"use server" import YAML from "yaml" import { predict } from "@/app/api/providers/huggingface/predictWithHuggingFace" import { parseRawStringToYAML } from "@/app/api/utils/parseRawStringToYAML" import { systemPromptForBasicSearchResults, systemPromptForExtendedSearchResults } from "./systemPrompt" import type { BasicSearchResult, ExtendedSearchResult } from "./types" export async function search({ prompt = "", nbResults = 4 }: { prompt: string nbResults: number }): Promise { const userPrompt = `${ Math.max(1, Math.min(8, nbResults)) } search results about: ${ prompt || "various trending genres" }` // TODO use streaming for the Hugging Face prediction const rawString = await predict({ systemPrompt: systemPromptForBasicSearchResults, userPrompt, nbMaxNewTokens: nbResults * 80, prefix: "```yaml\n", }) console.log("rawString: ", rawString) const results = parseRawStringToYAML(rawString, []) return results } export async function extend({ basicResults = [], }: { basicResults: BasicSearchResult[] }): Promise { const userPrompt = YAML.stringify(basicResults) // TODO use streaming for the Hugging Face prediction const rawString = await predict({ systemPrompt: systemPromptForExtendedSearchResults, userPrompt, nbMaxNewTokens: basicResults.length * 200, prefix: "```yaml\n", }) console.log("rawString: ", rawString) const results = parseRawStringToYAML(rawString, []) return results }