ai-app-factory / public /markdown-to-html.js
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;(function() { "use strict";
* The parsed output string, in HTML format.
* @type {String}
output = "",
BLOCK = "block",
INLINE = "inline",
* Used to attach MarkdownToHtml object to `window` in browser
* context, or as an AMD module where appropriate.
* @type {Object}
* An array of parse rule descriptor objects. Each object has two keys;
* pattern (the RegExp to match), and replace (the replacement string or
* function to execute).
* @type {Array}
parseMap = [
// <h1>
// A line starting with 1-6 hashes.
pattern: /(#{1,6})([^\n]+)/g,
replace: "<h$L1>$2</h$L1>",
type: BLOCK,
// <p>
// Any line surrounded by newlines that doesn't start with
// an HTML tag, asterisk or numeric value with dot following.
pattern: /\n(?!<\/?\w+>|\s?\*|\s?[0-9]+|>|\&gt;|-{5,})([^\n]+)/g,
replace: "<p>$1</p>",
type: BLOCK,
// <blockquote>
// A greater-than character preceding any characters.
pattern: /\n(?:&gt;|\>)\W*(.*)/g,
replace: "<blockquote><p>$1</p></blockquote>",
type: BLOCK,
// <ul>
pattern: /\n\s?\*\s*(.*)/g,
replace: "<ul>\n\t<li>$1</li>\n</ul>",
type: BLOCK,
// <ol>
pattern: /\n\s?[0-9]+\.\s*(.*)/g,
replace: "<ol>\n\t<li>$1</li>\n</ol>",
type: BLOCK,
// <strong>
// Either two asterisks or two underscores, followed by any
// characters, followed by the same two starting characters.
pattern: /(\*\*|__)(.*?)\1/g,
replace: "<strong>$2</strong>",
type: INLINE,
// <em>
// Either one asterisk or one underscore, followed by any
// characters, followed by the starting character.
pattern: /(\*|_)(.*?)\1/g,
replace: "<em>$2</em>",
type: INLINE,
// <a>
// Not starting with an exclamation mark, square brackets
// surrounding any characters, followed by parenthesis surrounding
// any characters.
pattern: /([^!])\[([^\[]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g,
replace: "$1<a href=\"$3\">$2</a>",
type: INLINE,
// <img>
// Starting with an exclamation mark, then followed by square
// brackets surrounding any characters, followed by parenthesis
// surrounding any characters.
pattern: /!\[([^\[]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g,
replace: "<img src=\"$2\" alt=\"$1\" />",
type: INLINE,
// <del>
// Double tilde characters surrounding any characters.
pattern: /\~\~(.*?)\~\~/g,
replace: "<del>$1</del>",
type: INLINE,
// <code>
pattern: /`(.*?)`/g,
replace: "<code>$1</code>",
type: INLINE,
// <hr>
pattern: /\n-{5,}\n/g,
replace: "<hr />",
type: BLOCK,
* Self-executing function to handle exporting the parse function for
* external use.
(function go() {
// Export AMD module if possible.
if(typeof module !== "undefined"
&& typeof module.exports !== "undefined") {
exports = module.exports;
// Otherwise check for browser context.
else if(typeof window !== "undefined") {
window.MarkdownToHtml = {};
exports = window.MarkdownToHtml;
exports.parse = parse;
* Parses a provided Markdown string into valid HTML.
* @param {string} string Markdown input for transformation
* @return {string} Transformed HTML output
function parse(string) {
// Pad with newlines for compatibility.
output = "\n" + string + "\n";
parseMap.forEach(function(p) {
// Replace all matches of provided RegExp pattern with either the
// replacement string or callback function.
output = output.replace(p.pattern, function() {
// console.log(this, arguments);
return, arguments, p.replace, p.type);
// Perform any post-processing required.
output = clean(output);
// Trim for any spaces or newlines.
output = output.trim();
// Tidy up newlines to condense where more than 1 occurs back to back.
output = output.replace(/[\n]{1,}/g, "\n");
return output;
function replace(matchList, replacement, type) {
for(i in matchList) {
if(!matchList.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// Replace $n with the matching regexp group.
replacement = replacement.split("$" + i).join(matchList[i]);
// Replace $Ln with the matching regexp group's string length.
replacement = replacement.split("$L" + i).join(matchList[i].length);
if(type === BLOCK) {
replacement = replacement.trim() + "\n";
return replacement;
function clean(string) {
var cleaningRuleArray = [
match: /<\/([uo]l)>\s*<\1>/g,
replacement: "",
match: /(<\/\w+>)<\/(blockquote)>\s*<\2>/g,
replacement: "$1",
cleaningRuleArray.forEach(function(rule) {
string = string.replace(rule.match, rule.replacement);
return string;