DEEPGRAM_API_KEY = "599cc2f77feae2f13b61c735c2126d562664aa43" from deepgram import ( DeepgramClient, PrerecordedOptions, FileSource ) import httpx def deepgram(buffer_data,language): # STEP 1 Create a Deepgram client using the API key deepgram = DeepgramClient(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY) payload: FileSource = { "buffer": buffer_data, } #STEP 2: Configure Deepgram options for audio analysis options = PrerecordedOptions( model="nova-2", smart_format=True, language=language, diarize=True, ) myTimeout = httpx.Timeout(300, connect=10.0) # STEP 3: Call the transcribe_file method with the text payload and options response = deepgram.listen.prerecorded.v("1").transcribe_file(payload, options,timeout=myTimeout) text=response['results']['channels'][0]['alternatives'][0]['paragraphs']['transcript'] return text