import streamlit as st from authlib.integrations.requests_client import OAuth2Session from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Set up OAuth2 client credentials CLIENT_ID = '' CLIENT_SECRET = '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' OAUTH2_PROVIDER_URL = '' OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = '' OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URL = '' # Define the login function def login(): # Set up the OAuth2 session oauth2_client = OAuth2Session(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, scope='openid email profile', redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob') # Create the authorization URL authorization_url, state = oauth2_client.create_authorization_url(OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URL, hd='', prompt='select_account') # Show the authorization URL and get the authorization code from the user st.write('Please authenticate via Google Authenticator.') st.write('Go to the following URL and enter the authorization code:') st.write(authorization_url) authorization_code = st.text_input('Authorization code') # Exchange the authorization code for an access token try: token = oauth2_client.fetch_token( OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, authorization_response={'code': authorization_code}, client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, ) # Store the access token and expiration time in session state st.session_state.access_token = token.get('access_token') st.session_state.expires_at = + timedelta(seconds=token.get('expires_in')) st.success('Login successful!') return True except Exception as e: st.error('Error: {}'.format(str(e))) return False # Define the logout function def logout(): # Remove the access token and expiration time from session state if 'access_token' in st.session_state: del st.session_state.access_token if 'expires_at' in st.session_state: del st.session_state.expires_at st.success('Logout successful!') return True # Define the app def app(): # Set up the menu menu = ['Home', 'Page 1', 'Page 2'] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox('Select a page', menu) # Show the appropriate page based on the user's menu choice if choice == 'Home': st.write('Welcome to the home page!') # Check if the user is logged in if 'access_token' not in st.session_state or > st.session_state.expires_at: st.write('Please log in to continue.') if login(): st.write('You are now logged in.') else: st.write('You are currently logged in.') if st.button('Log out'): logout() st.write('You are now logged out.') elif choice == 'Page 1': st.write('Welcome to page 1!') elif choice == 'Page 2': st.write('Welcome to page 2!') if __name__ == '__main__': app()