Build error
Build error
# Make sure to provide your directories paths | |
TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d) | |
# Loop through all .mp4 files in input directory | |
for FILE_PATH in $INPUT_DIR*.mp4; do | |
# get the base file name | |
FILE_NAME=$(basename "$FILE_PATH") | |
# Create a temp file path | |
# Check if file does not exist in output directory | |
if [ ! -f "$OUTPUT_DIR$FILE_NAME" ]; then | |
echo "Processing $FILE_NAME, output will be saved in $OUTPUT_DIR$FILE_NAME" | |
# Run your node command | |
if ! npm run postprod:interpolate "$FILE_PATH" "$TEMP_FILE_PATH" | |
then | |
# The first attempt has failed, retrying | |
echo "Attempt 1 failed for $FILE_NAME, retrying..." | |
if ! npm run postprod:interpolate "$FILE_PATH" "$TEMP_FILE_PATH" | |
then | |
# Both attempts have failed, skipping the file | |
echo "Both attempts failed for $FILE_NAME, skipping the file..." | |
continue | |
fi | |
fi | |
# Running ffmpeg to resize and apply unsharp mask | |
# Also we speed things up, and re-add the noise | |
if ! ffmpeg -hide_banner -v fatal -nostats -loglevel 0 -i "$TEMP_FILE_PATH" -vf "setpts=0.35*PTS,scale=-1:576:lanczos,unsharp=5:5:0.2:5:5:0.2,noise=c0s=10:c0f=t+u" -r 24 "$OUTPUT_DIR$FILE_NAME" | |
then | |
# ffmpeg command failed | |
echo "ffmpeg command failed for $FILE_NAME, skipping the file..." | |
fi | |
else | |
echo "File $FILE_NAME already exists in the output directory, skipping." | |
fi | |
done | |
# Remove temp folder | |
rm -r "$TEMP_DIR" |