CPU Upgrade
CPU Upgrade
File size: 12,012 Bytes
624088c 2f9a87c 624088c 797cbb8 b48537f 2f9a87c b48537f 932a7fd 8c5d17c dbc8f44 cb3fdda faf4ba4 1c1e6e9 b022cb9 624088c b022cb9 a296341 f4dea7d a296341 932a7fd 1c1e6e9 2f9a87c 1c1e6e9 624088c 2f9a87c a296341 2f9a87c 95a4e14 a296341 624088c a296341 8c5d17c cb3fdda 1c1e6e9 2f9a87c 3b81d2d 2f9a87c b022cb9 1c1e6e9 2f9a87c 95a4e14 2f9a87c a296341 1c1e6e9 a296341 1c1e6e9 932a7fd 2f9a87c 932a7fd 3b81d2d 421fbba 3b81d2d 421fbba 2f9a87c 95a4e14 2f9a87c f4dea7d cb3fdda f4dea7d 4f8f050 690ffd8 81eb27e 4f8f050 690ffd8 81eb27e faf4ba4 1f1e7e0 2f9a87c faf4ba4 690ffd8 2f9a87c 690ffd8 faf4ba4 1f1e7e0 9bcdb59 81eb27e 8cd2153 faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 2f9a87c 1c1e6e9 faf4ba4 1c1e6e9 2f9a87c b022cb9 faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 2f9a87c 95a4e14 faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 9bfb451 95a4e14 2f9a87c c20780a faf4ba4 c20780a faf4ba4 2f9a87c faf4ba4 c20780a 1c1e6e9 2f9a87c d303a22 2f9a87c 81eb27e faf4ba4 81eb27e faf4ba4 81eb27e f4dea7d 2f9a87c 624088c f6f68f6 932a7fd 8c5d17c ec121fd f4dea7d ec121fd bca383d f4dea7d 8c5d17c cb3fdda 8c5d17c a40bf40 bca383d 8c5d17c 82d85df cb3fdda 1c1e6e9 8c5d17c 1c1e6e9 2f9a87c bca383d 2f9a87c 1c1e6e9 8c5d17c 932a7fd 1c1e6e9 8c5d17c dbc8f44 f4dea7d a40bf40 f4dea7d 3528bf3 f4dea7d 61bb967 f4dea7d cb3fdda f4dea7d f6f68f6 624088c |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 |
"use client"
import { Suspense, useEffect, useRef, useState, useTransition } from "react"
import { useLocalStorage } from "usehooks-ts"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
import { fonts } from "@/lib/fonts"
import { GeneratedPanel } from "@/types"
import { joinWords } from "@/lib/joinWords"
import { useDynamicConfig } from "@/lib/useDynamicConfig"
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { TopMenu } from "./interface/top-menu"
import { useStore } from "./store"
import { Zoom } from "./interface/zoom"
import { BottomBar } from "./interface/bottom-bar"
import { Page } from "./interface/page"
import { getStoryContinuation } from "./queries/getStoryContinuation"
import { localStorageKeys } from "./interface/settings-dialog/localStorageKeys"
import { defaultSettings } from "./interface/settings-dialog/defaultSettings"
import { SignUpCTA } from "./interface/sign-up-cta"
import { useLLMVendorConfig } from "@/lib/useLLMVendorConfig"
export default function Main() {
const [_isPending, startTransition] = useTransition()
const llmVendorConfig = useLLMVendorConfig()
const { config, isConfigReady } = useDynamicConfig()
const isGeneratingStory = useStore(s => s.isGeneratingStory)
const setGeneratingStory = useStore(s => s.setGeneratingStory)
const font = useStore(s => s.font)
const preset = useStore(s => s.preset)
const prompt = useStore(s => s.prompt)
const currentNbPages = useStore(s => s.currentNbPages)
const maxNbPages = useStore(s => s.maxNbPages)
const previousNbPanels = useStore(s => s.previousNbPanels)
const currentNbPanels = useStore(s => s.currentNbPanels)
const maxNbPanels = useStore(s => s.maxNbPanels)
const setCurrentNbPanelsPerPage = useStore(s => s.setCurrentNbPanelsPerPage)
const setMaxNbPanelsPerPage = useStore(s => s.setMaxNbPanelsPerPage)
const setCurrentNbPages = useStore(s => s.setCurrentNbPages)
const setMaxNbPages = useStore(s => s.setMaxNbPages)
const panels = useStore(s => s.panels)
const setPanels = useStore(s => s.setPanels)
// do we need those?
const renderedScenes = useStore(s => s.renderedScenes)
const speeches = useStore(s => s.speeches)
const setSpeeches = useStore(s => s.setSpeeches)
const captions = useStore(s => s.captions)
const setCaptions = useStore(s => s.setCaptions)
const zoomLevel = useStore(s => s.zoomLevel)
const [waitABitMore, setWaitABitMore] = useState(false)
const [userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages, setUserDefinedMaxNumberOfPages] = useLocalStorage<number>(
const numberOfPanels = Object.keys(panels).length
const panelGenerationStatus = useStore(s => s.panelGenerationStatus)
const allStatus = Object.values(panelGenerationStatus)
const numberOfPendingGenerations = allStatus.reduce((acc, s) => (acc + (s ? 1 : 0)), 0)
const hasAtLeastOnePage = numberOfPanels > 0
const hasNoPendingGeneration =
numberOfPendingGenerations === 0
const hasStillMorePagesToGenerate =
currentNbPages < maxNbPages
const showNextPageButton =
hasAtLeastOnePage &&
hasNoPendingGeneration &&
console.log("<Main>: " + JSON.stringify({
}, null, 2))
useEffect(() => {
if (maxNbPages !== userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages) {
}, [maxNbPages, userDefinedMaxNumberOfPages])
const ref = useRef({
existingPanels: [] as GeneratedPanel[],
newPanelsPrompts: [] as string[],
newSpeeches: [] as string[],
newCaptions: [] as string[],
prompt: "",
preset: "",
useEffect(() => {
if (isConfigReady) {
// note: this has very low impact at the moment as we are always using the value 4
// however I would like to progressively evolve the code to make it dynamic
}, [JSON.stringify(config), isConfigReady])
// react to prompt changes
useEffect(() => {
// console.log(`main.tsx: asked to re-generate!!`)
if (!prompt) { return }
// a quick and dirty hack to skip prompt regeneration,
// unless the prompt has really changed
if (
prompt === useStore.getState().currentClap?.meta.description
) {
console.log(`loading a pre-generated comic, so skipping prompt regeneration..`)
// if the prompt or preset changed, we clear the cache
// this part is important, otherwise when trying to change the prompt
// we wouldn't still have remnants of the previous comic
// in the data sent to the LLM (also the page cursor would be wrong)
if (
prompt !== ref.current.prompt ||
preset?.label !== ref.current.preset) {
// console.log("overwriting ref.current!")
ref.current = {
existingPanels: [],
newPanelsPrompts: [],
newSpeeches: [],
newCaptions: [],
preset: preset?.label || "",
startTransition(async () => {
const [stylePrompt, userStoryPrompt] = prompt.split("||").map(x => x.trim())
// we have to limit the size of the prompt, otherwise the rest of the style won't be followed
let limitedStylePrompt = stylePrompt.trim().slice(0, 77).trim()
if (limitedStylePrompt.length !== stylePrompt.length) {
console.log("Sorry folks, the style prompt was cut to:", limitedStylePrompt)
// new experimental prompt: let's drop the user prompt, and only use the style
const lightPanelPromptPrefix: string = joinWords(preset.imagePrompt(limitedStylePrompt))
// this prompt will be used if the LLM generation failed
const degradedPanelPromptPrefix: string = joinWords([
// we re-inject the story, then
// we always generate panels 2 by 2
const nbPanelsToGenerate = 2
console.log("going to call getStoryContinuation based on: " + JSON.stringify({
"ref.current:": ref.current,
}, null, 2))
for (
let currentPanel = previousNbPanels;
currentPanel < currentNbPanels;
currentPanel += nbPanelsToGenerate
) {
try {
const candidatePanels = await getStoryContinuation({
// existing panels are critical here: this is how we can
// continue over an existing story
existingPanels: ref.current.existingPanels,
// console.log("LLM generated some new panels:", candidatePanels)
// console.log("ref.current.existingPanels.push(...candidatePanels) successful, now we have ref.current.existingPanels = ", ref.current.existingPanels)
// console.log(`main.tsx: converting the ${nbPanelsToGenerate} new panels into image prompts..`)
const startAt = currentPanel
const endAt = currentPanel + nbPanelsToGenerate
for (let p = startAt; p < endAt; p++) {
ref.current.newCaptions.push(ref.current.existingPanels[p]?.caption.trim() || "...")
ref.current.newSpeeches.push(ref.current.existingPanels[p]?.speech.trim() || "...")
const newPanel = joinWords([
// what we do here is that ideally we give full control to the LLM for prompting,
// unless there was a catastrophic failure, in that case we preserve the original prompt
? lightPanelPromptPrefix
: degradedPanelPromptPrefix,
ref.current.existingPanels[p]?.instructions || ""
console.log(`main.tsx: image prompt for panel ${p} => "${newPanel}"`)
// update the frontend
// console.log("updating the frontend..")
// TODO generate the clap here
} catch (err) {
console.log("main.tsx: LLM generation failed:", err)
if (currentPanel > (currentNbPanels / 2)) {
console.log("main.tsx: we are halfway there, hold tight!")
// setWaitABitMore(true)
// we could sleep here if we want to
// await sleep(1000)
setTimeout(() => {
}, enableRateLimiter ? 12000 : 0)
}, [
]) // important: we need to react to preset changes too
return (
<TopMenu />
<div className={cn(
`flex items-start w-screen h-screen pt-24 md:pt-[72px] overflow-y-scroll`,
`transition-all duration-200 ease-in-out`,
zoomLevel > 105 ? `px-0` : `pl-1 pr-8 md:pl-16 md:pr-16`,
// important: in "print" mode we need to allow going out of the screen
`print:pt-0 print:px-0 print:pl-0 print:pr-0 print:h-auto print:w-auto print:overflow-visible`,
`flex flex-col w-full`,
zoomLevel > 105 ? `items-start` : `items-center`
`grid grid-cols-1`,
currentNbPages > 1 ? `md:grid-cols-2` : ``,
// spaces between pages
`gap-x-3 gap-y-4 md:gap-x-8 lg:gap-x-12 xl:gap-x-16`,
// when printed
`print:gap-x-3 print:gap-y-4 print:grid-cols-1`,
width: `${zoomLevel}%`
{Array(currentNbPages).fill(0).map((_, i) => <Page key={i} page={i} />)}
showNextPageButton &&
<div className={cn(
`flex flex-col space-y-2 pt-2 pb-6 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-600`,
<div>Happy with your story?</div>
<div>You can <Button onClick={() => {
setCurrentNbPages(currentNbPages + 1)
}}>Add page {currentNbPages + 1} π</Button></div>
<SignUpCTA />
<Zoom />
<BottomBar />
<div className={cn(
`z-20 fixed inset-0`,
`flex flex-row items-center justify-center`,
`transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`,
? `bg-zinc-50/30 backdrop-blur-md`
: `bg-zinc-50/0 backdrop-blur-none pointer-events-none`,
<div className={cn(
`text-center text-xl text-stone-700 w-[70%]`,
isGeneratingStory ? ``: `scale-0 opacity-0`,
`transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out`,
{waitABitMore ? `Story is ready, but server is a bit busy!`: 'Generating a new story..'}<br/>
{waitABitMore ? `Please hold tight..` : ''}
} |