export type VideoStatus = | 'pending' | 'abort' // this is an order (the video might still being processed by a task) | 'delete' // this is an order (the video might still being processed by a task) | 'pause' // this is an order (the video might still being processed by a task) | 'completed' | 'unknown' export type VideoTransition = | 'dissolve' | 'bookflip' | 'bounce' | 'bowtiehorizontal' | 'bowtievertical' | 'bowtiewithparameter' | 'butterflywavescrawler' | 'circlecrop' | 'colourdistance' | 'crazyparametricfun' | 'crosszoom' | 'directional' | 'directionalscaled' | 'doomscreentransition' | 'dreamy' | 'dreamyzoom' | 'edgetransition' | 'filmburn' | 'filmburnglitchdisplace' | 'glitchmemories' | 'gridflip' | 'horizontalclose' | 'horizontalopen' | 'invertedpagecurl' | 'leftright' | 'linearblur' | 'mosaic' | 'overexposure' | 'polkadotscurtain' | 'radial' | 'rectangle' | 'rectanglecrop' | 'rolls' | 'rotatescalevanish' | 'simplezoom' | 'simplezoomout' | 'slides' | 'staticfade' | 'stereoviewer' | 'swirl' | 'tvstatic' | 'topbottom' | 'verticalclose' | 'verticalopen' | 'waterdrop' | 'waterdropzoomincircles' | 'zoomleftwipe' | 'zoomrigthwipe' | 'angular' | 'burn' | 'cannabisleaf' | 'circle' | 'circleopen' | 'colorphase' | 'coordfromin' | 'crosshatch' | 'crosswarp' | 'cube' | 'directionaleasing' | 'directionalwarp' | 'directionalwipe' | 'displacement' | 'doorway' | 'fade' | 'fadecolor' | 'fadegrayscale' | 'flyeye' | 'heart' | 'hexagonalize' | 'kaleidoscope' | 'luma' | 'luminance_melt' | 'morph' | 'mosaic_transition' | 'multiply_blend' | 'perlin' | 'pinwheel' | 'pixelize' | 'polar_function' | 'powerkaleido' | 'randomnoisex' | 'randomsquares' | 'ripple' | 'rotatetransition' | 'rotate_scale_fade' | 'scalein' | 'squareswire' | 'squeeze' | 'static_wipe' | 'swap' | 'tangentmotionblur' | 'undulatingburnout' | 'wind' | 'windowblinds' | 'windowslice' | 'wipedown' | 'wipeleft' | 'wiperight' | 'wipeup' | 'x_axistranslation' export type VideoShotMeta = { shotPrompt: string // inputVideo?: string // background, weather, lights, time of the day, etc environmentPrompt: string // camera parameters, angle, type of shot etc photographyPrompt: string // dynamic elements of the scene, movement etc actionPrompt: string // describe the background audio (crowd, birds, wind, sea etc..) backgroundAudioPrompt: string // describe the foreground audio (cars revving, footsteps, objects breaking, explosion etc) foregroundAudioPrompt: string // describe the main actor visible in the shot (optional) actorPrompt: string // describe the main actor voice (man, woman, old, young, amused, annoyed.. etc) actorVoicePrompt: string // describe the main actor dialogue line actorDialoguePrompt: string seed: number noise: boolean // add movie noise noiseAmount: number // noise strength (default is 2, and 10 is very visible) durationMs: number // in milliseconds steps: number fps: number // 8, 12, 24, 30, 60 resolution: string // {width}x{height} (256, 512, 576, 720, 1080) introTransition: VideoTransition introDurationMs: number // in milliseconds } export type VideoShotData = { // must be unique id: string sequenceId: string ownerId: string fileName: string // used to check compatibility version: number // for internal use hasGeneratedPreview: boolean hasGeneratedVideo: boolean hasUpscaledVideo: boolean hasGeneratedBackgroundAudio: boolean hasGeneratedForegroundAudio: boolean hasGeneratedActor: boolean hasInterpolatedVideo: boolean hasAddedAudio: boolean hasPostProcessedVideo: boolean nbCompletedSteps: number nbTotalSteps: number progressPercent: number createdAt: string completedAt: string completed: boolean error: string } export type VideoShot = VideoShotMeta & VideoShotData export type VideoSequenceMeta = { // describe the whole movie videoPrompt: string // describe the background audio (crowd, birds, wind, sea etc..) backgroundAudioPrompt: string // describe the foreground audio (cars revving, footsteps, objects breaking, explosion etc) foregroundAudioPrompt: string // describe the main actor visible in the shot (optional) actorPrompt: string // describe the main actor voice (man, woman, old, young, amused, annoyed.. etc) actorVoicePrompt: string // describe the main actor dialogue line actorDialoguePrompt: string seed: number noise: boolean // add movie noise noiseAmount: number // noise strength (default is 2, and 10 is very visible) steps: number // between 10 and 50 fps: number // 8, 12, 24, 30, 60 resolution: string // 256, 512, 576, 720, 1080 outroTransition: VideoTransition outroDurationMs: number } export type VideoSequenceData = { // must be unique id: string ownerId: string fileName: string // used to check compatibility version: number status: VideoStatus hasGeneratedSpecs: boolean hasAssembledVideo: boolean nbCompletedShots: number progressPercent: number createdAt: string completedAt: string completed: boolean error: string } export type VideoSequence = VideoSequenceMeta & VideoSequenceData export type VideoStatusRequest = { status: VideoStatus } export type GenericAPIResponse = { success?: boolean error?: string } export type VideoAPIRequest = Partial<{ prompt: string sequence: Partial shots: Array> }> export type Video = VideoSequence & { shots: VideoShot[] } export type ProjectionMode = 'cartesian' | 'spherical' export type CacheMode = "use" | "renew" | "ignore" export type RenderRequest = { prompt: string // unused for now negativePrompt: string // whether to use video segmentation // disabled (default) // firstframe: we only analyze the first frame // allframes: we analyze all the frames segmentation: 'disabled' | 'firstframe' | 'allframes' // segmentation will only be executed if we have a non-empty list of actionnables // actionnables are names of things like "chest", "key", "tree", "chair" etc actionnables: string[] // note: this is the number of frames for Zeroscope, // which is currently configured to only output 3 seconds, so: // nbFrames=8 -> 1 sec // nbFrames=16 -> 2 sec // nbFrames=24 -> 3 sec nbFrames: number // min: 8, max: 24 nbSteps: number // min: 1, max: 50 seed: number width: number height: number // upscaling factor // 0: no upscaling // 1: no upscaling // 2: 2x larger // 3: 3x larger // 4x: 4x larger, up to 4096x4096 (warning: a PNG of this size can be 50 Mb!) upscalingFactor: number projection: ProjectionMode /** * Use turbo mode * * At the time of writing this will use SSD-1B + LCM * https://huggingface.co/spaces/jbilcke-hf/fast-image-server */ turbo: boolean cache: CacheMode wait: boolean // wait until the job is completed analyze: boolean // analyze the image to generate a caption (optional) } export type ImageAnalysisRequest = { image: string // in base64 prompt: string } export type ImageAnalysisResponse = { result: string error?: string } export type SoundAnalysisRequest = { sound: string // in base64 prompt: string } export type SoundAnalysisResponse = { result: string error?: string } export type ImageSegmentationRequest = { image: string // in base64 keywords: string[] } export type ImageSegment = { id: number box: number[] color: number[] label: string score: number } export type RenderedSceneStatus = 'pending' | 'completed' | 'error' export type RenderedScene = { renderId: string status: RenderedSceneStatus assetUrl: string alt: string error: string maskUrl: string segments: ImageSegment[] } export type RenderCache = { id: string hash: string scene: RenderedScene } // note: for video generation we are always going to have slow jobs, // because we need multiple seconds, minutes, hours.. of video + audio // but for rendering we aim at shorter delays, less than 45 seconds // so the goal of rendering "jobs" is mostly to give the illusion that // things go faster, by already providing some things like the background image, // before we send export type RenderingJob = { scene: RenderRequest result: RenderedScene status: 'pending' | 'completed' | 'error' } // vendor-specific types export type HotshotImageInferenceSize = | '320x768' | '384x672' | '416x608' | '512x512' | '608x416' | '672x384' | '768x320' | '1024x1024' // custom ratio - this isn't supported / supposed to work properly | '1024x512' // custom panoramic ratio - this isn't supported / supposed to work properly | '1024x576' // movie ratio (16:9) this isn't supported / supposed to work properly | '576x1024' // tiktok ratio (9:16) this isn't supported / supposed to work properly