), g && this.g_Yv.g__k(n);
			return s.g_Ty(), i && g.g_VL().g_Ty(), r && g.g_WM(_), g.g_WF(), t;
		g__m(_) {
			const a = this.g_Xx(),
				t = 0 < a.length,
				n = this.g_Be,
				r = this.g_TA,
				e = n.g_ED(),
				s = e.g_WE(),
				g = 1 < s;
			g && e.g_VL().g_TZ(), this.g_Yv.g__g(_), t && e.g_WK(a);
			const d = r.g_TZ(this);
			this.g__d(d) && (n.g_Yq(), d.g_Ul(this), this.g_ZS(d)),
				g && e.g_VL().g_Ty(),
				t && e.g_WM(a),
		*g__n(_) {
			(this.g_Zx() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this);
			const a = this.g_Xx(),
				t = 0 < a.length,
				n = this.g_Be,
				r = this.g_TA,
				e = n.g_ED(),
				s = e.g_WE(),
				g = 1 < s;
			g && e.g_VL().g_TZ(), this.g_Yv.g__g(_), t && e.g_WK(a);
			const d = r.g_TZ(this);
			(yield* this.g__e(d)) && (n.g_Yq(), d.g_Ul(this), yield* this.g_ZV(d)),
				g && e.g_VL().g_Ty(),
				t && e.g_WM(a),
		g_Xw(_, a, t, ...n) {
			let r, s;
			const d = 0 < _.length,
				g = this.g_Be,
				o = this.g_TA,
				i = g.g_ED(),
				u = i.g_WE(),
				p = 1 < u;
			p && i.g_VL().g_TZ(), 0 < n.length && this.g_Yv.g__g(n), d && i.g_WK(_);
			const l = o.g_TZ(this);
			if ((l.g_Uw(a, t), o.g_T_(l), g.g__o(!1), this.g__d(l))) {
				g.g_Yq(), l.g_Ul(this);
				const _ = this.g_Yv.g_wz();
				_ && ([s, r] = this.g_Yv.g__j()), this.g_ZS(l), _ && this.g_Yv.g__k(s);
			return (
				p && i.g_VL().g_Ty(),
				d && i.g_WM(_),
				r || l.g_Uz()
	const g = [];
	let _ = !1;
	g_aO.g_XV = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, a) {
			const t = g.g_BI(),
				n = g.g_ED();
			(this.g_GR = g), (this.g_TW = n), (this.g_Be = g.g_BI()), (this.g_Yu = _);
			const e = t.g__p(a[1]);
			(this.g__q = e),
				(this.g_YP = a[2]),
				this.g_GR.g_Ye(this, this.g_YP),
				(this.g_YQ = t.g_IC() ? { g_YR: a[3][0], g_YS: a[3][1] } : null);
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_XV, g, _, e);
		g_Vu() {
			const g = this.g__q,
				_ = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_VS(this);
			this.g__q = g.bind(null, this.g_Be.g__r(), _);
		g_Xs() {
			return this.g_Yu;
		g_VO() {
			return this.g_Yu;
		g_Hl() {
			return this.g_GR;
		g_Zv() {
			return this.g_YP;
		g_Zw() {
			return this.g_YQ && this.g_YQ.g_YS;
		g_Zx() {
			return this.g_Zw() && this.g_YQ.g_YR;
		g_Zy(g) {
			this.g_YQ.g_YR = !!g;
		g_X$() {
			return !1;
		g_UD() {
			return g;
		g_Xx() {
			return this.g_Yu ? this.g_Yu.g_Xx() : g;
		g_vz(g) {
			g.g_Ul(this), this.g_TW.g_WY(this.g__s());
		async g__s() {
			try {
				await this.g__q();
			} catch (g) {
					`Unhandled exception running script %c${this.g_Hl().g_pY()}, event ${this.g_Zv()}:`,
					'font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;',
					self.g_IF && self.g_IF.g__t(this),
					_ ||
							`%cTip:%c run this to highlight in Construct the last script that had an error: %cgoToLastErrorScript()`,
							'font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline',
							'font-weight: bold'
						(_ = !0));
		*g_Wq(g) {
			g.g_Ul(this), (this.g_Zx() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_vz(g);
		g_Yl() {
			return !this.g_Zx() && !this.g_Be.g_ZT();
		static g__u() {
			return _;
		static g__v() {
			_ = !0;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_Xr = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
			super(), (this.g_GR = g), (this.g_Be = g.g_BI()), (this.g_Yu = _);
			const a = e[1];
			(this.g__w = a[0]),
				(this.g__x = a[1]),
				(this.g__y = a[2].map((_) => g_aO.g_XT.g_sf(g, this, _))),
				(this.g__z = a[3]),
				(this.g_vW = a[4]),
				(this.g__A = 0),
				(this.g__B = -1),
				(this.g__C = new Map()),
				(this.g__D = g_aO.g_XP.g_sf(g, _, e)),
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Xr, g, _, e);
		g_Vu() {
			for (const g of this.g__y) g.g_Vu();
		g_VP(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g__y) if (g_aO.g_dB(g, _.g_pY())) return _;
			return null;
		g_VR() {
			return this.g__y;
		g_Xu() {
			return this.g__y;
		g__E() {
			return this.g__y.length;
		g__h(g) {
			const _ = this.g__y;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) _[e].g_PF(g[e].g_bd(0));
		g__g(g) {
			const _ = this.g__y;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) _[e].g_PF(g[e]);
		g__F() {
			return this.g__y.map((g) => g.g_Pc());
		g_Xs() {
			return this.g_Yu;
		g_VO() {
			return this.g_Yu;
		g_VB() {
			return this.g__w;
		g_Xy() {
			return this.g__x;
		g_jp() {
			return this.g__z;
		g_Xt() {
			switch (this.g__x) {
				case 0:
					return null;
				case 2:
					return '';
					return 0;
		g_Xv() {
			return this.g__D;
		g_wz() {
			return this.g_vW;
		g__j() {
			const g = this.g__A++;
			this.g__B = g;
			let _;
			const e = new Promise((g) => (_ = g));
			return this.g__C.set(g, { resolve: _, g__G: 0 }), [g, e];
		g__k(g) {
			const _ = this.g__C.get(g);
			0 === _.g__G && (_.resolve(), this.g__C.delete(g)), (this.g__B = -1);
		g__H() {
			const g = this.g__C.get(this.g__B);
			return g.g__G++, this.g__B;
		g__I(g) {
			this.g__B = g;
			const _ = this.g__C.get(g);
	'use strict';
	const g = [];
	g_aO.g_XT = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
			const a = g.g_ED();
			(this.g_GR = g),
				(this.g_TW = a),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Yu = _),
				(this.g_Vi = a.g_VL()),
				(this.g_en = e[1]),
				(this.g_kL = e[2]),
				(this.g__J = e[3]),
				(this.g_qV = !!e[4]),
				(this.g__K = !!e[5]),
				(this.g__L = _ instanceof g_aO.g_Xr),
				(this.g_Ds = e[6]),
				(this.g__M = this.g_Be.g_VT(e[8])),
				(this.g__N = (g) => this.g_PF(g)),
				(this.g__O = () => this.g_Pc()),
				(this.g__P = !this.g_Yu || this.g_qV || this.g__K),
				(this.g_Qi = this.g__J),
				(this.g__Q = -1),
				this.g__R() && (this.g_Qi = this.g_Qi ? 1 : 0),
				!this.g__S() || this.g_rt() || this.g_Xl() || (this.g__Q = a.g_VE(this)),
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_XT, g, _, e);
		g_Vu() {}
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_VT() {
			return this.g__M;
		g_Xs() {
			return this.g_Yu;
		g_Eh() {
			return !this.g_Xs();
		g__S() {
			return !this.g_Eh();
		g__T() {
			return this.g__L;
		g_rt() {
			return this.g_qV;
		g_Xl() {
			return this.g__K;
		g_cE() {
			return 0 === this.g_kL;
		g_cO() {
			return 1 === this.g_kL;
		g__R() {
			return 2 === this.g_kL;
		g_X$() {
			return !1;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_VF() {
			return this.g__J;
		g_UD() {
			return g;
		g_vz() {
			!this.g__S() || this.g_rt() || this.g_Xl() || this.g_PF(this.g_VF());
		g_Yl() {
			return !0;
		*g_Wq(g) {
		g_PF(g) {
				? 'number' != typeof g && (g = parseFloat(g))
				: this.g_cO()
				? 'string' != typeof g && (g = g.toString())
				: this.g__R() && (g = g ? 1 : 0),
				this.g__P ? (this.g_Qi = g) : (this.g_Vi.g_UH()[this.g__Q] = g);
		g_Pc() {
			return this.g__P ? this.g_Qi : this.g_Vi.g_UH()[this.g__Q];
		g__U() {
			let g = this.g_Pc();
			return this.g__R() && (g = !!g), g;
		g_Wb() {
			this.g_Qi = this.g__J;
		g_VU() {
			return { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: this.g__O, set: this.g__N };
	const g = [];
	g_aO.g_XU = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
			const a = g.g_ED();
			(this.g_GR = g),
				(this.g_TW = a),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Yu = _),
				(this.g__V = null),
				(this.g__W = e[1]),
				(this.g_lB = !0);
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_XU, g, _, e);
		g_Vu() {
			(this.g__V = this.g_TW.g_HH(this.g__W)), this.g_GR.g_Ya(this);
			for (let g = this.g_Xs(); g; )
				g instanceof g_aO.g_XP && g.g_We() && g.g_Za(this), (g = g.g_Xs());
			this.g_ZB(), this.g_Be.g_IC() && this.g_GR.g_Xp().children.push(this.g__V.g_Xp());
		g_Xs() {
			return this.g_Yu;
		g_UD() {
			return g;
		g_Yc() {
			return this.g__V;
		g_vz() {
			const g = !!this.g_Xs(),
				_ = this.g_Be.g_EE();
			g && this.g_TW.g_WK(_), this.g__V.g_vz(), g && this.g_TW.g_WM(_);
		*g_Wq() {
			const g = !!this.g_Xs(),
				_ = this.g_Be.g_EE();
			g && this.g_TW.g_WK(_), yield* this.g__V.g_Wq(), g && this.g_TW.g_WM(_);
		g_Yl() {
			return !1;
		g_Yd() {
			return this.g_lB;
		g_ZB() {
			for (let g = this.g_Xs(); g; ) {
				if (g instanceof g_aO.g_XP && g.g_We() && !g.g_Xj()) return void (this.g_lB = !1);
				g = g.g_Xs();
			this.g_lB = !0;
	function _(g, _) {
		return g >= _ ? g % _ : 0 > g ? (g <= -_ && (g %= _), 0 > g && (g += _), g) : g;
	g_aO.g__X = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
			super(), (this.g_ue = g), (this.g_Be = g.g_BI());
		g_Vu() {}
		static g__Y(g, _) {
			const a = _[0];
			return g_aO.g_ej([e, r, s, d, t, n][a], g, _);
	class t extends g_aO.g__X {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g__Z = this.g_Be.g___()),
				(this.g__q = this.g_Be.g__p(_[1])),
				(this.g__q === g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g__$.random || this.g__q === g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g__$.g_$a) &&
		g_$c() {
			return this.g__Z.g_$d(this.g__q, this.g__Z);
	class n extends g_aO.g__X {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g), (this.g_$e = null), (this.g__w = _[1]), this.g_ue.g_$b();
		g_Vu() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_ED();
			(this.g_$e = g.g_VZ(this.g__w)), (this.g__w = null);
			const _ = this.g_ue.g_Xv(),
				e = this.g_$e.g_Xv();
			(this.g_$f = [...new Set([..._.g_Xx(), ...e.g_Xx()])]), (this.g_$f = g.g_VD(this.g_$f));
		g_$c() {
			const g = this.g_$e;
			if (g.g_jp()) {
				const _ = g.g_Xv();
				return g_aO.g_XP.prototype.g_Xw.bind(_, this.g_$f, g.g_Xy(), g.g_Xt());
			} else {
				const _ = g.g_Xt();
				return () => _;
	class r extends g_aO.g__X {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_Tq = this.g_Be.g_D_(_[1])),
				(this.g__q = this.g_Be.g__p(_[2])),
				(this.g_$g = !!_[3]),
				(this.g_TA = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_TB()),
		g_$c() {
			return this.g_Tq.g_Ir().g_$d(this.g__q, this.g_Tq.g_$i().g_Qd());
		g_$j(...g) {
			const a = this.g_Tq,
				t = a.g_Tu().g_TJ(),
				n = t.length;
			if (0 === n) return this.g_$g ? '' : 0;
			const e = _(this.g_ue.g_$k(), n);
			return this.g_TA.g_TU().g_Uu(a), this.g__q.apply(t[e].g_Qd(), g);
		g_$l(a, ...t) {
			const n = this.g_Tq,
				i = n.g_H$(),
				e = i.length;
			if (0 === e) return this.g_$g ? '' : 0;
			const r = _(a, e);
			return this.g_TA.g_TU().g_Uu(n), this.g__q.apply(i[r].g_Qd(), t);
	class s extends g_aO.g__X {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_Tq = this.g_Be.g_D_(_[1])),
				(this.g_$m = _[3]),
				(this.g_$g = !!_[2]),
		g_$n() {
			const g = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_TJ(),
				e = g.length;
			if (0 === e) return this.g_$g ? '' : 0;
			const a = _(this.g_ue.g_$k(), e);
			return g[a].g_$o(this.g_$m);
		g_$p() {
			const a = this.g_Tq,
				t = a.g_Tu().g_TJ(),
				n = t.length;
			if (0 === n) return this.g_$g ? '' : 0;
			const i = _(this.g_ue.g_$k(), n),
				e = t[i],
				r = e.g_EA().g_$q(a.g_$r());
			return e.g_$o(this.g_$m + r);
		g_$s(a) {
			const t = this.g_Tq,
				n = t.g_H$(),
				i = n.length;
			if (0 === i) return this.g_$g ? '' : 0;
			const e = _(a, i),
				r = n[e];
			let g = 0;
			return t.g_EF() && (g = r.g_EA().g_$q(t.g_$r())), r.g_$o(this.g_$m + g);
	class e extends g_aO.g__X {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_Tq = this.g_Be.g_D_(_[1])),
				(this.g_$t = this.g_Tq.g_Qe(_[2])),
				(this.g_$u = this.g_Tq.g_N_(_[2])),
				(this.g__q = this.g_Be.g__p(_[3])),
				(this.g_$g = !!_[4]),
				(this.g_TA = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_TB()),
		g_$v(...a) {
			const t = this.g_Tq,
				n = t.g_Tu().g_TJ(),
				i = n.length;
			if (0 === i) return this.g_$g ? '' : 0;
			const e = _(this.g_ue.g_$k(), i);
			const r = n[e];
			let g = 0;
			return (
				t.g_EF() && (g = r.g_EA().g_$w(t.g_$r())),
				this.g__q.apply(r.g_Qc()[this.g_$u + g].g_Qd(), a)
		g_$x(a, ...t) {
			const n = this.g_Tq,
				r = n.g_H$(),
				e = r.length;
			if (0 === e) return this.g_$g ? '' : 0;
			const s = _(a, e);
			const g = r[s];
			let d = 0;
			return (
				n.g_EF() && (d = g.g_EA().g_$w(n.g_$r())),
				this.g__q.apply(g.g_Qc()[this.g_$u + d].g_Qd(), t)
	class d extends g_aO.g__X {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g), (this.g_$y = null), (this.g_$z = _[1]);
		g_Vu() {
			(this.g_$y = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_VN(this.g_$z, this.g_ue.g_Xv())), (this.g_$z = null);
		g_$A() {
			return this.g_$y;
	function _(g) {
		const _ = self.g_$B[g];
		if (!_) throw new Error('invalid expression number');
		return _;
	g_aO.g_$C = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
				(this.g_ue = g),
				(this.g_Dr = e),
				(this.g_kL = _),
				(this.g_bd = null),
				(this.g_$D = !1),
				(this.g__K = !1);
		static g_sf(_, a, o) {
			const p = a[0];
			return g_aO.g_ej([t, s, i, d, c, u, g, t, d, d, f, E, i, m, s, h, e, l, n][p], _, p, o, a);
		g_Vu() {}
		g_$b() {
			this.g_$D = !0;
		g_$h(g) {
			!this.g_$D && g && (g.g_Ir().g_Iq() || (this.g_$D = !0));
		g_$E() {
			return this.g_$D;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_ue.g_BI();
		g_Xv() {
			return this.g_ue.g_Xv();
		g_Xl() {
			return this.g__K;
	class t extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, a, t, n) {
			super(g, a, t), (this.g_$F = 0);
			const e = n[1];
			(this.g_$G = e[0]), (this.g_$H = []), (this.g_$I = null);
			for (let _ = 1, i = e.length; _ < i; ++_) this.g_$H.push(g_aO.g__X.g__Y(this, e[_]));
			this.g_$H.length ? (this.g_bd = this.g_$J) : ((this.g_bd = _(this.g_$G)), (this.g__K = !0));
		g_$K(g) {
			if (0 > g || g >= this.g_$H.length) throw new RangeError('invalid numbered node');
			return this.g_$H[g];
		g_Vu() {
			for (const g of this.g_$H) g.g_Vu();
			const g = _(this.g_$G);
			this.g_$I = this.g_$H.length ? g(this) : g;
		g_$k() {
			return this.g_$F;
		g_$J(g) {
			return (this.g_$F = g), this.g_$I();
	class s extends t {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e, a),
				(this.g_bd = this.g_$L),
				14 === _ && (this.g_Xv().g_Zf(), this.g_ue instanceof g_aO.g_Y_ && this.g_Xv().g_Zs());
		g_$L(g) {
			this.g_$F = g;
			const _ = this.g_$I();
			return 'string' == typeof _ ? _ : '';
		g_$M() {
			return _(this.g_$G)();
	class u extends t {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e, a), (this.g_bd = this.g_Em), (this.g__K = !1);
		g_Em(g) {
			this.g_$F = g;
			const _ = this.g_$I(),
				e = this.g_BI().g_ZC();
			return e.g_Em(_);
	class d extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e), (this.g_$N = a[1]), (this.g_bd = this.g_$O), (this.g__K = !0);
		g_$O() {
			return this.g_$N;
	class e extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e), (this.g_$P = a[1]), (this.g_bd = this.g_$Q), (this.g__K = !0);
		g_$Q() {
			return this.g_$P;
	class c extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, a, t) {
			super(g, _, a), (this.g_Tq = this.g_BI().g_D_(t[1])), (this.g_bd = this.g_EA);
			const n = this.g_Xv();
				this.g_ue instanceof g_aO.g_Y_ ? n.g_Zs() : n.g_Xs() && n.g_Xs().g_Zs(),
				(this.g__K = !0);
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
	class g extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e),
				(this.g_Dq = this.g_BI().g_Wy().g_IS(a[1])),
				(this.g_bd = this.g_EL),
				(this.g__K = !0);
		g_EL() {
			return this.g_Dq;
	class h extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e),
				(this.g_Nt = this.g_BI().g_LT().g_KE(a[1])),
				(this.g_bd = this.g_NI),
				(this.g__K = !0);
		g_NI() {
			return this.g_Nt;
	class i extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e), (this.g_$R = a[1]), (this.g_bd = this.g_$S), (this.g__K = !0);
		g_$S() {
			return this.g_$R;
	class f extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, a, t) {
			super(g, _, a), (this.g_$T = t[1]);
			const n = this.g_ue.g_EA();
			n && n.g_EF()
				? ((this.g_bd = this.g_$U), this.g_$b())
				: ((this.g_bd = this.g_$V), (this.g__K = !0));
		g_$V() {
			return this.g_$T;
		g_$U(g) {
			g = g || 0;
			const _ = this.g_ue.g_EA(),
				t = _.g_Tu(),
				n = t.g_H$();
			let i = null;
			if (n.length) i = n[g % n.length].g_EA();
			else if (t.g_TH()) {
				const _ = t.g_TI();
				i = _[g % _.length].g_EA();
			} else if (0 < _.g_EK()) {
				const e = _.g_H$();
				i = e[g % e.length].g_EA();
			} else return 0;
			return this.g_$T + i.g_$q(_.g_$r());
	class E extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e),
				(this.g_$z = a[1]),
				(this.g_$y = null),
				(this.g_bd = this.g_$W),
				(this.g__K = !0);
		g_Vu() {
			(this.g_$y = this.g_BI().g_ED().g_VN(this.g_$z, this.g_Xv())), (this.g_$z = null);
		g_$W() {
			return this.g_$y;
	class l extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e),
				(this.g_$X = a[1]),
				(this.g_$e = null),
				(this.g_bd = this.g_$Y),
				(this.g__K = !0);
		g_Vu() {
			(this.g_$e = this.g_BI().g_ED().g_VZ(this.g_$X)), (this.g_$X = null);
		g_$Y() {
			return this.g_$e;
	class m extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, t) {
			super(g, _, e), (this.g_$Z = []), (this.g_$_ = []), (this.g__K = !0);
			for (let n = 1, a = t.length; n < a; ++n) {
				const g = g_aO.g_$C.g_sf(this.g_ue, t[n], 0);
				this.g_$Z.push(g), this.g_$_.push(0), g.g_Xl() || (this.g__K = !1);
			this.g_bd = this.g_$$;
		g_Vu() {
			for (const g of this.g_$Z) g.g_Vu();
		g_$$() {
			const g = this.g_$Z,
				_ = this.g_$_;
			for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) _[e] = g[e].g_bd(0);
			return _;
	class n extends g_aO.g_$C {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			super(g, _, e), (this.g_aaa = a[1]), (this.g_bd = this.g_jL), (this.g__K = !0);
		g_jL() {
			return this.g_aaa;
	function g(g, _) {
		for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) _[e] = g[e].g_bd(0);
	const _ = [],
		t = function () {};
	g_aO.g_YY = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, n, a) {
			if (
				(this.g__D = g),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Dr = a),
				(this.g__q = this.g_Be.g__p(n[1])),
				(this.g_aab = 0 < n[3]),
				(this.g_aac = 2 === n[3]),
				(this.g_aad = !!n[4]),
				(this.g_aae = !!n[5]),
				(this.g_qV = !!n[6]),
				(this.g_Ds = n[7]),
				(this.g_aaf = this.g__D.g_TS()),
				(this.g_Tq = null),
				(this.g_$t = null),
				(this.g_$u = -1),
				(this.g__Z = null),
				(this.g_vz = t),
				(this.g_Wq = t),
				(this.g_a_ = []),
				(this.g_aag = []),
				(this.g_aah = !1),
				(this.g_aai = null),
				(this.g_aaj = null),
				(this.g_YQ = this.g_Be.g_IC() ? { g_YR: n[8][0], g_aak: n[8][1] } : null),
				-1 === n[0]
					? (this.g__Z = this.g_Be.g___())
					: ((this.g_Tq = this.g_Be.g_D_(n[0])),
					  n[2] && ((this.g_$t = this.g_Tq.g_Qe(n[2])), (this.g_$u = this.g_Tq.g_N_(n[2]))),
					  this.g__D.g_Xs() && this.g__D.g_Xs().g_Zs()),
				10 === n.length)
			) {
				let g = n[9];
				for (let _ of g)
					this.g_a_.push(g_aO.g_$C.g_sf(this, _, this.g_a_.length)), this.g_aag.push(0);
			0 === this.g_a_.length && ((this.g_a_ = _), (this.g_aag = _)), this.g__D.g_ED().g_Vy(this);
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_YY, g, _, e);
		g_Vu() {
			for (const g of this.g_a_) g.g_Vu(), g.g_$E() && (this.g_aah = !0);
				? ((this.g_vz = this.g_aal), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aam))
				: this.g__Z
				? (this.g_aan(), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aao))
				: this.g_Tq.g_Ir().g_Iq()
				? (this.g_aap(), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aaq))
				: this.g_qV
				? ((this.g_vz = this.g_aar), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aas))
				: ((this.g_vz = this.g_aat), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aau));
		g_aan() {
			const g = this.g__Z,
				_ = this.g__Z;
			this.g_aav(g, _, this.g_aaw);
		g_aap() {
			const g = this.g_Tq.g_Ir(),
				_ = this.g_Tq.g_$i().g_Qd();
			this.g_aav(g, _, this.g_aax);
		g_aav(_, a, g) {
			const t = this.g__q,
				n = this.g_aae,
				e = this.g_a_;
			if (0 === e.length) {
				const g = _.g_$d(t, a);
				this.g_vz = n
					? function () {
							return g_aO.xor(g(), n);
					: g;
			} else if (1 === e.length) {
				const g = e[0];
				if (!n && g.g_Xl()) this.g_vz = _.g_aay(t, a, g.g_bd(0));
				else {
					const e = _.g_$d(t, a);
					this.g_vz = function () {
						return g_aO.xor(e(g.g_bd(0)), n);
			} else if (2 === e.length) {
				const i = e[0],
					r = e[1];
				if (!n && i.g_Xl() && r.g_Xl()) this.g_vz = _.g_aaz(t, a, i.g_bd(0), r.g_bd(0));
				else {
					const g = _.g_$d(t, a);
					this.g_vz = function () {
						return g_aO.xor(g(i.g_bd(0), r.g_bd(0)), n);
			} else if (3 === e.length) {
				const i = e[0],
					r = e[1],
					g = e[2];
				if (!n && i.g_Xl() && r.g_Xl() && g.g_Xl())
					this.g_vz = _.g_aaA(t, a, i.g_bd(0), r.g_bd(0), g.g_bd(0));
				else {
					const e = _.g_$d(t, a);
					this.g_vz = function () {
						return g_aO.xor(e(i.g_bd(0), r.g_bd(0), g.g_bd(0)), n);
			} else this.g_vz = g;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_XW() {
			return this.g__q;
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_NZ() {
			return this.g_$t;
		g_Xv() {
			return this.g__D;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_ZJ() {
			return this.g_EM();
		g_XR() {
			return this.g_aab;
		g_XX() {
			return this.g_aac;
		g_aaB() {
			return this.g_aae;
		g_ZM() {
			return this.g_aad;
		g_aaC() {
			return this.g_YQ.g_YR;
		g_aaD(g) {
			(this.g_YQ.g_YR = !!g), this.g__D.g_Zp();
		g_aaE() {
			return this.g_YQ.g_aak;
		g_Yl() {
			return !this.g_aaC() && !this.g_Be.g_ZT() && !this.g_aaE();
		g_aaF() {
			return this.g_aai || (this.g_aai = new Map()), this.g_aai;
		g_aaG() {
			return this.g_aaj || (this.g_aaj = new Map()), this.g_aaj;
		g_aaw() {
			const _ = this.g_aag;
			return g(this.g_a_, _), g_aO.xor(this.g__q.apply(this.g__Z, _), this.g_aae);
		*g_aao() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_aag;
				g(this.g_a_, _);
				let e = this.g__q.apply(this.g__Z, _);
				return g_aO.g_gA(e) && (e = yield* e), g_aO.xor(e, this.g_aae);
			return this.g_vz();
		g_aax() {
			const _ = this.g_aag;
			g(this.g_a_, _);
			const e = this.g_Tq.g_$i().g_Qd();
			return g_aO.xor(this.g__q.apply(e, _), this.g_aae);
		*g_aaq() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_aag;
				g(this.g_a_, _);
				const e = this.g_Tq.g_$i().g_Qd();
				let a = this.g__q.apply(e, _);
				return g_aO.g_gA(a) && (a = yield* a), g_aO.xor(a, this.g_aae);
			return this.g_vz();
		g_aal() {
			return !0;
		*g_aam() {
			return (this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), !0;
		g_aar() {
			const _ = this.g_aag;
			g(this.g_a_, _);
			const e = this.g__q.apply(this.g_$t || this.g_Tq, _);
			return this.g_Tq.g_aaH(), e;
		*g_aas() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_aag;
				g(this.g_a_, _);
				let e = this.g__q.apply(this.g_$t || this.g_Tq, _);
				return g_aO.g_gA(e) && (e = yield* e), this.g_Tq.g_aaH(), e;
			return this.g_vz();
		g_aat() {
			const g = this.g_a_,
				_ = this.g_aag,
				e = this.g_Tq.g_Tu();
			for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) {
				const a = g[e];
				a.g_$E() || (_[e] = a.g_bd(0));
			return e.g_TF() ? this.g_aaI(e) : this.g_aaJ(e);
		*g_aau() {
			return (this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aat();
		g_aaK(g) {
			const _ = this.g_a_,
				a = this.g_aag;
			for (let t = 0, n = _.length; t < n; ++t) {
				const n = _[t];
				n.g_$E() && (a[t] = n.g_bd(g));
		g_aaI(_) {
			const a = this.g_Tq,
				t = a.g_EF(),
				n = a.g_$r(),
				r = this.g_$u,
				e = a.g_H$(),
				s = this.g_aah,
				g = this.g_aag,
				d = this.g__q,
				o = this.g_aae,
				u = this.g_aaf && !this.g_aab;
			for (let a = 0, l = e.length; a < l; ++a) {
				const l = e[a];
				s && this.g_aaK(a);
				let i;
				if (0 <= r) {
					const _ = t ? l.g_EA().g_$w(n) : 0;
					i = d.apply(l.g_Qc()[r + _].g_Qd(), g);
				} else i = d.apply(l.g_Qd(), g);
				g_aO.xor(i, o) ? _.g_TK(l) : u && _.g_TL(l);
			return a.g_aaL(!0), _.g_TM(!1), a.g_aaH(), _.g_TG();
		g_aaJ(_) {
			const a = this.g_Tq,
				t = a.g_EF(),
				s = a.g_$r(),
				d = a.g_EJ(),
				e = this.g_$u,
				u = this.g_aah,
				g = this.g_aag,
				h = this.g__q,
				c = this.g_aae,
				l = this.g_aaf && !this.g_aab,
				f = _.g_TN(),
				n = _.g_TO(),
				o = l && !this.g__D.g_ZF(this),
				p = o ? n : f;
			let m = 0,
				E = !1;
			for (let r = 0, a = p.length; r < a; ++r) {
				const _ = p[r];
				u && this.g_aaK(r);
				let a;
				if (0 <= e) {
					const n = t ? _.g_EA().g_$w(s) : 0;
					a = h.apply(_.g_Qc()[e + n].g_Qd(), g);
				} else a = h.apply(_.g_Qd(), g);
				g_aO.xor(a, c)
					? ((E = !0), o ? (f.push(_), d && _.g_aaM()) : ((p[m] = _), d && _.g_aaN(m), ++m))
					: o
					? ((p[m] = _), d && _.g_aaO(m), ++m)
					: l && (n.push(_), d && _.g_aaP());
			g_aO.g_fy(p, m), d && a.g_aaQ(o, m);
			const b = E;
			return o && !E && (E = this.g_aaR(f)), a.g_aaL(b || l), l ? E : _.g_TG();
		g_aaR(_) {
			const a = this.g_Tq,
				t = a.g_EF(),
				n = a.g_$r(),
				r = this.g_aah,
				e = this.g_$u,
				s = this.g_aag,
				g = this.g__q,
				d = this.g_aae;
			for (let a = 0, l = _.length; a < l; ++a) {
				const l = _[a];
				r && this.g_aaK(a);
				let i;
				if (0 <= e) {
					const _ = t ? l.g_EA().g_$w(n) : 0;
					i = g.apply(l.g_Qc()[e + _].g_Qd(), s);
				} else i = g.apply(l.g_Qd(), s);
				if (g_aO.xor(i, d)) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_aaS(g, _) {
			return this.g_a_[g].g_bd(_);
		g_XY() {
			const g = this.g_a_;
			if (!g.length) throw new Error('no parameters');
			return g[0].g_$M();
		g_GG() {
			if (!this.g_aai || !this.g_aai.size) return null;
			const g = {};
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_aai.entries()) {
				let a = e;
				'collmemory' === _ && (a = [...e.entries()].map((g) => [g[0].g_Ei(), g[1].g_Ei(), g[2]])),
					(g[_] = a);
			return { ex: g };
		g_GI(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be,
				t = g.ex;
			if (t) {
				const g = this.g_aaF();
				for (const [a, n] of Object.entries(t)) {
					let e = n;
					'collmemory' === a &&
						(e = g_aO.g_ej(
							n.map((g) => [_.g_NN(g[0]), _.g_NN(g[1]), g[2]]).filter((g) => g[0] && g[1])
						g.set(a, e);
			} else this.g_aai && (this.g_aai.clear(), (this.g_aai = null));
	function g(g, _) {
		for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) _[e] = g[e].g_bd(0);
	const _ = [],
		t = function () {},
		e = function* () {};
	g_aO.g_Y_ = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(n, i, a) {
			super(), (this.g__D = n);
			const e = n.g_BI();
			(this.g_Be = e),
				(this.g_Dr = a),
				(this.g_Ds = 4 <= i.length ? i[3] : -1),
				(this.g_aaT = 5 <= i.length ? i[4] : 0),
				(this.g__q = null),
				(this.g_Tq = null),
				(this.g_$t = null),
				(this.g_$u = -1),
				(this.g__Z = null),
				(this.g_aaU = ''),
				(this.g_aaV = null),
				(this.g_$f = null),
				(this.g_vz = t),
				(this.g_Wq = t),
				(this.g_a_ = []),
				(this.g_aag = []),
				(this.g_aah = !1),
				(this.g_aai = null),
				(this.g_aaj = null);
			const r = -3 === i[0],
				g = r ? i[2] : i[5];
			if (
				((this.g_YQ = e.g_IC() || r ? { g_YR: g[0], g_aak: g[1], index: g[2] } : null), -1 === i[0])
				(this.g__Z = e.g___()), (this.g__q = e.g__p(i[1]));
			else if (-2 === i[0]) this.g_aaU = i[1];
			else if (r) {
				const g = e.g__p(i[1]);
				(this.g__q = g), (this.g_vz = this.g_aaW), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aaX), (this.g_aaT = 1);
			} else
				(this.g__q = e.g__p(i[1])),
					(this.g_Tq = e.g_D_(i[0])),
					i[2] && ((this.g_$t = this.g_Tq.g_Qe(i[2])), (this.g_$u = this.g_Tq.g_N_(i[2])));
			if (7 === i.length) {
				const g = i[6];
				for (const _ of g)
					this.g_a_.push(g_aO.g_$C.g_sf(this, _, this.g_a_.length)), this.g_aag.push(0);
			0 === this.g_a_.length && ((this.g_a_ = _), (this.g_aag = _)), this.g__D.g_ED().g_Vz(this);
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Y_, g, _, e);
		g_Vu() {
			for (const g of this.g_a_) g.g_Vu(), g.g_$E() && (this.g_aah = !0);
			if (this.g__Z) this.g_aan(), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aao);
			else if (this.g_aaU) this.g_aaY(), (this.g_aaU = '');
			else if (this.g_vz === this.g_aaW) {
				const g = this.g__q,
					_ = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_VS(this.g__D);
				this.g__q = g.bind(null, this.g_Be.g__r(), _);
			} else
					? this.g_wz()
						? ((this.g_vz = this.g_aaZ), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aa_))
						: ((this.g_vz = this.g_aa$), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aba))
					: this.g_Tq.g_Ir().g_Iq()
					? (this.g_aap(), (this.g_Wq = this.g_aaq))
					: this.g_wz()
					? ((this.g_vz = this.g_abb), (this.g_Wq = this.g_abc))
					: this.g_a_.length
					? this.g_a_.every((g) => g.g_$E())
						? ((this.g_vz = this.g_abd), (this.g_Wq = this.g_abe))
						: this.g_aah
						? ((this.g_vz = this.g_abf), (this.g_Wq = this.g_abg))
						: this.g_a_.every((g) => g.g_Xl())
						? (g(this.g_a_, this.g_aag), (this.g_vz = this.g_abh), (this.g_Wq = this.g_abi))
						: ((this.g_vz = this.g_abj), (this.g_Wq = this.g_abk))
					: ((this.g_vz = this.g_abh), (this.g_Wq = this.g_abi));
		g_aan() {
			const g = this.g__Z,
				_ = this.g__Z;
			this.g_aav(g, _, this.g_aaw);
		g_aap() {
			const g = this.g_Tq.g_Ir(),
				_ = this.g_Tq.g_$i().g_Qd();
			this.g_aav(g, _, this.g_aax);
		g_aaY() {
			const g = this.g__D.g_ED(),
				_ = g.g_VZ(this.g_aaU);
				? ((this.g_aaV = _.g_Xv()),
				  (this.g_$f = [...new Set([...this.g__D.g_Xx(), ...this.g_aaV.g_Xx()])]),
				  (this.g_$f = g.g_VD(this.g_$f)),
				  (this.g_vz = g_aO.g_XP.prototype.g__i.bind(this.g_aaV, this.g_$f, this.g_a_)),
				  (this.g_Wq = this.g_abl))
				: ((this.g_vz = t), (this.g_Wq = e));
		g_aav(_, a, g) {
			const t = this.g__q,
				n = this.g_a_;
			if (0 === n.length) this.g_vz = _.g_$d(t, a);
			else if (1 === n.length) {
				const g = n[0];
				if (g.g_Xl()) this.g_vz = _.g_aay(t, a, g.g_bd(0));
				else {
					const n = _.g_$d(t, a);
					this.g_vz = function () {
						return n(g.g_bd(0));
			} else if (2 === n.length) {
				const g = n[0],
					i = n[1];
				if (g.g_Xl() && i.g_Xl()) this.g_vz = _.g_aaz(t, a, g.g_bd(0), i.g_bd(0));
				else {
					const n = _.g_$d(t, a);
					this.g_vz = function () {
						return n(g.g_bd(0), i.g_bd(0));
			} else if (3 === n.length) {
				const i = n[0],
					r = n[1],
					s = n[2];
				if (i.g_Xl() && r.g_Xl() && s.g_Xl())
					this.g_vz = _.g_aaA(t, a, i.g_bd(0), r.g_bd(0), s.g_bd(0));
				else {
					const g = _.g_$d(t, a);
					this.g_vz = function () {
						return g(i.g_bd(0), r.g_bd(0), s.g_bd(0));
			} else this.g_vz = g;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_wz() {
			return 1 === this.g_aaT;
		g_ZW() {
			return 2 === this.g_aaT;
		g_Zi() {
			return 0 !== this.g_aaT;
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_Xv() {
			return this.g__D;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_ZJ() {
			return this.g_YQ.index;
		g_abm() {
			return this.g_$f;
		g_aaC() {
			return this.g_YQ.g_YR;
		g_aaD(g) {
			(this.g_YQ.g_YR = !!g), this.g__D.g_Zp();
		g_aaE() {
			return this.g_YQ.g_aak;
		g_Yl() {
			return !this.g_aaC() && !this.g_Be.g_ZT() && !this.g_aaE();
		g_aaF() {
			return this.g_aai || (this.g_aai = new Map()), this.g_aai;
		g_aaG() {
			return this.g_aaj || (this.g_aaj = new Map()), this.g_aaj;
		g_aaw() {
			const _ = this.g_aag;
			return g(this.g_a_, _), this.g__q.apply(this.g__Z, _);
		*g_aao() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_aag;
				g(this.g_a_, _);
				const e = yield* this.g__q.apply(this.g__Z, _);
				return e;
			return this.g_vz();
		*g_abl() {
			(this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this);
			const g = yield* this.g_aaV.g__l(this.g_$f, this.g_a_);
			return g;
		g_aax() {
			const _ = this.g_aag;
			return g(this.g_a_, _), this.g__q.apply(this.g_Tq.g_$i().g_Qd(), _);
		*g_aaq() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_aag;
				g(this.g_a_, _);
				const e = yield* this.g__q.apply(this.g_Tq.g_$i().g_Qd(), _);
				return e;
			return this.g_vz();
		g_abh() {
			const g = this.g_aag,
				_ = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) this.g__q.apply(_[e].g_Qd(), g);
		*g_abi() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const g = this.g_aag,
					_ = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
				for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) yield* this.g__q.apply(_[e].g_Qd(), g);
			} else this.g_abh();
		g_abj() {
			const _ = this.g_aag;
			g(this.g_a_, _);
			const e = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
			for (let g = 0, a = e.length; g < a; ++g) this.g__q.apply(e[g].g_Qd(), _);
		*g_abk() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_aag;
				g(this.g_a_, _);
				const e = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
				for (let g = 0, a = e.length; g < a; ++g) yield* this.g__q.apply(e[g].g_Qd(), _);
			} else this.g_abj();
		g_abd() {
			const g = this.g_a_,
				_ = this.g_aag,
				a = this.g__q,
				t = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
			for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) {
				const e = t[n];
				for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) _[e] = g[e].g_bd(n);
				a.apply(e.g_Qd(), _);
		*g_abe() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const g = this.g_a_,
					_ = this.g_aag,
					a = this.g__q,
					t = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
				for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) {
					const e = t[n];
					for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) _[e] = g[e].g_bd(n);
					yield* a.apply(e.g_Qd(), _);
			} else this.g_abd();
		g_abf() {
			const g = this.g_a_,
				_ = this.g_aag,
				a = this.g__q,
				t = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
			for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) {
				const a = g[e];
				a.g_$E() || (_[e] = a.g_bd(0));
			for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) {
				const e = t[n];
				for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) {
					const a = g[e];
					a.g_$E() && (_[e] = a.g_bd(n));
				a.apply(e.g_Qd(), _);
		*g_abg() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const g = this.g_a_,
					_ = this.g_aag,
					a = this.g__q,
					t = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$();
				for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) {
					const a = g[e];
					a.g_$E() || (_[e] = a.g_bd(0));
				for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) {
					const e = t[n];
					for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) {
						const a = g[e];
						a.g_$E() && (_[e] = a.g_bd(n));
					yield* a.apply(e.g_Qd(), _);
			} else this.g_abf();
		g_aa$() {
			const _ = this.g_Tq,
				t = _.g_EF(),
				n = _.g_$r(),
				i = this.g_a_,
				r = this.g_aah,
				e = this.g_aag,
				s = this.g__q,
				g = this.g_$u,
				d = _.g_Tu().g_H$();
			for (let g = 0, _ = i.length; g < _; ++g) {
				const _ = i[g];
				_.g_$E() || (e[g] = _.g_bd(0));
			for (let _ = 0, a = d.length; _ < a; ++_) {
				const a = d[_];
				if (r)
					for (let g = 0, a = i.length; g < a; ++g) {
						const a = i[g];
						a.g_$E() && (e[g] = a.g_bd(_));
				const l = t ? a.g_EA().g_$w(n) : 0;
				s.apply(a.g_Qc()[g + l].g_Qd(), e);
		*g_aba() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_Tq,
					t = _.g_EF(),
					n = _.g_$r(),
					i = this.g_a_,
					r = this.g_aah,
					e = this.g_aag,
					s = this.g__q,
					g = this.g_$u,
					d = _.g_Tu().g_H$();
				for (let g = 0, _ = i.length; g < _; ++g) {
					const _ = i[g];
					_.g_$E() || (e[g] = _.g_bd(0));
				for (let _ = 0, a = d.length; _ < a; ++_) {
					const a = d[_];
					if (r)
						for (let g = 0, a = i.length; g < a; ++g) {
							const a = i[g];
							a.g_$E() && (e[g] = a.g_bd(_));
					const l = t ? a.g_EA().g_$w(n) : 0;
					yield* s.apply(a.g_Qc()[g + l].g_Qd(), e);
			} else this.g_aa$();
		g_abb() {
			const g = this.g_a_,
				_ = this.g_aag,
				a = this.g__q,
				t = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$(),
				n = [];
			for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; ++e) {
				const i = t[e];
				for (let a = 0, t = g.length; a < t; ++a) _[a] = g[a].g_bd(e);
				n.push(a.apply(i.g_Qd(), _));
			return Promise.all(n);
		*g_abc() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const g = this.g_a_,
					_ = this.g_aag,
					a = this.g__q,
					t = this.g_Tq.g_Tu().g_H$(),
					n = [];
				for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; ++e) {
					const i = t[e];
					for (let a = 0, t = g.length; a < t; ++a) _[a] = g[a].g_bd(e);
					n.push(yield* a.apply(i.g_Qd(), _));
				return Promise.all(n);
			return this.g_abb();
		g_aaZ() {
			const _ = this.g_Tq,
				t = _.g_EF(),
				n = _.g_$r(),
				i = this.g_a_,
				r = this.g_aag,
				e = this.g__q,
				s = this.g_$u,
				g = _.g_Tu().g_H$(),
				d = [];
			for (let _ = 0, a = g.length; _ < a; ++_) {
				const a = g[_];
				for (let g = 0, e = i.length; g < e; ++g) r[g] = i[g].g_bd(_);
				const l = t ? a.g_EA().g_$w(n) : 0;
				d.push(e.apply(a.g_Qc()[s + l].g_Qd(), r));
			return Promise.all(d);
		*g_aa_() {
			if (((this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaE())) {
				const _ = this.g_Tq,
					t = _.g_EF(),
					n = _.g_$r(),
					i = this.g_a_,
					r = this.g_aag,
					e = this.g__q,
					s = this.g_$u,
					g = _.g_Tu().g_H$(),
					d = [];
				for (let _ = 0, a = g.length; _ < a; ++_) {
					const a = g[_];
					for (let g = 0, e = i.length; g < e; ++g) r[g] = i[g].g_bd(_);
					const l = t ? a.g_EA().g_$w(n) : 0;
					d.push(yield* e.apply(a.g_Qc()[s + l].g_Qd(), r));
				return Promise.all(d);
			return this.g_aaZ();
		async g_aaW() {
			try {
				await this.g__q();
			} catch (g) {
					`Unhandled exception running script %c${this.g__D
						.g_pY()}, event ${this.g__D.g_Zv()}, action ${this.g_ZJ() + 1}:`,
					'font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold;',
					self.g_IF && self.g_IF.g__t(this),
					g_aO.g_XV.g__u() ||
							`%cTip:%c run this to highlight in Construct the last script that had an error: %cgoToLastErrorScript()`,
							'font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline',
							'font-weight: bold'
		*g_aaX() {
			return (this.g_aaC() || this.g_Be.g_ZT()) && (yield this), this.g_aaW();
		g_GG() {
			return this.g_aai && this.g_aai.size ? { ex: g_aO.g_gx(this.g_aai) } : null;
		g_GI(g) {
			this.g_aai && (this.g_aai.clear(), (this.g_aai = null));
			const _ = g.ex;
			_ && (this.g_aai = g_aO.g_gy(_));
	function gg(g, _) {
		return g_aO.compare(this.g_CU().g_Ig(), g, _);
	function a(g, _) {
		return g_aO.compare(this.g_CU().g_Ih(), g, _);
	function b() {
		const g = this.g_CU();
		return g.g_FZ(g.g_Em().g_EW());
	function c() {
		const g = this.g_CU(),
			_ = g.g_EL(),
			e = g.g_Gi();
		return 0 > e.g_hX() || 0 > e.g_hY() || e.g_hV() > _.g_pN() || e.g_hW() > _.g_pO();
	function d(_, a, t) {
		const n = this.g_Tu(),
			r = n.g_H$();
		if (!r.length) return !1;
		let e = r[0],
			s = e.g_CU(),
			l = e,
			o = g_aO.g_eu(s.g_Ig(), s.g_Ih(), a, t);
		for (let g = 1, n = r.length; g < n; ++g) {
			(e = r[g]), (s = e.g_CU());
			const n = g_aO.g_eu(s.g_Ig(), s.g_Ih(), a, t);
			((0 === _ && n < o) || (1 === _ && n > o)) && ((o = n), (l = e));
		return n.g_TR(l), !0;
	function e(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU();
		_.g_Ig() === g || (_.g_abn(g), _.g_En());
	function f(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU();
		_.g_Ih() === g || (_.g_abo(g), _.g_En());
	function g(g, _) {
		const e = this.g_CU();
		e.g_abp(g, _) || (e.g_abq(g, _), e.g_En());
	function h(g, _) {
		if (g) {
			const t = g.g_abr(this.g_b_);
			if (t) {
				const [g, a] = t.g_abs(_),
					n = this.g_CU();
				(n.g_Ig() === g && n.g_Ih() === a) || (n.g_abq(g, a), n.g_En());
	function i(g) {
		if (0 !== g) {
			const _ = this.g_CU();
			_.g_abt(_.g_abu() * g, _.g_abv() * g), _.g_En();
	function j(g, _) {
		if (0 !== _) {
			const e = this.g_CU();
			(g = g_aO.g_er(g)), e.g_abt(Math.cos(g) * _, Math.sin(g) * _), e.g_En();
	function k() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Ig();
	function l() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Ih();
	function m() {
		return this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_);
	function n(g, _) {
		return g_aO.compare(this.g_CU().g_pN(), g, _);
	function o(g, _) {
		return g_aO.compare(this.g_CU().g_pO(), g, _);
	function p(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU();
		_.g_pN() === g || (_.g_Hj(g), _.g_En());
	function q(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU();
		_.g_pO() === g || (_.g_Hk(g), _.g_En());
	function r(g, _) {
		const e = this.g_CU();
		(e.g_pN() === g && e.g_pO() === _) || (e.g_wQ(g, _), e.g_En());
	function s() {
		return this.g_CU().g_pN();
	function t() {
		return this.g_CU().g_pO();
	function u() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Gi().g_hV();
	function v() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Gi().g_hW();
	function w() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Gi().g_hX();
	function x() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Gi().g_hY();
	function y(g, _) {
		return g_aO.g_ew(this.g_CU().g_Fj(), g_aO.g_er(_)) <= g_aO.g_er(g);
	function z(g) {
		return g_aO.g_ey(this.g_CU().g_Fj(), g_aO.g_er(g));
	function A(g, _) {
		const a = g_aO.g_er(g),
			t = g_aO.g_er(_),
			n = this.g_CU().g_Fj(),
			e = !g_aO.g_ey(t, a);
		return e ? g_aO.g_ey(n, a) || !g_aO.g_ey(n, t) : g_aO.g_ey(n, a) && !g_aO.g_ey(n, t);
	function B(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU(),
			e = g_aO.g_eq(g_aO.g_er(g));
		isNaN(e) || _.g_Fj() === e || (_.g_Fi(e), _.g_En());
	function C(g) {
		if (!(isNaN(g) || 0 === g)) {
			const _ = this.g_CU();
			_.g_Fi(_.g_Fj() + g_aO.g_er(g)), _.g_En();
	function D(g) {
		if (!(isNaN(g) || 0 === g)) {
			const _ = this.g_CU();
			_.g_Fi(_.g_Fj() - g_aO.g_er(g)), _.g_En();
	function E(g, _) {
		const t = this.g_CU(),
			n = t.g_Fj(),
			e = g_aO.g_ex(n, g_aO.g_er(_), g_aO.g_er(g));
		isNaN(e) || n === e || (t.g_Fi(e), t.g_En());
	function F(_, t, n) {
		const r = this.g_CU(),
			e = r.g_Fj(),
			s = t - r.g_Ig(),
			a = n - r.g_Ih(),
			g = Math.atan2(a, s),
			d = g_aO.g_ex(e, g, g_aO.g_er(_));
		isNaN(d) || e === d || (r.g_Fi(d), r.g_En());
	function G(_, t) {
		const n = this.g_CU(),
			i = n.g_Fj(),
			e = _ - n.g_Ig(),
			a = t - n.g_Ih(),
			r = Math.atan2(a, e);
		isNaN(r) || i === r || (n.g_Fi(r), n.g_En());
	function H() {
		return g_aO.g_es(this.g_CU().g_Fj());
	function I(g, _) {
		return g_aO.compare(g_aO.g_eJ(100 * this.g_CU().g_zk()), g, _);
	function J() {
		return this.g_CU().g_ET();
	function K(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU();
		(g = 2 === g ? !_.g_ET() : 0 != g), _.g_ET() === g || (_.g_EU(g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
	function L(g) {
		const _ = g_aO.g_ep(g / 100, 0, 1),
			e = this.g_CU();
		e.g_zk() === _ || (e.g_zm(_), this.g_Be.g_EV());
	function M(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU();
		_.g_QI().g_gV(Tg) || (_.g_abw(Tg), this.g_Be.g_EV());
	function N() {
		const g = this.g_CU().g_QI();
		return g_aO.g_eL(g.g_gP(), g.g_gQ(), g.g_gR(), g.g_gS());
	function O() {
		return g_aO.g_eJ(100 * this.g_CU().g_zk());
	function P(g) {
		return !!g && this.g_CU().g_Em() === g;
	function Q(_) {
		const g = this.g_Tu(),
			a = g.g_H$();
		if (!a.length) return !1;
		let t = a[0],
			n = t;
		for (let e = 1, g = a.length; e < g; ++e) {
			const t = a[e],
				r = t.g_CU(),
				s = n.g_CU(),
				g = r.g_Em().g_EM(),
				d = s.g_Em().g_EM();
			0 === _
				? (g > d || (g === d && r.g_Fz() > s.g_Fz())) && (n = t)
				: (g < d || (g === d && r.g_Fz() < s.g_Fz())) && (n = t);
		return g.g_TR(n), !0;
	function R(g, _, a) {
		const t = this.g_CU(),
			n = 0 === g ? t.g_Do() : t.g_Jg();
		return g_aO.compare(n, _, a);
	function S() {
	function T() {
	function U(g) {
		g && this.g_CU().g_abz(g);
	function V(g, _) {
		if (_) {
			const e = _.g_abA(this.g_Nj());
			e && this.g_CU().g_abB(e, 0 === g);
	function W(g) {
		const _ = this.g_CU();
		_.g_Do() === g || (_.g_Fh(g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
	function X() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Em().g_EM();
	function Y() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Em().g_pY();
	function Z() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Fz();
	function $() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Do();
	function _() {
		return this.g_CU().g_Jg();
	function _g(g, _) {
		const a = this.g_EA().g_EP().g_Qg(_);
		if (a) {
			const _ = a.g_EM(),
				t = 1 === g,
				n = this.g_CU().g_Gd();
			n.g_Qf(_) === t || (n.g_abC(_, t), n.g_abD(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
	function eg(g, _, e) {
		const t = this.g_EA().g_EP().g_Qg(g);
		if (t) {
			const n = t.g_EM(),
				a = this.g_CU().g_Gd(),
				i = a.g_Gh(n);
			if (((_ = Math.floor(_)), !(0 > _ || _ >= i.length))) {
				const r = t.g_tq().g_tB(_);
				if ('color' === r) {
					const g = i[_];
					if (Tg.g_gV(g)) return;
				} else {
					if (('percent' === r && (e /= 100), i[_] === e)) return;
					i[_] = e;
				a.g_Qf(n) && this.g_Be.g_EV();
	function ag(g, _, e) {
		return g_aO.compare(this.g_Nj().g_QL(g), _, e);
	function tg(g) {
		return !!this.g_Nj().g_QL(g);
	function ng(_, a) {
		const t = this.g_Tu(),
			n = t.g_H$();
		if (!n.length) return !1;
		let i = n[0],
			r = i,
			s = i.g_QL(a);
		for (let g = 1, e = n.length; g < e; ++g) {
			i = n[g];
			const e = i.g_QL(a);
			((0 === _ && e < s) || (1 === _ && e > s)) && ((s = e), (r = i));
		return t.g_TR(r), !0;
	function ig(g) {
		return this.g_Be.g_VH().g_aaB() ? sg(this, g) : rg(this, g);
	function rg(g, _) {
		const e = g.g_BI().g_NN(_);
		if (!e) return !1;
		const a = g.g_Tu();
		if (!a.g_TF() && !a.g_TN().includes(e)) return !1;
		if (g.g_EF()) {
			if (e.g_EA().g_abE(g)) return a.g_TR(e), g.g_aaH(), !0;
		} else if (e.g_EA() === g) return a.g_TR(e), g.g_aaH(), !0;
		return !1;
	function sg(g, _) {
		const t = g.g_Tu();
		if (t.g_TF()) {
			t.g_TM(!1), t.g_TE();
			const n = g.g_H$();
			for (let g = 0, a = n.length; g < a; ++g) {
				const a = n[g];
				a.g_Ei() === _ ? t.g_TL(a) : t.g_TK(a);
			return g.g_aaH(), !!t.g_TN().length;
		} else {
			const n = t.g_TN();
			let i = 0;
			for (let g = 0, e = n.length; g < e; ++g) {
				const e = n[g];
				(n[i] = e), e.g_Ei() === _ ? t.g_TL(e) : ++i;
			return g_aO.g_fy(n, i), g.g_aaH(), !!n.length;
	function dg() {
	function lg() {
		return !0;
	function og() {
		return !0;
	function ug(g, _) {
		this.g_Nj().g_QN(g, _);
	function pg(g, _) {
		const e = this.g_Nj(),
			a = e.g_QL(g);
		'number' == typeof a && 'number' != typeof _
			? (_ = parseFloat(_))
			: 'string' == typeof a && 'string' != typeof _ && (_ = _.toString()),
			e.g_QN(g, a + _);
	function hg(g, _) {
		const e = this.g_Nj(),
			a = e.g_QL(g);
		'number' != typeof a || ('number' != typeof _ && (_ = parseFloat(_)), e.g_QN(g, a - _));
	function cg(g, _) {
		this.g_Nj().g_QN(g, _ ? 1 : 0);
	function fg(g) {
		const _ = this.g_Nj();
		_.g_QN(g, 0 === _.g_QL(g) ? 1 : 0);
	function mg(g) {
		let _;
		try {
			_ = JSON.parse(g);
		} catch (g) {
			return void console.error('Failed to load from JSON string: ', g);
		this.g_Nj().g_GJ(_, 'state');
	function Eg() {
		return JSON.stringify(this.g_Nj().g_GH('state'));
	function bg() {
		return this.g_Nj().g_EA().g_pY();
	function yg() {
		const g = this.g_Be.g_VG().g_Uv();
		let _ = g.g_EK();
		const e = this.g_Be.g_abF();
		for (const a of e) g.g_EF() ? a.g_EA().g_abE(g) && ++_ : a.g_EA() === g && ++_;
		return _;
	function Bg() {
		return this.g_Be.g_VG().g_Uv().g_Tu().g_H$().length;
	function vg() {
		return this.g_b_.g_Id();
	function Cg() {
		return this.g_b_.g_Ei();
	const Tg = new g_aO.g_gB();
	g_aO.g_abG = function (rg, sg) {
		const Tg = rg[1],
			Hg = rg[3],
			Ng = rg[4],
			xg = rg[5],
			qg = rg[6],
			Ug = rg[7],
			wg = rg[8],
			Ig = sg.g_HW,
			Dg = sg.g_abH,
			Rg = sg.g__$;
		Hg &&
			((Ig.g_abI = gg),
			(Ig.g_abJ = a),
			(Ig.g_abK = b),
			(Ig.g_abL = c),
			(Ig.g_abM = d),
			(Dg.g_abn = e),
			(Dg.g_abo = f),
			(Dg.g_abN = g),
			(Dg.g_abO = h),
			(Dg.g_abP = i),
			(Dg.g_abQ = j),
			(Rg.g_abR = k),
			(Rg.g_abS = l),
			(Rg.g_abT = m)),
			Ng &&
				((Ig.g_abU = n),
				(Ig.g_abV = o),
				(Dg.g_Hj = p),
				(Dg.g_Hk = q),
				(Dg.g_wQ = r),
				(Rg.g_abW = s),
				(Rg.g_abX = t),
				(Rg.g_abY = u),
				(Rg.g_abZ = v),
				(Rg.g_ab_ = w),
				(Rg.g_ab$ = x)),
			xg &&
				((Ig.g_aca = y),
				(Ig.g_acb = z),
				(Ig.g_acc = A),
				(Dg.g_Fi = B),
				(Dg.g_acd = C),
				(Dg.g_ace = D),
				(Dg.g_acf = E),
				(Dg.g_acg = F),
				(Dg.g_ach = G),
				(Rg.g_aci = H)),
			qg &&
				((Ig.g_ET = J),
				(Ig.g_acj = I),
				(Dg.g_EU = K),
				(Dg.g_zm = L),
				(Dg.g_ack = M),
				(Rg.g_acl = O),
				(Rg.g_acm = N)),
			Ug &&
				((Ig.g_acn = P),
				(Ig.g_aco = Q),
				(Ig.g_acp = R),
				(Dg.g_acq = S),
				(Dg.g_acr = T),
				(Dg.g_acs = U),
				(Dg.g_act = V),
				(Dg.g_Fh = W),
				(Rg.g_acu = X),
				(Rg.g_acv = Y),
				(Rg.g_acw = Z),
				(Rg.g_acx = $),
				(Rg.g_acy = _)),
			wg && ((Dg.g_acz = _g), (Dg.g_acA = eg)),
			Tg ||
				((Ig.g_acB = ag),
				(Ig.g_acC = tg),
				(Ig.g_acD = ng),
				(Ig.g_acE = ig),
				(Dg.g_acF = ug),
				(Dg.g_acG = pg),
				(Dg.g_acH = hg),
				(Dg.g_acI = cg),
				(Dg.g_acJ = fg),
				(Ig.g_acK = lg),
				(Ig.g_acL = og),
				(Dg.g_acM = dg),
				!Dg.g_acN && (Dg.g_acN = mg),
				!Rg.g_acO && (Rg.g_acO = Eg),
				(Rg.g_acP = yg),
				(Rg.g_acQ = Bg),
				(Rg.g_acR = vg),
				(Rg.g_acS = Cg),
				(Rg.g_acT = bg));
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_WO = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_TW = g),
				(this.g_kL = ''),
				(this.g_RW = -1),
				(this.g_acU = ''),
				(this.g_acV = !1),
				(this.g_acW = null),
				(this.g_Ud = 0),
				(this.g_Yw = []),
				(this.g_acX = new Map()),
				(this.g_acY = null),
				(this.g_acZ = -1),
				(this.g__y = null),
				(this.g_ac_ = !1);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_kL = ''),
				(this.g_RW = -1),
				(this.g_acU = ''),
				(this.g_acW = null),
				(this.g_acY = null),
				(this.g__y = null),
				(this.g_acZ = -1),
			for (const g of this.g_acX.values()) g.g_ek();
		g_ac$() {
			const g = this.g_TW,
				_ = g.g_BI().g_EE(),
				e = g.g_VG();
			(this.g_acW = e.g_TT()), (this.g_Ud = e.g_Uo() + 1);
			const a = g.g_Xq(this.g_acW);
			a && ((this.g_acY = a), (this.g__y = a.g__F()), a.g_wz() && (this.g_acZ = a.g__H()));
			for (const g of _) {
				const _ = g.g_Tu();
				(_.g_TF() && !this.g_acW.g_Zt(g)) ||
					(this.g_Yw.push(g), this.g_acX.set(g, g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ada, _)));
		g_adb(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 'timer'), this.g_ac$(), (this.g_RW = this.g_TW.g_BI().g_Gk() + g);
		g_adc(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 'signal'), this.g_ac$(), (this.g_acU = g.toLowerCase());
		g_add(g) {
			(this.g_kL = 'promise'),
					.then(() => this.g_ade())
					.catch((g) => {
							"[C3 runtime] Promise rejected in 'Wait for previous actions to complete': ",
		g_adf() {
			return 'timer' === this.g_kL;
		g_adg() {
			return 'signal' === this.g_kL;
		g_Xm() {
			return 'promise' === this.g_kL;
		g_adh() {
			return this.g_acU;
		g_adi() {
			return this.g_acV;
		g_ade() {
			this.g_acV = !0;
		g_WR() {
			return this.g_adf() ? this.g_RW <= this.g_TW.g_BI().g_Gk() : this.g_adi();
		g_adj(g) {
			g.g_Uj(this.g_acW, this.g_Ud);
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_acX.entries()) {
				const g = _.g_Tu();
			const _ = this.g_acY;
			_ && (_.g__g(this.g__y), _.g_wz() && _.g__I(this.g_acZ));
		g_WS(g) {
				this.g_acY && this.g_acY.g_wz() && this.g_acY.g__k(this.g_acZ),
				(this.g_ac_ = !0);
		async g_WW(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_acW.g_ZY(g)) await this.g_TW.g_BI().g_Wp(_);
			this.g_acY && this.g_acY.g_wz() && this.g_acY.g__k(this.g_acZ),
				(this.g_ac_ = !0);
		g_WT() {
			return this.g_ac_;
		g_Tz(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_acX.values()) _.g_Tz(g);
		g_GG() {
			const g = {},
				_ = {
					t: this.g_RW,
					st: this.g_acU,
					s: this.g_acV,
					ev: this.g_acW.g_EN(),
					sm: this.g_Yw.map((g) => g.g_EN()),
					sols: g
			this.g_acW.g_ZK(this.g_Ud) && (_.act = this.g_acW.g_VK(this.g_Ud).g_EN());
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_acX) g[_.g_EN().toString()] = e.g_GG();
			return _;
		static g_Xn(_, g) {
			const t = _.g_BI(),
				a = _.g_VW(g.ev);
			if (!a) return null;
			let n = 0;
			if (g.hasOwnProperty('act')) {
				const e = _.g_VY(g.act);
				if (!e) return null;
				n = e.g_EM();
			const i = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_WO, _);
			(i.g_RW = g.t),
				(i.g_kL = -1 === i.g_RW ? 'signal' : 'timer'),
				(i.g_acU = g.st),
				(i.g_acV = g.s),
				(i.g_acW = a),
				(i.g_Ud = n);
			for (const e of g.sm) {
				const g = t.g_Ib(e);
				g && i.g_Yw.push(g);
			for (const [a, n] of Object.entries(g.sols)) {
				const e = parseInt(a, 10),
					r = t.g_Ib(e);
				if (!r) continue;
				const g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ada, null);
				g.g_GI(_, n), i.g_acX.set(r, g);
			return i;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ada = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Tq = null),
				(this.g_adk = !0),
				(this.g_CX = []),
				g && ((this.g_Tq = g.g_EA()), (this.g_adk = g.g_TF()), g_aO.g_fD(this.g_CX, g.g_TN()));
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Tq = null), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX);
		g_Uj(g) {
			g.g_TM(this.g_adk), g_aO.g_fD(g.g_TN(), this.g_CX);
		g_Tz(g) {
			g_aO.g_fI(this.g_CX, g);
		g_GG() {
			return { sa: this.g_adk, insts: this.g_CX.map((g) => g.g_Ei()) };
		g_GI(g, _) {
			const e = g.g_BI();
			(this.g_adk = !!_.sa), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_CX);
			for (const t of _.insts) {
				const g = e.g_NN(t);
				g && this.g_CX.push(g);
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _) {
		let e = g.get(_);
		return e || ((e = new Map()), g.set(_, e)), e;
	g_aO.g_adl = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g.runtime),
				(this.g_adm = !!g.g_adn),
				(this.g_ado = !!g.g_adp),
				(this.g_adq = !!g.g_adr),
				(this.g_ads = !!g.g_adt),
				(this.g_adu = !!g.g_adv),
				(this.g_adw = null),
				(this.g_adx = new Map()),
				(this.g_ady = new Map()),
				(this.g_adz = new Map()),
				(this.g_adA = new Map());
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Be = null;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_adB() {}
		g_Iq() {
			return this.g_adm;
		g_H_() {
			return this.g_ado;
		g_adC() {
			return this.g_adq;
		g_tt() {
			return this.g_ads;
		g_adD() {
			return this.g_adu;
		g_$d(g, _) {
			if (!_) throw new Error("missing 'this' binding");
			let e = this.g_adx.get(g);
			return e ? e : ((e = g.bind(_)), this.g_adx.set(g, e), e);
		g_aay(g, a, t) {
			if (!a) throw new Error("missing 'this' binding");
			const n = _(this.g_ady, g);
			let e = n.get(t);
			return e ? e : ((e = g.bind(a, t)), n.set(t, e), e);
		g_aaz(a, t, n, i) {
			if (!t) throw new Error("missing 'this' binding");
			const e = _(this.g_adz, a),
				r = _(e, n);
			let g = r.get(i);
			return g ? g : ((g = a.bind(t, n, i)), r.set(i, g), g);
		g_aaA(a, t, n, r, e) {
			if (!t) throw new Error("missing 'this' binding");
			const s = _(this.g_adA, a),
				g = _(s, n),
				d = _(g, r);
			let i = d.get(e);
			return i ? i : ((i = a.bind(t, n, r, e)), d.set(e, i), i);
		g_adE(g) {
			if (!this.g_Iq()) throw new Error('must be single-global plugin');
			this.g_adw = g;
		g_adF() {
			if (!this.g_Iq()) throw new Error('must be single-global plugin');
			return this.g_adw;
		g_$i() {
			if (!this.g_Iq()) throw new Error('must be single-global plugin');
			return this.g_adw.g_$i();
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_adG = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g), (this.g_adH = _), (this.g_adI = 0), (this.g_adJ = new Map());
		g_ek() {
		g_adK(g) {
			const _ = this.g_adI++;
			return this.g_adJ.set(_, g), _;
		g_adL(g) {
		g_adM(g, _) {
			this.g_Be.g_adN(this.g_adH, g, (g) => {
				const e = this.g_adJ.get(g.elementId);
				_(e, g);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_adO = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
			super(), (this.g_Tq = g), (this.g_Be = g.g_BI()), (this.g_adP = g.g_Ir());
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Tq = null), (this.g_Be = null), (this.g_adP = null);
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_Ir() {
			return this.g_adP;
		g_adQ() {
			return this.g_Tq.g_adQ();
		g_aaL() {}
		g_Hx() {}
		g_HD() {}
		g_HA() {}
		g_HS() {}
		g_adR() {}
		g_adS() {
			return null;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_adT = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_b_ = g),
				(this.g_adH = _),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_Tq = this.g_b_.g_EA()),
				(this.g_adU = this.g_Tq.g_adV()),
				(this.g_JW = null),
				(this.g_JY = null),
				(this.g_adW = !1),
				(this.g_adX = !1),
				(this.g_lN = null),
				(this.g_ww = !1);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_ww = !0),
				(this.g_JW = null),
				(this.g_JY = null),
				this.g_lN && (this.g_lN.g_ek(), (this.g_lN = null)),
				(this.g_b_ = null),
				(this.g_Be = null),
				(this.g_Tq = null),
				(this.g_adU = null);
		g_el() {
			return this.g_ww;
		g_Nj() {
			return this.g_b_;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_Ir() {
			return this.g_adU.g_Ir();
		g_adV() {
			return this.g_adU;
		g_ad_() {
			return this.g_b_.g_ad$();
		g_Ku(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_Ku(g, this.g_b_, null);
		g_aea(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_aea(g, this.g_b_, null);
		g_HU(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_HU(g, this.g_b_, null);
		g_aeb(g, _) {
			return this.g_Be.g_aeb(g, this.g_b_, _);
		g_aec(g, _) {
			return this.g_Be.g_aec(g, this.g_b_, _);
		g_aed(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_aed(g);
		g_aee(g, _) {
			this.g_Be.g_adN(this.g_adH, g, _);
		g_aef(g) {
			for (const [_, e] of g) this.g_aee(_, e);
		g_aeg(g, _) {
			this.g_Be.g_aeh(this.g_adH, g, _);
		g_aei(g, _) {
			return this.g_Be.g_BW(this.g_adH, g, _);
		g_aej(g, _) {
				? this.g_aeg(g, _)
				: window.c3_runtimeInterface._OnMessageFromRuntime({
						type: 'event',
						component: this.g_adH,
						handler: g,
						data: _,
						responseId: null
		g_Gg() {
			return null;
		g_abs() {
			const g = this.g_b_.g_CU();
			return [g.g_Ig(), g.g_Ih()];
		g_KZ() {}
		g_aek() {}
		g_ael() {
			this.g_adW ||
				(!this.g_JW && (this.g_JW = () => this.g_KZ()),
				this.g_Be.g_lh().addEventListener('tick', this.g_JW),
				(this.g_adW = !0));
		g_adY() {
			this.g_adW && (this.g_Be.g_lh().removeEventListener('tick', this.g_JW), (this.g_adW = !1));
		g_aem() {
			return this.g_adW;
		g_aen() {
			this.g_adX ||
				(!this.g_JY && (this.g_JY = () => this.g_aek()),
				this.g_Be.g_lh().addEventListener('tick2', this.g_JY),
				(this.g_adX = !0));
		g_adZ() {
			this.g_adX && (this.g_Be.g_lh().removeEventListener('tick2', this.g_JY), (this.g_adX = !1));
		g_aeo() {
			return this.g_adX;
		g_aep() {
			return [];
		g_GH() {
			return null;
		g_GJ() {}
		g_aeq() {}
		g_aer() {}
		g_QF() {}
		g_QM() {}
		g_Rd(g, _) {
			if (0 !== _) {
				const e = this.g_QF(g);
				if ('number' != typeof e) throw new Error('expected number');
				this.g_QM(g, e + _);
		g_QJ() {}
		g_aes(g, ..._) {
			g.call(this, ..._);
		g_aet(g, ..._) {
			return g.call(this, ..._);
		g_adS() {
			return null;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_aeu = class extends g_aO.g_adT {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g, _), (this.g_Nz = g.g_CU()), (this.g_aev = null), (this.g_aew = null);
		g_ek() {
			if (this.g_aev) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_lh();
				g.removeEventListener('webglcontextlost', this.g_aev),
					g.removeEventListener('webglcontextrestored', this.g_aew),
					(this.g_aev = null),
					(this.g_aew = null);
			(this.g_Nz = null), super.g_ek();
		g_aex() {
			if (!this.g_aev) {
				(this.g_aev = () => this.g_CQ()), (this.g_aew = () => this.g_aey());
				const g = this.g_Be.g_lh();
				g.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', this.g_aev),
					g.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', this.g_aew);
		g_CQ() {}
		g_aey() {}
		g_CU() {
			return this.g_Nz;
	'use strict';
	const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect);
	g_aO.g_aez = class extends g_aO.g_aeu {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g, _),
				(this.g_aeA = this.g_Ir().g_adK(this)),
				(this.g_aeB = !0),
				(this.g_aeC = !1),
				(this.g_aeD = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect, 0, 0, -1, -1));
			const e = this.g_Be.g_FO();
			(this.g_aeE = e.g_aeF()), (this.g_aeG = e.g_aeH()), (this.g_aeI = !1), this.g_ael();
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Ir().g_adL(this.g_aeA), this.g_aeJ('destroy'), (this.g_aeA = -1), super.g_ek();
		g_aeJ(g, _) {
			_ || (_ = {}), (_.elementId = this.g_aeA), this.g_aeg(g, _);
		g_aeK(g, _) {
			_ || (_ = {}), (_.elementId = this.g_aeA), this.g_aej(g, _);
		g_aeL(g, _) {
			return _ || (_ = {}), (_.elementId = this.g_aeA), this.g_aei(g, _);
		g_aeM(g) {
			g || (g = {});
			const _ = this.g_CU().g_ET();
			(g.elementId = this.g_aeA),
				(g.isVisible = _),
				Object.assign(g, this.g_aeN()),
				(this.g_aeB = !!g.isVisible),
				this.g_aeg('create', g),
		g_aeP(g) {
			(g = !!g),
				this.g_aeB === g || ((this.g_aeB = g), this.g_aeJ('set-visible', { isVisible: g }));
		g_KZ() {
		g_aeQ() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aeR();
			return (
				'Android' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bK && ('scale-inner' === g || 'scale-outer' === g || 'crop' === g)
		g_aeO(a) {
			var t = Math.round;
			const r = this.g_CU(),
				s = r.g_Em(),
				e = r.g_Ig(),
				d = r.g_Ih();
			let [g, u] = s.g_GC(e, d),
				[c, f] = s.g_GC(e + r.g_pN(), d + r.g_pO());
			const E = this.g_Be.g_FO(),
				l = E.g_aeS(),
				m = E.g_aeT();
			if (!r.g_ET() || !s.g_ET()) return void this.g_aeP(!1);
			if (!this.g_aeQ()) {
				if (0 >= c || 0 >= f || g >= l || u >= m) return void this.g_aeP(!1);
				1 > g && (g = 1), 1 > u && (u = 1), c >= l && (c = l - 1), f >= m && (f = m - 1);
			_.set(g, u, c, f);
			const n = E.g_aeF(),
				o = E.g_aeH();
			if (!a && _.g_l(this.g_aeD) && this.g_aeE === n && this.g_aeG === o)
				return void this.g_aeP(!0);
			this.g_aeD.g_p(_), (this.g_aeE = n), (this.g_aeG = o), this.g_aeP(!0);
			let p = null;
			this.g_aeC && (p = s.g_Go() - 0.2),
				this.g_aeJ('update-position', {
					left: t(this.g_aeD.g_hV()) + E.g_aeU(),
					top: t(this.g_aeD.g_hW()) + E.g_aeV(),
					width: t(this.g_aeD.width()),
					height: t(this.g_aeD.height()),
					fontSize: p
		g_aeW() {
			this.g_aeJ('focus', { focus: !0 });
		g_aeX() {
			this.g_aeJ('focus', { focus: !1 });
		g_aeY(g, _) {
			this.g_aeJ('set-css-style', { prop: g_aO.g_gz(g), val: _ });
		g_aeZ() {
			this.g_aeI ||
				((this.g_aeI = !0),
				Promise.resolve().then(() => {
					(this.g_aeI = !1), this.g_aeJ('update-state', this.g_aeN());
		g_aeN() {}
		g_ae_() {
			return this.g_aeA;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ae$ = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g.runtime),
				(this.g_afa = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_jx)),
				(this.g_afb = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_jx)),
				(this.g_afc = null);
			const _ = g.g_afd;
			if (!_) this.g_afc = new g_afe(this);
			else if (((this.g_afc = new _(this)), !(this.g_afc instanceof g_afe)))
				throw new TypeError('script interface class must derive from IBehavior');
		g_ek() {
			this.g_afb.g_ek(), this.g_afa.g_ek(), (this.g_Be = null);
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_adB() {}
		g_aff(g) {
		g_Kz() {
			return this.g_afa.g_jD();
		g_El(g) {
		g_Eq(g) {
		g_H$() {
			return this.g_afb.g_jD();
		g_afg() {
			return this.g_afc;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_afh = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_$t = g),
				(this.g_Tq = g.g_EA()),
				(this.g_afi = g.g_afj()),
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Be = null), (this.g_$t = null), (this.g_Tq = null), (this.g_afi = null);
		g_NZ() {
			return this.g_$t;
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_afj() {
			return this.g_afi;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_afk = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_afl = g),
				(this.g_adH = _),
				(this.g_b_ = g.g_afm()),
				(this.g_Be = g.g_BI()),
				(this.g_$t = g.g_NZ()),
				(this.g_adU = this.g_$t.g_adV()),
				(this.g_adW = !1),
				(this.g_adX = !1),
				(this.g_afn = !1),
				(this.g_lN = null);
		g_ek() {
				this.g_lN && (this.g_lN.g_ek(), (this.g_lN = null)),
				(this.g_afl = null),
				(this.g_b_ = null),
				(this.g_Be = null),
				(this.g_$t = null),
				(this.g_adU = null);
		g_afj() {
			return this.g_$t.g_afj();
		g_afp() {
			return this.g_afl;
		g_afm() {
			return this.g_b_;
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_b_.g_EA();
		g_CU() {
			return this.g_b_.g_CU();
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_NZ() {
			return this.g_$t;
		g_adV() {
			return this.g_adU;
		g_Ku(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_Ku(g, this.g_b_, this.g_$t);
		g_aea(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_aea(g, this.g_b_, this.g_$t);
		g_HU(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_HU(g, this.g_b_, this.g_$t);
		g_afq() {}
		g_KZ() {}
		g_aek() {}
		g_afr() {}
		g_ael() {
			this.g_adW || (this.g_Be.g_afs(this), (this.g_adW = !0));
		g_adY() {
			this.g_adW && (this.g_Be.g_aft(this), (this.g_adW = !1));
		g_aem() {
			return this.g_adW;
		g_aen() {
			this.g_adX || (this.g_Be.g_afu(this), (this.g_adX = !0));
		g_adZ() {
			this.g_adX && (this.g_Be.g_afv(this), (this.g_adX = !1));
		g_aeo() {
			return this.g_adX;
		g_afw() {
			this.g_afn || (this.g_Be.g_afx(this), (this.g_afn = !0));
		g_afo() {
			this.g_afn && (this.g_Be.g_afy(this), (this.g_afn = !1));
		g_afz() {
			return this.g_afn;
		g_aep() {
			return [];
		g_aee(g, _) {
			this.g_Be.g_adN(this.g_adH, g, _);
		g_afA() {}
		g_GH() {
			return null;
		g_GJ() {}
		g_QF() {}
		g_QM() {}
		g_Rd(g, _) {
			if (0 !== _) {
				const e = this.g_QF(g);
				if ('number' != typeof e) throw new Error('expected number');
				this.g_QM(g, e + _);
		g_QJ() {}
		g_aes(g, ..._) {
			g.call(this, ..._);
		g_aet(g, ..._) {
			return g.call(this, ..._);
		g_adS() {
			return null;
	'use strict';
	function _(_, t) {
		const a = _[0],
			n = t[0],
			i = a - n;
		if (0 != i) return i;
		const e = _[1],
			r = t[1];
		return e - r;
	let t = null;
	const g = new Set(),
		n = [],
		r = [];
	let e = !1;
	self.g_afB = class {
		constructor(_, a) {
			(t = _),
				Object.defineProperties(this, {
					g_afC: { value: t.g_afD().g_Cy(), writable: !1 },
					g_afE: { value: a, writable: !1 },
					g_afF: { value: {}, writable: !1 },
					g_afG: { value: t.g_afH(), writable: !1 },
					g_afI: { value: t.g_afJ(), writable: !1 },
					storage: { value: new g_afK(t), writable: !1 },
					g_afL: { value: t.g_Cn(), writable: !1 }
					.addEventListener('keydown', (_) =>
						g.has(_.key) ? void _.stopPropagation() : void g.add(_.key)
				t.g_IA().addEventListener('keyup', (_) => g.delete(_.key)),
				t.g_lh().addEventListener('window-blur', () => g.clear()),
				t.g_Cn() &&
					(self.alert = (g) => (
						e ||
							((e = !0),
								"[Construct 3] alert() was called from a Web Worker, because the project 'Use worker' setting is enabled. This method is not normally available in a Web Worker. Construct has implemented the alert for you, but note that other features may be missing in worker mode. You may wish to disable 'Use worker', or use a more convenient function like console.log(). For more information please refer to the scripting section of the manual."
		g_afM(g) {
			Object.defineProperties(this.g_afF, g);
		addEventListener(g, _) {
			t.g_IA().addEventListener(g, _);
		removeEventListener(g, _) {
			t.g_IA().removeEventListener(g, _);
		g_afN(_, ...a) {
			const n = t.g_ED(),
				r = n.g_VZ(_);
			if (!r) throw new Error(`cannot find function name '${_}'`);
			if (!r.g_jp()) return r.g_Xt();
			if (a.length < r.g__E())
				throw new Error(
					`not enough function parameters passed for '${_}' (${
					} passed, ${r.g__E()} expected)`
			const e = r.g_Xv();
			let s = null;
			const d = n.g_TT();
			if (d) {
				const g = d.g_Xx();
				0 < g.length && ((s = g), n.g_WK(g));
			const l = e.g_Xw(e.g_Xx(), r.g_Xy(), r.g_Xt(), ...a);
			return s && n.g_WM(s), l;
		g_afO(g) {
			const _ = t.g_TB().g_Ua();
			if (!_) throw new Error('not in a function which returns a value');
			switch (_.g_Ux()) {
				case 1:
					'number' == typeof g && _.g_Uy(g);
				case 2:
					'string' == typeof g && _.g_Uy(g);
				case 3:
					('number' == typeof g || 'string' == typeof g) && _.g_Uy(g);
		get g_abT() {
			return t.g_KW();
		get g_afP() {
			return t.g_Gk();
		get g_afQ() {
			return t.g_afR();
		random() {
			return t.g_afS();
		get g_Jv() {
			return t.g_Is().g_Iz();
		g_afT(g) {
			const _ = t.g_Wy();
			let e = null;
			if ('number' == typeof g || 'string' == typeof g) e = _.g_EL(g);
			else throw new TypeError('expected string or number');
			if (!e) throw new Error('invalid layout');
			return e.g_Iz();
		g_afU() {
			return t
				.map((g) => g.g_Iz());
		g_afV(g) {
			const _ = t.g_Wy();
			let e = null;
			if ('number' == typeof g || 'string' == typeof g) e = _.g_EL(g);
			else throw new TypeError('expected string or number');
			if (!e) throw new Error('invalid layout');
			_.g_Ja() || _.g_I$(e);
		get keyboard() {
			const g = t.g_afW().keyboard;
			if (!g)
				throw new Error(
					'runtime.keyboard used but Keyboard object missing - add it to your project first'
			return g;
		get g_afX() {
			const g = t.g_afW().g_afX;
			if (!g)
				throw new Error(
					'runtime.mouse used but Mouse object missing - add it to your project first'
			return g;
		get g_afY() {
			const g = t.g_afW().g_afY;
			if (!g)
				throw new Error(
					'runtime.touch used but Touch object missing - add it to your project first'
			return g;
		g_afZ(g, _) {
			t.g_af_(g, _);
		g_af$(g) {
			const _ = t.g_NN(g);
			return _ ? _.g_ad$() : null;
		g_aga(e, i) {
			const s = t.g_ZC();
			for (const g of e) {
				const _ = t.g_agb(g);
				if (!_ || !_.g_CU()) throw new Error('invalid instance');
				const e = _.g_CU();
				n.push([e.g_Em().g_EM(), e.g_Fz()]), r.push(_);
			if (0 === n.length) return;
			n.sort(_), r.sort((g, _) => i(g.g_ad$(), _.g_ad$()));
			let g = !1;
			for (let _ = 0, a = n.length; _ < a; ++_) {
				const e = r[_],
					a = s.g_Ho(n[_][0]),
					t = n[_][1],
					d = a.g_Fm();
				d[t] !== e && ((d[t] = e), e.g_CU().g_Ia(a), a.g_Ek(), (g = !0));
			g && t.g_EV(), g_aO.g_fz(n), g_aO.g_fz(r);
		alert(g) {
			return t.g_BW('runtime', 'alert', { message: g });
	let _ = null;
	self.g_BH = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(_ = g),
				Object.defineProperties(this, {
					g_agc: { value: _.g_Co('audio/webm; codecs=opus'), writable: !1 }
		g_agd(g) {
			return _.g_gb(g);
		g_age(g) {
			return _.g_gc(g);
		g_agf(g) {
			return _.g_gd(g);
		g_agg(g) {
			return _.g_ge(g);
		g_agh(g) {
			return _.g_BZ(g);
		g_agi(g) {
			return g_aO.g_f_(g) && (g = g.toLowerCase()), _.g_BY(g, _.g_BK());
		get g_agj() {
			return _.g_BK();
		async g_agk(a, t) {
			if (this.g_agc)
				throw new Error(
					'decodeWebMOpus(): not supported because WebM Opus is supported by the platform'
			const n = await _.g_BI().g_agl(t),
				i = new Float32Array(n),
				e = a.createBuffer(1, i.length, 48e3),
				r = e.getChannelData(0);
			return r.set(i), e;
		g_agm(...g) {
			return _.g_Cz(...g);
		g_agn(g) {
			return _.g_CA(g);
		g_ago(g) {
			return _.g_CB(g);
'use strict',
	(self.g_afK = class {
		constructor(g) {
			this.g_agp = g.g_agq();
		getItem(g) {
			return this.g_agp.getItem(g);
		setItem(g, _) {
			return this.g_agp.setItem(g, _);
		removeItem(g) {
			return this.g_agp.removeItem(g);
		clear() {
			return this.g_agp.clear();
		keys() {
			return this.g_agp.keys();
	'use strict';
	const _ = new WeakMap();
	self.g_agr = class {
		constructor(g) {
			_.set(this, g),
				Object.defineProperties(this, { name: { value: g.g_pY(), writable: !1 } }),
				g.g_BI().g_ags(this, g);
		g_agt() {
			return _.get(this)
				.map((g) => g.g_ad$());
		g_agu() {
			const g = _.get(this).g_H$();
			return 0 < g.length ? g[0].g_ad$() : null;
		g_agv() {
			return _.get(this)
				.map((g) => g.g_ad$());
		g_agw() {
			const g = _.get(this).g_Tu().g_H$();
			return 0 < g.length ? g[0].g_ad$() : null;
		*g_agx() {
			for (const g of _.get(this).g_H$()) yield g.g_ad$();
		*g_agy() {
			for (const g of _.get(this).g_Tu().g_H$()) yield g.g_ad$();
		g_agz(g) {
			const e = _.get(this);
			if (0 < e.g_EK())
				throw new Error(
					'setInstanceClass() called too late, because instances have already been created - call in runOnStartup'
		g_cg(a, t, n) {
			if ('number' != typeof a && 'string' != typeof a)
				throw new TypeError('invalid layer parameter');
			const r = _.get(this),
				e = r.g_BI(),
				s = e.g_Is().g_Em(a);
			if (!s) throw new Error('invalid layer');
			const g = e.g_agB(r, s, t, n),
				d = e.g_ED();
			if ((d.g_EH(!0), g.g_EI(), g.g_EJ())) for (const _ of g.siblings()) _.g_EI();
			return d.g_EH(!1), g.g_ad$();
	const g = new WeakMap();
	self.g_Hd = class {
		constructor(_) {
			g.set(this, _),
				Object.defineProperties(this, {
					name: { value: _.g_pY(), writable: !1 },
					index: { value: _.g_EM(), writable: !1 }
		addEventListener(_, e) {
			g.get(this).g_IA().addEventListener(_, e);
		removeEventListener(_, e) {
			g.get(this).g_IA().removeEventListener(_, e);
		get width() {
			return g.get(this).g_pN();
		set width(_) {
		get height() {
			return g.get(this).g_pO();
		set height(_) {
		scrollTo(_, e) {
			const a = g.get(this);
			a.g_Hg(_), a.g_Hh(e);
		g_agC(_) {
			const e = g.get(this);
			let a = null;
			if ('number' == typeof _ || 'string' == typeof _) a = e.g_Em(_);
			else throw new TypeError('expected string or number');
			if (!a) throw new Error('invalid layer');
			return a.g_GK();
		g_agD() {
			return g
				.map((g) => g.g_GK());
	const g = new WeakMap();
	self.g_DW = class {
		constructor(_) {
			g.set(this, _),
				Object.defineProperties(this, {
					name: { value: _.g_pY(), writable: !1 },
					index: { value: _.g_EM(), writable: !1 },
					g_Jv: { value: _.g_EL().g_Iz(), writable: !1 }
		static g_agE(_) {
			return g.get(_);
		get g_agF() {
			return g.get(this).g_ET();
		set g_agF(_) {
		get opacity() {
			return g.get(this).g_zk();
		set opacity(_) {
			(_ = g_aO.g_ep(+_, 0, 1)), isNaN(_) || g.get(this).g_zm(_);
		g_agG() {
			return g.get(this).g_EW().g_hZ();
	function g(g) {
		let _ = e.get(g);
		return _ ? _ : ((_ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event.g_lh)), e.set(g, _), _);
	const _ = new WeakMap(),
		e = new WeakMap();
	let t = null;
	self.g_agH = class {
		constructor() {
			_.set(this, t);
			const g = {
				runtime: { value: t.g_BI().g__r(), writable: !1 },
				g_agI: { value: t.g_EA().g_agJ(), writable: !1 },
				g_agK: { value: t.g_Ei(), writable: !1 }
			t.g_agL(g), t.g_agM(g), Object.defineProperties(this, g), t.g_BI().g_ags(this, t);
		static g_ac$(g) {
			t = g;
		static g_agN() {
			return t;
		g_nP() {
			const g = e.get(this);
			g && (g.g_ek(), e.delete(this)), _.delete(this);
		addEventListener(_, e, a) {
			g(this).addEventListener(_, e, a);
		removeEventListener(_, e, a) {
			g(this).removeEventListener(_, e, a);
		dispatchEvent(_) {
		g_agO() {
			const g = _.get(this);
	const g = new WeakMap(),
		_ = new Map([
			['normal', 0],
			['additive', 1],
			['copy', 3],
			['destination-over', 4],
			['source-in', 5],
			['destination-in', 6],
			['source-out', 7],
			['destination-out', 8],
			['source-atop', 9],
			['destination-atop', 10]
		e = new Map([..._.entries()].map((g) => [g[1], g[0]])),
		t = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB);
	self.g_agP = class extends g_agH {
		constructor() {
			const _ = g_agH.g_agN();
			g.set(this, _);
			const t = [],
				n = _.g_CU(),
				a = n.g_Gd();
			if (a) {
				const g = n.g_EA().g_EP().g_agQ().length;
				for (let _ = 0; _ < g; ++_) t.push(new g_agR(n, _));
			Object.defineProperties(this, { g_agS: { value: t, writable: !1 } });
		get g_Jv() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_EL().g_Iz();
		get g_Ju() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_Em().g_GK();
		get x() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_Ig();
		set x(_) {
			_ = +_;
			const e = g.get(this).g_CU();
			isNaN(_) || e.g_Ig() === _ || (e.g_abn(_), e.g_En());
		get y() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_Ih();
		set y(_) {
			_ = +_;
			const e = g.get(this).g_CU();
			isNaN(_) || e.g_Ih() === _ || (e.g_abo(_), e.g_En());
		get g_agT() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_Do();
		set g_agT(_) {
			_ = +_;
			const e = g.get(this),
				t = e.g_CU();
			t.g_Do() === _ || (t.g_Fh(_), e.g_BI().g_EV());
		get g_agU() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_Jg();
		get width() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_pN();
		set width(_) {
			_ = +_;
			const e = g.get(this).g_CU();
			isNaN(_) || e.g_pN() === _ || (e.g_Hj(_), e.g_En());
		get height() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_pO();
		set height(_) {
			_ = +_;
			const e = g.get(this).g_CU();
			isNaN(_) || e.g_pO() === _ || (e.g_Hk(_), e.g_En());
		get angle() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_Fj();
		set angle(_) {
			_ = g_aO.g_eq(+_);
			const e = g.get(this).g_CU();
			isNaN(_) || e.g_Fj() === _ || (e.g_Fi(_), e.g_En());
		get g_agV() {
			return g_aO.g_es(this.angle);
		set g_agV(g) {
			this.angle = g_aO.g_er(g);
		g_iR() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_Gi().g_hZ();
		g_agW() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_agX().g_iM();
		get g_agF() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_ET();
		set g_agF(_) {
			_ = !!_;
			const e = g.get(this),
				t = e.g_CU();
			t.g_ET() === _ || (t.g_EU(_), e.g_BI().g_EV());
		get opacity() {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_zk();
		set opacity(_) {
			_ = g_aO.g_ep(+_, 0, 1);
			const e = g.get(this),
				t = e.g_CU();
			isNaN(_) || t.g_zk() === _ || (t.g_zm(_), e.g_BI().g_EV());
		set g_agY(_) {
			if (3 > _.length) throw new Error('expected 3 elements');
			t.g_gH(_[0], _[1], _[2]);
			const a = g.get(this),
				n = a.g_CU();
			n.g_QI().g_gV(t) || (n.g_abw(t), a.g_BI().g_EV());
		get g_agY() {
			const _ = g.get(this).g_CU().g_QI();
			return [_.g_gP(), _.g_gQ(), _.g_gR()];
		set g_agZ(a) {
			const t = _.get(a);
			if ('number' != typeof t) throw new Error('invalid blend mode');
			const n = g.get(this),
				e = n.g_CU();
			e.g_Ex(t), n.g_BI().g_EV();
		get g_agZ() {
			return e.get(g.get(this).g_CU().g_Ey());
		g_ag_() {
		g_ag$() {
		g_aha(_) {
			const e = g_DW.g_agE(_);
			if (!e) throw new Error('invalid layer');
		g_ahb(_, e) {
			g.get(this).g_CU().g_abB(g.get(_), e);
		g_iq(_, e) {
			return g.get(this).g_CU().g_ahc(+_, +e);
		g_ahd(_) {
			const t = g.get(this),
				e = g.get(_);
			return t.g_BI().g_ahf().g_ahe(t, e);
		g_ahg() {
			const _ = g.get(this),
				e = _.g_BI().g_ahf().g_ahh(_);
			return e ? e.g_ad$() : null;
	const g = new WeakMap();
	self.g_ahi = class extends g_agP {
		constructor() {
			super(), g.set(this, g_agH.g_agN());
		focus() {
		blur() {
		g_ahj(_, e) {
			g.get(this).g_Qd().g_aeY(_, e);
	const g = new WeakMap();
	let _ = null;
	self.g_ahk = class {
		constructor() {
			g.set(this, _);
			const e = {
				runtime: { value: _.g_BI().g__r(), writable: !1 },
				behavior: { value: _.g_afj().g_afg(), writable: !1 }
			Object.defineProperties(this, e);
		static g_ac$(g) {
			_ = g;
		static g_agN() {
			return _;
		get g_Ke() {
			return g.get(this).g_afm().g_ad$();
	const g = new WeakMap();
	self.g_afe = class {
		constructor(_) {
			g.set(this, _);
			const e = { runtime: { value: _.g_BI().g__r(), writable: !1 } };
			Object.defineProperties(this, e);
		g_agt() {
			return g
				.map((g) => g.g_ad$());
	const g = new WeakMap();
	self.g_agR = class {
		constructor(_, e) {
			g.set(this, _), Object.defineProperties(this, { index: { value: e, writable: !1 } });
		get name() {
			const _ = g.get(this),
				e = _.g_EA().g_EP().g_agQ();
			return e[this.index].g_pY();
		get isActive() {
			const _ = g.get(this),
				e = _.g_Gd();
			return e.g_Qf(this.index);
		set isActive(_) {
			_ = !!_;
			const a = g.get(this),
				t = a.g_Gd();
			t.g_Qf(this.index) === _ || (t.g_abC(this.index, _), t.g_abD(), a.g_BI().g_EV());
		setParameter(_, t) {
			_ = Math.floor(+_);
			const n = g.get(this),
				i = n.g_Gd(),
				e = i.g_Gh(this.index);
			if (0 > _ || _ >= e.length) throw new RangeError('invalid effect parameter index');
			const r = e[_];
			if (r instanceof g_aO.g_gB) {
				if (!Array.isArray(t) || 3 > t.length)
					throw new TypeError('expected array with 3 elements');
				const g = t[0],
					_ = t[1],
					a = t[2];
				if (r.g_gW(g, _, a)) return;
				r.g_gH(g, _, a);
			} else {
				if ('number' != typeof t) throw new TypeError('expected number');
				if (r === t) return;
				e[_] = t;
			i.g_Qf(this.index) && n.g_BI().g_EV();
		getParameter(_) {
			_ = Math.floor(+_);
			const t = g.get(this),
				n = t.g_Gd(),
				i = n.g_Gh(this.index);
			if (0 > _ || _ >= i.length) throw new RangeError('invalid effect parameter index');
			const e = i[_];
			return e instanceof g_aO.g_gB ? [e.g_gP(), e.g_gQ(), e.g_gR()] : e;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY = {}),
	(g_aO.g_ahl = {}),
	(g_aO.g_ahm = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_ahn = []),
				(this.g_aho = new Map()),
				(this.g__Z = null),
				(this.g_ahp = []),
				(this.g_ahq = new Map()),
				(this.g_ahr = null),
				(this.g_ahs = null);
		g_aht(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g__p(g[0]);
			if (!_) throw new Error('missing plugin');
			g_aO.g_abG(g, _);
			const e = g_aO.g_ej(_, {
				runtime: this.g_Be,
				g_adn: g[1],
				g_adp: g[2],
				g_adr: g[5],
				g_adv: g[8],
				g_adt: g[9]
			e.g_adB(), this.g_ahn.push(e), this.g_aho.set(_, e);
		g_ahu() {
			(this.g__Z = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX, { runtime: this.g_Be, g_adn: !0 })), this.g__Z.g_adB();
		g_ahv(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g__p(g[1]);
			if (!_) throw new Error('missing behavior');
			const e = g_aO.g_ej(_, { runtime: this.g_Be });
				this.g_ahq.set(_, e),
				!this.g_ahr && g_aO.g_ahl.g_ahw && e instanceof g_aO.g_ahl.g_ahw
					? (this.g_ahr = e)
					: !this.g_ahs && g_aO.g_ahl.g_ahx && e instanceof g_aO.g_ahl.g_ahx && (this.g_ahs = e);
		g_ahy(g) {
			return this.g_aho.get(g) || null;
		g_ahz(g) {
			return this.g_ahq.has(g);
		g_ahA(g) {
			return this.g_ahq.get(g) || null;
		g___() {
			return this.g__Z;
		g_ahB() {
			return this.g_ahr;
		g_ahC() {
			return this.g_ahs;
	'use strict';
	const g = new Set();
	g_aO.g_ahD = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor() {
				(this.g_CE = ''),
				(this.g_CF = 0),
				(this.g_qZ = 0),
				(this.g_ahE = 0),
				(this.g_ahF = 0),
				(this.g_pu = 0),
				(this.g_pv = 0),
				(this.g_ahG = !1),
				(this.g_ahH = null),
				(this.g_ahI = ''),
				(this.g_wp = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
		g_ek() {
			this.g_wt(), (this.g_ahH = null), g.delete(this);
		static g_CQ() {
			for (const _ of g) (_.g_ahI = ''), _.g_wp.set(0, 0, 0, 0);
		g_ahJ(g) {
			(this.g_CE = g[0]),
				(this.g_CF = g[1]),
				(this.g_qZ = g[2]),
				(this.g_ahE = g[3]),
				(this.g_ahF = g[4]),
				(this.g_pu = g[5]),
				(this.g_pv = g[6]),
				(this.g_ahG = !0);
		g_ahK(g) {
			(this.g_CE = g[0]),
				(this.g_CF = g[1]),
				(this.g_ahE = g[2]),
				(this.g_ahF = g[3]),
				(this.g_pu = g[4]),
				(this.g_pv = g[5]),
				(this.g_qZ = g[11]),
				(this.g_ahG = !0);
		g_ahL(g, _) {
			if (this.g_ahH) throw new Error('already loaded asset');
			this.g_CE = _;
			const e = {};
			return g_aO.g_fZ(_) && (e.g_Ca = 'remote'), this.g_ahM(g, e), this.g_ahH.g_Cd();
		g_ahN(g) {
			if (g === this) throw new Error('cannot replace with self');
				(this.g_CE = g.g_CE),
				(this.g_CF = g.g_CF),
				(this.g_qZ = g.g_qZ),
				(this.g_ahE = g.g_ahE),
				(this.g_ahF = g.g_ahF),
				(this.g_pu = g.g_pu),
				(this.g_pv = g.g_pv),
				(this.g_ahG = g.g_ahG),
				(this.g_ahH = g.g_ahH),
				(this.g_ahI = g.g_ahI),
				(this.g_wp = g.g_wp);
		g_Cc() {
			return this.g_CE;
		g_jv() {
			return this.g_CF;
		g_ahO() {
			return this.g_qZ;
		g_ahP() {
			return this.g_ahE;
		g_ahQ() {
			return this.g_ahF;
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_pu;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_pv;
		g_ahR() {
			return this.g_ahH.g_pN();
		g_ahS() {
			return this.g_ahH.g_pO();
		g_ahM(g, _) {
			if (this.g_ahH) throw new Error('already got asset');
			(_ = Object.assign({}, _, { url: this.g_Cc(), size: this.g_jv() })), (this.g_ahH = g.g_B$(_));
		g_CK() {
			return this.g_ahH && this.g_ahH.g_CK();
		async g_CR(g, _) {
			if (!this.g_ahH) throw new Error('no asset');
			if (this.g_ahI) throw new Error('already loaded texture');
			this.g_ahI = 'loading';
			const e = await this.g_ahH.g_CR(g, _);
			return e
				? ((this.g_ahI = 'loaded'),
				  this.g_ahG || ((this.g_pu = e.g_pN()), (this.g_pv = e.g_pO()), (this.g_ahG = !0)),
				  this.g_wp.set(this.g_ahE, this.g_ahF, this.g_ahE + this.g_pu, this.g_ahF + this.g_pv),
				  this.g_wp.g_N(e.g_pN(), e.g_pO()),
				: ((this.g_ahI = ''), null);
		g_wt() {
			this.g_ahI && (this.g_ahH && this.g_ahH.g_wt(), (this.g_ahI = ''), this.g_wp.set(0, 0, 0, 0));
		g_rQ() {
			return this.g_ahH ? this.g_ahH.g_rQ() : null;
		g_xg() {
			return this.g_wp;
		async g_ahT() {
			const g = await this.g_ahH.g_CS(),
				_ = g_aO.g_gk(this.g_pu, this.g_pv),
				e = _.getContext('2d');
			return (
				e.drawImage(g, this.g_ahE, this.g_ahF, this.g_pu, this.g_pv, 0, 0, this.g_pu, this.g_pv), _
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahU = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_en = g[0]),
				(this.g_ahV = g[1]),
				(this.g_aad = !!g[2]),
				(this.g_Rx = g[3]),
				(this.g_ahW = g[4]),
				(this.g_ahX = !!g[5]),
				(this.g_Ds = g[6]),
				(this.g_ahY = g[7].map((g) => g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ahZ, g)));
		g_ek() {
			for (const g of this.g_ahY) g.g_ek();
		g_ah_(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_ahY) _.g_adQ().g_ahM(g);
		g_ah$(g, _) {
			return Promise.all(this.g_ahY.map((e) => e.g_adQ().g_CR(g, _)));
		g_aia() {
			for (const g of this.g_ahY) g.g_adQ().g_wt();
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_aib() {
			return this.g_ahY.length;
		g_aic() {
			return this.g_ahY;
		g_aid(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 > g || g >= this.g_ahY.length))
				throw new RangeError('invalid frame');
			return this.g_ahY[g];
		g_aie() {
			return this.g_ahV;
		g_ZM() {
			return this.g_aad;
		g_Mi() {
			return this.g_Rx;
		g_aif() {
			return this.g_ahW;
		g_aig() {
			return this.g_ahX;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahZ = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_aih = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ahD)),
				(this.g_aii = g[6]),
				(this.g_aij = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_hA, g[7], g[8])),
				(this.g_aik = g[9].map((g) => g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ail, this, g))),
				(this.g_aim = new Map());
			for (const _ of this.g_aik) this.g_aim.set(_.g_pY().toLowerCase(), _);
			this.g_ain = null;
			const _ = g[10];
			6 <= _.length && (this.g_ain = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_i_, _));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_ain && (this.g_ain.g_ek(), (this.g_ain = null)),
				(this.g_aih = null);
		g_adQ() {
			return this.g_aih;
		g_aio() {
			return this.g_aii;
		g_QX() {
			return this.g_aij.g_hE();
		g_QZ() {
			return this.g_aij.g_hG();
		g_aip() {
			return this.g_ain;
		g_aiq(g) {
			return this.g_aim.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_air(g) {
			return (g = Math.floor(g)), 0 > g || g >= this.g_aik.length ? null : this.g_aik[g];
		g_ais() {
			return this.g_aik.length;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ail = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_ait = g),
				(this.g_en = _[0]),
				(this.g_aiu = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_hA, _[1], _[2]));
		g_ek() {}
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_Ig() {
			return this.g_aiu.g_hE();
		g_Ih() {
			return this.g_aiu.g_hG();
		g_aiv() {
			return this.g_aiu;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_aiw = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, a) {
			const t = g.g__p(a[1]);
			if (
				((this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_adP = g.g_aix().g_ahy(t)),
				(this.g_adU = null),
				(this.g_aiy = t.Instance),
				(this.g_Dr = _),
				(this.g_Ds = a[11]),
				(this.g_en = a[0]),
				(this.g__M = this.g_Be.g_VT(a[14])),
				(this.g_aiz = !!a[9]),
				(this.g_aiA = !!a[2]),
				(this.g_aiB = !!a[10]),
				(this.g_aiC = a[3].map((_) => ({
					g_aiD: _[0],
					type: _[1],
					name: _[2],
					g_aiE: g.g_VT(_[3])
				(this.g_aiF = a[4]),
				(this.g_aiG = a[5]),
				(this.g_ado = this.g_adP.g_H_()),
				(this.g_DO = null),
				(this.g_aiH = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_aiI, g.g_DY(), g.g_DZ())),
				(this.g_aiJ = !0),
				(this.g_aiK = !1),
				(this.g_aiL = null),
				(this.g_aiM = null),
				(this.g_aiN = -1),
				(this.g_aiO = null),
				(this.g_aiP = null),
				(this.g_aiQ = null),
				(this.g_aiR = null),
				(this.g_aiS = null),
				(this.g_aiT = !1),
				(this.g_aiU = null),
				(this.g_aiV = a[8].map((g) => g_aO.g_aiW.g_sf(this, g))),
				(this.g_aiX = []),
				(this.g_aiY = new Map()),
				(this.g_aiZ = new Map()),
				(this.g_ai_ = new Set()),
				(this.g_ai$ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Tp, this)),
				(this.g_aja = null),
				(this.g_ajb = 0),
				(this.g_ajc = !1),
				(this.g_aiU = null),
				(this.g_aih = null),
				(this.g_ajd = null),
				(this.g_aje = null),
				(this.g_ajf = null),
				(this.g_ajg = 0),
				(this.g_aai = new Map()),
				(this.g_aaj = new Map()),
				(this.g_CX = []),
				(this.g_ajh = !0),
				this.g_adP.g_adD() && (this.g_DO = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_DP, this, a[12])),
				a[6] && ((this.g_aih = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ahD)), this.g_aih.g_ahJ(a[6])),
			) {
				(this.g_ajd = a[7].map((g) => g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ahU, g))),
					(this.g_aje = new Map()),
					(this.g_ajf = new Map());
				for (const g of this.g_ajd)
					this.g_aje.set(g.g_pY().toLowerCase(), g), this.g_ajf.set(g.g_EN(), g);
				? ((this.g_aiL = []), (this.g_aiM = new Set()), (this.g_aiN = this.g_Be.g_aji()))
				: ((this.g_aiO = []),
				  (this.g_aiP = new Set()),
				  (this.g_aiQ = []),
				  (this.g_aiR = []),
				  (this.g_aiS = [])),
				(this.g_adU = g_aO.g_ej(t.g_ajj, this)),
				(this.g_ajk = null),
				(this.g_ajl = null);
			const n = this.g_adU.g_adS();
			if (!n) this.g_ajk = new g_agr(this);
			else if (((this.g_ajk = new n(this)), !(this.g_ajk instanceof g_agr)))
				throw new TypeError('script interface class must derive from IObjectClass');
			a[13] && a[13].length && this.g_adU.g_adR(a[13]),
				(!this.g_Be.g_ajm() || this.g_aiA || this.g_aiB || !this.g_ado) && this.g_adB(),
				this.g_adP.g_Iq() && (this.g_adP.g_adE(this), this.g_ajn(a));
		static g_sf(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_aiw, g, _, e);
		g_ek() {
			if ((this.g_aih && (this.g_aih.g_ek(), (this.g_aih = null)), this.g_ajd)) {
				for (const g of this.g_ajd) g.g_ek();
				g_aO.g_fz(this.g_ajd), this.g_aje.clear(), this.g_ajf.clear();
				(this.g_ai$ = null),
				(this.g_aiU = null),
				(this.g_Be = null);
		g_ajo(g) {
			for (let _ = 1, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_Be.g_D_(g[_]);
				this.g_aiL.push(e), this.g_aiM.add(e), e.g_aiO.push(this), e.g_aiP.add(this);
		g_ajp(g) {
			(this.g_aiT = !0), (this.g_aiU = g);
		g_EJ() {
			return this.g_aiT;
		g_Hu() {
			return this.g_aiU;
		g_ajq() {
			let g = 0;
			if (!this.g_aiA)
				for (const _ of this.g_aiO)
					for (const e of _.g_ajr()) {
						const _ = e.g_pY().toLowerCase();
						this.g_aiY.set(_, e), this.g_aiZ.set(_, g), this.g_aiX.push(e), ++g;
			for (const _ of this.g_ajr()) {
				const e = _.g_pY().toLowerCase();
				this.g_aiY.set(e, _), this.g_aiZ.set(e, g), this.g_aiX.push(_), ++g;
			for (const g of this.g_aiX) this.g_ai_.add(g.g_afj().constructor);
			if (!this.g_aiA && this.g_aiO.length) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_ajs();
				g_aO.g_fB(this.g_aiQ, g, 0), g_aO.g_fB(this.g_aiR, g, 0), g_aO.g_fB(this.g_aiS, g, 0);
				const _ = [];
				let t = 0,
					n = 0,
					i = 0;
				for (const e of this.g_aiO) {
					const a = e.g_$r();
					(this.g_aiQ[a] = t),
						(t += e.g_ajt()),
						(this.g_aiR[a] = n),
						(n += e.g_aju()),
						(this.g_aiS[a] = i),
						(i += e.g_ajv());
					const r = e.g_EP();
					if (r && this.g_DO) for (const g of r.g_agQ()) _.push(g.g_ajw(this.g_DO));
				this.g_DO && this.g_DO.g_ajx(_);
		g_ajn(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ajy(),
				e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Instance, { runtime: this.g_Be, g_agI: this, g_agK: _ });
			e.g_ajz(g[15], []), this.g_Be.g_ajA(_, e), this.g_CX.push(e);
		g_adV() {
			return this.g_adU;
		g_ajB() {
			return this.g_aiB;
		g_adB() {
			this.g_aiA || this.g_adU.g_adB();
		g_ajC() {
			return 0 < this.g_ajg;
		g_Hx(g) {
			return this.g_aiA
				? Promise.resolve()
				: (this.g_ajg++, 1 === this.g_ajg ? this.g_adU.g_Hx(g) : Promise.resolve());
		g_HD() {
			if (!this.g_aiA) {
				if ((this.g_ajg--, 0 > this.g_ajg)) throw new Error('released textures too many times');
				0 === this.g_ajg && this.g_adU.g_HD();
		g_HA() {
			if (this.g_aiA) throw new Error('not applicable to family');
		g_HS(g) {
			return this.g_aiA ? Promise.resolve() : this.g_adU.g_HS(g);
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_Ir() {
			return this.g_adP;
		g_ajD() {
			return this.g_aiy;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_VT() {
			return this.g__M;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_EF() {
			return this.g_aiA;
		g_Eh() {
			return this.g_aiz;
		g_H_() {
			return this.g_ado;
		g_$r() {
			return this.g_aiN;
		g_ajr() {
			return this.g_aiV;
		g_aju() {
			return this.g_aiF;
		g_ajE(g) {
			return g && this.g_ai_.has(g);
		g_ajt() {
			return this.g_aiC.length;
		g_ajF() {
			return this.g_aiC.map((g) => g.g_aiD);
		g_ajG(g) {
			return this.g_aiC.findIndex((_) => _.g_aiD === g);
		g_NU(g) {
			return this.g_aiC.findIndex((_) => _.name === g);
		g_ajH() {
			return this.g_aiC.map((g) => g.name);
		g_ajI() {
			return this.g_aiC.map((g) => g.g_aiE);
		g_NW(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 > g || g >= this.g_aiC.length))
				throw new RangeError('invalid instance variable index');
			return this.g_aiC[g].type;
		g_NV(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 > g || g >= this.g_aiC.length))
				throw new RangeError('invalid instance variable index');
			return this.g_aiC[g].name;
		g_ajv() {
			return this.g_aiG;
		g_ajJ() {
			return this.g_aiX;
		g_Qe(g) {
			return this.g_aiY.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_N_(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aiZ.get(g.toLowerCase());
			return 'undefined' == typeof _ ? -1 : _;
		g_EP() {
			return this.g_DO;
		g_adD() {
			return this.g_adP.g_adD();
		g_ajK() {
			return this.g_DO && this.g_DO.g_ajL();
		g_WJ() {
			return this.g_ai$;
		g_Tu() {
			return this.g_ai$.g_Tu();
		g_adQ() {
			return this.g_aih;
		g_Eb(g) {
			this.g_aja = g;
		g_Ea() {
			return this.g_aja;
		g_Ec(g) {
			this.g_ajb = g;
		g_ajM() {
			return this.g_ajb;
		g_ajN() {
			return this.g_ajd;
		g_ajO() {
			return this.g_ajd.length;
		g_Yi() {
			return this.g_aiO;
		g_abE(g) {
			return this.g_aiP.has(g);
		g_Zd() {
			return this.g_aiL;
		g_EG(g) {
			return this.g_aiM.has(g);
		g_$w(g) {
			return this.g_aiR[g];
		g_$q(g) {
			return this.g_aiQ[g];
		g_ajP(g) {
			if (!this.g_ajd) throw new Error('no animations');
			return this.g_aje.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_ajQ(g) {
			if (!this.g_ajd) throw new Error('no animations');
			return this.g_ajf.get(g) || null;
		g_ajR() {
			if (!this.g_ajd) throw new Error('no animations');
			return this.g_ajd[0].g_aid(0);
		g_ajS() {
			if (this.g_ajd) {
				const g = this.g_ajR().g_adQ();
				return [g.g_pN(), g.g_pO()];
			return this.g_aih ? [this.g_aih.g_pN(), this.g_aih.g_pO()] : [100, 100];
		g_$i() {
			if (!this.g_adP.g_Iq()) throw new Error('not a single-global plugin');
			return this.g_CX[0];
		g_H$() {
			return this.g_CX;
		*g_agx() {
			yield* this.g_CX;
		*g_ajT() {
			yield* this.g_CX;
			for (const g of this.g_Be.g_abF()) g.g_EA() === this && (yield g);
		g_EK() {
			return this.g_CX.length;
		g_El(g) {
		g_ajU() {
			this.g_ajh = !0;
		g_Ii() {
			if (this.g_ajh && !this.g_aiA) {
				const g = this.g_CX;
				let _ = 0;
				for (let e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_ajV(_);
				const e = this.g_Be.g_abF();
				for (const g of e) g.g_EA() === this && g.g_ajV(_++);
				this.g_ajh = !1;
		g_ajW(g) {
			const _ = this.g_CX;
			if (g < _.length) return _[g];
			g -= _.length;
			const e = this.g_Be.g_abF();
			for (const _ of e)
				if (_.g_EA() === this) {
					if (0 === g) return _;
			return null;
		g_abA(g) {
			if (g && g.g_EJ() && g.g_EA() !== this)
				for (const _ of g.siblings()) if (_.g_EA() === this) return _;
			const _ = this.g_Tu().g_H$();
			return _.length ? _[0] : null;
		g_abr(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Tu().g_H$();
			return _.length ? _[g.g_Id() % _.length] : null;
		g_aaL(g) {
		g_aaH() {
			if (this.g_aiT && !this.g_aiA) {
				const g = this.g_Tu(),
					_ = g.g_TN(),
					a = g.g_TF(),
					t = this.g_Be.g_VG(),
					n = t && t.g_TT() && t.g_TT().g_TS();
				for (const e of this.g_aiU.g_Ie()) {
					if (e === this) continue;
					const t = e.g_Tu();
					if ((t.g_TM(a), !a)) {
						const i = t.g_TN();
						for (const g of _) i.push(e.g_ajW(g.g_Id()));
						if (n) {
							const _ = g.g_TO(),
								n = t.g_TO();
							for (const g of _) n.push(e.g_ajW(g.g_Id()));
		g_aaQ(g, _) {
			for (const e of this.g_Hu().g_Ie()) {
				const a = e.g_Tu();
				g ? g_aO.g_fy(a.g_TO(), _) : g_aO.g_fy(a.g_TN(), _);
		g_ajX() {
			return this.g_aiH;
		g_ajY(g) {
			this.g_aiJ = !!g;
		g_Fe(g) {
			this.g_aiK = !!g;
		g_ajZ() {
			return this.g_aiK;
		g_aj_() {
			if (this.g_aiJ && this.g_ado) {
				for (const g of this.g_CX) g.g_CU().g_aj$();
				for (const g of this.g_Be.g_abF()) g.g_EA() === this && g.g_CU().g_aj$();
				this.g_aiJ = !1;
		g_aaF() {
			return this.g_aai || (this.g_aai = new Map()), this.g_aai;
		g_aaG() {
			return this.g_aaj || (this.g_aaj = new Map()), this.g_aaj;
		g_aka() {
			return this.g_ajE(g_aO.g_ahl.g_ahw);
		g_akb() {
			return this.g_ajE(g_aO.g_ahl.g_akc);
		g_Ef() {
			return this.g_ajE(g_aO.g_ahl.g_akd);
		g_GG() {
			const g = { instances: this.g_CX.map((g) => g.g_GH()) };
			return this.g_aai && this.g_aai.size && (g.ex = g_aO.g_gx(this.g_aai)), g;
		g_GI(g) {
			this.g_aai && (this.g_aai.clear(), (this.g_aai = null));
			const _ = g.ex;
			_ && (this.g_aai = g_aO.g_gy(_));
			const a = this.g_CX,
				t = g.instances;
			for (let _ = 0, n = Math.min(a.length, t.length); _ < n; ++_) a[_].g_GJ(t[_]);
			for (let _ = t.length, n = a.length; _ < n; ++_) this.g_Be.g_EB(a[_]);
			for (let _ = a.length, n = t.length; _ < n; ++_) {
				const g = t[_];
				let a = null;
				if (this.g_H_() && ((a = this.g_Be.g_Is().g_Hq(g.w.l)), !a)) continue;
				const n = this.g_Be.g_Eg(this.g_aja || this, a, !1, 0, 0, !0);
		g_agJ() {
			return this.g_ajk;
		g_ake() {
			return this.g_ajl;
		g_agA(g) {
			this.g_ajl = g;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_akf = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(), (this.g_Be = g), (this.g_akg = _);
			for (const e of this.g_akg) e.g_ajp(this);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Be = null;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_Ht() {
			return this.g_akg;
		g_Ie() {
			return this.g_akg;
		g_Ik() {
			return this.g_akg.some((g) => g.g_H_());
	'use strict';
	const g = [];
	let _ = 0;
	const t = new WeakMap(),
		e = new WeakMap();
	g_aO.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(a) {
				(this.g_Be = a.runtime),
				(this.g_akh = a.g_agI),
				(this.g_Nz = null),
				(this.g_aki = null),
				(this.g_akj = null),
				(this.g_akk = 0),
				(this.g_akl = a.g_agK),
				(this.g_akm = _++),
				(this.g_akn = 0),
				(this.g_ako = g),
				(this.g_akp = g);
			const t = this.g_akh.g_ajJ();
			0 < t.length &&
				(this.g_akp = t.map((g, _) =>
					g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_akq, { runtime: this.g_Be, g_NY: g, g_Ke: this, index: _ })
				(this.g_akr = this.g_akh.g_EJ() ? [] : null),
				(this.g_aks = -1),
				(this.g_akt = null);
			const n = this.g_Ir();
			if ((n.g_tt() && (this.g_akn |= 4), n.g_H_()))
				if (((this.g_Nz = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_aku, this, a.g_Ju)), a.g_akv)) this.g_Nz.g_akw(a.g_akv);
				else {
					const [g, _] = this.g_akh.g_ajS();
					this.g_Nz.g_wQ(g, _), this.g_EA().g_ajK() && this.g_Nz.g_Gd().g_aky();
			a.g_akz ? this.g_akA(a.g_akz) : this.g_akB();
		g_ek() {
			if ((this.g_akj && (this.g_akj.g_nP(), (this.g_akj = null)), 0 < this.g_akp.length)) {
				for (const g of this.g_akp) g.g_ek();
			this.g_aki.g_ek(), (this.g_aki = null);
			const g = t.get(this);
			g && (g.clear(), t.delete(this));
			const _ = e.get(this);
			_ && (_.clear(), e.delete(this)),
				this.g_akr && g_aO.g_fz(this.g_akr),
				this.g_akt && (this.g_akt.g_ek(), (this.g_akt = null)),
				(this.g_Be = null),
				(this.g_akh = null),
				0 < this.g_ako.length && g_aO.g_fz(this.g_ako),
				this.g_Nz && (this.g_Nz.g_ek(), (this.g_Nz = null));
		g_akA(g) {
			0 < g.length && ((this.g_ako = []), g_aO.g_fD(this.g_ako, g));
		g_akB() {
			const g = this.g_akh.g_ajt();
			if (0 !== g) {
				this.g_ako = [];
				const _ = [0, 0, ''];
				for (let e = 0; e < g; ++e) this.g_ako.push(_[this.g_akh.g_NW(e)]);
		g_ajz(g, _) {
			if (this.g_aki) throw new Error('already got sdk instance');
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_akp.length; e < a; ++e) {
				const g = this.g_akp[e];
				g.g_ajz(_ ? _[e] : null);
			if (
				((this.g_aki = g_aO.g_ej(this.g_akh.g_ajD(), this, g)), !(this.g_aki instanceof g_aO.g_adT))
				throw new Error('sdk type must derive from SDKInstanceBase');
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_akp.length; e < a; ++e) this.g_akp[e].g_afq();
			this.g_akh.g_ake() && this.g_akC();
		g_Qd() {
			return this.g_aki;
		g_CU() {
			return this.g_Nz;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_KX() {
			return this.g_aks;
		g_akD(g) {
			(g = +g), (0 > g || !isFinite(g)) && (g = 0), (this.g_aks = g);
		g_akE() {
			this.g_aks = -1;
		g_lh() {
			return this.g_akt || (this.g_akt = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event.g_lh)), this.g_akt;
		g_FN(g) {
		g_adB(g) {
		g_akF() {
			this.g_akn |= 2;
		g_akG() {
			return 0 != (2 & this.g_akn);
		g_akH() {
			this.g_akn |= 1;
		g_NL() {
			return 0 != (1 & this.g_akn);
		g_tt() {
			return 0 != (4 & this.g_akn);
		g_akI() {
			return 0 != (8 & this.g_akn);
		g_akJ(g) {
			g ? (this.g_akn |= 8) : (this.g_akn &= -9);
		g_akK() {
			return 0 != (16 & this.g_akn);
		g_akL(g) {
			g ? (this.g_akn |= 16) : (this.g_akn &= -17);
		g_akM(g, _) {
			(g <<= 16), _ ? (this.g_akn |= g) : (this.g_akn &= ~g);
		g_akN(g) {
			return 0 != (this.g_akn & (g << 16));
		g_Gg() {
			return this.g_aki.g_Gg();
		g_abs(g) {
			return this.g_aki.g_abs(g);
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_akh;
		g_akO(g) {
			return g.g_EF() ? g.g_EG(this.g_EA()) : this.g_EA() === g;
		g_EJ() {
			return null !== this.g_akr;
		g_If(g) {
		g_akP() {
			return this.g_akr;
		siblings() {
			return this.g_akr;
		g_Yn() {
			for (const g of this.siblings()) g.g_EA().g_Tu().g_TP(g);
		g_aaM() {
			for (const g of this.siblings()) g.g_EA().g_Tu().g_TK(g);
		g_aaN(g) {
			for (const _ of this.siblings()) _.g_EA().g_Tu().g_TN()[g] = _;
		g_aaP() {
			for (const g of this.siblings()) g.g_EA().g_Tu().g_TL(g);
		g_aaO(g) {
			for (const _ of this.siblings()) _.g_EA().g_Tu().g_TO()[g] = _;
		g_Ir() {
			return this.g_akh.g_Ir();
		g_ajV(g) {
			this.g_akk = g;
		g_Id() {
			return this.g_akh.g_Ii(), this.g_akk;
		g_Ei() {
			return this.g_akl;
		g_akQ() {
			return this.g_akm;
		g_Qc() {
			return this.g_akp;
		g_akR(g) {
			if (!g) return null;
			for (const _ of this.g_akp) if (_.g_afj() instanceof g) return _;
			return null;
		g_akS(g) {
			if (!g) return null;
			const _ = this.g_akR(g);
			return _ ? _.g_Qd() : null;
		g_Qb(g) {
			const _ = this.g_akp;
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) if (_[e].g_NZ().g_EN() === g) return e;
			return -1;
		g_akT() {
			return this.g_ako;
		g_ajH() {
			return this.g_akh.g_ajH();
		g_akU() {
			return this.g_ako.length;
		g_QL(g) {
			g |= 0;
			const _ = this.g_ako;
			if (0 > g || g >= _.length) throw new RangeError('invalid instance variable');
			return _[g];
		g_$o(g) {
			return this.g_ako[g];
		g_QN(g, _) {
			g |= 0;
			const e = this.g_ako;
			if (0 > g || g >= e.length) throw new RangeError('invalid instance variable');
			const t = e[g];
			if ('number' == typeof t) e[g] = 'number' == typeof _ ? _ : parseFloat(_);
			else if ('boolean' == typeof t) e[g] = 'boolean' == typeof _ ? _ : !!_;
			else if ('string' == typeof t) e[g] = 'string' == typeof _ ? _ : _.toString();
			else throw new Error('unknown instance variable type');
		g_Re(g, _) {
			if (0 !== _) {
				g |= 0;
				const e = this.g_ako;
				if (0 > g || g >= e.length) throw new RangeError('invalid instance variable');
				const a = e[g];
				if ('number' == typeof a) e[g] += 'number' == typeof _ ? _ : parseFloat(_);
				else if ('boolean' == typeof a) throw new Error('can not set offset of boolean variable');
				else if ('string' == typeof a) throw new Error('can not set offset of string variable');
				else throw new Error('unknown instance variable type');
		g_aaF() {
			let g = t.get(this);
			return g ? g : ((g = new Map()), t.set(this, g), g);
		g_aaG() {
			let g = e.get(this);
			return g ? g : ((g = new Map()), e.set(this, g), g);
		g_EI() {
			this.g_Be.g_Ku(this.g_Ir().constructor.g_HW.g_acK, this, null);
		g_akV() {
			this.g_Be.g_Ku(this.g_Ir().constructor.g_HW.g_acL, this, null);
		g_akW() {
			return this.g_aki.g_aep();
		g_GH(g = 'full') {
			const _ = {};
			if (('full' === g ? (_.uid = this.g_Ei()) : (_.c3 = !0), 'visual-state' !== g)) {
				const g = t.get(this);
				if (
					(g && g.size && (_.ex = g_aO.g_gx(g)),
					-1 !== this.g_KX() && (_.mts = this.g_KX()),
					0 < this.g_akh.g_ajt())
				) {
					const g = {},
						e = this.g_akh.g_ajF();
					for (let _ = 0, a = this.g_ako.length; _ < a; ++_) g[e[_].toString()] = this.g_ako[_];
					_.ivs = g;
				if (this.g_akp.length) {
					const g = {};
					for (const _ of this.g_akp) {
						const e = _.g_GH();
						e && (g[_.g_NZ().g_EN().toString()] = e);
					_.behs = g;
			this.g_Nz && (_.w = this.g_Nz.g_GG());
			const e = this.g_aki.g_GH();
			return e && (_.data = e), _;
		g_GJ(g, _ = 'full') {
			if ('full' === _) this.g_akl = g.uid;
			else if (!g.c3) return;
			if ('visual-state' !== _) {
				let _ = t.get(this);
				_ && (_.clear(), t.delete(this));
				const a = g.ex;
				a && ((_ = g_aO.g_gy(a)), t.set(this, _)),
					(this.g_aks = g.hasOwnProperty('mts') ? g.mts : -1);
				const n = g.ivs;
				if (n)
					for (const [g, _] of Object.entries(n)) {
						const a = parseInt(g, 10),
							t = this.g_akh.g_ajG(a);
						if (0 > t || t >= this.g_ako.length) continue;
						let n = _;
						null === n && (n = NaN), (this.g_ako[t] = n);
			if (this.g_Ir().g_H_()) {
				const e = g.w,
					t = e.l;
				if (this.g_Nz.g_Em().g_EN() !== t) {
					const g = this.g_Nz.g_Em(),
						e = g.g_EL().g_Hq(t);
						? (this.g_Nz.g_Ia(e), g.g_Eq(this, !0), e.g_El(this, !0), e.g_Ek(), this.g_Nz.g_En())
						: 'full' === _ && this.g_Be.g_EB(this);
			if ('visual-state' !== _) {
				const _ = g.behs;
				if (_)
					for (const [g, e] of Object.entries(_)) {
						const _ = parseInt(g, 10),
							a = this.g_Qb(_);
						0 > a || a >= this.g_akp.length || this.g_akp[a].g_GJ(e);
			const e = g.data;
			e && this.g_aki.g_GJ(e);
		g_ad$() {
			return this.g_akj || this.g_akC();
		g_akC() {
			const g = this.g_Nz ? g_agP : g_agH,
				_ = this.g_aki.g_adS(),
				e = this.g_akh.g_ake();
			if (
				(this.g_akj = new (e || _ || g)()),
				_ && !(this.g_akj instanceof g))
				throw new TypeError(
					`script interface class '${_.name}' does not extend the right base class '${g.name}'`
			if (e) {
				const a = _ || g;
				if (!(this.g_akj instanceof a))
					throw new TypeError(
						`setInstanceClass(): class '${e.name}' does not extend the right base class '${a.name}'`
			return this.g_akj;
		g_agL(g) {
			if (0 !== this.g_ako.length) {
				const _ = {},
					e = this.g_akh.g_ajI();
				for (let g = 0, a = e.length; g < a; ++g)
					_[e[g]] = {
						configurable: !1,
						enumerable: !0,
						get: g_aO.Instance.prototype.g_$o.bind(this, g),
						set: g_aO.Instance.prototype.g_QN.bind(this, g)
				const a = Object.create(Object.prototype, _);
				g.g_akX = { value: a, writable: !1 };
		g_agM(g) {
			const _ = this.g_akp;
			if (0 !== _.length) {
				const e = {};
				for (const g of _) e[g.g_NZ().g_VT()] = { value: g.g_ad_(), writable: !1 };
				const a = Object.create(Object.prototype, e);
				g.g_X_ = { value: a, writable: !1 };
	const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		t = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		a = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'bboxchange', !1),
		n = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 0, 0, 0, 0),
		r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 1, 1, 1, 1),
		s = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect, 0, 0, -1, -1),
		e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect, 0, 0, -1, -1);
	let g = !0;
	const d = 1;
	g_aO.g_aku = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(_, a) {
				(this.g_b_ = _),
				(this.g_Tq = _.g_EA()),
				(this.g_Be = _.g_BI()),
				(this.g_akY = a),
				(this.g_akZ = -1),
				(this.g_akn = 27),
				(this.g_hB = NaN),
				(this.g_hC = NaN),
				(this.g_qC = NaN),
				(this.g_ak_ = NaN),
				(this.g_ak$ = NaN),
				(this.g_gF = NaN),
				(this.g_ala = NaN),
				(this.g_alb = NaN),
				(this.g_alc = NaN),
				(this.g_ald = NaN),
				(this.g_ale = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
				(this.g_alf = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu)),
				(this.g_alg = e),
				(this.g_alh = s),
				(this.g_ali = null),
				(this.g_alj = null),
				(this.g_alk = null),
				(this.g_qB = r),
				(this.g_all = r),
				(this.g_DC = -1),
				(this.g_alm = null),
				(this.g_aln = null),
				this.g_b_.g_EA().g_ajK() && (this.g_aln = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_alo, this.g_b_, this)),
				(g = !1),
				(g = !0);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_alm && (this.g_Be.g_rP().g_qh(this.g_alm), (this.g_alm = null)),
				(this.g_ali = null),
				this.g_alj && (this.g_alj.g_alp.g_ek(), (this.g_alj = null)),
				this.g_alk && (this.g_alk.clear(), (this.g_alk = null)),
				(this.g_b_ = null),
				(this.g_Tq = null),
				(this.g_Be = null),
				(this.g_akY = null);
		g_akw(_) {
			(g = !1),
				this.g_abq(_[0], _[1]),
				this.g_wQ(_[3], _[4]),
				this.g_aln && this.g_aln.g_alt(_[12]),
				(g = !0),
		g_akx() {
			(this.g_hB = 0),
				(this.g_hC = 0),
				(this.g_qC = 0),
				(this.g_ak_ = 0),
				(this.g_ak$ = 0),
				(this.g_gF = 0),
				(this.g_ala = 0),
				(this.g_alb = 1),
				(this.g_alc = 0),
				(this.g_ald = 0),
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_Nj() {
			return this.g_b_;
		g_abn(g) {
			this.g_hB = +g;
		g_QQ(g) {
			this.g_hB += +g;
		g_Ig() {
			return this.g_hB;
		g_abo(g) {
			this.g_hC = +g;
		g_QR(g) {
			this.g_hC += +g;
		g_Ih() {
			return this.g_hC;
		g_abq(g, _) {
			(this.g_hB = +g), (this.g_hC = +_);
		g_abt(g, _) {
			(this.g_hB += +g), (this.g_hC += +_);
		g_abp(g, _) {
			return this.g_hB === g && this.g_hC === _;
		g_Fh(g) {
			if (((g = +g), this.g_qC !== g)) {
				(this.g_qC = g), this.g_alu();
				const _ = this.g_Em();
				0 !== this.g_qC && _.g_Et(), _.g_Ek();
		g_Q_(g) {
			this.g_Fh(this.g_Do() + g);
		g_Do() {
			return this.g_qC;
		g_Jg() {
			return this.g_Em().g_Do() + this.g_Do();
		g_Hj(g) {
			this.g_ak_ = +g;
		g_QS(g) {
			this.g_ak_ += +g;
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_ak_;
		g_Hk(g) {
			this.g_ak$ = +g;
		g_QT(g) {
			this.g_ak$ += +g;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_ak$;
		g_wQ(g, _) {
			(this.g_ak_ = +g), (this.g_ak$ = +_);
		g_Fi(g) {
			(g = g_aO.g_eq(+g)),
				this.g_gF === g ||
					((this.g_gF = g), (this.g_ala = Math.sin(g)), (this.g_alb = Math.cos(g)));
		g_QU(g) {
			(g = +g),
				0 === g ||
					((this.g_gF = g_aO.g_eq(this.g_gF + g)),
					(this.g_ala = Math.sin(this.g_gF)),
					(this.g_alb = Math.cos(this.g_gF)));
		g_Fj() {
			return this.g_gF;
		g_abv() {
			return this.g_ala;
		g_abu() {
			return this.g_alb;
		g_alr(g) {
			this.g_alc = +g;
		g_QW(g) {
			this.g_alc += +g;
		g_QX() {
			return this.g_alc;
		g_als(g) {
			this.g_ald = +g;
		g_QY(g) {
			this.g_ald += +g;
		g_QZ() {
			return this.g_ald;
		g_alq(g) {
			this.g_qB.g_l(g) ||
				(this.g_qB === r
					? ((this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, g)),
					  (this.g_all = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, g)),
					: g.g_gX(1, 1, 1, 1)
					? ((this.g_qB = r), (this.g_all = r))
					: (this.g_qB.set(g), this.g_all.set(g), this.g_all.g_gZ()),
		g_zm(g) {
			(g = g_aO.g_ep(+g, 0, 1)), this.g_qB.a === g || (n.g_gO(this.g_qB), (n.a = g), this.g_alq(n));
		g_QV(g) {
			this.g_zm(this.g_zk() + g);
		g_zk() {
			return this.g_qB.a;
		g_abw(g) {
			this.g_qB.g_gV(g) || (n.g_gO(g), (n.a = this.g_qB.a), this.g_alq(n));
		g_alv(g, _, a) {
			n.g_gH(g, _, a), this.g_abw(n);
		g_QK(g, _, a) {
			(0 === g && 0 === _ && 0 === a) ||
				(n.g_gO(this.g_qB), (n.r += g), (n.g_ht += _), (n.b += a), this.g_abw(n));
		g_QI() {
			return this.g_qB;
		g_EZ() {
			return this.g_all;
		g_alu() {
			if (g) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_rP();
				this.g_alm && g.g_qh(this.g_alm),
					(this.g_alm = g.g_qd(
						g.g_qa() || '<default>',
		g_Ga() {
			return this.g_alm;
		g_E_() {
			return this.g_qB === r;
		g_Ex(g) {
			this.g_DC === g || ((this.g_DC = g), this.g_alu());
		g_Ey() {
			return this.g_DC;
		g_Fs() {
			return this.g_Be.g_rP().g_qp(this.g_DC);
		g_Ft() {
			return this.g_Be.g_rP().g_qq(this.g_DC);
		g_Ia(g) {
			(this.g_akY = g), 0 !== this.g_Do() && this.g_akY.g_Et();
		g_Em() {
			return this.g_akY;
		g_EL() {
			return this.g_Em().g_EL();
		g_Ev(g) {
			this.g_akZ = 0 | g;
		g_Fz() {
			return this.g_akY.g_Fw(), this.g_akZ;
		g_CT() {
			return this.g_akZ;
		g_alw(g, _) {
			_ ? (this.g_akn |= g) : (this.g_akn &= ~g);
		g_ET() {
			return 0 != (this.g_akn & d);
		g_EU(g) {
			this.g_alw(d, g);
		g_alx() {
			return 0 != (8 & this.g_akn);
		g_aly(g) {
			(g = !!g), this.g_alx() === g || (this.g_alw(8, g), g ? this.g_En() : this.g_alz());
		g_alA(g, _) {
			if ((this.g_alw(32, g), this.g_alk && this.g_alk.clear(), !_.trim()))
				return void (this.g_alk = null);
			this.g_alk || (this.g_alk = new Set());
			for (const e of _.split(' ')) e && this.g_alk.add(e.toLowerCase());
		g_alB(g) {
			const _ = 0 != (32 & this.g_akn),
				e = this.g_alk;
			if (!g || !e) return !_;
			for (const a of e) if (g.has(a)) return _;
			return !_;
		g_En() {
			(this.g_akn |= 18),
				this.g_akY.g_EQ() && (this.g_alC(), this.g_alD()),
				0 != (4 & this.g_akn) && this.g_b_.g_lh().dispatchEvent(a);
		g_alC() {
			const g = this.g_ale,
				_ = this.g_alf,
				a = this.g_hB,
				t = this.g_hC,
				n = this.g_ak_,
				e = this.g_ak$;
			g.g_hO(a - this.g_alc * n, t - this.g_ald * e, n, e),
				0 === this.g_gF
					? _.g_iO(g)
					: (g.offset(-a, -t), _.g_iQ(g, this.g_ala, this.g_alb), _.offset(a, t), _.g_iR(g)),
				(this.g_akn &= -3);
		g_alE() {
			0 != (2 & this.g_akn) && this.g_alC();
		g_Gi() {
			return this.g_alE(), this.g_ale;
		g_agX() {
			return this.g_alE(), this.g_alf;
		g_alF(g) {
				(this.g_akn &= -3),
		g_alG(g) {
			this.g_alw(4, g);
		g_alH() {
			return 0 != (4 & this.g_akn);
		g_FZ(g) {
			return 0 === this.g_qC ? g.g_io(this.g_Gi()) : this.g_alI();
		g_alI() {
			const g = this.g_Em(),
				_ = this.g_Jg();
			return !(_ >= g.g_FJ()) && (g.g_EX(_, t), t.g_io(this.g_Gi()));
		g_alJ(g) {
			this.g_ali = g;
			const _ = this.g_alj;
			_ && ((_.width = -1), (_.height = -1), (_.angle = 0));
		g_alK() {
			return this.g_ali;
		g_alL() {
			return !!this.g_ali;
		g_alM() {
			return this.g_alN(this.g_pN(), this.g_pO(), this.g_Fj(), this.g_abv(), this.g_abu());
		g_alO(g, _, t) {
			let n = 0,
				i = 1;
			return 0 !== t && ((n = Math.sin(t)), (i = Math.cos(t))), this.g_alN(g, _, t, n, i);
		g_alN(g, _, t, n, a) {
			let e = this.g_alj;
			return (null === e &&
				((e = { g_alp: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_i_), width: -1, height: -1, angle: 0 }), (this.g_alj = e)),
			e.width === g && e.height === _ && e.angle === t)
				? e.g_alp
				: (this.g_ali
						? (e.g_alp.g_p(this.g_ali), e.g_alp.g_jj(g, _, n, a))
						: e.g_alp.g_ji(this.g_agX(), -this.g_Ig(), -this.g_Ih()),
				  (e.width = g),
				  (e.height = _),
				  (e.angle = t),
		g_akG() {
			return this.g_b_.g_akG();
		g_ahc(g, _) {
			return (
				!!this.g_Gi().g_iq(g, _) &&
				!!this.g_agX().g_iq(g, _) &&
					? this.g_b_.g_Qd().g_aer(g, _)
					: !this.g_alL() || this.g_alM().g_iq(g - this.g_Ig(), _ - this.g_Ih()))
		g_alP() {
			return 0 != (16 & this.g_akn);
		g_aj$() {
			if (this.g_alP() && this.g_alx()) {
				const g = this.g_Gi(),
					a = this.g_Tq.g_ajX(),
					t = this.g_alg;
				if (
					(_.set(a.g_Dj(g.g_hV()), a.g_Dk(g.g_hW()), a.g_Dj(g.g_hX()), a.g_Dk(g.g_hY())), !t.g_l(_))
				) {
					const g = this.g_b_;
					t === e
						? (a.g_Dl(g, null, _), (this.g_alg = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect, _)))
						: (a.g_Dl(g, t, _), t.g_p(_)),
						(this.g_akn &= -17);
		g_alz() {
			const g = this.g_alg;
			g === e || (this.g_Tq.g_ajX().g_Dl(this.g_b_, g, null), (this.g_alg = e));
		g_alD() {
			const g = this.g_Em();
			if (g.g_EQ()) {
				const a = g.g_ER(),
					t = this.g_Gi(),
					n = this.g_alh;
				if (
					(_.set(a.g_Dj(t.g_hV()), a.g_Dk(t.g_hW()), a.g_Dj(t.g_hX()), a.g_Dk(t.g_hY())), !n.g_l(_))
				) {
					const e = this.g_b_;
					n === s
						? (a.g_Dl(e, null, _), (this.g_alh = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect, _)))
						: (a.g_Dl(e, n, _), n.g_p(_)),
		g_Er() {
			const g = this.g_alh;
			g === s || (this.g_Em().g_ER().g_Dl(this.g_b_, g, null), (this.g_alh = s));
		g_Fx() {
			return this.g_alh;
		g_abx() {
			const g = this.g_b_,
				_ = this.g_akY,
				e = _.g_Fm();
			(e.length && e[e.length - 1] === g) || (_.g_Eq(g, !1), _.g_El(g, !1), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aby() {
			const g = this.g_b_,
				_ = this.g_akY,
				e = _.g_Fm();
			(e.length && e[0] === g) || (_.g_Eq(g, !1), _.g_Ep(g, !1), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_abz(g) {
			const _ = this.g_b_,
				e = this.g_akY;
			if (e.g_EL() !== g.g_EL()) throw new Error('layer from different layout');
			g === e || (e.g_Eq(_, !0), this.g_Ia(g), g.g_El(_, !0), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_abB(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_b_,
				t = this.g_akY;
			if (g.g_Ei() !== a.g_Ei()) {
				const n = g.g_CU();
				if (!n) throw new Error('expected world instance');
				const e = n.g_Em();
				t.g_EM() !== e.g_EM() && (t.g_Eq(a, !0), this.g_Ia(e), e.g_El(a, !0)),
					e.g_Fy(a, g, !!_),
		g_Gd() {
			return this.g_aln;
		g_alQ(g) {
			this.g_alw(64, g);
		g_FH() {
			return 0 != (64 & this.g_akn);
		g_GG() {
			const g = {
				x: this.g_Ig(),
				y: this.g_Ih(),
				w: this.g_pN(),
				h: this.g_pO(),
				l: this.g_Em().g_EN(),
				zi: this.g_Fz()
			0 !== this.g_Do() && (g.ze = this.g_Do()),
				0 !== this.g_Fj() && (g.a = this.g_Fj()),
				this.g_E_() || (g.c = this.g_qB.toJSON()),
				0.5 !== this.g_QX() && (g.oX = this.g_QX()),
				0.5 !== this.g_QZ() && (g.oY = this.g_QZ()),
				0 !== this.g_Ey() && (g.bm = this.g_Ey()),
				this.g_ET() || (g.v = this.g_ET()),
				this.g_alx() || (g.ce = this.g_alx()),
				this.g_alH() && (g.be = this.g_alH()),
				this.g_aln && (g.fx = this.g_aln.g_GG());
			const _ = 0 != (32 & this.g_akn);
			return _ && (g.sfi = _), this.g_alk && (g.sft = [...this.g_alk].join(' ')), g;
		g_GI(_) {
			(g = !1),
				this.g_Fh(_.hasOwnProperty('ze') ? _.ze : 0),
				this.g_Fi(_.hasOwnProperty('a') ? _.a : 0),
					? n.g_hs(_.c)
					: _.hasOwnProperty('o')
					? (n.g_gO(this.g_qB), (n.a = _.o))
					: n.g_gG(1, 1, 1, 1),
				this.g_alr(_.hasOwnProperty('oX') ? _.oX : 0.5),
				this.g_als(_.hasOwnProperty('oY') ? _.oY : 0.5),
				this.g_Ex(_.hasOwnProperty('bm') ? _.bm : 0),
				this.g_EU(!_.hasOwnProperty('v') || _.v),
				this.g_aly(!_.hasOwnProperty('ce') || _.ce),
				this.g_alG(!!_.hasOwnProperty('be') && _.be),
				this.g_alA(!!_.hasOwnProperty('sfi') && _.sfi, _.hasOwnProperty('sft') ? _.sft : ''),
				this.g_aln && _.hasOwnProperty('fx') && this.g_aln.g_GI(_.fx),
				(g = !0),
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_aiW = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
			const a = g.g_BI(),
				t = a.g_aix(),
				n = a.g__p(_[1]);
			t.g_ahz(n) || t.g_ahv(_),
				(this.g_Be = a),
				(this.g_Tq = g),
				(this.g_afi = t.g_ahA(n)),
				(this.g_adU = null),
				(this.g_aiy = n.Instance),
				(this.g_Ds = _[2]),
				(this.g_en = _[0]),
				(this.g__M = this.g_Be.g_VT(_[3])),
				(this.g_adU = g_aO.g_ej(n.g_ajj, this)),
		static g_sf(g, _) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_aiW, g, _);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Be = null),
				(this.g_afi = null),
				(this.g_adU = null),
				(this.g_aiy = null);
		g_adV() {
			return this.g_adU;
		g_adB() {
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_EA() {
			return this.g_Tq;
		g_afj() {
			return this.g_afi;
		g_ajD() {
			return this.g_aiy;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_EN() {
			return this.g_Ds;
		g_VT() {
			return this.g__M;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_akq = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g.runtime),
				(this.g_$t = g.g_NY),
				(this.g_afi = this.g_$t.g_afj()),
				(this.g_b_ = g.g_Ke),
				(this.g_Dr = g.index),
				(this.g_aki = null),
				(this.g_akj = null),
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_aki = null),
				(this.g_akj = null),
				(this.g_Be = null),
				(this.g_$t = null),
				(this.g_afi = null),
				(this.g_b_ = null);
		g_ajz(g) {
			if (this.g_aki) throw new Error('already got sdk instance');
			(this.g_aki = g_aO.g_ej(this.g_$t.g_ajD(), this, g)), this.g_alR();
		g_Qd() {
			return this.g_aki;
		g_afm() {
			return this.g_b_;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_Be;
		g_NZ() {
			return this.g_$t;
		g_afj() {
			return this.g_afi;
		g_Qy() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_afq() {
		g_afA(g, _) {
			this.g_aki.g_afA(g, _);
		g_akW() {
			return this.g_aki.g_aep();
		g_GH() {
			return this.g_aki.g_GH();
		g_GJ(g) {
			return this.g_aki.g_GJ(g);
		static g_alS(_, t) {
			const a = _.g_afm(),
				n = t.g_afm(),
				i = a.g_EA().g_EM(),
				e = n.g_EA().g_EM();
			if (i !== e) return i - e;
			const r = a.g_akQ(),
				g = n.g_akQ();
			return r === g ? _.g_afp().g_Qy() - t.g_afp().g_Qy() : r - g;
		g_alR() {
			const g = g_ahk,
				_ = this.g_aki.g_adS();
			if (
				(this.g_akj = new (_ || g)()),
				_ && !(this.g_akj instanceof g))
				throw new TypeError(
					`script interface class '${_.name}' does not extend the right base class '${g.name}'`
		g_ad_() {
			return this.g_akj;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_DP = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_ue = g),
				(this.g_alT = []),
				(this.g_alU = []),
				(this.g_alV = new Map()),
				(this.g_alW = []),
				(this.g_sV = !0);
			for (const e of _) {
				const g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_alX, this, e, this.g_alT.length);
					this.g_alV.set(g.g_pY().toLowerCase(), g),
					3 <= e.length && this.g_alW.push(this.g_alY(e[2]));
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_ue = null);
		g_ajx(g) {
			if (g.length) {
				this.g_alT = g.concat(this.g_alT);
				for (const _ of g) this.g_alV.set(_.g_pY().toLowerCase(), _);
				for (let g = 0, _ = this.g_alT.length; g < _; ++g) this.g_alT[g].g_al_(g);
		g_alY(g) {
			const _ = g.slice(0);
			for (let t = 0, e = _.length; t < e; ++t) {
				const g = _[t];
				if (Array.isArray(g)) {
					const a = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB);
					a.g_hs(g), (_[t] = a);
			return _;
		g_al$() {
			return this.g_ue;
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_ue.g_BI();
		g_abD() {
			let g = !0;
			for (const _ of this.g_alT) _.g_Yd() && (this.g_alU.push(_), _.g_tq().g_tu() || (g = !1));
			this.g_sV = g;
		g_agQ() {
			return this.g_alT;
		g_ajL() {
			return 0 < this.g_alT.length;
		g_Qg(g) {
			return this.g_alV.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_Gc() {
			return this.g_alU;
		g_FH() {
			return 0 < this.g_alU.length;
		g_tu() {
			return this.g_sV;
		g_Gh(g) {
			return this.g_alW[g];
		static g_ama(g) {
			return g && g instanceof g_aO.g_gB ? { t: 'color', v: g.toJSON() } : g;
		static g_amb(g) {
			if ('object' == typeof g) {
				const _ = g.t;
				if ('color' === _) {
					const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB);
					return _.g_hs(g.v), _;
				throw new Error('invalid effect parameter type');
			} else return g;
		static g_amc(g) {
			return g.map(g_aO.g_DP.g_ama);
		static g_amd(g) {
			return g.map(g_aO.g_DP.g_amb);
		g_GH() {
			return this.g_alT.map((g) => ({
				name: g.g_pY(),
				active: g.g_Yd(),
				params: g_aO.g_DP.g_amc(this.g_alW[g.g_EM()])
		g_GJ(g) {
			for (const _ of g) {
				const g = this.g_Qg(_.name);
				g && (g.g_ame(_.active), (this.g_alW[g.g_EM()] = g_aO.g_DP.g_amd(_.params)));
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_alX = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
				(this.g_DO = g),
				(this.g_RB = _[0]),
				(this.g_en = _[1]),
				(this.g_Dr = e),
				(this.g_qx = null),
				(this.g_lB = !0);
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_DO = null), (this.g_qx = null);
		g_ajw(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_alX, g, [this.g_RB, this.g_en], -1);
			return (_.g_qx = this.g_qx), (_.g_lB = this.g_lB), _;
		g_amf(g) {
			const _ = g.g_p$(this.g_RB);
			if (!_) throw new Error("failed to find shader program '" + this.g_RB + "'");
			this.g_qx = _;
		g_EP() {
			return this.g_DO;
		g_pY() {
			return this.g_en;
		g_al_(g) {
			this.g_Dr = g;
		g_EM() {
			return this.g_Dr;
		g_al$() {
			return this.g_DO.g_al$();
		g_BI() {
			return this.g_DO.g_BI();
		g_ame(g) {
			this.g_lB = !!g;
		g_Yd() {
			return this.g_lB;
		g_tq() {
			return this.g_qx;
		g_amg() {
			const g = [];
			for (let _ = 0, e = this.g_qx.g_tA(); _ < e; ++_) {
				const e = this.g_qx.g_tB(_);
				if ('float' === e || 'percent' === e) g.push(0);
				else if ('color' === e) g.push(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB, 1, 1, 1, 1));
				else throw new TypeError('unknown effect parameter type');
			return g;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_alo = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_b_ = g),
				(this.g_amh = _),
				(this.g_DO = g.g_EA().g_EP()),
				(this.g_ami = []),
				(this.g_alU = []),
				(this.g_sV = !0),
				(this.g_alW = []);
			for (const e of this.g_DO.g_agQ()) this.g_ami.push(!0);
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_b_ = null),
				(this.g_DO = null);
		g_alt(g) {
			for (const _ of g) this.g_alW.push(this.g_alY(_));
		g_alY(g) {
			const _ = g.slice(0);
			for (let t = 0, e = _.length; t < e; ++t) {
				const g = _[t];
				if (Array.isArray(g)) {
					const a = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB);
					a.g_hs(g), (_[t] = a);
			return _;
		g_aky() {
			for (const g of this.g_DO.g_agQ()) this.g_alW.push(g.g_amg());
		g_al$() {
			return this.g_ue;
		g_EP() {
			return this.g_DO;
		g_abD() {
			const g = this.g_DO.g_agQ(),
				_ = this.g_alU,
				a = this.g_ami;
			let t = !0;
			for (let n = 0, e = g.length; n < e; ++n)
				if (a[n]) {
					const e = g[n];
					_.push(e), e.g_tq().g_tu() || (t = !1);
			(this.g_sV = t), this.g_amh.g_alQ(!!_.length);
		g_Gc() {
			return this.g_alU;
		g_Gh(g) {
			return this.g_alW[g];
		g_tu() {
			return this.g_sV;
		g_amj() {
			return this.g_alU.some((g) => g.g_tq().g_tr());
		g_Qf(g) {
			return this.g_ami[g];
		g_abC(g, _) {
			this.g_ami[g] = !!_;
		g_GG() {
			return this.g_DO
				.map((g) => ({
					name: g.g_pY(),
					active: this.g_ami[g.g_EM()],
					params: g_aO.g_DP.g_amc(this.g_alW[g.g_EM()])
		g_GI(g) {
			for (const _ of g) {
				const g = this.g_DO.g_Qg(_.name);
				g &&
					((this.g_ami[g.g_EM()] = _.active), (this.g_alW[g.g_EM()] = g_aO.g_DP.g_amd(_.params)));
	'use strict';
	const _ = [],
		t = [],
		a = [],
		r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_i_),
		n = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_i_),
		s = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu),
		o = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect);
	g_aO.g_amk = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_aml = []),
				(this.g_amm = 0),
				(this.g_amn = 0),
				(this.g_amo = 0),
				(this.g_amp = 0);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Be = null;
		g_amq() {
			(this.g_amn = this.g_amm), (this.g_amm = 0), (this.g_amp = this.g_amo), (this.g_amo = 0);
		g_amr() {
			return this.g_amn;
		g_ams() {
			return this.g_amp;
		g_amt(g, _) {
			const e = g.g_CU(),
				a = _.g_CU();
			e && a && e.g_alx() && a.g_alx() && this.g_aml.push([g, _]);
		g_amu(g, _, t) {
			for (const [e, n] of this.g_aml) {
				let a = null;
				if (g === e) a = n;
				else if (g === n) a = e;
				else continue;
				a.g_akO(_) && !t.includes(a) && t.push(a);
		g_amv(g, _) {
			if (!this.g_aml.length) return !1;
			for (const [e, a] of this.g_aml) if ((g === e && _ === a) || (g === a && _ === e)) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_amw() {
		g_ahe(_, a) {
			if (!_ || !a || _ === a) return !1;
			const t = _.g_CU(),
				e = a.g_CU();
			if (!t.g_alx() || !e.g_alx()) return !1;
			const n = t.g_Em(),
				g = e.g_Em(),
				r = n !== g && !n.g_Fu(g);
			return r ? this.g_amx(t, e) : this.g_amy(t, e);
		g_amy(g, _) {
			if (!g.g_Gi().g_io(_.g_Gi())) return !1;
			if ((this.g_amo++, !g.g_agX().g_iT(_.g_agX()))) return !1;
			if (g.g_akG() && _.g_akG()) return !1;
			if (g.g_akG()) return this.g_amz(g, _);
			if (_.g_akG()) return this.g_amz(_, g);
			if (!g.g_alL() && !_.g_alL()) return !0;
			const e = g.g_alM(),
				a = _.g_alM();
			return e.g_jk(a, _.g_Ig() - g.g_Ig(), _.g_Ih() - g.g_Ih());
		g_amx(_, t) {
			const a = _.g_Em(),
				s = t.g_Em();
			r.g_p(_.g_alM()), n.g_p(t.g_alM());
			const l = r.g_jd();
			for (let g = 0, n = l.length; g < n; g += 2) {
				const t = g + 1,
					n = l[g],
					e = l[t],
					[r, s] = a.g_GC(n + _.g_Ig(), e + _.g_Ih());
				(l[g] = r), (l[t] = s);
			const o = n.g_jd();
			for (let n = 0, g = o.length; n < g; n += 2) {
				const _ = n + 1,
					a = o[n],
					r = o[_],
					[e, g] = s.g_GC(a + t.g_Ig(), r + t.g_Ih());
				(o[n] = e), (o[_] = g);
			return r.g_jg(), n.g_jg(), this.g_amo++, r.g_jk(n, 0, 0);
		g_amz(_, d) {
			const e = d.g_Gi(),
				o = _.g_Ig(),
				u = _.g_Ih(),
				g = _.g_Nj().g_Qd(),
				p = d.g_Ig(),
				i = d.g_Ih(),
				h = d.g_alL(),
				l = d.g_agX(),
				f = t;
			g.g_amA(e, f);
			for (let g = 0, a = f.length; g < a; ++g) {
				const _ = f[g],
					a = _.g_amB();
				if ((this.g_amm++, e.g_ip(a, o, u) && (s.g_iO(a), s.offset(o, u), s.g_iT(l))))
					if (h) {
						const e = d.g_alM(),
							t = _.g_amC();
						if (t) {
							if ((this.g_amo++, t.g_jk(e, p - (o + a.g_hV()), i - (u + a.g_hW()))))
								return g_aO.g_fz(f), !0;
						} else if ((r.g_ji(s, 0, 0), r.g_jk(e, p, i))) return g_aO.g_fz(f), !0;
					} else {
						const g = _.g_amC();
						if (!g) return g_aO.g_fz(f), !0;
						if ((r.g_ji(l, 0, 0), g.g_jk(r, -(o + a.g_hV()), -(u + a.g_hW()))))
							return g_aO.g_fz(f), !0;
			return g_aO.g_fz(f), !1;
		g_amD(_, t, n, r) {
			const s = _.g_Tu(),
				e = this.g_Be.g_TT();
			if (!e) throw new Error('cannot call outside event');
			const d = e.g_TS();
			if (s.g_TF()) {
				r || (s.g_TM(!1), g_aO.g_fz(s.g_TN()));
				for (const g of _.g_H$()) {
					const _ = g.g_CU(),
						e = _.g_Em(),
						[a, i] = e.g_Gr(t, n, _.g_Jg());
					if (_.g_ahc(a, i)) {
						if (r) return !1;
					} else d && s.g_TL(g);
			} else {
				const g = d ? s.g_TO() : s.g_TN();
				let _ = 0;
				for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) {
					const a = g[e],
						i = a.g_CU(),
						o = i.g_Em(),
						[u, l] = o.g_Gr(t, n, i.g_Jg());
					if (i.g_ahc(u, l)) {
						if (r) return !1;
						d ? s.g_TK(a) : (g[_++] = a);
					} else d && (g[_++] = a);
				r || (g.length = _);
			return _.g_aaH(), !!r || s.g_TG();
		g_amE(g, _, t, n) {
			const i = !!g && (1 !== g.g_Fb() || 1 !== g.g_Fc());
			if (_.g_EF())
				for (const g of _.g_Zd())
					i || g.g_ajZ() ? g_aO.g_ee(n, g.g_H$()) : (g.g_aj_(), g.g_ajX().g_Dm(t, n));
			else i || _.g_ajZ() ? g_aO.g_ee(n, _.g_H$()) : (_.g_aj_(), _.g_ajX().g_Dm(t, n));
		g_amF(g, _, a, t) {
			for (const n of _) this.g_amE(g, n, a, t);
		g_amG(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ahB();
			a && this.g_amF(g, a.g_Kz(), _, e);
		g_amH(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ahC();
			a && this.g_amF(g, a.g_Kz(), _, e);
		g_alB(g, _) {
			return g.g_akI() && (!_ || _.g_CU().g_alB(g.g_aaF().get('solidTags')));
		g_ahh(g) {
			const e = g.g_CU();
			this.g_amG(e.g_Em(), e.g_Gi(), _);
			for (const e of _) if (this.g_alB(e, g) && this.g_ahe(g, e)) return g_aO.g_fz(_), e;
			return g_aO.g_fz(_), null;
		g_amI(g, e) {
			this.g_amG(null, g, _);
			for (const a of _) if (this.g_alB(a, e) && this.g_amJ(g, a)) return g_aO.g_fz(_), a;
			return g_aO.g_fz(_), null;
		g_amK(g, t) {
			let n = null;
			t && ((n = a), g_aO.g_fz(n));
			const i = g.g_CU();
			this.g_amH(i.g_Em(), i.g_Gi(), _);
			for (const e of _)
				if (e.g_akK() && this.g_ahe(g, e))
					if (t) n.push(e);
					else return g_aO.g_fz(_), e;
			return g_aO.g_fz(_), n;
		g_amL(_, a, t, n, i) {
			n = n || 50;
			const e = _.g_CU(),
				r = e.g_Ig(),
				g = e.g_Ih();
			for (let s = 0; s < n; ++s)
				if ((e.g_abq(r + a * s, g + t * s), e.g_En(), !this.g_ahe(_, i))) return !0;
			return e.g_abq(r, g), e.g_En(), !1;
		g_amM(_, a, t, n, i, e) {
			n = n || 50;
			const r = _.g_CU(),
				g = r.g_Ig(),
				s = r.g_Ih();
			let o = null,
				u = null;
			for (let d = 0; d < n; ++d)
				if ((r.g_abq(g + a * d, s + t * d), r.g_En(), !this.g_ahe(_, o)))
					if (((o = this.g_ahh(_)), o)) u = o;
					else if (
						(i && ((o = e ? (this.g_ahe(_, e) ? e : null) : this.g_amK(_)), o && (u = o)), !o)
						return u && this.g_amN(_, a, t, u, 16, !0), !0;
			return r.g_abq(g, s), r.g_En(), !1;
		g_amO(_, a, t, n) {
			n = n || 50;
			const r = _.g_CU(),
				e = r.g_Ig(),
				s = r.g_Ih();
			let g = null,
				l = null;
			for (let o = 0; o < n; ++o)
				for (let n = 0; 2 > n; ++n) {
					const d = 2 * n - 1;
					if ((r.g_abq(e + a * o * d, s + t * o * d), r.g_En(), !this.g_ahe(_, g)))
						if (((g = this.g_ahh(_)), g)) l = g;
						else return l && this.g_amN(_, a * d, t * d, l, 16, !0), !0;
			return r.g_abq(e, s), r.g_En(), !1;
		g_amN(_, a, t, n, r, s) {
			let d = 2,
				o = !1,
				u = !1;
			const p = _.g_CU();
			let c = p.g_Ig(),
				f = p.g_Ih();
			for (; d <= r; ) {
				const g = 1 / d;
				(d *= 2),
					p.g_abt(a * g * (o ? 1 : -1), t * g * (o ? 1 : -1)),
					this.g_ahe(_, n) || (s && this.g_ahh(_))
						? ((o = !0), (u = !0))
						: ((o = !1), (u = !1), (c = p.g_Ig()), (f = p.g_Ih()));
			u && (p.g_abq(c, f), p.g_En());
		g_amP(_, a = 100) {
			var t = Math.floor;
			let n = 0;
			const r = _.g_CU(),
				e = r.g_Ig(),
				s = r.g_Ih();
			let g = 0,
				l = this.g_ahh(_);
			if (!l) return !0;
			for (; n <= a; ) {
				let a = 0,
					i = 0;
				if (
					(0 == g
						? ((a = 0), (i = -1), n++)
						: 1 == g
						? ((a = 1), (i = -1))
						: 2 == g
						? ((a = 1), (i = 0))
						: 3 == g
						? ((a = 1), (i = 1))
						: 4 == g
						? ((a = 0), (i = 1))
						: 5 == g
						? ((a = -1), (i = 1))
						: 6 == g
						? ((a = -1), (i = 0))
						: 7 == g
						? ((a = -1), (i = -1))
						: void 0,
					(g = (g + 1) % 8),
					r.g_abq(t(e + a * n), t(s + i * n)),
					!this.g_ahe(_, l) && ((l = this.g_ahh(_)), !l))
					return !0;
			return r.g_abq(e, s), r.g_En(), !1;
		g_amQ(_, a, E, c) {
			var d = Math.sin,
				e = Math.cos,
				f = Math.PI;
			const b = _.g_CU(),
				g = b.g_Ig(),
				h = b.g_Ih(),
				B = Math.max(10, g_aO.g_et(a, E, g, h)),
				l = g_aO.g_ev(a, E, g, h),
				m = c || this.g_ahh(_);
			if (!m) return g_aO.g_eq(l + f);
			let n = m,
				C = 0,
				T = 0;
			const H = g_aO.g_er(5);
			let r;
			for (r = 1; 36 > r; ++r) {
				const t = l - r * H;
				if (
					(b.g_abq(a + e(t) * B, E + d(t) * B),
					!this.g_ahe(_, n) && ((n = c ? null : this.g_ahh(_)), !n))
				) {
					C = t;
			for (36 === r && (C = g_aO.g_eq(l + f)), n = m, r = 1; 36 > r; ++r) {
				const t = l + r * H;
				if (
					(b.g_abq(a + e(t) * B, E + d(t) * B),
					!this.g_ahe(_, n) && ((n = c ? null : this.g_ahh(_)), !n))
				) {
					T = t;
			if ((36 === r && (T = g_aO.g_eq(l + f)), b.g_abq(g, h), b.g_En(), T === C)) return T;
			const N = g_aO.g_ew(T, C) / 2;
			let i = g_aO.g_ey(T, C) ? g_aO.g_eq(C + N + f) : g_aO.g_eq(T + N);
			const t = e(l),
				u = d(l),
				v = e(i),
				U = d(i),
				x = t * v + u * U;
			return g_aO.g_ev(0, 0, t - 2 * x * v, u - 2 * x * U);
		g_amR(g, _, a, t, n) {
			var e = Math.min,
				r = Math.max;
			if (!n) return !1;
			const s = n.g_CU();
			if (!s.g_alx()) return !1;
			if ((this.g_amm++, o.set(e(g, a), e(_, t), r(g, a), r(_, t)), !s.g_Gi().g_io(o))) return !1;
			if (n.g_akG()) return this.g_amS(g, _, a, t, n, s);
			if ((this.g_amo++, !s.g_agX().g_iS(g, _, a, t))) return !1;
			if (!s.g_alL()) return !0;
			const i = s.g_alM();
			return i.g_iS(s.g_Ig(), s.g_Ih(), g, _, a, t);
		g_amS(_, a, r, e, d, u) {
			const i = u.g_Ig(),
				p = u.g_Ih(),
				l = d.g_Qd(),
				f = t;
			g.set(_, a, r, e), g.normalize(), l.g_amA(g, f);
			for (let g = 0, t = f.length; g < t; ++g) {
				const t = f[g],
					n = t.g_amB();
				if ((this.g_amm++, o.g_ip(n, i, p) && (s.g_iO(n), s.offset(i, p), s.g_iS(_, a, r, e)))) {
					const g = t.g_amC();
					if (!g) return g_aO.g_fz(f), !0;
					if ((this.g_amo++, g.g_iS(i + n.g_hV(), p + n.g_hW(), _, a, r, e)))
						return g_aO.g_fz(f), !0;
			return g_aO.g_fz(f), !1;
		g_amJ(_, a) {
			if (!a) return !1;
			const t = a.g_CU();
			if (!t.g_alx()) return !1;
			if ((this.g_amm++, !t.g_Gi().g_io(_))) return !1;
			if (a.g_akG()) return this.g_amT(_, a, t);
			if ((this.g_amo++, s.g_iO(_), !t.g_agX().g_iT(s))) return !1;
			if (!t.g_alL()) return !0;
			const n = r;
			n.g_iO(_, t.g_Ig(), t.g_Ih());
			const e = t.g_alM();
			return n.g_jk(e, 0, 0);
		g_amT(_, a, n) {
			const i = n.g_Ig(),
				s = n.g_Ih(),
				g = a.g_Qd(),
				d = t;
			g.g_amA(_, d);
			for (let g = 0, e = d.length; g < e; ++g) {
				const a = d[g],
					e = a.g_amB();
				if ((this.g_amm++, _.g_ip(e, i, s))) {
					const g = a.g_amC();
					if (!g) return g_aO.g_fz(d), !0;
					if ((this.g_amo++, r.g_iO(_, 0, 0), g.g_jk(r, -(i + e.g_hV()), -(s + e.g_hW()))))
						return g_aO.g_fz(d), !0;
			return g_aO.g_fz(d), !1;
		g_amU(g, _) {
			if (g) {
				const e = g.g_CU();
				if (e.g_alx())
					return (
							? g.g_akG()
								? void this.g_amV(g, e, _)
								: void (this.g_amo++,
								  e.g_alL() ? _.g_amW(g, e.g_Ig(), e.g_Ih(), e.g_alM()) : _.g_amX(g, e.g_agX()))
							: void 0
		g_amV(_, a, n) {
			const e = a.g_Ig(),
				r = a.g_Ih(),
				g = t;
			_.g_Qd().g_amA(n.rect, g);
			for (let t = 0, i = g.length; t < i; t++) {
				const s = g[t],
					i = s.g_amB();
				if ((this.g_amm++, n.rect.g_ip(i, e, r))) {
					const g = s.g_amC();
						g ? n.g_amW(_, e + i.g_hV(), r + i.g_hW(), g) : n.g_amY(_, a.g_Ig(), a.g_Ih(), i);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_aiI = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(), (this.g_Df = g), (this.g_Dg = _), (this.g_Dh = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_jq));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_Dh.g_ek(), (this.g_Dh = null);
		g_Di(g, _, e) {
			let a = this.g_Dh.g_bd(g, _);
			return a
				? a
				: e
				? ((a = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_amZ, this, g, _)), this.g_Dh.Set(g, _, a), a)
				: null;
		g_Dj(g) {
			const _ = Math.floor(g / this.g_Df);
			return isFinite(_) ? _ : 0;
		g_Dk(g) {
			const _ = Math.floor(g / this.g_Dg);
			return isFinite(_) ? _ : 0;
		g_Dl(g, _, a) {
			if (_)
				for (let t = _.g_hV(), n = _.g_hX(); t <= n; ++t)
					for (let n = _.g_hW(), e = _.g_hY(); n <= e; ++n) {
						if (a && a.g_iq(t, n)) continue;
						const _ = this.g_Di(t, n, !1);
						_ && (_.g_lO(g), _.g_jC() && this.g_Dh.g_jt(t, n));
			if (a)
				for (let t = a.g_hV(), n = a.g_hX(); t <= n; ++t)
					for (let n = a.g_hW(), e = a.g_hY(); n <= e; ++n)
						(_ && _.g_iq(t, n)) || this.g_Di(t, n, !0).g_Db(g);
		g_Dm(g, _) {
			let t = this.g_Dj(g.g_hV());
			const n = this.g_Dk(g.g_hW()),
				a = this.g_Dj(g.g_hX()),
				e = this.g_Dk(g.g_hY());
			if (isFinite(a) && isFinite(e))
				for (; t <= a; ++t)
					for (let g = n; g <= e; ++g) {
						const e = this.g_Di(t, g, !1);
						e && e.g_Dd(_);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_amZ = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _, e) {
				(this.g_CW = g),
				(this.g_hB = _),
				(this.g_hC = e),
				(this.g_CX = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_jx));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_CX.g_ek(), (this.g_CX = null), (this.g_CW = null);
		g_jC() {
			return this.g_CX.g_jC();
		g_Db(g) {
		g_lO(g) {
		g_Dd(g) {
			g_aO.g_ee(g, this.g_CX.g_jD());
	'use strict';
	const _ = 1e-6;
	g_aO.g_am_ = class {
		constructor() {
			(this.x1 = 0),
				(this.y1 = 0),
				(this.x2 = 0),
				(this.y2 = 0),
				(this.dx = 0),
				(this.dy = 0),
				(this.rect = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_am$ = 2),
				(this.g_ana = null),
				(this.g_anb = 0),
				(this.g_anc = 0),
				(this.g_and = 0),
				(this.g_ane = 0),
				(this.g_anf = 0),
				(this.g_P = 0),
				(this.g_ang = 1),
				(this.g_anh = 0),
				(this.g_ani = 1),
				(this.g_anj = 0);
		g_ank() {
			return this.g_am$ < 1 + _;
		Set(g, _, e, a) {
			return (
				(this.x1 = g),
				(this.y1 = _),
				(this.x2 = e),
				(this.y2 = a),
				(this.dx = e - g),
				(this.dy = a - _),
				this.rect.set(g, _, e, a),
				(this.g_am$ = 2),
				(this.g_ana = null),
				(this.g_anb = 0),
				(this.g_anc = 0),
				(this.g_and = 0),
				(this.g_ane = 0),
				(this.g_anf = 0),
				(this.g_P = 0),
				(this.g_ang = 1),
				(this.g_anh = 0),
				(this.g_ani = 1),
				(this.g_anj = 0),
		g_anl() {
			var a = Math.PI;
			if (!1 !== this.g_ank()) {
				const t = this.dx * this.g_am$,
					n = this.dy * this.g_am$,
					i = Math.sqrt(t * t + n * n),
					e = t / i,
					r = n / i;
				(this.g_P = i - _),
					(this.g_ane = this.x1 + e * this.g_P),
					(this.g_anf = this.y1 + r * this.g_P),
					(this.g_anb = Math.atan2(this.g_and, this.g_anc) + a / 2),
					(this.g_ang = Math.cos(this.g_anb)),
					(this.g_anh = Math.sin(this.g_anb));
				const g = e * this.g_ang + r * this.g_anh;
				((this.g_ani = e - 2 * this.g_ang * g), (this.g_anj = r - 2 * this.g_anh * g), 0 < g) &&
					((this.g_anb = g_aO.g_eq(this.g_anb + a)),
					(this.g_ang = -this.g_ang),
					(this.g_anh = -this.g_anh));
		g_anm(g, _, a, t, n) {
			const e = g_aO.g_fd(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2, _, a, t, n);
			0 <= e &&
				e < this.g_am$ &&
				((this.g_am$ = e), (this.g_ana = g.g_Ei()), (this.g_anc = _ - t), (this.g_and = a - n));
		g_amY(_, a, t, n) {
			const i = a + n.g_hV(),
				e = a + n.g_hX(),
				r = t + n.g_hW(),
				g = t + n.g_hY();
			this.g_anm(_, i, r, e, r),
				this.g_anm(_, e, r, e, g),
				this.g_anm(_, e, g, i, g),
				this.g_anm(_, i, g, i, r);
		g_amX(_, a) {
			const t = a.g_eW(),
				n = a.g_eX(),
				r = a.g_eY(),
				e = a.g_eZ(),
				s = a.g_e_(),
				g = a.g_e$(),
				d = a.g_fa(),
				i = a.g_fb();
			this.g_anm(_, t, n, r, e),
				this.g_anm(_, r, e, s, g),
				this.g_anm(_, s, g, d, i),
				this.g_anm(_, d, i, t, n);
		g_amW(_, a, t, g) {
			const n = g.g_jd();
			for (let e = 0, r = n.length; e < r; e += 2) {
				const g = (e + 2) % r,
					s = n[e] + a,
					d = n[e + 1] + t,
					i = n[g] + a,
					l = n[g + 1] + t;
				this.g_anm(_, s, d, i, l);
	const g = new Set([
		_ = new Set(['high', 'low']),
		t = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu),
		s = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect);
	g_aO.g_ann = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_ano = null),
				(this.g_anp = null),
				(this.g_anq = 'high-performance'),
				(this.g_anr = 0),
				(this.g_ans = 0),
				(this.g_ant = 0),
				(this.g_anu = 0),
				(this.g_anv = 0),
				(this.g_anw = 0),
				(this.g_anx = 0),
				(this.g_any = 0),
				(this.g_anz = 0),
				(this.g_anA = 0),
				(this.g_anB = 'letterbox-scale'),
				(this.g_anC = 'letterbox-scale'),
				(this.g_anD = 0),
				(this.g_anE = 0),
				(this.g_anF = 'high'),
				(this.g_anG = this.g_anF),
				(this.g_anH = !1),
				(this.g_anI = []),
				(this.g_anJ = new Set()),
				(this.g_anK = null),
				(this.g_anL = null),
				(this.g_anM = 0),
				(this.g_anN = 0),
				(this.g_anO = NaN),
				(this.g_anP = 0),
				(this.g_anQ = new Map()),
				(this.g_anR = ''),
				(this.g_anS = 1),
				(this.g_anT = ''),
				(this.g_anU = null),
				(this.g_anV = null),
				(this.g_anW = 0),
				(this.g_anX = -1),
				(this.g_anY = 0),
				(this.g_anZ = (g) => (this.g_anY = g.g_Ci)),
				(this.g_an_ = null),
				(this.g_an$ = null),
				(this.g_aoa = { g_aob: null, g_aoc: null, g_aod: null }),
				(this.g_aoe = 0),
				(this.g_aof = 0),
				(this.g_aog = 0),
				(this.g_aoh = 'fade-in'),
				(this.g_aoi = null),
				(this.g_aoj = new Promise((g) => (this.g_aoi = g)));
		g_aok(g) {
			this.g_anq = g;
		async g_gk(g) {
			(this.g_ano = g.canvas),
				this.g_ano.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', (g) => this.g_HF(g)),
				this.g_ano.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', (g) => this.g_aol(g));
			const _ = { g_xM: this.g_anq, g_xN: !0 };
			'Android' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bK &&
				'Chromium' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bR &&
				75 > g_aO.g_bJ.g_bP &&
					'[Construct 3] Disabling WebGL 2 because this device appears to be affected by crbug.com/934823. Install software updates to avoid this.'
				(_.g_xP = 1)),
				'standard' === this.g_Be.g_Iw() ? (_.alpha = !0) : ((_.alpha = !1), (_.g_xO = !0)),
				(this.g_anp = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_xU, this.g_ano, _)),
				await this.g_anp.g_yW(),
				this.g_anp.g_AO() || (this.g_anP = NaN),
				this.g_Be.g_adN('runtime', 'window-resize', (g) => this.g_aom(g)),
				this.g_Be.g_adN('runtime', 'fullscreenchange', (g) => this.g_aon(g)),
				this.g_Be.g_adN('runtime', 'fullscreenerror', (g) => this.g_aoo(g)),
				(this.g_anH = !!g.isFullscreen),
				this.g_wQ(g.windowInnerWidth, g.windowInnerHeight, !0),
				(this.g_anK = self.C3_Shaders),
				await this.g_aop();
			let e = !1;
			for (const _ of this.g_Be.g_aoq()) {
				for (const g of _.g_agQ()) g.g_amf(this.g_anp), g.g_tq().g_tr() && (e = !0);
			this.g_Be.g_aor(e), this.g_anp.g_AO() && (this.g_anL = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_xB, this.g_anp));
		async g_aop() {
			if (this.g_anK) {
				const g = [];
				for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(this.g_anK)) {
					const a = g_aO.g_ps.g_sb.g_tU(this.g_anp.g_y_());
					g.push(this.g_anp.g_yY(e, a, _));
				await Promise.all(g), this.g_anp.g_zc(), this.g_anp.g_yZ();
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Be = null), (this.g_anp = null), (this.g_ano = null);
		g_aom(g) {
			const _ = g.devicePixelRatio;
			this.g_Be.g_Cn() && (self.devicePixelRatio = _),
				this.g_wQ(g.innerWidth, g.innerHeight),
		g_aon(g) {
			(this.g_anH = !!g.isFullscreen), this.g_wQ(g.innerWidth, g.innerHeight, !0), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_aoo(g) {
			(this.g_anH = !!g.isFullscreen), this.g_wQ(g.innerWidth, g.innerHeight, !0), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_wQ(g, _, e = !1) {
			var t = Math.floor;
			if (((g = t(g)), (_ = t(_)), 0 >= g || 0 >= _)) throw new Error('invalid size');
			if (this.g_anr !== g || this.g_ans !== _ || e) {
				(this.g_anr = g), (this.g_ans = _);
				const e = this.g_aot();
				'letterbox-scale' === e
					? this.g_aou(g, _)
					: 'letterbox-integer-scale' === e
					? this.g_aov(g, _)
					: 'off' === e
					? this.g_aow(g, _)
					: this.g_aox(g, _),
					(this.g_ano.width = this.g_anv),
					(this.g_ano.height = this.g_anw),
					this.g_Be.g_aeh('canvas', 'update-size', {
						marginLeft: this.g_anx,
						marginTop: this.g_any,
						styleWidth: this.g_ant,
						styleHeight: this.g_anu
					this.g_anp.g_wQ(this.g_anv, this.g_anw, !0);
		g_aou(_, a) {
			var t = Math.round,
				n = Math.floor;
			const i = this.g_Be.g_EO(),
				e = this.g_Be.g_DY(),
				r = this.g_Be.g_DZ(),
				g = e / r;
			_ / a > g
				? ((this.g_ant = t(a * g)),
				  (this.g_anu = a),
				  (this.g_anx = n((_ - this.g_ant) / 2)),
				  (this.g_any = 0))
				: ((this.g_ant = _),
				  (this.g_anu = t(_ / g)),
				  (this.g_anx = 0),
				  (this.g_any = n((a - this.g_anu) / 2))),
				(this.g_anv = t(this.g_ant * i)),
				(this.g_anw = t(this.g_anu * i)),
				this.g_Be.g_aoz(e, r);
		g_aov(_, t) {
			var n = Math.max,
				r = Math.round,
				s = Math.floor;
			const e = this.g_Be.g_EO();
			1 !== e && ((_ += 1), (t += 1));
			const d = this.g_Be.g_DY(),
				g = this.g_Be.g_DZ(),
				l = d / g,
				i = _ / t;
			let o;
			if (i > l) {
				const g = t * l;
				o = (g * e) / d;
			} else {
				const a = _ / l;
				o = (a * e) / g;
			1 < o ? (o = s(o)) : 1 > o && (o = 1 / Math.ceil(1 / o)),
				(this.g_anv = r(d * o)),
				(this.g_anw = r(g * o)),
				(this.g_ant = this.g_anv / e),
				(this.g_anu = this.g_anw / e),
				(this.g_anx = n(s((_ - this.g_ant) / 2), 0)),
				(this.g_any = n(s((t - this.g_anu) / 2), 0)),
				this.g_Be.g_aoz(d, g);
		g_aox(g, _) {
			var a = Math.round;
			const t = this.g_Be.g_EO();
			(this.g_ant = g),
				(this.g_anu = _),
				(this.g_anv = a(this.g_ant * t)),
				(this.g_anw = a(this.g_anu * t)),
				(this.g_anx = 0),
				(this.g_any = 0);
			const n = this.g_Go();
			this.g_Be.g_aoz(this.g_ant / n, this.g_anu / n);
		g_aow(g, _) {
			var a = Math.round,
				t = Math.floor;
			const n = this.g_Be.g_EO();
			(this.g_ant = this.g_Be.g_Gt()),
				(this.g_anu = this.g_Be.g_Gu()),
				(this.g_anv = a(this.g_ant * n)),
				(this.g_anw = a(this.g_anu * n)),
					? ((this.g_anx = t((g - this.g_ant) / 2)), (this.g_any = t((_ - this.g_anu) / 2)))
					: ((this.g_anx = 0), (this.g_any = 0)),
				this.g_Be.g_aoz(this.g_Be.g_Gt(), this.g_Be.g_Gu());
		g_aoy(g) {
			if ('high' === this.g_anF)
				(this.g_anz = this.g_anv), (this.g_anA = this.g_anw), (this.g_anG = 'high');
			else {
				let _, e;
				if (
					('off' === this.g_aot()
						? ((_ = this.g_Be.g_Gt()), (e = this.g_Be.g_Gu()))
						: ((_ = this.g_Be.g_DY()), (e = this.g_Be.g_DZ())),
					this.g_anv < _ && this.g_anw < e)
					(this.g_anz = this.g_anv), (this.g_anA = this.g_anw), (this.g_anG = 'high');
				else if (((this.g_anz = _), (this.g_anA = e), (this.g_anG = 'low'), 'scale-inner' === g)) {
					const g = _ / e,
						a = this.g_anr / this.g_ans;
					a < g ? (this.g_anz = this.g_anA * a) : a > g && (this.g_anA = this.g_anz / a);
				} else if ('scale-outer' === g) {
					const g = _ / e,
						a = this.g_anr / this.g_ans;
					a > g ? (this.g_anz = this.g_anA * a) : a < g && (this.g_anA = this.g_anz / a);
		g_aoA() {
			return this.g_anH;
		g_aoB(_) {
			if (!g.has(_)) throw new Error('invalid fullscreen mode');
			this.g_anB = _;
		g_aeR() {
			return this.g_anB;
		g_aoC(_) {
			if (!g.has(_)) throw new Error('invalid fullscreen mode');
			this.g_anC = _;
		g_aoD() {
			return this.g_anC;
		g_aot() {
			return this.g_aoA() ? this.g_aoD() : this.g_aeR();
		g_aoE(g) {
			if (!_.has(g)) throw new Error('invalid fullscreen scaling quality');
			this.g_anF = g;
		g_aoF() {
			return this.g_anF;
		g_FS() {
			return this.g_anG;
		static g_aoG(g) {
			switch (g) {
				case 0:
					return 'off';
				case 1:
					return 'crop';
				case 2:
					return 'scale-inner';
				case 3:
					return 'scale-outer';
				case 4:
					return 'letterbox-scale';
				case 5:
					return 'letterbox-integer-scale';
					throw new Error('invalid fullscreen mode');
		g_aeF() {
			return this.g_anr;
		g_aeH() {
			return this.g_ans;
		g_FT() {
			return this.g_anz;
		g_FU() {
			return this.g_anA;
		g_aoH() {
			return this.g_anp.g_xe();
		g_HF(g) {
			console.log('[Construct 3] WebGL context lost'),
				(this.g_anI = []),
		async g_aol() {
			await this.g_anp.g_qJ(), await this.g_aop();
			for (const g of this.g_Be.g_aoq()) for (const _ of g.g_agQ()) _.g_amf(this.g_anp);
			await this.g_Be.g_aol(), console.log('[Construct 3] WebGL context restored');
		g_rP() {
			return this.g_anp;
		g_FM() {
			return 'low' === this.g_anG ? 1 / this.g_Be.g_EO() : this.g_Go();
		g_Go() {
			const g = this.g_aot();
			if ('off' === g || 'crop' === g) return 1;
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_DY(),
				a = this.g_Be.g_DZ(),
				t = _ / a,
				n = this.g_anv / this.g_anw;
			return ('scale-inner' !== g && n > t) || ('scale-inner' === g && n < t)
				? this.g_anu / a
				: this.g_ant / _;
		g_aoI(g, _) {
			(this.g_anD = g), (this.g_anE = _);
		g_JD(g, _, a) {
			const t = (_ || this.g_anz) / 2 + this.g_anD,
				n = (a || this.g_anA) / 2 + this.g_anE;
			g.g_pR(t, n, 100 * this.g_Be.g_EO()), g.g_pS(t, n, 0), g.g_pT(), g.g_zg();
		g_aoJ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_ant / 2,
				e = this.g_anu / 2;
			g.g_pR(_, e, 100), g.g_pS(_, e, 0), g.g_pT(), g.g_zg();
		g_aoK() {
			return this.g_anv;
		g_aoL() {
			return this.g_anw;
		g_aeS() {
			return this.g_ant;
		g_aeT() {
			return this.g_anu;
		g_aeU() {
			return this.g_anx;
		g_aeV() {
			return this.g_any;
		g_FV(g) {
			const _ = this.g_anI,
				e = _.findIndex((_) => _.g_rX(g));
			let a;
			return (
				-1 === e ? (a = this.g_anp.g_AG(g)) : ((a = _[e]), _.splice(e, 1)), this.g_anJ.add(a), a
		g_Gl(g) {
			if (!this.g_anJ.has(g)) throw new Error('render target not in use');
			this.g_anJ.delete(g), this.g_anI.push(g);
		*g_aoM() {
			for (const g of this.g_Be.g_Wy().g_IY())
				for (const _ of g.g_Hm()) {
					const g = this.g_anQ.get(_);
					g && (yield g);
		g_FQ(g) {
			if (!this.g_anp.g_AO()) return null;
			let _ = this.g_anQ.get(g);
			return (
				_ ||
					((_ = {
						name: g.g_pY(),
						g_aoN: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_xB, this.g_anp),
						g_aoO: 0,
						g_aoP: 0
					this.g_anQ.set(g, _)),
		g_aoQ() {
			if (this.g_anp.g_AO() && 0 === this.g_anN) {
				(this.g_anN = this.g_anp.g_qu()), (this.g_anO = NaN);
				for (const g of this.g_aoM()) g.g_aoO = NaN;
		g_aoR() {
			var g = Math.min;
			if (
				this.g_anp.g_AO() &&
				isNaN(this.g_anO) &&
				((this.g_anO = this.g_anL.g_xI(this.g_anM, this.g_anN)), !isNaN(this.g_anO))
			) {
				if (this.g_Be.g_IC())
					for (const g of this.g_aoM())
						if (((g.g_aoO = g.g_aoN.g_xI(this.g_anM, this.g_anN)), isNaN(g.g_aoO))) return;
				if ((this.g_anL.g_xJ(this.g_anN), (this.g_anP = g(this.g_anO, 1)), this.g_Be.g_IC())) {
					for (const _ of this.g_aoM()) _.g_aoN.g_xJ(this.g_anN), (_.g_aoP = g(_.g_aoO, 1));
					g_IF.g_aoS(this.g_anP, [...this.g_aoM()]);
				(this.g_anM = this.g_anN), (this.g_anN = 0);
		g_aoT() {
			return this.g_anL;
		g_aoU() {
			return this.g_anP;
		g_aoV(g, _) {
			return ((this.g_anR = g), (this.g_anS = _), this.g_anU)
				? this.g_anU
				: ((this.g_anU = new Promise((g) => {
						this.g_anV = g;
		g_aoW() {
			this.g_anR &&
				(g_aO.g_cv(this.g_ano, this.g_anR, this.g_anS).then((g) => {
					(this.g_anT = URL.createObjectURL(g)), (this.g_anU = null), this.g_anV(this.g_anT);
				(this.g_anR = ''),
				(this.g_anS = 1));
		g_aoX() {
			return this.g_anT;
		g_aoY(g) {
			if (2 === g)
				(this.g_an_ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ps.g_vE, this.g_anp)),
					this.g_an_.g_wQ(300, 200);
			else if (0 === g) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_afD();
				let _;
				if (this.g_Be.g_aoZ()) {
					if (!g.g_BP('loading-logo.png')) return;
					_ = g.g_BR('loading-logo.png');
				} else _ = g.g_BO() + 'loading-logo.png';
				(this.g_an$ = g.g_B$({ url: _ })),
						.catch(() =>
								`[C3 runtime] Failed to load 'loading-logo.png' for loading screen. Check the project has an icon with that name.`
			} else
				4 == g &&
						.then((g) => {
							'done' === this.g_aoh ? this.g_anp.g_rL(g) : (this.g_aoa.g_aob = g);
						.catch((g) => console.warn('Failed to load splash image: ', g)),
						.then((g) => {
							'done' === this.g_aoh ? this.g_anp.g_rL(g) : (this.g_aoa.g_aoc = g);
						.catch((g) => console.warn('Failed to load splash image: ', g)),
						.then((g) => {
							'done' === this.g_aoh ? this.g_anp.g_rL(g) : (this.g_aoa.g_aod = g);
						.catch((g) => console.warn('Failed to load splash image: ', g)));
		async g_ao_(g) {
			g = new URL(g, this.g_Be.g_fe()).toString();
			const _ = await g_aO.g_gd(g),
				e = await this.g_Be.g_apa(_, 2048, 2048);
			return await this.g_anp.g_AF(e, { g_qR: 'high' });
		async g_ao$(g) {
			g = new URL(g, this.g_Be.g_fe()).toString();
			const _ = await g_aO.g_gd(g);
			return await this.g_anp.g_AF(_, { g_qR: 'high' });
		g_apb() {
			(this.g_anW = Date.now()),
				this.g_Be.g_lh().addEventListener('loadingprogress', this.g_anZ),
				(this.g_anX = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.g_apc()));
		async g_apd() {
			(this.g_anY = 1),
				4 === this.g_Be.g_ape() && (await this.g_aoj),
				(this.g_aoi = null),
				(this.g_aoj = null),
				-1 !== this.g_anX && (cancelAnimationFrame(this.g_anX), (this.g_anX = -1)),
				this.g_Be.g_lh().removeEventListener('loadingprogress', this.g_anZ),
				(this.g_anZ = null),
				this.g_an_ && (this.g_an_.g_ek(), (this.g_an_ = null)),
				this.g_an$ && (this.g_an$.g_ek(), (this.g_an$ = null)),
				this.g_aoa.g_aob && (this.g_anp.g_rL(this.g_aoa.g_aob), (this.g_aoa.g_aob = null)),
				this.g_aoa.g_aoc && (this.g_anp.g_rL(this.g_aoa.g_aoc), (this.g_aoa.g_aoc = null)),
				this.g_aoa.g_aod && (this.g_anp.g_rL(this.g_aoa.g_aod), (this.g_aoa.g_aod = null)),
				this.g_anp.g_Ax(0, 0, 0, 0),
				(this.g_aoh = 'done'),
				(this.g_anM = this.g_anp.g_qu());
		g_apc() {
			if (-1 !== this.g_anX) {
				const g = this.g_anp;
				g.g_AC(), (this.g_anX = -1);
				const _ = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Ch(),
					e = this.g_Be.g_ape();
				if (
					(3 !== e && (this.g_aoJ(g), g.g_Ax(0, 0, 0, 0), g.g_zn(), g.g_yZ(), g.g_zp(null)),
					0 === e)
				else if (1 === e) this.g_apg(_, 120, 0);
				else if (2 === e) this.g_aph(_);
				else if (3 === e) g_aO.noop();
				else if (4 === e) this.g_api(_);
				else throw new Error('invalid loader style');
				g.g_qs(), (this.g_anX = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.g_apc()));
		g_aph(g) {
			g ? this.g_an_.g_wL(1, 0, 0) : this.g_an_.g_wL(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
				this.g_an_.g_wP(Math.round(100 * this.g_anY) + '%');
			const _ = this.g_ant / 2,
				e = this.g_anu / 2;
			t.g_iD(_ - 150, e - 100, _ + 150, e + 100),
				this.g_anp.g_zy(t, this.g_an_.g_xg());
		g_apg(_, a, t) {
			const n = this.g_anp;
			n.g_Al(), _ ? n.g_zl(1, 0, 0, 1) : n.g_zl(0.118, 0.565, 1, 1);
			const e = this.g_ant / 2,
				i = this.g_anu / 2,
				g = a / 2;
			s.g_hO(e - g, i - 4 + t, Math.floor(a * this.g_anY), 8),
				s.g_hO(e - g, i - 4 + t, a, 8),
				s.offset(-0.5, -0.5),
				s.g_ie(0.5, 0.5),
				n.g_zl(0, 0, 0, 1),
				s.g_ie(1, 1),
				n.g_zl(1, 1, 1, 1),
		g_apf(_) {
			if (!this.g_an$) return void this.g_apg(_, 120, 0);
			const a = this.g_an$.g_rQ();
			if (!a) return void this.g_apg(_, 120, 0);
			const n = a.g_pN(),
				r = a.g_pO(),
				e = this.g_ant / 2,
				s = this.g_anu / 2,
				g = n / 2,
				d = r / 2;
			t.g_iD(e - g, s - d, e + g, s + d),
				this.g_apg(_, n, d + 16);
		g_api(_) {
			var t = Math.min,
				d = Math.max,
				e = Math.ceil;
			const u = this.g_anp,
				g = this.g_aoa.g_aob,
				i = this.g_aoa.g_aoc,
				c = this.g_aoa.g_aod,
				f = Date.now();
			0 === this.g_aoe && (this.g_anW = f);
			const l = this.g_Be.g_aoZ() || (this.g_Be.g_apj() && !this.g_Be.g_apk()),
				m = l ? 0 : 200,
				n = l ? 0 : 3e3;
			let o = 1;
			'fade-in' === this.g_aoh
				? (o = t((f - this.g_anW) / 300, 1))
				: 'fade-out' === this.g_aoh && (o = d(1 - (f - this.g_aog) / 300, 0)),
				u.g_zl(0.231 * o, 0.251 * o, 0.271 * o, o),
				s.set(0, 0, this.g_ant, this.g_anu),
			const E = e(this.g_ant),
				a = e(this.g_anu);
			let b, y;
			256 < this.g_anu
				? (u.g_zl(0.302 * o, 0.334 * o, 0.365 * o, o),
				  (b = E),
				  (y = d(0.005 * a, 2)),
				  s.g_hO(0, 0.8 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				  _ ? u.g_zl(o, 0, 0, o) : u.g_zl(0.161 * o, 0.953 * o, 0.816 * o, o),
				  (b = E * this.g_anY),
				  s.g_hO(0.5 * E - b / 2, 0.8 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				  u.g_zl(o, o, o, o),
				  i &&
						((b = 1.5 * g_aO.g_ep(0.22 * a, 105, 0.6 * E)),
						(y = b / 8),
						s.g_hO(0.5 * E - b / 2, 0.2 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				  g &&
						((b = t(0.395 * a, 0.95 * E)),
						(y = b),
						s.g_hO(0.5 * E - b / 2, 0.485 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				  c &&
						((b = 1.5 * g_aO.g_ep(0.22 * a, 105, 0.6 * E)),
						(y = b / 8),
						s.g_hO(0.5 * E - b / 2, 0.868 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				: (u.g_zl(0.302 * o, 0.334 * o, 0.365 * o, o),
				  (b = E),
				  (y = d(0.005 * a, 2)),
				  s.g_hO(0, 0.85 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				  _ ? u.g_zl(o, 0, 0, o) : u.g_zl(0.161 * o, 0.953 * o, 0.816 * o, o),
				  (b = E * this.g_anY),
				  s.g_hO(0.5 * E - b / 2, 0.85 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				  u.g_zl(o, o, o, o),
				  g &&
						((b = 0.55 * a),
						(y = b),
						s.g_hO(0.5 * E - b / 2, 0.45 * a - y / 2, b, y),
				'fade-in' === this.g_aoh &&
					300 <= f - this.g_anW &&
					2 <= this.g_aoe &&
					((this.g_aoh = 'wait'), (this.g_aof = f)),
				'wait' === this.g_aoh &&
					f - this.g_aof >= n &&
					1 <= this.g_anY &&
					((this.g_aoh = 'fade-out'), (this.g_aog = f)),
				(('fade-out' === this.g_aoh && f - this.g_aog >= 300 + m) ||
					(l && 1 <= this.g_anY && 500 > f - this.g_anW)) &&
	const g = {
		messagePort: null,
		baseUrl: '',
		headless: !1,
		hasDom: !0,
		isInWorker: !1,
		useAudio: !0,
		projectData: '',
		exportType: ''
	let _ = !0;
	(g_aO.g_apl = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(e) {
			(e = Object.assign({}, g, e)),
				(this.g_apm = e.messagePort),
				(this.g_apn = e.baseUrl),
				(this.g_apo = !!e.headless),
				(this.g_app = !!e.hasDom),
				(this.g_apq = !!e.isInWorker),
				(_ = e.ife),
				(this.g_apr = !!e.useAudio),
				(this.g_aps = e.exportType),
				(this.g_Bj = !!e.isiOSCordova),
				(this.g_apt = !!e.isiOSWebView),
				(this.g_apu = !!e.isFBInstantAvailable),
				(this.g_apv = e.opusWasmScriptUrl),
				(this.g_apw = e.opusWasmBinaryUrl),
				(this.g_apx = 'data.json'),
				(this.g_apy = !!('preview' === this.g_aps && e.isDebug)),
				(this.g_apz = this.g_apy),
				(this.g_apA = this.g_apy),
				(this.g_apB = 0);
			const a = e.previewImageBlobs,
				t = e.previewProjectFileBlobs;
			t && Object.assign(a, t);
			const s = e.projectData;
			s && (a[this.g_apx] = s),
				(this.g_apC = []),
				(this.g_apD = ''),
				(this.g_apE = ''),
				(this.g_apF = ''),
				(this.g_apG = ''),
				(this.g_apH = 0),
				(this.g_apI = 0),
				(this.g_apJ = self.devicePixelRatio),
				(this.g_apK = 0),
				(this.g_apL = 0),
				(this.g_apM = 0),
				(this.g_apN = 0),
				(this.g_apO = 0),
				(this.g_apP = !1),
				(this.g_apQ = !0),
				(this.g_apR = !1);
			const i =
				'html5' === this.g_aps || 'scirra-arcade' === this.g_aps || 'instant-games' === this.g_aps;
			(this.g_CD = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Bc, this, {
				g_Bd: i ? 'remote' : 'local',
				g_BF: a,
				g_Bi: 'cordova' === this.g_aps,
				g_Bk: this.g_Bj,
				g_Bm: e.supportedAudioFormats
				(this.g_GM = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_IH, this)),
				(this.g_TW = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_UV, this)),
				(this.g_apS = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ahm, this)),
				(this.g_apT = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_amk, this)),
				(this.g_Lq = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_JJ, this)),
				(this.g_apU = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_Tn, this)),
				(this.g_apV = []),
				(this.g_apW = new Map()),
				(this.g_apX = new Map()),
				(this.g_apY = 0),
				(this.g_apZ = []),
				(this.g_ap_ = []),
				(this.g_ap$ = []),
				(this.g_aqa = []),
				(this.g_aqb = new Map()),
				(this.g_aqc = !1),
				(this.g_aqd = !1),
				(this.g_aqe = 0),
				(this.g_aqf = 0),
				(this.g_aqg = new Map()),
				(this.g_aqh = new Set()),
				(this.g_aqi = new Set()),
				(this.g_aqj = []),
				(this.g_aqk = []),
				(this.g_aql = null),
				(this.g_aqm = 'vsync'),
				(this.g_aqn = 'standard'),
				(this.g_qY = 'trilinear'),
				(this.g_aqo = !1),
				(this.g_aqp = !0),
				(this.g_aqq = !1),
				(this.g_aqr = !1),
				(this.g_aqs = {
					g_aqt: (g) => {
						(this.g_anX = -1), (this.g_aqu = -1), this.g_KZ(g);
					g_aqv: (g) => {
						(this.g_aqu = -1), this.g_KZ(g, !1, 'skip-render');
					g_aqw: () => {
						(this.g_anX = -1), this.g_aqx();
				(this.g_anX = -1),
				(this.g_aqu = -1),
				(this.g_aqy = 0),
				(this.g_aqz = 0),
				(this.g_aqA = 0),
				(this.g_aqB = !1),
				(this.g_aqC = !1),
				(this.g_aqD = !1),
				(this.g_aqE = !0),
				(this.g_aqF = 0),
				(this.g_aqG = new g_aO.g_mH(1)),
				(this.g_aqH = () => Math.random()),
				(this.g_aqI = 0),
				(this.g_aqJ = 0),
				(this.g_aqK = 0),
				(this.g_aqL = 0),
				(this.g_aks = 1),
				(this.g_aqM = 30),
				(this.g_aqN = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lQ)),
				(this.g_aqO = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lQ)),
				(this.g_aqP = -1),
				(this.g_aqQ = 0),
				(this.g_aqR = 0),
				(this.g_aqS = 0),
				(this.g_aqT = 0),
				(this.g_aqU = !1),
				(this.g_aqV = ''),
				(this.g_aqW = ''),
				(this.g_aqX = null),
				(this.g_aqY = ''),
				(this.g_aqZ = []),
				(this.g_aq_ = null),
				(this.g_aq$ = null),
				(this.g_akt = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event.g_lh)),
				(this.g_ara = new Map()),
				(this.g_arb = new Map()),
				(this.g_arc = 0),
				(this.g_ard = !1),
				(this.g_are = !1),
				(this.g_arf = !1),
				(this.g_arg = []),
				(this.g_arh = {
					pretick: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'pretick', !1),
					tick: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'tick', !1),
					tick2: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'tick2', !1),
					instancedestroy: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'instancedestroy', !1),
					beforelayoutchange: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'beforelayoutchange', !1),
					layoutchange: g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'layoutchange', !1)
				(this.g_arh.instancedestroy.g_Ke = null),
				(this.g_He = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event.g_lh)),
				(this.g_ari = null),
				(this.g_arj = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lY, g_aO.g_akq.g_alS)),
				(this.g_ark = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lY, g_aO.g_akq.g_alS)),
				(this.g_arl = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lY, g_aO.g_akq.g_alS)),
				(this.g_arm = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_arn, this, e.jobScheduler)),
				e.canvas && (this.g_aql = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ann, this)),
				(this.g_apm.onmessage = (g) => this._OnMessageFromDOM(g.data)),
				this.g_adN('runtime', 'visibilitychange', (g) => this.g_aro(g)),
				this.g_adN('runtime', 'opus-decode', (g) => this.g_agl(g.arrayBuffer)),
				this.g_adN('runtime', 'get-remote-preview-status-info', () => this.g_arp()),
				this.g_adN('runtime', 'js-invoke-function', (g) => this.g_Vr(g)),
				this.g_adN('runtime', 'go-to-last-error-script', self.goToLastErrorScript),
				this.g_akt.addEventListener('window-blur', (g) => this.g_arq(g)),
				this.g_akt.addEventListener('window-focus', () => this.g_arr()),
				(this.g_ars = null),
				(this.g_art = new WeakMap()),
				(this.g_aru = { keyboard: null, g_afX: null, g_afY: null });
		static g_sf(g) {
			return g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_apl, g);
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_GM = null),
				(this.g_TW = null),
				(this.g_apS = null),
				(this.g_CD = null),
				(this.g_apT = null),
				(this.g_Lq = null),
				(this.g_apU = null),
				this.g_aql && (this.g_aql.g_ek(), (this.g_aql = null)),
				(this.g_akt = null),
				(this.g_arv = null);
		['_OnMessageFromDOM'](g) {
			const _ = g.type;
			if ('event' === _) this.g_arw(g);
			else if ('result' === _) this.g_arx(g);
			else throw new Error(`unknown message '${_}'`);
		g_arw(g) {
			if (!this.g_arf) return void this.g_arg.push(g);
			const u = g.component,
				p = g.handler,
				h = g.data,
				e = g.dispatchOpts,
				a = !!(e && e.dispatchRuntimeEvent),
				t = !!(e && e.dispatchUserScriptEvent),
				n = g.responseId;
			if ('runtime' === u) {
				if (a) {
					const g = new g_aO.Event(p);
					(g.data = h), this.g_akt.g_lq(g);
				if (t) {
					const g = new g_aO.Event(p, !0);
					for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(h)) g[_] = e;
			const i = this.g_ara.get(u);
			if (!i)
				return void (
					a ||
					t ||
					console.warn(`[Runtime] No DOM event handlers for component '${u}'`)
			const r = i.get(p);
			if (!r)
				return void (
					a ||
					t ||
					console.warn(`[Runtime] No DOM handler '${p}' for component '${u}'`)
			let _ = null;
			try {
				_ = r(h);
			} catch (g) {
				return (
					console.error(`Exception in '${u}' handler '${p}':`, g),
					void (null !== n && this.g_ary(n, !1, '' + g))
			null !== n &&
				(_ && _.then
					? _.then((g) => this.g_ary(n, !0, g)).catch((g) => {
							console.error(`Rejection from '${u}' handler '${p}':`, g), this.g_ary(n, !1, '' + g);
					: this.g_ary(n, !0, _));
		g_ary(g, _, e) {
			this.g_apm.postMessage({ type: 'result', responseId: g, isOk: _, result: e });
		g_arx(g) {
			const _ = g.responseId,
				e = g.isOk,
				a = g.result,
				t = this.g_arb.get(_);
			e ? t.resolve(a) : t.reject(a), this.g_arb.delete(_);
		g_adN(g, _, e) {
			let a = this.g_ara.get(g);
			if ((a || ((a = new Map()), this.g_ara.set(g, a)), a.has(_)))
				throw new Error(`[Runtime] Component '${g}' already has handler '${_}'`);
			a.set(_, e);
		g_aeh(g, _, e) {
				type: 'event',
				component: g,
				handler: _,
				data: e,
				responseId: null
		g_BW(g, _, e) {
			const n = this.g_arc++,
				a = new Promise((g, _) => {
					this.g_arb.set(n, { resolve: g, reject: _ });
			return (
				this.g_apm.postMessage({ type: 'event', component: g, handler: _, data: e, responseId: n }),
		g_arz(g) {
			if (!this.g_IC()) throw new Error('not in debug mode');
			this.g_aeh('runtime', 'post-to-debugger', g);
		async g_akw(g) {
			this.g_IC() ? await g_IF.g_akw(this) : self.g_IF && self.g_IF.g_arA(this);
			const [_] = await Promise.all([this.g_CD.g_gc(this.g_apx), this.g_arB(), this.g_arm.g_akw()]);
				await this.g_arD(g),
				this.g_aoZ() ||
						'Made with Construct 3, the game and app creator :: https://www.construct.net'
			const e = this.g_rP();
				? (console.info(
						`[C3 runtime] Hosted in ${
							this.g_Cn() ? 'worker' : 'DOM'
						}, rendering with WebGL ${e.g_rd()} [${e.g_A$()}] (${
							e.g_AQ() ? 'desynchronized' : 'standard'
						} compositing)`
				  e.g_rk() &&
							'[C3 runtime] WebGL indicates a major performance caveat. Software rendering may be in use. This can result in significantly degraded performance.'
				: console.info(`[C3 runtime] Hosted in ${this.g_Cn() ? 'worker' : 'DOM'}, headless`),
				(this.g_arf = !0);
			for (const _ of this.g_arg) this.g_arw(_);
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_arg), this.g_aql && this.g_aql.g_apb();
			for (const _ of g.runOnStartupFunctions) this.g_apC.push(this.g_arE(_));
			if (
				(await Promise.all([this.g_CD.g_Cf(), ...this.g_apC]),
				return (
					this.g_aql && (await this.g_aql.g_apd()),
					await this.g_akt.g_lo(new g_aO.Event('beforeruntimestart')),
					await this.g_AC(),
					this.g_apm.postMessage({ type: 'runtime-ready' }),
		async g_arE(g) {
			try {
				await g(this.g_ars);
			} catch (g) {
				console.error('[C3 runtime] Error in runOnStartup function: ', g);
		g_arC(g) {
			const _ = g.project;
			(this.g_apD = _[0]),
				(this.g_apE = _[16]),
				(this.g_apF = _[31]),
				(this.g_apG = _[38]),
				(this.g_aqo = !!_[9]),
				(this.g_apH = this.g_apM = _[10]),
				(this.g_apI = this.g_apN = _[11]),
				(this.g_apK = this.g_apH / 2),
				(this.g_apL = this.g_apI / 2),
				(this.g_aqn = _[36]),
				(this.g_aqm = _[37]),
				'low-latency' === this.g_aqn &&
					this.g_arF() &&
					77 >= g_aO.g_bJ.g_bP &&
						'[C3 runtime] Desynchronized (low-latency) compositing is enabled, but is disabled in the Android WebView <=77 due to crbug.com/1008842. Reverting to synchronized (standard) compositing.'
					(this.g_aqn = 'standard')),
				(this.g_qY = _[14]),
				(this.g_apP = !!_[18]),
				(this.g_apO = _[19]),
				(this.g_aqf = _[21]),
				(this.g_aqq = _[22]),
				this.g_CD.g_Cp(_[7], _[25]),
				this.g_aql &&
					this.g_aql.g_aoE(_[23] ? 'high' : 'low'),
				(this.g_aqj = self.g_arG());
			for (const e of _[2]) this.g_apS.g_aht(e);
			(this.g_aqj = self.g_arG()), this.g_arH();
			for (const a of _[3]) {
				const g = g_aO.g_aiw.g_sf(this, this.g_apV.length, a);
				this.g_apV.push(g), this.g_apW.set(g.g_pY().toLowerCase(), g), this.g_apX.set(g.g_EN(), g);
			for (const a of _[4]) {
				const g = this.g_apV[a[0]];
			for (const a of _[27]) {
				const g = a.map((g) => this.g_apV[g]);
				this.g_apZ.push(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_akf, this, g));
			for (const _ of this.g_apV) _.g_ajq();
			for (const e of _[5]) this.g_GM.g_sf(e);
			const a = _[1];
			if (a) {
				const g = this.g_GM.g_IS(a);
				g && this.g_GM.g_IQ(g);
			for (const e of _[33]) this.g_Lq.g_sf(e);
			for (const e of _[35]) this.g_apU.g_sf(e);
			for (const e of _[6]) this.g_TW.g_sf(e);
			this.g_TW.g_Vu(), this.g_arJ(), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_aqj), this.g_Ej();
			let e = 'any';
			const n = _[20];
			1 === n ? (e = 'portrait') : 2 === n && (e = 'landscape'),
				this.g_aeh('runtime', 'set-target-orientation', { targetOrientation: e });
		g_ape() {
			return this.g_apO;
		g_apj() {
			return this.g_apu;
		g_arK() {
			return this.g_apQ;
		g_arL(g) {
		g_aji() {
			return this.g_apY++;
		g_ajs() {
			return this.g_apY;
		g_alZ(g) {
		g_aoq() {
			return this.g_ap_;
		async g_arD(g) {
			this.g_aql && (await this.g_aql.g_gk(g), this.g_aql.g_aoY(this.g_apO));
		async g_arB() {
			if (this.g_CD.g_Co('audio/webm; codecs=opus')) return;
			let g = null,
				_ = null;
			try {
					? (_ = await this.g_CD.g_BT(this.g_apw))
					: (g = await this.g_CD.g_gd(this.g_apw));
			} catch (g) {
				return void console.info(
					'Failed to fetch Opus decoder WASM; assuming project has no Opus audio.',
			_ ? this.g_arN(_, 'opus-decoder-wasm') : this.g_arO(g, 'opus-decoder-wasm'),
				await this.g_arP([this.g_apv]);
		async g_agl(g) {
			const _ = await this.g_arQ('OpusDecode', { arrayBuffer: g }, [g]);
			return _;
		async g_AC() {
			if (((this.g_aqB = !0), (this.g_aqI = Date.now()), this.g_apP)) {
				for (const g of this.g_apV) g.g_EF() || g.g_ajB() || !g.g_H_() || g.g_adB();
				this.g_CD.g_Cf().then(() => {
					(this.g_apQ = !1), this.g_arR();
			} else this.g_apQ = !1;
			this.g_CD.g_Cg(), this.g_IC() && g_IF.g_arS(_);
			for (const g of this.g_GM.g_IV()) g.g_Ij();
			const g = this.g_GM.g_IR();
			await g.g_Hw(null, this.g_rP()),
				await g.g_HG(!0),
				(this.g_aqQ = performance.now()),
				this.g_apP || this.g_arR();
			const e = await this.g_BW('runtime', 'before-start-ticking');
			e.isSuspended ? this.g_aqF++ : this.g_KZ();
		g_arR() {
			this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_arT, null, null), this.g_aeh('runtime', 'register-sw');
		g__p(g) {
			g = Math.floor(g);
			const _ = this.g_aqj;
			if (0 > g || g >= _.length) throw new Error('invalid object reference');
			return _[g];
		g_arH() {
			for (const g of self.g_arU) {
				const _ = g_aO.first(Object.keys(g));
		g_VT(g) {
			g = Math.floor(g);
			const _ = this.g_aqk;
			if (0 > g || g >= _.length) throw new Error('invalid prop reference');
			return _[g];
		g_arV() {
			return this.g_app;
		g_arW() {
			return this.g_apo;
		g_Cn() {
			return this.g_apq;
		g_fe() {
			return this.g_apn;
		g_ED() {
			return this.g_TW;
		g_TB() {
			return this.g_TW.g_TB();
		g_VG() {
			return this.g_TW.g_VG();
		g_TT() {
			return this.g_TW.g_TT();
		g_VH() {
			return this.g_TW.g_VH();
		g_arX() {
			return 0 === this.g_VG().g_Um();
		g_VJ() {
			return this.g_TW.g_VJ();
		g_aix() {
			return this.g_apS;
		g___() {
			return this.g_apS.g___();
		g_D_(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 > g || g >= this.g_apV.length))
				throw new RangeError('invalid index');
			return this.g_apV[g];
		g_arY(g) {
			return this.g_apW.get(g.toLowerCase()) || null;
		g_Ib(g) {
			return this.g_apX.get(g) || null;
		g_arZ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_apS.g_ahy(g);
			return _ ? _.g_adF() : null;
		g_EE() {
			return this.g_apV;
		g_lh() {
			return this.g_akt;
		g_IA() {
			return this.g_He;
		g_IB(g) {
			const _ = this.g_IC() && !this.g_TW.g_ID();
			_ && g_IF.g_IE(), this.g_He.dispatchEvent(g), _ && g_IF.g_IG();
		g_HT(g) {
			return this.g_He.g_lo(g);
		g_DY() {
			return this.g_apH;
		g_DZ() {
			return this.g_apI;
		g_ar_(g, _) {
			(this.g_apH = g), (this.g_apI = _);
		g_Gt() {
			return this.g_apM;
		g_Gu() {
			return this.g_apN;
		g_aoz(g, _) {
			(this.g_apM = g), (this.g_apN = _);
		g_aos(g) {
			this.g_apJ = g;
		g_EO() {
			return this.g_apJ;
		g_Gx() {
			return this.g_apK;
		g_Gy() {
			return this.g_apL;
		g_FO() {
			return this.g_aql;
		g_FT() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_FT() : this.g_apM;
		g_FU() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_FU() : this.g_apN;
		g_FM() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_FM() : 1;
		g_Go() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_Go() : 1;
		g_aeU() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_aeU() : 0;
		g_aeV() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_aeV() : 0;
		g_ar$() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_aeS() : 0;
		g_asa() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_aeT() : 0;
		g_aeR() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_aeR() : 'off';
		g_FV(g) {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_FV(g) : null;
		g_Gl(g) {
			this.g_aql && this.g_aql.g_Gl(g);
		g_aor(g) {
			this.g_apR = !!g;
		g_Iv() {
			return this.g_apR;
		g_aoU() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_aoU() : NaN;
		g_rR() {
			return 'nearest' !== this.g_FR();
		g_asb() {
			return this.g_aqm;
		g_Iw() {
			return this.g_aqn;
		g_FR() {
			return this.g_qY;
		g_ajm() {
			return this.g_apP;
		g_Wy() {
			return this.g_GM;
		g_Is() {
			return this.g_GM.g_Is();
		g_LT() {
			return this.g_Lq;
		g_asc() {
			return this.g_apU;
		g_afD() {
			return this.g_CD;
		g_B$(g) {
			return this.g_CD.g_B$(g);
		g_agB(g, _, e, a) {
			return this.g_Eg(g, _, !1, e, a);
		g_Eg(h, e, f, n, t, s) {
			let i = null,
				E = null;
			if (h instanceof g_aO.g_aiw) {
				if (((E = h), E.g_EF())) {
					const g = E.g_Zd(),
						_ = Math.floor(this.g_afS() * g.length);
					E = g[_];
				i = E.g_Ea();
			} else (i = h), (E = this.g_D_(i[1]));
			const b = E.g_Ir().g_H_();
			if (this.g_apQ && b && !E.g_ajB()) return null;
			const d = e;
			b || (e = null);
			let _ = f && !s && i && !this.g_aqg.has(i[2]) ? i[2] : this.g_aqf++;
			const l = i ? i[0] : null,
				g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Instance, {
					runtime: this,
					g_agI: E,
					g_Ju: e,
					g_akv: l,
					g_akz: i ? i[3] : null,
					g_agK: _
			this.g_aqg.set(_, g);
			let c = null;
			if (
				(b &&
					((c = g.g_CU()),
					'undefined' != typeof n && 'undefined' != typeof t && (c.g_abn(n), c.g_abo(t)),
				e && (e.g_El(g, !0), (1 !== e.g_Fb() || 1 !== e.g_Fc()) && E.g_Fe(!0), e.g_EL().g_Hy(E)),
				E.g_EJ() && !f && !s)
			) {
				for (const _ of E.g_Hu().g_Ie()) {
					if (_ === E) continue;
					const e = this.g_Eg(_, d, !1, c ? c.g_Ig() : n, c ? c.g_Ih() : t, !0);
				for (const _ of g.siblings()) {
					for (const e of g.siblings()) _ !== e && _.g_If(e);
			const y = i ? g_aO.g_fL(i[5]) : null,
				m = i ? i[4].map((g) => g_aO.g_fL(g)) : null;
			if ((g.g_ajz(y, m), b && l && 14 === l.length)) {
				const _ = l[13];
				g.g_akF(), g.g_Qd().g_aeq(_[2], _[0], _[1]);
			return this.g_aqa.push(g), (this.g_aqc = !0), this.g_IC() && g_IF.g_asd(g), g;
		g_EB(g) {
			if (this.g_aqh.has(g)) return;
			const _ = g.g_EA();
			let e = this.g_aqb.get(_);
			if (e) {
				if (e.has(g)) return;
			} else (e = new Set()), e.add(g), this.g_aqb.set(_, e);
			if ((this.g_IC() && g_IF.g_ase(g), g.g_akH(), (this.g_aqc = !0), g.g_EJ()))
				for (const _ of g.siblings()) this.g_EB(_);
			if ((this.g_aqd && g_aO.g_dU(), !this.g_GM.g_I_())) {
				const _ = this.g_ED();
				_.g_EH(!0), g.g_akV(), _.g_EH(!1);
		g_Ej() {
			this.g_aqc &&
				((this.g_aqd = !0),
				(this.g_aqd = !1),
				(this.g_aqc = !1),
		g_asf() {
			for (const g of this.g_aqa) {
				const _ = g.g_EA();
				for (const e of _.g_Yi()) e.g_El(g), e.g_ajU();
		g_asg() {
			for (const [g, _] of this.g_aqb.entries()) this.g_ash(g, _), _.clear();
			this.g_aqb.clear(), this.g_akt.g_lb(!1);
		g_ash(g, _) {
			g_aO.g_fI(g.g_H$(), _), g.g_ajU(), this.g_aqi.add(g), 0 === g.g_H$().length && g.g_Fe(!1);
			for (const e of g.g_Yi()) g_aO.g_fI(e.g_H$(), _), e.g_ajU(), this.g_aqi.add(e);
			if (g.g_Ir().g_H_()) {
				const g = new Set([..._].map((g) => g.g_CU().g_Em()));
				for (const e of g) e.g_Fv(_);
			for (const t of _) {
				const g = this.g_arh.instancedestroy;
				(g.g_Ke = t), this.g_akt.dispatchEvent(g), this.g_aqg.delete(t.g_Ei());
				const _ = t.g_CU();
				_ && (_.g_alz(), _.g_Er()), this.g_aqh.add(t), this.g_aqe--;
		g_abF() {
			return this.g_aqa;
		g_ajy() {
			return this.g_aqf++;
		g_ajA(g, _) {
			this.g_aqg.set(g, _);
		g_HF() {
			this.g_akt.dispatchEvent(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'webglcontextlost')), this.g_asi(!0);
			for (const g of this.g_apV) !g.g_EF() && g.g_ajC() && g.g_HD();
			this.g_Is().g_HF(), g_aO.g_ahD.g_CQ(), g_aO.g_Cb.g_CQ();
		async g_aol() {
			await this.g_Is().g_Hw(null, this.g_rP()),
				this.g_akt.dispatchEvent(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'webglcontextrestored')),
		g_aro(g) {
		g_arq(g) {
			this.g_aoZ() &&
				this.g_aqq &&
				!g_aO.g_bJ.g_bU &&
				(g.data.parentHasFocus || (this.g_asi(!0), (this.g_aqr = !0)));
		g_arr() {
			this.g_aqr && (this.g_asi(!1), (this.g_aqr = !1));
		g_asj() {
			const g = this.g_aqs;
			'vsync' === this.g_aqm
				? -1 === this.g_anX && (this.g_anX = self.requestAnimationFrame(g.g_aqt))
				: 'unlimited-tick' === this.g_aqm
				? (-1 === this.g_aqu && (this.g_aqu = g_aO.g_fT(g.g_aqv)),
				  -1 === this.g_anX && (this.g_anX = self.requestAnimationFrame(g.g_aqw)))
				: -1 === this.g_aqu && (this.g_aqu = g_aO.g_fT(g.g_aqt));
		g_ask() {
			-1 !== this.g_anX && (self.cancelAnimationFrame(this.g_anX), (this.g_anX = -1)),
				-1 !== this.g_aqu && (g_aO.g_fU(this.g_aqu), (this.g_aqu = -1));
		g_asl() {
			return 0 < this.g_aqF;
		g_asi(g) {
			const _ = this.g_asl();
			(this.g_aqF += g ? 1 : -1), 0 > this.g_aqF && (this.g_aqF = 0);
			const e = this.g_asl();
			if (!_ && e)
				console.log('[Construct 3] Suspending'),
					this.g_akt.dispatchEvent(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'suspend')),
					this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_asm, null, null);
			else if (_ && !e) {
				console.log('[Construct 3] Resuming');
				const g = performance.now();
				(this.g_aqJ = g),
					(this.g_aqQ = g),
					(this.g_aqP = 0),
					(this.g_aqR = 0),
					(this.g_aqT = 0),
					(this.g_aqS = 0),
					this.g_akt.dispatchEvent(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'resume')),
					this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_asn, null, null),
					this.g_Wx() || this.g_KZ(g);
		g_afs(g) {
		g_afx(g) {
		g_afu(g) {
		g_aft(g) {
		g_afy(g) {
		g_afv(g) {
		g_aso() {
			for (const g of this.g_arj) g.g_KZ();
		g_asp() {
			for (const g of this.g_ark) g.g_afr();
		g_asq() {
			for (const g of this.g_arl) g.g_aek();
		*g_asr() {
			for (const g of this.g_arj) {
				const _ = g.g_KZ();
				g_aO.g_gA(_) && (yield* _);
		*g_ass() {
			for (const g of this.g_ark) {
				const _ = g.g_afr();
				g_aO.g_gA(_) && (yield* _);
		*g_ast() {
			for (const g of this.g_arl) {
				const _ = g.g_aek();
				g_aO.g_gA(_) && (yield* _);
		async g_KZ(g, _, d) {
			this.g_aqD = !0;
			const n = 'background-wake' === d;
			if (this.g_aqB && (!this.g_asl() || _ || n)) {
				const _ = performance.now();
				(this.g_aqC = !0), g || (g = _), this.g_asu(g);
				const e = this.g_asv();
				this.g_asw() && (await e);
				const a = this.g_akt.g_lp(this.g_arh.pretick);
				a instanceof Promise && (await a);
				const t = this.g_asx();
				this.g_asw() && (await t),
					this.g_asy() && (await this.g_asz()),
					this.g_Wy().g_Ja() && (await this.g_asA());
				const i = this.g_asB();
				this.g_asw() && (await i),
					'background-wake' != d && 'skip-render' != d && this.g_aqx(),
					this.g_asl() || n || this.g_asj(),
					(this.g_aqC = !1),
					(this.g_aqS += performance.now() - _);
		async g_asv() {
			const g = this.g_TW,
				_ = this.g_IC();
				_ && g_IF.g_asC(),
				this.g_asw() ? await g.g_WV() : g.g_WQ(),
				_ && g_IF.g_asD(),
		async g_asx() {
			const g = this.g_IC(),
				_ = this.g_asw(),
				e = this.g_akt,
				a = this.g_arh,
				t = this.g_ari;
			g && g_IF.g_asC(),
				_ ? await this.g_asE(this.g_asr()) : this.g_aso(),
				_ ? await this.g_asE(this.g_ass()) : this.g_asp(),
				g && g_IF.g_asF(),
				g && g_IF.g_asC(),
				_ ? await this.g_asG(a.tick) : e.dispatchEvent(a.tick),
				g && g_IF.g_asH(),
		async g_asB() {
			const g = this.g_TW,
				_ = this.g_akt,
				e = this.g_arh,
				a = this.g_IC(),
				t = this.g_asw();
			if (
				(a && g_IF.g_asC(),
				t ? await g.g_Wn(this.g_GM) : g.g_Wk(this.g_GM),
				a && g_IF.g_asD(),
				0 < this.g_aqh.size)
			) {
				for (const g of this.g_aqi) g.g_WJ().g_Tz(this.g_aqh);
				this.g_aqi.clear(), this.g_TW.g_WX(this.g_aqh);
				for (const g of this.g_aqh) g.g_ek();
				this.g_aqh.clear(), _.g_lb(!1);
			(this.g_aqE = !1),
				a && g_IF.g_asC(),
				t ? await this.g_asE(this.g_ast()) : this.g_asq(),
				a && g_IF.g_asF(),
				a && g_IF.g_asC(),
				t ? await this.g_asG(e.tick2) : _.dispatchEvent(e.tick2),
				a && g_IF.g_asH(),
				t && (await g.g_Wz());
		async g_asA() {
			const g = this.g_Wy();
			for (let _ = 0; g.g_Ja() && 10 > _++; ) await this.g_asI(g.g_Jb());
		g_asu(g) {
			if (0 !== this.g_aqJ) {
				const _ = Math.max(g - this.g_aqJ, 0);
				this.g_aqK = _ / 1e3;
				const e = 1 / this.g_aqM;
				0.5 < this.g_aqK ? (this.g_aqK = 0) : this.g_aqK > e && (this.g_aqK = e);
			(this.g_aqJ = g),
				(this.g_aqL = this.g_aqK * this.g_aks),
				this.g_aql && this.g_aql.g_aoR(),
				1e3 <= g - this.g_aqQ &&
					((this.g_aqQ += 1e3),
					1e3 <= g - this.g_aqQ && (this.g_aqQ = g),
					(this.g_aqR = this.g_aqP),
					(this.g_aqP = 0),
					(this.g_aqT = Math.min(this.g_aqS / 1e3, 1)),
					(this.g_aqS = 0),
					this.g_aql && this.g_aql.g_aoQ(),
					this.g_IC() && g_IF.g_asJ()),
		async g_asI(g) {
			const _ = this.g_akt,
				e = this.g_Wy(),
				a = e.g_Is();
			await a.g_Il(),
				a.g_HE(g, this.g_rP()),
				a === g && this.g_TW.g_Io(),
				await g.g_Hw(a, this.g_rP()),
				await g.g_HG(!1),
				(this.g_aqE = !0),
		g_EV() {
			this.g_aqp = !0;
		g_rP() {
			return this.g_aql ? this.g_aql.g_rP() : null;
		g_aqx() {
			if (!this.g_aql || this.g_aql.g_aoH()) return;
			const g = this.g_rP();
			if ((g.g_AC(), g.g_AD(), !this.g_aqp)) return void g.g_qv();
			const _ = this.g_IC();
			_ && g_IF.g_asC(), (this.g_aqp = !1);
			let e = null;
			g.g_AO() && ((e = this.g_aql.g_aoT().g_xG()), g.g_AN(e)),
				g.g_zl(1, 1, 1, 1),
			const a = this.g_GM.g_Is();
				e && g.g_AP(e),
				_ && (g_IF.g_asK(), g_IF.g_asL()),
				this.g_aql && this.g_aql.g_aoW();
		g_Ku(g, _, e) {
			if (!this.g_aqB) return !1;
			const a = !this.g_aqC && !this.g_TW.g_WD();
			let t = 0;
			a && (t = performance.now());
			const n = this.g_IC();
			n && this.g__o(!1);
			const i = this.g_TW.g_Wr(this.g_GM, g, _, e);
			if (a) {
				const g = performance.now() - t;
				(this.g_aqS += g), n && g_IF.g_asM(g);
			return n && this.g__o(!0), i;
		g_aea(g, _, e) {
			if (!this.g_IC()) return this.g_Ku(g, _, e);
			if (this.g_Wx()) throw new Error('called DebugTrigger() while stopped on breakpoint');
			if (!this.g_aqC && !this.g_TW.g_WD())
				throw new Error('called DebugTrigger() outside of event code - use TriggerAsync() instead');
			return this.g_TW.g_Wu(this.g_GM, g, _, e);
		async g_HU(g, _, e) {
			if (!this.g_asw()) return this.g_Ku(g, _, e);
			if (!this.g_aqB) return !1;
			if (this.g_Wx()) return this.g_TW.g_Wv(g, _, e);
			if (!this.g_Is()) return this.g_TW.g_Ws(g, _, e);
			const a = performance.now(),
				t = this.g_TW.g_Wu(this.g_GM, g, _, e);
			let n = t.next();
			for (; !n.done; ) await this.g_Wp(n.value), (n = t.next());
			return (
				this.g_asl() ||
					this.g_TW.g_WD() ||
					(await this.g_TW.g_Wz(), this.g_aqD && !this.g_aqC && this.g_asj()),
				(this.g_aqS += performance.now() - a),
		g_aeb(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_IC();
			a && this.g__o(!1);
			const t = this.g_TW.g_WA(this.g_GM, g, _, e);
			return a && this.g__o(!0), t;
		g_aec(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_TW.g_WB(this.g_GM, g, _, e);
		g_aed(g) {
			return this.g_aqG.g_jB(g);
		g_Wl(g) {
		g_Wm() {
			if (!this.g_ap$.length) throw new Error('layout stack empty');
		g_ZC() {
			return this.g_ap$.length ? this.g_ap$[this.g_ap$.length - 1] : this.g_Is();
		g_KW(g) {
			return g && -1 !== g.g_KX() ? this.g_aqK * g.g_KX() : this.g_aqL;
		g_asN() {
			return this.g_aqL;
		g_asO() {
			return this.g_aqK;
		g_KX() {
			return this.g_aks;
		g_akD(g) {
			(isNaN(g) || 0 > g) && (g = 0), (this.g_aks = g);
		g_asP(g) {
			this.g_aqM = g_aO.g_ep(g, 1, 120);
		g_asQ() {
			return this.g_aqM;
		g_asR() {
			return this.g_aqR;
		g_asS() {
			return this.g_aqT;
		g_asT() {
			return this.g_aqI;
		g_Gk() {
			return this.g_aqN.g_bd();
		g_afR() {
			return this.g_aqO.g_bd();
		g_MB() {
			return this.g_aqy;
		g_asU() {
			return this.g_aqz;
		g_Yq() {
		g_asV() {
			return this.g_aqA;
		g_asW() {
			return this.g_aqe;
		g_afH() {
			return this.g_apD;
		g_afJ() {
			return this.g_apE;
		g_asX() {
			return this.g_apF;
		g_asY() {
			return this.g_apG;
		g_NN(g) {
			if (this.g_aqU)
				throw new Error('cannot call while loading state - wait until afterload event');
			return this.g_aqg.get(g) || null;
		g_Ic() {
			for (const g of this.g_apV)
				if (!g.g_EF()) for (const _ of g.g_H$()) this.g_aqg.set(_.g_Ei(), _);
		g_aoZ() {
			return 'preview' === this.g_aps;
		g_IC() {
			return this.g_apy;
		g_asZ() {
			return this.g_aps;
		g_apk() {
			return 'cordova' === this.g_aps;
		g_arF() {
			return (
				'Android' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bK &&
				('cordova' === this.g_aps || 'playable-ad' === this.g_aps || 'instant-games' === this.g_aps)
		g_arM() {
			return this.g_Bj;
		g_as_() {
			return this.g_apt;
		g_ahf() {
			return this.g_apT;
		g_ahB() {
			return this.g_apS.g_ahB();
		g_ahC() {
			return this.g_apS.g_ahC();
		g_as$() {
			return this.g_aqE;
		g_ata(g) {
			(g = !!g), this.g_aqo === g || ((this.g_aqo = g), this.g_EV());
		g_Gs() {
			return this.g_aqo;
		g_atb(g) {
			this.g_aqV = g;
		g_atc(g) {
			this.g_aqW = g;
		g_acN(g) {
			this.g_aqX = g;
		g_atd() {
			return this.g_aqY;
		g_asy() {
			return !!(this.g_aqV || this.g_aqW || null !== this.g_aqX);
		async g_asz() {
			if (
				(this.g_aqV && (this.g_Ej(), await this.g_ate(this.g_aqV), this.g_atf()),
				this.g_aqW && (await this.g_atg(this.g_aqW), this.g_atf(), this.g_IC() && g_IF.g_ath()),
				null !== this.g_aqX)
			) {
				try {
					await this.g_ati(this.g_aqX),
						(this.g_aqY = this.g_aqX),
						await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_atj, null),
						(this.g_aqY = '');
				} catch (g) {
					console.error('[Construct 3] Failed to load state from JSON string: ', g),
						await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_atk, null);
		g_atf() {
			(this.g_aqV = ''), (this.g_aqW = ''), (this.g_aqX = null);
		g_agq() {
			return (
				this.g_aq_ ||
					(this.g_aq_ = localforage.g_cg({
						name: 'c3-localstorage-' + this.g_asX(),
						description: this.g_afH()
		g_atl() {
			return (
				this.g_aq$ ||
					(this.g_aq$ = localforage.g_cg({
						name: 'c3-savegames-' + this.g_asX(),
						description: this.g_afH()
		async g_ate(g) {
			const _ = await this.g_atm();
			try {
				await this.g_atl().setItem(g, _),
					console.log('[Construct 3] Saved state to storage (' + _.length + ' chars)'),
					(this.g_aqY = _),
					await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_atn, null),
					(this.g_aqY = '');
			} catch (g) {
				console.error('[Construct 3] Failed to save state to storage: ', g),
					await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_ato, null);
		async g_atg(g) {
			try {
				const _ = await this.g_atl().getItem(g);
				if (!_) throw new Error('empty slot');
				console.log('[Construct 3] Loaded state from storage (' + _.length + ' chars)'),
					await this.g_ati(_),
					(this.g_aqY = _),
					await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_atj, null),
					(this.g_aqY = '');
			} catch (g) {
				console.error('[Construct 3] Failed to load state from storage: ', g),
					await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_atk, null);
		async g_atm() {
			const g = {
				c3save: !0,
				version: 1,
				rt: {
					time: this.g_Gk(),
					walltime: this.g_afR(),
					timescale: this.g_KX(),
					tickcount: this.g_MB(),
					execcount: this.g_asV(),
					next_uid: this.g_aqf,
					running_layout: this.g_Is().g_EN(),
					start_time_offset: Date.now() - this.g_aqI
				types: {},
				layouts: {},
				events: this.g_TW.g_GG(),
				timelines: this.g_Lq.g_GG(),
				user_script_data: null
			for (const _ of this.g_apV)
				_.g_EF() || _.g_akb() || (g.types[_.g_EN().toString()] = _.g_GG());
			for (const _ of this.g_GM.g_IV()) g.layouts[_.g_EN().toString()] = _.g_GG();
			const _ = this.g_atp('save');
			return (
				(_.saveData = null),
				await this.g_HT(_),
				(g.user_script_data = _.saveData),
		g_HQ() {
			return this.g_aqU;
		g_HR(g) {
			g_aO.g_fD(this.g_aqZ, g);
		async g_ati(g) {
			const _ = JSON.parse(g);
			if (_.c2save) throw new Error('C2 saves are incompatible with C3 runtime');
			if (!_.c3save) throw new Error('not valid C3 save data');
			if (1 < _.version) throw new Error('C3 save data from future version');
			this.g_aqU = !0;
			const e = _.rt;
				(this.g_aks = e.timescale),
				(this.g_aqy = e.tickcount),
				(this.g_aqA = e.execcount),
				(this.g_aqI = Date.now() - e.start_time_offset);
			const a = e.running_layout;
			if (a !== this.g_Is().g_EN()) {
				const g = this.g_GM.g_IT(a);
				if (g) await this.g_asI(g);
				else return;
			for (const [i, n] of Object.entries(_.types)) {
				const g = parseInt(i, 10),
					_ = this.g_Ib(g);
				!_ || _.g_EF() || _.g_akb() || _.g_GI(n);
			this.g_Ej(), this.g_Ic(), (this.g_aqU = !1), (this.g_aqf = e.next_uid);
			for (const [i, n] of Object.entries(_.layouts)) {
				const g = parseInt(i, 10),
					_ = this.g_GM.g_IT(g);
				_ && _.g_GI(n);
			for (const _ of this.g_aqZ) _.g_EI();
			for (const _ of this.g_apV)
				if (!_.g_EF() && _.g_EJ())
					for (const g of _.g_H$()) {
						const e = g.g_Id();
						for (const a of _.g_Hu().g_Ie()) {
							if (a === _) continue;
							const t = a.g_H$();
							if (0 > e || e >= t.length) throw new Error('missing sibling instance');
			this.g_Lq.g_GI(_.timelines), this.g_akt.dispatchEvent(g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, 'afterload'));
			const t = this.g_atp('load');
			(t.saveData = _.user_script_data), await this.g_HT(t), this.g_EV();
		async g_arP(g) {
			const _ = await Promise.all(g.map((g) => this.g_CD.g_gd(g))),
				e = _.map((g) => URL.createObjectURL(g));
		g_arO(g, _) {
			this.g_arm.g_atr(g, _);
		g_arN(g, _) {
			this.g_arm.g_ats(g, _);
		g_arQ(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_arm.g_arQ(g, _, e);
		g_att(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_arm.g_att(g, _, e);
		g_af_(g, _) {
			this.g_aeh('runtime', 'invoke-download', { url: g, filename: _ });
		async g_apa(g, _, e, a, n, d) {
			if (((a = a || _), (n = n || e), this.g_Cn())) {
				const t = await this.g_BW('runtime', 'raster-svg-image', {
					blob: g,
					imageWidth: _,
					imageHeight: e,
					surfaceWidth: a,
					surfaceHeight: n,
					imageBitmapOpts: d
				return t.imageBitmap;
			} else {
				const t = await self.C3_RasterSvgImageBlob(g, _, e, a, n);
				return d ? await self.createImageBitmap(t, d) : t;
		async g_atu(g) {
			return this.g_Cn()
				? await this.g_BW('runtime', 'get-svg-image-size', { blob: g })
				: await self.C3_GetSvgImageSize(g);
		g_atv() {
			this.g_ard || ((this.g_ard = !0), this.g_aeh('runtime', 'enable-device-orientation'));
		g_atw() {
			this.g_are || ((this.g_are = !0), this.g_aeh('runtime', 'enable-device-motion'));
		g_afS() {
			return this.g_aqH();
		g_atx(g) {
			this.g_aqH = g;
		g_arp() {
			return {
				fps: this.g_asR(),
				cpu: this.g_asS(),
				gpu: this.g_aoU(),
				layout: this.g_Is() ? this.g_Is().g_pY() : '',
				renderer: this.g_rP().g_A$()
		g_Wx() {
			return !!this.g_IC() && g_IF.g_Wx();
		g_Wp(g) {
			return this.g_asw() ? g_IF.g_Wp(g) : Promise.resolve();
		g_ZT() {
			return !!this.g_asw() && g_IF.g_aty();
		g_atz(g) {
			(this.g_apz = !!g), this.g_atA();
		g_atB() {
			return this.g_apz;
		g_asw() {
			return this.g_apA;
		g__o(g) {
			g ? this.g_apB-- : this.g_apB++, this.g_atA();
		g_atA() {
			this.g_apA = this.g_IC() && this.g_apz && 0 === this.g_apB;
		g_Yg() {
			return this.g_IC() && g_IF.g_Yg();
		g_FP() {
			return this.g_IC() && this.g_rP().g_AO() && g_IF.g_FP();
		async g_asE(g) {
			if (g) for (const _ of g) await this.g_Wp(_);
		g_asG(g) {
			return this.g_asE(this.g_akt.g_lr(g));
		g_Vr(g) {
			return this.g_TW.g_Vr(g.name, g.params);
		g__r() {
			return this.g_ars;
		g_atp(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Event, g, !1);
			return (_.runtime = this.g_ars), _;
		g_arI() {
			const g = {};
			for (const _ of this.g_apV) g[_.g_VT()] = { value: _.g_agJ(), enumerable: !0, writable: !1 };
			const _ = Object.create(Object.prototype, g);
			(this.g_ars = new g_afB(this, _)), (this.g_ari = { tick: this.g_atp('tick') });
		g_arJ() {
			const g = {};
			for (const _ of this.g_ED().g_V_()) g[_.g_VT()] = _.g_VU();
		g_afW() {
			return this.g_aru;
		g_ags(g, _) {
			this.g_art.set(g, _);
		g_agb(g) {
			return this.g_art.get(g);
		(self.C3_CreateRuntime = g_aO.g_apl.g_sf),
		(self.C3_InitRuntime = (g, _) => g.g_akw(_));
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_arn = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_Be = g),
				(this.g_atC = new Map()),
				(this.g_atD = 0),
				(this.g_atE = _.inputPort),
				(_.outputPort.onmessage = (g) => this.g_atF(g)),
				(this.g_atG = _.maxNumWorkers),
				(this.g_atH = 1),
				(this.g_atI = !1),
				(this.g_atJ = !1),
				(this.g_atK = !1),
				(this.g_atL = null);
		async g_akw() {
			await this.g_atM();
		g_atq(g) {
			this.g_atK || this.g_atE.postMessage({ type: '_import_scripts', scripts: g });
		g_atr(g, _) {
			this.g_atK || this.g_atE.postMessage({ type: '_send_blob', blob: g, id: _ });
		g_ats(g, _) {
			this.g_atK || this.g_atE.postMessage({ type: '_send_buffer', buffer: g, id: _ }, [g]);
		g_arQ(_, a, t, n, i) {
			if (this.g_atK) return Promise.reject('messagechannels broken');
			t || (t = []);
			const e = this.g_atD++,
				r = { type: _, isBroadcast: !1, jobId: e, params: a, transferables: t },
				g = new Promise((g, _) => {
					this.g_atC.set(e, { resolve: g, g_Ci: n, reject: _, g_atN: !1 });
			return i && i.g_lM(() => this.g_atO(e)), this.g_atE.postMessage(r, t), this.g_atP(), g;
		g_att(g, _, a) {
			if (!this.g_atK) {
				a || (a = []);
				const t = this.g_atD++,
					n = { type: g, isBroadcast: !0, jobId: t, params: _, transferables: a };
				this.g_atE.postMessage(n, a);
		g_atO(g) {
			const _ = this.g_atC.get(g);
			_ &&
				((_.g_atN = !0),
				(_.resolve = null),
				(_.g_Ci = null),
				(_.reject = null),
				this.g_atE.postMessage({ type: '_cancel', jobId: g }));
		g_atF(g) {
			const _ = g.data,
				e = _.type,
				a = _.jobId;
			switch (e) {
				case 'result':
					this.g_atQ(a, _.result);
				case 'progress':
					this.g_atR(a, _.progress);
				case 'error':
					this.g_atS(a, _.error);
				case 'ready':
				case '_testMessageChannelOk':
					throw new Error(`unknown message from worker '${e}'`);
		g_atQ(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_atC.get(g);
			if (!e) throw new Error('invalid job ID');
			e.g_atN || e.resolve(_), this.g_atC.delete(g);
		g_atR(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_atC.get(g);
			if (!e) throw new Error('invalid job ID');
			!e.g_atN && e.g_Ci && e.g_Ci(_);
		g_atS(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_atC.get(g);
			if (!e) throw new Error('invalid job ID');
			e.g_atN || e.reject(_), this.g_atC.delete(g);
		g_atT() {
			this.g_atI &&
				((this.g_atI = !1),
				this.g_atH < this.g_atG
					? this.g_atP()
					: this.g_atE.postMessage({ type: '_no_more_workers' }));
		async g_atP() {
			if (!(this.g_atH >= this.g_atG || this.g_atI || this.g_atJ || this.g_atC.size <= this.g_atH))
				try {
					this.g_atI = !0;
					const g = await this.g_Be.g_BW('runtime', 'create-job-worker');
					g.outputPort.onmessage = (g) => this.g_atF(g);
				} catch (g) {
					(this.g_atJ = !0),
						(this.g_atI = !1),
							`[Construct 3] Failed to create job worker; stopping creating any more (created ${this.g_atH} so far)`,
		g_atM() {
			return (
				this.g_atE.postMessage({ type: '_testMessageChannel' }),
				self.setTimeout(() => this.g_atV(), 2e3),
				new Promise((g) => (this.g_atL = g))
		g_atU() {
			this.g_atL(), (this.g_atL = null);
		g_atV() {
			this.g_atL &&
				(console.warn('MessageChannel determined to be broken. Job scheduler disabled.'),
				(this.g_atK = !0),
				(this.g_atL = null));
	(self.C3_Shaders = {}),
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _) {
		const e = g[1],
			t = _[1];
		if ('number' == typeof e && 'number' == typeof t) return e - t;
		else {
			const g = '' + e,
				_ = '' + t;
			return g < _ ? -1 : g > _ ? 1 : 0;
	let t = null,
		n = '',
		r = '',
		s = [],
		e = '',
		l = '',
		g = '';
	const u = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_UU);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_HX = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_UN = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_VM()),
				(this.g_TA = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_TB()),
				(this.g_atW = 0),
				(this.g_atX = 0),
				(this.g_atY = new Map());
		g_ek() {
		g_EV() {
		g_Ku(g) {
			this.g_Be.g_Ku(g, null, null);
		g_atZ(g, _) {
			return (
				(t && g === n && _ === r) || ((t = new RegExp(g, _)), (n = g), (r = _)),
				(t.lastIndex = 0),
		g_at_(_, a, t) {
			if (_ === e && a === l && t === g) return s;
			const n = this.g_atZ(a, t);
			return (s = _.match(n)), (e = _), (l = a), (g = t), s;
		async g_at$(g, _) {
			if (_.length) {
				this.g_atW += _.length;
				const e = [];
				for (const a of _) e.push(g.g_Hy(a));
				await g_aO.g_fQ(e, () => {
					this.g_atX === this.g_atW &&
						(this.g_Be.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_aua, null, null),
						(this.g_atX = 0),
						(this.g_atW = 0));
		g_aub(g, _) {
			for (const e of _) 0 === e.g_EK() && g.g_HC(e);
		g_auc() {
			return u;
		g_aud(_) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				t = a.g_TB(),
				n = t.g_TU(),
				r = n.g_TT(),
				e = r.g_UD(),
				s = n.g_UA(),
				g = t.g_TZ(r),
				d = a.g_VM(),
				i = d.g_TZ();
			if ((i.g_US(_), s))
				for (let t = 0; t < _ && !i.g_UR(); ++t) a.g_WL(e), i.g_UQ(t), r.g__b(n, g), a.g_WM(e);
			else for (let e = 0; e < _ && !i.g_UR(); ++e) i.g_UQ(e), r.g__b(n, g);
			return t.g_Ty(), d.g_Ty(), !1;
		*g_aue(_) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				t = a.g_TB(),
				n = t.g_TU(),
				r = n.g_TT(),
				e = r.g_UD(),
				s = n.g_UA(),
				g = t.g_TZ(r),
				d = a.g_VM(),
				i = d.g_TZ();
			if ((i.g_US(_), s))
				for (let t = 0; t < _ && !i.g_UR(); ++t)
					a.g_WL(e), i.g_UQ(t), yield* r.g__c(n, g), a.g_WM(e);
			else for (let e = 0; e < _ && !i.g_UR(); ++e) i.g_UQ(e), yield* r.g__c(n, g);
			return t.g_Ty(), d.g_Ty(), !1;
		g_auf() {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				a = _.g_TB(),
				t = a.g_TU(),
				n = t.g_TT(),
				i = n.g_UD(),
				e = t.g_UA(),
				r = a.g_TZ(n),
				g = _.g_VM(),
				s = g.g_TZ();
			if (e)
				for (let g = 0; !s.g_UR(); ++g) _.g_WL(i), s.g_UQ(g), n.g__b(t, r) || s.g_Kg(), _.g_WM(i);
			else for (let g = 0; !s.g_UR(); ++g) s.g_UQ(g), n.g__b(t, r) || s.g_Kg();
			return a.g_Ty(), g.g_Ty(), !1;
		*g_aug() {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				a = _.g_TB(),
				t = a.g_TU(),
				n = t.g_TT(),
				i = n.g_UD(),
				e = t.g_UA(),
				r = a.g_TZ(n),
				g = _.g_VM(),
				s = g.g_TZ();
			if (e)
				for (let g = 0; !s.g_UR(); ++g) {
					_.g_WL(i), s.g_UQ(g);
					const e = yield* n.g__c(t, r);
					e || s.g_Kg(), _.g_WM(i);
				for (let g = 0; !s.g_UR(); ++g) {
					const _ = yield* n.g__c(t, r);
					_ || s.g_Kg();
			return a.g_Ty(), g.g_Ty(), !1;
		g_auh(_, t, n) {
			const r = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				a = r.g_TB(),
				e = a.g_TU(),
				s = e.g_TT(),
				g = s.g_UD(),
				d = e.g_UA(),
				i = a.g_TZ(s),
				o = r.g_VM(),
				u = o.g_TZ();
			if ((u.g_LX(_), u.g_US(n), n < t)) {
				if (d)
					for (let _ = t; _ >= n && !u.g_UR(); --_) r.g_WL(g), u.g_UQ(_), s.g__b(e, i), r.g_WM(g);
				else for (let g = t; g >= n && !u.g_UR(); --g) u.g_UQ(g), s.g__b(e, i);
			} else if (d)
				for (let _ = t; _ <= n && !u.g_UR(); ++_) r.g_WL(g), u.g_UQ(_), s.g__b(e, i), r.g_WM(g);
			else for (let g = t; g <= n && !u.g_UR(); ++g) u.g_UQ(g), s.g__b(e, i);
			return a.g_Ty(), o.g_Ty(), !1;
		*g_aui(_, t, n) {
			const r = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				a = r.g_TB(),
				e = a.g_TU(),
				s = e.g_TT(),
				g = s.g_UD(),
				d = e.g_UA(),
				i = a.g_TZ(s),
				o = r.g_VM(),
				u = o.g_TZ();
			if ((u.g_LX(_), u.g_US(n), n < t)) {
				if (d)
					for (let _ = t; _ >= n && !u.g_UR(); --_)
						r.g_WL(g), u.g_UQ(_), yield* s.g__c(e, i), r.g_WM(g);
				else for (let g = t; g >= n && !u.g_UR(); --g) u.g_UQ(g), yield* s.g__c(e, i);
			} else if (d)
				for (let _ = t; _ <= n && !u.g_UR(); ++_)
					r.g_WL(g), u.g_UQ(_), yield* s.g__c(e, i), r.g_WM(g);
			else for (let g = t; g <= n && !u.g_UR(); ++g) u.g_UQ(g), yield* s.g__c(e, i);
			return a.g_Ty(), o.g_Ty(), !1;
		g_auj(_) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				t = a.g_TB(),
				i = t.g_TU(),
				r = i.g_TT(),
				e = r.g_UD(),
				s = i.g_UA(),
				d = t.g_TZ(r),
				g = a.g_VM(),
				o = g.g_TZ(),
				p = _.g_EJ(),
				l = _.g_Tu(),
				h = u.g_TZ();
			if ((g_aO.g_fD(h, l.g_H$()), o.g_US(h.length), s))
				for (let t = 0, n = h.length; t < n && !o.g_UR(); ++t) {
					const n = h[t];
					_.g_Tu().g_TP(n), p && n.g_Yn(), o.g_UQ(t), r.g__b(i, d), a.g_WM(e);
			else {
				const g = l.g_TN();
				g_aO.g_fz(g), g.push(null);
				for (let _ = 0, e = h.length; _ < e && !o.g_UR(); ++_) {
					const e = h[_];
					(g[0] = e), p && e.g_Yn(), o.g_UQ(_), r.g__b(i, d);
			return t.g_Ty(), g.g_Ty(), g_aO.g_fz(h), u.g_Ty(), !1;
		*g_auk(_) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				t = a.g_TB(),
				i = t.g_TU(),
				r = i.g_TT(),
				e = r.g_UD(),
				s = i.g_UA(),
				d = t.g_TZ(r),
				g = a.g_VM(),
				o = g.g_TZ(),
				p = _.g_EJ(),
				l = _.g_Tu(),
				h = u.g_TZ();
			if ((g_aO.g_fD(h, l.g_H$()), o.g_US(h.length), s))
				for (let t = 0, n = h.length; t < n && !o.g_UR(); ++t) {
					const n = h[t];
					_.g_Tu().g_TP(n), p && n.g_Yn(), o.g_UQ(t), yield* r.g__c(i, d), a.g_WM(e);
			else {
				const g = l.g_TN();
				g_aO.g_fz(g), g.push(null);
				for (let _ = 0, e = h.length; _ < e && !o.g_UR(); ++_) {
					const e = h[_];
					(g[0] = e), p && e.g_Yn(), o.g_UQ(_), yield* r.g__c(i, d);
			return t.g_Ty(), g.g_Ty(), g_aO.g_fz(h), u.g_Ty(), !1;
		g_aul(t, a) {
			const i = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				s = i.g_TB(),
				e = i.g_VH(),
				d = s.g_TU(),
				g = d.g_TT(),
				h = g.g_UD(),
				c = d.g_UA(),
				f = s.g_TZ(g),
				l = i.g_VM(),
				m = l.g_TZ(),
				n = t.g_EJ(),
				o = t.g_Tu(),
				p = u.g_TZ();
			const E = o.g_H$();
			for (let g = 0, _ = E.length; g < _; ++g) p.push([E[g], e.g_aaS(1, g)]);
			if ((p.sort(_), 1 === a && p.reverse(), c))
				for (let _ = 0, e = p.length; _ < e && !m.g_UR(); ++_) {
					const e = p[_][0];
					t.g_Tu().g_TP(e), n && e.g_Yn(), m.g_UQ(_), g.g__b(d, f), i.g_WM(h);
			else {
				const _ = o.g_TN();
				g_aO.g_fz(_), _.push(null);
				for (let e = 0, a = p.length; e < a && !m.g_UR(); ++e) {
					const a = p[e][0];
					(_[0] = a), n && a.g_Yn(), m.g_UQ(e), g.g__b(d, f);
			return s.g_Ty(), l.g_Ty(), g_aO.g_fz(p), u.g_Ty(), !1;
		*g_aum(t, a) {
			const i = this.g_Be.g_ED(),
				s = i.g_TB(),
				e = i.g_VH(),
				d = s.g_TU(),
				g = d.g_TT(),
				h = g.g_UD(),
				c = d.g_UA(),
				f = s.g_TZ(g),
				l = i.g_VM(),
				m = l.g_TZ(),
				n = t.g_EJ(),
				o = t.g_Tu(),
				p = u.g_TZ();
			const E = o.g_H$();
			for (let g = 0, _ = E.length; g < _; ++g) p.push([E[g], e.g_aaS(1, g)]);
			if ((p.sort(_), 1 === a && p.reverse(), c))
				for (let _ = 0, e = p.length; _ < e && !m.g_UR(); ++_) {
					const e = p[_][0];
					t.g_Tu().g_TP(e), n && e.g_Yn(), m.g_UQ(_), yield* g.g__c(d, f), i.g_WM(h);
			else {
				const _ = o.g_TN();
				g_aO.g_fz(_), _.push(null);
				for (let e = 0, a = p.length; e < a && !m.g_UR(); ++e) {
					const a = p[e][0];
					(_[0] = a), n && a.g_Yn(), m.g_UQ(e), yield* g.g__c(d, f);
			return s.g_Ty(), l.g_Ty(), g_aO.g_fz(p), u.g_Ty(), !1;
		g_aun(g, _) {
			let e = this.g_atY.get(g);
			return e ? e : _ ? ((e = { g_auo: null, g_aup: new Map() }), this.g_atY.set(g, e), e) : null;
		g_auq(g, _, a, t, n) {
			_.g_Xv().g__m(a), t && g.g_WM(n);
		*g_aur(g, _, a, t, n) {
			yield* _.g_Xv().g__n(a), t && g.g_WM(n);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
			super(), (this.g_Tq = g), (this.g_Be = g.g_BI()), (this.g_adP = g.g_Ir());
		g_adB() {}
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_Tq = null), (this.g_Be = null), (this.g_adP = null);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_b_ = g),
				(this.g_Tq = this.g_b_.g_EA()),
				(this.g_adU = this.g_Tq.g_adV()),
				(this.g_Be = this.g_b_.g_BI());
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_b_ = null), (this.g_Tq = null), (this.g_adU = null), (this.g_Be = null);
	'use strict';
	const _ = [];
	g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW = {
		g_aus() {
			return !0;
		g_HV() {
			return !0;
		g_Im() {
			return !0;
		g_asm() {
			return !0;
		g_asn() {
			return !0;
		g_asl() {
			return this.g_Be.g_asl();
		g_Y$() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_VG();
			return !g.g_Ut() && !g.g_Ur();
		g_aut() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_VH(),
				_ = g.g_aaF();
			let e = _.get('TriggerOnce_lastTick');
			'undefined' == typeof e && ((e = -1), _.set('TriggerOnce_lastTick', -1));
			const a = this.g_Be.g_MB();
			return _.set('TriggerOnce_lastTick', a), this.g_Be.g_as$() || e !== a - 1;
		g_auu(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_VH(),
				a = _.g_aaF(),
				t = a.get('Every_lastTime') || 0,
				n = this.g_Be.g_Gk();
			a.has('Every_seconds') || a.set('Every_seconds', g);
			const e = a.get('Every_seconds');
			return n >= t + e
				? (a.set('Every_lastTime', t + e),
				  n >= a.get('Every_lastTime') + 0.04 && a.set('Every_lastTime', n),
				  a.set('Every_seconds', g),
				: (n < t - 0.1 && a.set('Every_lastTime', n), !1);
		g_Xj(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_Wc(g);
			return _ && _.g_Xj();
		g_aoZ() {
			return this.g_Be.g_aoZ();
		g_bU() {
			return g_aO.g_bJ.g_bU;
		g_arT() {
			return !0;
		g_auv() {
			return !0;
		g_auw() {
			return !0;
		g_atn() {
			return !0;
		g_ato() {
			return !0;
		g_atj() {
			return !0;
		g_atk() {
			return !0;
		g_aux(g) {
			return !!this.g_Be.g_NN(g);
		g_auy(g) {
			return 0 === g
				? 'browser' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bS
				: 1 === g
				? 'iOS' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bK
				: 2 === g
				? 'Android' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bK
				: 8 === g
				? 'cordova' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bS
				: 9 === g
				? 'scirra-arcade' === this.g_Be.g_asZ()
				: 10 === g
				? 'nwjs' === g_aO.g_bJ.g_bS
				: 13 == g && 'windows-uwp' === this.g_Be.g_asZ();
		g_auz(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_atZ(_, e);
			return a.test(g);
		g_auA(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.compare(g, _, e);
		g_auB(g, _, e) {
			return g >= _ && g <= e;
		g_auC(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.compare(g.g_Pc(), _, e);
		g_auD(g) {
			return !!g.g_Pc();
		g_auE(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_Gk();
			if (0 === g) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_VH(),
					a = g.g_aaF();
				return !a.get('CompareTime_executed') && e >= _ && (a.set('CompareTime_executed', !0), !0);
			return g_aO.compare(e, g, _);
		g_auF(g) {
			return isNaN(g);
		g_aca(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ew(g_aO.g_er(g), g_aO.g_er(e)) <= g_aO.g_er(_);
		g_acb(g, _) {
			return g_aO.g_ey(g_aO.g_er(g), g_aO.g_er(_));
		g_acc(_, t, a) {
			let n = g_aO.g_er(_),
				i = g_aO.g_er(t),
				e = g_aO.g_er(a),
				r = !g_aO.g_ey(e, i);
			return r ? g_aO.g_ey(n, i) || !g_aO.g_ey(n, e) : g_aO.g_ey(n, i) && !g_aO.g_ey(n, e);
		g_auG(g, _) {
			return 'number' == typeof g ? 0 === _ : 1 === _;
		g_auH(_, t, n, r) {
			if (!_) return !1;
			const a = this.g_auc(),
				s = a.g_TZ(),
				l = _.g_Tu();
			g_aO.g_fD(s, l.g_H$()), l.g_TF() && g_aO.g_fz(l.g_TO());
			const g = this.g_Be.g_VH();
			let o = 0;
			for (let d = 0, e = s.length; d < e; ++d) {
				const _ = s[d];
				(s[o] = _),
					(t = g.g_aaS(1, d)),
					(r = g.g_aaS(3, d)),
					g_aO.compare(t, n, r) ? ++o : l.g_TL(_);
			g_aO.g_fy(s, o), l.g_TQ(s);
			const e = !!s.length;
			return g_aO.g_fz(s), a.g_Ty(), _.g_aaH(), e;
		g_auI(_, t) {
			if (!_) return !1;
			const a = this.g_auc(),
				n = a.g_TZ(),
				i = _.g_Tu();
			g_aO.g_fD(n, i.g_H$()), i.g_TF() && g_aO.g_fz(i.g_TO());
			const e = this.g_Be.g_VH();
			let r = 0;
			for (let g = 0, a = n.length; g < a; ++g) {
				const _ = n[g];
				(n[r] = _), (t = e.g_aaS(1, g)), t ? ++r : i.g_TL(_);
			g_aO.g_fy(n, r), i.g_TQ(n);
			const s = !!n.length;
			return g_aO.g_fz(n), a.g_Ty(), _.g_aaH(), s;
		g_auJ(g, _) {
			if (!g) return !1;
			const a = g.g_Tu(),
				t = a.g_H$();
			if (((_ = Math.floor(_)), _ >= t.length)) return !1;
			const n = t[_];
			return a.g_TR(n), g.g_aaH(), !0;
		g_auK(g) {
			if (!g) return !1;
			const _ = g.g_Tu(),
				a = _.g_H$(),
				t = Math.floor(this.g_Be.g_afS() * a.length);
			if (t >= a.length) return !1;
			const n = a[t];
			return _.g_TR(n), g.g_aaH(), !0;
		g_auL(g) {
			if (!g) return !1;
			if (!g.g_EK()) return !1;
			const _ = g.g_Tu();
			return _.g_TM(!0), g.g_aaH(), !0;
		g_auM(a, t, n) {
			if (!a) return !1;
			const i = a.g_Tu(),
				e = i.g_H$(),
				r = this.g_Be.g_TT(),
				g = r.g_TS(),
				s = this.g_Be.g_VH().g_aaB();
				? (g_aO.g_fD(_, e), i.g_TE(), i.g_TM(!1))
				: g
				? (g_aO.g_fD(_, i.g_TO()), g_aO.g_fz(i.g_TO()))
				: (g_aO.g_fD(_, i.g_TN()), g_aO.g_fz(i.g_TN()));
			for (let e = 0, r = _.length; e < r; ++e) {
				const g = _[e];
				g_aO.xor(g.g_CU().g_ahc(t, n), s) ? i.g_TK(g) : i.g_TL(g);
			return a.g_aaH(), g_aO.xor(!!i.g_TN().length, s);
		g_auN(g) {
			if (!g) return !1;
			const _ = g.g_EF();
			let a = null;
			const t = this.g_Be.g_abF();
			for (let n = t.length - 1; 0 <= n; --n) {
				const e = t[n];
				if (_) {
					if (e.g_EA().g_abE(g)) {
						a = e;
				} else if (e.g_EA() === g) {
					a = e;
			if (!a) {
				const _ = g.g_H$();
				_.length && (a = _[_.length - 1]);
			if (!a) return !1;
			const n = g.g_Tu();
			return n.g_TR(a), g.g_aaH(), !0;
		g_auO(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_asw() ? this.g_aue(g) : this.g_aud(g);
		g_auP() {
			return this.g_Be.g_asw() ? this.g_aug() : this.g_auf();
		g_auQ(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_Be.g_asw() ? this.g_aui(g, _, e) : this.g_auh(g, _, e);
		g_mG(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_asw() ? this.g_auk(g) : this.g_auj(g);
		g_auR(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_Be.g_asw() ? this.g_aum(g, e) : this.g_aul(g, e);
		g_auS(g) {
			return !!g && g.g_ET();
		g_auT(g) {
			return !!g && !g.g_EK();
		g_auU(g, _, e) {
			return !!g && g_aO.compare(100 * g.g_zk(), _, e);
		g_aua() {
			return !0;
		g_auV() {
			return 0 < this.g_atW;
	function _(_, t) {
		const a = _[0],
			n = t[0],
			i = a - n;
		if (0 != i) return i;
		const e = _[1],
			r = t[1];
		return e - r;
	function a(g, _) {
		return g[1] - _[1];
	const t = [],
		i = [],
		g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_abH = {
		g_auW(g, _) {
		g_auX(g, _) {
			g.g_cE() && 'number' != typeof _ && (_ = parseFloat(_)), g.g_PF(g.g_Pc() + _);
		g_auY(g, _) {
			g.g_cE() && g.g_PF(g.g_Pc() - _);
		g_auZ(g, _) {
		g_au_(g) {
		g_au$() {
		g_ava(g, _, a, t) {
			if (g && _) {
				const n = this.g_Be.g_agB(g, _, a, t);
				if (n) {
					const _ = this.g_Be.g_ED();
					if ((_.g_EH(!0), n.g_EI(), n.g_EJ())) for (const g of n.siblings()) g.g_EI();
					_.g_EH(!1), g.g_Tu().g_TP(n), n.g_EJ() && n.g_Yn();
		g_avb(g, _, a, t) {
			if (g && _) {
				const n = this.g_Be.g_arY(g);
				n && g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_abH.g_ava.call(this, n, _, a, t);
		g_EC(g, _, a, t, n) {
			g && this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_EC(g, _, a, t, n);
		g_avc() {
			const g = this.g_UN;
			g.g_UJ() && g.g_UH().g_Kg();
		g_Xk(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_ED().g_Wc(g);
			e && (0 === _ ? e.g_Xk(!1) : 1 === _ ? e.g_Xk(!0) : e.g_Xk(!e.g_Xj()));
		g_avd(g) {
		g_ave(g, _) {
			if ((0 > _ && (_ = 0), !!g)) {
				const e = g.g_Tu(),
					t = e.g_H$();
				for (const g of t) g.g_akD(_);
		g_avf(g) {
			if (g) {
				const _ = g.g_Tu(),
					e = _.g_H$();
				for (const g of e) g.g_akE();
		g_ft(g) {
			if (!(0 > g)) return this.g_Be.g_ED().g_WN().g_adb(g), !0;
		g_avg(g) {
			return this.g_Be.g_ED().g_WN().g_adc(g), !0;
		g_avh() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_ED();
			return g.g_WN().g_add(g.g_W_()), !0;
		g_avi(g) {
			const _ = g.toLowerCase();
			for (const e of this.g_Be.g_ED().g_WP()) e.g_adg() && e.g_adh() === _ && e.g_ade();
		async g_aoV(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_FO();
			e &&
				await e.g_aoV(0 === g ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg', _ / 100),
				await this.g_Be.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_HW.g_auv, null));
		g_avj(g, _) {
			if (!(0 >= g || 0 >= _)) {
				this.g_Be.g_aoz(g, _);
				const e = this.g_Be.g_ZC();
				for (const g of e.g_Hm()) g.g_Gq();
				const a = this.g_Be.g_FO();
				a &&
					('off' === a.g_aot()
						? a.g_wQ(a.g_aeF(), a.g_aeH(), !0)
						: (this.g_Be.g_ar_(g, _), a.g_wQ(a.g_aeF(), a.g_aeH(), !0)),
		g_avk(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_FO();
			_ &&
				'off' !== _.g_aot() &&
				(_.g_aoE(0 === g ? 'low' : 'high'), _.g_wQ(_.g_aeF(), _.g_aeH(), !0));
		g_Oz(g) {
		g_avl(g) {
		g_avm(g) {
		g_avn() {},
		g_avo() {
			for (const g of this.g_Be.g_Wy().g_IV()) g.g_Iu();
		g_avp(g) {
			this.g_Be.g_ata(0 !== g);
		g_asP(g) {
		g_avq(r, e) {
			if (!r) return;
			const s = r.g_Tu(),
				g = s.g_H$(),
				u = t,
				p = i,
				h = this.g_Be.g_ZC(),
				l = r.g_EF(),
				f = r.g_$r();
			for (let _ = 0, a = g.length; _ < a; ++_) {
				const a = g[_],
					t = a.g_CU();
				if (!t) continue;
				let n;
				(n = l ? a.g_QL(e + a.g_EA().g_$q(f)) : a.g_QL(e)),
					u.push([t.g_Em().g_EM(), t.g_Fz()]),
					p.push([a, n]);
			if (!u.length) return;
			u.sort(_), p.sort(a);
			let n = !1;
			for (let g = 0, _ = u.length; g < _; ++g) {
				const _ = p[g][0],
					a = h.g_Ho(u[g][0]),
					t = u[g][1],
					i = a.g_Fm();
				i[t] !== _ && ((i[t] = _), _.g_CU().g_Ia(a), a.g_Ek(), (n = !0));
			n && this.g_Be.g_EV(), g_aO.g_fz(t), g_aO.g_fz(i);
		g_avr(g) {
			if (!this.g_Be.g_arK()) {
				const _ = this.g_Be.g_Wy();
				_.g_Ja() || _.g_I$(g);
		g_avs(g) {
			if (!this.g_Be.g_arK()) {
				const _ = this.g_Be.g_Wy();
				if (!_.g_Ja()) {
					const e = _.g_IS(g);
					e && _.g_I$(e);
		g_avt(g) {
			if (!this.g_Be.g_arK()) {
				const _ = this.g_Be.g_Wy();
				if (!_.g_Ja()) {
					const a = _.g_IV(),
						t = a.indexOf(_.g_Is());
					if (!(g && 0 === t) && (g || t !== a.length - 1)) {
						const n = a[t + (g ? -1 : 1)];
		g_avu() {
			if (!this.g_Be.g_arK()) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_Wy();
				g.g_Ja() || (g.g_I$(g.g_Is()), this.g_Be.g_ED().g_Wg());
		g_avv(g, _) {
			g && g.g_EU(_);
		g_avw(g, _) {
			g && g.g_zm(_ / 100);
		g_avx(g, _) {
			g && g.g_Gm(_);
		g_avy(g, _) {
			g && g.g_Fa(_);
		g_avz(g, _) {
			g && ((_ = g_aO.g_eq(g_aO.g_er(+_))), g.g_Fk() === _ || (g.g_Fi(_), this.g_EV()));
		g_avA(g, _, e) {
			g && g.g_Fd(_ / 100, e / 100);
		g_avB(g, _) {
			g && g.g_Fh(_);
		g_avC(_, e) {
			if (_) {
				g.g_g$(e), g.g_ep();
				const a = _.g_Fn();
				a.g_gV(g) || (a.g_gO(g), this.g_EV());
		g_avD(g, _) {
			g && ((_ = !!_), g.g_Fo() === _ || (g.g_Fp(_), this.g_EV()));
		g_avE(g, _) {
			g && g.g_Ey() !== _ && (g.g_Ex(_), this.g_EV());
		g_avF(g, _, e) {
			if (g) {
				const t = g.g_EP(),
					n = t.g_Qg(e);
				if (n) {
					const g = 1 === _;
					n.g_Yd() === g || (n.g_ame(g), t.g_abD(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_avG(_, e, t, n) {
			if (_) {
				const i = _.g_EP(),
					r = i.g_Qg(e);
				if (r) {
					const _ = r.g_EM(),
						e = i.g_Gh(_);
					if (((t = Math.floor(t)), !(0 > t || t >= e.length))) {
						const _ = r.g_tq().g_tB(t);
						if ('color' === _) {
							const _ = e[t];
							if (g.g_gV(_)) return;
						} else {
							if (('percent' === _ && (n /= 100), e[t] === n)) return;
							e[t] = n;
						r.g_Yd() && this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_avH(g, _) {
			g && ((_ = !!_), g.g_Fq() === _ || (g.g_Fr(_), this.g_EV()));
		g_avI(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC();
			_.g_Gp() === g || (_.g_Hi(g), this.g_EV());
		g_avJ(g) {
			g = g_aO.g_eq(g_aO.g_er(+g));
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC();
			_.g_Fj() === g || (_.g_Fi(g), this.g_EV());
		g_avK(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_ZC(),
				a = e.g_EP(),
				t = a.g_Qg(_);
			if (t) {
				const _ = 1 === g;
				t.g_Yd() === _ || (t.g_ame(_), a.g_abD(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_avL(_, e, t) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ZC(),
				n = a.g_EP(),
				i = n.g_Qg(_);
			if (i) {
				const _ = i.g_EM(),
					r = n.g_Gh(_);
				if (((e = Math.floor(e)), !(0 > e || e >= r.length))) {
					const _ = i.g_tq().g_tB(e);
					if ('color' === _) {
						const _ = r[e];
						if (g.g_gV(_)) return;
					} else {
						if (('percent' === _ && (t /= 100), r[e] === t)) return;
						r[e] = t;
					i.g_Yd() && this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_avM(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC();
		g_avN(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC();
		g_avO(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_ZC();
			e.g_Hg(g), e.g_Hh(_);
		g_avP(g) {
			if (g) {
				const _ = g.g_abA();
				if (_) {
					const g = _.g_CU();
					if (g) {
						const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC();
						_.g_Hg(g.g_Ig()), _.g_Hh(g.g_Ih());
		async g_avQ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_Is();
			if (_ && g && !this.g_Be.g_arK()) {
				const e = g.g_EF() ? g.g_Zd() : [g];
				await this.g_at$(_, e);
		async g_avR(g) {
			await g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_abH.g_avQ.call(this, this.g_Be.g_arY(g));
		g_avS(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_Is();
			if (_ && g) {
				const e = g.g_EF() ? g.g_Zd() : [g];
				this.g_aub(_, e);
		g_avT(g) {
			g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g_abH.g_avT.call(this, this.g_Be.g_arY(g));
		g_avU() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_Is();
			if (g) {
				const _ = g.g_Hv();
				this.g_aub(g, _);
		async g_avV(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_Is();
			g && _ && !this.g_Be.g_arK() && (await this.g_at$(_, g.g_Hs()));
		async g_avW(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_Is(),
				e = this.g_Be.g_Wy().g_IS(g);
			e && _ && !this.g_Be.g_arK() && (await this.g_at$(_, e.g_Hs()));
		g_Uy(g) {
			const _ = this.g_TA.g_Ua();
			if (_)
				switch (_.g_Ux()) {
					case 1:
						'number' == typeof g && _.g_Uy(g);
					case 2:
						'string' == typeof g && _.g_Uy(g);
					case 3:
		g_avX(_, a, t) {
			const n = this.g_aun(_.toLowerCase(), !0),
				i = n.g_aup,
				e = a.toLowerCase();
			i.has(e) &&
					`[Construct 3] Function map '${_}' string '${a}' already in map; overwriting entry`
			const r = g_aO.first(i.values()) || n.g_auo;
			if (r) {
				const g = 0 !== r.g_Xy(),
					n = 0 !== t.g_Xy();
				if (g != n)
					return void console.error(
						`[Construct 3] Function map '${_}' string '${a}' function return type not compatible with other functions in the map; entry ignored`
			i.set(e, t);
		g_avY(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aun(g.toLowerCase(), !0);
			e.g_auo &&
				console.warn(`[Construct 3] Function map '${g}' already has a default; overwriting entry`);
			const a = g_aO.first(e.g_aup.values()) || e.g_auo;
			if (a) {
				const t = 0 !== a.g_Xy(),
					n = 0 !== _.g_Xy();
				if (t != n)
					return void console.error(
						`[Construct 3] Function map '${g}' default: function return type not compatible with other functions in the map; entry ignored`
			e.g_auo = _;
		g_avZ(_, a, g) {
			g = Math.floor(g);
			const t = this.g_aun(_.toLowerCase(), !1);
			if (!t)
				return void console.warn(
					`[Construct 3] Call mapped function: map name '${_}' not found; call ignored`
			let n = t.g_aup.get(a.toLowerCase());
			if (!n)
				if (t.g_auo) (n = t.g_auo), (g = 0);
					return void console.warn(
						`[Construct 3] Call mapped function: no function associated with map '${_}' string '${a}'; call ignored (consider setting a default)`
			if (n.g_jp()) {
				if (0 !== n.g_Xy())
					return void console.warn(
						`[Construct 3] Call mapped function: map '${_}' string '${a}' has a return type so cannot be called`
				const e = this.g_Be,
					t = e.g_ED(),
					r = t.g_TT(),
					s = r.g_Xx(),
					d = 0 < s.length;
				d && t.g_WK(s);
				const i = [],
					o = t.g_Xq(r);
				if (o) {
					const _ = o.g_Xu();
					for (let e = g, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) i.push(_[e].g_Pc());
				const u = n.g_Xu();
				for (let g = i.length, _ = u.length; g < _; ++g) i.push(u[g].g_VF());
				return e.g_asw() ? this.g_aur(t, n, i, d, s) : this.g_auq(t, n, i, d, s);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_HX.g__$ = {
		g_av_: function (g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g && ((g = parseInt(g, 10)), isNaN(g) && (g = 0)), Math.floor(g);
		float: function (g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g && ((g = parseFloat(g)), isNaN(g) && (g = 0)), g;
		g_C(g) {
			return g.toString();
		g_J(g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g ? g.length : 0;
		random(g, _) {
			return 'undefined' == typeof _ ? this.g_Be.g_afS() * g : this.g_Be.g_afS() * (_ - g) + g;
		g_$a(...g) {
			const _ = Math.floor(this.g_Be.g_afS() * g.length);
			return g[_];
		g_av$() {
			return Math.PI;
		g_awa() {
			return 1 / 0;
		sqrt(g) {
			return Math.sqrt(g);
		abs(g) {
			return Math.abs(g);
		round(g) {
			return Math.round(g);
		floor(g) {
			return Math.floor(g);
		ceil(g) {
			return Math.ceil(g);
		sign(g) {
			return Math.sign(g);
		sin(g) {
			return Math.sin(g_aO.g_er(g));
		cos(g) {
			return Math.cos(g_aO.g_er(g));
		tan(g) {
			return Math.tan(g_aO.g_er(g));
		asin(g) {
			return g_aO.g_es(Math.asin(g));
		acos(g) {
			return g_aO.g_es(Math.acos(g));
		atan(g) {
			return g_aO.g_es(Math.atan(g));
		exp(g) {
			return Math.exp(g);
		g_awb(g) {
			return Math.log(g);
		log10(g) {
			return Math.log(g) / Math.LN10;
		max(...g) {
			let _ = g[0];
			'number' != typeof _ && (_ = 0);
			for (let a = 1, t = g.length, e; a < t; ++a)
				(e = g[a]), 'number' == typeof e && _ < e && (_ = e);
			return _;
		min(...g) {
			let _ = g[0];
			'number' != typeof _ && (_ = 0);
			for (let a = 1, t = g.length, e; a < t; ++a)
				(e = g[a]), 'number' == typeof e && _ > e && (_ = e);
			return _;
		g_ep(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_ep(g, _, e);
		g_P(g, _, e, a) {
			return g_aO.g_et(g, _, e, a);
		angle(g, _, e, a) {
			return g_aO.g_es(g_aO.g_ev(g, _, e, a));
		g_V(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_V(g, _, e);
		g_eA(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eA(g, _, e);
		g_eC(g, _, e, a) {
			return g_aO.g_eC(g, _, e, a);
		g_eD(g, _, e, a, t) {
			return g_aO.g_eD(g, _, e, a, t);
		g_eE(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eE(g, _, e);
		g_awc(g, _) {
			return g_aO.g_es(g_aO.g_ew(g_aO.g_er(g), g_aO.g_er(_)));
		g_awd(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_es(g_aO.g_ez(g_aO.g_er(g), g_aO.g_er(_), e));
		g_awe(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_es(g_aO.g_ex(g_aO.g_er(g), g_aO.g_er(_), g_aO.g_er(e)));
		g_awf(g, _, e) {
			return (g |= 0), (_ |= 0), (e = 0 === e ? 0 : 1), (g & ~(1 << _)) | (e << _);
		g_awg(g, _) {
			return (g |= 0), (_ |= 0), g ^ (1 << _);
		g_awh(g, _) {
			return (g |= 0), (_ |= 0), g & (1 << _) ? 1 : 0;
		g_awi() {
			return '\n';
		g_awj(g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g ? g.toUpperCase() : '';
		g_awk(g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g ? g.toLowerCase() : '';
		left(g, _) {
			return 'string' == typeof g ? g.substr(0, _) : '';
		g_awl(g, _, e) {
			return 'string' == typeof g ? (0 > e ? g.substr(_) : g.substr(_, e)) : '';
		right(g, _) {
			return 'string' == typeof g ? g.substr(g.length - _) : '';
		trim(g) {
			return 'string' == typeof g ? g.trim() : '';
		g_awm(g, _, e) {
			if ('string' != typeof g || 'string' != typeof e) return '';
			let a = g.split(e);
			return (_ = Math.floor(_)), 0 > _ || _ >= a.length ? '' : a[_];
		g_awn(g, _) {
			return 'string' == typeof g && 'string' == typeof _ && g.length ? g.split(_).length : 0;
		find(g, _) {
			return 'string' == typeof g && 'string' == typeof _
				? g.search(new RegExp(g_aO.g_om(_), 'i'))
				: -1;
		g_awo(g, _) {
			return 'string' == typeof g && 'string' == typeof _
				? g.search(new RegExp(g_aO.g_om(_), ''))
				: -1;
		replace(g, _, e) {
			return 'string' == typeof g && 'string' == typeof _ && 'string' == typeof e
				? g.replace(new RegExp(g_aO.g_om(_), 'gi'), e)
				: 'string' == typeof g
				? g
				: '';
		g_awp(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_atZ(_, e);
			return g ? g.search(a) : -1;
		g_awq(g, _, a, t) {
			const n = this.g_atZ(_, a);
			return g ? g.replace(n, t) : '';
		g_awr(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_at_(g.toString(), _, e);
			return a ? a.length : 0;
		g_aws(g, _, a, t) {
			t = Math.floor(t);
			const n = this.g_at_(g.toString(), _, a);
			return !n || 0 > t || t >= n.length ? '' : n[t];
		g_awt(g, _) {
			let e = 0 > g ? '-' : '';
			0 > g && (g = -g);
			const t = _ - g.toString().length;
			return (e += '0'.repeat(Math.max(t, 0))), e + g.toString();
		g_awu(g) {
			return encodeURIComponent(g);
		g_awv(g) {
			return decodeURIComponent(g);
		g_abT() {
			return this.g_Be.g_asN();
		g_aww() {
			return this.g_Be.g_KX();
		g_awx() {
			return (Date.now() - this.g_Be.g_asT()) / 1e3;
		g_awy() {
			return Date.now();
		time() {
			return this.g_Be.g_Gk();
		g_awz() {
			return this.g_Be.g_MB();
		g_awA() {
			return this.g_Be.g_asW();
		g_awB() {
			return this.g_Be.g_asR();
		g_awC() {
			return this.g_Be.g_asS();
		g_awD() {
			return this.g_Be.g_aoU();
		g_awE() {
			return this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aoK();
		g_awF() {
			return this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aoL();
		g_awG() {
			return this.g_Be.g_DY();
		g_awH() {
			return this.g_Be.g_DZ();
		g_awI() {
			return this.g_Be.g_DY();
		g_awJ() {
			return this.g_Be.g_DZ();
		g_awK() {
			return this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Gz();
		g_awL() {
			return this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_GA();
		g_awM() {
			return this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_pY();
		g_awN() {
			return this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Gp();
		g_awO() {
			return g_aO.g_es(this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Fj());
		g_awP() {
			return this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_pN();
		g_awQ() {
			return this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_pO();
		g_awR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_EW().g_hV() : 0;
		g_awS(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_EW().g_hW() : 0;
		g_awT(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_EW().g_hX() : 0;
		g_awU(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_EW().g_hY() : 0;
		g_awV(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_EW().width() : 0;
		g_awW(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_EW().height() : 0;
		g_awX(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return a ? a.g_Gr(_, e)[0] : 0;
		g_awY(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return a ? a.g_Gr(_, e)[1] : 0;
		g_awZ(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return a ? a.g_GC(_, e)[0] : 0;
		g_aw_(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return a ? a.g_GC(_, e)[1] : 0;
		g_aw$(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_Gj() : 0;
		g_axa(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? g_aO.g_es(_.g_Fk()) : 0;
		g_axb(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? 100 * _.g_zk() : 0;
		g_axc(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_E$() : 0;
		g_axd(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? 100 * _.g_Fb() : 0;
		g_axe(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? 100 * _.g_Fc() : 0;
		g_axf(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_Do() : 0;
		g_axg(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_ZC().g_Em(g);
			return _ ? _.g_EM() : -1;
		g_axh() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_FO();
			return g ? g.g_aoX() : '';
		g_axi(g) {
			const _ = this.g_UN;
			if (!_.g_UJ()) return 0;
			if (g) {
				const e = _.g_UL(g);
				return e ? e.g_EM() : 0;
			return _.g_UH().g_EM();
		g_axj() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atd();
		g_axk(_, a, ...t) {
			const r = this.g_aun(_.toLowerCase(), !1);
			if (!r)
				return (
						`[Construct 3] Call mapped function: map name '${_}' not found; returning 0`
			let s = r.g_aup.get(a.toLowerCase());
			if (!s)
				if (r.g_auo) s = r.g_auo;
					return (
							`[Construct 3] Call mapped function: no function associated with map '${_}' string '${a}'; returning 0 (consider setting a default)`
			const d = s.g_Xy(),
				u = s.g_Xt();
			if (0 === d)
				return (
						`[Construct 3] Call mapped function: map '${_}' string '${a}' has no return type so cannot be called from an expression; returning 0`
			if (!s.g_jp()) return u;
			const g = this.g_Be,
				p = g.g_ED(),
				i = p.g_TT(),
				h = i.g_Xx(),
				c = 0 < h.length;
			c && p.g_WK(h);
			const l = s.g_Xu();
			for (let g = t.length, n = l.length; g < n; ++g) t.push(l[g].g_VF());
			const f = s.g_Xv(),
				n = f.g_Xw(f.g_Xx(), d, u, ...t);
			return c && p.g_WM(h), n;
		g_axl() {
			return this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cj();
		g_axm() {
			return 0 === this.g_atW ? 1 : this.g_atX / this.g_atW;
		g_uq() {
			return 'webgl';
		g_axn() {
			return this.g_Be.g_rP().g_A$();
		g_axo() {
			let g = this.g_Be.g_rP().g_AT();
			return Math.round((100 * g) / 1048576) / 100;
		g_axp(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eK(g, _, e);
		g_axq(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eM(g / 100, _ / 100, e / 100);
		g_axr(g, _, a, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eL(g / 100, _ / 100, a / 100, e / 100);
		g_axs(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eM(g / 255, _ / 255, e / 255);
		g_axt(g, _, a, e) {
			return g_aO.g_eL(g / 255, _ / 255, a / 255, e / 255);
		g_axu() {
			return this.g_Be.g_afH();
		g_axv() {
			return this.g_Be.g_afJ();
		g_axw() {
			return this.g_Be.g_TT().g_Hl().g_pY();
		g_axx() {
			return this.g_Be.g_TT().g_Zv();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (this.g_ajd = g.g_ajN());
		g_ek() {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_ajd), super.g_ek();
		g_adB() {
			for (const g of this.g_ajd) g.g_ah_(this.g_Be);
		g_Hx(g) {
			const _ = { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR() };
			return Promise.all(this.g_ajd.map((e) => e.g_ah$(g, _)));
		g_HD() {
			for (const g of this.g_ajd) g.g_aia();
		g_HA() {
		g_axz() {
			for (const g of this.g_Tq.g_ajT()) g.g_Qd().g_axA();
		g_aaL(g) {
			g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_axB(this, g);
	'use strict';
	const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu),
		g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_hA);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_aeu {
		constructor(_, a) {
			let t = !0,
				n = '',
				i = 0,
				r = !0;
			a && ((t = !!a[0]), (n = a[1]), (i = a[2]), (r = a[3])),
				(this.g_axC = this.g_Tq.g_ajP(n) || this.g_Tq.g_ajN()[0]),
				(this.g_axD = g_aO.g_ep(i, 0, this.g_axC.g_aib() - 1)),
				(this.g_axE = this.g_axC.g_aid(this.g_axD));
			const s = this.g_axE.g_adQ();
			(this.g_axF = s.g_rQ()),
				(this.g_axG = s.g_xg()),
				_.g_akM(2, !0),
				_.g_akM(1, 0 <= this.g_axC.g_aie()),
				(this.g_axH = Math.abs(this.g_axC.g_aie())),
				(this.g_axI = this.g_axC.g_aif()),
				(this.g_axJ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lQ)),
				(this.g_axK = 0),
				(this.g_axL = 0),
				(this.g_axM = ''),
				(this.g_axN = -1),
				(this.g_axO = ''),
				(this.g_axP = 0);
			const g = this.g_CU();
			(this.g_axQ = g.g_agX()),
				(1 !== this.g_Tq.g_ajO() || 1 !== this.g_Tq.g_ajN()[0].g_aib()) &&
					0 !== this.g_axH &&
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_axC = null),
				(this.g_axE = null),
				(this.g_axF = null),
				(this.g_axJ = null),
		g_Gg() {
			return this.g_axE.g_adQ();
		g_CQ() {
			this.g_axF = null;
		g_aey() {
		g_FN(a) {
			var t = Math.round;
			const g = this.g_axF;
			if (null !== g) {
				const n = this.g_axQ,
					e = this.g_axG;
				if ((a.g_zp(g), this.g_Be.g_Gs())) {
					const i = this.g_CU(),
						r = t(i.g_Ig()) - i.g_Ig(),
						g = t(i.g_Ih()) - i.g_Ih();
					_.g_p(n), _.offset(r, g), a.g_zy(_, e);
				} else a.g_zy(n, e);
		g_axR(_) {
			const g = this.g_CU(),
				a = g.g_alM();
			_.g_Al(), _.g_zl(1, 0, 0, 1);
			const t = a.g_jd(),
				n = g.g_Ig(),
				e = g.g_Ih();
			for (let a = 0, r = t.length; a < r; a += 2) {
				const s = (a + 2) % r,
					g = t[a] + n,
					d = t[a + 1] + e,
					i = t[s] + n,
					l = t[s + 1] + e;
				_.g_zD(g, d, i, l);
			_.g_yZ(), _.g_zl(1, 1, 1, 1);
		g_axS() {
			return this.g_axJ.g_bd();
		g_axT() {
			return this.g_b_.g_akN(2);
		g_axU(g) {
			this.g_b_.g_akM(2, g);
		g_axV() {
			return this.g_b_.g_akN(1);
		g_axW(g) {
			this.g_b_.g_akM(1, g);
		g_axX() {
			return this.g_b_.g_akN(4);
		g_axY(g) {
			this.g_b_.g_akM(4, g);
		g_KZ() {
			this.g_axO && this.g_axZ(), 0 <= this.g_axN && this.g_ax_();
			const _ = this.g_axH;
			if (!this.g_axT() || 0 === _) return void this.g_adY();
			const g = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_);
			const a = this.g_axS(),
				t = this.g_axE,
				n = t.g_aio() / _;
			if (!(a < this.g_axK + n)) {
				const e = this.g_axC,
					r = this.g_axI,
					s = e.g_aib(),
					g = e.g_Mi(),
					d = e.g_ZM(),
					i = e.g_aig();
				this.g_axV() ? this.g_axD++ : this.g_axD--,
					(this.g_axK += n),
					this.g_axD >= s &&
							? (this.g_axW(!1), (this.g_axD = s - 2))
							: d
							? (this.g_axD = r)
							: (this.g_axL++, this.g_axL >= g ? this.g_ax$(!1) : (this.g_axD = r))),
					0 > this.g_axD &&
							? ((this.g_axD = 1),
							  !d && (this.g_axL++, this.g_axL >= g && this.g_ax$(!0)))
							: d
							? (this.g_axD = r)
							: (this.g_axL++, this.g_axL >= g ? this.g_ax$(!0) : (this.g_axD = r))),
					(this.g_axD = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_axD, 0, s - 1));
				const l = e.g_aid(this.g_axD);
				a > this.g_axK + l.g_aio() / _ && (this.g_axK = a), this.g_aya(t, l);
		g_ax$(g) {
			(this.g_axD = g ? 0 : this.g_axC.g_aib() - 1),
				(this.g_axM = this.g_axC.g_pY()),
				(this.g_axL = 0);
		g_aya(_, a) {
			const t = this.g_CU(),
				n = _.g_adQ(),
				r = a.g_adQ(),
				e = n.g_pN(),
				s = n.g_pO(),
				g = r.g_pN(),
				d = r.g_pO();
			e !== g && t.g_Hj(t.g_pN() * (g / e)),
				s !== d && t.g_Hk(t.g_pO() * (d / s)),
				(this.g_axE = a),
				(this.g_axF = r.g_rQ()),
				(this.g_axG = r.g_xg());
			const i = this.g_Nj().g_Qc();
			for (let g = 0, e = i.length; g < e; ++g) i[g].g_afA(_, a);
			this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_HW.g_ayd), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_aye(g) {
				(this.g_axK = this.g_axS()),
				1 === g && 0 !== this.g_axD && ((this.g_axN = 0), !this.g_axX() && this.g_ax_()),
		g_ayf(g, _) {
			(this.g_axO = g), (this.g_axP = _), this.g_ael(), this.g_axX() || this.g_axZ();
		g_ayg() {
			return this.g_axO ? this.g_axO : this.g_axC.g_pY();
		g_ayh(g) {
			isFinite(g) && ((this.g_axN = g), !this.g_axX() && this.g_ax_());
		g_ayi() {
			return this.g_axD;
		g_ayj(g) {
			(this.g_axH = Math.abs(g)), this.g_axW(0 <= g), 0 < this.g_axH && this.g_ael();
		g_ayk() {
			return this.g_axV() ? this.g_axH : -this.g_axH;
		g_ayl(g) {
			(g = g_aO.g_ep(Math.floor(g), 0, this.g_axC.g_aib() - 1)), (this.g_axI = g);
		g_aym() {
			return this.g_axI;
		g_axZ() {
			const g = this.g_axE,
				_ = this.g_Tq.g_ajP(this.g_axO);
			if (((this.g_axO = ''), !!_) && !(_ === this.g_axC && this.g_axT())) {
				(this.g_axC = _),
					this.g_axW(0 <= _.g_aie()),
					(this.g_axH = Math.abs(_.g_aie())),
					(this.g_axI = _.g_aif()),
					(this.g_axD = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_axD, 0, this.g_axC.g_aib() - 1)),
					1 === this.g_axP && (this.g_axD = 0),
					(this.g_axK = this.g_axS());
				const e = this.g_axC.g_aid(this.g_axD);
				this.g_aya(g, e);
		g_ax_() {
			const g = this.g_axE,
				_ = this.g_axD;
			if (
				((this.g_axD = g_aO.g_ep(Math.floor(this.g_axN), 0, this.g_axC.g_aib() - 1)),
				(this.g_axN = -1),
				_ !== this.g_axD)
			) {
				const _ = this.g_axC.g_aid(this.g_axD);
				this.g_aya(g, _), (this.g_axK = this.g_axS());
		g_axA() {
			const g = this.g_axE.g_adQ();
			(this.g_axF = g.g_rQ()), (this.g_axG = g.g_xg());
		g_abs(_) {
			const a = this.g_axE,
				t = this.g_CU();
			let n = null;
			if ('string' == typeof _) n = a.g_aiq(_);
			else if ('number' == typeof _) n = a.g_air(_ - 1);
			else throw new TypeError('expected string or number');
			return n
				? (g.g_p(n.g_aiv()),
				  g.offset(-a.g_QX(), -a.g_QZ()),
				  g.scale(t.g_pN(), t.g_pO()),
				  g.offset(t.g_Ig(), t.g_Ih()),
				  [g.g_hE(), g.g_hG()])
				: [t.g_Ig(), t.g_Ih()];
		g_aep() {
			const g = g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_abH;
			return [
					title: 'plugins.sprite.debugger.animation-properties.title',
					properties: [
							name: 'plugins.sprite.debugger.animation-properties.current-animation',
							value: this.g_axC.g_pY(),
							g_ayn: (_) => this.g_aes(g.g_ayo, _, 0)
							name: 'plugins.sprite.debugger.animation-properties.current-frame',
							value: this.g_axD,
							g_ayn: (_) => this.g_aes(g.g_ayp, _)
							name: 'plugins.sprite.debugger.animation-properties.is-playing',
							value: this.g_axT(),
							g_ayn: (_) => (_ ? this.g_aes(g.g_ayq, 0) : this.g_aes(g.g_ayr))
							name: 'plugins.sprite.debugger.animation-properties.speed',
							value: this.g_axH,
							g_ayn: (_) => this.g_aes(g.g_ays, _)
							name: 'plugins.sprite.debugger.animation-properties.repeats',
							value: this.g_axL,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_axL = g)
		g_GH() {
			const g = { a: this.g_axC.g_EN() };
			0 !== this.g_axK && (g.fs = this.g_axK);
			const _ = this.g_axS();
			0 !== _ && (g.at = _),
				0 !== this.g_axD && (g.f = this.g_axD),
				0 !== this.g_axH && (g.cas = this.g_axH),
				1 !== this.g_axL && (g.ar = this.g_axL),
				0 !== this.g_axI && (g.rt = this.g_axI),
				this.g_axT() || (g.ap = this.g_axT()),
				this.g_axV() || (g.af = this.g_axV());
			const e = this.g_CU();
			return e.g_alx() && (g.ce = e.g_alx()), g;
		g_GJ(_) {
			const a = this.g_EA().g_ajQ(_.a);
			a && (this.g_axC = a),
				(this.g_axK = _.hasOwnProperty('fs') ? _.fs : 0),
				this.g_axJ.Set(_.hasOwnProperty('at') ? _.at : 0);
			const t = _.hasOwnProperty('f') ? _.f : 0;
			(this.g_axD = g_aO.g_ep(t, 0, this.g_axC.g_aib() - 1)),
				(this.g_axH = _.hasOwnProperty('cas') ? _.cas : 0),
				(this.g_axL = _.hasOwnProperty('ar') ? _.ar : 1);
			const n = _.hasOwnProperty('rt') ? _.rt : 0;
			(this.g_axI = g_aO.g_ep(n, 0, this.g_axC.g_aib() - 1)),
				this.g_axU(!_.hasOwnProperty('ap') || !!_.ap),
				this.g_axW(!_.hasOwnProperty('af') || !!_.af);
			const i = this.g_axC.g_aid(this.g_axD),
				e = i.g_adQ();
			(this.g_axE = i), (this.g_axF = e.g_rQ()), (this.g_axG = e.g_xg());
			const r = this.g_CU();
			r.g_alr(i.g_QX()), r.g_als(i.g_QZ()), r.g_alJ(i.g_aip()), r.g_aly(!!_.ce);
		g_QF(g) {
			const _ = this.g_CU();
			return 3 === g ? _.g_alx() : void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_CU();
			3 === g ? e.g_aly(!!_) : void 0;
		g_adS() {
			return g_ayt;
	const t = new WeakMap(),
		n = new Map([
			['current-frame', 0],
			['beginning', 1]
	self.g_ayt = class extends g_agP {
		constructor() {
			super(), t.set(this, g_agH.g_agN().g_Qd());
		g_ayu(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g && 'number' != typeof g)
				throw new TypeError('expected string or number');
			return t.get(this).g_abs(g)[0];
		g_ayv(g) {
			if ('string' != typeof g && 'number' != typeof g)
				throw new TypeError('expected string or number');
			return t.get(this).g_abs(g)[1];
		g_ayw() {
		g_ayx(g = 'current-frame') {
			const _ = n.get(g);
			if ('undefined' == typeof _) throw new Error('invalid mode');
		g_ayy(g, _ = 'beginning') {
			const a = n.get(_);
			if ('undefined' == typeof a) throw new Error('invalid mode');
			t.get(this).g_ayf(g, a);
		get animationName() {
			return t.get(this).g_ayg();
		set g_ayz(g) {
		get g_ayz() {
			return t.get(this).g_ayi();
		set g_ayA(g) {
		get g_ayA() {
			return t.get(this).g_ayk();
		set g_ayB(g) {
		get g_ayB() {
			return t.get(this).g_aym();
		get g_ayC() {
			return t.get(this).g_Gg().g_pN();
		get g_ayD() {
			return t.get(this).g_Gg().g_pO();
	function _(g, _, t, a) {
		const n = _.g_Ei(),
			e = t.g_Ei();
		n < e ? g.Set(_, t, a) : g.Set(t, _, a);
	function a(g, _, t) {
		const a = _.g_Ei(),
			n = t.g_Ei();
		a < n ? g.g_jt(_, t) : g.g_jt(t, _);
	function t(g, _) {
	function u(g, _, t) {
		const a = _.g_Ei(),
			n = t.g_Ei();
		return a < n ? g.g_bd(_, t) : g.g_bd(t, _);
	function n(_, a, l, c) {
		if (!a) return !1;
		const d = _.g_Nj(),
			e = 0 !== l || 0 !== c,
			f = d.g_CU(),
			h = d.g_BI(),
			m = h.g_ahf(),
			n = h.g_VH(),
			o = n.g_Xv().g_TS(),
			p = n.g_EA(),
			b = n.g_aaB(),
			r = a.g_Tu(),
			B = p !== a;
		(y = a), (i = B && !b);
		let t = 0,
			C = 0,
			T = !1,
			? (E.g_p(f.g_Gi()), E.offset(l, c), m.g_amE(f.g_Em(), a, E, g), (H = g))
			: o
			? h.g_arX() && !r.g_TO().length && r.g_TN().length
				? (H = r.g_TN())
				: (H = r.g_TO())
			: (H = r.g_TN()),
			e && ((t = f.g_Ig()), (C = f.g_Ih()), f.g_abt(l, c), f.g_En());
		for (const g of H)
			if (m.g_ahe(d, g)) {
				if (((T = !0), b)) break;
				B && s.add(g);
		return e && (f.g_abq(t, C), f.g_En()), g_aO.g_fz(g), T;
	function e(g) {
		const _ = g.g_BI().g_TT().g_TS(),
			t = y.g_Tu(),
			n = t.g_TN(),
			i = t.g_TO();
		if (t.g_TF()) {
			if ((t.g_TM(!1), g_aO.g_fD(n, [...s]), _)) {
				for (const g of y.g_H$()) s.has(g) || t.g_TL(g);
		} else if (_) for (const g of s) n.push(g), g_aO.g_fF(i, g);
		else g_aO.g_fD(n, [...s]);
	const E = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		d = [],
		g = [];
	let i = !1,
		y = null;
	const s = new Set();
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_axB = function (g, _) {
		i && (_ && e(g), s.clear(), (y = null), (i = !1));
		(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_HW = {
			g_ayE(E) {
				if (this.g_Be.g_asw()) return g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_HW.g_ayF.call(this, E);
				if (!E) return !1;
				const e = this.g_Be,
					b = e.g_ahf(),
					g = e.g_ED(),
					i = g.g_TB(),
					h = g.g_VH(),
					y = h.g_EA(),
					l = h.g_aaF(),
					c = h.g_aaG(),
					n = i.g_TU(),
					o = e.g_MB(),
					p = n.g_TT(),
					m = i.g_TZ(p);
				let r = l.get('collmemory');
				r || ((r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_jq)), l.set('collmemory', r)),
					c.get('spriteCreatedDestroyCallback') ||
						(c.set('spriteCreatedDestroyCallback', !0),
						e.g_lh().addEventListener('instancedestroy', (g) => t(r, g.g_Ke)));
				const f = y.g_Tu(),
					B = E.g_Tu(),
					C = f.g_H$();
				let v = null;
				for (let e = 0; e < C.length; ++e) {
					const t = C[e];
						? (b.g_amE(t.g_CU().g_Em(), E, t.g_CU().g_Gi(), d), (v = d), b.g_amu(t, E, v))
						: (v = B.g_H$());
					for (let e = 0; e < v.length; ++e) {
						const i = v[e];
						if (b.g_ahe(t, i) || b.g_amv(t, i)) {
							const e = u(r, t, i);
							let a = !1,
								s = -2;
							'number' == typeof e && ((a = !0), (s = e));
							const d = !a || s < o - 1;
							if ((_(r, t, i, o), d)) {
								const _ = p.g_UD();
								const e = y.g_Tu(),
									r = E.g_Tu();
								if ((e.g_TM(!1), r.g_TM(!1), y === E)) {
									const g = e.g_TN();
									g_aO.g_fz(g), g.push(t), g.push(i), y.g_aaH();
								} else {
									const g = e.g_TN(),
										_ = r.g_TN();
									g_aO.g_fz(g), g_aO.g_fz(_), g.push(t), _.push(i), y.g_aaH(), E.g_aaH();
								p.g__b(n, m), g.g_WM(_);
						} else a(r, t, i);
				return i.g_Ty(), !1;
			*g_ayF(E) {
				if (!E) return !1;
				const e = this.g_Be,
					b = e.g_ahf(),
					g = e.g_ED(),
					i = g.g_TB(),
					y = i.g_TU(),
					B = e.g_MB(),
					l = y.g_TT(),
					m = i.g_TZ(l),
					n = g.g_VH(),
					o = n.g_EA(),
					p = n.g_aaF(),
					h = n.g_aaG();
				let r = p.get('collmemory');
				r || ((r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_jq)), p.set('collmemory', r)),
					h.get('spriteCreatedDestroyCallback') ||
						(h.set('spriteCreatedDestroyCallback', !0),
						e.g_lh().addEventListener('instancedestroy', (g) => t(r, g.g_Ke)));
				const c = o.g_Tu(),
					C = E.g_Tu(),
					T = c.g_H$();
				let v = null;
				for (let e = 0; e < T.length; ++e) {
					const t = T[e];
						? (b.g_amE(t.g_CU().g_Em(), E, t.g_CU().g_Gi(), d), (v = d), b.g_amu(t, E, v))
						: (v = C.g_H$());
					for (let e = 0; e < v.length; ++e) {
						const n = v[e];
						if (b.g_ahe(t, n) || b.g_amv(t, n)) {
							const e = u(r, t, n);
							let a = !1,
								i = -2;
							'number' == typeof e && ((a = !0), (i = e));
							const s = !a || i < B - 1;
							if ((_(r, t, n, B), s)) {
								const _ = l.g_UD();
								const e = o.g_Tu(),
									i = E.g_Tu();
								if ((e.g_TM(!1), i.g_TM(!1), o === E)) {
									const g = e.g_TN();
									g_aO.g_fz(g), g.push(t), g.push(n), o.g_aaH();
								} else {
									const g = e.g_TN(),
										_ = i.g_TN();
									g_aO.g_fz(g), g_aO.g_fz(_), g.push(t), _.push(n), o.g_aaH(), E.g_aaH();
								yield* l.g__c(y, m), g.g_WM(_);
						} else a(r, t, n);
				return i.g_Ty(), !1;
			g_ayG(g) {
				return n(this, g, 0, 0);
			g_ayH(g, _, e) {
				return n(this, g, _, e);
			g_ayI(g) {
				return g_aO.g_dB(this.g_ayg(), g);
			g_ayJ(g, _) {
				return g_aO.compare(this.g_axD, g, _);
			g_ayK(g, _) {
				return g_aO.compare(this.g_ayk(), g, _);
			g_ayc(g) {
				return g_aO.g_dB(this.g_axM, g);
			g_ayb() {
				return !0;
			g_ayd() {
				return !0;
			g_ayL() {
				return 0 > this.g_CU().g_pN();
			g_ayM() {
				return 0 > this.g_CU().g_pO();
			g_ayN() {
				return !0;
			g_ayO() {
				return !0;
			g_alx() {
				return this.g_CU().g_alx();
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_abH = {
		g_ayP(_, a, t) {
			if (!_ || !a) return;
			const [n, r] = this.g_abs(t),
				e = this.g_Be.g_agB(_, a, n, r);
			if (!e) return;
			if (_.g_Ir().g_adC()) {
				const g = e.g_CU();
				g.g_Fi(this.g_CU().g_Fj()), g.g_En();
			const s = this.g_Be.g_ED();
			if ((s.g_EH(!0), e.g_EI(), e.g_EJ())) for (const g of e.siblings()) g.g_EI();
			const g = this.g_Be.g_VJ(),
				d = g.g_aaF();
			let i = !1;
			if (
				((!d.has('Spawn_LastExec') || d.get('Spawn_LastExec') < this.g_Be.g_asV()) &&
					((i = !0), d.set('Spawn_LastExec', this.g_Be.g_asV())),
				_ !== this.g_EA())
			) {
				const g = _.g_Tu();
				const a = g.g_TN();
				if ((i ? (g_aO.g_fz(a), a.push(e)) : a.push(e), e.g_EJ()))
					for (const g of e.siblings()) {
						const _ = g.g_EA().g_Tu();
						i ? _.g_TP(g) : (_.g_TM(!1), _.g_TK(g));
		g_ayr() {
		g_ayq(g) {
		g_ayo(g, _) {
			this.g_ayf(g, _);
		g_ayp(g) {
		g_ays(g) {
		g_ayQ(g) {
		g_ayR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_CU(),
				e = _.g_pN(),
				a = Math.abs(e) * (0 === g ? -1 : 1);
			e === a || (_.g_Hj(a), _.g_En());
		g_ayS(g) {
			const _ = this.g_CU(),
				e = _.g_pO(),
				a = Math.abs(e) * (0 === g ? -1 : 1);
			e === a || (_.g_Hk(a), _.g_En());
		g_Hi(_) {
			const a = this.g_axE,
				t = a.g_adQ(),
				n = this.g_CU(),
				i = 0 > n.g_pN() ? -1 : 1,
				e = 0 > n.g_pO() ? -1 : 1,
				r = t.g_pN() * _ * i,
				g = t.g_pO() * _ * e;
			(n.g_pN() !== r || n.g_pO() !== g) && (n.g_wQ(r, g), n.g_En());
		async g_ayT(_, a) {
			const t = this.g_axE,
				n = t.g_adQ(),
				i = this.g_CU(),
				e = this.g_Be;
			if (n.g_Cc() === _)
				return (
					0 === a && (i.g_wQ(n.g_pN(), n.g_pO()), i.g_En()),
					void this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_HW.g_ayN)
			const r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ahD);
			return (
				await r.g_ahL(e, _),
					? void (await r.g_CR(e.g_rP(), { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR() }),
					  !this.g_el() && 0 === a && (i.g_wQ(n.g_pN(), n.g_pO()), i.g_En()),
					  !this.g_el() && (await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_HW.g_ayN)))
					: void this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g_HW.g_ayO)
		g_ayU(g) {
		g_alA(g, _) {
			this.g_CU().g_alA(0 === g, _);
		g_ayV(g) {
			this.g_CU().g_Ex(g), this.g_Be.g_EV();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_axy.g__$ = {
		g_ayW() {
			return this.g_axD;
		g_ayX() {
			return this.g_axC.g_aib();
		g_ayY() {
			return this.g_axC.g_pY();
		g_ayZ() {
			return this.g_ayk();
		g_ay_() {
			return this.g_axC.g_aie();
		g_ay$(g) {
			return this.g_abs(g)[0];
		g_aza(g) {
			return this.g_abs(g)[1];
		g_azb() {
			return this.g_axE.g_ais();
		g_azc() {
			return this.g_Gg().g_pN();
		g_azd() {
			return this.g_Gg().g_pO();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Keyboard = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict';
	function g() {
		return _.g_$i().g_Qd();
	g_aO.g_HY.Keyboard.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
		g_adS() {
			return g_aze;
	let _ = null;
	self.g_aze = class extends g_agr {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (_ = g), (g.g_BI().g_afW().keyboard = this);
		g_azf(_) {
			const e = g();
			if ('string' == typeof _) return e.g_azg(_);
			if ('number' == typeof _) return e.g_azh(_);
			throw new TypeError('expected string or number');
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Keyboard.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_adT {
		constructor(g) {
				(this.g_azi = new Set()),
				(this.g_azj = new Set()),
				(this.g_azk = 0),
				(this.g_azl = ''),
				(this.g_azm = '');
			const _ = this.g_BI().g_lh();
			this.g_lN = new g_aO.g_lK(
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'keydown', (g) => this.g_azn(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'keyup', (g) => this.g_azo(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'window-blur', () => this.g_arq())
		g_ek() {
		g_azn(g) {
			const _ = g.which,
				e = g.code || _.toString(),
				a = g.key;
			this.g_azi.has(e) ||
				(this.g_azl = e),
				(this.g_azk = _),
				(this.g_azm = a),
		g_azo(g) {
			const _ = g.which,
				e = g.code || _.toString(),
				a = g.key;
				(this.g_azl = e),
				(this.g_azk = _),
				(this.g_azm = a),
		g_arq() {
			for (const g of this.g_azj)
					(this.g_azk = g),
		g_azg(g) {
			return this.g_azi.has(g);
		g_azh(g) {
			return this.g_azj.has(g);
		g_GH() {
			return { tk: this.g_azk, tkk: this.g_azm };
		g_GJ(g) {
			(this.g_azk = g.tk), g.hasOwnProperty('tkk') && (this.g_azm = g.tkk);
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: 'plugins.keyboard.name',
					properties: [
						{ name: 'plugins.keyboard.debugger.last-key-code', value: this.g_azk },
							name: 'plugins.keyboard.debugger.last-key-string',
							value: g_aO.g_HY.Keyboard.g__$.g_azx(this.g_azk)
						{ name: 'plugins.keyboard.debugger.last-typed-key', value: this.g_azm }
	'use strict';
	const g = [
	g_aO.g_HY.Keyboard.g_HW = {
		g_azg(g) {
			return this.g_azj.has(g);
		g_azq(g) {
			return this.g_azk === g;
		g_azp() {
			return !0;
		g_azt() {
			return !0;
		g_azu(g) {
			return this.g_azk === g;
		g_azh(g) {
			return (g = Math.floor(g)), this.g_azj.has(g);
		g_azs(g) {
			return this.g_azk === g;
		g_azw(g) {
			return this.g_azk === g;
		g_azr(_) {
			const e = g[_];
			return this.g_azl === e;
		g_azv(_) {
			const e = g[_];
			return this.g_azl === e;
		g_azy(_) {
			const e = g[_];
			return this.g_azi.has(e);
'use strict', (g_aO.g_HY.Keyboard.g_abH = {}), 'use strict';
	function g(g) {
		return (
			(g = Math.floor(g)),
			8 === g
				? 'backspace'
				: 9 === g
				? 'tab'
				: 13 === g
				? 'enter'
				: 16 === g
				? 'shift'
				: 17 === g
				? 'control'
				: 18 === g
				? 'alt'
				: 19 === g
				? 'pause'
				: 20 === g
				? 'capslock'
				: 27 === g
				? 'esc'
				: 33 === g
				? 'pageup'
				: 34 === g
				? 'pagedown'
				: 35 === g
				? 'end'
				: 36 === g
				? 'home'
				: 37 === g
				? '\u2190'
				: 38 === g
				? '\u2191'
				: 39 === g
				? '\u2192'
				: 40 === g
				? '\u2193'
				: 45 === g
				? 'insert'
				: 46 === g
				? 'del'
				: 91 === g
				? 'left window key'
				: 92 === g
				? 'right window key'
				: 93 === g
				? 'select'
				: 96 === g
				? 'numpad 0'
				: 97 === g
				? 'numpad 1'
				: 98 === g
				? 'numpad 2'
				: 99 === g
				? 'numpad 3'
				: 100 === g
				? 'numpad 4'
				: 101 === g
				? 'numpad 5'
				: 102 === g
				? 'numpad 6'
				: 103 === g
				? 'numpad 7'
				: 104 === g
				? 'numpad 8'
				: 105 === g
				? 'numpad 9'
				: 106 === g
				? 'numpad *'
				: 107 === g
				? 'numpad +'
				: 109 === g
				? 'numpad -'
				: 110 === g
				? 'numpad .'
				: 111 === g
				? 'numpad /'
				: 112 === g
				? 'F1'
				: 113 === g
				? 'F2'
				: 114 === g
				? 'F3'
				: 115 === g
				? 'F4'
				: 116 === g
				? 'F5'
				: 117 === g
				? 'F6'
				: 118 === g
				? 'F7'
				: 119 === g
				? 'F8'
				: 120 === g
				? 'F9'
				: 121 === g
				? 'F10'
				: 122 === g
				? 'F11'
				: 123 === g
				? 'F12'
				: 144 === g
				? 'numlock'
				: 145 === g
				? 'scroll lock'
				: 186 === g
				? ';'
				: 187 === g
				? '='
				: 188 === g
				? ','
				: 189 === g
				? '-'
				: 190 === g
				? '.'
				: 191 === g
				? '/'
				: 192 === g
				? "'"
				: 219 === g
				? '['
				: 220 === g
				? '\\'
				: 221 === g
				? ']'
				: 222 === g
				? '#'
				: 223 === g
				? '`'
				: String.fromCharCode(g)
	g_aO.g_HY.Keyboard.g__$ = {
		g_azz() {
			return this.g_azk;
		g_azx(_) {
			return g(_);
		g_azA() {
			return this.g_azm;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Audio = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict';
	function g() {
		if (self.C3Audio_DOMInterface) return self.C3Audio_DOMInterface;
		throw new Error(
			'audio scripting API cannot be used here - make sure the project is using DOM mode, not worker mode'
	(g_aO.g_HY.Audio.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
		g_adS() {
			return g_azB;
		(self.g_azB = class extends g_agr {
			constructor(g) {
			get g_azC() {
				return g().g_azD();
			get g_azE() {
				return g().g_azF();
	const g = ['interactive', 'balanced', 'playback'];
	g_aO.g_HY.Audio.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_adT {
		constructor(_, a) {
			super(_, 'audio'),
				(this.g_azG = 0),
				(this.g_azH = ''),
				(this.g_azI = 0),
				(this.g_azJ = 0),
				(this.g_azK = !1),
				(this.g_azL = 1),
				(this.g_azM = 1),
				(this.g_azN = this.g_Be.g_Gt() / 2),
				(this.g_azO = this.g_Be.g_Gu() / 2),
				(this.g_azP = -600),
				(this.g_azQ = 600),
				(this.g_azR = 1e4),
				(this.g_azS = 1),
				(this.g_azT = null),
				(this.g_azU = -1),
				(this.g_azV = 1),
				(this.g_azW = !1),
				(this.g_azX = 0),
				(this.g_azY = new Map()),
				(this.g_azZ = 0),
				(this.g_az_ = 0);
			let t = 'interactive';
			a &&
				((this.g_azI = a[0]),
				(this.g_azJ = a[1]),
				(this.g_azK = a[2]),
				(t = g[a[3]]),
				(this.g_azL = a[4]),
				(this.g_azM = a[5]),
				(this.g_azP = -a[6]),
				(this.g_azQ = a[7]),
				(this.g_azR = a[8]),
				(this.g_azS = a[9])),
				(this.g_az$ = []),
				(this.g_aAa = []),
				(this.g_aAb = []),
					['state', (g) => this.g_aAc(g)],
					['fxstate', (g) => this.g_aAd(g)],
					['trigger', (g) => this.g_aAe(g)]
			const n = this.g_BI().g_lh();
			(this.g_lN = new g_aO.g_lK(
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(n, 'instancedestroy', (g) => this.g_aAf(g.g_Ke)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(n, 'afterload', () => this.g_aAg()),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(n, 'suspend', () => this.g_aAh()),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(n, 'resume', () => this.g_aAi())
					this.g_aei('create-audio-context', {
						preloadList: this.g_Be
							.map((g) => ({
								originalUrl: g.g_Cx,
								url: g.url,
								type: g.type,
								fileSize: g.fileSize
						isiOSCordova: this.g_Be.g_arM(),
						timeScaleMode: this.g_azI,
						latencyHint: t,
						panningModel: this.g_azL,
						distanceModel: this.g_azM,
						refDistance: this.g_azQ,
						maxDistance: this.g_azR,
						rolloffFactor: this.g_azS,
						listenerPos: [this.g_azN, this.g_azO, this.g_azP]
					}).then((g) => {
						this.g_azX = g.sampleRate;
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_azT = null), super.g_ek();
		g_aAf(g) {
			this.g_azT === g && (this.g_azT = null);
		g_aAj(g) {
			return Math.pow(10, g / 20);
		g_aAk(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aAj(g);
			return isFinite(_) ? Math.max(Math.min(_, 1), 0) : 0;
		g_aAl(g) {
			return 20 * (Math.log(g) / 2.302585092994046);
		g_aAm(g) {
			return this.g_aAl(Math.max(Math.min(g, 1), 0));
		g_aAh() {
			this.g_azK || this.g_aeg('set-suspended', { isSuspended: !0 });
		g_aAi() {
			this.g_azK || this.g_aeg('set-suspended', { isSuspended: !1 });
		g_aAc(g) {
			const _ = g.tickCount,
				e = this.g_az$.filter(
					(g) => g.hasOwnProperty('placeholder') && (g.placeholder > _ || -1 === g.placeholder)
			(this.g_az$ = g.audioInstances),
				(this.g_aAb = g.analysers),
				0 < e.length && g_aO.g_ee(this.g_az$, e);
		g_aAd(g) {
			this.g_aAa = g.fxstate;
		g_aAn(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_az$) if (g_aO.g_dB(_.tag, g)) return _;
			return null;
		g_aAo(g) {
			return this.g_az$.some((_) => g_aO.g_dB(g, _.tag) && _.isPlaying);
		g_aAp(g, _, a, t) {
			if (this.g_aAo(g)) return null;
			const n = {
				tag: g,
				duration: 0,
				volume: t,
				isPlaying: !0,
				playbackTime: 0,
				playbackRate: 1,
				uid: -1,
				bufferOriginalUrl: '',
				bufferUrl: '',
				bufferType: '',
				isMusic: _,
				isLooping: a,
				isMuted: !1,
				resumePosition: 0,
				pan: null,
				placeholder: -1
			return this.g_az$.push(n), n;
		async g_aAe(g) {
			const _ = g.type;
			this.g_azH = g.tag;
			const e = g.aiid;
			if ('ended' === _) {
				for (const g of this.g_az$)
					if (g.aiid === e) {
						g.isPlaying = !1;
				await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.Audio.g_HW.g_aAq);
			} else 'fade-ended' === _ && (await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.Audio.g_HW.g_aAr));
		g_KZ() {
			const g = {
				timeScale: this.g_Be.g_KX(),
				gameTime: this.g_Be.g_Gk(),
				instPans: this.g_aAs(),
				tickCount: this.g_Be.g_asU()
			if (this.g_azT) {
				const _ = this.g_azT.g_CU();
				(this.g_azN = _.g_Ig()),
					(this.g_azO = _.g_Ih()),
					(g.listenerPos = [this.g_azN, this.g_azO, this.g_azP]);
			this.g_aeg('tick', g);
		g_aAt(_, t, n, r, a) {
			if (0 === n) return [_, t];
			const e = Math.sin(n),
				s = Math.cos(n);
			(_ -= r), (t -= a);
			const g = _ * e,
				d = t * e,
				i = _ * s,
				l = t * s;
			return (_ = i - d), (t = l + g), (_ += r), (t += a), [_, t];
		g_aAs() {
			return this.g_az$
				.filter((g) => -1 !== g.uid)
				.map((g) => this.g_Be.g_NN(g.uid))
				.filter((g) => g)
				.map((g) => {
					const _ = g.g_CU(),
						a = _.g_Em().g_Fj(),
						[t, n] = this.g_aAt(_.g_Ig(), _.g_Ih(), -a, this.g_azN, this.g_azO);
					return { uid: g.g_Ei(), x: t, y: n, angle: _.g_Fj() - a };
		g_aAu(g, _) {
			for (const e of this.g_aAb) if (e.index === _ && g_aO.g_dB(e.tag, g)) return e;
			return null;
		g_aAv(g) {
			this.g_azY.set(g, (this.g_azY.get(g) || 0) + 1);
		g_aAw(g) {
			return (
				!g.hasOwnProperty('placeholder') &&
				3 !== this.g_azJ &&
				!(g.isMusic && 1 === this.g_azJ) &&
				!!(g.isMusic || 2 !== this.g_azJ)
		g_GH() {
			return {
				isSilent: this.g_azW,
				masterVolume: this.g_azV,
				listenerZ: this.g_azP,
				listenerUid: this.g_azT ? this.g_azT.g_Ei() : -1,
				playing: this.g_az$.filter((g) => this.g_aAw(g)),
				effects: this.g_aAa,
				analysers: this.g_aAb
		g_GJ(g) {
			(this.g_azW = g.isSilent),
				(this.g_azV = g.masterVolume),
				(this.g_azP = g.listenerZ),
				(this.g_azT = null),
				(this.g_azU = g.listenerUid),
				(this.g_az$ = g.playing),
				(this.g_aAa = g.effects),
				(this.g_aAb = g.analysers);
		g_aAg() {
			if (
				-1 !== this.g_azU &&
				((this.g_azT = this.g_Be.g_NN(this.g_azU)), (this.g_azU = -1), this.g_azT)
			) {
				const g = this.g_azT.g_CU();
				(this.g_azN = g.g_Ig()), (this.g_azO = g.g_Ih());
			for (const g of this.g_az$) {
				const _ = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(g.bufferOriginalUrl);
				_ ? ((g.bufferUrl = _.url), (g.bufferType = _.type)) : (g.bufferUrl = null);
			for (const g of Object.values(this.g_aAa))
				for (const _ of g)
					if (_.hasOwnProperty('bufferOriginalUrl')) {
						const g = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(_.bufferOriginalUrl);
						g && ((_.bufferUrl = g.url), (_.bufferType = g.type));
			this.g_aeg('load-state', {
				saveLoadMode: this.g_azJ,
				timeScale: this.g_Be.g_KX(),
				gameTime: this.g_Be.g_Gk(),
				listenerPos: [this.g_azN, this.g_azO, this.g_azP],
				isSilent: this.g_azW,
				masterVolume: this.g_azV,
				playing: this.g_az$.filter((g) => null !== g.bufferUrl),
				effects: this.g_aAa
		g_aep() {
			var g = Math.round;
			const _ = [];
			for (const [g, e] of Object.entries(this.g_aAa))
				_.push({ name: '$' + g, value: e.map((g) => g.type).join(', ') });
			return [
				{ title: 'plugins.audio.debugger.tag-effects', properties: _ },
					title: 'plugins.audio.debugger.currently-playing',
					properties: [
						{ name: 'plugins.audio.debugger.currently-playing-count', value: this.g_az$.length },
						...this.g_az$.map((_, e) => ({
							name: '$#' + e,
							value: `${_.bufferOriginalUrl} ("${_.tag}") ${g(10 * _.playbackTime) / 10} / ${
								g(10 * _.duration) / 10
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Audio.g_HW = {
		g_aAq(g) {
			return g_aO.g_dB(this.g_azH, g);
		g_aAr(g) {
			return g_aO.g_dB(this.g_azH, g);
		g_aAx() {
			return this.g_az_ === this.g_azZ;
		g_aAy() {
			return !0;
		g_aAz() {
			return this.g_azW;
		g_aAA() {
			for (const g of this.g_az$) if (g.isPlaying) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_aAB(g) {
			return this.g_aAo(g);
	'use strict';
	const _ = [
	g_aO.g_HY.Audio.g_abH = {
		async g_MW(_, a, t, n) {
			if (!this.g_azW) {
				const i = _[1],
					e = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(_[0]);
				if (e) {
					const r = this.g_azG;
					this.g_azG = 0;
					const g = this.g_aAp(n.toLowerCase(), i, 0 !== a, this.g_aAk(t));
					try {
						await this.g_aei('play', {
							originalUrl: _[0],
							url: e.url,
							type: e.type,
							isMusic: i,
							tag: n.toLowerCase(),
							isLooping: 0 !== a,
							vol: this.g_aAk(t),
							pos: 0,
							off: r,
							trueClock: !!self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime
					} finally {
						g && (g.placeholder = this.g_Be.g_asU());
		async g_aAC(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g, d, i) {
			if (!this.g_azW) {
				const o = _[1],
					u = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(_[0]);
				if (u) {
					const l = this.g_azG;
					this.g_azG = 0;
					const p = this.g_aAp(i.toLowerCase(), o, 0 !== a, this.g_aAk(t));
					try {
						await this.g_aei('play', {
							originalUrl: _[0],
							url: u.url,
							type: u.type,
							isMusic: o,
							tag: i.toLowerCase(),
							isLooping: 0 !== a,
							vol: this.g_aAk(t),
							pos: 0,
							off: l,
							trueClock: !!self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime,
							panning: {
								x: n,
								y: r,
								angle: g_aO.g_er(e),
								innerAngle: g_aO.g_er(s),
								outerAngle: g_aO.g_er(g),
								outerGain: this.g_aAk(d)
					} finally {
						p && (p.placeholder = this.g_Be.g_asU());
		async g_aAD(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g) {
			if (!this.g_azW && n) {
				const u = n.g_abA();
				if (u && u.g_CU()) {
					const i = u.g_CU(),
						d = i.g_Em().g_Fj(),
						[p, h] = this.g_aAt(i.g_Ig(), i.g_Ih(), -d, this.g_azN, this.g_azO),
						l = _[1],
						c = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(_[0]);
					if (c) {
						const n = this.g_azG;
						this.g_azG = 0;
						const o = this.g_aAp(g.toLowerCase(), l, 0 !== a, this.g_aAk(t));
						try {
							await this.g_aei('play', {
								originalUrl: _[0],
								url: c.url,
								type: c.type,
								isMusic: l,
								tag: g.toLowerCase(),
								isLooping: 0 !== a,
								vol: this.g_aAk(t),
								pos: 0,
								off: n,
								trueClock: !!self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime,
								panning: {
									x: p,
									y: h,
									angle: i.g_Fj() - d,
									innerAngle: g_aO.g_er(r),
									outerAngle: g_aO.g_er(e),
									outerGain: this.g_aAk(s),
									uid: u.g_Ei()
						} finally {
							o && (o.placeholder = this.g_Be.g_asU());
		async g_aAE(_, t, n, i, r) {
			if (!this.g_azW) {
				const e = 1 === _,
					s = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(t);
				if (s) {
					const g = this.g_azG;
					this.g_azG = 0;
					const _ = this.g_aAp(r.toLowerCase(), e, 0 !== n, this.g_aAk(i));
					try {
						await this.g_aei('play', {
							originalUrl: t,
							url: s.url,
							type: s.type,
							isMusic: e,
							tag: r.toLowerCase(),
							isLooping: 0 !== n,
							vol: this.g_aAk(i),
							pos: 0,
							off: g,
							trueClock: !!self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime
					} finally {
						_ && (_.placeholder = this.g_Be.g_asU());
		async g_aAF(_, t, r, s, n, e, d, g, o, i, u) {
			if (!this.g_azW) {
				const p = 1 === _,
					l = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(t);
				if (l) {
					const _ = this.g_azG;
					this.g_azG = 0;
					const a = this.g_aAp(u.toLowerCase(), p, 0 !== r, this.g_aAk(s));
					try {
						await this.g_aei('play', {
							originalUrl: t,
							url: l.url,
							type: l.type,
							isMusic: p,
							tag: u.toLowerCase(),
							isLooping: 0 !== r,
							vol: this.g_aAk(s),
							pos: 0,
							off: _,
							trueClock: !!self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime,
							panning: {
								x: n,
								y: e,
								angle: g_aO.g_er(d),
								innerAngle: g_aO.g_er(g),
								outerAngle: g_aO.g_er(o),
								outerGain: this.g_aAk(i)
					} finally {
						a && (a.placeholder = this.g_Be.g_asU());
		async g_aAG(_, t, r, s, a, d, u, g, h) {
			if (!this.g_azW && !this.g_azW && a) {
				const i = a.g_abA();
				if (i && i.g_CU()) {
					const p = i.g_CU(),
						e = p.g_Em().g_Fj(),
						[c, l] = this.g_aAt(p.g_Ig(), p.g_Ih(), -e, this.g_azN, this.g_azO),
						f = 1 === _,
						n = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(t);
					if (n) {
						const _ = this.g_azG;
						this.g_azG = 0;
						const a = this.g_aAp(h.toLowerCase(), f, 0 !== r, this.g_aAk(s));
						try {
							await this.g_aei('play', {
								originalUrl: t,
								url: n.url,
								type: n.type,
								isMusic: f,
								tag: h.toLowerCase(),
								isLooping: 0 !== r,
								vol: this.g_aAk(s),
								pos: 0,
								off: _,
								trueClock: !!self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime,
								panning: {
									x: c,
									y: l,
									angle: p.g_Fj() - e,
									innerAngle: g_aO.g_er(d),
									outerAngle: g_aO.g_er(u),
									outerGain: this.g_aAk(g),
									uid: i.g_Ei()
						} finally {
							a && (a.placeholder = this.g_Be.g_asU());
		g_aAH(g, _) {
			this.g_aeg('set-looping', { tag: g.toLowerCase(), isLooping: 0 === _ });
		g_aAI(g, _) {
			this.g_aeg('set-muted', { tag: g.toLowerCase(), isMuted: 0 === _ });
		g_aAJ(g, _) {
			this.g_aeg('set-volume', { tag: g.toLowerCase(), vol: this.g_aAk(_) });
		g_aAK(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g_aeg('fade-volume', {
				tag: g.toLowerCase(),
				vol: this.g_aAk(_),
				duration: e,
				stopOnEnd: 0 === a
		async g_aAL(g) {
			const _ = g[1],
				e = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(g[0]);
			e &&
				await this.g_aei('preload', { originalUrl: g[0], url: e.url, type: e.type, isMusic: _ }),
		async g_aAM(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(_);
			e &&
				await this.g_aei('preload', { originalUrl: _, url: e.url, type: e.type, isMusic: 1 === g }),
		g_Mj(g, _) {
			this.g_aeg('set-playback-rate', { tag: g.toLowerCase(), rate: Math.max(_, 0) });
		g_Kg(g) {
			this.g_aeg('stop', { tag: g.toLowerCase() });
		g_aAN() {
		g_aAO(g, _) {
			this.g_aeg('set-paused', { tag: g.toLowerCase(), paused: 0 === _ });
		g_aAP(g, _) {
			this.g_aeg('seek', { tag: g.toLowerCase(), pos: _ });
		g_aAQ(g) {
			2 === g && (g = this.g_azW ? 1 : 0),
				(g = 0 === g),
				this.g_azW === g || ((this.g_azW = g), this.g_aeg('set-silent', { isSilent: g }));
		g_aAR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aAk(g);
			this.g_azV === _ || ((this.g_azV = _), this.g_aeg('set-master-volume', { vol: _ }));
		g_aAS(a, t, n, r, e, s, g) {
			a = a.toLowerCase();
			const d = _[t];
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'filter',
					tag: a,
					params: [d, n, r, e, s, g_aO.g_ep(g / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aAT(g, _, e, t) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'delay',
					tag: g,
					params: [_, this.g_aAk(e), g_aO.g_ep(t / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aAU(g, _, t, n, i, e) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'flanger',
					tag: g,
					params: [_ / 1e3, t / 1e3, n, i / 100, g_aO.g_ep(e / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aAV(_, t, n, i, r, e, s) {
			(_ = _.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'phaser',
					tag: _,
					params: [t, n, i, r, e, g_aO.g_ep(s / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aAW(g, _, t, n) {
			g = g.toLowerCase();
			const i = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(_[0]);
			i &&
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'convolution',
					tag: g,
					bufferOriginalUrl: _[0],
					bufferUrl: i.url,
					bufferType: i.type,
					params: [0 === t, g_aO.g_ep(n / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aAX(g, _) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', { type: 'gain', tag: g, params: [this.g_aAk(_)] });
		g_aAY(g) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', { type: 'gain', tag: g, params: [0] });
		g_aAZ(g, _, e) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'tremolo',
					tag: g,
					params: [_, g_aO.g_ep(e / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aA_(g, _, e) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'ringmod',
					tag: g,
					params: [_, g_aO.g_ep(e / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aA$(g, _, t, n, i, e) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'distortion',
					tag: g,
					params: [this.g_aAj(_), this.g_aAj(t), n, this.g_aAj(i), g_aO.g_ep(e / 100, 0, 1)]
		g_aBa(g, _, t, n, i, e) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', {
					type: 'compressor',
					tag: g,
					params: [_, t, n, i / 1e3, e / 1e3]
		g_aBb(g, _, e) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_aeg('add-effect', { type: 'analyser', tag: g, params: [_, e] });
		g_aBc(g) {
			(g = g.toLowerCase()),
				this.g_azY.set(g, 0),
				this.g_aeg('remove-effects', { tag: g }),
				(this.g_aAa = {});
		g_aBd(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
			this.g_aeg('set-effect-param', {
				tag: g.toLowerCase(),
				index: Math.floor(_),
				param: a,
				value: t,
				ramp: n,
				time: e
		g_aBe(g) {
			if (g) {
				const _ = g.g_abA();
				_ && _.g_CU() && (this.g_azT = _);
		g_aBf(g) {
			this.g_azP = g;
		g_aBg(g) {
			this.g_azG = Math.max(g, 0);
		g_aBh(g) {
			const _ = g[1],
				e = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(g[0]);
			e && this.g_aeg('unload', { url: e.url, type: e.type, isMusic: _ });
		g_aBi(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_Be.g_afD().g_Cv(_);
			e && this.g_aeg('unload', { url: e.url, type: e.type, isMusic: 1 === g });
		g_aBj() {
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Audio.g__$ = {
		g_aBk(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aAn(g);
			return _ ? _.duration : 0;
		g_aBl(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aAn(g);
			return _ ? _.playbackTime : 0;
		g_aBm(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aAn(g);
			return _ ? _.playbackRate : 0;
		g_aBn(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aAn(g);
			return _ ? this.g_aAm(_.volume) : 0;
		g_aBo() {
			return this.g_aAm(this.g_azV);
		g_aBp(g) {
			return this.g_azY.get(g.toLowerCase()) || 0;
		g_aBq(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aAu(g, Math.floor(_));
			return e ? e.binCount : 0;
		g_aBr(g, _, a) {
			var t = Math.floor;
			const n = this.g_aAu(g, t(_));
			return n ? ((a = t(a)), 0 > a || a >= n.binCount ? 0 : n.freqBins[a]) : 0;
		g_aBs(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aAu(g, Math.floor(_));
			return e ? e.peak : 0;
		g_aBt(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aAu(g, Math.floor(_));
			return e ? e.rms : 0;
		g_aBu() {
			return this.g_azX;
		g_aBv() {
			return self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime
				? self.C3_GetAudioContextCurrentTime()
				: performance.now() / 1e3;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {
		g_Hx(g) {
			return this.g_adQ().g_CR(g, { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR(), g_qM: !0 });
		g_HD() {
	'use strict';
	const g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu),
		_ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect),
		a = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_aeu {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_aBx = 0),
				(this.g_aBy = 0),
				(this.g_aBz = 1),
				(this.g_aBA = 1),
				(this.g_aBB = 0),
				(this.g_aBC = null),
				_ &&
					(this.g_aBx = _[2]),
					(this.g_aBy = _[3]),
					(this.g_aBz = _[4]),
					(this.g_aBA = _[5]),
					(this.g_aBB = g_aO.g_er(_[6])));
		g_ek() {
			this.g_aBD(), super.g_ek();
		g_aBD() {
			this.g_aBC && (this.g_aBC.g_ek(), (this.g_aBC = null));
		g_FN(t) {
			var n = Math.round;
			const e = this.g_Gg(),
				r = e.g_rQ();
			if (!r) return;
			const s = this.g_CU();
			let d = s.g_agX();
			const o = e.g_pN(),
				u = e.g_pO(),
				p = this.g_aBx / o,
				l = this.g_aBy / u;
			if (
				(_.set(0, 0, s.g_pN() / (o * this.g_aBz), s.g_pO() / (u * this.g_aBA)),
				_.offset(-p, -l),
			) {
				const _ = n(s.g_Ig()) - s.g_Ig(),
					e = n(s.g_Ih()) - s.g_Ih();
				g.g_p(d), g.offset(_, e), (d = g);
			0 === this.g_aBB ? t.g_zy(d, _) : (a.g_iP(_, -this.g_aBB), t.g_zz(d, a));
		g_Gg() {
			return this.g_aBC || this.g_Tq.g_adQ();
		g_aBE(g) {
			this.g_aBx === g || ((this.g_aBx = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aBF() {
			return this.g_aBx;
		g_aBG(g) {
			this.g_aBy === g || ((this.g_aBy = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aBH() {
			return this.g_aBy;
		g_aBI(g) {
			this.g_aBz === g || ((this.g_aBz = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aBJ() {
			return this.g_aBz;
		g_aBK(g) {
			this.g_aBA === g || ((this.g_aBA = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aBL() {
			return this.g_aBA;
		g_aBM(g) {
			this.g_aBB === g || ((this.g_aBB = g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aBN() {
			return this.g_aBB;
		g_QF(g) {
			return 2 === g
				? this.g_aBF()
				: 3 === g
				? this.g_aBH()
				: 4 === g
				? this.g_aBJ()
				: 5 === g
				? this.g_aBL()
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aBN()
				: void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			2 === g
				? this.g_aBE(_)
				: 3 === g
				? this.g_aBG(_)
				: 4 === g
				? this.g_aBI(_)
				: 5 === g
				? this.g_aBK(_)
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aBM(_)
				: void 0;
		g_adS() {
			return g_aBO;
	const e = new WeakMap();
	self.g_aBO = class extends g_agP {
		constructor() {
			super(), e.set(this, g_agH.g_agN().g_Qd());
		set g_aBP(g) {
		get g_aBP() {
			return e.get(this).g_aBF();
		set g_aBQ(g) {
		get g_aBQ() {
			return e.get(this).g_aBH();
		set g_aBR(g) {
		get g_aBR() {
			return e.get(this).g_aBJ();
		set g_aBS(g) {
		get g_aBS() {
			return e.get(this).g_aBL();
		set g_aBT(g) {
		get g_aBT() {
			return e.get(this).g_aBN();
		set g_aBU(g) {
		get g_aBU() {
			return g_aO.g_es(e.get(this).g_aBN());
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw.g_HW = {
		g_ayN() {
			return !0;
		g_ayO() {
			return !0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw.g_abH = {
		g_aBV(g) {
		g_aBW(g) {
		g_aBX(g) {
			this.g_aBI(g / 100);
		g_aBY(g) {
			this.g_aBK(g / 100);
		g_aBZ(g) {
		g_ayV(g) {
			this.g_CU().g_Ex(g), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		async g_ayT(g) {
			if (!(this.g_aBC && this.g_aBC.g_Cc() === g)) {
				const _ = this.g_Be,
					e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_ahD);
				if ((await e.g_ahL(_, g), !e.g_CK())) return void this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw.g_HW.g_ayO);
				if (this.g_el()) return e.g_ek(), null;
				const a = await e.g_CR(_.g_rP(), { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR(), g_qM: !0 });
				return a
					? this.g_el()
						? void e.g_ek()
						: void (this.g_aBD(),
						  (this.g_aBC = e),
						  await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw.g_HW.g_ayN))
					: void 0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aBw.g__$ = {
		g_azc() {
			return this.g_Gg().g_pN();
		g_azd() {
			return this.g_Gg().g_pO();
		g_aB_() {
			return this.g_aBx;
		g_aB$() {
			return this.g_aBy;
		g_aCa() {
			return 100 * this.g_aBz;
		g_aCb() {
			return 100 * this.g_aBA;
		g_aCc() {
			return g_aO.g_es(this.g_aBB);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (this.g_aCe = g_aO.g_ej(g_aCf));
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {
		g_Hx(g) {
			return this.g_adQ().g_CR(g, { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR(), g_qM: !0 });
		g_HD() {
		g_aCg() {
			return this.g_aCe;
		g_aCh(g, _, a, t) {
			const n = this.g_adQ(),
				e = this.g_aCe;
			e.g_Hj(n.g_pN()), e.g_Hk(n.g_pO()), e.g_aCi(g), e.g_aCj(_), e.g_aCk(a), e.g_aCl(t), e.g_aCm();
	'use strict';
	const _ = ['left', 'center', 'right'],
		a = ['top', 'center', 'bottom'],
		t = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_aeu {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_vQ = ''),
				(this.g_aCn = !0),
				(this.g_aCo = 16),
				(this.g_aCp = 16),
				(this.g_aCq = '');
			let e = [];
			if (
				((this.g_aCr = 1),
				(this.g_aCs = 0),
				(this.g_vH = 0),
				(this.g_vO = 0),
				(this.g_vP = 0),
				(this.g_aCt = !0),
				(this.g_aCu = null),
				(this.g_aCv = -1),
				(this.g_aCw = -1),
				(this.g_aCx = 0),
			) {
				(this.g_vQ = _[0]),
					(this.g_aCn = _[1]),
					(this.g_aCo = _[2]),
					(this.g_aCp = _[3]),
					(this.g_aCq = _[4]),
					(e = _[5]),
					(this.g_aCr = _[6]),
					(this.g_aCs = _[7]),
					(this.g_vH = _[8]),
					(this.g_vO = _[9]),
					(this.g_vP = _[10]),
					(this.g_aCt = 0 === _[11]);
				const g = this.g_CU();
			this.g_adU.g_aCh(this.g_aCo, this.g_aCp, this.g_aCq, e),
				(this.g_aCu = g_aO.g_ej(g_aCy, this.g_adU.g_aCg()));
			const a = this.g_CU();
			this.g_aCu.g_wQ(a.g_pN(), a.g_pO()), this.g_aCz();
		g_ek() {
			this.g_aCA(), this.g_aCu.g_ek(), (this.g_aCu = null), super.g_ek();
		g_aCz() {
			const g = this.g_aCu;
			g &&
				g.g_wO(this.g_aCt ? 'word' : 'character'),
		g_FN(_) {
			var n = Math.round;
			const a = this.g_Tq.g_adQ(),
				i = a.g_rQ();
			if (!i) return;
			const e = this.g_CU();
			let r = e.g_agX();
			const s = this.g_aCu;
			if (this.g_Be.g_Gs()) {
				const g = n(e.g_Ig()) - e.g_Ig(),
					_ = n(e.g_Ih()) - e.g_Ih();
				t.g_p(r), t.offset(g, _), (r = t);
			s.g_wQ(e.g_pN(), e.g_pO()),
				s.g_FN(_, r.g_eW(), r.g_eX(), e.g_Fj());
		g_GH() {
			const g = {
				t: this.g_vQ,
				ebbc: this.g_aCn,
				csc: this.g_aCr,
				csp: this.g_aCs,
				lh: this.g_vH,
				ha: this.g_vO,
				va: this.g_vP,
				w: this.g_aCt,
				cw: this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCF(),
				ch: this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCG(),
				cs: this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCH(),
				sd: this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCI()
			return -1 !== this.g_aCw && (g_e.tw = { st: this.g_aCv, en: this.g_aCw, l: this.g_aCx }), g;
		g_GJ(g) {
			if (
				(this.g_vQ = g.t),
				(this.g_aCn = g.ebbc),
				(this.g_aCr = g.csc),
				(this.g_aCs = g.csp),
				(this.g_vH = g.lh),
				(this.g_vO = g.ha),
				(this.g_vP = g.va),
				(this.g_aCt = g.w),
			) {
				const _ = g.tw;
				(this.g_aCv = _.st), (this.g_aCw = _.en), (this.g_aCx = g.l);
			const _ = this.g_adU.g_aCg();
				-1 !== this.g_aCw && this.g_ael();
		g_QF(g) {
			return 0 === g
				? this.g_vQ
				: 1 === g
				? this.g_aCn
				: 2 === g
				? this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCF()
				: 3 === g
				? this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCG()
				: 4 === g
				? this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCH()
				: 5 === g
				? this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCI()
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aCr
				: 7 === g
				? this.g_aCs
				: 8 === g
				? this.g_vH
				: 9 === g
				? this.g_vO
				: 10 === g
				? this.g_vP
				: 11 === g
				? this.g_aCt
					? 1
					: 0
				: void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			switch (g) {
				case 0:
					if (this.g_vQ === _) return;
					(this.g_vQ = _), this.g_aCz();
				case 1:
					if (this.g_aCn === !!_) return;
					(this.g_aCn = !!_), this.g_aCz();
				case 2:
				case 3:
				case 4:
				case 5:
				case 6:
					if (this.g_aCr === _) return;
					(this.g_aCr = _), this.g_aCz();
				case 7:
					if (this.g_aCs === _) return;
					(this.g_aCs = _), this.g_aCz();
				case 8:
					if (this.g_vH === _) return;
					(this.g_vH = _), this.g_aCz();
				case 9:
					if (this.g_vO === _) return;
					(this.g_vO = _), this.g_aCz();
				case 10:
					if (this.g_vP === _) return;
					(this.g_vP = _), this.g_aCz();
				case 11:
					if (this.g_aCt === (0 === _)) return;
					(this.g_aCt = 0 === _), this.g_aCz();
		g_aCJ(g) {
			this.g_vQ === g || ((this.g_vQ = g), this.g_aCu.g_wP(g), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCK() {
			return this.g_vQ;
		g_aCL(g, _) {
				(this.g_aCv = this.g_Be.g_Gk()),
				(this.g_aCw = this.g_aCv + _),
				(this.g_aCx = g_aO.g_dP.g_pe(g).length),
		g_aCA() {
			(this.g_aCv = -1), (this.g_aCw = -1), (this.g_aCx = 0), this.g_aCu.g_wG(-1), this.g_adY();
		g_aCM() {
			-1 === this.g_aCw || (this.g_aCA(), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd.g_HW.g_aCN), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCO(g) {
			this.g_aCr === g || ((this.g_aCr = g), this.g_aCu.g_Hi(this.g_aCr), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCP() {
			return this.g_aCr;
		g_aCQ(g) {
			this.g_aCs === g || ((this.g_aCs = g), this.g_aCu.g_aCD(this.g_aCs), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCR() {
			return this.g_aCs;
		g_aCS(g) {
			this.g_vH === g || ((this.g_vH = g), this.g_aCu.g_wD(this.g_vH), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCT() {
			return this.g_vH;
		g_aCU(g) {
			this.g_vO === g || ((this.g_vO = g), this.g_aCz(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCV() {
			return this.g_vO;
		g_aCW(g) {
			this.g_vP === g || ((this.g_vP = g), this.g_aCz(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCX() {
			return this.g_vP;
		g_aCY(g) {
			(g = !!g), this.g_aCt === g || ((this.g_aCt = g), this.g_aCz(), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aCZ() {
			return this.g_aCt;
		g_KZ() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_Gk();
			if (g >= this.g_aCw) this.g_aCA(), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd.g_HW.g_aCN), this.g_Be.g_EV();
			else {
				let _ = g_aO.g_eB(this.g_aCv, this.g_aCw, g, 0, this.g_aCx);
				(_ = Math.floor(_)), _ !== this.g_aCu.g_wH() && (this.g_aCu.g_wG(_), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: 'plugins.spritefont2.name',
					properties: [
							name: 'plugins.spritefont2.properties.text.name',
							value: this.g_vQ,
							g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aCJ(g)
		g_adS() {
			return g_aC_;
	const n = new WeakMap(),
		i = new Map([
			['left', 0],
			['center', 1],
			['right', 2]
		e = new Map([
			['top', 0],
			['center', 1],
			['bottom', 2]
		r = new Map([
			['word', !0],
			['character', !1]
	self.g_aC_ = class extends g_agP {
		constructor() {
			super(), n.set(this, g_agH.g_agN().g_Qd());
		get text() {
			return n.get(this).g_aCK();
		set text(g) {
			const _ = n.get(this);
			_.g_aCA(), _.g_aCJ(g);
		g_aC$(g, _) {
			const e = n.get(this);
			e.g_aCA(), e.g_aCL(g, _);
		g_aDa() {
		set g_aDb(g) {
		get g_aDb() {
			return n.get(this).g_aCP();
		set g_aDc(g) {
		get g_aDc() {
			return n.get(this).g_aCR();
		set lineHeight(g) {
		get lineHeight() {
			return n.get(this).g_aCT();
		set g_aDd(g) {
			const _ = i.get(g);
			if ('undefined' == typeof _) throw new Error('invalid mode');
		get g_aDd() {
			return _[n.get(this).g_aCV()];
		set verticalAlign(g) {
			const _ = e.get(g);
			if ('undefined' == typeof _) throw new Error('invalid mode');
		get verticalAlign() {
			return a[n.get(this).g_aCX()];
		set g_aDe(g) {
			const _ = r.get(g);
			if ('undefined' == typeof _) throw new Error('invalid mode');
		get g_aDe() {
			return n.get(this).g_aCZ() ? 'word' : 'character';
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd.g_HW = {
		g_aDf(g, _) {
			return _ ? this.g_vQ === g : g_aO.g_dB(this.g_vQ, g);
		g_aDg() {
			return -1 !== this.g_aCw;
		g_aCN() {
			return !0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd.g_abH = {
		g_wP(g) {
				'number' == typeof g && 1e9 > g && (g = Math.round(1e10 * g) / 1e10),
		g_aDh(g) {
				'number' == typeof g && 1e9 > g && (g = Math.round(1e10 * g) / 1e10),
				(g = g.toString()),
				g && this.g_aCJ(this.g_vQ + g);
		g_aDi(g, _) {
				'number' == typeof g && 1e9 > g && (g = Math.round(1e10 * g) / 1e10),
				this.g_aCL(g.toString(), _);
		g_aDj() {
		g_Hi(g) {
		g_aDk(g) {
		g_wD(g) {
		g_aCi(g, _) {
			let t = !1;
			const n = this.g_adU.g_aCg();
			for (const i of g)
				if (' ' === i) n.g_aDl(_), (t = !0);
				else {
					const g = n.g_aDm(i);
					g && (g.g_aDn(_), (t = !0));
			t && n.g_aDo(), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_ayV(g) {
			this.g_CU().g_Ex(g), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_aDp(g) {
		g_aDq(g) {
		g_aDr(g) {
			this.g_aCY(0 === g);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aCd.g__$ = {
		g_aDs(g) {
			const _ = this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aDm(g);
			return _ ? _.g_aDt() : this.g_adU.g_aCg().g_aCF();
		g_aDu() {
			return this.g_aCp;
		g_aDv() {
			return this.g_aCr;
		g_aDw() {
			return this.g_aCs;
		g_aDx() {
			return this.g_vH;
		Text() {
			return this.g_vQ;
		g_aDy() {
			return this.g_aCn ? g_aO.g_dP.g_pe(this.g_vQ) : this.g_vQ;
		g_aDz() {
			const g = this.g_CU();
			return this.g_aCu.g_wQ(g.g_pN(), g.g_pO()), this.g_aCu.g_wR();
		g_aDA() {
			const g = this.g_CU();
			return this.g_aCu.g_wQ(g.g_pN(), g.g_pO()), this.g_aCu.g_wT();
	'use strict';
	const g = { width: 256, height: 256, g_aDB: 16, g_aDC: 16, characterSet: '' };
	self.g_aCf = class {
		constructor(_) {
			if (
				((_ = Object.assign({}, g, _)),
				0 >= _.width || 0 >= _.height || 0 >= _.g_aDB || 0 >= _.g_aDC)
				throw new Error('invalid size');
			(this.g_pu = _.width),
				(this.g_pv = _.height),
				(this.g_aCo = _.g_aDB),
				(this.g_aCp = _.g_aDC),
				(this.g_aCq = _.characterSet),
				(this.g_aDD = ''),
				(this.g_aDE = null),
				(this.g_aDF = !1),
				(this.g_aDG = -1),
				(this.g_aDH = new g_aO.Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)),
				(this.g_aDI = new Map()),
				(this.g_aDJ = !0),
				(this.g_aDK = new Set());
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_aDH = null),
				(this.g_aDI = null),
				this.g_aDK && this.g_aDK.clear(),
				(this.g_aDK = null);
		g_aDL() {
			for (let g of this.g_aDI.values()) g.g_ek();
		g_aDM(g) {
		g_aDN(g) {
		g_aCm() {
			var _ = Math.floor;
			if (this.g_aDJ) {
				let a = [...this.g_aCq],
					t = _(this.g_pu / this.g_aCo),
					g = _(this.g_pv / this.g_aCp);
				for (let n = 0, e = a.length; n < e && !(n >= t * g); ++n) {
					let e = n % t,
						i = _(n / t),
						r = a[n];
					this.g_aDI.set(r, g_aO.g_ej(g_aDO, this, r, e * this.g_aCo, i * this.g_aCp));
				if (((this.g_aDF = !1), (this.g_aDG = -1), Array.isArray(this.g_aDE)))
					for (let g of this.g_aDE) {
						if (!Array.isArray(g)) continue;
						if (2 !== g.length) continue;
						let _ = g[0],
							e = g[1];
						if ('number' == typeof _ && isFinite(_) && 'string' == typeof e && _ !== this.g_aCo)
							for (let g of e) {
								let e = this.g_aDI.get(g);
									? (e.g_aDn(_), (this.g_aDF = !0))
									: ' ' === g && ((this.g_aDG = _), (this.g_aDF = !0));
				this.g_aDJ = !1;
				for (let g of this.g_aDK) g.g_aDP();
		g_aDo() {
			this.g_aDF = !0;
			for (const g of this.g_aDK) g.g_aDP();
		g_aDm(g) {
			return this.g_aCm(), this.g_aDI.get(g) || null;
		g_aDQ() {
			return this.g_aDF;
		g_Hj(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 >= g)) throw new Error('invalid size');
			this.g_pu === g || ((this.g_pu = g), (this.g_aDJ = !0));
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_pu;
		g_Hk(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 >= g)) throw new Error('invalid size');
			this.g_pv === g || ((this.g_pv = g), (this.g_aDJ = !0));
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_pv;
		g_aCE(g) {
			if (!this.g_aDH.g_l(g)) {
				for (const g of this.g_aDI.values()) g.g_aDR();
		g_xg() {
			return this.g_aDH;
		g_aCi(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 >= g)) throw new Error('invalid size');
			this.g_aCo === g || ((this.g_aCo = g), (this.g_aDJ = !0));
		g_aCF() {
			return this.g_aCo;
		g_aCj(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), 0 >= g)) throw new Error('invalid size');
			this.g_aCp === g || ((this.g_aCp = g), (this.g_aDJ = !0));
		g_aCG() {
			return this.g_aCp;
		g_aCk(g) {
			this.g_aCq === g || ((this.g_aCq = g), (this.g_aDJ = !0));
		g_aCH() {
			return this.g_aCq;
		g_aCl(g) {
			if (
				this.g_aDD !== g &&
				((this.g_aDD = g), (this.g_aDJ = !0), (this.g_aDE = null), this.g_aDD.length)
				try {
					this.g_aDE = JSON.parse(this.g_aDD);
				} catch (g) {
					this.g_aDE = null;
		g_aCI() {
			return this.g_aDD;
		g_aDl(g) {
			0 > g && (g = -1),
				this.g_aDG === g || ((this.g_aDG = g), 0 <= this.g_aDG && (this.g_aDF = !0));
		g_aDS() {
			return 0 > this.g_aDG ? this.g_aCo : this.g_aDG;
'use strict',
	(self.g_aDO = class {
		constructor(g, _, a, t) {
			let n = g.g_aCF(),
				e = g.g_aCG();
			(this.g_aCe = g),
				(this.g_aDT = _),
				(this.g_aDU = new g_aO.Rect(a, t, a + n, t + e)),
				(this.g_aDH = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_aDV = -1),
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_aCe = null), (this.g_aDU = null), (this.g_aDH = null);
		g_aDR() {
			let g = this.g_aCe.g_pN(),
				_ = this.g_aCe.g_pO();
			this.g_aDH.g_p(this.g_aDU), this.g_aDH.g_N(g, _), this.g_aDH.g_it(this.g_aCe.g_xg());
		g_aCg() {
			return this.g_aCe;
		g_aDW() {
			return this.g_aDT;
		g_xg() {
			return this.g_aDH;
		g_aDn(g) {
			this.g_aDV = g;
		g_aDt() {
			return 0 > this.g_aDV ? this.g_aCe.g_aCF() : this.g_aDV;
	'use strict';
	const _ = new g_aO.Rect(),
		a = new g_aO.g_iu(),
		E = new g_aO.g_gB(),
		g = new Set(['left', 'center', 'right']),
		t = new Set(['top', 'center', 'bottom']),
		e = new Set(['word', 'character']);
	self.g_aCy = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_aCe = g),
				(this.g_vZ = 0),
				(this.g_v_ = 0),
				(this.g_vQ = ''),
				(this.g_vL = !1),
				(this.g_vR = null),
				(this.g_vS = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_pf)),
				(this.g_vT = 'word'),
				(this.g_aDX = !1),
				(this.g_vO = 'left'),
				(this.g_vP = 'top'),
				(this.g_DE = 1),
				(this.g_aDY = 0),
				(this.g_vH = 0),
				(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
				(this.g_vX = -1),
				(this.g_vY = 0),
				(this.g_wl = (g, _) => this.g_wm(g, _)),
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_qB = null),
				(this.g_wl = null),
				(this.g_vS = null),
				(this.g_aCe = null),
				(this.g_vR = null);
		g_wm(_, a) {
			const t = this.g_wI(a, 'scale'),
				n = t ? parseFloat(t.param) : this.g_DE,
				r = this.g_wI(a, 'scalex'),
				s = (r ? parseFloat(r.param) : 1) * n,
				e = this.g_wI(a, 'scaley'),
				g = (e ? parseFloat(e.param) : 1) * n,
				d = this.g_aCe.g_aCG() * g + this.g_vH,
				i = this.g_aCg(),
				o = i.g_aCF() * s,
				u = this.g_aDZ();
			if (i.g_aDQ()) {
				let g = 0,
					t = 0;
				for (const n of _) {
					let _ = o;
					const a = i.g_aDm(n);
					a ? (_ = a.g_aDt() * s) : ' ' === n && (_ = i.g_aDS() * s), (t += _), ++g;
				return { width: t + g * u, height: d };
			} else {
				const g = [..._].length,
					e = Math.max(g, 0);
				return { width: o * g + e * u, height: d };
		g_aDP() {
			(this.g_aDX = !0), this.g_vS.g_js();
		g_wQ(g, _) {
			0 >= g ||
				0 >= _ ||
				(this.g_vZ === g && this.g_v_ === _) ||
				(this.g_vZ !== g && this.g_aDP(), (this.g_vZ = g), (this.g_v_ = _));
		g_wG(g) {
			this.g_vX = Math.floor(g);
		g_wH() {
			return this.g_vX;
		g_wI(g, _) {
			for (let e = g.length - 1; 0 <= e; --e) {
				const a = g[e];
				if (a.tag === _) return a;
			return null;
		g_wJ(g, _) {
			return !!this.g_wI(g, _);
		g_wS() {
			if (this.g_aDX) {
				this.g_vL &&
					(!this.g_vR || this.g_vR.toString() !== this.g_vQ) &&
					(this.g_vR = new g_aO.g_dP(this.g_vQ, { g_oR: !0 }));
				const g = -this.g_aDZ();
					this.g_vL ? this.g_vR.g_pa() : this.g_vQ,
					(this.g_aDX = !1);
		g_FN(_, a, t, n) {
			var r = Math.floor;
			this.g_wS(), (this.g_vY = 0);
			let s = 0;
			const l = this.g_vH,
				g = g_aO.g_fL(this.g_vS.g_ph()),
				o = Math.sin(n),
				u = Math.cos(n),
				e = g.reduce((g, _) => g + _.height, 0) - l;
			'center' === this.g_vP
				? (s = Math.max(r(this.g_v_ / 2 - e / 2), 0))
				: 'bottom' === this.g_vP && (s = r(this.g_v_ - e));
			for (let r = 0, e = g.length; r < e; ++r) {
				const e = g[r],
					n = e.height;
				if (0 < r && s > this.g_v_ - (n - l)) break;
				0 <= s && this.g_aD_(_, e, a, t, s, o, u), (s += n);
		g_aD_(_, a, t, n, r, e, s) {
			var g = Math.floor,
				d = Math.max;
			const i = a.height;
			let l = 0;
			'center' === this.g_vO
				? (l = d(g((this.g_vZ - a.width) / 2), 0))
				: 'right' === this.g_vO && (l = d(g(this.g_vZ - a.width), 0));
			for (const g of a.g_pl) this.g_aD$(_, g, t, n, l, r, e, s, i), (l += g.width);
		g_aD$(b, t, d, f, g, T, H, N, c) {
			let e = t.text,
				l = t.width;
			const U = t.g_pb;
			if (-1 !== this.g_vX) {
				if (this.g_vY >= this.g_vX) return;
				this.g_vY + e.length > this.g_vX &&
					((e = e.substr(0, this.g_vX - this.g_vY)), (l = this.g_wm(e, U).width)),
					(this.g_vY += e.length);
			const o = this.g_wI(U, 'background');
			if (!((g_aO.g_oc(e) && !o) || this.g_wJ(U, 'hide'))) {
				const n = this.g_wI(U, 'scale'),
					i = n ? parseFloat(n.param) : this.g_DE,
					p = this.g_wI(U, 'scalex'),
					r = (p ? parseFloat(p.param) : 1) * i,
					s = this.g_wI(U, 'scaley'),
					t = (s ? parseFloat(s.param) : 1) * i,
					u = this.g_aCe.g_aCG() * t,
					h = this.g_vH;
				T += c - h - u;
				const m = this.g_wI(U, 'offsetx');
				g += m ? parseFloat(m.param) : 0;
				const v = this.g_wI(U, 'offsety');
				(T += v ? parseFloat(v.param) : 0),
					o &&
						_.set(g, T, g + l, T + u),
						_.g_hX() > this.g_vZ && _.g_hS(this.g_vZ),
						a.g_iQ(_, H, N),
						a.offset(d, f),
				const y = this.g_wI(U, 'color');
				y ? (E.g_hk(y.param), E.g_gN(this.g_qB.g_gS())) : E.g_p(this.g_qB);
				const x = this.g_wI(U, 'opacity');
				x && E.g_gN((E.g_gS() * parseFloat(x.param)) / 100), E.g_gZ(), b.g_qG(E);
				const q = this.g_aCe.g_aCF() * r,
					B = Math.abs(this.g_aDZ());
				for (const t of e) {
					const n = this.g_aCe.g_aDm(t);
					if (n) {
						const e = n.g_aDt() * r;
						if (g + e > this.g_vZ + B + 1e-5) return;
						_.set(g, T, g + q, T + u),
							a.g_iQ(_, H, N),
							a.offset(d, f),
							b.g_zy(a, n.g_xg()),
							(g += e + this.g_aDY);
					} else g += this.g_aCe.g_aDS() * r + this.g_aDY;
		g_aCg() {
			return this.g_aCe;
		g_wA(g) {
			(g = !!g), this.g_vL === g || ((this.g_vL = g), this.g_aDP());
		g_vB() {
			return this.g_vL;
		g_wP(g) {
			this.g_vQ === g || ((this.g_vQ = g), this.g_aDP());
		g_wO(g) {
			if (!e.has(g)) throw new Error('invalid word wrap mode');
			this.g_vT === g || ((this.g_vT = g), this.g_aDP());
		g_aCB(_) {
			if (!g.has(_)) throw new Error('invalid alignment');
			this.g_vO = _;
		g_aCC(g) {
			if (!t.has(g)) throw new Error('invalid alignment');
			this.g_vP = g;
		g_Hi(g) {
			this.g_DE === g || ((this.g_DE = g), this.g_aDP());
		g_Gp() {
			return this.g_DE;
		g_aCD(g) {
			this.g_aDY === g || ((this.g_aDY = g), this.g_aDP());
		g_aDZ() {
			return this.g_aDY;
		g_wD(g) {
			(this.g_vH = g), this.g_aDP();
		g_aEa() {
			return this.g_vH;
		g_zm(g) {
			(g = g_aO.g_ep(g, 0, 1)), (this.g_qB.a = g);
		g_qG(g) {
			this.g_qB.g_l(g) || this.g_qB.g_p(g);
		g_zo() {
			return this.g_qB;
		g_wR() {
			return this.g_wS(), this.g_vS.g_pr();
		g_wT() {
			const g = this.g_aCe.g_aCG() * this.g_DE,
				_ = this.g_vH;
			return this.g_vS.g_pi() * (g + _) - _;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict';
	const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB);
	let E = 0;
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_aeu {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_aEc = null),
				(this.g_wp = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
				(this.g_rF = 0),
				(this.g_aEd = null),
				(this.g_aEe = []),
				(this.g_aEf = []),
				(this.g_aEg = 0),
				(this.g_aEh = 0),
				(this.g_aEi = 1),
				(this.g_aEj = 1),
				(this.g_aEk = null),
				(this.g_aEl = ''),
				(this.g_aEm = null),
				(this.g_aEn = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
				(this.g_aEo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu)),
				_ && (this.g_CU().g_EU(!!_[0]), (this.g_rF = [0, 2, 4, 8][_[2]]));
			const e = this.g_Be.g_rP();
			this.g_aEp(0, e), 2 > e.g_rd() && (this.g_rF = 0), this.g_aen();
		g_ek() {
			this.g_aEc && (this.g_aEc.g_rP().g_AM(this.g_aEc), (this.g_aEc = null)),
				this.g_aEd && (this.g_aEd.g_rP().g_AM(this.g_aEd), (this.g_aEd = null)),
		g_aEq() {
			return this.g_aEf.map((g) => g.slice(0));
		g_aEr() {
			return this.g_aEs(), this.g_aEk;
		g_aEs() {
			if (!this.g_aEk) {
				const g = g_aO.g_gk(512, 8),
					_ = g.getContext('2d');
				_.clearRect(0, 0, 512, 8),
					(_.fillStyle = 'white'),
					_.fillRect(0, 0, 256, 8),
					(this.g_aEk = this.g_Be.g_rP().g_AE(g, { g_qM: !0, g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR() }));
		g_aEp(g, _) {
			(this.g_aEg = _.g_qp(g)), (this.g_aEh = _.g_qq(g));
		g_aEt(g) {
			g.g_qF(this.g_aEg, this.g_aEh);
		g_aEu(g) {
			this.g_aEe.push(g), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_aEv(g, _, e) {
			this.g_aEc && g.g_AM(this.g_aEc),
				(this.g_aEc = g.g_AG({
					width: _,
					height: e,
					g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR(),
					g_rw: 0 === this.g_rF,
					g_ry: this.g_rF
				0 < this.g_rF &&
					(this.g_aEd && g.g_AM(this.g_aEd),
					(this.g_aEd = g.g_AG({ width: _, height: e, g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR(), g_rw: !0 }))),
		g_aEw() {
			return this.g_aEc;
		g_aEx() {
			return this.g_aEd;
		g_rV() {
			return this.g_rF;
		g_aEy(g) {
			this.g_Be.g_FO().g_JD(g, this.g_aEc.g_pN(), this.g_aEc.g_pO());
		g_aEz() {
			return this.g_aEe.some((g) => !(g instanceof g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEA));
		g_aek() {
			var _ = Math.ceil,
				a = Math.round;
			const c = this.g_Be.g_rP(),
				d = this.g_CU(),
				e = d.g_Em(),
				f = this.g_aEo,
				g = this.g_aEn;
			const h = d.g_agX(),
				[i, b] = e.g_GE(h.g_eW(), h.g_eX()),
				[y, l] = e.g_GE(h.g_e_(), h.g_e$()),
				m = i - a(i),
				n = b - a(b);
			g.set(i, b, y, l), g.offset(-m, -n), g.normalize(), f.g_iO(g);
			let o = _(g.width()),
				B = _(g.height());
			this.g_wp.set(0, 1, g.width() / o, 1 - g.height() / B);
			const v = c.g_rb(),
				r = Math.max(o, B);
			if (
				(r > v
					? ((this.g_aEj = v / r), (o = a(o * this.g_aEj)), (B = a(B * this.g_aEj)))
					: (this.g_aEj = 1),
				0 >= o || 0 >= B)
				return void --E;
			this.g_aEi = g.width() / d.g_pN();
			const s = this.g_aEi * this.g_aEj,
				t = !this.g_aEc || this.g_aEc.g_pN() !== o || this.g_aEc.g_pO() !== B;
			if ((t && this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_HW.g_aEC), 0 < this.g_aEe.length || !this.g_aEc)) {
				(!this.g_aEc || (t && this.g_aEz())) && this.g_aEv(c, o, B),
				for (const g of this.g_aEe) g.g_aED(c, s, this);
					0 < this.g_rF && (c.g_AH(this.g_aEd), c.g_AJ(this.g_aEc, 'crop'));
		g_FN(_) {
			const a = this.g_CU(),
				t = a.g_Em(),
				n = this.g_Be.g_FO(),
				e = _.g_AI(),
				i = this.g_aEo;
				_.g_qF(a.g_Fs(), a.g_Ft()),
				0 === this.g_rF ? _.g_zp(this.g_aEc.g_rQ()) : _.g_zp(this.g_aEd.g_rQ()),
				0 < E ? n.g_JD(_, e.g_pN(), e.g_pO()) : n.g_JD(_),
				_.g_zy(i, this.g_wp),
		g_aEE(_, a) {
			var t = Math.floor;
			if (!this.g_aEm) return [0, 0, 0, 0];
			const e = this.g_aEm.width,
				n = this.g_aEm.height;
			if (((_ = t(_)), (a = n - 1 - t(a)), 0 > _ || 0 > a || _ >= e || a >= n)) return [0, 0, 0, 0];
			const r = this.g_aEm.data,
				i = 4 * (a * e) + 4 * _;
			let s = r[i] / 255,
				o = r[i + 1] / 255,
				u = r[i + 2] / 255,
				p = r[i + 3] / 255;
			return 0 != p && ((s /= p), (o /= p), (u /= p)), [100 * s, 100 * o, 100 * u, 100 * p];
		g_aEF(a, t, n) {
			var i = Math.floor;
			if (!this.g_aEm) return [0, 0, 0, 0];
			_.g_g$(n), _.g_gZ();
			const e = this.g_aEm.width,
				r = this.g_aEm.height;
			if (((a = i(a)), (t = r - 1 - i(t)), !(0 > a || 0 > t || a >= e || t >= r))) {
				const n = this.g_aEm.data,
					r = 4 * (t * e) + 4 * a;
				(n[r] = i(255 * _.g_gP())),
					(n[r + 1] = i(255 * _.g_gQ())),
					(n[r + 2] = i(255 * _.g_gR())),
					(n[r + 3] = i(255 * _.g_gS()));
		g_aEG() {
			return new Promise((g) => {
					new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEA(async (_) => {
						const a = _.data.buffer,
							t = _.width,
							n = _.height,
							e = await this.g_Be.g_arQ(
								{ buffer: a, width: t, height: n, unpremultiply: !0, flipY: !0 },
						g(new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(e), t, n));
		g_aEH(g, _) {
			if (!this.g_aEc) throw new Error('canvas not yet ready');
			if (g.width !== this.g_aEc.g_pN() || g.height !== this.g_aEc.g_pO())
				throw new Error(
					`wrong size ImageData: expected ${this.g_aEc.g_pN()} x ${this.g_aEc.g_pO()}, got ${
					} x ${g.height}`
			const a = this.g_Be.g_rP();
			if (this.g_aEd) {
				const t = a.g_AI(),
					n = this.g_aEd.g_rQ();
				a.g_xf(g, n, { g_cr: !!_ }), a.g_AH(this.g_aEc), a.g_AJ(this.g_aEd, 'crop'), a.g_AH(t);
			} else {
				const e = this.g_aEc.g_rQ();
				a.g_xf(g, e, { g_cr: !!_ });
		g_adS() {
			return g_aEI;
	const g = new WeakMap();
	self.g_aEI = class extends g_agP {
		constructor() {
			super(), g.set(this, g_agH.g_agN().g_Qd());
		g_aEJ() {
			return g.get(this).g_aEG();
		g_aEK(_, e = !1) {
			g.get(this).g_aEH(_, e);
		get g_aEL() {
			const _ = g.get(this).g_aEw();
			if (!_) throw new Error('canvas not yet ready');
			return _.g_pN();
		get g_aEM() {
			const _ = g.get(this).g_aEw();
			if (!_) throw new Error('canvas not yet ready');
			return _.g_pO();
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_HW = {
		g_aEN() {
			return !0;
		g_aEO() {
			return !0;
		g_aEC() {
			return !0;
	'use strict';
	function g(g, _) {
		return g.g_CU().g_Fz() - _.g_CU().g_Fz();
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_abH = {
		g_ayV(g) {
			this.g_CU().g_Ex(g), this.g_Be.g_EV();
		g_aEP(g) {
			g_aO.g_fz(this.g_aEe), this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEP(g));
		g_Ay(g, _, a, t, n) {
			g === a || _ === t || this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_Ay(g, _, a, t, n));
		g_aEQ(g, _, a, t, n) {
			g === a || _ === t || this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEQ(g, _, a, t, n));
		g_aER(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			_ === t || a === n || this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aER(_, a, t, n, i, e, r));
		g_aES(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
			0 >= a || 0 >= t || this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aES(g, _, a, t, n, 0 !== e));
		g_aET(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			0 >= t ||
				0 >= n ||
				0 >= e ||
				this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aET(_, a, t, n, i, e, 0 !== r));
		g_aEU(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
			g === a || _ === t || 0 >= e || this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEU(g, _, a, t, n, e));
		g_zD(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			if (!((_ === t && a === n) || 0 >= e)) {
				const g = 0 === r ? 'butt' : 'square';
				this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_zD(_, a, t, n, i, e, g));
		g_aEV(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g) {
			if (!((_ === t && a === n) || 0 >= e || 0 >= s)) {
				const d = 0 === g ? 'butt' : 'square',
					i = this.g_aEr();
				this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEV(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, i, d));
		g_aEW(g, _) {
			this.g_aEf.push([g, _]);
		g_aEX() {
		g_aEY(g, _, e) {
			if (!(2 > this.g_aEf.length || 0 >= _)) {
				const a = 0 === e ? 'butt' : 'square';
				this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEY(this.g_aEq(), g, _, a));
		g_aEZ(g, _, a, t) {
			if (!(2 > this.g_aEf.length || 0 >= _ || 0 >= a)) {
				const n = 0 === t ? 'butt' : 'square',
					e = this.g_aEr();
				this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEZ(this.g_aEq(), g, _, a, e, n));
		g_aE_(g) {
			3 > this.g_aEf.length || this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aE_(this.g_aEq(), g));
		g_aE$(g) {
			2 <= g && g++, this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aE$(g));
		g_aFa(_, a) {
			if (!_) return;
			const t = this.g_CU().g_Gi(),
				n = _.g_Tu()
					.filter((g) => g.g_CU() && t.g_io(g.g_CU().g_Gi()));
			0 === n.length || (n.sort(g), this.g_aEu(new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aFb(n, 0 !== a)));
		g_aEA(g, _) {
			const t = 0 === g ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg';
			return (
				(_ /= 100),
				new Promise((n) => {
						new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEA(async (r) => {
							const a = r.data.buffer,
								e = r.width,
								s = r.height,
								g = await this.g_Be.g_arQ(
									{ buffer: a, width: e, height: s, unpremultiply: !0, flipY: !g_aO.g_cm.g_cq },
							r = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(g), e, s);
							let l;
							if (g_aO.g_cm.g_cq) {
								const g = await createImageBitmap(r, {
									premultiplyAlpha: 'none',
									imageOrientation: 'flipY'
								l = await g_aO.g_gr(g, t, _);
							} else l = await g_aO.g_gt(r, t, _);
							this.g_aEl && URL.revokeObjectURL(this.g_aEl),
								(this.g_aEl = URL.createObjectURL(l)),
		g_aFc() {
			return new Promise((g) => {
					new g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB.g_aEA((_) => {
						(this.g_aEm = _), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_HW.g_aEO), g();
		g_aFd() {
			this.g_aEm = null;
		g_aFe(g, _, e) {
			this.g_aEF(g, _, e);
		g_aFf() {
			this.g_aEm &&
				this.g_aEc &&
				this.g_aEm.width === this.g_aEc.g_pN() &&
				this.g_aEm.height === this.g_aEc.g_pO() &&
				this.g_aEH(this.g_aEm, !1);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g__$ = {
		g_aFg() {
			return this.g_aEl;
		g_aFh(g, _) {
			return this.g_aEE(g, _)[0];
		g_aFi(g, _) {
			return this.g_aEE(g, _)[1];
		g_aFj(g, _) {
			return this.g_aEE(g, _)[2];
		g_aFk(g, _) {
			return this.g_aEE(g, _)[3];
		g_aFl() {
			return this.g_aEm ? this.g_aEm.width : 0;
		g_aFm() {
			return this.g_aEm ? this.g_aEm.height : 0;
		g_aFn() {
			return 1 / (this.g_aEi * this.g_aEj);
	'use strict';
	const g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu),
		_ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_iu);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB = class {
		constructor() {}
		g_aED() {
			throw new Error('required override');
	const e = g_aO.g_HY.g_aEb.g_aEB;
	(e.g_aEA = class extends e {
		constructor(g) {
			super(), (this.g_ly = g);
		g_aED(g, _, e) {
			let a = g.g_AI();
			if (0 < a.g_rV()) {
				const _ = e.g_aEx();
				g.g_AH(_), g.g_AJ(a, 'crop'), g.g_AH(a), (a = _);
		(e.g_aEP = class extends e {
			constructor(g) {
				super(), (this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)), this.g_qB.g_g$(g), this.g_qB.g_gZ();
			g_aED(g) {
		(e.g_Ay = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _, a, t, n) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(g, _, a, t),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
			g_aED(g, _, e) {
				const a = e.g_aEw().g_pO();
				this.g_aFo.multiply(_, _), this.g_aFo.g_ik(a), g.g_AB(this.g_aFo, this.g_qB);
		(e.g_aEQ = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _, a, t, n) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(g, _, a, t),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
			g_aED(g, _) {
				g.g_Al(), g.g_qG(this.g_qB), this.g_aFo.multiply(_, _), g.Rect(this.g_aFo);
		(e.g_aER = class extends e {
			constructor(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(_, a, t, n),
					(this.g_aFp = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFq = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFr = r);
			g_aED(e, a) {
					this.g_aFo.multiply(a, a),
					0 === this.g_aFr ? _.set(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1) : _.set(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1),
					e.g_zz(g, _);
		(e.g_aES = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(g - a, _ - t, g + a, _ + t),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFs = e);
			g_aED(g, _) {
				this.g_aFo.multiply(_, _),
						? (g.g_Aq(),
						  this.g_aFo.g_ie(0.5, 0.5),
						  g.g_As(1 / this.g_aFo.width(), 1 / this.g_aFo.height()),
						: (g.g_Ao(), g.g_qG(this.g_qB), g.Rect(this.g_aFo));
		(e.g_aET = class extends e {
			constructor(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(_ - t, a - n, _ + t, a + n),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFt = e),
					(this.g_aFs = r);
			g_aED(g, _) {
				this.g_aFo.multiply(_, _),
						? (g.g_Ar(),
						  this.g_aFo.g_ie(0.5, 0.5),
						  g.g_As(1 / this.g_aFo.width(), 1 / this.g_aFo.height(), this.g_aFt * _),
						: (g.g_Ap(),
						  g.g_As(1 / this.g_aFo.width(), 1 / this.g_aFo.height(), this.g_aFt * _),
		(e.g_aEU = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(g, _, a, t),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFt = e);
			g_aED(g, _) {
					g.g_zW(this.g_aFt * _),
					this.g_aFo.multiply(_, _),
		(e.g_zD = class extends e {
			constructor(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(_, a, t, n),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFt = e),
					(this.g_aFu = r);
			g_aED(g, _) {
				g.g_Al(), g.g_qG(this.g_qB), g.g_z$(this.g_aFu), g.g_zW(this.g_aFt * _);
				const e = this.g_aFo;
				e.multiply(_, _), g.g_zD(e.g_hV(), e.g_hW(), e.g_hX(), e.g_hY()), g.g_Ad(), g.g_zX();
		(e.g_aEY = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _, e, a) {
					(this.g_aFv = g),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFt = e),
					(this.g_aFu = a);
			g_aED(_, a) {
				_.g_Al(), _.g_qG(this.g_qB), _.g_z$(this.g_aFu), _.g_zW(this.g_aFt * a);
				const t = this.g_aFv;
				for (let n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; ++n) {
					const e = (n + 1) % r,
						s = t[n][0] * a,
						g = t[n][1] * a,
						d = t[e][0] * a,
						i = t[e][1] * a;
					_.g_zD(s, g, d, i);
				_.g_Ad(), _.g_zX();
		(e.g_aEV = class extends e {
			constructor(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g, d) {
					(this.g_aFo = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect)),
					this.g_aFo.set(_, a, t, n),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFt = e),
					(this.g_aFw = s),
					(this.g_aFx = g),
					(this.g_aFu = d);
			g_aED(g, _) {
				g.g_yZ(), g.g_zp(this.g_aFx), g.g_qG(this.g_qB), g.g_z$(this.g_aFu), g.g_zW(this.g_aFt * _);
				const e = this.g_aFo,
					a = g_aO.g_et(e.g_hV(), e.g_hW(), e.g_hX(), e.g_hY()) / (2 * this.g_aFw);
				e.multiply(_, _), g.g_zH(e.g_hV(), e.g_hW(), e.g_hX(), e.g_hY(), 0, a), g.g_Ad(), g.g_zX();
		(e.g_aEZ = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _, a, t, n, e) {
					(this.g_aFv = g),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
					(this.g_aFt = a),
					(this.g_aFw = t),
					(this.g_aFx = n),
					(this.g_aFu = e);
			g_aED(_, a) {
				_.g_yZ(), _.g_zp(this.g_aFx), _.g_qG(this.g_qB), _.g_z$(this.g_aFu), _.g_zW(this.g_aFt * a);
				let t = 0;
				const n = this.g_aFv;
				for (let r = 0, e = n.length; r < e; ++r) {
					const s = (r + 1) % e,
						g = n[r][0],
						d = n[r][1],
						i = n[s][0],
						o = n[s][1],
						u = t + g_aO.g_et(g, d, i, o) / (2 * this.g_aFw);
					_.g_zH(g * a, d * a, i * a, o * a, t, u), (t = u - Math.floor(u));
				_.g_Ad(), _.g_zX();
		(e.g_aE_ = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _) {
					(this.g_aFv = g),
					(this.g_qB = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_gB)),
			g_aED(g, _) {
				g.g_Al(), g.g_qG(this.g_qB);
				const t = this.g_aFv;
				for (let n = 0, a = t.length; n < a; ++n) {
					const g = t[n];
					(g[0] *= _), (g[1] *= _);
				const e = self.g_aH;
				if (e.g_aK(t)) {
					e.g_aN(t), e.g_aL(t, g_aO.g_er(0.1));
					const _ = e.g_aJ(t);
					for (const e of _) g.g_zC(e.flat());
		(e.g_aE$ = class extends e {
			constructor(g) {
				super(), (this.g_aFy = g);
			g_aED(g, _, e) {
				e.g_aEp(this.g_aFy, g), e.g_aEt(g);
		(e.g_aFb = class extends e {
			constructor(g, _) {
				super(), (this.g_CX = g.map((g) => [g, g.g_GH('visual-state')])), (this.g_aFz = _);
			g_aED(_, a, t) {
				const s = t.g_BI().g_FO(),
					u = t.g_CU().g_Em(),
					e = u.g_EW(),
					d = t.g_CU().g_Gi(),
					E = t.g_aEw(),
					h = 0 < t.g_rV(),
					y = this.g_aFz,
					g = (e.width() - d.width()) / -2,
					i = (e.height() - d.height()) / -2,
					[l, c] = u.g_GE(d.g_hV(), d.g_hW());
				s.g_aoI(l, c);
				const n = d.g_hV() - e.g_hV(),
					o = d.g_hW() - e.g_hW(),
					p = g + n,
					m = i + o;
				u.g_FL(_, p, m);
				for (let e = 0, g = this.g_CX.length; e < g; ++e) {
					const a = this.g_CX[e],
						t = a[0],
						n = a[1];
					if (t.g_NL()) continue;
					const r = t.g_CU(),
						g = r.g_Gi(),
						i = t.g_GH('visual-state');
					(t.g_GJ(n, 'visual-state'), r.g_Gi(), y && r.g_FH() && (!h || !r.g_Gd().g_amj()))
						? (g.offset(-p, -m),
						  u.g_Gb(t, r, _, E, { g_Js: () => u.g_FL(_, p, m) }) && u.g_FL(_, p, m),
						: u.g_F$(t, r, _),
						t.g_GJ(i, 'visual-state');
				s.g_aoI(0, 0), t.g_aEy(_), t.g_aEt(_);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aFA = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aFA.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict';
	function g(g, _) {
		const e = [];
		if ('function' == typeof _) for (let a = 0; a < g; ++a) e.push(_());
		else for (let a = 0; a < g; ++a) e.push(_);
		return e;
	function _(g, _, e) {
		if (_ < g.length) g_aO.g_fy(g, _);
		else if (_ > g.length)
			if ('function' == typeof e) for (let a = g.length; a < _; ++a) g.push(e());
			else for (let a = g.length; a < _; ++a) g.push(e);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aFA.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_adT {
		constructor(_, e) {
				(this.g_aFB = 10),
				(this.g_aFC = 1),
				(this.g_aFD = 1),
				(this.g_jz = null),
				(this.g_aFE = []),
				(this.g_aFF = []),
				(this.g_aFG = []),
				(this.g_aFH = -1),
				e && ((this.g_aFB = e[0]), (this.g_aFC = e[1]), (this.g_aFD = e[2])),
				(this.g_jz = g(this.g_aFB, () => g(this.g_aFC, () => g(this.g_aFD, 0))));
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_jz = null), super.g_ek();
		g_aFI(g, _, e) {
			var t = Math.floor;
			return (
				(g = t(g)),
				(_ = t(_)),
				(e = t(e)),
				0 <= g && g < this.g_aFB && 0 <= _ && _ < this.g_aFC && 0 <= e && e < this.g_aFD
					? this.g_jz[g][_][e]
					: 0
		Set(g, _, t, n) {
			var i = Math.floor;
			(g = i(g)),
				(_ = i(_)),
				(t = i(t)),
				0 <= g &&
					g < this.g_aFB &&
					0 <= _ &&
					_ < this.g_aFC &&
					0 <= t &&
					t < this.g_aFD &&
					(this.g_jz[g][_][t] = n);
		g_wQ(a, t, n) {
			var i = Math.floor;
			if (
				((a = i(a)),
				(t = i(t)),
				(n = i(n)),
				0 > a && (a = 0),
				0 > t && (t = 0),
				0 > n && (n = 0),
				this.g_aFB !== a || this.g_aFC !== t || this.g_aFD !== n)
			) {
				(this.g_aFB = a), (this.g_aFC = t), (this.g_aFD = n);
				const e = this.g_jz;
				_(e, a, () => g(t, () => g(n, 0)));
				for (let i = 0; i < a; ++i) {
					_(e[i], t, () => g(n, 0));
					for (let g = 0; g < t; ++g) _(e[i][g], n, 0);
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_aFB;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_aFC;
		g_aFJ() {
			return this.g_aFD;
		g_aep() {
			const g = [
						title: 'plugins.arr.debugger.array-properties.title',
						properties: [
								name: 'plugins.arr.properties.width.name',
								value: this.g_aFB,
								g_ayn: (g) => this.g_wQ(g, this.g_aFC, this.g_aFD)
								name: 'plugins.arr.properties.height.name',
								value: this.g_aFC,
								g_ayn: (g) => this.g_wQ(this.g_aFB, g, this.g_aFD)
								name: 'plugins.arr.properties.depth.name',
								value: this.g_aFD,
								g_ayn: (g) => this.g_wQ(this.g_aFB, this.g_aFC, g)
								name: 'plugins.arr.properties.elements.name',
								value: this.g_aFB * this.g_aFC * this.g_aFD
				_ = [];
			if (1 === this.g_aFC && 1 === this.g_aFD)
				for (let g = 0; g < this.g_aFB; ++g)
						name: '$' + g,
						value: this.g_jz[g][0][0],
						g_ayn: (_) => (this.g_jz[g][0][0] = _)
				for (let g = 0; g < this.g_aFB; ++g)
					_.push({ name: '$' + g, value: this.g_jz[g].toString() });
			return (
				_.length && g.push({ title: 'plugins.arr.debugger.array-data.title', properties: _ }), g
		g_aFK() {
			return JSON.stringify({
				c2array: !0,
				size: [this.g_aFB, this.g_aFC, this.g_aFD],
				data: this.g_jz
		g_GH() {
			return { size: [this.g_aFB, this.g_aFC, this.g_aFD], data: this.g_jz };
		g_GJ(g) {
			const _ = g.size;
			(this.g_aFB = _[0]), (this.g_aFC = _[1]), (this.g_aFD = _[2]), (this.g_jz = g.data);
		g_aFL() {
			return 0 <= this.g_aFH && this.g_aFH < this.g_aFE.length ? this.g_aFE[this.g_aFH] : 0;
		g_aFM() {
			return 0 <= this.g_aFH && this.g_aFH < this.g_aFF.length ? this.g_aFF[this.g_aFH] : 0;
		g_aFN() {
			return 0 <= this.g_aFH && this.g_aFH < this.g_aFG.length ? this.g_aFG[this.g_aFH] : 0;
		g_adS() {
			return g_aFO;
	const t = new WeakMap();
	self.g_aFO = class extends g_agH {
		constructor() {
			super(), t.set(this, g_agH.g_agN().g_Qd());
		get width() {
			return t.get(this).g_pN();
		get height() {
			return t.get(this).g_pO();
		get g_aFP() {
			return t.get(this).g_aFJ();
		g_aFQ(g, _ = 1, a = 1) {
			t.get(this).g_wQ(g, _, a);
		g_aFR(g, _ = 0, e = 0) {
			return t.get(this).g_aFI(g, _, e);
		g_aFS(g, _, a = 0, n = 0) {
			if ('number' != typeof g && 'string' != typeof g) throw new TypeError('invalid type');
			t.get(this).Set(_, a, n, g);
	function _(g, _, a, t, n) {
		g.g_WL(a), _.g__b(t, n), g.g_WM(a);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aFA.g_HW = {
		g_abI(g, _, e) {
			return g_aO.compare(this.g_aFI(g, 0, 0), _, e);
		g_aFT(g, _, e, a) {
			return g_aO.compare(this.g_aFI(g, _, 0), e, a);
		g_aFU(g, _, a, t, n) {
			return g_aO.compare(this.g_aFI(g, _, a), t, n);
		g_aFV(a) {
			const t = this.g_Be,
				r = t.g_ED(),
				s = t.g_TT(),
				e = s.g_UD(),
				d = t.g_TB(),
				u = d.g_TU(),
				h = d.g_TZ(s),
				i = ++this.g_aFH,
				f = this.g_aFE,
				E = this.g_aFF,
				l = this.g_aFG,
				g = this.g_aFB,
				n = this.g_aFC,
				o = this.g_aFD;
			if (
				(i === this.g_aFE.length
					? (f.push(0), E.push(0), l.push(0))
					: ((f[i] = 0), (E[i] = 0), (l[i] = 0)),
				0 === a)
				for (let a = 0; a < g; ++a)
					for (let t = 0; t < n; ++t)
						for (let n = 0; n < o; ++n) (f[i] = a), (E[i] = t), (l[i] = n), _(r, s, e, u, h);
			else if (1 === a)
				for (let a = 0; a < g; ++a)
					for (let g = 0; g < n; ++g) (f[i] = a), (E[i] = g), _(r, s, e, u, h);
			else for (let a = 0; a < g; ++a) (f[i] = a), _(r, s, e, u, h);
			return t.g__o(!0), this.g_aFH--, d.g_Ty(), !1;
		g_aFW(g, _) {
			return g_aO.compare(this.g_aFI(this.g_aFL(), this.g_aFM(), this.g_aFN()), g, _);
		g_aFX(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aFB,
				a = this.g_aFC,
				t = this.g_aFD,
				n = this.g_jz;
			for (let e = 0; e < _; ++e)
				for (let _ = 0; _ < a; ++_) for (let a = 0; a < t; ++a) if (n[e][_][a] === g) return !0;
			return !1;
		g_jC() {
			return 0 === this.g_aFB || 0 === this.g_aFC || 0 === this.g_aFD;
		g_aFY(g, _, e) {
			let a = 0;
			return (
				0 === g
					? (a = this.g_aFB)
					: 1 === g
					? (a = this.g_aFC)
					: 2 === g
					? (a = this.g_aFD)
					: void 0,
				g_aO.compare(a, _, e)
	function _(g, _) {
		const e = [];
		if ('function' == typeof _) for (let a = 0; a < g; ++a) e.push(_());
		else for (let a = 0; a < g; ++a) e.push(_);
		return e;
	function g(g, _) {
		if ('number' == typeof g && 'number' == typeof _) return g - _;
		else {
			const e = g.toString(),
				a = _.toString();
			return e < a ? -1 : e > a ? 1 : 0;
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aFA.g_abH = {
		g_js(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aFB,
				a = this.g_aFC,
				t = this.g_aFD,
				n = this.g_jz;
			for (let e = 0; e < _; ++e)
				for (let _ = 0; _ < a; ++_) for (let a = 0; a < t; ++a) n[e][_][a] = g;
		g_wQ(g, _, e) {
			this.g_wQ(g, _, e);
		g_abn(g, _) {
			this.Set(g, 0, 0, _);
		g_abq(g, _, e) {
			this.Set(g, _, 0, e);
		g_aFZ(g, _, e, a) {
			this.Set(g, _, e, a);
		g_TZ(t, n, a) {
			const i = this.g_aFB,
				e = this.g_aFC,
				r = this.g_aFD,
				g = this.g_jz;
			if (0 === a) {
				const a = _(e, () => _(r, n));
				0 === t ? g.push(a) : g.unshift(a), this.g_aFB++;
			} else if (1 === a) {
				for (let a = 0; a < i; ++a) {
					const i = _(r, n);
					0 === t ? g[a].push(i) : g[a].unshift(i);
			} else {
				for (let _ = 0; _ < i; ++_)
					for (let a = 0; a < e; ++a) 0 === t ? g[_][a].push(n) : g[_][a].unshift(n);
		g_Ty(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_aFB,
				t = this.g_aFC,
				n = this.g_aFD,
				e = this.g_jz;
			if (0 === _) {
				if (0 === a) return;
				0 === g ? e.pop() : e.shift(), this.g_aFB--;
			} else if (1 === _) {
				if (0 === t) return;
				for (let _ = 0; _ < a; ++_) 0 === g ? e[_].pop() : e[_].shift();
			} else {
				if (0 === n) return;
				for (let _ = 0; _ < a; ++_)
					for (let a = 0; a < t; ++a) 0 === g ? e[_][a].pop() : e[_][a].shift();
		g_aF_(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aFB,
				t = this.g_aFC,
				a = this.g_aFD,
				n = this.g_jz;
			if (0 !== _ && 0 !== t && 0 !== a)
				if (0 === g) n.reverse();
				else if (1 === g) for (let g = 0; g < _; ++g) n[g].reverse();
				else for (let g = 0; g < _; ++g) for (let _ = 0; _ < t; ++_) n[g][_].reverse();
		g_aF$(_) {
			const t = this.g_aFB,
				n = this.g_aFC,
				a = this.g_aFD,
				e = this.g_jz;
			if (0 !== t && 0 !== n && 0 !== a)
				if (0 === _) e.sort((_, e) => g(_[0][0], e[0][0]));
				else if (1 === _) for (let _ = 0; _ < t; ++_) e[_].sort((_, e) => g(_[0], e[0]));
				else for (let _ = 0; _ < t; ++_) for (let a = 0; a < n; ++a) e[_][a].sort(g);
		g_jt(g, _) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), !(0 > g))) {
				const a = this.g_aFB,
					t = this.g_aFC,
					n = this.g_aFD,
					e = this.g_jz;
				if (0 === _) {
					if (g >= a) return;
					e.splice(g, 1), this.g_aFB--;
				} else if (1 === _) {
					if (g >= t) return;
					for (let _ = 0; _ < a; ++_) e[_].splice(g, 1);
				} else {
					if (g >= n) return;
					for (let _ = 0; _ < a; ++_) for (let a = 0; a < t; ++a) e[_][a].splice(g, 1);
		g_Db(t, n, a) {
			if (((n = Math.floor(n)), 0 > n)) return;
			const i = this.g_aFB,
				e = this.g_aFC,
				r = this.g_aFD,
				g = this.g_jz;
			if (0 === a) {
				if (n > i) return;
					_(e, () => _(r, t))
			} else if (1 === a) {
				if (n > e) return;
				for (let e = 0; e < i; ++e) g[e].splice(n, 0, _(r, t));
			} else {
				if (n > r) return;
				for (let _ = 0; _ < i; ++_) for (let a = 0; a < e; ++a) g[_][a].splice(n, 0, t);
		g_aGa(g) {
			let _ = null;
			try {
				_ = JSON.parse(g);
			} catch (g) {
				return void console.error('[Construct 3] Failed to parse JSON: ', g);
			if (_.c2array) {
				const g = _.size;
				(this.g_aFB = g[0]), (this.g_aFC = g[1]), (this.g_aFD = g[2]), (this.g_jz = _.data);
		g_aGb(g) {
			const _ = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([this.g_aFK()], { type: 'application/json' }));
			this.g_Be.g_af_(_, g);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aFA.g__$ = {
		g_aFI(g, _, e) {
			return this.g_aFI(g, _ || 0, e || 0);
		g_abW() {
			return this.g_aFB;
		g_abX() {
			return this.g_aFC;
		g_aGc() {
			return this.g_aFD;
		g_aGd() {
			return this.g_aFL();
		g_aGe() {
			return this.g_aFM();
		g_aGf() {
			return this.g_aFN();
		g_aGg() {
			return this.g_aFI(this.g_aFL(), this.g_aFM(), this.g_aFN());
		g_mD() {
			return this.g_aFI(0, 0, 0);
		g_aGh() {
			return this.g_aFI(this.g_aFB - 1, 0, 0);
		g_aGi(g) {
			const _ = this.g_jz;
			for (let e = 0, a = this.g_aFB; e < a; ++e) if (_[e][0][0] === g) return e;
			return -1;
		g_aGj(g) {
			const _ = this.g_jz;
			for (let e = this.g_aFB - 1; 0 <= e; --e) if (_[e][0][0] === g) return e;
			return -1;
		g_acO() {
			return this.g_aFK();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict';
	function g() {
		return _.g_$i().g_Qd();
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
		g_adS() {
			return g_aGl;
	let _ = null;
	self.g_aGl = class extends g_agr {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (_ = g), (g.g_BI().g_afW().g_afX = this);
		g_aGm(_) {
			return g().g_aGn(_)[0];
		g_aGo(_) {
			return g().g_aGn(_)[1];
		g_aGp(_) {
			return g().g_aGn(_);
		g_aGq(_) {
			return g().g_aGr(_);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_adT {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g, 'mouse'),
				(this.g_aGs = [!1, !1, !1]),
				(this.g_aGt = 0),
				(this.g_aGu = 0),
				(this.g_aGv = 0),
				(this.g_aGw = 0),
				(this.g_aGx = 0);
			const _ = this.g_BI().g_lh();
			this.g_lN = new g_aO.g_lK(
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'pointermove', (g) => this.g_aGy(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'pointerdown', (g) => this.g_aGz(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'pointerup', (g) => this.g_aGA(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'dblclick', (g) => this.g_aGB(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'wheel', (g) => this.g_aGC(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'window-blur', () => this.g_arq())
		g_ek() {
		g_aGz(g) {
			'mouse' !== g.pointerType ||
				((this.g_aGt = g.clientX - this.g_Be.g_aeU()),
				(this.g_aGu = g.clientY - this.g_Be.g_aeV()),
				this.g_aGD(g.lastButtons, g.buttons));
		g_aGy(g) {
			'mouse' !== g.pointerType ||
				((this.g_aGt = g.clientX - this.g_Be.g_aeU()),
				(this.g_aGu = g.clientY - this.g_Be.g_aeV()),
				this.g_aGD(g.lastButtons, g.buttons));
		g_aGA(g) {
			'mouse' !== g.pointerType || this.g_aGD(g.lastButtons, g.buttons);
		g_aGD(g, _) {
			this.g_aGE(g, _, 1, 0), this.g_aGE(g, _, 4, 1), this.g_aGE(g, _, 2, 2);
		g_aGE(g, _, e, a) {
			!(g & e) && _ & e ? this.g_aGF(a) : g & e && !(_ & e) && this.g_aGG(a);
		g_aGF(g) {
			(this.g_aGs[g] = !0),
				(this.g_aGv = g),
				(this.g_aGw = 0),
		g_aGG(g) {
			this.g_aGs[g] &&
				((this.g_aGs[g] = !1), (this.g_aGv = g), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.g_HW.g_aGK));
		g_aGB(g) {
			(this.g_aGv = g.button),
				(this.g_aGw = 1),
		g_aGC(g) {
			(this.g_aGx = 0 > g.deltaY ? 1 : 0), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.g_HW.g_aGL);
		g_arq() {
			for (let g = 0, _ = this.g_aGs.length; g < _; ++g) {
				if (!this.g_aGs[g]) return;
				(this.g_aGs[g] = !1), (this.g_aGv = g), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.g_HW.g_aGK);
		g_aGn(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_Is(),
				t = this.g_aGt,
				n = this.g_aGu;
			if ('undefined' == typeof g) {
				const g = _.g_Ho(0);
				return g.g_GB(t, n);
			} else {
				const a = _.g_Em(g);
				return a ? a.g_Gr(t, n) : [0, 0];
		g_aGr(g) {
			return (g = Math.floor(g)), !!this.g_aGs[g];
		g_aGM() {
			return (
				0 <= this.g_aGt &&
				0 <= this.g_aGu &&
				this.g_aGt < this.g_Be.g_ar$() &&
				this.g_aGu < this.g_Be.g_asa()
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: 'plugins.mouse.name',
					properties: [
							name: 'plugins.mouse.debugger.absolute-position',
							value: this.g_aGt + ',' + this.g_aGu
						{ name: 'plugins.mouse.debugger.left-button', value: this.g_aGs[0] },
						{ name: 'plugins.mouse.debugger.middle-button', value: this.g_aGs[1] },
						{ name: 'plugins.mouse.debugger.right-button', value: this.g_aGs[2] }
					title: 'plugins.mouse.debugger.position-on-each-layer',
					properties: this.g_Be
						.map((g) => ({
							name: '$' + g.g_pY(),
							value: g.g_Gr(this.g_aGt, this.g_aGu).join(', ')
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.g_HW = {
		g_aGI(g, _) {
			return this.g_aGv === g && this.g_aGw === _;
		g_aGH() {
			return !0;
		g_aGN(g) {
			return this.g_aGs[g];
		g_aGK(g) {
			return this.g_aGv === g;
		g_aGO(g) {
			if (!this.g_aGM()) return !1;
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_VH(),
				a = _.g_aaB(),
				t = this.g_aGt,
				n = this.g_aGu;
			return g_aO.xor(this.g_Be.g_ahf().g_amD(g, t, n, a), a);
		g_aGJ(g, _, a) {
			if (g !== this.g_aGv || _ !== this.g_aGw) return !1;
			if (!this.g_aGM()) return !1;
			const t = this.g_aGt,
				n = this.g_aGu;
			return this.g_Be.g_ahf().g_amD(a, t, n, !1);
		g_aGL(g) {
			return this.g_aGx === g;
	'use strict';
	let g = null;
	const _ = ['auto', 'pointer', 'text', 'crosshair', 'move', 'help', 'wait', 'none'];
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.g_abH = {
		g_aGP(e) {
			const a = _[e];
			g === a || ((g = a), this.g_aeg('cursor', a));
		g_aGQ(_) {
			if (g_aO.g_bJ.g_bU || !_) return;
			const a = _.g_abA();
			if (!a) return;
			const t = a.g_CU(),
				n = a.g_Gg();
			t &&
				n &&
				g !== n &&
				((g = n),
					.then((g) => g_aO.g_cv(g))
					.then((g) => {
						var _ = Math.round;
						const e = URL.createObjectURL(g),
							a = `url(${e}) ${_(t.g_QX() * n.g_pN())} ${_(t.g_QZ() * n.g_pO())}, auto`;
						this.g_aeg('cursor', ''), this.g_aeg('cursor', a);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGk.g__$ = {
		g_abR(g) {
			return this.g_aGn(g)[0];
		g_abS(g) {
			return this.g_aGn(g)[1];
		g_aGR() {
			return this.g_aGt;
		g_aGS() {
			return this.g_aGu;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGT = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGT.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {
		g_Hx(g) {
			return this.g_adQ().g_CR(g, { g_qO: this.g_Be.g_FR(), g_qM: !0 });
		g_HD() {
	'use strict';
	const _ = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.Rect);
	g_aO.g_HY.g_aGT.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_aeu {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g), (this.g_aGU = !0);
			const e = g_aO.g_ej(g_aGV);
			(this.g_aGW = e),
				(e.g_aGX = () => this.g_aGY()),
				(this.g_aGZ = null),
				(this.g_aG_ = (g, _, a, t, n, e) => this.g_aG$(g, _, a, t, n, e)),
				(this.g_aHa = (g) => this.g_aHb(g)),
				(this.g_aHc = !0),
				_ &&
					e.g_aHf(_[2] ? 'one-shot' : 'continuous-spray'),
					e.g_aHj(_[6] / 100),
				this.g_aGZ && (this.g_aHc = !1),
				'one-shot' === e.g_aHy() ? e.g_aHz() : e.g_aHA(!0);
			const a = this.g_CU();
				this.g_b_.g_lh().addEventListener('bboxchange', () => {
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_aGW = null),
				(this.g_aG_ = null),
				(this.g_aHa = null),
		g_aHg(g) {
			g === this.g_EA() && (g = null),
				(this.g_aGZ = g),
				(this.g_aGW.g_aHB = g ? (g) => this.g_aHC(g) : null),
				this.g_aGZ || (this.g_aHc = !0);
		g_aHx() {
			const g = this.g_aGW,
				_ = this.g_CU();
		g_aGY() {
		g_FN(a) {
			if (this.g_aHc) {
				const t = this.g_Tq.g_adQ(),
					n = t.g_rQ();
				if (n) {
					const i = this.g_CU(),
						e = i.g_Em(),
						r = _;
					e.g_EX(i.g_Jg(), r), a.g_zp(n);
					const g = e.g_EY(i.g_Jg());
					this.g_aGW.g_aHH(e.g_FM() * g), this.g_aGW.g_FN(a, t.g_xg(), r);
		g_GH() {
			const g = this.g_aGW;
			return {
				r: g.g_aHI(),
				sc: g.g_aHJ(),
				st: g.g_aHy(),
				isp: g.g_aHK(),
				isz: g.g_aHL(),
				io: g.g_aHM(),
				gr: g.g_aHN(),
				xr: g.g_aHO(),
				yr: g.g_aHP(),
				spr: g.g_aHQ(),
				szr: g.g_aHR(),
				grnd: g.g_aHS(),
				acc: g.g_aHT(),
				g: g.g_aHU(),
				lar: g.g_aHV(),
				lsr: g.g_aHW(),
				lor: g.g_aHX(),
				dm: g.g_aHY(),
				to: g.g_aHZ(),
				s: g.g_aH_(),
				pcc: g.g_aH$(),
				ft: this.g_aGU,
				p: g.g_aIa().map((g) => g.toJSON())
		g_GJ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aGW;
				(this.g_aGU = g.ft);
			const a = g.p;
			const t = _.g_aIa();
			for (let _ = 0, n = t.length; _ < n; ++_) t[_].g_hs(a[_]);
		g_KZ() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_);
				this.g_aGU && 'one-shot' === this.g_aGW.g_aHy() && this.g_aGW.g_aId(),
				this.g_aGW.g_aH_() && this.g_Be.g_EV(),
				(this.g_aGU = !1);
		g_aHC(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_agB(this.g_aGZ, this.g_CU().g_Em(), g.g_Ig(), g.g_Ih()),
				e = _.g_CU();
			return (
				e.g_wQ(g.g_jv(), g.g_jv()),
				e.g_abB(this.g_Nj(), !0),
		g_aG$(_, a, t, n, i, e) {
			if (!_.g_NL()) {
				const r = _.g_CU();
				r.g_abt(a, t),
					r.g_wQ(r.g_pN() + n, r.g_pO() + n),
					r.g_Fi(r.g_Fj() + i),
					r.g_zm(r.g_zk() + e),
		g_aHb(g) {
			g.g_NL() || this.g_Be.g_EB(g);
		g_QF(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aGW;
			return 0 === g
				? _.g_aHI()
				: 1 === g
				? g_aO.g_es(_.g_aHJ())
				: 2 === g
				? 'one-shot' === _.g_aHy()
					? 1
					: 0
				: 4 === g
				? _.g_aHK()
				: 5 === g
				? _.g_aHL()
				: 6 === g
				? 100 * _.g_aHM()
				: 7 === g
				? _.g_aHN()
				: 8 === g
				? _.g_aHO()
				: 9 === g
				? _.g_aHP()
				: 10 === g
				? _.g_aHQ()
				: 11 === g
				? _.g_aHR()
				: 12 === g
				? _.g_aHS()
				: 13 === g
				? _.g_aHT()
				: 14 === g
				? _.g_aHU()
				: 15 === g
				? _.g_aHV()
				: 16 === g
				? _.g_aHW()
				: 17 === g
				? _.g_aHX()
				: 18 === g
				? _.g_aHY()
				: 19 === g
				? _.g_aHZ()
				: void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aGW;
			0 === g
				? e.g_aHd(_)
				: 1 === g
				? e.g_aHe(g_aO.g_er(_))
				: 2 === g
				? e.g_aHf(_ ? 'one-shot' : 'continuous-spray')
				: 4 === g
				? e.g_aHh(_)
				: 5 === g
				? e.g_aHi(_)
				: 6 === g
				? e.g_aHj(_ / 100)
				: 7 === g
				? e.g_aHk(_)
				: 8 === g
				? e.g_aHl(_)
				: 9 === g
				? e.g_aHm(_)
				: 10 === g
				? e.g_aHn(_)
				: 11 === g
				? e.g_aHo(_)
				: 12 === g
				? e.g_aHp(_)
				: 13 === g
				? e.g_aHq(_)
				: 14 === g
				? e.g_aHr(_)
				: 15 === g
				? e.g_aHs(_)
				: 16 === g
				? e.g_aHt(_)
				: 17 === g
				? e.g_aHu(_)
				: 18 === g
				? e.g_aHv(_)
				: 19 === g
				? e.g_aHw(_)
				: void 0;
		g_aep() {
			const g = this.g_aGW;
			return [
					title: 'plugins.particles.name',
					properties: [
						{ name: 'plugins.particles.debugger.particle-count', value: g.g_aIg() },
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.type.name',
							value: ['plugins.particles.properties.type.items.' + g.g_aHy()]
							name: 'plugins.particles.debugger.is-spraying',
							value: g.g_aH_(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHA(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.rate.name',
							value: g.g_aHI(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHd(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.spray-cone.name',
							value: g_aO.g_es(g.g_aHJ()),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHe(g_aO.g_er(_))
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.speed.name',
							value: g.g_aHK(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHh(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.size.name',
							value: g.g_aHL(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHi(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.opacity.name',
							value: g.g_aHM(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHj(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.grow-rate.name',
							value: g.g_aHN(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHk(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.x-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHO(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHl(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.y-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHP(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHm(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.initial-speed-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHQ(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHn(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.size-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHR(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHo(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.grow-rate-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHS(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHp(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.acceleration.name',
							value: g.g_aHT(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHq(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.gravity.name',
							value: g.g_aHU(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHr(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.angle-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHV(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHs(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.life-speed-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHW(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHt(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.opacity-randomiser.name',
							value: g.g_aHX(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHu(_)
							name: 'plugins.particles.properties.timeout.name',
							value: g.g_aHZ(),
							g_ayn: (_) => g.g_aHw(_)
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGT.g_HW = {
		g_aH_() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aH_();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGT.g_abH = {
		g_aHA(g) {
			this.g_aGW.g_aHA(0 !== g);
		g_aHd(g) {
			this.g_aGW.g_aHd(g), 'one-shot' === this.g_aGW.g_aHy() && this.g_aGU && this.g_aGW.g_aIc(g);
		g_aIh(g) {
		g_aIi() {
		g_aHe(g) {
		g_aHh(g) {
		g_aHi(g) {
		g_aHj(g) {
			this.g_aGW.g_aHj(g / 100);
		g_aHk(g) {
		g_aIj(g) {
		g_aIk(g) {
		g_aIl(g) {
		g_aIm(g) {
		g_aIn(g) {
		g_aIo(g) {
		g_aHr(g) {
		g_aIp(g) {
		g_aIq(g) {
		g_aIr(g) {
		g_aHw(g) {
		g_ayV(g) {
			this.g_CU().g_Ex(g), this.g_Be.g_EV();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_aGT.g__$ = {
		g_aIs() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aIg();
		g_aIt() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHI();
		g_aIu() {
			return g_aO.g_es(this.g_aGW.g_aHJ());
		g_aIv() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHK();
		g_aIw() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHL();
		g_aIx() {
			return 100 * this.g_aGW.g_aHM();
		g_aIy() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHN();
		g_aIz() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHO();
		g_aIA() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHP();
		g_aIB() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHQ();
		g_aIC() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHS();
		g_aID() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHT();
		g_aIE() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHU();
		g_aIF() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHV();
		g_aIG() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHW();
		g_aIH() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHX();
		g_aII() {
			return this.g_aGW.g_aHZ();
	'use strict';
	function _(g) {
		return Math.random() * g - g / 2;
	const t = new g_aO.g_iu(),
		a = new g_aO.g_gB(),
		n = self.devicePixelRatio || 1;
	let r = !1;
	self.g_aIJ = class {
		constructor(g) {
			(this.g_aIK = g),
				(this.g_lB = !1),
				(this.g_hB = 0),
				(this.g_hC = 0),
				(this.g_ahV = 0),
				(this.g_DF = 0),
				(this.g_aIL = 1),
				(this.g_aIM = 0),
				(this.g_aIN = 0),
				(this.g_CF = 0),
				(this.g_aIO = 0),
				(this.g_aIP = 0),
				(this.g_aIQ = 0),
				(this.g_ja = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_aIR = null),
				(this.g_aIS = null),
				(this.g_aIT = null);
		g_aIU(g) {
			this.g_aIK = g;
		g_akw(g) {
			(this.g_lB = !0),
				(this.g_hB = this.g_aIK.g_aIV() + _(this.g_aIK.g_aHO())),
				(this.g_hC = this.g_aIK.g_aIW() + _(this.g_aIK.g_aHP())),
				(this.g_ahV = this.g_aIK.g_aHK() + _(this.g_aIK.g_aHQ())),
				(this.g_DF = this.g_aIK.g_aIX() + _(this.g_aIK.g_aHJ())),
				(this.g_aIL = this.g_aIK.g_aHM()),
				(this.g_aIM = this.g_aIL),
				(this.g_CF = this.g_aIK.g_aHL() + _(this.g_aIK.g_aHR())),
				(this.g_aIO = this.g_CF / 2),
				(this.g_aIN = this.g_aIK.g_aHN() + _(this.g_aIK.g_aHS())),
				(this.g_aIP = 0),
				(this.g_aIQ = 0),
					? !this.g_aIR && (this.g_aIR = g(this))
					: ((this.g_aIR = null), (this.g_aIS = null), (this.g_aIT = null));
		g_aIe(g) {
			this.g_aIS = g;
		g_aIf(g) {
			this.g_aIT = g;
		g_acM() {
			const g = this.g_aIT;
			g && g(this.g_aIR), (this.g_aIR = null), (this.g_aIS = null), (this.g_aIT = null);
		toJSON() {
			return [
		g_hs(g) {
			(this.g_hB = g[0]),
				(this.g_hC = g[1]),
				(this.g_ahV = g[2]),
				(this.g_DF = g[3]),
				(this.g_aIL = g[4]),
				(this.g_aIN = g[5]),
				(this.g_CF = g[6]),
				(this.g_aIP = g[7]),
				(this.g_aIQ = g[8]),
				(this.g_aIO = this.g_CF / 2),
		g_KZ(t) {
			const r = this.g_aIK,
				s = this.g_ahV * t,
				e = this.g_DF,
				d = Math.cos(e) * s,
				a = Math.sin(e) * s + this.g_aIP * t;
			(this.g_hB += d), (this.g_hC += a);
			const g = this.g_aIN * t;
			(this.g_CF += g),
				(this.g_aIO = this.g_CF / 2),
				(this.g_ahV += r.g_aHT() * t),
				(this.g_aIP += r.g_aHU() * t),
				(this.g_aIQ += t),
			const o = r.g_aHV(),
				i = r.g_aHW(),
				u = r.g_aHX();
			let p = 0;
			0 !== o && ((p = _(o * t)), (this.g_DF += p)),
				0 !== i && (this.g_ahV += _(i * t)),
				0 !== u && (this.g_aIL = g_aO.g_ep(this.g_aIL + _(u * t), 0, 1));
			const h = 1 <= this.g_CF && (2 === r.g_aHY() ? 0 < this.g_ahV : this.g_aIQ < r.g_aHZ()),
				f = this.g_aIS;
			if (f && h) {
				let _ = r.g_aIZ() * this.g_aIL;
				0 === r.g_aHY() && (_ *= 1 - this.g_aIQ / r.g_aHZ());
				const e = _ - this.g_aIM;
				(this.g_aIM = _), f(this.g_aIR, d, a, g, p, e);
			this.g_lB = h;
		g_Yd() {
			return this.g_lB;
		g_Gi() {
			return this.g_ja;
		g_aIY() {
			const g = this.g_hB,
				_ = this.g_hC,
				e = this.g_aIO;
			this.g_ja.set(g - e, _ - e, g + e, _ + e);
		g_FN(_, e) {
			if (this.g_aIR) return;
			const s = this.g_aIK;
			let g = s.g_aIZ() * this.g_aIL;
			if ((0 === s.g_aHY() && (g *= 1 - this.g_aIQ / s.g_aHZ()), 0 >= g)) return;
			const d = this.g_CF,
				i = d * s.g_aI_() * n;
			if (1 > i) return;
			let o = this.g_hB,
				u = this.g_hC;
			s.g_aI$() && ((o = 0 | (o + 0.5)), (u = 0 | (u + 0.5))),
				i > _.g_AX() || i < _.g_AW()
					? (a.g_p(s.g_zo()), a.g_gY(g), _.g_qG(a), (r = !0), t.g_iO(this.g_ja), _.g_zy(t, e))
					: (r && (_.g_qG(s.g_zo()), (r = !1)), _.g_Aj(o, u, i, g));
		g_aJa() {
			return this.g_aIR;
		g_Ig() {
			return this.g_hB;
		g_Ih() {
			return this.g_hC;
		g_jv() {
			return this.g_CF;
		g_Fj() {
			return this.g_DF;
		g_zk() {
			return this.g_aIL;
	const _ = [],
		g = new Set(['continuous-spray', 'one-shot']),
		e = ['fade-to-invisible', 'timeout-expired', 'particle-stopped'];
	self.g_aGV = class {
		constructor() {
			(this.g_aJb = 0),
				(this.g_aJc = 0),
				(this.g_aJd = 'continuous-spray'),
				(this.g_aJe = !1),
				(this.g_aJf = 0),
				(this.g_aJg = !1),
				(this.g_aJh = 0),
				(this.g_aJi = 0),
				(this.g_aJj = 0),
				(this.g_aJk = 0),
				(this.g_aJl = 0),
				(this.g_aJm = 0),
				(this.g_aJn = 0),
				(this.g_aJo = 0),
				(this.g_aJp = 0),
				(this.g_aJq = 0),
				(this.g_aJr = 0),
				(this.g_aJs = 0),
				(this.g_aJt = 0),
				(this.g_aJu = 0),
				(this.g_aJv = 0),
				(this.g_aJw = 0),
				(this.g_aJx = 0),
				(this.g_aJy = 0),
				(this.g_lz = 0),
				(this.g_aJz = 0),
				(this.g_aJA = 1),
				(this.g_aGX = null),
				(this.g_aHB = null),
				(this.g_aJB = []),
				(this.g_ale = new g_aO.Rect()),
				(this.g_qB = new g_aO.g_gB());
		g_ek() {
				(this.g_aJB = null),
				(this.g_aGX = null),
				(this.g_aHB = null),
				(this.g_ale = null),
				(this.g_ale = null),
				(this.g_qB = null);
		g_lD() {
			const g = this.g_aJB;
			for (let _ = 0, e = g.length; _ < e; ++_) g[_].g_acM();
			g_aO.g_ee(_, g), g_aO.g_fz(g), 1e3 < _.length && g_aO.g_fy(_, 1e3), (this.g_aJe = !1);
		g_aHz() {
			for (let g = 0, _ = this.g_aJb; g < _; ++g) this.g_aJC();
			this.g_aJB.length && (this.g_aJe = !0);
		g_aJC() {
			let g = null;
			return (
				_.length ? ((g = _.pop()), g.g_aIU(this)) : (g = g_aO.g_ej(g_aIJ, this)),
		g_aId() {
			const g = this.g_aJB,
				_ = this.g_aHB;
			for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; ++e) g[e].g_akw(_);
		g_aIc(g) {
			const e = this.g_aJB;
			if (g < e.length) {
				const a = e.length - g;
				for (let g = 0; g < a; ++g) {
					const g = e.pop();
					g.g_acM(), _.push(g);
				1e3 < _.length && g_aO.g_fy(_, 1e3);
			} else if (g > e.length) {
				const _ = g - e.length;
				for (let g = 0; g < _; ++g) this.g_aJC();
		g_aIa() {
			return this.g_aJB;
		g_aIg() {
			return this.g_aJB.length;
		g_KZ(g) {
			this.g_aJD(g), this.g_aJE(g), this.g_aJF();
		g_aJD(g) {
			if ('continuous-spray' === this.g_aJd && this.g_aJe) {
				this.g_aJz += g * this.g_aJb;
				const _ = Math.floor(this.g_aJz);
				this.g_aJz -= _;
				for (let g = 0; g < _; ++g) this.g_aJC();
		g_aIb(g) {
			this.g_aJz = g;
		g_aH$() {
			return this.g_aJz;
		g_aJE(a) {
			const t = this.g_ale;
			t.set(this.g_aJh, this.g_aJi, this.g_aJh, this.g_aJi);
			const n = this.g_aJB;
			let i = 0;
			for (let e = 0, r = n.length; e < r; ++e) {
				const r = n[e];
				(n[i] = r), r.g_KZ(a), r.g_Yd() ? (++i, t.g_is(r.g_Gi())) : (r.g_acM(), _.push(r));
			g_aO.g_fy(n, i), 1e3 < _.length && g_aO.g_fy(_, 1e3);
		g_aJF() {
			'one-shot' === this.g_aJd &&
				0 === this.g_aJB.length &&
				this.g_aJe &&
				(this.g_aGX && this.g_aGX(), (this.g_aJe = !1));
		g_FN(g, _, a) {
			g.g_Ai(_), this.g_qB.g_p(g.g_zo());
			const t = this.g_aJB;
			for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; ++n) {
				const e = t[n];
				a.g_io(e.g_Gi()) && e.g_FN(g, _);
		g_zo() {
			return this.g_qB;
		g_aHd(g) {
			this.g_aJb = +g;
		g_aHI() {
			return this.g_aJb;
		g_aHe(g) {
			this.g_aJc = +g;
		g_aHJ() {
			return this.g_aJc;
		g_aHf(_) {
			if (!g.has(_)) throw new Error('invalid spray type');
			this.g_aJd = _;
		g_aHy() {
			return this.g_aJd;
		g_aHA(g) {
			this.g_aJe = !!g;
		g_aH_() {
			return this.g_aJe;
		g_aHD(g) {
			this.g_aJf = +g;
		g_aIZ() {
			return this.g_aJf;
		g_avp(g) {
			this.g_aJg = !!g;
		g_aI$() {
			return this.g_aJg;
		g_aHE(g) {
			this.g_aJh = +g;
		g_aIV() {
			return this.g_aJh;
		g_aHF(g) {
			this.g_aJi = +g;
		g_aIW() {
			return this.g_aJi;
		g_aHG(g) {
			this.g_aJj = +g;
		g_aIX() {
			return this.g_aJj;
		g_aHh(g) {
			this.g_aJk = +g;
		g_aHK() {
			return this.g_aJk;
		g_aHi(g) {
			this.g_aJl = +g;
		g_aHL() {
			return this.g_aJl;
		g_aHj(g) {
			this.g_aJm = +g;
		g_aHM() {
			return this.g_aJm;
		g_aHk(g) {
			this.g_aJn = +g;
		g_aHN() {
			return this.g_aJn;
		g_aHl(g) {
			this.g_aJo = +g;
		g_aHO() {
			return this.g_aJo;
		g_aHm(g) {
			this.g_aJp = +g;
		g_aHP() {
			return this.g_aJp;
		g_aHn(g) {
			this.g_aJq = +g;
		g_aHQ() {
			return this.g_aJq;
		g_aHo(g) {
			this.g_aJr = +g;
		g_aHR() {
			return this.g_aJr;
		g_aHp(g) {
			this.g_aJs = +g;
		g_aHS() {
			return this.g_aJs;
		g_aHq(g) {
			this.g_aJt = +g;
		g_aHT() {
			return this.g_aJt;
		g_aHr(g) {
			this.g_aJu = +g;
		g_aHU() {
			return this.g_aJu;
		g_aHs(g) {
			this.g_aJv = +g;
		g_aHV() {
			return this.g_aJv;
		g_aHt(g) {
			this.g_aJw = +g;
		g_aHW() {
			return this.g_aJw;
		g_aHu(g) {
			this.g_aJx = +g;
		g_aHX() {
			return this.g_aJx;
		g_aJG(g) {
			let _ = e.indexOf(g);
			if (-1 === _) throw new Error('invalid destroy mode');
			this.g_aJy = _;
		g_aHv(g) {
		g_aJH() {
			return e[this.g_aJy];
		g_aHY() {
			return this.g_aJy;
		g_aHw(g) {
			this.g_lz = +g;
		g_aHZ() {
			return this.g_lz;
		g_aHH(g) {
			this.g_aJA = +g;
		g_aI_() {
			return this.g_aJA;
		g_Gi() {
			return this.g_ale;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Touch = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict';
	function g() {
		return _.g_$i().g_Qd();
	g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
		g_adS() {
			return g_aJI;
	let _ = null;
	self.g_aJI = class extends g_agr {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (_ = g), (g.g_BI().g_afW().g_afY = this);
		requestPermission(_) {
			const e = g();
			if ('orientation' === _) return e.g_aJJ(0);
			if ('motion' === _) return e.g_aJJ(1);
			throw new Error('invalid type');
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Touch.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_adT {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g, 'touch'),
				(this.g_aJK = new Map()),
				(this.g_aJL = !1),
				(this.g_aJM = !1),
				(this.g_aJN = 0),
				(this.g_aJO = 0),
				(this.g_aJP = 0),
				(this.g_aJQ = 0),
				(this.g_aJR = 0),
				(this.g_aJS = 0),
				(this.g_aJT = 0),
				(this.g_aJU = 0),
				(this.g_aJV = 0),
				(this.g_aJW = 0),
				(this.g_aJX = 0),
				(this.g_aJY = 0),
				(this.g_aJZ = 0),
				(this.g_aJ_ = 0),
				(this.g_aJ$ = 0),
				(this.g_aKa = []),
				_ && (this.g_aJL = _[0]),
				this.g_aee('permission-result', (g) => this.g_aKb(g));
			const e = this.g_BI().g_lh();
			this.g_lN = new g_aO.g_lK(
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'pointerdown', (g) => this.g_aGz(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'pointermove', (g) => this.g_aGy(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'pointerup', (g) => this.g_aGA(g.data, !1)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'pointercancel', (g) => this.g_aGA(g.data, !0)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'deviceorientation', (g) => this.g_aKc(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'devicemotion', (g) => this.g_aKd(g.data)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'tick2', () => this.g_JZ())
		g_ek() {
			this.g_aJK.clear(), super.g_ek();
		g_aGz(_) {
			if ('mouse' === _.pointerType)
				if (this.g_aJL) this.g_aJM = !0;
				else return;
			const a = _.pointerId;
			if (!this.g_aJK.has(a)) {
				const t = _.clientX - this.g_Be.g_aeU(),
					n = _.clientY - this.g_Be.g_aeV(),
					i = _.timeStamp,
					e = this.g_aJK.size;
				(this.g_aJW = e), (this.g_aJX = a);
				const r = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_aKe);
				r.g_akw(i, t, n, a, e),
					this.g_aJK.set(a, r),
					(this.g_aJZ = t),
					(this.g_aJ_ = n),
		g_aGy(g) {
			if ('mouse' !== g.pointerType || this.g_aJM) {
				const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g.pointerId);
				if (_) {
					const a = g.timeStamp;
					if (!(2 > a - _.g_MJ())) {
						const t = g.clientX - this.g_Be.g_aeU(),
							n = g.clientY - this.g_Be.g_aeV();
						_.g_Dl(a, t, n, g.width, g.height, g.pressure);
		g_aGA(g, _) {
			if ('mouse' === g.pointerType)
				if (this.g_aJM) this.g_aJM = !1;
				else return;
			const t = g.timeStamp,
				a = g.pointerId,
				n = this.g_aJK.get(a);
			if (n) {
				if (
					((this.g_aJW = n.g_aKi()),
					(this.g_aJX = n.g_LW()),
				) {
					const g = n.g_aKl(t);
					'single-tap' === g
						? (this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_HW.g_aKm),
						  (this.g_aJZ = n.g_Ig()),
						  (this.g_aJ_ = n.g_Ih()),
						: 'double-tap' === g &&
						  (this.g_aJZ = n.g_Ig()),
						  (this.g_aJ_ = n.g_Ih()),
				n.g_ek(), this.g_aJK.delete(a);
		g_aJJ(g) {
			return (
				this.g_aej('request-permission', { type: g }),
				new Promise((_, e) => {
					this.g_aKa.push({ type: g, resolve: _, reject: e });
		g_aKb(g) {
			const _ = g.result,
				e = g.type;
			this.g_aJY = e;
			const a = this.g_aKa.filter((g) => g.type === e);
			for (const e of a) e.resolve(_ ? 'granted' : 'denied');
			(this.g_aKa = this.g_aKa.filter((g) => g.type !== e)),
					? (this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_HW.g_aKq), 0 === e ? this.g_Be.g_atv() : this.g_Be.g_atw())
					: this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_HW.g_aKr);
		g_aKc(g) {
			(this.g_aJN = g.alpha), (this.g_aJO = g.beta), (this.g_aJP = g.gamma);
		g_aKd(g) {
			const _ = g.acceleration;
			_ && ((this.g_aJQ = _.x), (this.g_aJR = _.y), (this.g_aJS = _.z));
			const e = g.accelerationIncludingGravity;
			e && ((this.g_aJT = e.x), (this.g_aJU = e.y), (this.g_aJV = e.z));
		g_JZ() {
			const g = performance.now();
			let _ = 0;
			for (const e of this.g_aJK.values())
				e.g_MJ() <= g - 50 && e.g_aKs(g),
					e.g_aKt(g) &&
						((this.g_aJW = e.g_aKi()),
						(this.g_aJX = e.g_LW()),
						(this.g_aJ$ = _),
						(this.g_aJZ = e.g_Ig()),
						(this.g_aJ_ = e.g_Ih()),
						(this.g_aJ$ = 0)),
		g_aKw(g) {
			g = Math.floor(g);
			for (const _ of this.g_aJK.values()) {
				if (0 === g) return _;
			return null;
		g_aKx(g, _) {
			return 0 <= g && 0 <= _ && g < this.g_Be.g_ar$() && _ < this.g_Be.g_asa();
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: 'plugins.touch.debugger.touches',
					properties: [...this.g_aJK.values()].map((g) => ({
						name: '$' + g.g_LW(),
						value: g.g_Ig() + ', ' + g.g_Ih()
	'use strict';
	const g = [];
	g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_HW = {
		g_aKg() {
			return !0;
		g_aKk() {
			return !0;
		g_aKy() {
			return 0 < this.g_aJK.size;
		g_aKh(g) {
			return (
				!!g &&
				!!this.g_aKx(this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_) &&
				this.g_Be.g_ahf().g_amD(g, this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_, !1)
		g_aKz(_) {
			if (!_) return !1;
			const e = _.g_Tu(),
				a = e.g_H$();
			for (const e of a) {
				const _ = e.g_CU(),
					a = _.g_Em();
				for (const t of this.g_aJK.values()) {
					if (!this.g_aKx(t.g_Ig(), t.g_Ih())) continue;
					const [n, i] = a.g_Gr(t.g_Ig(), t.g_Ih(), _.g_Jg());
					if (_.g_ahc(n, i)) {
			return !!g.length && (e.g_TQ(g), _.g_aaH(), g_aO.g_fz(g), !0);
		g_aKA(g, _, e) {
			const a = this.g_aKw(g);
			return !!a && g_aO.compare(a.g_aie(), _, e);
		g_aKB() {
			return !0;
		g_aKC() {
			return !0;
		g_aKD(g, _, e) {
			let t = 0;
			return (t = 0 === g ? this.g_aJN : 1 === g ? this.g_aJO : this.g_aJP), g_aO.compare(t, _, e);
		g_aKE(g, _, e) {
			let a = 0;
			return (
				(a =
					0 === g
						? this.g_aJT
						: 1 === g
						? this.g_aJU
						: 2 === g
						? this.g_aJV
						: 3 === g
						? this.g_aJQ
						: 4 === g
						? this.g_aJR
						: this.g_aJS),
				g_aO.compare(a, _, e)
		g_aKf(g) {
			return (g = Math.floor(g)), g === this.g_aJW;
		g_aKj(g) {
			return (g = Math.floor(g)), g === this.g_aJW;
		g_aKF(g) {
			return (g = Math.floor(g)), this.g_aJK.size >= g + 1;
		g_aKu() {
			return !0;
		g_aKm() {
			return !0;
		g_aKo() {
			return !0;
		g_aKv(g) {
			return (
				!!g &&
				!!this.g_aKx(this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_) &&
				this.g_Be.g_ahf().g_amD(g, this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_, !1)
		g_aKn(g) {
			return (
				!!g &&
				!!this.g_aKx(this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_) &&
				this.g_Be.g_ahf().g_amD(g, this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_, !1)
		g_aKp(g) {
			return (
				!!g &&
				!!this.g_aKx(this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_) &&
				this.g_Be.g_ahf().g_amD(g, this.g_aJZ, this.g_aJ_, !1)
		g_aKq(g) {
			return this.g_aJY === g;
		g_aKr(g) {
			return this.g_aJY === g;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_abH = {
		g_aKG(g) {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g__$ = {
		g_aKH() {
			return this.g_aJK.size;
		g_abR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aKw(this.g_aJ$);
			return _ ? _.g_aKI(this.g_Be.g_ZC(), g, !0) : 0;
		g_abS(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aKw(this.g_aJ$);
			return _ ? _.g_aKI(this.g_Be.g_ZC(), g, !1) : 0;
		g_aKJ(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aKw(g);
			return e ? e.g_aKI(this.g_Be.g_ZC(), _, !0) : 0;
		g_aKK(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aKw(g);
			return e ? e.g_aKI(this.g_Be.g_ZC(), _, !1) : 0;
		g_aKL(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return e ? e.g_aKI(this.g_Be.g_ZC(), _, !0) : 0;
		g_aKM(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return e ? e.g_aKI(this.g_Be.g_ZC(), _, !1) : 0;
		g_aGR() {
			const g = this.g_aKw(0);
			return g ? g.g_Ig() : 0;
		g_aGS() {
			const g = this.g_aKw(0);
			return g ? g.g_Ih() : 0;
		g_aKN(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aKw(g);
			return _ ? _.g_Ig() : 0;
		g_aKO(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aKw(g);
			return _ ? _.g_Ih() : 0;
		g_aKP(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return _ ? _.g_Ig() : 0;
		g_aKQ(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return _ ? _.g_Ih() : 0;
		g_aKR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aKw(g);
			return _ ? _.g_aie() : 0;
		g_aKS(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return _ ? _.g_aie() : 0;
		g_aKT(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aKw(g);
			return _ ? g_aO.g_es(_.g_Fj()) : 0;
		g_aKU(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return _ ? g_aO.g_es(_.g_Fj()) : 0;
		g_aKV() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atv(), this.g_aJN;
		g_aKW() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atv(), this.g_aJO;
		g_aKX() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atv(), this.g_aJP;
		g_aKY() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atw(), this.g_aJT;
		g_aKZ() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atw(), this.g_aJU;
		g_aK_() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atw(), this.g_aJV;
		g_aK$() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atw(), this.g_aJQ;
		g_aLa() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atw(), this.g_aJR;
		g_aLb() {
			return this.g_Be.g_atw(), this.g_aJS;
		g_aLc() {
			return this.g_aJW;
		g_aLd() {
			return this.g_aJX;
		g_aLe(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return _ ? _.g_pN() : 0;
		g_aLf(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return _ ? _.g_pO() : 0;
		g_aLg(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aJK.get(g);
			return _ ? _.g_aLh() : 0;
	'use strict';
	const _ = 15;
	let g = -1e3,
		a = -1e3,
		t = -1e4;
	g_aO.g_HY.Touch.g_aKe = class extends g_aO.g_eh {
		constructor() {
				(this.g_aLi = 0),
				(this.g_uv = 0),
				(this.g_aqI = 0),
				(this.g_RW = 0),
				(this.g_aLj = 0),
				(this.g_aLk = 0),
				(this.g_aLl = 0),
				(this.g_hB = 0),
				(this.g_hC = 0),
				(this.g_aLm = 0),
				(this.g_aLn = 0),
				(this.g_pu = 0),
				(this.g_pv = 0),
				(this.g_aLo = 0),
				(this.g_aLp = !1),
				(this.g_aLq = !1);
		g_ek() {}
		g_akw(g, _, a, t, n) {
			(this.g_aLi = t),
				(this.g_uv = n),
				(this.g_RW = g),
				(this.g_aLj = g),
				(this.g_aqI = g),
				(this.g_aLk = _),
				(this.g_aLl = a),
				(this.g_hB = _),
				(this.g_hC = a),
				(this.g_aLm = _),
				(this.g_aLn = a);
		g_Dl(a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			(this.g_aLj = this.g_RW),
				(this.g_RW = a),
				(this.g_aLm = this.g_hB),
				(this.g_aLn = this.g_hC),
				(this.g_hB = t),
				(this.g_hC = n),
				(this.g_pu = i),
				(this.g_pv = e),
				(this.g_aLo = r),
				!this.g_aLq &&
					g_aO.g_et(this.g_aLk, this.g_aLl, this.g_hB, this.g_hC) >= _ &&
					(this.g_aLq = !0);
		g_LW() {
			return this.g_aLi;
		g_aKi() {
			return this.g_uv;
		g_MJ() {
			return this.g_RW;
		g_aKs(g) {
			this.g_aLj = g;
		g_Ig() {
			return this.g_hB;
		g_Ih() {
			return this.g_hC;
		g_aie() {
			const g = g_aO.g_et(this.g_hB, this.g_hC, this.g_aLm, this.g_aLn),
				_ = (this.g_RW - this.g_aLj) / 1e3;
			return 0 < _ ? g / _ : 0;
		g_Fj() {
			return g_aO.g_ev(this.g_aLm, this.g_aLn, this.g_hB, this.g_hC);
		g_pN() {
			return this.g_pu;
		g_pO() {
			return this.g_pv;
		g_aLh() {
			return this.g_aLo;
		g_aKt(g) {
			return (
				!this.g_aLp &&
					500 <= g - this.g_aqI &&
					!this.g_aLq &&
					g_aO.g_et(this.g_aLk, this.g_aLl, this.g_hB, this.g_hC) < _
				) &&
				((this.g_aLp = !0), !0)
		g_aKl(n) {
			return this.g_aLp
				? ''
				: 333 >= n - this.g_aqI &&
				  !this.g_aLq &&
				  g_aO.g_et(this.g_aLk, this.g_aLl, this.g_hB, this.g_hC) < _
				? 666 >= n - t && 25 > g_aO.g_et(g, a, this.g_hB, this.g_hC)
					? ((g = -1e3), (a = -1e3), (t = -1e4), 'double-tap')
					: ((g = this.g_hB), (a = this.g_hC), (t = n), 'single-tap')
				: '';
		g_aKI(g, _, e) {
			if ('undefined' == typeof _) {
				const _ = g.g_Ho(0);
				return _.g_GB(this.g_hB, this.g_hC)[e ? 0 : 1];
			} else {
				const a = g.g_Em(_);
				return a ? a.g_Gr(this.g_hB, this.g_hC)[e ? 0 : 1] : 0;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN = class extends g_aO.g_adl {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_adO {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_adT {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g, 'browser'),
				(this.g_aLr = ''),
				(this.g_aLs = !1),
				(this.g_aLt = ''),
				(this.g_aLu = ''),
				(this.g_aLv = !1),
				(this.g_aLw = 0),
				(this.g_aLx = 0),
				(this.g_aLy = 0),
				(this.g_aLz = 0),
				(this.g_aLA = !1),
				this.g_aee('online-state', (g) => this.g_aLB(g)),
				this.g_aee('backbutton', () => this.g_aLC()),
				this.g_aee('sw-message', (g) => this.g_aLD(g));
			const _ = this.g_BI().g_lh();
			(this.g_lN = new g_aO.g_lK(
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'afterfirstlayoutstart', () => this.g_aLE()),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'window-resize', () => this.g_aom()),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'suspend', () => this.g_aAh()),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(_, 'resume', () => this.g_aAi())
					this.g_aei('get-initial-state', { exportType: this.g_Be.g_asZ() }).then((g) => {
						(this.g_aLr = g.location),
							(this.g_aLs = g.isOnline),
							(this.g_aLt = g.referrer),
							(this.g_aLu = g.title),
							(this.g_aLv = g.isCookieEnabled),
							(this.g_aLw = g.screenWidth),
							(this.g_aLx = g.screenHeight),
							(this.g_aLy = g.windowOuterWidth),
							(this.g_aLz = g.windowOuterHeight),
							(this.g_aLA = g.isScirraArcade);
		g_ek() {
		g_aLE() {
		async g_aLB(g) {
			const _ = !!g.isOnline;
			this.g_aLs === _ ||
				((this.g_aLs = _),
					? await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW.g_aLF)
					: await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW.g_aLG));
		async g_aom() {
			await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW.g_aLH);
		g_aAh() {
		g_aAi() {
		async g_aLC() {
			await this.g_HU(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW.g_aLK);
		g_aLD(g) {
			const _ = g.type;
			'downloading-update' === _
				? this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW.g_aLL)
				: 'update-ready' === _ || 'update-pending' === _
				? this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW.g_aLM)
				: 'offline-ready' === _ && this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW.g_aLN);
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: 'plugins.browser.name',
					properties: [
						{ name: 'plugins.browser.debugger.user-agent', value: navigator.userAgent },
						{ name: 'plugins.browser.debugger.is-online', value: this.g_aLs },
						{ name: 'plugins.browser.debugger.is-fullscreen', value: this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aoA() }
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_HW = {
		g_aLO() {
			return this.g_aLs;
		g_aLF() {
			return !0;
		g_aLG() {
			return !0;
		g_aLH() {
			return !0;
		g_aLP() {
			return this.g_aLv;
		g_aLQ() {
			return this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aoA();
		g_aLK() {
			return !0;
		g_aLR(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aeF(),
				e = this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aeH(),
				a = _ <= e ? 0 : 1;
			return a === g;
		g_aLL() {
			return !0;
		g_aLM() {
			return !0;
		g_aLN() {
			return !0;
		g_aLS() {
			return !this.g_Be.g_asl();
		g_aLI() {
			return !0;
		g_aLJ() {
			return !0;
		g_aLT() {
			return !1;
		g_aLU() {
			return !1;
		g_aLV() {
			return !1;
		g_aLW() {
			return !1;
		g_aLX() {
			return !1;
		g_aLY() {
			return !0;
		g_aLZ() {
			return !0;
	'use strict';
	g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g_abH = {
		g_aL_(g) {
			this.g_aeg('alert', { message: g.toString() });
		g_aL$() {
			this.g_aLA || (this.g_Be.g_IC() ? g_IF.g_aMa() : this.g_aeg('close'));
		g_aMb() {
			this.g_aeg('set-focus', { isFocus: !0 });
		g_aMc() {
			this.g_aeg('set-focus', { isFocus: !1 });
		g_aMd() {
			this.g_aLA || this.g_aeg('navigate', { type: 'back' });
		g_aMe() {
			this.g_aLA || this.g_aeg('navigate', { type: 'forward' });
		g_aMf() {
			this.g_aLA || this.g_aeg('navigate', { type: 'home' });
		g_aMg() {
			this.g_aLA || this.g_aeg('navigate', { type: 'reload' });
		g_aMh(g, _) {
			this.g_aej('navigate', { type: 'url', url: g, target: _, exportType: this.g_Be.g_asZ() });
		g_aMi(g, _) {
			this.g_aej('navigate', { type: 'new-window', url: g, tag: _, exportType: this.g_Be.g_asZ() });
		g_aMj(g, _) {
			2 <= g && (g += 1), 6 === g && (g = 2), 1 === g && (g = 0);
			const e = g_aO.g_ann.g_aoG(g);
			this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aoC(e), this.g_aej('request-fullscreen', { navUI: _ });
		g_aMk() {
		g_aMl(g) {
			const _ = g.split(',');
			for (let e = 0, a = _.length; e < a; ++e) _[e] = parseInt(_[e], 10);
			this.g_aej('vibrate', { pattern: _ });
		async g_af_(g, _) {
			if (_) {
				const e = await this.g_Be.g_afD().g_BZ(g);
				this.g_Be.g_af_(e, _);
		g_aMm(g, _, e) {
			if (e) {
				const a = `data:${_},${encodeURIComponent(g)}`;
				this.g_Be.g_af_(a, e);
		g_aMn(g, _) {
			(_ = _.toString()),
				0 === g ? console.log(_) : 1 === g ? console.warn(_) : 2 == g && console.error(_);
		g_aMo(g) {
		g_aMp() {
		g_aMq(jsStr) {
			try {
			} catch (g) {
				console.error('Error executing JavaScript: ', g);
		g_aMr(g) {
			if (((g = Math.floor(g)), !(0 > g || g >= ORIENTATIONS.length))) {
				const _ = ORIENTATIONS[g];
				this.g_aej('lock-orientation', { orientation: _ });
		g_aMs() {
		g_CB(g) {
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_HY.g_bN.g__$ = {
		URL() {
			return this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? this.g_aLr : location.toString();
		g_aMt() {
			return this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? new URL(this.g_aLr).protocol : location.protocol;
		g_aMu() {
			return this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? new URL(this.g_aLr).hostname : location.hostname;
		g_aMv() {
			return this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? new URL(this.g_aLr).pathname : location.pathname;
		g_aMw() {
			return this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? new URL(this.g_aLr).hash : location.hash;
		g_bg() {
			return this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? new URL(this.g_aLr).search : location.search;
		g_aMx(g) {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_Cn() ? new URL(this.g_aLr).search : location.search,
				e = RegExp('[?&]' + g + '=([^&]*)').exec(_);
			return e ? decodeURIComponent(e[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')) : '';
		g_aMy() {
			return this.g_aLt;
		g_aMz() {
			return this.g_aLu;
		g_aMA() {
			return navigator.language;
		g_bJ() {
			return navigator.platform;
		g_aMB() {
			return navigator.userAgent;
		g_aMC(jsStr) {
			let result = 0;
			try {
				result = eval(jsStr);
			} catch (g) {
				console.error('Error executing JavaScript: ', g);
			return 'number' == typeof result || 'string' == typeof result
				? result
				: 'boolean' == typeof result
				? result
					? 1
					: 0
				: 0;
		g_aMD() {
			return navigator.appName;
		g_aME() {
			return navigator.appVersion;
		g_aMF() {
			return navigator.product;
		g_aMG() {
			return navigator.vendor;
		g_aMH() {
			return 1;
		g_aMI() {
			return 1 / 0;
		g_aMJ() {
			const g = navigator.connection;
			return g ? g.downlink || g.downlinkMax || g.bandwidth || 1 / 0 : 1 / 0;
		g_aMK() {
			const g = navigator.connection;
			return g ? g.type || 'unknown' : 'unknown';
		g_aML() {
			return self.devicePixelRatio;
		g_aMM() {
			return this.g_aLw;
		g_aMN() {
			return this.g_aLx;
		g_aMO() {
			return this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aeF();
		g_aMP() {
			return this.g_Be.g_FO().g_aeH();
		g_aMQ() {
			return this.g_aLy;
		g_aMR() {
			return this.g_aLy;
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _, a) {
		const t = g.g_aaF(),
			n = _.g_aaF();
		if (a) {
			const e = t.get(o);
			e && e.delete(_.g_EN());
			const a = n.get(o);
			a && a.delete(g.g_EN());
		} else {
			let e = t.get(o);
			e || ((e = new Set()), t.set(o, e));
			let a = n.get(o);
			a || ((a = new Set()), n.set(o, a)), e.add(_.g_EN()), a.add(g.g_EN());
	function t(g) {
		if (!(g instanceof g_agr)) throw new TypeError('expected IObjectClass');
		const _ = l.g_BI().g_agb(g);
		if (!_ || !(_ instanceof g_aO.g_aiw)) throw new Error('invalid IObjectClass');
		return _;
	let n = null,
		i = null,
		r = [],
		s = null,
		l = null;
	const o = 'Physics_DisabledCollisions';
	g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
			(g.g_afd = g_aMT),
				(this.g_aMU = null),
				(this.g_aMV = 10),
				(this.g_pz = 0.02),
				(this.g_aMW = -1),
				(this.g_aMX = 0),
				(this.g_aMY = 8),
				(this.g_aMZ = 3),
				(this.g_aM_ = !0),
		async g_aM$() {
			const g = await this.g_Be.g_afD().g_BZ('box2d.wasm');
			await new Promise((_) => {
				self.Box2DWasmModule({ wasmBinaryFile: g }).then((g) => {
					(s = g), this.g_aNa(), _();
		g_aNa() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_ahf();
			(n = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aiv(0, 0)),
				(i = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aiv(0, 0)),
				(this.g_aMU = new s.b2World(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNb(0, this.g_aMV), !0));
			const _ = new s.JSContactListener();
			(_.BeginContact = (_) => {
				const a = s.wrapPointer(_, s.b2Contact),
					t = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNc(a.GetFixtureA().GetBody()),
					n = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNc(a.GetFixtureB().GetBody());
				g.g_amt(t.g_afm(), n.g_afm());
				(_.EndContact = () => {}),
				(_.PreSolve = () => {}),
				(_.PostSolve = () => {}),
			const a = new s.JSContactFilter();
			(a.ShouldCollide = (g, _) => {
				if (this.g_aM_) return !0;
				const a = s.wrapPointer(g, s.b2Fixture),
					t = s.wrapPointer(_, s.b2Fixture),
					r = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNc(a.GetBody()),
					e = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNc(t.GetBody()),
					d = r.g_afm().g_EA(),
					i = e.g_afm().g_EA(),
					u = d.g_EN(),
					p = i.g_EN(),
					l = d.g_aaF().get(o);
				if (l && l.has(p)) return !1;
				const h = i.g_aaF().get(o);
				return !(h && h.has(u));
		g_ek() {
		g_aNd() {
			return s;
		g_aNe() {
			return this.g_aMU;
		g_aNf() {
			return this.g_pz;
		g_aNg() {
			return this.g_aMX;
		g_aNh(g) {
			this.g_aMX = g;
		g_aNi(g) {
			this.g_aMW = g;
		g_aNj() {
			return this.g_aMW;
		g_aNk(g) {
			this.g_aMY = Math.max(g, 1);
		g_aNl() {
			return this.g_aMY;
		g_aNm(g) {
			this.g_aMZ = Math.max(g, 1);
		g_aNn() {
			return this.g_aMZ;
		g_aNo(g, _) {
			this.g_aNk(g), this.g_aNm(_);
		g_aHU() {
			return this.g_aMV;
		g_aHr(g) {
			g === this.g_aMV ||
				(this.g_aMU.SetGravity(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNb(0, g)), (this.g_aMV = g), this.g_aNp());
		g_aNp() {
			for (const g of this.g_H$()) {
				const _ = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(g);
				if (!_) continue;
				const e = _.g_aNr();
				e && e.SetAwake(!0);
		g_aNs() {
			this.g_aM_ = !1;
		g_aNt(g, a, t) {
			if (((t = !!t), g && a)) {
				if (a.g_EF()) for (const n of a.g_Zd()) _(g, n, t);
				else _(g, a, t);
		static g_aNu() {
			return o;
		static g_aiv(g, _) {
			if (r.length) {
				const e = r.pop();
				return e.set_x(g), e.set_y(_), e;
			} else {
				const e = s.b2Vec2;
				return new e(g, _);
		static g_aNv(g) {
		static g_aNb(g, _) {
			return n.set_x(g), n.set_y(_), n;
		static g_aNw(g, _) {
			return i.set_x(g), i.set_y(_), i;
		static g_aNx(_) {
			const a = s.b2PolygonShape,
				t = new a(),
				n = s._malloc(8 * _.length);
			let i = 0;
			for (let g = 0; g < _.length; ++g)
				(s.HEAPF32[(n + i) >> 2] = _[g].get_x()),
					(s.HEAPF32[(n + (i + 4)) >> 2] = _[g].get_y()),
					(i += 8);
			const r = s.wrapPointer(n, s.b2Vec2);
			return t.Set(r, _.length), s._free(n), t;
	const g = ['fixed', 'variable'];
	self.g_aMT = class extends g_afe {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (l = g);
		set g_aNy(g) {
		get g_aNy() {
			return l.g_aHU();
		set g_aNz(_) {
			const e = g.indexOf(_);
			if (0 > e) throw new Error('invalid stepping mode');
		get g_aNz() {
			return g[l.g_aNg()];
		set g_aNA(g) {
		get g_aNA() {
			return l.g_aNl();
		set g_aNB(g) {
		get g_aNB() {
			return l.g_aNn();
		g_aNC(g, _, a) {
			const n = t(g),
				e = t(_);
			(a = !!a), l.g_aNt(n, e, a);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict';
	function _(g, _) {
		if (!(_ instanceof g_agP)) throw new TypeError('expected IWorldInstance');
		const e = n.get(g),
			a = e.g_BI().g_agb(_);
		if (!a || !(a instanceof g_aO.Instance)) throw new Error('invalid IInstance');
		return a;
	const t = new WeakMap(),
		i = new WeakMap(),
		r = new WeakMap(),
		u = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNb,
		E = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNw;
	g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g, _) {
			const a = this.g_afj(),
				t = this.g_CU();
			(this.g_aND = a.g_aNd()),
				(this.g_aMU = a.g_aNe()),
				(this.g_pz = a.g_aNf()),
				(this.g_aNE = !1),
				(this.g_aNF = 0),
				(this.g_aNG = !1),
				(this.g_aNH = 1),
				(this.g_aNI = 0.5),
				(this.g_aNJ = 0.2),
				(this.g_aNK = 0),
				(this.g_aNL = 0.01),
				(this.g_aNM = !1),
				(this.g__z = !0),
				(this.g_aNN = null),
				(this.g_aNO = []),
				(this.g_aNP = []),
				(this.g_aNQ = []),
				(this.g_aNR = new Set()),
				(this.g_aNS = t.g_Ig()),
				(this.g_aNT = t.g_Ih()),
				(this.g_aNU = t.g_Fj()),
				(this.g_aNV = 0),
				(this.g_aNW = 0),
				(this.g_aNX = !1),
				(this.g_aNY = !1),
				(this.g_aNZ = null),
				_ &&
					((this.g_aNE = !!_[0]),
					(this.g_aNF = _[1]),
					(this.g_aNG = !!_[2]),
					(this.g_aNH = _[3]),
					(this.g_aNI = _[4]),
					(this.g_aNJ = _[5]),
					(this.g_aNK = _[6]),
					(this.g_aNL = _[7]),
					(this.g_aNM = !!_[8]),
					(this.g__z = !!_[9]));
			const e = this.g_Be.g_lh();
			(this.g_lN = new g_aO.g_lK(
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'instancedestroy', (g) => this.g_aAf(g.g_Ke)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'afterload', () => this.g_aAg())
				i.set(this.g_b_, this),
				this.g__z && this.g_ael();
		g_afq() {
			this.g_aN_(), (this.g_aNZ = this.g_b_.g_Gg());
		g_ek() {
				this.g_aNN && (this.g_aOa(), this.g_aMU.DestroyBody(this.g_aNN), (this.g_aNN = null)),
		g_aOb(g) {
			if (this.g_aNN) {
				const _ = this.g_aNN.CreateFixture(g);
				return this.g_aNO.push(_), _;
		g_aOa() {
			if (this.g_aNN) {
				for (const g of this.g_aNO) this.g_aNN.DestroyFixture(g);
		g_aOc(g) {
		g_aN_() {
			var _ = Math.max,
				a = Math.abs;
			if (!this.g__z) return;
			const n = this.g_aND.b2FixtureDef,
				i = this.g_aND.b2BodyDef,
				e = this.g_CU();
			if (!this.g_aNN) {
				const g = new i();
				g.set_type(this.g_aNE ? 0 : 2);
				const _ = e.g_agX();
				g.set_position(E(_.g_h$() * this.g_pz, _.g_ia() * this.g_pz)),
					(this.g_aNN = this.g_aMU.CreateBody(g)),
					t.set(this.g_aNN, this);
			const g = new n();
			g.set_density(this.g_aNH), g.set_friction(this.g_aNI), g.set_restitution(this.g_aNJ);
			const r = e.g_alL();
			let s = this.g_aNF;
			r || this.g_b_.g_akG() || 0 !== s || (s = 1);
			const d = _(a(e.g_pN()), 1),
				l = _(a(e.g_pO()), 1);
			0 === s
				? this.g_b_.g_akG()
					? this.g_aOd(g)
					: this.g_aOe(g, d, l)
				: 1 === s
				? this.g_aOf(g, d, l)
				: this.g_aOg(g, d, l),
				(this.g_aNV = e.g_pN()),
				(this.g_aNW = e.g_pO()),
		g_aOf(g, _, a) {
			const t = this.g_aND.b2PolygonShape,
				n = new t();
			n.SetAsBox(0.5 * (_ * this.g_pz), 0.5 * (a * this.g_pz)),
		g_aOg(g, _, a) {
			const t = this.g_aND.b2CircleShape,
				n = new t();
			n.set_m_radius(0.5 * (Math.min(_, a) * this.g_pz)),
		g_aOe(_, a, t) {
			const i = this.g_CU(),
				r = 0 > i.g_pN(),
				e = 0 > i.g_pO(),
				s = this.g_pz,
				g = i.g_Fj();
			0 !== g && (i.g_Fi(0), i.g_En());
			const d = i.g_agX(),
				u = d.g_h$() - i.g_Ig(),
				h = d.g_ia() - i.g_Ih();
			0 !== g && (i.g_Fi(g), i.g_En());
			const l = i.g_alO(r ? -a : a, e ? -t : t, 0),
				c = l.g_jd(),
				n = c.length / 2,
				o = [];
			for (let g = 0; g < n; ++g) o.push(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aiv(c[2 * g] - u, c[2 * g + 1] - h));
			r != e && o.reverse();
			const p = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aOi.g_aOh(o, a * t);
			for (const g of o) g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNv(g);
			if (p.length)
				for (const g of p) {
					for (const _ of g) _.set_x(_.get_x() * s), _.set_y(_.get_y() * s);
					const e = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNx(g);
					_.set_shape(e), this.g_aOb(_), this.g_aOc(e);
					for (const _ of g) g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNv(_);
			else this.g_aOf(_, a, t);
		g_aOd(_) {
			const a = this.g_CU(),
				t = a.g_agX(),
				n = t.g_h$() - a.g_Ig(),
				e = t.g_ia() - a.g_Ih(),
				i = this.g_pz,
				g = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aiv,
				s = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNv,
				d = [];
			const o = [];
			for (let a = 0, t = d.length; a < t; ++a) {
				const t = d[a],
					l = t.g_amB(),
					u = t.g_amC();
				if (u) {
					let p = r.get(u);
					if (!p) {
						const _ = u.g_jd(),
							a = u.g_je();
						for (let e = 0; e < a; ++e) o.push(g(_[2 * e], _[2 * e + 1]));
						const e = 3758096384 & t.g_aOk();
						(-2147483648 == e ||
							1073741824 == e ||
							536870912 == e ||
							(-2147483648 & e && 1073741824 & e && 536870912 & e)) &&
							(p = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aOi.g_aOh(o, l.width() * l.height())),
							r.set(u, p);
						for (const g of o) s(g);
					for (let a = 0, t = p.length; a < t; ++a) {
						const t = p[a];
						for (let _ = 0, a = t.length; _ < a; ++_)
							o.push(g((l.g_hV() + t[_].get_x() - n) * i, (l.g_hW() + t[_].get_y() - e) * i));
						const r = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNx(o);
						_.set_shape(r), this.g_aOb(_), this.g_aOc(r);
						for (const g of o) s(g);
				} else {
					o.push(g((l.g_hV() - n) * i, (l.g_hW() - e) * i)),
						o.push(g((l.g_hX() - n) * i, (l.g_hW() - e) * i)),
						o.push(g((l.g_hX() - n) * i, (l.g_hY() - e) * i)),
						o.push(g((l.g_hV() - n) * i, (l.g_hY() - e) * i));
					const a = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNx(o);
					_.set_shape(a), this.g_aOb(_), this.g_aOc(a);
				for (const g of o) s(g);
		g_aOl() {
			this.g_aNN &&
				(this.g_aNN = null));
		g_aN$() {
			for (const g of this.g_aNP) this.g_aMU.DestroyJoint(g);
		g_aOm() {
			for (const g of this.g_aNQ)
				switch (g.type) {
					case 0:
					case 1:
					case 2:
					case 3:
		g_aOs(g) {
			const _ = this.g_CU();
			if (-1 === g) return [_.g_Ig(), _.g_Ih()];
			if (0 === g && this.g_aNN) {
				const g = this.g_aNN.GetPosition(),
					_ = this.g_aNN.GetLocalCenter();
				return [(g.get_x() + _.get_x()) / this.g_pz, (g.get_y() + _.get_y()) / this.g_pz];
			return this.g_b_.g_abs(g);
		g_aOt(g, _, a, t, n) {
			this.g__z &&
				_ &&
				_ !== this.g_b_ &&
				g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(_) &&
				(this.g_aNQ.push({ type: 0, g_aOo: [g, _.g_Ei(), a, t, n] }),
				this.g_aOn(g, _.g_Ei(), a, t, n));
		g_aOn(_, e, a, t, g) {
			if (this.g__z) {
				const r = this.g_Be.g_NN(e);
				if (r && r !== this.g_b_ && i.has(r)) {
					const e = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(r);
					e.g_aNR.add(this.g_b_), this.g_aOu(!1), e.g_aOu(!1);
					const [i, s] = this.g_aOs(_),
						[d, l] = r.g_abs(a),
						h = this.g_aND.b2DistanceJointDef,
						n = this.g_pz,
						o = new h();
					o.Initialize(this.g_aNN, e.g_aNr(), u(i * n, s * n), E(d * n, l * n)),
						o.set_length(Math.hypot(i - d, s - l) * n),
		g_aOv(g, _) {
			this.g__z &&
				_ &&
				_ !== this.g_b_ &&
				g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(_) &&
				(this.g_aNQ.push({ type: 1, g_aOo: [g, _.g_Ei()] }), this.g_aOp(g, _.g_Ei()));
		g_aOp(_, g) {
			if (this.g__z) {
				const e = this.g_Be.g_NN(g);
				if (e && e !== this.g_b_ && i.has(e)) {
					const a = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(e);
					a.g_aNR.add(this.g_b_), this.g_aOu(!1), a.g_aOu(!1);
					const [t, n] = this.g_aOs(_),
						i = this.g_aND.b2RevoluteJointDef,
						g = this.g_pz,
						r = new i();
					r.Initialize(this.g_aNN, a.g_aNr(), u(t * g, n * g)),
		g_aOw(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g__z &&
				_ &&
				_ !== this.g_b_ &&
				g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(_) &&
				((e = g_aO.g_es(e)),
				(a = g_aO.g_es(a)),
				this.g_aNQ.push({ type: 2, g_aOo: [g, _.g_Ei(), e, a] }),
				this.g_aOq(g, _.g_Ei(), e, a));
		g_aOq(_, e, a, t) {
			if (this.g__z) {
				const n = this.g_Be.g_NN(e);
				if (n && n !== this.g_b_ && i.has(n)) {
					const g = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(n);
					g.g_aNR.add(this.g_b_), this.g_aOu(!1), g.g_aOu(!1);
					const [e, i] = this.g_aOs(_),
						r = this.g_aND.b2RevoluteJointDef,
						s = this.g_pz,
						d = new r();
					d.Initialize(this.g_aNN, g.g_aNr(), u(e * s, i * s)),
		g_aOx(_, a, t, n, i, e, r, g, s) {
			this.g__z &&
				a &&
				a !== this.g_b_ &&
				g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(a) &&
				((t = g_aO.g_es(t)),
				(g = g_aO.g_es(g)),
				this.g_aNQ.push({ type: 3, g_aOo: [_, a.g_Ei(), t, n, i, e, r, g, s] }),
				this.g_aOr(_, a.g_Ei(), t, n, i, e, r, g, s));
		g_aOr(_, e, a, f, g, h, y, B, l) {
			if (this.g__z) {
				const d = this.g_Be.g_NN(e);
				if (d && d !== this.g_b_ && i.has(d)) {
					const e = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.Instance.g_aNq(d);
					e.g_aNR.add(this.g_b_), this.g_aOu(!1), e.g_aOu(!1);
					const [n, i] = this.g_aOs(_);
					a = g_aO.g_er(a);
					const o = Math.cos(a),
						p = Math.sin(a),
						c = this.g_aND.b2PrismaticJointDef,
						r = this.g_pz,
						s = new c();
					s.Initialize(this.g_aNN, e.g_aNr(), u(n * r, i * r), E(o, p)),
						s.set_lowerTranslation(g * r),
						s.set_upperTranslation(h * r),
		g_aOy() {
			this.g__z && (this.g_aN$(), g_aO.g_fz(this.g_aNQ), this.g_aNR.clear());
		g_aAf(g) {
			const _ = g.g_Ei();
			let a = 0;
			for (let t = 0, n = this.g_aNQ.length; t < n; ++t)
				(this.g_aNQ[a] = this.g_aNQ[t]),
					a < this.g_aNP.length && (this.g_aNP[a] = this.g_aNP[t]),
					this.g_aNQ[t].g_aOo[1] === _
						? t < this.g_aNP.length && this.g_aMU.DestroyJoint(this.g_aNP[t])
						: ++a;
			g_aO.g_fy(this.g_aNQ, a),
				a < this.g_aNP.length && g_aO.g_fy(this.g_aNP, a),
		g_aNr() {
			return this.g_aNN;
		static g_aNc(g) {
			return t.get(g) || null;
		static g_aNq(g) {
			return i.get(g) || null;
		g_GH() {
			const g = {
				e: this.g__z,
				pr: this.g_aNG,
				d: this.g_aNH,
				fr: this.g_aNI,
				re: this.g_aNJ,
				ld: this.g_aNK,
				ad: this.g_aNL,
				b: this.g_aNM,
				mcj: this.g_aNQ
			if (this.g__z) {
				const _ = this.g_aNN.GetLinearVelocity();
				(g.vx = _.get_x()), (g.vy = _.get_y()), (g.om = this.g_aNN.GetAngularVelocity());
			return g;
		g_GJ(g) {
				(this.g__z = g.e),
				(this.g_aNG = g.pr),
				(this.g_aNH = g.d),
				(this.g_aNI = g.fr),
				(this.g_aNJ = g.re),
				(this.g_aNK = g.ld),
				(this.g_aNL = g.ad),
				(this.g_aNM = g.b),
				(this.g_aNQ = g.mcj);
			const _ = this.g_CU();
			(this.g_aNS = _.g_Ig()),
				(this.g_aNT = _.g_Ih()),
				(this.g_aNU = _.g_Fj()),
				(this.g_aNV = _.g_pN()),
				(this.g_aNW = _.g_pO()),
				this.g__z &&
					this.g_aNN.SetLinearVelocity(u(g.vx, g.vy)),
					(0 !== g.vx || 0 !== g.vy || 0 !== g.om) && this.g_aNN.SetAwake(!0),
					(this.g_aNQ = g.mcj)),
				this.g__z ? this.g_ael() : this.g_adY();
		g_aAg() {
			this.g__z && this.g_aOm();
		g_KZ() {
			if (!this.g__z) return;
			const g = this.g_Be,
				_ = this.g_afj();
			let t = 0;
			0 === _.g_aNg() ? (t = g.g_KX() / 60) : ((t = g.g_KW(this.g_b_)), t > 1 / 30 && (t = 1 / 30));
			const n = g.g_asU();
			if (n > _.g_aNj() && 0 < g.g_KX()) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_IC();
				let a = 0;
				g && (a = performance.now()),
					0 !== t && this.g_aMU.Step(t, _.g_aNl(), _.g_aNn()),
					g && g_IF.g_aOz(performance.now() - a),
		g_aOu(_) {
			const e = this.g_b_,
				t = e.g_CU(),
				n = this.g_pz;
			(this.g_aNY ||
				t.g_pN() !== this.g_aNV ||
				t.g_pO() !== this.g_aNW ||
				e.g_Gg() !== this.g_aNZ ||
				(e.g_akG() && e.g_aaG().get('PhysicsChanged'))) &&
				(this.g_aNY = !1),
				(this.g_aNZ = e.g_Gg()),
				e.g_akG() && e.g_aaG().set('PhysicsChanged', !1));
			const i = this.g_aNN,
				a = t.g_Ig() !== this.g_aNS || t.g_Ih() !== this.g_aNT,
				r = t.g_Fj() !== this.g_aNU;
			if (a) {
				const e = t.g_agX(),
					a = e.g_h$(),
					g = e.g_ia(),
					s = a - this.g_aNS,
					d = g - this.g_aNT;
					? i.SetTransform(u(a * n, g * n), t.g_Fj())
					: i.SetTransform(u(a * n, g * n), i.GetAngle()),
					_ && (i.SetLinearVelocity(u(s, d)), (this.g_aNX = !0)),
			} else if (_ && this.g_aNX) {
				const g = t.g_agX();
				(this.g_aNX = !1),
					i.SetLinearVelocity(u(0, 0)),
					i.SetTransform(u(g.g_h$() * n, g.g_ia() * n), i.GetAngle());
			!a && r && (i.SetTransform(i.GetPosition(), t.g_Fj()), i.SetAwake(!0));
			const g = i.GetPosition(),
				s = g.get_x() / n,
				o = g.get_y() / n,
				l = i.GetAngle();
			if (s !== t.g_Ig() || o !== t.g_Ih() || l !== t.g_Fj()) {
				t.g_abq(s, o), t.g_Fi(l), t.g_En();
				const g = t.g_agX(),
					_ = g.g_h$() - t.g_Ig(),
					e = g.g_ia() - t.g_Ih();
				(0 != _ || 0 != e) && (t.g_abt(-_, -e), t.g_En());
			(this.g_aNS = t.g_Ig()), (this.g_aNT = t.g_Ih()), (this.g_aNU = t.g_Fj());
		g_QF(g) {
			return 2 === g
				? this.g_aOA()
				: 3 === g
				? this.g_aOB()
				: 4 === g
				? this.g_aOC()
				: 5 === g
				? this.g_aOD()
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aOE()
				: 7 === g
				? this.g_aOF()
				: 8 === g
				? this.g_aOG()
				: 9 === g
				? this.g_aOH()
				: void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			2 === g
				? this.g_aOI(_)
				: 3 === g
				? this.g_aOJ(_)
				: 4 === g
				? this.g_aOK(_)
				: 5 === g
				? this.g_aOL(_)
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aOM(_)
				: 7 === g
				? this.g_aON(_)
				: 8 === g
				? this.g_aOO(_)
				: 9 === g
				? this.g_aOP(_)
				: void 0;
		g_aOP(g) {
			(g = !!g),
				this.g__z && !g
					? (this.g_aOl(), (this.g__z = !1), this.g_adY())
					: !this.g__z && g && ((this.g__z = !0), this.g_aN_(), this.g_ael());
		g_aOH() {
			return this.g__z;
		g_aep() {
			const g = [
					name: 'behaviors.physics.properties.enabled.name',
					value: this.g_aOH(),
					g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOP(g)
					name: 'behaviors.physics.properties.immovable.name',
					value: this.g_aOQ(),
					g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOR(g)
					name: 'behaviors.physics.properties.density.name',
					value: this.g_aOB(),
					g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOJ(g)
					name: 'behaviors.physics.properties.friction.name',
					value: this.g_aOC(),
					g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOK(g)
					name: 'behaviors.physics.properties.elasticity.name',
					value: this.g_aOD(),
					g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOL(g)
					name: 'behaviors.physics.properties.linear-damping.name',
					value: this.g_aOE(),
					g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOM(g)
					name: 'behaviors.physics.properties.angular-damping.name',
					value: this.g_aOF(),
					g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aON(g)
			return (
				this.g__z &&
					(g.push({ name: 'behaviors.physics.debugger.is-sleeping', value: this.g_aOS() }),
						name: 'behaviors.physics.debugger.velocity-x',
						value: this.g_aOT(),
						g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOU(g, this.g_aOV())
						name: 'behaviors.physics.debugger.velocity-y',
						value: this.g_aOV(),
						g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOU(this.g_aOT(), g)
						name: 'behaviors.physics.debugger.angular-velocity',
						value: g_aO.g_es(this.g_aOW()),
						g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOX(g_aO.g_er(g))
					g.push({ name: 'behaviors.physics.debugger.mass', value: this.g_aOY() })),
				[{ title: '$' + this.g_NZ().g_pY(), properties: g }]
		g_aOZ(g, _, a) {
			const [t, n] = this.g_aOs(a);
			this.g_aO_(g, _, t, n);
		g_aO$(_, a, t, n) {
			const [e, i] = this.g_aOs(n),
				g = g_aO.g_ev(e, i, a, t);
			this.g_aO_(Math.cos(g) * _, Math.sin(g) * _, e, i);
		g_aPa(g, _, t) {
			const [a, n] = this.g_aOs(t);
			this.g_aO_(Math.cos(_) * g, Math.sin(_) * g, a, n);
		g_aO_(_, e, a, t) {
			if (this.g__z) {
				const n = this.g_pz;
				this.g_aNN.ApplyForce(u(_, e), E(a * n, t * n), !0);
		g_aPb(g, _, a) {
			const [t, n] = this.g_aOs(a);
			this.g_aPc(g, _, t, n);
		g_aPd(_, a, t, n) {
			const [e, i] = this.g_aOs(n),
				g = g_aO.g_ev(e, i, a, t);
			this.g_aPc(Math.cos(g) * _, Math.sin(g) * _, e, i);
		g_aPe(g, _, t) {
			const [a, n] = this.g_aOs(t);
			this.g_aPc(Math.cos(_) * g, Math.sin(_) * g, a, n);
		g_aPc(_, e, a, t) {
			if (this.g__z) {
				const n = this.g_pz;
				this.g_aNN.ApplyLinearImpulse(u(_, e), E(a * n, t * n), !0);
				const g = this.g_CU();
				(this.g_aNS = g.g_Ig()), (this.g_aNT = g.g_Ih()), (this.g_aNX = !1);
		g_aPf(g) {
			this.g__z && this.g_aNN.ApplyTorque(g, !0);
		g_aPg(g, _) {
			const e = g_aO.g_ey(this.g_CU().g_Fj(), _) ? -1 : 1;
			this.g_aPf(g * e);
		g_aPh(_, t, n) {
			const i = this.g_CU(),
				e = g_aO.g_ev(i.g_Ig(), i.g_Ih(), t, n),
				g = g_aO.g_ey(i.g_Fj(), e) ? -1 : 1;
			this.g_aOZ(_ * g);
		g_aOX(g) {
			this.g__z && (this.g_aNN.SetAngularVelocity(g), this.g_aNN.SetAwake(!0));
		g_aOW() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNN.GetAngularVelocity() : 0;
		g_aOU(g, _) {
			if (this.g__z) {
				const e = this.g_pz;
				this.g_aNN.SetLinearVelocity(u(g * e, _ * e)), this.g_aNN.SetAwake(!0);
				const a = this.g_CU();
				(this.g_aNS = a.g_Ig()), (this.g_aNT = a.g_Ih()), (this.g_aNX = !1);
		g_aPi() {
			if (!this.g__z) return [0, 0];
			const g = this.g_pz,
				_ = this.g_aNN.GetLinearVelocity();
			return [_.get_x() / g, _.get_y() / g];
		g_aOT() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNN.GetLinearVelocity().get_x() / this.g_pz : 0;
		g_aOV() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNN.GetLinearVelocity().get_y() / this.g_pz : 0;
		g_aOJ(g) {
			if (this.g__z && this.g_aNH !== g) {
				this.g_aNH = g;
				for (const _ of this.g_aNO) _.SetDensity(g);
		g_aOB() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNH : 0;
		g_aOK(g) {
			if (this.g__z && this.g_aNI !== g) {
				this.g_aNI = g;
				for (const _ of this.g_aNO) _.SetFriction(g);
				for (let g = this.g_aNN.GetContactList(); this.g_aND.getPointer(g); g = g.get_next()) {
					const _ = g.get_contact();
					_ && _.ResetFriction();
		g_aOC() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNI : 0;
		g_aOL(g) {
			if (this.g__z && this.g_aNJ !== g) {
				this.g_aNJ = g;
				for (const _ of this.g_aNO) _.SetRestitution(g);
		g_aOD() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNJ : 0;
		g_aOM(g) {
			this.g__z && this.g_aNK !== g && ((this.g_aNK = g), this.g_aNN.SetLinearDamping(g));
		g_aOE() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNK : 0;
		g_aON(g) {
			this.g__z && this.g_aNL !== g && ((this.g_aNL = g), this.g_aNN.SetAngularDamping(g));
		g_aOF() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNL : 0;
		g_aOR(g) {
			this.g__z &&
				((g = !!g),
				this.g_aNE === g ||
					((this.g_aNE = g), this.g_aNN.SetType(this.g_aNE ? 0 : 2), this.g_aNN.SetAwake(!0)));
		g_aOQ() {
			return this.g_aNE;
		g_aOI(g) {
			this.g__z &&
				((g = !!g),
				this.g_aNG === g ||
					((this.g_aNG = g),
		g_aOA() {
			return this.g_aNG;
		g_aOO(g) {
			this.g__z &&
				((g = !!g),
				this.g_aNM === g ||
					((this.g_aNM = g), this.g_aNN.SetBullet(this.g_aNM), this.g_aNN.SetAwake(!0)));
		g_aOG() {
			return this.g_aNM;
		g_aOY() {
			return this.g__z ? this.g_aNN.GetMass() / this.g_pz : 0;
		g_aPj() {
			return this.g__z
				? (this.g_aNN.GetPosition().get_x() + this.g_aNN.GetLocalCenter().get_x()) / this.g_pz
				: 0;
		g_aPk() {
			return this.g__z
				? (this.g_aNN.GetPosition().get_y() + this.g_aNN.GetLocalCenter().get_y()) / this.g_pz
				: 0;
		g_aPl() {
			if (!this.g__z) return [0, 0];
			const g = this.g_aNN.GetPosition(),
				_ = this.g_aNN.GetLocalCenter(),
				e = this.g_pz;
			return [(g.get_x() + _.get_x()) / e, (g.get_y() + _.get_y()) / e];
		g_aOS() {
			return !!this.g__z && !this.g_aNN.IsAwake();
		g_adS() {
			return g_aPm;
	const n = new WeakMap();
	self.g_aPm = class extends g_ahk {
		constructor() {
			super(), n.set(this, g_ahk.g_agN().g_Qd());
		get isEnabled() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOH();
		set isEnabled(g) {
		g_aPn(g, _, e = 0) {
			n.get(this).g_aOZ(g, _, e);
		g_aPo(g, _, e, a = 0) {
			n.get(this).g_aO$(g, _, e, a);
		g_aPp(g, _, e = 0) {
			n.get(this).g_aPa(g, _, e);
		g_aPq(g, _, e = 0) {
			n.get(this).g_aPb(g, _, e);
		g_aPr(g, _, e, a = 0) {
			n.get(this).g_aPd(g, _, e, a);
		g_aPs(g, _, e = 0) {
			n.get(this).g_aPe(g, _, e);
		g_aPt(g) {
		g_aPu(g, _) {
			n.get(this).g_aPg(g, _);
		g_aPv(g, _, e) {
			n.get(this).g_aPh(g, _, e);
		set g_aPw(g) {
		get g_aPw() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOW();
		setVelocity(g, _) {
			n.get(this).g_aOU(g, _);
		g_aPx() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOT();
		g_aPy() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOV();
		g_aPz() {
			return n.get(this).g_aPi();
		set g_aPA(g) {
		get g_aPA() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOB();
		set g_aPB(g) {
		get g_aPB() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOC();
		set g_aPC(g) {
		get g_aPC() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOD();
		set g_aPD(g) {
		get g_aPD() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOE();
		set g_aPE(g) {
		get g_aPE() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOF();
		set g_aPF(g) {
		get g_aPF() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOQ();
		set g_aPG(g) {
		get g_aPG() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOA();
		set g_aPH(g) {
		get g_aPH() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOG();
		get g_aPI() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOY();
		g_aPJ() {
			return n.get(this).g_aPj();
		g_aPK() {
			return n.get(this).g_aPk();
		g_aPL() {
			return n.get(this).g_aPl();
		get g_aPM() {
			return n.get(this).g_aOS();
		g_aPN(g, a, t, i, e) {
			const r = _(this, a);
			n.get(this).g_aOt(g, r, t, i, e);
		g_aPO(g, e) {
			const a = _(this, e);
			n.get(this).g_aOv(g, a);
		g_aPP(g, a, t, i) {
			const e = _(this, a);
			n.get(this).g_aOw(g, e, t, i);
		g_aPQ(g, a, t, i, e, r, s, d, o) {
			const l = _(this, a);
			n.get(this).g_aOx(g, l, t, i, e, r, s, d, o);
		g_aPR() {
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_HW = {
		g_aPS() {
			return this.g_aOS();
		g_aPT(g, _, e) {
			if (!this.g__z) return !1;
			let t = 0;
			if (0 === g) t = this.g_aOT();
			else if (1 === g) t = this.g_aOV();
			else {
				const [g, _] = this.g_aPi();
				t = Math.hypot(g, _);
			return g_aO.compare(t, _, e);
		g_aPU(g, _) {
			if (!this.g__z) return !1;
			const e = g_aO.g_es(this.g_aOW());
			return g_aO.compare(e, g, _);
		g_aPV(g, _) {
			if (!this.g__z) return !1;
			const e = this.g_aOY();
			return g_aO.compare(e, g, _);
		g_jp() {
			return this.g_aOH();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_abH = {
		g_aPW(g, _, e) {
			this.g_aOZ(g, _, e);
		g_aPX(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g_aO$(g, _, e, a);
		g_aPY(g, _, e) {
			this.g_aPa(g, g_aO.g_er(_), e);
		g_aPZ(g, _, e) {
			this.g_aPb(g, _, e);
		g_aP_(g, _, e, a) {
			this.g_aPd(g, _, e, a);
		g_aP$(g, _, e) {
			this.g_aPe(g, g_aO.g_er(_), e);
		g_aQa(g) {
		g_aQb(g, _) {
			this.g_aPg(g_aO.g_er(g), g_aO.g_er(_));
		g_aQc(g, _, e) {
			this.g_aPh(g_aO.g_er(g), _, e);
		g_aQd(g) {
		g_aQe(g, _, a, t, n) {
			if (_) {
				const e = _.g_abA(this.g_b_);
				this.g_aOt(g, e, a, t, n);
		g_aQf(g, _) {
			if (_) {
				const e = _.g_abA(this.g_b_);
				this.g_aOv(g, e);
		g_aQg(g, _, a, t) {
			if (_) {
				const n = _.g_abA(this.g_b_);
				this.g_aOw(g, n, g_aO.g_er(a), g_aO.g_er(t));
		g_aQh(_, a, t, n, r, e, s, g, d) {
			if (a) {
				const i = a.g_abA(this.g_b_);
				this.g_aOx(_, i, g_aO.g_er(t), n, r, e, s, g_aO.g_er(g), d);
		g_aQi() {
		g_aQj(g) {
		g_aNh(g) {
		g_aNo(g, _) {
			this.g_afj().g_aNo(g, _);
		g_aQk(g, _) {
			this.g_aOU(g, _);
		g_aQl(g) {
		g_aQm(g) {
		g_aQn(g) {
		g_aQo(g) {
		g_aQp(g) {
		g_aQq(g) {
		g_aQr(g, _) {
			this.g_afj().g_aNt(this.g_EA(), g, 0 !== _);
		g_aQs(g) {
			this.g_aOI(0 !== g);
		g_aQt(g) {
			this.g_aOO(0 !== g);
		g_aQu(g) {
			this.g_aOP(0 !== g);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g__$ = {
		g_aQv() {
			return this.g_aOT();
		g_aQw() {
			return this.g_aOV();
		g_aQx() {
			return g_aO.g_es(this.g_aOW());
		g_aQy() {
			return this.g_aOY();
		g_aQz() {
			return this.g_aPj();
		g_aQA() {
			return this.g_aPk();
		g_aQB() {
			return this.g_aOB();
		g_aQC() {
			return this.g_aOC();
		g_aQD() {
			return this.g_aOD();
		g_aQE() {
			return this.g_aOE();
		g_aQF() {
			return this.g_aOF();
	'use strict';
	function _(g) {
		return u(g.get_x(), g.get_y());
	function t(_) {
		const e = [];
		for (const a of _) 8 >= a.length ? e.push(a) : e.push.apply(e, g(a));
		return e;
	function g(a) {
		const t = [a.splice(0, 8)],
			n = t[0][0];
		for (let i = t[0][7]; a.length; ) {
			const e = a.splice(0, Math.min(a.length, 6));
			let r = e[e.length - 1];
			e.push(_(n)), e.push(_(i)), t.push(e), (i = r);
		return t;
	const C = {};
	g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aOi = C;
	const u = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aiv,
		e = g_aO.g_ahl.g_aMS.g_aNv;
	(C.g_aQG = function (g, _, a, t, n, e) {
		return g * t + a * e + n * _ - _ * a - t * n - e * g;
		(C.g_aQH = function (_, e, t, d, g, h, i, c) {
			const f = t - _,
				l = d - e,
				m = i - g,
				n = c - h,
				o = (m * (h - e) - n * (g - _)) / (l * m - f * n),
				p = _ + o * f,
				a = e + o * l,
				E = C.g_aQI(t, d, _, e, p, a),
				r = C.g_aQI(p, a, g, h, i, c);
			return E && r ? u(p, a) : null;
		(C.g_aQI = function (_, e, a, t, n, i) {
			return (
				((a + 0.1 >= _ && _ >= n - 0.1) || (a - 0.1 <= _ && _ <= n + 0.1)) &&
				((t + 0.1 >= e && e >= i - 0.1) || (t - 0.1 <= e && e <= i + 0.1)) &&
				C.g_aQJ(_, e, a, t, n, i)
		(C.g_aQJ = function (_, a, t, n, i, e) {
			var r = Math.abs;
			if (0.1 < r(i - t)) {
				const g = r(((e - n) / (i - t)) * (_ - t) + n - a);
				return 0.1 > g;
			return 0.1 > r(_ - t);
		(C.g_aQK = function (g, _, a, t) {
			var n = Math.abs;
			return 0.1 > n(a - g) && 0.1 > n(t - _);
		(C.g_aOh = function (_, n) {
			const r = C.g_aQL(_);
			let g = [];
			for (let t = 0, a = r.length; t < a; ++t) {
				const _ = r[t],
					s = [];
				let a = 0;
				for (let e = 0, t = _.length; e < t; ++e) {
					const g = _[e],
						n = _[(e + 1) % t];
					(a += g.get_x() * n.get_y() - g.get_y() * n.get_x()), s.push(u(g.get_x(), g.get_y()));
				if (((a = Math.abs(a / 2)), a >= 0.001 * n)) g.push(s);
				else for (let g = 0, _ = s.length; g < _; g++) e(s[g]);
			return (g = t(g)), g;
		(C.g_aQL = function (_) {
			let a = [],
				f = 0,
				T = 0,
				H = 0,
				N = 0,
				U = 0,
				I = 0,
				R = 0,
				L = 0,
				O = 0,
				S = 0,
				$ = 0,
				Y = 0,
				M = 0,
				P = 0,
				G = 0,
				K = [],
				J = [],
				W = !1,
				Q = [],
				D = [],
				E = !1,
			for (D.push(_); D.length; ) {
				for (a = D[0], T = a.length, W = !0, f = 0; f < T; f++)
					if (
						((O = f),
						(S = f < T - 1 ? f + 1 : f + 1 - T),
						($ = f < T - 2 ? f + 2 : f + 2 - T),
						(X = a[O]),
						(V = a[S]),
						(Z = a[$]),
						(N = C.g_aQG(X.get_x(), X.get_y(), V.get_x(), V.get_y(), Z.get_x(), Z.get_y())),
						0 > N)
					) {
						for (W = !1, L = 1e9, H = 0; H < T; H++)
							H != O &&
								H != S &&
								((Y = H),
								(M = H < T - 1 ? H + 1 : 0),
								(gg = a[Y]),
								(_g = a[M]),
								(eg = C.g_aQH(
								eg &&
									((I = V.get_x() - eg.get_x()),
									(R = V.get_y() - eg.get_y()),
									(U = I * I + R * R),
									U < L ? ((G = Y), (P = M), (ag = eg), (L = U)) : e(eg)));
						if (1e9 == L) return [];
						for (
							K = [],
								J = [],
								Y = G,
								M = P,
								gg = a[Y],
								_g = a[M],
								E = !1,
								C.g_aQK(ag.get_x(), ag.get_y(), _g.get_x(), _g.get_y()) || (K.push(ag), (E = !0)),
								C.g_aQK(ag.get_x(), ag.get_y(), gg.get_x(), gg.get_y()) || (J.push(ag), (E = !0)),
								E || e(ag),
								G = -1,
								P = O;

						) {
							if (P != M) K.push(a[P]);
							else {
								if (0 > G || G >= T) return [];
								C.g_aQI(_g.get_x(), _g.get_y(), a[G].get_x(), a[G].get_y(), X.get_x(), X.get_y()) ||
							(G = P), 0 > P - 1 ? (P = T - 1) : P--;
						for (K.reverse(), G = -1, P = S; ; ) {
							if (P != Y) J.push(a[P]);
							else {
								if (0 > G || G >= T) return [];
								P != Y ||
									) ||
							(G = P), P + 1 > T - 1 ? (P = 0) : P++;
						D.push(K, J), D.shift();
				W && Q.push(D.shift());
			return Q;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aQM = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aQM.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aQM.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_aQN = null),
				(this.g_aQO = -1),
				(this.g_aQP = ''),
				(this.g_aQQ = new Set()),
				(this.g_aQR = 0),
				(this.g_aQS = 0),
				(this.g_aQT = 0),
				(this.g_aQU = 0),
				(this.g_aQV = 0),
				(this.g_aQW = 0),
				(this.g_aQX = 0),
				(this.g_aQY = 0),
				(this.g_aQZ = 0),
				(this.g_aNU = 0),
				(this.g_aQ_ = !1),
				_ && (this.g_aQ_ = _[0]);
			const e = this.g_Be.g_lh();
			this.g_lN = new g_aO.g_lK(
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'instancedestroy', (g) => this.g_aAf(g.g_Ke)),
				g_aO.g_lE.g_lJ(e, 'afterload', () => this.g_aAg())
		g_ek() {
			(this.g_aQN = null), super.g_ek();
		g_aQ$(g) {
			g ? ((this.g_aQN = g), this.g_aen()) : ((this.g_aQN = null), this.g_adZ());
		g_aRa(g, _, e) {
			if (g) {
				const t = g.g_abA(this.g_b_);
				if (t) {
					(this.g_aQP = _), this.g_aQ$(t);
					const g = this.g_b_.g_CU(),
						a = t.g_CU();
					if ('properties' === this.g_aQP) {
						const _ = this.g_aQQ;
						for (const g of e) _.add(g);
						(this.g_aQU = g.g_Ig() - a.g_Ig()),
							(this.g_aQV = g.g_Ih() - a.g_Ih()),
							(this.g_aQY = g.g_Fj() - a.g_Fj()),
							(this.g_aNU = g.g_Fj()),
							(this.g_aQZ = g.g_Do() - a.g_Do()),
							_.has('x') &&
								_.has('y') &&
								((this.g_aQS = g_aO.g_ev(a.g_Ig(), a.g_Ih(), g.g_Ig(), g.g_Ih()) - a.g_Fj()),
								(this.g_aQR = g_aO.g_et(a.g_Ig(), a.g_Ih(), g.g_Ig(), g.g_Ih()))),
								? (this.g_aQW = g.g_pN() - a.g_pN())
								: _.has('width-scale') && (this.g_aQW = g.g_pN() / a.g_pN()),
								? (this.g_aQX = g.g_pO() - a.g_pO())
								: _.has('height-scale') && (this.g_aQX = g.g_pO() / a.g_pO());
					} else this.g_aQR = g_aO.g_et(a.g_Ig(), a.g_Ih(), g.g_Ig(), g.g_Ih());
		g_GH() {
			const g = this.g_aQQ,
				_ = this.g_aQP,
				e = { uid: this.g_aQN ? this.g_aQN.g_Ei() : -1, m: _ };
			return (
				'rope' === _ || 'bar' === _
					? (e.pd = this.g_aQR)
					: 'properties' === _ &&
					  ((e.ps = [...this.g_aQQ]),
							? (e.ip = this.g_aQT)
							: g.has('x') && g.has('y')
							? ((e.pa = this.g_aQS), (e.pd = this.g_aQR))
							: (g.has('x') && (e.dx = this.g_aQU), g.has('y') && (e.dy = this.g_aQV)),
					  g.has('angle') && ((e.da = this.g_aQY), (e.lka = this.g_aNU)),
					  (g.has('width-abs') || g.has('width-scale')) && (e.dw = this.g_aQW),
					  (g.has('height-abs') || g.has('height-scale')) && (e.dh = this.g_aQX),
					  g.has('z') && (e.dz = this.g_aQZ)),
		g_GJ(g) {
			const _ = g.m,
				e = this.g_aQQ;
			if ((e.clear(), (this.g_aQO = g.uid), 'number' == typeof _)) return void this.g_aRb(g);
			if (((this.g_aQP = _), 'rope' === _ || 'bar' === _)) this.g_aQR = g.pd;
			else if ('properties' === _) {
				for (const _ of g.ps) e.add(_);
					? (this.g_aQT = g.ip)
					: e.has('x') && e.has('y')
					? ((this.g_aQS = g.pa), (this.g_aQR = g.pd))
					: (e.has('x') && (this.g_aQU = g.dx), e.has('y') && (this.g_aQV = g.dy)),
					e.has('angle') && ((this.g_aQY = g.da), (this.g_aNU = g.lka || 0)),
					(e.has('width-abs') || e.has('width-scale')) && (this.g_aQW = g.dw),
					(e.has('height-abs') || e.has('height-scale')) && (this.g_aQX = g.dh),
					e.has('z') && (this.g_aQZ = g.dz);
		g_aRb(_) {
			const a = this.g_aQQ,
				t = _.msa,
				n = _.tsa,
				i = _.pa,
				e = _.pd,
				r = _.m;
			0 === r
				? ((this.g_aQP = 'properties'),
				  (this.g_aQS = i),
				  (this.g_aQR = e),
				  (this.g_aQY = t - n),
				  (this.g_aNU = _.lka))
				: 1 === r
				? ((this.g_aQP = 'properties'), a.add('x').add('y'), (this.g_aQS = i), (this.g_aQR = e))
				: 2 === r
				? ((this.g_aQP = 'properties'), a.add('angle'), (this.g_aQY = t - n), (this.g_aNU = _.lka))
				: 3 === r
				? ((this.g_aQP = 'rope'), (this.g_aQR = _.pd))
				: 4 === r
				? ((this.g_aQP = 'bar'), (this.g_aQR = _.pd))
				: void 0;
		g_aAg() {
			-1 === this.g_aQO
				? this.g_aQ$(null)
				: (this.g_aQ$(this.g_Be.g_NN(this.g_aQO)), (this.g_aQO = -1));
		g_aAf(g) {
			this.g_aQN === g && (this.g_aQ$(null), this.g_aQ_ && this.g_Be.g_EB(this.g_b_));
		g_aek() {
			var _ = Math.sin,
				t = Math.cos;
			const n = this.g_aQN;
			if (!n) return;
			const i = n.g_CU(),
				a = this.g_b_,
				r = a.g_CU(),
				e = this.g_aQP;
			let s = !1;
			if ('rope' === e || 'bar' === e) {
				const g = g_aO.g_et(r.g_Ig(), r.g_Ih(), i.g_Ig(), i.g_Ih());
				if (g > this.g_aQR || ('bar' === e && g < this.g_aQR)) {
					const g = g_aO.g_ev(i.g_Ig(), i.g_Ih(), r.g_Ig(), r.g_Ih());
					r.g_abq(i.g_Ig() + t(g) * this.g_aQR, i.g_Ih() + _(g) * this.g_aQR), (s = !0);
			} else {
				const a = this.g_aQQ;
				let e = 0;
				if (a.has('imagepoint')) {
					const [g, _] = n.g_abs(this.g_aQT);
					r.g_abp(g, _) || (r.g_abq(g, _), (s = !0));
				} else if (a.has('x') && a.has('y')) {
					const g = i.g_Ig() + t(i.g_Fj() + this.g_aQS) * this.g_aQR,
						a = i.g_Ih() + _(i.g_Fj() + this.g_aQS) * this.g_aQR;
					r.g_abp(g, a) || (r.g_abq(g, a), (s = !0));
				} else
					(e = i.g_Ig() + this.g_aQU),
						a.has('x') && e !== r.g_Ig() && (r.g_abn(e), (s = !0)),
						(e = i.g_Ih() + this.g_aQV),
						a.has('y') && e !== r.g_Ih() && (r.g_abo(e), (s = !0));
				a.has('angle') &&
					(this.g_aNU !== r.g_Fj() &&
						(this.g_aQY = g_aO.g_eq(this.g_aQY + (r.g_Fj() - this.g_aNU))),
					(e = g_aO.g_eq(i.g_Fj() + this.g_aQY)),
					e !== r.g_Fj() && (r.g_Fi(e), (s = !0)),
					(this.g_aNU = r.g_Fj())),
					a.has('width-abs') &&
						((e = i.g_pN() + this.g_aQW), e !== r.g_pN() && (r.g_Hj(e), (s = !0))),
					a.has('width-scale') &&
						((e = i.g_pN() * this.g_aQW), e !== r.g_pN() && (r.g_Hj(e), (s = !0))),
					a.has('height-abs') &&
						((e = i.g_pO() + this.g_aQX), e !== r.g_pO() && (r.g_Hk(e), (s = !0))),
					a.has('height-scale') &&
						((e = i.g_pO() * this.g_aQX), e !== r.g_pO() && (r.g_Hk(e), (s = !0))),
					a.has('z') &&
						((e = i.g_Do() + this.g_aQZ), e !== r.g_Do() && (r.g_Fh(e), this.g_Be.g_EV()));
			s && r.g_En();
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: '$' + this.g_NZ().g_pY(),
					properties: [
						{ name: 'behaviors.pin.debugger.is-pinned', value: !!this.g_aQN },
						{ name: 'behaviors.pin.debugger.pinned-uid', value: this.g_aQN ? this.g_aQN.g_Ei() : 0 }
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aQM.g_HW = {
		g_aRc() {
			return !!this.g_aQN;
		g_aRd() {
			return this.g_aQ_;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aQM.g_abH = {
		g_aRe(g, _) {
			this.g_aRa(g, 0 === _ ? 'rope' : 'bar');
		g_aRf(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			const g = [];
			a && g.push('x'),
				t && g.push('y'),
				n && g.push('angle'),
				r && g.push('z'),
				1 === i ? g.push('width-abs') : 2 == i && g.push('width-scale'),
				1 === e ? g.push('height-abs') : 2 == e && g.push('height-scale'),
				0 === g.length || this.g_aRa(_, 'properties', g);
		g_aRg(_, a, t, n, i, e) {
			const r = ['imagepoint'];
			t && r.push('angle'),
				e && r.push('z'),
				1 === n ? r.push('width-abs') : 2 == n && r.push('width-scale'),
				1 === i ? r.push('height-abs') : 2 == i && r.push('height-scale'),
				(this.g_aQT = a),
				this.g_aRa(_, 'properties', r);
		g_aRh(g) {
			('rope' === this.g_aQP || 'bar' === this.g_aQP) && (this.g_aQR = Math.max(g, 0));
		g_aRi(g) {
			this.g_aQ_ = g;
		g_aRj() {
			this.g_aQ$(null), (this.g_aQP = ''), this.g_aQQ.clear(), (this.g_aQT = '');
		g_aQM(g, _) {
			0 === _
				? this.g_aRa(g, 'properties', ['x', 'y', 'angle'])
				: 1 === _
				? this.g_aRa(g, 'properties', ['x', 'y'])
				: 2 === _
				? this.g_aRa(g, 'properties', ['angle'])
				: 3 === _
				? this.g_aRa(g, 'rope')
				: 4 === _
				? this.g_aRa(g, 'bar')
				: void 0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aQM.g__$ = {
		g_aRk() {
			return this.g_aQN ? this.g_aQN.g_Ei() : -1;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.g_aRm = class {
		constructor(g, _, e, a) {
			(this.g_Tt = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lQ)),
				this.g_Tt.Set(g || 0),
				(this.g_aRn = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lQ)),
				this.g_aRn.Set(_ || 0),
				(this.g_aii = e || 0),
				(this.g_aRo = !!a),
				(this.g_aRp = !1);
		g_aRq() {
			return this.g_Tt.g_bd();
		g_LZ() {
			return this.g_aRn.g_bd();
		g_aio() {
			return this.g_aii;
		g_aAO(g) {
			this.g_aRp = !!g;
		g_aRr() {
			return this.g_aRp;
		g_jB(g) {
			this.g_Tt.g_jB(g), this.g_aRn.g_jB(g);
		g_aRs() {
			return this.g_Tt.g_bd() >= this.g_aii;
		g_Dl() {
			if (this.g_aRs())
				if (this.g_aRo) this.g_Tt.g_lU(this.g_aii);
				else return !0;
			return !1;
		g_GH() {
			return {
				c: this.g_Tt.g_bd(),
				t: this.g_aRn.g_bd(),
				d: this.g_aii,
				r: this.g_aRo,
				p: this.g_aRp
		g_GJ(g) {
				(this.g_aii = g.d),
				(this.g_aRo = !!g.r),
				(this.g_aRp = !!g.p);
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g) {
			super(g), (this.g_aRt = new Map());
		g_ek() {
			this.g_aRt.clear(), super.g_ek();
		g_aRu() {
			0 < this.g_aRt.size ? (this.g_ael(), this.g_aen()) : (this.g_adY(), this.g_adZ());
		g_GH() {
			const g = {};
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_aRt.entries()) g[_] = e.g_GH();
			return g;
		g_GJ(g) {
			for (const [_, e] of Object.entries(g)) {
				const g = new g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.g_aRm();
				g.g_GJ(e), this.g_aRt.set(_, g);
		g_KZ() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_);
			for (const _ of this.g_aRt.values()) _.g_aRr() || _.g_jB(g);
		g_aek() {
			for (const [g, _] of this.g_aRt.entries()) {
				const e = _.g_Dl();
				e && this.g_aRt.delete(g);
		g_aep() {
			var g = Math.round;
			return [
					title: 'behaviors.timer.debugger.timers',
					properties: [...this.g_aRt.entries()].map((_) => ({
						name: '$' + _[0],
						value: `${g(10 * _[1].g_aRq()) / 10} / ${g(10 * _[1].g_aio()) / 10}`
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.g_HW = {
		g_aRv(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aRt.get(g.toLowerCase());
			return !!_ && _.g_aRs();
		g_aRw(g) {
			return this.g_aRt.has(g.toLowerCase());
		g_aRx(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aRt.get(g.toLowerCase());
			return _ && _.g_aRr();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.g_abH = {
		g_aRy(g, _, e) {
			const a = new g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.g_aRm(0, 0, g, 1 === _);
			this.g_aRt.set(e.toLowerCase(), a), this.g_aRu();
		g_aRz(g) {
			this.g_aRt.delete(g.toLowerCase()), this.g_aRu();
		g_aRA(g, _) {
			const e = this.g_aRt.get(g.toLowerCase());
			e && e.g_aAO(0 === _);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRl.g__$ = {
		g_aBv(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aRt.get(g.toLowerCase());
			return _ ? _.g_aRq() : 0;
		g_aRB(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aRt.get(g.toLowerCase());
			return _ ? _.g_LZ() : 0;
		g_aBk(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aRt.get(g.toLowerCase());
			return _ ? _.g_aio() : 0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRC = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRC.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRC.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_aRD = 2),
				(this.g_aRE = 2),
				(this.g_aRF = 0),
				(this.g_aRG = 0),
				(this.g__z = !0);
			const e = this.g_b_.g_CU().g_Gi();
			(this.g_aRH = e.g_hV()),
				(this.g_aRI = e.g_hW()),
				(this.g_aRJ = this.g_Be.g_DY() - e.g_hV()),
				(this.g_aRK = this.g_Be.g_DZ() - e.g_hW()),
				(this.g_aRL = this.g_Be.g_DY() - e.g_hX()),
				(this.g_aRM = this.g_Be.g_DZ() - e.g_hY()),
				_ &&
					((this.g_aRD = _[0]),
					(this.g_aRE = _[1]),
					(this.g_aRF = _[2]),
					(this.g_aRG = _[3]),
					(this.g__z = !!_[4])),
				this.g__z && this.g_ael();
		g_ek() {
		g_GH() {
			return {
				xl: this.g_aRH,
				yt: this.g_aRI,
				xr: this.g_aRJ,
				yb: this.g_aRK,
				rd: this.g_aRL,
				bd: this.g_aRM,
				al: this.g_aRD,
				at: this.g_aRE,
				ar: this.g_aRF,
				ab: this.g_aRG,
				e: this.g__z
		g_GJ(g) {
			(this.g_aRH = g.xl),
				(this.g_aRI = g.yt),
				(this.g_aRJ = g.xr),
				(this.g_aRK = g.yb),
				(this.g_aRL = g.rd),
				(this.g_aRM = g.bd),
				(this.g_aRD = g.al),
				(this.g_aRE = g.at),
				(this.g_aRF = g.ar),
				(this.g_aRG = g.ab),
				(this.g__z = g.e),
				this.g__z ? this.g_ael() : this.g_adY();
		g_KZ() {
			var g = Math.max;
			if (this.g__z) {
				const _ = this.g_b_.g_CU(),
					e = _.g_Em().g_EW();
				if (0 === this.g_aRD) {
					const g = e.g_hV() + this.g_aRH - _.g_Gi().g_hV();
					0 != g && (_.g_QQ(g), _.g_En());
				} else if (1 === this.g_aRD) {
					const g = e.g_hX() - this.g_aRJ - _.g_Gi().g_hV();
					0 != g && (_.g_QQ(g), _.g_En());
				if (0 === this.g_aRE) {
					const g = e.g_hW() + this.g_aRI - _.g_Gi().g_hW();
					0 != g && (_.g_QR(g), _.g_En());
				} else if (1 === this.g_aRE) {
					const g = e.g_hY() - this.g_aRK - _.g_Gi().g_hW();
					0 != g && (_.g_QR(g), _.g_En());
				if (1 === this.g_aRF) {
					const a = e.g_hX() - this.g_aRL - _.g_Gi().g_hX();
					0 != a &&
						(_.g_QQ(_.g_QX() * a),
						_.g_Hj(g(_.g_pN() + a), 0),
						(this.g_aRL = e.g_hX() - _.g_Gi().g_hX()));
				if (1 === this.g_aRG) {
					const a = e.g_hY() - this.g_aRM - _.g_Gi().g_hY();
					0 != a &&
						(_.g_QR(_.g_QZ() * a),
						_.g_Hk(g(_.g_pO() + a, 0)),
						(this.g_aRM = e.g_hY() - _.g_Gi().g_hY()));
		g_QF(g) {
			return 0 === g
				? this.g_aRD
				: 1 === g
				? this.g_aRE
				: 2 === g
				? this.g_aRF
				: 3 === g
				? this.g_aRG
				: 4 === g
				? this.g__z
				: void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			0 === g
				? (this.g_aRD = _)
				: 1 === g
				? (this.g_aRE = _)
				: 2 === g
				? (this.g_aRF = _)
				: 3 === g
				? (this.g_aRG = _)
				: 4 === g
				? ((this.g__z = !!_), this.g__z ? this.g_ael() : this.g_adY())
				: void 0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRC.g_HW = {
		g_jp() {
			return this.g__z;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRC.g_abH = {
		g_aQu(g) {
			if (this.g__z && 0 === g) (this.g__z = !1), this.g_adY();
			else if (!this.g__z && 0 !== g) {
				const g = this.g_b_.g_CU().g_Gi();
				(this.g_aRH = g.g_hV()),
					(this.g_aRI = g.g_hW()),
					(this.g_aRJ = this.g_Be.g_DY() - g.g_hV()),
					(this.g_aRK = this.g_Be.g_DZ() - g.g_hW()),
					(this.g_aRL = this.g_Be.g_DY() - g.g_hX()),
					(this.g_aRM = this.g_Be.g_DZ() - g.g_hY()),
					(this.g__z = !0),
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aRC.g__$ = {}),
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.Tween = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.Tween.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict';
	const g = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween;
	g.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_aRN = !1),
				(this.g_jc = !0),
				_ && ((this.g_aRN = !1), (this.g_jc = !!_[0])),
				(this.g_aRO = new Map()),
				(this.g_aRP = []),
				(this.g_aRQ = new Map()),
				(this.g_aRR = null),
				(this.g_aRS = null),
				(this.g_aRT = null),
				(this.g_aRU = null),
				(this.g_aRV = ''),
				this.g_jc && this.g_aen(),
				(this.g_aRW = (g) => this.g_aAg(g)),
				this.g_BI().g_lh().addEventListener('afterload', this.g_aRW);
		g_ek() {
			this.g_BI().g_lh().removeEventListener('afterload', this.g_aRW),
				(this.g_aRW = null),
				this.g_aRR && (this.g_aRX(this.g_aRR), (this.g_aRR = null)),
				(this.g_aRZ = null),
				(this.g_aRP = null),
				(this.g_aRQ = null),
		g_aQu(g) {
			(this.g_jc = g), this.g_jc ? this.g_aen() : this.g_adZ();
		g_aSa() {
			return this.g_jc;
		g_aSb(g) {
		g_aSc(g) {
			return this.g_aRP.includes(g);
		g_aR_() {
		g_aSd() {
			return this.g_aRR;
		g_NK() {
			const g = this.g_afm();
			return !!g && !g.g_NL();
		g_aSe(g, _, e = !1) {
			const a = _ ? this.g_aSf(_, e) : this.g_aSg(e);
			if (a && a.length) for (const _ of a) if (_.g_KI(g)) return _;
		g_aSh(g, _) {
			return this.g_aSe(g, _, !0);
		*g_aSi(g, _, e = !1) {
			const a = _ ? this.g_aSf(_, e) : this.g_aSg(e);
			if (a && a.length) for (const _ of a) _.g_KI(g) && (yield _);
		*g_aSj(g, _) {
			yield* this.g_aSi(g, _, !0);
		g_aSf(g, _) {
			if (_) {
				let _ = this.g_aRO.get(g),
					e = this.g_aRQ.get(g);
				return _ || (_ = []), e || (e = []), _.concat(e).filter((g) => g);
			} else {
				let _ = this.g_aRO.get(g);
				return _ || (_ = []), _.filter((g) => g);
		g_aSg(g) {
			if (g) {
				const g = [...this.g_aRO.values()].flat(),
					_ = [...this.g_aRQ.values()].flat();
				return g.concat(_).filter((g) => g);
			} else {
				const g = [...this.g_aRO.values()].flat();
				return g.filter((g) => g);
		g_aSk() {
			return this.g_aSg(!0);
		g_GH() {
			return {
				s: !1,
				e: !!this.g_jc,
				at: this.g_aSl(),
				dt: this.g_aSm(),
				wt: this.g_aSn(),
				ft: this.g_aSo()
		g_GJ(g) {
			g &&
				((this.g_aRS = g.at),
				(this.g_aRT = g.dt),
				(this.g_aRU = g.wt),
				(this.g_aRV = g.ft),
				(this.g_aRN = !1),
				(this.g_jc = !!g.e));
		g_aAg() {
			const g = this.g_BI().g_LT();
			if ((this.g_aSp(this.g_aRS, this.g_aRO, g), this.g_aRT)) {
				for (const _ of this.g_aRT) this.g_aSq(this.g_aRP, _, g);
			this.g_aSp(this.g_aRU, this.g_aRQ, g),
				(this.g_aRR = this.g_aSr(this.g_aRV, g)),
				this.g_jc ? this.g_aen() : this.g_adZ();
		g_aSp(g, _, t) {
			if (g)
				for (const a in g) {
					let n = _.get(a);
					n ? g_aO.g_fz(n) : (n = []);
					const e = g[a];
					for (const g of e) {
						const _ = this.g_aSq(n, g.name, t);
						if (!_) {
							const _ = g_aO.Tween.g_SI({ runtime: this.g_BI(), json: g });
							_.g_Sv((g) => this.g_aSs(g)), t.g_KJ(_), this.g_aSq(n, _, t);
						} else this.g_aSt(g.name, g, t);
					_.set(a, n);
		g_aSr(g, _) {
			return _.g_KF(g);
		g_aSq(g, _, e) {
			if ('string' == typeof _) {
				const a = this.g_aSr(_, e);
				if (a) return !!g.push(a);
			} else return !!g.push(_);
			return !1;
		g_aSt(g, _, e) {
			if ('string' == typeof g) {
				const a = this.g_aSr(g, e);
				a && a.g_GI(_);
			} else g.g_GI(_);
		g_aSl() {
			const g = {};
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_aRO) g[_] = e.map((g) => g.g_GG());
			return g;
		g_aSm() {
			return this.g_aRP.map((g) => g.g_pY());
		g_aSn() {
			const g = {};
			for (const [_, e] of this.g_aRQ) g[_] = e.map((g) => g.g_GG());
			return g;
		g_aSo() {
			return this.g_aRR ? this.g_aRR.g_pY() : '';
		g_aek() {
		g_aSu(_) {
			const a = g.g_aSw.g_aSv(_.g_Ob, _.g_SQ, _.g_SR, _.g_SP, _.g_SM, this.g_afm()),
				t = g.g_aSy.g_aSx(_.g_Ob);
			g.g_aSy.g_aSz(t) || this.g_aSA(_.g_Ob);
			const n = g_aO.Tween.g_SI({
				runtime: this.g_BI(),
				id: t,
				tags: _.tags,
				time: _.time,
				g_Ke: this.g_afm(),
				g_SL: !!_.g_SL,
				g_SK: _.g_SK,
				g_SJ: a
			return n.g_Sv((g) => this.g_aSs(g)), this.g_aSB(n, _.g_Ob), n;
		g_aSC(g, _ = !1) {
			const e = g.g_LW();
			if (this.g_aRO.has(e)) {
				const _ = this.g_aRO.get(e);
				if (_) {
					const e = _.indexOf(g);
					-1 !== e && _.splice(e, 1);
			g.g_K$() || this.g_aSD(g) || (g.g_Kg(_), this.g_aSE(g));
		g_aSA(_, t = !1) {
			if (g_aO.g_cF(_)) {
				const a = g.g_aSy.g_aSx(_);
				if (!this.g_aRO.has(a)) return;
				const n = this.g_aRO.get(a),
					e = this.g_aSd();
				for (const g of n) g !== e && (g.g_K$() || this.g_aSD(g) || (g.g_Kg(t), g.g_ek()));
			} else {
				const g = this.g_aSd();
				for (const _ of this.g_aSg())
					_ !== g && (_.g_K$() || this.g_aSD(_) || (_.g_Kg(t), _.g_ek()));
				for (const g of this.g_aRO.keys()) g_aO.g_fz(this.g_aRO.get(g)), this.g_aRO.delete(g);
		g_aRX(g) {
			this.g_aSC(g, !0);
		g_aRY() {
			this.g_aSA(NaN, !0);
		g_QF(g) {
			return 0 === g ? this.g_jc : void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			0 === g ? (this.g_jc = !!_) : void 0;
		g_aSs(_) {
			this.g_BI() &&
				((this.g_aRR = _),
				(this.g_aRR = null),
				_.g_SG() && this.g_BI().g_EB(this.g_afm()));
		g_aSB(_, a) {
			const t = g.g_aSy.g_aSx(a);
			this.g_aRO.has(t) || this.g_aRO.set(t, []);
			const n = this.g_aRO.get(t);
		g_aSE(g) {
			const _ = g.g_LW();
			this.g_aRQ.has(_) || this.g_aRQ.set(_, []), this.g_aRQ.get(_).push(g);
		g_aSD(g) {
			const _ = g.g_LW();
			return !!this.g_aRQ.has(_) && this.g_aRQ.get(_).includes(g);
		g_aR$() {
			if (this.g_aRQ.size) {
				for (const g of this.g_aRQ.values()) {
					for (const _ of g) _.g_K$() || _.g_ek();
	let g = null;
	g_aO.g_ahl.Tween.g_HW = {
		g_aSF(_) {
			g = _;
		g_aSG(_) {
			return g.g_KI(_);
		g_aSH() {
			return !0;
		g_Mm(g) {
			const _ = [...this.g_aSj(g)];
			return !!_ && !!_.length && _.some(g_aO.Tween.g_Mm);
		g_aAA() {
			const g = [...this.g_aSk()];
			return !!g && !!g.length && g.some(g_aO.Tween.g_Mm);
	const g = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween;
	g.g_abH = {
		g_aQu(g) {
			for (const _ of this.g_aSg())
				g ? this.g_aSc(_) && _.g_MV() : ((_.g_Mm() || _.g_MH()) && this.g_aSb(_), _.g_Kg());
			g && this.g_aR_();
		async g_aSI(..._) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) {
				const e = this.g_aSu(g.g_aSK.g_aSJ(this, ..._));
				e.g_MW() && (await e.g_Mn());
		async g_aSL(..._) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) {
				const e = this.g_aSu(g.g_aSK.g_aSM(this, ..._));
				e.g_MW() && (await e.g_Mn());
		async g_aSN(..._) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) {
				const e = this.g_aSu(g.g_aSK.g_aSO(this, ..._));
				e.g_MW() && (await e.g_Mn());
		g_aSP(g) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const _ of this.g_aSi(g)) _.g_Kg();
		g_aSQ() {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const g of this.g_aSg()) g.g_Kg();
		g_aSR(g) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const _ of this.g_aSi(g)) _.g_MV();
		g_aSS() {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const g of this.g_aSg()) g.g_MV();
		g_aST(g) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const _ of this.g_aSi(g)) this.g_aSC(_);
		g_aSU() {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const g of this.g_aSg()) this.g_aSC(g);
		g_aSV(g, _, e) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK())
				for (const a of this.g_aSi(g)) a.g_SA([_], [e]), a.g_SB(_, e);
		g_aSW(g, _, a, t) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) {
				const n = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween.g_aSy.g_aSX(_);
				for (const _ of this.g_aSi(g)) _.g_SA([a, t], n), _.g_SB(a, n[0]), _.g_SB(t, n[1]);
		g_aSY(g, _) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const e of this.g_aSi(g, 'value')) e.g_Sy(_, 'value');
		g_aSZ(g, _) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK())
				for (const e of this.g_aSi(g, 'value')) e.g_aS_([_], [value]), e.g_SB(_, 'value');
		g_aS$(g, _) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) {
				const e = g_jF.g_jM(_);
				for (const _ of this.g_aSi(g)) _.g_Mf(e);
		g_aTa(g) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) {
				const _ = g_jF.g_jM(g);
				for (const g of this.g_aSg()) g.g_Mf(_);
		g_aTb(g, _) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const e of this.g_aSi(g)) e.g_MM(_);
		g_aTc(g) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const _ of this.g_aSg()) _.g_MM(g);
		g_aTd(g, _) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const e of this.g_aSi(g)) e.g_Mj(_);
		g_aTe(g) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const _ of this.g_aSg()) _.g_Mj(g);
		g_aTf(g, _) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const e of this.g_aSi(g)) e.g_SF(!!_);
		g_aTg(g) {
			if (this.g_aSa() && this.g_NK()) for (const _ of this.g_aSg()) _.g_SF(!!g);
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.Tween.g__$ = {
		g_aTh(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aSh(g);
			return _ ? _.g_MJ() : 0;
		g_aTi(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aSh(g);
			return _ ? _.g_MJ() / _.g_LZ() : 0;
		g_aTj(g) {
			const _ = this.g_aSh(g, 'value');
			return _ ? _.g_Nl('value').g_Pb() : 0;
		g_aTk() {
			return this.g_aSd() ? this.g_aSd().g_Mr() : '';
	'use strict';
	const g = ['position', 'size'],
		_ = [
		t = ['value'],
		n = [].concat(g).concat(_).concat(t),
		i = { position: ['offsetX', 'offsetY'], size: ['offsetWidth', 'offsetHeight'] },
		e = Object.assign(
			n.reduce((g, _) => Object.assign({}, g, { [_]: [_] }), {}),
	g_aO.g_ahl.Tween.g_aSy = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_aTl() {
			return [...g_jF.g_jI()];
		static g_jM(g) {
			return [...g_jF.g_jI()][g];
		static g_aSx(g) {
			return n[g];
		static g_aTm(g) {
			return n.indexOf(g);
		static g_aTn(_) {
			return g[_];
		static g_aTo(g) {
			return _[g];
		static g_aTp(g) {
			return t[g];
		static g_aTq(g) {
			return i[g];
		static g_aSX(g) {
			return g_aO.g_cO(g) ? e[g] : e[n[g]];
		static g_aTr(g) {
			return !!i[g];
		static g_aTs(g) {
			return 'offsetColor' === g;
		static g_aTt(g) {
			return 'offsetAngle' === g;
		static g_aTu(g) {
			return 'offsetOpacity' === g;
		static g_aSz(g) {
			return 'value' === g;
	const _ = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween,
		t = new Map();
	_.g_aSw = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_aSv(a, n, r, e, s, g) {
			0 === t.size && this.g_aTv();
			const d = _.g_aTx.g_aTw(a);
			let i = t.get(d);
			return g_aO.g_cF(a) && (a = _.g_aSy.g_aSx(a)), this.g_aTy(i, a, n, r, e, s, g);
		static g_aTz(g, _) {
			const e = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween.g_aSv(g);
			return e.g_aTA(_);
		static g_aTv() {
			const g = _.g_aTx,
				e = _.g_aTB;
			this.g_aTC(g.g_aTD, this.g_aTE, e.g_aTF),
				this.g_aTC(g.g_aTG, this.g_aTH, e.g_aTI),
				this.g_aTC(g.g_aTJ, this.g_aTK, e.g_aTL),
				this.g_aTC(g.g_aTM, this.g_aTN, e.g_aTF),
				this.g_aTC(g.g_aTO, this.g_aTP, e.g_aTF);
		static g_aTC(g, _, e) {
			t.set(g, this.g_aTQ(g, _, e));
		static g_aTQ(g, _, e) {
			return { name: g, g_aTR: _, g_aTA: e };
		static g_aTy(_, a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			return _.g_aTR(a, _.g_aTA(t), _.g_aTA(n), i, e, r);
		static g_aTE(a, t, n, i, e) {
			const r = _.g_aSy.g_aTq(a);
			return r.map((a, r) => ({
				g_SN: 'world-instance',
				g_Ob: a,
				type: 'float',
				valueType: 'numeric',
				g_SQ: t[r],
				g_SR: n[r],
				g_SP: _.g_aSy.g_jM(i),
				g_SM: e
		static g_aTH(a, t, n, i, e, r) {
			return g_aO.g_HY.Text && r.g_Ir() instanceof g_aO.g_HY.Text
				? {
						g_SN: 'plugin',
						g_SO: [7],
						g_Ob: 'color',
						type: 'color',
						valueType: 'color',
						g_SQ: t,
						g_SR: n,
						g_SP: _.g_aSy.g_jM(i),
						g_SM: e
				: {
						g_SN: 'world-instance',
						g_Ob: a,
						type: 'color',
						valueType: 'color',
						g_SQ: t,
						g_SR: n,
						g_SP: _.g_aSy.g_jM(i),
						g_SM: e
		static g_aTK(g, a, t, n, e) {
			return {
				g_SN: 'world-instance',
				g_Ob: g,
				type: 'angle',
				valueType: 'angle',
				g_SQ: a,
				g_SR: t,
				g_SP: _.g_aSy.g_jM(n),
				g_SM: e
		static g_aTP(g, a, t, n, e) {
			return {
				g_SN: 'world-instance',
				g_Ob: g,
				type: 'float',
				valueType: 'numeric',
				g_SQ: a,
				g_SR: t,
				g_SP: _.g_aSy.g_jM(n),
				g_SM: e
		static g_aTN(g, a, t, n, e) {
			return {
				g_SN: 'value',
				g_Ob: g,
				type: 'float',
				valueType: 'numeric',
				g_SQ: a,
				g_SR: t,
				g_SP: _.g_aSy.g_jM(n),
				g_SM: e
	const _ = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween,
		g = Object.assign({}, { g_SM: 'absolute' }, { tags: '', g_Ob: '', time: 0, g_SP: 0, g_SL: 0 }),
		a = Object.assign({}, g, { g_SK: 'current-state', g_SQ: 0, g_SR: 0 }),
		t = Object.assign({}, g, { g_SK: 'current-state', g_SQ: [0, 0], g_SR: [0, 0] }),
		n = Object.assign({}, g, { g_SK: 'current-state', g_SQ: [0, 0, 0], g_SR: [0, 0, 0] }),
		r = Object.assign({}, a, { g_SK: 'start-value' });
	_.g_aSK = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_aTS(g, _, a, t, n) {
			(g.tags = _), (g.time = a), (g.g_SP = t), (g.g_SL = n);
		static g_aSJ(e, t, r, s, g, d, i) {
			const o = _.g_aSy.g_aTo(r),
				u = _.g_aSy.g_aTs(o) ? n : a;
			return (
				this.g_aTS(u, t, g, d, i),
					? ((n.g_SR[0] = g_aO.g_eN(s)),
					  (n.g_SR[1] = g_aO.g_eO(s)),
					  (n.g_SR[2] = g_aO.g_eP(s)),
					  (n.g_Ob = _.g_aSy.g_aTm(o)))
					: _.g_aSy.g_aTu(o)
					? (a.g_SR = s / 100)
					: (a.g_SR = s),
				(u.g_Ob = _.g_aSy.g_aTm(o)),
		static g_aSM(a, n, r, e, s, g, d, i) {
			this.g_aTS(t, n, g, d, i);
			const l = _.g_aSy.g_aTn(r);
			return (t.g_SR[0] = e), (t.g_SR[1] = s), (t.g_Ob = _.g_aSy.g_aTm(l)), t;
		static g_aSO(a, t, n, s, e, g, d) {
			return (
				this.g_aTS(r, t, e, g, d), (r.g_SQ = n), (r.g_SR = s), (r.g_Ob = _.g_aSy.g_aTm('value')), r
	const g = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween,
		_ = [];
	g.g_aTx = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_aTw(e) {
			if (0 === _.length) {
				const e = _;
				e.push({ g_xK: g.g_aSy.g_aTr, result: this.g_aTD }),
					e.push({ g_xK: g.g_aSy.g_aTs, result: this.g_aTG }),
					e.push({ g_xK: g.g_aSy.g_aTt, result: this.g_aTJ }),
					e.push({ g_xK: g.g_aSy.g_aSz, result: this.g_aTM }),
					e.push({ g_xK: () => !0, result: this.g_aTO });
			g_aO.g_cF(e) && (e = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween.g_aSy.g_aSx(e));
			for (const g of _) if (g.g_xK(e)) return g.result;
		static get g_aTD() {
			return 'pair';
		static get g_aTG() {
			return 'color';
		static get g_aTJ() {
			return 'angle';
		static get g_aTM() {
			return 'value';
		static get g_aTO() {
			return 'other';
	const g = g_aO.g_ahl.Tween;
	g.g_aTB = class {
		constructor() {}
		static g_aTL(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_er(parseFloat(g));
			return g_aO.g_eq(_);
		static g_aTI(g) {
			return g.slice(0);
		static g_aTF(g) {
			return g;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aTT = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aTT.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict';
	const g = 2 * Math.PI,
		_ = Math.PI / 2,
		a = (3 * Math.PI) / 2,
		e = [0, 1, 8, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 9, 7];
	g_aO.g_ahl.g_aTT.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(_, a) {
				(this.g_aTU = 0),
				(this.g_aTV = 0),
				(this.g_aTW = 0),
				(this.g_aTX = 0),
				(this.g_aTY = 0),
				(this.g__z = !0),
				(this.g_aTZ = 0),
				(this.g_aT_ = 0),
				(this.g_aT$ = 0),
				(this.g_aUa = 0),
				(this.g_aUb = 0),
				(this.g_aUc = 0),
				(this.g__J = 0),
				(this.g_aUd = 0),
				(this.g_aUe = 0),
				(this.g_aUf = 0),
				(this.g_aUg = 0),
				a &&
					((this.g_aTV = e[a[0]]),
					(this.g_aTW = a[1]),
					(this.g_aUa = this.g_Be.g_afS() * a[3]),
					(this.g_aTZ = a[2]),
					(this.g_aTX = a[2]),
					(this.g_aTX += this.g_aUa),
					(this.g_aT_ = a[4]),
					0 !== this.g_aTX &&
						((this.g_aUb = this.g_Be.g_afS() * a[5]),
						(this.g_aTU = (a[4] / this.g_aTX) * g),
						(this.g_aTU += (this.g_aUb / this.g_aTX) * g)),
					(this.g_aUc = this.g_Be.g_afS() * a[7]),
					(this.g_aT$ = a[6]),
					(this.g_aTY = a[6]),
					(this.g_aTY += this.g_aUc),
					(this.g__z = !!a[8])),
				5 === this.g_aTV && (this.g_aTY = g_aO.g_er(this.g_aTY)),
				this.g__z && this.g_ael();
		g_ek() {
		g_GH() {
			return {
				i: this.g_aTU,
				e: this.g__z,
				mv: this.g_aTV,
				w: this.g_aTW,
				p: this.g_aTX,
				mag: this.g_aTY,
				iv: this.g__J,
				iv2: this.g_aUd,
				r: this.g_aUg,
				lkv: this.g_aUe,
				lkv2: this.g_aUf
		g_GJ(g) {
			(this.g_aTU = g.i),
				(this.g_aTV = g.mv),
				(this.g_aTW = g.w),
				(this.g_aTX = g.p),
				(this.g_aTY = g.mag),
				(this.g__J = g.iv),
				(this.g_aUd = g.iv2),
				(this.g_aUg = g.r),
				(this.g_aUe = g.lkv),
				(this.g_aUf = g.lkv2);
		g_akw() {
			const g = this.g_b_.g_CU();
			switch (this.g_aTV) {
				case 0:
					this.g__J = g.g_Ig();
				case 1:
					this.g__J = g.g_Ih();
				case 2:
					(this.g__J = g.g_pN()), (this.g_aUg = g.g_pO() / g.g_pN());
				case 3:
					this.g__J = g.g_pN();
				case 4:
					this.g__J = g.g_pO();
				case 5:
					this.g__J = g.g_Fj();
				case 6:
					this.g__J = g.g_zk();
				case 7:
					this.g__J = 0;
				case 8:
					(this.g__J = g.g_Ig()), (this.g_aUd = g.g_Ih());
				case 9:
					this.g__J = g.g_Do();
			(this.g_aUe = this.g__J), (this.g_aUf = this.g_aUd);
		g_aUh(t) {
			var n = Math.PI;
			switch (((t %= g), this.g_aTW)) {
				case 0:
					return Math.sin(t);
				case 1:
					return t <= _ ? t / _ : t <= a ? 1 - (2 * (t - _)) / n : (t - a) / _ - 1;
				case 2:
					return (2 * t) / g - 1;
				case 3:
					return (-2 * t) / g + 1;
				case 4:
					return t < n ? -1 : 1;
			return 0;
		g_KZ() {
			const _ = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_);
			this.g__z &&
				0 !== _ &&
				((this.g_aTU = 0 === this.g_aTX ? 0 : (this.g_aTU + (_ / this.g_aTX) * g) % g),
		g_aUi() {
			const g = this.g_b_.g_CU();
			switch (this.g_aTV) {
				case 0:
					g.g_Ig() !== this.g_aUe && (this.g__J += g.g_Ig() - this.g_aUe),
						g.g_abn(this.g__J + this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY),
						(this.g_aUe = g.g_Ig());
				case 1:
					g.g_Ih() !== this.g_aUe && (this.g__J += g.g_Ih() - this.g_aUe),
						g.g_abo(this.g__J + this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY),
						(this.g_aUe = g.g_Ih());
				case 2:
					g.g_Hj(this.g__J + this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY), g.g_Hk(g.g_pN() * this.g_aUg);
				case 3:
					g.g_Hj(this.g__J + this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY);
				case 4:
					g.g_Hk(this.g__J + this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY);
				case 5:
					g.g_Fj() !== this.g_aUe && (this.g__J = g_aO.g_eq(this.g__J + (g.g_Fj() - this.g_aUe))),
						g.g_Fi(this.g__J + this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY),
						(this.g_aUe = g.g_Fj());
				case 6:
					g.g_zm(this.g__J + (this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY) / 100);
				case 8:
					g.g_Ig() !== this.g_aUe && (this.g__J += g.g_Ig() - this.g_aUe),
						g.g_Ih() !== this.g_aUf && (this.g_aUd += g.g_Ih() - this.g_aUf),
						g.g_abn(this.g__J + Math.cos(g.g_Fj()) * this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY),
						g.g_abo(this.g_aUd + Math.sin(g.g_Fj()) * this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY),
						(this.g_aUe = g.g_Ig()),
						(this.g_aUf = g.g_Ih());
				case 9:
					g.g_Fh(this.g__J + this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY);
		g_aUj() {}
		g_aOP(g) {
			(this.g__z = !!g), this.g__z ? this.g_ael() : this.g_adY();
		g_QF(g) {
			return 0 === g
				? this.g_aTV
				: 1 === g
				? this.g_aTW
				: 2 === g
				? this.g_aTZ
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aT$
				: 8 === g
				? this.g__z
				: void 0;
		g_QM(_, a) {
			0 === _
				? ((this.g_aTV = e[a]), this.g_akw())
				: 1 === _
				? (this.g_aTW = a)
				: 2 === _
				? ((this.g_aTZ = a),
				  (this.g_aTX = this.g_aTZ + this.g_aUa),
				  this.g__z ||
						(0 === this.g_aTX
							? (this.g_aTU = 0)
							: ((this.g_aTU = (this.g_aT_ / this.g_aTX) * g),
							  (this.g_aTU += (this.g_aUb / this.g_aTX) * g))))
				: 6 === _
				? ((this.g_aT$ = a),
				  (this.g_aTY = this.g_aT$ + this.g_aUc),
				  5 === this.g_aTV && (this.g_aTY = g_aO.g_er(this.g_aTY)))
				: 8 === _
				? (this.g__z = !!a)
				: void 0;
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: '$' + this.g_NZ().g_pY(),
					properties: [
							name: 'behaviors.sin.properties.enabled.name',
							value: this.g__z,
							g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOP(g)
							name: 'behaviors.sin.properties.period.name',
							value: this.g_aTX,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_aTX = g)
							name: 'behaviors.sin.properties.magnitude.name',
							value: this.g_aTY,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_aTY = g)
						{ name: 'behaviors.sin.debugger.value', value: this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY }
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aTT.g_HW = {
		g_jp() {
			return this.g__z;
		g_aUk(g) {
			return this.g_aTV === g;
		g_aUl(g, _) {
			return g_aO.compare(this.g_aTX, g, _);
		g_aUm(g, _) {
			return 5 === this.g_aTV
				? g_aO.compare(this.g_aTY, g, g_aO.g_er(_))
				: g_aO.compare(this.g_aTY, g, _);
		g_aUn(g) {
			return this.g_aTW === g;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aTT.g_abH = {
		g_aQu(g) {
			this.g_aOP(0 !== g);
		g_aUo(g) {
			this.g_aTX = g;
		g_aUp(g) {
			(this.g_aTY = g), 5 === this.g_aTV && (this.g_aTY = g_aO.g_er(this.g_aTY));
		g_aUq(g) {
			5 === this.g_aTV && 5 !== g && (this.g_aTY = g_aO.g_es(this.g_aTY)),
				(this.g_aTV = g),
		g_aUr(g) {
			this.g_aTW = g;
		g_aUs(g) {
			const _ = 2 * Math.PI;
			(this.g_aTU = (g * _) % _), this.g_aUi();
		g_aUt() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aTT.g__$ = {
		g_aUu() {
			return this.g_aTU / (2 * Math.PI);
		g_aUv() {
			return this.g_aTX;
		g_aUw() {
			return 5 === this.g_aTV ? g_aO.g_es(this.g_aTY) : this.g_aTY;
		g_aTj() {
			return this.g_aUh(this.g_aTU) * this.g_aTY;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUx = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUx.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUx.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g, _) {
				(this.g_aUy = 0),
				(this.g_aUz = 0),
				(this.g_aUA = 0),
				(this.g_aQ_ = !0),
				(this.g_aUB = !0),
				(this.g_aUC = !1),
				(this.g_aUD = 0),
				(this.g_aUE = g_aO.g_ej(g_aO.g_lQ)),
				(this.g_aUF = this.g_b_.g_CU().g_zk() || 1),
				_ &&
					((this.g_aUy = _[0]),
					(this.g_aUz = _[1]),
					(this.g_aUA = _[2]),
					(this.g_aQ_ = !!_[3]),
					(this.g_aUB = !!_[4]),
					(this.g_aUD = this.g_aUB ? 0 : 3)),
				this.g_aUB &&
					(0 === this.g_aUy
						? ((this.g_aUD = 1), 0 === this.g_aUz && (this.g_aUD = 2))
						: (this.g_b_.g_CU().g_zm(0), this.g_Be.g_EV())),
		g_ek() {
		g_GH() {
			return {
				fit: this.g_aUy,
				wt: this.g_aUz,
				fot: this.g_aUA,
				d: this.g_aQ_,
				s: this.g_aUD,
				st: this.g_aUE.g_bd(),
				mo: this.g_aUF
		g_GJ(g) {
			(this.g_aUy = g.fit),
				(this.g_aUz = g.wt),
				(this.g_aUA = g.fot),
				(this.g_aQ_ = g.d),
				(this.g_aUD = g.s),
				(this.g_aUF = g.mo);
		g_KZ() {
			const g = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_);
			const _ = this.g_b_.g_CU();
			0 === this.g_aUD &&
				(_.g_zm(this.g_aUE.g_bd() / this.g_aUy) * this.g_aUF,
				_.g_zk() >= this.g_aUF &&
					(this.g_aUD = 1),
				1 === this.g_aUD &&
					this.g_aUE.g_bd() >= this.g_aUz &&
					((this.g_aUD = 2), this.g_aUE.g_lC(), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUx.g_HW.g_aUH)),
				2 === this.g_aUD &&
					0 !== this.g_aUA &&
					(_.g_zm(this.g_aUF - (this.g_aUE.g_bd() / this.g_aUA) * this.g_aUF),
					0 >= _.g_zk() &&
						((this.g_aUD = 3),
						this.g_aQ_ && this.g_Be.g_EB(this.g_b_)));
		g_AC() {
			(this.g_aUD = 0),
				0 === this.g_aUy
					? ((this.g_aUD = 1), 0 === this.g_aUz && (this.g_aUD = 2))
					: (this.g_b_.g_CU().g_zm(0), this.g_Be.g_EV());
		g_QF(g) {
			return 0 === g
				? this.g_aUy
				: 1 === g
				? this.g_aUz
				: 2 === g
				? this.g_aUA
				: 3 === g
				? this.g_aQ_
				: void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			0 === g
				? (this.g_aUy = _)
				: 1 === g
				? (this.g_aUz = _)
				: 2 === g
				? (this.g_aUA = _)
				: 3 === g
				? (this.g_aQ_ = !!_)
				: void 0;
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: '$' + this.g_NZ().g_pY(),
					properties: [
							name: 'behaviors.fade.properties.fade-in-time.name',
							value: this.g_aUy,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_aUy = g)
							name: 'behaviors.fade.properties.wait-time.name',
							value: this.g_aUz,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_aUz = g)
							name: 'behaviors.fade.properties.fade-out-time.name',
							value: this.g_aUA,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_aUA = g)
							name: 'behaviors.fade.debugger.stage',
							value: [
								'behaviors.fade.debugger.' + ['fade-in', 'wait', 'fade-out', 'done'][this.g_aUD]
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUx.g_HW = {
		g_aUI() {
			return !0;
		g_aUG() {
			return !0;
		g_aUH() {
			return !0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUx.g_abH = {
		g_aUJ() {
			this.g_aUB || this.g_aUC || ((this.g_aUF = this.g_b_.g_CU().g_zk() || 1), (this.g_aUC = !0)),
				3 === this.g_aUD && this.g_AC();
		g_aUK() {
		g_aUL(g) {
			0 > g && (g = 0), (this.g_aUy = g);
		g_aUM(g) {
			0 > g && (g = 0), (this.g_aUz = g);
		g_aUN(g) {
			0 > g && (g = 0), (this.g_aUA = g);
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUx.g__$ = {
		g_aUO() {
			return this.g_aUy;
		g_aUP() {
			return this.g_aUz;
		g_aUQ() {
			return this.g_aUA;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict';
	g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g, _) {
			var a = Math.abs;
			const t = this.g_CU();
			(this.g_ahV = 0),
				(this.g_aUS = 0),
				(this.g_gD = 0),
				(this.g_aUT = !1),
				(this.g_aUU = !1),
				(this.g_aUV = !1),
				(this.g__z = !0),
				(this.g_aQU = 0),
				(this.g_aQV = 0),
				(this.g_aLm = t.g_Ig()),
				(this.g_aLn = t.g_Ih()),
				(this.g_aNU = t.g_Fj()),
				(this.g_aUW = 0),
				(this.g_aUX = Math.min(a(t.g_pN()), a(t.g_pO()) / 2)),
				(this.g_aUY = !1),
				_ &&
					((this.g_ahV = _[0]),
					(this.g_aUS = _[1]),
					(this.g_gD = _[2]),
					(this.g_aUT = !!_[3]),
					(this.g_aUU = !!_[4]),
					(this.g_aUV = !!_[5]),
					(this.g__z = !!_[6]));
			const e = t.g_Fj();
			(this.g_aQU = Math.cos(e) * this.g_ahV),
				(this.g_aQV = Math.sin(e) * this.g_ahV),
				this.g__z && (this.g_ael(), this.g_aUT && this.g_afw());
		g_ek() {
		g_GH() {
			const g = {
				dx: this.g_aQU,
				dy: this.g_aQV,
				lx: this.g_aLm,
				ly: this.g_aLn,
				lka: this.g_aNU,
				t: this.g_aUW
			return (
				0 !== this.g_aUS && (g.acc = this.g_aUS),
				0 !== this.g_gD && (g.g = this.g_gD),
				this.g_aUV && (g.st = this.g_aUV),
				this.g__z || (g.e = this.g__z),
				this.g_aUT && (g.bos = this.g_aUT),
				this.g_aUU && (g.sa = this.g_aUU),
		g_GJ(g) {
			(this.g_aQU = g.dx),
				(this.g_aQV = g.dy),
				(this.g_aLm = g.lx),
				(this.g_aLn = g.ly),
				(this.g_aNU = g.lka),
				(this.g_aUW = g.t),
				(this.g_aUS = g.hasOwnProperty('acc') ? g.acc : 0),
				(this.g_gD = g.hasOwnProperty('g') ? g.g : 0),
				(this.g_aUV = !!g.hasOwnProperty('st') && g.st),
				(this.g_aUT = !!g.hasOwnProperty('bos') && g.bos),
				(this.g_aUU = !!g.hasOwnProperty('sa') && g.sa),
				this.g_aOP(!g.hasOwnProperty('e') || g.e);
		g_KZ() {
			var _ = Math.sin,
				t = Math.cos;
			if (!this.g__z) return;
			const n = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_),
				r = this.g_b_.g_CU();
			if (r.g_Fj() !== this.g_aNU) {
				const g = r.g_Fj();
				if (this.g_aUU) {
					const e = g_aO.g_et(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV);
					(this.g_aQU = t(g) * e), (this.g_aQV = _(g) * e);
				this.g_aNU = g;
			let e = 0,
				s = 0;
			if (0 !== this.g_aUS) {
				let g = g_aO.g_et(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV),
					a = 0;
				(a =
					0 === this.g_aQU && 0 === this.g_aQV
						? r.g_Fj()
						: g_aO.g_ev(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV)),
					(g += this.g_aUS * n),
					(e = t(a) * this.g_aUS),
					(s = _(a) * this.g_aUS),
					0 > g && ((g = 0), (e = 0), (s = 0)),
					(this.g_aQU = t(a) * g),
					(this.g_aQV = _(a) * g);
			if (
				(0 !== this.g_gD && ((this.g_aQV += this.g_gD * n), (s += this.g_gD)),
				(this.g_aLm = r.g_Ig()),
				(this.g_aLn = r.g_Ih()),
				0 !== this.g_aQU || 0 !== this.g_aQV)
			) {
				const g = this.g_aQU * n + 0.5 * e * n * n,
					_ = this.g_aQV * n + 0.5 * s * n * n,
					t = g_aO.g_et(0, 0, g, _);
				if ((this.g_aUZ(g, _, t), (this.g_aUW += t), this.g_aUU && (0 != g || 0 != _))) {
					const e = g_aO.g_ev(0, 0, g, _);
					r.g_Fi(e), (this.g_aNU = r.g_Fj());
		g_aUZ(_, t, n) {
			const i = this.g_CU();
			if (!this.g_aUV || n <= this.g_aUX)
				return i.g_abt(_, t), i.g_En(), void (this.g_aUV && this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR.g_HW.g_aU_));
			this.g_aUY = !1;
			const e = i.g_Ig(),
				r = i.g_Ih(),
				g = g_aO.g_ev(0, 0, _, t),
				s = Math.cos(g) * this.g_aUX,
				a = Math.sin(g) * this.g_aUX,
				d = Math.floor(n / this.g_aUX);
			for (let g = 1; g <= d; ++g)
				if (
					(i.g_abq(e + s * g, r + a * g),
					this.g_b_.g_NL() || this.g_aUY)
			i.g_abq(e + _, r + t), i.g_En(), this.g_Ku(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR.g_HW.g_aU_);
		g_afr() {
			if (this.g__z && this.g_aUT && (0 !== this.g_aQU || 0 !== this.g_aQV)) {
				const g = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_),
					_ = this.g_b_.g_CU(),
					a = this.g_Be.g_ahf(),
					t = a.g_ahh(this.g_b_);
				if (t) {
					a.g_amt(this.g_b_, t);
					const n = g_aO.g_et(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV),
						e = a.g_amQ(this.g_b_, this.g_aLm, this.g_aLn);
					(this.g_aQU = Math.cos(e) * n),
						(this.g_aQV = Math.sin(e) * n),
						_.g_abt(this.g_aQU * g, this.g_aQV * g),
						this.g_aUU && (_.g_Fi(e), (this.g_aNU = _.g_Fj()), _.g_En()),
						a.g_amM(this.g_b_, this.g_aQU / n, this.g_aQV / n, Math.max(2.5 * n * g, 30)) ||
							a.g_amP(this.g_b_, 100);
		g_QF(g) {
			return 0 === g
				? this.g_aU$()
				: 1 === g
				? this.g_aVa()
				: 2 === g
				? this.g_aVb()
				: 4 === g
				? this.g_aUU
				: 5 === g
				? this.g_aUV
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aOH()
				: void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			0 === g
				? this.g_aVc(_)
				: 1 === g
				? (this.g_aUS = _)
				: 2 === g
				? (this.g_gD = _)
				: 4 === g
				? (this.g_aUU = !!_)
				: 5 === g
				? (this.g_aUV = !!_)
				: 6 === g
				? this.g_aOP(!!_)
				: void 0;
		g_aVc(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_ev(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV);
			(this.g_aQU = Math.cos(_) * g), (this.g_aQV = Math.sin(_) * g);
		g_aU$() {
			return g_aO.g_eJ(g_aO.g_et(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV));
		g_aVd(g) {
			this.g_aUS = g;
		g_aVa() {
			return this.g_aUS;
		g_aVe(g) {
			this.g_gD = g;
		g_aVb() {
			return this.g_gD;
		g_aVf(g) {
			const _ = g_aO.g_et(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV);
			(this.g_aQU = Math.cos(g) * _), (this.g_aQV = Math.sin(g) * _);
		g_aVg() {
			return g_aO.g_ev(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV);
		g_aVh(g) {
			(g = !!g),
				this.g_aUT === g ||
					((this.g_aUT = g), this.g__z && (this.g_aUT ? this.g_afw() : this.g_afo()));
		g_aVi() {
			return this.g_aUT;
		g_aVj(g) {
			this.g_aUW = g;
		g_aVk() {
			return this.g_aUW;
		g_aOP(g) {
			(this.g__z = !!g),
				this.g__z ? (this.g_ael(), this.g_aUT && this.g_afw()) : (this.g_adY(), this.g_afo());
		g_aOH() {
			return this.g__z;
		g_aep() {
			return [
					title: '$' + this.g_NZ().g_pY(),
					properties: [
							name: 'behaviors.bullet.debugger.vector-x',
							value: this.g_aQU,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_aQU = g)
							name: 'behaviors.bullet.debugger.vector-y',
							value: this.g_aQV,
							g_ayn: (g) => (this.g_aQV = g)
							name: 'behaviors.bullet.properties.speed.name',
							value: this.g_aU$(),
							g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aVc(g)
						{ name: 'behaviors.bullet.debugger.angle-of-motion', value: g_aO.g_es(this.g_aVg()) },
							name: 'behaviors.bullet.properties.gravity.name',
							value: this.g_aVb(),
							g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aVe(g)
							name: 'behaviors.bullet.properties.acceleration.name',
							value: this.g_aVa(),
							g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aVd(g)
						{ name: 'behaviors.bullet.debugger.distance-travelled', value: this.g_aVk() },
							name: 'behaviors.bullet.properties.enabled.name',
							value: this.g_aOH(),
							g_ayn: (g) => this.g_aOP(g)
		g_adS() {
			return g_aVl;
	const g = new WeakMap();
	self.g_aVl = class extends g_ahk {
		constructor() {
			super(), g.set(this, g_ahk.g_agN().g_Qd());
		get speed() {
			return g.get(this).g_aU$();
		set speed(_) {
		get acceleration() {
			return g.get(this).g_aVa();
		set acceleration(_) {
		get g_aVm() {
			return g.get(this).g_aVb();
		set g_aVm(_) {
		get g_aVn() {
			return g.get(this).g_aVg();
		set g_aVn(_) {
		get g_aVo() {
			return g.get(this).g_aVi();
		set g_aVo(_) {
		get g_aVp() {
			return g.get(this).g_aVk();
		set g_aVp(_) {
		get isEnabled() {
			return g.get(this).g_aOH();
		set isEnabled(_) {
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR.g_HW = {
		g_aVq(g, _) {
			const e = Math.sqrt(this.g_aQU * this.g_aQU + this.g_aQV * this.g_aQV);
			return g_aO.compare(e, g, _);
		g_aVr(g, _) {
			return g_aO.compare(this.g_aVk(), g, _);
		g_aU_() {
			return !0;
		g_jp() {
			return this.g_aOH();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR.g_abH = {
		g_aVs(g) {
		g_aHq(g) {
		g_aHr(g) {
		g_aVt(g) {
		g_aVu(g) {
			var _ = Math.max;
			if (g) {
				const t = g.g_abA(this.g_b_);
				if (t) {
					const n = this.g_b_.g_CU(),
						a = this.g_Be.g_ahf(),
						i = this.g_Be.g_KW(this.g_b_),
						e = g_aO.g_et(0, 0, this.g_aQU, this.g_aQV),
						r = a.g_amQ(this.g_b_, this.g_aLm, this.g_aLn, t);
					(this.g_aQU = Math.cos(r) * e),
						(this.g_aQV = Math.sin(r) * e),
						n.g_abt(this.g_aQU * i, this.g_aQV * i),
						this.g_aUU && (n.g_Fi(r), (this.g_aNU = n.g_Fj()), n.g_En()),
						0 !== e &&
								? !a.g_amM(this.g_b_, this.g_aQU / e, this.g_aQV / e, _(2.5 * e * i, 30)) &&
								  a.g_amP(this.g_b_, 100)
								: a.g_amL(this.g_b_, this.g_aQU / e, this.g_aQV / e, _(2.5 * e * i, 30), t));
		g_aVv(g) {
		g_aVw(g) {
		g_aQu(g) {
		g_aVx() {
			this.g_aUY = !0;
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.g_aUR.g__$ = {
		g_aVy() {
			return this.g_aU$();
		g_aVz() {
			return this.g_aVa();
		g_aVA() {
			return g_aO.g_es(this.g_aVg());
		g_aVB() {
			return this.g_aVk();
		g_aIE() {
			return this.g_aVb();
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.wrap = class extends g_aO.g_ae$ {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.wrap.g_ajj = class extends g_aO.g_afh {
		constructor(g) {
		g_ek() {
		g_adB() {}
	'use strict';
	const g = new g_aO.Rect();
	g_aO.g_ahl.wrap.Instance = class extends g_aO.g_afk {
		constructor(g, _) {
			super(g), (this.g_aQP = 0), _ && (this.g_aQP = _[0]), this.g_ael();
		g_ek() {
		g_GH() {
			return { m: this.g_aQP };
		g_GJ(g) {
			this.g_aQP = g.m;
		g_KZ() {
			const _ = this.g_b_.g_CU(),
				a = _.g_Em(),
				t = a.g_EL(),
				n = _.g_Gi();
			0 === this.g_aQP ? g.set(0, 0, t.g_pN(), t.g_pO()) : g.g_p(a.g_EW()),
				n.g_hX() < g.g_hV()
					? (_.g_abn(g.g_hX() - 1 + (_.g_Ig() - n.g_hV())), _.g_En())
					: n.g_hV() > g.g_hX()
					? (_.g_abn(g.g_hV() + 1 - (n.g_hX() - _.g_Ig())), _.g_En())
					: n.g_hY() < g.g_hW()
					? (_.g_abo(g.g_hY() - 1 + (_.g_Ih() - n.g_hW())), _.g_En())
					: n.g_hW() > g.g_hY() && (_.g_abo(g.g_hW() + 1 - (n.g_hY() - _.g_Ih())), _.g_En());
		g_QF(g) {
			return 0 === g ? this.g_aQP : void 0;
		g_QM(g, _) {
			0 === g ? (this.g_aQP = _) : void 0;
'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.wrap.g_HW = {}),
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.wrap.g_abH = {}),
	'use strict',
	(g_aO.g_ahl.wrap.g__$ = {}),
	'use strict',
	(self.g_arG = function () {
		return [
	(self.g_arU = [
		{ g_aVC: 0 },
		{ g_aVD: 0 },
		{ g_aMS: 0 },
		{ g_aQM: 0 },
		{ g_aVE: 0 },
		{ which: 0 },
		{ first: 0 },
		{ g_aVF: 0 },
		{ g_aVG: 0 },
		{ g_aVH: 0 },
		{ g_aRl: 0 },
		{ body: 0 },
		{ Keyboard: 0 },
		{ g_aVI: 0 },
		{ head: 0 },
		{ g_aVJ: 0 },
		{ Audio: 0 },
		{ g_aVK: 0 },
		{ g_aVL: 0 },
		{ g_aVM: 0 },
		{ g_aVN: 0 },
		{ g_aVO: 0 },
		{ g_aVP: 0 },
		{ g_aVQ: 0 },
		{ g_aVR: 0 },
		{ g_aVS: 0 },
		{ g_aVT: 0 },
		{ g_aVU: 0 },
		{ g_aVV: 0 },
		{ g_aVW: 0 },
		{ g_aVX: 0 },
		{ g_aVY: 0 },
		{ g_aRC: 0 },
		{ Tween: 0 },
		{ pause: 0 },
		{ g_aVZ: 0 },
		{ g_aV_: 0 },
		{ g_aV$: 0 },
		{ g_aWa: 0 },
		{ g_aWb: 0 },
		{ g_aWc: 0 },
		{ g_aWd: 0 },
		{ g_aWe: 0 },
		{ g_aWf: 0 },
		{ g_aWg: 0 },
		{ g_aWh: 0 },
		{ g_aEb: 0 },
		{ Array: 0 },
		{ g_aWi: 0 },
		{ g_aWj: 0 },
		{ g_aGk: 0 },
		{ g_aWk: 0 },
		{ g_aWl: 0 },
		{ g_aWm: 0 },
		{ g_aWn: 0 },
		{ g_aWo: 0 },
		{ g_aWp: 0 },
		{ g_aWq: 0 },
		{ g_aWr: 0 },
		{ g_aWs: 0 },
		{ g_aWt: 0 },
		{ g_aWu: 0 },
		{ g_aWv: 0 },
		{ g_aWw: 0 },
		{ Touch: 0 },
		{ g_aWx: 0 },
		{ g_aWy: 0 },
		{ g_aWz: 0 },
		{ g_aWA: 0 },
		{ g_bN: 0 },
		{ g_aUx: 0 },
		{ fadeOut: 0 },
		{ g_aWB: 0 },
		{ title: 0 },
		{ g_aWC: 0 },
		{ hover: 0 },
		{ g_aWD: 0 },
		{ g_aWE: 0 },
		{ g_aWF: 0 },
		{ g_aWG: 0 },
		{ g_aWH: 0 },
		{ g_aWI: 0 },
		{ g_aWJ: 0 },
		{ g_aWK: 0 },
		{ g_aWL: 0 },
		{ g_aWM: 0 },
		{ g_aWN: 0 },
		{ g_aWO: 0 },
		{ g_aWP: 0 },
		{ g_aWQ: 0 },
		{ g_aWR: 0 },
		{ g_aWS: 0 },
		{ g_aWT: 0 },
		{ g_aWU: 0 },
		{ g_aWV: 0 },
		{ ready: 0 },
		{ g_aWW: 0 },
		{ g_aWX: 0 },
		{ g_aWY: 0 },
		{ g_aWZ: 0 },
		{ g_aW_: 0 },
		{ g_aW$: 0 },
		{ g_aXa: 0 },
		{ g_aXb: 0 },
		{ g_aXc: 0 },
		{ g_aXd: 0 },
		{ g_aXe: 0 },
		{ g_aXf: 0 },
		{ g_aXg: 0 },
		{ g_aXh: 0 },
		{ g_aXi: 0 },
		{ g_aXj: 0 },
		{ g_aXk: 0 },
		{ g_aXl: 0 },
		{ g_aXm: 0 },
		{ g_aXn: 0 },
		{ g_aXo: 0 },
		{ font: 0 },
		{ g_aXp: 0 },
		{ g_aXq: 0 },
		{ g_aXr: 0 },
		{ g_aXs: 0 },
		{ g_aXt: 0 },
		{ g_aUR: 0 },
		{ g_aXu: 0 },
		{ g_aXv: 0 },
		{ g_aXw: 0 },
		{ g_aXx: 0 },
		{ g_aXy: 0 },
		{ line: 0 },
		{ g_aXz: 0 },
		{ g_aXA: 0 },
		{ g_aXB: 0 },
		{ g_aXC: 0 },
		{ speed: 0 },
		{ g_aXD: 0 },
		{ g_aXE: 0 },
		{ g_aXF: 0 },
		{ g_aXG: 0 },
		{ g_aXH: 0 },
		{ g_aXI: 0 },
		{ g_aXJ: 0 },
		{ g_aXK: 0 },
		{ g_aXL: 0 },
		{ g_aXM: 0 },
		{ g_aXN: 0 },
		{ g_aXO: 0 },
		{ g_aXP: 0 },
		{ g_aXQ: 0 },
		{ g_aXR: 0 },
		{ g_aXS: 0 },
		{ g_aXT: 0 },
		{ g_aXU: 0 },
		{ g_aXV: 0 },
		{ g_aXW: 0 },
		{ g_aXX: 0 },
		{ g_b: 0 },
		{ g_aXY: 0 },
		{ g_aXZ: 0 },
		{ g_aX_: 0 },
		{ x1: 0 },
		{ y1: 0 },
		{ g_aX$: 0 },
		{ g_aYa: 0 },
		{ g_aYb: 0 },
		{ g_aYc: 0 },
		{ g_aYd: 0 },
		{ g_aYe: 0 },
		{ g_aYf: 0 },
		{ g_aYg: 0 },
		{ g_aYh: 0 },
		{ g_aYi: 0 }
	'use strict';
	self.g_$B = [
		() => 'P1',
		() => 'head',
		() => -8,
		() => 8,
		() => 0,
		() => 1,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => 2 * _.g_$v();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j(1);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _(e.g_Pc(), a.g_Pc());
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => -1 * _(e.g_Pc(), a.g_Pc());
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A();
			return () => -1 * _.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$n();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => g_aO.g_V(_.g_$n(), 0, e());
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => g_aO.g_V(_.g_$n(), 0, 2 * e());
		() => 'Control P1',
		() => 2,
		() => 10,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j();
		() => 180,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_$j() + e.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_$j() - e.g_Pc();
		() => -1,
		() => 0.1,
		() => 'enablePota',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => (60 - _.g_$j()) * (e.g_$j() / 160) * a(0.9, 1.1);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => (-_.g_$j() - 50) * (e.g_$j() / 160) * a(0.9, 1.1);
		() => 'wait',
		() => 0.3,
		() => 100,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => -5 * (_.g_$j() - e.g_$j(1));
		() => 'Skin P1',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j(6);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2),
				t = g.g_$K(3);
			return () => _(e(0.2, 1 - (a.g_$j() - t.g_$j()) / 150), 1);
		() => 'Arm P1',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j('arm1');
		() => 125,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => g_aO.g_V(_.g_$j(), e.g_$j(1), 10 * a());
		() => 'P2',
		() => 'Control P2',
		() => 'Skin P2',
		() => 'Arm P2',
		() => 'P3',
		() => 3,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A(),
				t = g.g_$K(3);
			return () => _(e.g_Pc(), a.g_Pc()) * t.g_$n();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A(),
				t = g.g_$K(3);
			return () => -1 * _(e.g_Pc(), a.g_Pc()) * t.g_$n();
		() => 'Control P3',
		() => 4,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => _(e.g_$j(), 180);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$c();
			return () => (225 - _.g_$j()) * (e(a.g_$j(), 0) / 160) * t(0.9, 1.1);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$c();
			return () => (-_.g_$j() - 50) * (e(a.g_$j(), 0) / 160) * t(0.9, 1.1);
		() => 'Skin P3',
		() => 'Arm P3',
		() => 'P4',
		() => 'Control P4',
		() => 'Skin P4',
		() => 'Arm P4',
		() => 'Ball',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => 5 * _.g_$v();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => g_aO.g_ep(_.g_$v(), -200, 200);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2),
				t = g.g_$K(3);
			return () => _(0.2, e.g_$p() - (a.g_$j() - t.g_$j()) / 150);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2);
			return () => _(Math.abs(e.g_$v()), 20) * (a.g_$j() / 8);
		() => 15,
		() => 275,
		() => -10,
		() => '',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() + 5;
		() => 144,
		() => 146,
		() => -5,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => _.g_$n() * e.g_$v();
		() => 'Players',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => g_aO.g_ep(_.g_$v(), -1 * e.g_Pc(), a.g_Pc());
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => g_aO.g_ep(_.g_$v(), -100, 100);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$v();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => 3 * _.g_$v() + e.g_$v();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => 3 * _.g_$v() + e.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$v() / 2;
		() => 'General',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _('BG');
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => _('BG') - e('BG') + 100;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => _('BG') - e.g_$j() + 100;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _('BG') - 50;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => _(e(8));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(0, 1, 2);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(149, 237, 244);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(255, 214, 159);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(254, 240, 220);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(89, 89, 198);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(119, 120, 210);
		() => 'back',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(82, 82, 186);
		() => 'middle',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(72, 68, 159);
		() => 'front',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(63, 52, 145);
		() => 5,
		() => 6,
		() => 7,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2);
			return () => _(e(a.g_$j()));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$c();
			return () => _(e(138, 72, 54), a(255, 216, 60), t(39, 39, 39));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$c(),
				n = g.g_$K(4).g_$c();
			return () => _(e(255, 225, 188), a(143, 98, 87), t(246, 202, 159), n(214, 169, 124));
		() => 'Control',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => _.g_$j() - e('UI');
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => _('UI') - e('UI');
		() => 'jump1',
		() => 'jump2',
		() => 'Goal',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + e.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => 1.2 * _.g_$j();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() / 1.2;
		() => 0.05,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => (('rainBow' === _.g_$j() ? 1 : 0) ? 2 : 1);
		() => 'blink1',
		() => 0.2,
		() => 0.01,
		() => 'blue',
		() => 'red',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => g_aO.g_V(_(), e.g_$j(), a());
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => g_aO.g_V(_(), 1.5, e());
		() => 1.2,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(255, 200, 37);
		() => 'blink2',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(255, 255, 255);
		() => 'End',
		() => 'OPOutOver',
		() => 'OP',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$v('OPOutOver');
		() => 60,
		() => 'menu',
		() => 'music',
		() => 'sound',
		() => 'Op',
		() => 'Top',
		() => 26,
		() => 290,
		() => 27,
		() => 21,
		() => 55,
		() => -160,
		() => 39,
		() => 'appear',
		() => 145,
		() => 85,
		() => 113,
		() => 204,
		() => 'CPU',
		() => 'nojump',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => 0.5 + _(-2, 2) / 10;
		() => 'jump',
		() => 'attack',
		() => 0.5,
		() => 90,
		() => 280,
		() => 360,
		() => 0.7,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() + 2;
		() => 355,
		() => 'Trail',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() + 85;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() - 1;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(0, 0, 0, 0);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() - 3;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _() + 1;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_$j(e.g_Pc(), 0);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_$j(e.g_Pc(), 1);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A(),
				a = g.g_$K(2),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$A(),
				n = g.g_$K(4),
				i = g.g_$K(5).g_$A(),
				r = g.g_$K(6),
				s = g.g_$K(7).g_$A();
			return () =>
						_.g_$j(e.g_Pc() - 1, 0),
						a.g_$j(t.g_Pc() - 1, 1),
						n.g_$j(i.g_Pc(), 0),
						r.g_$j(s.g_Pc(), 1)
				) + 90;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_$j(e.g_Pc() + 1, 0);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_$j(e.g_Pc() + 1, 1);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$A(),
				a = g.g_$K(2),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$A(),
				n = g.g_$K(4),
				i = g.g_$K(5).g_$A(),
				r = g.g_$K(6),
				s = g.g_$K(7).g_$A();
			return () =>
						_.g_$j(e.g_Pc(), 0),
						a.g_$j(t.g_Pc(), 1),
						n.g_$j(i.g_Pc() + 1, 0),
						r.g_$j(s.g_Pc() + 1, 1)
				) + 90;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() - e.g_$p() * Math.cos(g_aO.g_er(a.g_Pc())) * t.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() - e.g_$p() * Math.sin(g_aO.g_er(a.g_Pc())) * t.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + e.g_$p() * Math.cos(g_aO.g_er(a.g_Pc())) * t.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + e.g_$p() * Math.sin(g_aO.g_er(a.g_Pc())) * t.g_Pc();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$A();
			return () => _(100, 100, 100, e.g_$p() * a.g_Pc() * t.g_Pc());
		() => 'rainBow',
		() => '7',
		() => '1',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(247, 237, 0);
		() => '2',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(237, 174, 1);
		() => '3',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(230, 0, 0);
		() => '4',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(133, 31, 228);
		() => '5',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(34, 207, 250);
		() => '6',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(17, 138, 217);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(126, 224, 1);
		() => 'Bonus',
		() => 95,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => 2 * (_('Top') - e('Top'));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => _(-1, -1, -1, e(a(2, 2, 1, 0)));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => _(-1, e(a(3)));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c(),
				t = g.g_$K(3).g_$c(),
				n = g.g_$K(4).g_$c(),
				i = g.g_$K(5).g_$c();
			return () => ((0 === _.g_Pc() ? 1 : 0) ? e(-1, -1, a(1, 2)) : t(-1, -1, n(i(3))));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => _(0, e(a(3)));
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(0, 0, 1, 2, 3);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => _.g_$j() + (e.g_$n() + 0 ? -3 : 3);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'SHORT ARM';
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'LONG ARM';
		() => 200,
		() => 150,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'SNOW';
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(230, 230, 230);
		() => -281492157629439,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(255, 228, 228);
		() => 400,
		() => 250,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(229, 229, 229);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(162, 226, 253);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(246, 252, 254);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(195, 148, 89);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(255, 229, 196);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(100, 100, 100);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'BIG HEAD';
		() => 1.5,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() - 0.001;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'SMALL HEAD';
		() => 0.6,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'BUSINESS';
		() => 'Animation 2',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'HEAVY BALL';
		() => 'Game',
		() => 'heavy',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'LIGHT BALL';
		() => 'kames',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'DOUBLE POINT';
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'LONG HOOP';
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() - 15;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() + 15;
		() => 141,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'SHORT HOOP';
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c(),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$A();
			return () => _.g_Pc() + ((0 < e(a.g_Pc()) ? 1 : 0) ? ' + ' : '') + 'LARGE HOOP';
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() + 6;
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => _.g_$j() + ((0 === e.g_$n() ? 1 : 0) ? 3 : -3);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() - 6;
		() => 'UI',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$A();
			return () => 0.5 + 0.3 * _.g_Pc();
		() => -15,
		() => 'refsoc',
		() => 'show',
		() => -200,
		() => 'Effect',
		() => 'goal',
		() => 158,
		() => 30,
		() => 'move',
		() => 'move2',
		() => 450,
		() => 'shrink',
		() => 'bup',
		() => -6,
		() => 'stopSine',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1),
				a = g.g_$K(2).g_$c();
			return () => _(e.g_$j(), 0, 10 * a());
		() => -3,
		() => 'http://www.twoplayergames.org/?utm_source=Html5Game&utm_medium=BasketRandom',
		() => 'NewWindow',
		() => 70,
		() => 205,
		() => 'Menu',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => _.g_$j() - e.g_$j();
		() => 'size',
		() => -25,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(60);
		() => 'disappear',
		() => 'OPOutMenu',
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$p();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$v('OPOutMenu');
		() => 1.15,
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0),
				e = g.g_$K(1);
			return () => _.g_$j() + e.g_$n();
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c(),
				e = g.g_$K(1).g_$c();
			return () => _('Top') - e('Top');
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0).g_$c();
			return () => _(0, 10);
		(g) => {
			const _ = g.g_$K(0);
			return () => _.g_$j() + 4;
		() => 0.4
	self.g_aO.g_aYj = {};