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"A Bit Of Music",[music] Put Lyrics Here And Maybe It Works [music] ,,"Some Music, if you're lucky, works with text."
"Mostly Music",[music][music][music] Put Lyrics Here And Maybe It Works [music][music][music] ,negative_prompt,,"MORE MUSIC."
"Too Much Music",[music][music][music][music][music][music] Try Putting Lyrics Here And Maybe It Work But Probably Not ,negative_prompt,,"MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC"
ominous music,* ominous music *,
music note,♪,
clears throat,[clears throat],
dubstep drop,* dubstep drop *,
"1960's breakbeat solo","* 1960's breakbeat solo *",
shushes, [shushes],,"shhh"
mumbles, [mumbles],,"by itself, speaker will mumble incoherently"
moans, [moans],," ;) - you get some pretty funny ones out of this, and it modifies the sentence tone"
scoff, [scoff],," heh"
tongue clicks, [tongue clicks],," rarely works but got some success"
whispers, [whispers],," put at start of sentence, occasional success"
ding, [ding],," ow my ears"
car horn, [car horn],," sounds pretty accurate"
chirp, [chirp],," wow you get some really random sounds with this one"
ouch, [ouch],," unexpected sounds"
yipes, [yipes],," similar to moan"
exclaim, [exclaim],," very sus ;)"
giggling, [giggling],," shorter laughing"
whimpering, [whimpering],," rare, loud and weird"
scratching, [scratching],," rare, sounds more like alien clicking/scratching"
smacking, [smacking],,"works nearly every time, sounds like slapping/clapping"
screaming, [screaming],,
crying, [crying],,"sighing+laughing+weird sounds"
gulping, [gulping],," got a bunch of boop boop boop"
gun firing, [gun firing],," rare but distant shot/fireworks sounds"
sneeze, [sneeze],," weird sounds, sometimes microphone bump/hit sounds"