ITO-Master / modules /
jhtonyKoo's picture
import math
import torch
import warnings
def _create_triangular_filterbank(
all_freqs: torch.Tensor,
f_pts: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Create a triangular filter bank.
all_freqs (Tensor): STFT freq points of size (`n_freqs`).
f_pts (Tensor): Filter mid points of size (`n_filter`).
fb (Tensor): The filter bank of size (`n_freqs`, `n_filter`).
# Adopted from Librosa
# calculate the difference between each filter mid point and each stft freq point in hertz
f_diff = f_pts[1:] - f_pts[:-1] # (n_filter + 1)
slopes = f_pts.unsqueeze(0) - all_freqs.unsqueeze(1) # (n_freqs, n_filter + 2)
# create overlapping triangles
zero = torch.zeros(1)
down_slopes = (-1.0 * slopes[:, :-2]) / f_diff[:-1] # (n_freqs, n_filter)
up_slopes = slopes[:, 2:] / f_diff[1:] # (n_freqs, n_filter)
fb = torch.max(zero, torch.min(down_slopes, up_slopes))
return fb
def _hz_to_bark(freqs: float, bark_scale: str = "traunmuller") -> float:
r"""Convert Hz to Barks.
freqs (float): Frequencies in Hz
bark_scale (str, optional): Scale to use: ``traunmuller``, ``schroeder`` or ``wang``. (Default: ``traunmuller``)
barks (float): Frequency in Barks
if bark_scale not in ["schroeder", "traunmuller", "wang"]:
raise ValueError(
'bark_scale should be one of "schroeder", "traunmuller" or "wang".'
if bark_scale == "wang":
return 6.0 * math.asinh(freqs / 600.0)
elif bark_scale == "schroeder":
return 7.0 * math.asinh(freqs / 650.0)
# Traunmuller Bark scale
barks = ((26.81 * freqs) / (1960.0 + freqs)) - 0.53
# Bark value correction
if barks < 2:
barks += 0.15 * (2 - barks)
elif barks > 20.1:
barks += 0.22 * (barks - 20.1)
return barks
def _bark_to_hz(barks: torch.Tensor, bark_scale: str = "traunmuller") -> torch.Tensor:
"""Convert bark bin numbers to frequencies.
barks (torch.Tensor): Bark frequencies
bark_scale (str, optional): Scale to use: ``traunmuller``,``schroeder`` or ``wang``. (Default: ``traunmuller``)
freqs (torch.Tensor): Barks converted in Hz
if bark_scale not in ["schroeder", "traunmuller", "wang"]:
raise ValueError(
'bark_scale should be one of "traunmuller", "schroeder" or "wang".'
if bark_scale == "wang":
return 600.0 * torch.sinh(barks / 6.0)
elif bark_scale == "schroeder":
return 650.0 * torch.sinh(barks / 7.0)
# Bark value correction
if any(barks < 2):
idx = barks < 2
barks[idx] = (barks[idx] - 0.3) / 0.85
elif any(barks > 20.1):
idx = barks > 20.1
barks[idx] = (barks[idx] + 4.422) / 1.22
# Traunmuller Bark scale
freqs = 1960 * ((barks + 0.53) / (26.28 - barks))
return freqs
def _hz_to_octs(freqs, tuning=0.0, bins_per_octave=12):
a440 = 440.0 * 2.0 ** (tuning / bins_per_octave)
return torch.log2(freqs / (a440 / 16))
def barkscale_fbanks(
n_freqs: int,
f_min: float,
f_max: float,
n_barks: int,
sample_rate: int,
bark_scale: str = "traunmuller",
) -> torch.Tensor:
r"""Create a frequency bin conversion matrix.
.. devices:: CPU
.. properties:: TorchScript
.. image::
:alt: Visualization of generated filter bank
n_freqs (int): Number of frequencies to highlight/apply
f_min (float): Minimum frequency (Hz)
f_max (float): Maximum frequency (Hz)
n_barks (int): Number of mel filterbanks
sample_rate (int): Sample rate of the audio waveform
bark_scale (str, optional): Scale to use: ``traunmuller``,``schroeder`` or ``wang``. (Default: ``traunmuller``)
torch.Tensor: Triangular filter banks (fb matrix) of size (``n_freqs``, ``n_barks``)
meaning number of frequencies to highlight/apply to x the number of filterbanks.
Each column is a filterbank so that assuming there is a matrix A of
size (..., ``n_freqs``), the applied result would be
``A * barkscale_fbanks(A.size(-1), ...)``.
# freq bins
all_freqs = torch.linspace(0, sample_rate // 2, n_freqs)
# calculate bark freq bins
m_min = _hz_to_bark(f_min, bark_scale=bark_scale)
m_max = _hz_to_bark(f_max, bark_scale=bark_scale)
m_pts = torch.linspace(m_min, m_max, n_barks + 2)
f_pts = _bark_to_hz(m_pts, bark_scale=bark_scale)
# create filterbank
fb = _create_triangular_filterbank(all_freqs, f_pts)
if (fb.max(dim=0).values == 0.0).any():
"At least one bark filterbank has all zero values. "
f"The value for `n_barks` ({n_barks}) may be set too high. "
f"Or, the value for `n_freqs` ({n_freqs}) may be set too low."
return fb